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    Are we living in a designer universe?


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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Studeo Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:16 am

    The creators of the world were closer to men than to gods, argues John Gribbin.

    By John Gribbin
    Published: 8:35AM BST 31 Aug 2010

    The argument over whether the universe has a creator, and who that might be, is among the oldest in human history. But amid the raging arguments between believers and sceptics, one possibility has been almost ignored – the idea that the universe around us was created by people very much like ourselves, using devices not too dissimilar to those available to scientists today.

    As with much else in modern physics, the idea involves particle acceleration, the kind of thing that goes on in the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. Before the LHC began operating, a few alarmists worried that it might create a black hole which would destroy the world. That was never on the cards: although it is just possible that the device could generate an artificial black hole, it would be too small to swallow an atom, let alone the Earth.

    However, to create a new universe would require a machine only slightly more powerful than the LHC – and there is every chance that our own universe may have been manufactured in this way.

    This is possible for two reasons. First, black holes may – as science fiction aficionados will be well aware – act as gateways to other regions of space and time. Second, because of the curious fact that gravity has negative energy, it takes no energy to make a universe. Despite the colossal amount of energy contained in every atom of matter, it is precisely balanced by the negativity of gravity.

    Black holes, moreover, are relatively easy to make. For any object, there is a critical radius, called the Schwarzschild radius, at which its mass will form a black hole. The Schwarzschild radius for the Sun is about two miles, 1/200,000th of its current width; for the Earth to become a black hole, it would have to be squeezed into a ball with a radius of one centimetre.

    The black holes that could be created in a particle accelerator would be far smaller: tiny masses squeezed into incredibly tiny volumes. But because of gravity's negative energy, it doesn't matter how small such holes are: they still have the potential to inflate and expand in their own dimensions (rather than gobbling up our own). Such expansion was precisely what our universe did in the Big Bang, when it suddenly exploded from a tiny clump of matter into a fully-fledged cosmos.

    Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology first proposed the now widely accepted idea of cosmic inflation – that the starting point of the Big Bang was far smaller, and its expansion far more rapid, than had been assumed. He has investigated the technicalities of "the creation of universes in the laboratory", and concluded that the laws of physics do, in principle, make it possible.

    The big question is whether that has already happened – is our universe a designer universe? By this, I do not mean a God figure, an "intelligent designer" monitoring and shaping all aspects of life. Evolution by natural selection, and all the other processes that produced our planet and the life on it, are sufficient to explain how we got to be the way we are, given the laws of physics that operate in our universe.

    However, there is still scope for an intelligent designer of universes as a whole. Modern physics suggests that our universe is one of many, part of a "multiverse" where different regions of space and time may have different properties (the strength of gravity may be stronger in some and weaker in others). If our universe was made by a technologically advanced civilisation in another part of the multiverse, the designer may have been responsible for the Big Bang, but nothing more.

    If such designers make universes by manufacturing black holes – the only way to do it that we are aware of – there are three levels at which they might operate. The first is just to manufacture black holes, without influencing the laws of physics in the new universe. Humanity is nearly at this level, which Gregory Benford's novel Cosm puts in an entertaining context: an American researcher finds herself, after an explosion in a particle accelerator, with a new universe on her hands, the size of a baseball.

    The second level, for a slightly more advanced civilisation, would involve nudging the properties of the baby universes in a certain direction. It might be possible to tweak the black holes in such a way that the force of gravity was a little stronger than in the parent universe, without the designers being able to say exactly how much stronger.

    The third level, for a very advanced civilisation, would involve the ability to set precise parameters, thereby designing it in detail. An analogy would be with designer babies – instead of tinkering with DNA to get a perfect child, a scientists might tinker with the laws of physics to get a perfect universe. Crucially, though, it would not be possible in any of these cases – even at the most advanced level – for the designers to interfere with the baby universes once they had formed. From the moment of its own Big Bang, each universe would be on its own.

