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    Post  burgundia Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:28 am,0,4924374.story

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military is repositioning naval and air forces around Libya, a Pentagon official said on Monday, as international demands intensify for an end to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's four-decade rule.

    "We have planners working and various contingency plans and I think it's safe to say as part of that we're repositioning forces to be able to provide for that flexibility once decisions are made ... to be able to provide options and flexibility," said Colonel David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman.

    "We're still in that planning and preparing mode should we be called upon to do any of those types of missions, whether humanitarian and otherwise."

    Lapan declined to give details about the types of ships or units being repositioned or how U.S. commanders plan to use them.

    "No decisions have been made yet," he said.

    The Pentagon now has two aircraft carriers in its naval command region that includes the Arabian Sea and Gulf, Lapan said, but does not have any carriers in the Mediterranean.


    At least 84 protesters have lost their lives and hundreds wounded in Libya in three days of pro-democracy protests in the African country, Human Rights Watch (HRW) says.

    According to HRW, security forces killed 20 people in the eastern city of Benghazi, 23 in the eastern Libyan town of al-Baida, three in Ajdabiya, and three in Derna in a matter of days, Reuters reported.

    In addition, 35 people lost their lives in Benghazi on Friday, nearly all with live ammunition, said the Human Rights Watch, adding that it has compiled the figures based upon telephone interviews with hospital staffers and witnesses.

    It also hit out at the crackdown on protesters in Libya, saying "The Libyan authorities should immediately end attacks on peaceful protesters and protect them from assault by pro-government armed groups."

    Anti-government protests sparked by the popular revolutions that deposed long-serving rulers of neighboring Egypt and Tunisia have engulfed Libya this week with thousands of people flocking the streets of the eastern city of Benghazi, and calling for the ouster of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who has been in office since September 1969.

    On Friday, protesters camped out in Benghazi, which is about 1,000 km (600 miles) east of Tripoli to join funeral processions for at least 24 people who, according to HRW, were killed in demonstrations on Wednesday and Thursday.

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    LIBYA NOW Empty Libya protests: Benghazi wracked by new violence

    Post  burgundia Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:28 pm

    New violence has been reported in Libya's second city, Benghazi, with troops said to have opened fire again on anti-government protesters.

    At least 15 people were killed and many more wounded, unconfirmed reports say.

    Witnesses described scenes of chaos as army snipers opened fire. Some reports spoke of missiles being fired.

    At least 84 people had already died, rights groups say. Reports have been hard to verify amid tight controls on information and the internet.

    US-based group Human Rights Watch said the 84 had died in Benghazi as well as in a number of other cities in eastern Libya.

    The BBC's Middle East correspondent Jon Leyne says that for much of the day it seemed as if the government had lost control of the eastern cities of al-Badai and Benghazi. But residents always feared a major counter-assault and it seems it may have begun.

    Reports emerging from Libya are sketchy and sporadic, after the government moved to control internet access, but the Associated Press news agency and al-Jazeera television both said troops had opened fire on people attending a funeral on Saturday, killing 15.

    Citing witnesses and medical staff in Benghazi, the reports told of snipers firing on crowds gathered to mourn some of those killed on Friday.

    One doctor told the BBC that situation in the city was "like hell".

    "I have been seeing injured people being carried in all day. They have been shot in the head and chest. They have broken arms and legs. There is shooting going on everywhere," said the doctor.

    He also suggested that foreign mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa - paid by the Libyan government - had been brought in to attack protesters.

    Another resident told the BBC that 40 people had been killed in a short space of time.

    "Please, please tell the world that [Gaddafi] is killing the people for no reason. They're very peaceful protesters," he said. "He's bringing foreigners from nowhere, Africans, black African snipers shooting the people in the streets of Benghazi, now he's attacking Benghazi itself with rocket missiles."

    Another eyewitness, named only as Ahmed, told al-Jazeera the killing in Benghazi was unprecedented.

    "We've never heard of anything like this before. It's horrible," he said.

