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    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread


    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:45 pm

    Sunday, December 29, 2013

    The 12 Cell Salts and Their Astrology Signs

    I started the practice of drinkingdistilled liquids earlier this year, and I have noticed a marked improvement in my over all health. There are 12 essential salts our body's and cells need to function properly, and if your eating a modern diet, your probably not getting the balance needed.

    This data just further underscores our interconnectedness with all things and given the watering down of Astrology over the Melenia, I find this data particularly intriguing. Thank you Jeremy for sharing this with me!
    - Justin

    Source - Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology

    by Robert Wilkinson

    A friend thought the astrological correspondences for the 12 Cell Salts would be an article many would find useful, so welcome to today's subject for consideration. The 12 cell salts are considered to be necessary to our health, and I have found over the years that the salts corresponding to the Ascendant and sign on the 6th house are very important in our biochemical workings.

    The Ascendant, of course, represents the physical vehicle and therefore the primary chemical makeup of a person. The sign on the 6th house also shows important factors concerning the physical health, since the 6th represents the health of an individual. I've also found that if a person has a stellium (3 or more planets) in a given sign, that mineral salt needs to be kept in the diet regularly, as do the substances ruled by the Moon sign, since the Moon rules our absorption and is active in our biochemical processes on a constant basis.

    Apart from these few suggestions, there are other astrological factors that show our need for various salts. However, thanks to our fascist AMA, there are some strict laws governing what can and cannot be said regarding our health and what substances we might need. Therefore I cannot offer suggestions in this forum as to what you may need.

    So that you may get the maximum benefit from this article, in addition to offering you the sign correspondences, I'll also offer you a few foods that are high in certain salts. Obviously there are other foods with these mineral salts in them, so don't confine yourself to what you read here. Please feel free to explore the subject to whatever degree you are called to do so, and if you find that certain salts (or foods) seem beneficial to your health, then by all means find the diet and/or supplements that work for you.

    What follows are the astrological correspondences to the cell salts:
    Aries - Potassium Phosphate, said to be good as a brain food helpful for nerve and brain imbalances. Foods containing this salt include Parsley, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Linseed Meal, Peanuts, Milk, Buttermilk, Cheese and Avocados.
    Taurus - Sodium Sulphate,, said to be good in regulating the water supply in the body system, decreasing or increasing it as needed. Foods containing this salt include Cauliflower, Lettuce, Cabbage, Turnips, Radishes, Onions, Egg Yolks, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Kohlrabi, and Milk.
    Gemini - Potassium Chloride, said to be good for forming and distributing fibrin throughout the body, thereby moderating coagulation. When clogging occurs, it is associated with sinus and throat problems as well as fibrous growths. Foods containing this salt include Cheese, Egg Yolks, Radishes, Coconuts, Lentils, Carrots, Spinach, Asparagus, and Sauerkraut.
    Cancer - Calcium Flouride, said to be good for muscle and ligament tonicity, (thus helping prevent muscle prolapsis) as well as healthy teeth enamel. Foods containing this salt include Turnips, Asparagus, Beets, Goat Cheese, Kelp, Garlic, and Pineapple.
    Leo - Magnesium Phosphate, said to be good for healthy nerve tissue, thus assisting nerve transmission. Foods containing this salt include Cauliflower, Cabbage, Asparagus, Beechnuts, Almonds, Whole Wheat, as well as fruits such as Lemons, Limes, Oranges, Grapefruit, Figs, Gooseberries, Peaches, and Cherries.
    Virgo - Potassium Sulphate, said to be good for circulation of oils through our body, which supposedly assists digestion and kidney function, as well as excretion of toxins through the skin. Foods containing this salt include Cauliflower, Lettuce, Cabbage, Onions, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Tomatoes and Cucumbers.
    Libra - Sodium Phosphate, said to be good for balancing the acid-alkaline function in our bodies, thus helping all acid conditions which affect the nervous system. Foods containing this salt include Cottage Cheese, Eggs, Buttermilk, Brown Rice, Tomato juice, Cirtus fruits and juices, Whole Wheat products, Lentils, Vegetable Greens, Asparagus, and Parsley.
    Scorpio - Calcium Sulphate, said to be good for building and sustaining epithelial tissue, thus supposedly good for all skin diseases. Foods containing this salt include Cauliflower, Lettuce, Cabbage, Turnips, Radishes, Onions, Egg Yolks, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Kohlrabi, and Milk.
    Sagittarius - Silica, said to be good for building and maintaining skin, hair, nails, and nerve coverings, as well as removing decomposed matter from the skin. Foods containing this salt include Endive, Barley, Oats, raw Cabbage, Cucumber skins, Shredded Wheat, Rye and Whole Wheat products, Spinach, Peas, Carrots, Gooseberries, and Strawberries.
    Capricorn - Calcium Phosphate, said to be good as a bone builder and helpful in any bone disease. Foods containing this salt include Parsley, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Linseed Meal, Peanuts, Milk, Buttermilk, Cheese and Avocados.
    Aquarius - Sodium Chloride, said to be good for regulating the water supply throughout the body, thus affecting elimination and how "cool" or "hot" we are regardless of the temperature. Foods containing this salt include Onions, Celery, Tomatoes, Almonds, Apples, Spinach, Peaches, Pecans, Lentils, Sauerkraut, Eff Yolks, Swiss chard, and Roquefort and Goat Cheese.
    Pisces - Ferrous Phosphate, said to be good for transporting oxygen throughout the body, thus aiding circulation which assists the purifying and stimulating of internal organs. Foods containing this salt include Raisins, Prunes, Plums, Grapes, Figs, Oranges, Spinach, Currants, Mushrooms, Dates, Beets, Wheat Bran, and Lima Beans.
    You can find more about the 12 salts and supposed symptoms for their deficiency in your body by going to

