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    Operation Rampdown


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:45 am

    Their questions I never asked to myself - this media-social quacking is too stupid!

    Ask the judges to help you, I do not feel responsible for their ideas!

    I have a clear conscience!

    The effect of their annoying social experiments is as ever that I have no sex!

    True encounters do not happen anymore, the program "friends" is running...

    I do not enjoy your company! Do not touch me!

    I am neither gay nor gender, I am lesbian!

    This problem is old and leads back to high school times at least...

    And what should I do with "normal" women? Too many tears were shed!

    I am not decadent, they impose their decadence on me!

    If someone like me gets levelled this way this people has no evolutive potential!

    Manglers and rehashers!

    Oh, Christian joy! Hosiannah!

    I obviously do not like this people!

    I wanted a qualified job and a passport to move. This passport I got in 2012 and in 2013 they crapped all this once and forever!

    Any stupid ass'ole with money can roam the globe!

    And these fascists keep me here as hostage!

    I do not know the reasons of this witch hunt!

    Their maniac idea to submit me to their federal gender laws perhaps that are illegal in the State of Bremen that also ratified the Quran?

    Today the Lutherists do not burn the witches anymore...

    One should nail these ass'oles to the trees before they chop them!

    It is MY way and not "our" way! There is no "we", people!

    They have no right to socialize my identity!

    Since no one really cared I do not hesitate to call it nazi methods!

    Informal Fascism rules!

    I am not interested in your "civil" world and never liked it!

    Arrogant Christian pigs!

    If anything happens to me you are dead! I will not transgress!

    Cripple Factory Germany - CFG

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 CxOrfokWEAAnNzd
    I do not accept stupid wievers and posers that are not even wicken as völva!

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:39 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 OIP

    It was not Adam who made me girl but Allah!

    I never had the drive to f'ck someone!

    I am not a dwarf!

    Juridicial solipcism is not so seldom, and as I think often connected to some kind of sol invictus cult... in its core it is Adamite... this also is that any judge who plays this game excessively ends up as male....

    To judgess Illies I said in 2017 I guess already... do not drive it too far, watch out!

    The Schreber Case is well documented, and it seems that the basic character to develop solipcism is male... his sister reacted totally different to the same black pedagogics... the Kajira... rebellion against mistreatment made me the Huntress!

    Individuate or perish!

    The fate of sissies is not my concern!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Snaps271

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:08 pm

    Leutnant Dr. Lloyd

    I do not like your world of the weak sacks and stinkers!

    I am about a transformation!

    A New World Order!

    I am not the object of parent councils!

    The Basic Law Preamble (GG)
    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 XuZTKqWj2XU

    From this for example already results the separation of church and state...

    Their 2018 invasion of my flat on behalf of the landlord violated Article 1 of the Basic Law! And the involvement of parish therapists violated even the preamble!

    It cannot be that certain White and Blue Castes, clericals and judges, and their moral majorities, declare the state as nuts!

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:40 am


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:29 am

    There once was this self-concept of sexual identity - and nothing else I wanted!

    And then came the manglers and rehashers!

    Lever dot as slav!

    They slaughtered the flood survivers like rats, invaded the Saxon territory several times, occupied it finally and forced the Saxones into several wars under their command...

    Never again!

    And they corrupted any history writing!

    The so-called "collective unconsciousness" transported the knowledge nevertheless...

    I do not fight for the Synagogue of Satan but Roman stateness S.P.Q.R!

    You stupid people opened the Box of Pandora democratically!

    Dr. Alyena Lloyd, Aden, born in Bremen

    Posts : 4201
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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:44 am

    Hänschen klein ging allein...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Bbk0LWr04Hw

    ...zwo, drei, vier...


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:13 am

    If those weapons were not dangerous they were not effective!

    I demand mass destruction!

    And I am against private idiot bunkers!

    Away with middle mass and delusion and their money power!

    The people is a tyrant!

    One lie chases the other!

    At no point of time I agreed to my social treatment!

    And when I felt strong enough to raise up they opened the wall!

