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    Aliens and Eugenics


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Tue May 22, 2012 10:05 am

    Anyway.. Rolling Eyes

    ceridwen wrote:
    Some human invasions were particular shocking, for example, European ancestors arriving in Central and South America might have looked like outer space beings to the indigenous people. Vessels and horses were unknown to them. To that followed horrendous massacres which created a memory in the ethers. I think the same at a different level might have happened in North America. Notice most of the alien meme comes from the Americas

    The new world has new religions, many of them based around the alien theme. The Mormons believe that the earth will be celestialised and that men can become as god on the Planet Kolob. It is very much an alienist religion mixed in with a bit a bit of freemasonry and moral rectitude. Most Ufo cults originate in the United states, often blended with fascism and other right wing ideology. It is a huge business and the origin of much nonsense.

    There is a lot of information on the ethers when you tune in the natural time, stones are very good record keepers. I have not been able to find thus far any records of space ships. I have been in Avebury and Stonehenge many times. I even traveled to Wales and visited the Preseli mountains. Invasions a plenty from humans but not from outer space

    The stones are wise. Averbury is fine but I would recommend castlerigg. A visit to Glastonbury Tor on the St Michael ley line is essential, especially on a clear day. There are some fine standing stones in north west Wales that are worth a visit.

    At one point there was a tear between the world of the Sidhe and our world which many account for aliens and cause all sort of Earth changes, the clearest memory I found was in the Heartlands, Devon. That was plugged in and sealed millenia ago. It will take much more than CERN to open that up again as far as I can sense

    I also went to the Temple of Vesta in Rome but apart from the usual war patterns I did not sense anything that I didn't knew already

    Vesta is a dried food food company in the UK that sells curries and chow mein

    The Sidhe also have taken steps to sort out weaknesses of their own worlds after the end of their wars

    Do the Sidhe also make dried foods?

    I would say that the only reason we have an active alien meme is because the rulers need a cover up for their secret planes program. The meme was implanted by books and movies

    Aye, without a shadow of doubt Hollywood has played a huge rule in implanting the alien archetype into the psyche along with misinformation and counterknowledge.

    The shadow of humanity will disappear when we stop feeding it with our fear. It is possible too that it will be greatly diminished by stellar energies that have been coming for a while. That could be a possible explanation for people awakening from their inner self-created prisons

    There is also work being done across the world to heal the wounds that wars caused. All cultures are involved in this healing

    Could you expand on this please

    Alternatively, it is possible that people are channeling dis-encarnated entities of those that refuse to transition to other worlds. It is not uncommon for strong personalities of disturbed people to linger and have a laugh at the expense of those they can influence. Subtle matter take longer to decay if it is not cremated

    Demons and ghouls like to hang around and wear the costumes of various imaginations]

    I would just like to add that many elements of UFOism, channeling, alienism and its alleged messages are the Achilles Heel of the truth movement. One of the by-products of its intentions.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 22, 2012 12:59 pm

    The healing being done is energetic. Shamans, druids, elders are working in their own projects to achieve this. There are many in South America, Shipibos, Qeros, Kogi come to mind but there are more. Elders in the US from native american origin have had two healing meetings apart from their regular round dances. The mayans of course are doing their own thing apart from trying to raise the awareness that 2012 is not the end of the world. Here in Europe, and other part of the world there are two initiatives, one is the fountain international, those undertaken by the druids from various groups and other pagans from various philosophies

    There could be other groups but those above are the ones I am aware off

    Additional from above there are campaigns undertaken by people like 38 degrees to save the forests and other UK specific themes. Most druids are aiming to plant at least 12 trees each

    It is all very eclectic and organic, no one person is directing it. Some people make suggestions and others join in

    Information regarding the temple of Vesta here
    I don't think the sidhe are into dry food Very Happy . Scarcity is a human meme

    I did visited Glastonbury and the Tor several times too, but Castlerring and the Rolling Stones are in my list. Presently I am visiting the Long Man and various forest in East Sussex regularly Harp


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 22, 2012 1:29 pm

    Regardless of the truth or error of my pseudo-intellectual ways -- the nature of the human-soul -- and what life and circumstances pre-existed the human-being -- are vital bits of information. I continue to think that this might have something to do with the 'Biggest-Secret'. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to read some more 'Defending Sacred Ground' by Alex Collier. I don't believe everything Alex says, but his material makes me think deeply about a lot of difficult subjects. He wrote that the Summarian definition of 'SIN' is 'Genetic Defect' -- which provides some support for my 'The Genetic-Engineering of the Human-Being was the Original (and Unpardonable?) Sin -- and that We the People are 'Born into Sin' simply because we are a Renegade Race' Theory.