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    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:41 pm

    Opening sample is of Louis Farrakhan (Nation Of Islam leader from 1977 to the present) addressing the 1985 'Saviours' Day' convention in Chicago on February 24, 1985 and introducing al-Gaddafi who attended via satellite video link:
    "We who are opressed love those who fight against oppression and the opressors.
    Brothers and sisters it is with great honour and privilege that I present to you the leader of the Intifada Revolution ... from Libya, our brother Muammar al-Gaddafi!"


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    Post  mudra Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:44 pm

    21 February 2011
    Libya protests: Col Gaddafi under mounting pressure

    LIBYA NOW _51342578_libya_benghazi_etal_feb2010

    Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's regime is under huge pressure after a night of protests in the Libyan capital Tripoli.

    Several senior officials - including the justice minister - have reportedly quit their posts after security forces fired on the Tripoli protesters.

    In a TV address, Col Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, conceded that protesters had taken over eastern cities of al-Bayda and Benghazi.

    But he warned of civil war and vowed to "fight to the last bullet".

    The BBC's Jon Leyne, in neighbouring Egypt, says Col Gaddafi has now lost the support of almost every section of society.

    Reliable sources say Col Gaddafi has now left the capital, our correspondent adds.

    'Hatred of Libya'
    On Monday, state TV reported an operation had been mounted against the Tripoli protesters.

    "Security forces have started to storm into the dens of terror and sabotage spurred by the hatred of Libya," Libyan TV reported.

    Unconfirmed reports suggested soldiers were once again using live ammunition in the capital on Monday evening.

    Continue reading the main story

    Jon Leyne
    BBC News, Cairo
    The situation in Libya is becoming increasingly confused and chaotic. There are several reports that Col Gaddafi has now left Tripoli, possibly for his hometown of Sirt or his desert base of Sabha.

    In Tripoli itself, elements of the security forces are still on the streets, though the violence seems to be increasingly random.

    During the night, there were more brutal attacks on demonstrators who had gathered, after rumours spread that Col Gaddafi had fled the country.

    Hour by hour, there are reports of more defections. Almost all major tribal leaders seem to have joined the opposition, as well as important religious leaders and several senior Libyan ambassadors.

    The east of the country is already almost entirely out of the hands of the government. Col Gaddafi's hold on power is becoming weaker by the hour.

    Security forces fired live rounds and tear gas to disperse protests on Sunday night.

    Justice Minister Mustapha Abdul Jalil became the latest senior official to resign, saying he was leaving his post because of the "excessive use of violence", privately owned Quryna newspaper reported on Monday afternoon.

    Libya's envoy to the Arab League, Abdel Moneim al-Honi, announced he was "joining the revolution", and its ambassador to India, Ali al-Essawi, told the BBC he was also resigning.

    Mohamed Bayou, who until a month ago was chief spokesman for the Libyan government, said the leadership was wrong to threaten violence against its opponents.

    Mr Bayou, in a statement quoted by the Reuters news agency, called on Saif al-Islam to acknowledge the opposition and open dialogue with them.

    In another blow to Col Gaddafi's rule, two tribes - including Libya's largest tribe, the Warfla - have backed the protesters.

    'Decisive moment'
    Continue reading the main story
    Mid-East unrest: Libya

    Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has led since 1969
    Population 6.5m; land area 1.77m sq km, much of it desert
    Population with median age of 24.2, and a literacy rate of 88%
    Gross national income per head: $12,020 (World Bank 2009)
    Country profile: Libya
    Oil price jumps on Libya unrest
    Difficulty of reporting from inside Libya
    Human Rights Watch says at least 233 people have died since last Thursday, though in his speech, Saif al-Islam insisted reports of the death toll had been exaggerated.

    The US, UK and French governments are among those condemning the harsh treatment of protesters.

    But Italy, the former colonial power in Libya, has close business links to Tripoli and voiced alarm at the prospect of the Gaddafi government collapsing.

    "Would you imagine to have an Islamic Arab Emirate at the borders of Europe? This would be a very serious threat," said Foreign Minister Franco Frattini.

