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    Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....


    Posts : 163
    Join date : 2010-04-29

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Linda Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:57 pm

    Clif once said there would be some reputations ruined and it could even be his.

    Well, it just happened and he did it to himself.

    On he made a huge mistake and thought he would never get caught. Personally, I never trusted him due to his huge ego, outrageous claims and foul mouth.

    And of course all his lies about doing the 'last' report, his 'last' interview or that his report was hacked and was 'somehow' made public.

    Also the recent FAILED Nov 'tipping point' event that would be bigger than 9/11, blah, blah, blah.

    Many of you already know my beef with Mel Fabregas on Veritas when he banned some of us for GETTING TOO CLOSE TO THE TRUTH.
    In my case, I outed many of his so-called 'whistleblowers' or guests because I did my RESEARCH and stated FACTS.
    Of course he claims I was a 'troublemaker' and 'caused' problems.......typical of these types.

    Anyway, when I heard that Mel was interviewing Clif for 3 hours and for FREE......I knew something was up and that the BOTH of them were 'selected' to be on the same train of fake reporting.
    It was to deceive the masses....AGAIN.

    Clif admitted to posting at GLP and one member did a little research. Guess what?

    Clif had been posting BOGUS, fear mongering, and self promoting posts since 2005!

    The PROOF is all there and make sure you read all the things Clif the deceiver has written in the 3rd person.


    Meet baldrishi. You know him as Clif High.

    I didn't write all of this.
    Clif High did. Maybe his wife in a couple of these.

    Clif admitted on his site that he posted on GLP.
    [link to]

    From the official web bot forum, he posted on this thread on GLP.
    [link to]
    That gives his user ID as 581357, and when I searched that ID, I hit jackpot.

    Anyone can search this on their own with the above links and come up with what I did. Clif posts here as baldrishi. One or two times his wife posts under the same ID.

    The thing that made me post was the thread he started here.
    [link to]
    He talks about himself in the third person and gets XXXX started about his site being down. Yeah.

    Search BOTH threads started by AND replies by user 581357.
    I don't believe Clif is as ethical as I gave him credit for.

    Prime example:
    " is gone. removed by ptb. no word from clif or george ure on what has happened. nothing but big black hole..."

    Same user ID as Clif's admitted post on GLP. That's some pretty shameless self Xxxxxxxx promotion there.

    This itself doesn't mean that Clif's work is bunk. It does however, put his ethics in question, in my opinion.

    Go look and judge for yourself.

    Since I am banned at godlike (no surprise there) I cannot reply to this post below to tell the OP that I totally agree with her about Clif and Mel and to come here to read my thread about my experience at Mel's forum here.

    We have to ask ourselves why SOME people are always promoted, give interviews all over the place and ASK for MONEY.

    Of course we will have all his 'followers' trying to defend him as they refuse to SEE THE FACTS.....any wonder why we are in such a mess?'

    If I could post over there, I would give this poster a thumbs up>
    Cliff is nothing more than a shill for the NWO decieving us with TPTB's very own disinformation campaign as if he is of us.
    What a owned punk.

    11/17/2010 11:41 AM

    Re: Meet baldrishi. You know him as Clif High. Quote
    It's been painfully obvious for a while now that Clif is cribbing a large portion of his material straight off of GLP.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1167045


    Also, I was very disappointed in both he and Mel on the recent Veritas interview, where they discussed Obama's $200 million a day trip to India, which was completely untrue. To the best of my knowledge, neither one has since acknowledged that they - along with a whole lot of other people - were fooled.

    You don't get to just go along and pretend nothing happened. You own up to your mistakes.

    I really had high regard for the character of both Mel and Clif, and this saddens me.


    I heard he was going to do an interview with that "wild colleen" hybrid that is promoting herself everywhere as a sexual alien goddess who sells nude pics of herself.........that should tell you something more about Clif and his motives.

    And let's not forget that Cilf has been a guest at voice chat at GLP........we already know who 'runs' GLP....

    here are some of Clif's bogus threads at GLP someone found.........can't wait to hear his 'take' on this thread ...should be interesting.....