    "I think we're property. I should say we belong to something: That once upon a time, this earth was No-Man's Land, that other worlds explored and colonized here, and fought among themselves for possession, but that now it's owned by something: That something owns this earth -- all other warned off. -- from 'The Book of the Damned' by Charles Fort

    What if we live in a predominantly Reptilian universe??? What if the Universal Church is a Reptilian Theocracy??? I don't mean to be mean. I simply wish to know what we're dealing with. I continue to wonder if Earth Humanity is a Renegade Reptilian Faction in Human-Form??!! If this is true -- and if the general public were told about this -- how might they react??? Many believe that we came from the monkeys -- so would it be that much worse if they thought that we came from the snakes and the monkeys???

    Here is an interesting excerpt from 'Defending Sacred Ground' -- Chapter 5 -- with Alex Collier and Val Valarian:

    Val Valarian: You noted that 'we are all to become teachers' when the Earth passes from the fourth density to the fifth. Are you able to elaborate on that?

    Alex Collier: Yes. Essentially, what is supposed to happen is that when we move into fifth density, many of us, for some reason, are going to find us back where we started, with our extraterrestrial origin.

    Val Valarian: In alien humanoid bodies from whence we came, before we occupied bodies here?

    Alex Collier: Exactly, and with all the experiences here. According to Moraney, they will all be recognized as teachers and as a group that has gone through a 'first ever' transformation.

    Is this what we were before we were human? Is this what we will be after we are no longer human? I have no idea -- but as you well know -- I am attempting to think way outside of the box.

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Reptilian-625x450Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 ReptilianAliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Emil1
    "Sexy See-Through Dress!!" --------- "Nice 'Wife-Beater' Shirt!!" --------- "Lord Draco, I Presume??"

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 22, 2012 2:41 pm

    OM that creature looks like a Formorian

    If one digs deep enough there is always a mythological explanation for all New Age claims which in my book means, it is now new. Therefore is not alien

    There is nothing new in ETs theories, they all seem to be copy cat of movies and books. Idealized societies like in Star Trek, no originality at all

    Alex message is that we have to get our act together. Honestly, we all know that, we do not need aliens to tell us that

    Should Alex have come with logical and innovative proposals on how to solve humanity's problem, then I would think "oh yes this is new thought" just what we need

    The very idea of "mentors" have been plagiarized from totem animals and ancestors as guides. Again, nothing new and ALL hearsay. Not even a button to prove he was truly onboard of a spaceship Rolling Eyes

    Saying that, it is wise to be weary to whom one opens one's auras. There is a lot of nasty dead people wanting to take a ride in fresh and vital bodies Shocked

    People may sound very convincing, that is because they use NLP and hit all the right cords

    Question everything is my mantra

    Peace Flowers

    Last edited by ceridwen on Tue May 22, 2012 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 22, 2012 2:54 pm

    I have just glanced at this thread -- but it looks like yet another great thread in the making -- which demands careful study. I simply keep all of this madness on the level of internet science-fiction. I think Alex Collier's material is a combination of fact and fiction -- and I don't know which is which -- but I think Alex knows a helluva lot -- a lot more than he tells us.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Wed May 23, 2012 5:41 am

    ceridwen wrote: What kind of food it has? How about the seasons? The sun(s)? etc but I have been given no answers

    Last I heard it was anchovies and baked bean sandwiches but my source was not reliable as it was a disgruntled Arcturan zodite crystal miner unhappy with his Sirian overlords.

