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    Aliens and Eugenics


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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Wed May 09, 2012 7:24 am

    Why is it that publications by folk like the fascist William Dudley, the race controlling Urantians and the Talmud spawned from the fraudulent and self proclaimed messiah Billy Meires UFO cult promote eugenics and selective breeding along with race hate and homophobia etc?

    Why do people give these idiots credence?

    If people follow this advise from these "alleged" aliens we could all end up looking like this

    All rather sinister.

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Wed May 09, 2012 3:02 pm

    Floyd wrote:Why is it that publications by folk like the fascist William Dudley, the race controlling Urantians and the Talmud spawned from the fraudulent and self proclaimed messiah Billy Meires UFO cult promote eugenics and selective breeding along with race hate and homophobia etc?

    Why do people give these idiots credence?

    If people follow this advise from these "alleged" aliens we could all end up looking like this

    All rather sinister.

    It is very interesting indeed. I have been researching different myths to track down what could be the reason for this desire of getting an alien saviour

    I am currently reading the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien and there is this character Melkor jealous of the creation and always working to derail it

    Similarly there is the Gnostic Sophia that strays and wants a creation similar to herself. The result is the archons who allegedly influences the human mind for the worse

    A bit like good angel/bad angel

    Perhaps there is something to it and we as a specie have a weakness that allows some of us to be influenced by umpleasant and revengefull outcast of creation?

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Wed May 09, 2012 4:06 pm

    Very interesting summary on how the whole alien mania started. It appears it was the Venezuelans Shocked alien

    Posts : 13791
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    Location : The Matrix

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 09, 2012 8:26 pm

    How can we really know anything for certain -- especially regarding the BIG issues about Life, the Universe, and Everything??? I have been attempting to engage in a sort of Political and Theological Science Fiction -- which takes in all of the conspiracy-theories and little-green-men stories -- yet which remains mostly undecided regarding just about everything. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, I seem to have burned myself rather badly with all of this madness. At this point, I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Perhaps simply working-hard and playing-hard might be the way for me to go -- and this might be the best way for most people to live. I have attempted to converse with the people who frequent this site regarding aliens and the end of the world -- but I do not talk to people I meet every day about any of this madness. I have purposely kept low-profile because of the volatile and upsetting nature of the subject-matter -- and because of the difficulty in proving any of it. Still, I really would like to figure out a lot of the hidden aspects of life, the universe, and everything -- even if it puts me in the poor-house, the nut-house, or in Camp FEMA.

    Posts : 389
    Join date : 2011-10-25
    Location : Octopus' Garden @ SSAN

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Threecaster Wed May 09, 2012 10:42 pm

    Oxy, I tell you what, if you are on your own, AKA sans wife, offspring, etc, then you can make anything of yourself you want. (But trust me, figuring out what you want is hard!)

    But screw what others think of you. Let them burn their eyes and lips, and they'll be all that much more surprised when you actually reach them later on. Shocked

    Get out of your chair and follow where your passions move you. Follow your spirit, and keep in mind anyof those thoughts that drag you back are mostly illusions and what others have told you based on their own fears.

    You may have to be as lucid and balsy as Casteneda pretending to be a short order cook, at a grill he just stepped into...

    But you've got an amazing grasp of multi-layer interactions and relationships. I've not read everything you've posted here, but I dare say you have a serious nack for all the ins and outs of any Politico-Cultural landscape.

    I think science fiction may be the way to go. A tip: if you get hung up on something that you think has to make sense, drop that non-sense like a hot rock! Heh heh

    Conquering fear is never easy, and I imagine a semi-regular occurence for everyone.

    And on of my favorite quotes:

    "The meaning of life...well I've always thought to hell with the sense of it, and just keep yourself occupied in the meantime!"
    Slarti Bartfast, Department of Fiords and Coastlines

    Aliens and Eugenics Animated-gifs-sheeps-05

    I often wonder if the banning of halucingenic plants in the western world has made us a sorrier race of humans. We often seek a deep fulfilment from the tasks we perform, yet that occurs so little in our daily lives.

