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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:45 am

    I've gathered together a few posts from contactees from other sites in hopes they will feel more at home here when they visit. Please feel free to share your experiences as each is truly unique had each is of significance in ones life.

    From Firehorse: Here is someone in UK talking about his direct contact..

    the second video is a guy from USA who has had immense direct contact and is coming out publicly to tell what happened...he has disguised his voice and face ...and there are a few parts to this...please be patient while it loads up!

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:47 am

    Mystiq 3/21/10

    I've had many experiences, and its hard to share, because I've never understood, once the wake up call occurred, what it meant. What I do know is there is a dark side agenda, Vrill, black ops, and many many people are inadvertantly put on this program, even those who came to help, perhaps even especially those. But our ability to be positive, raise our frequency and put things into perspective can free us from this.

    There are positives and benevolents here, and sometimes they even do patroles, and keep us clear from the other side. Its our consciousness raising, our understanding, our willingness to really want an equal world, to connect to nature, to develop our psi gifts, telepathy, (the best way to practice is in nature, and its as simple as placing an apple slice out and connecting to the energy of the insects, or learning energy healing, connecting to friends, communicating with the energy of the sun in sungazing, meditating, there are many ways).

    My family has viewed the crafts, but my 18 year old son is very connected, and has had missing time and shared memories of being shown dates and times ahead on a viewing screen, but its not something he is allowed to remember at this point, and also a history lesson, scenes from the past.) He called me out for many of the crafts we've seen. This was the nordic couple that I had contact with, from what I recall now, all my life. The image in the postcard connection they sent was a blond man and woman wearing blue formfitting uniforms. They're very tall, but this only came to my persception gradually as they also do checkups. They first began to nudge us with their presence by alerting my son, who (due to our experiences and sitings since April 08) was outside alot in the evening stargazing. I had tried to keep all the children in, because we had occurences, traveling long distant to visit relatives where during the trip, we saw several crafts, one had appeared over the lake my grandmothers property was on, half way across the small lake on a clear night, then very slowly and soundlessly, with an odd, high yellowish light (I think it was yellow not red, they are often red), flew soundlessly overhead, and disappeared right behind the house in the one cloud in the whole sky, never exiting. My 3 younger sons were scrambling to my grandmothers balcony and her telescope, but my older son and I didnt move, we knew there was no time. My youngest son, ran back and forth between both spots, excited! But he wouldnt go to sleep that night either. For the first time he mentioned, that he was terrified of the window, and that he felt we were being followed. And that he didnt want to be taken in the night through the window. I had never shared this with him. He was only 6 turning 7 at the time!)

    So I was keeping the children inside, not that this would probably be the most effective thing, and also, it was very hot, this was Aug of 08, and it was kind of self imposed punishment on ourselves for no reason. I did change my mind about it. I spent a lot of time trying to pull in protection for the children, prayers, meditations, my higher self, shielding all of us, and researching how to, reading all I could online.

    My second oldest, now 18, wouldnt listen. I know why now, it was a core need of his. He was being called. He was being awoken. So many wake up and the information online is confusing, there is so much talk of the negative side, and its real, it does exist, its basically what I call Vrill (the nazis, a coalition with dark ets, underground bases, and a eugenics program, along with abductions, especially females, and sexual abuses, hybrids,etc.) But we have help, and we are also far more than we ourselves realize, who we are inside, our natures, soul, etc. I watched the project camelot interview of Steven Greer, more of a debate in philosophies than an interview. I couldnt help but see, both sides were right. There is a kind of duality, and a real dark side, but....his framework for how to be as a cosmic citizen was also correct. Both Kerry and Steven were right and spoke their own truths.)

    So my son kept calling me out, to see this craft, Aug, Sept, Oct, and November. He also spoke of it being chased by a black chopper, big one. I did get called out and witnessed that in September finally. It was very big to be seen against the mountain a bit of a distance away, and it still made noise. The craft was the one we had seen that night earlier, flying very slowly and soundless around, no wingspan, no lights like a plane, in our back yard kind of small valley out back, also over our roof. We do alot of skywatching and we note all the planes, jets, etc. I'm not good at giving heights in feet unless I can compare, for example a craft that flies over at about 50 feet, is easy because we have groups of evergreens out back, and 50 feet is the height of one of them roughly. I note heights, directions, sounds, speeds, lights, wingspan. They always keep their course as well. Whereas crafts that fly over, (and greet me and contact me, some of them in postcard connections where I see pictures and communication) are usually smaller, no wingspan, one light red, or whitish yellow. The light varies with the shape. Ie. the one huge greeting and fly over on May 22 09, at about 50 feet, was a strange tall whitish yellow lights, so odd looking. My son leapt outside and we both squinted. The reason that light had height was because the craft was kind of cigar shaped, wingless cylandar, flying tail down, nose in the air, soundlessly. When crafts approach our roofline, they do one of 3 things. Note, our roofline is on the edge of town, and the city glow begins right there, so as they draw near we can often see under the light. A plane flies straight. A craft vanishes, suddenly angles up much higher, to go over town, or flies straight and we see!)

    These "nordics" fly straight so we see. (This is also why its hard to write my accounts. There is so much information and I can't get it together smoothly, its probably being written in a confusing manner. Sorry, please bear with me, the over structure is the hardest for me in a longer post!) These ones when they were chased by the chopper, flew very slowly, soundlessly, almost cat and mouse. And when the chopper gained, blinked ahead. They did this about 3 times, then vanished.

    Also, in September was when my son reported his first big episode, 2 hours, of missing time. He was up late, and waited for his show to start at midnight. So while it just began, during the commercial break, he ran to quickly make a grilled cheese sandwhich in our toaster oven. with about 5 minutes ads, he was expecting to miss a few minutes of the show.. All went well for him, seamlessly. He went to sit down with his newly made grilled cheese and different programming was on. He checked the time, and now it was 2 am. 2 hours gone in a flash. That was the month he was given the viewing screens with the future time events, and was surrounded by "nordics" in form fitting black uniforms.

