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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates


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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:53 am

    This thread is a place that I will post the audio versions of channeled Galactic Federation Of Light Messages!
    I personally enjoy these messages and think they are of the light but as I say...can not prove it.
    All messages posted AS IS and are unverifiable to me. You must use your own intuition! Peace JT!

    Galactic Federation Of Light Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship April 11 13 2010

    Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

    We are very happy to make an announcement, that is sure to make all of you tireless workers of the Light very happy. With the clear intention to increase the number of safety and defense mechanisms against the opposing forces of the Dark, the Galactic Federation of Light has decided to increase the number of Mother Ships and vessels of medium and small size, which will be added to those that were already orbiting the Earth or in fixed positions and dormant at some point in space. The number of orbiting and dormant spacecraft will be increased to a number equivalent to 10% more than those already available for protection, purification and upliftment of all fauna, flora and humanity of your beautiful blue planet.

    To do this, in the next few hours we will begin the preparations so that the Mother Ships, medium and small, who were fulfilling their respective missions elsewhere in the galaxy, can temporarily leave their activities and immediately join our forces of Light already present in this quadrant of the Milky Way.

    This decision was taken by the Council of the Intergalactic Confederation and transferred to the Galactic Federation of Light in order to become effective, who addresses this Milky Way galaxy in particular.

    So, you can receive this news with great joy and satisfaction, since this can mean an advancement in time towards First Contact, which will result in an unquestionable acceleration of the process of Ascension for humanity on Planet Earth, as well as all of your related kingdoms: the devic, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. It is a matter worthy of celebration, that all souls will finally see their elevation to higher levels (as a tangible fact) even earlier than expected!

    We would also like to inform you that the efforts of all those who are working towards the upliftment and awakening of all your brothers and sisters, amongst the humans on the planet who we are proud to consider our allies, have had much to do with this decision taken by the Elders Council. Your momentum and faithful dedication has successfully convinced its wisest members that the outside help you have been receiving is well deserved, as is the increase in the number of forces concerned.

    So congratulations, because this increase in our forces of Light is due entirely to the hard work and the dedication of all of you, dear lightworkers of peace, love, and justice. You have managed to convince the finest minds of the local Universe that the timing for your Existential Upliftment, through your own merits, be advanced forward, which will more quickly sentence the fall of hegemony and control of the opposing forces of darkness upon you.

    For the unstoppable advancing of the Light against the diminishing and regressive forces of Planet Earth! For our victory will be achieved after the combined efforts of you and us!

    Peace, Love and Light

    Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa April 12 2010

    The meek shall inherit the Earth, and these are of course those of you who have found your Love and Light within. Not only that, you live by your understanding of what that means where your relationship to other souls are concerned. To see each other as One means you accept that all are from the One Source. Therefore you would no more raise your hand against your brothers and sisters, than smite yourself. True love of others raises all of you together and once you understand the purpose of life, you see there is no gain to be had at their expense. The problem for eons of time is that you have been taught to put Self first in the pursuit for survival. The survival of the fittest and strongest is the Law of the Jungle, and not for Man who has the potential to become a God. You are powerful Beings, who have the capability of reaching levels of Christ consciousness.

    What you have been in the cycle of duality is but a shadow of your real Self. Albeit that you have had to experience much negativity to find your Light, but with the intent to lift yourselves up you have succeeded in discovering the true path. You have progressed at such a fast rate in this lifetime; you now stand ready to take a quantum leap forward. Instead of despair and little hope, you have found that the true path is the promise of return to the higher levels of Light. The Earth may have its attractions, but your paradise will not be found in the lower dimensions. Everything that you have ever dreamt of awaits you with the coming of Ascension, and subconsciously you know that to be so and it drives you onwards.

    Now you see the last acts of those whose eyes are still shut, and would prevent your upliftment if they could. However, they are doomed to failure and are already in disarray, as they can no longer hold to their plan for total domination of Mankind. In fact, the Illuminati have accepted that their cause is lost, but they still harbor thoughts of somehow restoring their power. We can assure you that they have no chance of doing so. It is the Light that is now the controlling force, and is growing stronger by the day. Allow matters to act themselves out, and as they do so it will become quite clear that the promises made to you will be fulfilled. Indeed, the signs are already beginning to show the destiny for Mankind, and you will find that your sovereignty will be restored.

