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    Are we living in a designer universe?


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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:28 pm

    Ahh..thanks for that Mudra! And it has an ancient Pyramid...imagine that Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 215880

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Take on the Pyramids and the Lumeria

    Post  lawlessline Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:26 pm

    Ok so the pyramids.

    The history of Egypt goes back to roughly 3500 bc with the Dynasty periods from 3100 bc. The Real Pyramid era was 1200-1500bc.

    Now looking at the video

    What the video shows is the magnet centre of our planet over the last 10,000 years.
    I we look at the point where the field is at 6000 yrs ago (4000bc) it is the first physical signs of the mixture between the southern and northern hemisphere. It is also a point where the red cross at the south pole in the video, is starting to move, or what we would consider the now north pole. This is the point of reconstruction of collective behavior in the region of egypt. It is also a period when the magnetic field in the Egypt region, has opened up and is clear of the turmoils of the field variations of the 2000 years prior to that. This is also a quarter turn of the celestial cycle

    5000years ago
    The now north pole is really on the move. First lines of compression on the Egyptian region.This gives rise to known history period according to classical thinking. This is the period of the first Dynasties. Joan collins eat your heart out.

    This also a period of the opening up of Southamerica. Very much like Egypt a thousand yrs before.

    4000yrs ago

    The red cross has move to nearly the equator. We can nearly see the triangle turning into a square over the now north pole. In the south pole it is a lot less concise.

    This is when the Pyramid building went into perfection. This is the period that the square construction of the inner field gave rise to the idea of a dimensional change.
    The time period was an 3rd of the cycle of the celestial cycle in time. But it was niether a quater or the half of the cycle. A bit like between soltice and equinox.
    I think the ideas for the egyptian culture came from the Lumeria or Atlantis Idea. They were preparing for the change.

    3000 years ago

    The red cross just goes straight up the grenwich or Paris meridian lines. Inner hift is completed.

    This is the period of Tutankhamun and the moment that the soutpole and north could create the perfect square, even the corners of the square is on the northern and southern poles.

    This was their time.

    This was also the time of the South American Mayans to come into play.

    The res is just history.

    But I think the Egyptians because they are on the 30° line the 3rd of the celestial cycle aspect comes into play.


    I have the idea that the way in which Atlantis was or Lumeria was swallowed up when the earths crust became so thin the it slipped into the lava of the mantle. Like a lister poping. I think that process is in action permentally. The expanding earth theory. It should be the expanding and retracting theory. I am getting that the land mas will link Japan through to Australia. Not nescarily physically but like africa aligns with Europe and the Americas align. finishing the third dimension Completing the thrid dimension construction. Before there was just 2 land masses. one was swallowed up in order to create the third by splitting one of the mass into 3.

    2 is male the trinity is very female. Male is destruction of egg wall and the third is the construvtion of cells. But the moment this happens the water levels rise until they retract over time and the earth grows in size.getting back tio where we are today on the current sea levels, and even lower than now.

    The new land will look like the section of blue round Japan and Indonesia in the snap photo attached.

    The stech marks of pregnancy will be in the Tonga region??????

    One other thought that my son said whilst talking at dinner.Your fall Hieght is double that at the age of 2. 24 months the full cycle??????

    I hope that all made sense.


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    Last edited by lawlessline on Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : trying to get the video embedded)

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty MU

    Post  SiriArc Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:21 am

    Sirius: Vortex of the Goddess

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 AASilver

    Vortex of the Archetypes, the Vortex of the Future, and of the Vortex of Sirius – the Vortex of the Goddess.

    The dance or the movements and relationships of the planets are as compass needles pointing in the directions of particular kinds of energy and, in so doing, abstractly tracing – marking and measuring – the flows of that energy.

    The dance of Pluto did not cause the opening of the Vortex of Sirius. Pluto's dance pointed, marked, measured, and traced. It heralded a grand event. It heralded an event that had not happened in over 90,000 years.

    Such an astronomical and celestial event had not happened in more than 90,000 years; it could not have happened since then. And it will not happen again for another 90,000 years. The dance of Pluto pointed to, marked, measured, and traced a celebration of energy. As a compass, Pluto marked and measured the space and the time of a grand triumph for your Universe. When this rarest of rare alignments occurred, the Vortex of Sirius opened. The Vortex of the Goddess opened wide and full as it has not done in over 90,000 years.