    Perhaps some folks find that in seeking satisfaction, certainty, or to help explain away the pain, they find themselves listening to more radical views. The level of which may be proportional to the amount of dissatifaction they feel with their lives.

    I am fairly certain that the deep spiritual experience and connection we have with our roots and our higherselves has been cut off by the forces that wish to manipulate us. The spiritual landscape that we used to experience firsthand from contact with certain plants (even if only once or twice in a lifetime) gave each and everyone of us a personal link to our spirt, and those spirits around us. The loss of that satisfaction we once had through that connection is now maybe attempted to be recaptured by persons turning to forces outside of themselves, seeing that the internal one has been denied.

    Now most folks are hardly aware of themselves functioning on this level. We mostly are barely cognisant of such things in the feelings we get when a socially sanctioned holiday comes around to briefly alleviate our volunteered slavery.

    So, since we cannot connect to a deep spiritual experience in a natural way, we find ourselves attempting to find this experience in an unnatural way, and consequently the perversions run rampant, likely because our society is completely AFU. Hypnotize


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    Location : Hawaii

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Carol Wed May 09, 2012 11:05 pm

    By now anyone with a grain of intelligence recognizes that pretty much anything that has to do with the exploration of one consciousness is illegal. Frankly, in my PO, expansions of ones own consciousness should be a prerequisite for school graduation. At least at the by college level if not earlier. In the past with indigenous cultures they used to call it "right of passage where a youth was required to go on a Vision Quest.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Thu May 10, 2012 3:18 am

    ceridwen wrote:
    It is very interesting indeed. I have been researching different myths to track down what could be the reason for this desire of getting an alien saviour

    I am currently reading the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien and there is this character Melkor jealous of the creation and always working to derail it

    Similarly there is the Gnostic Sophia that strays and wants a creation similar to herself. The result is the archons who allegedly influences the human mind for the worse

    A bit like good angel/bad angel

    Perhaps there is something to it and we as a specie have a weakness that allows some of us to be influenced by unpleasant and revengeful outcast of creation?

    Ive got a copy of the Silmarillion someone bought me once but never got around to reading it. In Tolkien's work though there are lots of archetypes embedded into his narrative.

    Speaking of Archetypes, Jung had an interesting take on UFO's and in his book on flying sources suggests UFOs are a projection of the unconscious mind as a modern representation of older religious archetypes aka some kind of surrogate religious experience. I dont think this should be dismissed completely.

    Since the early part of this century humans have externalised these archetypes as aliens of various strands rather than the usual ghosts demons and angels. In many ways alienism is a new religion with a large number of competing sects.

    When we look at William Dudley Pelley and Adamski for example they merge their own brand of esotericism with aliens and Ufos, even forming their own occult UFO mystery schools.

    With Pelley and the Sadlers (the eugenicist creators of the Urantia myth) we see this drama of aliens and UFOs intertwined with a socio political background of fascism, racial segregation and genetic control by enforced sterilaization of those deemed unfit to take part in society. This is all done under under the pretext of some other worldy alien/God mandate which in all probability does not exist in any form.
    Likewise the depopulation agenda supported by Green and Meier along with recommendation for enforced sterilization and so on is another example of how alienism is being used as a front for drastic social control and genetic manipulation which is for all intensive purposes fascist.

    The good news is that only an insignificant minority take these people seriously and it is doubtful that they will ever get to implement their lunatic ideologies. The nazi like philosophy of Eugenics began to lose favour though it still has its god complex suffering adherents. It is important to remind ourselves where these theories come from.

    Now is Bill Gates the hero of population control? Perhaps they have abandoned the alien route in favour of a more terrestrial source.

    Perhaps Melkor is based on Loki the Nordic trickster god ceridwen.

    One thing that you can be certain of is that there will always be someone trying to pull a fast one.