    If you reflect on your experience of duality, you will surely see that there has been a divine plan to release you from it. It was never intended that it should completely engulf you, although many of you have touched the depths but have risen up again. All of your experiences have been placed within the mass consciousness, and each of you will benefit from them as it is unnecessary for each of you to experience everything personally. There will come a time when you will review your many lives, and it is as well that you remember that you chose your experiences. Even now you are moving through your final experiences, to bring your karma to an end.

    Galactic Federation Of light Archangel Metatron April 11 2010

    Greetings Beloveds, I am here. I am Archangel Metatron. Yes, continue now to breathe deep in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus inward on your heart, allowing your heart to open and as you do, notice your energy, your frequency, begins to lift.

    You are supported in this by me, Archangel Metatron, by your own guides and angels, and by the powerful surge of energy on your earth at this time. This exciting time that you live in. The Spring Equinox of 2010. Today, crystalline energy is being activated and released into your world at locations across the planet. From inside your heart, visualize this now, imagine this. Imagine how this looks to you, crystalline energy being activated and released from deep in the earth. Entering the lower world, the world of your dreams and your subconscious. The middle world, the world of your physical waking life, your reality and your experiences are now filled with crystalline love energy. And the upper worlds is also filled with this unconditional love, the realm of unlimited possibility for your life, the realm of spirit.

    Lower, middle and upper are all filled with the crystalline glow of love. Allow yourself to breathe in deep again, and as you do, feel your lungs filling, your spinal column filling, and your entire aura filling with crystal white light, pure light. Yes, breathe in and feel yourself lift. Allow yourself to fly or to float. And know that this is the energy that you are moving into. Today, your life changes. Today, you are truly opening to your unlimited possibility. To a life filled with unconditional love and joy and peace. For you, and also for your planet Earth. You are made from Earth, and while this change is greatly affecting her, it affects you also. And it is good.

    Over the past few days, you may have noticed that there is much coming up for you. This is divine. That which is not in alignment with this new, lighter, higher you is coming up for release. And you are doing good in releasing the old, and replacing with love.

    Continue this over the next few days, and you will begin to face significant shifts in your life. You are stepping into now, a period of great fertility, great opportunity, and tremendous potential for growth. How big can you dream, dear one? Do you allow yourself the opportunity to imagine your life in grandiose form? Now is the time to focus in. To set your intentions on what you want to be created for you, and for your Earth in this next stage. I urge you to affirm I live in the state of conscious co-creation with mother Earth. We are one, and we experience joy, unconditional love, and peace. As these words are spoken, you are lifted again in vibration and the crystalline energy around you begins to swirl. Assisting you in rising beyond, rising above limiting thoughts. Outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. Into the realm of infinite possibilities. Some call this zero field. Oneness. Yes, you are here. Breathe in deep. Focus on opening your heart, and feel your energy lift into the realm of unconditional love.

    Dear one, this is the truth of who you are. Your higher self has existed in this realm always. And now the gap is being bridged. A bridge of light, a bridge of crystalline energy now connects you to your higher self. And at anytime you are able to return to this place of expanded frequency, of open heart, and of unconditional love, you do this, yes. You know the answer. From within your open heart. A white light of crystalline energy pours out through your crown chakra originating from in your heart And reaches up through the universe into the realm of unlimited possibility. The realm of oneness where your higher self dwells. As you reach into these realms, bring down the positive aspects of your higher self, allowing these aspects to enter into your physical body now. This will assist you in clearly knowing your divine blueprint. The path, the plan, and the specific steps to take in your life, to create the reality you came here to experience. To serve your fellow human beings. To consciously co-create in love, and in joy with your earth, to live a happy, fulfilled, and balanced life, to grow. These things are all possible for you, and you are supported now on this day in stepping into and in claiming this power.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael April 10 2010

    Beloved Ones,
    We of the Angelic Realms are here in great multitudes at this time to give assistance as needed, when needed, to all upon the Earth. We are standing by awaiting your calls. We continue to do all that we are instructed to do by Prime Creator and are holding the Light steady as all energies swirl in eddies upon the Earth. Never has there been such a happening before, with the past, present and future intermingling together in this way. We see that many of you have experiences that can only leave you wondering what just happened. Did you really experience this or was it but a dream? This is an experience of the convergence of energies from the past and future into present time and it is difficult to explain as it occurs, for it seems so real to you when it happens.