    (This list of foods corresponding to the 12 cellular tissue salts was originally published in "Wynn's Astrology" magazine, March 1941, in the article "Zodiacal Salts and Diet" by A.J. Haworth, D.C.)

    © Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson


    Question: Susan, what is that product you use that has a lot of these types of ingredients - you say you are born in 1958, which makes you 55 - i'd love to know what keeps you so young & vital, could you post something about that ? Thank You, Marie

    Answer: yes, i am 55 - this photographwas shot off my laptop
    - it was NOT altered nor adjusted in any way !!!

    The products are consume, are affordable, effective, natural and safe - and, they are all solutions that deliver a lot more than i could ever legally tell you or, promise you
    - the best testimonial is a personal experience !!!
    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 Susancopy1
    i'll tell you about what i use, in the next post

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:47 pm

    Question:  Susan, what is that product you use that has a lot of these types of ingredients
    - you say you are born in 1958, which makes you 55 - i'd love to know what keeps you so young & vital, could you post something about that. Thank You, Marie

    Question: OK - i want your secrets - spill !!!  Toni

    Question: Susan, How do you do it, I'm 48 and I'm falling apart
    - what kind of alternative health products do you use on a daily
    - weekly - or monthly basis - I'm curious, is this something anyone can do,  

    Answer: yes, i am 55 - this  photograph was  shot off my laptop
    - it was NOT altered nor adjusted in any way !!!
    the room i was shooting it in, might of been a little bit too light,
    i'll try to take some more photographs, it is true,
    that i have discovered a few secrets that work wonders.

    These products are affordable, effective, natural and safe
    - and, they are all solutions that deliver a lot more than i could ever legally tell you or, promise you
    - the best testimonial is a personal experience !!!
    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 Susancopy1
    My first suggestion is to drink 'good water' - if you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 oz of water daily
    (30 ml = 1 ounce)
    So, that means, take your body weight :  IE; 120 lbs AND, divide by 2 = 50 oz of water or  (50 x 30 = 1500 ml OF WATER) daily
    Simply stated, that is just half your body weight in pounds, in ounces.

    Secondly, i take one small chunk about the size of a fingernail - in tibet sea salt
    (and, either grind it on top of a salad, or, just eat it whole)

    Thirdly, i try to drink most of the water, as, early as possible in the day, and, always drink a big glass of water before i go to sleep.

    The next thing, i think is very important - is to only drink HOT liquids with your meals
    - if you need to drink something cold, drink it alone without food.

    The reason for the sea salt, is that it has the 12 salts that naturally occur in your blood
    and, it keeps you healthy.

    One product, that i believe is very important is  matol - km ( available in liquid, or in time released capsules called caps or kaps )

    it puts my blood into the 7.2  to 7.4 ph range - where disease can NOT survive
    - it is made of a secret recipe of barks and botanticals

    (mainly a potassium mineral supplement - that really works -  this product was developed by an Austrian biochemist Dr. Karl Jurac)
    you can get that wholesale by calling  1-800-363-1890, and, tell the operator you want to drop ship an order to yourself - through ID #MB100-07085 - you can always email
    (i;ll post some info on matol km - in the next post)

    i take a small chunk of tibet sea salt, that has the 12 salts that naturally occur in your blood, for one thing;  
    for the 2nd thing:  i take matol - km - available in liquid (1 month supply) or kaps (2 months supply)
    it puts my blood into the 7.2  to 7.4 ph range - where disease can NOT survive - it is 14 barks and botanticals (mainly a potassium mineral supplement - that really works -  this product was developed by an Austrian biochemist Dr. Karl Jurac)  

