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    Disclosure Empty Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:17 pm

    When Disclosure Serves Secrecy

    by Steven M. Greer M.D.
    Copyright 1999
    Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound.
    And yet it is fraught with danger.
    The covert projects which have been running UFO related programs for nearly 60 years are not interested in a disclosure which upsets their apple cart. They want such a disclosure to transform their apple cart into a freight train. And they potentially have the power and connections to do it.
    There are multiple scenarios attending the disclosure of the UFO subject- and not all of them have the best interests of humanity at heart. Elsewhere, in the new bookExtraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications I write about the kind of disclosure the world needs. An honest one. An open one. One which replaces secrecy with democracy. A disclosure which is peaceful, scientific and hopeful.
    But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the masses.
    We have seen the plans and it is not a pretty picture.
    I write this as a warning. A warning that the wolves in sheep clothes are very cunning indeed. And have almost limitless resources. Most who work with them do not even know they are wolves. Indeed, it is likely that many of the wolves have been convinced that they are sheep.
    The UFO matter is not so much a mystery as a matter deliberately obfuscated and mystified. Confusion and a lack of clarity serves the larger covert goal of keeping it off the long-range radar of society while power and plans are consolidated quietly. And the one thing more dangerous to society than all this secrecy is a planned, contrived disclosure run by the keepers of the secrets.
    For years such plans have been made – to be unfurled at just the right time. During a time of great expectation. Of social confusion. Perhaps of millennial madness?
    I have personally met with a number of people who are very involved with such plans. I do not speculate here. Be aware: The disclosure of UFO reality is being planned very carefully. It will assiduously follow a scheme to spin the subject in just the right way – the only way which will further redound to the glory and power of the secret-keepers. It will be a false disclosure – one born out of the age-old bane of human existence: selfishness and greed. Greed for power. Greed for control. Greed for domination.
    We must be mature and informed on such matters. Only a vigilant and informed public can see through such deceit – and correct it should such a plan be unfurled. Every citizen needs to know that great good can come from the truth being known. But the mature citizen must also recognize that the ‘truth’ can be spun and spun again – until the goals of those who crave secret and overt power are met.
    Consider: One scenario for disclosure is that the UFO and Extraterrestrial subject is acknowledged in a way which is scientific and hopeful. Excessive secrecy which lacks executive branch and congressional oversight is ended. Humanity begins to entertain open contact with other civilizations, with peaceful engagement as the goal. Technologies which are currently suppressed are allowed to be disseminated: Pollution ends. An economy of abundance and social justice is firmly established. Global environmental destruction and mind-numbing world poverty become a faint memory. Zero-point based energy devices transform the world. Electro-gravitic devices permit above ground travel without paving over the world’s precious fertile farm land. As an ET once told Colonel Philip Corso, “Its a new world, if you can take it…”. This is the disclosure which we are working for.
    But the disclosure envisioned above could have happened in 1950. It did not – Why? For such a disclosure would lead to the total transformation of the status quo. Centralized energy systems would be obsolete. Oil would be useful only for lubricants and synthetics. The geo-political order of today would be a thing forgotten: Every country and people on Earth would have such a high degree of progress and advancement that all nations would have a seat at the global table. Power would need to be shared. Peaceful acknowledgment of life from elsewhere would make the Earth seem like the very small, organic homeland which it is. The vast trillion dollar global military – industrial sector would be reigned in. And a universal spirituality might dawn…
    But remember, there are hugely powerful interests who dread this scenario. For them, it is the end of the world as they know it. The end of centralized, elite power. The end of a controlled geo-political order which today leaves nearly 90% of the people of Earth barely one step out of the stone age. And they do not wish to share the power they wield.
    Now, let me describe the ‘disclosure’ which would make these covert control programs happy. This is the false or contrived ‘disclosure’ which has only one clear goal: The further consolidation of their power and their paradigm. It has to do with fear, not love. With war, not peace. With division and conflict, not unity. It is the dominant paradigm – but it is slipping away slowly. And a carefully orchestrated disclosure of the ‘facts’ of the UFO and ET subject could secure their power. This is the disclosure which is to be dreaded. This is the disclosure to watch out for. This is the disclosure which is already occurring.