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Thu May 10, 2012 9:08 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:How can we really know anything for certain -- especially regarding the BIG issues about Life, the Universe, and Everything??? I have been attempting to engage in a sort of Political and Theological Science Fiction -- which takes in all of the conspiracy-theories and little-green-men stories -- yet which remains mostly undecided regarding just about everything. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, I seem to have burned myself rather badly with all of this madness. At this point, I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Perhaps simply working-hard and playing-hard might be the way for me to go -- and this might be the best way for most people to live. I have attempted to converse with the people who frequent this site regarding aliens and the end of the world -- but I do not talk to people I meet every day about any of this madness. I have purposely kept low-profile because of the volatile and upsetting nature of the subject-matter -- and because of the difficulty in proving any of it. Still, I really would like to figure out a lot of the hidden aspects of life, the universe, and everything -- even if it puts me in the poor-house, the nut-house, or in Camp FEMA.

    I think I have been where you are in this moment. The problem resides in "believing" vs "experiencing"

    We have been trained to believe what "authorities" say, therefore anyone who writes a book or does an interview becomes a bona fide "authority"

    Much to my regret the New Age Movement failed the grade and has been taken over by psy ops or created by psy ops pushing a "new religion" agenda

    The ETs do not come as "equals". We are the "puny little" humans as Salusa has said, unable to sort our own problems. For me all that is same old, same old

    Religion was never created to enlighten anyone. It is a tool for mass control. UFO movements are a form of fanatical religion IMHO

    Follow yourself and be your own experience is my mantra, for wisdom I visit the woods. Anytime I have a question I visit the woods, I always come back with an answer. All that I have to do is be open-minded and observe rather than think as in "being in the moment" and merge with the scenery

    I am not saying that there are no other beings but, transcended beings are egalitarian because they realize that all is one and all will go back to one eventually. Transcended being do not lecture, don't offer unsolicited advice, don't speak, they talk in pictures and music

    All the rest is BS, we do not need priests (male or women), channelers, intermediaries of any sort. Facilitators and shamans perhaps but only if they do not try to control

    No transcended being will suggest that one's body or senses are "bad". We are here with a body and we have senses to use them. Life is it

    Just some random thoughts

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Thu May 10, 2012 9:13 am

    Yes Floyd, there is allways someone pulling a "fast one" but that is the challenge to develope one's discerment

    I used to feel it was unfair but lately I am using the "fast ones" as the pink panter used "catto"


    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Fri May 11, 2012 2:18 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:How can we really know anything for certain -- especially regarding the BIG issues about Life, the Universe, and Everything??? I have been attempting to engage in a sort of Political and Theological Science Fiction -- which takes in all of the conspiracy-theories and little-green-men stories -- yet which remains mostly undecided regarding just about everything. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, I seem to have burned myself rather badly with all of this madness. At this point, I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Perhaps simply working-hard and playing-hard might be the way for me to go -- and this might be the best way for most people to live. I have attempted to converse with the people who frequent this site regarding aliens and the end of the world -- but I do not talk to people I meet every day about any of this madness. I have purposely kept low-profile because of the volatile and upsetting nature of the subject-matter -- and because of the difficulty in proving any of it. Still, I really would like to figure out a lot of the hidden aspects of life, the universe, and everything -- even if it puts me in the poor-house, the nut-house, or in Camp FEMA.

    a year ago i kept telling to keep disattached, this is the way. Or in other words to let it go. Or to concentrate on inner soul and learn beauty and life through the soul. He, Creator will take over and does for us, but only when we stop 'creating'. As you see we are doing wrong. This is transformation of our senses. The problem is that we are too busy, so busy to crazyness. Think honestly what do you trust or believe whom. The answer can be disappointing, or not satisfying. See how people are blind. So we have to change our path or thinking. It appears our mind also is not perfect (degrated), so the soul is the answer. Can we dig in ourselves through 10 senses deep deep and find the soul? But the dust needs to be shaken off, dusty thoughts, we can think that our mind is not in dust but in real dirt. There are some surprises hidden believe me. But the ego will not even try to practice just because we are too disturbed in our long thoughts, linear thoughts. Dont forget that creator was not then, he is now. He is in our heart and waits till we turn to him. However he sees that we are toooooo busy thinking and strugling in this matter. Study what is matter, it is energy, it is his energy. Illiusion that makes some to state WE create, I AM. This is misleading. Sad that is misleads other pure souls. We need to change the curse, the spell and all will be alright. Even wonderful.
    I think Einstein said we can not solve problems with the same thinking we created them.



