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    The Galactic Federation of Lies


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  ceridwen Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:44 am

    Thank you for your insights Lionhawk

    I agree that spiritual development can only be attained by merit and not by joining the cults. I also belong to a group that does regular healing to the planet and yes humanity needs to attune with the golden age it wants or just be re-cycled into another cycle

    I spoke with stardust yesterday and she told me that PA has changed that she received no warning, nothing, that she was suspended right away because Viking said he was attacked. I have read the threads in avalon and I can say that she was a bit harsh but not OTT. In any case Viking's behaviour is quite sarcastic, cheeky ans unresponsive

    What shocked her is not that viking complained but that she did not receive any emails from the moderators requesting that she apologizes or deletes part of her message etc. It appear that PA has become the FEMA of the forums and there is no possibility to appeal or reason. She said it has become the outpost of the GFL

    She only received an email in her personal account that she sent me and with her permission I copy below


    There is a difference between denouncing GFL channeling and provoking fellow members.

    Your assertion to Viking that "Your agenda is the destruction of Earth and all that
    is in it", and your subsequent denunciation of Viking as a trolling cult member who
    does not even know why he does what he does anymore were provocative attacks on a
    fellow forum member. That is not acceptable here.

    Please take the next three days, while your Project Avalon account is temporarily
    suspended, to consider this difference.

    When you return, I might further suggest you spend a little less time trying to
    denounce and expose what you consider GFL channeling nonsense, and a little more
    timeon other more productive considerations.


    Paul Jackson, Administrator

    She has not told me what she is going to do but I guess she will leave PA

    I am not a member myself but I used to get information from Star because we are in the same town. I meet her in an art exhibition and have been friends for a while now

    Interesting times we are living in which places where people think they can have freedom of expression are FEMA forums


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Beren Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:08 am

    It' s the pattern here like in all existence; darkness cloaking in light to gather souls for its cause.
    But also light exist without a stain.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Beren Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:10 am

    And also we can see that in certain souls who took the names as Lionhawk mentioned.
    Situation is far more complex that we grasp at the moment but becomes clear as a day when we raise to look it upon from the high ground.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  ceridwen Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:51 am

    It has occurred to me that Stardust stance is fundamentally flawed, I have said so to her, because the foundation of PA was to develop "the ground crew" as per George Green and Billy Maier paradigm

    That means that from the beginning the acceptance that we need alien intervention was a given. I particularly consider myself sovereign with the planet and I won't accept alien intervention. That is if the GFL can really materialize in the third dimension which I doubt, the physics just don't add up

    Additionally to that you have two founders, both following alien groups. Kerry Cassidy is a devotee of Ashayana Deane and has promoted her work for years. Indeed, stardust told me that if it was not for the endorsement that Kerry Cassidy and one of the PA moderators gave to the material she would not have contemplated delving into it. But Kerry Cassidy was apparently very forthright indicating that Ashayana Deane's material was "the real thing". Therefore Kerry Cassidy follows the guardian Alliance. Again another group of unknown interdimensionals

    Bill on the other hand is a scientologist and we all know that Ron Hubbard started with the Galactic Federation. The removal of the Thetans being the main reason why people pay lots of money to get audited

    Kerry and Bill are both heavily influenced by their own agenda and have not presented any material that says that alien intervention can be a hoax which is just natural. They are two new age leaders, leading their sheep into self-destruction

    But I always said to stardust that her cause will not prosper because once a person is ensnared into a cult they live and breathe for the cult

    From my perspective there is a Cult of Kerry and PC and a cult of Bill and PA. Within those cults there is the cult for Ashayana Deane and the cult for GFL. Cults require stern control, hence they have become a virtual FEMA...which is rather interesting.

    Cults where there is always drama and the end of everything is around the corner every week. Totaly fear based and soul destroying

    To this day, no one is clear from where the money that supports Kerry and Bill comes which is another problem all together

    So rather than finding freedom of expression people find indoctrination under the guise of unraveling a conspiracy that never ends. Fear base cults are very addictive

    A very complicated mesh to unravel indeed

    Last edited by ceridwen on Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  ceridwen Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:57 am

    I may just add that the best tool they have is their interviews. People seem to wait for the next interview like they are listening to a guru. Clifhangers a plenty

    Without interviews PA and PC will be just normal forums

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Simplicity Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:56 pm

    A very accurate summary, IMHO, ceridwen. Thank you

    I wish it could be posted somewhere easily found...

    on the very first post in the thread, perhaps, LORD willing.
    Big Grin 2

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  humus Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:18 am

    ceridwen wrote:I came to a realization today that comes from the threads about the GFL in project avalon. The heat is high there in this moment as people are trying to streamline the plastering of the multiple daily channelings

    Startdust said that wanting to leave the planet means that there is a signal being sent to the planet which says "I want out" and that the real fight is between those that desperately want to run away and those (like me) that want to stay and want the planet to prosper and get healed

    For the first time I have come to realize the depth of the GFL psy ops. They want people to create the extintion of the human made me really sad to see how many people are so emotional about such pack of lies

    Can not understand why people follow the GFL when they are constantly lying and failing to deliver on their prophesies. Is mind-boggling Blink Huh ?