    you can get that wholesale by calling  1-800-363-1890, and, tell the operator you want to drop ship an order to yourself - through ID #MB100-07085 - you can always email
    (i;ll post some info on matol km - in the next post)
    i take a small chunk of tibet sea salt, that has the 12 salts that naturally occur in your blood, for one thing;  
    for the 2nd thing:  i take matol - km - available in liquid (1 month supply) or kaps (2 months supply)
    it puts my blood into the 7.2  to 7.4 ph range - where disease can NOT survive - it is 14 barks and botanticals (mainly a potassium mineral supplement - that really works -  this product was developed by an Austrian biochemist Dr. Karl Jurac)  

    you can get that wholesale by calling  1-800-363-1890, and, tell the operator you want to drop ship an order to yourself - through ID #MB100-07085 - you can always email
    (i;ll post some info on matol km - in the next post) i take a small chunk of tibet sea salt, that has the 12 salts that naturally occur in your blood, for one thing;  
    for the 2nd thing:  i take matol - km - available in liquid (1 month supply) or kaps (2 months supply)
    it puts my blood into the 7.2  to 7.4 ph range - where disease can NOT survive - it is 14 barks and botanticals (mainly a potassium mineral supplement - that really works -  this product was developed by an Austrian biochemist Dr. Karl Jurac)  

    you can get that wholesale by calling  1-800-363-1890, and, tell the operator you want to drop ship an order to yourself - through ID #MB100-07085 - you can always email
    (i;ll post some info on matol km - in the next post)


    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:48 pm

    Watch this movie

    very good info - if you want solutions to this

    then you want mediterranean  products without gmos

    ​use clear to get rid of all parasites

    or, email

    for more details
    or visit;
    thanks :)

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:49 pm

    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 1538681_607410619306115_1861163880_n

    10 Food Ingredients Banned in Many Countries, But Still Used in The United States:

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:50 pm

    This Swimsuit Slimdown Drink does NOT give you the original recipe,

    NOR the proper ingredients,

    or, the other option, or part that went along with the program !!!

    1 cup grapefruit or orange or pineapple juice,
    2 tsp apple cider vineger
    1 tsp honey
    Drink before each meal ... breaks down fat cells faster than anything else

    this isn't exactly a 'new' recipe

    just google - lose fat, juice, apple cider vinegar

    and, over 811,000 results come up

    images - neways distributors have been using it for approx 25 years

    with great results ...

    The Original Version that we used,

    is on my website at this website

    (insert link)


    The Images - Neways Slimming Drink that works well alone,

    or, in conjunction with The Firm Up Cream-Creme & The Skinny Dip Cream Creme

    -which your mission to get rid of Jelly Bellies, Saggy Arms, Turkey Gobbler Chins or

    Unsighly fat & skin that jingles & shakes on your Legs & looks horrible...

    there is something you can do about it, and, it eliminates your thunder thighs - and, tones the skin on your body, breasts, legs, etc.,

    by utilizing one of the world's first fat-thigh Reduction creams called SKINNY DIP aka "s" Cream

    and, FIRM UP which are both, Images aka Moderne aka Neways products - which are affordable, effective, natural and safe !!!

    GET THEM WHOLESALE - by calling 1-888-583-3504, tell the operator you were referred by Sponsor's Network/Schwenger #006 07 1990


    detox the body, eliminate the old crud, eXplode the fat cells,

    and, become slim & trim while you


    1 cup or 8 oz or 240ml of 'real' juice

    (you can use: apple, citrus mix, green apple, mango, peach, pineapple, or orange)

    2 teaspoon of pure unpasturized apple cider vineger

    1 teaspoon of pure unpasturized honey (with the pollen left in)*

    *this also helps people who want to eliminate their allergies

    2-3 drops of pure "real" vanilla - do NOT utilize phony 'imitation' vanilla, use the real thing

    1/4 (.25) teaspoon of pure organic cinnamon (like a quarter of a teaspoon, NOT 1 to 4 teaspoons, just 1/4 tsp)

    Put all ingredients into a blender, or a shaker ~ and, blend it well, or shake it well

    Pour it over ice cubes an equal measure of ice cubes

    (ie; approx 10 oz to 10 oz of ice)

    Drink it before each & every meal you eat...

    NEVER drink any cold beverages when you are eating any food

    - it is what causes the natural oils etc. to harden & get stuck in you !!!

    DRINK only 'hot' beverages when you are consuming food !!!

    Also drink this approximately 11 to 13 minutes

    before your eat your meal

    & it will work hard at breaking down & exploding your stored fat cells.