    Advanced Search - User Handle "baldrishi"

    the future history of mccain's death camps
    baldrishi 1:59 PM 10/04/10

    baldrishi 12:03 PM 07/03/10

    let us not forget that the bible is a ripoff of the sumerian myths and christ did not exist
    baldrishi (2 votes) 05/15/10

    Not all Satanists are Masons, but all Masons are
    baldrishi 10:05 AM 05/13/10

    deagle sucks and spits
    baldrishi (2 votes) 04/30/10

    Synthetic freemasons and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot
    baldrishi 10:41 AM 04/28/10

    Dan Burish posing as a black man
    baldrishi 12:25 PM 11/12/10

    time travel not possible. Project came-lot gulibility
    baldrishi (1 votes) 01/21/10

    web bot clif dis'es PC and David wilcock and deagle
    baldrishi (5 votes) 01/13/10

    Bombshell: clif at web bot calls out bill ryan at projekt camelot
    baldrishi (4 votes) 12/14/09

    igor web bots says clif will memeering on rense tomorrow
    baldrishi (1 votes) 12/09/09

    Web Bot - Alternative Hypothesis 2012 doc released
    baldrishi 11:02 AM 11/27/09

    OhOH! Does not look good....Bot dudes, 11-3-2009
    Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    baldrishi (11 votes) 10/21/09

    dan burisch is a freakin moron
    baldrishi 2:55 PM 09/06/09

    Doom for Dan Burish at Zurich conference.
    baldrishi 9:48 PM 07/11/09

    baldrishi 5:57 PM 07/11/09

    Dan Burish Comedy Video at ProjeKt Kamelot
    baldrishi 12:13 PM 07/11/09

    web bot guys - wealth creation and the new salish
    baldrishi 4:06 PM 06/21/09

    Part 6 of the last web bot run (ALTA 1309).
    (1 votes) 05/25/09

    Holy XXXX! Disappearances! Web Bots scary right again!
    (2 votes) 05/14/09

    web bots vs earthfiles - new crop cirlce points to 2012
    baldrishi (2 votes) 05/10/09

    crop circle swirlies on youtube
    baldrishi (1 votes) 04/07/09

    Swirly Thing Alert - Hidden Crop Circle Images affect body/mind
    baldrishi (2 votes) 04/03/09

    Hidden ET coms and how to decode - from web bot guy!
    baldrishi 4:36 PM 07/08/09

    Depression officially starts with the hanging bankers
    baldrishi 10:07 AM 02/10/09

    Web bots correct, just late - twin quakes affect 95000
    baldrishi 1:12 PM 12/28/08

    web bot original 9/11 prediction (july 2001)
    baldrishi (1 votes) 12/10/08

    clif og web bots on beyondordinary radio
    baldrishi 2:48 PM 12/09/08

    web bot cliff on Rense tonight 9 to 10
    Page 1, 2, 3, 4
    baldrishi (4 votes) 12/01/08

    web bot clif on rebecca journey's show tonight at 6pm pacific time
    baldrishi 6:47 PM 11/15/08

    help from reverse speech guys
    baldrishi 4:30 PM 10/27/08

    Y'all be cowards! Just come out and say it! Obama is a
    baldrishi 6:59 PM 10/22/08

    FED reserve to return National Debt to US citizens.
    baldrishi 10:04 AM 10/22/08

    Doom Teaser: Web Bot special offer for listeners of Rense
    baldrishi (2 votes) 10/20/08

    new doom! Web bots on rense monday 9-10pm pst
    baldrishi (1 votes) 10/19/08

    how to rob 492000 euros from banks
    baldrishi 8:34 PM 10/17/08

    Web bot time monk on paranormal radio tonight
    baldrishi (1 votes) 10/13/08

    ANTHRAX emergency declared by US govt
    baldrishi (1 votes) 10/07/08

    ANTHRAX emergency declared by US govt
    baldrishi 1:34 PM 10/07/08

    ANTHRAX emergency declared by US govt
    Page 1, 2, 3 baldrishi (9 votes) 10/07/08

    HOLY FLUCK! GOT BALLS! Just talked to web bot igor!
    baldrishi 7:11 PM 10/06/08

    Web Bot Time Monks on Rense tonight
    baldrishi 11:30 AM 10/06/08

    Crop circle decoded - actual map of planet
    baldrishi (1 votes) 07/18/08

    2 % of US is christian...christian churches use same math as gov't
    baldrishi (1 votes) 05/14/08

    how to REALLY win an argument with females
    baldrishi (2 votes) 04/20/08

    planet x seen in hollywood baldrishi 0 67
    (1 votes) 04/16/08

    Boycott ALL THINGS from America...they are a CRUEL goverment killing innocent Iraqis, Afganis, Pakistani, Palestinians, Cherokees, Souix, Crow, Salish
    baldrishi (9 votes) 04/08/08

    neighbors gonna walk
    baldrishi 2:40 PM 03/25/08

    in front of people, all gods are equal
    baldrishi 7:11 PM 03/03/08

    igor says
    baldrishi 6:41 PM 03/03/08

    =and others in 2005


    Now this makes me want to go hear Dr. Deagle and the rest that Clif hates so that I know that he was always a liar.

