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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:40 am

    I wanted to take this from another thread as it is a stand up subject of its own and deserves its own thread. A subject of great interest and importance at that. If Carol will indulge me I will transfer my previous posts here which can kick start us off in this ugly journey.

    On examination of the UFO contactees emerging from but not exclusive to the United States, from George Adamski up to George Green and Billy Meier, we see how that movement is a front for Fascist pro American white supremacist ideology that sees the main protagonists involved with crypto fascist Aryan pseudo religions and right wing political groups involved in racial superiority.

    Last edited by Floyd on Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:44 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:40 am

    Micjer wrote:
    Now if George Green was basing his info off of Billie's contact with the Pleidians......hmmmmmmmm


    Indeed Micjer, George Green ironically had a website named, which is almost comical given that he was pushing he hoax of The Talamud of jmmanuel, most likely written by the hand of Meier or a close accomplice rather than the alleged author Judas Iscariot.

    There is an excellent refutation of its authenticity here

    The virulent anti semitism and extreme right ring views espoused in this fabricated scripture is symptomatic of a strand of thought in UFOism that can be traced back to the Arisosophy of Guido Von List and the maniacal rantings of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels,who like Meier, attempted to give his racist religion a biblical foundation, (Hitler was later to ban the writings of both these men and all esoteric movements)that called for sterilization of the lower races as do Green and Meier through their promotion of the Talamud of jmmanuel.

    James Mosley, a US UFO researcher and son of anti semite and fascist George Van Horn Moseley former US general, was yet another of this ugly strain but later refuted UFO claims and now runs his saucer smeear website.

    George Hunt Williamson is another figure in the Adamski influenced UFO movement we must examine. He was an editor for the occultic journal called Valor of William Dudley Pelley

    "Pelley greatly admired Adolf Hitler and
    modeled his Silver Shirts after Nazi storm
    troopers. His troops were “the cream, the head
    and the flower of our Protestant Christian
    manhood,” Pelley proudly claimed. The men
    were also isolationist, pro-Fascist, and
    virulently anti-Semitic."
    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Pelley10
    Neo Nazi Pelley

    His soulcraft organisation was the vehicle for his channeled writings of no less then 32 volumes for higher intelligence. Peller and Adamski were both influenced by the I Am teachings of Guy Ballard, a neo theosophical group with no ties to the official society. Eventually Ballard was done for mail fraud but that is whole different story. What we do get to see is the famous archetypal emergence of nordic blonde haired blue eyed aliens around this time. An image beloved to that of the Neo Nazi White supremacist.
    These images were not exclusively reserved for aliens as you can see below.

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Maestr10
    A somewhat Aryan looking Godfre Ray King (Guy Ballard, founder of the I AM teachings).
    Williamson was later to open a monastery dedicated to the Great White Brotherhood in the Andes where he wrote books under the name of Brother Phillip ( I remember coming across the book a very long time ago)

    The story goes on.

    One thing we can clearly discern is there is a history of neo nazism, aryan supremacy, right wing elitism and anti semetism very firmly embedded in the history of the UFO movement, from Adamski right up to Meirs and Green's rantings as embodied by the so called The Talamud of jmmanuel.

    Is this the message of friendly aliens. I very much doubt it.
    Is it the message of a bitter and twisted collection of dubious personas all working for the same agenda?


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:41 am

    Below is some text that further demonstrates that much of the UFO contactee movement is indeed a front for neo nazism, fascism, anti antisemitism and American Nationalism.

    Whilst looking for some books on the subject a while back I noticed that some of the authors below were being recommended on the Stormfront website. That is a British Neo Nazi organisation of which Bill Ryan's friend Charles will be familiar.

    Those in involved in this UFO charade are a collection of fascists that include, George Adamski,George Hunt Williamson,George Van Tassel, George Green, William Dudley Pelley, Billy Meier, and Frederick Von Mierers. Both Pelley and Van Tassel are linked to Wesley Swift, Harbinger of the Aryan Nations.

    David Stupple, 'If you look at the contactee groups today, you'll see that most of the stable, larger ones are actually neo-I AM groups, with some sort of tie to Ballard's organization.' [181] This cult, therefore, bears investigation.

