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    Post  Lionhawk Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:03 am

    It has been one strange week over here. I have been meaning to address Mudra and Carol's postings. Just been behind the eight-ball. Things are unfolding and that is why. I may as well make some coffee and play some music and get right to it. Been up since 2:21 a.m.

    Earlier in the week, I had taken a nap in the mid-afternoon, A short one. The reason why it was short was because of a dream that I had. It wasn't your normal dream. I was actually awake in the dream. The scene opens up in my living room. I was collapsed on the floor and had my right elbow propped up on my leather chair for support. There was a woman, slightly bent over me with her right hand on my back. As in trying to comfort me as I was crying. I didn't know why I was crying as I asked myself why? No answer came and I then focused on the woman. At first, I thought it was my mother, but it wasn't. Nor was it Brook. I didn't who she was but she had this Goddess-type energy about her. Very motherly is the best I can describe it. Very comforting. At this time, I opened my eyes for a few seconds and said to myself to go back into the dream and find out what this was all about? I closed my eyes and reentered the dream. This time, I had moved away from the chair about 6' and was collapsed on the floor but using my arms to slightly prop myself up. She still had her hand on my back as the tears got worse. At that point, I became slightly angry and raised my right arm, balled up my fist, and lightly struck the floor. I went to do it again and stopped myself from doing so and then I opened my eyes. The difference between the first time I had opened my eyes and this last time, was that my pillow was soaked from the tears.

    I honestly don't know what this is all about as in the last few years, I have done a lot of clearing work, working on forgiveness issues all across the board. Do any of you have an idea? Mudra? I still shed some tears over Brook only because of the, "missing of her." But that is normal. And I hope folks don't perceive me as a big crybaby because I'm not. I just have a heart.

    There has been one other time, where there was a physical manifestation of the dream state that happened 20 years ago. Where I had come out of. It looked like I had been in a bar fight. Woke up, went to the bathroom, did my business, and turned to the sink, looked in the mirror and both my eyes were black. That was scary to see first thing in the morning. But that is an incredible story for another time. it had to do with Billy Meier and the Flower of Life. That's if anyone is interested.

    Thank you Carol for posting that video. I've watched it twice and plan on watching it again. I have to explain to you the delay in responding to your post.

    So, in the video, there is mention of the Dragons. I just went to play it again, just now, the video you posted has been taken down. How about that? The account has also been terminated! It was there a couple of hours ago. Regardless, I will try to do my best to tell you what I know of this subject. I wanted to play it again so that I could provide you the name of these good Dragons assisting the Planet as to the cleanup operation that is in progress. If I'm not mistaken, they called these good Dragons, Gammas. Now I don't know if this is the name the military assigned to them. I know of these good ones under a different name. According to Jay Essex, he is barely alive by the way, they are known as the Drachk.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY Drachk10[/url]

    Let this sit for a moment. There's a Youtube channel that I have followed for several years, called Secureteam10. Tyler is the owner. Anyways, he dropped out of sight a year ago. He has probably over a thousand videos on UFOs etc. Actual footage. When he dropped out of sight, all his videos disappeared. Just up and gone. Anyways, he is back and his videos are back. I don't know how he got this certain footage, showing a Drachk ship along with an Acturian ship extracting a D.U.M.B out of the ground. Absolutely incredible footage. The delay in getting back to you is that I have been searching this video and still haven't found it. I searched for it for over 12 hours yesterday and several hours the day before. Jay had acquired that footage and presented it in one of his videos. So between Jay and Tyler, we are looking through a ton of videos. I will find it. I think the reason why I haven't found it yet is because of Youtube. Their algorithms. They don't load up 900 videos on a channel.

    So when I got up several hours ago, Tyler made a post explaining why he was out of sight for a year. His disappearance created a lot of fuss and conspiracy theories. Many thought the gov got him.

    So since Brook passed, I found myself without a purpose. It was early last year I decided to offer my swords to assist the Drachk. Be a part of the solution if you will. So I bi-located onto one of their ships and was standing on one of their decks. For my safety, they fitted me with some gadgetry to create a shielded atmosphere around me even though I didn't really need it, just as a precautionary measure due to where we were at. Plus their ship's environment had to be considered. They never had a human visit them. So an introduction took place and they told me that they had things covered. I was told to stay in place and was not allowed to venture about the ship. For my safety. They were pleased however with our meeting. I was also impressed with their demeanor. Very friendly towards me and had my safety a top priority.

    I must be nuts telling you this but I no longer care what folks think about me. I'm also not asking anyone to believe me. I only know what I experienced. My only wish is to bring awareness to the matters at hand. I don't get paid for it.

    As to the video, the only issue I had was the Savior thing. But that is just me. So hang on as I will find that video and post it when I do.

    Okay, let me change tracks here. This is for Mudra. You are just plain awesome! I hope you have received what I have sent. Hopefully, the amplitude of your current situation has lessened as to what you have been experiencing. Just know I am here for you. The synchronicity of your last post on your Chalis of Wisdom thread is in a sense the determining factor to reveal what I have put together in recent months. The update that I have locked down. Talk about a mirror. Here goes the update.

    The update has taken a good 20 years to get to this point. Some minor aspects, even longer. For the last year, I have been doing two major things. Working on forgiveness and connecting the dots. Let me start with the dots.

    In a meditation, I decided to try to connect with the Prime Creator for I had some questions. Contact was made. So one of the questions I had was, how many universes are there? He tells me, "7." Of course I accepted that as I had no way of proving it otherwise. So this knowledge sat there for years. A dot as it were. He then showed me what it looked like. Second dot. Imagine a pie with a small circle in the center of it with 7 triangular slices surrounding it. The triangular slices all being the same size. End of session. Years went by.

    So a few months ago, I saw a video of a musician and he was discussing 432 Hz and how 432 Hz was the resonate frequency that he would adjust his guitar to. He claims that most musicians play their instruments at 440 Hz. He says that is the industry's standard. What he noted was that at 432 Hz, his music sounded better. Then he got on about Octaves and how there are 7 major notes in an octave. It was at that moment I remembered the Prime Creator and what he showed me. The next thing I did was to find a 7 sided pie. I found one and it had two measurements in degrees.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY 1200px12

    When I saw this, 51 number, I instantly remembered the Sacred Light Index. Where in that index at 51%, was what determined whether you were dark or light and at what percentage. So I pushed forward and went back to the pentagram and analyzed it further.