    Oxy those pictures look like my brother's mother in law but I think we are all quite safe from flying lizards.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Wed May 23, 2012 5:50 am

    ceridwen wrote:

    There is nothing new in ETs theories, they all seem to be copy cat of movies and books. Idealized societies like in Star Trek, no originality at all

    Much, if not all of Alienism and the UFO cults can be set into religious, mythological and archtypal parameters although we shouldnt forget much of it is prefabricated counterknowledge and misinformation with the intention to deceive. Some of them have a specific cultic and messianic flavour whilst others are just plain whacky.

    To me there is no doubt that alienism is a type of new religious movement.

    An interesting parallel would be the cargo cults invented by the indigenous tribes of the south west pacific, who thought that planes and freighters and their cargoes of manufactured goods (which were 'alien' to them, pun intended ) were a godly manifestation.

    You may read more here.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Wed May 23, 2012 8:45 am

    ceridwen wrote:Hi Sanicle, I don't know you nor I know Floyd outside this forum

    We do seem to have a contrarian perspective on the alien meme that is supported by many in this forum. I think people are in their own journeys and will have their own experiences. I have my own experiences too but not with aliens

    I do admire Floyd for his courage bringing on this matter forward for people to ponder, it is rare

    In the past I have tried to ask ET followers things like: what do you know about the planet they may take you? How do you know your body will survive the experience? Which is the name of the planet? Which are the coordinates? What kind of habitat it has? What kind of food it has? How about the seasons? The sun(s)? etc but I have been given no answers

    I do not know anyone in the ET movement which has had a one to one on the flesh with any ET. And I do have friends that are devouted to the movement

    Instead I do know loads of people who have a relationship with their ancestors and totem animals

    Further research has indicated that there is no supporting evidence for visitations. Lately Peter Levenda has made it clear that he belonged to the Catholic Orthodox Church in New York and that he knows first hand that Area 51 was made up by the Vatican to cover up the crash of one of their secret planes. It does not get more clear than that IMHO

    Floyd is coming from a different perspective in his sociological investigation about the motives and modus operandi of ET groups and I have to agree that they are suprematist, concrete evidence is just too overwhelming

    I have no doubt that there are many habited planets in the cosmos but, there is no concrete evidence whatsoever that those beings are visiting us. Only heresay

    Channelers descriptions are not logical. They are too human, too pyramidal, too bossy IMHO

    It has never been my intention to upset anyone, just to deepen my understanding of the hypothesis that say that there is no alien visitation

    Peace Flowers

    Thanks for replying Ceridwen and you certainly don't upset me with your views. I enjoy reading your posts as they are expressed with such grace and it's good to gain yet another perspective on issues you post on. As you say, we all have our own journeys and, for my part, I like to keep my mind open to all possibilities until they are proven false. It just makes life far more rich and interesting than the every day humdrum of our world these days.

    So may I ask, if you don't believe in alien visitations, who do you think is driving all the UFOs we are seeing? Oh, and thanks for mentioning Peter Levenda. I've checked him out and he appears to have had a very interesting life indeed. As he's another I don't know personally to trust, his info is filed away with the rest.

    Peace to you too Flowers

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Wed May 23, 2012 9:59 am

    Hi Sanicle

    I think is the secret governments, well, the not so secret bankster governments and their warlords

    Check up Joseph Farrell too, he has a very logical explanation for our not so unidentifiable flying objects



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 23, 2012 11:00 am

    I am VERY-WARY about getting on a UFO, and going to a distant planet. I am attempting to contemplate fixing things right here in this solar system, and constructively interacting with the various beings of the universe. I would have to know a helluva lot more before I ever get on a UFO. I have been asked by someone who I think might travel regularly on UFO's, if I would board a UFO -- and I told them that I would be very hesitant to do so -- and that I probably wouldn't. I think we're playing a very dangerous game. We need to ask a helluva lot of questions -- and analyze the answers very carefully. On the other hand, if I absolutely knew that I wouldn't be kidnapped, harmed, or eaten -- I wouldn't mind traveling through the galaxy aboard a Mother-Ship full of Dracs and Greys. Their appearance, belief-system, behavior, etc. would not cause me to hate them, or to be hostile toward them. I simply wish to be safe and secure -- and I desire that this be the case for all beings throughout the universe. BTW, I lean strongly toward the Joseph Farrell approach. Namaste.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Wed May 23, 2012 12:40 pm

    Floyd wrote:What are your feelings on eugenics and depopulation Carol? Is it a necessary evil?