    And now? Corona? And a corrupt war?

    Why should I like such an existence?

    Why should one not drop the bomb?

    Nothing develops and evolution is inhibited!

    Regression and retardation rule!

    I would blow Kiev and Chernobyl away!

    Posts : 4201
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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:26 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 6611

    The assembly of the hypocrites!

    I cannot live with you!

    If the question is you or me my answer is always me!

    You self-less self-destroyers!

    I move there, eating a juicy apple, and the evil mass gets bombed away!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 FVpro2wqCUc

    Unsown fields will bear rich harvest
    The evil mass is gone
    Baldur returns, and Hödur healed
    The Asegen sit in council
    Well, would you know more?

    Up to the sky they go
    Gone with the wind
    Says the wand of fate
    An echo as home
    Remote memory
    Well, would you know more?

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:23 am

    Go to mosques and get down on your knees!

    Islam is not an underpant!

    It is my right to tug them to the public pillories if no other means remains!

    Another problem are so-called born Muslims with Christian schooling background! In the State of Bremen this is principially forbidden but they do not care! The law speaks of a not-confessional religious instruction. In deed this means Religion Science and not religious education. I am a Magistra of Religion Science and not a pedagogist! I was refused to teach!

    I do not prevent Judgess Illies from stamping herself as male!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 X-BppszDUX4

    Primordial Gnosis!

    As you meanwhile should know I am anarchist!

    And I unsheath! I rather use a Daesh, a Katana blank... a better weapon I do not have... It is truly rather chopping than cutting the head off! The raven head!

    Jura is a Satan's Cult! "Get thee behind me!", says The State

    I am lightyears ahead, you retards!

    I had no chance! Not an inch, not even the little finger!

    Succeed! Succeed!

    They do not want to face the reality

    Finally swallow it: I am NOT a Christian!

    And I am NOT a LORDist!

    Attributions do NOT change my identity! You bumpkins!

    A world of fire and ice

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 GRIWU9AL9UI

    London could have its coldest night in April for 70 years

    The world's biggest sparring grounds...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 SPXqC--NMDs

    Ukraine calling!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 QRcCi5qzEQU

    At least you need: a semi-automatic rifle, a pistol, and a dagger!

    I favor this one...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 AxHH_5yYt3k

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Apr 02, 2022 1:22 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 6c1b0411d42cfe34b415927844397ed89ee51076

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree432


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Apr 02, 2022 1:38 am


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:58 am


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:26 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree433

    What presponse? Reply to Bierman’s pseudo-proof experiment

    Danko Georgiev, Medical University Of Varna

    The presponse (unconscious [or maybe conscious?!] perception of stimulus that has not yet been presented, forecasting) is widely cited by certain authors (Jack Sarfatti, 2003 -most of the papers) and quotations of experiments done by Dick Bierman are presented, as well as references are given Bierman's papers. However, Bierman’s pseudo-proof experiments are nothing but fraud. His Tucson 2002 presentation is even more disgusting in which anti-moral and anti-humanistic psycho-emotional tactics is used.

    Here are Bierman’s results summarized by Stuart Hameroff (2002) in Time Flies (backwards!?).

    “Dean Radin and Dick Bierman have performed a number of experiments of emotional response in human subjects. The subjects view a computer screen on which appear (at randomly varying intervals) a series of images, some of which are emotionally neutral, and some of which are highly emotional (violent, sexual....). In Radin and Bierman's early studies, skin conductance of a finger was used to measure physiological response They found that subjects responded strongly to emotional images compared to neutral images, and that the emotional response occurred between a fraction of a second to several seconds BEFORE the image appeared! Recently Professor Bierman (University of Amsterdam) repeated these experiments with subjects in an fMRI brain imager and found emotional responses in brain activity up to 4 seconds before the stimuli. Moreover he looked at raw data from other laboratories and found similar emotional responses before stimuli appeared. Professor Bierman presented these findings to the Tucson 2002 conference”.

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree434

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Ads10

    It is all about compression!