    The connection they gradually established for me, I kind of rejected at first, because all I can say is they're very much more in control of their outer mental abilities, so spock like on the surface with greet depth of feelings inside. In Oct, we were called out. Well my son called me out, and we watched them again. Then back inside, where I spent quite a while in contact with them, and was trying to convince my son not to go out again, when he just leaped up (this craft was soundless, and no vibrations) and said, "They're back!". We went out again, and they flew very low very slowly over the roofline. I asked if he also was being "pinged" contacted. He nodded. He couldnt speak much, but pointed to an orb by the group of evergreens. I've seen Steven Greers videos, of lights flashing, the Orion tones, and the Mount Shasta orbs. I have energy recognition, all I can say is I use it all the time, unconsciously, like any other sense, (touch, taste, sight, sound, smell,) its no different. And the orbs, the energy signature, its the same. Now that part I'm adding as a more recent discovery, concurrent with this year.

    In Novemeber, after I guess all of this establishing with me, (and why they did it this way, not another , I don't know. My experiences are in a certain way. For example, many sitings of crafts and greetings, and postcard contact, then checkups. I can only gather that before we come here, we arrange a certain wake up before hand. I do know that even though I've always been a bit psi, this would never have been accepted by me, unless my family, my son, and I saw the crafts. I've even had contact inside my bedroom, shown something amazing after a test, was told I would be contacted that night and be in a meeting (one my friend was also in and wrote frantically the next day about, and remembers both of us there, wherein he had missing time). I shook my head, thought it was something in my imgination, went outside and had another siting that my son and I shared. So, they seem to do this to make the contact real, concrete. For the first 1 1/2 years, it was 95% in relation to seeing a craft.

    The message in Novemeber, from this rather cool scientific feeling couple, who I knew had done checkups on my brother and me growing up, was that we needed to wake people up locally, our home towns. That the best way was low key, grassroots, awareness, under the radar so to speak, and focus also on spiritual development, meditation groups, raising frequency, raw food, whole food, vegan, cruelty free as much as possible diets. Though they knew I had no thyroid, so people had to make changes, but its not a one shoe fits all, its as we can do this. It was a really deep message. Though we're facing earth changes and events many feel are going to be big, they also said, that this would take time, and that they were working on an overall plan, in effect it would be more like 300 years, to see this world free and advancing, readied, I can't explain it. I was not meditating daily at the time or working on my frequency and it wasnt clear communication. It was strong, they were closeby, a mixture of words, and ideas, images all at once. I can only put that message in my own words. Things have changed with communication.

    A great deal more has occurred since then, but this is quite a journey.

    Love and Light.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:49 am

    Wyzyrd 2/23/10

    In my experience, both physical and, for lack of a better term, astral abductions occur - with the astral being most prevalent. Usually if you are taken physically you are rarely returned.

    What happens is this: the greys and reptilians etc. are located on fourth density, and have the ability to temporarily visit the third density (us). This is different than the 'bloodlines' information as presented by Icke and many other researchers. The DNA anchors the entity in that case and various rituals keep 'the door open' so to speak, such as SRA and using human blood etc.

    What happens on an astral abduction is that your essence, a template if you will, is taken from your third density form and moved to fourth density where 'time' is totally different. (Time is an illusion anyway). They do whatever it is they do, such and insert implants, do the usual exams, create screen memories, and so forth. Then you are returned to your third density body which incorporates the changes made while you were 'gone.' Occasionally the 'timing' is off and you might experience missing time in your perception. Wow, what a weird dream! Why is my right nostril bleeding onto my pillow? This has happened to me countless times. I have also had visits in the night, complete with physical paralysis and the horrific pervading evil (there is no other way to describe the feeling). Later I'll get into some of the specific abduction memories I have, including meeting a baby, grabbing something by my bed (I broke the paralysis) and all hell broke loose. Something flew, with a loud flapping sound, around my bedroom knocking things over and hissing. My dogs never moved. The next morning I awakened with the usual first thought: what a weird dream! Then I sat up and looked around and my end table and lamp were smashed on the floor, my dresser was knocked sideways with everything else on the floor! I can't help but think that was a winged Draco. I'm glad I avoided THAT little adventure (or did I). I'm rambling now so I'll stop. Sorry to stick so many things into one paragraph, but I have a lot to say and honestly I'm not sure where to say it. Here? If I feel comfortable I have quite a bit to share. (c:

    I started posting in 1997 and wrote a lot on forums and in email lists. After a certain debacle regarding the Cassiopaea Saga, and the attacks on me by the originators of that material (excluding Fred, the original channel - and my friend by IM, IRC, and telephone) who is conveniently left out of the 'current' transcripts, with L claiming it was ALL HER - (yeah right I was in the middle of it and it was Fred who channeled it) I stopped posting in 2005 though I was on all the GLP splinter groups - and on GLP from the beginning until the Christmas Massacre when we were all banned . . . - ah s**t I'm babbling again. So much to say! Where to say it? I was baited into revealing parts of my childhood (not only abductions but the suspicion I was at least beginning to undergo MKULTRA = another long story for later) by an operative at Crows Nest who drew me out then - well - it wasn't pretty. I'm not the only one "she" got to.

    One last thought - one mans demon is another mans reptilian. One persons angel is another persons 'Nordic' or Pleiadian (or whatever). I personally believe it's all the same thing - the names change to fit the 'times' in which we live.

    My experiences started when I was a small child. They have continued since. I was in Military Intelligence with a TS clearance from 1974 until 1980. There are whole stretches of that time that I DO NOT RECALL.

    Wyzyrd 3/27/10

    Here is an interesting link about dracos etc:

    It reminds me of a time in 1995 when a lady I knew who was very psychic suddenly took me aside and told me I had a large entity attached to my back via a cord. We went outside into the back yard and she did her best to cut the cord and at the end of the day she said she could no longer 'see' this entity.

    The next morning, and to this day, I have a cyst that won't go away no matter how many doctors squeeze it etc. !!! Right where she said the cord was attached . . .

