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Vidya Moksha
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    Post  Lionhawk Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:00 pm

    Thank you, Carol, for posting that up. I tried on 3 occasions to do that but couldn't. When James first posted it up, it contained the last 22 minutes of it. I tried on Sunday and Monday to post the whole hour but they hadn't corrected it yet.

    Elena knows about the Bridge-Way.  sunny



    Gene & James

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:14 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sat Nov 13, 2021 9:07 pm

    You're welcome Lionhawk. I've been searching for that last link you posted and will enjoy listening to it tomorrow morning in the cabin.. Cheers luv.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23291
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    Age : 69
    Location : belgium


    Post  mudra Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:27 pm

    Archery tips with Jzmes Jean

    Hello hello 😊
    Never miss an opportunity to do things right cheers

    Posts : 23291
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    Post  mudra Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:05 am

    A very amazing picture was taken a few days ago in the Netherlands, where a goose is trying to land in the presence of a lot of headwinds, so it turns upside down for a while except for the head, and this method is in order to reduce its speed and land safely.

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 4ab48e10

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    Post  Lionhawk Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:14 pm


    Thank you, ladies! Amazing goose pic. Archery? So many new developments in this subject, make your head spin. Even crossbows. YouTube galore on this topic.

    Recently discovered this...

    This was just a sample of what is currently being developed. Our cars of the future. Now if they could tap into the Tesla field for unlimited energy and integrate that, there would barely be a carbon footprint. Use the lay lines of the planet to establish a new aerial highway. Convert the old land base system for the transportation of goods. Set up 8 autobahn-type systems across the country. High speed. Just think what they will have in twenty years?

    Who's going to pay for it? The VATICAN. With a 60 meter wide X 80 meters high X 150 miles long stacked tunnel of gold bars. That according to Gene. Things that boggle the old brain. And don't forget the gold in China. Come to think of it, this gold thing is what got me to go down this rabbit hole in the first place back in 1998. Gold was being taken off-planet by certain ET groups. For hundreds of years. Just another exploitation of Mother Earth. Pissed me off when I discovered this. This consequently led me to my D.U.M.B. research back in 2001. Which led to 2005 and discovering the Darkside Global network. Initiated a Galactic rescue of sorts. Disrupted this network for the following 6 months. This network involved our whole solar system and beyond, back to the Orion Sector. Folks thought I was off my rocker when I mentioned the thousands of Reptilians were down in Antarctica, underground. Back in 2003.

    Mind you that day in 2005 was an intense one. The anniversary date is Dec. 3rd. We didn't realize we were going to start a war on that day. We just wanted to help Mother with some light work. We injected that light into the North Pole. It took about 30 minutes to do this. The interesting thing was that as time went on, more light was injected. Part of the reason for this was that there were other spirits joining us from out there. ET spirits who would get into orbit with us. Like the rings of Saturn. More rings, more amplification. It was an event that got the Galaxy involved with what we were doing. Many people were rescued that day, that had been taken and had their free agency violated beyond belief.

    I mention the above because there were folks doing the work before we all met up back in the day. And with the recent event, I think it was Oct. 23, 2021, where it was announced that the Reptilians and two factions of greys got booted out of our system, it all now fits together for me personally and hopefully for everyone. Since the 23rd, I have been like floating. Have you ever had some joker put some extra rocks in your backpack, you do the multi-mile hike, take the pack off, go to stand up and you feel so much lighter? Another thing... no more weird freakin dreams or nightmares. Haven't even had a contact experience. Getting some sleep for a change. You have no idea as to the pressure I was under. I didn't even have an idea what that was till it left me. Finding a new level of inner peace.

    And of course, I have my moments where I question, "was any of this real?" Hopefully, that's a normal human reaction. But needless to say, I can't argue with the validations received. Those validations keep me on the path. I've done many scans as of late. All I get from down under is a Reptilian residue energy signature. Could be dying corpses or the dead. Greys? I get nothing but nothing. Some are here but it's like they all got mind wiped. They are totally lost and their eyes are blank when you look into them. Nobody home kind of thing.

    Recently watched a video with Gene and he was talking about the insectoids.

    The reason for bringing this up is because of the Anu that I met. They were black and looked 5' to 5.5' high. But that could be wrong but it's close. They were friendly to me. It was an introduction-type meeting. 2016. The second meeting was about the status of their home and surrounding environment. 2017. They conveyed to me that they had more freedom by showing me their young had more freedom in their environment. This freedom was determined by the location of the Reptilians and their activities. The third meeting show more of an expanded environment and a lesser stress level. It was conveyed with some type of sonic imagery. Haven't checked on them lately. I also don't want to meet some of these other types for obvious reasons. I've had contact with these Anu, a female Mantid being, a large grasshopper being who wasn't very nice. Just plain rude. I have seen some wasp beings in a ship and you don't want any part of them. They are no longer in our solar system. Just remember that when you go to step on one of these beings, you might be watched by a "big" brother. Often the life we see here is a mini reflection of what is out there. Spider race is here too and their ships are shaped like them. Menacing looking. You'll instinctively know it.

    A little side note... since Oct. 23rd I couldn't help but notice that there are two types of folks. Ones that are having no problems surfing this current time wave and others who are having a hell of a time juggling their life. The latter who are hanging on to their physical things on a metaphysical level.

    The synchronicity field is still ongoing. So here at this little homestead, I thought about raising some meat rabbits. Did a little research as to what breeds would fit the bill. New Zealand and California came up. So later that day, I decided to watch a movie I had never seen. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. So in the movie, some nut job they ran into, drives crazy, stops, opens up the trunk of his car, and he had a slew of New Zealand rabbits in it. Pretty wild if you ask me. Still scratching my head over this one.

    Well, I hope everyone is doing well!


