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    Are the plans of the NWO working ?


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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:08 am

    The financial crisis is now threatening the EU currency and other EU  countries . After the crisis in Iceland and now Greece who will be next ? I look with a certain amount of " schadenfreude " as the castle of cards starts to fall ......

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:34 am

    International arrest warrants awaiting scores of top ranking Israeli officials . And then there is the boycott of Israeli produce . The noose is getting tighter for the zionist controllers .

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:02 am

    The truth is coming out . Even the precious metal market has been manipulated for many years . This is a financial scandal bigger than the Madoff case . One more nail in the NWO coffin .–-whistle-blower-comes-forward-with-solid-proof-the-price-of-gold-and-silver-is-being-manipulated-by-major-financial-institutions/

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  monique Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:47 am

    Thank you for post this thread.
    Ah, ah, ah, "schadefreude" is not beatiful however other day I had that feeling. As in all countries of the world, justice here is not very fair, but decided for the continuation of a police investigation against the son of one of his peers. This is healthy because nepotism here is terrible. A litlle but good nail in the coffin ... schadefreude ...
    I hope that with the awareness of more and more people NWO is defeated. If the war against NWO are running? Yes but it's going very slowly.
    All the best, Monique.

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:27 am

    This is the same thread that has been ported from the " Invision " website . This is what was said before on the other website . We have seen the " swine flue fiasco " . We have seen that AIDS as a genetically engineered disease has not succeed in thinning out the world population . The power that be have spent trillion of dollars in underground bases and the implementation of the three alternatives for survival. .
    Now it looks like the taking down of the economic system might work in creating fear, famine , war,diseases and finally reduce the world population .
    We are observing the constant provocation directed against Iran and other countries that do not accept USA hegemony . War is what the PTB seem to want .
    But , in the meantime more people are coming out of the woodwork and are telling the world what everybody has suspected for a long time . More and more people are becoming aware of what's going on .
    A General of the USA armed forces spells it out here on this video .
    Mossad perpetrated the 9/11 atrocity .
    Israel is the enemy of the US and the western world .

    What people have not worked out is this .
    The Zionists play a team game and we "gentiles " play a single game in a dog eat dog society . Under those conditions we have little hope therefore we people have to become aware of a few facts .
    People have forgotten or never told that a certain group of human has been thrown out of many countries during the last 4000 or 5000 years .

    It was the same group that was thrown out of Germany after they declared war on Germany in 1933 .

    It seems that history repeats over and over .
    The USA and AUSTRALIA have been taken over by the zionist groups .
    The zionist use collaborators . Those collaborators are found in the zionist populations of the USA and Australia . I firmly believe that 80 % of the Australian zionist population are collaborators of Mossad in other words " sayanims " .

    The sayanims are in control of Australia . According to wikipedia there are 120,000 Jews in Australia of which ,I estimate that 80,000 of them cooperate with Mossad . We (my wife and I ) experienced " sayanim" at work in Sydney . The managed to derail the career of my wife . (High School teacher ) . The sayanims have infiltrated every aspect of the Australian life and their number is far superior to the numbers of operatives that ASIO (the Australian secret services ) can field . The takeover of the Australian society happened a long time ago and in the USA is the same situation .
    The result of this takeover is evident by the foreign policies followed , the controlled media , the society with spies infiltrated in every profession , the public service , the Universities , the politicians , the political parties etc.
    The Zionist play a team game while we "gentiles " play the single game in the dog eat dog society. The zionist have long term plan of infiltration via marriage , corruption blackmail etc. and stooges

    Things will not change until people will start taking their country back from a group of parasites .
    There are sign that people are more aware of what is at stake here . The defeat of the NWO could start by just getting rid of the monkey on the back of the US taxpayer .

    Mercuriel Posted: Mar 20 2010, 06:02 PM

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    I agree. Zionism is a good descriptor for It but I'd even go further in detailing Zionists (Those Who Truly understand the Concept of Zion) by calling them Luciferians.

    IMO - Its probably a more apropo descriptor - As - While Zionism is the Goal of these Globalists - It is this Zion that They work to create that will be the Home of Their Fallen Lord and His Court - Our Earth namely...

    Where do You go when there is nowhere left to go BUT the 3rd Dimension ? Simply put - Vibration in Error has forced them into Matter to finally Judge Themselves through Their Actions and the results of those Actions...

    Themselves being - Lucifer - Mehabone - Jahbulon - And the fallen 72 Powers and Principalities holding Court around Them...

    Simply put - The 72 Ineffable Names of God.

    I can post more about this Dynamic but I don't want to Hijack Your Thread so I'll leave it there and maybe Post back in here later If You don't mind...


    Peace, Love, Light, Unity and Harmony...

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 20 2010, 07:40 PM

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    Go ahead Mercuriel .

    There is reason to be offended . We are here to learn and exchange knowledge .
    The reality we live in is a bit different from what people would suspect .
    A lot of people only think that criminal gangs like the mafia , football teams ,or the police and the army perform " team work " . They would never suspect that an " ethnic group " whose allegiance is to Israel would do it . And we see the results .

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 20 2010, 08:28 PM

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    The man in the video said that because he was one quarter Jewish that he would give his life if need be to get rid of the rest of the Jews who are trying to destroy America and everywhere else. My point is that being Jewish does not make you part of this evil scheme to take over the world.

    I think the heart dictates where people line up and I see no reason for this man to throw himself on the sword just because there is Jewish blood running through his veins. Good honest people, regardless of race, have good hearts and there might even be an alien or two who does too so we need to get rid of the controllers not the ones who have good hearted intentions, regardless of their bloodline.

    I believe, for the most part, people around the world have good intentions and it is the energy that they emit that can and will be instrumental in saving this world - if it is to be saved. We've just got to hold the light.