    "Guy Ballard's 'Mighty I AM Religious Activity,' grew, in large part, out of William Dudley Pelly's Silver Shirts, an American NAZI organization[182]. Although Ballard himself never openly proclaimed NAZI affiliation, his movement was tinged with an extremely right-wing political philosophy, and in secret meetings he 'decreed' the death of President Franklin Roosevelt[183]. The I AM philosophy derived from Theosophy, and in this author's estimation bears a more-than-cursory resemblance to the Theosophically-based teachings that informed the proto-NAZI German occult lodges[184].

    "After the war, Pelley (who had been imprisoned for sedition during the hostilities) headed an occult-oriented organization called Soulcraft, based in Noblesville, Indiana. Another Soulcraft employee was the controversial contactee George Hunt Williamson (real name: Michel d'Obrenovic), who co- authored UFOs CONFIDENTIAL with John McCoy, a proponent of the theory that a Jewish banking conspiracy was preventing disclosure of the solution to the UFO mystery.

    Later, Williamson founded the I AM-oriented Brotherhood of the Seven Rays in Peru[186]. Another famed contactee, George Van Tassel, was associated with Pelley and with the notoriously anti-Semitic Reverend Wesley Swift (founder of the group which metamorphosed into the Aryan nations).

    "The most visible offspring of I AM is Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Church Universal and Triumphant, a group best-known for its massive arms caches in underground bunkers. CUT was recently exposed in COVERT ACTION INFORMATION BULLETIN as a conduit of CIA funds[188], and according to researcher John Judge, has ties to organizations allied to the World Anti-Communist League[189] Prophet is becoming involved in abduction research and has sponsored presentations by Budd Hopkins and other prominent investigators. In his book THE ARMSTRONG REPORT: ETs AND UFOs: THEY NEED US, WE DON'T NEED THEM[sic][190], Virgil Armstrong directs troubled abductees toward Prophet's group. (Perhaps not insignificantly, he also suggests that abductees plagued by implants alleviate their problem by turning to 'the I AM force' within.[191]) "Another UFO channeller, Frederick Von Mierers, has promulgated both a cult with a strong I AM orientation and an apparent con-game involving over-appraised gemstones. Mierers is an anti-Semite who contends that the Holocaust never happened and that the Jews control the world's wealth.

    "UFORUM is a flying saucer organization popular with Los Angeles-area abductees; its founder is Penny Harper, a member of a radical Scientology breakaway group which connects the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard with pronouncements against 'The Illuminati' (a mythical secret society) and other BETES NOIR familiar from right-wing conspiracy literature. Harper directs members of her group to read THE SPOTLIGHT, an extremist tabloid (published by Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby) which denies the reality of the Holocaust and posits a 'Zionist' scheme to control the world[193].

    "More than one unwary abductee has fallen in with groups such as those listed above. It isn't difficult to imagine how some of these questionable groups might mold an abductee's recollection of his experience -- and perhaps help direct his future actions.

    "Some modern abductees, with otherwise-strong claims, claim encounters with blond, 'Nordic' aliens reminiscent of the early contactee era. Surely, the 'Nordic' appearance of these aliens sprang from the dubious spiritual tradition of Van Tassell, Ballard, Pelley, McCoy, etc. Why, then, are some modern abductees seeing these very same other-worldly UEBERMENSCHEN?

    "One abductee of my acquaintance claims to have had beneficial experiences with these 'blond' aliens -- who, he believes, came originally from the Pleiades. Interestingly, in the late 1960s, the psychopathically anti-Semitic Rev. Wesley Swift predicted this odd twist in the abduction tale. In a broadcast 'sermon,' he spoke at length about UFOs, claiming that there were 'good' aliens and 'bad' aliens. The good ones, he insisted, were tall, blond Aryans -- WHO HAILED FROM THE PLEIADES. He made this pronouncement long before the current trends in abduction lore.

    The theosophically based teachings of Aryanism the author refers to are from Ariosophy and other white supremacist esoteric groups that appeared in pre war Germany other. These were not related directly to the Theosophical Society as such as neither was Guy Ballards I AM teachings. George Adamski was influenced by a renegade Theosophical group headed by Katherine Tingley but he was also influences by Ballard's neo theosophical crypto fascist religion. In fact Ballard used some of Pelley's material in meetings at the groups headwaters in Chicago.