    The last time the Vortex opened, from the mists emerged a land, and upon the land a world stood out. There emerged Lemuria and a world of the mysteries and mysticism of the Goddess. In time, once its work was done and the seeds were scattered and planted throughout the world, Lemuria would retreat into its mist and become the Land That Imagination Forgot. Yet it was out of the last Grand Opening of the Sirius Vortex over 90,000 years ago that the world of Lemuria began.

    Yes, the Sirius Vortex – the Vortex of the Goddess through which all energy enters and leaves your Universe, through which all the Archetypal energy flows, through which your Higher Self's energy enters – opened wide and opened full. The Goddess blew a bubble of space and then filled that bubble with the fertile eggs and seeds of all growth.

    This astronomical alignment – this celestial dance of planets and stars – can only happen every 90,000 years. It happened before; it happened again on April 23, 1994. The Vortex opened full and wide, and there was a flood of Light – no, not light that you can physically see (light within the range from red to violet) – but with Light from the Imaginal Realm, from beyond the torus of space-time. That Light flooded into your Universe. And Information – the Light Information or information carried on Light – flooded into your Universe.

    On April 23rd, that flooding Light, that flooding Information, that flooding Light Information and Information Light, saturated the Earth and was absorbed. More specifically, it saturated you. The hologram of your brain absorbed the Light, absorbed the Information, absorbed the Light Information and the Information Light. And you now have all the information you need to create a new world – all the information you need to make the choices that we all along said you would make. … OK, we cheated. … {laughter} … You will choose a Future of Dreams for you, for those you love, for those you care about, and for your world – for your Earth. You will choose to give birth to a Virgin Future that has never been – that never could have been experienced before.

    The Goddess is returning, and She brings with Her a Light, a Light that once lit cannot be extinguished. And your brain – that hologram that can function as a computer – now holds that program. It is not just within your brain; it is within everyone's brain. And it is within every cell of your body; it is within your DNA. It is within everyone's body and within everyone's DNA. Every human being, regardless of the station they assume they hold, received that downloading, that flood of Light and Information and that flood of Light Information and Information Light. It is within each and every one of you.


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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  lawlessline Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:28 am

    Thanks for the post. Although I have been unable to find any info on any alignement for april 1994The only real alignment tat I have found was a big one in January of that year. Funnily enough point to capricorn, which is in January.
    Due you have any aligment info. I would like to see that, as I think Aligments of planets are going to become even more important as time goes by.

    Here is just a bit of info on the January 1994 aligment.

    *January 12th, 1994: Rare seven-planet alignment in Capricorn (five planets and the sun and moon). Tightest alignment of seven planets in 300 years.

    U.S./Russia summit at which the superpowers sign an agreement to no longer target each other with nuclear weapons.

    Alignment also coincides with increased Serb shelling of Sarajevo and a NATO summit meeting at which the Western allies agree to use force in the former-Yugoslavia. Within a month the first NATO ultimatum was issued for the withdrawal of Serb heavy weaponry from around a Sarajevan "safe-zone".

    More at


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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:56 am

    Video is interesting Tom..thank you! I'm so glad you have come back to visit and share. Can you imagine if some of us got together in a room for a week straight with an unfiltered database of information at our fingertips what we could determine? The thought boggles the mind.

    I'm still focusing on the "22" aspect in all of this. for some reason it has intrigued me and I thank you for bringing it to the surface. Also thanks Mudra for the interesting information you posted. always you bring a refreshing aspect that connects things in a profound way. Malletzky...what can I say? That google earth find was inspiring! And eye opening Wink

    This is one of the things I love about the Mists....I doubt seriously you would see this quality of posting on many forums. Thanks for being you and thanks for being here in the now sense. I'll take this quality of thought process over the drama any day of the week!

    Love you guys!
    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 374937

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:40 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : typos as usual :()

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  malletzky Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:05 am

    Brook wrote:
    Love you guys!
    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 374937

    Love back to you Brook Lawless

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:04 am

    You know...I remember a young member we had for a time that I connected to as far as his information was concerned....his name was Grigor Arturo. He has a thread here on this section and was strongly connected to magnetic energy and sacred geometry as well. He also is connecting to the Rodin coil which I have been very connected to and I was pointing it out to Lionhawk one day..then later he finally saw that connection.

    Check out Grigor's sited and some of his videos.

