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    Post  Ashera Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:38 am

    The Silesians and the Milesians... Corded Ware Culture

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 1280px10

    I touched the Lia Fail - the Saxum Fatale - at Imbolc 2001. I assume that the Tuatha Dé... the followers of Dana and Asha (Artemis and Ashera?) were Israelite... this stone was in the Arc of the Covenant...

    The Tuathas rather were slaughtered than settling in mounds... some also escaped to Brittany... and there exists a small region with an Ashera cult... the cat sidhe...

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 5adff010

    The Tara Hill belongs to House Leinster (Lannister)...

    They do not get it, it is still the same game... Corded Ware down to Spain finally... and from there to Ireland...

    One only can explain it assuming a certain "entity character"...

    Why should I submit to the Badeners and accept the yoke of their justice, attempting to hinder me and to put me under the conservation of them and their Pollacks?

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    Post  Morpheus Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:25 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Mars Perseverance Rover

    Genuine or fake my friends?
    Are there clouds at all on Mars?
    I would have thought one would need water fields for this.

    Lionhawk you who are able to remote view what do you think?

    If genuine they look like covered with mud and baked with a heat discharge to me.
    I would be curious to hammer the mud crust down and see what's underneath.

    If fake these images are still amazing and some would make interesting paintings 🙏😊

    I was unsuccessful at finding these same videos elsewhere than on that YouTuber's channel.
    Where one can find dozens of them.

    Thank you, Mudra. Hope all is well with you! Everyone else too! Mars? I have lost count as to how many times I have remote viewed this place. The videos you posted look and feel real. I have argued for years that NASA has misinformed folks of their projection that everything is orange on Mars. Mars has a diversity much like Southern Utah and the Grand Canyon. One place is called Goblin Cemetery located in Green River, Utah. I never stopped to visit the place because at the time I wasn't aware it was there. Sad, because I have driven by it so many times. Use to fish the Green River too. Talk about trophy waters. Some guy caught a 29.5 Brown trout at the Flaming Gorge dam on Christmas Eve, 1997. The Green River feeds Flaming Gorge Reservoir and then flows south all the way to Lake Powell. The brown trout was caught down below the dam.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Goblin10

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Goblin12

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Goblin11

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Goblin10

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Goblin12

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Goblin11

    Remote viewing... ? There is some scary stuff below the surface. Humans are not welcomed there. Major protocols just to establish contact. Reminds me of Storm Troopers as to the diversity of insectoid life there. Huge ant beings too. I feel as though I could establish contact there and should put it on my list of things to do. They are not like the Antids below the surface of our planet. I have had 3 contact experiences with the Antids here. They're good people. I met 6 of them deep underground at an insection of tunnels. I bi-located there the first time. They stood about 5'6" tall and shorter. I didn't initiate the contact either. They have had many exchanges with the Reptilians and are considered the enemy. So they have informed me, that their situation is much improved as of 4 years ago. They don't speak English. They communicate with emotions and visuals blended together. Then use some sionic frequency to transmit their information. It was a cool meeting. They surrounded me in that intersection and were very friendly towards me. Within a foot of me. To clean up and extract the rest of the Reptilians, I would think they might know where they are. Or their last location. Getting back to Mars, an Angelic source said that Lucifer was at one time in charge of the Mars civilization which was at the beginning of implanting the Human race in our Solar System. It was then and there Lucifer went Darkside. Take that as secondhand info.

    My vacation got canceled this past week. Postponed till Spring. My friend would have to fly out here and with all that is now occurring with the Airlines, and something felt very wrong about it, and for my friend's safety, it seemed to be the right choice. That being said, it doesn't change the fact that I have so much that needs to be done over here. Health issues don't help either, but I'm still in this fight and don't plan on throwing in the towel, although I have my moments.

    Although I haven't been posting, it isn't because I don't want to. I needed a break. Plus my editor issues really turned me off. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I will just say that some Greys are behind this. To spend a whole day redoing posts is BS. So I'm going to see if this will post. Another thing I noticed is that this thread is now taking time to load up. And not because of OXY.

    Think of you always, Mudra!



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    Post  Lionhawk Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:21 pm


    Dear Carol,

    Take this for what it is worth. Around a month ago, you and I had two meetings within a few days of each other in my dream state. Shortly thereafter my making it official statement. In those meetings, we came full circle as to our relationship. The easiest way I can say that. We cleared everything up. Thank you for that if that is so. A fresh start as it were between us. The meetings were cordial and respectful. Do you have any recall as to this? Correct me if I am wrong here.






    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Lionhawk Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:43 pm


    Thank you for posting. The only thing I am aware of is that Hitler, gave the German people stuff, like fridges and other things to buy his path to power.

    And one last thing is, you shouldn't have to submit to anything. When you do, you lose your personal freedom.

    Have a nice day! Nice to see you back.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:50 am


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    Post  mudra Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:56 am

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Beb78510

    thanks that answers it 😊
    Utah is amazing for sure. I am glad I asked you 😊

    I Am on the move , last hundred meters or so and they happen to be the hardest to make.
    I don't really know whats waiting for me ahead yet . Feels like stepping on quick sand.
    At this point of my life I would have loved to have settled somewhere I love close to nature
    with a few like minded people not far away.
    I don't know what to say really if only that it feels like being in that foggy area between two
    worlds at the moment. I know I am not the only one.

    Regarding health it seems that Bach flowers rescue remedy, Nano Soma and Sun gazing are becoming the 3 pillars of trust for body and mental balance the fourth one being grounding.
    I wish you find your own and do well.

