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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories


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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Sanicle Thu May 31, 2012 10:03 am

    Is this a new trend...those who are supposedly working to help humanity backing each other's stories up, like the 'mass arrests' people seemed to do lately? (Not that that's come to anything.)

    These three groups are those that claim to be telepathically (not via channeling) in contact with, or even part of, the 'Good Guy' ET groups that they claim are working to help the planet by doing things such as 'taking out' reptilian nests and ships. The three are:

    John Kettler, who claims to be in telepathic contact with various ET/ED groups. He posts what he says he's learning from them, along with a sidekick who goes by the name of 'Sunfire' who also claims to have contact. Website:

    The second is Tolec, who's been around for a while as I'm sure some of you know. He claims to work with the Andromedan Council. Website:

    The third, a newer group in terms of revealing thier 'work', goes by the name of the Silver Legion. Their spokesperson goes by the name of Tanaath. Website:

    Here's how this hook up between the groups appears to be working at present. John Kettler posted this announcement on 26th May 2012.

    ETs/EDs & Silver Legion Strike A Mighty Blow–Neutralize Multiple Threats & Seize A Reptoid Flagship! ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) & the Silver Legion, in a joint covert operation, on the night of May 19-20, just past the Kuiper Belt, 15 degrees above the ecliptic, in the direction of Alpha Centauri, successfully penetrated the defensive grid of [...]
    Continue reading here....

    Next thing you know, Tanaath from the Silver League is now answering questions on his site about this operation as it was 'her team' that apparently carried it out. Here's a short excerpt and link to her spiel on it all.
    Operations Cube Stomp and Sweater
    by Tanaath on 05/28/12

    Hello everyone,

    As has percolated throughout the tubes of the Internet, on the evening of May 19th/morning of May 20th 2012, a Silver Legion-led operation took place. There were three aspects to this operation. The first was Operation Sweater (thus named because we pulled the string and destroyed the ‘sweater’). The second was a distraction staged in order to permit the third, which was Operation Cube Stomp.

    Operation Sweater targeted one of the many ‘grids’ overlaying the Earth – this particular one was a natural production of the Earth and was tuned specifically to human consciousness. In its natural state, it was immensely beneficial, helping boost human consciousness through its trip around the galaxy. However, it had become co-opted and turned against us and was being used to keep us down and prevent our awakening. Of course, nothing can fully prevent our awakening, but this may have been slowing it down and keeping some people who might otherwise be awake, asleep.

    The Silver Legion had teams up at every point of the grid, and when the signal was given, each of them destroyed the black magic ritual-produced suppressors and ‘pulled the string’. This was made a piece of cake by the vast effort put into it by millions of human beings around the world, all meditating for something to happen on May 20th. Thanks guys! This is really your victory. The Silver Legion was merely your instrument in this. You are having an effect. Please don’t stop.

    Flipping the grid from ‘off’ to ‘on’ had a cascade effect onto the shielding surrounding the cube out in space. This segues into the next part of the report, Operation Cube Stomp and the distraction operation.

    The cube was a permanent installation located 15 degrees off the ecliptic (northern hemisphere) in the direction of Alpha Centari, just right outside the Kuiper belt. It was approximately 50 km (31 miles) on a side, cubed. Stationed nearby was a fleet of 100 Draco dreadnoughts. The dreadnoughts are shaped like large, fat teardrops, with a pod on either side of the round part of the teardrop – two pods in total. The propulsion system used by the dreadnoughts is fission-based, and they use the pointed end of the teardrop to concentrate force and aid in the efficiency of the propulsion. Each dreadnought is crusted in armaments and sensors – these are not elegant or beautiful crafts but functional and designed for menacing effect.

    Continue reading here:

    Next thing you know, there appears a YouTube vid of Tolec interviewing Tanaath about this operation. She actually answers all questions very convincingly. Here's that interview.

    I'm still trying to make my mind up about this lot. There's a few things on Kettler's site that sound a bit silly and some that I've been very wary of in terms of the 'fear factor'. I've also had a quick look at Tolec's work in the past and am not too sure about him either. For instance, I listened to one interview in which he claimed the Andromedans has cleared out an undersea reptilian base. What rang warning bells for me was when he described the base as being 10 stories and around 100 feet tall. When it's also claimed that reptilians stand around 12-15 feet tall, that just doesn't add up. Wink Naturally I'm still watching the Silver Legion's entries with interest too.

