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    Aliens and Eugenics


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Tue May 29, 2012 5:18 pm

    Can we lock this thread Merc, Carol?

    In my opinion nothing is more important in this world than peace for Brook now after loss of son.

    thank you

    wondering maybe this is why Floyd is quiet. just thinking hmmm

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 5:49 pm

    devakas wrote:Can we lock this thread Merc, Carol?

    In my opinion nothing is more important in this world than peace for Brook now after loss of son.

    thank you

    wondering maybe this is why Floyd is quiet. just thinking hmmm

    Bless you Devakas...... Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 719788

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 5:51 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Brook wrote:

    This is a great video Brook . Well done to Thundirbird Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 83084
    It is right to the point actually as I feel some of the problems that arised on this forum and mentioned on this thread could be solved by integrating what Greg Braden outlines there:
    that competition is'nt the law of nature and leads only to war of beliefs.
    Cooperation instead is an harmonious way to handle our relations towards others. It is in alignment with nature's law and results in peace.
    So how do we treat one another ? How do we deal with the crisis ? Do we fall in the ancient trap of Darwin's view , every one competing with the other and everyone for himself or do we on the contrary begin to cooperate with one another and create an environment of peace ?
    We can't answer this with our brains but rather in our Hearts as this is where coherence takes place.
    We can choose to come together , we can choose coherence.
    Personal coherence leads to social coherence leads to global coherence.

    Love from me

    Yes....he did a great job...I'm very proud of him...he is my neighbor here in NC and was the first to offer to take me and pick me up from the airport when I got the news...he certainly does not sound like a follower or neo Nazi or white supremist UFO chaser eh? Got new for everyone...he's not....and he's staff at Atticus1

    You are right....what Mr. Braden says would indeed solve many problems eh? Too bad there are so many that cannot adhere to this kind of thought.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Tue May 29, 2012 5:59 pm

    ceridwen wrote:Mudra I know you mean well. How can any body agree with Charles' philosophy? His postulate is to reduce the population of the world by 95pct by working with Monsanto and the terminator gene

    How can any reasonable person find a middle point with this eugenic philosophy that has been transmitted to Charles by 33 ETs?

    I do think that as humans we need to work with nature rather than against nature but we need to do it our own way. Not by the imposition of Charles and his followers

    Here there is a video from a man who is questioning and ranting about the Rulers of the World interview made by Bill Ryan

    This is the crux of the problem and the reason I agree with Floyd. I think it is madness that we as humans are not stopping Monsanto which is releasing this terminator gene into nature, and even more madness to follow the Georgia Stones philosophy

    How can there be a middle way between 95 pct of humans and those 5 pct that want to exterminate them? It is impossible

    It does not matter how many white washes Charles followers do, what is out there can not be put back in the can. The intention has been expressed from the beginning

    Not that I believe in aliens but the man in the video gave a good explanation, the alien thing might have been a ruse Charles gave to Bill to interest him and get the interview out

    The shenanigans that followed Bill Ryan's interview are irrelevant, what matters is the seed thought and that is human extermination by manipulation of cereals and grains

    Now your turn....You sister have just shown your true colors.

    33ET's?????????? It's 33 blood lines.....


    we have a whole section on the Monsanto backlash....and it's certainly not in support.

    In Fact we are working on a project to eradicate the termanator seed...we are not certain it will work...but we are hopeful

    And ton's of information on gardening!

    Help Save Heirloom Seeds and Keep Monsanto Out of Your Garden

    Monsanto is literally trying to take
    over agriculture. To this end, they are buying out seed companies. You
    can help save one that's pledged to organic non-GM seeds.

    by Heidi Stevenson

    3 September 2011

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 000524-titleimage
    The oldest
    American seed company needs your help. They sell nothing but heirloom
    organic seeds. There isn't a single genetically modified variety in
    stock. Landreth has been a gardener's mainstay for well over 200 years.
    But they're about to go under because of a corporate bank's insistance
    that a loan be paid in full by the end of the month.

    is taking over seed companies, and now owns 40% of the seed business. If
    their goal is to broaden seed varieties, they have a strange way of
    demonstrating it. It's growing more and more difficult to find organic
    seeds, and Monsanto's business methods have shown their desire to force
    out all seed varieties that aren't genetically modified, requiring
    ongoing payments to them.

    and many more like this!