    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Fri May 11, 2012 2:45 am

    ceridwen wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:How can we really know anything for certain -- especially regarding the BIG issues about Life, the Universe, and Everything??? I have been attempting to engage in a sort of Political and Theological Science Fiction -- which takes in all of the conspiracy-theories and little-green-men stories -- yet which remains mostly undecided regarding just about everything. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, I seem to have burned myself rather badly with all of this madness. At this point, I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Perhaps simply working-hard and playing-hard might be the way for me to go -- and this might be the best way for most people to live. I have attempted to converse with the people who frequent this site regarding aliens and the end of the world -- but I do not talk to people I meet every day about any of this madness. I have purposely kept low-profile because of the volatile and upsetting nature of the subject-matter -- and because of the difficulty in proving any of it. Still, I really would like to figure out a lot of the hidden aspects of life, the universe, and everything -- even if it puts me in the poor-house, the nut-house, or in Camp FEMA.

    I think I have been where you are in this moment. The problem resides in "believing" vs "experiencing"

    We have been trained to believe what "authorities" say, therefore anyone who writes a book or does an interview becomes a bona fide "authority"

    Much to my regret the New Age Movement failed the grade and has been taken over by psy ops or created by psy ops pushing a "new religion" agenda

    The ETs do not come as "equals". We are the "puny little" humans as Salusa has said, unable to sort our own problems. For me all that is same old, same old

    Religion was never created to enlighten anyone. It is a tool for mass control. UFO movements are a form of fanatical religion IMHO

    Follow yourself and be your own experience is my mantra, for wisdom I visit the woods. Anytime I have a question I visit the woods, I always come back with an answer. All that I have to do is be open-minded and observe rather than think as in "being in the moment" and merge with the scenery

    I am not saying that there are no other beings but, transcended beings are egalitarian because they realize that all is one and all will go back to one eventually. Transcended being do not lecture, don't offer unsolicited advice, don't speak, they talk in pictures and music

    All the rest is BS, we do not need priests (male or women), channelers, intermediaries of any sort. Facilitators and shamans perhaps but only if they do not try to control

    No transcended being will suggest that one's body or senses are "bad". We are here with a body and we have senses to use them. Life is it

    Just some random thoughts

    Thanks for posting, I enjoy your posts. Aliens and Eugenics 291147

    No transcended being will suggest that one's body or senses are "bad". We are here with a body and we have senses to use them. Life is it

    I would like to know what kind of beings you mention Suspect , but hooman body senses are not perfect in Kali Yuga. Even subtle body- mind.
    There was experimenet done by doctor with a group of people. In one closed room the game was for same to play role of prisoners and for some to play role as quards. In a few days later it was so nasty that they had to stop the experiment right away. People mind can become bad in some circumstances, it depends on circumstances. So i agree that self control if tought from childhood would solve a lot of problems on our beloved earth, including greed, unnessesary desires, cheating would go away, angry and envy qualities would melt.

    I will try to find excelent message to post
    Dogs do not need 10 commandments. Aliens and Eugenics 420354

    We saw what demonic people do with animals.
    So senses are very very very important...!! At least to know who we are, right?

    my 2 cents

    Last edited by devakas on Sun May 27, 2012 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Fri May 11, 2012 3:04 am

    ceridwen wrote:
    The ETs do not come as "equals". We are the "puny little" humans as Salusa has said, unable to sort our own problems. For me all that is same old, same old

    Religion was never created to enlighten anyone. It is a tool for mass control. UFO movements are a form of fanatical religion IMHO

