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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty Happy End inDeeD (beyond 6,847 views)

    Post  We Are You Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:32 pm

    "Dedicated to ‘children’
    of all ages
    and of all places
    on this round, beautiful ‘nation’,
    the future builders and heirs
    of a new Earth
    without division between people"
    Enrique Barrios
    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast AttachmentAmi1English.pdf
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:07 pm

    It is a lovely book . I have started to read it today.
    Thank you so much for sharing it with us We Are You.
    Please keep us informed when further english translations of Enrique Barrios other books will be available.

    Love from me
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:55 am

    "When they
    overcome their difficulties and attain a life that’s peaceful and harmonious, they truly
    appreciate it, since what is difficult to achieve is valued more than what comes
    without having to try. It’s beautiful to be able to make progress, to overcome
    obstacles, to learn to solve our problems and to grow up in every way. If, on the other
    hand, we were born without problems, we couldn’t properly appreciate what we
    “a person on the path of personal growth also values the
    problems and challenges of his or her life, knowing that all these difficulties are tests
    that help a person grow in understanding, that they are necessary steps to awakening.”
    Enrique Barrios

    Dear mudra
    I suggest that we translate the books, for instance, portions of it untill we are able to get it all and
    may be worth seeing the whole picture where peace and freedom and food/work/house/fun/love for everybody will be available and a small step can be enjoyed with these books: We Are You.
    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast AttachmentAmi-Regresa.pdf
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    Post  We Are You Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:33 pm

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    Post  We Are You Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS

    Post  We Are You Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:33 pm

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    Post  We Are You Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:33 pm

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    Post  We Are You Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:04 pm

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty SaLuSa

    Post  We Are You Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:02 am

    SaLuSa 29-February-2012

    If anyone doubted that time has speeded up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed, and they no longer have the powerful bases that maintained their hold over you. They may seek to change matters, but it is now beyond their scope to reverse the affect of the actions against them. Their roles have been reduced to ones of only a nuisance value, and soon their activities will have all but evaporated as their power structure is taken apart. Having come thus far it only remains for us to remove the Illuminati, and a major part of our mission will have been completed.

    Our allies with our help are doing all they can to push the media to return to true and factual reporting, and to remove the gags and censorship that has been used to hide the truth from you. With so much going on we would like to see them bring you up to date reports of the worldwide resignations, and arrests of top people involved in criminal acts. Such information will serve to give others the confidence to come forward, and help cleanse banking and politics from the immoral and unscrupulous activities of those who only work for self. You can expect some astonishing events very soon that will show without doubt, that the old paradigm has been shattered never to rise once again.

    Be assured that as the old is being dismantled, so its replacements are ready to fill the vacuum. It has been planned so that the inconvenience to you is kept to a minimum. There will be short periods of difficulty, as the changes are massive and something of a challenge even for us. However, as with every other aspect of our mission the object is to quickly introduce you to the new technologies, and provide you with the necessary means to become self sufficient. We want to make you as free as possible to enjoy what we have brought you, that will lift you up into the next level of experience. By then we will have made full contact with you, and we shall have established a good working relationship together. Life will change for the better in such a short time, and waves of happiness will sweep across the world.

    For now Dear Ones, live life with full expectations of what is to come, as there will no disappointments and our promises fulfilled. We will welcome the opportunity to meet you and detail what lies ahead, as there are in some instances confusion over what you may expect. However, there is absolutely no doubt that however much your paths may wander, you will have the opportunity to ascend. Be under no illusion about the end times, as it is the end of an era that has seen you tested and tried to the limits, all in the interests of acquiring experience of duality. Your service has been one of extreme sacrifice, having left the comfort and beauty of the higher realms to step into the unknown. It is no wonder that each soul is viewed with such great admiration and love.

    Matters have reached a point where you can almost expect some great gains on a weekly basis, as many changes have advanced so rapidly. It is a question as to whether such developments can be relayed to you through one of the news outlets. Certainly the Internet is more open and free, but you have to search to find such sources. Eventually, and sooner rather than later, there will be a clamor to report factual accounts of what is going on, as otherwise certain agencies will be left behind. So we do not have too much concern in this connection, as the truth will be too good to miss and make sensational headlines. Too few people have controlled the media for a very long time, but it has become harder for the cabal to promote the lies that have been thrust before you. You have for some time now awakened to the manner in which you have been led by those with their own agenda. In the near future it will all change and you will finally be able to trust what you are told.

    These are powerful times when you can visualize what you desire from life, and it will become your creation. So think positively and do not allow any fear laden messages to deflect you from your path. Certainly there will be areas where the affects of the changes will impinge upon people, but help will be at hand particularly now many of you are bonding together. It will grow, and with our coming and your release from the dark Ones, and those differences that have been played upon to keep you apart will disappear. At last you will realize that you are One and work with each other for the betterment of all.