    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Sun Nov 21, 2021 5:20 am

    Wow! 5 weeks of wall to wall sunshine. I havent stopped for a moment.. but managed so much. Now the rains come and it's time to rest a little. My polytunnel just needs plastic.. There is now a fence between the posts, have to keep the wild pigs out, or they will eat everything!

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 Dscf9510

    my firewood is stacked. My woodburner is fitted!

    Lionhawk, that chopping firewood video is excellent, if 30 years too late Wink

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 Dscf9511

    and mudra, next time i am flying too high / quickly I know how to land safely, just need to learn to twist my head 180 degrees Wink

    On a personal note, two close friends have cancer, both need operations. They are too young! Still we systematically poison the planet.. hey ho Wink

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:32 pm

    Just listened to this.

    Pretty much sums up the situation on a political level..for the whole world.

    It's about Fauci, and the pandemic, but also pin points exactly why we are in the most important phase of any our mundane lives here on this planet at this time. This is the end game for sure. Worth a listen /watch. Not to extend the covid into the bridgeway but for an excellent summary about the backdrop to our world canvas in these unprecedented times.

    I still dont think it is a done deal, but this is the play.... game on..

    James Corbett interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr

    The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

    Where to buy the book

    A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence

    Government tested AIDS drugs on foster kids

    U.S. knew of AIDS drug concerns in Africa

    Guinea Pig Kids (BBC 2004)

    The Annotated Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep 2010 (pdf)

    Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism

    The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan

    RFK Jr. Names RFK's Killer - #NewWorldNextWeek

    ClearWater likes this post


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    Post  Carol Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:44 pm

    For sure we are witnessing the end of the Satanic era cabalistic control. Nasty stuff and their doing their best to take as many down with them as possible..

    Someone mentioned that this upheaval was similar to before the Berlin wall came down.. and surprisingly... we were in Berlin at the wall one week before the main event. Long story. Intense, fun, interesting. We have family who lived there so were visiting. It was amazing.

    So, from that perspective, perhaps we are approaching a new dawn on the other side of this mayhem.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 485
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 66
    Location : Prime Creator's Garden


    Post  Lionhawk Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:24 am

    For those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving! My prayers go out to the world is all I can say. The only good news on that front is I found some Butterballs for $.98 lbs. Of course, I didn't buy one. What am I going to do with a turkey? Besides, my fridge took a poop on Monday. Good thing I caught it in time. Was able to save most of it this time. But the fridge is officially dead. Didn't have much in it so the loss was minimal. Always something.

    Well, Mr. V. good to see you have plenty of wood for Winter. Sorry, the vids are way too late, you old fart. Crazy Happy Back in my day, there were no vids. Go figure. Well, there was, but it was 8 mm. Film was on a reel. I don't care who splits it, wood is a lot of work. The way I see it, any tips are valuable and if one technique will make it easier, I'm all for it. Or save time. The logistics of processing wood is usually not well thought out and bad habits get passed down through the generations. Using a sharp ax when splitting wood is a bad habit. Now if you get into ax throwing, you'll want the ax to be as sharp as you can get it. Or for limbing a tree. I would also use a smaller ax for limbing. Easier to control. Less weight. I also didn't post up my technique. It would be better if I demonstrated that on a video. Maybe for next year.

    No worries, Mudra. Moving is a major job.

    Everyone stay safe.

    Posts : 23291
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium


    Post  mudra Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:16 am

    Do you wood choppers know this trick ?

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:30 am

    Yeah Lionheart, you got me.. feeling my age this winter that's for sure. Old fart it is! Ancient One

    Still doing ok though Wink

    I still quite like chopping wood, but only when there is no pressure to do so!

    Here's my trick to add to the list. I learned this from a traveller 30 years ago and everyone I show it to now uses this method.. it took me ages to find a video of this.. obviously not so well known..


    Posts : 32630
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:01 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:

    For those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving! My prayers go out to the world is all I can say. The only good news on that front is I found some Butterballs for $.98 lbs. Of course, I didn't buy one. What am I going to do with a turkey? Besides, my fridge took a poop on Monday. Good thing I caught it in time. Was able to save most of it this time. But the fridge is officially dead. Didn't have much in it so the loss was minimal. Always something.

    Well, Mr. V. good to see you have plenty of wood for Winter. Sorry, the vids are way too late, you old fart. Crazy Happy Back in my day, there were no vids. Go figure. Well, there was, but it was 8 mm. Film was on a reel. I don't care who splits it, wood is a lot of work. The way I see it, any tips are valuable and if one technique will make it easier, I'm all for it. Or save time. The logistics of processing wood is usually not well thought out and bad habits get passed down through the generations. Using a sharp ax when splitting wood is a bad habit. Now if you get into ax throwing, you'll want the ax to be as sharp as you can get it. Or for limbing a tree. I would also use a smaller ax for limbing. Easier to control. Less weight. I also didn't post up my technique. It would be better if I demonstrated that on a video. Maybe for next year.

    No worries, Mudra. Moving is a major job.

    Everyone stay safe.

    Good morning Lionhawk and Happy Thanksgiving.

    It's been quite a few past days with unexpected company (one son who hasn't been to this Oregon homestead in 40 years or joined us for Thanksgiving in the past 25 years. He called and asked to come. Sweet Baby Jesus... miracles do happen. He drove over 800 miles in one day and arrived the day of the snow storm, so it's all very white out. On the last sunny day before the snow, spouse and daughter went tramping through the woods to look for a Christmas tree. She picked out a 9 footer and it's a good 6-7 feet wide at the base, which she got to carry back to the house. It's not going to fit. It needs some serious trimming. Her job. Meanwhile, the tree is out by the front deck rail with limbs covered in at least 3-4 inches of snow waiting for the snow to be shook off and it's trim.