    This all happened after I took myself to the Veterans Administration Hospital here in town - to the ER - because I was overdosed with drugs and alcohol and had called a suicide hotline. The lady found out I was a Vietnam Era Veteran and told me about the VA and recommended I call a friend to take me to the ER. I completed an inpatient treatment lasting thirty days, and by some act of a higher power I got a counselor that understood and believed me when I told him of my abductions beginning in childhood, as well as a sneaking suspicion that I was at least *started* in an MKULTRA program if not completed. As i've stated somewhere recently I do not recall anything before the third grade and do not recall long stretches of my six years in the military.

    I was in the military from 1974 till 1980. Since 1980 I have repeatedly tried to self-destruct using drugs and alcohol. Before the military I was teaching bible studies! (I've learned a lot since then - heh). Religion is one of the ways they keep you in check psychically (it's the Devil)!

    In any event I bounced in and out of AA and NA for the next few years. I just couldn't get over ninety days.

    This was an intense period of abductions and night visits. I would awaken paralyzed over and over again and have many memories of being taken to ships and being attacked repeatedly by reptilians in my little house. I drank to make it stop. I used drugs to make it stop. Nothing makes it stop. I even rehired Jesus for a while. No luck there.

    In 1997 I OD'd again and ended up back at the VA. They sent me by ambulance to the Topeka VA which had a different sort of program. The attendant on the ambulance was a beautiful girl. (Start thinking about Eve Lorgan and the Alien Love Bite at this point). I was in Topeka for thirty days and the day I got back this girl called me. We were married two months later. It was my first marriage and I was 42. She was 27.

    She had two little kids, a boy 8 and a girl 5. I fell in love with them and stayed clean and sober for the next eight years. I raised them. The wife had taken a job at the American Red Cross and was literally gone from Monday morning until Friday night every week traveling on blood donation runs. Meanwhile I had gone back to school and gotten an Emergency Medical Technician education and began working on the ambulance. Then I got a position at the Red Cross myself. (Google Len Horowitz to learn about the RC. He is right).

    During all this time she was gone I had immersed myself in the internets.
    I found Cyberspaceorbit, Branton, the Andromedans, the Cassiopaens, and all the rest. I was reading Marciniak, Seth, and every other book I could find at the metaphysical bookstores. I still cannot read the book E.T. 101 without crying. Find it and read it. It is so uplifting.

    Fast forward to 2005. Eight years clean and sober and two teenagers in the house! The wife and I hadn't gotten along since the first few months of the marriage. I was a hopeless romantic, leaving notes and sending flowers etc. She told me to knock it off - it's stupid. You can imagine how I felt about that. In any event, I think we stayed together because she was always gone. She had a built in babysitter and didn't have to interact with the kids except on the weekends. Long story there, and I don't want to take her inventory here.

    During those eight years we had a plethora of paranormal activity in and around the house. We all had stories about it to share almost every morning. I'm positive the kids were being taken. My wife is a Witch and has no problem with earth based entities and ghosts etc. but would not entertain the possibility of aliens. One night she came home and saw a group of short beings standing around me while I was asleep in bed. She said she 'talked' to them but it wasn't words. After that she was a bit more open to the alien possibilities. (c:

    During this time they got sneaky with me. I began being stalked in the astral plane, and taken non-physically. This continues to the present time.

    In August of 2005 she announced she was leaving to live with her boyfriend and that we needed a divorce. Of course I agreed. Interestingly the two kids asked to stay with me. That was fine with her.

    In September of 2005 through a series of events my 89 year old Dad, the only living relative I have aside from a thirty year old daughter conceived during my military time (we connected later and I have three grandchildren) fell and broke his hip. He ended up in hospital for weeks then in ICU after heart attacks and strokes. I had to make the decision to unplug him that month. I had to make it alone. I miss my Dad.

    I need to insert a short history here. My memories begin when I was eight years old, in the third grade. My Mother had - the only word is kidnapped - me from Ohio where I was born and brought me to Kansas. I recall bits and pieces of cement rooms and doctors - strange children that were deformed - and being terrified of my bedroom at night. She told me my Dad was dead. During this time I was molested often by her female friend Jean.

    One day in the third grade I came out after school and my Dad was standing there. I knew him immediately. We started sneaking around after school getting ice cream and things like that. He told me I could tell my Mom he was here but I did not. I never did tell him about Jean.

    One night (still in the third grade) I got up to go to the bathroom. This was always an adventure because I was terrified to go into my bedroom, and once there terrified to leave. That damned closet! And the faces in the windows. Anyway I got to the bathroom and found my Mom in a pool of blood. She had slit her wrists. I called my Dad and he and the police came and got me. I never heard from my Mother after that. One time while I was home on leave from overseas I recall putting on my dress uniform and going to my Mother's house. She answered the door and we talked for a few minutes. She said 'I see they got you into the military anyway.' I still don't know what she meant, but I have my suspicions. My Dad found her obituary in 1983.

    Also I might add that I have had cluster headaches, the worst headaches imaginable, much worse than migraines, since 1980 - when I got out of the military.

    Ok back to 2005. After my wife left one month and my dad died the next month, I lasted approximately two more months before I bought a quart of Whiskey and a pile of drugs. Her two kids were still living with me and though I tried to hide it they knew. I started the same pattern I had in the nineties - clean for three or four months, going to meetings, then off again. I wanted to die. Matt turned 18 and joined the Marines. He goes to Afghanistan next month. Kim is 17 and moved back in with her mother when she was 16 - I couldn't handle her, and as well I was using and drinking. *sigh* I still love them and they love me. Kim comes over all the time and Matt calls me when he can and stays here when he is home on leave.

    So for the last five years I have tried to self-destruct. I think it is called Omega programming. I refuse to submit. On Christmas 2009 I made a conscious decision to live. I did not go to the VA this time, I detoxed at home alone with my dogs. I do go to the VA for PTSD groups and substance abuse groups. I feel safe out there at the VA. I see a shrink every other week (she also believes me about the aliens and the rest - another higher power thing). I have been going to two and three Narcotics Anonymous meetings a day, and now lead the Friday night meeting. I have about one hundred days clean.