    He was an original member of Avalon 1....not sure what he is up to now...but he is definitely connected to this designer universe concept.

    Bringing to attention these particular pages on his web page...

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  devakas Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:39 am

    Brook wrote:
    Love you guys!
    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 374937

    Love and appreciation back to you Brook! and all charming people on this forum!


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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:11 pm

    Here is something I pay particular attention to.....found this on Grigor's site...and am sharing it here....

    Vortex mechanics

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Spiral_for_web

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Electric_Earth
    Earth's Electric Atmosphere

    From the heart of the Atom to the core of each Galaxy, imploding vortices, radiate forth and drive our Universe through endless cycles of growth and voidance, generation and regeneration. Twin opposing electrical vortices are the heart of creation, they are the workers controlled by the "two way push/push pump" defined as gravity shaft controlled, spinning light rings on this site, by which all energy and matter manifest themselves in the infinite and eternally changing, Universe of electrically curved and divided, spiral, vortex wave motions.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:24 pm

    Did our ancestors witnessed a cosmic electrical discharge up close?
    It raises fundamental issues about the recent history of the Earth and its
    cargo of life.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Stonehenge

    Check out this information regarding a supernova...

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 SN1987A

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 SN1987Adouble

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 SN1987Atimelapse


    This discovery of the electrical nature of supernovae has implications back here on Earth. The extensive interdisciplinary scope of the Electric Universe model is highlighted by Peratt's recent discovery that objects from antiquity manifest 56- and 28-fold symmetry. These range from concentric petroglyphs around the world to geoglyphs (stone-rings), megaliths, and other constructs. The most renowned of the 56-fold symmetric megaliths is Stonehenge.

    Spirals are seen in ancient petrographic everywhere
    Including the Bosnian Pyramids....


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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:43 pm

    I remember when we were playing around with a map of the Milky Way. When I place everything into position, references to galactic north and so on, the 19.47 degree factor became very relative and as to the direction we were heading, would place our Solar system crossing the 19.47 degree marker. Of course this was done taking the Milky Way and super imposing a tetrahedron right on the top of it, with the top of the tetrahedron pointing galactic north. Yes, the Milky way isn't exactly round. It isn't exactly flat either. What was attempted was with 3D tools, thus achieving a 3D result. It's what you can't see that can also have an effect as to whether something is harmonic or not. Or another way to put it, in "phase."

    What I am referring to is there is often a phase shift that occurs when something round in shape, has a mass factor, and also has a speed factor. Let's take a motorcycle for instance. When you first get on it and start off with it, you are at a slow speed. If you notice, if you attempt to turn the steering to the right, you will go right. But what if we speed it up? If we try to turn the wheel to the right, the motorcycle starts to go left. Why is that? Now that may sound like we are trying to go in a certain direction with our attempt of steering, but actually going 180 degrees in the opposite direction. When in fact you must keep in mind that the front wheel is at a 90 degree angle compared to the surface. When in fact at a higher speed, if you push on the left handle bar, you will go left and vis-a-versa if you want to go right, you push the right handle bar. What you also might not see is the wheel itself starts to change where it is tracking on the surface. Remember there is an arc on this wheel and if you head in the right direction, your wheel will start riding up on its side which is shorter in rotation area than on the flat bottom of the tire. Because of these factors there is a phase shift occurring with the mass or energy and frequency being applied. The same also holds true with shaft driven motorcycles as compared to chain driven.

    Why I went through all that is for the reader to understand that there are things going on that we don't see in terms of energy. This is also relative to anything that is round and spins. Yes, it is physics.

    Which leads me to throw a pair of pliers into this thread. Wheres my toolbox? LOL

    We know our Galaxy isn't flat. It has a thickness and the energy within and also on the outside of it, is in a certain phase in the cosmic dance. Those phase energies could also bend with it's shape. If it did not, it would probably blow apart in those spaces where the force of energy was to great and could not hold it's own orbit within those orbits.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Coplanarity_SS-MW_op_784x588

    If you were to look at our own Solar system, you might see a similar pattern. A smaller reflection of our own Galaxy, where the thickest part is where the sun is located. And where most of the energy field is permeating.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 MilkyWay_relativepos2

    The only reason why we didn't pursue this further, was because we couldn't find a real good map of the galaxy. But I will say upon preliminary research and how close everything seem to come into play, I would say it is worthy of pursuit. If we had a good map of the Milky Way, with the present tracked position and speed of which our Solar system is traveling, I'll bet you that we could also figure out when we cross that 19.47 degree marker and as we suspect the timing of which would also line up when we cross over the galactic plane. We might even discover the date to be at 11:11 Dec. 22, 2012. I say the 22nd because the end of this galactic cycle will end on the 21st. What I find that hasn't been said is that there is a one time convergence of great proportions that is about to take place and that the ramifications of that convergence will be felt across this whole Universe effecting more than several billion galaxies.