    Our son is allergic to cats. We have 3. You can't even begin to imagine what we went though cleaning the house and the room he's staying in to get rid of as much cat dander as possible. This included stripping the bed and taking everything that was covering furniture to protect it from cat vomit and washing it. It also included deep cleaning the floors, dusting (twice), using the UV light and ran the HEPA filter for hours to clean the air. It also meant replacing the furnace filter with one that's equip to filter out allergens, laundering all the towels, cleaning the window... yada, yada, yada..

    So after doing all the cleaning, that meant my cooking schedule got delayed and what was planned to make and bake on Tuesday didn't get started until last evening. Now the "pumpkin pie" saga unfolds.

    So, after searching YouTube for a good pumpkin pie recipe and settling on one using a butter crust, it was time to prep the crust. This involves multiple steps of chilling the dough... rolling out the chilled, chill the dough again once in the pie plate.. we set it out in the snow for that last step. So one would thing we're good to go getting that damn pie crust ready to bake. Let's just say the finished product shrunk at least a good inch from the top sides down into the pie dish.. made the second curst attempting a different technique and the bloody thing did it again! The cooked crust looks ore like a torte rather than a finished pie crust with fluted edges. And of course the filling goes up to the rim of the pie dish... no curst in sight. Even after making a beautiful fluted edge - nada. Second curst skipped that fluted edging step and let it hang straight up an inch over the edge mistakingly thinking this would do the trick. Bloody hell! The shrinking pie edge is twice as bad as the first attempt.

    Moving on...

    I got up at 3:30 am this morning to make the pie filling and bake the pie. Now that it's in the oven baking  it was time to prep the whip cream (with a little added vanilla and rum). Got out the hand held mixer, poured the heavy cream into the metal bowl and set the mixer on high... forgot everyone else was sleeping.

    Bedroom doors started to open with disgruntled sleep deprived family members coming out to curse me for waking them up at 4:30 am. They all went to bed between 10 & 11pm.. my family are all night owls. I'm the lone early bird - except for the dog and cats. The dog who wants out and the cats who are ready for their first meal. With many apologies to them and feeling shamed, they left somewhat vindicated that they had chastised me thoroughly so that they could returned to bed. By now our daughters cat decided to join in the activity. He started to  climb up on top of cabinets, race around and meowing outside our daughter's door. More cursing from our daughter who locked Albert out of her room thinking she could get back to sleep. Hah!.. He was not to be appeased. She  had to come out again and spend time petting him to help settle him down.

    Moving forward in thought. At least the cranberry sauce was made yesterday and now one pumpkin pie is completed with the second crust ready to be filled. I may ask the grouchy daughter to make that one as this pie was her boyfriends request.  

    So now it's 6:27am. Already took two Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen for the chronic back pain. Don't know why? It's not all that effective. Yet a trickle of hope does shimmer with a thought.. maybe it will do the trick this time.

    Yesterday was also the last minute trip to the the market. Can you guess why? Spouse showed Son our package of instant garlic potatoes and Stove Top dressing mix. This son is the gourmet cook who also worked in a French restaurant both in France in high school as a foreign exchange student and again later in the US. He pulled up his Thanksgiving menu from last year on his computer to illustrate what a creative superb dinner he had made. The photo of the meal did look awesome. Then he insisted we had to use real potatoes and get some Artesian French bread so that he could cube and make the dressing. He also asked if I had a big mixer...  by now you can see where this is going. The easy stress-free instant dinner is now turned into a labor-intensive full production. On his grocery list was wild rice, a variety of root vegetables to be roasted, fresh parsley, sage and thyme for the dressing. additional cranberries (both dried and fresh), a pomegranate, as seeds will be used in the Spinach salad. Corn bread mix for the muffins.

    Okay.. backtracking to last week.

    Last week while at the Dollar Saver purchasing groceries,  before we knew there was to be any guests for Turkey dinner, I looked for the smallest turkey I could find.... more along the size of a large chicken think that this turkey would only be for two. Fortunately, given the altered dinner situation,  2 additional turkey legs were purchased two weeks prior just in case there was a food shortage and no turkeys were available. So.. ta da, this bird will have 4 legs instead of the traditional two. Did you know that Safeway was out of cranberries yesterday, the day before Thanksgiving! Shocking! Fortunately our trusty local "health" food market had fresh cranberries in stock, so was able to pick up a few more bags for the alter meal menu.

    Fast forward to Wednesday evening. I was so overwhelmed and in back pain from all the cleaning, last minute menu changes and shopping that all I could do for dinner was make some instant Sicilian split pea soup with slices of Artesian French bread In addition to making the Jasmine rice for our daughter. She's making a gourmet Salmon dish for herself and her boyfriend since she doesn't eat turkey or red meat.

    Hopefully, after the early wake-up noise, they'll sleep in late. Nope, no such luck.  However, I can now get some rest. Maybe even put on the Wheel of Time later and veg out. I've finished my part. Everyone else can take over the kitchen. Well, excepting perhaps, when it's time to helpi to prep the turkey.

    It is now 7:07. Spouse is up to make German pancakes. Son is in the kitchen with his large cup of peppermint tea. Some of the cranberries that were sorted out were taken out for the deer who are now standing outside in the snow steering in the window with "high hopes" of more. In fact, she is staring at me now. sigh.. so beautiful.

    Son took a look at the pie and said... "Well at least it looks home made mom." We all burst into laughter. Indeed it does. No one would think that pie was store bought. However, the good news.  With the rum flavored whip cream it will taste amazing. And after a bit more rum... it will taste even bedder.

    7:30 am to 10 am Son is in kitchen peelling veggies and prepping the whole cranberries, celery and onions to add to the dressing, I was there to make up the second batch of pie filling, pie in oven. We're workig in shifts as daughter is her Salmon dish prepped by spouse. turkey was washed and waiting for the roasting pan to be cleaned.. then it gets prepped to wait for its turn in the oven after the vegetables are roasted.

