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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:01 pm

    The fact that the planet Hatonn belongs to one of the star-suns of the galactic system of Andromeda indicates the greater ageof this galaxy. The Universal Temple of Records is also located on Hatonn and only a world of great spiritual advancement could be so honored

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:10 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    Lionhawk wrote:The reason being is that you have not extended your mind beyond the 3D. Most of what you are dealing with, if you go to the source of the dilemma, is beyond the 3D construct.

    That's rather high and mighty of you but nothing short of what I expect.
    Unfortunately most of the problems in the world exist on 3D.

    You say your spirituality is questioned when all I see from you is the questioning of others.

    There is evidence enough to link white supremacy and anti semitism with the contactees and St Germain and its all in this thread

    If you choose to be blind to it then that's up to you.

    Have a nice day.

    Question all things. I wonder who said that. Now you sound like a program protecting itself. So now you want me to take for granted that whatever you say is the truth because you said it? When are you going to learn about your own lessons concerning what you post?

    Hatonn might be a planet named elsewhere. But Hatonn that I know and who has been read about is in charge of communications in the duplicated Galactic Federation of Light. The reason why I know he is a tall Grey, about 10' tall, is because I have seen him with my own eyes. For that matter, I pissed him off and was a witness as to how pissed off he was. Because I was about to divulge to this world what kind of communication con game he was doling out on the Planet. You speak of actions and yet you have taken no action. You can only rely on second hand written text which contain shadows of distortions. I wish you had some experience to contribute to these issues. To much talk. No walk. The more you go the more I see a program that only knows what it has read in the 3D. This program doesn't want to mirror it's source, which is from the fourth dimension.

    You want me to follow faithfully and blinded? That isn't spiritual at all. That's controlling.

    Do you think a Grey, Mantis, Draconian, or a Luciferian cares about white supremacy or any other stigmatic that is antisemitic or anything else? You mean to tell me you can't see a program right in front of your own two eyes? I thought you were smarter than this Floyd. I won't mention that "S" word in this paragraph.

    Talk about high horses.......give me a break...Floyd wrote, "Unfortunately most of the problems in the world exist on 3D." Programmed from 4D. So in order to change the 3D, you have to change the programming in the 4D. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You really haven't researched how this works? That's okay. I learn something everyday. At least now I know you are a program. Welcome to the Mists.

    Floyd wrote, "Who has a target on me and am I supposed to be frightened by this statement lol?"

    Well, if you are all that, high and mighty, and should I say the word spiritual? Then you would know what I tried to inform you of. I didn't just say it. I told you based on my own experience. Been there done that. And in your case, I didn't do that to you. I wouldn't do that no way! But you did it to yourself. So I said what I said to empower you. What you do with this info is solely what you do with it. But be forewarned is to be prepared. Please take it as that. Again, I am not your enemy.

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:14 pm

    Floyd wrote:The fact that the planet Hatonn belongs to one of the star-suns of the galactic system of Andromeda indicates the greater ageof this galaxy. The Universal Temple of Records is also located on Hatonn and only a world of great spiritual advancement could be so honored

    If it walks talks and sounds like a duck it must be a sounds like a MYTH.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:20 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:, "Unfortunately most of the problems in the world exist on 3D." Programmed from 4D. So in order to change the 3D, you have to change the programming in the 4D. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You really haven't researched how this works? That's okay. I learn something everyday. At least now I know you are a program. Welcome to the Mists.

    4D is just as temporary and illusional as 3D and all the things that lie in it.
    Dont be so obsessed with 4D.
    Its ok. I still haven't given up hope on you. It is through the will and the consciousness of the human race that will decide the future of our planet. Not via any attempt of any 4D group or astral beings. A world in which hate and all its vehicles have no harbour.

    Welcome to the mists indeed.

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:21 pm

    Brook wrote:
    Floyd wrote:The fact that the planet Hatonn belongs to one of the star-suns of the galactic system of Andromeda indicates the greater ageof this galaxy. The Universal Temple of Records is also located on Hatonn and only a world of great spiritual advancement could be so honored

    If it walks talks and sounds like a duck it must be a sounds like a MYTH.

    Thats exactly what im saying. Thanks.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:46 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    Lionhawk wrote:, Floyd wrote, "Unfortunately most of the problems in the world exist on 3D."

    Lionhawk wrote, "Programmed from 4D. So in order to change the 3D, you have to change the programming in the 4D. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You really haven't researched how this works? That's okay. I learn something everyday. At least now I know you are a program. Welcome to the Mists.

    4D is just as temporary and illusional as 3D and all the things that lie in it.
    Dont be so obsessed with 4D.
    Its ok. I still haven't given up hope on you. It is through the will and the consciousness of the human race that will decide the future of our planet. Not via any attempt of any 4D group or astral beings. A world in which hate and all its vehicles have no harbour.

    Welcome to the mists indeed.

    That's not what I expected for a response. To also say that it will be up to us as far as what will be decided for the Planet is not the truth either. That is an arrogant statement because Gaia herself will be the one who decides what. We are just useless fleas on her back, destroying her for our own indulging egos. As long as that thing is out on the border of our solar system, good men and women do nothing about it, the writing is on the wall. Or should I say as long as we indulge on second hand information, humanity will never experience the cure because in order to do that, you have to do that in the first hand.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Neteru Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:49 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    Floyd wrote:

    This post is dedicated to the bigots who follow this crap.

    Becoming a bit cynical Floyd?

    Cynical of ultra right wing, homophobic, racist, eugenic supporting, fascist, nazi bigots. Why of course I am. Are you not?
    Cynical is not a word I would choose. Its a bit lightweight in all fairness. How about thoroughly disgusted? That sounds much much better.