    Mercuriel Posted: Mar 20 2010, 10:12 PM

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    I agree - It used to be about Race but not anymore. For a long while has this been the case. The Illusion is fed though by Them on Purpose to keep Their charade of Racism alive and well.

    Simply put - The Infiltration is complete - They're everywhere now in All corners of Society...

    They're Black, White, Asian, and all the Rest of the Ethnic Groups now.

    Someone else said it well once...

    "For We wrestle not only against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places"


    Peace, Love, Light, Unity and Harmony...

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 21 2010, 09:18 AM

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    QUOTE (Bobbie @ Mar 20 2010, 08:28 PM)
    My point is that being Jewish does not make you part of this evil scheme to take over the world.

    Exactly . That's why a small minority of that group , are opposing the Jewish state . I am not a Jew , but I had friends in the past , and I knew even their relatives , all strong supporters of Israel and all believed in the Holocaust . There are many ways people can be emotionally blackmailed and pulled in by their peers and the community .
    In the end people have to make a choice either the community or be free .

    burgundia Posted: Mar 21 2010, 09:51 AM

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    QUOTE (enemyofNWO @ Mar 21 2010, 09:18 AM)
    QUOTE (Bobbie @ Mar 20 2010, 08:28 PM)
    My point is that being Jewish does not make you part of this evil scheme to take over the world.?

    Exactly . That's why a small minority of that group , are opposing the Jewish state . I am not a Jew , but I had friends in the past , and I knew even their relatives , all strong supporters of Israel and all believed in the Holocaust . There are many ways people can be emotionally blackmailed and pulled in by their peers and the community .
    In the end people have to make a choice either the community or be free .

    From your statement it looks like you do not believe in Haulocast..On the territory of Poland you have several concentration camps. Anybody can go there and visit and see the artifacts. Haulocast, however, wasn't only Jewish. Hundreds of thousands of people of various nationalities died in concentration camps. I believe the number of Jews who died is exaggerated...
    Now about Auschwitz..
    My friend's father was one of the first prisoners of Auschwitz. he survived. Main prisoners of Auschwitz were not Jews. Jews were in another camp, in Majdanek.

    This post has been edited by burgundia on Mar 21 2010, 09:53 AM

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 21 2010, 10:18 AM

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    QUOTE (burgundia @ Mar 21 2010, 09:51 AM)
    QUOTE (enemyofNWO @ Mar 21 2010, 09:18 AM)
    QUOTE (Bobbie @ Mar 20 2010, 08:28 PM)
    My point is that being Jewish does not make you part of this evil scheme to take over the world.?

    Exactly . That's why a small minority of that group , are opposing the Jewish state . I am not a Jew , but I had friends in the past , and I knew even their relatives , all strong supporters of Israel and all believed in the Holocaust . There are many ways people can be emotionally blackmailed and pulled in by their peers and the community .
    In the end people have to make a choice either the community or be free .

    From your statement it looks like you do not believe in Haulocast..On the territory of Poland you have several concentration camps. Anybody can go there and visit and see the artifacts. Haulocast, however, wasn't only Jewish. Hundreds of thousands of people of various nationalities died in concentration camps. I believe the number of Jews who died is exaggerated...
    Now about Auschwitz..
    My friend's father was one of the first prisoners of Auschwitz. he survived. Main prisoners of Auschwitz were not Jews. Jews were in another camp, in Majdanek.

    You are right . I do not believe in the Holocaust . There were of course concentration camps and many people died . Polish , Rom , Other Slavs people , homosexuals etc,. But regarding the the 6 million it is all BS. The gas chambers in Auschwitz were built in the year 1946 after the event .
    Have a look at the video of a Jew by the name of David Cole . This person used a ground penetrating radar to analyze the ground in search of mass graves with Zero results .

    The Red cross international report of 1948 found no trace of th holcaust ,

    Of course when I was growing up here in Italy I was told a lot of bulls about what the Nazi did , including nightlamps made of human skin . All BS .
    All of this gigantic fraud to spill money from the gentiles and create a guilt complex .

    Going back to who is driving the NEW WORLD ORDER , this article shed a bit more light .

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 21 2010, 01:19 PM

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    Back in the 70's my mother worked for Jews as a seamstress and the man's uncle had been in a camp. By accident I saw the number tattooed on his forearm one day and asked my mom what it was and she told me it was from when he was in the concenrtration camp.

    I'm sure the stories have been embellished but I do believe there were camps and many were mistreated and killed.

    burgundia Posted: Mar 21 2010, 01:40 PM

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    A nazi SS officer testifies...

    This post has been edited by burgundia on Mar 21 2010, 01:46 PM

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 21 2010, 01:51 PM

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    Yeah and after they could no longer operate in Germany, they came/were brought over here to experiment on us....and they're still doing it. They don't care what God you claim, if you fit their needs, they'll use you....Jew or not - they don't discreminate.

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 21 2010, 05:39 PM

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    QUOTE (burgundia @ Mar 21 2010, 01:40 PM)
    A nazi SS officer testifies...

    Well this subject has been researched in depth by a lot of historians .
    Have you noticed that historians with a different view and evidence are ostracized and persecuted ? Why is that so ?
    In a real world people should not be prevented from researching our past and even revise history . But when this subject is touched all the so called government get very defensive and so the Jewish community .
    This holocaust must be the greatest hoax of the 20th century .
    Food production in Germany at that time was dedicated to the army and the civilian population , prisoners had only excess production . The majority of people in the camps died of malnutrition and diseases .
    Killing all those people with Xilon gas casues a huge problem : the disposal and the cremation of the bodies . The burning of one body needs an incredible amount of fuel which was not available at that time not even as dried timber . Another complication was the persistence of the Xilon B gas on the so called gas chamber wall and air . This would have prevented a massive operation because even contact with Xilon B could be fatal .