    Sending you the very best of my healing and loving energy LionHawk.
    Take good care of you



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    Post  Lionhawk Sun Oct 24, 2021 8:25 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    Very interesting, OXY. According to the Cosmic Girls, Elena and Megan, Mars has been liberated as of August 2021, two months ago. Which is great news, IMO. I agree with what she said about how limited we are without knowing our past lives. Which makes sense. As far as the Elite and Mars being a religious program are also probable. But IMO, this reminds of folks who had past lives on Mars causing them to resonate with those memories much like those who resonate with Star Wars, i.e. the Orion War. Same with Atlantis. Or Tibet, etc. How does one go about "KNOWING THYSELF" if they don't go within to find out? Each lifetime is merely a chapter of your soul life.

    How many councils of nine are there? There are several. Even the Elohim have nine members. I know this in the first hand and got to that level by chanting. That was one cool experience in 1993. I was standing next to an Angelic walk-in, holding her hand and when we entered that realm of the Elohim, chanting, then we stopped chanting, I saw exactly who she was. She had translucent wings. Not feathers. Beautiful! Amethyst in color. The Elohim had form but it was more ethereal than physical. They stood in a circle, hovering in a temporal space. They were pleased that we showed up. When our meeting had adjourned, this Angelic walk-in turned to me and stuck a closed hand to me, and asked me what was in her hand. I told her I would answer that in 3 days. 3 days went by and we met up and I told her what had been in her hand. It was an amethyst crystal, diamond-shaped but was symmetrical with 4 facets on the crown and 4 facets on the pavilion. However, during the moment when she first asked me, it was in the form of energy. When I answered her, she opened up her hand and gave me this crystal. Little did I know at the time, I passed an Angelic initiation.

    I have no doubt that Gigi tapped into an A.I. faction. The Greys also use A.I. so it isn't just one supercomputer out there transmitting certain agendas disguised as a council of nine. And she discerned this A.I. as being cold and without heart. Makes perfect sense. Been there done that.

    49 minutes in was also intriguing. So many claim to be Osirus or Isis or whoever. Ending up being impostors. Parasitic ones at that, seeking attention and establishing some kind of power over you to siphon your energy. I have stated many times that there is so much glorification when it comes to Eygpt in terms of the manufactured propaganda to tell a story that is back to front, conditioning the globe for eons. To hide the real truth.

    Brook and I worked very hard to uncover the truth in this regard. We also kept it secret as to our identities for security purposes. We were being hunted even in this lifetime. There was so much trauma in our past lives and that trauma needed to be healed. We didn't sit here bragging who we were. For us, it had nothing to do with a misalignment of the EGO. We were to busy discovering where all this pain came from. You all have no idea of the meltdowns Brook and I had. Soul crushing in my mind. Being twinflames was a new thing for us and gave us a unique advantage to accomplish what we did. It help us to balance the energies. And if you notice, the reveal didn't come out till after Brook passed away, 3 years ago tomorrow. I revealed our story because I felt that some of the membership here deserved to know. Especially Carol, Mudra, OXY, Susan, and a few others who had interactions with us both. That reveal is here for the record and if someone wants to use the control tactic using the term, ego, you know what I think about that. We paid a huge price. And if anyone doesn't understand that, I'm sorry then, because you haven't done the inner work to even understand what that takes. Jesus said to know thyself! If you don't know thyself, how are you going to know anyone else? It's a no-brainer. Common sense. IMO. Yeah, it's personal!

    Here's a little kicker for everyone here that you all might appreciate. The Dark Journalist. He and Brook had about a dozen conversations here at the house. I would always sit on the side to monitor any possible threats that could endanger us. Talk about the ultimate irony is that he didn't know he was actually speaking with Isis.

    I watched this video twice. It's a little behind the current status but worth a watch. Thubs Up

    Thank you OXY!


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 24, 2021 8:53 am

    Thank-you, Lionhawk. I'm a 'fish out of water' on this website, but I try to understand (in my own way and time). I might've blown my cover (regarding past-lives and strange-roles) even though I don't know who I am or what I've done. This makes me extremely apprehensive. I play 'dumb' in this incarnation (which is quite easy for me) as I 'beat around the burning-bush'. I still don't do 'hocus-pocus'. I'm in too-deep as it is. Incidentally, I'm warming to the idea of going-mobile and buying one of those Mercedes 'Sprinters' in raw-form, just with a nice shower-toilet in one corner of a simple-office and a sleeping-bag in the other corner. You get the picture. This might not meet expectations in real-life but it's fun to think about! Things are worsening in real-life and I might not be of much use in conversing with anyone. I think the Matrix reined me in. 'God Got Me' or so it seems (for better or worse, I know not). One other thing. A few months ago, a random-stranger asked me if I would go on a one-way trip to Mars on short-notice?! I answered that the Mars-Folk might NOT Like Humans!! I guess that ruined my chances for a grand-adventure!! I'll probably have to settle for that van!!

    Lionhawk likes this post


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    Post  Lionhawk Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:28 am

    mudra wrote:
    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Beb78510

    thanks that answers it 😊
    Utah is amazing for sure. I am glad I asked you 😊

    I Am on the move, the last hundred meters or so and they happen to be the hardest to make.
    I don't really know what's waiting for me ahead yet. Feels like stepping on quicksand.
    At this point of my life I would have loved to have settled somewhere I love close to nature
    with a few like-minded people not far away. I don't know what to say really if only that it feels like being in that foggy area between two worlds at the moment. I know I am not the only one.

    Regarding health, it seems that Bach flowers rescue remedy, Nano Soma, and Sungazing are becoming the 3 pillars of trust for body and mental balance the fourth one being grounding.
    I wish you find your own and do well.

    Sending you the very best of my healing and loving energy LionHawk.