    Agree total lies packed psy op Crazy Happy

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:05 am

    Wow! Bob wow!

    Meet Bob...

    Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song...
    and there's always music in the air.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:15 am

    Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 - ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’
    Greg Giles
    August 1, 2012

    Today we like to begin by discussing with you how to best prepare yourselves for your work with our organization that will begin shortly in the days to come, as the time to begin our many projects together has now arrived. We would like to begin by welcoming you to our teams, and we would like to do this by meeting with you on board our ships and introducing ourselves to you so we can get to know each other just a little better before we begin a working relationship together. We will do this by meeting with you at a pre-designated spot somewhere near or at your home residence. We will contact you in the days ahead beginning next week where we will ask you where it is you feel you would like to rendezvous with us.

    To answer this question, we ask you to respond with a very short sentence so as to clarify your response to our question which you will hear either through the dream state, or for those of you who have begun to master telepathic communication, through your awakened state while you are meditating or any time it is that we are successful in getting our question through to you. Do you understand this? Are we making ourselves clear on this? We, the Galactic Federation of Light, will send you, telepathically or through the dream state, a short question asking where you would prefer to rendezvous with us to be teleported onto one of our awaiting ships where you will be escorted to a larger ship where you will then meet with representatives of our team to break the ice, as it were. At that time we will answer all of your questions and, if you don't mind, we will have a few questions for you, which is only natural as we wish to learn a little bit more about you as well before we begin working together, as this will assist us find a suitable position for you and learn your availability scheduling and how often and how long you could make yourself available for, and wish to work.

    Read more:

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  magamud Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:13 am

    The Fallen Angels and their legion are coming and they will be preaching the philosophies of the Vedas, Love, Duality and emptiness. They will heal the sick and bring about unity to our planet and many upon many will follow. Those opposing this supposed gift will be persecuted. Like any good takeover of a culture you first infiltrate it with philanthropic believers, like our missionaries of old and conquer the peoples spirit. You can see this with the state of our planets spirit, GFL, duality teachers and lovey dovey occultic practioners. I don't see anything stopping this.

    Sure the GFL gets their predictions wrong, but when they do get it right, whoa nelly. All hell is breaking loose....


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Floyd Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:35 am

    ceridwen wrote:It has occurred to me that Stardust stance is fundamentally flawed, I have said so to her, because the foundation of PA was to develop "the ground crew" as per George Green and Billy Maier paradigm

    That means that from the beginning the acceptance that we need alien intervention was a given. I particularly consider myself sovereign with the planet and I won't accept alien intervention. That is if the GFL can really materialize in the third dimension which I doubt, the physics just don't add up

    Additionally to that you have two founders, both following alien groups. Kerry Cassidy is a devotee of Ashayana Deane and has promoted her work for years.

    From my perspective there is a Cult of Kerry and PC and a cult of Bill and PA. Within those cults there is the cult for Ashayana Deane and the cult for GFL. Cults require stern control, hence they have become a virtual FEMA...which is rather interesting.

    Cults where there is always drama and the end of everything is around the corner every week. Totaly fear based and soul destroying

    To this day, no one is clear from where the money that supports Kerry and Bill comes which is another problem all together

    So rather than finding freedom of expression people find indoctrination under the guise of unraveling a conspiracy that never ends. Fear base cults are very addictive

    A very complicated mesh to unravel indeed


    Both the forums you mention (and others old and new) have leaders and an agenda codified by certain beliefs and that certain contacts and masters are the leading lights.

    I would like to think this forum does not have set beliefs than one must 'adhere' to regarding aliens, ascension and spirituality which is what would set it apart from other 'agenda' forums.

    Recently Ryan has come out against Ascension and the GFL (good for him) though he still takes time to promote other rubbish people and ideas now and in the past.

    The Green/ Meier axis is specifically one to be weary off let alone The Galactic Federation of Light of any definition. The same applies to the Deane/Anna Hayes material which is nothing more than a business. Buy one course-book then buy the next then the next then the next etc until your wallet is empty and your brain is full of crap.

    Likewise I do not accept the contradicting alien messages nor their channels or the aliens themselves for that matter. I find aliensim often sinister and uninspiring and their alleged origins dubious to say the least.

    But like everything else its a matter of choice but one I chose not to follow.

    Life is way too much fun to be wasting ones time with that and all the action is here on Terra Firma.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:31 pm

    To become a member of PA2, you have to fill in an application form.

    These are, according to Bill R., some of the criteria for a membership...

    There are many factors to be taken into consideration: literacy, articulacy, background, the open-hearted way the person might express themselves, intelligence, research history, websites or blogs which they run, and their range of personal interests, achievements and aspirations.

    One criterion that we often use is simply this: "From the way this person has presented themselves in this application, would we want to invite them to dinner at our house, looking forward to an interesting conversation?" If the answer is Yes, then they're in.


    To me, as a Lord of the Galactic Federation of Lies, having a conversation - let alone diner - with these mod-wurms is totally out of the question.

