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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:37 am

    I'm posting this because I'm curious as to other members take on this person Adonna.

    To all,

    I have put a News Update up on the site that says most of what I would like to say at this time. The process has become very unique to each individual, so I can only report on what I am personally experiencing and noticing, which may or may not apply to you, as your task, role, and/or timing probably may be somewhat different from mine.

    If you only read what the mainstream media is reporting, you would think that nothing of consequence is going on, but it is anything BUT "business as usual" on the inner levels for many of us. Our teams are working with us at all times and it is also clear that the timelines are gradually separating from each other. There have been some computer anomalies associated with that, so if your computer or e-mails are behaving strangely, that is one possible explanation for that behavior.

    I have just finished moving into a new home and feel that the period between now and the second half of March is one of settling into our seats for the ride ahead. I do feel that the coming months (spring and summer in the northern hemisphere) will witness a gradual flowering for the "op" as a whole, and that the truly "serious business" will not involve us until after September and into the end of this year. During this interim time, we will be actively preparing ourselves in the ways called for by the script for our individual lives and then we will move forward into the final 3D phase, leading up to the evacuation itself.

    My understanding has been that the period of March through May of 2012 will be the time of the final cataclysms (again, on the timeline leading to Terra), and that the main part of the evacuation will take place during the second half of that period -- mid-April through May, 2012. There is at least one crop circle that seems to validate my expectations (see for Jaime Maussan's interpretation), and if so, then "our" Pole Shift will probably occur in June, 2012. If I receive new information that changes that expectation, I will let you know.

    As I mention in the Update, it appears that the picture of what lies ahead for Operation Terra is not shared on any other timeline (except possibly the one that leads to the world that will be Terra's negative polarity equivalent), and as the Messages say, the timeline leading to Terra is the shortest of all of them, so all of the current focus on December 21, 2012 does not appear to apply to the timeline leading to Terra. That information is for other timelines, leading to other destinations and outcomes, many of which will be a continuation of the present 3D experience.

    It is stunning to think that, if my estimate is correct for the timing of the Pole Shift on the timeline to Terra (June 2012), it is less than a year and a half before those of us associated with Operation Terra will be done with our time on the present 3D planet. And IF my estimate is correct, it also implies that our shift in consciousness will accelerate even more as 2011 plays out. In fact, if Ian Lundgold's interpretation of the Mayan Long Count Calendar is correct (he relied on the dating that came out of Carl Johann Callenan's research), March 9, 2011 will mark the movement into the final acceleration of the shift in consciousness that is indicated to occur, where the amount of change in consciousness that took a year to complete in the present cycle will only take 20 days after March 9. I am not personally sure if Lungold and Calleman were correct in their dating, but there is clearly something pending for the second half of March when I look down my own timeline.

    I DO feel that 2011 will be a very good year for the "op" and those directly connected with it, and that we are now in the approach to that final phase, which will lead up to and conclude with the evacuation. Some people are feeling a need to further withdraw and focus on their personal process. That is one response in keeping with these times. However, if you want to interact with others of "like mind," I encourage you to join us in the new online forums. It has turned out to be a surprisingly nourishing experience for those who are already gathered there, and while there is currently little interest in "outside news," the inner experiences being shared there are very supportive for those making this particular journey. Full details are at

    Please note that the individual forums categories created to deal with outside news and earth changes are inactive at this time because of the greater focus on forming community and bonding with each other that has naturally emerged there. It is this bonding that is creating a more unified field of collective energy and seems to be leading toward the kind of group experience that will be needed during the time of the evacuation, so if you feel that you will be playing an active role with regard to that evacuation, this would be a good place for you to be, even if you are also being called to go inward at this time, as many of us are, myself included.

    I wish you well on your journey, whatever form it may take for you, and will issue further updates as things unfold and I feel they are needed. I do feel some kind of emergence will occur around the second half of March and if it does, I will comment on it then.

    Love and blessings,

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 77
    Join date : 2011-02-02
    Age : 59
    Location : michigan

    OPERATION TERRA NEWS Empty hey thanks

    Post  arctourist Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:55 pm

    yeah hey thanks,right?
    i reckon it was a few years ago i first heard about operation terra,like on the ascension-gateway group-or maybe the justchannelings yahoo group...i don't remember now..
    anyways...did i see the word evacuation...that seems a good idea if anything like the cataclysms being talked about,by guys like ivan stein'n'so forth really are gonna happen-well let's hope they're wrong or that we have lots more time...wishful thinking i guess...
    i'm not sure i'd wanna just jump on some spaceship unless it was really extremely urgent,like if we were all about to be washed away by a mile-high tsunami...because,i mean,some people are warning us not to get on ships,because 'they only wanna use you for food'...
    so like,i think maybe i might rather somehow get into the 'hollow earth',y'know,where it's said to be highly civilised,and utopian -
    clearly i'm largely ignorant-but i have heard many things,we all know that there's many many groups watching us down here,so to speak,out of curiosity,or in some cases they might just want the planet for its resources and have little or no regard for any humans or whatever...well,i'm interested in what you all think,or have decided,learned,concluded,still question,etc.-it's great to be here and the whole vibe seems sooo different from that project avalon forum i was recently ejected from.....what does everyone think of that forum,too by the way?-i'm just curious...i wanna know what everyone thinks about everything-thanks-greetings from michigan!