    Daughter switched out with me and is now in the kitchen with Son and spouse working on her creation. PTL for whoever thought up a kitchen island. Delicious smells including a baking pumpkin pie permeate throughout. I'm ready to dive into the first pumpkin pie sitting out on the island just because it looks so tempting. Daughter has put her dough to sit on top of the propane fireplace to rise.. It's the outer covering for her salmon dish.

    Time to get up and put the melted butter, herbs, salt and pepper onto the turkey and into the roasting pan. 10:37 am.. Okay, deer are back in the front yard to scarf up the peeling from all the vegetables that went into the roasted vegetable dish. Just finished prepping the bird putting some rosemary under the skin along with some pats of butter. The brushed melted butter on the exterior, salt, peppered and added thyme along with other poultry Provence herbs.  Next up is prepping the corn bread muffins and getting them into the oven as soon as the pie is out. No need to worry about the crust on the second pie and it's not even visible.

    Mashed  potatoes need prepping and wild rice. Corn muffins are in their little paper cups waiting for the damn 2nd pie to set in the middle. Second mistake,  using a deep pie dish that is most likely meant for apples. I'm such a ditz. Move over Lucy.. you have company girl. Okay.. not quite set like it should but after an hours and half enough is enough. With enough rum whip cream on top, hopefully, no one will notice that the center of the pumpkin pie isn't set. The edges are a bit over-done, very, very dark brown. Besides, that pie has had all the attention it deserves for one dish.

    As soon as the cornbread muffins are done in go the the roasted vegetable and stuffing dishes... That will take at least another 40 min to an hour before we can put the turkey in.. another 3 hours. While that's cooking next up is the mash potatoes and wild rice.

    Daughter will be back in to work on her dish after the dough finish rising.

    Arrghhh..  the oven is off by 40 degrees!.. no wonder why everything is taking so long. Just added another 7 minutes to the muffins. I wonder if the turkey will be done in time to eat it today? Who knows? And to have a moist turkey, the bird likes a long slow bake at a lower temp. What should be 3 hours may end up being 5 or 6. I may be back in bed by then!

    If all else fails.. i.e. the turkey not being done.. I'm starting off with pumpkin pie a rum whip cream.. maybe just some rum or eggnog to help over the hump. Or maybe eggnog with rum whip cream. Doesn't that sound delicious?

    Okay... muffins out and roasted vegetables along with dressing in for an hour. There is a bit of breeze blowing the snow off the pine trees. Just checked the dough on top of the fire place. Bubbles ... it's working.

    Eggnog? Just pulled out the Almond milk eggnog and poured a glass. So cool, refreshing and delicious. Don't dare start on the hard stuff at this hour if I don't want to end up sleeping face-down in my mashed potatoes. A few sips with the pumpkin pie with rum whipped cream near bedtime would be lovely. That is if it's possible to eat dessert after dinner as compared to the onset of dinner.

    Spouse is whistling as he clears off the table to put in the extension.. Son has emerged from his nap. Is now prepping the wild rice (shallots, garlic, mushrooms and bay leaf in the chicken broth.) [Note... never in a million years would I do all that he is doing for this dinner. One of the best Thanksgiving dinners we had was take-out from the Hawaiian market that we took up to the national park and ate on paper plates at the picnic table. So.. we're not that picky. However, with him here preparing this delicious feast... we are both grateful and VERY appreciative.}

    Soon... after all of the prepping is done and it's all cooking it will be time to set up the chess board.. or perhaps play a few rousing hands of 'Go Fish' if we're not to tired. We tend to get a bit vocal with our card games.

    Son is off for a nap and daughter is off to go for a walk in the snow. Spouse is peeling the potatoes. More leavings for the deer. They're enjoying Thanksgiving as well.

    Meanwhile, the turkey is outside where it is 32 degrees.. so at least it won't freeze while waiting its turn in the oven. Which hopefully is within the next 20 minutes. .. yea, the timer just went off. Time for the Turkey to go into the oven.

    Hmm... just remembered that we have to put in the table extension and set the table with our mixed matched dishes. Martha Stewart, I'm not. Ahh.. I wonder what it be like to afford someone to clean the house, do all the grocery shopping, prep the meal/clean-up and set a glamorous table for a feast. However, at my age many of of those things don't much matter anymore. It's being and sharing together, building new warm, loving fun memories that are precious.

    And some may wonder why were so thankful... it's a wonder to have so many sleep deprived chefs in the kitchen in a relative good mood prepping, baking and cooking. A labor of sharing and love, a delicious work in progress... and by the time we actually get to sit at the table to eat we're also thankful to rest our backs and get off our feet. And we're thankful that we can all be together to share this food that we prepared. And we're also thankful to the farmers, truckers and markets in getting all this produce where it can be purchased. And we're thankful that all of our family is safe. Sadly, some alone.  We're thankful that we have this day to remember all the blessings that daily flow our way.

    And I'm also thankful for our Misty family. Please continue to be blessed and may our Creator's light pour down upon you, through you and surround you in it's never ending healing grace.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32630
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:39 pm

    Hmm.. I made so many spelling errors in that last post that it should probably be deleted come morning. Just a quick update on the pumpkin pie. Filling was excellent! And I'll never make that wretched pie crust again. Crustless pie sounds good. rendeer

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 485
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 66
    Location : Prime Creator's Garden


    Post  Lionhawk Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:20 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Lionhawk wrote:

    For those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving! My prayers go out to the world is all I can say. The only good news on that front is I found some Butterballs for $.98 lbs. Of course, I didn't buy one. What am I going to do with a turkey? Besides, my fridge took a poop on Monday. Good thing I caught it in time. Was able to save most of it this time. But the fridge is officially dead. Didn't have much in it so the loss was minimal. Always something.