    He claims that there is no God....that says it all to me.

    Posts : 3497
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Walking the Path...

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:20 pm

    Well - I'll be...

    Heh heh


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Location : straight ahead

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  lindabaker Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:45 pm

    I didn't think "clif" was hiding the baldrishi avatar was too easy.

    Posts : 33269
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    Location : Hawaii

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:55 pm


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 163
    Join date : 2010-04-29

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Linda Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:05 pm

    I searched some of his posts.......this is what I found so far........

    User ID: 581357 is gone. removed by ptb

    no word from clif or george ure on what has happened. nothing but big black hole...


    User ID: 581357
    United States
    7/11/2009 12:13 PM

    Dan Burish Comedy Video at ProjeKt Kamelot

    A bunch of us got together this morning to help Igor at Halfpasthuman load his rental truck for the move to Pend Orielle county east of the mountains. He had breakfast ready, lots of pancakes and waffles, and sausages from McKenna's meats (near yelm). We all sat around drinkng Dancing Goats breakfast blend and watching this video that is on the Project camelot site.

    There is a fellow who calls himself Dan Burish. He saved the wordl according to some videos htat he has at Project Camelot. He claims to be a deep insider in the black ops and to be the fellow who sent ET home!

    Anyway this new video from Burish is pure comedy. He has used black and white video to make it look old, and the body language is just hilarious. Too funny for words.

    This guy is a real nutjob, not pretend nuts like Igor at HPH. This Burish guy thinks of himeslef as the savior of the world. And in one video he weeps about sending crhistian missonaries to their deaths in china and Saudi arabia. What a hypocrite. What a lying sack of XXXX.

    And he thinks we are all so stupid as to believe that this is how MJ12 gives out orders.

    anyway, back to work now. Break is over and lots of furniture to move. But hey, those strap lifting things really work. Igor borrowed a set from clif at hph and with those we just walked his book cases out of the house and right into the truck. Easy as pie.
    hahahahahaha...check out the project camelot video on burish. Don't have link will look for it later after we get furniture loaded.

    User ID: 581357
    United States
    5/15/2010 11:37 AM

    let us not forget that the bible is a ripoff of the sumerian myths and christ did not exist

    just saying so we don't lose sight of this when the bible thumpers talk like the bible means XXXX.


    User ID: 312812
    United States
    3/3/2008 7:11 PM

    in front of people, all gods are equal

    could not resist, the other thread's title taken twistd truthed and presto. think about it.

    if human people did not exist, from whom would the 'gods' demand worship, adoration, fear, and obedience? the frogs?

    frogs would say 'croak you, dude'

    so humans are the required ingredient in our collective tian (a kind of french casserole), not the gods.

    in point of fact, if one were to take the personality attributes of the gods as expressed in the bible, jewish, and islamic religions, and extract them to paper, present them to any psychiatrist, the pronouncement would be that the personality described is mentally ill, and requires immediate proffessional counseling.

    croak you, dude.

    only religion that is worth the trouble is too frightening for most humans. it has no god, and demands work from the adherents which spans multiple lifetimes. And it is hidden, bet you did not even know it exists.


    User ID: 581357
    United States
    7/3/2010 12:03 PM


    Is this deagle he is talking about?

    [link to]

    Pissin off the Pindar..

    Well, i have apparently done a bad thing. A number of people have sent along links to some YouTube vdo's in which i am specifically mentioned and threatened.

    The fellow, who shall remain nameless...just due to the glamour of it all (majic and how it works), is really irritated with me. This fellow was a doctor until his colleagues in medicine (read shills for the big pharma industry here) decided that he was killing or maiming his patients too frequently and giving them all a bad name, so they decertified him (look it up...all in the public record). That is, they removed his license to practice medicine (read shill for big pharma here) in their state jurisdiction. Of course, this fellow does not see it that way and claims the situation is different from how his former fellow doctors would word it.