    My meetings over the past 9 years with covert operatives who have worked on UFO related programs have introduced me to some characters right out of a spy novel – and then some. Whether in private high tech industry, at the Pentagon or at a midnight meeting in a private mansion, a theme has emerged. It is one of immense, though currently hidden, power. It transcends government as we know it (at this point the government of ‘We the people…’ has been made irrelevant on this issue). And the theme has two main strands – the eventual covert militarization of the ET subject and a weird covert religious strain which can only be viewed as bizarre.
    Here, we find some very strange bed-fellows indeed. War mongers and militarists in cahoots with industrialists who share a certain bizarre eschatological bent: A dark view of the future, featuring an extraterrestrial Armageddon – or at least the threat of it. Such a theme supports retrograde and fanatical religious causes as well as deeply covert military-industrial plans to expand the arms race into space.
    In fact, the big players in the so-called ‘civilian UFO community’ are tied into such beliefs and agendas. It strains credulity, I admit, but here is what we have found by penetrating these operations.
    From a military-industrial perspective, the disclosure of choice is one which frames the UFO/ET issue in a threatening manner. If a threat from space can be established (as President Reagan liked to say) then the entire world can be united around the need to fight such a threat. This would ensure trillion dollar plus military – industrial spending well into the next century, and beyond. If you think the cold war was costly, wait until you see the price tag for this ‘protection’ from the ‘threats’ in space: The trillions spent on the cold war will look like a blue light special.
    Retrograde and fanatical religious groups, similarly, have great vested interests in fulfilling the promise of Armageddon. An eschatological paradigm, well enshrined in the belief systems of those running covert UFO projects, is supported by the portrayal of a cosmic conflict in the heavens. Voila! We have the necessity of spinning the UFO/ET issue in the evil invading aliens (translates in religious terms as demons) direction. Indeed, this has already been accomplished, courtesy of the ‘civilian UFO community’ and the tabloid media (swhich at this point is virtually all media…).
    Additionally, there is a subtext which can only be viewed as thinly veiled racism. You will note that part of the ‘new myth’ regarding UFOs involves the ‘good ETs’ , which invariably are described as ‘Pleidians’ who are ‘handsome’ white, blue-eyed Aryan appearing types. Naturally, those ‘evil, bad ETs’ are darker, shorter, look funny and smell funny. Please. Such clap-trap would have us trade age-old human racism for an extraterrestrial variety. This nonsense and propaganda could only make Hitler proud.
    In one lengthy meeting with a multi-billionaire, I was told that he gave great support to UFO activities which propel the so-called ‘alien abduction’ subject into public awareness because he wanted humanity to unite around fighting this ‘alien threat’. Later, this very influential figure informed me that he believed these demonic ETs were the cause of every setback in human history since Adam and Eve. Sound familiar?
    Military interests, which are heavily involved in covert projects which hoax ET events, such as human military- related abductions, have a shared goal of demonizing the UFO/ET phenomenon. Doing so lays the foundations for the fear and dread necessary for an organized opposition to all things ET. And this subserves the longterm need to provide a rationale for an expanding global military even should world peace emerge. In fact, under this scenario, ‘world peace’, or strictly speaking peace on Earth, could be secured by the world uniting, eventually, against the ‘threat from space’ referred to by resident Reagan. (By the way, personally I believe Reagan was the victim of disinformation specialists who surrounded him and who manipulated him into the statements he made on this subject.)
    Under this scenario, currently being gamed and ‘disclosed’ courtesy of the trial balloon UFO ‘community’, we would get peace on Earth – in exchange for interplanetary conflict. One step forward, ten steps back. Wonderful.
    Such a false and contrived ‘disclosure of the truth’ regarding UFOs and ETs would, then, subserve agendas held by powerful covert interests in both the military-industrial sector and those of a strange collection of religious fanatics, who pine for Armageddon — and the sooner the better.
    Disclosure Wattsm
    James Watt
    Lest the reader think such a strange amalgam of militarists and cult-like religious interests are unlikely, remember the weird views of the Third Reich. Or more recently, the views of one US Department of the Interior cabinet secretary during the Reagan years named James Watt. It was he who, not knowing a microphone was still on and recording his comments, stated in the 1980s that we did not need to worry about all these environmental problems since Armageddon was coming soon and the world would be destroyed anyway…This bizarre view, held by a man who shaped and applied policy for the Interior Department of the US Government, was later reported in the general media. At the time a comical footnote perhaps. But what does it say about the degree to which such beliefs may be shaping covert UFO policy — and specifically disclosure plans? We have found that such views — bizarre as they may seem to most — are heavily represented in covert policy development on the UFO subject.
