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    Fresh from our oven


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:08 am

    Looks like this in a loop of holo-repetition geek
    This years chrisis-packets have been on hold, abducted with red tape
    and by an sophisticated matrix of stranglets diverted from reachin you, me and everyone (with a bellybutton)...

    So dinar nix (Repeated gossips of aliens in dumps got a payrise during this festivities of several virgins Annoyed )...
    All Abundances will be postphoned till next eastern ??? or are only

    accessable via dreamtex from 5Dim... Omnipotence

    Highlight is - the twinflame and soulmate incarcerated/incarnated entety's
    hhave been monopoled with divine template insight, so to enliven them from that eternal yearning and prepare the monopolarisation of our planet (plus in the earthcore and ionized athmosphere around the surface with ascending aquacluster molecules building up the stratoshield from ice and
    monocristalline lattice, which in turn fascilises our christaline dna/photonix
    Bleh sunny Blink Farewell

    Fresh from our oven Chrism10


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    Fresh from our oven Empty cake case

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:13 am

    This hot topix for chrisisseason 15 recept comes from Anna Reitz for our globally spiced taste: drunken

    One World of Nations

    Anna von Reitz A Message To, For, and About Great Britain Here are some pearls from Ed Johnston--- 16th American Jurisprudence Section 177 (16 Am Jur. 2d. Const. Law Sect. 256) The State did not give the Citizen his rights and thus cannot take them away as it chooses. The State did not establish the settled maxims and procedures by which a citizen must be dealt with, and thus cannot abrogate or circumvent them. It thus is well settled that legislative enactments do not constitute the law of the land, but must conform to it. From the 16th American Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 177: “The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows: The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. As unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it... A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, in so far as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” Any court, government or government officer who acts in violation of, in opposition or contradiction to the foregoing, by his,or her, own actions, commits treason and invokes the self-executing Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment and vacates his, or her, office. __________________
    Please note that The Constitution is for inhabitants of the Federal United States LITERALLY the law of the land--- because when they come in from their watery international jurisdiction, they are required to operate by the rules established by The Constitution on the land. When reading Federal law, you must always read it from the Federal perspective. They operate in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea, so, of course, the national law they are obligated to respect when dealing with us is --from their perspective--- the Law of the Land. It's the same reversal when they speak of "inhabitants"---- we are "peaceful inhabitants of the land" (14th Amendment of the corporate Constitution) from their perspective, whereas they are "inhabitants" of the "maritime regions and insular states" from ours. We did not suddenly lose our political status as one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" under the terms of the Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783 because they called us "inhabitants of the land" in their private corporate "constitution" of 1868----even though the two different uses of the same word in two completely different documents was no doubt meant to confuse identities and issues of political status that should never have been confused at all. Why call a corporate "constitution" the Constitution of the United States of America, if you did not mean to confuse it with The Constitution for the united States of America? Why call us "peaceful inhabitants of the land" if you did not mean to confuse us with the British Subject "inhabitants" referred to in the Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783?
    This use of "deceptively similar names" has been carried on throughout the long effort to mischaracterize and defraud the people of the United States by operatives of the British Crown and the British government. How better to undermine our lawful government, if not to do it under a veil of "friendship" and treaties promising "perpetual amity" and while acting in the guise of being our "Trustees" in the realm of international commerce and as our"allies" in war? Who could ever suspect our "Mother Country" of seeking our demise? Foxes in the hen house doesn't begin to express the gravity of the international criminality and breach of trust that we have suffered at the hands of the Federal United States and the British Crown and the parade of "Royal Majesties" since Edward VIII stepped down---- and what is true for us is also true for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, India, most of Europe, Ireland, Scotland, Wales...... The Enfranchisement Act of 1867 championed by Benjamin D'Israeli toppled the English government from within, engaged Queen Victoria in unlawful acts against the people of Britain and betrayed their established government all the way back to the Magna Carta. D'Israeli enslaved the people of Great Britain to finance the enslavement of the Indian Subcontinent under the Raj. As long as Queen was going rogue at home and secretively enslaving the people of Britain, what did she care about pillaging and betraying her allies in Europe, the Americans, the Australians and a few Canooks? This is the thanks we all get from the British Royals for our sacrifices and loyalty through two World Wars and countless police actions ever since: press ganging, enslavement, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, personage, barratry, and fraud, fraud, fraud. We are dealing with exactly the same criminality and the same evil that Gandhi faced in India, but unlike Gandhi, we are not facing it alone. In evaluating this deceptive and perfidious Enemy of all free people everywhere, consider the lack of conscience and morality involved when a government taxes poor people for salt that they need to live and which they have harmlessly harvested from the sea for millenia? That's what the Raj did in India. That's what the British Crown is capable of. That is what Prince William's throne is built upon. It's not his fault. He is inheriting the situation his Great-great-great Grandmother left him and he will be hard pressed to make sense of it or find a way forward out of this system of betrayal and criminality without a velvet boot up his backside pointing him the the right direction. It's our job to be that boot and make sure that this system of things is brought to a peaceful and sane conclusion in which still more innocent people do not suffer. Gandhi and Jesus have both showed us the way to defeat this Evil in high places---- millions of people must join hands and expose the cruelty and criminality and oppressive nature of the British government so that it becomes so embarrassing, so obvious, so insurmountably distasteful that both from within and without the denizens of Westminster are forced to relinquish their vile claims of ownership and control over the rest of us.. Now that we have identified at least a large part of The Problem, let us quietly and determinedly proceed to hold the Lord Mayor of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, and the Queen fully accountable for these outrages against the British people and against all the rest of us, too. We were all promised and guaranteed certain things and we all know what we have received instead.

    As it was in the days of King John, it is again, when the leaders of the people must rise up and demand their rights or lose them, must expose the criminality we have lived with too long or condemn our children. It is time for the Natural Rights of Mankind to be asserted and for idolatry to end.
    "Westminster is not your enemy, the Cabal is. If you chose to elect Rotters, and give free reign to Kazakh Zionist rotters to manipulate and plunder the nation don't blame us. Truly, we are not the enemy, the Zionist's and Israe hell are." Absolutely correct to a point. I don't see your group as our enemy at all, nor the British people in any way. The 'enemies,' if they're to be termed that, are the BAR Associations and other renegade corporations created by Rome in collusion with the British Monarchy at the time. All of this happened long before you and I were born. We are not responsible for creating the mess, but I see that we are responsible for reversing it. I've been on the path for several years now and know that you have as well. There are considerably more fun things I could be doing in my 'golden years.' I have 3 ancestors that I know about so far who were involved with creating the Magna Carta. So perhaps it's 'in the blood.' Again I'll remind you that we have not elected anyone for many, many years. Anyone can run who can amass a fortune to fund it, but the winner is pre-selected by some nefarious factions 'the cabal,' with some organizations having a great deal of influence such as Bilderbergs, TriLaterals, Council on Foreign Relations. What is the President anyway? I don't know, but can tell you what it's not! It's NOT a representative of the people! Let's get that clear. We DO NOT HAVE a President representing or accountable to the people. He/she is merely an officer of the foreign-owned corporation calling itself our government by fraud and deceit now for a long time. Everyone must wrap their heads around that one! We send taxes (in fraud and deceit perpepetrated on us) to a foreign owned corporation located in Puerto Rico. Is it not true the money fraudulently collected there funnels to The Vatican and the British Crown in some percentage reported to be about 60-40? The 'rotter' or 'Wookie' as you call Barry Soetero or Obama or whatever his real name is reportedly a British citizen? And all of the BAR Association members who are fraudulently occupying government offices have taken an oath to the British Crown?
    Judge Anna and the other lawful judges on the land are trying to wake up the American sleepy heads to the facts. You're correct. We must boot this bunch, bring down the fraudulent government and replace with lawful government of the people. We are working on it and we thank you profusely for your help in this cause. The American people are not responsible for this mess that was created before any of us were born. We are further distressed to learn of the wars, invasion of other sovereign countries and destruction to those countries, people and their natural resources. Sending troops was always framed by fraudulent media and government as requested help. Now we learn otherwise. Still most people are not aware that the cabal government is primarily in the worldwide drug business, operate the cartels, operate the human trafficking for pedophiles and satanists and any other dirty business one can imagine. All the dirty business is outsourced through many corporations including the very dirty SERCO. Anyway, it's a big club of dirty dealers and we (American people) aren't in it. It's the opposite. It must be destroyed. It's such a huge octopus with so many tentacles that we can't cut off just the tips of tentacles...must chop it's head off!


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:14 am

    John, there was a point when the British threw out the Rothchild's and their Zionists banking cohorts that is often confused with your royalty. The part of history that has been distorted by the same Zionists. Know you're busy, but when you have a chance could you expound on this please? Clarity is needed.

    Our Royals are ONLY honorary roles they have little power, and have to tread with truly great care not to interfere, or else. There is a public misconception of the Royals. Think goldfish inside the looking bowl and little else. so much missinfo conspiracy rubbish is written. The Rotts are out and Zios in London? We have a Glass ceiling and the nods of the old families decide who is on the Club circuit or not. Seen how few Jews are on the key Boards? Nothing more to say, work it out. Brits operate The Club, The London Club. Invite only. See how fast Diamond was booted from Barclays. The Board were reminded this is what happens when you let the Buggers near. Ackerman same at Deutsch. Zios were deloused long ago.

    John, As we understand the UK government, is it not true that you outsource all government operations to private corporations? Aren't police, courts, prisons, airport control towers and many other entities operated by corporations for profit rather than a de jeur government? When history refers to 'The Crown' is it referring to the monarch or operation in City of London? Hasn't UK outsourced many government type operations to SERCO and other connected corporations? What is UK relationship with Northern Trust for example?

    The only unfortunate part is that that glass ceiling applies to all common people as well as Zionists. Work as they might, they can never reach those upper echelons without resorting to Jesuit-class moves. Besides it might sound positive that Zionists have been removed, but what does that mean when the United Kingdom is one of the greatest centres of Masonry? Jews want to rebuild the Temple of Solomon and due to the central role the Temple of Solomon takes up in Masonry, Masons would effectively want the same thing. So are the Zionists truly out or are they so ingrained nowadays that they will not even be recognised any longer? If we then take account of what Alberto Rivera actually experienced the plot thickens: Albert Rivera found out that the Superior General of the Jesuits and the head of Masonry were one and the same individual. There is an alliance between Zionists, Jesuits and most Masons. Take Jens Stoltenberg for example: A well known Norwegian Freemason with excellent ties to the Vatican (likely going back to the time of the Byzantine Empire's control of Scandinavia) coordinating with the Jesuit controlled EU when becoming the Secretary-General of the NATO. All roads lead to Venice. If the United Kingdom truly seeks to be free of this, it would need transform Masonry in its entirety, so that it would have no connections to the Temple of Solomon, whilst also removing all Venetian elements of power and this would include the House of Pallavicini, the House of Campbell and the House of Keswick besides many other ones. The royals do not have little power and this was also rather well documented in 2013. Secret papers show extent of senior royals' veto over bills:
    So what is this? Another version of the Animal Farm where some animals are more equal than others? The Monarchies of both the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are far richer than they are pretending to be. The following article provides some indications as to the extent of their power, but it also adds some other interesting insight which I will quote below:
    "N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. Founded in 1803 with the assistance of the Thurn und Taxis family, one of the "princely families" of the Hapsburg Empire, originally the Venetian Torre e Tasso family. NMR&S historically financed the expansion of the Venetian-modeled British Empire, as they did by bankrolling Cecil Rhodes's gold and diamonds empire." So we see here Venetian influences effecting the rise of the House of Rothschild via the House of Turn und Taxis whose head is Albert Gabriel whom I mentioned before. Marie Camilla Pallavicini and Albert Gabriel are some of the greatest Black Nobility powers.
    I just found these Pallavicini and Cromwell connections:
    This further shows the major power of various Italian families at the formative stages of what would become the United Kingdom, especially when noting that the Cromwell family has Pisan origins. So what does it matter in the grand scheme of things to block the House of Rothschild as agents of far greater Houses such as the House of Pallavicini and the House of Thurn und Taxis, when it seems these real powers never are blocked? The fact that simple commoners such as myself have to bring such matters to light seems to indicate that there is about as much interest in truly resolving this as there is real interest in defeating ISIS from most powers in the world.
    The Police are not out sourced, nor are the courts. A few prisons were tried out and were a disaster. That was more in the Blair era and a number of low grade Politicos got Directorships for services rendered. As did certain Military figures for Weapons orders. Flight traffic control, water, Gas and certain hospitals have been outsourced for profit. The companies made good profits and the public got screwed. No question, there have been alignments but most Politicos are a slimy breed. At least we have the Lords as a Check Point. The Labour ( Democrat) party have been beyond treacherous during B Liars time. Privatisation is a curse of our time. Big contracts bring big corruption. Privatising anything allows the Senior Heads to buy in under radar and get the vast uplift when launched. It happens and is wrong. But be assured. Masons here are treated with deep suspicion near Senior Government, although many senior police are Masons There are moves to stop them. No question, Northern Trust will have its sticky fingers and hooks into many major State contracts. Blairs ex Ministers are on the Board. John Major, another ex PM works for the Bushes via Carlisle Europe, and gets favours. Politics is a dirty business. The fundamental reason many do get outsourced is because the Civil Servants and State workers are so bloody incompetent and lazy left alone. Catch 22. To up the game we have to often go outside. I wish it were not so. Too many deadbeats work for the State. London is evolving with so many different nationals now in the melting pot and these bloody illegals pouring in. But so are all the rich Russians and Chinese bringing billions with them. As Eurasia is unstoppable, the key agenda is how to gain a serious stake while not giving up all sovereignty. But between American or British corruption, I would rate the US at 90% infected and the UK at only 20% infected. Compared to the US , the UK is a safe haven. Sadly it is why it is also a key target for illegals. The world is evolving. Nothing is safe. But, we did gut the Labour and Liberal trash at the last election, we jailed a good few Politicians for expense frauds, but the US seems not to be arresting theirs. Here any smell of corruption and you are suspended instantly. In the US Clinton and the Wookie says it all. They would never clear vetting here. Nor keep their seats. We had a Lord exposed on a Sunday suspended on Monday and fired on Tuesday. In America nothing happens. Clintons, Bush, Reed, Pelosi, the whole dirty bunch of them. Comparing the 2, we don't do so bad.

    You have done an exemplary job in routing out some of the evil and self-serving bunch. The key is always good management and oversight whether public or private. Problem with privatization is same everywhere. If management is too cozy with politicos, it's always a worse move than leaving in public sector. The private corps charge a huge premium for job to include kickbacks to appropriate politicos, hire even less capable to do the job, but don't lose the contract because politicos keep it going their direction. That scenario is repeated everywhere. The poor taxpayer is one screwed because politicos decide to throw more good money after bad at the same corporations. It's not rocket science, is it? So why is it a problem everywhere? IMHO, because the perps are not held accountable....except at LOWEST levels. The big guys have to go. So I applaud your effort in that direction. Where are the indictments for Bushes, Clintons and rest? Won't happen as long as Department of Justice (DOJ) is owned by American Bar Association (BAR) that is owned by Northern Trust who in turn is owned by SERCO and other boogeymen. Where is Interpol when we need them? Who are they owned by? I see a pattern here!


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:15 am

    Judge Anna answers a question... Q: YOU HAVE NOW BEGUN TO RESTORE MY FAITH IN HUMANITY... The Vatican and the Magna Carta...having a bit of a riff with a friend he says despite the Common Law that the Magna Carta and the Vatican still rule.. PLEASE TELL ME THIS GROUP OF PEDOPHILES who do their horrific 9th Circle have ZERO POWER... Judge Anna: They have "power" within their own "world" which is a facade built of lies and "legal fictions"--- illusions, idols--including "money" and "credit", symbols, and corporations. There is a difference between the Church and Roman Cult that people need to understand--- when you talk about "9th Circle" and all that, you are talking about the Roman Cult--- Satanists that have existed within the Church since the Council of Nicea. This is how the current system developed, with the Satanic Law of the Sea dominating international "law" and "commerce" and the Mosaic Law dominating the Law of the Land. Standing between the two systems of "law"---- is supposed to be the jurisdiction of the air--- the "Supreme Law" of Christ balancing and dictating the "space" wherein we all actually live and breathe. Think about it..... whether you are on the land or at sea, there is very little of you or any of your assets in contact with either one. You live your life in the air. But, over the years, it has instead devolved into a struggle for dominance between land (national) interests and the Law of the Land and sea (international) interests and the Law of the Sea. The end of both those and all the struggle between them is theoretically supposed to come with the establishment of the worldwide jurisdiction of the Law of the Air---- no more national or international law---just global "citizenship" and allegiance to the Earth as a whole. Unfortunately for all concerned, the Roman Cult isn't giving up so easily. They want to retain a premier position for their heirarchy and their Canon Law, instead of yielding to the actual Law--- that is, they are trying to highjack and "redefine" the Law of the Air into something oppressive and evil, and instead of respecting the individual value of each life, they are trying to organize everything to serve their heirarchy instead. See Agenda 21. So--- it is true, they are broke, but then, they always were.