    Take good care of you


    Reminds me of the desert I was in not long ago. If I may make a suggestion, do the grounding first. Sitting in a chair, barefoot to the ground will help big time. Just know it will pass and you will be well on your way once more. A raw piece of tourmaline will also help you tremendously. It will give you the strength to get through to your destination. You could also try walking backwards to the finish line.

    Health issues suck. Plain and simple. The last two months have been very difficult to overcome. The old pancreas did a flip on me one morning. I spent almost 9 hours in a hot bath just to regulate my body temperature. I was exhausted from that and took a week just to get my strength back up. Right before I went to go on vacation. Then a week later I got a stomach bug and was out of commission for another week. Then got another gastrointestinal bug and that took several days to get over. That was last week. So I sympathize with you.

    Everyone I know here is having a rough time. My neighbors are all messed up. My next-door neighbors, Ed, Cathy, and Jamie, have gone through hell this year. Ed had diverticulitis and came so close to death. Jamie almost died last week from a med pump they replaced and he overdosed. He's still in the hospital. Plus they all had the covid. Ed became suicidal and got through that. My neighbor across from me is also suicidal. He had a massive heart attack and had a quad done on him. They had to cut him open for that and then was diagnosed with type-2. He is super depressed and he's only 52. Another friend has 4% of his kidneys left and they give him a few months to live. Another friend is battling poor circulation issues in his legs and has an ulcer on his foot that won't heal. If it gets any worse, they have talked about cutting his leg off. Despite all this around me, I haven't gotten the covid yet. So between having my health issues, I have been trying to support my neighbors by hauling off their trash and mowing their lawn, plus checking up my neighbor across the street to cheer him up. It's just been crazy here. I just hope I can make it till Christmas, to see our Planet become liberated. After that, C'est la vie.

    I wish you were here in the states, Mudra. Plenty of Mother nature here. So hang in there. I just take it day by day. It's all I can do.

    Love you and thanks for reaching out across the pond with your huge heart.

    The Karen

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 Sun10

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    Post  mudra Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:05 pm

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 6d66ea10

    This is quite a bit of misery you have been going through lately LionHawk and so do your friends and neighbors.
    The times are awkward. Everyone in their own way is sensitive to the twisted energies at play on the global scene .
    When everything seems out of control time has come to turn within and find peace therein.
    For some this will be a real change, a true discovery. Mapping the inner world, the Golden Self , as a last chance to wake up to our true nature.
    This is what the " End times "are for. They are the last stage of a wider cycle of growth, continuity and destruction, before a new beginning, a Golden age emerges at the onset of the new cycle.

    It would certainly have been great to visit the States and the few friends I made there through Old PA and the Mists. I am sure we would have had a great time.

    This seems such an impossible dream these days.

    I missed all the opportunities to  visit more of the Earth when it was still time.
    Perou, Bhutan, Tibet, cambodia, India , Japan, Scotland, Island, Lapland, Russia ... stay in my mind.
    What a waste of time not doing so !
    I must offer myself an Astral tour one of these days 🕊😊

    Thanks for the tips you gave me : grounding, tourmaline, backward walking. They all feel right 🙏😊

    Lets all fly high as we move through the turbulent times.
    The view is more peaceful from above 🙏💗🙏

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    Post  Lionhawk Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:48 pm

    Post 577. That's a new one for me. Duplicate pics. I'm not even going to fool with it. Let the editor Gods fix it.

    OXY... Guess what I have started to watch on the screen? Farscape. One of my favorites. I don't know OXY. Are you a mind reader? I'm in season one, about a third in. Love this show! So between Superman, Submarines, and now Farscape we have connected on at some level.


    This cycle will be completed soon enough. I'm not coming back! I've had my fill. If I go first, I will be waiting for you on the other side as I had promised. I keep my promises.

    Walking backward changes the phase angle,180 degrees. We apply so much force going forward and apply more energy as the terrain becomes more difficult. We are conditioned that way. Change the condition. Anyone can try this. Just remember that all the media in the world, books, videos, etc. won't teach you this. It's not in the bible either. Go figure. I could get into the particle physics of this one thing, but I am too tired right now. Another act of working with flow.

    Got a call from a friend the other day. Guess what time he called? 6:03. The synchronicity field continues at a maddening rate. Keep that thread going.

    Goodnight.  Sleep


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    Post  Morpheus Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:53 pm



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    Post  Lionhawk Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:49 pm


    I have some GREAT NEWS! But first...

    Synchronicity in my little Universe exploded today. A day or two ago, OXY pulled one of those head fakes again. I was going to respond but he faked me out. Sorry OXY for not getting to your post sooner. My fault because I had to get some sleep. Do you ever sleep? I think it was yesterday he made a long post about the Greys. Then head faked himself with his own post. Got to love free agency. lols. You crack me up, OXY! But anyway, I gave his Grey posting some thought and was going to post about it early this morning. Didn't happen. Had to get things done around here and had to take advantage of the weather as we will get rain for the next 3 days. But what I did do was reach out to Michael Salla. No response as of this posting. Then went to work. Late afternoon comes and my neighbor Ed stops by and we have a conversation. Jamie is coming home tomorrow. cheers We also talked about the snakebit and I was telling him about what the graphene was for. And about the eggs in the snakebite and what happens. The conversation ends and he departs. I shut down everything, got in the house, fired up the computer and Elena is live. Hang on to your seats!

    I did a scan and found no Reptilians!!!!! cheers cheers cheers Signatures that is. It is the first time in my whole life, where I no longer have to run. I don't have to look over my shoulder anymore with this faction. Early last week, I had a dream. Two images were flashed into my mind. A Reptilian suddenly appeared and then disappeared and the next image was a nice big steak. Then back to the Reptilian. What the hell does that mean? Am I the steak? And the Greys are now gone too! Both these bastards have killed some of my closest friends. Damn near killed me on 3/7/2010. I am disabled because of that hit job. And the type-2 amplifies where the beam went through. You all have no idea what this means to me. Even processing Brook's Estate. At every turn, I could sense a negative force at work. No more kids, women, and men to be taken anymore. Not just from our planet but our solar system. This fight I have participated in for the last 20 years is now over. I never imagined that I would ever see this day. Never. My tears go out to so many right now. All the men, women, and children who paid the highest of prices with their souls. Got to stop. I'm on overload right now. More coming. Got to take a break...


