Floyd Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:14 am
Mercuriel wrote:If anyone here was really into the Truth about the Nazis rather than Subterfuge and Smoke and Mirrors relative to It as an Issue
Firstly sharing understanding is exactly what im doing. If someone has a contary view to that understanding that is entirely up to them but the last I checked this was not a forum for the proselytisation of UFO cults and alien or ascenscionist religions but a platform for everybody to have their say even if they have the audacity not to believe that alien races govern humanity or have influence over our planet.
Truth is something I am very much into, not 'naysaying' for the sake of it and for me neither aliens nor their conflicting messages, provide not an ounce of truth. I find it all very underwhelming and often just plain evil.
Because one does not believe in ascensionism nor alienism does not mean they are not interested in this planet, its inhabitants or truth. Far from it my friend. Unfortunately the conspiracy and ufo movement are so riddled with deceit I doubt much of it serves a useful purpose. Not all in interested in the alternative movement believe in aliens and ufos. In many ways they are an anathema to truth IMO. Please forgive us.
Do not for one minute think that I am not into the truth about Nazis for you would be very much mistaken. When someone dares to mention the links between certain alienist groups and eugenics and extreme right wing politics there is the usual cry of, 'divide and conquer' 'smoke and mirrors'or polarisation etc. That for me is similar to the Catholic leadership not addressing the fact that there is rampant paedophilia in their religion. They know it is there but they wished it wasnt and that it would just go away. Alas it hangs around like a bad smell. And there is no doubt that it does exist.
These connections between the promoters of eugenics and alienism exist, not to polarise or to make aliensim seem ridiculous but they exist because they do and the people and organisations who developed the ideas believed in them thoroughly and from my point of view they are indefensible and unethical and downright evil. Brushing them under the carpet or calling it smoke and mirros is not good enough is it? Wherever these notions have been brought forward they have been attacked with venom by certain alienists and for me that only vindicates what I understand to be the case as true.
Of course not all alienists promote right wing agendas but some do. Fact. No smoke and no mirrors.
Its is a subject that is engaging, revealing and interesting and it exists not to divide and conquer but to point out some very serious flaws in certain UFO and alienist movements. And that is valid.
Good to see this thread back on track after a flurry of irrelevance though its a shame to see the departure of a decent contributor to the discussion owing to the usual rantings of certain individuals.