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    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows


    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:54 pm
    6.4 Earthquake off Vancouver Island Canada. Larger movement coming? 7/11/2024
    6.9 7.1 upgraded Earthquake Philippines region. Super Deep. Wednesday Night 7/10/2024
    DutchSinse: Update 7/11/2024 -- Large M7.1 Earthquake deep below West Pacific -- New seismic unrest due
    It is officially "go time" again after a while without needing to issue such statements.

    Long time viewers know this means keep watch for shallower larger earthquakes, as well as spreads of large activity, plus increases in magnitudes across the board on every plate.... additional to all of this.. the number of actual earthquakes (frequency) should increase compared to prior to these deep 7's.

    ALERT: A new large very deep earthquake has struck the West Pacific.

    M6.7 at a depth of approx. 632km !

    This is the 2nd large deep earthquake in the past 3 days. Things are about to break bigtime in the next 6-7 days!

    Breaking news a large M6.5 earthquake (preliminary) has struck the Pacific Northwest off the coast of Vancouver Island.

    No Tsunami warning, and out in the ocean means it won't likely cause damage directly to people on land.

    This is good news!!!

    This fits with the forecast video issued yesterday which told everyone to watch for a 1 magnitude increase across the board, and on the West coast especially that we'd be going back up above M6.0+

    Here we are 24 hours later and the M6.5 has struck.
    Link to the USGS site here:
    There's been a Sudden Energy Convergence, but why? Sun Earth and Schumann Update by Stefan Burns
    CenterPoint officials says 500k customers

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:45 am

    Two Significant Solar Eruptions, Sun Storm Forcing, Ocean Mystery | S0 News July.23.2024 - Impact tonight. In minor proton storm now. Plasma guided to earth

    Radiation Storm hits Earth out of NOWHERE from a MASSIVE farside CME

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): A halo CME is heading for Earth. NOAA's forecast model predicts it will arrive during the early hours of July 24th (around 0200 UT), potentially sparking a G2-class geomagnetic storm. If that forecast is correct, the storm could produce photographic auroras over northern-tier US states during the night of July 23/24 in North American time zones.

    FARSIDE CME PEPPERS EARTH WITH HARD PROTONS: Something just exploded on the farside of the sun--and it managed to touch Earth. Debris from the blast emerged in the form of a full halo CME, shown here in a movie from the Solar and Helospheric Observatory (SOHO):

    Shock waves at the leading edge of the CME are accelerating protons and spraying them throughout the solar system. Some of those protons are raining down on Earth right now. NOAA's GOES-18 satellite is monitoring an intensifying S1-class solar radiation storm rich in "hard protons" with energies > 100 MeV.

    Hard protons are good at charging spacecraft bodies, fogging their cameras, and causing reboots of onboard computers. Indeed, you can see a hint of the "fog" in the SOHO movie above. Each speckle is a hard proton striking the spacecraft's digital camera.

    Europe's Solar Orbiter (SolO) spacecraft is going to get good data on this event. A NASA model of the CME predicts that it will directly hit SolO on July 24th. Stay tuned for updates from the spacecraft's energetic particle detectors.

    4.9 Earthquake in Texas.. Kilauea Volcano still Swarming. Monday night

    Large Earthquake Swarm Kilauea Hawaii. Eruption Soon? Monday 7/22/2024

    Magnetic Pole Shift - Earth is in the middle of a geomagnetic shift. The magnetic field continues to weaken. Plasma particle penetrated to 55 hundred kilometers.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:40 am

    Good morning. Monday, July 29th
    NE/OR 51°F Cool & Calm ~ Haze then Chance Showers And T-Storms

    Time line shift again last night.

    Incoming CME's... massive uptick in Schumann Resonance

    Is your ass 'draggin' from all of the active geomagnetic storms solar radiation

    Ears ringing/singing?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 81
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    SOLAR ACTIVITY IS HIGH: Sunspot complex AR3765-67 is crackling with strong flares--and they're getting stronger. An impulsive X1.5 flare this morning at 0237 UT caused a deep shortwave radio blackout over Japan, southeast Asia and Australia (map). More X-flares are in the offing as the sunspot complex turns directly toward Earth later today.

    CANNIBAL CME ALERT: A series of M-class flares over the weekend hurled multiple CMEs toward Earth. According to a NOAA model, the first two CMEs merged to form a potent Cannibal CME. Strong G3-class geomagnetic storms are possible when it reaches Earth on July 30th. Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service will receive an instant text message when the CME arrives.

    The Cannibal CME is clearing the way for 2 or more CMEs following behind it. SOHO coronagraphs show a wagon-train of clouds leaving the sun on July 28th:

    These CMEs are flying into a void created by the earlier Cannibal CME. With little interplanetary material to slow them down, the storm clouds should reach Earth no later than July 31st, potentially intensifying any geomagnetic storm already underway. If the G3 forecast is correct, auroras will be visible at mid-latitudes across Europe and the USA on July 30-31.

    X Class Solar Flare, Solar Storm Coming, Galactic Sheet Confirmed Again | S0 News July.29.2024 Other CMEs to watch for. 5 ... earth directed. KP7 Level 3 geomagnetic storms.

    Uptick in Space weather. Aurora Will be possible this week. 4.4 Earthquake Utah. Sunday night 7/28

    Earth Directed X1.5 Flare just now. Sunday Night 7/28/2024

    2.8 Earthquake Maine. Aurora Forecast for Monday Night. Sunday 7/28/2024
    Earth's Second Sun . . .
    Crrow777 is back on the SGT Report with one-of-a-kind photos of our sun which Crow took himself with his new high powered state of the art telescope. Crow explains that Earth's second sun is not longer in the realm of woo, it's potentially a fact and even NASA knows about it but had covered it up. Buckle up as we delve in deep woo.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:36 am

    Good morning. Wednesday, July 31th
    NE/OR 52°F Cool & Calm

    Today is the 31st. 7 months of 2024 flew by. Sadly, Summer is half over. Three months from today is Halloween. Yikes!

    What a month, starting with warnings from C.H. & Dick Allgire about an energy release 13x greater than 9/11, possible Project Blue Beam UFO Alien attack on/or around the 15th. On the 13th was the attempted assassination of President Trump followed up with info on how the SS sniper was told to stand down until AFTER Trump was shot, followed by a timeline shift on the 16/17th; on the 20th Biden steps down running for President to be replaced by Kamala (who, according to sources is being pressured to select Obama as her VP).. backchannels report Biden dead and public appearances since have him at least 3 inches taller and walking around like a 40-year old. CrowdStrike (who has all of the Servers located in Ukraine) had it's massive blue screen outage supposedly working to eliminate any incriminating government communications, emails, altering photos from event on cell, etc., phone records (SS/FBI/Biden/Kamela/etc) information pertaining orchestrating Trump's assassination attempt. The SS Director Kimberly Cheatl is forced to resign (letter from Oversight Committee) for being completely inept replaced by FBI Director Christopher Wray, equally complicit and inept, who had a dressing down by Senator Ted Cruz leaving Wray shouting and supposedly trembling in anger, almost in tears? Texas is experience one disaster after another and now earthquakes. ISRAEL ESCALATES WAR trying to drag the US into WWIII. Our sun is burping, spitting out solar flares faster than speeding bullets with multiple solar STORMs hurtling towards earth. There were 6M class earth-facing solar flares Sunday forming CANNIBAL CME. KP7 Level 3 geomagnetic storms. A NOAA forecast model suggests an arrival time later on July 30th.. more today. Geomagnetic Pulsations. Head spinning? Eyeballs rolling in their sockets? X-ray radiation from the Sun + Geomagnetic activity 2024-07-31 is high. Seriously doubt that we'll be nuked from the inside out. Our vibrational frequency is rising and the physical body works hard to keep up. Naps are good.