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    Post  Lionhawk Wed Oct 27, 2021 7:10 pm



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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:32 am

    Lionhawk wrote: OXY pulled one of those head fakes again. I was going to respond but he faked me out. Sorry OXY for not getting to your post sooner. My fault because I had to get some sleep. Do you ever sleep? I think it was yesterday he made a long post about the Greys. Then head faked himself with his own post. Got to love free agency. lols. You crack me up, OXY! But anyway, I gave his Grey posting some thought and was going to post about it early this morning. Didn't happen. Had to get things done around here and had to take advantage of the weather.
    Sorry, Lionhawk. I second-guess the wisdom of my posting on the threads of others. As things worsen for me, I'll probably get quirky and inappropriate (as if I'm not already that way). My goal is to not post at all. I might not even write at all. Watching Farscape sounds about right for me at this point. I had high-hopes for reforming the reprobates but I don't think things work the way we think they do. Anything truth-seekers say and do CAN and WILL be Used Against Them. The Real PTB can slant things any way they want to. Perhaps we really are prisoners of our own device.
    Lionhawk wrote:OXY... Guess what I have started to watch on the screen? Farscape. One of my favorites. I don't know OXY. Are you a mind reader? I'm in season one, about a third in. Love this show! So between Superman, Submarines, and now Farscape we have connected on at some level.


    This cycle will be completed soon enough. I'm not coming back! I've had my fill. If I go first, I will be waiting for you on the other side as I had promised. I keep my promises.

    Walking backward changes the phase angle,180 degrees. We apply so much force going forward and apply more energy as the terrain becomes more difficult. We are conditioned that way. Change the condition. Anyone can try this. Just remember that all the media in the world, books, videos, etc. won't teach you this. It's not in the bible either. Go figure. I could get into the particle physics of this one thing, but I am too tired right now. Another act of working with flow.

    Got a call from a friend the other day. Guess what time he called? 6:03. The synchronicity field continues at a maddening rate. Keep that thread going.

    Goodnight.  Sleep
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not a mind-reader but I think I've occasionally connected with the mind-reading phenomenon. I'm not a fan of mind-reading and remote-viewing. It seems so invasive and rude. When a critical-mass of the souls in this solar-system get involved with this stuff, it might be the end of all of us. I've hit a brick-wall and I'd probably leave if I could, but the BS might exist everywhere in the universe (in one way or another). Context and Character Determine Destiny (or something corny like that). Who Knows?? We might mostly exist in some sort of purgatory for all-eternity. Few of us might spend much time in heaven or hell. Getting the hell out of Earth might result in jumping out of the frying-pan and into the fire. Someone like me might be shunned while the general-public keeps getting lied-to for thousands (or even millions) of years, being promised that which can't and won't be delivered. Again, I know I don't know, but I seem to be experiencing insights in the midst of my hamstrung-misery. A clean-up crew would need to re-think and re-write all of my tripe, but the truth might NOT set us free. This thing might be worse than we can imagine (especially regarding the big-picture or the larger-view of the larger-view). I realize that we need hope. Hope Springs Eternal. But what if we are dealing with BS VS BS VS BS for All-Eternity?? I'll probably just stay where I am, without posting or writing, but driving around the US in a Sprinter is intriguing. The base-model (without much of anything additional) would probably work for me. Some of those conversion-vans are obscenely-expensive. Anyway, I digress. BTW, your friends and neighbors in dire-straights bring tears to my eyes. Life is supposed to be enjoyed rather than endured, but what if the Matrix is a neutral-referee without a lot of compassion?? When I sat in the choir-loft of the Crystal Cathedral (decades ago) I thought I heard a voice saying, "He Says We Need a War." The Gulf-War started within a year or two. I am more disillusioned than anyone can imagine. Someone needs to properly expound upon purgatory. I think N.T. Wright knows what I'm talking about. I'm tired and rambling. I need to sleep. I'll start watching Farscape in the morning. I'm mostly just sampling this and that without direction or decisiveness. Perhaps that will be my legacy. Namaste'.
    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 DOXHciW

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    Post  Morpheus Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:12 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Lionhawk wrote: OXY pulled one of those head fakes again. I was going to respond but he faked me out. Sorry OXY for not getting to your post sooner. My fault because I had to get some sleep. Do you ever sleep? I think it was yesterday he made a long post about the Greys. Then head faked himself with his own post. Got to love free agency. lols. You crack me up, OXY! But anyway, I gave his Grey posting some thought and was going to post about it early this morning. Didn't happen. Had to get things done around here and had to take advantage of the weather.
    Sorry, Lionhawk. I second-guess the wisdom of my posting on the threads of others. As things worsen for me, I'll probably get quirky and inappropriate (as if I'm not already that way). My goal is to not post at all. I might not even write at all. Watching Farscape sounds about right for me at this point. I had high-hopes for reforming the reprobates but I don't think things work the way we think they do. Anything truth-seekers say and do CAN and WILL be Used Against Them. The Real PTB can slant things any way they want to. Perhaps we really are prisoners of our own device.
    Lionhawk wrote:OXY... Guess what I have started to watch on the screen? Farscape. One of my favorites. I don't know OXY. Are you a mind reader? I'm in season one, about a third in. Love this show! So between Superman, Submarines, and now Farscape we have connected on at some level.