    Adamski in fact created his own neo theosophical religious cult the 'Royal Order of Tibet'

    The author does not mention other pro American I AM groups, such as the Temple of the Presence and Lori Troyes I AM America (AMERICA she says is an anagram for the I AM RACE).

    George Green as well as promoting the anti Semitic and very disturbing hoax of Billy Meires, Talmud of Jmmanuel has also been giving some channeled information from an entity known as Hatton, who seems surprisingly right wing for an alien. We can dig more dirt up on that little horror later. (Green of course a friend of the misinforming Project Camelot)

    The evidence linking UFO Contactees to White Supremacist groups, pro American anti Semitic and neo nazi organisations (particularly in the united States) is incontrovertible.

    For those who defend it I can only think that they know not of the ugly reality that belies its other worldly facade.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:51 am

    Here is some info on William Dudley Pelley, Nazi and influential on later contactees

    William Dudley Pelley
    Prominent American fascist leader.

    Hollywood screenwriter in 1917-29. Wrote films such as The Light in the Dark and The Shock (both starring Lon Chaney).

    Christian Party candidate for President of the United States in 1936. He ran on the slogan For Christ and the Constitution”and his platform involved a segregated Jewish state in America. During his campaign, he announced: “The time has come for an American Hitler.”

    Founder of the Silver Shirts, an American Nazi Party party which started around 1932. The membership of the Silver Shirts overlapped a great deal with
    with the I AM movement of

    According to law professor Geoffery Stone:

    Once World War II broke out, and it became politically untenable to publicly support Hitler and the Nazis, Pelley disbanded the Silver Legion. He remained, however, a staunch critic of the Roosevelt administration. In 1942 he wrote, in his new journal, The Galilean, that the president had lied to the country about the extent of the damage to the Pacific fleet after Pearl Harbor. Pelley argued that instead of leaving our fleet intact, as the president claimed, the Japanese had completely destroyed our Pacific naval forces. Although he was correct about the cover-up and the extent of the damage, the government indicted him under the Sedition Act of 1917. Despite the pleas of Lindberg Charles, who testified at his trial, Pelley was found guilty of eleven counts of seditious libel.

    Pelley was released in 1950 after serving eight years in federal prison. One condition of his parole was that he refrain from engaging in any political activity.

    After his release, he published several books and magazines, some of which are held in high esteem by some New Age enthusiasts.

    In Messengers of Deception Vallee Jacques writes:

    After the war, he started an occult group called Soulcraft and published a racist magazine called Valor. He also wrote the book Star Guests in 1950, a compilation of automatic writing reminiscent of the Seth Material It was about 1950 that is said to have begun working for Pelley at the offices of Soulcraft Publications, in Noblesvile, Indiana, before moving to California, where he witnessed George Adamski‘s desert contact on November 20, 1952, with a William Dudley Pelley

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty William Dudley Pelley: a life in right-wing extremism and the occult

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:39 am

    Read extracts in ebook form on UFO man fascist and founder of the soulcraft religion Pelley. This guy was a piece of work. It surprising how many Contactees decided to form their own religions mostly based on the I AM or Ariosophic teachings.

    Of course most people getting into UFOlogy will just think its about silver saucers and eccentric American males in the 1950's. They would have no idea how dark and deep the subject really goes.

    William Dudley Pelley: a life in right-wing extremism and the occult

    By Scott Beekman

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty George Green and the Right wing Pheonix Liberator

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:16 am

    George Green , apart from being a messenger of doom, a supporter of the right wing rantings of Meires' fake religious text and predictor of things that have not happened is also involved in the dispute of a rather large pile of gold coins from the Ekkers, who was channeling a right wing alien politician named Hatton. The Pheonix Liberator that Green attempted to gain control of was another right wing ranting rag...