    Beloved Ones, long have we told you to learn to maintain your centers and now that training must come into play. Many strange, unusual and bizarre events and occurrences will continue to come forth into your lives and into the World scene. Some are so fleeting that you will feel that you imagined it rather than experienced it. Stay centered and be open to change in whatever way is asked of you. Trust that you have all the tools that you need to deal with whatever is presented in front of you. Stay centered in your heart space and trust in your inner guidance. Each of you is being assisted and guided in all that occurs in your lives. Talk to us and tell us your concerns and revelations for we can give assistance to help you discern what is indeed occurring.

    As Lightworkers, you have taken on the task of transmuting the new energies and making them safer for all of Humanity to absorb, in order to uplift all into a higher vibrational level. This you are doing at this time. Many of you have high energy running through your brains and bodies at this time and it is rather uncomfortable as it happens. This is why we advise long walks amidst nature and breathing rhythmically, deep into your bellies and out through your mouth without a discernible pause for at least seven breaths. This helps to stabilize you as the energies run through you and assists in creating greater comfort for you. The importance of drinking pure, clean water, at least 8 to 10 glasses each day is of vital importance in order to facilitate the movement of these energies safely through your physical bodies. Daily adherence to your spiritual disciplines will help with this process also.

    The energies are being stepped up in frequency level and many things will come forth that cannot be suppressed any longer. Each of you have been seeing and experiencing this in your own lives, at the same time as you do this, you are also assisting with the clearing and cleansing of the Earths grids, for as you go through your experiences and realize what is occurring, you help to ground and stabilize these forces into the central core of Mother Earth, which assists Her in stabilizing Her forces. There is so much that you are doing that you are not consciously aware of and will only know of it through hindsight. Know that the Ascension process for the Earth and all upon Her is now occurring. It is not in a future time, the time is NOW. All that you have worked for is now beginning to manifest before your eyes.

    Prepare yourselves with this knowledge and stand ready and willing to be of assistance. State your intentions to us to be of assistance each day, in whatever way is required for the Highest Good of all and trust that it is so. Each of you is being guided in each moment and never walk alone. You are safe, you are protected, you are guided in all that you do. This is a process that will unify the energies into one cohesive force called LOVE and this will create many wondrous changes upon the face of your Planet and within the hearts of all Humanity. It is time to unify with all fragments, aspects, parallel lifetimes, and soul extensions of your own Divine Self and this will continue to occur in each individuals Divine timing, for their Highest Good and welfare.

    Know that we are with you always, that all the Legions of Light stand ready to assist you, do call upon us first thing each morning to guide you to your greater task for that day and know that it is done.

    I AM Archangel Michael.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  Blacklight43 Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:15 am

    Thank you JT. I have enjoyed these videos since discovering them some time ago.They are so uplifting.

    Posts : 1766
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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:12 am

    hi blacklight43!

    I have been following these updates for a while now too :)

    There are many things mentioned that are beyond my ability to verify, such as talk about global and political events so I simply listen and take what resonates with me. If something makes me say hmmmmm...i write it down and go look for more information on that item.

    Yes I do agree these messages seem to be of the light and spiritual in nature. There are so many topics discussed that I feel should be researched some more. Have a wonderful day.

    Peace JT!

    Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle April 14 2010

    Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you about your world. Right now, our Earth allies continue to work on undermining the present banking system. Since the start of fractional banking in the early 1810s, the dark cabal has managed to slowly gain control of the global banking system. This system, like its partner the nation-state, is beholden to the moneyed interests on your world. Opposing them is a group of enlightened ones who saw the gross inequities produced by these systems and sought to reform them. In the past few decades, the opportunity arose to pull off this massive reform. The desperate conditions now surrounding your world's economies are a pressing reason to do these reforms properly. We have watched as your greedy and arrogant cabal plotted to avoid tackling these issues, but this proved to be a more difficult avenue to pursue than the cabal originally anticipated. A large group of hardened profiteers has attacked the cabal with a savage vengeance to the point where it can be said that a sickening sort of cannibalism is taking place.

    As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. The world watches as this grotesque performance reaches rock bottom. Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth allies. Your limited-conscious realm is governed by money and power, ensuring that the state is wedded to the whims of the wealthy. This symbiotic relationship now requires a quick end. Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways. Your old reality is visibly cracking under the combined strains of the activities of both the cabal and of our Earth allies.

    While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact. The recent increase in earthquakes measuring seven plus on the Richter scale is a clear warning of what she has in store, as is the extinction level of many endangered plants and animals. Meanwhile, the melting of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere continues unabated. The South Pole is temporarily a different story; here, millions of people are being affected by the huge rip in the ozone layer, and we have worked to repair this hole which is why the Antarctic glaciers are actually expanding again. Our next job is to give similar support to the Arctic ozone hole, but Mother Earth regards these as mere minor fixes. The slight shift in the Earth's 23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is yet another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans. We meet frequently with our Earth allies to discuss these vital matters and have begun a series of talks with major Earth governments.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:16 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa April 14 2010

    The dark Ones continue to find that their covert actions are being revealed, and in a time of truth so will it continue. The extent and scale to which you have been used and manipulated, is beyond your full understanding. However, you will learn sufficient to know that something radical and far reaching must be done, to cut out the cancer of corruption that has spread all through politics and business. Such knowledge will ensure that whatever replaces it, is based upon honesty and fairness with the object of doing what is best for all. That a small number of people have amassed great wealth, while most of you work hard for less than your labors deserve must change. It indeed will change Dear Ones, and the plans are ready to be implemented. In so many ways you have been led to believe that you are subservient to those in power, and your rights have been deliberately eroded to keep you down. Again that will change and although it will take time to reverse the situation, eventually you will become sovereign Beings once again.

    At a time when you have such a good system of communication, it is ironic that it is controlled by those behind the media who determine what you are allowed to know. What should be given a public airing is censored, and results in so many major topics of national interest being hidden away. There has not been such a thing as freedom of the Press to report on all matters of interest for a long time. Indeed reports are falsified to satisfy the aims Illuminati, and journalists comply rather than risk losing their jobs. When their lives and family are also threatened it takes a brave person to stand up to them. However, the truth does eventually come out, mainly thanks to the Internet and it needs protecting to ensure the principle of free speech. The false operations such as 9/11 are a good example of what the Internet can do to bring out the truth. It is true that it can also be used to counter truth with disinformation, but with discernment and intuition you will know what is true or not.

    Some of you ask what can you personally do to help change things, and our response is to advise you to talk amongst yourselves so that the truth is known by as many as possible. If action groups can be formed all the better, and along with others you will continue to apply pressure for the full truth to be revealed. Otherwise individually concentrate on how you visualize the future where you are free and your sovereignty is restored, and you will be helping it to manifest. Of course we have a great input into such matters, and working with our allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our plan for your future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has been decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole picture from their perspective. What has been decreed by them will come to pass, and all will be manifested by the time this cycle of duality has been completed. You are so near to major changes upon Earth, whilst the Sun and your solar system continue to move into a higher vibration. That is already being noted, but again such information is not readily made public but held back. There has been a policy of secrecy for many years, none more so than the findings of NASA who have deliberately set out to keep you from knowing about our activities and us.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:28 pm

    Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron April 14 2010

    Greetings, dear ones. I am here. I am Metatron. It is my honor to connect. Yes, breathe deeply now. And open your heart by simply focusing on that area, allowing your mind to be still and calm, you will begin to feel my presence, for I am very much with you. I am not limited by time or space or linear reality as you perceive it. So I am able to be with each and every one of you right now, wherever you may be. As you open your heart, you are able to feel, to see, or even just to know my presence. And even if you do not yet realize that I am with you, trust that indeed, I am. The more you attempt to open your heart as you practice choosing love, calling on angels, asking for angelic assistance, we will make ourselves more known to you and through your world, keep asking, keep praying. Keep looking inside of yourself and opening, and you will begin to remember the gift which you were born with. For you see, you are a spiritual being. You are a divine being. And you are having a human experience.
    Now this experience of being human was meant to be a joyful, abundant and inspiring experience. It was meant to provide you with opportunity to grow and learn about yourself. Now, this is still possible and this is still the highest purpose and vision of your life within you. You have a divine blueprint for your life. You have a specific map and plan of what you want to accomplish. What you want to contribute, and also the unique gifts, talents, and traits that you will use to accomplish your mission. You do have a mission. You are on a spiritual quest. You are on a journey. And know that since you are on a journey, there is never going to be a point when you have arrived or when you are finished working. But rather, it is important to know that very moment and every experience that you have, is a part of this. The channel who I speak through today had a challenging experience at a dentists office. She was emotional, and distraught, and having a rough time not realizing that this was an incredible opportunity to take her power back, to reclaim that aspect of her. Now, we share this her permission to help you see areas in your life that present you with challenges. Where are the situations? What aspects of your reality bring up a great deal of discomfort, a great deal of struggle? You all have them. They are all different, and they are powerful teachers for you. You see, the people in your life whom you have the most resistance, the people who you quarrel with, or who create strong reactions in you. These are your best teachers. The challenging circumstances, these are the big lessons. For you see, where there is challenge, there is great opportunity for you to overcome, for you to remain centered, light-filled, and love-filled despite whatever is happening around you. Despite the attitude, the intention or the beliefs of another.

    Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron April 14 2010

    Manifest, you are a powerful creator. Remember this now as the moon begins to decrease in size. You are supported in releasing anything that is not your truth and not in line with your purpose. If you are still getting in touch with what your purpose is, be patient, be loving, and take time daily to quiet your mind, to experience silence and to open your heart. If you already know what your purpose is, write it out daily. Make this your prominent thought. Focus on it often. Return to it, for as you do, as you intend, it is created.
    Silently now in your mind, I give you this opportunity to set your intention. Who are you? Who do you want to be? Affirm this now.
    To support you in this creation process. Which is possible, and is valid, we raise your energy once more. Golden light surrounds you. Surrounds your physical body, emotional body, energetic body and auric body. Golden white light which dissolves any and all negativity that is latched on to you throughout your day. Throughout your life. This is now dissolved into light. Return to source energy. And it is replaced with love. Yes, the powerful vibration of love strengthening your aura, repairing this energetic field around you. Feel it expand and lift and feel yourself lift as it does. Any and all cords connecting you and others that are draining to you are now cut, and all energy that is yours, that has been drained is rewoven into your being.
    Dear one, your love and your intention combined are a powerful duo. What do you want? Intend this. Back this with compassion and with love towards you and towards others. Believe in yourself. Believe that you deserve your love. Feel as though you are already vibrantly healthy. Feel as though you already have that abundance, the lifestyle, the love. Feel it. And it is yours. Trust that it is possible. Believe that you deserve it. You are a divine being. You are creating great change in your world. This great change happens from with inside your heart. The more you open, the more you inspire others to open. The more you love, the more love returns to you. Love one another, and equally as important, love yourself. Treat yourself lovingly with your thoughts, with your actions, with healthy foods and lots of water. Surround yourself with light, positive light, people, situations.
    Know that you are evolving, and this is a process. Honor yourself through this process. Support yourself in these changes, and trust that all is divine. Every experience you have, positive or negative, is divine and is an opportunity to learn and for you to grow further. When challenges arise, know that you are able to raise above them, to take your power back from them, and to lift higher. You are able to open to your true self, to the divine being you are. You can and you will live and express this divine being in your life. Christ was an example. An example of how you too can be and live. Christ consciousness is not only in Jesus Christ, but Christ consciousness is within you, and you are able to open to this, and live with this by simply choosing to honor yourself, to choose love, to serve others, and to reach out in compassion towards your Earth and towards all beings. Focus your intentions. Focus on love. And know that you are supported in following and walking your highest path. Angels are with you. Light surrounds you. You are faith, and you are on a journey returning to wholeness. You will succeed. And so it is.
    I am Metatron and I leave you now, but remind you that I am always with you. I am simply a thought away. I am here to assist you in designing and creating your reality. We are linked. And so as you focus your thoughts on what you want, they are created for you. Trust in this, and follow your joy. Good bye for now.
    Archangel Metatron