    Late last year I was declared totally disabled by Social Security. I am barely making it on the money I get. The VA also declared me totally disabled but won't pay me because I am already getting Social Security.
    I am 54. I went for disability due to a fried out back, the headaches, a fused right wrist (I am right handed) and then we have the mental problems. Severe PTSD, Major Depression, Severe anxiety attacks, and things like that. Last year the VA had me on so many meds I was a zombie. When I sobered up and cleaned up at Christmas I developed side effects from some of the meds. I told them I was done being a lab rat, and they could keep their meds. My shrink agreed that cognitive therapy was best for me because of the side effects, and also doesn't believe in medicating the problem. I was doing that myself with the drugs and alcohol. Now I'm only on Wellbutrin for depression and also as a feeble attempt to stop smoking.

    So. I decided as well to begin posting again on the internet. I stopped in 2005. The last five years sucked! I still read everything but had nothing to say. Well . . . now I do. I want to know what happened and is happening to me. I want to experience happiness and joy despite the dracos, greys, clones, PTB, discarnates, ghosts and ghouls!

    I'll pass for now. Thanks for listening to me rant and spill my guts.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:37 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:50 am

    Majorion 3/19/10

    About 5 years ago, I was with a large group of friends, we drove out to an rather infamous; deserted beach area, where one of these friends owned property and had something like a cat walk marina that extended out to the sea. We were sitting right next to the edge overlooking the sea, about 7 or 8 of us, and remember this is a very dark area, when I suddenly noticed a group of lights out the distance and since I wasn't as experienced to these surroundings as my friends were, so I asked what those lights were and if they could identify them, I wouldn't usually ask, but these were very odd looking lights, perfectly spherical, lit up an orange flame, with an illumination characteristic that I had never witnessed before, almost like the light were trapped or encapsulated in a bubble, the more I observed these objects; the more my understanding of physics (or so I thought) lessened.

    The apparent "experiencers" with me (as I came to find out) knew what they were dealing with and had seen these things many times before, I was told, that what I was seeing were: Jinn.

    So then naturally my fascination took over, it was something I always dreamed of; to have an actual paranormal experience. But of course, not being so gullible to potential jokes, my skepticism was also on high alert, I wanted to be absolutely sure that what we were seeing was not an illusion, or boats, or God knows what else. In fact I began to challenge the whole idea in front of the others, and demanded we got closer to see what it were they "claimed" I was seeing. Well we didn't have a boat, so one of my friends traversed to his jeep (quite far away) and pulled this really big flashlight out of the trunk and came back running. He then grabbed my attention and started flashing the light on-off in a blinking fashion toward the objects, to my amazement these lights started flashing right back at us, a primitive form of communication yet efficient enough to send a message (which was: COME HERE), this process went on for a while, the lights intermittently disappeared and reappeared, almost like phasing in and out of what is "our reality", at least thats how it appeared to me.

    Then, with a little patience, and after the sequential blinking "communication" we established, the objects suddenly "decided" to move much closer to us. And thats when I saw the most amazing things ever. No, I was not freaked out, nor alarmed, I felt one of the most peaceful feelings in my life while going through this whole experience, I'll emphasize that it was extremely peaceful. What I saw as these objects approached us, well firstly the "approach" defied my understanding of physics, but they appeared to be "interacting" with each other (for lack of a better word), for example; two objects merge as one, or one object appears on the left - that one disappears - then reappears on the other side, in a very well calculated "jump" or "phase", and I was seeing a lot weirder stuff than that especially as they came closer and closer.

    What were the reactions of the people around me? one word; normalcy. They were used to this experience and were excited to make contact yet again, what I were relayed was that each contact is a different experience, where you see different things each time. The objects finally arrived almost in touching range but not quite, it was as if there were a barrier, non visible, this is extremely difficult for me to explain, but I'm just relaying my "real time" thoughts at the time.

    At one point in the darkness, I did see "beings", I can't definitively say "humanoid" because I believe the experience was more about the perception-of-events, rather than the "events" themselves, so what I was seeing may have been the only way us "humans" could perceive it, maybe it was all going on in the mind, but for sure it was very real, and thankfully I had many others with me that saw the same things, to rest assured I'm not crazy.

    Nope, this was no magic show, but as a finale', the objects "blazed" off (can't think of any word to describe...), you could barely see them they were so far away, but as those lights started to dim and while I was still just staring in awe, I felt, something best termed telepathic, but it wasn't words, it wasn't symbols, it wasn't voices, and it wasn't anything like that of standard communication, it was a feeling, a feeling of peace and bliss.

    Now, I don't consider myself a contactee, or abductee, or any of these "call names", in fact my impression (as it stands) is that "most" people who make such claims (of being contactees) are charlatans or those using the crafty platform of Ufology to make money off eager believers who await their "newest message". I know for a fact though, and have met people, and listened to so many of these stories, that I know a "certain percentage" are in fact telling the truth.

    My experience was not UFO, its better characterized: USO

    I have not talked about it with many people, I've mentioned it very few times on internet forums and tried to keep it short as possible whenever I did, so here it is on Avalon, I know that everyone here is open minded and non judgmental and some have even experienced similar things. That's my experience, and some people (on the forums) don't believe, but that's okay, the only thing I've ever wished since then is that others experience the same, its liberating and a must for everybody, there is nothing to be afraid of, and mine was perfectly peaceful. I will try my best not to condemn or disbelieve those who claim a negative experience, or reptilians, or dracos - but I will forever remain skeptical.


    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:51 am

    Artemis 3/21/10

    I have a meeting I can share... this was twenty years ago…a couple of month after my kundalini arise.