    The head of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, described the protesters' demands as legitimate, calling it a "decisive moment in history" for Arab nations.

    Oil price jumps
    Reports from several cities suggest the country is in turmoil:

    In Az-Zawiya, 40km (25 miles) west of Tripoli, witnesses say the police have fled, government buildings have been burnt down and the city is in chaos.
    Unconfirmed reports from the port city of Darnah say protesters are holding more than 300 workers hostage - many of them Bangladeshis.
    Several hundred Libyans stormed a South Korean-run construction site west of Tripoli, injuring at least four workers.
    In Benghazi, reports say 11 solders were killed by their commanding officers for refusing to fire on protesters.
    The violence has helped to push up oil prices to their highest levels since the global financial crisis of 2008.

    At one point, Brent crude - one of the main benchmarks on world oil markets - reached $105 (£65) a barrel.

    International firms including BP, one of the world's biggest oil companies, are preparing to pull their staff out of Libya.

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    LIBYA NOW Empty Report: Libya fighter jets attack protesters in Tripoli

    Post  burgundia Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:51 pm

    TRIPOLI — Military aircraft fired live ammunition at crowds of anti-government protesters in Tripoli, Al-Jazeera television reported Monday.

    A Libyan man, Soula al-Balaazi, who said he was an opposition activist, told the network by telephone that Libyan air force warplanes had bombed "some locations in Tripoli."

    He said he was talking from a suburb of Tripoli. No independent verification of the report was immediately available.

    The report came as protesters celebrated in the streets of the country's second largest city Benghazi, claiming they were now in control after days of bloody fighting and after anti-government unrest spread to Tripoli, the capital, for the first time Sunday.


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    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:38 am

    Folks ,
    There are a few lessons to be learned from the " revolutions in " Northern Africa and the Middle East .
    1) The Powers that Were will never relinquish power peacefully . In Libya the dictators are using live ammunition and the Air force against the population .
    Similar story in Egypt and other places but without the air force .
    2) It is obvious that the tactics of : Non compliance , disobedience , non cooperation alone are not working .
    3) When the government uses force against the people , the people have the right to use force against the government .
    4) There is evidence that the US government and the EU would behave exactly like Ghaddafi or Mubarak thus proving the point that the EU and the USA are dictatorships .

    I have this offering about pacifism for the readers .


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    LIBYA NOW Empty

    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:40 am

    I’d be shocked if Gaddafi’s regime falls, then again, I said the same thing about Mubarak. (Reuters) – Members of a Libyan army unit told Benghazi residents on Sunday they had defected and “liberated” Libya’s second city from Troops supporting Veteran leader Muammar Gaddafi, two residents said.

    PHOTOS: Reuters in pictures

    Habib al-Obaidi, who heads the intensive care unit at the main Al-Jalae Hospital, and lawyer Mohamed al-Mana, told Reuters members of the “Thunderbolt” squa...

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    Post  mudra Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:34 am

    Key diplomats desert Gaddafi

    Key Libyan diplomats have disowned Moammar Gaddafi's regime and the country's deputy UN ambassador called on the longtime ruler to step down because of his bloody crackdown on protesters.

    The Libyan ambassador to the United States also said he could no longer support Gaddafi, the ambassador to India planned to resign, and the ambassador to Bangladesh quit to protest the killing of family members by government troops. Almost all Libyan diplomats at the United Nations backed deputy ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi's pleas to Gaddafi to end his 40-year rule and to the international community to intervene.

    The UN spokesperson's office said that the Security Council had scheduled consultations on the situation in Libya for Tuesday morning. Earlier, Dabbashi had called for an urgent meeting of the Security Council to take action to stop the bloodshed.

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters in Beverly Hills, California, that he hopes that ''the Security Council will take this matter on an urgent basis".

    Ban said it was up to the Security Council to decide whether to call for some sort of ''no-fly zone'' over Libya to protect protesters from attacks by Libyan aircraft.

    As diplomatic support for Gaddafi began to crumble, Dabbashi warned that if he doesn't leave, ''the Libyan people will get rid of him".

