Floyd wrote: Carol wrote: The next image I like to use is of arms encircling earth giving it a hug and project the love energy back down to the beloved (all that dwell upon and within the planet).
Protecting it from the nonsense of the eugenics pimping aliens and their contactees for example and the other dark forces advocating exclusion, and elitism via various ideologies for example.
This kind of thought surreptitiously brought in through the back door under the guises of ET messages and channeled information is clearly bad for ones health.
The earth needs a lot of protecting from this kind of consciousness and the baddies who promote it.
The dirty rotten scoundrels.
I believe I wrote
projecting, not protection. And there is very real hard science that has demonstrated that this works.
First the effects of meditation:
http://www.crystalinks.com/medbrain.htmlCan group meditation bring World Peace? World renowned Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin Ph.D explains.
Dr John Hagelin: I am going to show you very quickly some of the early research, this is the first study and I won't go into great detail except to say that this experiment was performed in the Middle East during the peak of the Lebanon War in the early 1980's.
It was hypothesized, based on many different smaller experiments that if enough people were collectively experiencing and stimulating this fundamental powerful field of peace within that there would be radiated influence of peace that would effect the behavior of people throughout society, people would wake up in the morning a decide "hey I don't think I'll kill anybody today." What a novel thought, that you know with some expanded comprehension and less narrowly cramped, narrowly self centered, acutely stressed vision that the desperate acts of terrorism simply don't really have a fertile field to fall on.
A thousand people on average practiced Transcendental Meditation in Jerusalem to see whether they could influence neighboring Lebanon in reducing war and terrorism and eventually World Peace.
John Hagelin is a world renowned quantum physicist who has been involved in the research on group meditation for improving the quality of life in society.
THE AWAKENING – Quantum Mechanics of the Human Brain and Consciousnesshttp://endgametime.wordpress.com/the-awakening-quantum-mechanics-of-the-human-brain-and-consciousness/"Consciousness on the other hand is neither physical nor biological. Although the powers of understanding of human senses and the scope of Newtonian science are limited to three spatial dimensions, the scope of our universe is not limited to three dimensions. Many of the natural phenomena happening within our universe transcend the three dimension scene. Nobel Laureate Neurobiologist Sir John Eccles points out, the scope of consciousness may not remain limited within the confines of the human skull. This is especially so because many of our practical observations and those of many others clearly show that consciousness, at times, can remain completely dis-embodied.
Many who research on the brain-mind problem proceed with a prior assumption that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, but quantum physics indicates that consciousness is related to the awareness that an electron appears to show in the wave/particle duality (double slit experiment). Quantum physicists have shown that the electron behaves differently when being observed by a human.
When the electron is not being observed, the electron behaves like a wave, but when an observing instrument is placed in the experiment, the electron behaves like a particle. This experience indicates that the electron will change its behavior/reality depending on whether or not the electron is being observed as if the electron is aware that it is being observed. This awareness is very similar, if not the same, as human awareness and may be related to the same consciousness.Observations on OBE (Out of Body Experience) and NDE (Near Death Experience ) show that while the body is in an anaesthetized or inactive state, consciousness can remain dis-embodied, observe events from outside the body, and later re-localize in the brain. After the body renormalizes, the person can relate what his consciousness observed and heard from an out of body location while the body was inactive. Other experiments have shown that consciousness can leave a dying person, float around observing things and events and later, as Eccles had pointed out, attach itself to an unborn fetus to start a new existence as another individual.
Consciousness is, therefore, a non-material entity capable of independent, eternal existence, and not a property. Consciousness is not emergent, and is eternal similar to the electron. It can remain localized in the human brain and interact with the brain, and thereby, control the activities of the human body. While electrons in the brain behave as particles, these electrons prevent the consciousness from realizing that it is part of a larger whole. When the electrons behave as a wave, the consciousness becomes aware of its existence outside the human mind, which makes OBE and NDE possible.