    Without the imposition of poverty and the denial of your rights, Humanity would long ago have united, because at heart you are of a group conscious level that seeks unity amongst all people.

    Now is the time to release any baggage you carry from this and earlier lives. With consciousness levels rising, you will be able to identify and cut off links with that which has no place with your ascended self. Indeed, what was acceptable in recent times may now be found to be out of place, as you raise your vibrations. The new you is rising up out of the ashes of the old you, and you are creating an embodiment that is appropriate for Ascension that you will know as your crystalline body. That in itself will assure you of having a healthy life, that is free from the illnesses and disease associated with the low vibrations of the 3rd. dimension.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know you will find us most sympathetic and helpful to your needs, but it would be even better if more of you knew about us. We mention again the need to spread the news about the changes, but in a way that is not overbearing or too forceful. It will help to ease the likely shock, experienced by those who are totally unaware as to what is about to transpire. At first many people will become fearful, until they understand that our coming is a most natural occurrence. It happens whenever a civilization reaches a point in their evolution, when they are prepared on a conscious level to understand and accept their links to the Star Beings. You are at that stage now, but it will take many unaware as they have no perception or understanding of their true family. We come with love to share with you.

    Thank you SaLuSa,
    Mike Quinsey
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty MK

    Post  We Are You Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:56 am

    Mark's Corner
    About Expansion
    Posted on February 21, 2012

    Greetings: Today’s posting at Athbantian took me by surprise. I had thought that after I had conducted these recent interviews I would be able to sit back for a time and see the results. This was not to be the case. Taugth Intervened first thing this morning and dictated the message that I posted at Athabantian. (I got the strong impression that things are moving rapidly, and he wanted the information out.)

    Please keep in mind that I am not in charge of these sessions. I am an intermediary — hopefully for only the first session. These sessions are orchestrated by the being from Athabantian who wishes to speak to a particular individual. There are no guarantees that a session will result in direct telepathic communications with a being from Athabantian.

    The best interviews are in person, conducted at the Institute of Light, here in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. If you can travel here that would be best. I have had limited results using Skype, but am willing to try more.

    In terms of scheduling sessions with someone from Athabantian let’s proceed as follows: Send an email to indicating your interest. I will let you know my availability. We can then schedule a session. Those who travel to Pagosa Springs will be given priority. There is no charge for a session, however a donation would be appreciated. One requirement for a session will be reading all 2011 postings at Athabantian and Mark’s Corner.

    With Love, Joy, and great appreciation for whom we all are,

    Mark Kimmel
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    Post  We Are You Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:09 pm

    Institute of Light

    The Institute of Light is a partnership among the humans of Earth, certain celestials, and our star brothers and sisters, primarily from Andromeda, to energize Earth’s transformation.

    Earth and her human inhabitants are undergoing a time of great change. Operating from a 5th Dimension perspective, the Institute is dedicated to assisting individuals to become part of an uplifted future on the new Earth. The Institute will guide individuals to shed fear-based lives for love-based ones by achieving greater understandings and higher personal vibrations.

    Transition Basics:

    Speakers, classes, discussion groups, and workshops to uncover humanity’s transition out of the 3rd Dimension to higher Dimensions: Understanding the larger picture. Navigating the transition. How our bodies are reacting to new energies. Free will and love in the universe. Discovering Oneness as a goal. Designed for those who are awakening to the larger picture.

    Advanced Transformation:

    Discovering who we really are. Exploring the power of personal transformation as the path to the new Earth. Sharing experiences in different realities. Radically new approaches. Spiritual implications of personal transformation. Service to others. Embracing Oneness as a goal. Living on the new Earth — the role of Caretakers. Workshops, classes, speakers, and meditations focused on seeing from new perspectives and achieving higher personal vibrations. Designed for those who are seeking life beyond awakening.

    Specific Interactions:

    Energy healing, remote viewing, and out of body training
    Interactions with our star brothers and sisters
    Contact with spiritual beings

    For communications from our star brothers and sisters visit:

    To inquire about workshops or other activities contact:

    Mark Kimmel

    Heidi Moller

    Mailing Address:

    Institute of Light

    PO Box 303

    Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

    Your donation will make a difference: You may contribute at this site by using the donate button on the left or by sending a check to Institute of Light, PO Box 303, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
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    Post  We Are You Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:39 pm

    Sheldan Nidle 2-28-12…”An epoch of prosperity, freedom, and sovereignty is coming into being for all to see!”
    Posted on February 29, 2012