    I don't believe in depopulation and know that there are ways to sustain everyone on the planet. The greedy are the bottle neck as they seek to exploit others for personal gain. And I'm not a socialist either. However, if everyone had the means to grow their own food and free 'clean' energy was made available the GP that would likely clear up a major percentage of the worlds problems.

    Do the aliens you have had experiences with suggest such things or do they offer an alternative or just the status quo?

    There are different groups with different agendas. One group is seeking to put their hybrids on the planets surface after some type of major type natural event that takes out much of the world population. From everything I've gleaned from various contactees they do not seek to destroy humanity. Some wish to help humanity while some seek to exploit and others just seek to avoid .

    Do you think that the messages (of sterilisation) are unethical?

    From a personal perspective I do believe in the sterilization of both men and woman who have children irresponsibly and expect the general population to pay for these children's care. For instance, one youth in high school impregnated 4 girls within the span of 12 months. Or the man who fathered 30 children from various woman and wanted help with child support. So yes, sterilization should be an option for those who reproduce irresponsibly - especial for those improvised woman in the US having children as a means to collect welfare money. I'd like to add that I think large Personally I like large families but chose not to have one for a variety of reasons.

    What clear messages have you received that may suggest otherwise?


    Im very interested. Where do they come from? What are their names? Your aliens that is.

    Hah! The 64 million dollar question. They didn't say.

    Can you communicate with them? You say you dont know.

    During the encounter they ask questions at a telepathic level so rapidly that I'm just responding back telepathically - not hearing the specific question. They were in complete control as they have a means to scan both hemispheres of the brain and download every thought, memory and emotion. It was just a one time experience. As far as I know, I don't communicate with them. If I was taken I've no recall of that happening either.

    And by the way, the divide and conquer argument doest wash with me.., in this context its pure segregation and elimination and shouldn't be dressed up as divide an conquer. This is one of the mechanisms used by extreme right wing groups.


    The fact is that this alienist philosophy is right wing full stop and end of story and it probably has nothing to do to with outer space or ETs.

    Again, I don't know about this. I only know what various contactees have to share about their various experiences. I've often thought that any ET experience that comes through tends to take on the some of the personal view of the experiencer. Meaning the message can easily enough be distorted. In my encounter they wanted to know if I would protect one of their hybrids that I had come to know personally. After ET contact I stopped communication with this person as I didn't wish to risk my own safety.

    You either agree with it or you dont so who cares what they are trying to divide or conquer.

    Even aliens have their Gods.

    Some do and some don't. In fact some view god as the creator who never dies.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Wed May 23, 2012 3:04 pm

    Thanks for the answers Carol.

    Of course the aliens I refer in this thread and the other are the ones specifically disseminating the obnoxious elitist messages. Those ET's have a suspicious understanding of earthly far right politics.

    I am aware that followers of alienism understand that there are different 'factions' and it is clear not all of these alleged entities are right wing nut jobs.

    The fact that there are so many beings giving different messages simply adds to the fact that there is no real substance to them for me. Channeled info from aliens or other beings is not reliable and often contradictory.

    It is a fascinating subject though but I always think we on earth are the architects of our own fate and that alien gods are simply aspects of a new religion the deities of which have replaced older archetypal images.

    Humans are always looking for salvation but these days just as many people believe in UFO's rather than Christianity.

    What will it be in 500 years times when we look back at the non arrival of anticipated gods from space and their sky bound chariots?

    When will we get it?

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Wed May 23, 2012 3:24 pm

    By now an intelligent person would realize that anyone (ET, hybrid or human) proclaiming to be a god is not. I've seen the damage and fallout that happens to others when someone pulls this ego/possession stance.

    If you've not watched The Avengers yet you may want to. Aside from all of the one liners that had us in stitches this was a fun moving where after Loki (an alien from another planet) proclaimed himself as a god to Hulk, Hulk just grabbed Loki my the arm flinging him from side-to-side into the ground like a rag doll. It was hysterical.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 4:26 pm

    Dont do some permanent stupid when you are some temporary upset of unknown!!!!