    A common practice when it comes to Math is rounding up or down. If we take the fraction of 3/7 we come up with 428. If we take, 3.024/7 we come up with 432. Do you see the rounding down? So the true value of this should be written as 51.432 degrees in terms of the inclination of the triangle. Instead of 51.428571429 degrees.
    With a variance of .003428571 degrees. Which is nothing and why they rounded this down. Now if you take 360 degrees and divide by 7, we get 51.42857143 degrees. With a difference of .000000286 degrees. Again, nothing. Especially when you factor in the size of the universe. I can also explain why there is this tiny variance. it has to with a frequency being applied to both sides of the triangle thus establishing the polarity of the universe, where one side is positively charged and the other side is negatively charged. The universe is a giant capacitor. If both sides were at 50 degrees, there would be no movement within it because both charges would cancel each other out. Both charges pushing against each other with equal force, thus no movement. As L. Ron Hubbard demonstrated with one hand pushing against another.
    So the variance is the sinewave in terms of frequency and is a ripple voltage going out along its sides.

    Hope I didn't lose anyone because the gold nugget is next. For 45 years I wondered why so many Ufos were triangular. Even the military has developed triangular craft. TR-3b for instance. I think this why they can travel instantly because they have tuned their craft to the 432 Hz frequency. When you tune the craft's frequency and become resonate with it. As far as bending space as the theory goes, IMO, you are only controlling the speed of the craft. I don't buy that theory. After all, how do you bend space?

    Now for the gold nugget. Take a guess of what the angle of inclination is of the Giza Pyramid? It's 51.75 degrees.

    Got to take a big break.

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Lionhawk Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:35 pm

    I have also figured out which charge won out the two-hands battle. It is the negative one. Here's why. It's called, "Conventional Electron Flow." and it states that electricity flows from the positive to the negative. This concept is still being used today in many circles and has been passed down through generations. However, this concept is incorrect. It's actually the other way around and it has to do with the sizes and weight of a proton vs. an electron. Typically, an electron weighs in at 1/1780 of a proton. The proton's mass is much greater and thus its gravitational field is much greater. Now take a look at our Solar System just for a comparison. The Sun is the proton and the planets are the electrons. Now you may be wondering why the planets don't get sucked into the Sun? It has to do with speed, the composition of the planets, meaning the weight {particle density} and size. Remember I said typically as these values do change somewhat. Where for instance we take the planet Jupiter. It takes much longer than us to make one orbit around the Sun. Is this a form of fractal mechanics? You tell me.


    A curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation.

    I guess so! How about that?  bounce  tongue "Progressively smaller scales." So for sake of conversation, I went from the solar system down to an atom.

    Next item...some side notes. The 432 Hz frequency can also be increase by the power of 10, 100, 1000, and so on. So there are multiple resonant frequency channels that can be accessed as long as 432 is the base number. The sound of music is also fractal. It is the language of sound. So we live in a fractal universe. Our Galaxy moving smaller to our solar system, then down to our planet, down to the atom.

    Another thing I would like to touch on is this Network that was mentioned in the video that was taken down this morning. Where the guy being interviewed mentioned the sun is connected to the Great Central Sun. Where every celestial body is connected. In 2005 in our solar system, that network had been shut down. Sealed shut! That network is also fractal. The reason why it had been shut down was due to the Reptilians and other regressives because of their quest for control of this system. It was an act of self-preservation. Most went underground. Here on Earth, that network system was damaged. Thus created an open circuit in the network. It was like this for many years. I have no idea how long.

    On Dec. 3, 2005, a couple of friends of mine and I got together, went to work on repairing Gaia's systems. While this was in progress some ETs joined us in that effort. Even the Galactic Federation showed up to watch what we were doing. The next day I went to see how Gaia was doing. She was actually very close to death because of the damage caused by the Reptilians. It was a spectacular thing to watch as her aura around her activated. Her aura turned purple, looking like the sun but purple. These white filaments suddenly came out of the South Pole and shot through our system, connecting to each planet and our sun. The network was restored and there was so much joy, not to sound corny, from these other civilizations that had been hiding all these years. It was a day of great liberty. When I had visited Sol the first time, I went through the filament that connects him to us. It looks like a white wormhole and I was there in a second. That session on Dec, 3rd took an hour and a half to do. Imagine holding your spiritual space for that amount of time. A true test as to what we can do spiritually. When Jesus said that we could do greater things than he, I finally understood what he meant by that. And no, I didn't get a big head over that! I was just humbled and happy that we succeeded for Gaia. all that participated in that event felt the same way. There was no ego-tripping.

    Well, I've said plenty and now I must leave and search for that video. I have worked on these last two posts since 3 am. See you soon!

    Blessings to everyone here.   Enlightened

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:51 am

    Nikola Tesla 369 Code Music with 432Hz Tuning, Ancient Frequency Healing Music

    Oxy... these are for you.

    852 Hz - LET GO of Fear, Overthinking & Worries  
    Cleanse Destructive Energy | Awakening Intuition

    528 Hz ANGELIC CODE, Repairs DNA Healing Code,
    Manifest Miracles, Release Negative Energy

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:12 am

    Oxy.. I rarely speak or interact with anyone these days other then spouse and our daughter. Most of my time is spent reading/researching/sharing that info on the net and praying (working with the angelic realm in the rescue of humanity). So please don't take it personally that I don't interact with you as I'm just in a different phase of life. This includes having become super sensitive to negative energy. Even in listening to someone like Juan O Savin explain what's going on with the children in the DUMBs, my chest/heart fills with physical pain. Subsequently, I no longer listen to his interviews or anyone else putting out negative frequencies.

    Humanity is moving up in frequency for those who wish to catch the wave.  Sabina
    We were discussing how cool it might me to hang out in the 5th dimension and what daily life might look like there.

    Something major is about to take place on multiple levels. Currently humanity has the assistance of various non-terrestrials in the clean-up of this planet from the Satanic reptilians and those who would enslave us. If one has been paying attention, on an energetic level, one would notice more lightness, a lessening of oppressive negative entities' influence in the atmosphere. lol!

    As to how this major something is going to manifest.. it's a "god" thing. An awakening to higher spiritual conscious awareness. No clue as to how this will look. Yet supposedly this is to occur within weeks. Again, it's just a wait and see if it actually happens.

    I think the galactic wave that was supposedly due in 2012 may have passed us by.  Reunite

    Lionhawk... according to Gene DeCode the sol thing  sunny is suppose to happen in 2031. The two of you are similar in ways. His is direct physical experience in the Secret Space Program and interactions with various non-terrestrials. UFO on Road

    He was very involved in off-planet work for many years and his interviews are chock filled with the most amazing stories.. some similar to yours. Here is the link to Gene DeCode's thread:

    I enjoy reading your posts. It's like someone pulling back a curtain and getting a glimpse into other realities that are hidden from most of us. And I enjoy your rescue work stories as well. Who was to know that when the TV series StarGate came out that it was far closer to the truth then one can possible imagine.. only the real truth, the deeper truth is far more devastating when one factors in what the evil ones have been doing to humanity for thousands of years. I recall how Brook and you ventured down that rabbit hole.
     Investigator Intense.