    Gaddafi's security forces unleashed the most deadly crackdown of any Arab country against the wave of protests sweeping the region, with reports that demonstrators were being fired at from helicopters and warplanes. After seven days of protests and deadly clashes in Libya's eastern cities, the eruption of turmoil in the capital, Tripoli, sharply escalated the challenge to Gaddafi.

    Ban expressed outrage at the reported aerial attacks and said the ''violence against demonstrators must immediately stop".

    ''I have seen very disturbing and shocking scenes, where Libyan authorities have been firing at demonstrators from warplanes and helicopters,'' Ban told reporters at a hotel in Beverly Hills. ''This is unacceptable. This must stop immediately. This is a serious violation of international humanitarian law.''

    Ban said he had spoken to Gaddafi earlier Monday for 40 minutes and ''forcefully urged him to stop violence against demonstrators and again strongly underlined the importance of respecting the human rights of those demonstrators.''

    Libya's ambassador in Washington, Ali Adjali, told BBC World that the reports of firing from warplanes spurred his decision not to support the government any more.

    ''To me it is a very sad moment seeing Libyans killing other Libyans,'' he said. ''I'm not supporting the government killing its people. ... I'm (not) resigning Moammar Gaddafi's government, but I am with the people. I am representing the people in the street, the people who've been killed, the people who've been destroyed. Their life is in danger.''

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    LIBYA NOW Empty White mercenaries flown in from Russia to prop up Libyan regime'

    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:05 am


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    LIBYA NOW Empty Libyan Fighter Pilots ask for Political Asylum in Malta.

    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:16 am

    The pilots of two Libyan Air Force Mirage jet fighters who unexpectedly flew to Malta this afternoon have sought political asylum in Malta, informed sources said.

    The pilots told the Maltese authorities that they left from a base near Tripoli and flew to Malta after being ordered to bomb protesters who had occupied the Libyan second city of Benghazi.

    Reuters reported two Libyan helicopters also landed in Malta. There have been unconfirmed reports of Libyan jets bombing protesters in Tripoli, where Libyan dictator Gaddafi's regime is under attack from pro-democracy demonstrators.

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    LIBYA NOW Empty Gaddafi probably to commit suicide, Libya's interior minister

    Post  burgundia Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:52 am

    LONDON/DUBAI/TRIPOLI (AlArabiya, Agencies)

    Britain's Times newspaper said Wednesday it had footage of severely wounded and dead protesters in a Libyan hospital which proved that heavy weapons were being used to crush the uprising, as the Libyan interior minister and some army units announced their siding with the Libyan revolt.

    Shocking footage of corpses with bodies blasted off and patients with almost completely severed torsos provided "incontrovertible evidence" that heavy artillery was used, Martin Fletcher, the newspaper's associate editor said.

    "It's not entirely clear how these men were killed, it could have been by fighter jets, it could have been by helicopter gunships, it could have been by mortar, it could have been by heavy machine guns," Fletcher said.

    "One thing is abundantly clear, they were not killed by tear gas or by batons or by methods of suppressing peaceful protests that are generally considered the outer limits of what is acceptable," he added.

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    LIBYA NOW Empty Latest On Libya: Pilot Refuses To Bomb Benghazi; Gadhafi Ordered Lockerbie?

    Post  burgundia Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:14 am

    — Reuters writes that "a Libyan air force plane crashed near the eastern city of Benghazi after its crew bailed out because they refused to carry out orders to bomb the city, Libya's Quryna newspaper cited a military source as saying."

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    Post  burgundia Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:26 pm

    Among the other points made by Gaddafi in his speech:
    He called on the people to catch what he called drugged young people and bring them to justice.
    He called on the people to "cleanse Libya house by house" unless protesters on the streets surrendered.
    [i]He warned that instability in Libya "will give al-Qaeda a base".[/i]
    He cited the examples of an attack on Russian parliament and China's crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising, saying that the international community did not interfere.
    He said he could do the same in Derna and Bayda.
    He offered a new constitution starting from Wednesday, but this would come with dialogue, not by collaboration with the enemy.
    He blamed the uprising on Islamists who wanted to create another Afghanistan, and warned that those in Bayda and Derna had already set up an Islamic Emirate that would reach Benghazi.
    He said that the country's youth was drugged and did not know anything; they were following the Islamists' leader and their leaders would be punished with death in accordance with the Libyan law.