    Ears ringing/singing? Feeling a bit spicy?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 22
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    HUGE SOLAR STORM arrival and RARE Geomagnetic Pulsations observed ~ it's getting intense
    More Flares, More CMEs, Deep Aurora, Magnetic Whales | S0 News July.31.2024
    Latest Southern California Earthquake activity. Aurora Dud? Tuesday night update 7/30/2024
    Another STRONG Solar Flare - Earthquake Warning


    Texas, Scurry County Judge seeks state aid after 61 earthquakes in 7 days, the latest Friday about 200 miles west of Fort Worth.
    The Big G3 Multi-Solar Storm Train Arrives Briefing 30 July 2024
    Multiple Earth-Directed Solar Storms & X-Flares on All Sides | Space Weather Spotlight 28 July 2024

    #NewsBurst 31 July 2024
    A category G3 geomagnetic storm, or “strong” according to the official classification, hit Earth on Tuesday, July 30, 2024

    Strong M6.04 flare from sunspot region 3772

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:04 am

    Good morning. Saturday, August 3rd
    NE/OR 55°F Warm & Calm, Haze

    Can't even begin to explain how "weird" posting this morning has been.. let along how "weird" the headlines are. Timeslips? An internet battle with AI? Incoming Geomagnetic storm, wave of quakes encircling the planet, massive California fires and WWIII. Lost the time-slip video in the last AI glitch... found it again.

    Ears ringing/singing? Ready to climb back into bed and pull the covers up over your head? Naw.. too much is happening and who wants to miss out on all the fun... or confusion. Keeps it all interesting

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 10
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    CME Impact Expected Today, Earthquakes, Tropics | S0 News Aug.3.2024

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): NOAA has issued a geomagnetic storm watch for Aug. 3rd, when a CME is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field. Hurled into space by an M8-class solar flare, the CME could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm with naked-eye auroras in northern-tier US states.

    SUNSPOT COUNTS HIT A 23-YEAR HIGH: The sun is partying like it's 2001. That's the last time sunspot counts were as high as they are now. The monthly average sunspot number for July 2024 was 196.5, according to the Royal Observatory of Belgium's Solar Influences Data Analysis Center. This eclipses every month since Dec. 2001:

    Solar Cycle 25 wasn't expected to be this strong. When it began in Dec. 2019, experts predicted it would be a weak cycle like its immediate predecessor Solar Cycle 24. If that forecast had panned out, Solar Cycle 25 would be one of the weakest solar cycles in a century.

    Instead, Solar Cycle 25 has shot past Solar Cycle 24 and may be on pace to rival some of the stronger cycles of the 20th century. Already in May 2024 we have experienced a century-class geomagnetic storm with auroras sighted in the South Pacific, central America and south Africa.
    Above: A composite image of sunspots in July 2024. credit: Senol Sanli

    The last time sunspot numbers were this high, the sun was on the verge of launching the Great Halloween Storms of 2003, which included the strongest X-ray solar flare ever recorded (X45) and a CME so powerful it was ultimately detected by the Voyager spacecraft at the edge of the solar system.

    Is this Solar Max? The jury is still out. Sunspot numbers may continue to rise in the months ahead and, based on the behavior of previous cycles, we can confidently expect high solar activity for at least 2 to 3 more years.

    6.8 and 6.3 Earthquake Philippines. Larger Earthquake coming? G2 Solar Storm inbound. Friday night


    Tropical update: Hurricane Watch issued for Florida's northern Gulf coast as Tropical Depression Fou

    Tropical Storm ‘DEBBY’ Forming, Watching Tropical Wave Approaching The Caribbean • 03/08/24

    I-15 near Baker closed heading towards Las Vegas

    California Wildfires | Park Fire becomes the 4th-largest wildfire in California history

    Firefighters worry heat, thunderstorms could fuel the already massive Park fire

    TIME-SLIPS. Do People Slip Through Time? (two lesser known reports)
    In 1941 a woman and her daughter left for a quick trip to the store, but never returned. Nearly 30 years later, the two were seen... and they looked exactly like they did when they first vanished. Did they slip through time? In 1986 a man in Surrey, England enters his barn only to find he's been transported to a grand feast in ancient Rome. Did he slip through time? In this video, we'll share these two timeslip events, as well as the science behind time slips, and the connection to anomalous weather.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 03, 2024 2:57 pm

    The Really Big One; The Feared Cascadia 9.0 Earthquake

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:11 am

    Good morning. Sunday, August 4th

    New Moon in Leo Aug 4 2024, Venus returns, Lion's Gate (8-Cool

    It's official. Dog days of summer have arrived. Hot, hot, hot. Heat and lightening threat.

    Ears ringing/singing? It doesn't stop, does it?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 14 & Rising
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    Huge Sunspot, Minor Solar Storm, Cosmic Rays | S0 News Aug.4.2024 Minor magnetic storms. One massive sunspot upcoming.

    BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: A large sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb, right here. Astronomers are encouraged to monitor the active region. Solar flares are most photogenic when they occur close to the edge of the sun, hurling their debris into the black backdrop of space.

    A DISCUSSION BETWEEN SUNSPOTS: Sunspots do like to talk to one another. Yesterday, Aug. 3rd, sunspot AR3775 produced a strong M7.3-class solar flare. An unnamed sunspot just behind the sun's eastern limb quickly responded with its own M5.4-class explosion:

    These are called "sympathetic solar flares"--that is, pairs of explosions that occur almost simultaneously in widely-spaced active regions. Long ago, researchers assumed the eruptions were just coincidence, but a 2002 study proved otherwise. Some sunspots are linked by nearly-invisible magnetic loops in the sun's corona. Instabilities can rapidly travel from one to another, creating a chain reaction of explosions.

    If AR3775 is indeed linked to the unseen sunspot, more twin flares may be in the offing as both turn toward Earth in the days ahead. Magnetic storm forecast 2024-08-02 07:00 UTC

    NOAA - CME And Geomagnetic Storm Watch August 3rd 2024!

    Aurora Dud Again? Saturday Night Earthquake update. 8/3/2024


    A large M6.8 to M7.0 earthquake has struck the West Pacific in the Philippines.