    This cycle will be completed soon enough. I'm not coming back! I've had my fill. If I go first, I will be waiting for you on the other side as I had promised. I keep my promises.

    Walking backward changes the phase angle,180 degrees. We apply so much force going forward and apply more energy as the terrain becomes more difficult. We are conditioned that way. Change the condition. Anyone can try this. Just remember that all the media in the world, books, videos, etc. won't teach you this. It's not in the bible either. Go figure. I could get into the particle physics of this one thing, but I am too tired right now. Another act of working with flow.

    Got a call from a friend the other day. Guess what time he called? 6:03. The synchronicity field continues at a maddening rate. Keep that thread going.

    Goodnight.  Sleep
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not a mind-reader but I think I've occasionally connected with the mind-reading phenomenon. I'm not a fan of mind-reading and remote-viewing. It seems so invasive and rude. When a critical-mass of the souls in this solar-system get involved with this stuff, it might be the end of all of us. I've hit a brick-wall and I'd probably leave if I could, but the BS might exist everywhere in the universe (in one way or another). Context and Character Determine Destiny (or something corny like that). Who Knows?? We might mostly exist in some sort of purgatory for all-eternity. Few of us might spend much time in heaven or hell. Getting the hell out of Earth might result in jumping out of the frying-pan and into the fire. Someone like me might be shunned while the general-public keeps getting lied-to for thousands (or even millions) of years, being promised that which can't and won't be delivered. Again, I know I don't know, but I seem to be experiencing insights in the midst of my hamstrung-misery. A clean-up crew would need to re-think and re-write all of my tripe, but the truth might NOT set us free. This thing might be worse than we can imagine (especially regarding the big-picture or the larger-view of the larger-view). I realize that we need hope. Hope Springs Eternal. But what if we are dealing with BS VS BS VS BS for All-Eternity?? I'll probably just stay where I am, without posting or writing, but driving around the US in a Sprinter is intriguing. The base-model (without much of anything additional) would probably work for me. Some of those conversion-vans are obscenely-expensive. Anyway, I digress. BTW, your friends and neighbors in dire-straights bring tears to my eyes. Life is supposed to be enjoyed rather than endured, but what if the Matrix is a neutral-referee without a lot of compassion?? When I sat in the choir-loft of the Crystal Cathedral (decades ago) I thought I heard a voice saying, "He Says We Need a War." The Gulf-War started within a year or two. I am more disillusioned than anyone can imagine. Someone needs to properly expound upon purgatory. I think N.T. Wright knows what I'm talking about. I'm tired and rambling. I need to sleep. I'll start watching Farscape in the morning. I'm mostly just sampling this and that without direction or decisiveness. Perhaps that will be my legacy. Namaste'.
    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 DOXHciW

    Thanks, OXY! Man, I don't know what I can say other than I value your posts. I value your input and most of all, I value you! More than you will ever know. Also because of synchronicity events as of late, you're in that field. We both are. You are an integral gear in this machine. We all are gears in this machine. We all bring something unique to this table. We create and express those creations and share them with others to benefit humanity. What's wrong with that? Why be an Indian giver when what you post might help somebody out, somewhere out there on this planet. You're way better than that! I wish you would repost your Grey post here because I can so relate with these beings because of my past contact experiences. By the way, as of right now I do not sense any Greys here at this forum, like before. They were working through every forum and media platform out there and here. You have no idea what that is like for me, to not be picking up these regressive signatures any longer. Going through that every day of my life, and now being free of it.

    So last week, I received two emails. Back to back by two different friends of mine. Both were very short but there was something in common. The word, "Nectar," was mentioned. When I stated in my post about watching Farscape, that same evening, I went and watched S1 Ep 16, and guess what word was mentioned in that episode? Yep, "Nectar." Then S1 Ep 17 turned out to be about what Mudra and I were talking about in terms of walking backward. Incredible. I'm definitely plugged into something. Another one was the name of Ezekiel. I was contemplating why these Bible focus groups don't understand what actually occurred with him. The next thing I know, I go to YouTube and this video pops up on the screen called Ezekiel. Then I check out OXY's thread and there is Ezekiel mentioned in one of his posts. This was just the other day. Not to mention Submarine movies and silent running. Farscape included. Superman too. Another synchronicity was my discussion with Ed about the snakebite and then Elena mentions that the critters being created with the snakebite are called, "Spider Squid."

    Currently, I am having moments of relief. Haven't been here before. I suspect that things will dive into more chaos now that the regressives have been unplugged from the system. Aspects of that could get nasty when the Darkside starts craving what they can no longer get. That has been happening, but I'm talking on a greater scale. It damn sure isn't over as we have A.I, unseen negative influences, and the demonic realm. Due to the fact that certain negative frequencies were anchored into the planet and are no longer, it should give a big boost in regards to the Schumann factor. Should be interesting. For some reason, I'm not worried about the demonic faction. A much better focus can be better implemented now to deal with them. Time will tell. Razz The brick wall that needs to come down is this government. Big Pharma is another one. We fight against the Cartels for the drugs they push and yet let big Pharma swim freely with their just as deadly medicine. Legally? Legal to kill you.

    Another interesting side note is that the editor program is now working just fine now. Go figure.