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Apr 02, 2022 1:56 pm

    Ashera wrote:Parties Agree to Truce for Yemen as Ramadan Begins
    In-Depth Coverage
    By Margaret Besheer April 01, 2022

    In a major breakthrough, the United Nations announced Friday that the parties to the conflict in Yemen have agreed to a two-month truce to start on Saturday, the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, at 1900 local time.

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Orteli16

    This Daudet...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree100


    "Let's say I wanted to test the limits of reality. I was curious to see what would happen. [...] If for some reason you're driving in a different lane than the people around you, it's going to affect everybody's sensibilities. And they will either go away or put you down for it. So it's just a question of whether you take off too far for them [...]. As long as everybody connects and is together, you can afford anything."
    - Jim Morrison in "Rolling Stone" interview, July 1969

    In April (1971), on medical advice that Morrison should recuperate in a warm region, Morrison and Courson took a trip to southwestern France, Spain, and Morocco...

    Translated with (free version)

    P.S.: anyway... Jim Morrison was a great fan of Rimbaud... and also of Artaud...

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 9b31f2043faf4ddd268a658f4e7a429076cdc357

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree435

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree436

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:09 am

    My refusal of a further treatment at the advice center led however by no means to the fact that I was not further pursued by this until today! This witch hunt led me finally up to the short-term detention cell of the police station Vahr due to wrong suspicions, judgments, accusations and insinuations! (I was a danger for the public health, law of 1938, Volksverhetzerin, judgement of 2014/15 - and a Nazi - and finally a Stinkmorchel).

    Out of the detention situation I was led to an empty room where two representatives of the Counseling Center East were waiting for me: a man who introduced himself as a nurse (What for? Adam with the hellstone?) and probably Mrs. Berge (as the goddess Kali, a necklace with the colorfully painted skulls of the slain around her neck?) who evaded my question whether she was Lutheran with the remark that that was not relevant here. I did not share this opinion at all!
    - Letter to RA Frerking, Bremen District Court, and Prosecution, 25 August 2018

    Translated with (free version)

    All what followed was not constitutional and forced treatment!

    I did not ask for parish therapy!

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:35 am

    I am the victorious child and not your domesticated flatworm breed!

    It already happened!

    I overcame your stupid adultdom!

    You perverts full of age!

    I never enjoyed your company!

    Rabea Art Matura K1a/B2a - factually a BA!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 084992ded18fab0b4e30d42355c02c07_std_crd_830

    What do they want?

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Kunst-von-koennen-nietzsche-1000

    BA - rite - MA - cum laude - PhD - magna cum laude

    Arnold van Gennep - Les Rites de Passage...

    His best-known work is Les rites de passage (The Rites of Passage, 1909) which includes his vision of rites of passage rituals as being divided into three phases: préliminaire 'preliminary',' liminaire 'liminality' (a stage much studied by the anthropologist Victor Turner), and postliminaire 'post-liminality'.

    Matthew Cabot and the North-West-Passage!

    Was is Kultur? - Footnote 47
    47 The shaman who voluntarily leaves the group and goes into the 'forest' can, after
    can be reincorporated into the group after seperation and marginality by means of agregation rites
    (see also Van Gennep 1960). What drives it is the dimension of semiosis that a 'becoming foreign'
    demands in order to enter into the other reality. The modern semiosphere, Gehrt's
    technical civilization, for example, no longer know the experience of spontaneous calling by the other reality.
    reality any more. Teaching and instruction replace the experience by accumulation.
    The foreign is here no longer experienced by oneself, but produced in others. The separation is
    Separation is then only conceivable as the 'exclusion' of ethnically, psychologically, etc., different people. Different. Free
    according to Bertrand Russel, the phase of marginality is replaced by deportation and agregation by physical
    agregation by the physical extermination (see also Zygmunt Baumann: "Der
    Holocaust is not unique" in 'Die Zeit' No.17/1993, p.68). This voyeuristic position
    and function can be partly replaced by mass media, but also induced. This
    view is, contrary to the prevailing view, only perifer triggered by the 'accidents' of 'Reality
    The path from initiation to extermination runs through exclusion with the following
    'forced initiation', as Kuper (1993:59ff) could prove: In Sebastian Brant's
    In Sebastian Brant's morality didactic work 'Das Narrenschiff' (The Ship of Fools), it is described how the fools are forcibly
    ship and sent in search of their lost minds.
    The ship motif is significant here because water was said to have a purifying effect.
    purifying effect.