    2024 August 04
    Earthquake Live Stream -- Past 48 hours of activity up to current
    1. EQ Update, dragon fort
    2. EQ Update
    3. Hamill's lizard eye, giants
    4. Radars (with music)

    Landslide Just Blocked a Maor River in Canada; Now 20,000 are at Risk

    BIG NEW CME launched with NEW MOON IMPACT forecasted

    Pacific NW Weather Update

    Tropical Storm Debby strengthening and could become a hurricane before hitting Florida Monday. Al..[/b

    [b]Uptick In Quakes As Iceland's Next Eruption Nears: Geologist Analysis
    Geology professor Shawn Willsey provides an update on the latest geologic developments near Grindavik, Iceland as an eruption or magma intrusion appears likely in the coming days or weeks.
    The Great Reset: The Daily Dose

    The Map of Consciousness

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:28 am

    Vinney Tolman saw future events during his Near Death Experience.  He shares what he saw over three episodes. You can also watch four other episodes where he shares his very detailed and amazing Near Death Experience.  All links below.  He died at the age of 25 after accidentally overdosing on a workout supplement.  By the time he was found he had been dead for over half an hour. He was on his way to the morgue when a rookie medic got a prompting to unzip the bodybag he was in and work on resuscitating Vinney's body. He did this against orders of the two other senior medics on duty. Vinney was revived but spent three days in a coma. He shared his incredible and very detailed Near Death Experience over four episodes.  I'll include links below.  However, after he shared the future events that he saw many of you wanted more details.  Today he is back.  This time over three episodes he shares incredible events that he was shown which would take place in the future - some spanning out 50 or 100 years and others that will likely occur within a few years.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:21 am

    The COMPLETE Mythology of APOPHIS, Destroyer of Worlds | Egyptian Mythology Explained

    Schumann Resonance
    Sword & Shield

    Friends, your greatest clarity and your greatest strategy in these times in my view is to dig deep into what you fear facing, within.

    The sword and shield spiritually, are wielded by the archangel Michael, who is known as a protector, and who reflects the embodiment of Divine Will.

    But what protects us from our own old patterns, from the shadows of childhood, from the ghosts of our own projections?

    Without clarity, fears from the past, the voices of people, and interactions of the past, echoes where we have been, and our actions, haunt our subconscious until we gain the bravery, from inside ourselves, to face them, and to begin, one by one, picking them up, looking, and seeing what this is, and saying, and asking ourselves: “Is this the truth of me?”

    “Is this resonant with my Soul?”

    Full post on Substack

    Lava could flow into Gridavik through existing fissures - could come up anywhere in the town

    7.0 Earthquake Philippines region, Friay Earthquake

    Hurricane DERGY Florida & The Carolinas

    Spaceweather Elevated X-ray Flux

    6.8 EARTHQUAKE Barcelona, Philippines‼

    DART Asteroid Collision Updates: Bizarre Asteroid Changes and Weird Origins

    Hurricane Debby LANDFALL In Florida & South Carolina - TEXAS Is Next!
    Hurricane Debby is expected to make a CAT 1 landfall in Western Florida. It then is forecasted to re-strengthen before making a second landfall on the state line of Georgia and South Carolina. RIGHT after that we begin to see the formation is Hurricane Ernesto which is shown heading right into the Gulf towards Texas!

    Strong M7.3 flare

    A water waterspout formed in Jizan, Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 (03.08.2024)

    Complete Space Weather Update August 3rd 2024!
    10 M-flares in one hour. 12 Sunspots

    What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! August 2024 #Naturaldisasters part.1

    Magnetic storm forecast 2024-08-04 07:00 UTC

    Etna is sending rocks down to the villages and is erupting very strong #Etna #Sicily #Italy #Volcano

    The Age of Aquarius WILL NOT be Easy 🪐 a 3700 year long Great Saturnian Epoch is upon us
    When the Age of Aquarius starts in about 80 years (2100 CE), we exit a benevolent Epoch of Jupiter and enter into a malevolent Epoch of Saturn. Saturn also will rule over the subsequent Age of Capricorn, and thus the Age of Aquarius is ushering in a ~3700 year long Great Epoch of Saturn, where solar energies are at their most diminished. This will be a time period of strife, hardship, and discipline, but if we emerge from this, great blessings. And these Saturnian energies are already upon us, triggered by the Saturn-Pluto-Sun-Mercury-Ceres conjunction in Capricorn January 12th 2020 and the Jupiter-Saturn Great Mutation at 0 degrees of Aquarius...

    B.C. planning for worst-case scenario if Chilcotin River landslide bursts #Landslide #ChilkotinRiver

    STORY Time + Lightning Strong Energy


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:22 am

    Good morning. Wednesday, August 7th

    Shake & Bake time

    Ears ringing/singing?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 17
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    Earthquake Swarm, Super Flare Life Risk, Greenland Ice | S0 News Aug.7.2024

    CALM BEFORE THE STORM? The sun has been mostly quiet for the past 24 hours. It could be the calm before the storm. There are currently two sunspots with 'delta-class' magnetic fields capable of unleashing X-class solar flares. Earth is in the strike zone if either AR3772 or AR3780 explodes today.High  X-ray radiation from the Sun + Geomagnetic activity 2024-08-06

    5.3 California Earthquake is Triggering a Bunch of Aftershocks. Bigger one coming? Tuesday Night 8/6/2024

    5.2 magnitude earthquake in California is felt for almost a hundred miles
    Dutchsinse Earthquake Update

    8/07/2024 -- California M5.3 Earthquake -- Seismic spread obvious -- Keep Watch Indonesia

    A new significant M5.3 earthquake has struck Southern California next to several drill points in the South part of San Joaquin valley.

    This is the 2nd M5.0+ earthquake this week for California, which is somewhat rare to see. A new significant M5.3 earthquake has struck Southern California next to several drill points in the South part of San Joaquin valley near pipeline substation.. oil and gas pumping station. Near hundreds of drill points. Next to San Andras, seismic wave traveling down.. first one was at Ludlow. New warning for Eureka for 5.5. Day 2 of a 7 day watch. Stepping stone of earthquakes equidistant spacing. 4.0 wave coming in. Texas 4.0.. watch East Coast. Small quakes on New Madrid. Warning for Indonesia east of Bali .. could be above 7.0. Australia got one down on the Southeast, 5.1..5.4 South Sandwich Islands. Spreading across the planet down into Asia, West China.. up to Gulf of Aden.. Turkey.

    5.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Bakersfield area

    Tropical Storms Emilia & Fabio Will Combine, plus 3 areas to watch in the Atlantic Bain, including Tropical Storm Debby

    Tropical storm Debby hovers in Atlantic, expected to being plenty of rain to northern areas

    Cosmic Frequency News 6 August 2024
    The One-Two Punch!
    People around the world are reporting that they are experiencing profound fatigue — also being labeled as exhaustion and energy-drainage, and along with other…

    The Most Powerful Frequency of The Universe 888 - Love, Health, Miracles and Infinite Blessings

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:46 am
    The "Big One" May Strike Once This Odd Trend Reverses

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:19 pm

    Top Channel Predictions for Humanity's Future Will Leave You Stunned!