    Where we are going on this thread? Confused of contradicting minds.

    From ufology to ghost, bhutas worshiping? Life it is? Predator and prey philosophy? Greed helps? no escape from that? it is not prison? Love is in forests, woods, trees? Love is in ghosts, shamanic intoxication? we dont know better?

    did God not say that Do not worship matter? We still back to hugging the trees? Did God said you are soul, but we prefer to be ghost attached to tree?

    Are we loosing mind so much that the depopulation is a questionable? Is it what you fear? The depopulation of animals you are doing is ok, not questionable? acceptable?

    Is it what you kill me and eat me or i kill you and eat you teaches humanity? Life it is. Circle....

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Wed May 23, 2012 4:35 pm

    While I do not share John Lamb Lash philosophy, I must say that this interview with Thomas Sheridan is very clear in what is related to the alien deception. A must listen, great eye opener

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 4:46 pm

    You are all fallen angels! And I would say in deep s..... of Kali Yuga

    Stop being meat eaters and stop pretending being cool about it. The energy that you are not aware of is more subtile that you can ever imagine. It is for thousand and before known not to kill a soul. Why to be in this ignorance mode? Why not to understand? God is visible to others, but he covers himself from those who are not interested.

    I truly think that you are missing point of personalities meaning. The personalities are organizing humanity. Is it so hard to understand????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Kali yuga has personalities of fake. It is not possible to find who does not lie.

    Falsehood, unstability, misfortune, irreligion, greed, roberry, cheating, cheated, unsecurity, forse.

    cleanness, truthfullness, austerity and mercy is reraly found in persons of sattva.

    meat eating, gambling of info, money and life events, prostitution and intoxication is low class vibrations.

    So where we are? Where we are going? Creating beauty or cheating themselves with all this nonsense?

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 5:08 pm

    Occults should be easy to identify. No problem. There are many varieties. The clue is - whatever they state if it does not deliver to LOVE

    All Occults hide this truth, it is hidden. So hope it helps.

    There are many, and millions of fake, distorted religions, cults, shamans or whatever theorists. Please remember this key world always. It should help to identify demons or negative energy. Please do not get in the iliusion

    Materialists are not finding worshiping love in heart, they do not have it. they are looking at the power, any, from sky or earth worshiped politics, scientists. Or ghosts...

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 5:26 pm

    I mentioned already about the exeriment done by doctors to give a play for group of people for a few days. Humans were not consistant. In a few days it become nasty, ugly like in spooky forests. By the way where human crime mostly performed. Guards and prisoners were becoming them to the extreme. Think about about your own stability, Do you see how flexible and how fragile mind is?

    When they Ceriden and her friend do not see how they are changing, It is visible from the far.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 5:35 pm

    Spiritual suicide and doors are closed.

    We can love God, unless we will not adopt this mentality, we will have to love dog, not God. That is mistake of humanity.

    There is not knowledge on this thread, only contradictions. From imagining temporary beauty to misery. Insanity for sure. From lust, self gratification humans will not deliver humanity to Love. From UFology beliefs to Ghost worshipers this is insanity not beauty. What else in between... personalities changing by the role as i said in this experiment in doc office, where guards and prisoners became, became the the extreme..... Supreme Personality of Godhead is not contemplating in Kali yuga human consciousness, there are 'cementing blocks' separating them forever. They think that they can be person, but creator of this all harmony with love cannot. They think they can be manifested in this illusion matter, but god cannot have form. Not connecting dots. They think that matter is an energy, body is only energy of matter manifested in the illusion from air, fire, earth...., but they cannot understand this. They are materialist (those with symptom of greed)

    Kali is very strong. She gives what a person believes. You want to worship bhuta, you will became one as the consciousness is right there. No problem. You want to worship tree, no problem you will become a tree, or stone. There is no problem. The consciousness is matching exactly. You want to worship entities in other planets, you will be looking for them after death, as soul entity desires will carry on. Oxy will be looking for reptilian mentality if this is in the attachment. We become what our thoughts are, sometimes for many many lives. The opportunity as human is rear, but we absolutely wasting time by exploring the opportunities of our false ego desires. This insanity is going on and on. I read contradicting statements on this tread and got confused. I see the passion, but where it leads it? In woods? sometimes the woods are spooky and the most crimes are performed in woods by humans. So what you are leading to, what are you hating? what you are looking for? what do you fear? Ufos? Imagination? Instead of handle the truth, they except ghost worshipers better and scream on ufos from the fear. Come down and ignore the human imagination. It is too far from the knowing the truth, while dancing in the whatever info grabbed or new intelligence watching orbs watching is bringing us.

