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    Aliens and Eugenics


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:45 am

    Next, LH. We all know making judgments without all the facts is still making judgments.

    My elder brother is a felon and sociopath. When he pulled a sword out and pointed it at our daughter last year he crossed a line. He also had other weapons and is still on probation which makes that illegal. When I let him know he was going to be reported to the police he threatened my life. You better believe he was reported. Being victimized by someone else's aberrant behavior is not fun and the one thing I have learned over the years is how to take a stand and stick with it against bullying or emotionally abusive behavior no matter the reason. Yes, it makes me angry when I see abuse happening. However anger can be used as a tool when controlled. It is just energy. Sometimes toxic and sometimes not. I used mine to document all types of illegal activities to be used in legal pursuit in this situation to have him removed as a Trustee. As a responsible adult it is my job to defend those who are in my care and vulnerable, including myself.

    Now I too shall take a little break and go back to writing my book as Sean David Morton has inspired me to get on with it.

    Owlsden - please do me, some of the members and yourself a favor and refrain from posting on any of the Thuban threads. Mahalo

    By the way, WAY has missed you and it was enjoyable watching the two of you at play.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:45 am

    Is the Human Being too disobedient and emotionally unstable? Are we a threat to the historic ways of the universe? I've been trying to think about Divinity and Humanity in some very unconventional and upsetting ways -- and I am presently very uncomfortable (and frankly fearful) of both Divinity and Humanity. I feel as if I might be on the Fecal-Lists of both Divinity and Humanity -- for very different reasons. I keep feeling as if this is not a rational universe. I feel horribly conflicted. Is it because I am subconsciously and reincarnationally at war with both Divinity and Humanity -- going way, way back?? The discord in this thread -- the discord on the original Project Avalon (especially regarding what I called the 'Thuban Missile Crisis') -- and various political and religious conflicts I have observed -- have me really wondering if lasting and genuine resolutions can be achieved. Eugenics and/or Extermination -- by whoever and by whatever means -- continues to deeply trouble me. My science-fictional imaginings have become so vivid -- that I often wonder if there is some truth to them. They are most upsetting. I don't offer up a lot of proof for what I post -- yet my posted thoughts are based upon a lot of research and reflection.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:12 am

    Oxy, I wonder too at times. But again we know the rational mind is often in conflict with the artistic side of nature. And again I have been reminded that there are many different types of folks with many different agendas. I've come to the conclusion, in order at an feeble attempt to make sense of it all - is that these conflicts are a result of the ones involved at being at different stages of spiritual growth and development.

    Kind of like the difference between having a ball of twine unraveled or wound up. It's still the same - only altered by intention. Remember in quantum physics where once something is observed its pattern is altered simply by the conscious awareness of the observer. Now what if we were changed/altered in in a similar manner? But who is the observer? Is is oneself or something else at an external level?

    Well back to contemplating time travel which is I find quite entertaining. I would like to go into the future and see how this all works out.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:35 am

    Ah, but we can learn so much from seeing how these polarized views play they can negatively effect those involved and ourselves as well when fear (of conflict?) rears its ugly head in us. "Why?" we can ask ourselves and hopefully get an answer from our Souls. For me it's the emotional pain it can cause others, either watching on or on the receiving end of it, but I know I have to accept that we all do these things we do to each other to learn and evolve from the experience. And I believe that's what we're here to do for each other, in good ways and bad at times.

    And hopefully what we learn is to give greater value to developing those more gracious attributes you listed earlier Carol, such as patience, tolerance, compassion, etc. If so, it's all good.