    As I said above, there are those who dont have a problem with Hatonn, the fascist contactess nor the white supremacism of Ballard and the St. Germain cults etc. many actively encourage these ideologies to the detriment of those who would suffer at its hands. As all of them wish to eliminate Jews they draw most of their support from the conspiracy movement as most conspiracy see Jews or Zionists as the root of the worlds problems. I think it unwise to hate an entire race of people and t see them as the soul problem in relation to the planets woes. That is incredibley naive and obsessive. Many in the conspiracy movement are unwilling to speak out or criticise these groups because they essentially embody many of their beliefs and that is why groups like these continue to manifest. Unfortunately, antisemitism and the extinction of Judaism and Zionism are not their only goals. They also wish to introduce policies of spiritual eugenics whereby non whites,the disabled and homosexuals would be depleted from the population. This isnt a joke it is really happening and its followers exist in all areas of human life. I dont see how having a laissez-faire attitude to these groups just because they hate Jews is useful. They have other agendas too.

    St Germain, Green, Pelley, Willkiamson, Ballard, Meier,Bellringer, The Prophets,the Mighty I AM, right wing militia the pseudo Indians, Templar groups, Skinhead groups, hooligan groups, quasi mystical neo nazi groups, this is what they would wish for in their wildest dreams. Their alien and master kings would sit on thrones of power whilst their creeping minions carry their sorry arsed bidding. That is exactly what they want. Unfortunately, many 'new agers' who join these groups have absolutely no idea what they really stand for. That is one of the reasons why this thread is here. To shed some light on the real nature of these sinister ufo cults and St Germain cults..not to be cynical for the sake of it. One less hater in the world has to be good for the consciousness of the planet yes?

    Do you think the blatant value judgements and hate filled stance against gay people and other minorities in the channelings of Hatonn of the Talmud of Jmannuel are acceptable for example. What about the exclusion of blacks from I AM meetings. How about their policy of total extermination of an entire race of people. What about their belief in installing super beings in government as Gods of the people which will enable to carry out these horrendous policies.
    Do you find the racist policies and his descendents of Pelley acceptable. Shall we just sit back and watch and label those who find it abhorrent as 'cynical'? Good lord.

    I dont see these groups as "distractions". They help me more to understand the dire condition of the human race and the fact that these groups act in the name of spirituality, both under the banner of alien and supra spiritual beings is alarming.

    Brushing all that evil nonsense under the carpet so I may continue to stick my head up the arse of my own spiritual path whilst blaming homosexuals, blacks and Jews for every ill under the sun is not the way I do things.

    Cynical. You bet babe. And I am far from finished.

    If I may: I understand that you have worked hard to bring this information to light. I understand that you believe that "Ufology" is a Nazi hoax. I have read 98 percent of this thread in it's entirety. I wasn't going to say anything, mostly because there are not many threads like this here, and also because I have been trying to avoid conflict anywhere that I can. But I feel it is necessary to say something.

    I have experience ET encounters. I have seen human ET life forms. I know that they exist, and I also feel that Billy Meier has been framed, much like others feel the same way. I will not deny that there are malevolent groups of ET in every single "species", if we could truly separate all of the groups in such a diverse classification, but to say that every single "nordic" ET contactee, or that every singly "nordic" ET are wishing for this agenda, is to be quite ignorant. I have seen this information called, "second hand." I agree with this label because it is true. First hand encounters always "trump" second hand information. I have had first hand encounters that prove to me, and me alone unfortunately, that your information is incomplete. Billy Meier is not a "neo nazi". Earth humans are dangerous, but there are bigger threats outside of this race, bigger threats that are using negatively aligned earth humans as slaves, pawns, and worse still, food. In depth research certainly proves this, despite what many want to pretend, and if the majority of humanity knew the truth, they would not be laughing at "little green men" anymore.

    This goes far beyond any "nazi" plot. I have seen with my own two eyes the form of the reptilian ET. I have detailed my experiences in another thread if you would be willing to read them. They are in the ET section of this forum. I cannot prove my experiences as Meier was able to do, and my experiences were not as "long" in time as Alex Collier's were. But they were my experiences and I am only one of many who have had these experiences. I have been called many times "crazy" by those who do not understand. We live in a world where misinformation, disinformation, and misjudgment can exist side by side. This is why one should not base their entire belief on second hand information alone. You never know what has been forged or altered. Billy Meier for one was framed. The videos in this thread show that he was not a fraud. He was not lying about the Plejarens. He even took a lie detector test. One could go on, and on, and on about how mistakes can be made when testing physical evidence, but really that is beating a dead horse.

    Are there malevolent human ET who could be pushing a "race purification" agenda similar to Hitler's? Possibly. But the Plejarens are not involved. Billy Meier is not involved. He was falsely and deceptively linked to many things since the revelation of his experiences. It is easier to believe that it is all a Nazi agenda. It is easier to believe that none of it is real. I know that because it would be easier to believe that I never had my experiences. But I had them and I cannot deny that I had them. It is a fact that I had them. It is a fact that the Plejarens are not supporting a "neo nazi" agenda. Ask any Plejaren contactee. I see that there is at least one here according to this thread. I will not dismiss his experiences because I would be a hypocrite. At this point there are is no such thing as "too crazy" in my mind because too many unthinkable things have happened in the past three years. This planet is nowhere near what it was at the turn of the millennium.

    But that is my personal analysis of your thread and the information that you have brought forward. It is my contribution to this unfortunate conversation.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:56 pm

    Breathe a sigh of relief Floyd...this will be my last post here so you can carry on with your LIST...who's obsessed with 4D? Not me.....but perhaps......

    I have been added to the "LIST"? At the very least my beliefs are now being "listed" as suspect? I believe the baby is most proverbially being thrown out with the bath water eh?

    Carlos Castaneda is now suspect Shocked Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man who wrote 12 books on shamanism, sold more than 8 million copies in 17 languages. Is now on the fascist / pseudo fake something or other list.
    ...well I'll be!

    And the list just keeps on GROWING! thinks the fascist ufo aliens....have messed with the human DNA a bit too much........ Shocked

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Monkey2

    But before I go .............. I want to say something and perhaps a few will listen.

    Several weeks ago I watched a "list" being made. I even participated in that list. Until I started seeing a trend. that trend....To throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Babybathwater1

    The natural trend to argue fine points was it just escalated into a full blown witch hunt

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 CrucibleAccused

    Not only painting would be people racist....but worse yet....delusional!