    Earth changes that are coming

    There is going to be a large earth rift. Indian line, ocean Indonesia.. Volcanic eruptions. Big explosion that everyone on the planet can hear it. Major earth rift (Indonesia)
    will release toxic gas cloud that comes out of this rift moving up moves toward Syria, Middle East, Turkey, Indian Ocean.. into Asia and China - If it comes stay indoor, need to shelter indoors. Don't go outside. Dont brathe outside air. It will pass. Within a few days a breeze will blow it away, In conjunction with other events. If the earth rift comes is an associated toxic gas.

    Kick off is in US around the economy, economic turmoil in US leads chaos around our leadership around this October... lead to separation of the states - succeed from the US.

    China would assert it dominance over Taiwan. China will lose its central - focus that falls apart. China, it falls apart becomes separate like US it looses its central leadership and loose central distribution.. central focus falls apart.

    Japan will try to rally the rest of the world against China.

    Go through a period of climate disaster, expansion of the war.

    Political shifts around the world, war.

    Flash of light that comes to the earth (solar energy designed to raise our frequency, everyone on the planet) doesn't hurt anyone. Takes humanity to a higher state of consciousness. Those who live in fear may choose to turn their back on the light. Opens up to 6th sense which gives telepathic empath connection that creates a sense of unity among people. We're headed toward freedom.

    We're moving from karmaic into darmic creating reality in the mmoment. Riding on the creast of the wave healing things in the moment and understanding as creators and stewards of the earth.. that is where we're headed. Just raise your own vibration.. focus on love and gratitude that will help yiu connect where the chaos won't hurt you. There will be loss of life and many beings who came to the planet keew this was the case and will be taken from their body before feeling any pain or trauma.

    The election is the destruction of the country. A leader dies in the night on the way to the hospital. Maybe they won't be an election, the beginning of a massive change in our country. Many of the states are taking initiative against the Federal Government. There will be the death of a leader.. (THE TIMELINE OF THIS MAY HAVE CHANGED WITH THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT) The disenfranchised feel that their voice had been taken away from them. The initial driver of the undoing is economic. People are not able to pay their debts. THERE MUST BE AN UNWINDING OF THE POWER STRUCTURE. It's an energy of exhaustion. A wave of energy will hit the whole planet. We have to exhaust the current power structure. Cities blocks are leveled to the ground. Burnt to exhaustion. The Core thread is bring us to a known destination, Bring focus back to self and raise vibration, raise our frequency.

    Supply chain shortage, bank crises, US would lose hegemony dollar losing value.. more to come on banking.. we're in the middle of what is come to pass and lots of flooding especially after the earth rift. Economic first, upcoming elections that won't happen the way they said it will happen.. still a death of a leader could come that could lead to riots and sparks that lead to the separation of a country. Big eclipse over Texas.. timing economic and election and then step into a broader war in 2025,, flash of light may be within the next 12 months. Next two years.. Angles said everything we lose we won't miss any of it, we won't need it. Constantly advise have a way to clean your water and eliminate viruses. Increasing amount of flooding. Have cash on hand.

    How do we prepare.. think locally not globally.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:38 am

    Good morning. Thursday, August 8th

    8/8/8 (2024 =Cool Lions Gate Portal Open this morning

    Megga Shake (Japan 7.1 + 100's of quakes in Kern County, S. California) & Bake (two CMEs incoming)

    Ears ringing in stero? Super loud?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 39
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    Two Solar Eruptions Coming, Earthquakes, GSM, Field Models | S0 News Aug.8.2024
    Multiple M Class flares erupted from sun flares.. double flare complex. Forecast to impact tomorrow night. Sunspots to remain high. Swarm, dozens of quakes in Southern California.

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): One and possibly two CMEs are heading for Earth following M-class explosions from sunspots AR3774 and AR3777 on Aug. 7th. Their arrival on Aug. 10th could spark G2 to G3-class geomagnetic storms. Stay tuned for updates as NOAA refines their forecast model for these CMEs.

    Dutchsinse Earthquake Update

    As a parting gift:
    Very strong and shallow M7.1 earthquake hits near the coast of Kyushu, Japan

    8/8/24 - Large M7.1 Earthquake in South Japan - Seismic spread underway. Todays large M7.1 earthquake is a byproduct of the deep earthquake events in the region spread up, out and away from the deep earthquake.

    The agency is reporting a depth of 30 km (18.6 miles). USGS is reporting M7.1 at a depth of 25 km (15.5 miles); EMSC M7.1 at a depth of 35 km (21.7 miles).

    The epicenter was located 19.6 km (12.2 miles) SSE of Miyazaki (population 398 215), 19.8 km (12.3 miles) NNE of Nichinan (population 51 241), and 39.3 km (24.4 miles) E of Miyakonojō (population 161 137), Miyazaki, Japan.

    939 000 people are estimated to have felt very strong shaking, 1 479 000 strong, 2 808 000 moderate and 4 182 000 light. Based on all available data, NWS PTWC said there was no tsunami threat from this earthquake.

    UPDATE: Video removed from YT by TPTB who don't want this info out in the public domaine.

    Historic solar wind event reveals Alfvén wings in Earth’s magnetosphere August 6, 2024 - new insights into space weather processes and the interaction between CME plasma and Earth’s magnetic field. The results show that the magnetosphere transforms from its typical windsock-like configuration to having wings that magnetically connect our planet to the Sun. The wings are highways for Earth’s plasma to be lost to the Sun, and for the plasma from the footpoints of the Sun’s erupted flux rope to access Earth’s ionosphere. The work indicates highly dynamic generation and interaction of the wing filaments, shedding new light on how sub-Alfvénic plasma wind may impact astrophysical bodies in our solar and other stellar systems.

    More Earthquakes Shaking California This Evening. 350 Earthquakes So Far.. Wed Night

    Seismic activity continues to shake Kern County

    Flash Flood Warnings in Statesboro as dams fail | FOX 5 News

    Storm slams North Carolina, more wild weather on the way

    Thousands of power outages reported in the Charlotte area due to Debby

    Alaska declares state disaster emergency as Mendenhall River floods - August 7, 2024

    The “train effect” struck Western Australia, bringing the heaviest August downpour in 48 years - August 7, 2024

    Severe thunderstorms cause major damage and airport closures in Calgary, Canada - August 7, 2024

    Massive landslide blocks Chilcotin River, triggers evacuations and flood concerns, Canada - August 8, 2024

    Antarctica experienced record-low temperatures in late winter 2023, affecting critical operations -

    Record “heatwave” in Antarctica as temperatures surge 30 °C (54 °F) above normal - August 6, 2024

    “A near-record (or record) event for the region of Antarctica where it is having the greatest impact,” said Edward Blanchard, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington. “It is affecting a large portion of East Antarctica, which makes up the bulk of the continent,” he added.

    Winter temperatures in Antarctica average around -20 °C (-4 °F), with peaks reaching -70 °C to -80 °C (-94 °F to -112 °F). However, several stations in Antarctica have recently recorded temperatures 20 °C to 30 °C (36 °F to 54 °F) above normal, marking one of the highest positive temperature anomalies on the planet.

    “The heatwave in the Antarctic Plateau is extraordinary more for its duration than its intensity, although some values are notable,” said Stefano Di Battista, an Antarctic temperature analyst.

    The South Pole station had its warmest July since 2002, with temperatures about 6.3 °C (43.3 °F) above average according to Di Battista.