    In their favor (which remains to be seen) this cube they say was destroyed is the AI that's claimed to send all the data out to various channellers such as the Salusa meme...GFL stuff generally. Salusa apparently channels info daily and actually missed a day it's said after this operation supposedly went down. Hmm.

    But I do find it all very interesting and figured someone else reading here might also. I'm also taking into account that telepathic contact is no more reliable in terms of knowing who the source might be than channelled info is. The receiver may indeed by sincere, but one just can't really tell about the source imo, only by how all that's said adds up in the end.

    I'd be interested to hear other's views on it all as well.

    I love you


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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  devakas Thu May 31, 2012 1:24 pm


    Self controled person should not fear

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  devakas Thu May 31, 2012 2:00 pm

    maybe reptilian Dracos prefer protein, its good for them. hmmm.

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 31, 2012 3:13 pm

    If we could just get them to eat Organic VeggieHuman -- and get them to lay-off of the Adrenochrome...

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  devakas Thu May 31, 2012 4:19 pm

    Seeing what some are able to do today (eating faces-burgundia thanks posted video from Florida) you would not want to incarnate after ten thousand years. Sri Prabhupada said to students that Vedas will be known for that period only and then the knowledge will be broken it will be not possible to restore. Hanibalism will be common after this knowledge is gone.


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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Sanicle Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:54 am

    devakas wrote:imho

    Self controled person should not fear

    I agree with your Devakas. But we know many don't have full self-control as yet and can, and have been, manipulated through their fears for 'forever'. I'm wondering if this a new and more subtle version of how they are attempting to do this now, given that many are awake up to their old tricks. These sites have many followers, and they all might be being sucked into the other 'trick' we've been taught these people/beings use also, that of representing themselves as 'saviours of humanity', which can also be debilitating to our own sense of personal responsibility and evolution.

    But then my logical mind looks at it all from another perspective. (There's always more than one lol.) These contactees are telling us that these ETs are highly evolved beings who work to clear out the reptilian and allied Grey factions that are a pest all over the Universe to stop the spread of this curse to other worlds. At a smaller planetary level, our known level, the more advanced nations help out less advanced nations that are under some sort of debilitating attack, so why is it so hard to believe that we could have well-meaning neighbours at a Universal level who might not do the same for us? If we are good-hearted enough to do it, why couldn't there be other races in the Universe who are good enough to do it for us also? Do we see harm in the stronger helping the weak at a planetary (or even at a communal or state) level when they don't have the equipment to help themselves? No, we praise it and are telling ourselves there should be more of it happening. If we see it as good amongst ourselves, why should we fear and resent these ET/EDs helping us when we haven't got the knowledge and technology to help ourselves in this instance? If they truly are. That is the million dollar question.

    Just a thought.

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Sanicle Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:02 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:If we could just get them to eat Organic VeggieHuman -- and get them to lay-off of the Adrenochrome...

    Haha, yes, wouldn't that be great. Organic VeggieMeat would be great for all of us methinks. Wink

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  devakas Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:11 pm

    Sanicle wrote:
    devakas wrote:imho

    Self controled person should not fear

    I agree with your Devakas. But we know many don't have full self-control as yet and can, and have been, manipulated through their fears for 'forever'. I'm wondering if this a new and more subtle version of how they are attempting to do this now, given that many are awake up to their old tricks. These sites have many followers, and they all might be being sucked into the other 'trick' we've been taught these people/beings use also, that of representing themselves as 'saviours of humanity', which can also be debilitating to our own sense of personal responsibility and evolution.