    URGENT!!! IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!!!....Whoa!!!!!!!!!

    I'm laughing my A@* off at a whole thread dedicated to Mockery!

    And several weeks ago I started a see who would "come out of the closet".......very FEW takers as I suspected.

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Fourth_Kind_jovovich3

    I remember not long ago a would be ninja who painted with a paint brush the Vedict Scripts in a corner of distaste and sought to stop all directive thought in that direction.

    Now of course there would be many here NOW that hold their "experience" close to them so as not to be thrown into a group directed by ZAK THE ALIEN. They don't want the grief of being painted delusional.....and because of that new trend....will not and would not come forward to speak of what they know. No matter as it would just be frowned upon and made fun of by the latest trend.

    Only a few with the conviction to express such knowledge will come forward. People like Tony, Lionhawk and Myself will not cease due to the insistent judges of that very thing they will not give credence to. Better to burn them at the stake eh? Paint them whatever color the day reflects in the minds of those who wish to trample and wipe clean such things eh?

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 300_102112

    Perhaps I'm just losing my religion????

    Life is bigger
    It's bigger than you and you are not me
    The lengths that I will go to
    The distance in your eyes
    Oh no, I've said too much
    I set it up

    That's me in the corner
    That's me in the spotlight
    Losing my religion
    Trying to keep up with you
    And I don't know if I can do it
    Oh no, I've said too much

    I haven't said enough
    I thought that I heard you laughing
    I thought that I heard you sing
    I think, I thought, I saw you try

    Every whisper
    Of every waking hour I'm choosing my confessions
    Trying to keep an eye on you
    Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
    Oh no, I've said too much
    I set it up

    Consider this
    Consider this the hint of the century
    Consider this
    The slip that brought me to my knees failed
    What if all these fantasies
    Come flailing around

    Now I've said too much
    I thought that I heard you laughing
    I thought that I heard you sing
    I think, I thought, I saw you try

    That was just a dream
    That was just a dream

    That's me in the corner
    That's me in the spotlight
    Losing my religion
    Trying to keep up with you
    And I don't know if I can do it
    Oh no, I've said too much

    I haven't said enough
    I thought that I heard you laughing
    I thought that I heard you sing
    I think, I thought, I saw you try

    But that was just a dream
    Try try try try
    That was just a dream
    Just a dream

    Edit to add...welcome to the Mists Neteru
    Don't let a few threads of one doubting Floyd reflect on the whole.

    Last edited by Brook on Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:42 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:09 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:It's like a giant octypus spreading its tentacles all over the planet isn't it. I like that analogy actually. The tentacles immobilizing people, keeping them earthbound. The 'ink' keeping them in the dark energies. Brrrr! I truly hope that some who are involved in any of these groups will see this thread and become aware...spread the word. Bless you Floyd.

    Sanicle, you actually nailed it by calling it a an octopus. It is exactly that. With the exception of it having a head. There is no head on it. The location of it is on the border of our solar system. It is very fat and happy. Black and red in color. Very large tentacles branching smaller ones. It is also huge in size. It transmits the frequencies onto the Planet. These frequencies form the programs that control us. Everything we see in the physical in terms of wars, reactions to the control mechanisms, famine, etc. are all from this amoeba. That is my perception of it, instead of an octopus. Even the flypaper being doled out, because it causes an emotional reaction and that reaction outputs a frequency. This thing feeds on all of these. So understand that we are feeding the beast is actually very true indeed.

    I don't know if folks were paying attention, but Brook discovered two energy streams, being transmitted from this thing. One was a carrier frequency and the other was the actual frequency compressing our DNA. But these are not the only ones being transmitted. Many of the channeling messages we read are also from this thing. Basically programs with a name attached to it. One that is often read about is the Micheal program. Anything written with the name Micheal as the head tag is a program. Same with St. Germain. Same with GFL. And on and on. Nazis, white supremacists, prejudices, or other negative thought path ways, with a title.

    The reactions of all will feed the beast. For or against will go hand in hand to feed the beast. Simply because of the alternating polarity is required to complete the circuit. So if you are fore or against, take heed in the part you are contributing too. This feeding will only make the beast grow stronger and cause it to create more dangerous programs to strangle this Planet.

    The hyper dimensional beings also know this. It is also well known that if you sit in your armchairs, only reading or explaining or complaining about it, you will never discover any of this. In other words, prove it out into the first hand, which second provocateurs don't want you to do because something in the program that they are affixed to, sees that as a real threat to that program. Didn't we see that parallel in the movie the Matrix, where someone wanted us to see how valid that is? It is no different in our world.

    The darkside have duplicated all the cast and the programs. Then they get you to buy into it by getting you the "sucker" to BELIEVE it is so. So they make you look like a damn fool and are laughing at you, because they are the gate keepers and can see who and where your head is at. In many cases, you may find your head where they wanted you to put it in the first place. They bet on it. If you find info just landing in your lap because you think you are so good and don't have to put any work into it, then you without you knowing it, become the new sucker on the block and new bets are taken on your behalf for the next laugh they indulge in.

    It is no different than what happen to Jesus. The discrediting program. They hijacked that as well and there are so many different slants and Bullshit being applied, that unless you met him, you wouldn't know better, period.

    So how can anyone in their right mind trust anything that is being written for the masses nowadays? Really? It is second hand info at best and that is the problem to the so called awakening everyone thinks is going on. It also promotes the so called NEw AGe. Because there is so much reading to do. Is that real action?

    So while everyone is reading about it and thinking they are putting air into action by responding to what is written, this beast continues to feed, because the illusion is if you read and react, you are in action. Is that the real action we really are seeking? I somehow thought it was to rid of this beast and the programs it transmits, so that we are no longer under the control of any outside influences whether alien or human.

    And another thing. If you are only reading about it, you will never find out the whole truth concerning it. It will never add up. That meaning the sum of all it's parts. The darkside are winning this info war because they have hijacked the whole system. If you have never met any of the folks being written about, how would you know the truth? Yes, there are some lucky hits, but more alarming the hits that put someone 180 degrees out away from the real truth is a dis service to them and only creates karma for you.