    My wish/intention/prayers now is the liberation of humanity from human slave trading both on the planet and off.

    Humans are sovereign spiritual beings and meant to be free.  Eagle

    Check This Out

    Next. Humanity is moving into a new quantum era and will be interacting with the non-terrestrials in the open. Ironically, when President Trump signed the EO establishing the US Guardian Space Alliance he was flanked by two human looking non-terrestrials on either side of him. One a woman and the other a man. Both very tall.

    If we win this war/battle for our planet and galaxy that humanity is currently engaged in - we'll enjoy a thousand years of peace. Candle in the Wind So exciting.

    I also recall how excited I was when first leaning about quantum physics as it helped explain different types of spiritual experiences. In a few months some of that secret technology will be released to the public including; Tesla free energy and quantum med-beds given to us from non-terrestrials in another galaxy already exist and are being utilized.

    The Carol

    Quantum travel does exist. Even out into far galaxies. And with a thought one can go anywhere, be anywhere, instanously. All they need is a nexus point to travel to - even if it is in another dimension. One just needs to remember that our spirits are inter-dimensional travelers and learning how to resonate with various frequencies is the pathway.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:10 pm

    Thank-you Carol. I have a bit of a stand-offish disposition which might be necessary for my threads. I suspect that all is not well regarding my past-lives, so I might carry a lot of baggage. I am not in harmony with the church of my youth, nor am I harmonious regarding other churches. Same goes for the awake and aware. I might really need to stick to my USSS threads, and not pester anyone. Anyone in the solar system can monitor this website. Chinese Communists can monitor it. Vatican Jesuits can monitor it. The KGB (or whatever they are now) can monitor it. The Mafia can monitor it. This is Equal-Opportunity Alternative-Research. Some of this stuff could make some people crazy and/or suicidal. Luckily, not very many people know anything about PA and MOA. I certainly have no desire to promote my speculation and fan-fiction. On the other hand, I'm leaning toward embellishing my notes in the manner of a book from the 1980's called Jesus: An Interview Across Time (A Psychiatrist Looks at HIS Humanity) by Dr. Andrew Hodges. The context would be an Agency Interrogation Room with all the fancy Lie-Detector Equipment and Expert-Researchers (as in the movie SALT with Angelina Jolie). But I might not write or post. I might have to walk where no man has walked before. I think I'm annoying and problematic. I've jokingly thought I might someday need to be a Neo Dr. Who or John Nash as sort of a Galactic Beautiful Mind. You know, a Completely Ignorant Fool with a Streak of Genius. I'd probably have a sexy-assistant who would work 9 to 5 in a completely platonic manner for research purposes only. What Would Agents Salt and Evans Say?? I've talked to both, but it was quite a while ago. I just think I would anger just about everyone very quickly. A famous attorney told me, "If Jesus showed-up, the church wouldn't know what to do with him." Anyway, I don't pointedly cross-examine forum-members, but its still a somewhat painful and antagonistic non-relationship. I appreciate your website, Carol, yet I'm not really onboard. I'm not really onboard with anyone or anything. I'm serious about mostly reading The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal when I'm not Exercising in Nature as an International Middle-Way. I encountered a high-ranking military individual who was shaking. They might've been retired and/or tired of the BS. I've encountered other 'somebodies' who looked somewhat bedraggled. This Present Mess might drive most of us crazy (especially those who REALLY know what's going on). I play things up in the USSS threads, but most of this is mostly genuine. I never just make things up. I might sometimes exaggerate a bit, or superimpose contexts, but this should be treated as science-fiction. I might be an Ancient@$$hole in a Bad@$$teroid, but take the circumstances into consideration prior to condemnation and damnation. Sorry for my Rambling-Grandstanding but That's What I Do. That's Probably Why I'm Poor and Friendless. Namaste and Godspeed.

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    Post  mudra Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:35 pm

    THE BRIDGE-WAY 76c09b10

    The loving hand on your back allowed for something to open and clear up  as that river of tears flew through your eyes LionHawk.
    Tears are important to the body in more ways than one. They help to regulate emotions and reduce distress. Emotionally-triggered tear production also releases endorphins and oxytocin, which are natural pain relievers.

    From a conscious level  we are able to  handle many matters., to process an enormous amount of information both in the waking and sleeping state. We hardly ever stop. Our energy never dies off.
    This is awesome as far as our soul journey is concerned but at the same time it can be hard on the body.
    Its like asking him to run on a power it does not naturally have.
    So now  and then readjusment is necessary.

    Be gentle towards your body. Sometimes all it needs is just be 😊🙏🕊

    I thank you for your intervention towards I and my children.
    Yes the amplitude of my current situation has lessened.
    Gratitude LionHawk 🙏💗

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    Post  mudra Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:10 am

    THE BRIDGE-WAY 4f63fe10

    Its good to see heart and souls walking and chatting on our Bridge .
    I can't keep up with all your interesting exchanges but I am watching and nodding from above 🙏💗

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    Post  Lionhawk Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:23 pm

    Good Morning!

    First off, I would like to thank everyone for the conversation we are having here on the Bridge-Way. For me personally, it is refreshing, because of what we have been discussing. One thing I would like for everyone to know is that not in a million years did I ever thought I would make it this far. Let alone be writing about it. And also be involved with some incredible spirits, as in you guys. I find honor within that and I am honored to be amongst you. A Namaste' to all of you.

    The one thing I always tell myself is, "Keep it simple, Stupid!" Things are complicated enough. And I will admit, I don't always succeed in that. But I do strive to do better. I know that I am not perfect. Enough said on this.

    Right now, there is this ping pong ball bouncing around in my head and hopefully, I can get it to stop by writing this post.