    But then my logical mind looks at it all from another perspective. (There's always more than one lol.) These contactees are telling us that these ETs are highly evolved beings who work to clear out the reptilian and allied Grey factions that are a pest all over the Universe to stop the spread of this curse to other worlds. At a smaller planetary level, our known level, the more advanced nations help out less advanced nations that are under some sort of debilitating attack, so why is it so hard to believe that we could have well-meaning neighbours at a Universal level who might not do the same for us? If we are good-hearted enough to do it, why couldn't there be other races in the Universe who are good enough to do it for us also? Do we see harm in the stronger helping the weak at a planetary (or even at a communal or state) level when they don't have the equipment to help themselves? No, we praise it and are telling ourselves there should be more of it happening. If we see it as good amongst ourselves, why should we fear and resent these ET/EDs helping us when we haven't got the knowledge and technology to help ourselves in this instance? If they truly are. That is the million dollar question.

    Just a thought.

    If truly yes, I love that you agree with me Sanicle!

    No fear, no thoughts about them, no interest in aliens, propaganders, researchers, investigators, enlightened or endarkened about aliens and their troubles. It should be not our business.

    Where is here Love? Where is true help to know who we are? Where? We should not go there, we should not be interested in them. They bother us to live our lives. Especially listen the misleading info that all is based about technology, super technology, some tech advancement and etc. All machines in their head and heart because they want to compete with God, creator. Their mentality is technology in any speculative meaning or action. Please keep in mind two things that Darwinism has deep roots in our minds because of lie. This allows control us cheating to us that we are suppose to seek some kind of hidden technology or care about it or talk about it or work and give money for that. It distracts us from our true happiness. They keep us in misery and slavery.

    Darvinism roots in our minds are still keeping us under this impression that we need help. We are not advancing or evolving what some may say. We seek technology, advanced technology in so unhuman ways. This is not true. So keep evolution seekers with advanced technology as rejection and not acceptance. They just speculate and they will be born again to keep speculating again. This is not progress to soul level. Yes there are incarnations here on earth from lower level of planes, lokas, ghosts and etc. But as soon as we forget who we are, that we should only have our creator God above our heads, we start wondering and believing the negativity promoting humans.

    We do not need advanced technologies in their means, we are not involving as physical bodies or dna as they state. Just remember from historical figures, I think we are now not the healthiest civilization. If we are talking about demonic techno entities, what kind of consciousness evolution people are seeing here? I am confused.

    Do those talkers talk about solution for humans? Do they know the solution? We do not need their solution or their technology to look at our hearts and find love there. Can technology add consciousness?? Demigods do not disturb people. Spiritually evolved entities live by creators rules. We do not need help, we need to look at our hearts and find the beauty THERE.

    When we will be looking at others then the end will stay the same as with Kony2012.

    When we do not want to see reality in our heart, we will find illusion and mental speculation somewhere else. When we will fight our own demons, then we can help others to fight and choose right rules, bad will disappear and then spirituality will take at least half of human life, in time, in actions, in education, in celebration, in prosperity and wellness to all.

    However there are consciousness projects to measure hearts going on in people minds. Greg Braden should be debunked too. Where those projects leads?? Why humans are always like on projects?? Soul is ignored. Greg Braden is materialist he calls our souls some kind of electromagnetic fields. He does not know that iron age started in feb not august, but he writes books. How he can enlighten people by talking about electromagnetic fields us as souls and increasing consciousness by doing projects of global consciousness increase. How? Teaching what? Scaring with poll shifts? Selling books? How he is helping? The same in this video, what technology those guys are missing? We should get in maintenance mode instead of creating and dreaming for help from advanced technologies. We should embrace God, not tech advanced ones who are not talking about God.

    No Darwinism, no more evolved or more stronger is better thinking should be in our thoughts. Yoga is an answer. Tulsi necklace protects from negativity or fear.

    Alienism will not help humanity. It is just to distract us in any means from our understanding about ourselves and they are successfull. Or we are fools. ?? Did you see any good from those talkers???????

    smile Sanicle!


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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Sanicle Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:13 am

    Dear Devakas, I believe, as I know you do, that God created all beings in this Universe and His spark is in each and everyone, even 'aliens'. Do we dismiss them outright, take "no interest" in them (and those who study such) just because they were not born on this planet? Where is the love in that attitude? How can we love God and not His creations who are part of Him? I know I'm not in good enough contact with my Spirit to know if these ETs are acting in accordance with God's Will in this or not. Do you, within yourself know that, not just by adhering to what you believe the Vedas teach, which is only a (albeit brilliant) source of knowledge after all? As I think you've said before, we can learn all we want with our minds, but it doesn't automatically give us a truly open, loving heart. And Love is God's energy in expression in all, across the Multiverse. Wouldn't you agree? Do you know for sure that God doesn't want us on planet Earth to become part of this extended family to serve Him more widely?