    And most disconcerting of all: This strange mixture of military cosmic saber-rattling and bizarre religious beliefs are the dominant forces shaping both the ‘civilian UFO community’ and the planned eventual ‘spin’ on UFO disclosure. Let the buyer beware.
    To the rational and intellectual, such views seem ridiculous. Why, you might ask, would anyone want a cosmic war in space, an Armageddon and the destruction of the Earth? To comprehend this, you have to get inside the head of people who hold such beliefs - people like James Watt. In his case, why worry about a little bit of deforestation, air pollution and areas of dead oceans if the entire world is going to be destroyed in a couple of years anyway?
    But the thinking goes further than this. Because such fanatical thinking has within it the concept that as a result of the Armageddon we will see the return of Christ- and with it the good people’s salvation. Now, people are free to believe what they want. But what we have found is a deliberate influencing of covert policy on UFOs by such beliefs. Some of these people want Armageddon – and they want it ASAP.
    Strictly speaking, the militarists and war-mongers, itching to ‘kick some alien butt’ as it was said in the movie Independence Day, may actually only want a pretext to justify their existence and get the world to eventually spend huge sums of money on a perceived (if contrived) threat from space.
    But in some cases – high up on the food chain of the covert entity running UFO secrecy – the two views meet. A place where militarism and eschatology merge. Where Star Wars and Armageddon join.
    In tracing the history of both the UFO civilian community and the covert policy-making group concerned with UFOs, we have found a growing penetration of the latter into the former. So much so that at this point there are projects which ostensibly are innocent civilian initiatives but which in reality are totally controlled and financed by ‘cut-outs’ from ultra-secret projects.
    Moreover, our careful penetration of such projects yielded the disturbing finding that deep-cover black project operatives are working closely with alleged civilian researchers, journalists and UFO glitterati. CIA and military intelligence operatives are working with civilian ‘think tank’ heads, alongside very wealthy business people who are eschatologists, and being advised by ‘civilian’ technologists and scientists – who are themselves proponents of bizarre religious belief systems involving the end of the world and ETs…
    Thus, the new ‘chosen ones’ have been assembled. They are planning your disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. They are owned by the money whores and power brokers doing the bidding of the secret entity which runs UFO projects to begin with. And it all looks like a civilian initiative. So innocent. So well-intended. So ‘scientific’. And by the way, the sky is falling courtesy of ET and we need your money and your souls to defend against it.
    Do not be deceived. You need to be awake to the darker scenarios which some would like to thrust upon the world. And you need to know that there are alternatives. If a ‘disclosure’ is unleashed on the world which is xenophobic, militaristic and terrifying, know that it comes from the spinmeisters of secrecy- regardless of how respectable the person or group may appear to be.
    And remember: Part of this disclosure plan involves the use of UFO look-alike devices made by humans in an attack on Earth or military assets of Earth. This would be a well-orchestrated use of advanced human technologies to hoax an ET attack- all for the purpose of disclosing the truth with the desired military-oriented spin. In such a scenario, most of humanity will be deceived into believing the threat from space has arrived – and that we must fight it at all costs. This is nothing more than long-term social security for the military-industrial complex. There must be people who can expose this fraud.
    But why should we wait for these darker scenarios to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world?
    Here is another idea: Why don’t ‘we the people’ unite and launch a disclosure which resembles the first one described above. An honest one. One which leads to peace, not war. To a sustainable and beautiful world, free of pollution and brimming with abundance, of all types. One which reaches out into the unknown, instead of firing particle beam weapons into the darkness of space.
    Additionally, we welcome those who can come forward with first hand knowledge of the machinations referred to in this paper and who wish to expose such madness to contact us at The one thing the darkness of secrecy cannot tolerate is a spotlight shining right on it. And the more of us holding the light, the better.
    Evil steps in when good people do nothing. This is a lesson taught through thousands of years of human history. We stand at the beginning of a new time, and a new world awaits us. But we must embrace it, and help create it. For if we are passive, others will have their way- at least in the short run.
    Steven M. Greer M.D.
    - See more at:

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:55 pm

    Dear Friends,

    I just added the petition: "Disclosure"

    It would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name to a petition because of the importance to health and welfare of out country.

    ... England, France, Canada, Brazil, and other countries have opened their UFO files and are no longer trying to cover up encounters with UFO. This kind of transparency leads to open scientific review and releases professional pilots and others from possible job loss when an encounter is reported. The numbers of retired professionals who worked with the government who are now considered whistle blowers (regarding UFO's) are significant. They know the truth. Why don't we? Our secret government has gone above and beyond to cover secret technology that could have released us from being slaves to the oil industry and the time is come for it to stop.

    Go to:

    Thank you!

    Bob Hardee

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  Carol Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:16 am

    Thanks Bob. Will do.

    Disclosure DQ8HA

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:55 pm

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    40th Anniversary of Jimmy Carter's UFO Report

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    On September 18, 1973, Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO. He promised, when elected president, to end the UFO coverup and release the UFO files. He was elected. He didn't release the files and he didn't end the coverup. He's been asked about that many times. Try it, he'll say he won't talk about the subject. Why? Because THERE IS A COVERUP and it's way bigger than a mere president. End of story.

    Read the original source:

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:25 pm

    I know I am posting this in 2 different places but it is worth it.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Wed Dec 25, 2013 7:12 pm

    (Posted by Stephen Cook on December 24, 2013)

    As we get to the pointy end of 2013, I’m personally delighted to see that it seems the avalanche of truth that we have long been hoping for – and have been told was coming – has finally begun.

    The NSA revelations continue to fall out, day after day, courtesy of one very brave young man, Edward Snowden (see separate story below). Revelations of this. Revelations of that. More spying. More intrusive invasions of privacy for both public and private individuals. Foreign governments, leaders and even charities under the NSA surveillance’ microscopes. And, yet, I just ‘know, there is WAY more to come…on many levels.

    We’re also seeing the uncovering of many other truths, with the media covering some of the many cover-ups of recent years… 9/11. Lockerbie, corruption in governments around the world. Even forgiveness and debt forgiveness are now being talked about openly.

    So, yes. it’s Christmas and the truths are snowing down. Let’s look at some of the various aspects of this avalanche of truth within the past two weeks alone.

    This week, we’ve seen this major expose (1), NSA Declassifies Bush Era Documents – ‘”Bush Authorised Spying”:

    “The director of national intelligence on Saturday declassified more documents that outline how the National Security Agency was first authorised to start collecting bulk phone and internet records in the hunt for al-Qaida terrorists and how a court eventually gained oversight of the program, after the justice department complied with a federal court order to release its previous legal arguments for keeping the programs secret.

    “James Clapper explained in a statement on Saturday that President George W Bush first authorised the spying in October 2001, as part of the Terrorist Surveillance Program, just after the 9/11 attacks. Bush disclosed the program in 2005.”

    Also in the past few days, we’ve seen a variety of stories which openly lay claim to the fact that what we’ve long been told about 9/11 – and which many, many people in their hearts and souls ‘know’ was not the truth – is starting to seep out – but now in the mainstream. We’ve now seen the Washington Post exclusive story (2) which claims the whole event was planned in cahoots with the Saudis. Well, this may be a portion of the truth, but at least the public is being made aware that there was “government involvement” in this world-changing, fear-evoking event; the greatest fear-evoking event in human history.

    “After the 9/11 attacks, the public was told al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors.

    “But the White House never let it see an entire section of Congress’ investigative report on 9/11 dealing with “specific sources of foreign support” for the 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.

    “It was kept secret and remains so today.

    “President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page report. Text isn’t just blacked-out here and there in this critical-yet-missing middle section. The pages are completely blank, except for dotted lines where an estimated 7,200 words once stood …

    “A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.”

    We’ve also had the President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, state emphatically that “Corruption is Public Enemy No 1″. We’ve had articles saying multiple governments say they want justice and further investigations into the Lockerbie bombing (see below), which only add more traction to previous stories linking the Lockerbie bombing to arms deals. We’ve also had major arrests in Turkey and also, some very public (and not-so-gentle) political ’roundups’ in North Korea.

    In India, we’ve seen an anti-corruption party take government in the world’s second largest democratic country’s largest city, shortly after the approval of a new anti-corruption watchdog.

    Plus we’ve seen forgiveness come to the fore, with both the Russians forgiving the Cubans for their debt and the Russian leader Vladimir Putin providing amnesty for some prisoners. Meanwhile, President Obama has also been commuting sentences for long-term drug criminals. Now, today, we see the UK Royal pardon of Enigma codebreaker, Alan Turing.