    This might sound far-fetched, but the startling thing about this theory is how likely it is to happen – and to have happened already. All that is required is that evolution occurs naturally in the multiverse until, in at least one universe, intelligence reaches roughly our level. From that seed point, intelligent designers create enough universes suitable for evolution, which bud off their own universes, that universes like our own (in other words, suitable for intelligent life) proliferate rapidly, with "unintelligent" universes coming to represent a tiny fraction of the whole multiverse. It therefore becomes overwhelmingly likely that any given universe, our own included, would be designed rather than "natural".

    While the intelligence required to do the job may be (slightly) superior to ours, it is of a kind that is recognisably similar to our own, rather than that of an infinite and incomprehensible God. And the most likely reason for such an intelligence to make universes is the same for doing things like climbing mountains, or studying the nature of subatomic particles – because we can. A civilisation that has the technology to make baby universes would surely find the temptation irresistible. And if the intelligences are anything like our own, there would be an overwhelming temptation at the higher levels of universe design to improve upon the results.

    This idea provides the best resolution yet to the puzzle Albert Einstein used to raise, that "the most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible". The universe is comprehensible to the human mind because it was designed, at least to some extent, by intelligent beings with minds similar to our own.

    The great British astronomer Fred Hoyle suggested that the laws of physics were so uniquely conducive to human existence that the universe must be "a put-up job". I believe he was right: the universe was indeed set up to provide a home for life, even if it evolved through a process of natural selection, with no need for outside interference. It isn't that man was created in God's image – rather that our universe was created, more or less, in the image of its designers.

    Dr John Gribbin is a visiting fellow in Astronomy at the University of Sussex and author of 'In Search of the Multiverse' (Penguin), available from Telegraph Books


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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Carol Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:02 pm

    I've thought about black holes for quite awhile and had wondered if they really are portals into other universes. Surly they must go somewhere.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:35 am

    I have been researching this for a while. So far I am gathering that Prime Source Creator uses Black Holes and Quasars to create Galaxies. Quasars create life that spread throughout the Universe. Quasars can be found at the beginning of our Galaxy formation. At the point of singularity the ingredients are compacted into the highest form of energy. Many scientists today will say there is no other side. Well if you look at things according to matter they could be right. But what they need to discover is that matter is the lowest vibrational energy. It is the solid reality that can contain consciousness energy. But what we truly are comes from anti-matter. This is the blueprint of where everything comes from. As a matter of fact, we are living in one huge black hole. Everything eventually comes back to singularity and then the process of birth starts all over again to create new forms of life in the universe.

    In the Ether realities that do not require matter form our higher consciousness remains, we are sparks of that source floating about in the matter life. The further away we are from that singularity the more duality we experience. Humans still fall into the illusion of 3d to find their answers. Yet consciousness expands beyond all dimensions.

    What is on the other side of a Black Hole: Etheric reality and Etheric matter. This is a much more vibrant universe full of exotic matter.
    That is all I can sense from my research so far. I will keep you up to date when I go further.

    Prime Creator could be using the soul experiences of physical matter to create a dream world on the other side. Now that is a new way to look at it.
    Push out, pull in. We could be living in a Phantom Universe. Now that would explain quite a bit.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:47 am

    Imo the meaning of life is to feed your head - on to the next one.
    If not I die trying.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Transducer

    Post  SiriArc Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:43 am


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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:55 am

    Indeed, our friend Suriel is back and was very much missed. I do so enjoy reading your posts and you tend to nail how things work to the wall so-to-speak in a very understandable manner. cheers

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:22 pm

    I could go into further details about the lower vibrational matrix. Our physical mind experiences are being recorded. Memories for the Source. Yet what the source finds even more interesting are the emotions. What is the greatest Human emotion in almost every thought, feeling, and interaction? Fear.
    What is the emotion that really gets the Source interested in the Duality Universe? Love.

