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    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery

    wingmanof light
    wingmanof light

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    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery Empty Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery

    Post  wingmanof light Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:53 pm

    I have to start a new one for this hear we go!!!!


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    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:51 pm

    I think the Archangels might be at the center of a lot of things - throughout history - but how do we know what to believe and what to disbelieve? Anyone can say anything, and claim everything under the sun. I just listen to everything, and believe very little. I don't want to believe. I want to know. I'm really undecided about Gabriel. I have some definite thoughts about Michael and Lucifer - but Gabriel seems to be quite illusive and potentially hostile.
    wingmanof light
    wingmanof light

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    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery Empty re

    Post  wingmanof light Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:38 pm

    True I actually get the same message at hart. But putting myself as creator/first divine is within me not outward of my reality no mater what they say. Nothing bothers me for a wile now.

    As I said we are equal to any being . We may been created but as my earthly parents I don't worship them so I am not worshiping them ether or anything ever. Love and respect them as teachers yes...
    Besides the power the Divine love energy over rides any law or contract. Allowing choice no mater what we are gods in more powerful position the a Archangels .

    I don't mind hearing from them even they need love but not afraid to draw dark/light energy to whoop some but if it ever come to that.
    wingmanof light
    wingmanof light

    Posts : 162
    Join date : 2010-12-20
    Age : 53

    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Gabriel Bravery Empty re

    Post  wingmanof light Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:52 pm

    found this int he book Jesus missing 30 years.

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