    Anyway everybody is entitled to his own point of views but there is plenty of research available on the internet about this massive fraud .
    The fact remain that the possibly millions of human of many nationalities and faiths died in concentration camps . I believe that the numbers of the victims have been heavily inflated . I have met personally some people with the number printed on the arm . The system was not as efficient as people think .

    burgundia Posted: Mar 21 2010, 07:56 PM

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    The only truth is that Lots of people were killed, lots of innocent people...and somebody is stil cashing on it....and they made an industry out of it...

    Devakas Posted: Mar 21 2010, 09:06 PM

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    My deep feeling is there were too many (tens of millions) innocent people killed and the story of this unhuman act is cleverly hidden even now.
    It seems nobody is questioning why Germany was fighting Soviets.

    One of the planned genocides was Ukrainian 7 and 10 million people. Executed in one year 1933 in the richest agricultural region. Starving???

    One attempt is a documentary created by Latvian produser to disclose hidden facts. It is not easy to find this video.
    Here is a trailer "Soviet Story":

    Mercuriel Posted: Mar 21 2010, 10:46 PM

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    Heres some Info that may pop the tops off of some of You (Maybe not) but I gotta do it. Do the research if You have trouble with this Info - I did...


    Salomon Rothschild has a Child with Anne-Marie Schicklgruber (Maid). The Child is named Aloise and is born out of Wedlock.

    Aloise grows up and marrys Kara Hitler. They have 4 Children - One of which is Adolf Hitler.

    Salomon Rothschild and His Family are from the Ashkenazi Tribe of Israel.

    Note anything yet ? Ashkenazi ? Now understand this is not a slight against the Tribe in general - Just specific Families within the Tribe and others.

    Now - It has recently been discoverd through DNA Testing that most of the Israeli People are either Ashkenazi or Sephardic at 95% of the Population while 5% is reputed to make up the rest of the Tribes. Where did this glaring inconsistency rise up. After WWII...

    What does that tell You about "the Final Solution" ?

    Seems to Me that "the Final Solution" was inspired by the Rothschild's desire to have only the Zionist Tribes survive the War. Hitler was a Jew...

    I have tonnes of Jems like these...

    More later...


    Peace, Love, Light, Unity and Harmony...

    evakas Posted: Mar 22 2010, 01:08 AM

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    QUOTE (Mercuriel @ Mar 21 2010, 10:46 PM)
    Heres some Info that may pop the tops off of some of You (Maybe not) but I gotta do it.
    I have tonnes of Jems like these...

    More later...

    It seems all (at lease in EU) know those Jems...

    believe me.....

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 22 2010, 01:29 AM

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    QUOTE (Mercuriel @ Mar 21 2010, 03:46 PM)
    Heres some Info that may pop the tops off of some of You (Maybe not) but I gotta do it. Do the research if You have trouble with this Info - I did...


    Salomon Rothschild has a Child with Anne-Marie Schicklgruber (Maid). The Child is named Aloise and is born out of Wedlock.

    Aloise grows up and marrys Kara Hitler. They have 4 Children - One of which is Adolf Hitler.

    Salomon Rothschild and His Family are from the Ashkenazi Tribe of Israel.

    Note anything yet ? Ashkenazi ? Now understand this is not a slight against the Tribe in general - Just specific Families within the Tribe and others.

    Now - It has recently been discoverd through DNA Testing that most of the Israeli People are either Ashkenazi or Sephardic at 95% of the Population while 5% is reputed to make up the rest of the Tribes. Where did this glaring inconsistency rise up. After WWII...

    What does that tell You about "the Final Solution" ?

    Seems to Me that "the Final Solution" was inspired by the Rothschild's desire to have only the Zionist Tribes survive the War. Hitler was a Jew...

    I have tonnes of Jems like these...

    More later...

    I believe, I believe - but, do you have any references that can be used to lay out the whole picture to an unbeliever? I saw that Nazi connection straight away.

    Bring it on. All this stuff helps put the picture in better focus. So, the Jews that were killed by the Rothchild Jews are from the opposite tribe than the Rothchilds because they wanted to be the only surviving tribe.

    Wonder how they knew who was who.

    Mercuriel Posted: Mar 22 2010, 02:42 PM

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    QUOTE (Bobbie @ Mar 21 2010, 08:29 PM)
    Wonder how they knew who was who.

    Here We go - Make sure You Duct tape that Skull Cap on...


    Peace, Love, Light, Unity and Harmony...

    Linda Posted: Mar 23 2010, 01:53 AM

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    QUOTE (Mercuriel @ Mar 22 2010, 07:42 AM)
    QUOTE (Bobbie @ Mar 21 2010, 08:29 PM)
    Wonder how they knew who was who.

    Here We go - Make sure You Duct tape that Skull Cap on...

    IBM? Wow.
    Thanks for the link.

    My Channel

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 23 2010, 04:03 AM

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    QUOTE (Mercuriel @ Mar 22 2010, 07:42 AM)
    QUOTE (Bobbie @ Mar 21 2010, 08:29 PM)
    Wonder how they knew who was who.

    Here We go - Make sure You Duct tape that Skull Cap on...

    I missed this until just now - thanks for the link. Lots of info there. I'll read it first thing tomorrow.

    This post has been edited by Bobbie on Mar 23 2010, 04:03 AM

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 23 2010, 09:46 AM

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    This video on APARTHEID is very recent and is a must see.
    Making the people awake and aware is a first step towards ending the reign of the control freaks .

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 23 2010, 11:33 AM

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    Will the EU disintegrate ? Of course the EU is central to the NWO designs .
    Here is an article that indicates that Germany is against the bailing out of Greece . So it looks like who gets into financial trouble is going to be shown the door .

    Tatiana Posted: Mar 23 2010, 07:36 PM

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    This is one deep rabbit hole to go into! I started to have questions about what really happened during that time (WWII) and when I got online I started looking things up. I was surprised at what I found!