    Just like a lot of these sites saying this or that or even an individual saying it. There is this word called responsibility that they don't take seriously, for all the damage they may cause because some sucker believes what they say to be truth. (Viking for example, and I was hoping myself it was real for him)

    This is also why, taking rhetoric for granted, higher dimensional beings don't visit folks. If you do the work, and meet them half way, they will find you. If you do the work really well, you might even surprise them with a visit.

    I only know what I have experienced in this regard. If you can't prove this out, then you are just as guilty as the program dishing it out, because whether you are right or wrong, you choose to feed the beast by never proving it out and finding the whole truth. So scream as loud as you can when they capture your soul. No one is going to hear you but the ones that are doing the capturing and all they have to do is roll up the flypaper.

    Here's a real stupid question. Do you think a Tall Grey (Hatonn) gives a hoot about any human? I dare you to answer that one. (Also remember he is in charge of communications) What does that tell you?


    To Lionhawk - 11/2/2012

    Hello Lionhawk, good to 'hear' you roaring again. I'd love to sit down and talk to you about all of this stuff for a few hours, but as we haven't go that luxury here, I'll try to cover the main points instead. Mind you it's 7.00am over here and I haven't slept all night so please bear with me if I start to sound a little loopy lol.

    I can only talk from my own perspective, which is what I'd like to explain to you so you understand my stance in all of this.

    I do take a great deal of interest in 'all things hidden' and enjoy discussing them here on this forum and listening to the different points of view in the hope of gaining the best understanding possible of what we're all really dealing with in this reality. And that includes all things ET. Fortunately or unfortunately, my path doesn't seem to have included (as yet maybe) the first-hand type of experience of these beings that others have enjoyed (or not), despite having been very open to doing so. After all I've learned, having no choice but to learn second (third or whatever) hand, I'm rather glad I haven't.

    Yes, I've said I've met a few on 'inner levels' while meditating, but I'm not 100% convinced as yet that that/they is/are 'real' . And that's not for the reasons some may suppose. I know what I see is 'real' enough to my perception, but I also believe that the senses we are given to perceive in these realities essentially show us (relative) 'illusion' to teach us whatever it is we're here to learn. And those things that are generally hidden from our normal senses eg in 4D are capable of shape-shifting and other deceptions anyway so I can't know that what I'm seeing is not a shapeshifter. I've even read that some of these beings can stimulate our chakras, including our heart, to make us experience pleasure to trick us into thinking they are benevolent beings.

    But back to this (and any) issue, there are levels of awareness and understanding that we deal with (for me anyway). Yes, at an ego level we can get tied up in all these debates and exchanges, but that's part of the fun of learning, getting to know each other and expanding our understanding. I still have an ego and am quite happy to explore and experience it while I'm here, learning all the while what it's traps and pitfalls are and trying to overcome them to clarify my being. As I've said before, until we reach Christ consciousness (or whatever you wish to term it) we can't know it all, so we can only see from our perspective and learn the rest from others by sharing and integrating them. Thus the joy of forums like these.

    Beyond that though, I'm quite aware that we exist in polarity here and part of the lesson for the ego is to do with being drawn in to either side of a 'debate' and that giving energy to either side is feeding and strengthening the whole system the debate revolves around. And if it happens to be a negative one, that can appear to be 'wrong'. But there's also a 'lower' and a 'higher' way to look at those belief systems too.

    Take the negative beings under discussion here in this thread. At 'lower' levels, the ones we have to consciously deal with, they can be viewed as evil, insidious and deceptive. But at 'higher' levels, these beings could be seen to be operating to help us learn our lessons about such dynamics....doing us a service if you that we will learn through experience the consequences of choosing a side--selfish or unselfish, controlling or freeing, etc. So it can be seen as a necessary part of the testing that occurs here to see 'who has to stay and who gets to leave' lol. I don't have the personal knowledge of them or the awareness to judge that.

    So I can only go on what feels right for and what comes naturally to me. And what that all inevitably comes down to is trying to figure out 'what is going to hurt or help' beings in this reality to focus our energies on. And naturally I'll choose the 'side' that I think is going to help my fellows in this reality. And that includes siding with people whom I believe have the intent and heart to do the same. I also believe that it's this that we'll ultimately be 'judged' on in regards to whether we get to stay or leave and what will help us reach those 'higher' vibrations of being.....wishing the best for our fellow beings. What I can do from first-hand experience doesn't seem to be up to me. I go with what I'm given to work with.

    Oh and as regards Hatton, or any other 'negative' ET being, laughing at me because I got 'sucked in' to the dynamic set up for us to learn from, I really couldn't care less. They can laugh all they want as it'll have no effect on me. If they are doing this from a lower level of understanding and really do seek to hurt and harm, from a higher perspective, I feel sorry for them and the miserable state of their being.

    Hopefully that will clarify things for you and help you to understand why I say and do the things I do. It's not so much about the debate re different and personal perspectives on the issue. It's just that I believe Floyd is genuinely trying to help and warn the world about very real pitfalls that are out there in this case. I agree with him and his goals. While I can appreciate your argument about first-hand knowledge, the importance of what he's trying to reveal is, to me, more important.

    Namaste to you as well. I love you

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:24 pm

    Brook wrote:Breathe a sigh of relief Floyd...this will be my last post here so you can carry on with your LIST...who's obsessed with 4D? Not me.....but perhaps......

    I have been added to the "LIST"? At the very least my beliefs are now being "listed" as suspect? I believe the baby is most proverbially being thrown out with the bath water eh?

    Carlos Castaneda is now suspect Shocked Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man who wrote 12 books on shamanism, sold more than 8 million copies in 17 languages. Is now on the fascist / pseudo fake something or other list....well I'll be!