    Here goes... I was born in Hartford, Ct. At age two, I had a Reptilian come pay me a visit. I was only 2.25 years old. I thought it was, "Jack Frost." My mother's version of the boogieman. She used that ploy to get me to go to sleep. "If you don't go to sleep, Jack Frost will come." So the walk-in-closet door opens up and he steps forward just barely past the door jam. He was completely pitch black with two orange-yellow eyes. My folks were awake as I could hear them in the next room. They were awake because dad had to go to work. I piped out, Mom, Jack Frost is in the closet. Mom returns with, "go back to sleep." After which I could hear my folks snickering. So then Jack Frost turns his head toward me and says, "Turn around and go to sleep or... A threat. So I did and closed my eyes as tight as I could. The thing that struck me was that my folks did not hear him say that. But I heard him as clear as a bell. He didn't whisper it. A few hours had gone by as I had fallen asleep. Once I awoke, I went to find Mom and found her in the kitchen. I said Mom, I saw Jack Frost last night. Well, Mom wasn't going to have any part of what I just said. "Mom, come see, come see, and when she refused to engage me, I went and grabbed her index finger and pulled with all my little might. She resisted so I squeezed even tighter and she finally gave in. So we go to the closet. We are facing it now. I asked myself, "what if he was still there," and then Mom opens the door. He wasn't and I was relieved. But what we saw was a big pile of clothes all sliced up, Freddy Cruger style. Even the seasonal clothes that were on shelves including the boxes. So later that day, Dad comes home and I hear my parents in the kitchen. The next thing you know, Dad is looking everywhere for a possible entrance. That went on into the early evening. He never found anything. Mind you, I was absolutely TERRIFIED through the ordeal. Mom never had to say Jack Frost ever again. When she said, go to sleep, I went to sleep.

    2 years later, we moved out to the country in late October. West Willington, CT. Eldridge Mills RD. It was a cabin that was at least 300 years old and built by some Native Americans. It was used as a trading post. A place where travelers could restock on supplies, get a meal, relax for a bit, and fresh spring water. Mind you, it was not a Holiday Hilton. Two girls ran the place, as it was also a home for some refugees, ranging between 4 and 11 years old. Some were what they called half breeds. Considered rejects. Heck, they were just kids. My first night there, I felt as though I was being watched as I laid there trying to go to sleep. In the following Spring, Dad went and bought 150 chicks. I was now 5. He says this is your new job, then he hands me an ax. We had a woodstove for heat. We were poor, dirt poor, plain and simple. Always in survival mode. Dad was trying though. But shortly thereafter he started to change and not in a good way. The next year he added two pigs to my plate. Plus this ax thing as in chopping wood was something I wasn't able to do. And barely able to bring wood to the house. Many trips of a piece by piece. Oak is heavy. Imagine if you will, a man who is 5'4" tall and a mom who was 5' 2". I was a little runt. Also the shortest kid in my first year of school. Also skinny. Like wire skinny. So here comes age 7. I started chopping wood. Plus two more pigs. By this time, I had a lot of responsibility for a seven-year-old kid. Had to take care of the animals before and after school. In late Spring a ghost appeared at the foot of my bed. She looked almost middle age. Scared the crap out of me. She was in a white nightgown. Her lips started moving and what I could make out was, "Help me, help me." Then blood started oozing from the top of her head. I screamed, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary! My Mom was in the living room, watching the black and white TV, and came running to my bedroom and the ghost quickly vanished. As it turns out a woman was killed by her spouse with a hatchet to the head. Due to her husband coming home drunk. She got on him about it and he did her in. It is also in the town's records. Her name was Mary.

    Still at age 7, later in the year, my folks were invited to watch a race at Stafford Motor Speedway, Stafford Springs, by one of our neighbors. It was decided to leave us, and my two brothers, at their parent's house because they had a birthday party for their father. They were the next house up from us. So the night was set. Herbert Bosse was Grandpa's name. He also had a son named, Ronnie, who was also there. He was 16 and just got his driver's license. We were having a grand old time. Till we ran out of Coke for the ice cream floats. So Herb asks' Ronnie to go to the package store in town and get some Coke. Ron turns to me and asked if I wanted to go? I said, "Sure." So we took off. We get to the store, I wait in the car as he goes and gets Coke and a few other items. So we headed back. We turn onto Eldridge Mills road and go through a small curve and the road straightens out. We go about 300' and then the car dies. To the left of us was a sandpit about 20' away from the left edge of the road. About 50' deep and it ran parallel to the road. Anyways, Ron is trying to start the car back up with no success. Right at that time, a light and a humming sound started to emanate from the sandpit. The light would change from orange to purple and then back to orange. And the hum would also increase and decrease. We knew we were both screwed and didn't say anything to each other. The dread we felt caused us to be speechless. So Ron is now frantically trying to start the car back up. Finally, it started. He gased it. As we were about to get back to the party, I asked Ron to drop me off at my home. As he was slowing down to my drive-way, there's another orange-purple thing oscillating in this small swamp about 400' away from us. I then asked him to take me back to the party. At the party, Ron and I were silent till the party ended. I found out, 18 years ago, what that was all about.

    In a session guided by my dear friend, David Corvin, we found out that Reptilians were sent to capture me. 3 of them came up from the sandpit and then came to the front of the car, two stopped and held their positions, and the last one came around and approached my door. Just as he was about to open it, he stopped, and then he received a communication. These were the words conveyed. Do not touch package. I suspect that was when the moment came where Ron was able to start the car. Talk about questions! I didn't know for a time, then a word popped in my head as to why they didn't go through with it. "Royalty." Even though I have never considered being of royalty, I do know that is one thing the Reptilians have the utmost respect for because of their way of rank and life. Oh, they were shorter in stature and also had short tails. It looked like they had been sliced off because the very end of the tails was squared. They had a uniform and the tails were wrapped in something. I found that strange.

    Age 8. After a snowstorm, lasting 3 days, 3' + deep, I looked out my bedroom window, there was a trail of snow tracks that came up from the woods, long strides, right up to my window, and then left back into the woods in another direction. I said to Dad, look at this. You could tell it was something that was bi-pedal. Dad went outside to investigate. But there was a problem. Dad was too short. He had a very difficult time getting through the snow, so he gave up on it. At the time we had no idea and didn't pursue it. But later on, I think I have figured out what it was by what I remembered of it. It had to be a Bigfoot. What can travel the depth of snow like that? The tracks looked like it was also running because of the strides. And why come up to just my window?