    I got up early this morning because something told me that OXY posted. I didn't want it to disappear, so there!Thubs Up



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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:55 am

    Thank-you, Morpheus. I re-posted (in the above post) what I recently deleted, but I don't recall posting a deleted 'Grey' post. I'm not sure what's going on there. My USSS (Book 11) is basically a condensed reposting of USSS (Books 9 and 10) mostly to make it more viewer-friendly, as my final-gesture of good-intentions relative to a longshot-hypothesis which might solve and/or relieve what seems to be a deadly-wound by the nasty little-horn (or something to that effect). As always, I'm joking and obfuscating just a bit. I suspect that all of my threads have a snowball's chance in hell of actually accomplishing something positive and marketable. The analysts probably just mock my exercise in futility. This seems to be a no-win situation as a trap to derail my good-intentions (which might pave the road to hell). The original conceptualization was to facilitate the resolution of a horrific Potpourri of Concupiscence (or something to that effect). When this thread is quickly finished, I doubt I'll pursue this further, and I wish I'd never stuck my neck out to attempt to 'make things better'. There seems to be a factional-takeover in progress which might ultimately be a factional-assimilation into this Prison-Planet in Rebellion (or something to that effect). Ezekiel is interesting. The first chapters seem science-fictional and the last-chapters seem to describe a long-lost Temple-Conceptualization. I've wondered about Job to Daniel as a group but Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel seem dark and problematic. I'd be a lot happier grappling with Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, and Daniel as a Wisdom-Prophetic Puzzle with Evidence Which Demands a Verdict. Unfortunately, as things exponentially worsen for me, this project is mostly dead in the water. I suspect someone and/or something made damn-sure of that. Namaste'.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:57 am

    Woah.. it's ironic how some of this convo ties into what Gene Decode discussed with Michael Jaco in his recent interview.

    BTW, all the Dracos are now gone from Antartica, earth, the moon and Mars. He mentioned at the end that the humans who were born on Mars now know that earth exists and have been helping the Alliance by building huge mother ships for them. All the above ground earthquakes were the alliance taking out the Draco ships trying to escape. As for La Palma and other volcanos, including Yellowstone, the Alliance have been using their lava to flood and fill up the underground DUMBs in those areas. Other DUMBs were exploded and/or filled up with water (like many of the ones located under major cities.

    Could it be that synchronicity also tends to occur as the timelines continue to merge. Being on the same page, coherence just means frequency alignment, where thoughts are shared unbeknownst to the other (persons) unless they speak out loud or get in contact.

    Blackouts (tests) are occurring world-wide for short periods of time to see how people will react. Lots of whether warfare is going on. Two days ago it rained 10 inches in the Sacramento area in less than 24 hours after 200 days without rain. Lots of flooding, trees falling, mud sides where the fires occurred. The cyclone wind bombs have been intense. This is also occurring in various areas around the globe. China, Spain, Easter US, etc. Looks like the WH are dealing with a lot of DS facilities and such utilizing water/wind. In China when they had hail the size of golf and base balls hit earth they burst into flame. The northern breadbasket plains were inundated with locusts. Remind you of anything... say Biblical?

    Gene is also putting out his various health protocols, which he managed to cure himself of Morgellons and other nasty parasites in the blood.

    Very interesting interview as he also included video footage of various UFO flying about. One can say we are definitely not alone. Seems like the light brigade is at work cleaning out the dark forces and helping to set humanity up the Great Awakening.

    Still have the stock market crash to go along with taking out at least 34 Satanic locations world-wide. Black out will be soon most likely utilizing Project Odin and the Starlink satellite system to switch over to the new internet platforms and QFS banking system. Trump has some new internet platforms going up next months as well.

    There was one mention of next week, Nov 2nd? . When it goes dark is when the mass arrests will occur. Meanwhile, the military is positioned throughout the US and along the boarders to prevent CCP/DS invasion from within and on the boarders. When it goes dark is a good time to hunker down and shelter in place as this is when the DS's riots are planned by all of the insurgents that they have smuggled into various cities throughout the US. Of course, when this happens the supply chain will come to a standstill, so have extra on hand to last a few weeks is a good idea. Even a single butane camper burner stove top to heat food along with some of those canister propane cylinders is a good idea, candles and oil lamps are always handy to have.

    Cell phones will be down. We did have one report from someone in Canada that they could text but not call out. Land lines are the best. With winter coming on oder less oil lamps also help to provide heat. One suggestion was have tent that can be set up in the living room and sleep in that to conserve heat. If we had to we would just move over to our little 12x18 foot cabin with the wood stove. It's still unfinished on the inside but cosy.

    Lots of changes happening more rapidly. Yet, where we live, we've been blessed with the most beautiful fall EVER. The trees are ablaze with colors. Thousands of Tamarack pine tree with needles look like golden candle flames. Many of the fall Maple leaves are laying on the ground. In one wind we watched about 70% of the Maple yellow leaf tree leaves fall in a matter of minutes. Awesome. The snows that were expected this week happened in the high peaks, yet still a green meadow in front yard. The creek is running high with the extra rainfall. The surrounding lower hills are the colors of pale gold summer grasses. It's just utterly beautiful.

    Just one little kerfluffle. Our wood burning stove.  The wood stove was pouring smoke out its sides and would not burn with the door shut. Turned out that the chimney top was covered in creosote so the smoke couldn't escape out the chimney but only into the cabin. That was an experience. Had to take the whole thing apart first before discovering the real problem. At first we just thought the smoke was caused by trying to burn wet wood. Hah. We're idiots. But being on a learning curve now know what to do should this should occur again. Spouse had to climb up various ladders to the 20 foot metal roof top to knock the creosote off the mesh spark arrestor screen for the smoke to escape.

    Well, I've been rambling on a bit. Both Simon Parkes, Michael Jaco and Gene Decode have some excellent "intel" videos out. I'll keep posting links for as long as possible. Keep safe and know that you are both, loved and blessed. In the end, God wins.


    Huge Intel Drop Today!!!

    New decodes and updates on current events with @GeneDecode today


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:59 am

    Ashera wrote:The Silesians and the Milesians... Corded Ware Culture

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 1280px10

    I touched the Lia Fail - the Saxum Fatale - at Imbolc 2001. I assume that the Tuatha Dé... the followers of Dana and Asha (Artemis and Ashera?) were Israelite... this stone was in the Arc of the Covenant...