    Follow yourself and be your own experience is my mantra, for wisdom I visit the woods. Anytime I have a question I visit the woods, I always come back with an answer. All that I have to do is be open-minded and observe rather than think as in "being in the moment" and merge with the scenery

    I am not saying that there are no other beings but, transcended beings are egalitarian because they realize that all is one and all will go back to one eventually. Transcended being do not lecture, don't offer unsolicited advice, don't speak, they talk in pictures and music

    All the rest is BS, we do not need priests (male or women), channelers, intermediaries of any sort. Facilitators and shamans perhaps but only if they do not try to control

    Some of the UFO cults are just as bad as any of the better known culprits. There is so much conflicting information in the UFO community and in the so called 'new age ' movement from its various prophets, contactees and channels that it is really nothing more than a farcical comedy that can often get quite nasty between the various parties claiming this that and the other. The same can be said of so called whistle blowers. Often the messages are very dubious anyway on closer analysis and should not be heeded. (eg spiritual elitism, eugenics, depopulation and fascism)

    One has to ask one's self, do I really need to listen to this XXXX and the answer should be no. If the information isn't totally fabricated there is a good chance it is coming from a malignant source masquerading as something else,as an alien or an evolved being etc.

    Good advice is to go far a walk in the woods as mentioned above, as it is a million times more revealing about the nature of the universe than anything the other jokers come out with.

    This message was received from the great Planetary Lords of Ur-Anus

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri May 11, 2012 4:04 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Fri May 11, 2012 3:08 am

    Devakas, There are beings suggesting elimination or 'biological disfellowship' of flawed humans, though in all fairness it is probably a man who wrote that rather than an alien.
    See first post for more info on that.

    You are right though, no being of evolved consciousness would suggest that we kill our own or make them sterile. Unless their name is Adolph of course.


    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Fri May 11, 2012 3:18 am

    my fault, I thought it was referred to the calling all carnivores thread, as I said my opinion about controling senses to stop eating meat.


    but well it is worth to think about it.

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Fri May 11, 2012 8:25 am

    devakas wrote:
    ceridwen wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:How can we really know anything for certain -- especially regarding the BIG issues about Life, the Universe, and Everything??? I have been attempting to engage in a sort of Political and Theological Science Fiction -- which takes in all of the conspiracy-theories and little-green-men stories -- yet which remains mostly undecided regarding just about everything. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, I seem to have burned myself rather badly with all of this madness. At this point, I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Perhaps simply working-hard and playing-hard might be the way for me to go -- and this might be the best way for most people to live. I have attempted to converse with the people who frequent this site regarding aliens and the end of the world -- but I do not talk to people I meet every day about any of this madness. I have purposely kept low-profile because of the volatile and upsetting nature of the subject-matter -- and because of the difficulty in proving any of it. Still, I really would like to figure out a lot of the hidden aspects of life, the universe, and everything -- even if it puts me in the poor-house, the nut-house, or in Camp FEMA.

    I think I have been where you are in this moment. The problem resides in "believing" vs "experiencing"

    We have been trained to believe what "authorities" say, therefore anyone who writes a book or does an interview becomes a bona fide "authority"

    Much to my regret the New Age Movement failed the grade and has been taken over by psy ops or created by psy ops pushing a "new religion" agenda

    The ETs do not come as "equals". We are the "puny little" humans as Salusa has said, unable to sort our own problems. For me all that is same old, same old

    Religion was never created to enlighten anyone. It is a tool for mass control. UFO movements are a form of fanatical religion IMHO

    Follow yourself and be your own experience is my mantra, for wisdom I visit the woods. Anytime I have a question I visit the woods, I always come back with an answer. All that I have to do is be open-minded and observe rather than think as in "being in the moment" and merge with the scenery

    I am not saying that there are no other beings but, transcended beings are egalitarian because they realize that all is one and all will go back to one eventually. Transcended being do not lecture, don't offer unsolicited advice, don't speak, they talk in pictures and music