    Quite a few people have lost some serious inches, does IMAGES - MODERNE - NEWAYS BODY WRAPPING

    with the cream - creme called "s" cream or Skinny Dip with The Breathable Body Wrap

    and, then after removing the wrap, utilizing The Bio Mist & The Firm Up Cream - Creme

    (see info in next posting)





    The Images - Moderne aka NEWAYS Products

    can be ordered through 1-888-583-3504

    - Tell the operator, you were referred by: Referral # 006 07 1990 - Susan - The Sponsor's Network

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:52 pm

    Visit our website at:





    The Images - Moderne aka NEWAYS Products

    can be ordered through 1-888-583-3504

    - Tell the operator, you were referred by: Referral # 006 07 1990 - Susan - The Sponsor's Network

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    he strongly advocates the use of consumer products that are free from known or suspected carcinogens.
    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 0020820852.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_
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    4560 FIRM UP - If Temporarily out of stock (email - for inventory)

    Scientifically formulated to noticeably minimize the appearance of sagging skin

    by smoothing and by tightening the skin’s surface with a complex product formulation that has NO harmful ingredients

    Eliminates acne pit marks, crows feet, dark circles under the eyes, forehead lines,

    and, even works to eliminate that awful turkey gobbler drooping skin on the delicate neck regions,

    improves the texture of your skin in all regions, esp. your body, bottom of feet, breasts, butt, face, hands, legs, and facial skin

    its safe to use anywhere.

    - Firm Up’s powerful mix of botanical ingredients that are scientifically proven to firm and tone, will make you look more sleek.

    Firm Up features Pro Release Technology, a deep-penetrating, time-release delivery system that gets the active,

    botanical ingredients where they need to be to ensure firm, smooth looking skin.

    As you succeed in losing and managing your weight,

    sometimes your skin can have an unflattering texture as you work to lose that extra weight.

    Firm Up will help you revitalize your body so that you look your best.

    $27.90 WHOLESALE

    2096 Wrinkle Garde, 20ml

    Every day, skin tissues are bombarded by the environment, and aging causes the skin to lose efficiency in cell turnover.

    You can’t avoid skin aging, but you can hold it at bay.

    You can reduce the appearance of wrinkling through proper nutrition and by using skin hygiene products that support the skin’s natural protective processes.

    Wrinkle Garde’s wrinkle-fighting formulation is based on both traditional and scientific skin care therapies.

    Wrinkle Garde™ contains rose hips oil to soothe and moisturize with a nurturing blend that also includes vitamins E and A.

    This product protects and nourishes the skin, helps amplify the skin’s collagen levels, and delays the appearance of skin aging.

    This product works to eliminate scars !!!

    Apply to lined areas and massage in well. For best results, use morning and evening followed by Resurrection Bio-Mist™.

    Key Ingredients
    Retinyl palmitate
    Rose hips oil
    Tocopherol acetate

    Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
    Helps support the skin’s collagen levels
    Helps support the lipids in the natural skin barrier
    $28.30 WHOLESALE

    2366 TrueTouch® Bio-Mist Hydrating Activator, 130 ml

    TrueTouch® Bio-Mist Hydrating Activator is a refreshing facial mist that moisturizes, soothes, and tones the skin.

    Featuring Haberlea rhodopensis, a plant with unique rejuvenating properties, this hydrating spray creates a pathway to the skin,

    transporting moisture and nutrients while supporting skin’s Natural Moisturizing Factor.

    Bio-Mist Hydrating Activator works in conjunction with other TrueTouch® skin care products and is engineered to promote

    Mist a moderate amount on clean face, hands, and other desired areas. Can be gently massaged into skin.
    Additional mist can be applied after other TrueTouch® skin care or cosmetic products.

    Follow with the step #3 Target products for your skin concerns or step #4 Protect AM or Renew PM.

    Key Ingredients
    Haberlea Rhodopensis
    Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) Support Complex
    Hydrolyzed Glycosaminoglycans
    Sodium PCA

    Carries moisture and nutrients to the skin, keeping skin hydrated
    Moisturizes and protects skin’s vitality by supporting its Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF)
    Enhances skin’s suppleness, improving the appearance and texture of the skin with both moisturizing and mild toning properties
    Works in conjunction with other TrueTouch® skin care products and is engineered to promote the delivery of action ingredients that enrich your skin with the right messages
    Features an EU-allergen friendly fragrance blend
    Dermatologist tested and approved
    $16.90 WHOLESALE

    4562 ProThin® Skinny Dip® 125ml

    New-and-improved ProThin Firming Creams help improve the appearance of your skin, making you look more gorgeous, irresistible, etc.,

    with smooth, healthy-looking skin—all with a safety-conscious and effective formula.

    Skinny Dip targets dimpled skin, smoothing and improving the appearance of your skin, all with a blend of potent botanicals.

    Sometimes your skin can have an unflattering texture as you work to lose extra pounds. Skinny Dip will help you revitalize your skin so that you look your best.

    Skinny Dip features ProRelease Technology, a deep-penetrating, time-release delivery system that gets the active,

    botanical ingredients where they need to be to ensure firm, smooth looking skin.

    Key Ingredients
    Eleuthero Root Extract (Siberian Ginseng)—Smoothes the appearance of the skin.
    Centella Asiatica Extract (Gotu Kola)—A complex of actives that targets dimpled skin.
    Methyl Lactate—Cools and soothes your skin.
    Nelumbo Nucifera Leaf Extract (Indian Lotus)—An ultra-powerful extract that targets dimpled skin.
    Shea Butter—Moisturizes and smoothes your skin for a beautiful appearance.