    The Tuathas rather were slaughtered than settling in mounds... some also escaped to Brittany... and there exists a small region with an Ashera cult... the cat sidhe...

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 24 5adff010

    The Tara Hill belongs to House Leinster (Lannister)...

    They do not get it, it is still the same game... Corded Ware down to Spain finally... and from there to Ireland...

    One only can explain it assuming a certain "entity character"...

    Why should I submit to the Badeners and accept the yoke of their justice, attempting to hinder me and to put me under the conservation of them and their Pollacks?

    Nice to see you posting again Ashera. Beautiful picture.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix


    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:38 pm

    If the Dracs are leaving, what if they're preparing to turn the inner-planets into a HUGE asteroid-belt?? What if ALL Factions are Centrally-Controlled by the Matrix?? As I feel worse and think less, I'm reduced to muddling-along as best I can, but in sort of a silly semi-sane cathartic-state!! What if I'm being screwed to shield me from something much worse?? What if this is a preparation and/or inoculation?? What if this is the 'Showdown at the NOT-OK Corral'?? What if I'm being helped as I'm being corrupted?? How do we Really Know?? What if I should just shut-up and watch porn??
    Carol wrote:Woah.. it's ironic how some of this convo ties into what Gene Decode discussed with Michael Jaco in his recent interview. BTW, all the Dracos are now gone from Antartica, earth, the moon and Mars. He mentioned at the end that the humans who were born on Mars now know that earth exists and have been helping the Alliance by building huge mother ships for them. All the above ground earthquakes were the alliance taking out the Draco ships trying to escape. As for La Palma and other volcanos, including Yellowstone, the Alliance have been using their lava to flood and fill up the underground DUMBs in those areas. Other DUMBs were exploded and/or filled up with water (like many of the ones located under major cities.

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    Post  Lionhawk Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:57 am

    Cow does this represent h a i r - l e s s vs. afro ?   lol!

    Another synchronicity happened yesterday. Carol's fault. She spoke about converting her small cabin into a smokehouse. About two hours later, I received an email from a friend who had a similar problem smoking up the house, discovering his new stove had a broken weld. So in the context of smokeless vs. smokeless, which is better?  scratch

    If I may offer some tips...  Get you a gauge. It will tell you the temperature range in the stove, where the proper operating temperature range should be. Low temps cause creosote to build up. Another factor that comes into play is the scheduled stovepipe you are using. Single wall, double-walled, and or tripel walled. Yes, they do make a triple-walled pipe. To understand what happens between them, a single-wall pipe will cool down faster than a double-walled pipe, lowering the temperature of the smoke causing it to increase in density, causing it to build up on the pipe because the fire is not hot enough to push it out the pipe. Another factor is the house. How well it is sealed. If it is really sealed up tight, your fire will quickly deplete the oxygen in the house, causing the fire to smother, creating more smoke. A few remedies...  Clean your chimney at least once a year. Depends on your usage. I will sometimes burn newspaper or cardboard when I first build a fire. I call it a flash burn. What this does is it will burn the creosote in the chimney. I also burn those chimney sweep logs you can purchase at most big box stores. I'm not exactly sold on those, however, but it is something you can try for yourselves. Of course green wood is going to be a major factor with creosote build-up. It usually takes a year to season wood such as your hardwoods. Softwoods obviously will take less time. I do not recommend using softwoods in a fireplace, even with a screen. Water that gets trapped in the log can cause micro explosions, that popping sound you hear, can also cause a major spark issue. Some of those sparks can get passed the screen and land on your floor. I've got some burn marks in my carpet from this. That's a fire starter. When I was a kid, we had a brick chimney which has the tiled flu. One night in the middle of Winter, we suddenly heard this rumble and as time went by, the rumble started to sound like a freight train. It was a chimney fire. The creosote started on fire. Almost burned the house down. Now imagine in the dead of Winter, all the windows had to be opened to let the smoke out of the house. Dad did get the fire put out. Cleaned the chimney out. From one extreme to the other. We froze our butts off. So whatever you do, always think about safety and prevention. It will save your life.

    Another tip for the axemen that are out there. Don't use a sharp axe to split your wood. A super sharp axe will get stuck in the log you are trying to split. One must find the proper balance of force vs. the medium you are trying to split. It's not about total power. Every log is different. Go figure. Then you have to wrestle with it to get it out. Working with wood is a major task. A lot of work!  Why make more work for yourself using a sharp axe? Another tip is to split your wood when it is freezing outside. Don't worry, you'll stay way warm. But the wood will split easier because the water in the wood will freeze, causing the log to become pressurized internally. When water freezes, it expands. The log is just waiting for that pressure to be released.

    So in the spirit of this post, I present you with this...

    Here's what you don't do. To much force. Too much testosterone. What you do not do is try to go through and hit the bottom log! Unless this is what you want to do for cardio. I also don't recommend lifting a log with an axe and coming from behind the back position, raising the log up in the air and then bringing it down on the base log. So many things can go wrong with this method. A back injury is in the making. Or muscle strains. You will see this guy is using a sharp axe. Another, no, no! The key is to focus on where you want your axe to strike on the log you are splitting. Another example of too much "T" is using a splitting mall. Great cardio though. But getting back to the axe, this guy is abusing the axe handle, chewing it up little by little. Why?  Also, why would you want the axe to be elsewhere near your body after striking the log by using so much force? With the wood, he is splitting, the force he is applying, I can split with only a quarter of force this guy is using. No lie! And make the wood explode off the base log. Also never have the axe even get close to my body. You will never do that with a sharp axe.