    Age 11. Our 1942 Willis jeep starts up in the backyard. I come running around the house to see what is going on. Thinking one of my brothers is doing something with the jeep. I get around the house and the jeep is sitting there by itself, just putting there. So I get in the jeep to shut it down. But there is no key. Mom comes flying out of the house screaming at me. "But Mom, I don't have the key!" So Mom goes back into the house to find the key. While she was doing that I managed to stall the jeep out. She comes out with the key, I get out of the jeep, she gets in it, and starts it up and backs the jeep up to an elm tree, turning the jeep off, leaving it in reverse against the tree. She goes back into the house and starts to peel potatoes for supper. I returned to the chore I was doing in front of the house. From Mom's position in the house, she could see the jeep straight in from of her, the jeep is about 40' away. Then the jeep starts up again. It then puts itself into first gear and starts moving forward. Right towards Mom, then makes a hard left and heads down a road that led to our spring-fed well. The road has a Y and the jeep takes the left side of the Y. I ran down to catch up to and then jumped into the jeep and gained control of it. I then turned it around and drove it back up the road, I saw Mom dead frozen in the window of the kitchen with her eyes popped open. I parked the jeep where it had first started on its own, stalled it because of no key. I went into the house at that point and Mom was still standing there frozen in place. She had to sit down for a while needless to say. Then I went about to the front of the house to finish my chore. Then the jeep starts up again and I go again around the house to see what's up. The jeep then stalls itself out. So Dad comes home from work and Mom explains to him, what happened. So for the weekend, Dad tore the jeep completely apart and found nothing wrong with it. Here's another detail. To start the jeep you had to turn the key to "on" and then push a spring-loaded button to start it.

    Age 12. So on a Saturday morning, my Dad says you are coming with me. We take off and arrive at a railyard. Trains. Full of train cars. Dad was trying to raise some extra money. The job... Unload a train car full of cement. 100 lbs. bags. We had to load and stacked them on pallets. The correct term for this is called off-stacking. Let me tell you something. I weighed no more than 60lbs, soaking wet. If that. And my dad expects me to do what?????????? Wood is heavy enough but at least it is tight. Unlike these 100 lbs. cement bags. They weren't tight. It was a struggle but we finished the job. Had to do it again a few months later. Talk about a strain. But I did what I was told because if I didn't, my Dad would pay me with his abusive ways. I will save you from those details because you would probably ball your eyes out. My dad was a Reptilian human is the best way I can describe it. I also hated him for it.
    Then add his short complex and alcohol... I was always being targeted by him. After all, I was his number one son. He was also a Canadian kickboxer to boot. No pun intended.

    Age 14. My responsibilities had increased. Had a new baby sister to take care of I ended being her dad. Just because dad was more interested in partying. So now I'm taking care of my two brothers and a sister.

    Age 15. Add 100 rabbits, 3 cows, and two tall ponies to the plate along with the haunting events that had plagued us for several years.

    Age 16. My bedroom turning fridged cold with a wood stove going full bore in the room next to mine, in the middle of Winter. It happened a total of 3 times. Real freaky. As I also learned where this freaky stuff was coming from. A demonic portal in my closet, in my bedroom. That was the year that I decided to do something about my situation. I was totally sick and tired of the terror, the abuse, all of my responsibilities, etc. It was the year I grew a pair! Even my dad got paid. During one of his drunken states, punching holes in the living room sheetrock and scaring my mom, having her bent down on the kitchen table backward, I came out and said I am sick and tired of your F'n crap. He came at me. I grabbed him and threw him a good 10' into a door jam. His feet went off the floor and if it wasn't for the door jam, he would have gone further. He was at least twice my weight. But that didn't matter as I had enough. Then in the Spring of that year, I ran away. Got caught and ended up in jail. My dad showed up at the police station and brought me home. I thought I was going to get another ass whooping but instead, he told me to get a haircut. What??? But that was my punishment.

    Now you all may be wondering why I am telling you all this. In the process of forgiving my father, I came to realize on another level why this all happened. The abuse, terror, and all of it. My dad was conditioning me for what lied ahead. As in like a fighter. I call it heavy lifting. When I realized this the hate I had for him, melted away. This happened last month.

    Age 18. I decided to drop out of high school and go right into the army. Came out of that and hooked up with my first wife here in N.C. a couple of years later.

    Age 22. We then moved to Salt Lake, her home state. I got a job working at Great Salt Lake Mineral. It was right next to the lake. The job they gave me was off-stacking. Go figure. We loaded semi-trucks with salt. A forklift would bring a pallet of salt and we would off-stack it. Now imagine 48,000 lbs. of salt. 24 tons in 50 lbs. bags. That is 12 tons per man. 480 bags each. And do that in 19 minutes and 43 seconds. The company could not believe it and had us do it again. 19 minutes and 20 seconds. Talk about heavy lifting! I was told that these two times were world records. After that, I went to work at Lone Star cement company alongside highway 15. You can't miss the place. It is the very place that industrialized Salt Lake City back in the 1800s. 9 out of 10 who applied couldn't make the grade. The job included the rebricking of their 3 cement kilns, overhead jackhammering, shoveling tons of scattered material from conveyor belts and spills. Again, heavy lifting.

    The overhead jackhammering was something else. I would drive home and my hands would vibrate the steering wheel. Little did I know then that I would apply this heavy lifting to the spiritual side.

    I later went back in 1994 and resolved the demon issues and freed the 11 souls that were trapped there by the demons. The kids, Mary, and a guy named Joe. The folks there said they were sometimes attacked, describing demons coming out of the floor. They were scared folks. A year later, the place was condemned by the town and bulldozed the place. This is the short version of that story. Also how I got the name, Lionhawk. I didn't pick it as it was given to me by a council of Shamans, not of this world. That's another story.

    Need a break as I need to tie some other things up for the next post.

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Lionhawk Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:35 pm

    Here it is Carol! I was just about to give up. It's taken about 30 hours to find it. But I also warn everyone here that Jay has some viewpoints that I don't agree with. He cusses too. I also miss spoke when I said Acturians. Jay says Alurians. The footage I was speaking about is at the 57-minute mark. And there several other cool footages before that. Jay has serious health issues and I find him hard to watch at times. But despite that, he brings a different POV. Also, keep in mind that this footage came from Secureteam10.

    It is worth a watch.


    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:04 am

    Thanks Lionhawk and thank you for taking the time to find this. I also want to let you know how much I appreciate you being back and posting as it's your energy that encourages others to share. We need you.

    Oxy.. you've never been friendless here in the Mists. Many have reached out to you. Although I was thinking about your posts being like a ball of yarn after a kitten has played with it. Lots of yarn threads criss crossing each other, tangled up and sticking out in different directions.  Bringing as much as you do to your posts is a bit confusing for others as to sort out what to address, or which is the beginning thread to pull on and respond to. Then I thought back to my early twenties when first learning how to meditate. Not an easy task for the monkey mind. It took time to get the single image of a lit candle flame steady while simultaneous doing the mantra repetitions. Months in fact. And then after a period of years of not meditating.. making the effort to pull up the image of a lit candle flame... its image ended up frozen like a block of ice. Hah. Just goes to illustrate how practice keeps the flame vibrant.