    As the soul breathes in the material shell, our minds cloud our true path into spiritual evolution. Maybe there is no goal to have Heaven in the Phantom Universe. Heaven already exists in all of us. Yet it is the separation in this illusion that brings forth the Ego. When you can get past the "I" and cross over to the "Am" then you will know we are all the Source.

    Many of you have already figured that out.

    But a designer Universe is interesting. Because we are Creators. What if we were computer applications that became self aware. Then we could change the program. We could change the software that runs this matrix. We could allow our Souls to experience life in a higher dimensional reality. When you pick up an object you visualize the lower vibrational matter as ones and zeros. Learn to use your energy to transcend the coffee cup. Levitate it into the air and make it disappear. What if you could stare at an apple and turn it into a white bunny rabbit? The dream world is what I am talking about here.

    What manifests in our dreams, the astral realms, often reflect what we want to act out in the physical world. We are designing our Universe in these realms. You are a Creator. Telepathy, flying, shape shifting - all these things are very real in a higher dimensional frequency realm. When you die in the physical, you are in your own universe. You enter your dreamworld afterlife. All of the things you dealt with in the lower vibrational physical world will now be dealt with in the higher form. I will end this post here. I must drink my coffee now.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:31 pm

    Another coffee seems we all need a good cup of coffee while reflecting on such. I was so happy to see you emerge here. Truly many here have figured much of this, but the perspectives of such is good to hear and reflect on.

    Several here, including myself, in our own way have reflected on this, and you have a good perspective here. So please share more, as I will be reading and enjoying this part of your experiences. With a good cup of coffee that is Wink


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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:42 pm

    Thanks Brook. Yes almost everything I discuss is a reflection. In a way that is true for everyone we are all reflecting off of each other. Our different experiences compiled into a greater mass of energy called the Human consciousness. Great weight and value is placed into the physical body experiences. But what if the emphasis of the universe was not really the bi-product of the expression but the result of the expression in the higher frequencies? What if the Dream World Matrix was the more interesting emotional karma game of Source? Recycling matter to create these experiences for the Soul. What if you became self aware in all frequencies and flipped the game inside out? Reverse the Phantom into the Celestial.

    Maybe this is the goal of prime source creator. It is like the ultimate challenge. Get Love into It.

    But in order to do so we must work out our emotional bodies. I believe this is key into manifesting a more productive positive material life experience.
    This is why we dream. Those realities are just as important or more so.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:50 pm

    Suriel wrote:Thanks Brook. Yes almost everything I discuss is a reflection. In a way that is true for everyone we are all reflecting off of each other. Our different experiences compiled into a greater mass of energy called the Human consciousness. Great weight and value is placed into the physical body experiences. But what if the emphasis of the universe was not really the bi-product of the expression but the result of the expression in the higher frequencies? What if the Dream World Matrix was the more interesting emotional karma game of Source? Recycling matter to create these experiences for the Soul. What if you became self aware in all frequencies and flipped the game inside out? Reverse the Phantom into the Celestial.

    Maybe this is the goal of prime source creator. It is like the ultimate challenge. Get Love into It.

    But in order to do so we must work out our emotional bodies. I believe this is key into manifesting a more productive positive material life experience.
    This is why we dream. Those realities are just as important or more so.

    I agree, and have stated in my thread, how important it is to work out the emotional body. Work through it so you can even access that higher dimensional aspect of who you are, and the connections thereof. It's the one thing that prevents that from occurring.

    As such, I discovered an energy stream, that permeates this world. It compresses the DNA, and augments it up one half step, frequency wise that is. It would also seem artificial. As if put there by an outside source, to keep us from accessing the recording in our DNA.
    Just a reflection with my coffee. Any thoughts?

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:01 pm

    Yes, Brook. This is a higher technology called the B.E.A.S.T. I deal with this on a constant basis. So do we all. We are being like that Heinz 57 sauce with the 57 flavors of E.T. DNA. In our Phantom Universe radiates a dark alien technology that keeps us from totally becoming what we truly are, Celestial light beings. This may be done purposely to keep us enslaved.

