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    Aliens and Eugenics


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 9:28 am

    Brook since you are referring to me, as I am the one that answered to you, I want to tell you that I was the one that posted Farrell's video. It was not Floyd so, I thought it was fair that I answered to you

    As far as I understand, everyone had their say in this thread. So much so, that Floyd was going to change the name of this thread. All has been civilized and no one has been "harsh" except LH

    If you are not interested in the subject, or, if you believe in aliens, there are many threads in this forum that discuss that. I for example refrain to post my opinion on those threads because I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs

    Why a subject should not be discussed? I understood the Mists was open to ALL philosophies, or am I missing something?



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 9:42 am

    Well...this is what I mean...I quoted Floyd not you feel the need to answer for him?

    That post was addressing SLANDER and his propping up Mr. Farrell which btw would astound you what I've found on him in regards to "women on the cross" and lesbian priests and the opinion of his 'theology" and Mr Ware the new Bishop who he studied under. That post was addressing him and the trend of his..... yet you answered....

    so please...carry on....and there are those who will as Mall just did defend himself.....but know the posting here has diminished in areas that are simply now not discussed. Job well done Floyd...........I hope you got some kind of bonus for that.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 29, 2012 9:45 am

    Once again, I consider most all of the subjects we discuss in a science-fictional context -- including the work of Joseph Farell -- and the Anglican Communion. I recommend reading Joseph Farrell's 'SS Brotherhood of the Bell' -- even if it contains inaccuracies and misrepresentations (and I don't know that it does). I have actively participated in the Episcopal church -- to gain a better perspective on Catholicism, Protestantism, and my Adventist roots -- but I certainly don't buy a lot of what they have promoted historically, or what they promote presently. However, I do lean toward 'The Middle Way'. I would love to have a heart to heart talk with Joseph Farrell, because I think we have a lot in common -- but he is a helluva lot better researcher than I'll ever be. I continue to attempt to be honest -- about my personal experience -- and about life, the universe, and everything. I completely understand Positive-Thinking and Self-Esteem -- but I consciously lean toward self-incrimination, self-deprecation, and wishy-washy irreverent-doubting -- even if it means sinking myself completely. In a sense -- I'm a mess -- and proud of it. What am I saying??!!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue May 29, 2012 10:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 10:18 am

    Brook wrote:Well...this is what I mean...I quoted Floyd not you feel the need to answer for him?

    That post was addressing SLANDER and his propping up Mr. Farrell which btw would astound you what I've found on him in regards to "women on the cross" and lesbian priests and the opinion of his 'theology" and Mr Ware the new Bishop who he studied under. That post was addressing him and the trend of his..... yet you answered....

    so please...carry on....and there are those who will as Mall just did defend himself.....but know the posting here has diminished in areas that are simply now not discussed. Job well done Floyd...........I hope you got some kind of bonus for that.

    Brook you are not reading or taking in what I am saying. I am not defending anyone just trying to explain why I answered

    As far as I know there is no book with the title "women of the cross" by Joseph Farrell can you give us a link? There is though a lot of lesbians and child molesters in the Catholic Church, which has been main stream news. Not that I could say anything about people's sexual preferences for who am I to judge what others do? But I do have an issue with pedophiles

    Maybe you are posting in the wrong thread? I have not noticed any slander towards you personaly in this thread and I think I have read it all. Could you please give me the number of the post?

    I suppose your anger is related to Farrell mentioning the suprematist thread in his video which is not this one

    Have a nice afternoon



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 10:36 am

    Geezz.....this is getting to be something else.....let me spell this out for you the best way I can.....FLOYD in this thread made a post that said and I quote

    Ah Mr Farrell.

    He represents the sane end of the conspiracy spectrum. Interesting theories.

    I responded to this ...addressed it to Floyd.....regarding the philosophy of Mr Farrell and the irony of his statement.

    No Mr Farrell did not write a book by that title....did I say that? No....I did not.....perhaps reading it again you might figure out what I meant. It's his theology and basic beliefs that are in question here....adn it all boils down to the statement made by FLOYD and the IRONY after his past comments of others and his most recent trend of posting.