    I love you

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:25 am

    What was Heaven like before Humans existed? What was Heaven like after the creation (genetic-engineering?) of Humans? What will Heaven be like Post-Apocalypse (Post-Human?)? Will Humans have to become some other race to enter Heaven? Are Humans deliberately traumatized and antagonized by Other-Than-Humans to prevent this Solar System from becoming a Human-Heaven? This Solar System and the Human Race seems like some sort of an experiment gone bad -- with so much potential -- yet with so much pain, carnage, and absurdity. I'm modeling some very upsetting possibilities -- which I cannot possibly express to you in words. Unfortunately, I feel as if I am antagonizing Divinity and Humanity with my internet activities -- even though I am pulling my punches to an excruciating extent. I do not wish to think what I'm thinking -- but I can't seem to stop considering ALL of the possibilities -- no matter how dark or absurd they might seem.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:34 pm

    ceridwen, if you are reading this I would like you to know that you are welcome here and that I personally value your presence and contributions. This is not the first time this type of situation has happened where a member feels attacked and leaves. Unfortunately this is not the first time this has happened. Since Brook and Lionhawk have identified that it is there intention to leave and not come back, I hope you reconsider your own leave taking and return. And I apologize for not putting a stop to the abusive posts sooner. It was an error in judgment on my part.

    In the future any member who emotionally attacks another member will be immediately banned for 30 days until tempers cool down and to give the banned member the opportunity to see if it's time to change attitude or leave the Mists. Personally, I've had enough of this type of acting out behavior where other members get targeted in such a wounding manner.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:34 am

    Carol wrote:ceridwen, if you are reading this I would like you to know that you are welcome here and that I personally value your presence and contributions. This is not the first time this type of situation has happened where a member feels attacked and leaves. Unfortunately this is not the first time this has happened. Since Brook and Lionhawk have identified that it is there intention to leave and not come back, I hope you reconsider your own leave taking and return. And I apologize for not putting a stop to the abusive posts sooner. It was an error in judgment on my part.

    In the future any member who emotionally attacks another member will be immediately banned for 30 days until tempers cool down and to give the banned member the opportunity to see if it's time to change attitude or leave the Mists. Personally, I've had enough of this type of acting out behavior where other members get targeted in such a wounding manner.

    Yes please do come back Ceridwen.. I read every one of your posts when you posted and I enjoyed and looked forward to seeing your posts.. We all have our ups and downs at times but Love bonds us all back together again in the end.... We never did meet but I certainly could relate to your "Celtic Wisdom" and I sense your energies as wondrous, magikal and beautifully mystical..


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:26 pm

    Here is what I will say and I then leave It as It belongs...

    That is - An understanding I've come to...

    It is never My intention to argue with others or debate that which I know is true. That is for those Who have yet to know what I do. With that understanding in hand - Why then would One enter into Threads started by those Who obviously do not share Their understanding. The reason for this is simple - They don't as the originating Thread in that case is likley a Provocation at any rate. The whole throw the baby out with the Bathwater / Tar every ET with the same Brush mentality is all I'm seeing and thats purely by looking at the linkage of the Words in the Thread Title alone...

    Give Me proof They say - The Naysayers do - But nothing can ever satisfy Them. They seek for everything to be as They see it and no matter how It is presented to Them - They will always see It different...

    With that said though I will always speak My piece and as I see that a specific Member's Vibe is now becoming prevalent - I will enter the Arena once again to speak My Truth...

    Do I care what the Member I'm referencing or others will think of Me as I do this ? Indeed I do but not that It affects Me. More that It affects Them in some way is the Goal I think...


    I mean - If anyone here was really into the Truth about the Nazis rather than Subterfuge and Smoke and Mirrors relative to It as an Issue - We'd be talking about the Ashkenazi Tribe of Judah as well as the Orion Aryan roots of the ET Ideology It came from - BUT...

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Geldof10

    Owell - With My Wife finally back at Home - It seems I'm back on Duty now...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:08 pm

    mudra wrote:Ceridwen I appreciate you too and love your druidry thread.
    Please don't leave us .


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:36 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:- They don't as the originating Thread in that case is likley a Provocation at any rate. The whole throw the baby out with the Bathwater / Tar every ET with the same Brush mentality is all I'm seeing and thats purely by looking at the linkage of the Words in the Thread Title alone...