    Twice daily, apply a desired amount to clean skin and massage in smooth circular motions until cream is completely absorbed.

    Reduces the appearance of cellulite
    Improves elasticity, creating a smoother appearance
    Smoothes the appearance of skin

    $27.90 WHOLESALE





    Visit our website at:





    The Images - Moderne aka NEWAYS Products

    can be ordered through 1-888-583-3504

    - Tell the operator, you were referred by: Referral # 006 07 1990 - Susan - The Sponsor's Network


    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:53 pm

    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 1521668_739648196046471_1769981866_n

    If you can NOT use grapefruit, use lemon.

    If you can NOT find a Tangerine, use an Orange.

    You should drink at least three 8 oz glasses per day,

    (approx 1 oz for every 2 lbs of you - ie; 200 lbs - drink 100 oz of water)

    they say the longer it sits, the better it tastes.

    You can eat them as well but they are intended as flavoring and still work,

    so that is a personal choice.

    The Vitamin C turns fat into fuel, the tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin,

    and the cucumber makes you feel full.

    Try it for 10 days and see what you think!

    Ingredients per Pitcher:

    1 whole sliced grapefruit or lemon
    1 tangerine or orange
    ½ cucumber, sliced
    2 peppermint leaves or a small handful of any mint
    Ice – as much as you like

    Wash grapefruit, tangerine cucumber and peppermint leaves. Slice cucumber, grapefruit and tangerine (or peel).

    Combine all ingredients (fruits, vegetables, 8 oz water, and ice) into a large pitcher.

    Stir & Enjoy!

    In my personal opinion, I peeled the citrus fruit only so I didn't have the bitter taste of the peel! Each person should try it and see which way the like it best.

    however, the peel has a lot of important ingredients within it ---try it both ways


    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:54 pm

    For icy steps and sidewalks in freezing temperatures,

    mix 1 teaspoon of Dawn dish washing liquid, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol,

    and 1/2 gallon hot/warm water and pour over walkways. They won’t refreeze.

    No more salt eating at the concrete in your sidewalks.
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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:54 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:18 pm

    Okay this is not a healthy but when you want to treat yourself this might be the one to go for. Yum!

    1/3 cup cornstarch
    1 1/2 cups flour
    2 teaspoons garlic, minced
    2 teaspoons paprika
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon pepper
    24 ounces beer
    4 vidalia onions
    Seasoned flour
    2 cups flour
    4 teaspoons paprika
    2 teaspoons garlic powder
    1/2 teaspoon pepper
    1/4 teaspoon cayenne

    Creamy Chili sauce
    1 pint mayonnaise
    1 pint sour cream
    1/2 cup tomato chili sauce
    1/2 teaspoon cayenne

    Outback Dipping Sauce
    1/2 cup mayonnaise
    2 teaspoons ketchup
    2 teaspoons creamed horseradish
    1/4 teaspoon paprika
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon dried oregano
    1 dash black pepper
    1 dash cayenne


    1---------for the seasoned flour-----------.

    2 combine flour, paprika, garlic powder, pepper and cayenne-mix well.

    3--------Creamy chili sauce--------.

    4 combine mayo, sour cream, chili sauce and cayenne-mix well.

    5--------Dipping sauce----------.

    6 Blend everything together well and let sit for 2 hours-refrigerated- or overnight.

    7--------And for the batter---------.

    8 Mix cornstarch, flour and seasonings until well blended.

    9 Add beer and mix well.

    10 Cut about 3/4 inch off top of onion and peel.

    11 Cut into onion 12-16 vertical wedges but do not cut through bottom root end.

    12 Remove about 1 inch of petals from center of onion (You can place the cut onions in cold water for a few hours to help "open" them up -- just make sure that you drain them well).

    13 Dip in seasoned flour and gently shake to remove excess.

    14 Separate petals to coat thoroughly with batter.

    15 Gently place in a fryer basket and deep fry at 375-400 for 1 1/2 minutes.

    16 Turn over and fry 1 1/2 minutes more or until golden brown.

    17 Drain on paper towels.

    18 Place onion upright in a shallow bowl and remove center core with a circular cutter or apple corer.

    19 Serve hot with chili sauce and dipping sauce.

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:24 pm

    How to open a bottle of wine - without a corkscrew

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:36 pm

    A very clever way to cook eggs - sunny side up inside of green or red or orange peppers sliced like rings
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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:44 pm

