It has been one strange week over here. I have been meaning to address Mudra and Carol's postings. Just been behind the eight-ball. Things are unfolding and that is why. I may as well make some coffee and play some music and get right to it. Been up since 2:21 a.m.
Earlier in the week, I had taken a nap in the mid-afternoon, A short one. The reason why it was short was because of a dream that I had. It wasn't your normal dream. I was actually awake in the dream. The scene opens up in my living room. I was collapsed on the floor and had my right elbow propped up on my leather chair for support. There was a woman, slightly bent over me with her right hand on my back. As in trying to comfort me as I was crying. I didn't know why I was crying as I asked myself why? No answer came and I then focused on the woman. At first, I thought it was my mother, but it wasn't. Nor was it Brook. I didn't who she was but she had this Goddess-type energy about her. Very motherly is the best I can describe it. Very comforting. At this time, I opened my eyes for a few seconds and said to myself to go back into the dream and find out what this was all about? I closed my eyes and reentered the dream. This time, I had moved away from the chair about 6' and was collapsed on the floor but using my arms to slightly prop myself up. She still had her hand on my back as the tears got worse. At that point, I became slightly angry and raised my right arm, balled up my fist, and lightly struck the floor. I went to do it again and stopped myself from doing so and then I opened my eyes. The difference between the first time I had opened my eyes and this last time, was that my pillow was soaked from the tears.
I honestly don't know what this is all about as in the last few years, I have done a lot of clearing work, working on forgiveness issues all across the board. Do any of you have an idea? Mudra? I still shed some tears over Brook only because of the, "missing of her." But that is normal. And I hope folks don't perceive me as a big crybaby because I'm not. I just have a heart.
There has been one other time, where there was a physical manifestation of the dream state that happened 20 years ago. Where I had come out of. It looked like I had been in a bar fight. Woke up, went to the bathroom, did my business, and turned to the sink, looked in the mirror and both my eyes were black. That was scary to see first thing in the morning. But that is an incredible story for another time. it had to do with Billy Meier and the Flower of Life. That's if anyone is interested.
Thank you Carol for posting that video. I've watched it twice and plan on watching it again. I have to explain to you the delay in responding to your post.
So, in the video, there is mention of the Dragons. I just went to play it again, just now, the video you posted has been taken down. How about that? The account has also been terminated! It was there a couple of hours ago. Regardless, I will try to do my best to tell you what I know of this subject. I wanted to play it again so that I could provide you the name of these good Dragons assisting the Planet as to the cleanup operation that is in progress. If I'm not mistaken, they called these good Dragons, Gammas. Now I don't know if this is the name the military assigned to them. I know of these good ones under a different name. According to Jay Essex, he is barely alive by the way, they are known as the Drachk.
Let this sit for a moment. There's a Youtube channel that I have followed for several years, called Secureteam10. Tyler is the owner. Anyways, he dropped out of sight a year ago. He has probably over a thousand videos on UFOs etc. Actual footage. When he dropped out of sight, all his videos disappeared. Just up and gone. Anyways, he is back and his videos are back. I don't know how he got this certain footage, showing a Drachk ship along with an Acturian ship extracting a D.U.M.B out of the ground. Absolutely incredible footage. The delay in getting back to you is that I have been searching this video and still haven't found it. I searched for it for over 12 hours yesterday and several hours the day before. Jay had acquired that footage and presented it in one of his videos. So between Jay and Tyler, we are looking through a ton of videos. I will find it. I think the reason why I haven't found it yet is because of Youtube. Their algorithms. They don't load up 900 videos on a channel.
So when I got up several hours ago, Tyler made a post explaining why he was out of sight for a year. His disappearance created a lot of fuss and conspiracy theories. Many thought the gov got him.