    And, suddenly,the Cubans seems to be wanting to start a dialogue with the US, following a symbolic handshake between leaders at Nelson Mandel’s funeral service.

    Oh, and did I mention, Uruguay has legalized marijuana as it begins to end the ‘war’ on drugs and break down the income stream for the secret groups that have run the worldwide drug trade for years.

    So it’s truth has been tumbling down the mountain of secrecy in many ways and on on many fronts.

    Journalist Ben Fulford’s latest post (3), dated December 24, 2013, titled Multiple Sources Confirm 2014 Will Be the Year of Revolution in the West (which is a subscription posts so I will only run some extracts from it) also indicates big changes in the disclosure of truth are now underway.

    While I cannot personally verify all Ben claims, at least his ‘intel’ is saying what we’re all now seeing the beginnings and the results of in the wider world.

    He talks of the” avalanche of disclosure appearing in corporate mass media outlets about long taboo topics like 9/11, the Lockerbie bombing, the Kennedy assassination etc. indicating some sort of attempt at starting a truth and reconciliation process has begun. He adds that:

    “In the US, there is a growing move within the establishment to start exposing the truth about 9/11. When Congress members start asking questions in Congress about it, for example, they are showing that they know it is safe to start talking about it in public now. The move to blame the Saudis being given wide publicity is a precursor to taking down the Bush/Nazi/Zionist faction.

    “The truth about the Kennedy assassination is also now coming out, again as a part of that same trend. The sealed public documents relating to the assassination are due to be released to the public soon, according to sources close to Kennedy daughter US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy. The sealed files are almost all held by the CIA, especially its Nazi/Bush faction the Directorate of Operations.

    “There is also a move to start disclosing the CIA’s secret Iranian connection, according to MI5. One of the most damning things to come out last week concerned the Lockerbie Bombing of 1988 in which a bomb blew up an airliner over Scotland, killing 243 people.”

    He also states that while the official story is that it was done by Libya it now turns out the operation was carried out to cover up the Iranian/Bush/Nazi drug connection, according to MI5 sources. He explains this by adding:

    “First let us review what the connection was in a bigger context. The Iranian revolution that replaced the Shah of Iran with Ayatollah Khomeini was a Cabal run operation aimed at grabbing Persian imperial gold supplies (the gold was evacuated to Thailand), according to a cousin of the Shah. Later, George Bush Sr. got Ronald Reagan elected as President and himself as Vice President in large part because of the “October surprise” – the sabotaged rescue attempt by President Carter of the US Embassy officials being held hostage in Tehran. That operation was run by Bush agent Osama Bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) and his flunky Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    “The attempt by agency and government white hats to counter the Bush faction with the Iran/Contra hearings during the Reagan Presidency failed to remove the Bush faction. One reason was because the Lockerbie bombing killed US military intelligence and CIA officers who were on that flight on their way back to report that the Frankfurt (Bush/Nazi) branch of the CIA was running drugs out of the Bekaa valley in Lebanon for the Iranians. The plane was blown up to prevent them from reporting this to the Pentagon. Also, it happens that the commander of the Qods or Iranian special forces in the Bekaa valley became the Iranian Defense Minister a couple of years ago.”

    Fulford also asserts:

    “Incidents like Lockerbie are important to Pentagon types because they represent high treason. That is why we are hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that nobody is in the mood for a touchy-feely peace and reconciliation process…

    And concludes:

    “…All this is coming out now because Bush and his faction have been defeated at a high level and arrests of Nazis have been proceeding at a fast clip.”

    While I believe that all will transpire just as it should, with little violence – and we have yet to see mainstream proof of mass arrests – it is still evident that the avalanche of truth has finally begun.

    And, as they say, once the avalanche begins the dominoes of truth will fall one by one by one and until the whole stack of truth has toppled.

    So here’s a list of the various stories we’ve run on the blog over the past two weeks that are tangible proof of the title of this post. For it is now very evident and true that The Avalanche of Truth Has Finally Begun.