    Judge Anna SECOND notice to Sheriff Ward of Harney County, Oregon: Dear Sheriff Ward, I have already sent you and the other "federal law enforcement agents" one letter. I did not expect to have to send you two. There are two kinds of people in this country according to the Definitive Treaty of Peace known as the Treaty of Paris, 1783, Article III and they are-- "the free sovereign and independent people of the United States" and the "inhabitants"-- British Loyalists and subjects of the British Crown who were allowed to stay here after the Revolutionary War. These are political statuses and as the Expatriation Act explains, the government is forbidden from interfering with our choice in the matter. This was more recently reiterated by the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Laws of War, Volume II, Article 3 forbids tampering with anyone's political status-- and it is a capital offense war crime if you do. The Hammonds and the Bundys have all made their political status choice very clear. They are members of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States." They have self-declared their status and have given you Notice of the same and it is not within the powers of your office to alter this decision or offer to interpret anything about it. You and all your misinformed buddies owe the Hammonds and the Bundys "essential governmental services" under Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. And a HUGE apology. Those "services" do not include armed extortion, trespass on their private property, or any false claims or presumption of any ownership interest in them, their land, or their other assets. Cattle rustling, as you and your friends need to be reminded, is a capital CRIME in the western states and if you boys get out of line, these ranchers are well within their rights to invoke the Public Law and hang you all from the nearest trees. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know that. Are you clear on this point, Sheriff Ward? Do you know the difference between Public Law and corporate codes, statutes, or regulations that apply ONLY to corporations and government agents? Good. Now you can all go home and tell whomever is misinforming you that you will not carry out criminal orders nor act under color of law against the people who are in fact paying your pay checks. Start doing the actual job you were elected in Good Faith to perform, or step down. A job is not worth murdering people over --especially a job for any employer that requires you to violate The Constitution and commit crimes. Right about now you and the other men you called upon are ramming around feeling pretty powerful, checking out all that "federal" gear you've been given under the guise of "federal revenue sharing"--- but, stop a moment and consider---the federal government is just a corporation like GE or Sears--- and its broke. It gave you all that equipment thinking it could get you to go steal property belonging to Americans to pay for its own private corporate debts. And here you are, ramping things up with the Hammonds. Does Sears have a right to rustle cattle? Fence off grazing rights? Threaten Americans in their homes? Neither you nor anyone else employed by ANY corporation has any right or authority to do any such thing. You are acting as a commercial mercenary under color of law and if you hurt a hair on any American's head you will be held fully and personally accountable for it as a war criminal attacking peaceful non-combatant civilians who are protected persons owed your Good Faith and service. Ask yourself--Where is your commission from the Secretary of the Interior and where is his authority to trespass on private property in your county? You don't have any such commission and there is no such authority.
    It just plain does not exist. You won't be doing your bosses any favors by committing war crimes against the American people-- because the American people will, if provoked enough, rise against you ---and the Russians and the Chinese know who to blame. They will join in and happily destroy the Federal United States because of the same sorts of brainless criminality it has employed throughout the world and also because it owes them a ton of money. So I suggest you just accept the facts and let the "governmental services corporation" go bankrupt like any other corporation that ignores its shareholders and overspends its budget goes bankrupt. It is not the end of the world if the service company goes bankrupt. It has done so three times in 100 years and we are all still here. Your actual employers--- the people--- will still be here and if you provide them with the service you contracted to provide, they will probably keep you around. You have been given full and Due Notice of the unlawful nature of your activities to date and the false nature of your presumptions against the Hammonds; you have also been given Notice of their political status and a free analysis of the likely consequences of continuing on the road you are on. Nobody can say you didn't know what you were doing if you continue this harassment---there is no plausible deniability left and no public bond, either.

    Judge Anna has a reply from Karen Hudes and has answered her back: A Response from Karen Hudes and My Answer Back Today, I received a polite and direct response from Karen Hudes, for which I thank her. It may indeed open up a worthwhile dialogue. Here is her query: Dear Ms. Von Reitz, Ferdinand Marcos and Jose Rizal, who established the World Bank and IMF to manage the world's international monetary gold reserves at the end of WWII, distrusted judges. Instead, they established a cooperative of all the nations, headed by their ministers of finance, to manage the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility on behalf of humanity. The courts have no jurisdiction over the assets in the Global Debt Facility. That was how the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF were able to nullify the attempt of the International Court of Justice and CIA to steal the assets in the Global Debt Facility.
    Did you even know about the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Economic Policies, where the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, and other economic agencies of the US regulate the World Bank? So your advice for the Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury and President to sue the World Bank was all muddled. When you accused the County Executives of America of being in receipt of the US monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility, did you have this press release, cleared by the County Executives of America on behalf of the American people, in mind?
    You object to the international monetary gold reserves of the American people being incorporated into their currency, so that they do not have to pay interest on country debt through income taxes? Why is that? When US Presidents tried to do exactly that, they were assassinated (Lincoln and JFK) or shot (Ronald Reagan) What is happening is that the American people are restoring their Constitutional government under Article V of the Constitution. Karen Hudes 2h2 hours ago US and other countries returning to the control of their populace:
    Replies 1. And here is my response: Ms. Hudes, I am very glad to see a direct contact from you. You ask if I am aware of the various attempts of the cabal over the past hundred years to obtain control over the Global Debt Facility at the same time that you must be fully aware that the cabal has had control from the start? How do you think the gold got there? Who do you think set up the IMF? Or for that matter, the UN Corporation, which was established several years prior to the United Nations Charter? I have done something very few Americans have done. I have read the complete incorporation papers of the International Monetary Fund. I know exactly who incorporated it, where it was incorporated, and for what purposes. Against that backdrop it does not take rocket science to see (nor to prove) that the entire operation was highjacked almost from the start and used to promote benefits for the banks and politicians rather than the people of this planet. One of the things I would like to address with you is what I will call a "cognitive dissonance" that perplexes me. You truly do seem to care about people and to be offended by the injustice surrounding you, and yet, like a steel ball bearing pinging around inside a pinball machine, you go from one bad answer to another. It's as if you really do want to do something right, but keep getting misled or confused. In order to understand my viewpoint, you must walk through a bit of readily verifiable history with me. The Definitive Treaty of Peace often called the Treaty of Paris 1783 ended the American Revolution. In Article III you will see that two separate populations are living in the former colonies at that time----- the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" and the "Inhabitants"---- British Loyalists and British Subjects allowed to remain in order to provide "essential governmental services" (Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of The Constitution for the united States of America). Those services all pertain to the international jurisdiction of the sea and result from King George acting as the Trustee for Americans on the High Seas and Inland Waterways and retaining his position as "prince of the United States" in that jurisdiction. The two groups still exist. The federal government together with its incorporated franchises calling themselves "Counties" and "States" are foreign with respect to the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" to whom the gold is owed---- as foreign as Ireland is from Spain. We have our own unincorporated counties and states and form a completely different body politic operating on the jurisdiction of the land, not the sea. Does it make any sense to give gold that is owed to Ireland to Spain? Does it make any sense to give gold that is owed to "the free sovereign and independent people of the United States" to the "inhabitants"? I think that with a little more review of the matter, you will agree that giving our gold to employees of a private, for-profit, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation franchise makes as much sense as giving our money to a Finlander employed to shovel our sidewalks and that such an act in no way relieves the World Bank from its fiduciary responsibility to the actual beneficiaries. Ms. Hudes, as you must be aware, the "federal government" has never been a sovereign government of any kind. It is an association of fifty sovereign states acting in unison with regard to certain explicitly enumerated functions of government. Since the Civil War the federal government of the United States has been operated by a series of governmental services corporations with the members of the "United States Congress" functioning as a Board of Directors and having the same exact same nature and standing as any other international commercial corporation.
    The gold is owed to the organic states from which it came and to the living people who are the heirs and beneficiaries. Gold is an asset of the land, Ms. Hudes. It comes out of the ground, even if it is dug up from the bottom of the seabed. It is called a "national asset" rather than an "international asset" as a result. How do you propose to return a national asset owed to the land and its people by giving it to an international organization that exists only in the jurisdiction of the sea and to "inhabitants" who merely reside here as foreigners providing governmental services? More importantly, where is the authority vested in our Constitution allowing any franchises of the federal government to represent us in any such matter whatsoever? I can already tell you that no such delegation of authority exists. On top of everything else, and as everyone in the world knows----except, apparently, the employees of the World Bank----we are currently having a dispute with our "service providers", so giving them our gold on the presumption that they are our employees and are bound to do what is right by us would be an even more tenuous excuse for the World Bank's actions. At this moment, Ms. Hudes, the federal corporation is insolvent, a fact that I would expect you to know. It has piled up such mountains of toxic, odious debt and continues such profligate and irresponsible spending that nobody will give them credit---- except the World Bank which is apparently willing to extend them our assets? Hello? Day by day they have perniciously destroyed their own credit and then, via the fixed exchange rate established by HJR 192 and the Emergency Banking Act of 1934, have taxed our lawful money without providing us the stipulated remedies for this. When we delegate authority, Ms. Hudes, with regard to our money and actual assets like gold, we delegate it to deputies----who are sworn fiduciary officers---- not to "representatives". All you are dealing with at any level of the federal corporate structure, including the federal "County" and "State" franchise operations, are unaccountable, untrustworthy subcontractors who are under contract to represent us in certain capacities and doing a flaming bad job of it. You will note that their entire fiat monetary system is their private corporate system, not ours. Our fifty sovereign nation states have to our detriment continued to honor their request for a fixed exchange rate, but we, the unincorporated States of America and the people owed the land jurisdiction of the United States have bound ourselves long ago to deal only in gold and silver coin and other lawful money however denominatred. See Article I, Section 10. We are in fact the federal corporation's Priority Creditors. So again, why, would you propose to give our gold to them, if we have not chosen to give it to them ourselves? In full view of the facts, do you think that the Federal United States and the British Crown have done such a good job for us, that we should be anxious to keep their "services" for another hundred years? No, Ms. Hudes, the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" have been misrepresented, mischaracterized, abused and unequally yoked. If you give our gold to dishonest men merely claiming to represent us in this matter, you and the World Bank remain indebted to us for the entire value of the asset plus all losses we incur as a result of your actions. I will also point out to you that in spite of all their poor-mouthing about budget deficits, these same charlatans are simply not paying their debts to more honest governments, which reflects poorly on us--- as they are supposed to represent us in matters of foreign trade.
    Since 1946 the federal corporation has adopted an accounting system pioneered by Easy Eddie O'Hara--- Al Capone's bookkeeper. This "double accrual" system is more commonly known as keeping two sets of books. They split their income stream into "budgeted" and "non-budgeted" accounts and except indirectly never reveal their true income. This has led to the accrual of vast slush funds disguised as "future obligation trusts" and "employee pension funds" and "university" and "special development funds" and so on. A forensic audit of any one of the federal "States" reveals the staggering amounts of credit these thieves have purloined and cashiered away for their rainy days----all based on our labor and our assets without repaying a dime to us. Not to put too sharp a point on it, Ms. Hudes, but the federal corporation and its various "county" and "state of state" franchises have operated as criminal syndicates on our shores. There isn't a reason in this world that we would ever consent to your generous impulse to give our gold to them, nor consider such an action a payment to us. I trust that this now fully explains why you have once again gone astray and why you must make every effort to become aware of the actual facts and history governing our relationship with the Federal United States. ------Judge Anna Maria Riezinger (aka Anna von Reitz)


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:17 am

    It would seem there are two sides to the Bank of England as can be read in the article below from which I will then quote the most significant parts followed by some of my own research: "The “nationalization” of the bank in 1946 is an intentional red herring to make people believe that it is now owned and controlled by the government of Britain. In fact, the true inner workings of the bank and its ultimate chain of control remains shrouded in secrecy, obscured by its royal charter and protected from the prying eyes of the public that supposedly owns it by the official secrets act. In 1977, it set up a a subsidiary called the Bank of England Nominees Ltd., which has never traded and has only issued 2 of its 100 shares. It was created to hold shares confidentially on behalf of “heads of state” and “certain others” who have never been disclosed, and was from its inception granted special exemption from legislation requiring corporate disclosure. The process by which a privately owned bank (with only a handful of initial investors) came to control and dominate the purse strings of the government behind the largest empire the world had ever known is an important one, because the Bank of England became the template for central banking which today holds in almost every country in the world. And from its very inception, the fledgling American republic found itself at war with the Bank of England for control of its own finances. During the colonial period, cash (which at that time consisted of coins and paper money denominated in pounds, shilling and pence) was often scarce, necessitating the use from time to time of commodities like beaver skins and wampum to facilitate transactions. To stimulate their economies, colonies began issuing their own bills of credit to make up for the cash shortfalls. Some of these colonial scrips were very successful, but the appearance of this extra money in the system had the result of depreciating the currency, meaning that creditors in England were losing out as their loans were being repaid with devalued money. The British government reacted with a series of laws meant to stifle the colonial currencies. According to Franklin, this was the real cause of the American revolution, not a trifling tax on tea. The war was primarily about the control of the money supply, and during the Revolutionary War the Continental Congress funded itself by issuing a paper money known as Continental Currency.
    Although the currency successfully funded the colonies in their war against the British, it was the English who got the last laugh. They set up a counterfeiting operation that managed to devalue the bills to a fraction of their initial value, resulting in disaster for the newly-founded Republic. To deal with this disaster, Alexander Hamilton (the same man who believed that Washington should have become President for Life) successfully argued for the creation of the First Bank of the United States, consciously modeled on the Bank of England. It was, like the BoE, a privately owned central bank intended to “stabilize” the nation's credit and its currency. To say that the Bank of England was in fact the winner of the American Revolutionary War is not far from the mark. The First Bank of the United States was succeeded (logically enough) by the Second Bank of the United States. When that was killed off by Andrew Jackson, the Bank of England contributed to a series of banking panics designed to convince the American public of the need for another central bank. After a lengthy and fascinating monetary and banking struggle, the BoE finally succeeded in the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913." It would seem the Crown Corporation was set up via the Bank of England Act of 1694. One party indicates that the Crown Corporation and the Bank of England are one and the same. This individual goes on to state that the Bank of England has but one owner which was held by the title office of the Treasury Solicitor by Sir Paul Jenkins (speculation on my part: perhaps a bearer share with strings attached). That could have changed when Paul Jenkins was replaced and furthermore the name change of the "Treasury Solicitor's Department" into "Government Legal Department" which happened this year. What is also interesting, but unrelated is that Sweden seems to have the oldest central bank, the Sveriges Riksbank, created in 1668 which should also give a hint of the influence of Venice over Scandinavia as Venice had taken over the Byzantine Empire which in turn controlled Scandinavia. This reflects well in certain Scandinavian policies which make no sense unless seen in the light of which powers control that region.

    I guess the upside if NYC blew would be most of the Talking Heads would need to be replaced, so maybe the spin might change! That said, since you insist the UK is sorted, set Fleet Street on this tangled, buried and forgotten snake pit and see if they can't sell some of the Headlines you have on paper and in your noggin. You know where the bodies are buried, see if you can't get the Fourth Estate to make a claim.

    I do daily. Like turning an Oil Tanker but we are getting movement. Be assured if NY gets hit so will 2 of the US bases in the UK,so we are waking up the Muppets here. Losing NY may be no bad thing if it's the cost to kill the Cabal snake head. No money, no honey and why China is scrambling fast with Financing systems. The US only rides its luck because it dominates the money markets, but change that and see the moves following. The "Fourth Estate" is being remodeled. Cant say more, but read into that our shapeshifting. Seen our Asian moves lately? Eurasia to replace the US? Be assured, we are up to speed. Fully. First choice for Chinas Global RMB base. Plus way more we can't discuss. We know which way the wind is blowing, and who NOT to stand downwind of. A little Island but street smart. Don't assume if NY is erased the US will face down losing the lot to respond. Sometimes a bloody nose is small price to survive.
    I hate Bullies. Russia does not want to start this. But pushed they will, and backed by China they will finish it. Bullies arouse that. And deserve it. The Roman Empire? Their end when the Vandals unleashed? Times are changing and for some be careful what you unleash. Russia has warned off the US on Syria and its borders. Only Bullies don't see it coming. But one day it does. No one sheds a tear for the thugs. Remember the Third Reich? Pompous marches and vacuous crowds cheering. Who cheered after we burned Dresden to a cinder and the Russians came? Bullies? All come down in time. Who saw the Berlin wall coming down, or communist Russia? Why won't NY or whoever be the same? Do I defend it, No. But the cause? Sometimes you either take down the Bully or crawl. I made my call, so will Russia. Be careful what you incite. Payback can be a bitch the day you push it too far. Then can YOU take it? Be careful who you mess with.