    People in ghost, druids, bhutas worshiping are mostly in south america, india, africa. They are successful to receive powers. They do magic, mostly for power over others, why else?. Those who worship ghosts, shamans, trees, drug intoxication they have a feeling that there is more than just what their eyes can perceive, they can feel that subtle matter exists, but they stay as a ghosts for long that is their realization, they go for temporary powers of material world, temporary satisfactions. Those who are not in maintenance mode (sattva) they have an urge of create, imagine, looking for new. The ignorance mode people are true destroyers of the nature. They are animal eaters. They may notice that there are animals, they may even study animals, they may know the animals, but they will eat them the same day as the Kali yuga people consciousness is not connecting dots in brains to not to kill. Not given mentaly. Brains are not working in this direction. Nature killers think that they should not kill, but they are lost in understanding and personality changes to the animal killer and eater in a minute. Slaughterhouses are maybe not allowed or not allowed somewhere else, but except their house. This is so so sad. Blindness. This is how brains are damaged in Kali Yuga.

    But they think they are strong personalities, oh well. Lets see why it is happening. I think one poster gave an answer in her beliefs that this is the life it is. The circle of life with perfect not controlled senses chasing of circle of life in a loop. This is where greed comes as the more powerful predator the better, by instinct. Those people usually talk nonsense just to show the talk, they never can get right whatever they try. People in ignorance mode cannot distinct the right and wrong, truth and untruth. Its whatever. The best for them is to get intoxicated to connect the missing gaps in the mind. They cannot distinct religion with irreligion, they cannot get right there too. Missed. Even when determined, they get it wrong. Its mud for them. They cannot see clear and it messes up clear vision. When they fall in understanding they again start to think that they create the world, that soul comes from body nerves and they try to get better soul consciousness by imagining soul. ha Some train themselves to get out of body, but they ending up meeting their beloved cats in transcendental state. They do not know about Krishna, they never thought about him, they never worship him to get original powers, they will never know where to go when they die. Why is that? Because the mental belief is circle of life, power over other, predator over prey. It is very intoxicating. Greed is confusing, over They do not know better. The circle of life mentality is you kill and eat me or I kill and eat you. They cannot get out of this circle prison. Someday we should stop believing to everything or everyone who passes by. We are looking for beauty as love in wrong places and fighting wrong wars.


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 6:03 pm

    loop of life materialistic understanding supports loop of eat, kill, wars, lies and contradicting mental speculations. This is not the beauty. Or understanding of beauty, but cheating.

    I think the problem is what we choose to worship. A guy who writes about ufo, a scientist, a shaman, demonic mentalities,

    this is whom we became. The clear vision is lost, we do not know anymore anything and can not help to others only pretend.

    The worship is by mentality

    goodness - sattya when consciousness is connected to the highest. Even sun is high and those religions we successful as all entities are giving back when worshiped right way. So sun worshipers were successful.

    passion mentality hoomans - ramas - worshiping demons (polititians, rulers, supressors, singers of negativity, any power deliverers in short) this is their all interest of their life.

    Ignorant people worship - ghosts, bhutas, love black magic or maha bhutas ( anything air, earth, fire, water and ether worshiping), those are mostly meat eathers. Slautherhouses are ingnored in mind. Mind in those spots is blind.

    whatever, we can rise and shine my dear fallen angel friends it would help humanity to transform into goodness.


    this is very very important statement for the future generations.


    Kali does not have place where source is worshiped!

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Wed May 23, 2012 7:13 pm

    devakas wrote:

    Where we are going on this thread?

    Hello Devakas. I can see you are having a great time here!.