    The Antarctic heat wave is also affecting Vostok, with the maximum recorded -34.1 °C (−29.38 °F) on August 6 almost reaching the monthly extreme record of -33.9 °C (−37.02 °F) recorded on August 26, 1985.

    The cause of this “heatwave” remains unclear, but scientists suggest it may be linked to atmospheric changes about 30 km (18.6 miles) above the surface in the stratosphere. This year a rare Sudden Stratospheric Warming event over Antarctica, led to increased high-altitude temperatures and affected the lower atmosphere.

    The weakened polar vortex has disturbed the jet stream, allowing cold air normally confined near the South Pole to drift north, causing temperatures to rise dramatically near the South Pole.

    The disturbance of the polar vortex and the unusual negative Antarctic Oscillation are expected to impact Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere. Numerical models indicate an influx of cold air into South America, bringing very cold weather to the South of Brazil and potentially causing rain in typically dry areas of the Center-West and Southeast regions.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:24 pm

    THIS DEFIES ALL EXPECTATIONS; 4 Solar Storms RUSH towards Earth as Solar Activity sets Records - Stefan Burns

    Three Solar Storms - Impacts Imminent
    Magnetic storm forecast 2024-08-09 07:00 UTC

    More Earthquakes Japan Region. California Earthquakes today. Friday 8/9/2024

    Fear of Apocalyptic Consequences- MEGA EARTHQUAKE Alert for the first time in history #Japan

    California Earthquake Update; M5.2 Earthquake Strikes South of Bakersfield
    The strongest earthquake to strike southern California in 3 years just occurred, registering in as a magnitude 5.2. While only moderate in size, this earthquake surprisingly caused heavy shaking in some areas that would have been more typical of a larger magnitude 5.8 earthquake.

    Pacific Northwest Weather, Smoke, Thunderstorms and a Cool-Down

    Major earthquakes hit the world today: (08.08.2024)

    7.1 magnitude earthquake hits NE of Nichinan, Japan

    5.2 magnitude Earthquake hits W of Otobe, Japan

    5.1 magnitude Earthquakes hits in WSW of Atocha, Bolivia

    5.0 magnitude earthquake hits in WNW of Houma, Tonga

    4.9 magnitude earthquake hits in NE of Hihifo, Tonga

    4.5 magnitude earthquake hits in SSE of Jurm, Afghanistan

    4.4 magnitude earthquake hits in NW of Grapevine, CA

    4.2 magnitude earthquake hits in E of Kyzyl-Eshme, Kyrgyzstan

    4.1 magnitude earthquake hits in SW of Pýrgos, Greece

    Source: USGS

    Several cars were damaged after Large hail fell in Astana, Kazakhstan (08.08.2024)

    Hurricane ERNESTO & FRANCINE Incoming! Have a PLAN!

    B.C. landslide surge roars down Fraser River into Lower Mainland

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:59 am

    Good morning. Saturday, August 10th

    S. California 5.7, strongest quake in 3 years. Massive DUMB under L.A., a large underground city. It's a clean-up with military planes over this area. Military planes are surrounding some exit points verified by Monkey Werx. First they were over the epic center.. then Pacific Ocean where they use submarine through tunnels there, where they drop off their product (humans trafficking). They destroyed the submarine tunnel. They had blocked off one of the highways. A large boulder blocking Interstate 5 by Grapevine and later removed the next morning. Epic center was in a unincorporated sparsely populated farmland in Kern County. All private property. Sarge

    Ears ringing - leveling out?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 25
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    A 4th CME Eruption, Deep Events, Nova Science | S0 News Aug.10.2024

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH--UPDATED: Geomagnetic storms are possible for the next three days (Aug 10th-12th) in response to a series of CMEs now heading for Earth. NOAA forecasters are predicting moderate G2-class storms. Multiple impacts in quick succession could escalate the storm to category G3 (Strong). During such storms mid-latitude auroras can appear in the USA and Europe.

    FARSIDE SUNSPOT REPORT: The Earthside of the sun just hit its highest sunspot number (299) in more than 20 years. The farside sunspot count might be even higher. Helioseismic maps of the farside of the sun reveal vast areas of potential sunspot activity:

    The black blobs are sunspots so large they effect the way the whole sun vibrates. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory can measure the vibrations, allowing helioseismologists to pinpoint farside sunspot groups even though they are invisible from Earth. Farside activity visible in today's map is among the most widespread of Solar Cycle 25.

    Strong M5.3 flare from sunspot region 3780 / Magnetic storm forecast 2024-08-10 07:00 UTC

    Large Deep Earthquake. 6.8 Earthquake Sea of Okhotsk. Friday Night

    California Earthquake Update; M5.2 Earthquake Strikes South of Bakersfield
    The strongest earthquake to strike southern California in 3 years just occurred, registering in as a magnitude 5.2. While only moderate in size, this earthquake surprisingly caused heavy shaking in some areas that would have been more typical of a larger magnitude 5.8 earthquake. So, why was this the case? The answer comes down to what the underlying ground is composed of, which this video will elaborate upon.

    More Earthquakes Japan Region. California Earthquakes today. Friday 8/9/2024 Series of large quakes in the sea of Okhotsk, Pacific plate and the adjacent plate to the south near Japan. Depth 304 miles. 6.8 well into the subduction zone across the Western Pacific.. very deep. Megga quake potential. Earth will continue to ring like a bell.


    Fear of Apocalyptic Consequences- MEGA EARTHQUAKE Alert for the first time in history

    I've Never Seen Anything Like This..

    Heavy floods due to rainstorm in Westfield, Pennsylvania (09.08.2024)

    High Alert as New System Moves Closer to the Caribbean

    Massive Fires broke out destroying homes bringing down huge construction crane collapsing on a home

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:39 am

    Good morning. Sunday, August 11th

    Angels are inside every human being. Love is & at your core. Pure happiness/joy dwells within the center of your being/heart. We all exist within the quantum universal field. Discharge negative emotions that highjack rational thought. Negative emotions forms mutated cells. Thoughts generate energy. Know your love. Use your mind and heart to feel it (love). Generate a proton charge of love, using your mind, to send to others. Quantum = instant realization.

    Ears ringing in stereo? Pulsing?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 13
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.