    No I'm not in the wrong thread...I answered his POST HERE.....not elsewhere. Now I'm quite done if you don't get it it's not for you to I've stated this was addressed to FLOYD not you. Why you feel the need to address this is beyond me...but apparently you do.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Tue May 29, 2012 10:37 am

    Merc and I have also had discussions regarding what you have addressed Brook and he and I are in agreement. The word provocateur comes to mind when we've talked about this.

    And just for the record - because Floyd is Floyd, I generally do not follow his threads or read a number of his posts because what he has to share on some of the topics he posts is not in my area of interests. Being that this is a self-moderated forum it is up to the members to determine the direction the forum goes in. As a member everyone has just as much say as anyone else. Self-moderation is just that.

    This has been posted since April 2010.


    Admin/Moderators on this forum are volunteer and are not always able to see everything posted. Therefore, forums containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons who post entries on a wide range of topics, may or may not be reviewed. Neither the content of this site, nor the links to other web sites, are screened, approved, reviewed or endorsed by the administration. The text and other material on these Sites are the opinion of the specific author and are not statements of advice, opinion, or information of the administration. This site may contain adult content and if you feel you might be offended by the content of the Sites, you should not continue.

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    This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We make such material available in an effort to advance awareness and understanding of issues relating to civil rights, economics, individual rights, international affairs, liberty, Exopolitics, science & technology, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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    Last edited by Carol on Tue May 29, 2012 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 267
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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 10:38 am

    Brook wrote:Geezz.....this is getting to be something else.....let me spell this out for you the best way I can.....FLOYD in this thread made a post that said and I quote

    Ah Mr Farrell.

    He represents the sane end of the conspiracy spectrum. Interesting theories.

    I responded to this ...addressed it to Floyd.....regarding the philosophy of Mr Farrell and the irony of his statement.

    No Mr Farrell did not write a book by that title....did I say that? No....I did not.....perhaps reading it again you might figure out what I meant. It's his theology and basic beliefs that are in question here....adn it all boils down to the statement made by FLOYD and the IRONY after his past comments of others and his most recent trend of posting.

    No I'm not in the wrong thread...I answered his POST HERE.....not elsewhere. Now I'm quite done if you don't get it it's not for you to I've stated this was addressed to FLOYD not you. Why you feel the need to address this is beyond me...but apparently you do.

    Where is the slander then? Floyd has not answered

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Tue May 29, 2012 10:40 am


    1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

    2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

    3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 10:43 am

    Carol wrote:Merc and I have also had discussions regarding what you have addressed Brook and he and I are in agreement. The word provocateur comes to mind when we've talked about this.

    And just for the record - because Floyd is Floyd, I generally do not follow his threads or read a number of his posts because what he has to share on some of the topics he posts is not in my area of interests. Being that this is a self-moderated forum it is up to the members to determine the direction the forum goes in. As a member everyone has just as much say as anyone else. Self-moderation is just that.

    This has been posted since April 2010.


    Admin/Moderators on this forum are volunteer and are not always able to see everything posted. Therefore, forums containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons who post entries on a wide range of topics, may or may not be reviewed. Neither the content of this site, nor the links to other web sites, are screened, approved, reviewed or endorsed by the administration. The text and other material on these Sites are the opinion of the specific author and are not statements of advice, opinion, or information of the administration. This site may contain adult content and if you feel you might be offended by the content of the Sites, you should not continue.

    Fair Use Notice:

    This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We make such material available in an effort to advance awareness and understanding of issues relating to civil rights, economics, individual rights, international affairs, liberty, Exopolitics, science & technology, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

    For more information please visit:

    If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission directly from the copyright owner.


    I'm glad to see that this forum should not be subject to the whims of one member and his it's all on him now and where he takes it.....

    Posts : 3469
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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 10:44 am

    Carol wrote:slander   

    1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

    2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

    3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

    yep...I just quoted one of those of many he has made my post here on the last page

    Adamski,Williamson,Ballard,Sadler,Green,Meier,Prophet,Origas,Jouret or
    even Charles
    they all have two things in common.
    1. They all had meetings with ancient masters or spacemen that nobody else saw and probably dont exist, and/or
    They have all at one stage ,either been directly involved in nazi, neo
    nazi, extreme right wing groups or written or published literature
    promoting Eugenics, white supremacy,homophobia,racial elitism,advocacy
    of some form of apartheid or racial segregation and other unsavoury

    But the strongest one is where he aligns the "18" at Atticus1 with Combat 18...and he's done it on more than one forum and on several threads here...not simply the white supremest thread....