    What we are examining here is the relationship between alleged alien messages and their connections to social engineering and genetic manipulation on the basis of racial superiority.

    Furthermore, can we accept these messages as coming from a bona fide non human source, especially when they are affiliated to right wing extremists and promoters of eugenics a la Nazi. But of course eugenics and their adherents were well in place before the Nazis. In some ways it could be said the philosophy of eugenics influenced the Nazis before they even thought of it properly.

    namaste and cheers

    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Wed May 23, 2012 10:22 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    devakas wrote:

    Where we are going on this thread?

    Hello Devakas. I can see you are having a great time here!.

    What we are examining here is the relationship between alleged alien messages and their connections to social engineering and genetic manipulation on the basis of racial superiority.

    Furthermore, can we accept these messages as coming from a bona fide non human source, especially when they are affiliated to right wing extremists and promoters of eugenics a la Nazi. But of course eugenics and their adherents were well in place before the Nazis. In some ways it could be said the philosophy of eugenics influenced the Nazis before they even thought of it properly.

    namaste and cheers
    ha, i got some attention here. :) bounce

    Vedas are complete knowledge. It applies to whole existance. It is most perfect knowledge, pure and complete Truth. Do not make mistake. Sri Prabhupada was the purest Gods devotee and no ego you know. It is worth to read his teachings as most human teachings to bring people to love and realization, to liberation, to true happiness. He had absolutely clear vision what is going on on this earth. He tought how humans should life happy. He left knowledge the way that some would advanced in God knowledge and love to Him. There is no fake stuff here. Vedas should spread as soon as possible for humans to realize who they are and finally to control their senses to safe the humanity from insanity. This is the way to fight demons, to outbalance them. But you are right Vedic literature is distorted constantly by ego to use the subtile for their own desires. God did not created demons it naturaly apears via sense gratification with matter, material world, when senses are contacting material objects.

    What to accept??? It is in your own one Floyd only Floyd heart. It is called realization.

    I am trying to understand your Nazi question. the movements? Do they bring God in picture, do they explain who we are how the Gods energies work? Do they use labs? Those would be my key questions in analysis you are performing.

    But I think again you should look at your heart for the answers what to believe and what to hate.

    you may know better answers why gays can be attacked by fascccists (eugenics, behaviour) scratch remembering HigherLove member. How it can be related....

    I know you are better.

    I tried to help to clear and understand your intentions of this thread, but you kicked me out. well... :(

    Your heart is the answer what to believe and what to become.

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Thu May 24, 2012 12:11 am

    The fat man walks alone while the pigeon flies south.

    Is this deja vu or have I seen you somewhere before?

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Thu May 24, 2012 2:26 am

    ceridwen wrote:While I do not share John Lamb Lash philosophy, I must say that this interview with Thomas Sheridan is very clear in what is related to the alien deception. A must listen, great eye opener

    Love the opening salvos of this interview stating that those who work to expose the psychopaths are mirroring them, in that they are dependent on them in order to keep being able to get the attention they seek from putting out warnings about their behaviour. Symbiotic behaviour, both serving their own goals by focusing their minds thus, both becoming and exacerbating paranoia in the general public as a result. Brilliant hahaha.

    Great find Ceridwen Hugs

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    Location : The Matrix

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 4 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 24, 2012 2:29 am

    I tend to agree with you, devakas, that human beings are considered to be 'fallen angels' by other than humans -- and possibly by humans who might live in other parts of the galaxy. We the People of Earth seem to be in a HUGE amount of trouble -- for a variety of reasons -- seemingly going back thousands, or even millions, of years. I am leaning toward a Focus on Responsibility as being the biggest part of the solution -- but this is much easier said than done. I still don't know if Reptilians really exist -- but I am considering the possibility that they do -- and that Humans might be related to Reptilians in some way. I really don't know. I've been reading a lot of Alex Collier's work lately -- and it's fascinating -- even if it's not entirely true. I still worry about the possible extermination or extinction of the human race. That's the theory I am presently modeling. I'm considering a lot of worst-case scenarios -- and it's making me quite sad and miserable. I still don't know a lot about Kali -- but it seems as if one had better not make Kali angry!

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