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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:11 am

    Please do not Infer that which I've not. To be clear...

    Floyd wrote:Yes, I'm afraid I do see white supremacists and nazism as the 'enemies of humanity'. They are most objectionable

    I agree and never said that this was not a valid Opinion...

    Floyd wrote:I have never said anywhere on any thread on this forum that UFOS or other beings from other planes or planets do not exist. Not once, nor I have I even suggested it.

    I never suggested that You did or that You didn't. I just asked You to be polite to other Members as You discuss Info with Them the same as I would ask any other Member here.

    Floyd wrote:We are 'Gathering in Awareness' I hope.

    Of course We are but to make the comment in that way suggests that theres an attempt at the Opposite from Me. It infers that by My asking Posters to be Polite to other Members - This is somehow too much to ask - Or that by doing so - We AREN'T "Gathering in Awareness". Thats simply not the case and would be a misrepresentation to say the least.

    Floyd wrote:No need for the video Merc.

    Really ? The need to Post further clarifications of My meaning have Me thinking otherwise...


    Carry on Floyd but I am truly perplexed by how often You do NOT seem to get My meaning and Its so much so that I'm almost starting to think Its on purpose...

    That can't be though right ?



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:12 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I continue to be fascinated and horrified by how the somewhat idealistic, refined, and disciplined Germany of the 1930's became the Hell of the 1940's, and then morphed into the Fourth Reich. How do we keep Grand Utopian Plans from becoming Hell on Earth?

    Cosmic love maybe. Not of the wishy washy variety.
    Or, perhaps it is out of our hands as the GREAT OVERLORD TRANCOSO has suggested. We have been very naughty boys and girls, idolising false prophets, worshipping money and destroying our planet. Perhaps some group are doing something about it and we will have very little say in the matter.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:22 am

    Mercuriel wrote:

    That can't be though right ?


    No it thats right is not right, and the Gathering in Awareness was not about you either. It is simply saying sometimes we have to face the ugly truth whether we like it or not. It is difficult to be aware living in the shadow of such ugliness and we have to shake it off like an old shoe.

    I have not been impolite to other members and that is the only point on which we differ. I have seen a snide remark directed toward myself here and there though but thats fine.
    Perhaps the only other other difference is I have no time for whistleblowers whereas you may or may not I dont know. Thats a matter of personal taste.

    For me whistleblowers have done to the truth movement what Yoko Ono did to the Beatles.


    Keep on rockin in the Free World

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:40 am

    Keeping the focus on Pelley there are numerous publications he used to promote his rabid fascism.

    His teachers were disincarnate entities that came from beyond the stars and he wrote down what they taught him in volumes of automatic writing. This included herding up Jews in America and putting them in walled cities.

    Blacks were to be segregated or sent back to Africa

    Many of his silver shirt devotees joined Guy and Edna Ballards I AM Activity from whos meetings coloured folk were not allowed to attend.

    His publications, Liberation, Pelley's Silvershirt Weekly, The Galilean, valour and The New Liberator espoused a mixture of alienism, psychism, esoterica, and fascism.

    His religion that he invented to surround his teachings was known as soul craft.

    he college offered courses in Ethical History, Spiritual Eugenics, and Cosmic Mathematics.

    But Pelley was concerned with more than religion. He called for a “Christian Commonwealth,” a new kind of government that blended elements of fascism, socialism, and theocracy. In the Christian Commonwealth there would be no paper money, no bankers, and no big cities. Jews were also excluded. Pelley, a rabid anti-Semite, believed that Jews should be isolated in walled-off cities.

    Adolf Hitler’s rise to power had an electric effect on Pelley. On January 31, 1933, the day after Hitler took control in Germany, Pelley founded the Silver Legion of America, better known as the Silver Shirts. The Silver Shirts were deliberately modeled on the Nazi Brown Shirts. Its members wore a military-style uniform of corduroy trousers, a blue tie, and a silver shirt with a red “L” over the heart. Chapters of the Silver Shirts sprang up in twenty-two different states. Although Pelley claimed to have as many as 100,000 followers, the actual number was closer to 15,000.

    In 1936 Pelley ran for president as the candidate of the Christian Party. His platform mimicked the program of the Nazi Party. It called for the registration and persecution of all American Jews. The Christian Party got on the ballot in only one state, Washington, where it received a mere 1,598 votes.

    NB Spiritual eugenics is what is offered in the Talmud of Jmannuel.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:21 am

    350 reads already. Your message is getting out there Floyd. Good for you. Maybe others don't comment for the same reason I haven't.....we are interested in and agree with all you are posting. I love you

    Posts : 4104
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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:09 am

    Sanicle wrote:350 reads already. Your message is getting out there Floyd. Good for you. Maybe others don't comment for the same reason I haven't.....we are interested in and agree with all you are posting. I love you

    Thank you kindly Sanicle. It is an important subject.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:46 am

    Floyd wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I continue to be fascinated and horrified by how the somewhat idealistic, refined, and disciplined Germany of the 1930's became the Hell of the 1940's, and then morphed into the Fourth Reich. How do we keep Grand Utopian Plans from becoming Hell on Earth?

    Cosmic love maybe. Not of the wishy washy variety.
    Or, perhaps it is out of our hands as the GREAT OVERLORD TRANCOSO has suggested. We have been very naughty boys and girls, idolising false prophets, worshipping money and destroying our planet. Perhaps some group are doing something about it and we will have very little say in the matter.
    It seems as if misery-punishment-retribution has been inflicted upon humanity for thousands of years. It also seems as if taxation-payment-restitution-rent-resources have been extracted from humanity for thousands of years. But all of this might not be enough, and we might still be facing a final-judgment and execution. This is just my impression, based upon bits and pieces of circumstantial evidence. Also, didn't ET make some sort of 'contact' with the 'government' in Washington State in the early 1930's. Didn't ET Space-Craft appear to Kenneth Arnold near Mt. Rainier (in Washington State) in 1947? And, isn't there a strong Navy presence in Washington State? Didn't Bill Cooper say something about a Commander at the Washington Naval Shipyard (PSNS?) having control of secret money connected with ET in the 40's or 50's? Isn't alot of the ET stuff under the control of the Navy? I simply see VERY powerful factions (one of which might be Nazi / White Supremacist) at war with each other in this solar system, but that ultimately, they all work for the same boss. But really, what the hell do I know? Not much.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:17 pm

    Talk about enemies of humanity. I guess England is innocent. There was a time in North America, where white supremacy was none existent. Where tribes were nations onto themselves and could move freely as a Nation, without fixed borders. Then the white supremacists showed up in their boats. Disguised as explorers, only to enslave and conquer, to acquire wealth in the form of gold. Killing so many innocents without firing a shot and then using arms to finish the job off.