    And the list just keeps on GROWING! thinks the fascist ufo aliens....have messed with the human DNA a bit too much........ Shocked

    Brook, sorry dear lady, but I wish you would have read that bit properly. Castadeneda was NOT listed as being part of this White Supremacy set-up. I only put it up there because I was surprised he was on a list that the American Indians had posted naming those who falsely claim American Heritage or knowledge of their sacred teachings that Floyd posted for another reason. Neutral

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:28 pm

    Floyd wrote:Yes. Hes a bit like T Lobsang Rampa isnt he. His authenticity is highly disputed but has sold millions of books. (rampa turned out to be a plumber from Canada I think though I enjoyed his books knowing he wasnt really who he said he was.)

    Im more interested in the pseudo Indian connections with right wing militia and fascism though and I dont think old Carlos was one of those. But you never know lol.

    I can see how the real Indians get pissed off with these pretenders though. These imposters pollute the egregore of their ancient collective wisdom in a rather foul manner.

    pseudo fake something or other I promised Floyd I'd leave him to his lists....buh bye The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 374937

    (planting seeds of doubt)

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    Post  Sanicle Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:37 pm


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:37 pm

    Neteru wrote:

    If I may: I understand that you have worked hard to bring this information to light. I understand that you believe that "Ufology" is a Nazi hoax. I have read 98 percent of this thread in it's entirety.

    I do not believe that all UFOism is a Nazi hoax. Only a part of it as detailed. Welcome.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:39 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:Hear, hear!

    Excelent reply!

    Keep 'm coming, mate!


    Money is in the post lol

    And I will.

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  devakas Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:41 pm

    I am sorry I did not read this, but wanted to bump Floyd words when he recently somewhere said

    we have to give not what we have, but have to give what we are.

    please correct if you can.

    love you all


    hope you have fun on this weekend

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:43 pm

    devakas wrote:I am sorry I did not read this, but wanted to bump Floyd words when he recently somewhere said

    we have to give not what we have, but have to give what we are.

    please correct if you can.

    love you all


    hope you have fun on this weekend

    That's fine by me sister

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Neteru Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:48 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    Neteru wrote:

    If I may: I understand that you have worked hard to bring this information to light. I understand that you believe that "Ufology" is a Nazi hoax. I have read 98 percent of this thread in it's entirety.

    I do not believe that all UFOism is a Nazi hoax. Only a part of it as detailed. Welcome.

    Oh yes, my apologies for the misunderstanding in that regard, but my personal experiences, and beliefs do indeed stand for themselves, but unfortunately, I have no ability to show you my memories. If I could, I would do so gladly. :)

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist And Ufo Contactees

    Post  Jenetta Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:08 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Lionhawk wrote:, Floyd wrote, "Unfortunately most of the problems in the world exist on 3D."

    Lionhawk wrote, "Programmed from 4D. So in order to change the 3D, you have to change the programming in the 4D. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You really haven't researched how this works? That's okay. I learn something everyday. At least now I know you are a program. Welcome to the Mists.

    4D is just as temporary and illusional as 3D and all the things that lie in it.
    Dont be so obsessed with 4D.
    Its ok. I still haven't given up hope on you. It is through the will and the consciousness of the human race that will decide the future of our planet. Not via any attempt of any 4D group or astral beings. A world in which hate and all its vehicles have no harbour.

    Welcome to the mists indeed.

    That's not what I expected for a response. To also say that it will be up to us as far as what will be decided for the Planet is not the truth either. That is an arrogant statement because Gaia herself will be the one who decides what. We are just useless fleas on her back, destroying her for our own indulging egos. As long as that thing is out on the border of our solar system, good men and women do nothing about it, the writing is on the wall. Or should I say as long as we indulge on second hand information, humanity will never experience the cure because in order to do that, you have to do that in the first hand.

    Great information all this...Lionhawk since you have experience in the "first hand" what pray tell are you doing to deal with this "amoeba" on the edge of the solar system? Risking your life, I hope not although you imply it is a deadly situation.

    Brook I find often you go on the defensive in your postings or shall we say your a dramatist (how about that for a label?) you take most everything personally and that it is a direct hit at you...if people haven't caught up on other threads you go off in a pout...

    I'm laughing my A@* off at a whole thread dedicated to Mockery!

    And several weeks ago I started a see who would "come out of the closet".......very FEW takers as I suspected.

    And this:

    Breathe a sigh of relief Floyd...this will be my last post here so you can carry on with your LIST...who's obsessed with 4D? Not me.....but perhaps......

    I have been added to the "LIST"? At the very least my beliefs are now being "listed" as suspect? I believe the baby is most proverbially being thrown out with the bath water eh?

    Carlos Castaneda is now suspect Shocked Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man who wrote 12 books on shamanism, sold more than 8 million copies in 17 languages. Is now on the fascist / pseudo fake something or other list.
    ...well I'll be!

    Do you really think that the rest of us are ignorant that are other dimensions beyond 4D?

    I for one do not believe that you or Lionhawk are obsessed with 4D
    or the astral.

    On the thread the only reason I didn't contribute was purely for the reason I was not ready to do so...the experience did not fall into the realm of contactee or abductee.

    I agree with Sanicle that we can only deal with things from where we are at in our conscious awareness. We are all voyageurs and exploration is "the name of our game".

    Love you all...


    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 187111 The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 992990 The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 187111 The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 992990

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:18 pm

    I promised I would not come back....but to answer you quesiton....I was placed on a list through Floyd. and I'm certainly aware you and many others are well aware of things above 4D. This is why I brought this to the front. Along with the two thread Zak the Alien and first hand of the third kind.....posted shortly after the good chuckle and closure of the thread in question....where I was labeled again through association to be on the defensive. But truthfully...this list simply that....a list. Made by who and why for what? Because I think anyone who knows me knows I have a bit more compassion than to belong to some fascist Nazi group.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:26 pm

    Neteru wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    Floyd wrote:

    This post is dedicated to the bigots who follow this crap.

    Becoming a bit cynical Floyd?

    Cynical of ultra right wing, homophobic, racist, eugenic supporting, fascist, nazi bigots. Why of course I am. Are you not?
    Cynical is not a word I would choose. Its a bit lightweight in all fairness. How about thoroughly disgusted? That sounds much much better.

