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    Operation Rampdown


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    Operation Rampdown Empty Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:48 am


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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:19 am

    I never thematize death, only the self-consciousness that meets it...

    Operation Rampdown 3506504

    Operation Rampdown 137979

    Only for Light Death is a permanent theme... the Goddess... Flame is different!

    I am not an elf, I am a fairy!

    Elven race nevertheless!

    Operation Rampdown Fairy_13

    500 Euros for a midmorning
    600 Euros for an afternoon
    1000 Euros for an evening!

    Operation Rampdown 13992

    Although they were complex creatures and often stubborn, gryphons were also exactly what they appeared to be. The kestra’chern, her father in particular, were anything but.
    Their job was to manipulate, when it came right down to it. The whole point of what they did was to manipulate a client into feeling better, to give him a little more insight into himself. But she wasn’t at all comfortable with the idea of manipulating anyone for any reason, no matter how pure the motive and how praiseworthy the outcome.
    Oh, I know things simply aren’t that black-and-white, but—
    Ah, things were just simpler with the Silvers. Issues often were a matter of extremes rather than degrees. When you had only a single moment to make up your mind what you were going to do, you had to be able to pare a situation down to the basics.
    - Mercedes Lackey, The Silver Gryphon

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:11 am

    After the Aliens came

    Operation Rampdown LTWOTTDB0es

    The first pic I ever shot; with my father's Pentacon with parallax correction, directly from the stroller...

    Semioses in the mists...

    It could be anywhere within the time span of modernity...

    What followed were the Scarlet Plague and storm surges?

    Operation Rampdown Scarle10

    Operation Rampdown Scarle11

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:18 pm

    Operation Rampdown Labyrinth

    Operation Rampdown C0488588-Earthworm_pharynx,_light_micrograph

    Operation Rampdown Jung-mandala-jungcurrents-notebook-red-book-1

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:41 pm

    Operation Rampdown Planet10

    Operation Rampdown Scree276

    Operation Rampdown Planet11

    Operation Rampdown Physic10

    Operation Rampdown Ape_pl11


    Last edited by Ashera on Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:14 am

    I wasn't sure where to put this info as this is more along the lines of Operation Ramp Up. It is beyond shocking what is going on these days. Surrealistic is an understatement.

    WATCH: Police hunt stores, highways for the unvaccinated

    If this can happen in can happen here!!!

    (WND) Amid a national lockdown of the unvaccinated, police in Austria are patrolling stores and stopping cars to check the vaccination status of citizens and residents.

    An Austrian television news report showed officers stopping shoppers at a retail outlet and ordering them to display on their smartphones verification that they had been vaccinated for COVID-19.

    Reacting to a spike in COVID cases and ICU patients, Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said Sunday that people who are unvaccinated can leave their homes only for "essential reasons" such as shopping for food.

    "In reality we have told one third of the population: You will not leave your apartment anymore apart from for certain reasons. That is a massive reduction in contacts between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated," Schallenberg said.


    Schrodinger's vaccine.

    -It keeps you from getting sick and/or dying.
    -You can still get sick and/or die if you catch it from a non-vaccinated person.

    Ironic as it is the vaccinated who are the graphene prion protein shedders for up to 30 feet away. However, this draconian dictate will help the unvaccinated stay healthy by avoiding those who are already filled with living COVID AI conscious beasties growing like lego blocks alongside their nerves.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:23 am

    Politics and juristics with their social justice doctrine cause this absurd theatre! They even would vaxx feces for democratic reasons! We shall overcome...

    These High Priests of Ignorance!

    A bot itself is not the problem but those who cannot cope with its AI because it tops the niveau of their internal disputation...

    Cudgel in the Sack...

    Operation Rampdown 4ARJ5ZSaUSQ

    (my vaccination rather was voluntarily because I can refer to a diagnosis of exclusion... maybe I am the true Crystal, pressed in the rectum?)

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:56 am

    Operation Rampdown Chakra-meditation

    Navel and Solar Plexus

    Operation Rampdown 869edbe54c25170d18bc0934abbc2ea0

    Operation Rampdown HD_chicken-bouillon-paste-knorr
    (old shaman trick
    cp. Paracelsus: De Blums Flöxy Dröf)


    Operation Rampdown Screen58

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:36 am

    This Seedy Apple Revealing the Worm...
    Post Ashera on Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:36 am

    This Seedy Apple Revealing the Worm, and the Seeds of Everlasting Agape Love! A Conversation Between Friends;
    von One Year Bible Blogging, Freitag, 5. August 2011 um 15:38

    Rick Sjaardema: Ragu(el), Rafa(el), Emmanu(el); Son of Man, there are few born among men who can testify within the face of God. If you truly wish to revel with spirit and with truth, you must learn not only to speak in the tongues of angels, but you must learn to speak within your cultured tongue - lest you lose the voice God gave you on this earth. You may judge angels and demons - but you daren't bear false witness before God.

    Alienne Laval: in the beginning there was no difference between angels and demons; and the term Daemon in fact had the same meaning as angel, it was synonymous.

    Alienne Laval: false witness invented the difference.