    According to some news Al-Quaeda has already proclaimed a muslim emirate in the eastern part of the country in Derna. it time to start fighting Al-Quaeda in Libya??????????


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    Post  mudra Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:01 pm

    Gaddafi's Next Move: Sabotage Oil and Sow Chaos?
    By Robert Baer Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2011

    There's been virtually no reliable information coming out of Tripoli, but a source close to the Gaddafi regime I did manage to get hold of told me the already terrible situation in Libya will get much worse. Among other things, Gaddafi has ordered security services to start sabotaging oil facilities. They will start by blowing up several oil pipelines, cutting off flow to Mediterranean ports. The sabotage, according to the insider, is meant to serve as a message to Libya's rebellious tribes: It's either me or chaos.

    Two weeks ago this same man had told me the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt would never touch Libya. Gaddafi, he said, had a tight lock on all of the major tribes, the same ones that have kept him in power for the past 41 years. The man of course turned out to be wrong, and everything he now has to say about Gaddafi's intentions needs to be taken in that context. (See "The Rule of Libya's Colonel Gaddafi.")

    The source went on and told me that Gaddafi's desperation has a lot to with the fact that he now can only count on the loyalty of his tribe, the Qadhadhfa. And as for the army, as of Monday he only has the loyalty of approximately 5,000 troops. They are his elite forces, the officers all handpicked. Among them is the unit commanded by his second youngest son Khamis, the 32nd Brigade. (The total strength of the regular Libyan army is 45,000.)

    My Libyan source said that Gaddafi has told people around him that he knows he cannot retake Libya with the forces he has. But what he can do is make the rebellious tribes and army officers regret their disloyalty, turning Libya into another Somalia. "I have the money and arms to fight for a long time," Gaddafi reportedly said. (See TIME's special report "The Middle East in Revolt.")

    As part of the same plan to turn the tables, Gaddafi ordered the release from prison of the country's Islamic militant prisoners, hoping they will act on their own to sow chaos across Libya. Gaddafi envisages them attacking foreigners and rebellious tribes. Couple that with a shortage of food supplies, and any chance for the rebels to replace Gaddafi will be remote. (See TIME's exclusive interview with Gaddafi.)

    My Libyan source said that in order to understand Gaddafi's state of mind we need to understand that he feels deeply betrayed by the media, which he blames for sparking the revolt. In particular, he blames the Qatari TV station al-Jazeera, and is convinced it targeted him for purely political motivations. He also feels betrayed by the West because it has only encouraged the revolt. Over the weekend, he warned several European embassies that if he falls, the consequence will be a flood of African immigration that will "swamp" Europe. (Comment on this story.)

    Pressed, my Libyan source acknowledged Gaddafi is a desperate, irrational man, and his threats to turn Libya into another Somalia at this point may be mostly bluffing. On the other hand, if Gaddafi in fact enjoys the loyalty of troops he thinks he has, he very well could take Libya to the brink of civil war, if not over.

    Read more:,8599,2052961,00.html#ixzz1Eo2vYhoX

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    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:17 pm

    According to AL Arabiya " In Libia 10,000 dead and 50,000 wounded " . The Eu says the risk is 1.5 million migrants .

    So says the Italian Newspaper " Repubblica "

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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:02 am

    Kadhafi ordered Lockerbie bombing: ex-minister tells paper

    STOCKHOLM — Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing in 1988, former justice minister Mustapha Abdeljalil told Swedish daily Expressen, the paper reported on its website Wednesday.
    "I have proof that Kadhafi gave the order on Lockerbie," said the minister, who stepped down Monday to protest the ongoing violence in Libya.

    read more :

    Lockerbie Bombing

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    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:36 am


    It was probably so , but the trial was a farce .A trial with unreliable witnesses , flimsy proofs and tainted judges . It was designed to blame the Libyan leader and obtain compensation . The moral of the story is simple . When the CIA and the US government or Israel commit criminal acts and war crimes everything is OK . But when somebody else does the same it is not acceptable ! Selective justice is no justice at all .