    The Ancients were and are at War. I have been doing some research on this. It all points down to a race called the Annunaki. It all points to Lyra.
    Somehow the both are connected. Parts of our DNA are deactivated. Of course you already know this. When I close my eyes and meditate through the upper dimensional realms, there is a layer of Grays. I mean that literally. The grays and the tall whites.

    Before I go into this deeper. Let us pause in a moment of reflection: We are being messed with on a total grander scale beyond all comprehension.
    It is a war to fight over the Heinz 57 Humans. Forgive my analogy.


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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:07 pm

    Suriel wrote:Yes, Brook. This is a higher technology called the B.E.A.S.T. I deal with this on a constant basis. So do we all. We are being like that Heinz 57 sauce with the 57 flavors of E.T. DNA. In our Phantom Universe radiates a dark alien technology that keeps us from totally becoming what we truly are, Celestial light beings. This may be done purposely to keep us enslaved.

    The Ancients were and are at War. I have been doing some research on this. It all points down to a race called the Annunaki. It all points to Lyra.
    Somehow the both are connected. Parts of our DNA are deactivated. Of course you already know this. When I close my eyes and meditate through the upper dimensional realms, there is a layer of Grays. I mean that literally. The grays and the tall whites.

    Before I go into this deeper. Let us pause in a moment of reflection: We are being messed with on a total grander scale beyond all comprehension.
    It is a war to fight over the Heinz 57 Humans. Forgive my analogy.

    That technology is a "disc". A piezoelectric disc of ancient origin. I traced two streams...and both led to the discs I've been writing about. And the source you speak of is exact. And here's a kicker, I had some prior experience with this technology from a regressed state. And have had validation to the information.
    Discs......likened to the monolith from the movie.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:21 pm

    Yes from what I gather the Annunaki left the grays here to maintain our race while they are gone. The B.E.A.S.T. keeps us in a state of fear. This is why in the Dream world Designer Matrix you often come in contact with shape-shifters that are manifested from this program. It often explains much in the behavior of humans in the lower vibrational state. The Tall White Grays are controlling the governments, creating the wars, and most important keeping the emotion of fear to dominate the emotional bodies of our souls.

    If we were to ascend, our power would expand and go beyond our controllers. This grand human experiment created by the Annunaki is playing out.
    Yet, the Light workers here are on a mission to help balance out this equation. I am aware of them and they are aware of me. This is why it is very important to connect with your Soul. Your Prime Creator Soul must become self aware. This is the first step into the de-activation of the B.E.A.S.T. Or at breaking free from its mind control.

    What is the best tool used to maintain fear emotions in Humans, mind control. The dreamworld is where it has most of its affects.
    I have also been taking a close eye on the Annunaki winged craft in space that is coming to Earth. Look at the Sumerian and Egyptian artworks to find this mothership. Look at Sumerian history as well.

    The perfect Human is what they are trying to prevent. The Architects will still emerge regardless. It is our destiny.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:31 pm

    Agreed. This is what I've been doing lots of writing about recently. But most of all, I've been stressing the importance of rising above that augmented frequency. And it can be done with some real work. Getting the emotional body in check and such.

    I'd really like to hear more on your perspective on this area you spoke of when you get time. It's quite interesting ...

    What is on the other side of a Black Hole: Etheric reality and Etheric matter. This is a much more vibrant universe full of exotic matter.
    That is all I can sense from my research so far. I will keep you up to date when I go further.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:04 pm

    The exotic universe - heaven - celestial positive spectrum

    As Duality exists in our realms of perception, they do exist on a grander scale. Blinding Golden Light.
    That is the overall feeling I get from this other Universe.