    Of course, this fellow is famous for the numerous other claims that he makes. When he first contacted me, he claimed to have worked in the computer industry. At a top secret facility, with high grade super computers. However, i am a techie with decades+ involved in the computer biz. I am software but got my start in hardware. So i know this XXXX. When i questioned this fellow casually...."oh, what kind of equipment? what OS did you interact with?" he went all flustered, could not answer a single question correctly, and then went into a whole other group of claims of having been a 'deep ops doc' in which he was a doctor to almost every secret project that one would have or could have heard about. As well as being *the* doctor involved with both the Murrow building bombing aftermath, as well as the Colombine school shooting madness. I sensed madness in merely talking with this fellow. I have a reason or two to know madness intimately, and recognize it when it speaks to me.

    Some of his many other claims are about having been selected (by his god) to act on your behalf in dealings with the Intergalactic Council (of planets?...sorry, forgot the actual designation he used). He also claims to be directly related to the biblical character of 'Moses'. First, let us acknowledge that the bible is literature not fact, and that the character of Moses is a title, not a name, and derives from the Tutmosis (Tut-moses) word. Second there is no proof that any of the personages in the christian bible actually existed in the flesh.

    Further, in spite of this fellow's claims (he saw it by some form of mental reverse time travel apparently), there is no proof that any of Moses' relatives worked on the pyramids at Giza. And there are the many other claims, too numerous to detail, in which his religious status is detailed, and in which he places himself above all other humans since he is *the* representative of god on earth today.

    Other of his claims include being 'offered the leader of the planet earth job' by the current head of the Priory of Scion.
    This Priory of Scion is a super secret organization that supposedly actually runs ThePowersThatBe. This fellow, by his own words, was offered the job from the current ruler of the planet, who presumably wants to retire as all that ruling for so many years is really hard work and he just wants to vege out and party for a while. So this fellow claims that the offer was 'rejected' by him as being not the path he wants to take. He prefers to be a prophet for his god, and so claims that he rejected the offer of 'leader of the Priory of Scion job'. Also note that the leader of the Priory of Scion has the title of "Pindar of the Priory".

    This fellow also has many other claims such as having 'classified sources' and constantly, even weekly,
    revealing 'classified information'. Now i dispute this totally. I know people who are in 'classified' positions and
    these men and women take this status really damn seriously and do not say anything to anybody about their work. They know it is against the law and so don't speak of their classified work. Of course there is also the fear of retaliation should they violate their classified status. So it seems unreasonable to me that any such person who really has classified knowledge in any way would risk speaking it, especially to a fellow who is known for claiming that he can't keep a secret and will knowingly speak out any and all classified information that comes his way. But to be fair, perhaps it is just me.
    Maybe there are real people with real classified status that do talk to this fellow. Maybe they know that he will blab, and that is why they speak to him. And maybe his claim to have 'status' with the 'black ops world' is true and that is why the government of the USofA does not have him arrested for releasing classified material. I do note that in the reality in which i inhabit, the government does all it can to curtail the release of any classified information by anyone, so i doubt his claims instantly just because no one has tried to arrest him or shut him down. And in my reality, real heroes like R. Kelly *are* killed when they go public.

    So my reasoning is that this must be yet another claim (read so much bullshit here), and have no substance,
    otherwise...where is the 'suicide' with this fellow's name on it?

    Now let's be blunt... i have pissed this fellow off. Mostly from previous, off handed remarks about his credibility or lack there of in my view. This really pissed him off, so much so, that he is making threats against me (oh, and anyone else who would dare to question his authority) on youtube and on internet radio programs. This is crossing a line. While it is more or less acceptable to be disrespectful, and to denigrate, and label people negatively in the media these days, it is another to make threats on their well being. This action is yet one more sign of mental illness and emotional distress, and not the actions of a grounded human being. It is also contradictory (not that this fellow could recognize this) to the claims made by this individual to be a spirit focused representative of his god. In fact, as i understand it, he claims to be THE representative of his god on this planet at this time. So i find it incongruous that he also is so emotionally uncontrolled and expressly is wishing violence on anyone (me included) who would dare to question his right to issue orders to all humans.

    First let me note that persons making claims to be prophets and directly related to Moses, and taking weekly trips off world to stand before the Galactic Council of Interplanetary Governance (or whatever he calls it), as well as being offered the leadership of the planet by the secret society of the Priory of Scion, are expressing a particular symptom of mental illness that medical people label as 'delusions of grandeur'. Then i need to note that his threats are as empty as his claims, and need not be a source of concern. As my pappy from Missouri would say, 'all XXXX, no bull'....