    Amazing Tips

    1. soften rough feet- For the softest feet you've ever experienced, try the before bed routine: rub down your feet with vegetable oil , then put on your socks. when you wake up the oil will be gone and your feet will be amazingly soft!
    2. deodorize your freezer- add a shallow bowl of freshly ground coffee, uncovered, to your freezer. leave for a few days and any funky freezer odors will be gone!
    3. glass dishes- to remove baked on stains from glass casserole dishes, fill it with water and add two tablets of alka-seltzer or denture cleaner. leave for an hour and the stains will be gone!
    4.removing ink stains- make a paste of cream of tartar and lemon juice, and dab at the stain. let it sit for five minutes , then clean with a damp cloth.
    5. scuff remover- to remove scuff marks left on your floor by dark-soled shoes, rub some baking soda into the spot with a wet rag. they will dissappear!
    6.shower caps in the kitchen- plastic wrap is perfect for covering bowls of rising dough, but if you leave the room for too long the dough will push the wrap right out leaving it open and susceptible to germs. solve this problem by switching out to a plastic shower cap. the elastic will fit perfectly over your bowl, and it will stretch just enough to allow expansion.
    7. makin bacon- always rinse bacon under cold water before frying-- it will reduce the amount the bacon shrinks when cooked.
    8. mirror makeover- for a unique cleaner for the mirrors around your home, use aerosol air freshener. it will bring your mirrors to a glossy shine and will have people wondering where that flowery scent is coming from!
    9. easy toilet bowel cleaner- for a cheap and easy way to clean your toilet, use mouthwash. just pour 1 capful into bowl, leave for 15 minutes and wipe clean with the toilet brush!
    10. shiny counter-tops- for a scratch free cleaner that will make your counter-tops sparkle, apply club soda with a moist sponge.
    11. lampshade lifter- dust your lampshades using a fabric softener sheet and their static fighting properties will keep the shades cleaner for longer.
    12. remove old stickers or labels- to remove the gummy remains of label or sticker on glass or a mirror cover it in mayonnaise and let sit for 5 minutes, then scrape away.
    13.get rid of greasy fingerprints- believe it or not, a good way to get rid of those pesky greasy fingerprints on walls is to rub the area with a piece of white bread.
    14. ceramic tile- the easiest way to clean ceramic tile is with rubbing alcohol.
    15. scratch eraser- for tiny scratches in your wooden table or floor, rub vegetable oil or canola oil into the surface. the oil will darken the area and help it to blend in.
    16. keep milk fresh- keep your milk lasting longer by adding a pinch of salt to it after opening!
    17. hangover? rub honey on crackers and eat!! IT will help replenish what your body has lost!
    18. keep dandruff away- crush a couple aspirin and add them to your normal shampoo. just make sure to let the shampoo sit on your hair for 1-2 minutes before washing out.
    19. make perfume last longer- before putting on your favorite perfume rub a bit of petroleum jelly on your skin, it will help keep the fragrance from fading!
    20. quickly ripen tomatoes- to bring already picked tomatoes from green to red, place them in a closed paper bag with an apple.

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:44 pm

    Crown Roast Pork with Apple Stuffing
    Can you imagine the looks you would get serving this delicious roast!!!

    16 Rib Roast (about 12 lbs)
    ½ tsp each Rosemary & Thyme
    Salt and Pepper to taste
    2 gala apples (chopped)...
    2/1/2 cups apple juice
    2 Tbsp butter
    2 boxes pork flavored stuffing

    Preheat oven to 450. Season roast. Place roast in oven for 15 min at 450, then reduce to 350 and cook for 2 ½ hrs.
    Once roast is done, cover with tin foil and let rest.
    Add butter and apples to pan and sauté for a few minutes. Add apple juice and stuffing mix. Stir and remove from heat.
    When ready to serve add stuffing to center of crown roast.
    You can also take drippings from the roast and make gravy by adding cornstarch and apple juice.
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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:45 pm

    Okay this is not a healthy but when you want to treat yourself this might be the one to go for. Yum!

    1/3 cup cornstarch
    1 1/2 cups flour
    2 teaspoons garlic, minced
    2 teaspoons paprika
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon pepper
    24 ounces beer
    4 vidalia onions
    Seasoned flour
    2 cups flour
    4 teaspoons paprika
    2 teaspoons garlic powder
    1/2 teaspoon pepper
    1/4 teaspoon cayenne

    Creamy Chili sauce
    1 pint mayonnaise
    1 pint sour cream
    1/2 cup tomato chili sauce
    1/2 teaspoon cayenne

    Outback Dipping Sauce
    1/2 cup mayonnaise
    2 teaspoons ketchup
    2 teaspoons creamed horseradish
    1/4 teaspoon paprika
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon dried oregano
    1 dash black pepper
    1 dash cayenne


    1---------for the seasoned flour-----------.

    2 combine flour, paprika, garlic powder, pepper and cayenne-mix well.

    3--------Creamy chili sauce--------.

    4 combine mayo, sour cream, chili sauce and cayenne-mix well.

    5--------Dipping sauce----------.