    And how do we know that the technology they use wasn't given to them through the inspiration of God? Technology is not all bad. For instance I see the development of the Internet as a brilliant way for us to grow into becoming true world citizens as it allows us to find out for sure that we are all much the same within, despite our different coloured skins, country of birth, etc. Possibly the 3D version of telepathy that we will all develop in time. Can't we extend that to citizens from other planets as well now?

    I know this is looking at things very simplistically but I remember reading on your Vedas thread that it says in the Vedas that God, in being part of all life, can and will speak through even a fish should He choose to. Is it not better then to listen to what all beings have to say in case we miss what could be a message from God should he choose to send it through another? And there was another part in which a story was related about how one who saw himself as Krishna's highest representative on Earth was shown by Krishna that there were many more like him that he'd been unaware of existing. Could they have been from other planets?

    I'd also like to say that taking an interest in and caring about what others are doing within our sphere of experience doesn't need to distract us from our inner work in understanding ourselves. IMO doing so can help us as it all works towards integration with a more comprehensive view of God, helping us to embrace Him moreso in all of His manifestations.

    I hope you are smiling too Devakas.

    I love you

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  malletzky Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:27 am

    Sanicle wrote:...And how do we know that the technology they use wasn't given to them through the inspiration of God? Technology is not all bad. For instance I see the development of the Internet as a brilliant way for us to grow into becoming true world citizens as it allows us to find out for sure that we are all much the same within, despite our different coloured skins, country of birth, etc. Possibly the 3D version of telepathy that we will all develop in time. Can't we extend that to citizens from other planets as well now?

    ... I love you

    Altough I full heartedly agree that if we accept God, the almighty Creator, as perfect, then succesively all God's creations ARE perfect in their essence.

    But from a higher point of view, developing technology by any means and especially in senses of using it to help us grow spritualy, I see it just as an attempt to copy God powers and merely play with the possibilities our materialistic world gives us.

    Neither will WE as humans nor any known and unknown ET's ever be succesfull to develop technologies so powerful as our real and true spiritual powers ARE.

    And if we're to objectively look upon our (unkown or hidden) history, we will come to a conclusion that developing too powerful technologies will not do us too good, as we tend, as humans at the present stage of spiritual growth, to destroy more then we tend to create.

    It should be our first and only goal to have our real powers back, developed inside us and not trying to develop them outside with help form any technologies.

    Much respect

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Sanicle Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:39 am

    I thoroughly agree with all you said Malletzky, except maybe part of the last line. Re-developing our own powers should be our first, yes, but not "only goal", rejecting any help from technology that can help us on our way.

    I see technology as merely another way in which we beings are given the opportunity to make use of a power in either positive or negative ways, to serve or harm, the same as any other 'power' we are gifted with in life. No more and no less.

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:36 am

    I'm so conflicted in thought on this as I love technology yet am also aware that internal powers from spirit are superior, fail-safe and move one along the spiritual path. Whereas technology is from ET and there are groups of ETs without souls (the clones - CTRs the Akrij left behind after the CTRs destroyed their bases and tried to kill all of the off back in the 80s). The CTRs are very powerful beings, technologically advanced but as clones are devoid of any souls whatever. It is these beings who are here since the 1980s. They are interested in science only, they are materialists, atheists. So there you have it. Do we lose our souls the more addicted to technology we become? I've read reports how the brains of youth addicted to various video type games are altered. Basically they become brain damaged. Then what? And they also become subject to mind-control by the vary nature of the game playing to begin with thus cutting them off from developing their own creative minds.