    Rick Sjaardema: As it was in the beginning, so I believe it shall be in the end - in the middle is this knowledge of good and evil; I suggest we eat the apple and not worry about the worm, I understand protein grants a man strength.

    Alienne Laval: and so a static universe was construed.

    Rick Sjaardema: I may speak within the words of the prophets of old, but if I only regurgitate the partialities of faith, their truths erupt in worms - and I remain guilty of copyright infringment. There comes that moment when all my training in the spirit allows me to speak on my own, and relish within the truth of all of creation - and the worm of my own soul dies.

    Rick Sjaardema: lol, the worm is my own static cling - my connection to this masquerading ball. Yet, before I leave, I intend to count some coup d'oeil

    Alienne Laval: the worm originally was the diurnal serpent of ashera, one of the twin serpents (cp. caduceus). After the rise of Appollon it started it*s own life...

    Alienne Laval: ...up to the "lindworm"... this is how the tribes here called the Roman army.

    Rick Sjaardema: In my own study of the word within my own culture - the realization of the story has gone beyond the reflections of whether, and materialized only within this understanding of why! While comparing that recognition with other cultures, the why continues to resemble the significance as we learn from our pasts and link up towards our future!

    Alienne Laval: after the defeat of the sabertooth tiger (more than an allegory) two ways to handle this impact showed: one was the shaman, the other the king...

    Rick Sjaardema: My own belief sees a living allegorical Story continuing. Granted so much truth revealed within this story sets this mortal soul at rest - fearing nothing, enjoying everything.

    Rick Sjaardema: And yet, my pursuit of knowledge sets my nerves into a rage, setting my ears tingling - and suggesting a massage to soften the influx of the message! I am longing to meet within the house of my more native soil - and commune with the chief, of Peace.

    Alienne Laval: i cried so often when i got the meaning, and i sometimes still do.

    Rick Sjaardema: ah, the sweet blessings of release!

    Alienne Laval: many scholars asked themselves why the Cherusci tribe and their allies were so cruel to the Romans, nailed them at trees and so on... but imagine, the Romans had crucified and killed hundreds of the tribal people before...

    Rick Sjaardema: And within this one crucifiction at the hands of such military might, the blood of all these wars, this bigotry, this death, these separated entities of Asherah - representing the Love of God became manifest - and healed. Now, it is left to mankind to understand. Shall we?

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:50 am

    According to Anaxagoras (500—428 BCE), the agent responsible for the rotation and separation of the primordial mixture is Mind or nous:

    "And when Mind began to cause motion, separating off proceeded to occur from all that was moved, and all that Mind moved was separated apart, and as things were being moved and separated apart, the rotation caused much more separating apart to occur"

    "The rest have a portion of everything, but Mind is unlimited and self-ruled and is mixed with no thing, but is alone and by itself. For if it were not by itself but were mixed with something else, it would have a share of all things, if it were mixed with anything. For in everything there is a portion of everything, as I have said before. And the things mixed together with it would hinder it so that it would rule no thing in the same way as it does being alone and by itself. For it is the finest of all things and the purest, and it has all judgment about everything and the greatest power."

    So, it is known quite long...

    This mixture was also known as the tohuwabohu, originally the mixture of soil and water as basic elements in Egyptian alchemy (al khem), a mixture without the possibilty of dissolution...

    This is Mimir (soil) = Mulaprakriti, and Menglad (water) = Mahapurasha

    "A Seeress, a „Heidi“, someone who can embody Freya/Menglad (Mahapurusha; the opposition is Mimir = Malapakriti). Menglad is a state of mind needed to reach „wideopener“, the little bird on the top of Ygdrasill. This task is part of the „shamanic“ inititiation quest. This bird has the keys to a „box“ closed with chains, kept by an evil hag who lives under the roots of the world ash. Mimir is „prima materia“. It should be noticed that knowledge was not forbidden to men but „seidr“ (etym. cp. Arabic „satr“?); cf. the adventures of Swipdag, maybe another name of Odin."

    "Around 500 B.C. the philosopher Anaxagoras summarized the then state of the art of narration and sciences when he writes that “the air and the ether… just are separated.”
    It seems as justified to conclude that before wind, ether and spirit were treated as one and the same element. No 5th element or “quinta essentia” was known until then. This idea of the self-finding (or better “re-self-finding”) of spirit clearly implies pre-Gnostic considerations."

    Last edited by Ashera on Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:41 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:33 pm

    Here is the first account of the Black Brothers of the Left Hand Path. Each a Exempt Adept must choose between the Crossing of the Abyss to become a Master of the Temple, and the building of a false tower of egoism therein.
    Note that the death or love of the saints is really increased life. The formula of 156 is constant copulation or Samadhi on everything.
    I think the trouble with these people was, that they wanted to substitute the blood of someone else for their own blood, because they wanted to keep their personalities.

    Operation Rampdown Tumblr_inline_pbloqj3XW11qarw15_500

    The Vision and the Voice -

    Operation Rampdown 4770accca35e356ca94ae608516f0f322c6f07c1

    Zero Point
    A∴A∴ - Aster Argos - Order of the Silver Star (AAOSS) Published on June 10, 2020 Liber Sefekh, by Soror Avelin A...