    Where you get your information is beyond me....Youtube? Rantars? WTF! Secondhand BS....none of it is close to being accurate.

    But as I said DEAR....which you have been calling me all day long...... your facts need checking.....and I now challenge you to find ET, UFO, BS on our site. IF IT"S is few and far between. Or anything close to supporting monsanto....BS

    Nice to see yet another dining on crow.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Lionhawk Tue May 29, 2012 6:28 pm


    You don't even know Charle's philosophy. You come here like you know something and you know nothing. Just another barking spider. The followers of Atticus? Another misconception. You are merely spreading lies so I am calling you a liar. I get to listen like a fly on the wall with the weekly meetings at Atticus. Nothing you have said even comes close to your truth. Crap stirrer also comes to mind. Not this time around. You don't know Jack concerning this and maybe you might consider minding your own damn business because your arce is surely showing in your postings and false representations.

    You are a piece of work and I will strive for the proper balance this time around. You, Floyd and whoever else who hasn't the integrity is going to hear me roar from now on. I'm sick of this crap that folks like you spread. It is a disgrace and a dis service. I am ashamed to be under the same roof because of it.


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens & Eugenics

    Post  Jenetta Tue May 29, 2012 11:41 pm

    I have never contributed anything to this thread before as I haven't had a lot of interest in eugenics and it never entered my head that there were some aliens that practiced eugenics...

    However a thought has occurred to me that no one has mentioned that Christ/Jesus himself was a Jew and that it was his own kind that "hung him out to dry" now there are different sects of Jews as Brook is well aware and from my understanding of things it was the Sanhedrin that condemned Jesus to die...don't know if Joseph Farrell and his ilk thinks that Christians murdered Christ...not my way of thinking.

    Oxy I have to laugh at your are the king of self deprecation...methinks though that has taught you humility...Brook I am very sorry for your loss...and if you must leave the forum know you will be missed.


    As below so above; As above so below

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Wed May 30, 2012 1:56 am

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Martin Niemöller

    Well people, whether one wants to think about this or not it is happening, the question is whether anyone is going to do anything about it

    Like with the TSA and Monsanto, the problem is already here. We all have been served significant amounts of aluminium and we are all starting to suffer the scalar waves. How is going to end is up to you. Lets hope it is not the repeat of Atlantis

    You know where you stand and I know I am not really welcome here. I never expected to be so because I am not following the party line, I came with a message which is not what people want to hear. The red pill on the UFO deception. Empower yourself by following yourself and not the Charles of this world

    I wish you all well and I leave you this to ponder


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  malletzky Wed May 30, 2012 4:27 am

    Ah, Ceridwen, why leaving the party? And why do you prejudice that your message is not what people want to hear? How do you know what I want to hear? Is it your Ego now speaking? I know you can do better, as we can all.

    And I must agree with Carol, as it is not the finest way anyone should leave here, just because one might feel bad about anyone/anything:

    What I find is a pattern is how many times this scenario has played itself out. Brook leaves because of what Floyd posts. And the rest of us just have to suck it up. What type of enlightened perspective is that? What does work is when Brook stays and holds her own in putting out her perspective, which brings balance to Floyd's posts and the forum. This is what is expected. Balance happens if everyone participates rather then gathering up their marbles and taking off.

    Much respect to all


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Wed May 30, 2012 4:50 am

    ceridwen wrote: First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Martin Niemöller

    Well people, whether one wants to think about this or not it is happening, the question is whether anyone is going to do anything about it

    Like with the TSA and Monsanto, the problem is already here. We all have been served significant amounts of aluminium and we are all starting to suffer the scalar waves. How is going to end is up to you. Lets hope it is not the repeat of Atlantis

    You know where you stand and I know I am not really welcome here. I never expected to be so because I am not following the party line, I came with a message which is not what people want to hear. The red pill on the UFO deception. Empower yourself by following yourself and not the Charles of this world

    I wish you all well and I leave you this to ponder


    Ah Ceridwen, please don't leave!! No You may think it strange that no-one jumped in to stick up for you on this thread but I'm sure it's just because we didn't want to get tied up in the personal battle between Floyd, Brook and Lionhawk again. I don't know if you're aware that it's been going on (on and off) for some time here and I doubt very much if anyone here on the forum is against you in any way because you chose to stand up for yourself here. I personally love it that you're here posting and sharing your druidry experiences and knowledge with us. Please don't leave!