    Hatton, of the Intergalactic Fleet of Ashtar Command, purportedly keeps an inordinant eye on our global affairs from his orbiting ship. Not your typical "channeled entity," his messages arrived via a special military channel that was received by 60-ish grandmother Doris Ecker and then made available in George Green's right-wing Phoenix Liberator publication. The alleged Hatton material includes conspiratorial rants about the New World Order with an anti-Semitic flavor, such as claims that the Holocaust was a hoax. When Ecker was accused of plagiarizing William Cooper's paranoic tome, Behold a Pale Horse, word for word in some of Hatton's messages, a rift in the group took place. Now Green's wife Desiree claims to be in constant contact with Hatton as well. A judge ruled in a recent court case (in which the Greens fought with Ecker over $400,000 in gold donated to the Hatton cause) that it should be returned to the "devotee," a retired mathematics professor. However you slice the pie, supposed extraterrestrial Hatton's propaganda smells decidedly home-grown.

    More info of Greens battle for the gold and his fallout with the Ekkers and his ownership of the right wing propagands publication the Pheonix journals here on researcher Dee Finneys website.

    Bellenger of fourwinds has outed him is CIA plant. Thats really irrelevant (bellringer is not a reliable source here)though as Green is light on truth, heavy on deception and laden with extreme right wing policy. Just as the others in UFO contactee history before him.

    His sources for his channeled information are probably not good. With political views such has his perhaps his new paradigm involves enforced sterilization, castration of homosexuals and the destruction of the Jews like as described in the fake Talmud he promoted. (all sounds a bit al qaeda doesnt it?)

    You can spend a morning looking information for the battle for the gold stash between Green and the Ekkers and the 'who is channeling the Real Hatton argument. Its symptomatic of a schism that happens in most religious cults and new religious movements.

    One could ask oneself, is the UFO Contactee story just a cover for an American mind control programme for an extreme right wing neo nazi agenda.

    Perhaps not, Something is very wrong about all this though. The I AM movement, UFOism closely intertwined in a Pro American right wing policy.

    The question is, how seriously do the public at large take either of these movements and the answer is very few.

    So it cant really be a threat.
    Can it?

    I have met two channelers who have are both holocaust deniers, right wing and have alarmingly supremacists tendencies. One was a old dear in her 80's!! When we were talking about community once, one of them actually said, we dont want any cripples do we..when referring to a woman who had a particular medical condition.

    There is a rather large difference between disagreeing with zionist policy and hating, even despising an entire race of peoples, let alone having any views of supremacy to go with it.

    It is not very spiritual at all. I find it very hateful and destructive.

    The truth is though, these beliefs abound in UFOism and the new age, not everywhere but they do.

    Many have these views but dont like to talk about them. Many like to brush them under the carpet when they are brought to the fore.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:00 am

    Thank-you for starting this thread Floyd. I've touched upon this sort of thing, but not with such directness. In general terms, there is the actual phenomenon of strange beings and spacecraft, and then there are the various and sundry stories and interpretations of the actual phenomenon. A lot of the esoteric stuff is sort of cool, if one weeds out all of the creepy, corrupt, hateful, racist, etc. aspects. For example, I would LOVE to 'fly' through the solar system in Unconventional Spacecraft, visit and work in Underground Bases, travel on Magneto-Leviton Trains, talk to Alphabet Agents and Jesuits, attend meetings in the City of London, visit and work on Moon Bases, etc, etc, etc --- BUT I would not want to be involved in racist, genocidal, corrupt, elitist, exclusive, creepy, and bloody activities. I have speculated about an Orion-Sirius-Egyptian-Roman Empire with Osiris-Isis-Horus-Set as Earth Administrators of Said Empire (who might be at each other's throats), and the hypothetical Set Faction seems to be most closely associated with the Reich-Nazi Phenomenon. I could state further speculations along these lines, but I'd rather not in this setting. There is more than one America. There is the Visible and the Invisible America (for starters), and the Invisible America might have a somewhat Nazi aspect to it, and might be all tied-up in the Post WWII Paperclip Phenomenon. There might be some good parts and bad parts to all of this. I have some rather grandiose theories, and it seems that basically good ideas can quickly become hijacked and corrupted. I suspect that this sort of thing has gone on throughout history. I continue to be intrigued by the Germany of the 1930's as contrasted with the Germany of the 1940's. Jim Marrs and Joseph Farrell have done fascinating work regarding some of the hidden aspects of the Nazi Phenomenon. There is a Roman Catholic Connection (Isis related?) in all of this, and again, most things in life are a mixture of the good, the bad, and the ugly. I think that the true history of the world is EXTREMELY MESSY, and that most people would literally go insane if they grasped the totality of this insanity. This is why I have no desire to 'wake people up'. But I also have no desire to 'shut people up'. I'll bet Alex Collier could say plenty about the 'White Supremacist and Fascist UFO Contactee' phenomenon. I could say more myself, but I'd rather not.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:33 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for starting this thread Floyd. I've touched upon this sort of thing, but not with such directness. In general terms, there is the actual phenomenon of strange beings and spacecraft, and then there are the various and sundry stories and interpretations of the actual phenomenon. A lot of the esoteric stuff is sort of cool, if one weeds out all of the creepy, corrupt, hateful, racist, etc. aspects.