    Hi Merc. The title was merely to do with aliens who promote eugenics via their so called human channels.

    It was not provocative per se, but something I feel people need to become familiar with.
    I very much doubt it is an agenda to disprove alien life as Pelley's stuff happened a fair time before the Roswell fabrication.

    The interesting thing here is that hardly anyone has dealt with the topic but many have done their best to send it in an other direction. I expected no less.

    As for the smoke and mirrors. There really are racial supremacists and they are not all sponsored by Zionists no matter how the conspiracy theorists would like to think so. They are not one and the same ultimatley

    I am dismissive of aliens yes but this thread exists simply to identify the links between so called aliens and extreme right wing politics and should only be taken within that context. There is no doubt about the fact the links between the two exist.

    That was the focus of this thread no matter how it strayed.
    It is clearly an emotional subject.

    Anyone seen Prometheus yet?

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:19 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:
    I mean - If anyone here was really into the Truth about the Nazis rather than Subterfuge and Smoke and Mirrors relative to It as an Issue - We'd be talking about the Ashkenazi Tribe of Judah as well as the Orion Aryan roots of the ET Ideology It came from...
    I'm very interested in this area of study -- yet I never know what to believe -- and when I think about it I get quite frightened. I'm also afraid to post my true thoughts, because I suspect that the factions involved in all of this (human and otherwise -- terrestrial and extraterrestrial) are VERY powerful. I also keep wondering if I have a dark reincarnational history connected with this, as well??? Perhaps I should spend some quality time with the Nazi phenomenon in the 1930's. I keep thinking that there is some sort of an Idealistic Plan which got hijacked and corrupted. Is there a completely idealistic version of a hypothetical Orion-Sirius-Atlanean-Babylonian-Egyptian-Grecian-Roman Empire???

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:14 am

    Mercuriel wrote:If anyone here was really into the Truth about the Nazis rather than Subterfuge and Smoke and Mirrors relative to It as an Issue

    Firstly sharing understanding is exactly what im doing. If someone has a contary view to that understanding that is entirely up to them but the last I checked this was not a forum for the proselytisation of UFO cults and alien or ascenscionist religions but a platform for everybody to have their say even if they have the audacity not to believe that alien races govern humanity or have influence over our planet.

    Truth is something I am very much into, not 'naysaying' for the sake of it and for me neither aliens nor their conflicting messages, provide not an ounce of truth. I find it all very underwhelming and often just plain evil.
    Because one does not believe in ascensionism nor alienism does not mean they are not interested in this planet, its inhabitants or truth. Far from it my friend. Unfortunately the conspiracy and ufo movement are so riddled with deceit I doubt much of it serves a useful purpose. Not all in interested in the alternative movement believe in aliens and ufos. In many ways they are an anathema to truth IMO. Please forgive us.

    Do not for one minute think that I am not into the truth about Nazis for you would be very much mistaken. When someone dares to mention the links between certain alienist groups and eugenics and extreme right wing politics there is the usual cry of, 'divide and conquer' 'smoke and mirrors'or polarisation etc. That for me is similar to the Catholic leadership not addressing the fact that there is rampant paedophilia in their religion. They know it is there but they wished it wasnt and that it would just go away. Alas it hangs around like a bad smell. And there is no doubt that it does exist.

    These connections between the promoters of eugenics and alienism exist, not to polarise or to make aliensim seem ridiculous but they exist because they do and the people and organisations who developed the ideas believed in them thoroughly and from my point of view they are indefensible and unethical and downright evil. Brushing them under the carpet or calling it smoke and mirros is not good enough is it? Wherever these notions have been brought forward they have been attacked with venom by certain alienists and for me that only vindicates what I understand to be the case as true.

    Of course not all alienists promote right wing agendas but some do. Fact. No smoke and no mirrors.

    Its is a subject that is engaging, revealing and interesting and it exists not to divide and conquer but to point out some very serious flaws in certain UFO and alienist movements. And that is valid.