    I had just gone to bed when I saw one of the walls in my bedroom started to act funny… in the wall it did forming a vortex…. And in this vortex it was coming a strange being… floating…. My first thought was ant… that was the general impression of the apparence… then I look at the head and thought grasshopper…. It had two long thin arms and two legs… it suddenly stopped and I got the feeling that I was not meant to see him… he didn’t expected that… of course .. suddenly see a huge insect about 150 centimeters tall standing just about four meters away did evoke a lot of fear… but when he stopped I got a little time to get my fear under control… I calmed myself and told him welcome… I still had a little fear left but this being made a sort of wave with his arms and that movement took the last of it away… when I was completely calm.. he approached me… standing beside me and was doing something in my aura on my left side… his colour was lightbrown-beige and his eyes was huge almond-shaped black… but it was not like insects with facet eyes… and I could feel his soul in the eye … he had an angle in the face…not any up-ridge…just an angle about 120 degree ….

    I could see by his body movement and with the feeling that he aprroached me very careful and with a caution, which I found very odd… in the same way I should approach a tiger …. And I asked him about it in my head… and to my surprise I got an answer… he told me his race had collective-consciousness and if I should suddenly throw over him a lot of fear or other emotions… it should had gone through all of them like a wave of emotion… his whole collective…. That I could understand because I felt peace and calmness from him… and I got the impression that his collective is not use to the humans fast and negative emotions and it could hit them hard to got it going through all of them… when he was ready with what he was doing he turned around and floated away in this vortex again… well.. I found this meeting extremely interesting .. and I should not mind to meet them again… about six years later I read the hopi prophesy about the ant-people and I wonder if it was one of them I met… because my overall impression is ant with a tint of grasshopper and humans two legs and arms….

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:16 am

    Zaina 4/2/10

    I have had a few experiences with off planet people ,,from an early age ,,my younger years when i was 4 or 5 i remember them coming to talk to me quite a few times ,,but can't seem to remember what it was about ,,i remember being happy to see them and not scared and we would play games of some sort ,but the rest is vague...

    later a little lady came to visit also many times ,but on this one a swishing noise would come just after she left ,,i hated this part and hid under the covers for some reason ,,then about 10 years ago I have one more visit ,,not so happy one ,,from a different looking being ,,,alien type face ,,tall grey or white i believe ,, ,,the ones that visited me as a child were human looking ,I remember thinking the happy face people ,,but 2002 was when i was taken and zapped from remembering what happened ,,and that's my story ,,nothing much else to tell on that ,,my latest concern is the marking I am getting on me ,,which is 2 circles joint together to make a figure 8 they come and go in the same day ,,I have had this 3 times now and at one time was thinking it was something pressing on me like my lap top ,but those marking were not on my lap top ,,and i guess to make it more clear to me ,,the last time was on the side of my face...

    ...does any one have any experience of this type of markings ???of what it could be

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:19 am

    Wyzyrd April 6, 2010

    That's a remarkable story, Zania.

    I'm glad to hear that at least most of your experiences seemed to be rather positive, re: the happy faced people.

    All of mine have been terrifying except for one. The one time I wasn't paralyzed first and in absolute terror, with an underlying sense of pervasive evil, was as follows.

    I was walking down a path toward a ramp that led across a short stretch of water to a floating disc. There were several beings behind me. I say beings because I never saw them; I was constrained from turning around - but I knew that they were there.

    I was prompted up the ramp and into the disc. Once inside, I looked around (but not behind) and saw equipment with blinking lights. I wasn't exactly pushed - prompted is the best word - across the vessel to the far side where I saw a sort of crib or incubator - it's hard to describe - inside which was a very small child. I recall the child but not the facial features. I was - again - prompted to reach out and hold both of the child's hands with mine, and did so. No, no, I was prompted. Cross your arms this way making an X and hold hands. I did so and was immediately totally immersed in what can only be described as an electrical current. It pulsed top down throughout my entire body.

    I then became aware that I was in my own bed, with the electrical current still pulsating through my body. It continued for another minute or so and then subsided. I felt no fear at any time during this experience.

    It was completely different than all my other experiences such as the one with the winged draco I related earlier in this thread. I'll get around to posting more of these as time goes on and we see how the wind blows here.


    I have not had a physical experience for several years. I often, however, have astral abductions and manipulations of the dreamstate, both astral and aetheric.

    Last night I once again had a physical experience. I recall nothing of it aside from the very first part. It was precisely like the dozens of previous experiences I have had, except that this time my memory was screened very well. All I recall is awakening completely paralyzed, trying to scream or cry out and producing only the well-remembered croaking sounds. I then recall floating upward. That's it - it ends there. *sigh*


    As far as physical marks of any kind, this time I can find nothing. Many times in the past, after an experience, I had a scrape down the left side of my abdomen across the ribcage. This happened many times. I have no clue why.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:25 pm

    This is a youtube series on alien abductions. Tales of alien abductions include missing time,
    physical examinations sexual experiments...even evidence of ongoing human breeding experiments

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:

    The Abduction of Travis Walton.

    Part 1:

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    Post  Wyzyrd Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:34 am

    (Don't miss the original story link in the first paragraph - Wyz)

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    UPDATE: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings

    Forum Contactees MATT-reptoids1
    Graphic that Matt states best depicts the physical features
    of the 'Reptilians'. Depiction from "Verges
    of the Weird: A Chronicle of Alien Encounters"

    NOTE: a few weeks ago, I posted Exclusive:
    Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings
    account by 'Matt' who was referred to me by David Eckhart. Today, Matt
    forwarded a disturbing email stating that he was concerned by telephone
    calls and text messages being received by himself, business associates
    and family. I contacted Matt by telephone and we discussed his past
    encounters and the current incidents. In turn, he asked that I post the
    emails as well as some background information. It has been decided not
    to divulge Matt's full name and current address at this time...Lon

    friend's phone has been sending text messages by itself. The messages
    are sexually explicit. They've been sent to men and women in his contact
    directory. The grammar seems to have an overly perfect style, but also
    has a strange tone to it. It is reminiscent of the strange "antiquated"
    dialect of English that David Eckhart has heard the reptilians use.
    Whoever is writing these, doesn't speak normal domestic USA English."

    is also receiving "dead air" calls from 11 digit numbers, which should
    be impossible. There's no such thing as 11 digit phone numbers. He is
    an attorney, and partner at a major law firm in Chicago. He has no
    interest in UFO subject matter. His only connection is his friendship
    with me. This started around the beginning of the month (April 2010). It
    was also during this time period that the North Port and Punta Gorda
    victims began having strange phone issues. These include phones calling
    people by themselves, strange numbers, and sudden phone outages. My
    phone has called other people, by itself, several times. Now, both my
    younger siblings are being hit (brother and sister). This makes a total
    of 5 people I know, receiving Mothman ('The Mothman Prophecies') type
    phone harassment. There are mysterious inhuman voices heard within phone
    calls and more phantom text messages."