    After reading some of this stuff, I decided to look at where the source of this white supremacy came from. The root. It came from an island that had a king and queen. With an alien influence. Loaded to the hilt with prejudice, quest for power and domination. They are called the Reptilians. Now head quartered on that very island called England.

    When Egypt was dissolved, these Reptilians moved to England. Follow the behaviors and you will see the habits of their ways manifesting onto this world from that time forward to the present. No imagination is needed if you follow their conquests. Ask the Argentina folks, South African, Canadians, and so on. With that, came white supremacy. They are invasion specialists and you can track that to the time they were dumped here in our Universe. Once they set up shop on a Planet to head quarter, they invaded other worlds. Now that they have been here, they have invaded other Nations in the same light.

    What if I said most of these wars that we have seen in history, all have an alien back drop?

    What country has spilled more blood than any other, through the years? In the name of the King or in the name of the Queen? And what country is considered to be the most arrogant on the Planet, from a native or even alien perspective? Enemies of humanity? Wow!

    The blood shed and the damage done and further damage being done in the name of England, doesn't even compare in scope as to any single whistle blower you might think has deceived you. Even combined. Go ahead and blame the rest of the world or persons, without looking at your own country's field of crimes against humanity. Hypocrisy comes to mind.

    If I was to be this country's next President, the first thing I would do as president would be to sever all ties to England. Mind you that I am not the only one who thinks this way in our country. That would also include confiscating any property you think you own in this country. And if Canada wanted to do the same, I would support her in those efforts. And if you were to make more of it, because your arrogance dictates that, I would finish what the Nazis didn't finish. BP would also be gone. Look at that damage. This country has suffered much because of England. Look at our history and the evidence will amaze you. Even socially we still suffer. The scars are everywhere.

    Why do I say these things? Because I am disgusted with those who think they can ruin my home without any consequences, all in the name of the Queen. That also includes our world.

    As far as the Billy Meier situation here in this thread or in the other thread, the beliefs or opinions presented, look like a smear campaign. Things have been thrown at us as though they are facts, when they are clearly not. Superficial. Enemies against humanity? As JT would ask, "Who do you work for?"

    Let me put it another way. I have been holding back information based from the first hand concerning Billy Meier. Information that is 180 degrees opposite with one person's opinion based in the second hand. This information that I hold is based in experience. Not based in an unproven belief. The reason why I with hold this information is probably for the very same reasons that other sages of our world who knew of certain knowledge to be truly sacred and that the general populations would not receive it in the light that it deserves. Just because something is old, doesn't make it sacred. But this knowledge that I now possess, was something I earned. I was tested and I passed the test to receive this knowing. Now why would I even have a desire to post it in this thread or any other that has this type of mind set? You wouldn't either.

    It is my opinion, that this is a program that continues to this day to discredit Billy Meier. Doesn't matter who is delivering it. Or in what form it is in. But I will say with my life that Billy Meier is not an enemy to humanity. His actions out weigh the gossip of others and one can go out and prove that for themselves. If you have never met the man, what right do you have to smear his name? In the name of the Queen? And as to who he is allied with as far as the aliens? The Plejarens. That's
    way better than the Reptilians.

    What has been displayed here, really just tells me how insecure the program handlers are. They are losing control and trying to reinvent the wheel with propaganda based in the second hand. As they have always done. Many have died from this type of program that is based in gossip or hear say. Smear campaigns continue because our dumb down society was programmed into believing and not knowing. That is the real evidence that separates the real truth from fiction. First hand vs. second hand. You can take the first hand to the bank and you can only speculate or bet on the second. Until humanity starts to operate in the first hand, we will further be subjugated with second hand propaganda and find ourselves reacting to things we have no knowing about. Humanity hasn't learn this lesson as we continue to do the same things over and over again, only securing our failure to rise in consciousness.

    At this time, I will not reveal what information I had experienced. Not because I don't want to share it. But since the Earth is still flat, I have no other choice.



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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:30 pm

    As far as I can see Meier is a hoax as is his awful hate filled antisemitic and homophobic Talmud. If this is the work of higher beings then blow me down with a feather.
    There is plenty of good evidence to refute all of his claims and it not a smear campaign in my opinion. It dosnt matter if the info is second hand frankly.

    I dont expect any of Billys fans to agree with that and would be very suprised if they did.
    Im not going to lose any sleep over that.

    Your anti UK rant is quite interseting. You would "finish what the Nazis failed to do"


    Yes England has had its moments in history as has the US since its Vietnam debacle, but as this thread is about 1930's (and onwards) contactees in America, and their links to the I AM activity hatred of jews, white supremacy and fascism the history of England isnt really relevant here. Having said that,there was Oswald Mosley, our version of the awful Pelley who led the British Union of fascists but he wasnt into UFO's and didnt invent a religion.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:08 pm

    I have seen where you have written that the Talmud is the writing of Billy Meier. At least you stated that. Maybe you felt that way. Maybe that is your perception. But is that the truth? It isn't and to sway anyone to the contrary could be taken as an insult to their intelligence. I would consider it to be an artifact that he came into possession of. Any writing is also considered second hand information and that is just a fact. So it does matter as to the premise of what anyone's perception might be based from. Judas wrote it. It is a writing. I don't consider it to be sacred text. Why, because it is old? Not even. But my red flags go up when someone distorts the real facts using selective negative statements that are based from a second hand point of view. Gossiping is what it sounds like.

    The statement was made of the enemies against humanity. England, in my opinion, which was formed on facts, is a great enemy against humanity. Even now and back then. 1930's on and before. An example of that could be all the missing kids that get consumed by your country. Even the ones that have been imported from some of the so called lands England claims ownership of. Canada really comes to mind. Native Americans being consumed by England. Selected by the Queen herself, when she last visited. I guess you are correct in stating England has her moments.

    As I said, if England's arrogance dictated that she would push against our disconnect from her, I would finish what the Nazis had failed to do. Make no mistake about it. I sympathize with the country's common folk, but the matriarchy is something I would eagerly wipe out because they are evil. I just hope England's people get off their knees in time and take care of it.