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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:27 pm

    disclosure 2014

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:28 pm


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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:33 pm

    I was having problems listening to this after the 20 - 25 minute mark. Mr. Simpson gets into preaching more than reporting. For that reason, I was not going to post this. However, after consideration, the decision to post this was to show how the Christian Right will react once full disclosure occurs. It IS WELL WORTH LISTENING FOR AT LEAST THE first 20- 30 minutes. His interactions with astronauts and others in the know is very impressive.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:59 am


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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:15 am


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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:01 pm


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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:16 pm

    This is an excellent interview. Crazy Happy  Relax and enjoy

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:27 am

    The subtitle for this video should be The Next Big monkey. A most interesting remark that he makes about half way through. Why are we stuck......everyone wants to be the next big monkey.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:18 am

    Beam me up Scotty? No....Just sign me up for now.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  bobhardee Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:33 pm


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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:31 pm

    A Deliberately Destructive Disclosure and Regime-Change wouldn't surprise me at all. You know -- have all hell break loose with the truth and the new-guy(s) -- and then go right back to business as usual -- with a new-crew of arrogant-bastards -- with the lid screwed-down tighter than ever before. Perhaps this is why I keep thinking in terms of being a Seen and Not Heard Observer-Analyst -- rather than being some sort of a Renegade-Reformer in the Hot-Seat Kind of Guy -- if you know what I mean. I suspect that the Way Things Are is SO ingrained in this solar system, and in the collective-unconscious, that doing the right thing in the wrong way, might REALLY screw things up. Beware of One More Deliberately Inflicted Hell on Earth. I just have to stop thinking about this madness -- because it does absolutely no good -- and it might end badly for those who are open, honest, ethical, and idealistic. Nice-Guys might finish last in this solar system for a very long time. On the other hand, the Bad-Guys might Get-Religion -- and clean-up their act, to fight off the truly Good Guys and Gals -- and then after victory is achieved -- go right back to business as usual. I'll continue to be Conceptually-Idealistic and Pragmatically-Pessimistic. Right might seem Wrong -- and Wrong might seem Right. Think of how Lawyers can twist the truth -- and make Bad-Guys look Good -- and Good-Guys look Bad. I found a recent statement by Steven Greer to be somewhat interesting -- that Reptilians and Greys (as often illustrated) are local and man-made -- rather than being from distant solar systems. I hope I got that right. Once again, my posts and threads are highly speculative, tentative, and science-fictional in nature. It's easier that way.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  magamud Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:16 pm

    "You know -- have all hell break loose with the truth and the new-guy(s) -- and then go right back to business as usual -- with a new-crew of arrogant-bastards -- with the lid screwed-down tighter than ever before."

    I don't see it going any other way. Thats all that ever happens. We kept getting screwed tighter and tighter, slowly and incrementally like the time of the Celestials. Imagine the leverage when out of the world tech and mind reading is making sure your obeying the party line.

    I suspect the dynamic is much how a predator saviors its prey.

    "Nice-Guys might finish last in this solar system for a very long time."
    Well, by being hidden so well it gives them amazing power to use things, good and evil. I suspect keeping humans within their scientific paradigm playground is very very easy to do. It would take a miracle of the highest order to actually change things. A prometheus fire?


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    Post  bobhardee Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:36 pm

    It's easy to think that we will always get what we have always gotten. And it's probably crazy as all blue blazes the try to believe that it may be different. However, if we are entering into a fifth dimension where thoughts are heard and not words....such that it would be more difficult to hoodwink the masses as they have been....perhaps things will be different. As the great Martin Luther King said....Free at last free at last. Great God a mighty, we will be free at last.

    I believe that we are chosen. Each and everyone who writes here or visits here....all chosen. We may not want the task ahead but it has been appointed to buck up mates. We are in for a wild ride.
    Bob H.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  magamud Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:23 pm

    Last edited by magamud on Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:10 pm

    The Biblical Final Solution is to Burn the Earth to a Crisp -- Exterminate the Unrepentant Souls (After Torturing Them Appropriately) OR Burn Them in Hell for All Eternity -- and then Start Over With an Earth Made New Without Humans. BTW -- I've been told that we need to start over. Today, I bought a copy of Left Behind.

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    Disclosure Empty Re: Disclosure

    Post  magamud Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:35 pm


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    Post  bobhardee Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:28 pm


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    Post  bobhardee Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:16 pm

    Mark April 14 on your calendar.

    After researching this video post, please note that the author or someone similar has been posting about the 188 earthquake cycle as a sort of doom and gloom end of the world scenarios for some time. This is not to invalidate the video but just to inform. For me, I will erase the mark I made on the 14th of April.

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    Post  bobhardee Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:49 pm

      Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:17 am