    Posting the different frequency videos was an attempt to encourage you to put that on during the day or at night as background music to help you absorb frequency codes that are beneficial to body/mind/spirit. It will take hours and hours.. days and maybe months, just as it did when I was working on holding a single candle flame image in my minds eye. Of course the choice is yours. To listen or not to listen. And my friend.. listening to the various frequency codes also sets up a higher frequency resonance that is kind of cool. So perhaps you'll be a bit adventurous or curious and give it a whirl. Please..

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:50 am

    Thank-you, Carol. Don't Be Frightened. I Mean No Harm. I'd love to know a lot more about those in the Mists, but I purposely keep a respectful distance. Same goes for notable people and other-than-people I've spoken with throughout the years. At this late-date I still know I don't know, and its getting worse (especially with that stroke). Going incognito is probably the best plan. My threads purposely involve contextual-superimposition. An Individual of Interest told me, "Mystery is a Good Thing." I suspect there are Agents, Scholars, and Jesuits who know about the Mists in excruciating detail, but they don't talk about it. "What Shall We NOT Talk About??" I sometimes use my imagination in this regard. My threads have probably scratched an itch, but digging deeper would probably result in a bloody-wound. I'm serious about reading The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal when not Exercising in Nature as an International Middle-Way. The Bible is a Violent and Contradictory Matrix of Belief and the Unbelievable. The average person should probably just carry their Bible rather than digging deeply into it. An Ivy-League University is probably the best context for that study. I directly worked with a Harvard Divinity School graduate for a couple of years, and a Vanderbilt University divinity-graduate admonished me, "Your Cup is Too Full" as I lay flat on my back in the hospital (a day after undergoing open-heart surgery). Most of us probably have to learn the hard-way in The School of Hard-Knocks. Perhaps that's the Nature of the Matrix. What Would the Matrix-Mediatrix Say?? Enough Clever-Talk as I Go Incognito. Namaste and Godspeed. I Am of Peace. Always.

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    Post  mudra Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:13 pm

    THE BRIDGE-WAY Fddc3910

    Thank you Lionhawk to lay your heart wide open on such intimate parts of your life.
    I truly appreciate this 🙏 You are able to understand people so much better this way.
    Its something I have always been interested in,
    to read people's biographies and particularly how they overcame life's
    adversities if they encountered any.
    Doing so I learned  about how a soul being functions in the universe.
    Their soul qualities , the colors and drive of their imagination making  their journey so unique.
    What it is that gets one out of the maze or drives him further into it.
    Others are inspiring to me in that they are different than I am.
    I have never found another "me" in the universe ,
    As I contemplate life's multiple expressions and bring her presence to Silence
    the seeming separating distance is thinning and I can feel peace in the Heart.


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    Post  Lionhawk Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:07 pm

    THE BRIDGE-WAY Image_10

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    Post  Lionhawk Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:00 pm


    You were right in reference to the hand on my back episode. I did a session a few days ago and found out that it had to do with the hate I had for my father. The woman was who I call, my Angelic Mother. Apparently, I had that deeply buried in my soul. She knew that I was working on forgiveness issues. But since it was buried so deep, she knew I needed assistance. That hatred is no more. I am also grateful for your assistance! It's all been time-stamped as I have posted this.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY Image_11

    I hope you tune in to what is happening as to our weather over here. It's intense. My location is in between Lenior and Charlotte, N.C. It is intense as we are getting tons of rain. Alarms going off every few seconds. It's very dark in the house.

    A very gracious THANK YOU!

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  mudra Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:04 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:U

    You were right in reference to the hand on my back episode. I did a session a few days ago and found out that it had to do with the hate I had for my father. The woman was who I call, my Angelic Mother. Apparently, I had that deeply buried in my soul. She knew that I was working on forgiveness issues. But since it was buried so deep, she knew I needed assistance. That hatred is no more. I am also grateful for your assistance! It's all been time-stamped as I have posted this.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY Image_11

    I hope you tune in to what is happening as to our weather over here. It's intense. My location is in between Lenior and Charlotte, N.C. It is intense as we are getting tons of rain. Alarms going off every few seconds. It's very dark in the house.

    A very gracious THANK YOU!

    Thanks for the lovely bouquet LionHawk.Last thing i see before going in the sleeping mode.
    Water again ... humm looks like your father is doing his bit of discharge too I would say.
    And it is intense ! 
    The uni verse of the both of you is seeking balance.
    The power of forgiveness...This is what comes to mind.

    Take care 

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    Post  Lionhawk Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:36 pm

    Mudra, I let it all go. River of tears. Sleep well. I sense you are tired.

    OXY, I have a question for you. Of all the questions that you have, what are the three most important questions that are personally important to you?

    Carol, what are your thoughts about me making contact with Gene? Just an idea.

    I'm exhausted from today's weather events and plan on hitting the sack shortly.

    Catch you all tomorrow!

    Sleep  Sleep  Sleep  Sleep  Sleep  Sleep  Sleep  Sleep  Sleep

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:28 am

    Lionhawk wrote:OXY, I have a question for you. Of all the questions that you have, what are the three most important questions that are personally important to you?
    Thank-you, Lionhawk. I'm not sure I'm prepared for an off the cuff response, but here goes whatever...

    (1) Do All Souls Consciously Exist for All Eternity (2) Without Cruel and Unusual Punishment with a Reasonable and Rational System of Rewards and Punishments with Limited Suffering with Maximized Quality of Life and (3) Reasonable Periodic Recall of All Past-Lives??

    In Customary Format:

    (1) Do All Souls Consciously Exist for All Eternity??

    (2) Do All Souls Consciously Exist for All Eternity Without Cruel and Unusual Punishment with a Reasonable and Rational System of Rewards and Punishments with Limited Suffering with Maximized Quality of Life??

    (3) Do All Souls Consciously Exist for All Eternity with Reasonable Periodic Recall of All Past-Lives??

    I'm not sure how many questions were really included in the above sentence, but these concerns are probably at the top of my list. Imagine a Three-Planet Solar-System with Planet Perdition, Planet Purgatory, and Planet Paradise with Reasonable and Rational Periodic-Determinations of the Soul-Destinies of All Concerned and Unconcerned. Theodicy and Eschatology Relative to Responsibility and Freedom Are Fundamental to the Quest for a Useable Future. How the Party Begins, Progresses, Digresses, and Ultimately Ends is Crucial and Determinative. If the Ends Don't Justify the Means, What Does?? Years Ago, 'RA' Asked Me About the Sabbath in a Telephone Conversation Where He Said Others Were Listening. I Responded That While I Appreciated the Principles and Concepts Relative to the Sabbath, the Whole-Bible Standard Throughout the Universe in Modernity was of Questionable Application and Interpretation (Or Something to That Effect). Consider the Treatment of the Torah from Joshua to Revelation for Jews, Gentiles, Protestants, and Catholics. Consider the Ethics and Law in Deuteronomy and Proverbs. Keep Which Commandments for Who, When, and Where??