    As I said above, there are those who dont have a problem with Hatonn, the fascist contactess nor the white supremacism of Ballard and the St. Germain cults etc. many actively encourage these ideologies to the detriment of those who would suffer at its hands. As all of them wish to eliminate Jews they draw most of their support from the conspiracy movement as most conspiracy see Jews or Zionists as the root of the worlds problems. I think it unwise to hate an entire race of people and t see them as the soul problem in relation to the planets woes. That is incredibley naive and obsessive. Many in the conspiracy movement are unwilling to speak out or criticise these groups because they essentially embody many of their beliefs and that is why groups like these continue to manifest. Unfortunately, antisemitism and the extinction of Judaism and Zionism are not their only goals. They also wish to introduce policies of spiritual eugenics whereby non whites,the disabled and homosexuals would be depleted from the population. This isnt a joke it is really happening and its followers exist in all areas of human life. I dont see how having a laissez-faire attitude to these groups just because they hate Jews is useful. They have other agendas too.

    St Germain, Green, Pelley, Willkiamson, Ballard, Meier,Bellringer, The Prophets,the Mighty I AM, right wing militia the pseudo Indians, Templar groups, Skinhead groups, hooligan groups, quasi mystical neo nazi groups, this is what they would wish for in their wildest dreams. Their alien and master kings would sit on thrones of power whilst their creeping minions carry their sorry arsed bidding. That is exactly what they want. Unfortunately, many 'new agers' who join these groups have absolutely no idea what they really stand for. That is one of the reasons why this thread is here. To shed some light on the real nature of these sinister ufo cults and St Germain cults..not to be cynical for the sake of it. One less hater in the world has to be good for the consciousness of the planet yes?

    Do you think the blatant value judgements and hate filled stance against gay people and other minorities in the channelings of Hatonn of the Talmud of Jmannuel are acceptable for example. What about the exclusion of blacks from I AM meetings. How about their policy of total extermination of an entire race of people. What about their belief in installing super beings in government as Gods of the people which will enable to carry out these horrendous policies.
    Do you find the racist policies and his descendents of Pelley acceptable. Shall we just sit back and watch and label those who find it abhorrent as 'cynical'? Good lord.

    I dont see these groups as "distractions". They help me more to understand the dire condition of the human race and the fact that these groups act in the name of spirituality, both under the banner of alien and supra spiritual beings is alarming.

    Brushing all that evil nonsense under the carpet so I may continue to stick my head up the arse of my own spiritual path whilst blaming homosexuals, blacks and Jews for every ill under the sun is not the way I do things.

    Cynical. You bet babe. And I am far from finished.

    If I may: I understand that you have worked hard to bring this information to light. I understand that you believe that "Ufology" is a Nazi hoax. I have read 98 percent of this thread in it's entirety. I wasn't going to say anything, mostly because there are not many threads like this here, and also because I have been trying to avoid conflict anywhere that I can. But I feel it is necessary to say something.

    I have experience ET encounters. I have seen human ET life forms. I know that they exist, and I also feel that Billy Meier has been framed, much like others feel the same way. I will not deny that there are malevolent groups of ET in every single "species", if we could truly separate all of the groups in such a diverse classification, but to say that every single "nordic" ET contactee, or that every singly "nordic" ET are wishing for this agenda, is to be quite ignorant. I have seen this information called, "second hand." I agree with this label because it is true. First hand encounters always "trump" second hand information. I have had first hand encounters that prove to me, and me alone unfortunately, that your information is incomplete. Billy Meier is not a "neo nazi". Earth humans are dangerous, but there are bigger threats outside of this race, bigger threats that are using negatively aligned earth humans as slaves, pawns, and worse still, food. In depth research certainly proves this, despite what many want to pretend, and if the majority of humanity knew the truth, they would not be laughing at "little green men" anymore.

    This goes far beyond any "nazi" plot. I have seen with my own two eyes the form of the reptilian ET. I have detailed my experiences in another thread if you would be willing to read them. They are in the ET section of this forum. I cannot prove my experiences as Meier was able to do, and my experiences were not as "long" in time as Alex Collier's were. But they were my experiences and I am only one of many who have had these experiences. I have been called many times "crazy" by those who do not understand. We live in a world where misinformation, disinformation, and misjudgment can exist side by side. This is why one should not base their entire belief on second hand information alone. You never know what has been forged or altered. Billy Meier for one was framed. The videos in this thread show that he was not a fraud. He was not lying about the Plejarens. He even took a lie detector test. One could go on, and on, and on about how mistakes can be made when testing physical evidence, but really that is beating a dead horse.

    Are there malevolent human ET who could be pushing a "race purification" agenda similar to Hitler's? Possibly. But the Plejarens are not involved. Billy Meier is not involved. He was falsely and deceptively linked to many things since the revelation of his experiences. It is easier to believe that it is all a Nazi agenda. It is easier to believe that none of it is real. I know that because it would be easier to believe that I never had my experiences. But I had them and I cannot deny that I had them. It is a fact that I had them. It is a fact that the Plejarens are not supporting a "neo nazi" agenda. Ask any Plejaren contactee. I see that there is at least one here according to this thread. I will not dismiss his experiences because I would be a hypocrite. At this point there are is no such thing as "too crazy" in my mind because too many unthinkable things have happened in the past three years. This planet is nowhere near what it was at the turn of the millennium.

    But that is my personal analysis of your thread and the information that you have brought forward. It is my contribution to this unfortunate conversation.

    Thank-you Neteru for not going into the night without saying anything. Your post was very much appreciated by me. I also value your testimony that was inlaid in the form of energy that you posted. I will go and read it on the other thread.

    Understand that Floyd here will freak out if you say Billy Meier. Crazy Happy

    Now would it be an exclusive thing if one with held information in regards to Billy Meier? I hope so! Because I do have some really good exclusive info in regards to Billy. It will stay that way to as long as Micheal Horn is still breathing on the Planet. And Floyd thought I was going to refer to him in that context. LOL But just so you know Floyd, is that when things become exclusive, is because there are those who don't have a proper foundation to handle the information and so it is kept from them. Not because the ones holding the information don't want to share it but because the ones who would be told such information aren't mentally prepared for it. It's that simple.