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    Post  Carol Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:48 pm

    I remember this group now arc. She eventually disappeared I think.. raising her vibrations so she could go on one of the ships.

    With regard to your other question, we were all once members of Project Avalon (1) before it was changed and I was one of the original modertors for the forum. AV1 was a fun meeting ground for many of us but AV2 is no fun given how it is controlled and members belittled when they hold a different opinion other then Bill. It seems to many of us here who left Avalon to start Mists that it was us, the members who made Avalon what it was as neither Bill nor Kerry wanted to spend much time on the forum.

    Bill tends to be very paternalistic and opinionated. I also know him personally from a number of interactions we've shared over a number of issues. I'm now convinced his judgment is impaired and have witnessed behavior similar to an emotional batterer directed toward both a moderator in chat and various members of the forum. He has been exceptionally insulting to some of Camelot's witnesses and is not someone respected in the Exopolitical field of research. I also hold a Ph.D. in psychology so this opinion is based on observation of his behavior over the past several years.

    If you really want to know the history of Project Avalon I suggest you start here:

    This thread started almost a year ago when the forum split and membership at Avalon was then turned into invitation only. Bill and Kerry could not and did not want to work together so Kerry started the Camelot Forum and Bill took the Avalon Forum. Since the members at Mists are not groupies and lean toward being independent thinkers we didn't like what was going on and left the B&K drama scene and moved to Mists.

    I was banned from AV2 by posting something negative about the Administrator, Richard here at Mists. Go figure.

    We are self-governed and the forum belongs to the members. I don't moderate because it isn't needed. Only one member was banned for a few months for posting porn. We don't edit or delete posts (with the exception of porn) and members are free to share what interests them. You will discover a much freer atmosphere here to be yourself.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 77
    Join date : 2011-02-02
    Age : 59
    Location : michigan


    Post  arctourist Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:05 am

    wow-well thanks,yeah,funny,it was richard who banned me-i think only because i called him 'dick' in my last post-haha
    i was only talking about moderators in general,not even anyone in particular-go figure...
    well,yeah,thanks for the nice reply-and if richard is here,well i forgive him for the unreasonable persecution...lots of richards like to be called 'dick'!

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:12 am

    I've known about this site for several years, Carol, and have gone back and forth about my assessment of it - and her.

    There were some personal issues that she brought on to the site, as well as disappearing for a while because she was about to be lifted up to the mothership and she closed the site. A few years ago. Now she's back with another "entity" working through her 3D/ 4D who knows? - I do know from a personal e-mail correspondence with her that she is fully embracing her vision of events and has not much patience with other people's future/ timelines if they differ from hers.

    Also, I remember something in the old messages that said her Terra - the new earth - would not have mountains and oceans. Sorry not for me - nope, I need my beaches and mountains :)

    That said, recently her writing seems to align with the Dolores Cannon and Annie Kirkwood version of a new earth. She seems better "read up" on the alternative community and less reliant upon her chanelings from her "hosts of heaven."

    I personally feel the energies changing and am hoping for a timeline where the golden age of peace and unity unfolds - um, like, NOW! :)

    Seriously, I feel it's coming sooner than we think, and that we're in the thick of these changes at this very moment.

    But the "evacuation" bit - going to a Midway Station Mothership? I dunno. Doesn't really resonate with me. But as I said, I've gone back and forth on that and at this time, I'm resonating with going more within my self, being quiet - as she says on her latest blog - and hoping for the best. Doing MY work in the world and having faith that I will be in the right place at the right time with the right people...

    I am also very hopeful about "benevolent" ET's that are here to help us. That is why my keen interest on the other thread about Wilcock's ET assertions and also looking forward to hearing what your ET contactee friend has to say, Carol. I sense there are good ET's ready to - or in fact - are helping us right now.

    So why am I so uncomfortable with the idea of being whisked away on a mothership? UFO2

    Makes me very u n e a s y...


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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:03 am

    Here are two related things that pop into my mind regarding Ascension and perhaps relating to the emerging New Earth / Timeline that we are discussing.

    First, a great little site with a list of "Symptoms and Remedies" for the Ascension Energies we are undergoing at this time:

    Also, I subscribe to World Puja by Maureen Moss. The newsletters are great - her monthly notes are timely and inspiring. Maureen's most recent message relates to "Ascension" energies and clearing up old issues. I find it interesting that there is more and more of this kind of information making it's way into our consciousness these days, from many different sources, Operation Terra included...