    Well, Mr. V. good to see you have plenty of wood for Winter. Sorry, the vids are way too late, you old fart. Crazy Happy Back in my day, there were no vids. Go figure. Well, there was, but it was 8 mm. Film was on a reel. I don't care who splits it, wood is a lot of work. The way I see it, any tips are valuable and if one technique will make it easier, I'm all for it. Or save time. The logistics of processing wood is usually not well thought out and bad habits get passed down through the generations. Using a sharp ax when splitting wood is a bad habit. Now if you get into ax throwing, you'll want the ax to be as sharp as you can get it. Or for limbing a tree. I would also use a smaller ax for limbing. Easier to control. Less weight. I also didn't post up my technique. It would be better if I demonstrated that on a video. Maybe for next year.

    No worries, Mudra. Moving is a major job.

    Everyone stay safe.

    Good morning Lionhawk and Happy Thanksgiving.

    It's been quite a few past days with unexpected company (one son who hasn't been to this Oregon homestead in 40 years or joined us for Thanksgiving in the past 25 years. He called and asked to come. Sweet Baby Jesus... miracles do happen. He drove over 800 miles in one day and arrived the day of the snowstorm, so it's all very white out. On the last sunny day before the snow, spouse and daughter went tramping through the woods to look for a Christmas tree. She picked out a 9 footer and it's a good 6-7 feet wide at the base, which she got to carry back to the house. It's not going to fit. It needs some serious trimming. Her job. Meanwhile, the tree is out by the front deck rail with limbs covered in at least 3-4 inches of snow waiting for the snow to be shook off and its trim.

    Our son is allergic to cats. We have 3. You can't even begin to imagine what we went through cleaning the house and the room he's staying in to get rid of as much cat dander as possible. This included stripping the bed and taking everything that was covering furniture to protect it from cat vomit and washing it. It also included deep cleaning the floors, dusting (twice), using the UV light, and running the HEPA filter for hours to clean the air. It also meant replacing the furnace filter with one that's equipped to filter out allergens, laundering all the towels, cleaning the window... yadda, yadda, yadda...

    So after doing all the cleaning, that meant my cooking schedule got delayed and what was planned to make and bake on Tuesday didn't get started until last evening. Now the "pumpkin pie" saga unfolds.

    So, after searching YouTube for a good pumpkin pie recipe and settling on one using a butter crust, it was time to prep the crust. This involves multiple steps of chilling the dough... rolling out the chilled, chilling the dough again once on the pie plate.. we set it out in the snow for that last step. So one would think we're good to go getting that damn pie crust ready to bake. Let's just say the finished product shrunk at least a good inch from the top sides down into the pie dish.. made the second curst attempting a different technique and the bloody thing did it again! The cooked crust looks more like a torte rather than a finished pie crust with fluted edges. And of course, the filling goes up to the rim of the pie dish... no curst in sight. Even after making a beautiful fluted edge - nada. The second curst skipped that fluted edging step and let it hang straight up an inch over the edge mistakingly thinking this would do the trick. Bloody hell! The shrinking pie edge is twice as bad as the first attempt.

    Moving on...

    I got up at 3:30 am this morning to make the pie filling and bake the pie. Now that it's in the oven baking it was time to prep the whipped cream (with a little added vanilla and rum). Got out the handheld mixer, poured the heavy cream into the metal bowl, and set the mixer on high... forgot everyone else was sleeping.

    Bedroom doors started to open with disgruntled sleep-deprived family members coming out to curse me for waking them up at 4:30 am. They all went to bed between 10 & 11 pm.. my family are all night owls. I'm the lone early bird - except for the dog and cats. The dog who wants out and the cats who are ready for their first meal. With many apologies to them and feeling shame, they left somewhat vindicated that they had chastised me thoroughly so that they could return to bed. By now our daughter's cat decided to join in the activity. He started to climb up on top of cabinets, race around, and meow outside our daughter's door. More cursing from our daughter who locked Albert out of her room thinking she could get back to sleep. Hah!.. He was not to be appeased. She had to come out again and spend time petting him to help settle him down.

    Moving forward in thought. At least the cranberry sauce was made yesterday and now one pumpkin pie is completed with the second crust ready to be filled. I may ask the grouchy daughter to make that one as this pie was her boyfriend's request.  

    So now it's 6:27 am. Already took two Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen for chronic back pain. Don't know why? It's not all that effective. Yet a trickle of hope does shimmer with a thought.. maybe it will do the trick this time.

    Yesterday was also the last-minute trip to the market. Can you guess why? Spouse showed Son our package of instant garlic potatoes and Stove Top dressing mix. This son is a gourmet cook who also worked in a French restaurant both in France in high school as a foreign exchange student and again later in the US. He pulled up his Thanksgiving menu from last year on his computer to illustrate what a creative superb dinner he had made. The photo of the meal did look awesome. Then he insisted we had to use real potatoes and get some Artesian French bread so that he could cube and make the dressing. He also asked if I had a big mixer...  by now you can see where this is going. The easy stress-free instant dinner is now turned into a labor-intensive full production. On his grocery list was wild rice, a variety of root vegetables to be roasted, fresh parsley, sage, and thyme for the dressing. additional cranberries (both dried and fresh), a pomegranate, and seeds will be used in the Spinach salad. Cornbread mix for the muffins.

    Okay.. backtracking to last week.

    Last week while at the Dollar Saver purchasing groceries,  before we knew there were to be any guests for Turkey dinner, I looked for the smallest turkey I could find.... more along the size of a large chicken think that this turkey would only be for two. Fortunately, given the altered dinner situation,  2 additional turkey legs were purchased two weeks prior just in case there was a food shortage and no turkeys were available. So.. ta-da, this bird will have 4 legs instead of the traditional two. Did you know that Safeway was out of cranberries yesterday, the day before Thanksgiving! Shocking! Fortunately our trusty local "health" food market had fresh cranberries in stock, so was able to pick up a few more bags for the alter meal menu.