    If stating facts is what you call ranting because it conflicts with your beliefs, then so be it. I don't have a problem sticking to the real facts. White supremacy is a factor that many have experienced the receiving end of it and is not limited to a date in time. We are still on the receiving end of it in the now.

    You have not stated all the facts concerning Billy Meier. That is a fact. I am not a fan of the American representative called Micheal Horn. But he has presented more facts about Billy Meier than what has been presented here. Those facts that he presents would also indicate someone who is not against humanity. Proof has been established as to his photos and film. Now tell me he paint shopped his work and I will laugh. The skeptics had their day and their claims nullified by real experts. It is only your word and those others who subscribe to your point of view, against those who have validated Billy's work. Beliefs that were proven into the first hand. That has integrity. The beliefs don't. And that is what sound research is all about. Establishing integrity by establishing real truth through the proving of tangible evidence. Not hearsay.

    I'm not against you Floyd. In a matter of speaking we are all in the same boat and in the end it matters the most when we know. If you can prove it out, I would be willing to listen. I know you don't care about my take on things as you have stated. So be that too. But at the same time I ask you to get off your knees and prove it out instead of settling for what has been served to you.

    "TO BE A SWANNY OR NOT TO BE A SWANNY" quote by Buck Rodgers



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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:44 pm

    Cecil Rhodes comes to mind here..... Rhodes believed that the world should be ruled by the Anglo Saxon and
    Teutonic races: one of his dreams was to force the United States of
    America back into the British Empire.

    Apartheid: made in Britain: Richard Dowden explains
    how Churchill, Rhodes and Smuts caused black South Africans to lose
    their rights

    IN THE days leading up to the South African election we will be told by journalists and commentators that democracy has finally arrived in South Africa and that black South Africans will be voting for the first time. Neither statement is quite true.

    Democracy has a long, if contorted, history in South Africa. For nearly 100 years there was a non-racial franchise and the electoral role did not become exclusively white until 1956. The Coloured Vote Bill in that year was the final blow to a non-racial democracy which had been whittled away over the decades. Like many apartheid laws passed by the National Party government in the Fifties, it was not a radical departure from the past. The legislation which created apartheid was based on existing laws and in many cases simply tightened or tidied them.

    The myth that there has never been democracy in South Africa is linked to a second myth. Most people think they know that apartheid was an invention of the Afrikaners and their belief that South Africa should be ruled exclusively by whites. Conversely, it is usually thought that the English tradition in South Africa was non-racial and democratic. In fact, the British tradition, as purveyed by both English-speaking South Africans and the parliament at Westminster, has played a less than glorious role in establishing democracy.

    It was two renowned Englishmen, Cecil Rhodes and Winston Churchill, who at crucial moments planted the seeds that were to ripen into policies which deprived black people of democratic rights in South Africa. A third, Jan Smuts - an Afrikaner by birth who became a committed supporter of the British Empire - was also an architect of laws which were later to become the framework of apartheid. Like Churchill, Smuts has a statue in Parliament Square, but in South Africa both will go down as men who destroyed rather than built democracy in the country.

    Let's take Rhodes first, the Bishop's Stortford boy who wanted to build an African empire from Cairo to the Cape, who invented Rhodesia and left us with the De Beers diamond monopoly and 160 Rhodes scholarships at Oxford. A millionaire from diamonds and gold before the age of 30, Rhodes became Prime Minister of the Cape in 1890. For more than 40 years the Cape had had a non-racial franchise which allowed anyone, irrespective of race, with property worth pounds 25 or wages of pounds 50 a year to vote for representatives in an Assembly which made laws for the colony.
    As for Religious sects with UFO ties....regarding Billy and this " awful hate filled antisemitic and homophobic Talmud". It's a good idea to look at the 'sources" of the people you (Floyd) have been posting here......I'll highlight in red some passages here.....

    Talmud Jmmanuel (TJ) is a purported ancient text in Aramaic that the Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier, along with an ex-Greek Orthodox priest named Isa Rashid, claimed to have discovered south of the Old City
    of Jerusalem in 1963. According to Meier, Isa Rashid kept the
    manuscript and sent him the translation in 1974. The first edition in
    German came out in 1978. It is described by its promoters as the source
    text (often termed the Logia, or the Q document) of the Gospel of Matthew, which is claimed to demonstrate extraterrestrial origins for the Bible. The spelling Jmmanuel was allegedly commanded to Meier by extraterrestrials.

    At this time while there he got married left went home and the "TRANSLATION" was sent to him. further studies and links provided by Floyd links heavily include Jim Deardoff. Remember that name....
    Forget for a moment about billy and focus on the people around him.....Jim Deardoff.....remember that name.....
    Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind control which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty years.

    To objectively ascertain the following, one may need to re-examine preconceived ideologies relating to the dualistic nature of mankind.

    Resolving the philosophical question of whether we are inherently good or inherently evil is tantamount in shaping our perception of reality; specifically, the spiritual variable within the equation of life.

    This exposition is substantiated by declassified U.S. government documents, individuals formerly connected to the U.S. intelligence communities, historical writings, researchers knowledgeable in mind control, publications from mental health practitioners, and interviews taken from survivors unwittingly subjected to a highly complex form of trauma-based mind control known as MONARCH programming.

    A Brief History of Control

    The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning "hidden knowledge.

    One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages.

    During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism survived this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various esoteric groups.

    In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning "Enlightened Ones." This was an amalgamation of powerful occultist bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for a "New World Order."

    The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.

    The Anglo Alliance

    By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as the primary geographic areas of Illuminati control.

    It then should be of little surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science research was established in England in 1882, while much of the early medical and psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were pioneered at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.

    The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to study the "breaking point" of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and multi-generational occultism.

    Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific ideas was taking place between England and Germany, most notably in the field of eugenics: the movement devoted to "improving" the human species through the control of hereditary factors in mating. The nefariously enigmatic union between the two countries was bonded, partly through the Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society which consisted of many high ranking officials in the Nazi party and British aristocracy.

    Top SS Nazi officer Heinrich Himmler, was in charge of a scientific project called Lebersborn, which included selective breeding and adoption of children, a peculiarly large number of twins among them. The purpose of the program was to create a super-race (Aryans) who would have total allegiance to the cause of the Third Reich (New World Order).