    (By the way, on the WorldPuja site, I believe you can download the 1/1/11 global transmission meditation - it was lovely and powerful :)

    Maureen Moss

    Beloveds, there are barely words to describe the times that are ahead of us in 2011. No one will be able to use his or her logic to make sense of anything we are about to experience. There will be no time to think as the months ahead take us to the very edges of our being, and the razor sharp edges of duality.

    No one will be able to plan his or her life ahead of the absolute moment they are in... believe it. Not one of us will be able to change one iota of our life by changing anything in the world external, though we might think we have. Those were the days my friends, before, not now.

    We stand vulnerable now, like volcanoes, waiting for circumstances to antagonize an eruption, to blow out everything that stands between us and God.

    Being armed with self-love, and the ways in which to activate it in a nanosecond is essential, if we are to withstand the many eruptions that lie ahead. And, if we are to succeed in our ultimate goal of ascension, whose very underpinnings is self-love.

    Asking for a replay is a powerful way to activate self-love, and one you will find useful in the months ahead.

    On our heels, days are coming of grace (big one on February 11, 2011) followed by six eclipses and planets changing signs quicker than the speed of light, along with minds and emotional bodies.

    You may well redefine the meaning of going out of your mind as you find yourself going from feeling oh so connected, (to several dimensions and God and everyone else on this planet at once,) to where in God's name, is God? (Attempting to make a complete and grand entrance into your, and everyone else's Divine Footprint on this earth plane, is where.)

    So when is it going to stop? When we are in a resurrected state of consciousness, having fallen deeply in love with ourselves and each other.

    Utilizing replay is going to help you get there.

    Each time you find yourself in a moment where you are struggling to love yourself or another, then give yourself a replay.

    Whenever you notice you have been harsh, critical and unloving toward yourself (or any other, since it is one and the same) literally say to yourself, "I am giving myself a replay. I am going to re-create this scenario, right now. I am going to consciously act on behalf of myself in a loving way, right now. Through replay, I am going to speak and act toward myself or another utilizing my highest consciousness, my I AM consciousness, right now. No excuses. No delays.

    I am going to bring every part of myself that has ever been in creation into one Unified field of love, right now, in spite of what I have said, thought or done, even one minute ago. I will not justify myself, nor blame any other, any energy, any planet, any solar flare or internal flare to move me out of love. Period. I will have a replay, right now."

    To help you: whenever an unloving act occurred that involved another, sincerely ask that person to please give you the opportunity to replay something you may have said in haste or in anger, resentment or in fear. Be vulnerable. Be authentic. Be willing. It's all part of self-love.

    Two things happen when another is involved and you ask for a replay. First, you intentionally place yourself in a higher frequency field, as you have changed energy, and second, without forcing anything, you create an expanded awareness of a re-creative action for another to feel into and implement for themselves. Can you imagine what that consciousness and love could do to shift the planet?

    Before you hit replay, start by taking three slow and steady breaths in and out. Breathe in love, and hold it consciously as it fills your body. Just as consciously breathe out the part of yourself that was unloving. Breathe it all the way out. Take that breath in deep conscious awareness, three times.

    Without judgment, or justification just notice what was created from you (by words, thoughts or actions) outside of the space of love. And then consciously re-create it as an action of great love, be it for yourself, or another. Behave as the God that you are.

    As you take this action, you are setting up a new template of Divine behavior inside of yourself, raising your frequencies above the planetary adjustments and getting closer to zero point and resurrection. After all, isn't that why you reincarnated over and over again, for a replay?

    Alrighty then, here's where you choose the opportunity to replay in every moment so you don't have to keep coming and going so often.

    Copyright 2011, Maureen Moss. Please pass this to all you know it will serve keeping name, and websites intact.

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:10 pm

    From the GFL- opposite perspective thread- interesting synchronicity with this topic:

    Perhaps we are *not* ascending after all - just being activated and our DNA rewired to original specifications to hold more of our soul's energy in our bodies. Ride the incoming galactic wave in style... Still could be the same effects we are feeling, just a different explanation... hmmm... much to ponder...

    Here is the video Carol mentioned in that thread:


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    Post  Carol Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:29 am

    Thanks Lee. I've listened to some of what Chris has said prior and was impressed. The other ET thread is up and I have another 3 months worth of data to add. It is very interesting.

    arctourist, richard is very sensitive to being called a dickhead. I got a bit carried away as I was quite irritated with him as admin and his conflict of interest with all the problems his wife was creating. Anyway, it's water under the bridge and I've developed an aversion for even clicking on any AV2 links. Members on both forums tend to relay topics of interests here and it spares me the pain of having to look at how low it has sunk compared to what it was when we were all there. Since I can communicate to any of my friends there what's the point of even looking.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 77
    Join date : 2011-02-02
    Age : 59
    Location : michigan

    OPERATION TERRA NEWS Empty thanks,thanks...

    Post  arctourist Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:20 am

    hey thanks,thanks-but i never said 'dickhead',just 'dick'
    anyways what's in a name-hahaha
    hey it's great to be here in any case and richard,if you're there/here,please forgive me-and let's try'n'respect our elders f'flippsakes!

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