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:39 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Post  Carol Fri Mar 26, 2021 11:41 am

    Lionhawk wrote:

    Carol, what are your thoughts about me making contact with Gene? Just an idea.

    I suspect the two of you would have a very interesting exchange. He does have an email address and gets a few thousands a week that others sort through for him.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Lionhawk Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:03 pm

    Thanks, OXY. I do know that once we leave here as in death, we do go through a debriefing. As far as rewards go, will be your own accomplishments that you were able to complete. As far as past-life recall, for sure. You may have had millions of past-lives. That would depend on which wave of souls that you were part of in terms of creation. Also, the data packet that the Prime Creator gave you. Regardless, IMO, I think you will be just fine. You at least asked the questions. This alone has been an exercise of expanding your consciousness and that might be the reward you mentioned. We all have different missions of intent embedded within our souls. You have been STO by shining a light on all these issues for humanity. I commend you! Also thank you for your service to this world. If I had a ship and a team and was planning to explore space, I would love for you to be on board. Now, I heard something about a stroke and heart surgery. Your physical body can handle only do so much. A stroke is basically an overloaded circuit in the brain where the circuit trips the breaker. Typically electrical in nature. Creates an open circuit. This is why anyone having one of these, becomes like a blank, unable to move, speak, and so on. Time will tell when that open can be healed in the circuit. If that circuit is fried beyond its operating parameters, as in permanent damage, you know where this goes. A stroke can be triggered by heat. This can be caused by the heart, where the heart pumps blood and is the coolant being pumped to the brain. Another reason why fever can do you in. The body will reflect the matters of the spirit. If the spirit is constipated or doing too much, your body will always reflect that. The key is balancing your spirit. Take the stress off of it, knowing that there is always tomorrow. This will also lessen your fears. Fear causes stress. Get the pendulum going the other way. But not in a drastic way. Going to the extreme the other way can also be problematic in terms of balancing your spirit. As in not being grounded very well. When you start to reach that balancing center point, you will start to heal your body and your body will also reflect that. Knowing and doing are two different things. You just can't say, "I want to live." And then expect the body to take care of it. You have to apply some form of action. Play a part in your own solution. Many think that their doctor can fix it. The doctor can't fix your soul. They might be able to repair the body to some degree as they are practicing their medicine. Then you have to ask the question, why does what they had practiced on, come back? Or repeats itself. A few months go by and the individual has another heart attack or stroke? And the answer the doc says is you have a disease. To me, that is a cop-out or a convenient way of providing an excuse. Ask your wallet as he treats you for the rest of your life! The actual disease causing all this is the "disconnect" between the spirit and the body. Disease-a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. What I found that has worked for me are two things. Meditation and some of that green stuff. The green stuff takes the edge off and when I do a meditation, I talk to all of my parts and tell them thank you and that I love them. May sound corny but it works. And from what I have gone through in the last 2.5 years, if I didn't do this, I wouldn't be here today. Overcoming 12 NDE experiences, everything Brook, type 2, etc. You get the idea. And if I had stayed with those doctors... they were discussing cutting both my legs off 5 years ago, along with their meds, I would be in a wheelchair and blind as a bat. The meds were causing me to go blind. My sight has returned. Not like it was but hey, I can type this post. The choice was up to me. My solution. Another thing that was a benefit was that a certain Indian Chief trained me in the art of meditation between 4 and 5 years old. I had no idea at the time it was called meditation. Found out in my late teenage years. If you have problems with meditation as in holding your space and the monkey mind, have someone guide you within a meditation and train you. It is not that difficult. But again it comes down to choice. I also don't see how the frequency music that Carol posted up will hurt you. One last thing. I am still walking!

    I hope I didn't cross any of your lines, OXY. After all, you are the COMMANDER of your own ship.

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:50 pm

    Thank-you, Lionhawk. I don't know how to properly reply to your posts. You're way above my paygrade. Your insights, experiences, trials, and tribulations make me speechless. I probably need to understand things rather than changing things. The Macro-System is probably working perfectly, even as the Micro-System goes to hell. I'll be lurking in the Mists but I'm trying really hard to not post. I'm reading a couple of online pdf newspapers for an hour or two each day, and I'm trying to exercise in nature for an hour or two every day. BTW, how is that ambulance of yours?? When I get my house in order I might travel light in a small motorhome. I probably need to Get Out of Dodge. What Would David Mann Say?? In Steven Spielberg's first movie, Duel, in 1971, notice the name (including spacing allowing missing letters and the obscured last letter) on the briefcase right before he goes head-on into that creepy truck (at exactly 59 seconds -- full screen). What Would David ****man Say?? Now I'm going to watch my Dead Reckoning DVD 'RA' give me. I gave him a Mercedes model (from the 30's). I'm Rambling. Namaste, Godspeed, and Geronimo.


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    Post  Lionhawk Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:01 am