Whenever the electron wave function collapses, the OBE and NDE ends and the person returns to their physical body and its perception of reality similar to the collapsing of the wave function in the double slit experiment in quantum physics. During the OBE and NDE while the electron is behaving as a wave function, consciousness can leave the brain and go into an independent floating existence outside the human body where it can travel independent of space-time similar to the entangled electron.
This behavior of consciousness is akin to the behavior of an electron in and out of an atom. The electron, which is a quantum entity, can remain localized inside an atom by quantum mechanical interaction with the electromagnetic field around the atomic nucleus, which itself is quantum in nature so long as the energy of the atom’s quantum state it occupies matches the energy possessed by the electron. Whenever the energy of the electron does not match, it has to shift to another matching state. In this case the property that localizes the electron inside the atom, the nature of the electron, and the relevant atomic model are well known in quantum physics. All these are quantum in nature. Let us consider the nature of consciousness, the property of the brain, and a model that satisfactorily solves the brain-mind problem.
Quantum Physicist, Danah Zohar, describes consciousness as something that includes general capacity for awareness and purposive response. By this description, she accepts the above two meanings of the word consciousness.
Roger Penrose refers to these as active consciousness and passive consciousness. The dis-embodied consciousness possesses visual, auditory, and olfactory senses. While dis-embodied, the consciousness experiences a new perception of reality outside of one’s self, I-ness, or oneness."
Read the full article at link provided.
This article explains the first stage. Conscious awareness - aware of its non-self.
The next step is to realize that consciousness can operate outside of time and space as we experience it in physical manifestation.
Thebrain consciousness link is established by the property which links the brain to the quantum domain where nonlocality can operate. This indicates that non-locality is independent of space-time. Consciousness is a non-material entity in the quantum domain that is capable of independent existence. consciousness can leave the brain and take up a floating existence in the way an electron leaves its atom if it acquires excess energy and starts a floating existence as a free electron.
Since all information transfer in a non-local quantum correlation is instantaneous, just like the speed of an electron and light is instantaneous, it explains the speed of human action. It can be extended to explain phenomena such as telepathy and also explains the individual identity, or the I-ness or self.
As more become aware of this conscious ability that has no boundaries in space-time just like electrons have no boundaries, mankind will reach a point of awareness that will cause an instantaneous change in humanity comparable to the instantaneous change of an electron from a particle to a wave. This is someone else's idea:
The human body is nothing more than a bunch of quantum particles arranged in such a way that it provides a place where consciousness can reside to experience the material, physical world at a specific consciousness level.
Our reality is similar to the MATRIX, but it is not an evil computer that is manipulating humans. It is our universal consciousness that is projecting our physical reality by causing quantum particles to vibrate in-phase. Turn-off the consciousness and the quantum particles stop vibrating and all matter evaporates and ceases to exist. This isn’t going to happen because nothing can turn-off consciousness because consciousness is eternal. Consciousness exists everywhere. Consciousness may be what causes the universe to expand in an accelerating fashion. Consciousness is accelerating the holographic projections out into space and creating space time and matter.http://www.aei.mpg.de/pdf/pm_news/2009/PM09_Hologr_Noise_engl_AEI_final.pdfhttp://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126911.300-our-world-may-be-a-giant-hologram.html?full=trueThe above links refer to our world as a giant hologram. "When our universe quantum phase shifts, our perception of reality will change as all the matter that comprises our reality begins to vibrate at a different frequency than all matter does right now. When this happens, we cease to exist in this reality and appear in a different reality/universe similar to how the radio station changes when you turn the dial. In this new universe, consciousness exists on a higher level. Who knows what this other universe that exists out there now holds for us trapped in the human cage. We will all find out, dead or alive, but it would be nice to see it from a human point of view."
There are also some good opposing opinions at the link from someone who has studied Quantum Mechanics and Neuro-electrical technological research but apparently hasn't experienced non-locality.
However, the following links are very enlightening.
Interest in Consciousness Research & Personal Statement by Stuart Hameroff, M.D.
http://www.quantumconsciousness.org/interests.htmlThe Brain Is Both Neurocomputer and Quantum Computer
http://www.quantumconsciousness.org/documents/CogScipub.pdfOrchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness