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Vidya Moksha
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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:52 am

    On the 24th of September Vidya wrote :

    Its my only on line activity, i have stopped looking at the news, covid, vaxx, I think its all pretty clear at this stage. I am working full time to prepare for what I think is coming... and things are moving quickly.. wrote:

    I understand where you are at and where you choose to put your priorities these days Vidya All good.
    For me  its still pretty relevant to watch out closely and share whats taking place.
    Not everything has been said not everything has been done.
    All that I am still able to share on all levels I will.
    At this point of time I am behind what I wanted to do and have in terms of preps and safety.
    My deck of cards lies on sandy grounds.

    I am grateful however for all I have though.
    One great lesson I had in my life happened 20 years ago when in the middle of a very nasty and potentially dangerous situation I suddenly let go of all odds completely.
    No forceful mental resistance anymore, no worries, no fear. They all left me.
    I remember being in a shop making photocopies when the clear thought  sunny came to mind
    " If this is  " Karma " then stop resisting it, just embrace it fully emotionally, mentally and Heartfully" .And so I did with a sigh of relief . It was obvious this is what I had to do.
    The next thing that happened is that a potentially dreadful outcome transformed itself  into nothing at all. Magical 😊
    There is strengh in letting go.
    There is wisdom in allowing soul and spirit alone guide us.
    There is beauty in Love

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
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    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:34 pm

    My limited internet is more to do with the oncoming winter, as my neighbour greeted me this week: "Firewood, firewood, firewood!" I still have a stack of jobs to do just to be warm this winter.

    You do keep ramping up the dimensions 3 letter word (ego) next 4D with love and now 5D with karma! how much nonsense has been written about karma? I hardly ever see the correct definition, and yet it is so simple in yoga. Again, you describe the process well in english Wink

    karma is simply something that occurs (accrues) when an action (including thoughts) is undertaken in a state of duality. Anything monkey driven is a karmic act. Anything driven by egotism is a karmic act. As a start, one has to step outside of duality to step outside of karma.

    ok.. so to wrap up my tarot in here, I will say, all cards now explained in the summary thread. Please feel free to comment in there, I have done composing / constructing.

    I have cut down the reply to Clearwater's birth cards... and I have to say a little more about the TOL and use of the cards,,so one last ramble from me. I will look for some decent qabalah / TOL links and post them in the summary thread. When I get time.


    The Tarot notes are not prescriptive. William G. Gray wrote extensively on the Qabbalah and the tree of life. He has his own version of which card should occupy which path on the TOL.. he claims all the GD teachings are published ‘incorrectly, even Crowleys.

    The point is, it doesn’t matter as long as it is coherent and consistent. Once you have a sufficient understanding of the energies involved it is quite a useful practice to look at where the major arcana can be placed on the TOL.

    The tarot is, amongst other things, a good tool for self psycho analysis, something to facilitate your ponderings of life’s mysteries, if you are so inclined.

    It’s the same with the birth cards.  They enable a little self-reflection. We can all put ourselves into each of the cards throughout our lifetime. Indeed, the personal cards can be calculated every year, a card for the current year..

    The purpose of the esoteric religions is ‘union’ with ‘god’ or ‘god’ as a metaphor for higher awareness.  This old dogma of as above, so below.  The TOL provides a pathway to get there. There are many trees, and there are many levels. Crossing the abyss for the first time doesn’t bring union with god. It doesn’t bring ‘moksha’ in yoga terms (‘liberation’  -ie liberation from the cycle of death and resurrection / reincarnation. What is does bring is ‘advaita’ or ‘non duality’. This is the first step. To reach this place you must ‘cross the abyss’, cross ‘daath' . Or ‘pass through the hidden vale.

    The high priestess crosses the abyss
    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 23 R311
    Waite's card shows the two pillars cast from brass set up on the porch of King Solomon’s Temple. [Jachin and Boaz] . These are reference to the two pillars on the TOL.  Her path is in the middle of these 2 pillars. (see TOL)
    Crowley shows the camel, Hebrew Gimel, (her’s is the path of Gimel on the TOL).. , the only animal that is capable of carrying us across the Abyss, due to its ability to store water.
    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 23 S_prie12

    Both cards show the ‘veil’ that must be lifted, to cross the abyss, to realise advaita.
    Remember! You already have the state of non duality, it is who you are! You only have to realise it. Monkey is the only thing in the way. You need no teachings, you don’t have to learn anything, or practice anything! Simply (lol) drop monkey. Monkey is holding the veil, obscuring your true nature.

    So to generalize and simplify massively!
    There are 3 circles across the abyss, 3 sephiroth. Kether, (the ALL, Brahman, God as metaphors), the supreme male principle and the supreme  female principle.

    Imagine for a moment, that the male principle is yoga concept of advaita or ‘buddha-intellect’. The supreme female is the buddhist ‘upaya’ (compassion) or ‘christ consciousness’, the open heart chakra.  Put them together and you have the ‘mahasukha’ (great bliss)  of the vajrayana, or a higher form of  samadhi according to yoga.

    This is just a notion, The TOL is a diagrammatic representation of the universe and everything in it, a universal map.  If you were to reach advaita then you would appear at Malkuth, the bottom, of the next tree and would work your way up this second TOL towards the new Kether.. moksha, nirvana. The yoga siddhis would be paths and sephiroth along that high level path.

    It is possible to analyze the paths of your personal tarot cards and maybe see a path to higher awareness?

    1974 + 11 + 12 =1997  1+9+9+7= 26 only 22 Major cards so keep reducing 2+6=8
    1+9+7+4+1+1+1+2 = 26,  2+6 = 8
    So, the numbers will generate 1 to 3 major cards, in this case 1, number 8.
    Only one card, so 17 is implied as 1+7=8
    Outer card=star, inner card=adjustment. Minor card (wheel) is 7 Cups.

    So, the ‘secret’ you, the inner you, is Adjustment (balance). This is quite a simple card to understand, keeping things in balance, harmony. A nice card.
    The outer you, available to the world, how they see you, is the Star. Crowley says “Here is the universe resolved into its ultimate elements. “ Another nice card.
    The 6 cups are facets of astrology that relate to your birthdate, as shown on the taro wheel. :
    Passive,  fixed water,  venus in scorpio, ruled by mars,  King wands (fire of fire, ego of ego) Princess and Ace cups.

    Put that blend onto TOL, 7=netzach=venus.

    What Crowley is saying is that there is too much female energy in the wrong place, it is ill dignified in scorpio. He then claims that mars and the  king wands, fuel the imbalance, the illusion,.

    But that’s not the only way to see it. Too much venus could be brought back into balance by the male energies.  If properly handled it is another well balanced card.. The success doesn’t have to be illusionary.

    However, we have also reached the point at which male and female, black and white, have become too restrictive. Male and female energies can be used for good and bad purposes, and with different intent, so the terminology must be introduced to cope with this expansion. So 2 becomes 3 in yoga, with the gunas, for example.. and 3 becomes many. = the esoteric doctrines.

    I have found yoga philosophy most helpful and reliable, and deep! (way beyond me at the higher levels, a number of different forms of samadhi are described before you lose your physical manifestation altogether and become a deva. )

    The Qabalah is a good introduction to the esoteric and the TOL is especially useful. The more I read into kabbalah the more I realised it wasn’t for me. I cant put my finger on it, and don’t particularly want to, but it seemed a bit dark to me.  The stuff introduced in here is but a small introduction, and I have found the content to be useful.

    (As an aside.. in my notebooks I had Mercury exalted in Scorpio..? but I don’t think this is correct? I make no claims to be an astrologer! I have only ever read 2 books, as described elsewhere…)

    So, this is far from a reading, but I have cut down the information from the 3 cards, this is what I would focus on as a start… I havent gone into too much detail with the Star card, as it one that Crowley messed about with, and I dont want to confuse folk too much!

    The card summary:

    General Divinatory Meanings
    This is Karma,  Eternal Justice and Balance. Strength and Force, but arrested as in the act of judgement
    The feminine complement of the Fool, justice, the act of adjustment
    True Justice does not punish or reward, it simply compensates conditions of unbalance.. like a built in auto-pilot. No amount of punishment will ever compensate for an injury, it is always only revenge, which has nothing to do with justice.
    Alchemical Correspondences
    Prophetically, the first of 3 feminine powers encountered by the Charioteer is Justice – the death aspect of the triple goddess. Alchemically she weighs fire and water, she balances the male and female aspects.
    Astrological Correspondences
    Libra (Cardinal Air)
    Several planets have influence on this path.  Venus rules Libra, to which this Path is directly attributed. Mars is related because this is an exercise of the purging energies of Geburah. The Sun is involved not only because the Path runs from the Sun to Mars, but because Justice must take place in the clear bright sunlight of Truth. Saturn is exalted in Libra. Finally there is Jupiter, Planet of Chesed, and that Libra is ruled by Venus is to state that behind Justice stands the Empress, the primary Path of Venus which is the perfect balance between the energies of Chokmah and Binah. The reference is also to the nature forces of Netzach.
    The path of Justice runs between Tiphareth and Geburah.. The function of this path is to constantly compensate for imbalance. Justice acts like a carpenter's level, showing which side of the project needs adjustment. If a person is imbalanced on the side of Mercy, the Sword of Justice swings to the side of Severity, and vice versa. The unbalanced aspects are severed by the Sword of Geburah in a necessary, martial fashion

    Crowley wrote:This card in the old pack was called Justice. This word has none but a purely human and therefore relative sense; so it is not to be considered as one of the facts of Nature. Nature is not just, according to any theological or ethical idea; but Nature is exact.
    This card represents the sign of Libra, ruled by Venus; in it Saturn is exalted. The equilibrium of all things is hereby symbolized
    This woman-goddess is Harlequin; she is the partner and fulfilment of The Fool. She is the ultimate illusion which is manifestation; she is the dance, many-coloured, many-wiled, of Life itself. Constantly whirling, all possibilities are enjoyed, under the phantom show of Space and Time.
    She represents Manifestation, which may always be cancelled out by equilibration of opposites.
    This is again a hieroglyph of "Love is the law, love under will. Every form of energy must be directed, must be applied with integrity, to the full satisfaction of its destiny.

    The Star
    General Divinatory Meanings
    Hope, faith, unexpected help. But sometimes also dreaminess, deceived hope, etc. Unexpected help, clearness of vision, realization of possibilities, spiritual insight, can be error of judgement, dreaminess, disappointment.
    Peace after the storm, hope, healing, wholeness, optimism, bright prospects, a calm and confident future, the unconscious activated in a very benign way.
    Alchemical Correspondences
    The Alchemical process of Baptism, the purification in the waters of the unconscious. The baptism is accomplished through Sophia – Aphrodite, aka Stella Maris = the Star of the Sea. From her breasts pour blood and milk, combined with sea water they form the alchemical trinity of sulphur, mercury and salt. These 3 fluids are united in Hermes
    Astrological Correspondences
    Aquarius (Fixed Air)
    Qabalah/Golden Dawn
    The 28th Path The PATH OF TZADDI
    The nude female figure with the Star is the synthesis of Isis, of Nephthys, and of Athor. She also represents the planet Venus through whose sphere the influence of Chesed descends. She is the Great Mother—pouring upon the Earth the Waters of Creation which unite and form a River at her feet.
    The path of the Star joins Yesod to Netzach. This is the conscious act of searching for the Divine Light by employing meditation—a combination of knowledge and imagination. The Initiate here casts the "fish-hook" of the Hebrew letter Tzaddi into the Waters of Creation (pure consciousness) to catch a bit of Divine Knowledge.
    The woman in the card is the same as the one seen in the cards of the Empress and the High Priestess. She holds a black vase and a gray vase (Binah and Chokmah in Briah) which pour forth the Waters of Life, pure fluid consciousness, to form a river at her feet. The Water from the vases pours unendingly, for they receive an everlasting supply of energy from the Great Star of Venus.
    It is a very powerful Path which points out the way in which the Divine Energy inherent in each individual is properly approached.
    There are many Qabalistic ways in which the Emperor (Heh) and the Star (Tzaddi) correspond (and Crowley switched them around).
    The airy sign Aquarius, associated with peace, love and inspiration, is given to this Path. In the ancient world, Saturn was said to govern Aquarius, which refers us again to Binah and, in fact, to the Universe. Here it should be clear that the Star relates to a great many more Paths than most other Keys and, as such, is of special importance. Crowley stated the reason for this: "here the Universe is resolved into its ultimate elements."
    The picture represents Nuith, our Lady of the Stars.
    The figure of the goddess is shown in manifestation, that is, not as the surrounding space of heaven, shown in Atu XX, where she is the pure philosophical idea continuous and omniform. In this card she is definitely personified as a human-seeming figure;
    The Universe is here resolved into its ultimate elements. Behind the figure of the goddess is the celestial globe. Most prominent among its features is the seven-pointed Star of Venus, as if declaring the principal characteristic of her nature to be Love. From the golden cup she pours this ethereal water, which is also milk and oil and blood, upon her own head, indicating the eternal renewal of the categories, the inexhaustible possibilities of existence.
    The left hand, lowered, holds a silver cup, from which also she pours the immortal liquor of her life. (This liquor is the Amrita of the Indian philosophers, the Nepenthe and Ambrosia of the Greeks, the Alkahest and Universal Medicine of the Alchemists, the Blood of the Grail; or, rather, the nectar which is the mother of that blood. She pours it upon the junction of land and water. This water is the water of the great Sea of Binah; in the manifestation of Nuith on a lower plane, she is the Great Mother. For the Great Sea is upon the shore of the fertile earth, as represented by the roses in the right hand corner of the picture. But between sea and land is the "Abyss", and this is hidden by the clouds, which whirl as a development of her hair: "
    "I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice."

    7 of Cups
    Astrological Correspondence
    Venus in Scorpio (Nov 12 – Nov 22). Ruled by Mars and Pluto, Mercury exalted.  A challenging mix, these people are often extremely negative in their sexuality. They can be deep feeling with magnetic charm, or jealous, hurtful, hateful and immoral. . Passionate, courageous, strongly-sexed, revengeful, brutal, aggressive and sensual.
    Lord of Illusory Success. Resides in Netzach (7) on the Tree of Briah.
    Netzach ‘ensouls’ the ideas of Hod, she manifests the imaginary. A sphere of feeling, instincts and desires. An emotional sphere of the creative mind, inspiring artists and dancers and musicians.
    Venus in Scorpio is extremely intense and emotional, often involving deceit. Sometimes this is dissipation, a wallowing in emotions, or a self-deception. It can certainly be a card of egocentricity and selfishness. Add the aggression of Mars to this mix and the divinatory meaning of this becomes apparent.

    Victory is possible but may be illusionary or there could be a deception at the point of apparent victory. Vanity, lust, lying, unfulfilled promises, illusions, errors, deception.

    This card represents the working of Venus in the sphere of mind, where her influence is by no means conducive to clear-sightedness. We believe what we want to believe when we are under the influence of Venus. Upon this plane her motto might well be "Love is blind."
    Netzach is Venus (Victory) in Briah, the creative world of pure intellect and Netzach is a fiery sphere, not well placed in watery Briah. Venus is not well dignified in Scorpio , there is much self deception.

    Crowley implies a great warning in his card Debauch. His lotuses have become ugly and slimy, a perversion of the sacrament of the Cup in Six, possibly brought about by the inflation of ego. Thus, the divinatory meaning of the card is error, illusion and illusionary success
    Lying, promises unfulfilled, illusion, deception, error, success not retained, violence against women, deception in love, delusions of a drug addict, a bad idea, sinking into the mire. “This is one of the worst ideas that one can have, its mode is passion and its goal is madness. There is almost something suicidal about this card.”

    Last edited by Vidya Moksha on Thu Sep 30, 2021 9:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)

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    Post  ClearWater Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:04 am

    Yes, very interesting cards and interpretations of those cards.  Thank you for sharing this Vidya.

    The theme of balance for sure seems to be a main driver in my life. I find the content shared regarding balance is very much descriptive of my way of being.

    The 7 of Cups is quite the interesting one...  I have certainly noticed my selfish side at times.  I was single into my upper 30's, and noticing the selfishness was actually one of the main reasons I made the decision to pursue a relationship and family.  I could easily have seen myself going too far down the path of selfishness had I continued to live my life without a partner and family.  It is still a challenge at times, as I tend to place great importance on my alone time, and get frustrated if/when I don't get it.  But it is at least tempered significantly.  Though I wouldn't say the other aspects mentioned in the 7 of cups info are completely irrelevant, they don't really ring true either.  But still, I feel it will definitely be helpful to be aware of these potential tendencies.

    The other item that jumped out at me was the comment/s regarding the balance of male/female energies.  I felt, especially in my younger days and into my early 20's, that I for sure had a strong feminine energy. This had nothing to do with my sexuality at all, as I have always felt very 'male' in that sense.  It can maybe be most easily be described as a tendency towards passivity. That is certainly an oversimplification, but it's the simplest way I can explain it.  It took some very deliberate attention and effort to bring that into more of a balanced state, which I ultimately feel like I succeeded in doing as I reached my upper 20's - early 30's.

    Again, the info is all quite interesting, and very instructive for me as I continue my journey through this life.  Big Grin 3

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    Post  Carol Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:15 pm

    Oxy, I've not forgotten you. All our spare time is literally chopping and stacking wood getting ready for winter. We've only got about one cord (4 feet wide, 4 feet high, 8 feet long) done so far and we only have loan of the splitter until the weekend. Spouse has been dragging some of the down logs  with heavy duty chain wrapped around it and attached to the back of the truck to where the splitter is located. We've been lucky with some Indian Summer weather (along with a few rainy days), so we can be out cutting several more cords of wood before the snow.. which always happens in October. At least the cabin now has the roof on, walls up, windows in.  Next, after it snows, will be wiring it for electricity, insulating the walls and putting up the interior knotty pine paneling. 


    Another excellent video where Gene also discusses the different densities and how creation came into being toward the end. Each time I listen to him it seems like he brings up StarGate 1 into of things that really happen. Incredible.

    Important Gene Decode Major Update (Video)
    Wednesday, September 29, 2021
    This interview with Gene Decode is one you really don’t want to miss! He talks about major updates and what we could be dealing with in the near future.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32622
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    Post  Carol Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:56 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:21 pm

    This is outstanding and gives a insightful description of EGO.

    An evening with Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle - these two teachers engage in an open conversation about spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness, October 28, 2011 in Maui, HI.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32622
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    Post  Carol Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:59 pm

    You might enjoy this video Oxy.

    Eckhart considers the day-to-day, thought-based narratives of most people’s lives and how to break free of them to live more fully in each moment.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun Oct 03, 2021 4:03 pm

    Excerpt from the fourth public talk Saanen, 1984. Watch the full video at
    • Download for free the new booklet 'Nobody Can Teach You About Yourself’, a collection of short and longer quotes by Krishnamurti, including photographs from many eras of Krishnamurti’s life:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:06 am

    Interview with Megan Rose

    Megan is a psychic medium and a multi-dimensional remote viewer located in South Florida. Her connection to spirit began at a young age and has since flourished into helping others make a connection to spirit guides or passed loved ones. She does not use tools of any kind and is committed to giving an authentic and healing experience to each client. Spirituality is natural to everyone and Megan is committed to assisting others in making their own personal connection in a unique way. Sometimes we get too busy to hear the little messages that are left for us, and through connecting in a reading, we get the guidance and support we need to move forward in life. A strong believer in truth and authenticity, she knows spirit may not always tell us what we want to hear, but what we need to hear in order to move forward on our journey.

    Megan has the ability to remote view and has used this ability to assist in missing persons cases, missing items and channel multidimensional information. As a person who has contact with higher dimensional beings, Megan has publicly been bringing their messages to light on various platforms to inspire humankind. It is her intention to assist others through love and healing with information relayed from above.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32622
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:27 am
    "Titanic, The Sound of Silence, Mother earth, Hallelujah, Despacito"

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32622
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:45 am

    Oxy.. I thought of some of what you've shared when watching Elon Musk in this video.
    "We Should Prepare Now" - Elon Musk FINAL WARNING (2021)

    He spoke about the Event Horizon. Interesting perspective.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32622
    Join date : 2010-04-08
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:14 pm

    Well Oxy.. this is mind blowing.

    This is just weird. She has no makeup on but later her fingernails are painted blood red. What's that all about? She tells an incredible story.

    This Woman Escaped the 4th Density! Her Story Is Beyond Imagination. Naughty Beaver

    "I just found this new one from Phil Godlewski who did an update after the excitement yesterday with his take on what happened and what’s next. This was last night and things may be a little different today online but he says thousands of arrests took place yesterday. He says nope is the only safe platform because they own their own servers. Here’s my grumpy nope account. I’m not able to spend time there unless something changes." 30 min.

    DO NOT MISS THIS VIDEO! A woman named Sandra from a channel called The Magnificent Future, that I shared with you guys previously on this channel, was abducted shortly after I posted my video. She was taken to the 4th Density. You would never believe who rescued her... Her story is beyond imagination.

    She confirmed everything that I had shown the world about Revelation 12. She confirms that the gateway to the 4th dimension was opened precisely on the timeline that the Bible had stated. She confirms the Great War In Heaven invading the 4th Density. ***She bore witness to what the cabal is going to do or was going to do to the human race.

    They were going to kill off all of the world's elderly and enslave the remaining children through the cell phones in the 4th Density. The reptilians had made a perfect of copy earth, Donald Trump, Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. It's a false ascension Matrix. This video is only a tiny preview of what she had to say. Some of the subject matter is incredibly disturbing.

    Also inside this video is Alba Weinman - The Lion, the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples being called. The video ends with Cosmic Agency and the Pleiadians speaking their peace, confirming plans by the Cabal that Sandra had already exposed. The heavens have been freed, the great final battle will fall squarely on the shoulders of the people of earth.
    More to come. Love you lots! Naughty Beaver

    Sandra has created a new channel called AKURA. Here are the links to 3 must watch videos in order on her channel. I encourage everyone to watch them and and send Sandra some love and support once you see what she experienced. A few kind words can go a long way in dark times.

    5D UPDATE: WE HAVE ENTERED THE 4TH DIMENSION - The Truth About The Ascension | We Almost Died PART 1 -

    5D UPDATE: WE HAVE ENTERED THE 4TH DIMENSION - The Truth About The Ascension | We Almost Died PART 2 -

    THE ARCTURIANS: We have Entered the 4th Dimension | WE ALMOST DIED! | 🌏How To Ascend Into 5D Part 3 -

    Other source videos used - Alba Weinman - 477 Alba Weinman - Service to Humanity (The Discourse Continues)

    Cosmic Agency - Yazhi (Sophia) Swaruu - MESSAGE TO THE CABAL - Extraterrestrial

    COMMS blackout (wave 1) – October 4th, 2021

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix


    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:26 pm

    Thank-you, Carol. I'll take a closer look at the above several posts. My pseudo-intellectual religious and political science-fiction continues as the hamstrung-misery escalates. I think I've angered the nether-realms in past-lives and presently (for better or worse, I know not). I suspect some sort of central intelligence and orchestration for thousands, millions, or even billions of years (for better or worse, I know not). I probably need analysis, but I doubt it would do any good. This overall thing is probably much more ancient and powerful than we can imagine. My present inclination is to go increasingly incognito with private research involving books and newspapers (with less dependence on the internet information-war). Quiet-Desperation in Semi-Vegetative Semi-Retirement is Probably My Fate for the Remainder of This Present Incarnation. Perhaps the Matrix Reins-In All Threats and Threads (Good and Bad) to Maintain the Way Things Are. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? BTW, the Ascension Videos (Three Parts) in the Above Post Don't Work.


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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:18 pm

    Ahh Oxy. This is another interesting video. This link works for me. It works for you? It's a bit of a repeat in the last video that Naughty Beaver put together. I think I've finally come around to your expanded world-view in ways that is surprising.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:59 am

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 23 Img_0618


    - Grandpa, how do you lose your life?

    - Son, life is lost in many ways:

    - It gets lost when you want to live other people's lives and not your own.

    - We lose by criticizing the mistakes of others, and not by improving yours.

    - It is lost when you regret every moment of having failed and not
    looking for solutions to succeed.

    - It gets lost when you get jealous of others and not overtake yourself.

    - It gets lost when you only focus on the negative things and stop enjoying the good things.

    - Life is not wasted when you stop

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    Post  Carol Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:08 am

    Ahh yes. Breath.

    This is Mellen Thomas Benedicts's story of when he died. I had the opportunity to listen to him at a conference he was presenting at in Hawaii. His story is amazing and there was much more shared then what is in these videos. This video is a nice balance to the previous ones.
    Atheist Asks God “Why Are Humans So Dark and Doomed?"
    He Was Amazed By The Answers He Received

    Mellen Thomas Benedicts NDE story is one of the most remarkable near death experiences I have come across.

    In 1982 Mellen Thomas died of terminal brain cancer and survived to tell about it. While in hospice care mellen died for at least 1 hour and a half before he returned to his body. He is one of  the most studied near deathers in the world.

    He has also taken part in more research than most other near deathers.
    Depak Chopra has called Mellen the encyclopedia of the afterlife in his book life after death.
    In today’s video you are going to hear the remarkable story of Mellen encounter with death and the conversations that he shares with the light ever since.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:12 am

    Star Trek's James Tiberius Kirk played by William Shatner is about to head into space. Who would ever have thought this would happen! 🤩 - "William Shatner says he's 'a little frightened' about going to space scheduled for October 12th out of Blue Origin’s launch facility in West Texas" - via Star Trek Appreciation Society

    THE BRIDGE-WAY - Page 23 A8648a10

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    Post  mudra Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:15 am

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    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:44 am

    are we there yet?

    Quick smash and grab from me, I am making hay while the sun shines..

    Back to an old theme:

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    Post  Carol Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:46 pm

    Not quite but earth is being hit by a CME. Temperature last night dropped down to 17° here. Snowed yesterday. Hauled logs, cut and split 4 cords of wood.. stacked most of it. Stock market crash is on the horizon. So is non-nuclear WWIII.

    Got some sunshine today so more tractor work on the driveway.. and stacking wood.

    Spouse is practicing bi-location. Sees himself on a spaceship somewhere while sitting at the table eating breakfast. Hah! Don't tell anyone.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Morpheus Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:26 pm

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    Post  Lionhawk Sun Oct 17, 2021 3:51 pm

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    Post  Carol Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:56 pm

    Here's another one for you Lionhawk.
    Elena Danaan - As You Wish Talk Radio - Great Galactic News

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23291
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    Age : 69
    Location : belgium


    Post  mudra Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:18 am

    Mars Perseverance Rover

    Genuine or fake my friends ?
    Are there clouds at all on Mars ?
    I would have thought one would need water fields for this .

    Lionhawk you who are able to remote view what do you think ?

    If genuine they look like covered with mud and baked with a heat discharge to me.
    I would be curious to hammer the mud crust down and see whats underneath.

    If fake these images are still amazing and some would make interesting paintings 🙏😊

    I was unsuccessful at finding these same videos elsewhere than on that youtuber's chanel.
    Where one can find dozens of them.

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Oct 23, 2021 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Ashera Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:12 am

    F. W. also reports on the situation of Germany after 1945:

    "Between World War Two and Three, the Germans pushed themselves to the forefront of humanitarianism and all-goodness. The use of the word 'humanitarianism' cost forty-eight hours of arrest or a correspondingly large sum of money. Most of the Germans also took what they understood by humanity and goodness extremely seriously. After all, they had longed to be popular for centuries. Humanity and kindness now seemed to them the best way to achieve this goal. They even found it far more convenient than heroism and racial doctrine. [...] They were the inventors of the ungrateful ethic of 'selfless importunity.' For recreation, the educated among the Heinzelmännchen gave philosophical lectures at folk high schools, in Protestant churches, and even in Reform synagogues, their monotonous theme always being devoted to man's brotherly duty. Without duty it was not possible, as the basic German conception of life consisted in the 'worship of the unpleasant'. They were, in a word, real sheep in sheep's clothing. But since they were even this convulsively, no one believed them, and they were thought to be wolves."

    - Star of the Unborn, Chapter Nine.

    "There, in the swinging hills, you hear many things, and I walked and walked until I came to a footbridge. On my right were quite a few people; they were naked and shouting, 'How do you get over there, we want to get over there too, but we can't go any further here.' Please come to us and help us cross, the water is too deep for us.' I paid no attention to them, I just ran and ran, and then I heard an animal. It sounded like a big dog, and there was a big dog and next to him was a big woman in blue clothes, and I decided to walk straight through them. I did, and the dog just growled at me. Never go back." (from the initiation dream of Kashia Pomo shaman Essie Parrish; in: George Quasha "Notes of a Speech by Essie Parrish, Delivered March 14, 1972," Alcheringa, No.1 (1975), pp.27-29)    

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