    Sadly Oxy there is too much weeding out to do.

    However I strongly recommend again that you read Angels of the Cosmos by little known Japanese contactee Masao Murata.

    Its a highly readable account minus the pro american right wing race hate of our little friends.

    Trust is right up your street and touches upon the many things you would love to see in your wildest dreams.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:01 pm

    I started reading 'Angels of the Cosmos' but then I stopped. I have a pile of partially read books, and all of them are excellent. I will start reading it again today. I feel I need to keep reading 'The Holy Tablets' (online), Alex Collier's online books, and the Courtney Brown online books. A lot of this sort of thing is so foreign to my everyday living, that I find it quite disorienting -- and I never know how much of it is true, or how much of it is angelic or demonic in nature. It's a zoo out there. One almost has to become so immersed in everything that they go a bit crazy for a while, and then if one is lucky they can sort things out enough and pull themselves together enough to help improve humanity just a little bit more. There must be a huge amount of casualties and fatalities in esoteric research. It may be much too dangerous for most people. I think that it's important work, but researcher beware, lest one lose their family, their job, their mind, and even their life. I wish I were kidding.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  gscraig Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:00 pm

    LOL!!!....This whole thread is somewhat hilarious. First I thought this was truly about William Dudley Pedley, but it quickly reverts to the Meier-Green focus of the other thread...Not a carry over at all. Well, we all have our right to do as we choose (depending on what it is).

    I think there are some "factual"implications being presented here, but some of what is being pointed out has similar origins to most cults and religions...Nazi, UFO or not. There's information you can research where Sir Will D Pedley is questioned with skepticism. As I pointed out in the other thread, this approach will return you back to where you started. I can guarantee that.

    Ortho presented one statement that all should take heed to in my opinion and that's.."I think that the true history of the world is EXTREMELY MESSY". This is fact and no one on this site and roughly 99% of the population will ever piece that mess together...and live to tell about it or will face severe discrediting/threat protocols. Therefore, instead of finding the work, opinions and/or research of someone else. Perhaps we should (1) State our opinions as that based on what we have personally accepted as plausible information, or (2) Reiterate factual accounts of ones own experiences. Otherwise, we are recreating a wheel that has been rolling along for Centuries for a multitude of reasons. Again, for every debunk, there's one provided to debunk that debunk. Folks, do not play that game no matter how tempting. Try to extract the most consistent or truly self confirming information as and if possible, and build an internal foundation from there. However, none of us will ever grasp the entire picture of our true history on this planet. None of us will ever completely know of ALL of the personalities with a message, who precisely are fraudulent.

    Now, let's be clear about UFOism. It began 10,000-12,000 years ago based on "known" records. However, in that time frame they were referred to as vessels of the gods, flying chariots of fire, and sun boats. It is our disconnenction to the ancient documents that have us revisiting old news such as UFO's, because we've been told and taught that it is all blasphemy or demonic.

    No,we also know that UFO's (although they were being identified) have been referenced via the Indian ancestry/culture, and they are not white. We know that UFO's have been linked to the Egyptian/African ancestry/culture, and they are not white. The Mayan ancestry/culture, and they are not white, The African ancestry/culture and they are not white, the Sumerians ancestry/culture and they are not white, and so forth.