    Much of the preliminary experimentation concerning genetic engineering and behavior modification was conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, where he coldly analyzed the effects of trauma-bonding, eye-coloring and "twinning" upon his victims. Besides the insidious surgical experimentation performed at the concentration camp, some of the children were subjected to massive amounts of electroshock.

    Sadly, many of them did not survive the brutality. Concurrently, "brain-washing" was carried out on inmates at Dachau, who were placed under hypnosis and given the hallucinogenic drug mescaline. During the war, parallel behavioral research was led by Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University. His involvement with the Army, CID, FBI and other agencies remains shrouded in secrecy. However, Estabrooks would occasionally "slip" and discuss his work involving the creation of hypno-programmed couriers and hypnotically-induced split personalities.

    After WWII, the U.S. Department of Defense secretly imported many of the top German Nazi and Italian Fascist scientists and spies into the United States via South America and the Vatican. The code name for this operation was Project PAPERCLIP. One of the more prominent finds for the U.S. was German General Reinhard Gehlen.

    Hitler’s Chief of Intelligence against Russia. Upon arriving in Washington D.C. in 1945, Gehlen met extensively with President Truman, General William "Wild Bill" Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Allen Dulles, who would later become the stalwart head of the CIA. The objective of their brain-storming sessions was to reorganize the nominal American intelligence operation, transforming it into a highly-efficient covert organization. The culmination of their efforts produced the Central Intelligence Group in 1946, renamed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947.

    Reinhard Gehlen also had profound influence in helping to create the National Security Council, from which the National Security Act of 1947 was derived.

    This particular piece of legislation was implemented to protect an unconscionable number of illegal government activities, including clandestine mind control programs.

    The Evolution of Project MKULTRA.

    Among this group of MKULTRA was a group of AVIARY. Remember this post? Remember Jack Sarfatti, Hal Puthoff, and the gang....written about here by Jack Sarfatti who is very much involved with this program.. I'll give a link but post the important passages to take heed and pay attention to....
    Jim Garrison and Tom Jenkins from Gorbachev Foundation hosted a fun-filled birthday party for Nina Kucharev on this past Saturday night on the third floor of my office at 3220 Sacramento Street in San Francisco. Tom Jenkins is a former physicist who arranges much of the logistics for Jim Garrison, such as Boris Yeltsin's visit to the USA before he became President of Russia. Tom and I had an interesting conversation in which we both noted the amazing patterns of synchronicity linking physicists interested in consciousness, extra-terrestrial intelligence, remote-viewing and other fringe areas with the pivotal events that ended the Cold War. Danny Sheehan, who also visits our office, was co-founder with Garrison, of the now defunct Christic Institute, a casualty of the Iran-Contra operation. Sheehan, has had childhood "close encounter experiences" analogous to the one I reported in "The Parsifal Effect." Evidently, it might appear that Dan Sheehan, was also part of the "400" contactees mentioned to me on the phone in 1952 by the alleged "conscious computer" on
    the spacecraft from the future. Harvard Professor John Mack, influential in the Esalen-Soviet Exchange Program, and under fire from Harvard for his bold study of UFO abductees, is also, itmight appear, part of the "400.

    when I got to San Francisco. He was very concerned about what he called "Soviet breakthroughs in psychotronic weapons of mind control at a distance using ELF and sound waves." He said he had support from the local telephone company and from the Bronfman in Toronto to link up visionary scientists like myself. He also said he was working with Jacques Vallee and Brendan O Regan on a UFO data base. Ira mentioned that he was working with Congressman Charlie Rose (D. North Carolina) of the House Select Committee on
    Intelligence [18]. Rose confirmed his connection to Einhorn in a telephone conversation with me.

    Werner was as good as his word and promptly had his EST Foundation write me an initial $5,000 check (Autumn 1974). Einhorn did his job as my literary agent and arranged a meeting at Arthur Young's Institute in Berkeley that included Michael Murphy, Hazel Henderson and another physicist, Saul Paul Sirag , who was Barbara Honegger's lover. Werner gave me free run of his organization which I found rather odd. The estoids all seemed to be glassy-eyed and very creepy . One in particular, Raz Ingrasci, talked about Werner as if he were God-incarnate. One day Raz said he would jump out of a high window if Werner ordered him to. One day I noticed a table with a sign that said "Bulgarian Desk". There were a lot of pretty young women who were easily available since I was known as one of Werner's special friends -- a Prince of the Court. Werner was always very warm with me and invited me to many dinners both at Franklin House and at expensive restaurants. He never carried any money or credit cards. We were always escorted (in a Mercedes) by a security team, who also paid all the bills.

    I attended the EST April Celebrity Training of 1975. The list of trainees included Ellie Coppola, Sterling Hayden, Michael Murphy, Buzz Aldrin , Ted Ashley , the late Jerry Rubin , Fred Wolf, Saul Paul Sirag and many others. Sterling Hayden quickly walked out calling Werner a "Nazi" as he pushed away some estoids who tried to block his passage. Michael Murphy was visibly upset and angry at his close friend Werner. I was sitting with Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who was having a severe kidney problem. Werner got all confused when he tried to talk about the new physics. He let me explain to the group in ordinary language what he was trying to say in his hypnotic _estspeak_.

    The trick of est is to seduce your consciousness by subverting the English language with dominating psycho-babble. It was right out of George Orwell's 1984. The est-training did get every one high. It must have been how the SS officers felt after being indoctrinated as leaders of the Master Race.

    I was introduced to Ellie Coppola during a break in the training. She had just read _Space-Time and Beyond_. Ellie invited Fred Wolf and me to her home at 2800 Broadway at 2am after the training. We met her husband Francis Ford Coppola. The first thing Francis said to me was that he did not like Werner Erhard but that he would not tell his wife what to do. Francis has fine moral instincts. I was getting suspicious of Werner especially after I heard the rumor that he said he changed his name from Jack Rosenberg to Werner Erhard to "give up Jewish weakness for German strength."