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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Wed May 30, 2012 6:37 am

    Ceridwen I appreciate you too and love your druidry thread.
    Please don't leave us .
    As Sanicle points out the situation that appeared on this thread has been going on for
    quite a while here and unfortunately did'nt found so far a favorable issue .
    You unfortunately got caught in the middle of it.
    I respect people that can stand for their views and believe they don't necessarily have to go along
    mine for coherence to take place.
    From everyone I can learn something. Stick around.

    Love from me

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Wed May 30, 2012 7:39 am

    Look....I'm the one leaving....due to this controversy to my being staff at a place that is getting slandered by people that don't have a clue what they are talking about....just think about that and understand this is exactly how propaganda works. Due to that I digress and unplug.

    Now our member Tbird also did another interview on the guy who is starting what he calls the Venus Project. I kinda like this guy. If his projects works it will be because he is actually doing something....peroid. Is it the answer? I don't know....I don't presume to have the answers....but at least he is working on Is it a pipe dream? Perhaps.

    But where I work now has noting to do with Aliens, St Germain, or any such thing....that would be pure propaganda. By people that have no idea what they are talking about. And until we could get things up and running we were not public. Well we are now....and as I'm sure you'll see none of the BS that is being spread by words like I've been subject to here my last few visits. Shame it had to go that way....but it did. No one trusted me....they believed the lies instead. And as I was shown yesterday the lies still exist by those who would disregard the possibility that they have been lied to. None of the accusations that have been thrown my way are true. There are good people there just like here that care very much how this world evolves. And no one is advocating white supremacy or UFO's or anything else that has been thrown out here. It's just a damned lie. go look and see if there is a UFO or ET section like here....there's not. All fabrication in the minds of those who don't bother to search for the real truth. sorry...but that is a fact.

    So cerdwin is by all means welcome to stay and hold those lies close to her....I'm the one leaving..and this is my final good bye here. But I simply had to wait till the site was open for those who do eat the proverbial crow with the things they have been saying.

    Now...I leave.... and you may come visit me on the radios shows I do if you wish. I don't follow anybody .... this is the most absurd statement made from a person that does not know me? Whatever.

    So Cerdwin:

    Stay go do as you wish...I will not get in your way.....what the future holds is in the hands of those that DO.

    namaste' in the greatest sense.

    It aint me.......

    My son wasn't a follower either.

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 377_43054109458_577019458_1599655_1909_n

    Most importantly......

    "May we attain that excellent glory of Savitar the god:
    So may he stimulate our prayers."

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 13544_177044138468_612043468_2829232_7941228_n

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 9234_154880598468_612043468_2643945_1770734_n

    Balance happens if everyone participates rather then gathering up their marbles and taking off.

    Where was the love and support when Floyd asked me who my master was?
    You just never know now eh? Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 218871

    Last edited by Brook on Wed May 30, 2012 10:37 am; edited 8 times in total

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Wed May 30, 2012 9:14 am

    IMO it's not the arguments that you put forward that weren't supported Brook, it was all the bitching that went with it. I wish you'd stay too Brook, and will always support you, your fine mind, and your right to express your opinion....the same as I do for anyone else. I just don't support all the nastiness that this argument brought to the forum. (And others that have erupted here btw. Crying or Very sad ) Once bitten, twice shy, as they say.

    But I guess you and Lionhawk won't believe that I'd love you both to stay too, as I get the feeling you see me as being one of Floyd's "groupies" as well. (That's funny! I really don't think Floyd's 'charming' enough to have groupies lol.) But whether you believe it or not, I am sincere in my wish.