    Laws prohibit us doing what is well needed. There is no Justice, so chaos rules until a nation who can hit back, does. We, as a whole world, are sick to the back teeth of US Hegemony, and agreed, it will be cruel injustice if 7M innocents go up in smoke in NY, but how many glorified over shock and awe mass killing Iraqis instead of being disgusted at the banal brutality against defenceless people. I applauded so many New Yorkers who manned up for 9/11. Most of us did. But now, asking why me if a few hundred missiles drop in as payback, it's because of those who did nothing while all this was done in whose name? Be assured the world does have an opinion and an American passport is not the smartest paper to carry in Asia or the Middle East right now. It's because the game is up and blame will be attached. It's no issue to massacre millions, but as with 9/11, Boo Hoo these nasty people hit me back. Agreed it should be the Bullies only, but the US nationals did what while hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were bombed into the stone age? Who has caused populations displacements of vast multi millions now? With 9/11 we shared your grief with you. If Wall Street got erased I suspect worldwide celebrations would be heard for days. Washington ever more. The point being, when you destroy nations, there is no court of appeal for retribution. Russia and China have built their vast nuclear arsenals to use them against America because they felt the need. I don't defend any war, but simply state, beware of what you stir in others by the Cabals constant aggression. ISIS is by and large an American creation. Now as it approached home soil it's different? Be careful of what you unleash. To ISIS one dead American is as good as another. Wait until they start the Toxin warfare, and ask again what did we do wrong? Americans have no concept of how so many nations feel. Count the dead and ask who caused this? As the Muslims spread, so will their rage. Hatred will cross borders hidden as illegals. As they become organised, what next? The US is losing Asia, the Middle East also. South America? America could have done so much more. Still, the good heart of many, and potential is there for good.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:18 am

    Judge Anna: I received another note from Karen Hudes, which I have posted below, and which I have replied to with a number of questions that are of vital importance to the future of America. I suggest that if you haven't tuned into this exchange before you redline it now and pay very close attention: Dear Anna von Reitz, The World Bank and IMF administer the Global Debt Facility containing the world's international monetary gold reserves. The 188 Ministers of Finance and Development on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have agreed that these monetary reserves in the Global Debt Facility are going directly to the people in their currency. The gold in people's checking accounts will present issues, but these difficulties can and will be overcome. You are wrong in stating that the Board of Governors and me as legal counsel and Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility are not returning the world's gold to the world's people. The Global Currency Reset will extinguish country debt and usury. With the termination of Dr. Jim Kim and Sean McGrath on December 18, 2015, the resistance to implementation of the Global Currency Reset has been removed. You are also incorrect in stating that the Bretton Woods institutions were hijacked almost from the start. In 1947 the President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development tried to repeal the powers of the IBRD's Board of Executive Directors through a single Memorandum. I was locked out of the World Bank headquarters in 2009, the day after I rescinded that Memorandum.
    The power of the Board of Governors to fulfil their mandate under the Articles of Agreement of the Bretton Woods institutions remains intact:
    Gold went into backwardation (where the price of gold to be delivered in the future is higher than the price for immediate or "spot" delivery) back in July 2013, and gold has stayed in backwardation since then. When gold went into backwardation in 1971, the Federal Reserve Note went off the gold standard. If gold goes into permanent backwardation because the Global Currency Reset is delayed, this will cause mass starvation, pestilence, and the unilateral surrender of US military might, bringing the world into another Dark Ages and WWIII, just like the way the amount metal in the Denarius was removed to bring about the Dark Ages in 300AD. Ferdinand Marcos' prayer to the United States makes this very clear. @KarenHudes
    It is time to answer Ferdinand Marcos' prayer: As legal adviser to two Popes: Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis, your email to me dishonors Ferdinand Marcos' memory. A delay in the Global Currency Reset will allow the Federal Reserve Note to crash. You state that the gold governed by the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement is not held free and clear of competing claims. The 50 year period of sequestration was deliberately agreed to so that the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF would not be bogged down with competing claims when the time came to distribute the assets in the Global Debt Facility to its beneficiaries: all of humanity. I have made it clear to all the parties: there is no group which has priority above the rest of humanity. The Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods institutions offers the international monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility to all of the nations and peoples alike:
    The Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement was written by Ferdinand Marcos, lawyer for Jose Antonio Severino Mcleod Diaz Tallano, more popularly known as Dr. Jose P. Rizal, who went to the Vatican in 1898, where he went by the name Rev. Father Jose Antonio Diaz. Rev. Antonio Diaz was Superior General of the Jesuits from December 14, 1942 to September 14, 1946. It is quite telling that Wikipedia has removed Rev. Antonio Diaz from its list of Black Popes. The Vatican was obviously displeased that Rev. Father Jose Antonio Diaz established the Bretton Woods institutions with a mandate to return the world's gold to the world's people. Which is exactly what is going to happen, with 90-95% likelihood, according to the power transition model developed by Ronald Tammen, Chair of the Department of National Strategy at the National War College. Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century.
    In his townhall meetings of December 2, 2013 and March 12, 2014, General Dempsey refused to answer why it was not in the security interests of the US to accept the US monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility. General Dempsey cancelled his Townhallwithin ten minutes of the scheduled time on March 10, 2015 to evade my question again.
    The power transition model provides a clear benchmark for what is patriotic and what is not, and shows the Knights of Malta in the US Department of Defense for what they are, just as gold provides a clear benchmark for what is true money. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel

    Judge Anna's reply to Karen Hudes, Dec 20, 2015 Dear Karen Hudes, Thank you for your prompt reply. I think we are playing from two different sets of facts. To expedite things and speed up the reset please answer the following questions: 1. Why should gold that is owed to Americans be given to and controlled by foreigners who have no connection to us but a dishonored service agreement? Bottom line----why should our share of the gold be handed over to people who have no delegated authority to represent us in this matter at all? You and everyone else can see that this is a legitimate problem ---and not one of my making. 2. Why should we accept such an arrangement as any kind of payment to us? If you, as a Trustee, give my gold to Jake Down the Road, I’m sorry, Karen, but I still haven’t been paid and I am still the lawful Beneficiary who is still owed everything I was ever owed, plus interest. 3. Why are you insisting that the solvency of the “Federal Reserve Note” is of such critical importance? The FRN is a private domestic currency---in-house Monopoly money---with a fixed exchange rate against the actual United States Dollar, which is and has always been our currency. If the “Federal United States” can’t make it after a hundred years of exchanging their worthless paper for our silver and gold, that’s their problem. They haven’t bothered to honor the only contract we have with them ---so give us all ten good reasons why there can’t be an orderly conclusion to our final divorce from the British Empire? Do you think we still need the British Navy to protect us? 4. Why do you think that the military might of America will “collapse” if we change our maid service? I have no doubt that the reason General Dempsey avoided your question is that he didn’t want to tell you out loud that the United States Forces ---that is, American Armed Forces---are quite a different thing than “US Armed Forces”. Without us, Karen, the “US Armed Forces” pretty much dwindle down to the Puerto Rican Navy and the Home Guard on Guam. Fortunately for everyone concerned, we are not dependent on the Federal United States. They are and have always been dependent on us. 5. Gold “backwardation” is just fancy jargon for not enough metal reserves to meet demand and quell crazy speculation. You want to release the reset to give everyone their fair share of gold, ease all these tensions and get the world economy flowing again. Understood. Why not give the American share of the gold to the Americans and get on with it? General Dunford secures delivery, the gold backs the actual United States Dollar, and all is right with the world. Tell us why that seems so very difficult? 6. My advice to the Vatican and the Pope and to you is all the same. Give the gold to the people it is actually owed to and don’t fool around playing politics. Let the people sort things out for themselves. We don’t have a problem with you giving a fair share to the Puerto Ricans and the Samoans and all the other people in the Insular States and Haiti and everywhere else. We are all for it. We simply want our share delivered into our hands and into our control. Britain has acted as Mommy Dearest for the last time. We have no contractual obligation to the Brits or the Federal United States related to this matter and you have been notified. That should be that. And if it isn’t, this is your moment to explain to the whole world why not?
    Isn't this mentality the real problem? Blaming the victims while doing nothing about the perpetrators? The Catholic Church has certainly mastered this thinking with their pedophile programs. Are those victims of the sicko priests at fault and should "wake up" to the molestation or they deserve what they get? I base my last commentary on your statement "Fat and happy, all asleep". You seem to say this a lot John. My question is why to you keep berating the victims in the US? I guess being asleep is a crime punishable by death?

    I have not said the Sheeple deserve to go into the night, simply instead I questioned cause and effect. Doing nothing leads to Russian aggression towards all.As for the UK media, I can assure you that on most occasions, you transgress the following morning you will be splashed across the tabloids and your home and office besieged by media. Unless we issue a D notice, you are prey. As regards sleeping, if the Russian bombs ever do get unleashed,for sure it will be a wake up call for many. Even if only for a micro second. What I do say is that for a nation in many ways as progressive as the US has been,the News Media has so badly betrayed the freedom of speech and concepts of The Constitution, and the ignorance of the masses has allowed it. How can such a major First World Nation be so abysmally ignorant of world events? Or tolerant of slime like the Clintons? Do they care or just slob out on welfare and mindless media pap? The cost of ignorance is freedom.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:19 am

    From Judge Anna: Today, I am doing something a bit usual among these postings---- and letting another Voice, Gloria Pressley, have her say---- Please read and share her information about one of the corporations that has benefited from our enslavement and the prevailing situation: This is an excerpt from a letter she wrote to another patriot, Milt Farrow, explaining things. She did such an excellent job and the information is so to the point of the whole discussion I couldn't have possibly said it better myself:
    Hi Mr. Farrow, Thanks for writing to me and sharing your thoughts. I think that the lien filed by Mr. Curry and Anna et al is the most effective thing that has come down the pike in a very long time, will probably start a cascade of failure for some banks and very powerful corporations, and I am extremely grateful for it. Besides spreading the word and pointing everyone to our new educational resource,, we should all be filing a copy with our own "secretary of state". Anyone who hasn't filed a copy in their state, needs to get on board and flood their offices with the news. Let them know that we know the jig is up. It is proving to be a very effective tool, and it's really all we need. SERCO, a UK outsourcing giant, has control of every aspect of the USA, Inc, government and military and it's franchises including Canada and Australia. See the list of "government services" outsourced to SERCO here: U.S. Federal Government U.S. Army U.S. Air Force U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Department of Health & Human Services U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of State U.S. Intelligence Agencies U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy U.S. Patent and Trademark Office U.S. State & Local Government City of Chicago City of Colorado Springs City of Los Angeles City of San Francisco Georgia Department of Transportation San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Virginia Department of Transportation Canadian Government Bombardier Military Aviation Training British Columbia Ministry of Justice Canadian Border Security Agency Canadian Department of National Defence Goose Bay Airport Corporation Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Ontario Ministry of Financial Services Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Ministry of Transportation Global & Commercial Capital One Dayton Power & Light Forth Valley Royal Hospital Penn State University Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Vectren Corporation Wells Fargo This small list does not include admin of "Obamacare", management of ammo and weapon stockpiles, Prison and Immigration detention management, Visa and Passport offices, and the DRSN (Defense Red Switch Network), and on and on. The good news is that SERCO owns 30 million shares in Northern Trust and so will hopefully go the way of the dinosaur as a result of this brilliant lien effort. In short, we already have everything we need. We all have the ability to send a "Notice and Demand" to an airline company and question them about their non-disclosure to passengers regarding the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot system, and the electronic "hackability" of the airliner. We all have the ability to force questions onto the media in the same format, using affidavits of truth. When unanswered, allegations become fact in commercial law, and can be followed by a similar lien process. We need to put these corporations on notice that we are aware of their pretenses to provide "government" services while looting, interfering, and orchestrating insurance payoffs through gang- style hits.
    We don't need to use "their" courts to get it done. We are being railroaded by a web of corporations, and we can at least create notice removing their plausible deniability, paving the way for future efforts. We can pick any one of those targets and start holding them accountable.
    Your on the right track but cross link Vanguard also. Then you will start connecting the mother loads. Those plus Northern Trust will take you to the heart of the Cabal. Bust that and the whole dirty sewer pipe erupts. Major names in frames. Check Carlisle as well, surprising who comes up dirty. Also sad. You will see. Good job all of you.
    Anna and Karen, Round Three Dear Anna von Reitz, I have taken your questions on board and intend to answer them in appropriate fora. It would be counterproductive for me to discuss the Knights of Malta in the US military with you after your many misstatements of my position and false accusations. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
    Ms. Hudes, I am not responsible for the Knights of Malta, but you ARE responsible for the proper disbursement of the Global Debt Facility funds. If I have misstated your position, I'm sorry. That is certainly not my intention. I've been mischaracterized enough myself to make me sensitive to the issue. The door is always open for you to speak for yourself and make things clear. As for "false accusations"---- none of us know the absolute truth. We just use our powers of observation, logic, and deduction. My observation of you indicates that you are well-intentioned for the most part and genuinely concerned, but don't appear to grasp some of the older and wider history.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:21 am

    Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly. Shapeshifting wombats and weasels. Shocked

    Of course bullies need to be identified and treated as such, as do those who change the rules in midstream which happened last week as discussed here in this very good article Of course if no major press source picks up on this and expounds on it in the US or UK or elsewhere, the facts to present Putin as the good guy and the US as the bully never come to light....more smokescreen and business as usual. All more support for my call for use of assets into trade for the purpose of purchasing a US broadcaster....On the surface not creating employment and infrastructure, but certainly humanitarian if it can be editorially channeled and has the reach. Of course the FED gets in the way of such an action, so the suggestion probably goes nowhere.
    The massive contribution of so many deserve a free voice. But it needs to be Global also, there is a whole worldwide need for free thought and freedom of being. Most of our contributors have nowhere else to go for expression. Here we get beat up for free.
    Karsten Bro, I know you are helping all of us around the planet and your endless hours are always appreciated beyond words....even if not expressed often enough. We won't always agree, which is expected. We have different life experiences and look at things through different lenses.

    Judge Anna hits it out of the ballpark...again!!!! Criminals On Our Shores -- Banking, the Global Reset, A Sidebar Rumination For those just now waking up---- the Federal Reserve is not and has never been any part of our government. It is a mostly-foreign private association of banks operating as a criminal cartel on our shores. The Fed was invited here by other criminals impersonating our lawful Congress of the United States more than a century ago. The details of how this happened are presented in our sworn and published affidavit of probable cause, "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" and The Creature from Jekyll Island. Second, at the end of the Second World War the Allies set up the "Global Debt Facility" as a depository with the intention --- at least on paper --- of using this international collateral for the benefit of Mankind. So much for good intentions and public relations. Of course, much more sinister and self-interested agendas were in play---one of which was the rape and pillaging of America and the dispossession of its people via fraud, misrepresentation, and deceit. Attached you will find nine (9) important documents that establish at least one (1) of the several versions of the Minesfield Crossover Agreements alleged to exist and referenced by Ms. Hudes, and also a couple pages from the Secret Book of Redemption.

    This extraordinary work explains how the Federal Reserve self-sabotaged its fiduciary responsibilities by introducing deliberate errors in the issuance of bonds and other documents so as to provide a predetermined excuse for not paying legitimate debts when they came due. The Federal Reserve has also been instrumental in the Federal Reserve Note Scam and the enslavement of Americans mischaracterized as British Crown subjects. A "Federal Reserve Note" like any "note" is a Promise to Pay----like a bond is also a promise to pay at a later date. This particular "note" was given a very special, very beneficial backing--- members of Congress acting in treasonous self-interest established a fixed "dollar for dollar" exchange rate between the "Federal Reserve Note" and our actual United States Dollar. As a result, the Federal Reserve Banks were enabled to pawn off paper I.O.U.s in exchange for our actual gold and silver----and also for our unpaid labor and other resources. To avoid paying these I.O.U.s they simply collapsed the old "Federal Reserve System, Inc." and entered it into bankruptcy. All our gold and silver was stolen and transported overseas in "equitable exchange" for worthless paper, and then even the debt represented by those I.O.U.s was discharged in bankruptcy---which should have never been allowed. That answers the question of where all the gold in Fort Knox went. Bill Clinton had the last of our reserves shipped out during his final years in office. He also pretended to have the authority to sell off our homes, businesses, roads, bridges, and other public infrastructure to foreign investors. Literally billions of people globally plus 390 million Americans have been victimized and defrauded. Governments all over the world are looking to us to make good on all the private Federal Reserve Notes and all the bogus sales of our property that these con men pretending to represent us have sold to investors in our names. Literally.
    That is who and what the Federal Reserve is---- an international crime syndicate brought here and allowed to run rampant by the British Monarch who is supposed to be our Trustee on the Highs Seas and Inland Waterways, expedited by our own employees and by other people obligated to serve us in Good Faith by every treaty, Constitution, Public Law and trust obligation there is.
    The primary beneficiaries of all this criminality are in order of importance: the Pope, the Queen, Jacob Rothschild, and several corporations including SERCO. The Pope agreed to forgive all "debts" arising from these false claims and agreed to return all American assets to the Americans they belong to. He has also taken other very important steps toward remedy.
    The Queen is not eager to give up her ill-gotten gains and neither is Jacob Rothschild, who is still smirking and bobbing, confident that he and his criminal empire will escape the wrath of the world's people and trick them yet again. There's only one big stumbling block. They can pay off any country on Earth except one. They can't possibly pay back the Americans, who have been the biggest victims. It simply can't be done. There isn't enough gold or silver to pay back what they owe us already. That's why from their perspective, they have to do one of two things---- (1) work a final fraud scheme to gain immunity from prosecution and release from their debt to us; or, (2) kill off the Americans to reduce the amount of debt they owe and collect on the million dollar life insurance policies they've placed on each one of us. But now they have just realized something rather crucial. As long as there is one American left alive anywhere on the planet, that American can claim back absolutely everything owed to all Americans since this fraud scheme began--- and tracking down and murdering every American worldwide doesn't seem like a viable option. They have always counted on their control of the "US Congress" as their final playing card. They haven't counted on us pointing out that the "US Congress" isn't our Congress. Karen Hudes thought she had everything nicely done up in time for Christmas. She had cronies all lined up to accept our share of the gold from the Global Debt Facility. Once they accepted the gold--- "in our behalf"---and accepted all the immunities and guarantees and releases hidden in the fine print, her bosses would be off the hook, free and clear, able to claim immunity and keep all our assets, too. Luckily for the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" the federal toadies don't represent us in this matter and have no basis to claim that they do. As a Trustee, Karen Hudes and the other 188 Trustees of the Global Debt Facility are in a bind. The Americans are owed their share of the gold in the Global Debt Facility. The Federal toadies have no basis to accept it for us. It isn't in our interest to accept any fine print that gives the Queen and Rothschild and their cronies a "Home Free and Keep Our Assets" card. And we are in no mood for Trojan Horses.