    All the rest is BS, we do not need priests (male or women), channelers, intermediaries of any sort. Facilitators and shamans perhaps but only if they do not try to control

    No transcended being will suggest that one's body or senses are "bad". We are here with a body and we have senses to use them. Life is it

    Just some random thoughts

    Thanks for posting, I enjoy your posts. Toast

    No transcended being will suggest that one's body or senses are "bad". We are here with a body and we have senses to use them. Life is it

    I would like to know what kind of beings you mention Suspect , but hooman body senses are not perfect in Kali Yuga. Even subtle body- mind.
    There was experimenet done by doctor with a group of people. In one closed room the game was for same to play role of prisoners and for some to play role as quards. In a few days later it was so nasty that they had to stop the experiment right away. People mind can become bad in some circumstances, it depends on circumstances. So i agree that self control if tought from childhood would solve a lot of problems on our beloved earth, including greed, unnessesary desires, cheating would go away, angry and envy qualities would melt.

    I will try to find excelent message to post
    Dogs do not need 10 amendments. Blink

    We saw what demonic people do with animals.
    So senses are very very very important...!! At least to know who we are, right?

    my 2 cents

    Perhaps my experience is different. Through life I have tried many techniques given by gurus, no disrespect intended, but none of them can compare with sitting under a tree and whole heartily embracing the space with all that one is

    Our senses are only flawed because we are forcing ourselves to live in the illusionary matrix called "society" and "consumerism". We no longer have time to smell the bluebells (in season now) or admire life coming back to the land. When we sinc with nature, there is nothing wrong with our senses. We can walk, see almost on a 360 panorama, listen to the birds singing, smell the perfume of Earth, plants, flowers and trees all at the same time. The forest does it for you, it opens your senses if one stops thinking and start just observing

    There is also the expansion of time, one hour in the forest living with all our senses is like 4 hours of matrix time. Intense, invigorating, soul expanding

    Just this morning I went to a RSPCA wood and stumbled into a part I have not seen before. I can not begin to explain the symphony of colour, aroma and beauty there was. The trees in early leaves and a sea of bluebells. I have seen bluebells in my life but this was so pristine, so profound that I could only feel gratitude for the opportunity to be the witness of such perfection. There are no words that can explain it. Nothing in the matrix that can be compared to

    When I am in the woods, it does not matter who I believe I am as a social being, what I am wearing, whether I am hungry or not, whether I have money or not, whether people like me or not. I am part of the forest, I am part of mother Earth. What is new in the forest co-exist with the decay that feeds it, fallen trees and new trees. New branches growing out of fallen trees, seasonal plants that last few weeks out of a whole year, colours that are continuously changing and the natural rythm where animals eat animals. All part of life in perfect balance

    The other beings I speak about are our ancestors with whom as humanity we have lost contact. In the past people were in touch with their ancestors for guidance. The ancestors have never abandon us, we have abandoned them, believing that we know better which is why is all out of balance. Without our memory of the ancestors there is no responsibility for the present or the future which explains why the world is in such self-destructive frenzie now

    As social beings we have become ungrounded. Being ungrounded we feel we do not belong, we feel unloved and unwanted. Yet mother Earth love us, with a love that is gentle and supportive but we have learned to ignore her

    Going back to nature puts things into perspective, make us question who we realy are and why we want what we think we want, it is all there free and ready for anyone that wants to remember who they are. No strings attached, no bills, no pay back if you don't want to pay back. No need for phds to tell us what to do, we know, is all in the DNA

     Aliens and Eugenics DSCN2237j

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Sanicle Fri May 11, 2012 9:21 am

    That was beautifully put Ceridwen. Thank you. It calls to mind something I read over on Gio's thread too...that they've found up at the ranch that it takes three days of being in the natural world to become fully attuned to it again. Then you can begin to see and sense even more. What a wonderful world we live in. Cheerful

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Fri May 11, 2012 11:15 am

    Article on the Thrive video , Eugenics and the Gambles

    Eugenics-linked Gamble family member promoting free alien technology in film

    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Fri May 11, 2012 11:26 am


    Last edited by devakas on Fri May 11, 2012 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 2038
    Join date : 2010-04-10