    There was a book by a historical research team - I think they were Austrian - and they had photo copies of European census counts which showed that before WWII there were about 6 million Jews dispersed throughout ALL of Europe, not just Germany. According to these counts and those after the war there were about 1 million Jews across Europe that had died from ALL causes! I think that was the number though after nearly 10 years I might be off a bit. So how could it be that 6 million Jews died in the camps, if that number was true, there should only have been a very small number left after WWII, right?

    Another problem were the rooms where the gassing was supposed to have taken place. They sent an expert chemist to visit the camps and do an analysis. Well, he came back and said there was no way lethal concentrations of gas could have accumulated to accomplish this since those rooms were too leaky - and then there was the additional disposal problem as you mentioned. He said these rooms however were adequate to control fleas and lice which had plagued the camps. This man was a highly respected scientist with many professional awards and accomplishments and an impeccable record and reputation. He ended up in jail because he insisted his findings were correct and was unwilling to backtrack.

    They also tried to determine if it was possible with the equipment at hand in the camps to incinerate this many bodies in the time allotted. Again the number of bodies which would have had to be incinerated daily to be successful fell woefully short of what the furnaces would be capable of even if they were operated day and night.

    There was a mountain of evidence they amassed to get a real investigation into the allegations against Germans started, much more that I don't remember anymore after all these years. Another thing that must be kept in mind is that during those years the daily and nightly bombing runs done by the allies had literally destroyed all the infrastructure in Germany, that means there was no water, that means that hygiene was impossible and horrible epidemics (typhoid in particular) were sweeping across the country easily decimating an already malnourished population. The camps were no exception and I think that this more than anything else was what caused the death of most of the inhabitants of the camps. This easily accounts for the emaciated bodies of the corpses that were found by the allies in nearby mass graves. Imagine most of the inhabitants of the camps sick, many of the wardens as well - need I draw a picture?

    Overall more than 50 million died in this conflagration, that is of all nations involved in this conflict!!! That is an incredible death toll in such a short time! We need to mourn all of these people, not just a portion of them and the cry 'never again' should have come from all nations, not just Jews! But the focus was on them and the Germans who were accused of terrible wrong doings, the stain of which is still upon them and who are still paying reparations to the Jews to this day for a crime they most likely did not commit. All this without any real investigation other than the sham show trials in Nuremberg!

    But because it is not allowed to investigate those accusations (the man who did the analysis of the furnaces and gas chambers was thrown in jail since he refused to denounce his findings, so was at least one of the people who wrote the book). I have heard of others who insisted on questioning these events and also were/are incarcerated), so we will never know for sure, will we? How convenient!

    Then there is also a professor at the New School for Social Research in NYC, Dr Finkelstein, a man who was tenured, well respected and a devout Jew who several years ago looked into these allegations - mainly to dispel the growing doubts about the veracity of the accusations against Germans - well he ended up joining those who question the accepted version of the holocaust! He even wrote a book about it where he admonished his fellow Jews to cease and desist and come clean before the world figures out the truth! He warned them that the antisemitism they would be faced with if they did not come forward on their own would make the camps look like child's play - his words in spirit if not verbatim!

    He faced major criticism and denouncements from his fellow Jews, as you can imagine. There was much name calling, a lot of public harangues - mainly led by Alan Dershovits the famous lawyer. When he refused to back down, Dr Finkelstein was summarily dismissed from the faculty of The New School, tenure and all!

    I have had several Jewish bosses who also told me that they had parents who died in the camps. When they signed up with the organization that dealt with reparations to get some kind of compensation, neither ever received a dime! Of course they realize that they were scammed by the organization and they are very angry about this (both called the organization in question a 'bunch of crooks', though they wouldn't dream to pursue it legally since this is a Jewish organization. So this is another angle - how many times was this scenario repeated?

    I also know that the allies themselves were involved in a horrible massacre at the end of the war, this one against Germans. I am not talking about the fire bombing of Dresden where several hundred thousand people were incinerated in one night alone - which certainly qualifies for a massacre as far as that goes. I am talking about the camps that were established along the Rhine river by the Americans for Germans.

    These were simply huge muddy fields without any structures or shelters whatsoever. They were surrounded with barbed wire and German prisoners were simply kept there in the mud without blankets or anything, exposed to the elements, without food, bathrooms or medical attention. These were men who were conscripted into the army towards the end of the war by a desperate Hitler, many of them only children or old men since most of the young men had already been swallowed up by the war, many of them with injuries and/or sick. Even though the Americans had plenty of food at hand, the decision was made to deny this rag tag, shell shocked, malnourished group food and around 2 million died there from hunger and exposure!

    This too constitutes a war crime that no one ever had to give an accounting for - at least not to any human agency. War is an abomination and it dehumanizes anyone who gets involved with it - no exception!!! When are we going to learn????

    We are still armed to the teeth, we are a culture of death, we pray to a tortured dying man on a cross, we consider virtual killing a form of entertainment. We adore machismo and we deride and belittle those who call for peace and respect for all creatures not just men!

    We will not survive if we continue on this road!

    This sounds like such a cliche but I am going to say this anyway - I have many friends who are Jewish and there are many Jewish people whom I don't know personally but whom I nevertheless admire because of their character and personal accomplishments. Those whom I know personally do not discuss these events with me. Yet I feel that just like the truth about 9/11, the truth about what really happened back then must be spoken and acknowledged.

    The involvement of the US in financing Hitler before he came into power and bankrolling him during his regime as well as supporting him throughout the war, must become part of the true history taught in the future if we want to make sure something similar can never happen again.

    I don't know how many people know this, but there was not enough aluminum to rebuild airplanes because Alcoa (the major American Aluminum manufacturer at the time) supplied Hitler's army instead. I'm sure most people here know that Prescott Bush became wealthy financing Hitler before and during the war. There also was a shortage of fuel for the American army because Standard Oil supplied Hitler instead! If you dig I am sure you will find more examples. This is part of the real history of that time! It seems to me everything possible to make this war as long and as horrible as possible was done, and seemingly by the same side in the conflict who turned out one of the major beneficiaries - sound familiar?