    The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal.
    This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and telling you about in these updates.
    The initial thrust is presently toppling bankers and will continue with the resignations, shortly, of major governments.
    …we have assigned various liaison teams to them and these will assure the dark ones that there is no way out of their predicament except through their mass resignation.
    Next comes ending the vast and highly illegal system of debt which has inadvertently brought down the present economic system.
    Our sacred purpose is to unfold the divine plan throughout physicality. You have been allowed, by divine dispensation, to take a temporary turn through the realms of limited consciousness.
    …relax, and participate in the preparations for your metamorphosis into your natural state of full consciousness.
    The history of Galactic Humans is tied closely to the fortunes of a species of land cetaceans that resided on your world some eight million years ago… The desires of the cetaceans for a land guardian had been met and your return to guardianship fulfills this ancient prophecy!
    Our divine associates are finishing up the details that remain before the prosperity funds can be distributed. The dark has signed off on a series of agreements that acknowledge that their hold on the governments of Mother Earth is over.
    …in the coming weeks, important arrests will be made which are indicators of the change that is overtaking this reality. An epoch of prosperity, freedom, and sovereignty is coming into being for all to see!
    This new day dawning will bring announcements not only of debt forgiveness and a new prosperity but also of the existence of your Inner Earth and space cousins.


    Sheldan Nidle Update for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 2-28-12
    4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik

    Dratzo! We return! The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal. This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and telling you about in these updates. The power spheres of this cabal are to be broken! The initial thrust is presently toppling bankers and will continue with the resignations, shortly, of major governments. The secret sacred societies’ vast resources, both spiritual and physical, are being unleashed and we expect the present flurry of low-level resignations to escalate, as the domino-effect of the takedown moves ever higher through the vast hierarchical web that is the dark cabal. We intend to oversee this exciting phase of the operation and assist our allies in whatever way they feel is most appropriate to their cause. To this end we have assigned various liaison teams to them and these will assure the dark ones that there is no way out of their predicament except through their mass resignation.

    The rise of new governance paves the way for the new economic system and of course, disclosure. These new common-law governments have an immense task before them, starting with securing your freedom and reestablishing your natural sovereignty. Next comes ending the vast and highly illegal system of debt which has inadvertently brought down the present economic system. This will kick-start the redistribution of wealth to create universal prosperity. Here the goal is to create a monetary system that soon becomes obsolete, as fully conscious Beings do not require banks or money in order to meet their needs. As you grow in consciousness, you come to see the Earth not as a resource but as a living Being who has graciously permitted you to reside upon her. In turn, you gladly accept the responsibility of sustaining her. This sacred covenant lies at the core of galactic society: to sustain our home world while at the same time creating a society that honors and sustains each one of us.

    Our sacred purpose is to unfold the divine plan throughout physicality. You have been allowed, by divine dispensation, to take a temporary turn through the realms of limited consciousness. This placed you at the mercy of the dark and its earthly minions, but now the divine right time to transform this onerous situation has arrived. You have absorbed great wisdom during this trek and can now employ this knowledge to assist others who dearly wish to transform themselves as you are doing now. Your Agarthan cousins rejoice at the fact that this long-awaited union is close. This next step toward your new star-nation is to happen after you are fully conscious. Until then, relax, and participate in the preparations for your metamorphosis into your natural state of full consciousness. We look forward to teaching you about this and introducing you to a quite different history, not only of your time on Gaia but also about your origins as humans, which occurred long ago on a planet in the Vegan solar system.

    The history of Galactic Humans is tied closely to the fortunes of a species of land cetaceans that resided on your world some eight million years ago. When their civilization was destroyed, they took to the seas and became the whales and dolphins that you know today. In so doing, these cetaceans became the guardians of Gaia. However, each cetacean asked the local Spiritual Hierarchy for a suitable land guardian. This quest, after a two-million-year search, bore fruit in the guise of an aquatic primate nearing full consciousness on the third planet in the Vega system. Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy and representatives from the cetaceans saw in this species a true future land guardian for Mother Earth. Thus, some three million years later, and after the Earth had been ravaged by the dark Anchara Alliance, the now-human colonists of Lemuria arrived on Earth. The desires of the cetaceans for a land guardian had been met and your return to guardianship fulfills this ancient prophecy!

    Namaste! Blessings to all! Your Ascended Masters return. Our divine associates are finishing up the details that remain before the prosperity funds can be distributed. The dark has signed off on a series of agreements that acknowledge that their hold on the governments of Mother Earth is over. Further, these ones have also agreed to permit a new economic system to be adopted worldwide. This new economic system will be announced formally by the new governments which our space cousins are helping to bring into being. This gives us great joy! The freedom we have worked toward for millennia is, at long last, to be manifested on our world. As part of this process in the coming weeks, important arrests will be made which are indicators of the change that is overtaking this reality. An epoch of prosperity, freedom, and sovereignty is coming into being for all to see!

    As we move toward the mass arrests promised to you, a great many documents will be revealed which demonstrate just how corrupt and arrogant this dark cabal is. Spirit is moving across your globe, shining the Light of revelation into all the dark crevasses where droves of misdeeds are recorded which provide testimony of massive illegality. These documents have been seized and, along with a mountain of similar evidence, will be used to produce the warrants that will take down the dark-oriented governments and the politicians who so obligingly supported their wayward policies. The real agendas contained in these policies will now be exposed and much-needed course corrections imposed by our associates. A number of deadlines are in effect. Once these dates are reached, the arrests and many shocking charges will commence.

    This new day dawning will bring announcements not only of debt forgiveness and a new prosperity but also of the existence of your Inner Earth and space cousins. We are all, in fact, ‘aliens’ to this world, who came in peace and divine service to Gaia nearly a million years ago. At first we experienced a ‘Heaven on Earth’ and later, near the end of Atlantis, we began our long sojourn through the dark realms. We of Spirit have held the Light for all these millennia, and now are to be redeemed by the Light and returned in joy to the realms of the Light. This process is a great undertaking which we, as one, have taken with the divine grace of the Creator. Now we come to the point where our ‘Labors of Hercules’ are to be fully rewarded! Rejoice in these Blessings and know deep within you what a grand future is before you!

    Today, we continued our weekly missives about Spirit, the Light, and our return to full consciousness. We are, together, defeating the dark and turning you back into fully conscious Beings. All of us in the Galactic Federation bless you for your patience and for your help in making this divine moment manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

    Note: The Sheldan Nidle reports always offer a different perspective from many of the others. They tend to give more “specifics” and more “procedures” than, say, SaLuSa or Matthew. Personally, I feel it is up to each of us to read and evaluate for ourselves, from within ourselves, which messages ring true (resonate), and what parts of those messages ring true. In my comments, I write only what “rings true” within myself.
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty WE CAN BE UPLIFTED AND UPSHIFTED WITH MORE POSITIVE ENERGIES FROM THIS LIGHT SOURCE WHENEVER WE WANT

    Post  We Are You Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:32 am

    New update 2nd of March 2012
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    Post  We Are You Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:34 am

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    Post  We Are You Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:35 am

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    Post  We Are You Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:36 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:00 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:32 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:33 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:33 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:33 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:34 am

    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty We Are Now

    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:33 pm

    We are here
    Posted on May 7, 2011

    Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)

    Our presence among you occurs in several ways: First, a soul replacement can take place where one of us exchanges our soul for the existing soul of an Earth human. You call this a “walk in.” There are many of us from different star civilizations who are functioning on your planet in this way. Most often the Earth human recognizes that this has taken place, and a period of adjustment ensues as the newly implanted soul adjusts to its new body, new terrestrial family, and new surroundings. When this occurs we often work as lightworkers; others of us quietly occupy positions of influence.

    Second, at the time of the birth of an Earth human one of us from the stars — who is not embodied — may enter into the body of the human child. There are many of us who have had long careers on other star systems who have volunteered to come to your planet in this way. When born we are without memories of our past incarnations in other star systems, however over time we recall our non-earthly origins.

    A third way in which this occurs is that certain members of our star races resemble Earth humans so closely that we can live among you without undue notice. Upon closer inspection, you may notice differences in our eyes and other features. The characters in your books, Mark, are some of us.

    Some who are descendents of the Atlantian and Lemurian societies are on Earth. They live underground in protected enclaves in several locations about your planet. Though they closely resemble current Earth humans, they are of a higher frequency and generally have little interaction with the current residents on the surface of the planet.

    Then there are those of us who little resemble Earth humans. We are sentient beings, but our physical appearance is quite different. We are from several star systems, and, although represented in large numbers aboard the starships about your planet, we generally do not live among you.

    In addition, many of us walk beside you each and every day as you go about your ordinary lives. We are of a higher frequency so that you do not detect us with your five senses. If you are sensitive and/or highly conscious, you may “feel” us as we accompany you. Earth humans of similar high vibrations “see” us.

    Summing up these many ways of our being among you, there are millions of us, your star sisters and brothers on your planet. There are millions who, in concert with “service to others,” are assisting you in your Transformation. There are also others of us of lower energy who, in alignment with the dark energy and in “service to self,” are allied with the Illuminati and acting against the transition of Earth humans. Allegiance to the light, or functioning with the dark, is not attributable to a particular race or civilization, as individuals of all universe civilizations possess free will and choose their particular way of being. Thus you will find individuals of races or group of us that are generally considered to be of service to others or service to self acting in ways opposite to the majority.

    During the so-called “evolution” of this planet bacteria, plants, animals, fish, birds, and insects were all imported from other star systems. This accounts for the rich diversity of life on Earth. Most recently four races of men and women were brought here.

    Many of your brothers and sisters from the stars have been on this planet for many thousands of years, in one or more of the forms previously discussed. We have at various times interfered with, influenced, and nurtured Earth human life. The construction of the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere was undertaken under our directions and with our assistance. Everything from the design of the pyramids to the cutting and moving of the stones was with the assistance of your off-planet sisters and brothers. Your sisters and brothers of the stars imported much of your technology. This occurred either by direct physical interface with Earth humans, by suggestions in dreams, from “insights,” or from the reverse engineering technologies from recovered saucers.

    On the other hand, the beginnings of your major religions were at the insistence of some of your sisters and brothers from distant star systems; they demanded worship as beings of a higher order. Since those days those of your brothers and sisters who have not been infused with the light have been involved in many schemes to seize control and enslave earth humans.

    As things stand today, your religions generally do not recognize the off-planet influences that gave birth to them, rather they choose a route of disinformation to their followers. Your monetary system is under the control of agents of extraterrestrial origins. Off-planet beings control your governments either directly or indirectly through their influence. Your science, education, medical system, and legal system are all heavily influenced those who would control others for their own ends.

    However there is more to the story than the assembling of a vast armada of starships who are lighting the planet in response to Earth’s cry for help. All of the star nations also contributed beings of light who now walk among you, who are totally in service to others, and who love you very much. We are beings who seek to enlighten the darkness on your planet. We are here among you both in physical form and in non-physical higher vibrations.

    Those of us in human form walk the halls of your governments, are members of your military, work in critical positions in your banks and corporations, and are teachers to your children. All are helping to transform your civilization from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

    Those of us in the non-physical communicate with people like you, Mark. There are many aboard the starships who communicate with Earth humans. There are those of us who live in the households of lightworkers as supporters and advisors. We provide a continuous link to the collective that surrounds your planet. Human lightworkers, along with those of us from other star systems, are anchoring the light from the cosmos, and retransmitting it like the coherent light from lasers to those with whom they come in contact.

    Your planet is indeed lighting up, based on a joint effort between those of us living among you and your own individual efforts, coupled with the great light from the celestials and from the universe. It is a wondrous symphony of light, it is irresistible to any who are open to it; it is overwhelming to those who cling to the darkness. In a very short time all who are of the light will find themselves in a world of love. Many who have no knowledge of lightworkers are awakening. Many will awaken at the last moment.

    Now you have a pictures of all the myriad ways in which light is coming to Earth through your sisters and brothers of the stars. Earth is lighting up like a giant Christmas tree with millions of points of light among her humans. Each of these points of light is infusing other humans like a candle lights the darkness. These points of light are encouraging, consciously or unconsciously, many who are now questioning traditional ways of behaving, questioning the structures in their lives and the reasons behind those structures, and standing up for the truth and love of a better way to live.

    The sum total of all these efforts from your brothers and sisters of the stars is a massive infusion of light that is overcoming the final vestiges of the dark energy. There is no doubt in our minds that the new Earth, with a preponderance of light, will emerge within the next few months. We love you very much and wait for the day when you will join us as citizens of the cosmos.

    Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.

    Posted on May 7, 2011



    Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

    For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to:

    You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.

    Last edited by We Are You on Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty We Are Here

    Post  We Are You Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:55 pm

    We are here
    Posted on May 7, 2011

    Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)

    Our presence among you occurs in several ways: First, a soul replacement can take place where one of us exchanges our soul for the existing soul of an Earth human. You call this a “walk in.” There are many of us from different star civilizations who are functioning on your planet in this way. Most often the Earth human recognizes that this has taken place, and a period of adjustment ensues as the newly implanted soul adjusts to its new body, new terrestrial family, and new surroundings. When this occurs we often work as lightworkers; others of us quietly occupy positions of influence.

    Second, at the time of the birth of an Earth human one of us from the stars — who is not embodied — may enter into the body of the human child. There are many of us who have had long careers on other star systems who have volunteered to come to your planet in this way. When born we are without memories of our past incarnations in other star systems, however over time we recall our non-earthly origins.

    A third way in which this occurs is that certain members of our star races resemble Earth humans so closely that we can live among you without undue notice. Upon closer inspection, you may notice differences in our eyes and other features. The characters in your books, Mark, are some of us.

    Some who are descendents of the Atlantian and Lemurian societies are on Earth. They live underground in protected enclaves in several locations about your planet. Though they closely resemble current Earth humans, they are of a higher frequency and generally have little interaction with the current residents on the surface of the planet.

    Then there are those of us who little resemble Earth humans. We are sentient beings, but our physical appearance is quite different. We are from several star systems, and, although represented in large numbers aboard the starships about your planet, we generally do not live among you.

    In addition, many of us walk beside you each and every day as you go about your ordinary lives. We are of a higher frequency so that you do not detect us with your five senses. If you are sensitive and/or highly conscious, you may “feel” us as we accompany you. Earth humans of similar high vibrations “see” us.

    Summing up these many ways of our being among you, there are millions of us, your star sisters and brothers on your planet. There are millions who, in concert with “service to others,” are assisting you in your Transformation. There are also others of us of lower energy who, in alignment with the dark energy and in “service to self,” are allied with the Illuminati and acting against the transition of Earth humans. Allegiance to the light, or functioning with the dark, is not attributable to a particular race or civilization, as individuals of all universe civilizations possess free will and choose their particular way of being. Thus you will find individuals of races or group of us that are generally considered to be of service to others or service to self acting in ways opposite to the majority.

    During the so-called “evolution” of this planet bacteria, plants, animals, fish, birds, and insects were all imported from other star systems. This accounts for the rich diversity of life on Earth. Most recently four races of men and women were brought here.

    Many of your brothers and sisters from the stars have been on this planet for many thousands of years, in one or more of the forms previously discussed. We have at various times interfered with, influenced, and nurtured Earth human life. The construction of the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere was undertaken under our directions and with our assistance. Everything from the design of the pyramids to the cutting and moving of the stones was with the assistance of your off-planet sisters and brothers. Your sisters and brothers of the stars imported much of your technology. This occurred either by direct physical interface with Earth humans, by suggestions in dreams, from “insights,” or from the reverse engineering technologies from recovered saucers.

    On the other hand, the beginnings of your major religions were at the insistence of some of your sisters and brothers from distant star systems; they demanded worship as beings of a higher order. Since those days those of your brothers and sisters who have not been infused with the light have been involved in many schemes to seize control and enslave earth humans.

    As things stand today, your religions generally do not recognize the off-planet influences that gave birth to them, rather they choose a route of disinformation to their followers. Your monetary system is under the control of agents of extraterrestrial origins. Off-planet beings control your governments either directly or indirectly through their influence. Your science, education, medical system, and legal system are all heavily influenced those who would control others for their own ends.

    However there is more to the story than the assembling of a vast armada of starships who are lighting the planet in response to Earth’s cry for help. All of the star nations also contributed beings of light who now walk among you, who are totally in service to others, and who love you very much. We are beings who seek to enlighten the darkness on your planet. We are here among you both in physical form and in non-physical higher vibrations.

    Those of us in human form walk the halls of your governments, are members of your military, work in critical positions in your banks and corporations, and are teachers to your children. All are helping to transform your civilization from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

    Those of us in the non-physical communicate with people like you, Mark. There are many aboard the starships who communicate with Earth humans. There are those of us who live in the households of lightworkers as supporters and advisors. We provide a continuous link to the collective that surrounds your planet. Human lightworkers, along with those of us from other star systems, are anchoring the light from the cosmos, and retransmitting it like the coherent light from lasers to those with whom they come in contact.

    Your planet is indeed lighting up, based on a joint effort between those of us living among you and your own individual efforts, coupled with the great light from the celestials and from the universe. It is a wondrous symphony of light, it is irresistible to any who are open to it; it is overwhelming to those who cling to the darkness. In a very short time all who are of the light will find themselves in a world of love. Many who have no knowledge of lightworkers are awakening. Many will awaken at the last moment.

    Now you have a pictures of all the myriad ways in which light is coming to Earth through your sisters and brothers of the stars. Earth is lighting up like a giant Christmas tree with millions of points of light among her humans. Each of these points of light is infusing other humans like a candle lights the darkness. These points of light are encouraging, consciously or unconsciously, many who are now questioning traditional ways of behaving, questioning the structures in their lives and the reasons behind those structures, and standing up for the truth and love of a better way to live.

    The sum total of all these efforts from your brothers and sisters of the stars is a massive infusion of light that is overcoming the final vestiges of the dark energy. There is no doubt in our minds that the new Earth, with a preponderance of light, will emerge within the next few months. We love you very much and wait for the day when you will join us as citizens of the cosmos.

    Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.

    Posted on May 7, 2011



    Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

    For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to:

    You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.
    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Location : Here

    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast Empty We are here now as usual

    Post  We Are You Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:58 am

    ← A Video related to the last post…”The surprising truth about what motivates us”
    3-3-2012 New Paradigm… Lightning Strikes Again… →
    Greg Giles 3-3-12…”Your world is to be purified of all that is dark”
    Posted on March 3, 2012

    According to what I “read” from this day’s Greg message, just as in the most recent Greg message, we are indeed right at the edge of the major group of arrests taking place. Also I received a communication today from someone who had “heard this is almost done”. We shall see [may be related to highlight 1 in this recent Ben post].

    [PS: this article by Greg entitled, How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal, may be relevant and helpful to some]

    “Soon your sun will recede below your equatorial line, and when it emerges again your world will have begun its new day. This is how it will happen for you. You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times. You will receive no further advanced warning than the notice we have been furnishing you for a while now. You have been asked to prepare and have also been told that the time to be prepared is already upon you.

    “What will happen is a complete and thorough uprooting of the organizations of your world who have engaged in agendas and activities to pilfer the people’s money and resources as well as strip them of their rights and their health in order to further imprison them in their own world. These are, of course, very serious charges, and that is one of the reasons much work has had to be done behind the scenes before justice could be dispensed. We have reached the point where all the necessary paperwork and initial legal proceedings are completed, and the time has now come to begin these arrests of the leaders and participants of the criminal empire we have referred to as the Cabal.

    “These proceedings are being carried out in order to help facilitate a smooth transition leading to your ascension, as it was decided these dark ones and their alliances would be too disruptive a force and needed to be removed from your societies. Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost as is possible from this event. This is where you come in, our Lightworkers, as it is your job to set up the dominoes for this event to trigger. Continue to line them up as they will soon go down. “


    You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times.
    The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment… the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. This is the kind of change we are talking about…
    What will happen is a complete and thorough uprooting of the organizations of your world who have engaged in agendas and activities to pilfer the people’s money and resources…
    We have reached the point where all the necessary paperwork and initial legal proceedings are completed, and the time has now come to begin these arrests of the leaders and participants of the criminal empire we have referred to as the Cabal.
    …through these arrests and many more to come in the following days ahead our intentions are to destroy these alliances… They will not be permitted to regroup again.
    We see this as one of the most significant events in the history of your world, and our hopes are that many of you will as well.
    Readings indicate great numbers of you are being exposed to this news, and we are very encouraged by this. Please continue on in your efforts, they will soon pay off for all of you.
    …although some of you have grown impatient with these proceedings… you will forget all about how long you have worked and waited once news of arrest after arrest begins to grace your television and computer screens.
    …after these initial arrests, there will be a great many legal proceedings before courts all across your world.
    The ripple effects will continue all the way up to your ascension, where a complete purification of all that is dark will take place.
    Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost as is possible from this event. This is where you come in, our Lightworkers, as it is your job to set up the dominoes for this event to trigger. Continue to line them up as they will soon go down.
    Do not allow yourselves at this late stage to now begin to fall for the lies and propaganda of our opposite numbers.
    …telltale signs and negative vibrations of the dark ones… check your internal compass. Are their messages leading you towards love, light, peace, hope, unity, and a better world for all of you?
    It is a very interesting site to behold, these three large groups; the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ashtar Command, and our Earth allies, working together on this immense project.


    Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/3/12

    Soon your sun will recede below your equatorial line, and when it emerges again your world will have begun its new day. This is how it will happen for you. You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times. You will receive no further advanced warning than the notice we have been furnishing you for a while now. You have been asked to prepare and have also been told that the time to be prepared is already upon you.

    The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. This is the kind of change we are talking about, and this the kind of change you will experience. This is why your task to prepare yourselves and as many other souls as is possible is so important to the smooth functioning of this operation. Please continue to spread the news of what is about to transpire. We greatly appreciate your efforts and assure you that it will be soon that this phase of your mission will be completed and all that has been discussed will be yours.

    What will happen is a complete and thorough uprooting of the organizations of your world who have engaged in agendas and activities to pilfer the people’s money and resources as well as strip them of their rights and their health in order to further imprison them in their own world. These are, of course, very serious charges, and that is one of the reasons much work has had to be done behind the scenes before justice could be dispensed. We have reached the point where all the necessary paperwork and initial legal proceedings are completed, and the time has now come to begin these arrests of the leaders and participants of the criminal empire we have referred to as the Cabal.

    The Cabal, of course, is not an official name of any of these groups, as there are so many different groups and individuals who swear their alliance to them that using only one of these group’s names would send a wrong message of who is controlling your world and who will soon be facing justice for their crimes. There are also many individuals who have conspired and have taken part in these many crimes who do not consider themselves allied with any particular organization. They too will face the consequences of their actions, and will be held just as responsible as those affiliated with any of these groups.

    There are many of these individuals and many groups as well involved in serious crimes against you, the people, and through these arrests and many more to come in the following days ahead our intentions are to destroy these alliances. Your world would always be a tumultuous place with these dark ones permitted to use their powers of the collective to plot and scheme against the people. It has been decided by all involved that these organizations must be abolished, and abolished they will be. They will not be permitted to regroup again. We see this as one of the most significant events in the history of your world, and our hopes are that many of you will as well.

    Give us, as well as our Earth allies, the opportunity to make this goal a reality by continuing your hard work spreading awareness of these arrests and the following proceedings and what significance they hold for the people of your world. Upon the news broadcasts of these arrests, all those who had been informed of this event and what it means will understand that something truly Earth changing is happening. This is what we are hoping for, and much rides on this part of the plan. We appreciate greatly all of you doing your part to see this phase of the plan reach a successful conclusion. Readings indicate great numbers of you are being exposed to this news, and we are very encouraged by this. Please continue on in your efforts, they will soon pay off for all of you.