    "My PRIMARY objective
    was still to de-escalate the tension that was occurring. The North Port
    and Punta Gorda victims were both terrified by these reptilian
    sightings. I spent dozens of hours talking them out of shooting at them!
    I go out in the woods, offering to write down whatever statement the
    reptilians were willing to make. For some reason, this infuriated the
    aliens. Apparently, enough to harass everyone I know."

    "I have to
    report this activity. If it is a precursor to my disappearance or
    death, I want it to be on record."

    the following is some background information, recollections of his
    abduction and his assessment of the reptilians and their agenda:

    served in the 8th District, New Orleans Police Department, New Orleans,
    LA. My badge number was 1765. I was one of the few hundred officers
    that stayed throughout the Katrina disaster."

    "I had a few
    reptilian abductions back in 2005. You may already be familiar with the
    reptilian sightings in New Orleans after Katrina. These were documented
    by Joe Montaldo's group, ICAR. Both
    Police and National Guardsmen had simultaneous sightings and missing
    time. Groups of reptilians were seen "patrolling" parts of the city 8
    days after the storm. However, my abduction actually took place a few
    weeks before Katrina. I was forced to act as an extra in a "training
    session" for the warrior class reptilians."

    "I was brought to
    what was a shopping mall type setting. There's no way for me to be
    certain if this was an actual mall or some underground training replica.
    I still vividly remember the ornate decorative lamp posts that lined
    the main corridor. Although the mall had a roof, it also had expensive
    cobblestone style flooring. Design wise, it seemed to be a very upscale

    "There were dozens of other human abductees. Most were
    dressed as civilians. I was one of the few dressed as police. The police
    "uniform" I wore was non descript--no badges, no markings. We were
    instructed to stand near an intersection of two major corridors and
    wait. The lights went out...then there was a large explosion. The
    reptilians either bored, or explosively breached, via a hole in the roof
    of the mall's center point. Literally, seconds after this blast, the
    Reptilians were running down this hallway. I don't know if they
    teleported in or jumped down. Either way, they hit the ground level too
    quickly to have used ropes. They were all brown scaled and about 7-8
    feet tall. They immediately began firing weapons over people's heads.
    They shot the lighted sign fronts and those lamp posts. They even shot a
    garbage can. This produced a shower of debris and sparks. 3 out of the 4
    reptilians didn't have weapons! The few who did were carrying powerful
    backpack powered laser weapons. The backpacks themselves were extremely
    thin and barely thicker than a laptop. But, everything they shot
    exploded into flames instantly. I don't know if these weapons were
    particle beams or infrared. If I had to guess, I'd say some kind of
    infrared or plasma. The heat between the end of their guns and the
    targets was visible. The air shimmered like the heat above a large
    flame. They took specific care to target objects near people so that the
    shrapnel and noise would cause them to run. Within a few seconds,
    everyone was fleeing from the advancing troops. I think its entirely
    possible that these weapons are the source of "fire breathing dragon"

    "After the herd of panicked people tried to flee for
    the nearest exit, they were blocked by another wave of 10-12 reptilians.
    We few generic "police" actors were then made to stand up on a nearby
    pedestal. It looked to be some kind of abandoned red, plywood style
    stage. It must have already been cleared of its decorations--or was
    between holiday uses. Me and my fellow "police" handed over our weapons
    and allowed ourselves to be frisked. We were then allowed to leave.
    After this was demonstrated to the crowd, the reptilians began rapidly
    frisking them for weapons/contraband/stolen goods. After being frisked,
    they were told to exit the mall. The reptilians did all of this
    instruction in pantomime--with a lot of excited waving and pointing.
    That's where my dream ends. I've had no other conscious abductions
    since. However, I did have a number of
    permanent nervous system/physiological changes. I don't remember any of
    the medical abductions where those modifications took place." *(please read my note at the bottom of the

    Forum Contactees MATT-reptoids2'Reptilian' depicted with power pack weapon. Depiction from "Verges
    of the Weird: A Chronicle of Alien Encounters"

    the training, I received a telepathic sense of the reptilians broad
    battle plan. They would concentrate on counteracting areas vulnerable to
    looters. They plan on focusing 90 percent of their resources towards
    this end, because the damage and economic cost of opportunistic looters,
    and panic hoarders, really seems to worry them. They realize, rightly
    so, that we don't have nearly enough police or troops to deal with an
    all out panic situation. However, there means of dispersing looters
    seemed odd. Basically, they're trained to fire LIVE weapons into or
    around crowds and cause only minor injuries. They don't want to use
    stun, or non lethal weapons, because they would then have to move the
    unconscious, who would be subject to being trampled or waking up after
    they've moved to the next block and starting trouble again. Shooting
    signs, walls, lamp posts adjacent to panicking crowds just seems like a
    sloppy idea--but, I'm no military tactician."