    Good to see this thread back on track after a flurry of irrelevance though its a shame to see the departure of a decent contributor to the discussion owing to the usual rantings of certain individuals.


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:29 pm

    Brook wrote:

    My son wasn't a follower either.

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 377_43054109458_577019458_1599655_1909_n

    Most importantly......

    "May we attain that excellent glory of Savitar the god:
    So may he stimulate our prayers."

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 13544_177044138468_612043468_2829232_7941228_n

    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 9234_154880598468_612043468_2643945_1770734_n

    Balance happens if everyone participates rather then gathering up their marbles and taking off.

    Where was the love and support when Floyd asked me who my master was?
    You just never know now eh? Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 218871


    I had the impulse to put this song here for you Brook...


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:00 am

    Madison Grant was an influence on the Eugenics philiosphy of Sadler and his wife who's ideas formulated in the Urantia material and you may read some of this information in this snippet below.

    Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant

    Last edited by Floyd on Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  magamud Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:47 am

    Thanks for the info floyd.
    Eugenics could be argued is fueling the sociopathic complex. Im sure this diseased dynamic reaches the very tops of off world sentient beings to the streets of a major earth metropolis. If you don't think your part of the natural plan and smarter then God then Eugenics is the next logical step imho. Eugenics is the corruption of the One....

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:33 am

    I support the continual improvement of the human race -- through constructive-competition and organizational-discipline -- but not by terrorism and warfare. Mass Murder is NOT a Family Value. But what am I to do with the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation?? What about Human Sacrifice?? Does Purification equal Extermination?? Divinity and Humanity seem to be able to rationalize just about anything. The Historical Moral Standard is very blurred. Seemingly moral and normal people can turn right around and do the most horrible things imaginable. What's wrong with this picture???

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  magamud Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:45 am

    Nice insight ortho, the current paradigm is intertwined with sociopathy and phillanthropy. Eugenics mixed with Religion etc... Depth of awareness is one of my only periscopes to the problem along with time and experience. I think another major problem is that ideas begin as phillanthropic then become corrupted, but the corruption denies this and works on a propaganda campaign to continue its loving nature. Truly a hall of mirrors....

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:32 pm

    I keep getting the horrible and sinking feeling that we might be dealing with a hypothetical and corrupted Orion-Sirius-Atlantean-Babylonian-Egyptian-Grecian-Roman-British-American Empire -- which projects Innocence and Purity externally -- but which utilizes the most reprehensible behavior internally (including terrorism, warfare, corrupt banking, etc, etc, etc) -- so as to maximize fame, fortune, power, and pleasure. What REALLY scares me is the thought that this model might be the one which actually works. The above-board good-guy approach might not work in the 'real-world', the 'real solar-system', the 'real galaxy', and the 'real universe'. Is the 'Anna' character in 'V' representative of what actually works??? She is so sweet and polished externally -- but heartless, cruel, ruthless, and sickening internally. She is a Reptilian Queen with Absolute Authority. Is this the Bottom-Line of Governance?? Are my pipe-dreams of Namaste-Constitutional-Responsible-Freedom doomed to failure -- right from the beginning??? No one seems to want what I've been offering for the past two or three years -- so perhaps I should abandon ship -- and join the Evil Empire?!

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  magamud Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:40 pm

    Yes you got it a complete doublethink of control. It does work unfortunately. Don't abandon your ship Captain, hold steadfast the course.
    People are waking up to the off world control grid that were in.


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:45 pm

    Thanks for your input gents.

    When I say Aliens and eugenics, the former was intentionally meant as a misnomer. That it to say, that the aliens behind the eugenics of Sadler, Pelley and others who espouse this turgid ideal are not really aliens and that they don't really exist. In other words the title Aliens and Eugenics poses a question.

    It seems to me that other worldly entities have been used as a front, or a prop to back up exclusive politics that generally speaking are far right politics.