    I started to spend a lot of time at the Coppola's house. I introduced them to Uri Geller and to Einhorn's friend, French UFO scientist Jacques Vallee. I think Steven Spielberg and
    George Lucas were there as well that time but I am not sure. Vallee became technical consultant to _Close Encounters of the Third Kind_ as a result of that introduction. Francois Trauffaut played the role of Jacques Vallee in the Spielberg film. Ira Einhorn had introduced me to Vallee. Einhorn and Vallee were working together on a computer network project that anticipated the Internet. Einhorn originally introduced me to Hazel Henderson, Arthur Young, Stewart Brand and Michael Murphy. Einhorn at Esalen is described by Willian Irwin Thompson in _The Edge of History_. Congressman Charlie Rose (D. North Carolina) of the House Committee on Intelligence confirmed to me by telephone that Ira was involved in National Security operations. Ira, like O.J. Simpson, always claimed he was framed by "the KGB." It is curious that he was never found. Ira spent weeks at Esalen after he was indicted for the murder of Holly Maddux. Senator Arlen Specter was his defense attorney and one of the Bronfmans from Toronto allegedly paid his legal fees.

    I once walked into the Caffe Trieste with Francis when Steve Turner walked up to him and aggressively pushed him calling him a "dirty dog." Francis floored Turner with one punch. My meeting with Hans Syberberg at Francis's showing of _Our Hitler_ is of particular importance because it involved a man named "Putzi."

    I received a phone call from a man named George Koopman during one of our Esalen seminars in 1976. He asked if he could come to Big Sur. I said yes. Koopman soon became a financialpatron of my _Ghost Busters_ at Esalen. Koopman was a close friend of Dan Akroyd, and my group was the inspiration for the film Ghost Busters. He provided money through military contracts with the Air Force and the U.S. Army Tank Command funnelled through his company Insgroup in Irvine, California.

    Koopman was addicted to cocaine and would talk freely when high. He told us that he was related to Arthur Krock, the publisher of the New York Times. He said that he had blown the whistle on U. S. Army Intelligence domestic spying to the New York Times. Koopman said that he had worked on the "kook desk" for the Defense Intelligence Agency and that they were very interested in the kind of new physics we were working on. They were especially interested in machines that could tell the future and in new kinds of aircraft propulsion systems. Koopman liked to show how he could open locked doors with his burglar tools that he always carried in his brief case. He showed me a letter from the military giving him permission to have the tools.

    Koopman was very interested in Werner Erhard's tax structure. I took Koopman to meet Werner. Werner was in a room with a large blackboard. On the board were several references to "UFOs" and "extra-terrestrial contacts." Werner did not seem to trust Koopman.

    I found out through one of my girlfriends [50] that Koopman succeeded in spying on the Arica organization. Koopman, Sirag and I had heard weird stories from Jan Brewer at Esalen that Arica was started in Chile by high ranking fugitives from the Third Reich who were masters of the occult. Many of the regulars at Esalen, including some of our group like Dr. John Lilly and Claudio Naranjo had been in the first Arica training in Chile. Timothy Leary was released from prison. Leary became part of my group at Esalen. Leary was a close friend of Michael Murphy. George Koopman arranged for Leary and me to lecture together at the Arthur Young's Institute in Berkeley. Koopman spent a lot of money hiring a professional T.V. crew to record us. Robert Anton Wilson, Nick Herbert and Saul Paul Sirag participated in this event. Koopman became Leary's business manager and publisher. Leary's message was SMI2LE (Space Migration Intelligence Increase Life Extension) which is also the message of this book.

    It is curious that the quote from I. J. Good is about such anintelligence. Good worked with Alan Turing during W.W.II on MKULTRA, which broke the Nazi war codes with the Enigma machine. A curious exchange happened between Good and myself. I wrote another paper for Psychoenergetic Systems. Good sent me a copy of his paper on super-intelligence. The two papers were remarkably similar. So similar that Good suspected me of plagiarism --though he did not go so far as to accuse me. In fact, I had not seen Good's paper until he sent me a copy of it. I take this as evidence for a close encounter with super-intelligence lending some credibility to my 1952 phone call from the computer.
    Andrija Puharich M.D. worked for Army Intelligence in the early fifties an wrote one of the first studies on psychedelic drugs. Puharich was Geller's case officer in America with money provided by Sir John Whitmore. Ira Einhorn worked closely with Andrija Puharich as well as with Esalen's Michael Murphy and George Leonard

    Einhorn's biography is _The Unicorn's Secret_ by Steve Levy. Einhorn is still at large as a fugitive from justice. He may be innocent of the murder of Holly Maddux. Opening up KGB files might tell the truth.

    Vallee gives us a very important clue about the occult-Nazi connection to UFOs and Jenny and The Nine at Esalen on pp. 192 &193 of _Messengers of Deception_: "...contactee George Adamski had prewar connections with American fascist leader William Dudley Pelly, who died in 1965, was the leader of the Silver Shirts ... Dr. Laughhead, who ... launched Dr. Andrija Puharich on the tracks of the mythic SPECTRA, is also thought to have associated with this group." SPECTRA reappears as Jenny O Conner and THE NINE brought to Esalen by Werner Erhard and Puharich's patron Sir John Whitmore.

    A partial list of participants in the Esalen Physics-Consciousness Seminars while I was director includes: Werner Erhard, Timothy Leary, Ira Einhorn, Jacques Vallee, Fritjof Capra, Gary Zukav, Fred Wolf, Bob Toben, Jean Lanier, Michael Murphy, George Leonard, the late Richard Price, Dr. John Lilly, Dr. Stan Grof, Dr.Joan Halifax-Grof, Bob Toben, Saul Paul Sirag, Nick Herbert, David Finkelstein, Russell Targ, Henry Dakin, Robert Anton Wilson, Karl Pribram, Brian Josephson, David Finkelstein, Barbara Honegger, Jagdish Mann.

    The full text here....

    Notice he says "partial" list.......Remember the name......Jim Deardoff..the one who primarily promotes Billy's work? Remember there are two others....Wendall Stevens and Michael Horn.

    JIm AVAIRY.....
    Co authoring a book with Hal Puthoff.......Jim Deardoff. Look at Hal Puthoff...

    Hal Puthoff......

    codename: Owl

    Author of: CIA-Initiated
    Notice the dates and the fact....look at the list on this page....when was the TJ discovered???

    Just about everybody jack Sarfatti writes about in one way or another...

    All in the field of consciousness, mind control and/or MKULTRA.

    Hal Puthoff joined SRI in 1971 as a specialist in laser physics.

    circa 1972 Hubbard was hired by Willis Harman, then director of
    the Educational Policy Research Center at SRI to be a special
    investigative agent, earning $100 a day. Officially he was a
    security guard, although his actual duties included spying on
    the drug culture, which Hubbard, a political conservative,
    disdained. He stayed at SRI until the late 1970’s. (Lee and Schlain, pg 198-9)

    According to Jack Sarfatti, a "very, very sophisticated and
    successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the
    Brendan O Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the
    Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief
    for all mind-control research
    in the Bay Area in the 70’s."