    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  devakas Fri May 11, 2012 11:27 am

    Perhaps my experience is different. Through life I have tried many techniques given by gurus, no disrespect intended, but none of them can compare with sitting under a tree and whole heartily embracing the space with all that one is

    Our senses are only flawed because we are forcing ourselves to live in the illusionary matrix called "society" and "consumerism". We no longer have time to smell the bluebells (in season now) or admire life coming back to the land. When we sinc with nature, there is nothing wrong with our senses. We can walk, see almost on a 360 panorama, listen to the birds singing, smell the perfume of Earth, plants, flowers and trees all at the same time. The forest does it for you, it opens your senses if one stops thinking and start just observing

    There is also the expansion of time, one hour in the forest living with all our senses is like 4 hours of matrix time. Intense, invigorating, soul expanding

    Just this morning I went to a RSPCA wood and stumbled into a part I have not seen before. I can not begin to explain the symphony of colour, aroma and beauty there was. The trees in early leaves and a sea of bluebells. I have seen bluebells in my life but this was so pristine, so profound that I could only feel gratitude for the opportunity to be the witness of such perfection. There are no words that can explain it. Nothing in the matrix that can be compared to

    When I am in the woods, it does not matter who I believe I am as a social being, what I am wearing, whether I am hungry or not, whether I have money or not, whether people like me or not. I am part of the forest, I am part of mother Earth. What is new in the forest co-exist with the decay that feeds it, fallen trees and new trees. New branches growing out of fallen trees, seasonal plants that last few weeks out of a whole year, colours that are continuously changing and the natural rythm where animals eat animals. All part of life in perfect balance

    The other beings I speak about are our ancestors with whom as humanity we have lost contact. In the past people were in touch with their ancestors for guidance. The ancestors have never abandon us, we have abandoned them, believing that we know better which is why is all out of balance. Without our memory of the ancestors there is no responsibility for the present or the future which explains why the world is in such self-destructive frenzie now

    As social beings we have become ungrounded. Being ungrounded we feel we do not belong, we feel unloved and unwanted. Yet mother Earth love us, with a love that is gentle and supportive but we have learned to ignore her

    Going back to nature puts things into perspective, make us question who we realy are and why we want what we think we want, it is all there free and ready for anyone that wants to remember who they are. No strings attached, no bills, no pay back if you don't want to pay back. No need for phds to tell us what to do, we know, is all in the DNA

    Thanks so much ceridwen for the your guided trip to the forest, nature. I walked with you and enjoyed the beauty you described so well, amazing. I walked with you in silence all morning and set with you to listen nature, adored your flowers and listened to the birds. It was beautiful. Thank you, and then I thought and thought… and left right before dinner.

    Maybe our ancestors do not want to contact us anymore because we are killing others, maybe we became too much involved in the loop of cycle of life. I thought and thought… I still had thoughts why we are capable to change ourselves in different circumstances.


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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Fri May 11, 2012 12:28 pm

    Maybe our ancestors do not want to contact us anymore because we are killing others, maybe we became too much involved in the loop of cycle of life. I thought and thought… I still had thoughts why we are capable to change ourselves in different circumstances.

    Devakas, our ancestors are there for us. This is their mess as much as ours. We have to solve this one together Wink


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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  mudra Fri May 11, 2012 2:33 pm

    I think we are what we eat. Lots of our human senses have become scrambled through the process of eating denaturized and cooked food. This was the first way we cut ourselves from nature as we began to alter it.
    There are two experiences that stand out in my life: a long fast of over 20 days and instinctotherapy, a strictly raw organic diet with no cuisine to it at all and plain water for over a year. Both of these had me very calm, in a constant loving presence and happy without a flinch day after day after day.I felt highly in tune with nature's rythm, my perceptions were clear and colorfull, my body was light and clean, I slept like a baby.I just was gratefull for being alive everyday.
    I think improper diet has developped a biochemically poisoned personality in people that has reached paroxism nowadays . It has however nothing to do with with their true nature.
    I think we are basically good and loving beings.