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    Post  burgundia Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:17 pm

    Fidel Castro says that USA may invade Libya.

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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:21 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:Mudra,
    The moral of the story is simple . When the CIA and the US government or Israel commit criminal acts and war crimes everything is OK . But when somebody else does the same it is not acceptable ! Selective justice is no justice at all .

    I agree enemy . It's sadly so .

    Love from me

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    Post  burgundia Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:05 pm

    This is an account of what's happening in Libya as related by ordinary people coming back from that country. It has been translated from Polish using an on-line translator.

    Eleven Polish citizens were evacuated on Wednesday sent to Libya by plane to Tripoli that day by the Government of Ukraine, returned to Warsaw on Thursday. According to stress that the Polish Foreign Ministry and the Ukrainian side very well prepared their escape. The plane coming back from Kiev with Libya Poles landed at the airport in Warsaw after hours. 15. - I do not know when things calm down there. The current situation in Libya could be called a revolution, as in the USSR. Recently, many felt the threat to life. The hardest thing was to get to the airport in Tripoli, and later there were no problems. Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared us very well return. We felt the care of the Polish state. The Ukrainian side also much helped. Without this aid is not wrócilibyśmy - spoke to reporters working in Libya 22 years Peter Rozycki.

    Also, one of the Poles working in Libya on a permanent engineer Jerzy Stepien thanked the Polish Foreign Ministry and the Ukrainian authorities for their assistance. "Without this assistance, would be hard to go back to the country" - he stressed. Stepien, saying the situation in Libya, said that since 13 years since I worked in this country, "never seen anything like this." - There is a general mess, we do not know who is behind Gaddafi, and who against. I noticed that in the region dominated by supporters of Gaddafi's Tripoli. The revolutionaries are mainly young people who do not know the end of every fight. Do not ask for work, such as Tunisia and Egypt. They want democracy, but do not know what that means. For those 15, 16 year old boys this tragic situation is fun. In which, unfortunately, used weapons and killed people - he stressed.

    Asked if he felt danger while staying in Libya, said: "Practically all the time was scary, because it's very easy to provoke the demonstrators, just look and shoot bad." Stepien also reported, as he looked back Poles from Libya. - At the airport (in Tripoli), we drove back roads. All the time przesiadaliśmy the other cars were checked. It was a big obstacle, because we had a pile of luggage. Upon arrival at the airport - a horror. Before the terminal day and night koczują crowds. Under blankets, despite the rain and wind. As they stand up - I have no idea. Ukraine landed in transport aircraft, similar to Casy - he added. - I was robbed, and in this moment I am with you possessions. I know that some Poles also were attacked, they took their passports, money - said Stephens.

    One of the Poles, who returned from Libya, said that the hardest part of the evacuation was to reach the airport. - The fact that we arrived, it was a miracle, God help us. I just asked a Libyan that drove me. Later, we took care of us - she emphasized. She added that her husband - an Egyptian - are still in Libya. - The money that I collected over two years, is likely lost because the bank refused to let me exchange for dollars - noted.


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    Post  Carol Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:31 pm

    1000s die in Libya, reports of poison gas
    Libya's deputy ambassador to the UN says thousands of people have been killed during protests, as unconfirmed reports have come in claiming the regime has used poison gas on demonstrators.

    Ibrahim Dabbashi, who has turned against the Gaddafi regime, said the death toll is expected to rise as Muammar Gaddafi continues his bloody crackdown against the opposition.

    "There are already thousands of people who have been killed, we expect more. They are gathering all the bodies and they are taking them to the desert or somewhere. No one knows where are the bodies of the victims," AFP quoted Dabbashi as saying.