    Then, to be fair, let me also note that the one claim i can get behind is that he may have indeed been offered the job of Pindar of the Priory of Scion. As a linguist i am fascinated by words, and take the hunt for meaning in words seriously.
    So since he claims to have been offered the position of leader of the Priory of Scion, and noting that the title of the head of that organization is Pindar, and that the word 'pindar' actually means 'penis of the dragon', i can certainly agree that here is a job for which this fellow is well suited. After all, even though he turned it down, he is clearly a Dick Head.

    clif high July 3, 2010

    User ID: 581357
    United States
    12/14/2009 6:09 PM

    Bombshell: clif at web bot calls out bill ryan at projekt camelot

    clif is pissed about what bill ryan at project camelot is saying he did. So clif put out an open letter just like ryan did to rense.

    right on main page.

    [link to]


    User ID: 581357
    United States
    4/30/2010 11:04 AM

    deagle sucks and spits

    it is pretty funny. Just spent evening with Igor from web bot project. Igor and clif had put together a list of words that were new to bill deagle. Words he had not used on radio. then clif salted the mine by using these words in specific interviews. Igor tracked them and it took less than 2 weeks for deagle to start repeating these words. Some of those on the list included tokamak.

    clif has his list broken down by those phonetics that bill deagle favors, and he chose words that fit those patterns so that they could pre-load deagle. It is working. I saw the list and heard deagle on bill ryn's interview site off of camelot. Deagle is really that easy to program. Igor has a list that he and clif put together in late february. Deagle sucked them down like the old plagerizing whore that he is. And he spits them back up.

    and deagle says that the 1.5 mile perhour crustal shift wont produce a tsunami. bullshit.

    oh, well, he is a religious fucktard afterall, and a for personal profit fellow.

    User ID: 581357
    United States
    2/12/2010 12:25 PM

    Dan Burish posing as a black man

    I spoke with clif at the web bot this morning. He did a quick sked on the Dan Burish attack on project camelot. He said that his read was that there were no black guys name steven and franklin, and that the attacks on PC look to be authored by Marcia who is stupid about disguising her writing style.

    I sent email to Dan asking him to post the pictures and any other info about his supposed senior members of his org who are black. Like clif i do not believe it.

    Also i asked dan to show a picture of himself AND his supposed body-double in the same picture, with their arms around each other and each holding one edge of a daily newspaper.

    I got a hugely nasty gram back from fucktard i guess i know that i wont be seeing no picutres of black senior members on his site...arogant fucktard that he is..

    Posts : 163
    Join date : 2010-04-29

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Linda Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:13 pm

    here is one that is pretty can see it is him by his language....he is something else.....

    the poster who found this, said: This is the most disturbing one to me:[link to]

    "Re: What happend to Cliff High?


    i live in tenino washington state. About 20 miles from clif. I was in AF avionic and net tech service group with Igor, who is clif's assistant in the web bots. Igor runs the servers. Igor recently moved over to eastern washington in the far north where he is less than 20 minutes from some huge caves that are at 7288 feet. He did so because of the data. I talked with igor a few days ago. He comes back one week every 7 for his other job. He and i had a few beers down at the Spar and he says that the XXXX is really coming, and that he has seen the photos that were sent to clif from antarctica.

    These photos show huge pyramids bigger than anything in egypt and they have sea mud frozen to 2 of their sides. There are also frozen bones and stuff in the mud. The picutres show bones and skulls and stuff sticking out of the mud as they washed it off part of the pyramid near the door way. it really freaked igor out and now he is getting ready for 2012.

    igor says that clif will produce one more report but probably will do no nore radio or interviews. Clif is working hard on his small boat that is 26 feet.

    But the big deal is that some people with money have come to clif to pay him to supervise building some boats. clif has been a shipwright and boat builder. His first jobs were boat building on east coast then up here. He has built 9 boats that i know of and he has 3 that he keeps around. A kyack and an umiack and now this survival pod. I have seen the new boat which he calls 'half past one' . It is being wrapped with kevlar in the boat resin and is able to be sealed air tight. Really cool survival pod.

    igor says no more interviews since clif thinks time is short and he does not like repeating him self for stupid people that don't listen the first time.
    clif and igor think that the data shows really really really rough XXXX next year. They are doing things to get ready for the first half of 2010. I have nver seen igor do so much work Even Igor's wife is now working on preps.

    Igor also thinks that the dot mils are watching him and clif really hard. He is paranoid anyway, but when we went to dinner at the Spar we were followed by a black ford suv both down there and then back to the hotel where i dropped igor off. The suv stayed there in down town oly and did not follow me home. But id was there waiting for us at the train station out toward yelm. They knew he was coming and were waiting to tail him.

    so no more clif on radio.

    the fucktards that think clif is making money on this are full of XXXX.