    The fractal aspect of the Prime Creator. So if you look below at the pentagram, you will see a small circle in the center. This is where his headquarters are. It is also the first dimension. His house. The other triangles are the second dimension. Forgive me for using a masculine context in regards to the Prime Creator as that is how he relates to me. Just for my monkey mind. So I asked him, "How do you manage all this?" He says he made extensions of himself and put the extensions in each of the universes. Like a right arm. Each of them governs each universe that they are in. For the sake of posting this concept, I termed the phrase, "Mini-me." Instead of Prime Creator Jr. This was also the start of the network that connects everything together. From there, a Mini-me was created for each galaxy and another for each star and another for each planet, down to the moons, in our Universe. Each Mini-me was scaled down in terms of the amount of sacred light to match each system, galaxies, stars, planets, and moons. In other words, stepped down in terms of how much-sacred light would be efficient as in amplitude for each system. In other words, you don't need to have an amplitude of 120%. The 20% of sacred light would never be used. It would be a waste of energy. At each step-down, each Mini-me is resonating in the celestial body it inhabits in a perfect resonate frequency. Each Mini-me is a fragment of the Prime Creator. Sound familiar? And guess what? They all have an ego that states "I am." Plus an individual personality. I speculate that personality is defined by the events that occur in each system. Also the age and interaction with the celestial body it inhabits. Meaning the female component is all this. For instance, let's take our precious Gaia. She is a spirit inhabiting this world. This world is her body. She creates the physical in terms of life. But not the spirit. The Prime Creator creates that. If you were to go to her core, you will find and meet with her and the Mini-me of this planet in a beautiful cavern adorned with many crystals, all shapes, colors, and sizes. Along with a large white filament leaving her core. Out the South Pole. Branching out, connecting out to the other celestial bodies in our system. Now ask how your spirits got here? How do you enter this Earth plane? Did you jump off a comet that flew by here?  Crazy Happy According to the bible, man was created in God's image. How can that be when human women don't have beards? Most of them anyway.  Laugh Not to get personal, but Brook had one hair that was on her chin. She used to freak out when I would go up to her and pull on it. Of course, she would get rid of it. Onward... When it came to the Goddess, her power of the creational process was to create physical Mini-mes'. Not spiritual ones. The Prime Creator provided that. This is where the triangle comes in. Our Universe and why the creation of life has something in common. The number, 33.333333... If we look at the triangle, we see 3 corners. Take an inverted triangle. You have two points on top and one on the bottom. The points on top represent Mom and Dad. The bottom point is the child that you both created. Your Mini-me. It takes 33% of your combined beingness to create this life. This is the reason why the number 33 is so powerful. It is the number that is the axiom of creation. Please don't ask me about twins.  Lmfao We have heard the term, "Twin Flames." It can throw you off in regards to the number 33. Or 33.3333 % Because the context indicates, "two." Also, both flames are reflective of each other in terms of properties. As if one spirit split itself in half and both halves went out in different directions. This is not the case. It was at 66.6666 % of my soul body that created Brook. Not 50%. Brook was 33.3333% of my total spiritual essence. My Mini-me and was done in the second dimension. Now if you add Mom and Dad together as far as your combined essence goes, each being 33.333%, you come up with 66.6666%. Am I making sense? These are fixed values in terms of the creation of life. If you go past this 33.333%, it will cause serious damage to your soul body because you stepped out of the bounds of the laws of creation. You will not be able to create life if this was to occur. You wouldn't have the right amount of essence to create another life because you wouldn't have 66.6666% of total essence to achieve it. I also speculate why some kids are born with serious problems because one of the parents was a few % points off the mark, I don't really know. A lack of coding? Maybe caused by vaccines or drugs? Chemicals from the environment and the food we consume? Begs more questions. So, in conclusion, we are Mini-mes' of Gaia and the Prime Creator's Mini-me of this world. Think on it.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY 1200px13

    As far as Dec. 3, 2005... Stage 2. There was a massive rescue mission that took place. Ever hear of the expression, "As above, so below?" That is a frightening true statement! But for the sake of being tired right now, I will continue this story tomorrow in the morning.

    Goodnight Y'all!

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:04 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you, Carol. Don't Be Frightened. I Mean No Harm. I'd love to know a lot more about those in the Mists, but I purposely keep a respectful distance.  "Your Cup is Too Full". Namaste and Godspeed. I Am of Peace. Always.

    No fear Oxy. Setting fear aside one lives fully in the moment within the empty cup.

    You remind me of my eldest son. The peaceful warrior who would choose to be a sparrow if he were a bird. He's independent, vulnerable with multiple physical disabilities and schizophrenic. He chose to be/live alone over a thousand miles away. His only friends, perhaps, are the medical professionals who help him deal with his deteriorating, emaciated body. He's also had MS since his early 20s. Sad.

    Odd how life takes one on a journey made up of thousands of little choices throughout each day. And where one ends up is often so different when first envisioned at different junctures along the path. Had I known ahead of time.. would some choices have been different? Sometimes I think we are exactly where we should be.

    Thank you so much for sharing this video. Awesome. Namaste to you too Oxy.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:26 pm

    Thank-you, Carol. Your post saddened me. I know a seven year-old girl who recently experienced a seizure, was airlifted to a major hospital, diagnosed with brain-cancer, and has already had four surgeries. Her family is very religious and trusts in God. Stories such as this one test who we are and who God is. I could ramble about Theodicy and Eschatology relative to Freedom and Responsibility, but what's the use?? I live alone as I feel worse and think less, yet my cup seems to fill the whole-world, sort of like the flood in the movie 2012. I used the cup story when speaking with the Vanderbilt graduate. Interestingly, the Harvard graduate I worked with spoke of too-much information. He reminded me of Bart Ehrman and John Shelby Spong. Decades earlier, Dr. Bruce Larson (Crystal Cathedral) asked me, "How do we deal with the explosion of information??" I didn't have an answer then or now. I asked 'RA', "How Good is Too Good??" He didn't know and neither do I. My threads are not for educating the general public. Just the Opposite. I thought the threads were clear yet purposely disjointed as mental and spiritual exercises for the worthy, but perhaps I was mistaken. 'RA' told me, "You Will Reveal Your Bad-Side." Fulfilled Prophecy for Sure, yet it is probably necessary to partially understand the Dark-Side to be able to appreciate the Solution to the Problem. Perhaps the Answer is Blowing in the Wind...


    Posts : 485
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    Age : 66
    Location : Prime Creator's Garden


    Post  Lionhawk Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:56 pm

    I was guided to this a second after I posted on the ambulance thread. Amazing!

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13536
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix


    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:34 am

    Thank-you, Lionhawk. I started watching the video and I liked it but I'm too tired, and I usually listen to videos as I go to sleep. I'll finish listening to it now, and then I'll watch it tomorrow. The problem I keep encountering is proof and perceptions. Thinking one knows is quite different than really knowing, and I'm at a disadvantage because I don't delve into the nether-realms and hocus-pocus. Just the opposite, despite my relative openness to alternative-research. I'm a conservative at heart, but I wish for more refined renditions of a gold-standard or center which holds. Orthodoxymoron is a good-name for my plight. I know I don't know despite my stand-offish edginess. I'm also crude, rude, and socially-unacceptable, so that eliminates me from the A, B, C, D, E, F Lists!! I might qualify for the G List (if I'm lucky). I think someone crossed my wires in a hypothetical mind-wiring without my consent or knowledge. My physical and mental health concerns are weird and suspicious. I feel like a mouse being teased by a bobcat. I'm thinking I need to really and truly go incognito before I embarrass myself and others. Anyway, I'm drifting off to sleep now. My sleep is too deep for normalcy. It often seems as if I am in a perpetual state of being poisoned (possibly by some sort of neurotoxin). There is a likely electronic and supernatural component, but I'm fighting this perceived phenomenon, and I really do NOT wish to go there.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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