    Fast forward to Wednesday evening. I was so overwhelmed and in back pain from all the cleaning, last-minute menu changes, and shopping that all I could do for dinner was make some instant Sicilian split pea soup with slices of Artesian French bread In addition to making the Jasmine rice for our daughter. She's making a gourmet Salmon dish for herself and her boyfriend since she doesn't eat turkey or red meat.

    Hopefully, after the early wake-up noise, they'll sleep in late. Nope, no such luck.  However, I can now get some rest. Maybe even put on the Wheel of Time later and veg out. I've finished my part. Everyone else can take over the kitchen. Well, except perhaps, when it's time to help to prep the turkey.

    It is now 7:07. My spouse is up to making German pancakes. Son is in the kitchen with his large cup of peppermint tea. Some of the cranberries that were sorted out were taken out for the deer who are now standing outside in the snow steering in the window with "high hopes" of more. In fact, she is staring at me now. sigh.. so beautiful.

    Son took a look at the pie and said... "Well, at least it looks homemade mom." We all burst into laughter. Indeed it does. No one would think that pie was store-bought. However, the good news.  With the rum-flavored whip cream, it will taste amazing. And after a bit more rum... it will taste even better.

    7:30 am to 10 am Son is in the kitchen peeling veggies and prepping the whole cranberries, celery, and onions to add to the dressing, I was there to make up the second batch of pie filling, pie in the oven. We're working in shifts as the daughter is her Salmon dish prepped by her spouse. turkey was washed and waiting for the roasting pan to be cleaned.. then it gets prepped to wait for its turn in the oven after the vegetables are roasted.

    The daughter switched out with me and is now in the kitchen with Son and her spouse working on her creation. PTL for whoever thought up a kitchen island. Delicious smells including a baking pumpkin pie permeate throughout. I'm ready to dive into the first pumpkin pie sitting out on the island just because it looks so tempting. The daughter has put her dough to sit on top of the propane fireplace to rise... It's the outer covering for her salmon dish.

    Time to get up and put the melted butter, herbs, salt, and pepper onto the turkey and into the roasting pan. 10:37 am... Okay, deer are back in the front yard to scarf up the peeling from all the vegetables that went into the roasted vegetable dish. Just finished prepping the bird putting some rosemary under the skin along with some pats of butter. The brushed melted butter on the exterior, salt, peppered, and added thyme along with other poultry Provence herbs.  Next up is prepping the cornbread muffins and getting them into the oven as soon as the pie is out. No need to worry about the crust on the second pie and it's not even visible.

    Mashed potatoes need prepping and wild rice. Corn muffins are in their little paper cups waiting for the damn 2nd pie to set in the middle. Second mistake,  using a deep pie dish that is most likely meant for apples. I'm such a ditz. Move over Lucy.. you have company girl. Okay.. not quite set as it should but after an hour and a half enough is enough. With enough rum whip cream on top, hopefully, no one will notice that the center of the pumpkin pie isn't set. The edges are a bit over-done, very, very dark brown. Besides, that pie has had all the attention it deserves for one dish.

    As soon as the cornbread muffins are done in go the roasted vegetable and stuffing dishes... That will take at least another 40 min to an hour before we can put the turkey in.. another 3 hours. While that's cooking next up is the mash potatoes and wild rice.

    The daughter will be back in to work on her dish after the dough finishes rising.

    Arrghhh..  the oven is off by 40 degrees!.. no wonder why everything is taking so long. Just added another 7 minutes to the muffins. I wonder if the turkey will be done in time to eat it today? Who knows? And to have a moist turkey, the bird likes a long slow bake at a lower temp. What should be 3 hours may end up being 5 or 6. I may be back in bed by then!

    If all else fails.. i.e. the turkey not being done... I'm starting off with pumpkin pie a rum whip cream.. maybe just some rum or eggnog to help over the hump. Or maybe eggnog with rum whip cream. Doesn't that sound delicious?

    Okay... muffins out and roasted vegetables along with dressing in for an hour. There is a bit of breeze blowing the snow off the pine trees. Just checked the dough on top of the fireplace. Bubbles ... it's working.

    Eggnog? Just pulled out the Almond milk eggnog and poured a glass. So cool, refreshing, and delicious. Don't dare start on the hard stuff at this hour if I don't want to end up sleeping face-down in my mashed potatoes. A few sips with the pumpkin pie with rum whipped cream near bedtime would be lovely. That is if it's possible to eat dessert after dinner as compared to the onset of dinner.

    Spouse is whistling as he clears off the table to put in the extension... Son has emerged from his nap. Is now prepping the wild rice (shallots, garlic, mushrooms, and bay leaf in the chicken broth.) [Note... never in a million years would I do all that he is doing for this dinner. One of the best Thanksgiving dinners we had was take-out from the Hawaiian market that we took up to the national park and ate on paper plates at the picnic table. So.. we're not that picky. However, with him here preparing this delicious feast... we are both grateful and VERY appreciative.}

    Soon... after all of the prepping is done and it's all cooking it will be time to set up the chessboard... or perhaps play a few rousing hands of 'Go Fish' if we're not too tired. We tend to get a bit vocal with our card games.

    Son is off for a nap and daughter is off to go for a walk in the snow. The spouse is peeling the potatoes. More leavings for the deer. They're enjoying Thanksgiving as well.

    Meanwhile, the turkey is outside where it is 32 degrees.. so at least it won't freeze while waiting for its turn in the oven. Which hopefully is within the next 20 minutes. .. yea, the timer just went off. Time for Turkey to go into the oven.