    Those who have been listening to the exchanges between Karen Hudes and I have repeatedly heard her warnings about "World War III" --- any such thing would be precipitated by the efforts of the criminals to assert false claims against us and our assets and their refusal to pay their own debts. By now the entire world knows that the Americans have been the innocent victims of fiduciary trust fraud on an unimaginable scale, and millions of Americans know it, too. The Russians and Chinese know who to blame. If the Russians and Chinese want gold, they aren't coming after us. Our pockets have been picked clean. Nobody is going to blame us for the lies of the Federal United States. It's all too apparent who the criminals have been and it is also too apparent that the American people have suffered along with the rest of the world. Ms. Hudes would have the world believe that I am working for some Evil Network of Global Control and am single-handedly holding up the Global Reset and preventing poor people all over the world from receiving their fair share of the Global Debt Facility gold. I say that Ms. Hudes is accusing me of what she is doing herself. She is trying to gain immunity for her bosses---some way that they can wash their hands and avoid being responsible for their insurmountable debts to us and the rest of humanity. It is their refusal to come clean that is holding up distribution of Global Debt Facility assets. They, not we, are keeping the gold hostage, trying to use it as leverage for themselves, and trying to trick us all into accepting a bowl of porridge for our birthright. Under their current plan the same corrupt politicians retain control and all the benefit of the gold goes to prop up national currencies which are nothing but a breeding ground for manipulation, fraud, and profit for the usual suspects. The only benefit to the people Ms. Hudes can suggest is that they will no longer have to pay interest to the banks on the money their governments mint or print. It will mean the end of usury she says. Pray tell, why should anyone have to pay interest to the banks in the first place? Nobody's currency has been backed by the banks. It has all been backed by the labor of the people and the value of their country's land, commodity, and product assets. The interest we've all paid to the Federal Reserve --for example-- was nothing but another gratuitous fraud scheme, a charge for a non-existent service. So we just mindlessly donate the gold from the Global Debt Facility to the same criminals who have enslaved and defrauded us and in exchange we get what? The cessation of yet another fraudulent claim? How does that benefit any poor people? Instead, it benefits the banks. They realize that we are looking at them and questioning their existence and examining their records and their operations and it is just a matter of time before someone says, "Why are we paying interest for a non-existent service?" Another recurring theme in the dialogue is that I and by implication, "the Americans", are being selfish and unreasonable, and that's why everything is held up. The inference is that I am keeping all this gold from benefiting the poor people of the world and standing in the way of President Marco's Prayer--- but the poor people aren't slated to get any benefit anyway. The banks are just colluding to pay the banks again and making sure that everyone has new poker chips to play in another round of "Global Economy" still completely controlled and manipulated by the same Corrupt Old Bastards Club that brought us to this end. How about a totally different result? Something that actually helps all the people of the world and permanently solves the problem of idolatry and dishonesty being enshrined at the heart of our economic system?


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:01 am

    To the extent that we need a planetary-wide currency system to facilitate trade, this can be accomplished by a simple numeric accounting system. No banks are required. None at all. Just a user friendly accounting system similar to an ATM that accepts deposits, transfers, and withdrawals, a multi-tier computer system similar to the internet devoted to financial transactions, and geeks to troubleshoot. To the extent that we need to provide for the basic needs of all people this can be accomplished by the same numeric system by providing basic living stipends sufficient to pay for food, water, housing, sanitation, transportation, education, and health care deposited into each individual account. Mankind can finally be set free from want and fear of want. No more starving children. No more charity drives. No more slavery. No more anxiety. No more reason for war and conflict. Why is this possible? Because money is a symbol standing for the value of our labor and the Earth's natural resources that we are all heir to. Labor--which includes our creativity and inventiveness--and natural resources, are the only sources of wealth on this planet. There is already more than enough value vested in our energy and the Earth's resources to back every possible legitimate need anyone could ever have. There has never been any reason for people to suffer and go without basic needs. To the extent that we need to provide for new investments, this can be accomplished by giving everyone their own investment account with an additional amount credited to it each year---and let people loan their investment money without interest to any worthy lawful endeavor they support. We know that this is a difficult concept for people who have been trained to "work for money" to grasp, but money is an arbitrary product whether it is made from gold or plastic or glass, whether it is in the form of a coin or an accounting ledger. In the past we've made money of different kinds and let these compete like different varieties of chocolate bars--- the Dollar versus the Ruble versus the Yen--- it is time to move beyond that. People have been wrongly taught to put their faith in money and its external forms, to idolize it as a false god, when in fact, in an honest monetary system, its a hum-drum daily tool. Those who control the production of money and who determine its accounting are all ----as the present circumstance proves and as 8000 years of history provides---- universally and inexorably corrupted by it and reduced to being dishonest profit-mongering white collar thieves. Has the lesson been learned yet? Have we all suffered long enough? Senselessly enough? Is it time to do away with banking--- and go to an Open Account System? There is no reason for any child growing up in any place on this planet to go without food, water, shelter, and anything else that they need. Nor is there any reason for any retiree to go without a solid level of security, comfort, and enjoyment in their old age. The senseless greed of small-minded and smaller-hearted men has perpetuated the Myth of Scarcity in the midst of plenty--and it is nothing but a self-serving blasphemy against Nature and God.

    There is also no reason for our money to be outside our local control. No reason for gleaming bank towers overwhelming the skylines of our cities. No reason for the Christine LaGardes of this world waving their hands and blankly discussing how they are going to seize the retirement accounts of senior citizens. No reason for Paul Ryan mindlessly grinning like a Halloween pumpkin as he discusses all the "necessary cuts" to Medicare and other services that people have already paid for umpteen times over. There is no "National Debt". It's all hokum, Smoke and mirrors promoted by thieves. We have only believed in "money" because we have been kept ignorant and deprived of this critical tool by force, and we now fully realize that this Ultimate Fraud has been served to us at the hands of vicious self-serving criminals who profit by it. There must be a great cleansing of our minds and our hearts, a sucking in of new vision like a rush of air to our lungs. Any hope that the bankers and politicians have had that this would be business as usual ---just a wrap up song and dance to finalize the Greatest Fraud in History--- will be sadly disappointed. The Americans are awake--- fully awake. The doors have been opened that no man can shut. We are going to demand our share of the Global Debt Facility gold free and clear of any strings. We are going to liquidate the corporations that have acted as crime syndicates on our shores. We are going to lead a profound and permanent reform of the world monetary system. We will be cleaning out vacated public offices from sea to shining sea. We will be reforming and replacing the courts. We will be amending and updating The Constitution and putting an end to any outdated and prejudicial association with Great Britain allowing it to meddle in our affairs. If we get any offer of violence whatsoever from those responsible for these crimes committed against us and the other innocent people of the world, we will join with the Chinese and the Russians and everyone else who has been defrauded by these thugs and we will make sure that the promoters of these crimes never have the opportunity to harm anyone again. Let that be a promise heard round the world and especially in Washington, DC.

    “Today the purpose of US foreign policy is to support the complex that we’ve created in the national security state that is fueled, funded and powered by interminable war and the ramifications thereof. …a sad but realistic appraisal. …the empire is failing…” Published on Dec 13, 2015 Abby Martin interviews retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former national security advisor to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations. Today, he is honest about the unfixable corruption inside the establishment and the corporate interests driving foreign policy. "By now the entire world knows that the Americans have been the innocent victims of fiduciary trust fraud on an unimaginable scale, and millions of Americans know it, too. The Russians and Chinese know who to blame. If the Russians and Chinese want gold, they aren't coming after us. Our pockets have been picked clean. Nobody is going to blame us for the lies of the Federal United States. It's all too apparent who the criminals have been and it is also too apparent that the American people have suffered along with the rest of the world."

    There was a meeting in Seoul with President Park a few weeks ago. State Leaders and key Elders present. A decision was achieved re contributions to certain key countries, the USA excluded. However the President told the collective Elders who are happy to sit and procrastinate for decades. that if no concensus was achieved they would all have to wait now until next year. Fact. Key Elders left today until January. Reality is that most of this will play out into at least mid year. We with our own real teams are there daily . Direct with Temple Heads and others of State importance.
    Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer Boxer
    Xmas close down is now in effect. The next real meetings with be at the Lords in March. Not before. Good luck .... Nuke Nuke Nuke


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:06 am

    Mad this UK subs drags us deeper into alice rabbithole-beware of prop!!! Rolling Eyes
    Let's remind his blog once again the lovely words you use to describe your fellow human beings "brain dead", "ignorant", "mentally lazy" "fat". The only one you seem to miss is "useless eaters". You don't inspire change by beating people up. Can't you see that? You could be a person who actually causes great and positive change but bullying the "ignorant masses" is certainly not an effective too. It seems the tool chest of the elite is quite limited. Either bully and demean or simply murder those that are not to your liking? You have avoided answering the question I've asked more than once. I have asked you that if the people in England, Uraguay, Africa, Canada, etc. are so darn well informed... why don't we see them doing much to change things either?

    So, it seems to me, if your hypothesis is correct, why are the lovely citizen of the planet not rooting out and destroying the Khazars and elitists? Or better yet, why aren't those of money and privilege with the MEANS doing this? The answer must be that the rich and elitists really like things the way they are just like the plantation owners of the South did over a hundred years ago. It's an elitist mindset and it's destroying this planet. And finally, may I remind you...THEY (cabal) took it all from the WORLD, not just the American citizens so please, give us a break and quit harping on Americans unless you also harp on the rest of the "guilty parties" you like to chide. To answer your question "why have the masses been taken?" For the very same reason that pedophile priests rape children and get away with it, capiche? Evil, planned, and intended manipulation is very effective against sane and trusting humans. The elitists are greedy and none of them want to give a piece of the pie to anyone else. Sick bastards!
    Mmmm, smiling. 1. We recently threw out hundreds of inept Labour and Liberal Politicians and jailed a few for expense fraud. Democracy the people spoke. You never seen to achieve it. 2. We had an uppity King Charles. We beheaded the bugger and reigned in the Crown. We- the People. 3.Cromwell seized the Vatican treasures held here and demolished their churches. We also hung them if caught preaching Vatican crap. 4. Elitist families were brought to heel. 5. We told our PM vote to support the US over Libya and we will have you out. He backed off. 6. We allowed the Scots a vote to leave. 7. Our press will rip you apart if caught corrupt. The US is almost totally corrupt at the top. 8. A stupid Lord was caught with Hookers and drugs. Exposed Sunday. Suspended Monday and out on Tuesday. THAT is power and standards. 9. We are mass jailing child molesters. 10. There will be an EU Referendum giving the people the chance to leave. leave. Democracy! 11. We are bearing down an Blair and Bush over Iraq. Blair could face Jail now and knows it. 12. You have Zio trash in total control of the Fed, Treasury, DHS, DOJ, Supremes, and Banking. What the F is wrong with you all?????? 13. The UK would never let the Buggers near. We KNOW what they are. We stopped Lord Sassoon ( Rotts Goffer) getting the B of E job. We act! For over 300 years we would not even let them into England. We know what they do if not controlled. 14. We are the global lead nation for the Chinese RMB. Most leading Chinese and Russians chose to live here, why? 15. All the worlds stolen gold got stolen by your crooks. 16. 90% of all wars are caused by your Agencies and Cabal. You do what? 17. They have built FEMA camps all over the US. Kissinger says your Military are just dumb body bags for their Foreign Policies. I actually care NOT to put then in harms way. 18. America arms and funds Israeli aggression and murder. Iran stood up to you. 19. Putin wont take much more nor will the Russian military. You are dangerously close to getting nuked. The latest Russian missiles travel at over 18,000 miles and hours and have a payload 1,300 times greater than Hiroshima. You have no defence to stop them. 18 minutes and dead. Dam right we try to help you. 20. All the gold stolen is your lot. Try telling the nations, not me Sir. I applauded your Bikers and Truckers when they protested. We saluted the NY firefighters and Emergency workers over 9/11. Still do. But what the F are you all doing about that appalling Dogs breakfast of a rotten to the core Political and Fed system? Dam right we do support and help Judge Anna and all fighting to free Americans. So yes, I will keep on challenging and cajoling the nation to get off its arse and change it! That's what good Allies do. We fight- for YOU! Allies MWP. We care.

    One more noteworthy excerpt from the Carl Boudreau: I know that many are expecting or fearing or hoping for a violent, revolutionary turn of events. However, this particular mutable T-Square is not given to revolutionary outbursts. In fact, the present concentration of forces in mutable signs will work strongly against the residual revolutionary propensities of the lingering Uranus/Pluto square. It’s energies are most likely to be channeled into constructive outlets by the bracelet of supportive semi-sextiles, sextiles and trines extending from Jupiter in Virgo to Uranus in Aries. Instead, we should expect persistent, pervasive reform efforts fueled by a deep-seated, abiding rejection of the current state of the world. This, in turn, will give rise to numberless acts of protest, resistance, activism and reform – billions a day, globally. Such actions will be too numerous and pervasive to allow for easy, quick, forceful acts of government suppression. The powers that be will ultimately be forced to accommodate this new mood.
    Dam right we help you all. Arrogant Brit or not. Lol


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:09 am

    jocolor before it get discharged for treason:

    IMPEACH MERKEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    pale pale pale

    SERCO connection to ELITE - PHILLIP DUNNE and SERCO asks for delay as debt levels reach limits and GLASCOW IT Fire - pay by CHRISTMAS???? Serco's connections to the British political elite and Conservative party partly explains why they continue to win contracts, despite gross and recurrent malfeasance, unlawful practice and recurring contractual failure. "Philip Dunne, a defence minister, revealed that his brother-in-law is the chief executive of Serco - a contractor that has won highly paid tender deals with the department" Ministers reveal use of controversial blind trust schemes in long-awaited transparency data Thirteen Government ministers use the schemes which make financial scrutiny difficult while another senior Conservative has shares in a company based in Bermuda
    17 Dec 2015 Thirteen Government ministers, including two who attend cabinet, use controversial blind trust arrangements to keep their financial affairs private and one minister holds shares in a company registered in tax-haven Bermuda, new documents have revealed.
    Labour demands investigation over Serco fiasco which plunged Lincolnshire schools into chaos,” THEIR MALFEASANCE CAUSES A STRIKE AND THEY WANT TO GET PAID!!!! OR Get BONUSES like in NZ. After prisoner beatings, stand over tactics, fight clubs, rape, falsification of information to hide these abuses and death we are now seeing the real horror of the SERCO deal. Despite all these terrible abuses SERCO has made $8million in bonuses. Serco secures amendment to lending terms LONDON Dec 18 Troubled British outsourcer Serco said on Thursday it had agreed with its bank and U.S. private placement lenders to delay covenant tests to the end of May, giving it time to shore up it creaking finances.