    6 Blend everything together well and let sit for 2 hours-refrigerated- or overnight.

    7--------And for the batter---------.

    8 Mix cornstarch, flour and seasonings until well blended.

    9 Add beer and mix well.

    10 Cut about 3/4 inch off top of onion and peel.

    11 Cut into onion 12-16 vertical wedges but do not cut through bottom root end.

    12 Remove about 1 inch of petals from center of onion (You can place the cut onions in cold water for a few hours to help "open" them up -- just make sure that you drain them well).

    13 Dip in seasoned flour and gently shake to remove excess.

    14 Separate petals to coat thoroughly with batter.

    15 Gently place in a fryer basket and deep fry at 375-400 for 1 1/2 minutes.

    16 Turn over and fry 1 1/2 minutes more or until golden brown.

    17 Drain on paper towels.

    18 Place onion upright in a shallow bowl and remove center core with a circular cutter or apple corer.

    19 Serve hot with chili sauce and dipping sauce.


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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:46 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:46 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:48 pm

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    Spiced Pumpkin Soup
    Bon Appétit | November 2002
    Lucca's, Chicago, IL

    A medley of exotic spices plus coconut milk and banana add complexity and rich flavor.

    1 1/2 tablespoons butter
    3/4 cup chopped carrot
    3/4 cup chopped celery
    3/4 cup chopped ripe banana
    1/2 onion, chopped
    1 garlic clove, minced
    1 bay leaf
    1 whole clove
    5 cups low-salt chicken broth
    2 cups canned pure pumpkin
    3/4 cup canned unsweetened coconut milk*
    1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk
    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
    1/2 teaspoon crumbled dried sage leaves
    1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
    1/4 teaspoon yellow curry powder
    1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

    Melt butter in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Add carrot and next 6 ingredients
    and sauté until vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes. Discard bay leaf.
    Transfer mixture to processor and blend until smooth.
    Return mixture to pot. Add broth and all remaining ingredients except cilantro.
    Boil soup over medium-high heat 15 minutes to blend flavors.
    Cool slightly. Working in batches, puree soup in blender until smooth.
    Return soup to pot. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
    (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cool slightly, then cover and refrigerate.)
    Bring soup to simmer. Divide among 8 bowls. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve.
    * Canned unsweetened coconut milk is sold at Indian, Southeast Asian, and Latin American markets and at many supermarkets.

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:49 pm

    pumpkin pie with spiced whipped cream​

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    Photograph: Julie Toy

    1 frozen 9-inch deep-dish pie crust, thawed, pierced all over with fork

    1 15-ounce can pure pumpkin

    1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk

    1/4 cup sour cream

    2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

    3/4 teaspoon ground ginger

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1/4 teaspoon ground allspice

    2 large eggs

    3/4 cup chilled whipping cream

    2 tablespoons sugar

    Preheat oven to 400°F. Reshape crust edge to form high-standing rim.
    Bake crust until browned, pressing bottom and sides of crust occasionally with back of fork, about 14 minutes.
    Cool crust on rack. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F.
    Whisk pumpkin, condensed milk, sour cream, 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon ginger, vanilla,
    and allspice in large bowl to blend. Whisk in eggs. Pour into crust (some filling may be left over).
    Bake pie until filling is puffed around sides and set in center, about 55 minutes.
    Cool pie on rack.
    (Can be made ahead. Let stand at room temperature 2 hours, or cover and chill overnight.)
    Beat whipping cream, sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/4 teaspoon ginger in bowl until peaks form.
    Spoon large dollops around edge of pie and serve.

    utiilize - sugar in the raw - for sugar


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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:50 pm


    2 cups all-purpose flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/2 cup white SUGAR or sugar in the raw
    1 tablespoon grated orange zest
    2/3 cup orange juice
    1/2 cup melted butter
    2 eggs

    mix this separately - it goes on top of the batter in the muffin tins (b4 you bake it)
    1/2 cup ground walnuts(optional)
    1 tablespoon melted butter
    1/4 cup packed brown sugar



    Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, white sugar and grated orange peel.
    Stir in orange juice, 1/2 cup melted butter, eggs and chopped nuts.
    Pour into 12 muffin cups.
    Blend 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and sprinkle on top of each muffin.
    Bake in a preheated 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve hot.
    find at:
    What they look like:

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:51 pm

    Raw ONION on bottom of the feet to take away illness.
    During the night, I started feeling good. I mean really good! I felt tingly, like my blood was being cleansed (it was). It was so cool!
    My bedroom smells like a casserole, but it was totally worth it!
    ***Here is the deal:::
    So last night Evan (11) was keeping everyone awake with his cough.
    I got up, went to the kitchen and sliced a purple, make me cry onion, at 3am. I got some snug socks and put it on the bottom of his feet. To boost my own immunity, I decided to try this too.
    During the rest of the night, I started feeling good. I mean really good! I felt tingly, like my blood was being cleansed. It was so cool!