So since Brook passed, I found myself without a purpose. It was early last year I decided to offer my swords to assist the Drachk. Be a part of the solution if you will. So I bi-located onto one of their ships and was standing on one of their decks. For my safety, they fitted me with some gadgetry to create a shielded atmosphere around me even though I didn't really need it, just as a precautionary measure due to where we were at. Plus their ship's environment had to be considered. They never had a human visit them. So an introduction took place and they told me that they had things covered. I was told to stay in place and was not allowed to venture about the ship. For my safety. They were pleased however with our meeting. I was also impressed with their demeanor. Very friendly towards me and had my safety a top priority.
I must be nuts telling you this but I no longer care what folks think about me. I'm also not asking anyone to believe me. I only know what I experienced. My only wish is to bring awareness to the matters at hand. I don't get paid for it.
As to the video, the only issue I had was the Savior thing. But that is just me. So hang on as I will find that video and post it when I do.
Okay, let me change tracks here. This is for Mudra. You are just plain awesome! I hope you have received what I have sent. Hopefully, the amplitude of your current situation has lessened as to what you have been experiencing. Just know I am here for you. The synchronicity of your last post on your Chalis of Wisdom thread is in a sense the determining factor to reveal what I have put together in recent months. The update that I have locked down. Talk about a mirror. Here goes the update.
The update has taken a good 20 years to get to this point. Some minor aspects, even longer. For the last year, I have been doing two major things. Working on forgiveness and connecting the dots. Let me start with the dots.
In a meditation, I decided to try to connect with the Prime Creator for I had some questions. Contact was made. So one of the questions I had was, how many universes are there? He tells me, "7." Of course I accepted that as I had no way of proving it otherwise. So this knowledge sat there for years. A dot as it were. He then showed me what it looked like. Second dot. Imagine a pie with a small circle in the center of it with 7 triangular slices surrounding it. The triangular slices all being the same size. End of session. Years went by.
So a few months ago, I saw a video of a musician and he was discussing 432 Hz and how 432 Hz was the resonate frequency that he would adjust his guitar to. He claims that most musicians play their instruments at 440 Hz. He says that is the industry's standard. What he noted was that at 432 Hz, his music sounded better. Then he got on about Octaves and how there are 7 major notes in an octave. It was at that moment I remembered the Prime Creator and what he showed me. The next thing I did was to find a 7 sided pie. I found one and it had two measurements in degrees.
When I saw this, 51 number, I instantly remembered the Sacred Light Index. Where in that index at 51%, was what determined whether you were dark or light and at what percentage. So I pushed forward and went back to the pentagram and analyzed it further.
A common practice when it comes to Math is rounding up or down. If we take the fraction of 3/7 we come up with 428. If we take, 3.024/7 we come up with 432. Do you see the rounding down? So the true value of this should be written as 51.432 degrees in terms of the inclination of the triangle. Instead of 51.428571429 degrees.
With a variance of .003428571 degrees. Which is nothing and why they rounded this down. Now if you take 360 degrees and divide by 7, we get 51.42857143 degrees. With a difference of .000000286 degrees. Again, nothing. Especially when you factor in the size of the universe. I can also explain why there is this tiny variance. it has to with a frequency being applied to both sides of the triangle thus establishing the polarity of the universe, where one side is positively charged and the other side is negatively charged. The universe is a giant capacitor. If both sides were at 50 degrees, there would be no movement within it because both charges would cancel each other out. Both charges pushing against each other with equal force, thus no movement. As L. Ron Hubbard demonstrated with one hand pushing against another.
So the variance is the sinewave in terms of frequency and is a ripple voltage going out along its sides.
Hope I didn't lose anyone because the gold nugget is next. For 45 years I wondered why so many Ufos were triangular. Even the military has developed triangular craft. TR-3b for instance. I think this why they can travel instantly because they have tuned their craft to the 432 Hz frequency. When you tune the craft's frequency and become resonate with it. As far as bending space as the theory goes, IMO, you are only controlling the speed of the craft. I don't buy that theory. After all, how do you bend space?
Now for the gold nugget. Take a guess of what the angle of inclination is of the Giza Pyramid? It's 51.75 degrees.
Got to take a big break.
Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total