    He is broke all the time since he gives away all his money and has for years. He even gave me money last year when i was laid off for half a year. He supports a bunch of his relatives who are out of work and have no chance of new jobs and no more unemployment.

    Clif lives in a litte tiny house where he takes care of his wife and their 2 big dogs and all kinds of criters that live on his small land.

    He works really hard on the reports. I have been trown off his place when i made the mistake of interrupting him and igor once when the data was running.

    clif walks his talk like nobody i ever met before. Any body that says different needs to talk with anybody in oly who knows him."

    Posts : 127
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Pacific Northwest Canada

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  tacodog Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:57 pm

    I reallly would like to hear from the horses mouth if they are one in the same.....some say wife was posting...etc. GLP is a huge disinfo machine, one good thread and they get squashed with trash treads. I have also seen same ac accounts with different posters, don't know how that is possible, but it seems to happen a lot at GLP. Please keep that in mind.

    Posts : 163
    Join date : 2010-04-29

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Linda Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:27 pm

    tacodog wrote:I reallly would like to hear from the horses mouth if they are one in the same.....

    Yes, so would I.
    I thought we were going to hear from him this week......Some guy who runs 4 websites, 3 forums and makes videos for 2 YouTube channels said he was interviewing Clif and that Colleen (Wild) Thomas at the same time!

    Seems Clif agreed to the time and now he is claiming that the 'weather' is preventing it..... LOL

    Here's the link about the interview.

    Clif High AND Colleen Thomas to be interviewed by in5dTV AT THE SAME TIME! Post your questions HERE Quote

    This is gonna be one for the records. Clif and Colleen both agreed to be interviewed by me on Skype this upcoming week.

    ==OP says:

    I know colleen very well and brought her here to GLP a while ago where she posted on a thread I told her about.

    I've also had several email correspondences with clif, but don't know him personally.

    11/16/2010 1:47 PM

    Re: Clif High AND Colleen Thomas to be interviewed by in5dTV AT THE SAME TIME! Post your questions HERE


    we gotta reschedule the interview for tomorrow... I'll update this thread when the date and time is set...hang in there!

    interview has to be rescheduled. as of this point spotty connections to internet at best. major storm here, power out to region. only occassionally have internet access. Minor earthquake just happened (2.9) which exacerbrated problems. i have power due to solar system, and battery bank and genset, but broadband supplier keeps getting knocked off line.

    so i am unable to maintain a skyp connection at this time. advisory for internet status over next 2 days is available as circumstances allow'.

    we can reschedule probably sometime after friday (when the snows should be on the ground and the cables once again also damaged)

    winds picking up need to sendnow

    I agree with the below OP and seems they were right!

    In a way, I'm glad he is doing it...

    because it will PROVE what I HAVE BEEN SAYING all along to my friends ABOUT HIS ROLE.

    Clif is/was one of the NWO deceivers and FEEDS US nothing but a LOAD OF CRAP.

    Hooking up or promoting this wacko sex/hybrid will do him in.....good, another one outed for the world to see.

    Perhaps Clif needs more time before he is 'questioned' in public about 'things' that may be uncomfortable?....

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  tacodog Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:17 pm

    I believe Cliff is in Washington State, Seattle maybe? Not sure. But yes, we are getting high winds, snowstorms! I am further up the Northwest coast, but the lower mainland, British Columbia & Washington have it worse than we do. I am right on the coast and receiving high winds (very cold), a few miles inland, and there is snowstorms and high winds. So, he is telling the truth about the weather.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  MargueriteBee Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:41 pm

    I live near Yelm and yes it has been nasty all day.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Linda Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:10 pm

    Oh, did you also have problems with the power going out today?
    anomalous cowherd
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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  anomalous cowherd Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:44 am

    oh chuckle chuckle, and some chuckle all the way to the bank... whatever the truth is, it is NOT cool to post about yourself as if it were not YOU, which is very evident he OR his wife did.

    I mean " Oh NOOOO, I heard Anomalous Cowherd had her ant farm destroyed and all links to the outside world have been down! What the heck?? Someone is trying to destroy all her sensitive work"...
    Now, even IF my Partner had posted that, it's bogus as hell, you would just say who you were if credibility and integrity were in any way important.

    Not a fan of Mel Flabber, I never like the whiff ( stench) of self importance and wondered why he is so chummy yet witholding when it suits.

    What is TERRIBLY interesting is, I was watching the financial situation like a hawk during that whole time, and the dollar/gold/silver indexes where up and down like a tarts knickers!