    Translated with (free version)

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:17 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Ju2fzazaUZw

    It is not about fulfilling parental expectations and the adult social super-ego!

    Big time hood
    If you return
    They make you kaputt!

    The Blue Funk!

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:47 am

    Morrison then spoke of wanting to fake his death and move to Africa in order to escape the scrutiny that surrounded his every move. He told them that if he could succeed with the ruse, he would write to them using the pseudonym/anagram "Mr. Mojo Risin." Such a disappearing act would have paralleled the life of one of Morrison's favorite French poets, Arthur Rimbaud. According to guitarist Robbie Krieger and other Doors members, they have yet to receive any letters.

    Wallace Fowlie, professor emeritus of French literature at Duke University and internationally recognized expert on the poet Arthur Rimbaud, wrote Rimbaud and Jim Morrison: The Rebel as Poet—A Memoir. In this book, Fowlie recounts his surprise at receiving a fan letter from Morrison who, in 1968, thanked him for his latest translation of Rimbaud's verse into English. "I don't read French easily," he wrote, "…your book travels around with me." Fowlie went on to give lectures on numerous campuses comparing the lives, philosophies and poetry of Morrison and Rimbaud.

    Jim Morrison said he walked in the footsteps of French poet Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), once remarking, "I am a Rimbaud with a leather jacket." This lineage between them is very fitting. Both symbolized the rebellion of youth against a society's identity-squelching potential. Both were brilliant individuals torn between their profound, mystical feeling that there is something "beyond" this world that their poetry allowed us to touch, and their inclinations toward their self-destructive inner demons. "If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it's to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel," Jim once said, and he and his band did indeed open the "doors of perception" with their hauntingly beautiful music.

    I lack those Christian demons!

    Narrative Transduction!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Bild_013
    Dr. Franke, IBM: "Basically any location can become a holy place, it is not the place."

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Apr 04, 2022 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Apr 04, 2022 2:58 am

    I am not interested in the soldier, I am about warriors!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 AAVPbHw

    I do not want these corrupt monopolists in the business!

    Go with the LORD and put your fingers into your asses!

    Weed for you and pills for Lucy? You need the doctor!

    Social just responsibility you cannot expect from me!

    A World of Fakes and Surrogates

    Take your Volvo and piss off, you social case of a Völva!

    The family animal on higher mission....

    Enjoy your end, corrupt breed, and total darkness instead of fireworks!

    Giv mi mol dine mauke, mol sehn wat in de linien steiht!

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Apr 04, 2022 3:46 am

    Hanseatic Free State of Bremen

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 74cd374158e31f75b8074e96117a17d6d9cc2631
    Dr. Alyena Lloyd, Aden, born in Bremen

    Time is needed... slow motion I mean...

    The biggest show of the millennium!

    The Galactic Senate

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 DRoJFjTpIDo

    ...and all this keeps the economy running for the time being!

    I do not side with you against Putin to cover your corruption!

    I would prefer extensive trials to a war!

    And I even would accuse judges!

    Nuremberg II

    Let them explain their lie stories!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 TD71B0INYOk

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:09 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:48 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Yhvh-111

    The obstacle that prevents the space-time-collapse - by some experienced as a union with God - is the "factor unknown" of Sura 36:36 - the maiden!

    Sura Yā-Sīn 36
    / / / /
    36 Glory be to Him Who has created all the pairs of that which the earth produces, as well as of their own kind, and of that which they know not.

    And the Quran does not only speak about humans as the Bible does... but similar to the Völuspá other beings are involved too...

    Sura l-raḥmān (The Most Gracious) 55
    / / / /
    33 O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. But you will not pass without authority.