    There is really nothing other worldly about it. Furthermore these philosophies do not exist to negate the existence of 'real aliens', as they existed in a climate that was way before Roswell and other ET paraphernalia. However, there are post Roswell alienists who are somewhat right wing to say the least.

    These people wanted to do what they believed in. Cleansing society of those deemed unfit to take part in it, whether they were of unacceptable race or some genetically flawed misfits who would drain state finances for example.


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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:15 am

    Really, Hmmm...

    Like I've said though - Nazis are one of the latest dominance Groups to have used the Divide and Conquer Mentality as other Empire Builders have used it before - MANY TIMES...

    Its always seemed to Me that You're just not interested in the Origins of this - Such as the Tribal Aryan - Teutonic - Hybrasilian - Orionic roots of this whole Nazi thing so I refrain from entering into these Conversations as I've learnt that the tactic is to pretty much Bait others into the discussion but then thats obvious by some of the Thread Titles around here as I've already stated...

    When I say Aliens and eugenics, the former was intentionally meant as a misnomer. That is to say, that the aliens behind the eugenics of Sadler, Pelley and others who espouse this turgid ideal are not really aliens and that they don't really exist. In other words the title Aliens and Eugenics poses a question.

    Therefore My comment - "Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater" - To put It simply - Is not meant to imply that You're throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater Yourself - But rather that by Your chosen Method of dealing with this Issue and others - That Your impetus seems to be to prompt others to throw that "Baby out with the Bathwater" Themselves...

    Its obvious to Me though so Its why I won't play this Game with You or others...

    By all means though - Carry on...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:37 am

    Dear oh dear.

    Im not playing a game so you are getting the wrong end of the stick.

    What I am interested is the links between nazi groups, fascist politics, religious and UFO cults and eugenics. They exist and they are real and it is a religious and sociological phenomena which is revealing and interesting

    The aryans originated in India by the way. They are Indian. The (German) Nazi twist on them coming from Ultima Thule in Hyperborea was an invented myth. Just like the aliens of the nazi 'contactees' and eugenicists were contrived to give their population control and race hate philosophies a source of off world authority. A quasi religious mythos if you like.

    When You say orionic roots of Nazim do you mean from the Constellation Orion. If so I cant take that seriously as I don't believe in aliens but I hope thats ok. Orion is a beautiful constellation though and I enjoy looking at through my telescope

    My impetus is to show that all this alien stuff isnt as glitsy as it seems and some of it is darn sinister. Several times I have seen believers in alienism not want to come to terms with this fact.

    I will carry on though, thanks!

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:45 am

    In a sense, I agree with both of you (Mercuriel and Floyd). I lean toward the Orion ET thing -- yet I realize that the lies are rampant. Whoever is behind what is going on -- seems to not wish to be exposed. However, some sort of an exposure seems to be occurring. Whether this will continue, and whether exposure and disclosure will make things better (or worse) remains to be seen. I obviously wish to know what's really going on -- yet I'm not in a big hurry to find out -- and I am very apprehensive regarding exposed and cornered 'aliens'. Things might get REALLY nasty. Regardless of whether there are aliens or not, studying the Nazi phenomenon is probably a very necessary and very unpleasant part of esoteric and conspiracy research. I need to just chew what I've already bitten-off -- which is way too much. I am so burned-out and exhausted that I can barely function these days. I feel as if I'm fighting an unseen battle 24/7 with a very powerful empire -- which I suspect is a mixture of good and evil. I'm probably more open and complimentary than I should be -- but that's just the way I am. I try to see the good in everyone and everything -- even when it doesn't exist. Hope springs eternal.

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    Aliens and Eugenics - Page 10 Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:46 am

    There are very few reliable and erudite books on the subject Oxy but there are a few good ones.

    My own view is that the explanations of eugenics and extreme right 'alien groups' are rather more earth bound than from some distant starry realm.

    You are right though it is not a pretty subject and its tragic to see how some people think as you wonder through its ugly mess.

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