    I have all the screen shots and there are MANY

    Posts : 267
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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 11:28 am

    Brook wrote:
    Carol wrote:slander   

    1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

    2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

    3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

    yep...I just quoted one of those of many he has made my post here on the last page

    Adamski,Williamson,Ballard,Sadler,Green,Meier,Prophet,Origas,Jouret or
    even Charles
    they all have two things in common.
    1. They all had meetings with ancient masters or spacemen that nobody else saw and probably dont exist, and/or
    They have all at one stage ,either been directly involved in nazi, neo
    nazi, extreme right wing groups or written or published literature
    promoting Eugenics, white supremacy,homophobia,racial elitism,advocacy
    of some form of apartheid or racial segregation and other unsavoury

    But the strongest one is where he aligns the "18" at Atticus1 with Combat 18...and he's done it on more than one forum and on several threads here...not simply the white supremest thread....

    I have all the screen shots and there are MANY

    I don't see your point Brook, you just came to this thread because is active but where has Floyd mentioned the 18 in this thread? could you give us the number of that post?

    If he has not mentioned the 18 in this thread perhaps it will be more sensible that you place your complaint into context in the suprematist thread, or any other thread where the 18 are mentioned. Just a thought so we can continue with the alien exploration here?



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Tue May 29, 2012 11:32 am

    Brook wrote:
    Carol wrote:slander   

    1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

    2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

    3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

    yep...I just quoted one of those of many he has made my post here on the last page

    Adamski,Williamson,Ballard,Sadler,Green,Meier,Prophet,Origas,Jouret or
    even Charles
    they all have two things in common.
    1. They all had meetings with ancient masters or spacemen that nobody else saw and probably dont exist, and/or
    They have all at one stage ,either been directly involved in nazi, neo
    nazi, extreme right wing groups or written or published literature
    promoting Eugenics, white supremacy,homophobia,racial elitism,advocacy
    of some form of apartheid or racial segregation and other unsavoury

    But the strongest one is where he aligns the "18" at Atticus1 with Combat 18...and he's done it on more than one forum and on several threads here...not simply the white supremest thread....

    I have all the screen shots and there are MANY

    I've read Adamski and Meier and am in disagreement with some of what Floyd puts out there as his personal opinion. However, he was on target with some of it as well, with respect to Adamski - who drew a picture of his alien contact that looked exactly like a model. I've also read pretty much everything out there that's in writing from contactees that is published as books. My library is extensive as my research as I was writing my own book on human looking aliens. And I've had numerous conversations and communications with abductees and contactees to where I know whose faking it and whose one-time experience is being milked for all its worth.

    Floyd appears dogmatic when it comes to the topic of white supremacists and fascist ufo contactees because all of the ufo contactees that I personally know/knew as in now deceased, had nothing to do with being a white supremacist or a fascist. Not even Alex Collier, whom I personally know, is involved in fascism or white supremacist. In fact, I could list quite a few contactees from a various backgrounds that have no connection with white supremacist or fascists. In addition, some of my contactee friends are asian and others from South America. So his argument only applies to a small number of ufo contactee folks and then most likely those folks who were connected to Project Paperclip when it relocated to the US. So yes, the US is infested with the blighters and yes, this is an undercurrent in some of what goes on.

    So I tend to take what Floyd has to share about this with a tablespoon of salt. Sometimes he is on target and sometimes not. And he has also been banned on several forums so they obviously saw through what was going on and took action. Here, there just are not that many folks who take what he has to share about white supremacists and fascist ufo contactees seriously because they've pretty much made up their own minds about the topic and don't have much interest. Meaning most of the members here that do post tend to fall into the individualistic category and tend not to fall into the sheeple mentality. They don't need to be told what to think because they've reached their own conclusions about this topic and for the most part just choose not to respond.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue May 29, 2012 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 485
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    Age : 66
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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Lionhawk Tue May 29, 2012 11:41 am

    I stand by what I wrote! I just couldn't find a warm and fuzzy way to say it. Some things don't fall under the esoteric. They might just fall under what is called common sense. What seems to be going on here is being allowed to grow. Let's just call it freedom of speech so we can enable it further. Like Brook was saying, she considered this home, as in our forum, but because of the trend she spoke of, it no longer feels like our forum. Why, because those concerns are not being addressed. You can say we have an X factor of members and the whole world is watching, and that's great! But as the infiltration plants it's seeds, it will compromise this forum. I have seen this happen before. And it pains me to see this occur here. So if folks want to be hypocrites and dance with double standards, putting lipstick on a pig, speaking contradictions with a fork tongue, and I am supposed to keep my mouth shut and like it, well........ maybe I do have a "pride issue." Or better yet just call me STUPID! I seem to think it is all about integrity.