    Bolivia - After half a decade of CIA-inspired political turmoil,
    a CIA-backed military coup overthrows the leftist
    President Juan
    . In the next two years, dictator Hugo Banzer will have
    over 2,000 political opponents arrested without trial, then
    tortured, raped and executed.

    Haiti - "Papa Doc" Duvalier dies, leaving his 19-year old son
    "Baby Doc" Duvalier the dictator of Haiti. His son continues his
    bloody reign with full knowledge of the CIA.

    Dr. Claude Poher:


    "Taking into account the facts that we have
    gathered from the observers and from the location of their
    observations, we concluded that there generally can be said to
    be a material phenomenon behind the observations. In 60% of the
    cases reported here, the description of this phenomenon is
    apparently one of a flying machine whose origin, modes of
    lifting and/or propulsion are totally outside our knowledge. "

    From a report on
    UFOs for French officials.

    "The phenomenon seems to be real... The general coherence of
    sighting reports worldwide should not leave researchers
    indifferent. One does not conceive objective arguments to
    justify an attitude that would avoid at all cost these
    observations... The risk is, at worst, to confirm the existence
    of unknown vehicles appearing erratically into our atmosphere -
    a hypothesis that seems to explain nearly all reported aspects
    of the phenomenon and could be linked to the current (1970)
    exobiology branch of space research."

    "Given the volume of the objects described in the
    observations... I can affirm that our futuristic space
    generators are far from being able to produce the amount of
    energy seen by the UFO witnesses. The light power seen is
    probably the tip of the iceberg, because no thermodynamic system
    can produce energy without dissipating a part of it. The
    megawatts of observed light are most likely the energy ’leak’
    from the energy conversion system used by the flying object,
    which means that the useful energy produced is much greater than
    what is seen."

    1971 Statistical Study prepared for the
    CNES and
    French officials.


    Burglars broke into the FBI Field Office at Media, Pennsylvania
    and escaped with a thousand documents. This exposed the FBI’s
    massive surveillance of blacks, students, radicals, and various
    other groups. The word "Cointelpro" entered society.

    SRI is Stanford Research institute. And Jack Now works with the DOD and SARA and Jack Sarfatti if you doubt it.

    Now for just one moment think about this. Why would Billy be getting attention of Deardoff and the likes of this group? Who also btw work with high technology mind control.

    Remembering Colleen Thomas ....she was FULL of religious context in the ET sort! She was on what I called the "Michael Program" and I did a pretty long post about it on my thread. I was shocked at the relevance. But she was a different sort. She was a Monarch victim also but a bit different.... I believe I posted about her on the 'full of crap" files..... you have Billy a reported contactee....getting attention from these guys. Who also program minds in a religious sense. Now...I'm not a follower of Billy as you would report or every I'm fairly well convinced he was compromised as a contactee. He has claimed his pictures have been stolen and replaced with fakes. Wendall Stevens did a report that was pretty convincing ...especially the electronic portion of the recordings in the films....In this video is the wife who later left him and exposed him as a fake. Here in this portion of the Contact Video of Wendall Stevens she seems to be a willing participant up to and until she divorced him....after meeting him at the same time the TJ was found.....does anybody but me find that interesting?

    sound analysis.... (go to number 5:07 for the analysis.)....

    and more here...

    Nobody in this forum believes the "teaching of this TJ".....nobody here is and enemy of humanity. But painting this whole story and writing it off as a cult and simply washing it away is in fact what the AVIARY boys would wish I'm sure. No body here supports the TJ...but to just walk away due to some photos that Billy himself reports he did not take and ignore the evidence reported by Wendall Stevens is in my estimation a mistake. I'm aware also of the debunking of metal specimens....but some of this information just cannot be ignored and washed away as "nothing" by simply pointing the finger at one aspect and not the whole picture.

    Last edited by Brook on Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:58 pm

    Now one more thing...I could go on further with Jim Deardorff..But you'll see the religious content of the book of "Matthew" and if you can connect it as's VERY relevant to the Michael program I discovered. It's the connection to subliminal control through the UFO field and religion is significant....straight to the Merovingians....and right to the lap of Sarfatti who believe himself to be the incarnation of yet another religious figure.....sent messages from the "GOD PHONE" in the FUTURE>>>I kid you not. A cult you say? Go to the source and see where it comes from. The people that were in the field and party to Billy are significant. This is also by no means simply an 'American" theme either.....

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  burgundia Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:58 pm

    When talking about destroying other countries....completely different countries are being destroyed right now...just listen to this guy
    sth really bad is happening...
    (I can't embed the link unfortunately)


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  lilac Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:38 pm

    yes, thanks for this thread Floyd. The UFO topic is like discovering the earth is not flat. Vast amounts of information and understanding await us. This thread is a great primer of discernment. Loved the Yoko Ono comment.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:32 pm

    Wow! Brook and Lionhawk! You rock! I'm sincerely trying to digest all of your threads and posts. There is so much information, and I frankly haven't been prepared to really absorb everything, but I think I have enough of a foundation in my own thread(s), that I can properly deal with a lot of what you have posted. I have frankly ended up in England, and I do see a superhighway between Egypt, Rome, and England -- with Other Than Human Beings in the Shadows. I'm trying to see the good, the bad, and the ugly in all of this. I wonder if the situation in England will have to be transformed by retaining the best aspects, eliminating the worst parts, and creating something new and magnificent. I'm utopian and idealistic, but I'm not racist -- not in this incarnation anyway. It's very strange. I'm sort of trying to identify with both the Hidden Powers That Be -- as well as with the Hard-Driving Enemies of the NWO and the PTB. This makes me sort of lethargic and non-committal. It's not that I don't care, or that I don't appreciate the work of others. I'm just trying to gradually form a Solar System View which is as much my own, as it is the wisdom or viewpoints of others. I'm sorry if I have been somewhat aloof and distant.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:33 am

    Lionhawk wrote:

    As I said, if England's arrogance dictated that she would push against our disconnect from her, I would finish what the Nazis had failed to do. Make no mistake about it. I sympathize with the country's common folk, but the matriarchy is something I would eagerly wipe out because they are evil. I just hope England's people get off their knees in time and take care of it.