    "The purpose of
    the attack plan was to maintain stability and prevent irreversible
    damage to our business infrastructure. They seemed to have no concern
    for defending our electric, water, or medical infrastructure. They
    genuinely believe that opportunistic and panic motivated looters lack
    the knowledge or motivation to attack infrastructure. So, the reptilians
    plan to focus their resources on preventing a replay of Iraq. They will
    do anything necessary to stop looting within days of an initial panic
    event. As gleaned from other abduction cases, I've come to the
    conclusion that this battle plan is driven by the motivations of the
    winged 'draco' albino reptilians. As they run the reptilian hybrid power
    structure, their greatest fear is damage to their business investments,
    followed by years of insurgency. They used New Orleans as a testing
    ground for this philosophy. Of course, if I invested in a third world
    country and woke to find the natives burning all my investments, I'd be
    inclined to commit troops quickly. From what I've seen, the reptilians
    are actually hoping to beat the first wave of looters to high
    probability targets, like malls and large department stores. No
    announcements, no 'Independence Day' type hovering ships. Just instant
    ground deployment."

    conclusion, it is important to realize 3 things about the reptilians:

    They are extremely well trained for urban warfare.

    2. They will
    not give warning before they strike. No hovering ships. Why? Because
    this would cause the exact type of panic looting/damage they are trying
    to prevent. By the time you see their ships, they will already be
    deploying out of them.

    3. They are not concerned with persecuting
    or killing civilians. They are only concerned with minimizing the chaos
    and damage surrounding any mass catastrophic event. Their target is
    looters and violent insurgents. If you are not brandishing a weapon, or
    stealing something, they have absolutely no interest in bothering you.
    They are too focused on trying not to get killed by the opportunistic
    looters and armed psychos that will be taking to the streets. Even if
    they find a weapon on you, they're just going to take it and push you on
    your way. They don't have the staff or equipment to detain anyone.

    *NOTE: I was previously informed by Matt
    (before I read and posted the Experiencer
    Recalls Alien Abduction, Exam and Penile Implant
    account) that he
    also received a similar penile implant in 2005. I find it remarkable
    that the MUFON report surfaced on the same day I was posting Matt's
    newest information. Matt's footnote is posted below...Lon

    "I actually had an experience with an
    implant a few days prior to this abduction. I found a solid object under
    my skin, with no discoloration, in a "private" area of my body (my
    penis). I thought it was cancer, and I was freaking out for a few days. A
    solid pea size lump should not appear under your skin overnight. I
    thought the object was removed following that paramilitary training
    abduction. But, it has re-appeared and disappeared several times since
    2005. I have ZERO memories of it's insertion part of the abduction, but
    fully remember the "training" part of the abduction. Odd."

    "I was
    afraid to include this part of the story, since it sounded so absurd. I
    have told 2 abduction research counselors about this in the past 2
    years: Eve Lorgen and Stewart Swerdlow about this--but
    kept it private outside those circles."

    "I am shocked this has
    happened to someone else as well. I spent 5 years thinking it was some
    kind of shrapnel, scar, or intentional warning. Apparently it does have a
    purpose. Something to do with my spine, nervous system? This could
    explain my extraordinary nervous system issues since the abduction."

    NOTE: One of the
    contributors at the P&M Wiki, who was a witness to and victim of the
    Hurricane Katrina disaster, created a follow up page to this post at Reptilians
    Planned Flooding in New Orleans to Cover Military Exercise

    Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:22 pm

    Thank you for posting this Wyzrd as some of this information is similar to what Stephano Braccia told me about with his contact with the W56 in Italy. He spoke about how they could call him on the telephone (he did play the telephone recordings of different aliens including a W56/CTR clone. So I'm not surprised to read how various electronic media is controlled by some of the various alien contacts.

    The story about the reptilians is also very interesting from a different perspective and it makes me wonder just how authentic this group of reptilians are... meaning it is possible that they too may be clones. The reptialians behavior is very specific in this detailed report and it appears in this particular story that their intention is not to harm humans. So it makes me wonder ~ which reptilian fraction is at play here? Are these human/reptilian hybrids, are they clones are the biological robots or are they the real deal? How are we to know who or what they are other then what their appearance and behavior is.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Wyzyrd Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:06 pm

    Who knows? There are so many factions - many of which are fighting each other! However, even Icke says there are some good reptilians, and the Cassiopaens said the same thing, but they added 'not many.'

    Right now in Ufology, the reps are the 'bad guys.' There is always an 'us vs. them' to keep us divided and reinforce our duality. The C's say that greys are cybergenetic creations of the lizards, used as third density probes and workers. Now Barry tells us about PLFs. And reps working with them. It all seems to be complicated. (c:

    I have gotten an eleven digit silent phone call on my cell, with nobody there.

    I'm not sure about reps invading shopping centers and some of the other above things, though I don't discount it. My understanding, as I think I said above somewhere, is that the reps are fourth density service to self beings, and can only project to third density for short periods, which is why they project the greys more often. From what I've read, and from many different sources the rep hybrids have to 'hold the frequency' by ingesting blood and using rituals and so on. But what do I know? I just know I grabbed one one night and it flapped around my room, which means it had wings.

    Otherwise, I've been staying awake all night, not going to sleep until seven or eight in the morning. I don't know why or how I got turned around, but the dreams continue whatever time of day I manage to sleep.

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    Post  Carol Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:10 pm

    Your story about staying awake at night is similar to the majority of abductees I know of. Many of them stay on skype together and chat the night away until they feel safe or just too tired to sleep.

    How long have you had contact?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Wyzyrd Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:49 pm

    I have had contact since my memory begins in the third grade.

    Staying up all night - I never could sleep. And then I awaken every hour or so. I just sit here on the computer all night, reading things and now beginning to post again (c:

    During the day, I try to stay as active as possible. The weather allows me to ride my motorcycle, and I've been going to the VA and the NA meetings four to six times a day. But then, night falls . . . the meetings are over . . . and it's time to come home, usually around eleven p.m. I always have a feeling of being watched at night. I catch 'them' in the corner of the eye - and I usually just say 'may I help you with something?' (c: I get the feeling during the day as well, but mostly at night. One weird thing that happens is that when I am driving (hasn't happened yet on the 'cycle) I get some sort of time slip or glitch - like I just went a hundred yards suddenly or something. It is always on the highway, normally with few or no other cars around.