    CME Impacts, More Coming, New Storm, Asteroids | S0 News Aug.11.2024 Solar wind, taken first two impacts. Magnetic angle switched, eyes open for auroras. Highest sunspot number is highest in 20 years. Impact of extreme solar particle events on Earth’s ozone and magnetic field
    August 11, 2024

    ONE CME HAS ARRIVED, MORE TO COME: A CME struck Earth on Aug. 10th (1230 UT), but the impact was weak and it did not cause a geomagnetic storm. At least two more CMEs are on the way. Their arrival on Aug. 11th and 12th could cause G2-class geomagnetic storms. Solar wind speed: 483.8 km/sec

    THE PERSEID METEOR SHOWER IS HAPPENING: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Forecasters say the shower will peak tonight, Aug. 11-12, with dozens of bright meteors per hour visible from dark-sky sites. The best time to look is during the dark hours between midnight and dawn on Monday morning. [observing tips]
    Latest California Earthquake activity. Aurora Forecast. Saturday Night update 8/10/2024

    Deep M6.5 earthquake hits Sea of Okhotsk, Russia
    August 10, 2024

    Alaska declares state disaster emergency as Mendenhall River floods - August 7, 2024

    EF-3 tornado rips through North Carolina’s Wilson County, claiming one life - August 11, 2024

    Chinese rocket breakup creates large field of space debris in low Earth orbit - August 10, 2024

    Heavy rains cause severe flooding in southern Egypt
    August 11, 2024

    Extreme rainstorm hits China’s Shaanxi, causing severe floods - August 10, 2024

    Brazil braces for widespread cold snap, frost, and snow expected across multiple regions - August 10, 2024

    Long-duration X1.3 solar flare erupts from geoeffective region - August 8, 2024
    A Message to all Awakened about our Collective Responsibility this Full Moon - Full SuperMoon in Aquarius August 19th 2024

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:54 am

    Good morning. Wednesday, August 14th

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 15
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    THE EXPLOSIVE REST OF 2024 HAS BEGUN ~ Wild Times Ahead
    With a powerful G4 geomagnetic storm freshly behind us, we've now stepping into a new era of dynamic electrical energies on Earth which will continue to evolve through the rest of 2024 and all of solar maximum.

    X Class Solar Flare, CMEs, Solar/Alien Human Health Impact | S0 News Aug.14.2024

    BIG FARSIDE SUNSPOTS: There are two sunspot groups on the farside of the sun so big they are affecting the way the whole sun vibrates. Helioseismic maps suggest that one of them will turn toward Earth this weekend. The appearance of another big sunspot group should keep sunspot numbers elevated at their current 20-year high. Solar wind speed: 429.4 km/sec

    A STRANGELY MAGNETIZED SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR3784 is breaking Hale's Law. According to that hundred-year-old rule, sunspots in the sun's northern hemisphere should be polarized like this: . Instead, AR3784 is polarized like this: . This magnetic map from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the 90-degree twist:

    What does this even mean? Sunspots do break the law from time to time (3% of the time, to be exact). Usually they are "reversed polarity"--that is,  instead of . Sunspot AR3784 is halfway in between.

    The magnetic underpinnings of this sunspot are corkscrewing in an unusual way. If opposite magnetic polarities get twisted together too tightly, there could be an X-class solar flare.

    Las Vegas Earthquakes tonight. Trail of Odd Quakes. Tuesday Night update 8/13/2024

    Los Angeles has a Major EQ Potential on the Puente Hills Thrust Fault. 7.2-7.5 Will Happen.
    8/14/2024 -- Japan on Earthquake watch for potential large activity (7.1+) - West Coast USA M5+ due

    Dutchsinse: This update is rather long, it covers almost all locations world wide, skipping just a few areas in South America, and Hawaii.

    The overall update takes a turn for towards "strange" once we start looking up locations in the USA.

    A connection is now made between several locations being struck by activity, and the culmination of the video peaks at Assaria Kansas after starting by Syria in the Middle East.

    All the US military locations shown might get me a few new viewers in the Military lol. What an update!

    Dangerous quake fault warning for Southern California

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:40 pm

    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 80
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.[/i]

    Big Sunspots, CME Impact Watch, Observer Ranch | S0 News Aug.17.2024

    MINOR GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: Wednesday's X1-class solar flare from sunspot AR3784 hurled a faint CME directly toward Earth. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when it arrives. A NOAA model predicts Aug. 18th; NASA's model leans more toward Aug. 17th. Either way, it should be a minor storm with auroras only at high latitudes. Solar wind speed: 436.2 km/sec. Magnetic storm forecast 2024-08-16 07:00 UTC

    Latest Earthquake update on California Activity. G1 Solar Storm tomorrow. Friday Night 8/16/2024 / 5.3 Jamaca

    Saturday 7 a.m. Tropical Update: Ernesto makes landfall in Bermuda as a Cat. 1

    World News Report August 14th

    August 2024's Full Moon Is A Very Rare Super Blue Stureon Moon!

    Weekly Intuitive Astrologu Aug 14-21 Aquarius Full Moon

    Iceland, Hagafell Crack Erupted: Pyroclastic Eruption and Explosion

    Port of Pozzuoli is running dry as the land keeps rising- Italy's most dangerous volcano is rumbling Over days we have seen earthquakes underneath Italy's and Europe's most dangerous volcano. Another Earthquake Swarm is happening at Campi Flegrei Supervolcano in Italy, in the Naples area in Italy with an epicenter in the Solfatara Crater in Pozzuoli.

    Two Buoys In Event Mode August 16th 2024: off coast of Australia
    G3 Geomagnetic Storm + M7.4 EQ in Russia! Big Energetic Shift Happening Now!
    Large 7.4 Earthquake Kuril Kamchatka Trench. Saturday 8/17/2024


    Large M7.0 (M7.4) earthquake North of Japan in Kamchatka Russia.
    Notice the spacing on the earthquakes ...
    Doomsday Omen, Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS, Megaquake Warning & Earths Core Slowing, Latest

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:23 am

    Thank You for the info throughout the years, Carol. I sometimes feel as if I'm in a DUMB, Black Knight Satellite, or the Moon. Sometimes I wonder who Sherry Shriner was and what really happened to her?! My life and threads seem to be winding down rather quickly, still without me knowing who I am or what's really going on. I mostly keep my threads and life compartmentalized in a somewhat open manner. Regarding this thread, I wonder who Al Bielek really was and if he was in a Mainframe Matrix which simulated times and events?! Enough!! Again, Thank You.

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:20 am

    Good morning. Sunday, August 18th

    Shake and Bake yesterday and today: Shiveluch Volcano Erupts In Russia After 7.0 M Earthquake, sending out lightning and massive ash + Level 3 Geomagnetic Storm. Super Blue Moon tomorrow. More Photonic Light, More Direct DNA Upgrades…

    It's a beautiful warm summer day to sit outside in the gravity chair under the red oak tree surrounded by the forest with a pina colada and soak in Photonic Light.

    Ears still ringing/singing?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 75 Hz
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    Schumann resonances basics, biology, & bioelectricity

    "The blast from the Higher Light & Energy continues — on our second 8/8/8 date (8/17/2024)!

    Many of y'all have already cleared a great deal of old energy by allowing higher levels of truth to become your current state of consciousness. Rising in consciousness is also witnessing those stuck in the old ways that are transitioning from this new & higher physical realm. You knew this is going to happen. Those that are not in resonance with the new & higher energies will stay as is as the bifurcation of personal timelines splits wider. We have witnessed those who have drank the matrix kool aid, trusting their science, or relying its product for consumption are all not in the best health conditions. Many are participating in this exodus phase as New Earth expands. The incoming Higher Energy blast will continue to flush out anything with the old energy.

    There is no death — it is only a continuation of their Soul journey, in another realm.