    If I could explain it better, I would. But this will have to do for now. This Universe has been expanding. I can't prove that to you, but if you look at some basic things that go on out there, in the physical universe, it is because of the expansion of consciousness that makes that happen. The physical universe reflects that consciousness or isness. It is really difficult to describe anything in 3D terms, but what I can say is that the glue that connects it all together, may very well be hidden out of anyone's sight and that includes all the ET races out there. Simply because that glue or that particle resides on another frequency band, thus out of sight. But yet important enough to be there because it also has a complimentary particle that shares it's dimensional space with. That compliment could very well be in another galaxy. Some might call it dark matter, antimatter, or whatever. However, this matter could very well be positive matter if we were able to reside in it's space at the right frequency. It could also be that if we did that, that the space we just left would look like this dark matter from that POV. What I am attempting to relay here is that on every level, there are particles that compliment each other and that the space between them is a non factor. What matters is that they exist and that is what makes everything "one" in nature, no matter what dimensional frequency it is operating on. Everything is connected. That should confuse even me some more. Crazy Happy

    All that being said, what I find very interesting is that even the ET races out there want a front row seat to what is about to occur. If you can change your POV and look at it like you are looking at a "Safe" that has several different types of tumblers in it and see when some of them have been unlocked, you will then see the fabric of the Universe in all of it's beauty. The perfection working behind it. I'm also not saying for you to just see it that way, but it can enhance what you are seeing.

    In conclusion, I am still hoping someone heard my call for an accurate jpeg. I'm not speaking of a google image. I'm looking for the real deal on that one. If that were to happen, I would post my results for everyone here. Also would like to mention that the party that Barbara Hand Clow spoke of is ON! Our Solar system is getting very busy with all of our new visitors arriving day by day, moment by moment. I'm not talking about arriving on Earth, but arriving in our system's heliosphere. More are on their way. Many are also just outside of it waiting. Disclosure? That was last Century. One last thing is to make note that everything that is arriving in our Solar system is not Nibiru. The use of planetary bodies and moons, according to Alex Collier, is very old, effective technology. So if you see some of those types of craft, know that it comes from an older race.


    Last edited by Lionhawk on Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:52 pm

    Lionhawk said: We might even discover the date to be at 11:11 Dec. 22, 2012. I say the 22nd because the end of this galactic cycle will end on the 21st. What I find that hasn't been said is that there is a one time convergence of great proportions that is about to take place and that the ramifications of that convergence will be felt across this whole Universe effecting more than several billion galaxies.

    So there you have it Tom... December 21, 2012....the date after is the 22nd..... cheers 22 is very important in relative terms.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:10 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:In conclusion, I am still hoping someone heard my call for an accurate jpeg. I'm not speaking of a google image. I'm looking for the real deal on that one.

    Side-on or Overtop ? From what Perspective are You wanting this Picture ?



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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:15 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:
    Lionhawk wrote:In conclusion, I am still hoping someone heard my call for an accurate jpeg. I'm not speaking of a google image. I'm looking for the real deal on that one.

    Side-on or Overtop ? From what Perspective are You wanting this Picture ?


    Overtop. I have used some that were "over-top" but I couldn't encompass the outside of it in an accurate way. Thereby, it threw everything off just that little bit. I am after accuracy as close as I can get it. Thanks in advance if you can.

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:19 pm

    OK Cool. Now what Electromagnetic Spectrum do You want the Picture in as well ?

    Gamma Ray - XRay - Infrared - UV ?



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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:27 pm

    That's a great question. LOL

    I think all of them would be interesting, but I know that is asking to much. I'll let you pick it or what you think would be best. Another important detail is the position of galactic north so that I can establish a reference point to over lay the tetrahedron.

    What is important also is our location. Hope I am not making this more difficult with my requests.