    Hmm... just remembered that we have to put in the table extension and set the table with our mixed matched dishes. Martha Stewart, I'm not. Ahh... I wonder what it is like to afford someone to clean the house, do all the grocery shopping, prep the meal/clean-up, and set a glamorous table for a feast. However, at my age, many of those things don't much matter anymore. It's being and sharing together, building new warm, loving fun memories that are precious.

    And some may wonder why we're so thankful... it's a wonder to have so many sleep-deprived chefs in the kitchen in a relatively good mood prepping, baking and cooking. Labor of sharing and love, a delicious work in progress... and by the time we actually get to sit at the table to eat we're also thankful to rest our backs and get off our feet. And we're thankful that we can all be together to share this food that we prepared. And we're also thankful to the farmers, truckers, and markets for getting all this product where it can be purchased. And we're thankful that all of our family is safe. Sadly, some are alone.  We're thankful that we have this day to remember all the blessings that daily flow our way.

    And I'm also thankful for our Misty family. Please continue to be blessed and may our Creator's light pour down upon you, through you, and surround you in its never-ending healing grace.

    Thanks for posting your days in such detail, Carol. If you weren't so far away, I would have lent you my stove. And thank you for including us in your prayers. I went through and corrected your post. Only because you threatened to delete it by morning. I don't want you to be labeled as an Indian giver on a Native American holiday. Besides, we already have one of those personalities. Cool Hint: Get an oven thermometer. Sounds like Murphy's law also applies to Thanksgiving. The frailties of it all. Reminds me of the Waltons. sunny


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:15 am

    Interesting posts. I trust you all had a happy Thanksgiving. I won't delete this post. I probably won't delete any posts anymore. The deleting was probably practice for going incognito long-term. As you probably know, I include some of your posts within the USSS threads, but I keep that 'in-house' for contextual and educational purposes. My threads are experimental but I don't always follow the scientific-method. Regarding Thanksgiving, one year ago, an individual of interest told me about a family gathering which involved a heated-discussion concerning ME, but a little later, this individual asked me, "Did I Call You Michael??" Years ago, 'RA' called me "Michael" in Wal*Mart!! I don't know what to make of either situation. I suspect a lot of Name Shell-Games, so I've attempted to do a lot of joking while passively poking and prodding. I don't have any contact with either individual of interest, so I continue to thrash-around in my own little threads, so I don't hurt myself or others. Not posting on the threads of others is sort of a 'self-containment'. When I finish my present re-posting project, I'll attempt to go cold-turkey incognito (one more time). I'd like to write something to help pay the bills, but I can't seem to write a book, even if my eternal-life depended on it. That project will probably end by December 31, 2021 (but it could end or continue without notice). Actually, if the world-situation worsens, none of us might be able to post much of anything (anywhere). I'm fully prepared to be a bedridden-hermit, fully isolated from everyone and everything. I'm re-watching Steven King's The Stand. The end might be near (again). Namaste' and Godspeed.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:11 am

    so Carol, to continue with the old fart theme, my body is in a shocking state of neglect. I have been working through injuries and not taking the time to heal /rest.

    My back is painful in several places.

    So this week was the start of my re-hab. I got my yoga mat out to assess the damage.. eek. not good.

    I dont take prescription drugs and am actually allergic to ibuprofen and its like (it makes my face 'melt' ! Shocked No )

    Number 1 cure for all back pain has to be DMSO.. do you have some at home Carol, this works better and faster than pain killers. Might be worth a look. I mix it with water or magnesium salts or Castor oil, depending on my intended use.

    My back issues are usually upper back /shoulders.. but this time I had a deep pain in my lower back.

    I think I more or less cured it in 3 hours! With cushions! The key to long and good healthy life is a supple spine.. and by this I mean the spine has to bend backwards.  Back bending is intrinsically safe (there are bone stops on the spinal cord) ..  

    So the cushions were placed under my spine to force my spine to bend backwards. The first hour was painful, the trick is to try and relax all muscles. The second hour was better and the third hour was pain free. I was listening to music / videos whilst doing it..

    I have a rough sketch in my note book to show you what I mean:
    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 Dscf1110

    the cushions /ball / deflated ball can be placed anywhere under the spine and it is 100% safe.

    It works! One issue down.. next?...

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:14 pm

    Dream. Just dream for me... cos I believe, these chains they are growing weak.....

    Now I know that you can see that demon
    As he rests in his towers on high
    Makin' us run after his pennies
    Most of our lives
    An'a there ain't nothin' we can do now
    'Cause we all got to survive
    Sittin' down here rottin' from deep inside
    I'm singin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    I'm singin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    I'm singin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    'Cause I believe
    That these chains, they are growin' weak
    Yes I believe
    That these chains, they are growin' weak
    They're growin' weak
    They're growin' weak

    Now I know that you can hear them screamin'
    From those cubicles deep inside
    As they sit just now wonderin'
    Always that question why
    And I know you can hear them whisperin'
    Why they can't get what they need
    Strapped down to the table
    They're injected with that greed
    I'm singin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    I'm singin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    I'm singin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    I'm sayin' dream
    Jus' dream for me
    'Cause I believe
    That these chains, they are growin' weak
    Yes I believe
    That these chains, they are growin' weak
    They're growin' weak
    They're growin' weak

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sat Nov 27, 2021 6:19 pm

    Wow. Just wow.. Well thanks for all the correcting work Lionheart. We do have a stove thermometer, which is how we discovered the temperature problem.. but were not sure if it was accurate either. Making ongoing adjustments was an inconvenience, yet we somehow muddled through.

    All-in-all someone was in the kitchen for 12 hours straight with the oven on for a good 10 hours with one thing after another. From 3:30 am to 3:30 pm. This was the best Thanksgiving ever. I was thinking the day was something along the lines of some of the old Norman Rockwell paintings. Yet the Waltons sounds good too. Even with all the glitches the day was perfect. I'm still noshing on the pumpkin pie. Delicious. The second overcooked one tastes better than the first one, Go figure. Next time it would be easier to just skip the crust and save myself an hour of prep time.