    We will continue to hold space for all those going through tough times, but it is important to allow things to unfold & to let things go — to flow with the law of detachment. Spiritual detachment does not mean disregard for those who are suffering. Even though we know the illusory nature of forms of duality & separation, we need to be mindful & not be the ostrich with its head in the sand. We are here in the physical to assist others in whatever way we see fit. Always trust your intuition on these occasions. Trust in yourself to be ready for every step & experience to unfold itself to you.

    As soon as the Geomagnetic Storm was gone, the Sun started to send more Photonic Light through several and decent M class solar flares/flashes. Still 20% chances for another X…"

    Schumann Update 8/17
    Good morning friends! How are you feeling? We’ve been getting high high intensity energy coming in since midnight last night and it is just starting to wrap up now. This energy is so high intensity. It has brought migraines upset stomachs earrings teeth are hurting all kinds of stuff happening physically. This is new energy coming and bringing a new ideas and illuminating the path forward for you. Sometimes it can be difficult to integrate this but so listen to your body as you move forward today but just take your time and allow yourself to open and receive what’s being sent to you.

    Schumann Update 8/18

    Ascension Energy And Schumann Resonance Update August 17 - "As you heal, more is revealed."

    Upper Atmosphere Collapsing, Big Earthquake, Solar Flares | S0 News Aug.18.2024 Solar flaring continues multiple M class.. sunspots are growing and becoming more complex.

    STRONG LEVEL 3 GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Aug. 17th (~1400 UT), sparking a brief but strong (G3) geomagnetic storm. The timing was bad for both European and North American sky watchers. Daylight washed out what must have been a widespread aurora display. This CME was hurled toward Earth 3 days ago by an X1-class solar flare from sunspot AR3784.

    Large 7.4 Earthquake Kuril Kamchatka Trench. Saturday 8/17/2024 - no tsunami[ - something larger may occur. The earth will be ringing like a bell./b]

    [b]Latest Earthquake Activity update for Saturday Night. 8/17/2024

    > Aloha from Hawaii. So, I was sitting with some visitors and we were on a concrete slab that is over an older cesspool. There was a swarm of micro quakes happening and I called it out to the visitors. One man had the look of dread on his face. It was his first time feeling the earth move . He said he felt like he is in a pool. It was then I noticed the cesspool cap and realized we were indeed sitting on the cover of a pool. He was correct. As I type this I feel micro quakes. My cabin is built into very tall pine trees and they amplify the vibrations into the cabin . It’s like having a rail road rail start to vibrate when the train is still miles away. I have a feeling we may be dealing with tsunamis generated from both the north west and north east pretty soon as well. Every one stay prepared and keep vigilant. Stuff is going down all over the place. Stay safe!

    > Definitely feeling quake anxiety here in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. There’s almost an energy of anticipation that a larger quake is imminent in the LA region, and LA’s El Sereno neighborhood with the months of recent jolts on the Puente Hills Thrust System is a prime candidate where the Puente Hills Thrust could let go in a large upper 6+ to lower 7+ violent thrust earthquake.

    > All Washington is getting its thunderstorms and lightning strikes no rain.

    > That big one interests me. Caught you when it popped up. Is it just me, or does it feel ominous when everything gets to quiet? I often notice it in the woods when a bear or mountain lion is close. Or when the wind stops, and yet the clouds are whizzing by, and you know a tornado is fighting to be born. I'm feeling that now from the fire down below.

    > Lets check with all the solar activity we are experiencing, it is also tomorrow and the day after full moon just saying let's keep our eyes open Lets check with all the solar activity we are experiencing. Hot like the SUN wet like the RAIN worldwide 2024

    > Just watched a video of someone saying that Russia, Japan and the West Coast are connected subduction zones and this is just the beginning and oarfish (doomsday day fish) washing up is not a good thing.

    > Could Super Moon have effect on earthquake activity, being closer to earth and all?

    > I don't believe, ppl are not seeing just how much all of whats going on around the world/earth, also effects them as well...everyone needs to start putting pieces of the puzzle together.

    > All of this will get more intense and frequently as the weeks go on.

    > It’s happening people earthquakes do to earth crust displacement - look it up.


    Shiveluch Volcano Erupts In Russia After 7.0 M Earthquake, sending out lightning and massive ash

    The Next Tropical Storm Development...

    Very Shallow !!! Hundreds of Earthquakes shake Campi Flegrei from small to large - this is unusual!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:27 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank You for the info throughout the years, Carol. I sometimes feel as if I'm in a DUMB, Black Knight Satellite, or the Moon. Sometimes I wonder who Sherry Shriner was and what really happened to her?! My life and threads seem to be winding down rather quickly, still without me knowing who I am or what's really going on. I mostly keep my threads and life compartmentalized in a somewhat open manner. Regarding this thread, I wonder who Al Bielek really was and if he was in a Mainframe Matrix which simulated times and events?! Enough!! Again, Thank You.

    Actually Oxy, you're one of the smartest men I've known. If you want to know who you are go within. Feel into the core of your heart where your soul exists is a state of bliss. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're living your life full out, filled with all types of earthly experiences and difficult life challenges.. You must have signed up for an intense soul journey and spiritual upgrade this go around. Just imagine yourself continuing, laying back on a sturdy raft traveling along the river of life, viewing the sky and stars above. Whether you realize it or not, you're really doing a great job on this soul journey and all your fellow soul travelers are cheering you on.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:20 pm

    Thank You, Carol. I feel smart and dumb, depending on the decade, and this feels like a really dumb decade, especially following my 2020 stroke. Perhaps all of us get rotated in and out of fame, fortune, and power, lifetime after lifetime. I really suspect this is systemic rather than personal. I think there is a lot to the 1977 movie, 'Oh, God!' with George Burns and John Denver. I identify with that movie in more ways than anyone can imagine. I didn't see it until probably 2010: The Year We Made Contact. I've spoken with some really smart, famous, rich, and powerful people and I always feel and act ackward. But seriously, this might really be an ancient to modern prison planet, for better and/or worse, I know not. I need to go. I feel really toxic, as if I'm being poisoned to death. Sherry Shriner always complained about being deliberately poisoned. Cheers.

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:32 pm

    4.6 Earthquake Australia. Southern California Eq Activity today. Sunday 8/18/2024

    Latest Earthquake Activity update for Saturday Night. 8/17/2024

    Devastating GLOBAL Electromagnetic Chain Reactions are Becoming More Common...

    Halo CME on X
    WARNING: A shock wave driven by the CME associated with the X1.1 flare on August 14 has arrived, hours earlier than average predictions. Its mean transit speed was ~520 km/s. As usual, there is no way, scientifically speaking, to predict what comes next. Just monitor solar wind.

    Preliminary Winter Forecast 2024 - 2025

    Where our Attention goes, our Energy flows…[/b]

    Another M class solar flare/flash just kicked in…

    Flares of this intensity are becoming the new normal while our bodies are getting used to Integrate and Hold more Light…✨

    Come on Folks, we Need another X class, Focus…

    Major Updates About a Blizzard Explosioj Kown As Scary Barbie

    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 75

    What Just Happnd on Our Earth? - August 2024

    A Rare Super Blue Moon is Coming, One of the Biggest and Brightest of 2024

    The “deluge”? The Lake Bonneville Flood of 13,000 years ago
    + Great Salt Lake (Oldest Photographs)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:38 am

    Good morning. Monday, August 19th

    Super Rare Full Blue Stureon Moon in Aquarius today.. won't come around again until January 2037. Seen early evening.