    Love from me


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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Fri May 11, 2012 11:21 pm

    Here is one of the culprits feigning alien authority

    In this instance the Urantia Myth

    In the meantime, after a long power struggle with SDA prophetess Ellen G White over the Battle Creek Sanitarium, Dr Kellogg was 'disfellowshipped' by the SDA Church. It was around that time that the Sadlers quit SDA as well.

    But the Sadlers had created their own brand of evangelism, a self-help doctrine which blended the Bible, mental hygiene, health remedies and eugenics. In 1906, Sadler founded the Chicago Institute of Physiologic Therapeutics (later called the Chicago Therapeutic Institute). In 1909 his first self-help book, Self-Winning Texts, or Bible Helps For Personal Work, published by Chicago's Central Bible Supply Co, appeared. Many popular books followed, including Mind at Mischief (1929), which became a bestseller. Husband and wife would also make names for themselves lecturing on the Chautauqua circuit on such topics as unorthodox health remedies, hydrotherapy and eugenics.


    Now notice the term " disfellowshipped "

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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Sat May 12, 2012 4:31 am

    Thank you for that Floyd, very interesting. It appears that in the late 1800's to early 1900's there was a push towards eugenics headed by the I AM movement in its many forms

    It is really shocking Shocked

    Perhaps all can be tracked to the Knights of the White Camelia?


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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  Floyd Sat May 12, 2012 5:13 am

    ceridwen wrote:Thank you for that Floyd, very interesting. It appears that in the late 1800's to early 1900's there was a push towards eugenics headed by the I AM movement in its many forms

    It is really shocking Shocked

    Perhaps all can be tracked to the Knights of the White Camelia?

    Hello. In what sense do you call them an I Am cult? There are overlaps with ballardism ufoism and eugenics. It is rather convienient that the emerging racial protection philosophies in the US where dressed up in templar or ufo guise. There is more info on its later neo templar format in europe (ie proto solar temple)in the white supremacist thread.

    It is no suprise to learn that some of the leading lights of eugenics were very wealthy familes such as kellog sadler and gamble.
    In a ufo alienist sense it is traceable to the fascist inventions of pelley prior to later ufo cults such as the urantians,meiers or greens etc

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    Aliens and Eugenics Empty Re: Aliens and Eugenics

    Post  ceridwen Sat May 12, 2012 10:54 am

    Floyd wrote:
    ceridwen wrote:Thank you for that Floyd, very interesting. It appears that in the late 1800's to early 1900's there was a push towards eugenics headed by the I AM movement in its many forms

    It is really shocking Shocked

    Perhaps all can be tracked to the Knights of the White Camelia?

    Hello. In what sense do you call them an I Am cult? There are overlaps with ballardism ufoism and eugenics. It is rather convienient that the emerging racial protection philosophies in the US where dressed up in templar or ufo guise. There is more info on its later neo templar format in europe (ie proto solar temple)in the white supremacist thread.

    It is no suprise to learn that some of the leading lights of eugenics were very wealthy familes such as kellog sadler and gamble.
    In a ufo alienist sense it is traceable to the fascist inventions of pelley prior to later ufo cults such as the urantians,meiers or greens etc

    In the sense that they were white supremacists elites interested in maintaining the status quo. I mention them more as philosophical roots that lead to the I AM cult more than being them the cult

    Suprematist ideas in the US where there from the ethnic cleanse of Native American indians considered less than human. Later on in the South, the elires considered black slaves not humans at all

    Traditionally the southern elites have consider themselves the ones that had the "god given right" to rule above all which is just a small step to the I AM doctrine in my opinion. I can be wrong of course but it seems logical

    The protagonist of the first book writen by Guy Ballard, Unveiled Mysteries, was a wealthy landowner that had a cattle ranch near Mount Shasta. In other words, a landed member or elite

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