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    Post  Mercuriel Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:30 pm

    To start off with then is the Redshift 2MASS Overtop...

    Tell Me what You think of 'em please.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Topimage,133511,en



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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:58 pm

    Looks very complex and 3D. 2D would work great. But what would be great is this pic below with our location and galactic direction snapped to a grid. Even if it was in any spectrum. That way I would know exactly where to place the tetrahedron. This is the pic I originally used and the results were so close but I wanted to be exact before I presented it to the Public.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 236088main_milkyway516

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  lawlessline Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:41 pm

    Hmmm... Great posting people. Proud to be in such company.
    Lion hawk, great to see you my friend, just digesting what you have posted. Needed a pair pliers for this one. I do think that 19.47 has its part to play like you said many things on many levels. Is there a chance that the 22, 19.47 and the 33 could all pin point the point we are approaching?

    I think I know what you mean and may explain the pitch of our solar system? if you throw 2 stones into a pond and you get the cross over ripples. The solar system is in a ripple that is against the general flow but it is still heading in the same way??
    Here is the image I mean. I cann't seem to post the image directly. Being computer stupid at the mo.

    You end up with the vortex onfo that Brook posted here.

    11:11 22/12/12. Alot of binary codes there. 11:11 being the sum that makes 22 alot of things there. I know this is the Mayan thing but surely that is only valid for the south American position. For people living else where the 11:11 doesn't work????????


    great image my friend that brings how quite a few things on the crossing points.The waves from the center make like a sun flower. or flower of life in a 3d aspect.
    So this would mean that we may not be able to see the enitre thing because of our position on the wave and the position of everything else that is.

    Now here is the question. If the universe is by design and this bring back to Siriarc's post. Can we be part of this design and if so how. I am not sure that meditiation is the simple answer. I think the using of the grid or matrix system is how we can interact with the universe on a very physical level.

    Man alot to digest here.

    I have attached the galatic and celestial planesbut I forgot the site where I got it.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Attachmentcelestial planes.JPG
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    Last edited by lawlessline on Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : being computer stupid)

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  lawlessline Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:48 pm

    Lion hawk
    The picture of the galaxy that you posted is exactly the same view that I tried to post. On that wave yeah man.

    Love it,


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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:01 pm

    I know this is the Mayan thing but surely that is only valid for the south American position. For people living else where the 11:11 doesn't

    I have a feeling Tom that these Mayans had a bit of ET help in the formation of this calendar. That being said this timing would be on a global scale as opposed to a centralized position in south America. And quite possibly on a galactic scale as well.

    This is getting to be a wonderful discussion and I agree with you Tom, I feel honored to be included. Remember if you will in the second page of this thread I believe I stated my position has always been..."leave science to the scientists, just tell me how it works"...LOL
    At that I sincerely wish I had paid better attention to these subjects in school..... Rolling Eyes

    But I do grab some of the content and can keep up on other levels....again .....LOL

    when I speak of "other levels"...this is a big part of what I do when I do my sessions. Vortex energy is something I used regularly. While the actuality of the "how" escapes me sometimes...the importance does not. It's a key element that was brought to my attention in the well as the geometry...again geometry not being my best subject...I learned more watching Nassim than in any class in school. It just sunk in and hit me like a brick in the head.....
    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 364319


    Last edited by Brook on Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Lionhawk Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:30 pm

    I did forget this galactic wave in my post. But it is always in my mind and I can't wait for it's arrival. Based on a certain conversation with a big player in our Solar system, I received confirmation that this wave is well on it's way. That confirmation was told to me in the form of a reaction. A reaction that a certain faction reacted to it in a most profound way. This faction, up rooted itself and left the galaxy because it did not want to be enhanced by the very codes this wave is carrying. This is a twist to this story because when this faction left, they went towards the Andromeda galaxy to escape this wave. Their thoughts being that they wanted to be in control of what they had acquired. This faction is highly evolved technologically. But are a combination of sorts that I can only compare to the Borg of Star Trek and the Replicators in Stargate. There is always a side effect when it comes to the advancement of the spirit in any race who leans heavily on technology. That spirit is often times shunted. They lose their way when it comes to the balancing act that ensues. As in some of the faction of the Greys where there very survival or should I say extinction becomes a frightening reality to where they react by pushing that envelope further by whatever means necessary. Always going toward the dark side in their resolve, becoming the very exploiters they probably had avoided at all costs early on in their history.