    What scares and interests me is how much of an effect these, ahem, reports can generate.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Micjer Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:29 am

    There really is something to be said about whistle blowers. The real ones seem to be "committing suicide", while others continue on.

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:17 am

    Micjer wrote:There really is something to be said about whistle blowers. The real ones seem to be "committing suicide", while others continue on.

    Interesting point...perhaps the morals of these is that we can only trust ourselves and that others, being glorified whatevers Bill Ryan, Kerry Cassidy, Dill Beagle, Clif etc., etc., are "blowing the whistle" for personal reasons and mainly to make money

    Saying that, there are a lot of accurate hints in the webbot reports if one puts aside the "interpretation" made by Clif's monkey mind

    I do believe something big is happening, the grids say so, they have been having a weird pattern since the tipping point...that can only mean two things: not all is hankey dory with CERN antimatter or the dillu (delusional illuminati) are hitting each other kingdoms with scalar weapons. Either way, it isn't good for the planet who responds with weird weather patterns

    To mention one significant irregularity is that while the US is having snow storms Russia is having a heat wave...yes A HEAT that normal...NO...something extreme is happening to the jet stream...consequences unknow to us other than extreme floods, earthquakes, etc

    Look what happened in Cornwall yesterday is plainly NOT NORMAL

    I am not going to get into the economic and trade wars cos is pointless but it is evident that there are three factions appearing on the scene and the consequences are again UNKNOWN...

    Nor I am going to get into the solar and magnetic anomalies cos you need a supper computer to make sense of what is happening

    Me, IMHO prepare if you can for disruption and that is just common sense, no need for webbots to put your hand out of the window and notice is raining

    Now if you think the bots are scary listen to dill beagle and Kerry
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:14 pm

    another thing was the supposed free in its entirety 3 hour interveiw... i go to the archives to listen to part two and guess what you have to pay to listen.. the listen to the latest show tab that was on for the first week of airing kept crashing and you had to re stream it entirely from scratch ... free my XXX.. what bs. as for the tipping point we may be in it now and its not visibly surfaced and woint until feb .

    we dont need webbot to tell us how screwed things are anyhow, pundits and economists like la rouche are saying february is the time of the hyperinfaltionary collapse or thereabouts.. were in it now if your not ready then you never will be.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Carol Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:41 pm

    Crikey. Same thing happened last year with Cliff High where many of us withdrew our money from the banks because there is going to be a bank holiday. Right. Hmm..

    This may happen but one thing I do know is that Cliff's high ability to pick up on what really is going to happen is in the toilet with me. In fact, the predictive abilities of web bot reminds me a lot of the Bible Code which does have predictive events (it even said my husband and I were going to live on a lava fern islet near cattle and waterfalls. The cattle are next door and all this even before we even thought about moving here.)

    Basically what I learned with the Bible Code is that often events are spelled out but one can't really know until after the event when the full picture is filled out.

    Now listening to Dr. Deagle another major disinformation character who blew the whistle insisting LA was going up in a nuke explosion two years ago. Do you think I am ever going to believe him again? Not bloody likely. However, the launch of that missle could have possible been a prezzy from China or not. The only thing we really know is that it happened. Something was launched off-shore and our own people were claiming they didn't know whose it was. Now I find that curious because one would think if it is one of ours someone could easily fess up and say "Opps."

    So what if it was China or a mistake? China is not going to take on the US and the US is not going to take on China for the pure simple reason of ecomonics. The US is buying China and China bought US dollars. But I can see China flexing their muscles just to let the US know not to mess with them.

    What Deagle is saying is the US did this as a psyops. Really now? If this is the case then the US military is brain dead if they think something like this would work because I grew up in California and know how they think. Particularily the populace in Southern California who think everything that every happens is part of a Hollywood movie scene and are busy looking for the hidden cameras. Northern California is a bit more on their toes.

    However, the good Deagle here is only speculating and he's really not very good at this either. I would recommend NO one listen to this interview unless they wish to waste their time as there is nothing of real interest or news. Deagle is saying this was done to make Americans afraid of China. This is just not going to happen. Americans are far more afraid of DNA x-ray damage and being groped by TSA agents at the airport then China.

    But I strongly suspect something is going to happen with respect to China using some muscle to get the yuan on the global market as trade currency.

    Bottom line, Deagle knows nothing and is just mouthing off. I really don't understand why Kerry bothers with him and gives him air time.