    Maybe I'll be tagged as "two-faced" now instead. Oh well.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Lionhawk Wed May 30, 2012 10:30 am

    Well..........Some of you folks just don't get it do you? If you don't get it now, you never will! If I slander someone here, do you think that that person has a right to bitch about it? Or should we, "JUST SUCK IT UP?" Lay down like a gutless victim and say I LOVE YOU. Give me a freaking break. Why not have another witch burning like the one we just had here? Seems like some of you are up for that. Spreading the fire with your lies and double standards and then turn around in the same breath and tell me you love me. LOL

    I watched all this go down and I am very much disappointed that the ones responsible are not being held accountable for their abusive actions and when I bitch about it, I'm the nasty one. Whooaaaa! IDIOTS! Meanwhile the ones responsible run free. So if someone here gets tied to a stake again and burned, and everyone just sits there on their love and light thrones and does absolutely nothing, except watch someone cry out (bitch), saying we love you but we love to watch you burn more. Exactly!

    Tickets anyone?

    This "Battle" as it was so called, was exactly what I said it would be before it manifested. What happens with second information and the damage caused from it. Either wake up to some common sense or stay stupid. Condescending you say? Whatever because you just can't fix stupid, period. I no longer care what the idiots are saying.

    No sense in tagging anyone either. You have already done that with your actions.

    So squirm some more and continue blaming me with adjectives that lead to nastiness. It just validates the lack of responsibility that I have seen displayed by all who have participated in this witch burning.

    Who needs aliens, white supremacists, Nazis, etc, when we have some folks here willing to support the same standards, under the cloak of such titles, to do the same kind of thing, all claiming to be in disagreement but all love to watch. Sick!

    I feel the love........yeah right, liar. So be it!

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 30, 2012 10:31 am

    Please, no one leave. Controversy is part of the esoteric-research territory. It's part of the deal. A change of scenery might be healthy for a while -- but please come back. I'm very sorry to see this happening, in the shadow of great loss and sadness. Why did this have to happen? I've joked about being an 'insider' in a future life -- but I would expect to be involved in a helluva lot of REALLY nasty fights as an 'insider'. Perhaps we need to learn how to fight -- without getting mad...

    Posts : 2228
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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Wed May 30, 2012 11:02 am

    Lionhawk wrote:. So if someone here gets tied to a stake again and burned, and everyone just sits there on their love and light thrones and does absolutely nothing, except watch someone cry out (bitch), saying we love you but we love to watch you burn more. Exactly!

    ????????? No wonder you get yourself so upset if you read things like that into what I said! Good grief! scratch I think your intuition must be failing you here. My post was all about how I DON'T like seeing such situations on the forum. Did you even read it?

    OK, on a second read, it seems you didn't read it properly. You say that I said I love you. Nope. I said I'd love you both to stay. Plus you've assumed I was blaming only you and Brook for this argument. Again, nope.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Lionhawk Wed May 30, 2012 12:23 pm


    My posting wasn't completely directed at you. You give yourself to much credit. Also save me your fork tongue treatment. I don't appreciate it and haven't in the past either. You're another one I don't trust because of your actions. You don't even have to respond. Enough damage has been done. I really don't care what you think because you aren't about to fix anything, using double standards. I read what you wrote and I don't believe in what you said. Your actions again, say something different. So you and I can just stop communicating and end this in the now. Good luck with your throne.


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  burgundia Wed May 30, 2012 1:09 pm

    I hardly ever visited this thread so I do not know what took place here.However I dislike any personal attacks on any members because of any reason.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Wed May 30, 2012 2:35 pm

    Brook I'll post below what I already posted on White suprematist thread :

    Brook have you ever read the summary of Charles/Bill Q& A thread that was posted in Avalon while Charles/Atticus was still being a member there ?

    Have you ever followed that man and his claims as outlined in PA's threads related to him ? How he made contact with Bill and was later introduced to Avalon ? Have you watched Bill's interview with him ?

    Were you in PA when Charles joined it and were you witness to what ensued there ? Or did you follow what happened there in these days or researched it later ?

    You are usually good at making such research about people and I wonder if you did so it in this particular case before considering joining Atticus's forum or after ?

    As for Mal just some questions.