    You may want to focus on the hopeless mess that is your own country first. The arrogance of American foreign policy is one of the biggest problems the world faces at this moment in time.
    The rest of the stuff about Bringing down the English would be better served on your own thread about that particular subject where you can spend all day talking about it as you wish. Yes Cecil Rhodes was a bit of a one rather wasnt he. I am certainly no fan of Imperialism whether it be of the American, Russian or British variety.

    Likewise I sympathise with the American folk who had to endure that first class idiot George Bush but I would not like to see the people suffer for him and his cronies.

    This thread is concerned with the links between UFO contactees, anti semitism and fascism and the I AM Activity. That is what I intend to focus on and what I will continue to do. If alien visitors from across the stars are telling our contactactees that it is by racism and fascism we should run our governments then that is very worrying for the human populace. It is why therefore these people and their doctrines are truly the enemies of humanity. We should make no apologies or excuses for that. Who on gods earth would wish to see an entire people walled of in cities. Its plainly disgusting.

    I can do without fabricated religions and alien species in my life telling me that racism is the way forward. Its totally unnecessary and about as useful to the cause as of the human race as a one legged man in arse kicking competition

    Hatred harboured for any race of people or nation shows a profound lack of spiritual development.

    The history of UFOism in the states from the 30's onwards is inextricably linked to fascism antisemitism and fraudulent pseudo religious groups with a pro American right wing agenda.
    There is no such modern phenomena in England. The closest we get to it is George Kings Aetherius Society but there seems to be little reference to fascism or antisemitism in that movement. Most people just thought he was crackers. In fact whilst researching at university I went to visit them on the Fulham Road and the shifty looking dutch lady running the office asked me if I was spy lol.

    I think the content of the Talmud speaks for itself regardless of who promotes it. It is a horrid little thing. I would also say the biggest promoter of Billy Meier is Billy Meier. The Talmud was 'given' to Meier and edited by him. If he had any spiritual integrity he would not have given it out to the world given its lurid contents. However it was a scripture he needed to edify his status as a messiah and all good new religious leaders need a scripture to warrant their claims. Many leaders of new religious have this as a characteristic. A rock for their new found religious celebrity. Who can turn down a scripture written by the real Judas Iscariot now. Yep, the Big JI himself.

    Another resource I use is intuition. It tells me simply and plainly that this stuff is a lie. I have to admit I find his spaceship footage side splittingly funny. Its just a big no no from me all round. No doubt your intuition will tell you differently. Its your life.

    The evidence recreating his little spaceships is cogent as are the refutations of his space metal and his prophecies.

    Funnily enough, speaking of American presidents..the fascist contactee Pelley actually ran for the president of the United States in 1936. The Americans could have had their first Sirian contactee implementing a programme of racial hatred and total fascism. The good news is nobody took him seriously. Apart from a few good upstanding nazis of course and a few members of the I AM group.

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:08 am; edited 5 times in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:35 am

    lilac wrote:yes, thanks for this thread Floyd. The UFO topic is like discovering the earth is not flat. Vast amounts of information and understanding await us. This thread is a great primer of discernment. Loved the Yoko Ono comment.

    No problema.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:12 am

    ..the fascist contactee Pelley actually ran for the president of the United States in 1936.

    Possibly you did not see the connection floyd so I'll repost this portion ....

    Vallee gives us a very important clue about the occult-Nazi connection to UFOs and Jenny and The Nine at Esalen on pp. 192 &193 of _Messengers of Deception_: "...contactee George Adamski had prewar connections with American fascist leader William Dudley Pelly, who died in 1965, was the leader of the Silver Shirts ...
    Dr. Laughhead, who ... launched Dr. Andrija Puharich on the tracks of
    the mythic SPECTRA, is also thought to have associated with this group."
    SPECTRA reappears as Jenny O Conner and THE NINE brought to Esalen by Werner Erhard and Puharich's patron Sir John Whitmore.

    Keep in mind...Jenny and the Nine was INSTALLED at Esalen Institute....

    Saul Paul asks Jenny "Have you ever interacted with Jacques
    Vallee?" Jenny says, "We were supposed to. We met Hal Puthoff..I
    met your friend." Dakin's transcript reads "discussion of Jack
    Sarfatti, and Jenny's meeting with him." The Nine then intervene
    speaking through Jenny "Main facilities Houston, Texas."
    [transcript incomplete here] Someone asks, "Any other
    facilities?" The Nine respond: "A total of 85." Roger Macdonald
    asks, "Any other extremely large, not as large as the facilities
    in Houston?" Michael Murphy's partner, Jim Hickman says, "There
    is NASA, but NASA isn't supposed to be with the military." The
    Nine says, "Wilmington ... Byrom, Little Hampshire [piece of
    transcript missing], The Mars Project, 1944, 1945, 1948." Roger
    Macdonald asks, "What Agency or department of the United States
    is the Mars Project?" The Nine, "NSS." Saul Paul says, "It could
    be some Navy thing." The Nine, "You called it National Security
    Service. They called it just the SS." Saul Paul says, "Secret
    Service?" Jim Hickman says, "I can believe that." Hickman asks,
    "You talked about Project Henry ..." The Nine, "All CIA
    involved." Hickman, "All?" The Nine, "Yes." Later on in
    transcript Hickman says, "... Solvitschg'otsk, which is north
    east of Moscow, where a great deal of secret military research
    is being done. The Nine, "This facility is highly armed and
    Soviet's most important work goes on there. Room B12." Jenny,
    like Barbarella, takes over her own mind and says, "Can I ask
    you about ... and hooking up with the brainwave machine?"

    Last edited by Brook on Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:31 am

    I may as well add....TRIGGER "words" are an ancient art form used back in Ancient Egypt. Coaxing the mind as it were...... Who visited Billy? Was it PTAAH????
    it goes back to the use of "spells" and ancient teachings.....Mystery schools of thought....

    Well perhaps you have not read my thread as the first post in my thread speaks of PTAH as a TRIGGER WORD. And this all happened before I had ever known a thing about Billy Meier.

    I don't like this guy Ptah one bit! An ancient GOD my rear end!

    A Brief History of Control

    The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning "hidden knowledge.

    One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages.

    During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism survived this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various esoteric groups.

    In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning "Enlightened Ones." This was an amalgamation of powerful occultist bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for a "New World Order."

    The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.