    Judge Anna to American people...There are a few effective things you can do--- and the most effective is to realize that whenever you incorporate anything it is removed from the Law of the Land and slides under the Satanic Law of the Sea. So everything that you do and any organizations that you form MUST NOT BE INCORPORATED. The next thing that you need to know is that foreign criminals have seized upon your own given name that is yours by birthright, a gift to you from your biological parents---and they have copyrighted and claimed (falsely) to be the owners of it. They have then used that claim and created numerous "fictional personas" and operated them "in your NAME"-----without your knowledge, without your consent. All those legal fiction entities are corporations---- so, they are subject to the Satanic Law of the Sea. They are "legal fictions"---- lies. And who is the Father of All Lies? Your states and counties are all on dry land. They are all unincorporated associations created by your natural body politic as "free sovereign and independent people of the United States". All these things that are operating "in the name of" your counties and states are corporations and franchises of corporations. They all operate under the Law of the Sea, not the Law of the Land. They aren't your counties or your states. You've merely been hoodwinked into assuming and believing that they are. So, this is a political status issue. Your political status determines which law forms you are owed and your political status has been misrepresented, falsified for profit----- and your records have been falsified, too. As a living man you have many guarantees confirming that your right to choose your political status is yours alone and that no government has any right to question, alter, or change it. In this country you can by birthright be one of the "free sovereing and independent people of the United States" or an "inhabitant"--- a British Crown Subject or Federal United States Citizen--- (Definitive Treaty of Peace, often called the Treaty of Paris, 1783). You are born free, sovereign, and independent, but within hours of birth undeclared British agents get your uninformed Mother to sign undisclosed contracts changing your status to that of a British Crown subject. You remain in that "presumed" status the rest of your life unless you object. It's past time to object---- object to the United Nations, which if it is worth a hoot in Hell will impose upon its members--- Britain and the Federal United States --- which have both signed onto the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration. If any employee of the "Federal Government Corporation" accosts you or causes you trouble, remind them that you are one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" and that you are guaranteed their loyalty, Good Faith, and Service by the Treaty of Peace, 1783, The Constitution for the united States of America Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2, the Expatriation Act of 1868, the Lieber Code, the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949 - Laws of War Volume II, Article 3, the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration. Cont'd...... ReplyDelete 39. TexianMonday, December 21, 2015 at 5:29:00 PM MST Cont'd.... If they haul you into one of their private corporate franchise tribunals masquerading as a "County" or "State" Court of any kind, ignore their demand to "state your name" and observe on the record that every fact that falls from your mouth concerning you is testimony of a living Witness having the only first-hand knowledge of any fact concerning you. State that you are a living man (or woman) not operating any franchise and inquire if the court has any jurisdiction over one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" defined by the Definitive Peace Treaty of 1783, Article III, and if it is competent to function in the jurisdiction of American Common Law and provide adjudication as required by Amendment VII of The Constitution for the united States of America"? And if not, by what possible stretch of the imagination are they proposing to address you at all? If they persist, ask them if they are aware that American Common Law Courts are functioning in your state on the land, and that Milligan Ex Parte forbids fhem any further public function? If they persist, ask if they are aware that you are being forced to act as General Executor of your ESTATE under duress and against your published Will? (The Constitution for the united States of America) Remember that you can never get into trouble by asking questions on the record, but you can send a judge in one of these "courts" straight to Hell. Remind the Provost Marshals and the Joint Chiefs who you are and of their obligation under the Lieber Code and the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Laws of War Volume II, Article 3. Be sure to also remind them that you are a non-combatant Protected Person who has been assaulted and mischaracterized by officers of the British Crown and undeclared foreign agents acting in favor of the British Crown. Next, contact the members of the "US Congress"---- bearing in mind that these people do not "represent" you in any way, shape or manner--- but ARE obligated to provide you with "essential governmental services" under Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. If they don't do it and do it in Good Faith, they are acting in treason and subject to the self-executing 3rd and 4th Clause of their own corporate "Constitution's" 14th Amendment and are subject to the immediate loss of their office. All these Bar Association Members, all these government employees, are the direct responsibility of this corporate Board of Directors and they are being ALLOWED to run amok on your land and to falsify your political status and cause you trouble and make false claims against you and your property assets. Call them down on the carpet and spank their asses red. They are your servants--- literally--- and they have gone mad. Tell them very explicitly that you expect a prompt correction of all records related to you and your estate including the "infant decedant estate" that was improperly created "in your name", the return of title to your property owed to you free and clear, the copyright to your given name, and the unblocking of your accounts. Pronto. Remind them of the Public Law --- 2 United States Statute-at-Large 153, which clearly and explicitly lays out the duty of performance required to change the political status of any of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" to that of a Federal United States inhabitant. Remind them that that duty has not been performed. Ever. Cont'd.... ReplyDelete Replies 1. TexianMonday, December 21, 2015 at 5:31:00 PM MST Cont'd..... Remind them that the corporate "Congress" acted in gross fraud and conflict of interest amounting to treason when they claimed to establish a fixed rate of interest between their own private script, the so-called "Federal Reserve Note" and the United States Dollar--- facilitating the exchange of our labor, our gold and silver, and our other resources for worthless I.O.U's that were discharged by the abusive bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System and by their own consummately dirty hands. Remind them that thanks to more criminal fraud you have never received the remedies that were promised by HJR 192 and the related public statutes. Remind them that both the Federal United States and the Washington, DC Municipality are their unique responsibility, not ours. Remind them that their Federal Reserve Note is their responsibility, not ours. Remind them that as they purloined our goods and our labor and gave it to the Pope and to the Queen under conditions of deceit and fraud and self-interest, it is now apparent to whom they should turn for succor and relief and for the payment of all debts related to their Federal Reserve Notes. And if the Pope and the Queen refuse to return the favor of sharing the ill-gotten loot and bail their rumps out, we will have no reason whatsoever for not joining the defrauded Russians and Chinese in wiping the whole brood of robbers and murderers who have participated in this grotesque betrayal of our trust off the face of the Earth. Remind them all that their only other possible source of help happens to be the very same "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" they have so arrogantly and gratuitously betrayed and whom they have defrauded and mischaracterized and enslaved and harrassed and lied to and sent their revenue agents after while pretending that we are or ever were British Crown subjects. We Americans are good moral people, trusting, honest people--- and we know how to forgive debts. God knows, we've forgiven and forgiven and forgiven debts owed to us all around the world, debts of blood, debts of honor, debts of gold, debts of every kind, shape, sort, and description we have forgiven. There is no reason to think that we have changed our character. But we have been betrayed by Breach of Trust and without the most abject and sincere kind of repentance backed up by action, there can be no forgiveness of this circumstance. These are facts that were presented to Benedict XVI and which Francis also knows. These are facts that have been presented to the United Nations. These are facts that have been presented to all the nations of the world. The Holy See has already given its answer and settled the Seal of Saint Peter upon my forehead---ask Francis to deny it. The Pope has opened his storehouses, and now it remains for the Queen, Jacob Rothschild, his minions, David Rockefeller and his minions, the Committee of 300, and all their corporations---not us--- to pay off the debts of the Federal United States and the Washington, DC Municipality, or face criminal prosecution and liquidation for fraud by the People of the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, New Zealand......Brazil, India, Russia and China. This criminality has gone on far longer than long enough. We have all been abused and we have all been defrauded. It is now time for all the people around the world to realize that we have a common enemy in the form of a dishonest banking system and dishonest men running the banking system, assisted by clueless and corrupt politicians. Cont'd.... Delete 2. TexianMonday, December 21, 2015 at 5:32:00 PM MST Cont'd..... It is also time for all men of goodwill and moral character to stand up and insist that these functions be cleaned up, these phony debts be erased, and that a new and honest banking system providing true planetary liquidity be instituted without further delay. An honest banking system does not depend on banks nor on gold nor on any specific commodity. An honest banking system admits that there are only two things of value on this Earth: labor---which includes our energy, creativity and inventiveness---and natural resources. THAT is the backing for all economies and all spending and all value on this planet and no honest man will ever pretend otherwise. An honest banking system does not depend on brand names of money--- yen, dollars, rubles, "federal reserve notes" or any other such nonsense. An honest banking system admits that every living man, woman, and child, has great intrinsic value---beyond measure in terms of any credit system--and that we are all literally OWED all the food, housing, water, transportation, education, medical care, and everything else that we can ever legitimately need. This truth is universal. It matters not whether you are Muslim or Jew, an American or a Chinese. An honest banking system is in our control, literally. It is not lorded over by any supposed "elite". It is overseen directly by the people operating in their own countries and marketplaces day by day, and is exercised through the choices they individually make regarding what they invest in. In an honest banking system all men and women have money to invest in the things they care about----not what will make a "profit" because profit is not the object of an honest banking system --- promoting what you care about is the object of an honest banking system: life, health, family, community, kindness..... Spread the word. We are wide awake, seven billion against a few million criminals, most of whom are so clueless they don't even know they are acting in a criminal fashion. Inform them. And if they turn away from their sins, forgive them and invite them in to join the Brotherhood of Man. Delete 3. Saturnalia SMonday, December 21, 2015 at 10:00:00 PM MST I love this update from Anna von Reitz for three reasons: 1) She now states that not only the Crown, but also the Vatican has profited from this greatest fraud in history as I have previously stated. The Vatican is thus now held accountable to return its ill gotten gains. 2) She goes more into the registered legal name of people. I have been observing this topic myself with great interest and the various avenues employed by freedom desiring individuals to achieve that freedom. 3) Anna von Reitz provides a different investment model. Recently I noted myself that there is a conflict between income and capital. People who work for their money versus people who let their money work for them. Evil practically never results from people who work for their money, but it is almost exclusively generated as a result of those who let their money work for them. This seemed to me to be an obvious undesirable problem for a properly functioning society, but I did not have a proper solution to circumvent the evil generated from the use of capital, although Islamic banking and the similar ideas propagated at Russia's banking epicentre did seem a step in the right direction. Anna von Reitz does however seem to have the answer. A yearly individual non-profit investment (given to all) which allows each individual to invest in that which they find most important is best. Nevertheless I would supplement this idea of Anna von Reitz with Russia's latest ideas on banking. Society needs to move away from representative democracy and towards direct democracy. Let people themselves decide on all matters which concern them (except there where it infringes upon the freedom (economic and otherwise) of other people). The people always know best what is most important for them.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty cOOKIES

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:10 am

    Judge Anna: The Truth and The Holy See was a Beneficiary of the fraud and the Pope as the CEO of the Global Estate Trust was bearded in his lair in 2008 and agreed to forgive any “debts” arising from the fraudulent claims made against us and to return all the American property to the Americans. He thereby “redeemed” himself and settled the controversy in our favor and became an ally in the cause of cleaning up the mess, bringing remedy to the people, and disciplining the perpetrators. Once I have settled an issue with someone with complete agreement to just action, I stop beating them and blaming them. You should, too. All this horrible propaganda against the Church was unleashed by the banks shortly after Benedict took action in our favor and it has continued on relentlessly ever since. That should give you a clue who our real enemies are.
    Since that time I have continued my labors at my level and considerable headway has been made toward explaining the situation and organizing information and securing allies in the effort worldwide. As I have said from the beginning, it’s NOT just Americans who have been fleeced and abused. Darn near every country on Earth has been all-but tanked by this same fraud and harmed by these same fraudsters. It’s important that everyone on Earth including our own people understand the difference between the Federal United States and the Continental United States — the jurisdiction of the sea versus the jurisdiction of the land—-and, most importantly, the Law of the Sea versus the Law of the Land. NONE of these “courts” that Thomas addressed function under the Law of the Land. They are ALL either (1) in-house corporate administrative tribunals for public employees and federal dependents or (2) “Special Admiralty Courts” — a euphemism for international martial common law. We can shut the Admiralty Courts down simply by reclaiming our own political status as one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and reorganizing our counties on the land as unincorporated associations, electing our Common Law Judges, Justices of the Peace, Public Notaries, Land Recorders, etc., and most importantly, Sheriffs on the Land. Once you have formed the body politics, elected your Sheriff, provided him with a bond, and taken his sworn Oath, he can deputize as many men as he needs just like John Wayne in the old movies, to secure enforcement of the judgements of your Common Law Courts. Once the Common Law Courts are in operation, the still-standing United States Supreme Court Case Milligan Ex Parte (1866) REQUIRES that the Special Admiralty Courts shut down and you can then also require the corporate administrative “courts” to properly identify themselves as private corporate tribunals having jurisdiction over corporations and “federal state” and “federal county” employees and subcontractors.
    Your Sheriff can then also identify Thomas Deegan as one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” — and assuming that Thomas in prison still has sense enough to nod his head and agree that he is one—-the County Sheriff on the land can collect the land “asset” and require the Federales to release Thomas to his custody along with any other Americans who are in federal jails in the area. The only people they are not required to release to the Sheriff on the Land are those accused of murder or assault with a deadly weapon. Since Thomas is in jail for a thought-crime and thought-crimes do not exist under the Law of the Land, he would be immediately released by the Sheriff On the Land because he has broken no Law of the Land. Besides The Constitution for the united States of America, the Law of the Land includes the Public Laws with enabling (not enactment) clauses known as United States Statutes-at-Large. 2 United States Statute-at-Large 153, Chapter 28 clearly defines the “duty to perform” for any one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” (Definitive Treaty of Paris 1783) to ever become a Federal United States Citizen. It makes it very clear that nobody born in one of the American states can ever become a British Crown subject via any form of private contract written or implied. This is a political status issue, not a matter of law. The kind of law you live under is determined by your political status and your right to choose your political status—-and the “governments” obligation to respect your choice— is guaranteed by many, many treaties and declarations and agreements including the Treaty of Paris 1783, The Constitution for the united States of America, the Expatriation Act of 1868, the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949—Laws of War, Volume II, Article 3, the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their Universal Right of Self-Declaration. However, as I have pointed out before, what we are dealing with is not really a sovereign government and never has been— its an association of fifty sovereign nation states operated as a commercial governmental services corporation. The “federal government” is a corporation just like Sears or GE. It has “State” franchises and “County” franchises. All these things are private, foreign-owned, for-profit or NGO entities here to provide the enumerated services our states agreed to purchase from them under The Constitution for the united States of America.

    So when Thomas started calling for a take-over of the “State of West Virginia” office buildings, etc., what he was really doing was calling for people to take over property belonging to a foreign corporation like Monsanto or Boeing and threatening their employees. Whereupon they sent out their corporate mercenaries, tried him in their private corporate tribunal under false presumptions, and locked him up in their private, for-profit jail system—– and sent the bill for all this “service” to us.
    Now, is this whole picture clicking into focus for you? Our “servants” under contract to provide “essential governmental services” under Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2, have practiced a form of fraud and identity theft against us, grabbed our credit cards, and have been working this bunko scheme against us for years without us knowing anything about it. Now we have awakened and objected to it and they are all standing there going —-“Uh! What? Huh? This is the way we’ve always done it….” They’ve been acting under color of law and committing these crimes for so long, they don’t know any better. It’s like doing business in Oklahoma: “Oh, you mean, filling up my private truck at the company gas tank isn’t just part of the way we do things?” There are only a few masterminds at the top of this pyramid of crime and millions of clueless, faithful employees. To prevent bloodshed and injustice it is very important that this be addressed as crime, not any kind of political insurrection, and the proper place to address it is at a diplomatic level in international jurisdiction.
    Now, there is something else I have to tell you all—- the members of the “US Congress” operating the “Federal United States” and the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” profiting from all this fraud and graft ran our credit cards up to the hilt and they stole all our gold and silver assets by fraud, too. They did this by establishing a fixed rate of exchange between their private corporate script known as the “Federal Reserve Note” and our actual United States Silver Dollar. They set up a “dollar for dollar” exchange rate that allowed them to exchange worthless paper for our unpaid labor and our silver and gold. Read House Joint Resolution 192 and the 1934 Emergency Banking Act. You will notice that you never received any of the remedies that you were promised—a little insult to injury that has cost you at least 50% of your lifetime earnings. Meantime they racked up historic trade deficits with China and other nations “in our names”—and haven’t paid the bills. Naturally, if our own people are having trouble drawing a distinction between the Federal United States and the Continental United States, how are the Russians and Chinese and other nations supposed to know? Our pockets have been picked clean by these con artists, our gold and silver has been stolen, and we have been worked like field slaves for their benefit for the better part of a hundred years —-and now the rest of the nations of the world are looking at us to make good on all their “Federal Reserve Notes”. Nice. At this juncture it is absolutely necessary that those who benefited from all this larceny— the Holy See, the Queen, Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, the Committee of 300, and their various corporations—be forced to pick up the tab and restore our purloined property. The Pope has agreed to do so. The Queen is digging in her heels. Rothschild still thinks he is going to buy us off with a pittance of gold disbursed from the “Global Debt Facility” and claim that we accepted that as payment for all that he and his cronies owe the American people.
    I say it’s not happening, and if it does, we prosecute Karen Hudes and the 188 Trustees of the Global Debt Facility as common criminals acting in collusion with other criminals. I also say that we make this circumstance common knowledge on a worldwide basis and stop fighting among ourselves or with anyone else. Everyone on Earth has suffered because of these criminals in our midst. Everyone. Every nation. And the source of this problem is the same: a corrupt and dishonest global banking system run by corrupt and dishonest men.
    If you go to my website: you will find my suggestions of how we can use a digital credit-based system to establish true planetary liquidity and social justice and local control —-and get rid of banking and bankers entirely. That will also cut down tremendously on any use for lawyers. Now I have taken a great deal of time to personally answer in full as much as I can about this situation and I have posted it here for all the Thomas Deegan Fans to read and understand that whatever else I am, I am on their side and watching their backs and not “the Enemy”. The Enemies of all Mankind are the small-minded, small-hearted, greedy, ugly, dishonest little Mountebanks responsible for this outrageous crime sitting in their penthouse offices and calling us “livestock” in their palatial homes. It is up to us all to get on our cowboy boots and change that and for us to make the entire circumstance known to the rest of the world so that change— real change for the better—is completely unavoidable. The people of China and Russia, Europe, Britain, India, Australia, Canada—- everyone has been cheated by these criminal banking cartels and we have been mercilessly milked and attacked and defrauded by their bill collectors—the Bar Associations and the Internal Revenue Service for three generations. Mr. Obama is going to get a “change” all right. And so is the “US Congress”.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty UK Muffins

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:12 am

    Maybe it is not the most diplomatic course of action, but I think Mom, Wife and Patriot makes excellent points which have not gone unnoticed to many. In John's defence I will state that there are more angles to this than would be apparent on first glance. In an attempt to answer Mom, Wife and Patriot's question I would state that ignorance is something which most certainly can be inflicted upon people by their environment (and this includes other people), but nevertheless people also have a choice as to what they do with their time. People can watch Idols on TV or do research the finer workings of the world. Thus many indeed become ignorant when exposed to mainstream propaganda, whilst some manage to work their way out of that and become knowledgeable and well informed. All in all it would not be right to only blame the elite or the common people. Both should accept their share of blame for not taking responsibility when they could have done so. The elite has exploited the natural human tendency to seek immediate pleasure and the circumvention of pain at all costs. I think all in all that blaming 'America' is non-constructive, even though some of the most uninformed people happen to be located there due to what they are exposed to via the mainstream media. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands and many other countries each have their own issues and none are dealt with properly. Assuming the United Kingdom is in a far better position than America is only due to the fact that as a proxy of elite interests it receives all the blame. The main reason for the creation of the Church of England had nothing to do with actual Vatican affairs. It only had to do with Henry VIII's dong which by all appearances could not be tamed and he constantly sought out new women. In order to do in the way he desired, he needed to have his marriages annulled which was not allowed by the Vatican: Voila, the Church of England was created to accommodate the annulment of Henry VIII's marriages. If I am not mistaken Henry VIII married six times and this does not even take account of all the mistresses which I do not doubt he would have had. Likewise the recent PR campaign on the prosecution of paedophiles in Parliament is not going well and has achieved the same level of justice as the prosecution of Wall Street bankers has managed to achieve which is to say: No justice at all. One UK citizen tells it exactly like it is and even states the obvious that there is one set of laws for high ranking officials and another set of laws for all common citizens. 24 Members of Parliament in the UK are accused pedophiles - zero arrests: That man would make a far better MP than those House of Plantagenet relatives that currently make up a large section of UK government.
    If the United Kingdom/City of London truly wants to be the centre of finance in the newly emerging world, then it needs to clean up the greatest fraud in history which could be said to have been initiated in the City of London. If the UK had maximum credibility it would send in the army to deal with the Crown Temple and those associated with it and face down the private armies which protect it, whether it be Serco, G4S or other parties.
    Nevertheless those with power are generally mindful of what is transpiring around them. They must realise that storm clouds are gathering and moving against those who support the greatest fraud in history. This cannot be stopped....this momentum will only increase. This will simultaneously be one of the greatest transfers of wealth in history, of a magnitude like the Congress of Vienna, WWII and OPEC. Nobody will want to be on the wrong side of history. This event will be a most convenient period to remove competitors of great influence. This is something that will never be said, but it is not surprising if powerful parties prey on their competitors or even more powerful superiors. This will also be the moment that history will be written and rewritten. Some powerful elites will be exposed for the treacherous miscreants they press to protect them. Nelson Mandela was nothing but an ANC aka MK aka Umkhonto terrorist which killed people indiscriminately. Nelson Mandela was not locked up for nothing for such a long time. Umkhonto had clear ties to Zionists, British Imperialists and Nelson Mandela was a Knight of Malta. The country South Africa has been destroyed along with the Dutch Boers/Afrikaners, but who is going to talk about that when history is written by the victors? The answer is in which language we all betrays a highly dominant power.