    At night, sometimes I get spun in my computer chair. The dogs will stare at one spot, and begin growling and barking. It is usually the same spot. The Cat also stares at it. I think it is a portal of some kind. When I stand in it my hair raises and I feel presences. I'm well versed in Protection (knowledge is the ultimate protection). I've learned all kinds of things over the years. Eastern mantras, I learned all about Wicca (I personally do not believe in rituals), Druid teachings, and all kinds of wizard stuff like that. But ya gotta sleep sometime . . .

    When you learn who your creators were, and then that you've been genetically engineered, and that it is all lessons, and karma debt, etc. it is hard to really believe in the balance - that there are good guys here and out there as well. That's what my Sponsor in NA and I talked about tonight. The first three steps in the twelve step program are designed to get you in touch with your higher power, and believe that said being loves you. I know they are out there, and have miracles in my life to prove it. But I'm having a hell of a time knowing who to pray to and ask for help. My Sponsor (who was also my addictions counselor for the last sixteen years) uses the twelve steps, but also uses the Red Road. He is part Lakota and it very involved in that. Wankan-tanka (spelling) - the Great Spirit - the Prime Creator. Union with The One. I know, and I hear the words, but I don't feel it yet. We also talked a lot about Fear tonight at the meetings. FEAR - F**k Everything and Run, or Face Everything and Recover. I'm glad he understands the rest. He is also a contactee. It's fascinating how the Lakota legends and traditions mirror what is now being learned by many. We aren't from around here. And there are Others.

    Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota Sioux prayer. The phrase translates as "all my
    relations." It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of
    life: other people, animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, and even
    Aho Mitakuye Oyasin....All my relations. I honor you in this circle
    of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge
    you in this prayer....
    To the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.
    To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all
    foundations of life experience, I thank you.
    To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me
    healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.
    To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers
    your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.
    To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred
    wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.
    To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and
    downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages. I
    thank you.
    To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.
    You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not
    live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent,
    co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One
    nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above
    and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.
    Thank you for this Life.

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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:58 am

    It is true that there are many who are not from around here on the planet at this time incarnated into human vehicals for this leg of the journey. From what I've heard from many other contactees over the years is that their journey, with respect to consciousness, is expanded to include alien contact at multiple levels. One could almost say that their consciousness is split and other areas of conscious activity is locked into different rooms where memory is blocked or a false memory is inserted.

    When I used to do hypnosis therapy with abused clients who had no good memories to build upon (after their grief work for what did happen) I would take them back in time prior to the abuse and work with them to create a personal history which was loving and healing. Surprisingly it didn't matter if the history was a false one, what mattered was that they were given something they needed so as to move forward into a state of happiness and inner peace. I believe that the Creator seeks for all of us to be happy as that is the condition one experiences when in alignment with the Creator and in the state of singularity.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Shaynard Sun May 16, 2010 12:48 am

    Eight years, is not very old. To my mind at the time, it made little or no sense. Now in retrospect it is funny to me how I felt about it all. If I'd only understood the "gravity" of it all then. All things for a reason.

    I saw the light before I opened my eyes, but once opened I was alone in my dark bedroom. When I stood up from my bed, I didn't know where I was going, I tripped over something. I noticed "This isn't my room". I left the house, but it wasn't my house. Walked as if compelled towards a school, but it wasn't my school. In the school yard was a round track, and I walked to the middle of the track. It was winter, but it was supposed to be summer, and I wasn't dressed for winter. I was not cold.

    The snow turned red, so looked up towards the sky, and a red light parted the clouds. It hurt my eyes a little so I looked down, and across the field there was a girl I felt I knew, but didn't, and she was older than I was. She looked scared, but I wasn't. I wanted to tell her not to worry, but I woke up.

    When I was 12, I had moved into "that" house. I had started going to "that" school. I met "that" girl (we became very close friends). Then one night while I was dreaming.. I saw the light. I got up.. ( I made sure not to trip. Wink I knew where to go. When I got there, it was winter, and this time it was supposed to be so. The snow turned red, I looked up, and the red light parted the clouds. I looked for her, and she was there. I told her not to worry.

    Next thing I knew I was in a building of some sort, or so it seemed. There were people everywhere, but some of the people were "different" and all looked similar to each other in dress and overall features. "Blonde" almost glowing golden hair, with perfectly blue eyes. A female approached me and asked me to walk with her. As we walked she told me many things, and it seemed we walked forever, making almost a full circle before turning around and walking directly back the other way, talking all the while. I noted many rooms as we walked almost like classrooms in a school. With people in them talking to others "like" her.

    She told me I had been there before, and would be there again, many times. She explained my earlier "dream" as being a memory, which confused me, as I had "dreamt" what was happening,now, in my "present" at the time. She explained how this works.. I was so curious.

    She brought me to a room with "the girl", my friend, and several other in it. So I recognized, and some I did not. She said they would all become important to me, and I'd have to find them, and "be there if they want my help".. "It will start to make sense, as you visit us more often.".

    I "woke up" that morning feeling better than I ever had before. I couldn't wait to get to school to see my friend. She remembered what I had seen. The school track, the red light, the "building", "them", and "being taught things I can't understand, but I feel great today".

    This was the first time I remembered my experience. I have recovered or "been given back" memories of earlier "visits", but this was the first. I'm not sure why I typed this here. I have NEVER shared this with people I have never physically met and grown close to before. On person I have, but not in this detail.

    in light, of love

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    Post  Guest Tue May 18, 2010 8:13 pm

    'There' is much better than 'here' even if all our philosophies suggest otherwise ...

    So please, when is the bus to ZR leaving today ..

    Forum Contactees Icon_albino

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    Post  Sanicle Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:05 am

    First I'd like to say 'Hi' to Wyzyrd if you happen to still be lurking here. I truly hope you are doing well with your recovery. I love you

    The rest of what I posted here has been moved to its own thread as I realised this is the wrong spot for it. Apologies. The post is now here:

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:09 am