    When it comes to ETs and technology - humans are still mere babes in the woods. And those who are in the secret government who have been manipulated and subject to mind control are seriously damaged when it comes to normal emotional maturity (meaning they look okay on the outside but are emotionally immature on the inside where judgment eventually becomes impaired). This is based on personal observation. So I do have concerns about youth. I suspect if youth were subjected to the rigors that someone like Tom Brown would put them through out in the woods for the summer just in learning basic survival skills, the youth would be far more advanced in the development of their innate spiritual nature then those still glued to a screen for entertainment/entrainment.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Sanicle Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:11 am

    This thread was not begun with the aim of discussing alien technology. I created it in the hope that there would be some reading who would not be too jaded, too set in their beliefs and still open-minded enough to actually read the links and watch the video presented.

    In having done so myself, I do have to wonder if these three (four now) humans who say they telepathically communicate with these offworlders may be correct in their belief that they are all doing something good for planet Earth together. These ETs claim to be cleaning out the reptilians and their allies and preventing the use of more nuclear energy not just for us, but for others in the Universe that are or could be effected by what's going on here also. There are apparently three other planets that they are working on ridding of reptilians and greys also. So they are working to help humanity as a whole and not any individual people. They ask not to be followed and encourage us to fight the darkness is our world ourselves if we can.

    I'm not saying this because I fully believe that this is all true. I still haven't made up my mind for various reasons. But I did like to think that fellow members here were still open to believing their could be good ETs out there who are altruistic enough to truly help and are at least willing to look at this evidence and consider the possibility that it could be happening.

    It's also ten times better than reading all the negative reports that the alternative media is so full of these days...all the fear fodder.

    Peace I love you

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    Post  Sanicle Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:29 am

    This is a more specific explanation of what these (so-called) ET/EDs claim to be doing via one of their Earth representatives...Tanaarth from the Silver Legion group

    There is a way to prioritize what we do and when. I want people to imagine a two-axis chart, with the vertical Y-axis being acuteness (up is acute or right away, down is chronic or not time sensitive) and the horizontal X-axis being scale (one side is small scale, the other is large scale). An example of a highly acute, large-scale event that needs to be addressed is a nuclear strike. That’s going to do a lot of damage to a lot of people, animals and infrastructure, really really fast and needs to be addressed with all haste and priority to prevent it from happening. Other things fall into this highly acute, large scale intervention box are other immediate threats to large portions of life on Earth. Note, I said immediate. This Box 1 threats represent the threats that are going to take the most resources and time to counter, and we will jump to address these before we jump to address anything else. This is the case for the Silver Legion, and it’s the case for pretty much everyone else working for the ‘good guys’.

    An example of the highly acute, small scale box would be an assassination or capture of a critical target – such as an individual or group of individuals, or a specific location. In these cases, we usually have resources to spare to help with it, since it’s small scale, and we’ll do what we can as soon as we are aware of the threat. Occasionally these Box 2 threats can lead to Box 1 threats, in which case, we’ll throw more resources at it to ensure it doesn’t happen.

    Down at the other end of the spectrum of acuteness, we have Box 3, which is low acuteness and large scale. Chemtrails fall into this. Sure, chemtrails are dangerous, but they do not pose an immediate threat. Chemtrails pose a long-term, chronic threat, to a huge portion of the Earth, but they will not kill you right away. In addition, many Box 3 events such as chemtrails and the assault on our nutrition can be countered by individuals taking action – orgonite, for instance, or growing your own garden. Not everyone can take those measures, but enough can to delay or mitigate the damage. Chemtrails will be dealt with, but only after the Box 1 and Box 2 events are taken care of.

    In our last box, Box 4 events, we have things that are chronic and small in scope. An example of this might be low levels of arsenic introduced to a town’s water supply. Yeah, it’s not good, but it’s also not going to kill you right away. You can do things to mitigate it, such as filtering or distilling water. And it has a local effect, as opposed to a country, continent, or world-wide effect. These are the absolute last on our list. We take care of these when we have nothing to do, and that’s rare, since the Other Side is really intent on creating Box 1 and Box 2 events, as well as Box 3 events.