    This works in 2 ways.
    1.) Onions are known to absorb toxins. In fact, during the days of the Plague in England, folks would keep chopped onions around to absorb toxins and clean the air. This helped protect them, against getting the plague.

    NEVER SAVE AN ONION. It will absorb all the toxins in the air of your refrigerator. Eat that and you eat the toxins. Instead: Chop your left over onion, put it on a plate and keep it in your kitchen as a natural air purifier. I do this all the time! If someone is ill, place a chopped onion on the night stand, next to the bed. They'll be better in the morning. I placed the remaining onion, next to Evan last night.

    Onions are toxin absorbers. Thus why they are great internal mops for the body. Eat plenty of onions!

    2.) The onion and garlic families are anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. Placing them on the bottom of the foot gives them access to your internal organs through meridians in your body. The onion can be directly delivered. Transdermal delivery (on the skin) is one of the best delivery mechanisms, as it will bypass the stomach acids and go directly into the blood. The bottom of the feet and the forearm are great places to put high powered foods and essential oils into the body. Sliced garlic on the bottom of the feet will work nicely too.

    Evan woke up cough free and hopped on the bus this morning.

    Happy kid. Happy mom.

    Lisa Wilson, The Raw Food Institute
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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:52 pm

    pancakes WITHOUT flour

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:56 pm

    Canada's Best Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
    2 cups (500 mL) all-purpose flour
    2 tsp (10 mL) baking powder
    2 tsp (10 mL) cinnamon
    1 tsp (5 mL) baking soda
    3/4 tsp (4 mL) salt
    1/2 tsp (2 mL) nutmeg
    3/4 cup (175 mL) granulated sugar
    3/4 cup (175 mL) packed brown sugar
    3 eggs
    3/4 cup (175 mL) vegetable oil
    1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla
    2 cups (500 mL) grated carrots
    1 cup (250 mL) drained crushed canned pineapple
    1/2 cup (125 mL) chopped pecans

    1 8 oz (250g) package cream cheese, softened
    1/4 cup (60 mL) butter, softened
    1/2 tsp (2 mL) vanilla
    1 cup (250 mL) icing sugar (aka confectioners sugar and powdered sugar)

    Grease and flour 13- x 9-inch (3.5 L) metal cake pan; (or 2 round pans) set aside.

    In large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda, salt and nutmeg. In separate bowl, beat together granulated and brown sugars, eggs, oil and vanilla until smooth; pour over flour mixture and stir just until moistened. Stir in carrots, pineapple and pecans. Spread in prepared pan.

    Bake in centre of 350°F (180°C) oven for 40 minutes or until cake tester inserted in centre comes out clean. Let cool in pan on rack. (Make-ahead: Cover with plastic wrap and store at room temperature for up to 2 days. Or ovenwrap with heavy duty foil and freeze for up to 2 weeks; let thaw before continuing.)

    Icing: In bowl, beat cream cheese with butter until smooth. Beat in vanilla. Beat in icing sugar, one-third at a time, until smooth. Spread over top of cake. (Make-ahead: Cover loosely and refrigerate for up to I day.)
    Source: Canadian Living magazine

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:58 pm

    Brown Sugar Carmel Pound Cake

    1 ½ cups butter softened
    2 cups light brown sugar, packed
    1 cup granulated sugar
    5 large eggs
    3 cups all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    ½ teaspoon salt
    1 cup whole milk
    1 8oz bag toffee chips
    1 cup pecans, chopped

    Carmel Drizzel:
    1 – 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
    1 cup brown sugar
    2 tablespoons butter
    ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

    Preheat oven to 325 spray a 12 cup Bundt pan with cooking spray with flour

    Beat butter until creamy. Add sugars beating until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. In medium bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. Add flour mix to batter alternately with milk, beat until just combined. Stir in toffee buts and pecans. Spoon batter into pan and bake 85 minutes or until wooden pick comes out clean. To prevent excess browning, cover cake with foil while baking.

    Let cake cool in pan for 10 minutes. Remove from pan, and let cool completely on a wire rack. Spoon Caramel Drizzle over cooled cake.

    Directions for Caramel Drizzle
    In a medium saucepan, combine condensed milk and brown sugar; bring to a boil over medium-high heat, whisking frequently. Reduce heat, and SIMMER for 8 minutes, whisking frequently. Remove from heat; whisk in butter and vanilla. Let cool for 5 minutes before using. NOTE: Make sure you drizzle the caramel while it’s still HOT.

    When cooled the caramel does somewhat harden.

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    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 Empty Re: PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread

    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:00 pm

    PURRfect Pancake Recipe - Indian Fry Bread -Funnel Cakes-Oatmeal Cookies~ eXchanger style ~ Recipe for Almond Milk and Banana Bread - Page 5 1623596_10152212948238205_148555939_n

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:59 am