    But it get's more bizarre than this, at the end of the war these same companies held up the American taxpayer for compensation for damages they suffered during the war (they had offices and warehouses to facilitate their business ventures in Germany that were bombed)! Yet I never heard of any of them coming up on charges of treason, which what they did is usually called, that carries an automatic death sentence in wartime - even in this country!

    Those responsible for 9/11 must be exposed publicly and called to account if we want to make sure they won't do this again the next time they don't get their way - and they will, mark my words! Just consider the involvement of the Bush clan in the events preceding and leading up to 9/11 and you can appreciate why this is so important!

    We the people must do this because they don't have the will nor courage to stand up for what is right. We must teach our Children, we must come to the realization that never has anyone created a lasting peace with bombs and guns or lies and deceptions! We have to find a way or we will all just blow ourselves up and the few survivors will get to enjoy the remainder of their days on a poisoned planet as a reward for their efforts. We don't have much time left!

    There are not very many options...either we speak truth to power or we will not make it.

    I for one am for peace and it starts with you and me - please join me...

    sorry for the long rant, but this is close to my heart. We can't make choices based on lies, truth always comes first - even if it is painful.

    This post has been edited by Tatiana on Mar 23 2010, 07:37 PM

    Non Violence is the only weapon we have they cannot out-perform with one of their own.

    It is never true that the end justifies the means, however the means always will determine the end!

    Anchor Posted: Mar 23 2010, 09:41 PM

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    That (Tatiana's post above) ladies and gentlemen, was a rant of exceptional quality.

    This post has been edited by Anchor on Mar 23 2010, 09:42 PM

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 23 2010, 10:30 PM

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    That was excellent Tatiana . Just quickly it is right to mention other researchers and historians .The brave men that went to jail to expose the 60 years old fraud. Real heroes such as Ernest Zundel , David Irving , Dr. Robert Faurisson and others .

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 23 2010, 11:48 PM

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    The Nazi's are still in power. This is quite interesting:

    Tatiana Posted: Mar 24 2010, 01:48 AM

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    Thank you kindly, Anchor and Bobbie -

    I am sorry I didn't add links, but I am not sure if many of the sites with the information I wrote about are still online. I will have to dig in my files for the names of the people who wrote the book I wrote about including it's title if anyone wants to know. Also some of the information about Dr Finkelstein, the events in the camps near the Rhine and the part certain elements here in this country played in bringing Hitler to power and supporting his madness can still be found online I am sure.

    One source is Webster Tarpley's Unauthorized Biography of George Bush and the now defunct website Sumeria which had a document posted called The Elkhorn Document. I have it archived on one of my disks but it is no longer available online as per a cursory search I did just now. It also details the involvement of certain commercial entities in this country in supporting Hitler before and during the war.

    There are other sites which have documentation supporting some of my other statements like what happened at the Rhine valley camps, but I would have to look for them if anyone wants to know more about these events, or they could search for them on their own. I have had a ton of links in the past relating to this and other histories, many of which I unfortunately lost when one of my motherboards died. I may have even saved part of the book about the holocaust, but I am not sure. At one time it was available for free online.

    I think we need to know the true history of the people of the earth as opposed to the elite's version, not because we need to exact vengeance or retribution, but to finally speak the truth and to honor their victims, to exonerate their scapegoats and finally to be able to make better decisions in the future for the benefit of all men and for the well being of the planet as a whole. All this strife, all that violence, all this greed and lust for power, all the pain and suffering engendered for the sake of material gain and ego gratification of a few has created a very volatile atmosphere planet wide which might even extend out into space and have a greater part to play than we realize in the severity of the ongoing and future earth changes.

    We have to be real careful how we proceed so we don't ourselves fall prey to these energies. How we relate to this spiritually will make all the difference to the eventual outcome. But the truth must be told, but it must be told without hate and without rancor. We must remember that we agreed to participate in one way or another in these dramas for the purpose of learning - we shall see if indeed we have learned properly.

    I too think Ghandi's way of non violence and non cooperation is the way to go. On the other forum where I post there is a member who has a wonderful signature which I think I will adopt here:

    "Non Violence is the only weapon we have they cannot out-perform with one of their own."

    That and LOVE! But I think you all know that already!

    Peace to you!

    Non Violence is the only weapon we have they cannot out-perform with one of their own.

    It is never true that the end justifies the means, however the means always will determine the end!

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 24 2010, 09:30 AM

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    very noble sentiments from you

    "I too think Ghandi's way of non violence and non cooperation is the way to go. On the other forum where I post there is a member who has a wonderful signature which I think I will adopt here:

    "Non Violence is the only weapon we have they cannot out-perform with one of their own."

    But I would like to see when the USA's IRS comes visiting because a family has not paid the compulsory health insurance just approved by the administration of Mr Oh Banana .
    We will see how people will react .
    Unfortunately , that's only my opinion, at the time of Ghandi he had the population behind to do his non violence thing ..a huge population advantage over a infinitesimal small British army
    I think there is still a long way to go for the population to wake up and participate in a program of total non cooperation and non participation with the authorities . Until that time anything will go . I subscribe to the Half Past Human view of the future which is very bleak . I do not see anything wrong at all in defending yourself and your family if threatened . Better your enemy dead than you .

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 24 2010, 12:33 PM

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    Acclaimed Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy explains in the video " Why democracy is the biggest scam in the world ".
    Pacifists might have to use guns to defend their rights ...