    Oxy... just like I enjoy being a recluse you enjoy trying to go incognito.. only your spirit won't let you because it has too much to share with everyone. You have on-line friends here who appreciate your uniqueness. Grab onto that thought... you're appreciated by people who are able to see you for the shining spirit that you are.

    Vidya.. what a great demonstration for back pain. I had forgotten that one. I have a pinched spinal nerve between the shoulder blades that acts up when standing for more than an hour.and usually use White Flower, CBD cream, Liniment, Icy Hot or DSMO for relief. The aspirin type of meds help with inflammation when needed from time to time. Definitely will try that exercise with some music.. looks relaxing. Usually i'm on a gravity chair to relieve the pressure. There just wasn't the luxury to do that with all the work we needed to do. A lovely spinach quiche and spinach salad will suffice for Christmas dinner. Hopefully our son is willing to cook future Thanksgivings meals. He was terrific!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix


    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Nov 27, 2021 9:01 pm

    Carol wrote:Oxy... just like I enjoy being a recluse you enjoy trying to go incognito.. only your spirit won't let you because it has too much to share with everyone. You have on-line friends here who appreciate your uniqueness. Grab onto that thought... you're appreciated by people who are able to see you for the shining spirit that you are.
    Thank-you, Carol. We probably communicate without directly communicating. Perhaps it's better that way, for now. I'm not sure how many friends I have. I seem to go out of my way to NOT make friends and influence people. I think I've crossed multiple lines, and burned significant bridges, so I probably need to back-off big-time. I just wish I were a writer along the lines of Howard Fast, but with a Mists of Avalon twist. I suspect I'm NOT supposed to be here, and that I'm just passing through. Again, I've tried to not know too-much about the Mists. As chaotic as my threads seem, they represent a rather narrow and straight-laced modus-operandi. Namaste' and Godspeed.

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    Post  mudra Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:03 am

    The Big Crossing

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 8d66cd10

    My Arrival In Promised Land

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 88befe10

    The Best Memories Are Tomorrow

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 14d63010



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    Post  Lionhawk Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:06 am

    Very Happy

    Mudra? What can you tell us? I can only imagine pulling a move in these times, especially in Europe. Hope things are proceeding according to your plans. Cool

    Mr. V. speaking of back pain? Had some Friday night, so I had a bath. Got so relaxed that I fell asleep. Woke up at 6 am the next morning. Over 8 hours. Still breathing. lols. A twisted muscle. That was a first. Hope you are well and feeling better.

    Carol, glad you had a great Thanksgiving! It wouldn't have been so great if Thanksgiving were to go smoothly. A creation of memories by the mishaps will always bring smiles to you in the future. geek


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    Post  mudra Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:57 pm

    Lionhawk wrote

    Mudra? What can you tell us? I can only imagine pulling a move in these times, especially in Europe. Hope things are proceeding according to your plans. Cool

    French and Spanish borders crossed with no problem.
    The whole family is now reunited in the land of my ancestors.
    The view above is of our landing in Barcelona last evening.
    The skies are always amazing along  the ocean.
    Here is a view on the sea taken from my son's house.
    Very cold and windy here today.
    One can feel winter is at the door.
    I am taking a rest after weeks of hard work moving all my stuff.
    Then I'll gradually look for a place where I can settle, build my nest, grow food
    and play with my painting brushes and watercolors 😊 👩🎨💗
    I made it before things get nastier at the borders.
    Still a lot to do to move further but I am quite pleased

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 Be8a6010

    Last edited by mudra on Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Carol Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:22 pm

    mudra wrote:Lionhawk wrote

    Mudra? What can you tell us? I can only imagine pulling a move in these times, especially in Europe. Hope things are proceeding according to your plans. Cool

    French and Spanish borders crossed with no problem.
    The whole family is now reunited in the land of my ancestors.
    The view above is of our landing in Barcelona last evening.
    The skies are always amazing along  the ocean.
    Here is a view on the sea taken from my son's house.
    Very cold and windy here today.
    One can feel winter is at the door.
    I am taking a rest after weeks of hard work moving all my stuff.
    Then I'll gradually look for a place where I can settle, build my nest, grow food
    and play with my painting brushes and watercolors 😊 👩🎨💗
    I made it before things get nastier at the borders.
    Still a lot to move further but I am quite pleased

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 25 Be8a6010

    Congratulations on your successful move and reuniting with your family mudra. Family and a view of the ocean is awesome. Resting after a move is good. May you rejuvenate in the light and love of your family. I had wondered how your indoor garden did and was so impressed with all the work you did to get it going. I hope you find fertile ground to grow and paint. Pax and much love being sent your way. Hadriel

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23291
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium


    Post  mudra Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:42 pm

    Carol wrote:

    Congratulations on your successful move and reuniting with your family mudra. Family and a view of the ocean is awesome. Resting after a move is good. May you rejuvenate in the light and love of your family. I had wondered how your indoor garden did and was so impressed with all the work you did to get it going. I hope you find fertile ground to grow and paint. Pax and much love being sent your way. Hadriel

    Thank you so much Carol I am receiving so many blessings and encouragements from all over the place it feels I just made the right move 🌞

    I am leaving behind very dear friends of mine though in Belgium.
    Due to the crazy times we are undergoing and forceful mandates on the rise,
    and because most of us chose to opt out from the jab we know we may never hug again.
    For each of them and all the moments we shared along the years ... this song

    From now on I will meet them in the virtual world where all my other dear friends that you Mysties are dwell.
    I am blessed to know , thanks to the many years we shared together, that Love cares not about distance nor any borders.

    The Karen


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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:14 am

    Love cares not about distance nor any borders.


    This is really excellent. Enjoy.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:28 pm