    Of the need for ever more UK reform. Truly, I am on it daily. We ARE making progress. My work as the Elders Lead party, is key to all. Money buys the power to achieve real progress. Put bluntly, its all about money. More important, how its used. And that says it all, historically.
    Careful as you climb over and step on people while you go up the ladder of perceived success because those same people will show you no mercy as you fall back to earth. I certainly appreciate what you post here. I am learning so much about the truth of our situation on this planet. I also appreciate all the rest of the posters and the time spent researching things for everyone.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:13 am

    Plugging into Jewish Networks as the Key to Success for Ambitious Politicians: The Kosher Nostra is certainly a fitting name for the relentless Jewish Mafia group which still has a worldwide presence across the globe. The extremes to which this 'Kosher Nostra' will go is also apparent in the article below called 'Walt Disney's War With Hollywood's Jews': The article leaves out the early Jesuit and Knights of Malta origins of Hollywood via people such as Father Daniel J. Shack in 1920 or that Bank of America is a Jesuit bank which otherwise would expose the alliance between this 'Kosher Nostra' and the Jesuits. In spite of that, it is a long, but insightful article how the US media became subverted.

    Discussion with Neil Keenan, December 22, 2015, from Judge Anna: Dear Neil.... I have thought about banking and credit as little as possible throughout my life. I recognized it as fraud and idolatry at an early age and lost interest as a result, but recent events have forced me to turn my attention to it again and what I have thought is this---- 1. Money and credit are both just a symbolic representation of value whether denoted as coin, paper, or numbers in a ledger; 2. The only real things of value on this planet are human labor (which includes our physical energy, our creativity, and inventivenes) and natural resources (which includes what we think of as natural resources and the commodities and products that result from our labor). That's it. There are no other sources of "value" on this planet. 3. That being so, humans have naturally lived together in groups on various land masses and over time have been "defined" as nations with lines dawn on maps dividing them into separate gangs complete with gang "colors"(uniforms, flags, national currencies, etc.) and have competed with each other for natural resources and control of valuable commodities and "turf" just as gangs fight over these things; 4. But money and credit, which "symbolizes" and is used to "translate" into all these things is the ultimate commodity, so control of merely symbolic value has become the ultimate game and source of conflict and woe on this planet; 5. How ignorant, silly, and sownright insane is that? 6. So now we chose the Old Gold Standard and took one commodity out of all commodities on Earth to symbolize the value of all the others---- but we already know that there is not and never can be enough gold and we once again face gold and silver speculation, hoarding, shortages both real and imaged, competition between various "brands" of gold coins and all the problems that went before; 7. Switching to oil or silver or some other commodity as a standard of value involves all the same problems; 8. Worse, whether you use silver or you use gold or you use kola nuts as your standard of value, the commodity used always comes under the control of a small group of men and depending on how enlightened or how vicious they may be, the whole world's fortunes spin; 9. Why can't we all just accept the fact that ALL value is vested in just two things---labor and natural resources as described above---and establish that as "the" value backing a universal currency for all Mankind? 10. If the Elders are as wise and as kind as you have portrayed them, they will awaken in spirit and see what I mean; 11. It makes no sense to use any one commodity to "stand for" all other commodities. Why not use all commodities to stand for one universal currency instead? 12. If we back our universal currency with the "collateral" represented by all human labor and all natural resources on earth, we do away with the necessity of the entire evil banking system as it now exists, we do away with national and international competition for food and other basic resources, we end poverty, we end the cause of most conflicts, and most of all, we establish an honest and incorruptible basis for the value of all currency on Earth; 13. This universal currency could be digital, clean, and modern, instantly available worldwide, exchangeable for national currencies--- and for the time being, backed by the gold in the global collateral accounts while we seek a universal understanding of what money and credit really is---- that is, just a tool to facilitate trade----and get the various nations to agree regarding what the actual "value" backing all currencies has always been; 14. This acceptance in turn would allow us to set up individual "Stipend Accounts" for everyone on Earth; Cont'd..... ReplyDelete Replies 1. TexianTuesday, December 22, 2015 at 4:29:00 PM MST Cont'd..... 15. We monetize the net value of all trade, all labor, and all natural resources on Earth backing the universal currency and issue credit accounts to every living soul sufficient to pay for all their basic needs----food, water, housing, utilities,transportation, and education all paid for, 16. We also set up individual "Investment Accounts" for everyone on Earth who has reached age of majority and let each Man or Woman invest their yearly allotment in whatever beneficial enterprises they wish to support--- this could be a family business or a train company or new technology or services--- with only one restriction: investment must be in something truly good for humanity; 17. The same thing on a larger scale can be done by setting up "Investment Accounts" for each nation based on population, so that they can invest in public infrastructure according to their needs and again, the only restriction being that all investments must be in something truly good for humanity--- public transportation, sanitation, hospitals, libraries, hospices, day care centers, etc. In this simple way we outgrow the Myth of Scarcity which evil men have perpetuated for centuries and end the criminal cabals of the bankers and disabuse ourselves of stupidity and idolatry----putting "money and credit" back into its proper place, and overcoming commodity limitations, eliminating any motive for speculation, cruel and unnecessary competition, unnecessary poverty, and most of the base causes of war and human misery. See what you can do, Neil---- I think the world is ready to face the facts and deal with the need for currency to use in trade realistically. It's just a matter of presenting the facts and gaining consensus about what is manifestly true once people stop and think about it. We can feed every needy child, comfort every elder, and enter into an age of peace and abundance and positive cooperation worldwide and all it takes is the admission of a simple truth---- that all value is vested in labor and natural resources----and basing a universal currency on that actual universal collateral. A final benefit of establishing such a system is that it disperses the power to the people on a worldwide basis. The economies are driven by the sum total of individual choices all attuned to positive goals. The national investments are also attuned to positive goals for all the people living in their nations. Once all basic needs are met we can also notice that we need to work to fulfill our interests and our talents. The need to work and to work at something meaningful is deeply instilled in our nature. We get bored without something worthwhile and profitable to do. We will notice that we can "work" at whatever good thing truly interests us and that the only limitations we have are our own intrinsic challenges to perform better, think more clearly, learn, and "produce" whatever our "product" is---- be it a song or a widget. Instead of scrabbling around "working for money" we can start working for each other and for the good of our planet, instead. This whole change of attitude and focus from one of scarcity to one of abundance and from worrying about selfish though basic needs to expanding vision for the future and motivation to work for the good of others can happen very rapidly, allowing us all to fulfill our function as caretakers of the Earth, its creatures, and other people. The establishment of a truly universal currency based on our universal collateral can be the practical basis of universal brotherhood, compassion, and self-respect. Please present this reasoning to the Elders and see what they say about it.

    We are currently working with a relatively small pool of expert workers, limited resources, and a monumental task. What I ask of each of you is this: (1) read the material I have already placed before you to get a grasp of the history and issues and the nature of "money". Spread the news. Share your new knowledge and the discoveries you will make yourselves with your family, friends, members of your communities, and yes, "the government". We all need to wake up and start working together to put an end to the criminality which has infested the banking industry, the courts, and the corporations providing "governmental services". (2) Organize as unincorporated counties on the land -- announce in the local papers a Public Meeting to organize the __________County, each Man or Woman wishing to reclaim your birthright status as one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" needs to swear out a Declaration of Political Status saying exactly that, the situation needs to be discussed, the roster of vacant Public Offices needs to be presented and clearly distinguished from any corporate offices (meaning "Sheriff On the Land" and "Common Law County Court Judge", etc.), take nominations from the floor, and hold elections. Also start drafting your Grand Jury and Trial Jury pools from among the landowners that show up. Once you have your unincorporated County officials elected, bonded, and sworn in, start networking with other counties to do the same thing at the State level. Those who have already done this for their counties are putting together a helpful website to help, but there is nothing stopping you from moving forward on your own, just as they did. You are acting under the Public Law of the Land, including The Constitution for the united States of America, the various Statehood Compacts and Commonwealth Trusts, the United States Statutes-at-Large and American Common Law. (3) Always bear in mind that the people now functioning in private offices and providing "governmental services" are virtually all as clueless as you were when you started. They believe--- mostly in Good Faith--- that they have been elected to valid public office representing the land jurisdiction and the people of the United States. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and the International Organizations Immunities Act and Judge Ridgeway's Admission in Rod Class's litigations in North Carolina should convince them otherwise in short order. From there, you must bring them along and help ensure that they are in compliance with the Public Law and respecting the separation of powers--- that is, separation of jurisdiction yielding all jurisdiction over the living people and their assets to the Common Law Courts and officers of the Public Law, while they may retain jurisdiction over corporations and federal employees (including "federal State of State and federal County" employees, and Federal United States "inhabitants" who are British Crown subjects present on our land for the purpose of providing "essential governmental services" per Article IV, Section 3, Clause
    2. Bear in mind that the "inhabitants" all have Equal Civil Rights to yours by agreement of the Congress which acts as a Plenary Oligarchy ruling over the federal employees and inhabitants. There is no reason to be impolite or mean to these people, most of whom are well-intentioned.

    The Millennium Report 12-21-15… “BOMBSHELL Report: ‘Pentagon leaders conducted a secret alliance with Assad and Putin to undermine Obama’” Pentagon leaders conducted a secret alliance with Assad and Putin to undermine Obama ...This is what you get with a self serving, ruthless shadow government of Agencies and Military.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:14 am

    The Elders hold treasure troves of gold that they own and will use this gold for humanitarian projects when the timing is right except for the treasonous US INC understood. But awhile back I had asked you about other enormous global funds sitting in accounts such as White Spiritual Boy that are to be used for humanity and you confirmed that indeed these accounts do exist, accounts holding quadrillions in funds. My ? is who is in control of these accounts as they are sitting there doing nothing and innocent people around the globe are dying of starvation, are without shelter, water all the basic needs that are their god given right. This is insane what this world has become when there are plenty of resources and $ for every living being on the planet to live in peace and harmony with one another. If these accounts do exist they need to be freed up and used for the purpose they were intended for. THX
    Scott F White Spiritual Boy are old Marcos Funds used and run by the gut rotten Agencies Bush and the Cabal. Including the Fed Zio trash. EVERY Fed and Treasury apt is a Zio because the crooks rule and will not play fair. But, the other real vast Elders funds are all in negotiation via London, and both the Lead and Trust Chairman are one. Good luck with that Zio trash. One core objective post release will be the acquisition of core banks, and out with the Fed links and also any Zios at Board level. Out! OWON objectives will be pursued with hard political bargaining. If we can assist get a non Zio enslaved candidate of real character and integrity for the Presidential race, our terms will be the exit of the Zios from the Treasury, the end of the FRB NY Bait and Switch rackets, balanced books and no More Military /Agency Black Ops Program trading, the lot comes under oversight. Then moving to stop the Jewish Electoral lobby corruption and all Media and publishing licenses to be reviewed. Serious action on the Cabal as well as bringing the Bush /Clinton Crime Gang, alongside Greenspan and co, to justice. The Catholic Church will be taxed and made to hand over all Child Molesting files and Priests. Wealth back to the State. Give back to the people! The CIA and NSA would be brought under Congressional Oversight for real. All US Military, Agency and Bank drug trafficking to end, the defoliation of the Afghan Poppy fields, and end to Taliban funding. No more US funds to Israe Hell, nor arms! Politicians need money, there will be a price! We need to produce low cost quality housing. We need to re focus education for all children. We need to smack down hard on Welfare. Genuine needs of course, but wont work malingerers are out. We need to bring forward food production and review distribution. We need to review Prisons, and for 3 time offenders, they need to know what the big stick really is. But also, we need to Educate in Prisons, and for those released, equip them with better skills. We need to get re education back into the Slums and Ghettos. We need to lift the bar for them. Drug dealers need serious Cross that Line consequences. As do Bankers laundering it. Corrupt Cops need to face a minimum 10 years plus. Presidential Pardons need to end and retrospective Justice brought in. We need, to help humanity. One Race, we the Human Race!

    Outlaw lobbyists or make their records totally transparent as to who received what alongside what bills were up for vote at the time. Secondly, if lobbying isn't outright outlawed, there should be a maximum amount anyone or any entity can contribute to a politician AND a rule in place that "pooling your donations" is not allowed. Each donation must be traced back and verified who it came from along with their names and addresses. Special interest funding needs to be stopped and outlawed. No more Monsanto's and no more buying votes. On our side all fees have to be declared, how much, from who and for what? Then each are scrutinised. Any expense fiddling here and they are out, some even jailed. At Ministerial level there must be a total ban on gifts and declared entertainment. No onward future jobs, and a 3 year ban of access once leaving or retired. Also a prohibition on retiring to a new job with any State contractor. No influence selling! In the UK there is only a tiny lobbying element and its watched hard.
    Corruption is sad. Also wrong! Its a privilege to serve, not corrupt. I use taxis a lot and Cabbies dropping me off at the Lords are amazed I insist only on a receipt for the fare and tip with zero loading and all tell me they will vote for me anytime. I don't need votes and to me its just conscience. I stay 100% clean and ethical by choice. People need to be able to trust representatives and that trust needs to be honoured. Trust is priceless and despicable to let society down. Each time I decline false receipts it builds trust and shows there are honourable men serving them. As it should be. Your right to good and ethical representation is the basis for any society. It needs true humility to serve and a focused core of probity at all times. When loathsome Rothschild bought Roaches like Mandelson are given a role in the Lords by ex PMs like Blair, we all lose trust. He just gets shunned by honourable members like something scraped off a shoe. Even the lowest Members know the costs of ever crossing the line.

    "Each time I decline false receipts it builds trust and shows there are honourable men serving them." You have put the spot light on one of the major issues that confront us in getting rid of the cockroaches...and that is OURSELVES! The fact that a cabbie is supporting the thievery of government officials is appalling. I'm sure they feel they are winning favor and just the mere fact that they even get to interact with a "Lord" makes their ego puff up. THIS IS THE PROBLEM. If the everyday guy and gal STOPPED acting like certain members of our society are special, they will cease to be special. This goes for movie and sports stars, doctors, ministers, birth endowed royalty, rich people, or anyone they have been "groomed" to believe DESERVES special perks. A quick sharing to make my point...
    + Isn't it interesting that in England there is a "House of Lords"? In the Christian world, we refer to our "savior" as Lord. I guess the intention was to brain wash us into believing that they are our saviors? And, there is a whole house of them! The fact that the US Congress calls themselves "representatives" is all a load of crap as well unless you understand that they are "representing" those that pay them on the side and not the Amerian people.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:15 am

    A Christmas Message for Veterans From Judge Anna and James Clinton Belcher December 24, 2015 ​

    It’s time you met the co-author of “You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”------James Clinton Belcher. Two years USAF Cryptography, six years Covert Ops, 29 years Night Terrors. When a military bureaucrat looks at a personnel file and straightens up in his chair and softly whistles and says, “He must really want to live.” ---- you don’t have to be told much more. ​Jim always sits with his back to the wall and an exit close by. He’s the only man I know of who goes moose hunting with a 9mm and makes a one-shot kill look easy. At past 70, the muscles on his back are still like polished stone. He is a nice man, a good man, but there is something about him that tells you that you really, truly would not want to mess with him, and there’s something else---an air of command that makes other men instinctively listen to what he says when he does speak, which isn’t often. ​As one of his best friends said, “Jim was born old.” ​The one thing nobody ever says, but which everyone knows, is that his heart was broken many years ago, and not by any woman. It was broken by this country. It was that heartbreak that led to the affidavit and so much more in both our lives. ​Despite everything, Jim Belcher weighed in, raised four children to adulthood, and became of the most respected artists in America. He has been a Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America since the 1990’s. ​We’ve been deluged with questions from veterans who have read the affidavit and who, one way or another, know it’s true. Yes, our country’s government has been usurped by the international banks and foreign governments, especially the British government. Yes, this gross corruption has been going on a long time. Yes, it threatens not only our country, but the whole world. ​Still, what’s to be done about it?