    No one can understand what it is like to have these kind of experiences unless they go through them themselves. What used to be considered the "normal" is in actuality the whacked.

    I have also heard so many comments in this thread that would make you believe the world is still flat. All I can say is that it is all about awareness. The field of awareness we each surround ourselves with. That is usually indicative of what the sum of experiences we have experienced. That is the only difference in essence.

    The conflict begins when that awareness is not equally shared in that conversation. Again because of the awareness issue which falls back to experience. That's okay as long as one of the parties doesn't use their hard head as a spiritual tool. LOL

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:29 pm

    Luc Jouret
    This man was the disciple of Julien Origas a disciple of St Germain of Argartha and self crowned king of the New Jerusalem. Like Origas he was associated with hate. This energy led to the death of his followers.

    Luc Jouret, born in Kikwit, Belgian Congo, was a Belgian religious group leader in Switzerland. He co-founded the Parti Communautaire Européen with Jean Thiriart, a leading member of the neo-Nazi Jeune Europe Belgian group. Later, Jouret also founded the Order of the Solar Temple also known as the Order of the Solar Tradition) with Joseph Di Mambro in 1984. He committed suicide in the Swiss village of Salvan in October 1994, leading to a mass suicide of his followers.

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    Post  Raie Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:40 pm

    Brook, a quick google search of the words you "quoted yourself" with reveals a body of text plagiarised from an essay called "Hamlets Mill"

    In fact it is not the first time I have done this with things you have written, and it is not the first time I have found it plagiarised.
    The one that made me laugh (from one of your now deleted posts) was "Genesis, meaning gene of isis" - which was also plagiarised.

    If you want to be taken seriously as a writer or researcher you should reference the material you use. It may seem like a small point but it is important I think, which is why I have mentioned it.

    Floyd man, this is a great thread.



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    Post  Sanicle Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:51 pm

    I have also heard so many comments in this thread that would make you believe the world is still flat. All I can say is that it is all about awareness. The field of awareness we each surround ourselves with. That is usually indicative of what the sum of experiences we have experienced. That is the only difference in essence.

    The conflict begins when that awareness is not equally shared in that conversation[/b]. Again because of the awareness issue which falls back to experience. That's okay as long as one of the parties doesn't use their hard head as a spiritual tool. LOL

    Honestly Lionhawk, do you even realize how condescending and patronizing some of your posts sound? And you wonder why people get their hackles up! Do you also realize that there's quite a few of your posts in which you've contradicted yourself, making arguments that could be picked to pieces? And also that people may not be doing it out of respect for you and because they just don't want to get down to that level with you when you do it to Floyd?

    And No, I'm not going to get into that with you or Brook. You just frustrate me so much when you go on like this that I just had to finally say it....for everyone's sake!


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:58 pm

    Raie wrote:Brook, a quick google search of the words you "quoted yourself" with reveals a body of text plagiarised from an essay called "Hamlets Mill"

    In fact it is not the first time I have done this with things you have written, and it is not the first time I have found it plagiarised.
    The one that made me laugh (from one of your now deleted posts) was "Genesis, meaning gene of isis" - which was also plagiarised.

    If you want to be taken seriously as a writer or researcher you should reference the material you use. It may seem like a small point but it is important I think, which is why I have mentioned it.

    Floyd man, this is a great thread.


    I believe to plagiarizer something you would have to be an author....yes it is from Hamlet Mills...and the Genesis and Isis thing...IS EVERYWHERE! It's based in occult teachings and Wicca with several covens that have claim to Isis...and quite frankly is simply a for me to write something and base it.... I now need to base it for your convenience? Hmmm....interesting. I suppose if I quote physics that would make me a plagiarist as well? How much of this thread is based on someone's writing? Is it all quoted and linked? Oh boy...look out...the link police are here.

    Wow...aren't you the sleuth........LOL put a feather in your cap dude! my other house Atticus1 I did the same post and linked the hamlet appears I did not copy the link here when making the copy after posting the bad....LOL

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 10 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Neteru Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:13 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:
    Neteru wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    Floyd wrote:

    This post is dedicated to the bigots who follow this crap.

    Becoming a bit cynical Floyd?

    Cynical of ultra right wing, homophobic, racist, eugenic supporting, fascist, nazi bigots. Why of course I am. Are you not?
    Cynical is not a word I would choose. Its a bit lightweight in all fairness. How about thoroughly disgusted? That sounds much much better.

    As I said above, there are those who dont have a problem with Hatonn, the fascist contactess nor the white supremacism of Ballard and the St. Germain cults etc. many actively encourage these ideologies to the detriment of those who would suffer at its hands. As all of them wish to eliminate Jews they draw most of their support from the conspiracy movement as most conspiracy see Jews or Zionists as the root of the worlds problems. I think it unwise to hate an entire race of people and t see them as the soul problem in relation to the planets woes. That is incredibley naive and obsessive. Many in the conspiracy movement are unwilling to speak out or criticise these groups because they essentially embody many of their beliefs and that is why groups like these continue to manifest. Unfortunately, antisemitism and the extinction of Judaism and Zionism are not their only goals. They also wish to introduce policies of spiritual eugenics whereby non whites,the disabled and homosexuals would be depleted from the population. This isnt a joke it is really happening and its followers exist in all areas of human life. I dont see how having a laissez-faire attitude to these groups just because they hate Jews is useful. They have other agendas too.

    St Germain, Green, Pelley, Willkiamson, Ballard, Meier,Bellringer, The Prophets,the Mighty I AM, right wing militia the pseudo Indians, Templar groups, Skinhead groups, hooligan groups, quasi mystical neo nazi groups, this is what they would wish for in their wildest dreams. Their alien and master kings would sit on thrones of power whilst their creeping minions carry their sorry arsed bidding. That is exactly what they want. Unfortunately, many 'new agers' who join these groups have absolutely no idea what they really stand for. That is one of the reasons why this thread is here. To shed some light on the real nature of these sinister ufo cults and St Germain cults..not to be cynical for the sake of it. One less hater in the world has to be good for the consciousness of the planet yes?