    It is your self-less egoism!

    Operation Rampdown Citize11

    Gang of Zombies!!

    A world of media substitutes that fears the originals!


    Operation Rampdown Tumblr_inline_pbloqjyfur1qarw15_500

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:14 am

    Operation Rampdown 70523610
    Operation Rampdown Istock11

    Operation Rampdown Daener47

    Operation Rampdown Daener48

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:16 pm

    The "navel trauma" is the curse of being born. To cure this you must overcome the adapative system; this is in shamanic initiations often called "second birth", of the völva Gulveig, also known as the Radiant One,  was spoken as the three times born - a so-called Tricol. How could one say "born this way"? But otherwise it is hardly to explain! I am the blood of the dragon!

    We are overcharged!

    Does the world ask for this?

    The objectivity dogma is a trap!

    Your social fortress is an illusion!

    Is this my fault?

    We cannot follow you anymore!

    And what is the use of such a sentence?

    Does it serve the matter of truth finding?

    Or as argument for my execution?

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:56 pm

    Operation Rampdown George-R.R.-Martin

    Turtle, the Great Shaman...

    Operation Rampdown Blah_b12

    Three times they burned the three times born!

    Becoming Völva is totally immane!

    Last edited by Ashera on Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:03 am

    They called her Radiant One when she reached the settlements

    The people — I abolished it! What has remained? The mess media perhaps? But no! With the people I also abolished the mess media! (Midnight; moment with no shadow; end of the longest TV show; Rise of the Jensaarai; INCIPIT ASHERA ATARGATIS.)

    Operation Rampdown Logo_s10
    I am partly Aesir
    Civil war and war with intruders from the east partly coinicided...

    Last edited by Ashera on Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Carol Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:02 am

    Some good news. Wonder how long it will take to implement this if true.

    BREAKING REPORT: Biden Administration in FULL RETREAT - Federal Vaccine Mandate NOW *SUSPENDED* Due to ‘Onslaught of Legal Challenges’

    The Biden administration is in full retreat over its unlawful vaccine mandate. After wreaking havoc on the U.S. economy for months by mandating federal contractors and businesses with more than 100 employees force employees to get ‘vaccinated’ for Covid-19, the White House is conceding it needs to suspend the authoritarian policy.


    Biden administration suspends enforcement of business vaccine mandate to comply with court order

    •The Occupational Safety and Health Administration said it "suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement" of the requirements "pending further developments in the litigation."

    •The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, considered one of the most conservative in the country, ordered OSHA last week to "take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order."

    •The White House previously told businesses to proceed with the implementation of the requirements.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 10, 2021 2:27 pm

    Operation Rampdown Scree278

    I used to know her personally, my last teacher to say so.

    Operation Rampdown 51990ab2fb7af10b9f7d7d81e0ed5120

    Operation Rampdown Pangae10


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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:47 am


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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 12, 2021 7:57 am

    Operation Rampdown Spirit10

    Operation Rampdown The-th10

    Operation Rampdown Shambh10

    Operation Rampdown Img_0140

    My Munich Dangle Panther I meanwhile lost...

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:52 pm

    Operation Rampdown Pangae12

    If you change the interface the whole world changes
    - Otto E. Rössler

    Cp. Charles S. Peirce: the interpretant

    Operation Rampdown Peirce12

    Operation Rampdown The-wo10

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:18 am

    Novo Ordo Seclorum

    I got the North Pillar (Heligoland, Tat) and the Jade Bay!

    I personally doubt that so-called Atlantis ever was a continent, it was a North Sea land mass...

    I am convinced that not only this land mass existed, similar things happened at the Chinese and Japanese coasts...

    Operation Rampdown 129503

    Sigmund Freud > Marie Bonaparte > Carl Jung > Erich Neumann...

    He to say so caused a "bifurcation catastrophe"; metaphysics or second physics?

    Ah, yes, the medical private Neumann, didn't he invent the suspenders?
    - Gymnasium Teacher Schneider

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:18 am


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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:11 pm

    In a land out of time...

    Operation Rampdown 29hunt10

    Operation Rampdown 30swee10

    Operation Rampdown 31shan10

    What is a "national identity" without individual identity? Coercion!

    The Constitutional State is expatriating!

    What is to defend then if not the light of the emergent self-consciousness? Reproductive capacities only?

    Why are they not able to handle crises constitutionally? A pit of democratic flatworms!

    And it roturns because it is humus!

    Operation Rampdown Tumblr29

    Operation Rampdown Scree281


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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:03 am

    Operation Rampdown Dsc42610

    I gave it away to the LORDist wankers, you perverted Swedish Lutherist Facebook Stinkers!

    Operation Rampdown Oip_2_10

    Operation Rampdown Bosnia10

    The trace leads back to Montenegro, Swedish Muslims and their democratic nationalist allies...

    I did not and do not think that the Umma is about democracy!

    Russia craps UN climate resolution...

    Operation Rampdown AARNnSb


    Last edited by Ashera on Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Operation Rampdown Empty Re: Operation Rampdown

    Post  Ashera Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:39 am

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:26 pm