    The history and the facts are now clear, documented in stone by public records. We finally know the past, but what does that imply about right now and the future? ​I asked Jim and here’s his advice to his fellow veterans: ​

    First, take care of yourselves and each other. Always. Remember what cadre means. ​

    Second, our worst enemy is ignorance. Know who you are and know who “they” are. This is difficult, because we are all Americans, and 90% of those supporting this abuse and corruption are doing so because they don’t know any better. Inform them as fully and simply as you can. ​I recommend pointing out that there are two kinds of people on this Continent according to the Treaty of Paris, 1783: the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and “inhabitants” -- British Crown subjects who are here to deliver “essential governmental services” (The Constitution Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2). That pretty much tells the story right there.

    Third, whether they know it or not, virtually all government workers and certainly all elected officials fall into that second category of British Crown subject “inhabitants” and they have used various means of fraud and guile to redefine our political status to be the same as theirs. They’ve told a bunch of lies about us and done their best to reduce us to foreign servitude. ​It was by using this fraud against our true political status that they drafted people into World War II and Korea and Vietnam. It’s what they have used to tax us and license us and drive us crazy with 80 million regulations and statutes and codes, the enforcement of which is how they make a good portion of their money. Most recently they have begun outright strong-arm extortion--- forcing us to pay them for protection and health insurance and other “services” that they have seized control of. ​Some people say they are Communists and some say they are Nazis. I just say they are European Banker Scum and leave it at that. ​

    Fourth, they get away with most of their crappola by pretending to be units of government or “agencies” of government, but they aren’t. They are just private corporate subcontractors without a shred of any delegated authority. The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service are both privateer organizations owned by Northern Trust, Inc. They are private bill collectors for the Pope and the Queen and international banks and that’s all they ever have been. ​These entities are all operating under private corporate administrative law and international admiralty. I laugh every time I hear some idiot threaten us with “martial law” –we’ve been living under martial common law since the 1860’s. ​

    Fifth, the ones primarily responsible for all this corruption are the members of the “US Congress” past and present---- functioning as the Board of Directors of successive private, mostly foreign-owned and always poorly managed governmental services corporations calling themselves all sorts of different names like: “UNITED STATES (INC.)” and “The United States of America (Inc.)” and “USA (INC.)” and even “E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. With a little sleuthing you can find their registrations here and in France and at the United Nations City State and other places, their DUNS numbers, their CAGE numbers, all of it.

    Sixth, generations of malfeasance and treasonous corruption among the members of Congress have sold out this country and robbed us blind almost to a point of no return. Most of the stoodges in the Congress now don’t have a clue what they are doing, and they don’t care. They sign pieces of gobbledygook that are thousands of pages long into “law” and never read any of it. They pretend to have authority to sell you and your children’s children’s children into debt slavery, and they pretend that you agreed to this and gave them permission. ​Right. ​

    Seventh, the truth is that these people, aided by the members of the Bar Associations and the Internal Revenue Service, have falsified the public records and changed your political status from that of one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” to that of a mere “inhabitant” ---- a British Crown subject obligated to do whatever they tell you to do and that’s how they have engineered all this rot and made all these false claims against you and your property. ​

    Eighth, when you discover the Truth and try to get this corrected, they throw up all kinds of road blocks and make all sorts of excuses. They deny your applications for a correct passport. They harass you on the roads. They change you with crimes that apply only to British Crown subjects in their very own administrative tribunals. They throw you in their private jails-for-profit, and then charge your public treasury for the “service”. And worst of all, they maintain that they have the power to draft you and send you anywhere in the world to kill other innocent people for the financial benefit of those responsible for this.

    Ninth--- who is responsible for this besides the members of the “US Congress” and every President except Kennedy for the past hundred years? It’s mostly the British Crown and a bunch of bankers and industrialists: every corporation owned or operated by Rothschild, every corporation owned or operated by the Rockefellers, every corporation owned or operated by George Soros, for starters. Vanguard, Fidelity, Carlisle, SERCO, Northern Trust, the Federal Reserve Banks, Merrill-Lynch, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, General Electric and the list goes on. They all need to be busted up into little pieces and liquidated for fraud and racketeering. Their assets need to be returned to the people who have been murdered and defrauded and enslaved to build these criminal empires. ​

    Tenth--- now, we’ve told it to you straight and you are still standing there gaping and saying, but what do we DO? Communications, command, and control. The word has to be passed hand to hand and mouth to mouth so that everyone in America and the rest of the world knows the Truth--- and the truth is that America, all the nations of the old British Empire---India, Canada, Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand---have all suffered gross fiduciary trust fraud. So has almost all of Europe. We need an “army” of researchers and forensic auditors and public accountants and historical researchers, paralegals, private investigators, and police officers. We need to track down where the money went, and by that I mean, what stands for “money”--- credit, securities, and commodities. Those responsible need to be tracked down, arrested as criminals, and subjected to the same kind of interrogation they’ve used on their scapegoats at Guantanamo. These financial criminals declared “war” on the rest of us. Let them get a taste of it. ​

    Eleventh – the element of command: we need to change our minds. We have been fed a line of bull for so long and indoctrinated so severely that we need to relearn how to think and how to learn. Turn off the Boob Tube. Just turn it off. Listen to local radio stations if you still have some in your area. How do you know if it is “local”? Look at the content. The Corporate Controlled Media feeds you a steady stream of two things all day long, every day: sex and death. They do this to arouse your desire to buy stuff from their bosses and to frighten you into demanding more government services----which is the same thing.

    Turn the knob. You have to start thinking and looking for yourselves. “Snopes” is nothing but a couple California Libs who couldn’t check a fact if their lives depended on it. Check your own facts. Use your own brains, your own hearts. Start cranking out your own media—you know how. Send this message out by the millions. Print it out. Email it. Paste it on your mess kit. ​

    Twelfth – control. The first thing you have to control is yourself. Keep calm and get even. Take the steps necessary to secure your families and communities. Tell the “Mayors”--- who are corporate stoodges elected to private corporate offices—to vacate any pretension of holding public office and to stop adding fluoride or anything else to your drinking water. Make that one stick and make plans for taking over and running public utilities in an emergency. Lay in a supply of food and first aid and everything else you can and plan not only for yourselves, but as much as you can for your neighbors. Everyone who has drilling equipment, start plugging water wells for public use. Along with these practical kinds of measures, put the heat on the politicians.

    Call for a public moratorium on all foreclosures. No money has been loaned since 1933, and no credit but the Borrower’s own credit has been loaned, either. Every single mortgage contract in America is void for fraud without exception. Those men and women in the nice suits who claim to be running “your state legislature” are responsible. Do I need to say anything more? According to the commercial law in all fifty states, a “promissory note” has to be paid off within nine months of issuance. That thing misrepresented to you as a promissory note, and which you signed in Good Faith, is in fact a security note and what the bank obtained from you is an unregistered security---which is totally illegal. You’ve been defrauded and the contract failed on the first default. ​Everyone in America who has had a mortgage since 1933 has been defrauded. It’s the same in Canada, England, and France---anywhere this “system” has been allowed to function. ​It’s time you all woke up. ​Call for the return of your bank-pilfered property. In 1933 the “Congress”--- a Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation facing bankruptcy – pledged you and your assets as “surety” for their debts without telling you a thing about it. They also created their own currency--- a private corporate script called a “Federal Reserve Note” and gave it (and them) an unnatural benefit: a fixed “dollar for dollar” rate of exchange against your United States Dollar defined as an ounce of pure silver. ​A “Federal Reserve Note” is a promise to pay--- an I.O.U. So “Congress” acting at the behest of the Federal Reserve Banks exchanged your gold and silver for their worthless paper, cleaned out Fort Knox, ran “your” credit cards to the hilt, and then bankrupted the whole Federal Reserve System----discharging all those I.O.U’s via bankruptcy fraud and leaving the perpetrators in possession of your gold and silver, plus the value of everyone’s labor and natural resources since 1933. The perpetrators have pulled the same fraud in almost every country worldwide. ​No wonder Jacob RothsCont'd..... child claims to be worth 500 trillion dollars. ​I wouldn’t say he’s worth the powder to blow him to Hell, but that’s my opinion. ​Resist all and any attempts to disarm anyone. Placed against this backdrop, when “the government” --- a private corporation of the same basic nature as Burger King International tells you to give up your guns, what do you tell that “government”----? ​That’s right. ​You don’t give them your guns or your knives or your swords or your chain saws or your nail guns or anything else that can be used as a deadly weapon. If you are an American, you don’t ask anyone to give up their guns and other weapons for any reason. You understand that we are facing a criminal cartel of unimaginable proportions bent on enslaving the entire world via deceit and fraud. You call on your brothers in the military worldwide and in the police forces worldwide, to put an end to this bunko. ​ You tell your neighbors and you batten down. ​There’s 360 million of us in America and 515 of them, plus about 30 million clueless corporate government employees operating county franchises and state franchises of the governmental services corporation(s) responsible for this mess. ​Restore your lawful government on the land. All the “State of.......” and “County of.......” organizations you see are franchises in the same sense as the local Dairy Queen. They are not the counties and states you owe yourself and do not represent the counties and states you are heir to. These are foreign “territorial” and corporate entities that are supposed to be limiting themselves to serving Federal United States Citizens and riding herd on the same corporations that are causing all this trouble.

    Your counties and states rule the land jurisdiction owed to the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and it is time to exercise that jurisdiction. Post the Public Notices and hold Public Meetings explaining the situation, open Nominations for the vacant offices of ---Sheriff on the Land, Judges and Justices of the Peace, Clerks, Bailiffs, Public Notaries, owed your Common Law Courts (see Amendment VII and Milligan Ex Parte), Coroner, and any other offices you wish to fill, including Governor on the Land---and hold elections, accept the bonds and oaths, and get started. ​Once elected and installed in office, your Sheriff on the Land is the highest police official in America. He can deputize as many men as he needs. He can commandeer the forces and equipment of all the corporate “Sheriffs” who are just mall cops being paid for out of our public funds----and he is fully empowered to go retrieve any and all Americans being held in any corporate for-profit jails for release to his custody. Only those accused of murder or armed assault with a deadly weapon may be retained by Federal Marshals. ​

    Thirteenth --- show up the United Nations for what it is. Thus far, it has been a clearinghouse and facilitator of all this fraud, oppression, and criminality. If it is ever going to have any legitimate power or function it’s now or never. It has to address the worldwide bank fraud and oppressive tactics of its member states --- which are all nothing but corporations --- and if it doesn’t, then you all know where the spring cleaning needs to begin. ​Fourteenth, put the spurs in the Roman Catholic Church. According to Ecclesiastical Law, which is where all this started, the Pope has the unquestioned right to amend or repeal any statutory law and to discipline or liquidate any corporation on Earth that functions in a criminal fashion----including his own. ​You “the free sovereign and independent people of the United States” are owed Good Faith service, protection, freedom (not “liberty”), and peace from these scoundrels according to the Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783), The Treaty of Westminster (1794), The Supreme Repubican Declaration of the United Colonies of America, The Constitution for the united States of America, The United States Statutes-at-Large, the Expatriation Statute (1868), the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949: Laws of War, Volume II, Article 3, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration. ​If these fine words ever meant anything, the Jacob Rothschilds and John McCains of the world must finally be recognized for what they are, arrested, and incarcerated for crimes against humanity.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:25 am

    Third Round With Karen Hudes--- It seems that the idea that the "Board" needs to answer the questions posed to her was rather alarming to Karen. As it should be. See her flight into Admiralty jurisdiction below: Dear Anna von Reitz, Reply of the board? This is what I said and this is what I meant: Inline image 1 Let me try and communicate to you what I said in my last email, and what I shall do with each successive email that you send to me. I do not think it is a good use of my time to interact directly with you because you misconstrue my plain language and twist it. Good bye. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Ovwerseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

    Correction, I believe---- "taken on board" is a nautical term, Karen, appropriate to Admiralty and Maritime law, which is what you practice after leaving "equity" behind. If you think I am one bit slow in this arena, think again. It won't do any good to try to obscure the "pillar v. post" conundrum you are offering here. We know the difference between the "Public Charitable Trust" and the "US Trust" and the "United States of America Trust" and so on. We also know the difference between the "Global Collateral Accounts" and the "Global Debt Facility" and any number of other permutations the banks may try to run. You must remember that the truth is always simple. It's the lies that are complex. You have proclaimed that you are a "Trustee" and said so before the whole wide world. You have said the same about the other 188 members presiding over distribution of the Global Debt Facility funds. You have stated on numerous occasions that the gold in the Global Debt Facility is to be used to benefit the people of this planet. The only way you can hope to escape returning the assets to the Americans that are owed to the Americans is by pretending that they are not "people"------and that is in fact what the banks have been doing for decades, pretending that we are the willing "co-beneficiaries" and "co-trustees" of the Public Charitable Trust --- a welfare trust set up for impoverished former slaves after the Civil War instead of "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" owed the full value plus interest of our "borrowed" national trust assets, plus all the gold confiscated by King Rat Roosevelt, plus interest on that, too. Admit it, Karen, you are trying to finesse yet another "New Deal" for your bosses, in which we are hoodwinked into accepting a bowl of porridge for our birthright---- a deal in which your bosses gain immunity AND release of all claim against them for the vast bulk of the debt they owe the American people, by doing what? Handing a portion of what we are owed to bank franchise employees on the pretense that they have authority to accept "in our behalf"? Hahahahahahahah! This is my Notice back to you, Ms. Hudes, that if you even attempt any such silly duplicitous scam against the American people----any more claim that we are acting in any capacity related to the Public Charitable Trust whatsoever, any claim that our "whereabouts" are unknown, any claim that we have "abandoned" our names, our land, our credit, our homes------or our gold-----and we will have your gig line up the yardarm. You and the World Bank and your Buddies in "Congress" will all be facing gibbets.

    Wizardry We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto, but we are in KS. Do you know what it means to be you? Come on! Take a guess. See if you can unravel the riddle my strawman friend; take a trip on the Yellow Brick Road to its end. In your quest for truth, do you know of what you seek? Many a rabbit hole has been plundered; it is not for the meek! See, there is the Wizard with his bag full of spin. Pay no attention to his illusions, let the game begin. After all, the world is a stage, the lights can be hot. You are who you are and not who you are not. The riddle unraveled may come as a surprise. Just take the plunge, open your eyes. Look in the mirror; tell me who do you see? Are you looking at you or can it possibly be that what you perceive to be true is not really you? Ah! Kansas, sweet Kansas, you have zip coded me; taken me from the home of the brave, the land of the free. Placed me in KS where I naught ought to roam while I continue to search for my only way home. My mind befuddled with a capitalized brain I unravel every riddle in trouble or in pain. Artificially constructed I have become a creature of law by the crafters of codes, permits, statues, and all. Financially enslaved by their order Skull & Bones; a vessel of deception kept dancing to their tones. But, let me now not forget to welcome him in my comrade in peril, a person of tin. Please note, he tends to easily fall apart when searching, he cannot find his heart. Mechanical and heartless, no feelings to share He conducts business as usual giving not a care. Return us now to the Yellow Brick Road of gold, to the lion that roared whose roar has grown cold. Searching, we look for a land of wonderful, brave People; regrettably to see a nation of dumb-downed sheople. Hark! I would be remiss if I failed to mention the exalted: Professor Marvel, and his intention. Acclaimed by the Crowned Heads of Europe, future, present and past he lectures of Isis and Osiris and his knowledge of such is vast. Yet on the Marvel of marvels let us not long linger even though he is quite the hum of the humdinger. But focus now on the Wicked Witch of the West to see what she is up to; the intent of her quest. She seeks the slippers of silver that were not ruby-red worn by our Dorothy and kept near her bed. Oh, Dorothy, beware, as the Emerald City you see. The banksters are hidden; behind every rock, behind every tree. And my dearest Dorothy, a further word of caution heed not the poppies else you fall into exhaustion. Still if you fail, Glenda will bring her blanket of snow. She is that way; she is the good witch you know. And Dorothy, it saddens me to report, to reveal that Kansas no more is seen but KS appears as real. Thus the banksters have left us in a state of confusion with the help of the Wizard to bring forth their illusion. It is true Dorothy we return not to Kansas but to E Pluribus Unum with pockets of Federal Reserve Notes and Novus Ordo Seclorum. Oft times it is not easy to comprehend; to see beyond the veil. But here we are totally, Toto, and my sweet Dorothy Gale. Isn’t it wonderful that even with my brain of straw I can look behind the veil and see what I saw. It is now time to alert the sheople to awaken to the call Lest we forfeit our country as we watch America fall. So on Dancer, on Comet, on Donner, on Blitzen! Heed the words of this rhyme, better to listen. The time is swiftly passing, the hour is late, The enemy is not at the door, he is inside the gate. ©️ David Junah "I'd unravel every riddle, for each and every 'individdle', whether in trouble, or in pain."