    There are other factors involved, of course. Sometimes we know that something that looks like a Box 3 or 4 event will lead to a high priority event, and then we’ll nip it in the bud if we can. Sometimes there are mitigating or exacerbating circumstances. Sometimes we go after chronic targets because we know by taking them out, we can free a LOT of other resources in the future to then go after acute targets, or because we know that the chronic situation can worsen into acute, and it’s easier to deal with while it’s chronic. Prioritizing is both a science and an art, and all of us work very very hard at making sure it’s done in such a way as to make the most effective use of our resources. Unfortunately this isn’t always the most publicly visible use of our resources, or the use that involves personal interaction with everyone. That can come later, for now we would just like to ensure the safety of as many as we can.

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:06 am

    Carol wrote:I'm so conflicted in thought on this as I love technology yet am also aware that internal powers from spirit are superior, fail-safe and move one along the spiritual path. Whereas technology is from ET and there are groups of ETs without souls (the clones - CTRs the Akrij left behind after the CTRs destroyed their bases and tried to kill all of the off back in the 80s). The CTRs are very powerful beings, technologically advanced but as clones are devoid of any souls whatever. It is these beings who are here since the 1980s. They are interested in science only, they are materialists, atheists. So there you have it. Do we lose our souls the more addicted to technology we become? I've read reports how the brains of youth addicted to various video type games are altered. Basically they become brain damaged. Then what? And they also become subject to mind-control by the vary nature of the game playing to begin with thus cutting them off from developing their own creative minds.

    When it comes to ETs and technology - humans are still mere babes in the woods. And those who are in the secret government who have been manipulated and subject to mind control are seriously damaged when it comes to normal emotional maturity (meaning they look okay on the outside but are emotionally immature on the inside where judgment eventually becomes impaired). This is based on personal observation. So I do have concerns about youth. I suspect if youth were subjected to the rigors that someone like Tom Brown would put them through out in the woods for the summer just in learning basic survival skills, the youth would be far more advanced in the development of their innate spiritual nature then those still glued to a screen for entertainment/entrainment.
    Constructive Game-Playing v Destructive Game-Playing?? The challenge seems to be in proper prioritization and balance. I don't object to high-technology, watching television, playing video-games, or going to pubs and football-games -- but all of this must be done in a RESPONSIBLE and SPIRITUAL manner. I am utterly irresponsible -- and I seem to lack the 'right' kind of spirituality -- but yet I think this concept should be foundational -- which is one reason why I like the idea of every day being sort of a Sabbath-Day -- with all of life being considered sacred -- even though work might continue seven days a week. Does God desire Worship and Praise -- or simply Respect and Obedience? Perhaps it depends on which God we are referring to. Can one Reverence God -- without kneeling? I continue to worry about the possibility of 'Gods Gone Bad' or 'Counterfeit Gods'. I personally don't have a problem with Worshipping the Right God on the Seventh-Day Sabbath -- and with combining the Sovereignty of God -- Absolute Obedience -- Human Sovereignty -- and Responsible Freedom. This is a VERY delicate balance -- which I am not quite sure how to achieve.

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:36 pm

    Sanicle wrote: But I did like to think that fellow members here were still open to believing their could be good ETs out there who are altruistic enough to truly help and are at least willing to look at this evidence and consider the possibility that it could be happening.

    I have listened to some of Tolec's interviews and came across a blog of John Ketler recently . I can't take what they say literally for this is part of subjective reality but I remain open and acknowledge these as manifestations coming to my awareness.

    I believe all beings are basically good Sanicle and that so called malevolent intention stems from ignorance of one's soul and Heart essence.
    From Walter Russells universal principles :
    All of Nature is One Ordered Body. That which we call Darkness is just less Light. That which we call Evil is not opposed to Good, it is opposed to itself.

    Some remember Earth is'nt their home planet and that they came here as benevolent ET's in the human form assisting humanity in the process of Consciousness growth or shall we say realization of divine nature.I extrapolate from this that the remaining space brothers who's choice has been not to incarnate here are nonetheless crew members present on their own mission in their contribution to facilitating the Creator's great plan.

    All life is connected in Oneness.It is interesting to note that The word Universe itself, comes from two primitive roots: UNI, meaning 'one' and 'VERSE' stems from another root, 'versus,' as in a court decision (i.e. Smith versus Smith) and means literally 'being turned toward'; thus making the word, UNIVERSE, also mean 'ONE BEING TURNED TOWARD."

