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    The Galactic Federation of Lies


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:14 pm

    Yes! A new server! To celebrate this wonderous event, not one, but TWO messages from our friend SaLuSa The Galactic Federation of Lies 364319 .

    In Love & Lies!The Galactic Federation of Lies 21327


    We look at you with love in our hearts and eyes, as you have excelled yourselves since the turn of the Millennium. It was seen that given more time, the Light would grow exponentially and safely carry you to Ascension. It was also realised that the dark Ones would increase their activities to hold you back, and you have had to deal with several major incidents in this century already. Each one such as 9/11 was meant to induce fear, based on false claims that you were under a terrorist attack. Consequently the reasons were found to exercise even greater controls over you than any previous occasion. You had a scenario where the battle between the dark and Light became intensified, and you were in danger of becoming overwhelmed. However, the dark Ones become overconfident and acted recklessly, and their true aims were beginning to be realised. At the midnight hour the Light suddenly broke through and penetrated the darkness upon the Earth, and ever since it has gathered momentum and is now an unstoppable force for good. You Dear Ones have won the day and progress ever nearer to Ascension, knowing that nothing can stop you achieving your goal.

    Of course you have had help, but the impetus had to originally come from you before we could come to your aid. In your position you now have only to hold on to your focus to cross the winning line. The end of duality will bring a new beginning and you will firmly place your feet upon the
    path to Ascension. The dark Ones will continue with death and destruction believing that somehow they can alter your destiny. We tell you firmly that only the Creator has the authority and power to do so, and the manner in which the end will come has already been decreed. We will state over and over again that you are already victorious, and you will experience the most wonderful release from the darkness and all it holds. It will be swept aside in a wonderful show of Light and Love, and everything is set in place ready for your celebrations. Major changes are afoot and our allies are pushing for the first announcement, that will set the fall of the first domino. There will be no stopping the changes, and revelations that will clearly show you how your lives have been manipulated for hundreds of years by the Illuminati.

    Naturally some of you are bemused by the thought that you have been fooled for so long, but the Illuminati formed a worldwide group whose tentacles stretched far and wide. That was largely achieved through the principal banking families exercising their power to control the world, by
    controlling the money supply. It expanded into powerful influences through companies in industries such as oil and pharmaceutical. The latter are still powerful but their days are numbered, and before long they will be forced to accept change. Also, with new sources of energy and new healing methods, their market will gradually cease to exist. All of these changes are just waiting to burst upon the scene, and their introduction has been carefully and meticulously planned. Once the details have been announced, we know that we will receive your total support, as it will clearly be seen how beneficial they will be.

    As the old falls away it is understandable that you are concerned, because as yet you cannot see what will take its place. However, the fact that you see the demise of that which has proved inadequate and responsible for your present position means that you will not readily accept a
    resurrection of the same again. That is clearly desirable, as otherwise there would be a return to the old ways. It is planned to advance your civilisation so that there is a natural progression to Ascension. That which has been denied you will quickly come into your lives, and provide the answers to the problems that confront you now. We can address all issues so that you take a quantum leap into the New Age.

    We share responsibility for your future just as much as you do, and together we will have no difficulty in getting you prepared for the wonderful and exciting times just ahead. Already you have had sufficient information to understand the nature of them. Clearing away the result of years of pollution is high on our list, and although the size of the task is extremely large, with our technology it will be dealt with in next to no time. The environment has to be restored as first measure to lift everyone’s living conditions. Then shall the basic needs of the poorer people be provided for in
    full measure. Contented people are happy people, and the joys of living will be there for you all to experience.

    Once your material, needs have been satisfied, there will also be moves to reach you all with details of the path to Ascension. Since methods of communication will have been advanced to levels that can put anyone in touch with whomsoever they wish, no one will miss out on information necessary to them. As we have stated, the whole mission has been carefully planned with you in mind, as we quite clearly know your full needs. The world’s population is vast, yet to the Galactic Federation it presents no problems when you bear in mind we have millions of ships at our command. So although time continues to pass by quickly, there is no real problem as far as we are concerned.

    We are here in love and peace, and wish you to view each other the same way and see how quickly attitudes change upon Earth. You have been led to believe that you have enemies waiting around every corner, but in reality they are your brothers and sisters who seek a similar life to yourself. When Man allows others to express themselves and fulfil their desires, no longer will there be a threat to their beliefs. You have learnt that it is futile to force your views and opinions upon others, as it is non-productive and can lead to wars. When the truth is known to you all about the purpose of your lives, you will take a far different view of each other than you have held

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who work for the Light, as you are the Ambassadors who came to Earth for the very purpose of uplifting others. You can feel well satisfied with your dedication to your roles at this time, as you have achieved what you set out to do. Many souls
    trapped in the dark have found their way out with your help, and more will do so.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    The Galactic Federation of Lies 94171 LORD TRANCOSO & ADMIRAL SWANNY!
    Mike Quinsey.