    Brook is done here. Which to me is an utter shame. She spent a lot of time here sharing information in a real way without having a personal agenda to manipulate anyone. All she wanted to do was show folks they can do their own inner work too. She shined a huge light here in my biased opinion. I'm staying and I'll just stay in the back ground like I have been doing. I made a commitment to you and Merc and I will hang in there despite. I don' have any issues with you or Merc and many of the members here. I just have issues with those who act like agents and armchair quarterbacks who think they know and convince you of such works when they never even left their chairs. My moccasins have turn a dingy yellow because of it. Let me also acknowledge the butt kissers too in that frame of reference.

    Yeah, I know folks are all on their own paths. I got that long ago. But some paths are destructive and some follow those presenting those paths, through their own free agency. But where I draw the line is where those that follow are being abused despite their heart filled intentions, seeking enlightenment, by those that prey. Using second hand information as a tool or a weapon to prey on their victims. I think this Planet has seen enough of that, don't you? Where is the common sense in that? How many more must suffer? It is just insane. If I am to love my brothers and sisters, I should at least warn them of the harm this second hand crap can cause them. Others before have tried to do that out of compassion. If we are to raise in consciousness, we have to get passed this second hand crap paradigm or else it will never happen. Humanity as a whole. That is the paradigm that must be traversed.

    Harsh? I beg to differ. So get over it. I was just being honest. Got a problem with that?????????? Or would you prefer I be superficial and lie about it? Sort it out for yourself cause I ain't no one's Daddy. Or you can go buy a book that tells you how.



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Tue May 29, 2012 11:51 am

    What I find is a pattern is how many times this scenario has played itself out. Brook leaves because of what Floyd posts. And the rest of us just have to suck it up. What type of enlightened perspective is that? What does work is when Brook stays and holds her own in putting out her perspective, which brings balance to Floyd's posts and the forum. This is what is expected. Balance happens if everyone participates rather then gathering up their marbles and taking off.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 267
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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 12:17 pm

    I agree with you Carol. We all have different perspectives and experiences. The truth for one is not the truth for another and that should be respected

    I like the mists because is full of variety and it is nice to see so many different oppinions. I don't like forcefull posts like LH though because there is no need for that. People will form their own oppinion and will take whatever idea if that is what they want to explore

    So many places are becoming "politicly correct" that free dialoge is becoming rarer and rarer. I hope this forum continues to be the universe it has always been



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Tue May 29, 2012 12:52 pm

    Grief has many emotional stages which tend to cycle through regularly until the pain from what is lost (be it a home, a job, a friend, a family member, one's health) is emotionally resolved. This has been a difficult year for a number of us. I'm still dealing with my mother's death and bad xxx elder brother 11 months later. Add to the mix a self-indulgent friend. The intensity of these emotions tend to move in waves - every 7th wave a real knock down, in a pit full of anger. When I get dragged down into that pit I make a real effort to retreat and keep my mouth shut because once said - my laser word 'energy' can never be retracted. Subsequently, I've numerous emails never sent but filled with venting. Even though I did want to throw that anger at someone and do a permanent laser imprint - I knew karmically it was a bad idea. It took great personal restraint to keep these emails to myself. The goal for me was to move on from my anger and not create more karmic harm to myself nor create irreparable harm to others by allowing myself to indulge in a temper fit. I still don't speak to the two people I'm currently upset with and won't until I know I've moved beyond caring. That's the sad part. Not caring anymore.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Tue May 29, 2012 12:54 pm

    Rise and shine fallen angels!

    I posted about how to control mind. Don’t ignore it. There are 24 senses humans have. A lot work to do to realize how our mind can be disturbed. This is a way to understand and know who we are. We are beautiful and perfect souls. The crap we add by our beliefs, guiding others and struggle of power kills our compassion. Love is dark in heart, face does not have smile, buddhi is not accessed.