    The idea alone makes me sick.

    Therefore it's ever so nice mr. Floyd started the Mists.

    Whistle Beer

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Beren Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:34 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:To become a member of PA2, you have to fill in an application form.

    These are, according to Bill R., some of the criteria for a membership...

    There are many factors to be taken into consideration: literacy, articulacy, background, the open-hearted way the person might express themselves, intelligence, research history, websites or blogs which they run, and their range of personal interests, achievements and aspirations.

    One criterion that we often use is simply this: "From the way this person has presented themselves in this application, would we want to invite them to dinner at our house, looking forward to an interesting conversation?" If the answer is Yes, then they're in.


    To me, as a Lord of the Galactic Federation of Lies, having a conversation - let alone diner - with these mod-wurms is totally out of the question.

    The idea alone makes me sick.

    Therefore it's ever so nice mr. Floyd started the Mists.

    Whistle Beer

    Love him or hate him (floyd) he`s still a REDs man!!! Crazy Happy

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:51 pm

    Beren wrote:
    Love him or hate him (floyd) he`s still a REDs man!!! Crazy Happy

    Don't mention the REDS for a while. They're at the bottom of the Premier League at the moment...

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Beren Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:52 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Beren wrote:
    Love him or hate him (floyd) he`s still a REDs man!!! Crazy Happy

    Don't mention the REDS for a while. They're at the bottom of the Premier League at the moment...

    Mad 2 Cow Whistle

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:40 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    Recently Ryan has come out against Ascension and the GFL (good for him) though he still takes time to promote other rubbish people and ideas now and in the past.

    In this instance, the person concerned wrote back a courteous, personal and lengthy e-mail asking why they were turned down -- so that they could learn. I felt compelled to write back personally. Here's what I said. I thought the forum might find it of interest.

    Dear ______ ,

    Thank you for your message. This reply is written personally by myself, Bill Ryan. I felt that you deserved a more detailed reply. We do NOT intend you to feel that in any way we did not like you, or somehow disapproved of you, as a person.

    The problem from the point of view of your application, and the information you shared with us, was your focus on the GFL and that (in your own words) you had an ambition to "ascend to the 5th dimension".

    On this particular forum, we are very wary of members (and new applicants) who have those interests and those beliefs -- which is what they really are. Other forums may be more suitable for your personal needs. On the Avalon Forum ("where science and spirituality meet"), we look at these issues with a critical mind, and there are a few members who hold similar beliefs to yours who are given quite a rough ride by others.

    The 'rough ride' that GFL and Ascension believers are given is not one that contains rudeness or insults (those are strongly moderated) -- but may nonetheless be one which may be uncomfortable for you to experience.


    With my personal best wishes for your journey -- Bill Ryan

    Is Bill saying " I am afraid we won't be able to live peacefully together until you drop your current beliefs and match them to ours " and that "where Science meets spirituality" is that place where fences are being erected to keep away non conformity ?

    Love from me


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Floyd Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:46 pm

    Beren wrote:

    Don't mention the REDS for a while. They're at the bottom of the Premier League at the moment...

    Not quite Uberlord but we shall rise once more like a phoenix from the flames of our former glory once more to conquer Europe as we once did.

    Scousers invade Istanbul

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Floyd Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:05 pm


    Is Bill saying " I am afraid we won't be able to live peacefully together until you drop your current beliefs and match them to ours " and that "where Science meets spirituality" is that place where fences are being erected to keep away non conformity ?

    Love from me

    Building walls just separates with achieving little else. That is the problem of select groups which has been mentioned before. Egotistical sillyness.

    What are they going to do in little forum clubs of selected people anyway? Run away together in a self righteous cloud of how they are better than everyone else and they have a job to do that nobody else can do unless you fit the criteria.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:19 pm

    Floyd wrote:

    What are they going to do in little forum clubs of selected people anyway? Run away together in a self righteous cloud of how they are better than everyone else and they have a job to do that nobody else can do unless you fit the criteria.


    Well they are lucky we are in Cyber Space otherwise they may well have taken the great risk of mistaking tomatoes and eggs flying over their camp for Ufos.

    Love from me

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Floyd Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:45 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Floyd wrote:

    What are they going to do in little forum clubs of selected people anyway? Run away together in a self righteous cloud of how they are better than everyone else and they have a job to do that nobody else can do unless you fit the criteria.


    Well they are lucky we are in Cyber Space otherwise they may well have taken the great risk of mistaking tomatoes and eggs flying over their camp for Ufos.

    Love from me

    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Tom10
    Unidentified Flying Tomato

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  magamud Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:59 pm

    I would not have so much certainty in this area.
    Our species has been doing incantations forever.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:16 am

    "...where Science meets spirituality"

    Tetrahedra of Space
    22 pulp illustrations by Frank R. Paul (1884–1963)

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:50 pm

    "Many False Flags Are Going To Happen In The Coming Months"  - Answers of an alien from Andromeda
    November 23, 2013

    Or, in other words...

    Lmfao Beer

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 30 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:59 pm

    The Galactic Federation of Light for Dummies

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