    Carol Posted: Mar 24 2010, 05:19 PM

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    QUOTE (enemyofNWO @ Mar 24 2010, 09:30 AM)

    very noble sentiments from you

    "I too think Ghandi's way of non violence and non cooperation is the way to go. On the other forum where I post there is a member who has a wonderful signature which I think I will adopt here:

    "Non Violence is the only weapon we have they cannot out-perform with one of their own."

    But I would like to see when the USA's IRS comes visiting because a family has not paid the compulsory health insurance just approved by the administration of Mr Oh Banana .
    We will see how people will react .
    Unfortunately , that's only my opinion, at the time of Ghandi he had the population behind to do his non violence thing ..a huge population advantage over a infinitesimal small British army
    I think there is still a long way to go for the population to wake up and participate in a program of total non cooperation and non participation with the authorities . Until that time anything will go . I subscribe to the Half Past Human view of the future which is very bleak . I do not see anything wrong at all in defending yourself and your family if threatened . Better your enemy dead than you .

    When the people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. In this country the people have been consumed by commercialism and there have way too much to begin with so in their mind's eye they have everything to lose.


    Aloha, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa ~ Heaven

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    obbie Posted: Mar 24 2010, 05:46 PM

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    Thank you Tantiana for bringing light to this subject again. The people who tried to expose it, like Dr. Finklestein and others, were shot down and shut up but the internet has made it possible to shed light on these atrocities without fear of prosecution.

    May we all continue to hold the light which exposes the lies that have allowed our grand country to be infiltrated - and...... due to greed and long standing ritualistic practices, we have been abused.

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 27 2010, 10:07 AM

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    New . David Duke's video . " the dynamics of the jewish elite "

    Another video that illustrates the " team game " a certain ethnic group plays against the " gentiles " . At Harvard University there are as many Jewish students as gentiles . How is it possible when the Jews are only 2% of the US population ?

    Bobbie Posted: Mar 27 2010, 05:36 PM

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    QUOTE (enemyofNWO @ Mar 27 2010, 03:07 AM)
    New . David Duke's video . " the dynamics of the jewish elite "

    Another video that illustrates the " team game " a certain ethnic group plays against the " gentiles " . At Harvard University there are as many Jewish students as gentiles . How is it possible when the Jews are only 2% of the US population ?

    That was good - Doesn't it seem that everything that is good is infiltrated and eventually consumed by those bent on the overtaking of our government - Somehow I hope we have the manpower and will to take it back.

    Doesn't there seem to be some similarities in the getting some people hooked on welfare and ending up with 4th generational dependence on the state and those who get hooked on a materialistic way of life and end up with 4th generational dependence on stuff.

    Is there a mastermind puppeteer group who has done this to Americans - using the weakness of each group to control seeking to be cradled by the government and the other seeking wealth, fame and acceptance and a programming of "keeping up with the Jones'", so to speak.

    The strategy is different for each set of programmings but the outcome is the same - addiction and dependence. If you have achieved a certain level of comfort, complacency sets in and no body wants to rock the boat for fear of losing the very thing that has made them creatures of comfort. In the end, the programmers win!

    enemyofNWO Posted: Mar 30 2010, 11:50 AM

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    The Catholic Church ,an arm of the New World Order , is under severe pressure . New scandals have exploded in different nations at the same time . This big icerberg that has navigated for a long time underwater has now become visible .
    Many cases of pedophilia have come to light in the EU and the US . In Italy still there are people prepared to defend the indefensible by saying that the pedophilia scandal is a way to attack the pope . The problem with this defense is that the pope was in charge of a team whose actions were to transfer parish priests from one church to another one with the cooperation of the local civilian authorities and the crooked police .
    Here in Italy , at least now there is some reporting about this major problem , but in the past the Italian media has tended to shove things under a carpet . Some politicians have expressed support for Ratzinger including mr B ? this reminds me that birds of a feather flock together ..
    Here are a couple of very interesting articles on this subject .
    Mike Whitheny's ? Ratzinger's swan song : it's time for the Pope to go ?

    And as reported in Italian newspapers but also by the guardian ? the Pope will not be intimidated ?

    enemyofNWO Posted: Apr 9 2010, 06:54 AM

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    AIPAC the Jewish lobby group , which is the mouthpiece of the ethnic gang that is controlling the US ,is under pressure .
    When the allegiance of those elected is to another country then we have treason . May be the game is over .

    NewWorldKarma Posted: Apr 9 2010, 08:55 AM


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    I will post when we move to a new server as my post is nearing the 3000 mark.


    I prefer to walk with my own two feet than walk in the shadows of Others.

    Its better to Shine On, than to fade away, happiness and everlasting peace is here to stay.

    Peace to us ALL.

    NewWorldKarma Posted: Apr 9 2010, 09:00 AM


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    I also think a video should be created outlining TRUTH right from where it all began. Using information of symbolism, including videos representing evidence and facts. Something named "From the beginning of time..." which would alert mankind. But only truth to be used.


    This post has been edited by NewWorldKarma on Apr 9 2010, 09:00 AM

    I prefer to walk with my own two feet than walk in the shadows of Others.

    Its better to Shine On, than to fade away, happiness and everlasting peace is here to stay.

    Peace to us ALL.

    Mercuriel Posted: Apr 9 2010, 09:57 AM

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    I am working on one called "Apocrypha?". It'll be from the beginning and is scheduled to be released before I go on Holidays this Summer.


    Peace, Love, Light, Unity and Harmony...

    NewWorldKarma Posted: Apr 9 2010, 10:58 AM


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    QUOTE (Mercuriel @ Apr 9 2010, 09:57 AM)
    I am working on one called "Apocrypha?". It'll be from the beginning and is scheduled to be released before I go on Holidays this Summer.

    Hey nice one, ill be sure to catch that when you release it. if you need images creating for its release etc or to be included in the vid email me (you have my email now).


    I prefer to walk with my own two feet than walk in the shadows of Others.

    Its better to Shine On, than to fade away, happiness and everlasting peace is here to stay.