    There is research that you can do on this. I have not researched it that much as of yet. But I feel that it has to do with radiation, hight light particles, orgone positive energy. This feeling of love that people feel in NDE is an example.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:59 pm

    This is where I'd like Carol to chime in. She has information of black holes within our DNA. This concept is very intriguing. As this technology I happened upon has a great effect on our DNA, it would certainly compress those black Carol......any more to bring to the table?

    I just made another pot of coffee Wink

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:09 am

    Is this solar system the product of evolution plus intelligent design? Is the intelligent designer experiencing creator's remorse? Is this solar system an experiment gone bad? Will there be an extermination by the Galactic PTB? Will rogue aliens exterminate us? Will we exterminate ourselves? I don't feel secure as a human being, living in this solar system, at this time. Some have told me that things are so out of control here - that we are past the point of no return. I keep trying to hypothesize a completely reformed and perfected solar system - inhabited with perfected beings - human and otherwise. But then I fear that the underground bases and secret space program - controlled by the secret government - is so evil, corrupt, and out of control - that a positive outcome might be impossible. Or - is the secret government trying to protect us from a very harsh, tyrannical, and cruel universal theocracy? I don't know who the good guys and bad guys are. I don't even know if I'm a good guy or a bad guy - and that's the truth. Oh - regarding the subject of this thread - I'm looking for a book on classical physics which takes issue with quantum physics, relativity, and even evolutionary theory - written within the last ten years - by a reputable academic.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:34 am

    Hi Oxy, you may want to read this as it goes into how DNA creates wormholes between dimensions. I truly love science because it helps explain the how of spirituality. Many experiences I've had in the past, but no words to explain what happened. Where here through scientific methods. In spiritual interdimensional travel one sets of a frequency as the highway to where they want to go. We use our intention to guide the DNA frequency. For example, once given a mantra one chants the mantra and focuses on their spiritual teacher who has already developed his or her own frequency pathway into the upper dimensions. If using a teacher as a guide one can only travel as far as the teacher has done their own inner work. Coming across a Master is a rare event and can help in many respects.

    Some spiritual Masters take pity on their student so will take on some of the karma the student had acquired in past lives or this live and actually undergo suffering on the behalf of the student.

    Oxy... have you ever had an OBE or NDE? Because what I see you struggling with are constructs perhaps pertaining to how ego thinks as compared to how spirit sees.

    DNA is fascinating on multiple levels because supposedly it contains information about one that travels from one incarnation to the next. But I also have this other idea about all of this. You see, DNA creates wormhole to other dimensions... so what if our memories of other lives are also stored in those other dimensions and we allow spirit to go get it for us when we need it. After all, our spirit is a multi-dimensional being not limited by time and space. As as spirit this is how we are god-like... as co-creators with god but not god. God is everything... cosmic consciousness, the ocean and we, we are like drops of water in the ocean.. particles or parts of the whole having access to all the information that dwells within this oceanic conscious awarareness.

    Anyway, we know science is showing us just how connected our DNA is to the cosmos and that our DNA is a stargate as we too are made from the stuff of the stars.

    From the German book Vernetzte Intelligenz by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf (summarized and translated by Baerbel):

    “The latest research explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light-auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind's influence on weather-patterns and much more. The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! Wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars). These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.

    What we are seeing here is ‘Hyper-communication’, where information is passed inter-dimensionally. It is as though the DNA acts as a ‘Stargate’ between this dimension and others. In the book there are several stories of how this information is downloaded via DNA.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:44 am

    Thank-you Carol. There is so much to read and think about. I'm currently reading about the Nazi takeover of America!! So, maybe I should read something more pleasant. One more thing.

    In the Beginning - God said, {Schrodinger Wave Equation}!!!

    What if God consists of trillions of shapeshifting interdimensional reptilians? What if all of us are shapeshifting interdimensional reptilians - with human bodies? What if aliens are shapeshifting interdimensional reptilians with other kinds of bodies? What if we created ourselves? Now I'm going to drink my coffee. Or - should I drink my kool-aid?