    Please abalonian twins, 've mercy upon each other and transmorph those
    presented stranglets (particle stasis achieved by maximum penetration into the polarity projection via materialism/impersonality sects - similar a static aging couple devoid of lust and lifeforces-principle of scattered inertia or the
    freq-alignment with me missed by calculus - like in those recent two  Ban
    (wich deserve their twisted privacy   Argh   Blink )

    Blushes  And happy newrealm to everyone


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Carol Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:30 am

    Excellent post Eartheart. Mahalo Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:56 am

    santa Mercy, Beau Hugs

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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh From Our Oven

    Post  Jenetta Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:34 pm

    I have to agree...this is fascinating information Eartheart...I am also looking forward to "a final divorce" from the British Empire.
    As it is below; so it is above

    Eartheart wrote:santa  Mercy, Beau Hugs

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    Fresh from our oven Empty 2016

    Post  Eartheart Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:43 pm

    Rolling Eyes
    Judge Anna von Reitz · What is the Nature of the Fraud Against Us? The fraud against us begins when the governmental services corporation misrepresents itself as the lawful government and gets us to trust it and go along with it under the false presumption that it is our government when in fact it is just a corporation in the business of selling governmental services. The next fraud is when they seize upon your given name and copyright it and steal your identity without telling anyone they are doing this. The third fraud is when they create a trust in your NAME and change your birthright political status without telling anyone. The fourth fraud is when they fail to tell you that you have the right to reclaim your birthright status and have to take action to do so. The fifth fraud is when they fail to provide a simple and official process by which to correct the records and repatriate to your native status. Fraud occurs anytime a Material Fact is misrepresented or omitted so that the victim takes an action which is detrimental to him or fails to take an action resulting in harm to him. And fraud has no statute of limitation. As you can see, the self-interested governmental services corporation benefits greatly financially and in terms of holding power over you from doing all this behind the scenes paper-pushing and copyrighting and political status changing---without telling you anything about it. And as you can also see, it's all pure fraud.

    Judge Anna - Jan 4, 2016 Pre-Emptive Lien Addressed to House Oversight Subcommittee In RE: Oregon BLM Occupation Message Submitted to the House Oversight Subcommittee WhistleBlower Hot Line Regarding FBI Response in Oregon, 1:45 AST, Monday, January 4, 2016: The BLM and FBI are called "government agencies" but are nothing but subcontractors working in behalf of other "governmental services corporations" fronted by international banking cartels. Right now you fellows are going through a changing of the guards while you attempt to pull off yet another institutionalized fraud scheme in which you fail to inform birthright American State Citizens of your undisclosed activities designed to entrap them, copyright their given names, roll over their estates into Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Public Transmitting Utilities and defraud them the rest of their lives while you feed off of them and their labor like parasites. Right now, your "agencies" have "presumed" to act against your employers and benefactors again. Be advised that your activities are being closely monitored by other governments and international agencies around the world. Be advised that the Hammonds and the Bundys have clearly and repeatedly Self-Declared their actual political status and that the ONLY purpose for the EXISTENCE of the "Bureau of Land Management" or the "Federal Bureau of Investigations" is to provide these "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" (Definitive Treaty of Peace, Article 3) with "essential governmental services" (Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2). Those "essential governmental services" do not include mischaracterization, fraud, racketeering, threats, false claims, identity theft, or any other action detrimental to them and their interests. The ONLY reason for this government or any other to exist is the protection of the people and their material assets. We have had enough of your Bully Boy tactics and your provocations and your false arrests and your false charges under conditions of personage and barratry. We have had enough of your criminality and lack of regard for the Public Law and the only equity contract allowing your presence on this Continent. The federal corporations are no better nor of any different character than any commercial corporations in the world. If McDonald's and Target cannot ram around using commercial mercenary armies to terrify the populace, neither can you. We are establishing a commercial lien for damages of $100 billion United States Dollars (USD) defined as one ounce of fine silver for the loss of any one Oregon State Citizen murdered by any federal corporation employee, mercenary, subcontractor, agent or ally, with an additional $100 billion (USD) to be paid directly as compensation to their families. The Oregon State will be bringing war crimes charges against the "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE" before the World Court if even one American is harmed by the FBI and more charges will be brought against the BLM. Consider this your First Public Notice of these facts and of the pending Commercial Lien Obligation.


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:44 pm

    Rolling Eyes

    Judge Anna - Jan 4, 2016 Pre-Emptive Lien Addressed to House Oversight Subcommittee In RE: Oregon BLM Occupation Message Submitted to the House Oversight Subcommittee WhistleBlower Hot Line Regarding FBI Response in Oregon, 1:45 AST, Monday, January 4, 2016: The BLM and FBI are called "government agencies" but are nothing but subcontractors working in behalf of other "governmental services corporations" fronted by international banking cartels. Right now you fellows are going through a changing of the guards while you attempt to pull off yet another institutionalized fraud scheme in which you fail to inform birthright American State Citizens of your undisclosed activities designed to entrap them, copyright their given names, roll over their estates into Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Public Transmitting Utilities and defraud them the rest of their lives while you feed off of them and their labor like parasites. Right now, your "agencies" have "presumed" to act against your employers and benefactors again. Be advised that your activities are being closely monitored by other governments and international agencies around the world. Be advised that the Hammonds and the Bundys have clearly and repeatedly Self-Declared their actual political status and that the ONLY purpose for the EXISTENCE of the "Bureau of Land Management" or the "Federal Bureau of Investigations" is to provide these "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" (Definitive Treaty of Peace, Article 3) with "essential governmental services" (Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2). Those "essential governmental services" do not include mischaracterization, fraud, racketeering, threats, false claims, identity theft, or any other action detrimental to them and their interests. The ONLY reason for this government or any other to exist is the protection of the people and their material assets. We have had enough of your Bully Boy tactics and your provocations and your false arrests and your false charges under conditions of personage and barratry. We have had enough of your criminality and lack of regard for the Public Law and the only equity contract allowing your presence on this Continent. The federal corporations are no better nor of any different character than any commercial corporations in the world. If McDonald's and Target cannot ram around using commercial mercenary armies to terrify the populace, neither can you. We are establishing a commercial lien for damages of $100 billion United States Dollars (USD) defined as one ounce of fine silver for the loss of any one Oregon State Citizen murdered by any federal corporation employee, mercenary, subcontractor, agent or ally, with an additional $100 billion (USD) to be paid directly as compensation to their families. The Oregon State will be bringing war crimes charges against the "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE" before the World Court if even one American is harmed by the FBI and more charges will be brought against the BLM. Consider this your First Public Notice of these facts and of the pending Commercial Lien Obligation.

    BLM employees are here to provide “essential governmental services”. Those services do not include acting as undeclared commercial mercenaries operating under color of law and against the best interests of their employers and benefactors. Any federal employee offering to harm or interfere in the normal occupations of their employers, that is, the people of this country, or to prohibit their employer’s customary use of the land and resources they are heir to is acting as an Outlaw in contempt of the Public Law and the actual Constitution and is subject to arrest under the Bounty Hunter provisions of the United States Statutes-at-Large. Being employed by BLM like being employed by JC PENNY confers no special authority, grants no immunity, and is not a license to undertake any activity that would otherwise be unlawful—including trespassing on private property, making fraudulent claims, and racketeering under armed force. The rule for federal employees and law enforcement officials including “Federal State” and “Federal County” officials is that if you can’t do it in your private capacity, you can’t do it at all. Members of the Press Corps are similarly reminded of their responsibility to safeguard public safety and obey the Public Law, including their obligation not to incite, misrepresent, or engage in insurrection against the lawful government of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is not a country of the corporation, by the corporation or for the corporation. Anyone needing to be reminded of that fact should question both their education and their sanity. The highest Law Officer in this country is the County Sheriff who has accepted the public office, received his bond, and taken his Oath. He is enabled to deputize as many men as he needs to enforce the Public Law within the borders of his county and may require the use of any and all equipment and facilities paid for with public funds in pursuit of these ends. He works directly for the people of his county and is accountable only to them. All federal employees are guests of the people of each county and state. So long as they pursue their lawful duties and do not inappropriately presume upon, threaten, harass, or otherwise offer to harm their hosts, over-reach their lawful jurisdiction, or make false claims against land assets they are owed safe conduct and support. The moment they breach the peace, break the Public Law, offer contempt against the Constitution, engage in operations under color of law—including trespass on private property, cattle rustling, armed racketeering and so on, they are subject to arrest like any common felon. The people of this country are the employers, benefactors, and Priority Creditors of all federal corporations, all federal employees, all federal contractors, and all federal officials. The people did not grant their hirelings any power to harass them, indebt them, mischaracterize them, change their political status, seize upon their property, defraud them, trespass upon them, or engage in any other criminal activity whatsoever. It must be squarely recognized that the burning of barns is arson. The theft and removal of livestock is cattle rustling. The bringing of false claims of indebtedness and obligation is fraud. The presentation of weapons, especially tactical weapons, employed in any of these activities is assault and attempted racketeering under force by undeclared private mercenary forces. It is now easy to recognize that these are crimes masquerading as “law enforcement”.

    The private in-house laws of corporations must remain in accord with the Public Law or those corporations must be liquidated as crime syndicates and their assets distributed to those they have harmed and to their lawful creditors. This includes the BLM, the UNITED STATES, the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, the STATE OF OREGON, or any other corporation found to be operating in violation of the Public Law and their own charter. Any questions may be addressed to: Judge Anna Maria Riezinger (907) 250-5087 Judge Bruce Doucette


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:46 pm


    # Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien to World Bank/IBRD/IMF Issued January 4, 2016 to: Board of Governors, World Bank/IBRD and IMF Board of Directors, World Bank/IBRD and IMF 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5106
    Be it known to one and all, both living and dead: Karen Hudes is proposing that our gold be used to pay off the debts represented by Federal Reserve Notes--- that is, that we should pay for the odious debts of those who have defrauded us. This is to our knowledge the fifth such scheme Ms. Hudes has proposed. We living beneficiaries of the assets on deposit with the World Bank/IBRD and with the International Monetary Fund/IMF owed to the States of America and the free sovereign and independent people of the United States who also have beneficial interest as donors with respect to assets secondarily on deposit with the “Global Debt Facility” administered by the World Bank Board of Governors depose the following to be Material Fact established by Public Record:
    (1) The World Bank/IBRD were Secondary Creditors in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated;
    (2) Upon settlement of the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated, the World Bank/IBRD knowingly received gold and other assets belonging to the Priority Creditors--- who are and who have always been the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and their unincorporated States of America;
    (3) The gold reserves contained in the Global Debt Facility and other accounts administered by the World Bank/IBRD and International Monetary Fund/IMF known as the “Infinity Accounts” were obtained at least in part as a result of illegal confiscations of privately held gold carried out by the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, promoted under inequitable exchange, duress and indemnity, followed by identity theft, falsification of political status records, and reverse trust and fiduciary trust fraud;
    (4) The American gold and other assets such as credit and titles to land together with reasonable interest is owed as an inheritance to the living American people and their unincorporated organic states from which the gold was obtained;
    (5) Ms. Karen Hudes has been informed that there is no Constitutional authority allowing for any officials or agents of the Federal United States --including Federal State and Federal County Officials-- to receive assets in behalf of the living people and the unincorporated states; she has also been informed that there is no agreement on the part of the lawful beneficiaries allowing the World Bank/IBRD/IMF to use our gold to pay for, buy back, or otherwise collateralize Federal Reserve Notes, United States Notes, or any other private bank script;

    The Board of Governors and Executive Directors have ten (10) days plus three days mailing time from the mailing date of this Final Notice to rebut the truth of the five (5) statements above, or they shall stand as Truth in Commerce and self-enforcing international law creating an effective and collectible commercial obligation lien against the Global Debt Facility, the World Bank/IBRD, and International Monetary Fund/ IMF for the assets valued at $370 billion United States Dollars and interest due, payable immediately in full, as well as establishing our collateral claim on the land assets of the Continental United States owed to the United Colonies and the States of America however these assets may now be represented, defined, en-titled or accounted and in the possession of the respective banks; We have specifically directed Ms. Hudes that it is our Will to use our gold to back our own national currency, the actual United States Dollar, defined as one ounce of fine silver, and that General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., is hereby appointed to act as our Fiduciary Deputy in this matter and is uniquely enabled to receive the gold, titles, and other assets owed to the American people and is obligated to safely convey and secure these assets for our intended use by his receipt of them; We note that the Federal United States and the UNITED STATES are in Commercial and Administrative Default with respect to us and our estates and we specifically give Notice to the Board of Governors and the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank/IBRD and to the International Monetary Fund/IMF of this fact. There can be no presumption against us nor against our organic united states nor our unincorporated States of America, no claim that we stand as sureties in behalf of any incorporated entity and no assumption of contract, and our receipt of any gold under this or any other distribution in no way removes, releases or impairs our claim to these or any other or additional assets or remedies we are owed; We have been the victims of institutionalized fiduciary trust fraud and criminal Breach of Trust which must now be addressed. The Members of Congress who have voted themselves and their own plenary government a “dollar for dollar” fixed exchange rate for private bank notes, that is, Federal Reserve Notes --- I.O.U’s ---as pretended equitable exchange for our actual United States Dollars defined as one ounce of pure silver, have acted in breach of trust and contempt of the Constitution; their inequitable claims, acts, and debts stand null and void, ab initio, repudiated as odious debt accrued as the result of purposeful constructive fraud; Any bank that continues to exchange “Federal Reserve Notes” for actual assets upon the presumption that the American people and the American states are standing as surety, or presumes that the American people are willingly engaged in this fraud, acts as an accomplice to gross constructive fraud and breach of trust imposed by monopoly inducement practiced against the innocent American people and their organic states on the land.

    Any court or international organization extending bankruptcy protection to the Federal Reserve is similarly supporting and participating in this same fraud; A Declaration of Joint Sovereignty has been issued by the States of America and Indigenous Tribal Governments of the Native American Nations and addressed to the United Nations, together with updated Sovereign Letters Patent. More than 500 million United States Silver Dollars remain in circulation, all fifty (50) unincorporated States of America are in operation, an estimated 360 million Americans claim their lawful birthright political status as organic states of the union and free sovereign and independent people of the United States; they are all beneficiaries and heirs and are owed their complete inheritance plus return of all donations held in trust, free and clear of any debt, lien, encumbrance or presumption of contract or presumption of debt assumption. Any claim that the free sovereign and independent people of the United States are “stateless” is unconscionable and this Notice of the fact has been served; This Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien is issued upon this Fourth Day of January in the year 2016 for the causes enumerated by the living heirs and beneficiaries known as Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher from without the United States, without representation, claiming their natural political status as free sovereign and independent people of the United States and as organic states of the union having reached the age of majority, being of sound mind and body, not indigent, not bankrupt, not penniless, not needy, and by no other means nor manner incapacitated, limited, obligated or under duress of any kind; we direct the trustees of the World Bank/IBRD and International Monetary Fund/IMF to immediately settle and balance all accounts and return all American gold and collateral assets owed to the American people upon release to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., upon his acceptance of it as our appointed Fiduciary Deputy, for use as collateral backing our actual money, the United States Silver Dollar, defined as one ounce of pure silver. As natural heirs and beneficiaries we specifically forbid any misuse of our gold to benefit any foreign central bank or incorporated governmental services corporation and forbid the release of our gold to any organization or individual who does not owe us full duty as our specifically appointed Fiduciary Deputy obligated to act in our behalf and according to our instruction as a condition of his receipt of our assets. So we depose and say finally that Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents and Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, whereupon we have set our Signatures and Seals as Witness to our Will in this matter: ______________________________seal_________________by Anna Maria Riezinger, beneficiary, one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved. ______________________________seal_________________by James Clinton Belcher, beneficiary, one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved. cc: General Joseph F.Dunford, Jr. John Forbes Kerry, Secretary of State Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
    # pMonday, January 4, 2016 at 8:21:00 AM MST Dept of Interior's Own Prospecting / Treasure Map Catlow Valley, Harney County, OR


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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:59 pm

    What continues to puzzle and trouble me is whether all of the above (and more) is simply a bunch of greedy-people fighting for money and power -- using deception, stealing, violence, corruption, and bullshit -- to get what they want OR are we dealing with Star-Wars in Heaven and Earth?? If the second is the case, then we might be in more trouble than we can possibly imagine (and then some). I've been told that the "Real-Truth" would make 87% of humanity go insane. Is there some substance to that particular percentage?? My speculation alone is driving me completely-insane (in a nice and peaceful way). The more I attempt to understand "The Truth" the more troubled and miserable I become. Perhaps Ignorance Really is Bliss. Perhaps we should just shut-up and get back to work. It might be easier that way.

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    Fresh from our oven Empty Re: Fresh from our oven

    Post  Eartheart Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:09 pm

    Surfing this Zuvuja inqludes allready multidim extreme violent
    religious emoltional states, without beeing crossed off this game  The Winner

    we enlighten this X-istence in our ENSPACEMENT and integrate various
    nonexpandable artistic acts into our commonvalue as planetary crew...

    Letting Go from GOO and black nano AI to remold/rehab from LIGHT instead  Naughty

    Mad 1  And to this powerless Ladies plaqued by that GOLD, we dont want it anymore -   HAHA  Crybaby

    U know too  Thubs Up

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