    Much, much more with upcoming solar sunspot activity, quakes, volcanos, earth's weakening magnetic field, shifting tectonic plates, weather this week..

    DNC Antifa debacle (pallets of bricks already seen out on the streets) Convention starts today. With the full moon one can expect mayhem in the Chicago streets this week.

    Ears still ringing/singing? Grounding?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 75 Hz
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.


    August 2024's Full Moon Is A Very Rare Super Blue Stureon Moon! Will appear full for 3 days. Blue moon happens 10-20 years apart. There are two types of blue moon, seasonal the third of the forth is considered a Blue Moon. This year, August's sturgeon moon is also a supermoon.

    A supermoon — which is not an official astronomical term — is a full moon that occurs when the moon's orbit brings it closer to Earth. Because it's closer to Earth than normal, a supermoon appears larger and brighter than regular full moons, hence its name. Every year there are three to four supermoons, and they always occur consecutively.

    Ancient peoples gave names to each full moon, typically selecting a moniker that matched something that regularly occurred that month or season.

    Some say the nickname "sturgeon moon" is derived from the fact that Native Americans found it easiest to catch the sturgeon fish swimming around the Great Lakes region and Lake Champlain (home of Champy) during August. Others believe it comes from Algonquin tribes in the northeastern U.S. and Canada, who noticed more of the prehistoric-looking fish in the lakes at this time of the year.

    The freshwater lake sturgeon was an essential food source for Native American tribes living in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain regions. The oldest native fish species in the Great Lakes, the sturgeon first appeared in fossil records more than 200 million years ago. Sturgeon are also the largest native Great Lakes fish, stretching up to 9 feet long (2.7 meters) and tipping the scales at up to 275 pounds (125 kilograms).

    Another name is the green corn moon, given to August's full moon by Native American tribes such as the Cherokee and Creek. This name signifies the approaching ripeness of corn crops and holds cultural importance, representing a time of gratitude, communal celebrations, and spiritual renewal within these indigenous communities. Other common names include the grain moon and the red moon.

    Some Northern Europeans referred to this full moon as the lightning moon, since there are frequent storms featuring thunder and lightning during late summer in their corner of the world. Another European term is corn moon, signifying the crop they were preparing to harvest.

    Speaking of which, September's full moon will be the harvest moon!

    Dutchsinse: 8/18/2024 -- Earthquake unrest spreading to strange places -- Seismic update goes off the rails!

    Southern California earthquake Activity. Australia Earthquake uptick. Sunday Night update 8/18/2024

    Space Weather Update August 18th 2024!

    Solar Flare Watch, Animal Electric Sense, Sun-Like Superflare | S0 News Aug.19.2024 Potential for something bigger.. expect more flares this week.

    A SUNSPOT OF INTEREST: New sunspot AR3790 is growing rapidly and merits watching as a potential source of strong flares in the days ahead. Already it has a [i]'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Further development could lead to X-class eruptions. Magnetic storm forecast 2024-08-19 07:00 UTC/i]

    AFTERGLOW OF A CME: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Aug. 17th, sparking a brief but strong (G3) geomagnetic storm. The timing was bad for sky watchers in Europe and North America, where daylight washed out a widespread aurora display. The fading afterglow, however, was visible after nightfall from Poland: "This is the third night with aurora this week!"

    Powerful storms bring historic rainfall and flooding to the Northeast

    SUPERMOON! 19 August 2024! Get ready for the biggest and most powerful SUPERMOON of 2024

    I Warned You: The August 19, 2024 Super Blue Moon Will Change Everything – Are You Ready?

    A Rare Super Blue Moon is Coming, One of the Biggest and Brightest of 2024

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows - Page 8 Empty Re: Culebra Event Fast Approaching - Major Global Quake Event Predicted (10.5 Japan). Beginning of Sorrows

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:05 am

    Good morning. Tuesday, August 20th

    Sturgeon Super Full Blue Moon - Shake & Bake

    Ears still ringing/singing? Grounding?

    We're still in Dr. Richard Allan Miller's timeframe for a micro-nova Carrington Event (one down more to come). Solar Max has arrived, and it is expected to continue for at least another 1 to 2 years. Nino had a solar EMP download/vision. Dannon Brinkley had a NDE where he saw 50 years (2025) into the future with visions of solar EMPs.

    Eyes open.. no fear.


    Risonanza Schumann Oggi ~ Power 47
    RS Frequenza Base 7.83 Hz.

    Grand Rising folks

    While everything else has been pretty much quiet during the night, other than a couple more M class solar flares, we received a nice Burst of Cosmic Rays in the past few hours
    Again, the Light keeps poring in different forms.

    8/20/24 Update 7:30am ET

    Everything Starts from Within…

    We Change Ourselves from Within, We Change the World, one person at time…

    Schumann Update 8/19

    SUNSPOT NUMBERS REMAIN HIGH: So far this month, average sunspot numbers are hovering between 200 and 250. If this continues for another 12 days, August 2024 will end up as the spottiest month in more than 20 years, rivaling the peak of old Solar Cycle 23. No mainstream forecasters predicted that Solar Cycle 25 (the current cycle) would be so strong, but the sun has its own plans.

    What's Going On With The Sun??? - Sunflowers Are Turning Their Back On The Sun!!! - Today A New Timeline Hits...Could This Be The Reason?

    It's coming! 20 August 2024! The First Wave of New Earth Timeline Shift is Hitting today!

    A 3D Sun is Yellow.
    A 5D Sun is White.

    Maybe the New Sun is too much for the Sunflowers?
    Maybe the Sunflowers sense the shift today in the 2nd video?
    I have never heard of Sunflowers turning their back to the sun.

    Sunflowers are turning their backs on our white sun!!


    it's coming! 20 August 2024! The First Wave of New Earth Timeline Shift is Hitting today!

    Pole Shift is Changing Aurora, Storm Alert, Big Sunspots | S0 News Aug.20.2024

    April 2004, 2023 Solar Storm Tears Earth's Shield, Opeing Two-Way Magnetic Highway

    California Lighting up with Earthquakes this evening. Watch for larger movement. Monday Night 8/19

    California could be at risk of a generation-defining massive earthquake according to Scientists #L.A
    The warning comes just days after a 4.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the greater Los Angeles area on Monday emanating from a site close to LA's Chinatown. The Earthquake could be felt all over southern California until San Diego.

    Hurricane “Ernesto” to pass near Newfoundland, Canada before racing toward Europe - August 19, 2024

    Waterspout outbreak off the coast of northern Italy and Sardinia - August 20, 2024

    Vienna hit by record rainfall, nearly average summer total in just one hour, Austria - August 19, 2024

    Mudflows impact 497 buildings in Issyk-Kul district, Kyrgyzstan - August 20, 2024

    Slow-moving thunderstorms drop historic rainfall, causing catastrophic flooding in parts of Connecticut - August 19, 2024

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:16 am