    If you haven't notice the glaring trend outlined above, most of our known information related to extraterrestrial affairs are documented with ancient non-white humans (though some describe the extraterrestrial as somewhat white at times). No, it is not a white supremacy apparatus. At least not in it's entirey. We are picking corn off a cob, while standing in the middle of a corn field. Folks, let it go, but definitely utilize your right to view and discern as you wish, but don't get too caught up in people presenting someone's else truth to you to be your own. That is partially why we are in this current planetary predicament.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:13 pm

    What if a White Faction stole technology from the Black Annunaki Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Egypt (the Exodus)? I continue to intuitively feel as if something really bad and severe occurred in North Africa and Ancient Egypt, especially regarding Politics, Religion, and Advanced Technology. The Nazi Phenomenon, in connection with Esoteric Philosophy and Advanced Technology, should not be ignored. Perhaps the 'Arrival' of the Moon should not be ignored either. I have tentatively settled upon a Realistic Science Fictional Approach to dealing with all of the Solar System Madness. Insanity and Death are Occupational Hazards in This Line of Work.
    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Tacker_WRascal-600

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:18 am

    gscraig wrote:LOL!!!....This whole thread is somewhat hilarious. F

    I dont think so somehow. There is nothing remotely funny about this subject matter.
    It may be funny for those who are in denial of the fact that UFOism (from 1950's America and later) and white supremacy are Very closely linked, in fact intertwined.
    There are no two ways about it and denying would make one look a bit daft.

    Last edited by Floyd on Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:16 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:03 am

    The links between the fraudulent I AM activity of Guy and Edna Ballard and 1950's UFOism are strong.

    Ballard, a dabbler in theosophy, esoterica and a mining engineer claims he met St Germain whilst wondering around Mount Shasta in the 1930's. He was given many secrets and taken to places underground by his master and if one would care to read Unveiled Mysteries by Ballard, it is entertaining I will give him that much.

    At their Headquarters in Chicago, Guy and Edna Ballard held meetings that were forced to take place behind closed doors. They recruited heavily from the William Pelleys fascist white supremest 'Silver Shirts. group. Blacks and Indians were not allowed to attend I AM activity meetings. The fascists found favour with the Ballards who had been inspired by the automatic writing of Pelley and his messages from the Sirians. The Great White Brotherhood of the Ballards fitted in seamlessly with their white supremacist, anti Semitic and fascist principles and the Ballards were only to pleased to have them.

    Fascist George Hunt Williamson worked as an editor for Pelley's right wing extremist publication Valor. Williamson was influenced both by Pelley, the Ballards and Adamski, joining the latter's neo theosophical UFO cult 'The Royal Order of Tibet'

    Both Peller And Edna Ballard were prosecuted for fraud. The I AM Activity lost many members after Ballard promised members immortality but failed to set an example by dying.

    George Van Tassel had connections with both Fascist Pelly and Wesley Swift who was to be the inspiration between the notorious American White supremacist movement the Aryan Nations

    Greens links to the right wing have been shown above and his promotion of the hateful hoax, the Talmud of jmannauel given to us by the Germanic supremacist Meier is another indicator of the philosophy of the contactees. The talmud with its rampant homophobia, antisemitism and calls for enforced castration and sterilization was obviously inspired by crazed rants of the ariosophic tradition began by Guido Von list.

    Just a few pics to show the illustrate the white supremacist tendencies of the UFO contactees and the I AM movement in the united states

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Ballar11
    Ballards resplendent in white

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' 300px-11
    Fascist and White Supramacist Pelley

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Orthon11

    Adamskis, Aryan 'Orthon' contact

    I AM descendents Temple of the Presence

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Anointed-Reps-Aug07-500

    Claire and Mark prophet of the right wing CUT- helping to keep America White

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' 280px-Lanello,_Guru_Ma_e_Tatiana

    Meiers Aryan looking Contact

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' AsketbyDejan

    Resources I AM Activity exposed Billy Meier Cult Meier and Horn refuted Hatton, the right wing 'entity' Williamson bio
    William Dudley Pelley: a life in right-wing extremism and the occult 50's contactees Ariosophy roots of ariosophy -esoteric germanic racial superiority

    Last edited by Floyd on Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:10 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote: The Nazi Phenomenon, in connection with Esoteric Philosophy and Advanced Technology, should not be ignored.