    Couldn't help but notice that my signature synchronized with this post. It wasn't intended. cheers

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    Post  Morpheus Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:58 am



    I think it was Sunday or Monday when I visited your thread and that there was a lengthy post on Greys. And done in OXY style. Then disappeared as I had returned to go through it again. I swear on my life! So if you didn't do that, who did??????? And since Tuesday, the editor has been working great. It's a major relief for me. So much frustration before. Hours totally wasted.

    Also, make a note that when I post a video from Elena and Megan's channel, they have a setting turned off in regards to sharing videos on their websites. So you will see a black box stating, "Video unavailable." But it is available on their channels. Look in the black video box and see where it says, "Watch on YouTube," and click that link. It will take you to where that video is. I think many have missed out on important info because they see Video unavailable and don't really look at what is going on.

    IMO, I think what has just happened is similar to Independence Day. Where they kicked E.T.'s butt and decide to prep for the next invasion. I don't think these Reptilians and two factions of Greys are going to LET THIS GO! Was it Jim Mars who wrote a book about Alien Hybridization? Alien Agenda? Look at the scope of what just happened. Profound indeed! Does this mean the Orion War is officially over? And maybe a new war is on the horizon? What kind of reaction are we to expect? A valuable food source has been taken away. Adrenochrome is no longer available. What happens when the Reptilians go into withdrawals? All of them at once? For the Orion War to last so long, it took massive resources on both sides. In this scenario, a piece of wood is a piece of wood!  I suspect a comeback with a vengeance. So do the Galactic Federation of Worlds. As they are preparing the Earth Alliance with new ships and weaponry. Converting the moon bases to medical facilities for the kids and other victims says, Elena. I think between Carol and me, we have done a great job of getting this vital information out there for everyone. All the research in this area is becoming validated. What more can you ask for? What would OXY say? I would love to hear you ask all the questions on this subject. When I said a piece of wood is a piece of wood, I was referring to the Reptilians. A Reptilian is a Reptilian. Stuck on absolute power and domination. Adrenochrome. Human flesh. Enslaving worlds. Advanced Technology. From portal tech to massive ships to biochemical weapons. These beings are evil but amazing at the same time. Resourcefulness is an understatement. A top predator that needs to be respected and never underestimated.

    So in the meantime, because this isn't over, we still should find ourselves very busy in the turning of this page to the next. The quest is ongoing. So much healing work needs to be done. A major shift in consciousness still needs to occur. When that happens and we enter a new galactic paradigm, my days on this planet will be over with. Mission complete. Hope it is very soon.

    It's going to take...



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    Post  Carol Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:38 pm

    I've not taken the time to catch up on this thread yet. It took over 7 hours just to catch up on the telegram posts with another 1500 to go and counting daily. It snowed last night and was white outside. YIKES! Snow and rain for the next 5-6 days. The next 5 months it's going to be white. Sigh...

    Just listened to this and wanted to pass it on as it is excellent with lots of good intergalactic info. Enjoy.
    ECETI: Elena Danaan & Megan Rose - As You Wish Talk Radio

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:37 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:

    Dear Carol,

    Take this for what it is worth. Around a month ago, you and I had two meetings within a few days of each other in my dream state. Shortly thereafter my making it official statement. In those meetings, we came full circle as to our relationship. The easiest way I can say that. We cleared everything up. Thank you for that if that is so. A fresh start as it were between us. The meetings were cordial and respectful. Do you have any recall as to this? Correct me if I am wrong here.


    I read this recently and wanted to get back to you Lionhawk to acknowledge that things do seem all cleared up on my end as well. Fresh starts are good. I like that too. And no, you're not wrong. Namaste my friend

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:28 pm

    Thanks for the fire tips Lionhawk. BTW, the way to put out a chimney fire is to throw a cup of water into the fireplace and the steam will put out the fire. This is what the fire department recommended.

    We do have a gage that lets us know the temp and double wall chimney. Since the ceiling is about 20 feet high we decided to run the chimney up the inside of the cabin to provide additional warmth. We also just got one of those wood meters today that lets one know how much moisture is in the wood. And we use an electric/gas wood splitter for the wood logs. Saves the back as one can sit in a chair and split the wood. Part of the problem is also how air tight the cabin is so we cranked open the windows in the loft to help. I like the cardboard idea as we have a lot of that.

    It snowed last night. Everything was white out. And there will be another 5 days of rain and snow beginning tomorrow. Yikes! 5 months of winter white before we see green grass again. Yesterday, we had two bucks with big racks in the front yard going at it. What a sight. The mother doe and baby are here on a daily basis and it seems to be mating season as well. Having all the wildlife outside the front window is amazing.

    We too have been having various family members un-expectantly in and out of the hospital with life threatening situations. It's been a difficult situation for everyone involved. Lots of difficult life decisions are pending and it's ironic how one individual's unwillingness to deal with reality is creating problems for 7 of the families all connected to the situation. She wants to be in charge of everything, tell everyone else what to do, yet in the past 6 months she's had 2 heart attacks and 3 surgeries. Unbelievable.

    So.. life is filled with unexpected twists and turns along with the challenges that surround them. Reminds me of the days we used to go river rafting. During one run down a turbulent rapid our raft folded in half. Now that was an experience. Another time it slammed into a huge bolder. I recall watching in fascination as we headed right smack into the bolder in a state of disbelief. Seems with what's occurring these days - lots of people are in a similar state of disbelief. That is until reality smacks one up alongside of ones head. Eventually, one learns how to survive, or not.

    After listening to the latest ECETI video... we're ready for some inter-galactic travel vacations. That would be exciting. Right now it would be exciting just to get a fiber internet.

    Meanwhile... we all do the best that we can and that is good enough. Cheers Toast

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:38 pm