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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:47 am

    Einspruch gegen den Strafbefehl
    Bremen, 25. August 2014

    Behold! The country is ruled by a Queen who has been given everything and she has a tremendous throne (Qur’an 27:23)*

    What do they expect? They do not respect my state right and I shall side with them to their conditions?

    All this I rather experience as enemities!

    I do not speak for Germany but for the Bremen Free State and Saxonia!

    How stupid are they!

    What drives them? The will to disease?

    Principially they distrust and fear themselves!

    From what derives all their control and surveillance kink?

    The elite has to vanish, n'est ce-pas?

    Or to serve your middle mass junkerdom?

    Dem Volk auf's Maul hauen!

    *The narrowing situation forced me to develop a vague idea...
    The Sheba Farms

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    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:29 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 49b0130d1cd7091f5025e9a45f5fb38f12e26ace

    The National Union of Carers: "To some sh't is gold!"

    Manglers and rehashers in the name of LORD and parish!


    With what right do they occupy the end of the food chain?

    Am I the born Huntress?

    Surely many memories came up again when they forced me to step twice into the same river...


    I called myself Isha!

    The pious Helen... and often fever...

    What was a name good for? To shout at me?

    I was nameless, and I became Kajira!

    To the eastfront with them!

    These Pollacks!

    They know nothing because they never knew!

    Right from the start they refused abduction that I incidentially rediscovered... Peirce I read very much later!

    Under pressure!

    I learned to trick out their traps!

    If anyone is allowed to exploit my story then it is myself!

    Already at school they wrote miserable essays... I was a lonesome star!

    Consumption is the only thing they master!

    Wastage and extermination in the end!

    Never again their grimaces!

    Tie the masks!

    Or must I release my pistol?

    It is all about money and numbers, anything else they do not understand!

    And it must hurt them!

    Hedonism is the only rescue!

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:36 am

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Kar_2010

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Wie_de10

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree437

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Scree438

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:43 am

    With high speed cars back to the 17th century!

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 R-pGCqiRAsk

    So what? Is this a sign of quality?

    Facebook - the well of eternal aging!

    I saw that coming and criticised their media theories right from the start!

    I was banned!

    This collective mechanism of reciprocal generational social rehashing!

    I am convinced that the Bremen State Church refusal of the 1648 LORDist revision of the King James Bible contributed a lot to the increasing trouble with the Lutherists.

    And I am also convinced that Bremen partly allied with Muslims!

    Those middle mass idiots who messed the things up even dare to privilege themselves now?

    I would grind them to dust between the millstones of High Castes and Low Castes!

    Since they do not accept my conditions - Lt.Dra - I am excempted from service. Günter Gobrecht - Islamic Science!


    I will not transgress!

    Vade retro, apage Satanas!

    "How thinkest thou
    that I rule this people? I have but a regiment of guards
    to do my bidding, therefore it is not by force. It is by
    terror. My empire is of the imagination."

    Operation Rampdown - Page 19 E_C6LtkYNVQ

    Between me and your war is no connection, you simply want to sacrifice me in an act of black magic!

    Over ten years they tried to soft boil me now!

    For aeons I ask myself who the clientele of their policy is!

    I demand alcohol prohibition instead of tobacco regulations! And they will not get cannabis!

    The Christians once again need some painful kicks in the asses!

    They think they are on a high horse again!


    The primordial aversion is back! You are simply disgusting!

    And I am La Crudela!

    Shall I bow to their superior money power?

    Obviously - and as I proved - Qaswarah is a female Sabaean/Yeminite substantive that lacks any male equivalent! Of a plural is not known! What for example was the plural of "left"? Or "powerful"?

    Nothing compares to me!

    What was the title of the Queen of Sheba?

    I then try structural text analysis...

    I did not go to Freistatt to submit to them but to rule them!

    With what right they pathologize well-founded political attitudes?

    Or is total overtexting of the world with their so-called "narrative" their aim?

    Referenceless and opinion based!

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:23 am