    We find that the sense of expectation of a major change is growing, and that is very encouraging as it means more of you are aware of what is planned for your future. In any event there are so many who sense that changes are happening, even if they are not so well informed as to the nature of them. The collapse of the old ways could have hardly have passed by without being noticed, and all in all it means that people are very receptive to the idea of receiving something new. They will not yet see it coming through the present world governments, as there needs to be a complete change within the administration and personnel before it can go ahead. There may be rumours and
    speculation as to what is in store, but only the higher sources will be able to clearly define the details of the plan. Although it has been amended where necessary, it has generally speaking kept to its central aims which are the key requirements for your upliftment.

    The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it. Dear Ones it is about experience so that your spiritual evolution moves further forward. It has been about opposites such as good and evil as you would define it, and duality having all but run its course it is time to bring it to an end. Although some souls go through the same experiences many times, there is always something to be learnt. Often there are
    groups of you that come together for that very purpose, and you help each other to progress. You play your parts fully immersed in the characters that you choose, and as far as you are concerned it is an absolute reality.

    Through many lives you set yourself up in all different types of roles, and truly you are all excellent actors on the stage of life. The problem for some souls is that they become so deeply involved with their characters, that they leave no room for their inner self to surface. It is hoped that each soul has those moments of sudden realisation that they are more than they seem. After all they carry their God spark with them at all times, and their Light cannot be completely subdued. Some will deny God, but often that comes from learning of an angry and revengeful God that is to be feared. That is the image of a false God and has no place where you are concerned. God is and always will be the totality of all Love, because Love Is. If you follow spiritual messages, there are few that depict God and the Higher Beings in anyway except as full of Love and Light. At their levels in the higher
    dimensions it cannot be any other way as only the Truth can exist. God gets the blame for so many things, and that can only arise from a misunderstanding as to what God is. Regrettably some teachings play upon the idea of an angry God that metes out punishment, and it is used as a way to keep people in a continual state of fear and obedience.

    Go confidently into the future knowing that God is All Love, and no matter how far you stray from the true path of understanding, it will always remain so. After your sojourn upon Earth you are always welcomed back with open arms, even if you have transgressed and carry guilt. That is in fact
    unnecessary as all is viewed as experience, and through further opportunities you can overcome your weaknesses without self-punishment. On one level you are all equal, and it is only Man that chooses to see others as different or separate to himself. Duality of course encourages that view, but how to overcome it is the challenge that it presents. View all souls as from the same source and a part of God, and you will realise that they are as much a part of you, as you are them.

    As time progresses all things will become clear, and you are already beginning to enter a period where anything other than the truth will be revealed to be transmuted. These are of the lower vibration and have no place in the future. As you are certainly noticing, the moves to reveal the truth
    about Man and his experiences are gaining momentum. We can say quite definitely, that by the time you come to the end of this cycle all stones will have been overturned. Nothing will remain hidden regardless of how much it has previously been covered up. In view of this it would help your progress, if you took a totally and truthful approach to all matters. Start putting it into action and become that which you really are, a Being of Love and Light. With time it will become easier to do so, as your levels of consciousness are rising much more rapidly.

    Dear Ones, everything is being done to help you move ever onwards, and you should be able to focus more easily on your future and not be not be distracted. Tame those emotions that sometimes get out of control, and you will actually feel all the better for it. When you get upset you disturb not just the harmony of your body, but the energies around it. Such imbalances can even make you feel ill, and it takes time to recover. If it happens try to centre yourself as quick as you can, and surround yourself with the pure light of the green healing ray. It will help return you to a peaceful and relaxed state, and speed up your recovery. Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is
    normally surrounded by so much greenery, and trips to the countryside can be so uplifting. On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you lie down and peer into it?

    In the higher dimensions you will be absolutely surrounded by beauty, and energies that are conducive to peace and stillness that has no equal on Earth at present. Any effort you put in now to move in the direction of Ascension will be more than worth it, as what you have now is little
    compared to what shall be yours very soon. No more shall you go through the experience of death, and ill health will be a thing of the past. Lack will be a word you will never use again, and life will be a heavenly experience in every sense of the word.

    I am SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation, and we so want you all to rise up when the opportunity presents itself. Become the loving souls you really are, and leave the physical dimension for your real home in the stars.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.

    Posts : 32692
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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Carol Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:48 pm

    Lord TRANCOSO, what can I say. I'm sure that gita, after retrieving her bedpan that was floating along outside the ships window now and well stocked up with a number of new fetching robes ~ will be along shortly with JT (dragging his many cannon balls) and Swanny with the ships logs.