    Last edited by Brook on Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:47 am

    Yes Brook thanks I was aware of the pelley adamski connection and Vallees book

    On with the show....

    Some of this was placed in earlier posts but I want to go over it again

    George Hunt Williamson ( real name Michael d'Obrenovic) worked as an editor on Fascist contactee Pelleys Valor magazine, one of the latters numerous publications promoting his heady mixture of spiritual eugenics, antisemitism, facism, alienism and various other facets of 1930s American New Age Life.

    Williamson was to join George Adamskis contactee/quasi theosophical religious cult, The Royal Order of Tibet. Adamski had also had ties with Pelley before the war.
    You can read segments of Adamskis book, Wisdom of the Masters of the east that was related to his esoteric group online here . He calls himself a professor but he was no such thing. The Royal Order of Tibet was formed way back in the 1920s before his nordic aliens appeared.

    Williamson posited that on the planet there are two types of alien, wanderers and intruders, the former who are here to 'purify' the planet (no doubt aryan looking nordics) and intruders. The intruders who hailed from Orion were parasitic and materialistic and deceitful and were soon to be eradicated.

    Author ken Thomas alleges that this theory was copied (or rather Williamsons Other tongues other flesh was plagiarized by by founder of CUT Mark Prophet, a descendent of the fraudulent I AM movement began by Ballard, that had members from Williamsons mentor Pelleys creation, the fascist silver shirts), exchanging the term intruder for non man who he calls the counterfeit race seeking positions of authority and financial power. It is clear who both Williamson and Prophet are referring to when they talk of Intruders and non men.

    The Covert Action Information journal was linking Church Universal and Triumpant to the KKK and the CIA back in the 1980s. Researchers have also claimed that CUT was linked with neo fascist neo nazi and antisemitic groups.

    Thomas continues to point out that at that time, the head of CUTS theology dept Gene Vosseler was a close associate of a David Balsinger a pro apartheid activist and spokesman for the right wing American group the High Frontier- a pro star wars weapons system lobby group.

    Ex members recall rituals involving a nazi right arm salute to an aryan looking St Germain.

    What we are dealing with is a trend of pro american right wing antisemitic fascism embedded deep into the philosophy and rituals of Americas New Religions from the 1930s including UFOism and The I AM activity plus all its offshoots.

    There are several reasons for this.

    I1t was part of a government mind control programme to sublimely indoctrinate the susceptible recruits to Ballards new religion and claims of Aliens and UFos into a crypto fascist right wing consciousness.
    As both Edna Ballard and Pelley were both investigated and arrested, the latter by Hoover, this is unlikely

    2 There really are Nordic blonde Aliens who have earth like symptoms of separatist and elitist politics along side a doctrine of genetic superiority. Perhaps but I doubt it.

    3. They are all just full of crap, Vicious of mind and sadly deluded and belong in the full of crap files thread.

    One researcher suggests Adamski was a government disinformation agent helping claims of UFOs and Aliens look incredible and totally ridiculous. Like the others he formed a religious cult around himself.

    In an office memorandum between J.Edgar Hoover and SAO, San Diego, (Dated 23rd March 1953) it states that Adamski released a statement that said “his material had been cleared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Air Force Intelligence”. Later in the memorandum it tells how Adamski was visited by the FBI and OSI, who made him write a letter to the local press saying “I have not and do not intend to make statements to effect that the US Air force and FBI have approved material used in my speeches.” Had Adamski been “leaned on” or told to take a new course of action?

    In a later memorandum dated 12/10/53, Hoover is told by SAC, Los Angeles that Adamski produced a document having a blue seal in the lower left corner, at the top of which three names of Government agents appeared. The names were erased in the de-classified document.

    At this point the FBI began a formal investigation, and came to the conclusion that Adamski was a crackpot. Hoover also wrote to the Air force if they had sanctioned Adamski, they also replied “No.” But where did he obtain the names of three government agents from? If they were made up, surely they wouldn’t be censored?

    Adamski is also quoted in saying “If it wasn’t for Hoover, I wouldn’t be in this (UFO) business..”

    Whatever the case, its mean, its big, its bad and it stinks.

    Beam me up scotty



    Popular Paranoia: A Steamshovel Press Anthology By Kenn Thomas

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:51 am

    Commander P'Taah is of the Plejaren Fleet. His name sounds like the Ptah of Egypt. (Ask Billy. LOL)

    Whatever on the rest of it Floyd. Assume as you wish.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:56 am

    I'll be certain to wish Mr P'Taah of the Plejaren Fleet a happy new year when I see him.

    Along with Midshipman Zarg of the lesser Orion alliance.

    Happy 2012.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Lionhawk Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:41 pm

    Just for you Floyd. I just found this and when I was listening to this, your name came up. So I want to share it with you. Maybe from a different point of view, from someone you don't know, you might see what I keep barking about in regards to beliefs and the second hand.

    And a Happy New Year to you as well and I say that sincerely.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:21 am

    Thanks all the same but I cant take anyone seriously who comes out with statements like

    "I would finish off the work the Nazis failed to do"

    I find that to be a very obnoxious and offensive statement. Im sure others would think the same.
    Dear oh dear. Im glad for your sake im not Jewish or I would have a lot more to say to you on that and it wouldnt be pretty.
    Clearly you have no clue how millions in Europe suffered at the hands of those bastards. And you would continue their work you say.

    Mr Pelley and his fellow contacttee fascists were no doubt delighted with the Nazis.

    You call it barking second hand etc. I think that is not the case.

    I Would love to read your link but im just reading my favourite bit of the Talmud of Whatever edited and given to the world by Billy Meiers...Him..nobody else.

    You know the bit where its ok for lesbians to have a ding dong but not gay men. Looking forward to the enforced sterilisation and castration before we get to the annihilation of the Jewish race.

    Having said that I hope you have you have a happy new year

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    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 2 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Brook Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:41 am

    What a way to start of the New Year eh? For the love of GOD!

    Perhaps you should KNOW my last name eh? Or perhaps you should know why I got so upset in tears and anger when I wrote this originally back at Avalon...then transformed it into my profile for my blog. My last name is GERMAN JEWISH! Do you honestly think I would be living with a racist? Seriously Floyd. What do YOU know about being a Jew? Or living in a town where the KKK has a major headquarters....fearing for you son in school....are you a you have any idea what it's like?

    Do you think we'll ever collect that grand prize? New opportunities to change eh?

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:53 am