    Love from me

    You didn't answer that post as I think you left our forum at that time.
    The reason I asked you these questions at all is that I think you are missing that bit of the track that could shed some light as to why some of us are remaining mild when it comes to back you up regarding your own enthusiasm for the 18 group.
    I personnally believe you got acquainted with Charles and the Atticus group on the late when it was already formed.
    I would like to repeat as I said it earlier that I have no reasons to believe you would have joined a group that you personnally
    would have any doubts about as to the sincerity of their aims and goals. There is no need of you to make yourself right about it
    or to prove it.
    I appreciate you sharing the actions that some of the members of this group are doing right now and am certain these people are as trustworthy as you are .
    I believe that some of us here that followed Charles from the 1st day he appeared in Project Avalon come from another avenue than you about this person. It is not that I studied the subject thoroughly in those days but the little I saw left me doubfull as to the claims of the man. I think I was'nt the only one, considering the amount of people I witnessed leaving Avalon at that time when chaos arised around the subject .
    That is not to say I am not endorsing Floyd views regarding the group either as I feel he is taking it a step further which would need more substance to it to draw a clear and convincing picture.
    I have no problem with your participation in Atticus .I trust you are following your Heart and that is all that counts.
    I also believe people are able to evolve and improve over time . So your fresh experience may be a completely different one than the one some of us had regarding Charles. I tend to agree with Carol that opening your own threads and continue to share the good things you are witnessing is a way to bring balance .
    If the Atticus forum was open for all to read I believe this too would be a good thing as it would'nt be necessary then for someone like you to come as an ambassador to share what's taking place over there.
    Personnally I believe there are many flaws in this world but if I keep concentrating on these I may well miss the boat of all the good there is to share to move things forward and upwards.

    Love from me


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Wed May 30, 2012 4:00 pm

    If the Atticus forum was open for all to read I believe this too would
    be a good thing as it would'nt be necessary then for someone like you to
    come as an ambassador to share what's taking place over there.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Wed May 30, 2012 4:01 pm

    burgundia wrote:I hardly ever visited this thread so I do not know what took place here.However I dislike any personal attacks on any members because of any reason.

    Ditto. Choosing to attack another member is exactly that. A personal choice to be unkind. But again whom am I - as clearly I'm not an enlightened spiritual being yet. However, choosing to walk on this path has taught me much and indulging in temper fits has always come back to bite me in the butt.

    By the way. This is my favorite picture of John of all of the ones that have been posted.

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 13544_177044138468_612043468_2829232_7941228_n

    Last edited by Carol on Wed May 30, 2012 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Wed May 30, 2012 4:03 pm

    Brook wrote:
    If the Atticus forum was open for all to read I believe this too would
    be a good thing as it would'nt be necessary then for someone like you to
    come as an ambassador to share what's taking place over there.

    Thanks Brook.
    Transparency is a good thing Thubs Up

    Love from me

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    Age : 71

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Brook Wed May 30, 2012 4:06 pm

    Brook wrote:
    If the Atticus forum was open for all to read I believe this too would
    be a good thing as it would'nt be necessary then for someone like you to
    come as an ambassador to share what's taking place over there.

    I'm the one leaving..and this is my final good bye here. But I simply had to wait till the site was open

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  malletzky Wed May 30, 2012 4:25 pm

    Well sadi Oxy, very well said. Great mind you are...

    Much respect

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Please, no one leave. Controversy is part of the esoteric-research territory. It's part of the deal. A change of scenery might be healthy for a while -- but please come back. I'm very sorry to see this happening, in the shadow of great loss and sadness. Why did this have to happen? I've joked about being an 'insider' in a future life -- but I would expect to be involved in a helluva lot of REALLY nasty fights as an 'insider'. Perhaps we need to learn how to fight -- without getting mad...

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Wed May 30, 2012 5:24 pm

    Brook wrote:

    I'm the one leaving..and this is my final good bye here. But I simply had to wait till the site was open

    Before you leave last note for you . I had a tour round the Atticus 1 forum tonight.
    It looks like a nice place filled with nice people doing what is dear to their Heart.
    I understand you are happy over there and wish you well on your journey Brook.

    Until we meet again stay safe and love life for all the good you can give it and receive in return.
    Blessings to you.

    Love for You


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 8 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Wed May 30, 2012 5:38 pm

    malletzky wrote:Well sadi Oxy, very well said. Great mind you are...

    Much respect

    orthodoxymoron wrote: Perhaps we need to learn how to fight -- without getting mad...

    Oxy I'll add this one to my Chalice of wisdom thread.


    Love for You

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:24 pm