    Thank you sooooo much for opening the ships door to us weary travelers. cheers

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 134
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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Gita Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:34 pm

    Lord Transco and courtiers

    Please note this report was prepared a week ago and since then everything's gone tits up!! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_rolleyes The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_geek
    The Empress is happy to report that Ashtar Command thread has been moved to a more appropriate section - The Comedy Section!! Mission accomplished. The Galactic Federation of Lies 67677 However, this has come at a great cost as my court jester is losing the plot completely. The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek I have also enlisted Fred and promoted him to King Penguin. The poor king seems a bit miffed by it all but I'm sure he'll soon find his webbed feet. The Galactic Federation of Lies 420354

    We have also found a whole new enemy in the form of 'Secret Squirrels' and as cute as they are, we've found the little blighters to be extremely resourceful especially when it comes to tin foil hats. The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_scratch My initial investigations show that some of the mods may be responsible for this. The Galactic Federation of Lies 824877

    I have managed to bring Viking under my wing who apart from keeping the fool in check when he can, also warms up my bed pans but he delivers them to the admiral's chambers for some reason!!! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_scratch The Galactic Federation of Lies 420354 The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_scratch
    End of progress report. The Galactic Federation of Lies 291147

    Ps. The fool now believes that I am Lord Transco in drags!! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek Go Figure!! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_scratch
    Foot note - Darn it - the fool has gone and got himself banned and the Ashtar thread pulled. The Galactic Federation of Lies 775723 Seriously people wth?? The Galactic Federation of Lies 824877 The Galactic Federation of Lies 871182

    Posts : 134
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    Location : Plymouth UK

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Gita Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:38 pm

    Recruitment report;

    Latest enlisted addtion to the fleet is Commader Stardust who is currently on probation. The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_albino

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:11 am

    Good morning Empress, glad we are up and running again :)

    A small problem has arisen The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_neutral one of the new crew though your bed pan was food and ate it The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek

    Here is the culprit!

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Img_54082

    Do we cuddle him until he learns not to it the harware? The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cyclops

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:18 am

    Good news are that after much coming and going the new crew finaly found the start switch and we got your new space ship here The Galactic Federation of Lies 215880

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Ufo_1464222c

    More good news, it has an on suite that self heats itself The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cheers

    Only the captain
    The Galactic Federation of Lies 013

    Does not want to leave the on suite, he says it is his bedroom The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_geek

    This reps are giving me headaches The Galactic Federation of Lies 216239

    Posts : 1766
    Join date : 2010-04-11

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:09 am

    this thread is made by dis information agents as a distraction from truth!!!

    I do not agree with ignorance such as what is displayed here in this thread inside the walls of Avalon!!!

    Peace to those who stand for truth and never give up!!!

    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial on Sat May 08, 2010 12:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Uhhmmm...

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:41 am

    So I would say to Myself at that point - "One should stop mentioning JT as It doesn't seem to be wanted..."



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:48 am

    Mercuriel wrote:So I would say to Myself at that point - "One should stop mentioning JT as It doesn't seem to be wanted..."


    The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_biggrin LOL thanks Mercuriel

    we went through this a few times already... and the title of this thread is ridiculous!

    If you are a serious investigator you will do your research and back it up with facts

    that is the simple point to my message!

    Have a great day

    Peace JT!

    Posts : 3497
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    Location : Walking the Path...

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Affirm...

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:52 am

    Rog JT but I'm pretty sure this Thread is meant as Tongue in Cheek and if not - The OP is likely able to handle It that some People don't resonate with It at all and some do...

    It's all good Brah...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 1766
    Join date : 2010-04-11

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:30 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Rog JT but I'm pretty sure this Thread is meant as Tongue in Cheek and if not - The OP is likely able to handle It that some People don't resonate with It at all and some do...

    It's all good Brah...


    The Galactic Federation of Lies 364319

    LOL well then,

    here you can borrow my favorite book! haha peace JT!

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Cannon-law

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:00 am

    It seems that the crew is not following orders anymore The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek

    Has anyone seen the Empry?

    Posts : 51
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    Age : 69

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Zedd Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:27 am


    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:49 am

    Zedd, cool videos! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cyclops The Galactic Federation of Lies Alien The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cyclops The Galactic Federation of Lies Alien The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cyclops The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_bounce The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_bounce The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_bounce

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  devakas Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:11 am

    videos are so funny.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Pheryllt Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:15 am

    I absolutely love those videos. Add in a "I see nothinG, I hear nothinG, I know nothinG" aka Hogan's Hero's and I will never stop laughing.