    I posted about beliefs, (placing trust and confidence) we are entangled. Our mind is disturbed.

    The remedy said by Krishna is only one in Kali Yuga – yoga.

    Material world is disturbing our souls and we can stay that way constantly suffering.

    To extract ourselves from matter to go deep in a heart is yoga. On the ladder up way we start seeing disclosure of knowledge by Him. It is only way and THE only way. This is realization process which enables us to see how beliefs with tons of data in mind is not healthy. Human becomes unhappy. People have not realized that mind is matter (subtle) not soul and that all emotions comes from the interaction with material world. If we have an emotional platform of sharing the believes we will need to get rid of emotions of mind before we can get somewhere in the process of filtering the good reliable information. Medical doctors use the ancient and vedic method of rejection. However modern way is the method acceptance-rejection which I think is new invention for cheating. I tend to the ancient method of rejection only. Those who are on realization path, they naturally are freaked out to be dishonest in misleading people as they know it is simply against nature, against god. It is so wrong. Heart is not allowing go through in other words.

    I try to see soul in others and what experience they bring to others instead of emotional (false ego mind) stuff, which is emotional level speculation and I am not interested into that.

    Random thoughts by devakas to point out that humans do not have trust emotions very much, before they learn buddhi (real intelligence and understanding –Bhaghavad Gita) and blissful emotions directed to the supreme.

    Kali is age of anxiety.

    I was labeled lucifera lawera reptilian wheeeeeeee wheeeeeee.

    Love you all and Brook and Floyd but not anybodies false ego


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Tue May 29, 2012 1:08 pm

    Carol wrote: Balance happens if everyone participates rather then gathering up their marbles and taking off.

    I agree to that Carol.
    LionHawk and Brook I appreciate you.
    Stick around and contribute to an interesting ride.
    You are like family to us and as such know that when one of us takes the
    front door, in the reer, doors remains wide open for our return.

    Love from me


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 29, 2012 1:27 pm

    devakas, you speak of us as being 'fallen-angels' -- but do you consider yourself to be a 'fallen-angel'? You seem to know a lot about Kali. I have merely read some of the stories, and seen some of the pictures. I have also wondered if there were a connection between Kali and the Black Madonna?? I really don't know who is lurking in the shadows -- historically or presently. The video on 'True Form of Lucifer' (originally posted by 'bravodawson' from India on Dec. 21, 2007 -- exactly five years before Dec. 21, 2012) portrayed Lucifer as being Female. This led me to wonder if there were some connection between Lucifer and Kali?? But once again, I really don't know very much about Kali. devakas, have you talked to Kali, or met Kali? Or, perhaps you are Kali??!! I say that respectfully.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed May 30, 2012 10:45 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Lionhawk Tue May 29, 2012 1:53 pm

    None of you sucked anything up in this regard. Brook was hung out to dry. No one here did anything. Not even a PM. Hail Floyd and his groupies. You have all the low down on this and if you don't get what happen then may I suggest in an unforced manner that you reanalyze how this all played out and stop making Brook look like the one who caused this drama. Again, none of you did anything! And don't throw enlightenment into the mix because she did the enlightened thing to do by unplugging from all this crap. Talk about patterns. Fact is that Floyd crossed several lines and caused damage, Period. Using secondhand information as a platform to slander those he knows nothing of. On a public domain at that. Am I being to forceful here? I've kept my mouth shut in this regard for the most part, but now I am so sick of the bullshit that is being said about all this. It's real simple as to what happened. There is no need to put more lipstick on the pig. There is plenty enough of it there already. Look up the word, "enabling." I see a lot of that going on and I don't consider that an enlightened perspective. And then the groupies who adore this creature as someone with infallible credibility just turns my stomach.

    It seems you always find out who your real friends are when there is a crisis. The last crisis being the loss of Brook's oldest son. I want to thank Gypsywoman and Atticus and the members of that forum for their support. I would also like to thank the Exchanger here at this forum for your heart felt support as well. Merc too! They didn't leave Brook out to hang and dry. Matter of fact Gypsy and the Atticus group embraced Brook as a real family does and came through without asking for help, which we sorely needed, so that she could do the right thing by her son. This isn't about a guilt trip to anyone here, but I couldn't help notice who really cared and who didn't. Keep in mind these folks are the same ones that have been targeted by your glorious member Floyd and Barry King. Small world isn't it?