    Love from me


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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  Sanicle Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:36 am

    Thank you for responding Mudra. I'm in harmony with what you say. However I had to smile wryly at this comment:
    I can't take what they say literally for this is part of subjective reality
    Why the wryness? Because we are all told repeatedly to "Go Within to find your Truth". So people do this and put it out there for others and, nine times out of ten, this is the reaction to it these days. If it can't be backed up with 'proof' in this reality, even though we are often looking at other dimensional worlds or other realities when we 'go within', people take all that's said with a grain of salt. OR, with those hard-nosed enough to accept nothing with "facts to back it up" that's already 'out there' in the world, they don't accept it at all.

    The other side of this coin to me, adding to the irony, is that there is so much info 'out there' that creates so much of this doubt in us all. Such as we are able to be deluded when we listen within either by negative ETs, AI, dark astral entities, or even the old archons.....on top of all the deliberate disinfo put out there about all that's hidden from our everyday view.

    Put both together and we doubt each other's experiences and often our own, particularly those of us who follow alternative websites and forums and meet all of this repeatedly, the very people who are willing to put that time and effort in to finding the Truth and want nothing more than to have faith in it all. More and more we see confusion, criticism and doubt rather than faith and hope these days, especially when it's been received within. Even the Bible is put into doubt this way nowadays for that (and other) reasons.

    It all really makes me wonder how pervasively we seekers really have been played like a fiddle when the very path we are taught we need to follow to find Truth has almost become the antithesis of it.


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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  devakas Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:43 am

    malletzky wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:...And how do we know that the technology they use wasn't given to them through the inspiration of God? Technology is not all bad. For instance I see the development of the Internet as a brilliant way for us to grow into becoming true world citizens as it allows us to find out for sure that we are all much the same within, despite our different coloured skins, country of birth, etc. Possibly the 3D version of telepathy that we will all develop in time. Can't we extend that to citizens from other planets as well now?

    ... I love you

    Altough I full heartedly agree that if we accept God, the almighty Creator, as perfect, then succesively all God's creations ARE perfect in their essence.

    But from a higher point of view, developing technology by any means and especially in senses of using it to help us grow spritualy, I see it just as an attempt to copy God powers and merely play with the possibilities our materialistic world gives us.

    Neither will WE as humans nor any known and unknown ET's ever be succesfull to develop technologies so powerful as our real and true spiritual powers ARE.

    And if we're to objectively look upon our (unkown or hidden) history, we will come to a conclusion that developing too powerful technologies will not do us too good, as we tend, as humans at the present stage of spiritual growth, to destroy more then we tend to create.

    It should be our first and only goal to have our real powers back, developed inside us and not trying to develop them outside with help form any technologies.

    Much respect

    nice clear post Mall! thanks

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    Post  Sanicle Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:45 am

    Back to John Kettler's website. The members over there are getting a bit restless also in terms of not being given enough factual evidence in this reality to prove that what their sources are saying is true, even though some did seem to be given in earlier posts. (Not enought to convince me however.) I find irony is this situation as well as the state of politics etc in the world today gives Kettler both reason and a possible inability to give it, as per the reasons he states below in certain cases he's reported on.

    Hundreds of Tweets documenting the broad daylight mass disappearance of Iranian suicide boats were known to exist, both from my highly sensitive sources and her journalistic contacts. All the embedded reporters were leaned on by the government to say nothing and show no video, while my sources tell me the NSA and CIA marched into Twitter headquarters and ordered the smoking gun Tweets from hundreds of observers removed from history.

    It’s hard to prove things when the opposition can make key evidence disappear at will!

    The blackened ruins of the missiles in Venezuela should’ve been visible in Google Earth, but that problem was “solved” by parking clouds directly over the strike zone. Time and again I’ve published stuff so sensitive even the President isn’t cleared for it. That certain people can’t/won’t grasp the import isn’t our fault. We can certainly understand, though, where real issues would come up on such stuff as Insect Queens, Creator Beings and such.