    That's right it should not. Its not enough to say there is other corn on the cob or don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Frankly its very ignorant to take that approach. Its like willfully ignoring all the bad parts of ones own personality and pretending they don't really exist. Only the good stuff matters. Someone else will find them if you don't for sure.

    What we are looking at here is three relatively modern movements in the United States all riddled with Pro American, antisemitic, white supremacist politico religious philosophy. It has its counterpart in Europe.

    The I AM Activity, post war UFOism and both pre and post war white supremacist politics.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:42 am

    I would say to All of Enlightened Mind...

    How does One Teach ? How does One show others less Aware ?

    Is It by being Obstinate and Mysterious ? Is It by being Angry at those Who are as of yet Unawares ? Is it by laying endless Tests in front of the Iniatiate ? Nay I say - Not anymmore...

    There is much Love for All Members in this Post from Me and I hope You All see It that way. We All must needs think on this - Including Myself...

    Again - How does One Teach ?

    Be wary of the Judge...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:53 am

    I dont see judgement here.

    Just analysis of facts.

    It is important not to be apologetic or to make excuses for the enemies of humanity.

    "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing"


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:10 pm

    Please just remeber You are trying to present this to others so what I said is relevant Holmes...



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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:16 pm

    The evidence is there. It is as clear as the light of day.
    If people choose to take heed or turn a blind eye it will be up to them in the final analysis.

    I don't see anything wrong with the presentation as it is consistent with the evidence.
    It is a controversial subject and one that needs to be heard.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:43 pm

    I don't see anything wrong with the presentation as it is consistent with the evidence.

    For the Third time - Jeepers Crippety - I don't either Floyd but take off the Blinders and say Yeah for Pete's sake when You know something to just be a common sense statement...

    Its not the bloody Whistleblowers You're potentially insulting - Its the Poster's / Members Who comment on Your Thread(s)...

    Teach Them by all means but at least be Polite about It. Seriously - Do You think that a Person Who disagrees with You is to be placed into the Perspective of ;

    "the enemies of humanity."

    Inferring that if someone disagrees with You then that They're an Enemy of Humanity ? Seriously ? I mean even when They might just not be as Aware as You ? You're gonna call 'em Enemies of Humanity ? Really ?

    You seriously can't see the thrust of what I'm saying can You ?

    Huh ?

    Man, I'm speechless...

    Maybe Its become time for Video Answers as the written Word just doesn't seem to be cutting It anymore...



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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:44 pm

    Honestly, humanity is an ongoing experiment in order to accomplish a result in which 'Free Will' doesn't lead to war and destruction. Untill this day & year the experiment is a complete and utter failure.

    The good news is that pretty soon humanity as we know it will be wiped off of the surface of this planet and the whole circus will start from scratch.

    Those who are lucky - rich enough to have a hide out below the surface will soon realize that there's nothing left to live for.

    Making babies in order to prolong the survival of the species will not be encouraged.

    And you will NOT be saved by SaLuSa & her friends, nor by me and MY friends.

    The lucky ones die in there sleep and live on in a 'dream-dimension' which can be very nice or very unpleasant, depending on your 'dream'.

    And that's what I'm gonna do right now - sleep & dream - because I need to be reasonably fit in order to survive the 'New Years craze'.

    .................................................................................................... TRANC ................................

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:40 am

    My current theory is that we are an illegal-experiment in male and female human-physicality and responsible-freedom. As far as I can tell, the results are mixed, especially in light of the evidence that the experiment has been adversely and mercilessly manipulated from the shadows. See 'Rule by Secrecy' by Jim Marrs, 'The Gods of Eden' by William Bramley, and even 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen White. Regarding this thread, consider reading 'Rise of the Fourth Reich' by Jim Marrs. I'm reading from it tonight, as sort of a sick bedtime story. Once again, I'm not necessarily opposed to esoteric philosophy and theology, or to advanced-technology. A lot of the Secret Government, Secret Space-Program, and Underground Bases stuff is REALLY cool -- but it seems to be HIGHLY rogue and out of control. I'm frankly trying to conceptually live within a non-corrupt and non-violent version of the present Solar System Secret Government. I'm sure they just love me for talking about this stuff the way I do, but I truly desire that things work out well for all concerned. I realize that's Dreamland, but that's the only way I can attempt to face the hidden realities without going completely insane. I'm presently just completely burned-out, up-tight, and miserable -- and I don't want to make things worse for myself. Wait a minute. How could things be any worse??