    Then they talked of TSA scanners and being part of gray technology and what they might be really scanning for.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    anomalous cowherd
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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  anomalous cowherd Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:59 pm

    sure stuff is going on, but it's got little to nothing to do with clif, it's like people see stuff happening then they have to stop a moment and say"yep the webbots said sumpin would happen " as if that confirms it , jeeeze he may not even HAVE a programme, get that! and basically he doesn't need one, just make it up, there is plenty of material anyway.

    I'm bored and tired of doom merchants and clifhangers.

    We are ALL making it up as we go along, it's clearly better if no one pays us for doing that.

    Oh sure he can talk alrighty, maybe he should do a talking recipe book, doom pie, umiak pie, moose turd pie, just stop already with the cryWOLF pie.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Carol Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:19 pm

    okay, I'm listening to the whole thing and Deagle actually talked about something interesting toward the end about solar flares and CMEs so if one wants to hang in there there are some nano bites of interest.

    He is convinced we are in the first phase of WWIII with respect to finances and more sabre rattling with China and Iran.

    But I did like what he had to say about getting prepared for cosmic rays.. ye gads... 1 foot of cement overhead and 8 feet of dirt minimum. What about copper or lead shielding.. a few steel belted tires...? I'm so out of my depth here it's truly pathetic.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  anomalous cowherd Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:50 pm

    poor clif

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:13 pm

    I think that when the cosmic wave arrives i will go out to meet it....If it is coming so it was meant to be...

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  lindabaker Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:05 pm

    Burgundia, I'm with ya on the cosmic ray thing. Also, we have to remember that "Clif"-hanger said that the results of the tipping point don't show until February 2011. I think Deagle represents the darkest realm or area of the monkey mindset. Maybe he serves his purpose in the duality scheme of things. At least we know the depths of possibility, the parameters, and so a stated series of things to fear, is better than fear of the unknown. I say: "Is that all you got?" to the monkey mind. I don't understand why Kerry interviews him, and then again, I do. I'd love to hear her response to my question about the parameters of duality and the journey to the darkest part of the monkey mind. Someone is thinking up the schemes like haarp and cern, right? Is Deagle our only source? Surely not.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  MargueriteBee Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:35 pm

    Linda wrote:Oh, did you also have problems with the power going out today?

    No, I'm off grid.

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  Carol Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:31 pm

    How to protect oneself from X-ray radiation.

    MarShield™️ Lead Blankets and Curtains
    MarShield™️ lead wool blankets are made in several standard sizes, using the highest quality materials available. Dimensions shown are for the size of the lead “cake”. The stitched and grommeted border is additional.

    Vinyl laminated nylon sheeting can be exposed to temperatures of 125F max. Silicon-impregnated fiberglass can be exposed to temperatures of 500F max. The colour of vinyl laminated covers is usually yellow, but other colours are available. The colour of high temperature fiberglass material is gray.

    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Greenblanket


    And lead sheeting to make little umbrellas with.
    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Rolledoutsheet

    With Sheet Lead been the most malleable of common metals it can be easily shaped, formed, bent and/or easily cut to suit all applications. Our sheet lead is extremely resistant to corrosion from the atmosphere, salt water, and most industrial chemicals. It is ideal for making corrosion-resistant gaskets, lead lining tanks, reducing sound in rooms and replacing metal flashing in roofs. With its high density and flexibility it becomes superior in shielding rooms from radiation against x-rays and gamma radiation. Sheet Lead is built into a variety of structures, such as walls, doors, window frames and cabinetry to provide the necessary shielding protection.

    Hmm, I wonder if they make the lead shield blanket for horses, chickens, cats, dog and ducks. albino

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  anomalous cowherd Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:23 am

    As it happens, I was looking at grommets yesterday, VERY expensive and lead is toxic.

    I'll take door number 1= the first opportunity off the planet if we have to worry about any of this crap. Some say the incoming radiation is our DNA activation code, I'll go with that .

    Deagle, honestly... Clif has put himself in the same bag, IMO. Will probably find out they are first cousins, in the time honoured tradition of controlled opposition.

    I know why Kerry interviews him, for the same reason I don't listen to him.
    Fool me once...

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    Clif High finally DID get something right!  DECEIVERS would be outed..... Empty Re: Clif High finally DID get something right! DECEIVERS would be outed.....

    Post  burgundia Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:10 am

    We've hear that the life on earth was destroyed in the past by flood, by a meteor, by pole shift, etc, etc. I have never heard theoert that it was destroyed by a cosmic radiation. They are also saying that it is coming in waves...why in waves? Maybe there is a reason to it.

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