    Do you think the blatant value judgements and hate filled stance against gay people and other minorities in the channelings of Hatonn of the Talmud of Jmannuel are acceptable for example. What about the exclusion of blacks from I AM meetings. How about their policy of total extermination of an entire race of people. What about their belief in installing super beings in government as Gods of the people which will enable to carry out these horrendous policies.
    Do you find the racist policies and his descendents of Pelley acceptable. Shall we just sit back and watch and label those who find it abhorrent as 'cynical'? Good lord.

    I dont see these groups as "distractions". They help me more to understand the dire condition of the human race and the fact that these groups act in the name of spirituality, both under the banner of alien and supra spiritual beings is alarming.

    Brushing all that evil nonsense under the carpet so I may continue to stick my head up the arse of my own spiritual path whilst blaming homosexuals, blacks and Jews for every ill under the sun is not the way I do things.

    Cynical. You bet babe. And I am far from finished.

    If I may: I understand that you have worked hard to bring this information to light. I understand that you believe that "Ufology" is a Nazi hoax. I have read 98 percent of this thread in it's entirety. I wasn't going to say anything, mostly because there are not many threads like this here, and also because I have been trying to avoid conflict anywhere that I can. But I feel it is necessary to say something.

    I have experience ET encounters. I have seen human ET life forms. I know that they exist, and I also feel that Billy Meier has been framed, much like others feel the same way. I will not deny that there are malevolent groups of ET in every single "species", if we could truly separate all of the groups in such a diverse classification, but to say that every single "nordic" ET contactee, or that every singly "nordic" ET are wishing for this agenda, is to be quite ignorant. I have seen this information called, "second hand." I agree with this label because it is true. First hand encounters always "trump" second hand information. I have had first hand encounters that prove to me, and me alone unfortunately, that your information is incomplete. Billy Meier is not a "neo nazi". Earth humans are dangerous, but there are bigger threats outside of this race, bigger threats that are using negatively aligned earth humans as slaves, pawns, and worse still, food. In depth research certainly proves this, despite what many want to pretend, and if the majority of humanity knew the truth, they would not be laughing at "little green men" anymore.

    This goes far beyond any "nazi" plot. I have seen with my own two eyes the form of the reptilian ET. I have detailed my experiences in another thread if you would be willing to read them. They are in the ET section of this forum. I cannot prove my experiences as Meier was able to do, and my experiences were not as "long" in time as Alex Collier's were. But they were my experiences and I am only one of many who have had these experiences. I have been called many times "crazy" by those who do not understand. We live in a world where misinformation, disinformation, and misjudgment can exist side by side. This is why one should not base their entire belief on second hand information alone. You never know what has been forged or altered. Billy Meier for one was framed. The videos in this thread show that he was not a fraud. He was not lying about the Plejarens. He even took a lie detector test. One could go on, and on, and on about how mistakes can be made when testing physical evidence, but really that is beating a dead horse.

    Are there malevolent human ET who could be pushing a "race purification" agenda similar to Hitler's? Possibly. But the Plejarens are not involved. Billy Meier is not involved. He was falsely and deceptively linked to many things since the revelation of his experiences. It is easier to believe that it is all a Nazi agenda. It is easier to believe that none of it is real. I know that because it would be easier to believe that I never had my experiences. But I had them and I cannot deny that I had them. It is a fact that I had them. It is a fact that the Plejarens are not supporting a "neo nazi" agenda. Ask any Plejaren contactee. I see that there is at least one here according to this thread. I will not dismiss his experiences because I would be a hypocrite. At this point there are is no such thing as "too crazy" in my mind because too many unthinkable things have happened in the past three years. This planet is nowhere near what it was at the turn of the millennium.

    But that is my personal analysis of your thread and the information that you have brought forward. It is my contribution to this unfortunate conversation.

    Thank-you Neteru for not going into the night without saying anything. Your post was very much appreciated by me. I also value your testimony that was inlaid in the form of energy that you posted. I will go and read it on the other thread.

    Understand that Floyd here will freak out if you say Billy Meier. Crazy Happy

    Now would it be an exclusive thing if one with held information in regards to Billy Meier? I hope so! Because I do have some really good exclusive info in regards to Billy. It will stay that way to as long as Micheal Horn is still breathing on the Planet. And Floyd thought I was going to refer to him in that context. LOL But just so you know Floyd, is that when things become exclusive, is because there are those who don't have a proper foundation to handle the information and so it is kept from them. Not because the ones holding the information don't want to share it but because the ones who would be told such information aren't mentally prepared for it. It's that simple.

    No one can understand what it is like to have these kind of experiences unless they go through them themselves. What used to be considered the "normal" is in actuality the whacked.

    I have also heard so many comments in this thread that would make you believe the world is still flat. All I can say is that it is all about awareness. The field of awareness we each surround ourselves with. That is usually indicative of what the sum of experiences we have experienced. That is the only difference in essence.

    The conflict begins when that awareness is not equally shared in that conversation. Again because of the awareness issue which falls back to experience. That's okay as long as one of the parties doesn't use their hard head as a spiritual tool. LOL

    It is true. But I personally believe that soon enough, the entire world will see things that they want to deny, but cannot deny. It's how I see events going. When one ET group is officially revealed, all of them will be revealed, and that is what I am waiting for. An end to ignorance. The danger of that however is the fact that people will want to worship these beings. Malevolent groups will welcome the worship. This makes me wonder if the benevolent groups will choose to intervene at that point. I highly doubt that the Andromedans or Plejarens are going to uncloak one of their ships in front of the world and start talking about, "Ushering in world peace." They want earth's humans to evolve on their own. The reptilians and other malevolent groups will be the ones preaching a "new age" of "peace" and "world unity", all by their hands. They want to be seen as kings and gods. Anything that claims that it can "save you" is not after your well being. They are after your soul.

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:00 am