    Again I will state that the reason I started a thread about these people in particular is because there are now four different people who appear to back up each other's stories of what they are receiving. I find this unusual these days and so thought it worth watching and reporting.

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    3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories Empty Re: 3 different ET contactees backing each other's stories

    Post  devakas Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:55 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Constructive Game-Playing v Destructive Game-Playing?? The challenge seems to be in proper prioritization and balance. I don't object to high-technology, watching television, playing video-games, or going to pubs and football-games -- but all of this must be done in a RESPONSIBLE and SPIRITUAL manner. I am utterly irresponsible -- and I seem to lack the 'right' kind of spirituality -- but yet I think this concept should be foundational -- which is one reason why I like the idea of every day being sort of a Sabbath-Day -- with all of life being considered sacred -- even though work might continue seven days a week. Does God desire Worship and Praise -- or simply Respect and Obedience? Perhaps it depends on which God we are referring to. Can one Reverence God -- without kneeling? I continue to worry about the possibility of 'Gods Gone Bad' or 'Counterfeit Gods'. I personally don't have a problem with Worshipping the Right God on the Seventh-Day Sabbath -- and with combining the Sovereignty of God -- Absolute Obedience -- Human Sovereignty -- and Responsible Freedom. This is a VERY delicate balance -- which I am not quite sure how to achieve.

    IMHO we should understand our ultimate goal of life.

    The ultimate goal for humanity is not to build the fastest or most comfortable material airplanes or tallest buildings. Or to go to mars or die before or during this dream. The success of humanity I believe is knowledge and prosperity of all. The ultimate goal for demons is the same. To know how it works and achieve knowledge to improve life, (concure desease, death, old age...) both sides are trying to solve it. The results are devastating on scientific community as mostly resources are spend for the destruction (nature, wars, armies)
    Comparing the results achieved by divine Sri Prabhupada teachings as science of god, true our nature as souls, we can find that happiness and knowledge achievements are not comparable in any means. The scientific knowledge for each personal realization delivered in the most uncomparable results could be mentioned such as :
    1. Swami Prabhupada by stopping at Fiji airport for only an hour and speaking with one person resulted into temple opening.
    2. Speaking with a russian in hotel for a few nights in Russia resulted the masive movement in Krishna Consciousness today.
    3. Also nonviolence caused by Vedic teachings are absolutely not comparable with violence causing modern world(humans, animals)
    there are more and more, but it would be not understood. To purify ourselves there are powers hard to explain......

    Also we know that morality in general hold beliefs for millions. Wonder where those traditions came from...

    So the ultimate life goals are the same with science, but the results in benefits for humanity are not comparable. judge it yourself

    I would like the only vedic science to be taught in schools. Bhagavatam if saved, if all books would be lost, humanity would not loose anything.

    Dharma Shastra - law books are left for 10,000 years ahead by Prabhupada.

    for us conditioned souls...

    god is above all religions...


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    Post  Sanicle Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:41 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Constructive Game-Playing v Destructive Game-Playing?? The challenge seems to be in proper prioritization and balance. I don't object to high-technology, watching television, playing video-games, or going to pubs and football-games -- but all of this must be done in a RESPONSIBLE and SPIRITUAL manner. I am utterly irresponsible -- and I seem to lack the 'right' kind of spirituality -- but yet I think this concept should be foundational -- which is one reason why I like the idea of every day being sort of a Sabbath-Day -- with all of life being considered sacred -- even though work might continue seven days a week. Does God desire Worship and Praise -- or simply Respect and Obedience? Perhaps it depends on which God we are referring to. Can one Reverence God -- without kneeling? I continue to worry about the possibility of 'Gods Gone Bad' or 'Counterfeit Gods'. I personally don't have a problem with Worshipping the Right God on the Seventh-Day Sabbath -- and with combining the Sovereignty of God -- Absolute Obedience -- Human Sovereignty -- and Responsible Freedom. This is a VERY delicate balance -- which I am not quite sure how to achieve.

    I might have an answer for you Oxy as to how to achieve balance but I started a new thread for it as it doesn't really fit here. Also few seem to be reading this thread and, you never know, what I wrote might just help someone else so all the more reason to give it a thread of its own.

    Here's the link if you're interested:

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