    Peace to us ALL.

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:03 am

    "The global economic crisis : riots , rebellion and revolution . "

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:56 am

    SNIP .

    " Billionaire financier George Soros thinks the euro and the European Union itself are at risk of breaking up if Germany refuses to play its traditional role and make concessions, he told a newspaper.

    "The Germans have always made the concessions needed to advance the European Union, when people were looking for a deal. Not anymore," Soros recently told Corriere della Sera."

    The rest at the site below/
    Another question is why and how this gentleman " Soros " has been allowed to operate in the financial services industry for so long.  If a person actively undermines countries by attacking their currencies and speculating against them we are talking about a form of " economic terrorism " . So violent terrorism is outlawed because it causes human casualties , but ruining countries and causing hardship and suffering in effect achieving  the same results obtained by criminal acts is OK ?

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:40 pm

    Greece calls on EU - IMF rescue loans    .       How long before the rot will spread to other EU countries ? 

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  monique Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:10 am

    Hello EofNWO, i don't understand international politic and countries change sides so easily, but i know that countries who collaborate whit tptb not have many problems. For example, our president, here in Brazil, is finishing his tenure with the approval of tptb and if he proceed, continues to be a "good boy" a job awaits him at the UN.
    And this occur in our lifes too - in the school, work, society an so forth.
    Best regards, Monique.

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:32 pm

    Hi Monique have a look at this link . 
    " Brazil Assimilated: US Arms Deal Forces Yolk on Latin American Giant

    "So much for Brazil’s independent stance. The Defense Cooperation Agreement forced upon Brasilia by Washington on April 12 spells out the assimilation of Brazil and once and for all the end of any flirting with Russia over massive arms sales, despite the fact that Brazilian Air Force officers prefer Russian combat aircraft.
    As predicted in this column on February 11 this year, Uncle Sam is indeed interfering in Brazil. Despite the fact that Brazilian Air Force officers have repeatedly claimed that they prefer the Sukhoi SU-35 BM, as we stated, “Arms sales provide security and protection for the customer while joint projects create jobs and stimulate the economies of the buyer and seller. For the seller, maintenance contracts and training provide a welcome open door to further strengthening of economic and cultural ties further downstream” (1). "      The rest of the story at the link below.

    "Could it be that the Brazilian national bank is privatized ? Or could it be total buy out of politicians ?

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  monique Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:14 pm

    Hi Eof NWO,
    Thank you for sending this news. Our central bank is part of the ministry of finance and is not privatized. But the public service is made up of people not interested in the best for people, public good. Is very sad but our economy here has always been addressed in terms of elites. In the last century a president committed suicide (Getúlio Vargas) and another resigned (Jânio Quadros) because of "hidden forces" as the first cited in his letter of farewell and the second as the reason for resignation. I came to understand just what were these hidden forces after contact with the history of the new world order.
    Our state control banks suffer privatizition in the last years...
    And now, see this,
    "The current world order is declining and it should be replaced with a new order," he said. "Iran and Brazil can play an important role in setting a new ...
    Iran: Current world order in decline
    Best regards, Monique.

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  monique Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:19 pm

    sorry, it's here, from Press TV,

    "The Iranian president says the current world order is on the slide, stressing that Tehran and Brasilia could play a leading role in establishing a new order.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad held a meeting with Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim on Tuesday during which the two officials discussed regional and international issues, including Iran's nuclear program.

    Brazil has repeatedly voiced its support for Iran's right to develop a civilian nuclear program despite efforts by certain Western countries to garner Brasilia's backing for tougher sanctions against Tehran.

    President Ahmadinejad said the Middle East region would benefit from friendly and strategic ties between Iran and Brazil.

    "The current world order is declining and it should be replaced with a new order," he said.

    "Iran and Brazil can play an important role in setting a new order based on justice," the Iranian president added.

    Amorim, for his part, described having access to peaceful nuclear energy as the right of both the Iranian and Brazilian nations.

    Earlier in the day, the Brazilian foreign minister told a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki that his country supported dialog as the only proper solution to Iran's nuclear dispute, adding it would continue diplomatic efforts to resolve the issue.

    Iran, a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has categorically rejected Western accusations that its uranium enrichment activities are aimed at developing nuclear weapons."


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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Financial Debt Cancer Spreading In Europe

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat May 01, 2010 4:31 am

    Financial Debt Cancer Spreading In Europe
    By Joel Skousen
    Editor - World Affairs Brief

    "As the Wall Street Journal commented, "Europe's hopes of containing Greece's credit crisis dimmed as the country's debt woes spread to Portugal, sparking a selloff in markets across the globe and testing the European Union's ability to protect its common currency. The euro tumbled to its lowest point in a year against the dollar after Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cut Portugal's credit rating two notches and downgraded Greece's debt to 'junk' territory, a first for a euro-zone member. The move is bound to worsen Greece's already dire fiscal situation and hamper a recovery. The news sent the bond yields in both countries soaring, a sign of distress." added that "It was Spain's turn Wednesday to feel the heat from Standard & Poor's as the ratings agency cut the country's credit rating from AA+ to AA, pinning the decision on fears that an extended period of weak economic growth could damage the government's budget position."

    Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor of the UK Telegraph broached what everyone sees as inevitable. "The European Central Bank may soon have to invoke emergency powers [all governments claim them, even if not specifically authorized in founding agreements] to prevent the disintegration of southern European bond markets, with ominous signs of investor flight from Spain and Italy... 'We have gone past the point of no return,' said Jacques Cailloux, chief Europe economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland. 'There is a complete loss of confidence. The bond markets are in disintegration and it is getting worse every day. 'The ECB has been side-lined in the Greek crisis so far but do you allow a bond crash in your region if you are the lender-of-last resort? They may have to act as contagion spreads to larger countries such as Italy. We started to see the first glimpse of that today.' Mr Cailloux said the ECB should resort to its 'nuclear option' of intervening directly in the markets to purchase government bonds.  "     The rest at the link                        It seems that the Ponzi scheme of the ECB and privately owned  " national banks " that print money from toilet paper is on the road to self destruction .