    Getting back to this faction, they are now heading to here. Earth is not what they are concerned with. Most of the time, when you read any of the Galactic News, the writers of such articles often write it in the fashion that it is all about Mankind. This faction is after our sun. They have also sent comets into it trying to change the coding of Sol. You take out Sol and you take out the Solar system, then you pick and choose what you want to exploit as far as resources. What disturbs me about all this, is the numbers of this faction. Off the charts and all these other factions who are also vying for position might want to reconsider their arrogant position of so called ownership, simply because it is like our money. Made of and on false pretenses. This faction is armed to the teeth and is more than capable of engagement.

    But have no worries, as I said everyone is invited to this party. So it really shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that we will see a lot of activity in the days to come. Yes, I said days.

    On another note, 22 is also related to our DNA. If you look at all the biblical text, when you plug in this 22 DNA factor, then you will see the hidden agenda behind the words. I think Alex Collier stated that we have 22 alien bloodlines twisted up in our DNA. This 22 factor in the DNA is what is spot on. Not the rest of the gibberish. This bit of knowledge was also known back then and was also hidden or camouflaged so only our so called genetic handlers could keep control.

    Now if I can show where we are in terms of the 19.47 factor, the galactic plane, and could also show where this galactic wave is, I have a funny feeling it would show us the exact day of when all of these effects will converge. Then the magic show will really begin and what most have never heard of or seen will be screaming of miracles.

    Am I rambling? I better stop then. I can already see I will be editing this post.

    As much as I have stated about this faction, make note that it will be handled in the finest of actions by our living Solar System. When everyone realizes it is just as alive as we are, then we will start connecting the dots in a more wholesome fashion that is more in alignment with all of our souls. It isn't just space full of rocks. I am not referring to the Thuban fleet that is here or coming here or whatever.

    Cool thread by the way. Love what is happening here in it. Thubs Up

    Last edited by Lionhawk on Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty July 23

    Post  SiriArc Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:56 am

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Al21bm

    #103 Contained Snips From:

    “For in 1994, the Sirius Vortex opened not just cyclically as it always does, and not just a little bit as it has always done. The Vortex of Sirius, the Vortex of the Goddess, opened full and wide. And this event was played out in your heavens, there for all to see if you knew how to read the signs, how to read the celestial compasses.”

    The Sirius Vortex Opens Annually On July 23rd

    Through September 22.

    Fractically Speaking, Any “Alignments“ Would Have Been

    With * IN The Noted Dynamic.

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 210-86

    As The Light Shadow Dark Shadow(The Dark Shadow Light Shadow) MergeFuseSynergize,

    A Component Of The Process

    And The Crux Of The Plan Involve(d)s:

    parasitic disSolution and puppet extraction, exposing the dIsToRtIoN generating lies,

    the perpetuation of fear / separation

    In The Momentum And Return To OUR EssenceSelf

    The Tidal Force

    Of Our Source

    Bringing Forth The Dawn

    OUR Coming Forth By Day

    IT IS(IS) SO

    IT IS(IS) Done

    Posts : 699
    Join date : 2010-04-23
    Age : 51

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  lawlessline Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:54 am


    I think I get where you are coming from. Although your posts can be cryptic at times. So the alignement started yester day and goes through to 22/09. I understand the creation of such Portals and their abilities to create corridors to other dimension. The only difference that I have is the front and back door is the Sun. I and not sure you can go directly from our planet, or any other planet in our solar system to another dimension directly??????

    The positioning of these planets will determine the direction of the portals from the sun???? Even different places on the earth allows for different displacements of the spirit to diferent dimensions.

    But can we not use these alignements to design our own solar system? To change its structure, or do we have to just use the eliments that we find around us? Could this also be true for other sysytems. The changing of these systems is not for spirits to do but only for spirits to use the changing vibrations of each dimension to direct our selves?????

    Could we use this energy and dimensional openings to deviate a comet for example???

    I love the link by the way. Been going back several times to re read. Info on many levels there and have to go back every now and then to see a different angle.


    Posts : 699
    Join date : 2010-04-23
    Age : 51

    Are we living in a designer universe? - Page 5 Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  lawlessline Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:56 am


    Sorry one other thing. Whats with the avatars? Why have I 2? and whay upside down?


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