    His comments came ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on the crisis in Libya.

    Dabbashi said the "psychologically unstable” Gaddafi has the choice between being killed or committing suicide. “He might seek to send some of his family members abroad but I believe he prefers to die in Libya because of his narcissistic character, he wants to act like a hero."

    Meanwhile, there are reports that forces loyal to Gaddafi's crumbling regime have mounted attacks in towns west of Tripoli.

    The regime has already lost control of Misurata and Zuara in the west. Opposition protesters are now in control of major cities in the east, including Benghazi.

    According to reports, security forces loyal to Gaddafi have stormed hospitals in Tripoli and murdered protesters who were being treated.

    There are also unconfirmed reports that the regime has used poison gas against demonstrators in Misarata.

    The United Nations Security Council is set to meet to discuss sanctions against Gaddafi and those loyal to him at the request of the French and British missions to the UN.

    The United States and Europe plan to consider the possibility of freezing the assets of Gaddafi and some of his top officials responsible for the deadly crackdown on the people.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    LIBYA NOW Empty U.S. repositioning forces around Libya: Pentagon

    Post  burgundia Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:42 pm,0,4924374.story

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military is repositioning naval and air forces around Libya, a Pentagon official said on Monday, as international demands intensify for an end to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's four-decade rule.

    "We have planners working and various contingency plans and I think it's safe to say as part of that we're repositioning forces to be able to provide for that flexibility once decisions are made ... to be able to provide options and flexibility," said Colonel David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman.

    "We're still in that planning and preparing mode should we be called upon to do any of those types of missions, whether humanitarian and otherwise."

    Lapan declined to give details about the types of ships or units being repositioned or how U.S. commanders plan to use them.

    "No decisions have been made yet," he said.

    The Pentagon now has two aircraft carriers in its naval command region that includes the Arabian Sea and Gulf, Lapan said, but does not have any carriers in the Mediterranean.

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    LIBYA NOW Empty Gaddafi Threatened With Military Action By UK and US

    Post  burgundia Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:54 pm

    The United States Government has announced that they are maneuvering their armed forces into more flexible and tactical locations around Libya.

    The forces are to be position just in case they are needed to respond to further reports of civilians being killed by forces and militias loyal to Gaddafi.

    Libyan armed rebels have also stated that they will take Tripoli, Libya’s capital, with force if necessary.

    The move has been echoed by the British Government who has stated that they are to step up and facilitate more British forces around Libya also. Saying “we refuse to rule out using British military assets.”

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    LIBYA NOW Empty US UK, French forces land in Libya

    Post  burgundia Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:48 pm

    Islamabad—The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over.

    According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces in several adjoining areas.

    A Libyan official who requested not to be identified said that the U.S. and British military gurus were sent on February 23 and 24 night through American and French warships and small naval boats off Libyan ports of Benghazi and Tobruk.

    The Western forces are reportedly preparing to set-up training bases for local militias set-up by the rebel forces for an effective control of the oil-rich region and counter any push by pro- Qaddafi forces from Tripoli.

    Other reports claim that efforts to “neutralize” the Libyan Air Force were also underway to limit Qaddafi’s rule in Tripoli if not fully uprooted from the country.

    Meanwhile, three Indian Navy warships, are also being dispatched to be deployed in the rebel-held areas of Libya.

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    Age : 49
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    Post  ClearWater Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:25 am

    Gadhafi forces bomb rebel-held town in east Libya

    BENGHAZI, Libya
    Witnesses say a town in the rebel-held east of Libya has come under air attacks and forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi have retaken a nearby oil facility.

    The witnesses told The Associated Press they saw two warplanes bomb the eastern part of the town of Ajdabiya at 10 a.m. local time Wednesday. They also said that pro-Gadhafi forces were advancing on the town, some 470 miles (750 kilometers) east of the capital Tripoli.

    Ahmed Jerksi, manager of the Sirte oil company which runs the facility in the eastern town of Brega, said pro-Gadhafi forces retook control of the facility, southwest of Ajdabiya.


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