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:34 am

    Merc man.

    I for one do not see them as whistleblowers but mostly misinformants and disinformants as you know. I am allowed that opinion arnt I? I know im not the only one who thinks in that way. It is based on the fact that nearly everything they say fails to come to pass or is a deliberate lie. But that is being discussed elswhere and not here.

    As to the subject of this thread...

    They only thing I find insulting is the subject matter of this thread and the problems it throws up. Yes, I'm afraid I do see white supremacists and nazism as the 'enemies of humanity'. They are most objectionable (I was not referring to a poster btw but to the institutions and individuals history has shown to be caught up in this odious movement) I suppose most rational people would.

    I have never said anywhere on any thread on this forum that UFOS or other beings from other planes or planets do not exist. Not once, nor I have I even suggested it. It may well be the case.

    This thread has only to do with the linking of UFOism, mostly in the States but not exclusively,to neo theosophical off shoots and their links and inter-connectedness to antisemitism, white supremacy and fascism. The timescale runs about from the 1930s to the present day. It is very clear. It is not a pretty read.

    It follows that any information coming from these groups is not in the interests of a harmonious humanity as it is both prejudicial and exclusive, let alone hateful and divisive.
    Therefore this information is invalid and its origins highly dubious to say the least.

    I am not one to go around walking on eggshells for the sake of fascism and white supremacists I have to say.

    I expected this. This thread would have been banned straight away on Project Camelot or Project Avalon. I should be grateful I got this far.
    Its a subject that people do not want to deal with. It is a subject that is not immediately apparent to those who initially come across the information being disseminated by these groups. It lurks under the surface.
    We are 'Gathering in Awareness' I hope.

    No need for the video Merc.

    Just the facts mam, just the facts.

    Last edited by Floyd on Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:43 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote: Regarding this thread, consider reading 'Rise of the Fourth Reich' by Jim Marrs. I'm reading from it tonight, as sort of a sick bedtime story. Once again, I'm not necessarily opposed to esoteric philosophy and theology,

    Sick bedtime story lol.
    Id hate to see what you read to your nieces and nephews at bedtime if you have them!

    There is much that is useful in esoteric philosophy. Many new religions have a veneer of esotericism mostly plundered from movements that came before it. Often they repackage it, dumb it down then market it and voila, 'spirituality for sale'

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:53 am

    Below is a link to a very erudite article regarding pseudo relligious cults between 1935 and 1945 in the United States. Two of the movements it centres on are two we have been dealing with here. Guy Ballards I AM Activity and William Dudley Pelley's facist quasi religious Silver Shirts from which Ballard recruited into his own group. It tells how mass mail marketing and radio advertising helped movements like theirs expand and what ultimately led to their downfall. I say downfall but if the truth be known both movements inspired similar movements after them and they still exist in one form or other today.
    Author: Philip Jenkins, Penn State University

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:03 am

    Floyd wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote: Regarding this thread, consider reading 'Rise of the Fourth Reich' by Jim Marrs. I'm reading from it tonight, as sort of a sick bedtime story. Once again, I'm not necessarily opposed to esoteric philosophy and theology,
    Sick bedtime story lol.
    Id hate to see what you read to your nieces and nephews at bedtime if you have them!

    There is much that is useful in esoteric philosophy. Many new religions have a veneer of esotericism mostly plundered from movements that came before it. Often they repackage it, dumb it down then market it and voila, 'spirituality for sale'

    How about Salvation4Sale? I continue to be fascinated and horrified by how the somewhat idealistic, refined, and disciplined Germany of the 1930's became the Hell of the 1940's, and then morphed into the Fourth Reich. How do we keep Grand Utopian Plans from becoming Hell on Earth?

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