    Taking the time to prepare properly for these arrests and following legal proceedings has been time very well spent, and although some of you have grown impatient with these proceedings, we say to you that you will forget all about how long you have worked and waited once news of arrest after arrest begins to grace your television and computer screens. We say to you that all will be worth all the effort that you have put in, and all the days leading up to this event will seem like nothing once you begin to receive all that you have hope for.

    Much has been put into these proceedings and a tremendous amount of preparation was needed, so we are sure you will understand why none of this could be rushed as sufficient time to make sure all matters were handled properly was called for. We are confident you will agree once the magnitude and scope of these proceedings is made clear to you.

    Moving ahead to matters after these initial arrests, there will be a great many legal proceedings before courts all across your world. These proceedings will be handled by those who have demonstrated their commitment and integrity in seeking justice in these matters, and you can be assured there will be no unjust bias permitted in any court where these proceedings will be handled. We will oversee these proceedings, and from our vantage point we will know if these cases are proceeding justly or not. No one, no matter their seat of power, connections, or financial stature will be able to successfully manipulate any of these proceedings. You can be assured of this, and any attempts to do so will be met with additional charges and harsh penalties. We have made ourselves clear on this.

    Your world is to be purified of all that is dark; this is what is planned for this Earth. These proceedings are merely the beginning as the light will continue to spread far and it will spread wide all across your planet, and these proceedings are the pebble splashing into the pond. The ripple effects will continue all the way up to your ascension, where a complete purification of all that is dark will take place.

    These proceedings are being carried out in order to help facilitate a smooth transition leading to your ascension, as it was decided these dark ones and their alliances would be too disruptive a force and needed to be removed from your societies. Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost as is possible from this event. This is where you come in, our Lightworkers, as it is your job to set up the dominoes for this event to trigger. Continue to line them up as they will soon go down.

    You have all done a remarkable job leading up to this point, and we wish to thank you for your efforts and once again assure you that all that has been discussed can and will be yours. Do not allow yourselves at this late stage to now begin to fall for the lies and propaganda of our opposite numbers. Most of you have managed up to now to ignore and ward off these attempts by the dark to distract you and lead you from your path and your assignments. This is all they could do as you are under our protection, but we must allow you your free will choice. The dark understands this, and this is the reason for all their attempts at distraction through their writings and video presentations that propagate their lies.

    You have experienced a few losses within your ranks as some of your brothers and sisters have fallen for these ploys and they have turned their backs on us and on their assignments. These are relatively rare cases and will not affect our mission. Continue on with your assignments remaining steadfast to your convictions, and do not allow yourselves to be lured by the sirens of deception.

    By now you all should recognize the telltale signs and negative vibrations of the dark ones. Just remember to always check your internal compass. Are their messages leading you towards love, light, peace, hope, unity, and a better world for all of you? Or are their messages directing the needle of your compass towards fear, hopelessness, danger, separation, confusion, and an Armageddon type scenario for your future? By remembering to always check your compass readings, you can be sure you will always remain firmly on course towards your dream for your new world.

    It is a very interesting site to behold, these three large groups; the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ashtar Command, and our Earth allies, working together on this immense project. You, our faithful Lightworkers, are also a vital part to our overall mission, and we consider you part of our teams of the Galactic Commands, and as we have said, many of you are already members of either one of our space oriented organizations. There are many surprises in store for you, as can be expected once released from your current amnesiac states and the veil of forgetfulness is lifted for you. Many of you have had long careers with us, and you of course, will be welcomed back warmly when your mission here is completed.

    As we have said, many of you will also begin working with us, and some of you will go on to begin your new careers as full members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We look forward to the day when our recruiters can speak personally with you, when all the details of this opportunity will be fully discussed with you. You will have time to think over your new career choices, and you will also possess the opportunity to return home, wherever that home may be, if you decide you no longer wish to remain with our organization. You can always be considered again for recruitment in the future, as we are always growing as an organization and committed individuals are always a welcomed addition to our team.

    By now you have been able to gain at least some perspective as to what we do, and have also probably surmised by now that due to our work our team members live aboard our many ships for great lengths of time. Opportunities always present themselves where our crewmembers can travel to their home worlds for visits and vacation time, and we also have the opportunity to visit other worlds for sightseeing and socializing with old and new friends alike.

    There are many perks such as these once a member of our team, and there are many more as well as consideration for your efforts in the performance of your duties. All will be explained fully to you in due time, but let us first complete our task before us. Continue on in your efforts to make us feel welcome in your world, and soon enough you may be here with us as you begin, or re-begin, your careers with the Galactic Federation of Light.

    As channeled through Greg Giles

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