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:54 am

    I don't worry too much about that as the goal is to raise your frequency... and leave them to theirs. Besides, in the end it is like a stewpot. We're all part of what's in the pot of matter. Some more spicy then others.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:12 am

    We are in a universal playground of duality. What physical experiences you have on your journey you take with you beyond the physical grave. It is true that species, civilizations that experience more fear may need to develop more into their spirituality if they choose to ascend to a higher dimension. Some alien races do not want to leave their physical realm of power and control. Some can't because they are synthetic beings. That is a whole other story. To find inner peace connect with your inner soul. That is all you will find: yourself. Regardless of what evil exists in the lower realm frequencies, you can move through it. Carol is on a great track with the discussion of DNA. It is key to your celestial path.

    We are all celestial. It is only the choice to find that part in you and connect to your higher self. Regardless of how many alien wars we have for a gazillion years, we are from that cosmic dust - exotic matter.

    In your heart you know what good and evil is in the duality illusionary physical realm. Try to use the mind as a tool but use your heart as the guide.

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Post #1 Studeo/Gribbin: the “creators” .......

    Post  SiriArc Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:37 am

    war in "heaven"

    like goa'uld parasites

    godz by whatever name

    those "creators" incapable of “creating” anything
    only able to mimic and dIsToRt

    pitting The Dark against The Light

    feeding/gorging its addiction

    on the perpetuation of fearpainsuffering


    Those ONES





    Who And What Are Those Telestai

    (those who are aimed)

    Look INTO The Mirror

    Are we living in a designer universe? 35lfbdt

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:39 pm

    DNA is fascinating on multiple levels because supposedly it contains information about one that travels from one incarnation to the next.But I also have this other idea about all of this. You see, DNA creates wormhole to other dimensions... so what if our memories of other lives are also stored in those other dimensions and we allow spirit to go get it for us when we need it. After all, our spirit is a multi-dimensional being not limited by time and space. As as spirit this is how we are god-like... as co-creators with god but not god. God is everything...cosmic consciousness, the ocean and we, we are like drops of water in the ocean.. particles or parts of the whole having access to all the information that dwells within this oceanic conscious awareness.

    Carol I can testify to the recording of ones life experiences throughout incarnations. Dolores Cannon would have a field day with me in my regressed states. DNA is definitely a "recording" devise. And what's more, is it can carry physical aspects as well, from one incarnation to the other.

    I am so intrigued at the "black hole" aspect of this information you bring to the table. Because besides the past life aspect of recording in the DNA, I have experienced physical phenomenon in dimensional travel as well. Now this to me seems impossible...and I really want to know how it works. for example, being able to smell something from a dimensional level blows my mind. Also, bringing back a pain from an injury received in a dimensional plane....back to the physical 3D. This really blows my mind when it happens. Cellular memory maybe?

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    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Brook Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:52 pm

    Another thing I would like to add here, I never really worked in the area of OBE, or astral travel. One day I simply snapped, started getting block pixel information, and next thing you know, I've got this ability to travel dimensionally. I have no idea how I do it. I simply do it. Where many work on their merkaba to get this going, it just started for me. I think some how my DNA did a major adjust of sorts, and next thing you know, it just comes naturally. So excuse me for being naive in this area, but as good as I am at this now, I still have many question as to the 'how", and "why". Mostly the how...the why is getting worked out as we speak Wink

    I believe when we talk about intelligent design, and a designer universe, it would have to include our DNA.

    Posts : 59
    Join date : 2010-11-27
    Age : 51

    Are we living in a designer universe? Empty Re: Are we living in a designer universe?

    Post  Suriel Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:10 pm

    I have a great deal of experience in OBE. My personal code word helps me go into flight. There are Universal code words that can be said telepathically to get you traveling to other galaxies and beyond. Telepathy is key. Although you may think you are talking to yourself, you are not. Activation comes from letting go and telling the program what to do.

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