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Cia officer explains New World Order demise

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri May 07, 2010 4:47 am

    Cia officer explains New World Order demise
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Fri May 07, 2010 7:30 am

    oh hi, I posted that Steele interview yesterday, It's encouraging , isn't it? I feel better about things than I have for years, thought that Steele interview is old, it feels more apparent now how it ain't gonna work for " them " quite like it used to. Even chemtrails made it onto msm news recently. Are the plans of the NWO working ? Icon_bounce

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  Carol Fri May 07, 2010 9:23 am

    What a mess with the stock market yesterday. After losing thousands just by having an IRA we pulled that money out and bought gold and silver. Silver is the item to have now next to stored food, seeds and items for self-sufficiency.

    I even read yesterday that the Euro was losing value as well.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty About CIA insider and silver coins

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri May 07, 2010 10:57 am

    Sorry Anomalous C . I did not see your post , otherwise I would have linked to that thread .
    It is really encouraging to hear from an insider like the CIA man that the criminals in charge are losing their control . However we are not out of the woods yet .
    Carol . Silver is still a good bet for the future , because the paper money is losing value every day . The precious metal prices have been manipulated for many years by some banks . GATA proved it recently . The game is over and this manipulation might explode in the face of the manipulators , it is a question of time . It is best to have small silver coins for trade , instead of bullion. American Eagles , Canadian Maples and Vienna Philharmonica are also popular . Those are 999 per 1000 pure and are suitable to make colloidal silver at home .
    The taking down of the economic system is proceeding and I enjoyed hearing ,a couple of days ago, about another minister of the Berlusconi govenment forced to resign for corruption . As they say " birds of a feather flock together " . I am looking forward to more dramatic revelations .....

    Last edited by enemyofNWO on Fri May 07, 2010 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : mispelling of name)
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Fri May 07, 2010 11:04 am

    hey, no problem , it's just synchronicity. trancoso, and it's getting a bit crazy out there, and no we are not out of the woods, far from it, but it looks like exposure is heating up and that will be good in the long run.
    It's getting wild, financially as well as everything else and weirdly the dollar is doing really well against the pound, wish I knew what was going to happen next. I am leery of gold buying, whats it going to do? Silver sounds less risky, if less fascinating.

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  Carol Fri May 07, 2010 8:26 pm

    silver coins are good for regular trade and the small bullion bars can always be sold to jewelers.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Video : Bob Chapman breaks down

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun May 09, 2010 6:12 am

    If any person still has any doubt that the stock market is rigged and it has been so since 1988 when the Plunge Ptotection Team started operating ....
    should watch this video . A chronicle of the collapse and what happened a few days ago in Wall St. A must see video .
    There is no doubt that it is a deliberate attempt to crash the economy of the world because even foreign stock exchanges are controlled ...

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    Post  Carol Sun May 09, 2010 8:50 am

    Agreed. I see this as just part of the overall plan of manipulation to move the world governments to a one-world currency and one-world bank. To my way of thinking the only thing worth really having is ones own land which has been developed to be self-sustainable.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  monique Tue May 18, 2010 10:21 am

    hello all,

    you bring excellent stuff, thank you.

    i think people don't realize was really happen, they think the matter about nwo in the internet is theorie and democracy is thrut,

    and they think, that people that believe in the "conspiracy" are crazy ...

    best regards, monique.

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Markets plunge as Merkel delivers euro warning and bans short-selling

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed May 19, 2010 3:20 pm

    European stock markets fell sharply today and the euro hit a four-year low against the dollar after Germany declared war on speculators, including a surprise ban on “naked” short-selling.

    Angela Merkel, her political career threatened, told Parliament that the consequences would be “incalculable” if eurozone countries did not meet the challenges faced by their single currency.

    Speaking to MPs after introducing the short-selling ban and a new tax on banks, the Chancellor said: “This challenge is existential and we have to rise to it. The euro is in danger. If we don’t deal with this danger, then the consequences for us in Europe are incalculable.

    “If the euro fails, then Europe fails.”

    Germany instituted a ban from midnight last night on the naked short sale of shares in the country’s top financial institutions and the bonds of eurozone countries until March next year.

    It has also banned the purchase of credit default swaps (CDS) on eurozone government bonds, other than for hedging purposes. "
    The rest of the article at the link

    Pity that some other countries are opposing the measure taken by Merkel . Apparently some country are for " naked short selling " ( Selling borrowed shares to bring down the price ) .

    Last edited by enemyofNWO on Wed May 19, 2010 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Missing sentemce)

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    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  bigmo Wed May 19, 2010 3:50 pm

    I'm not sure the canceling of naked short selling is going to solve the problem. What will stop other countries or entities ( Soros) from continuing to short the Euro from outside of Germany? You just can't blame the speculators for causing this problem. Short selling brings liquidity to the market and without it you may have a 'rigged market' which the PTB would certainly love wouldn't they?.

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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Are the plans of the NWO working ? Empty Re: Are the plans of the NWO working ?

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu May 20, 2010 5:47 am

    bigmo wrote:I'm not sure the canceling of naked short selling is going to solve the problem. What will stop other countries or entities ( Soros) from continuing to short the Euro from outside of Germany? You just can't blame the speculators for causing this problem. Short selling brings liquidity to the market and without it you may have a 'rigged market' which the PTB would certainly love wouldn't they?.

    Here is a video of Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert talking about this very subject . Should the economic terrorist be jailed or just lined up against the wall ? Funny the attitute of society . If somebody robs a bank ,the police chases him . If the banks robs the customers or the government it's OK ?

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:19 am