    If I have noticed anything, it is you who is doing the provoking. Also butt kissing. Amongst other things. You must be a Floyd groupie. And I find our exchange mostly a total waste of time, because what you bring to the table is a bunch of double standards. Floyd taught you well.

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    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 2:22 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:

    If I have noticed anything, it is you who is doing the provoking. Also butt kissing. Amongst other things. You must be a Floyd groupie. And I find our exchange mostly a total waste of time, because what you bring to the table is a bunch of double standards. Floyd taught you well.

    You can say whatever you want, none of it is true. So should I say that you are slandering me? You accuse me of attacking and you can not see the attack and the injustice you are doing to me? You are the one that has double standards and you are the one jumping to conclusions

    I do not know Floyd other than in this forum. I have never interchanged a PM with him and I am sure Mercuriel can confirm that

    You are out of your mind and for that I forgive you but the hurt you are intending will go back to you for none of it is here taken

    (Poem #554) Taliesin

    I have been all men known to history,
    Wondering at the world and at time passing;
    I have seen evil, and the light blessing
    Innocent love under a spring sky.

    I have been Merlin wandering in the woods
    Of a far country, where the winds waken
    Unnatural voices, my mind broken
    By a sudden acquaintance with man's rage.

    I have been Glyn Dwr set in the vast night,
    Scanning the stars for the propitious omen,
    A leader of men, yet cursed by the crazed women
    Mourning their dead under the same stars.

    I have been Goronwy, forced from my own land
    To taste the bitterness of the salt ocean;
    I have known exile and a wild passion
    Of longing changing to a cold ache.

    King, beggar and fool, I have been all by turns,
    Knowing the body's sweetness, the mind's treason;
    Taliesin still, I show you a new world, risen,
    Stubborn with beauty, out of the heart's need.

    -- R S Thomas


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    Age : 66
    Location : Prime Creator's Garden

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Lionhawk Tue May 29, 2012 2:35 pm

    It's written in your posts. I'm not going to waste anymore time, copying and pasting your provocations. Enough said. Now go and edit your crap.

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 3:26 pm


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Tue May 29, 2012 3:37 pm

    Brook wrote:

    This is a great video Brook . Well done to Thundirbird Thubs Up
    It is right to the point actually as I feel some of the problems that arised on this forum and mentioned on this thread could be solved by integrating what Greg Braden outlines there:
    that competition is'nt the law of nature and leads only to war of beliefs.
    Cooperation instead is an harmonious way to handle our relations towards others. It is in alignment with nature's law and results in peace.
    So how do we treat one another ? How do we deal with the crisis ? Do we fall in the ancient trap of Darwin's view , every one competing with the other and everyone for himself or do we on the contrary begin to cooperate with one another and create an environment of peace ?
    We can't answer this with our brains but rather in our Hearts as this is where coherence takes place.
    We can choose to come together , we can choose coherence.
    Personal coherence leads to social coherence leads to global coherence.

    Love from me

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 7 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Tue May 29, 2012 4:33 pm

    Mudra I know you mean well. How can any body agree with Charles' philosophy? His postulate is to reduce the population of the world by 95pct by working with Monsanto and the terminator gene

    How can any reasonable person find a middle point with this eugenic philosophy that has been transmitted to Charles by 33 ETs?

    I do think that as humans we need to work with nature rather than against nature but we need to do it our own way. Not by the imposition of Charles and his followers

    Here there is a video from a man who is questioning and ranting about the Rulers of the World interview made by Bill Ryan

    This is the crux of the problem and the reason I agree with Floyd. I think it is madness that we as humans are not stopping Monsanto which is releasing this terminator gene into nature, and even more madness to follow the Georgia Stones philosophy

    How can there be a middle way between 95 pct of humans and those 5 pct that want to exterminate them? It is impossible

    It does not matter how many white washes Charles followers do, what is out there can not be put back in the can. The intention has been expressed from the beginning

    Not that I believe in aliens but the man in the video gave a good explanation, the alien thing might have been a ruse Charles gave to Bill to interest him and get the interview out

    The shenanigans that followed Bill Ryan's interview are irrelevant, what matters is the seed thought and that is human extermination by manipulation of cereals and grains

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:51 pm