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    Location : Plymouth UK

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Gita Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:56 am

    The Galactic Federation of Lies CC1613_RED_BLACK_EVIL_JESTER_PLUS.JPGThe Galactic Federation of Lies Shining2And HE'S BACK!!

    Or is it this one??!!

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Gita Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:03 am

    stardustaquarion wrote:Good morning Empress, glad we are up and running again :)

    A small problem has arisen The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_neutral one of the new crew though your bed pan was food and ate it The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek

    Here is the culprit!

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Img_54082

    Do we cuddle him until he learns not to it the harware? The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cyclops
    Under no circumstance does the Empress want that bed pan back. The Galactic Federation of Lies 529827 The Galactic Federation of Lies 871182 But we can't let our equipment go to waste so please ask Viking to hand it to the Admiral (but don't tell him where it came from and add a bit of perfume to it!!) The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_flower

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Gita Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:17 am

    stardustaquarion wrote:Good news are that after much coming and going the new crew finaly found the start switch and we got your new space ship here The Galactic Federation of Lies 215880

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Ufo_1464222c

    More good news, it has an on suite that self heats itself The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cheers

    Only the captain
    The Galactic Federation of Lies 013

    Does not want to leave the on suite, he says it is his bedroom The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_geek

    This reps are giving me headaches The Galactic Federation of Lies 216239

    Good news on finding the start switch Commander but still no sign of the ship. Intel tells me it's been spotted over Poland and some plonka's taken it for a joy ride! The Galactic Federation of Lies 529827 I want their heads on a platter and served up for dinner tonight. The Galactic Federation of Lies 425557 The Galactic Federation of Lies 942153

    Loving the ensuite bathroom and don't worry about the captain - just heat him up and I will use him as my bed pan! See how long he wants to hang around then hey??!! The Galactic Federation of Lies 164548 The Galactic Federation of Lies 164548
    Commander, if the reps carry on giving you a headache then chop off their heads too and serve them up as well. Hell, lets just feed the whole crew for tonight - you know how we at GFL love eating dead things! The Galactic Federation of Lies 161430 The Galactic Federation of Lies 291147

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:23 am

    Ajoy ma Empress, we pass the alien to Viking

    A team is searching for the plane

    The Galactic Federation of Lies P51_1

    when they are found I'll tell the crew to behave or The Galactic Federation of Lies 102384 The Galactic Federation of Lies 23873 The Galactic Federation of Lies 720241 The Galactic Federation of Lies 164548 The Galactic Federation of Lies 164548 The Galactic Federation of Lies 164548

    end of statement The Galactic Federation of Lies 52914

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:32 am

    Empress we found them !!!!

    The space ship is outside your garage The Galactic Federation of Lies 21327

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Gita Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:45 am

    stardustaquarion wrote:Empress we found them !!!!

    The space ship is outside your garage The Galactic Federation of Lies 21327

    Sorry Commander Stardust but they are decoys! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek Latest intel shows the culprit was none other than Admiral Swanny who decided to take the ship for joy ride after drinking too much trytholian juice! The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_rolleyes The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_rolleyes The admiral is under the impresson that drink flying is allowed in our precious federation. The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_cyclops Someone needs to give him a copy of the ship's manual.

    The admiral's punishment is for you to give him the bedpan after extraction without washing it!! The Galactic Federation of Lies 21327 The Galactic Federation of Lies 96967

    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:16 am

    Empress, mission acomplished The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_eek The Galactic Federation of Lies Icon_biggrin

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:19 am

    OMG! This is the captian?

    The Galactic Federation of Lies 013

    I watched evolution. As adorable as he looks something nasty lurks inside. Please keep him locked and bolted in his quarters.

    I don't know why you are complaining about the bedpan Gita. After the decorative paint job it seems like a well loved and used slipper. (of sorts, snicker, snicker)

    JT is still after FACTS! But I just don't know how THE BOOK is going to end up after multiple translations into alien languages. We all know how that can go. Meanwhile, the crew looks like they can use a bit of lunch and some Flowers to brighten up the control panel.

    And Commander Stardust.. Huge Grin may I welcome you aboard... here is a little trytholian juice Drink Wine to quench your thirst. It appears that the rest of the crew is lined up to welcome you as well. Its da Wave

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:25 am

    Jester you are left alone in the epic galactic cartoon Luke
    I am coming to your rescue Freedom
    Trancoso is tickling our feet and how silly we all behave while he is doing so is up to our loose ima-genie-nation.. geek scratchOooyeah 1
    In the meantime the fleets up there are smiling for humor is intergalactic Gathering
    Relax you are not alone .. we are all one crazy bunch under the heavens Its da Wave

    Love for You Flowers

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 17, 2024 6:28 pm