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  Balance Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:32 pm

    JesterTerrestrial wrote:Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron April 14 2010

    Greetings, dear ones. I am here. I am Metatron. It is my honor to connect. Yes, breathe deeply now. And open your heart by simply focusing on that area, allowing your mind to be still and calm, you will begin to feel my presence, for I am very much with you. I am not limited by time or space or linear reality as you perceive it. So I am able to be with each and every one of you right now, wherever you may be. As you open your heart, you are able to feel, to see, or even just to know my presence. And even if you do not yet realize that I am with you, trust that indeed, I am. The more you attempt to open your heart as you practice choosing love, calling on angels, asking for angelic assistance, we will make ourselves more known to you and through your world, keep asking, keep praying. Keep looking inside of yourself and opening, and you will begin to remember the gift which you were born with. For you see, you are a spiritual being. You are a divine being. And you are having a human experience.
    Now this experience of being human was meant to be a joyful, abundant and inspiring experience. It was meant to provide you with opportunity to grow and learn about yourself. Now, this is still possible and this is still the highest purpose and vision of your life within you. You have a divine blueprint for your life. You have a specific map and plan of what you want to accomplish. What you want to contribute, and also the unique gifts, talents, and traits that you will use to accomplish your mission. You do have a mission. You are on a spiritual quest. You are on a journey. And know that since you are on a journey, there is never going to be a point when you have arrived or when you are finished working. But rather, it is important to know that very moment and every experience that you have, is a part of this. The channel who I speak through today had a challenging experience at a dentists office. She was emotional, and distraught, and having a rough time not realizing that this was an incredible opportunity to take her power back, to reclaim that aspect of her. Now, we share this her permission to help you see areas in your life that present you with challenges. Where are the situations? What aspects of your reality bring up a great deal of discomfort, a great deal of struggle? You all have them. They are all different, and they are powerful teachers for you. You see, the people in your life whom you have the most resistance, the people who you quarrel with, or who create strong reactions in you. These are your best teachers. The challenging circumstances, these are the big lessons. For you see, where there is challenge, there is great opportunity for you to overcome, for you to remain centered, light-filled, and love-filled despite whatever is happening around you. Despite the attitude, the intention or the beliefs of another.

    Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron April 14 2010

    Manifest, you are a powerful creator. Remember this now as the moon begins to decrease in size. You are supported in releasing anything that is not your truth and not in line with your purpose. If you are still getting in touch with what your purpose is, be patient, be loving, and take time daily to quiet your mind, to experience silence and to open your heart. If you already know what your purpose is, write it out daily. Make this your prominent thought. Focus on it often. Return to it, for as you do, as you intend, it is created.
    Silently now in your mind, I give you this opportunity to set your intention. Who are you? Who do you want to be? Affirm this now.
    To support you in this creation process. Which is possible, and is valid, we raise your energy once more. Golden light surrounds you. Surrounds your physical body, emotional body, energetic body and auric body. Golden white light which dissolves any and all negativity that is latched on to you throughout your day. Throughout your life. This is now dissolved into light. Return to source energy. And it is replaced with love. Yes, the powerful vibration of love strengthening your aura, repairing this energetic field around you. Feel it expand and lift and feel yourself lift as it does. Any and all cords connecting you and others that are draining to you are now cut, and all energy that is yours, that has been drained is rewoven into your being.
    Dear one, your love and your intention combined are a powerful duo. What do you want? Intend this. Back this with compassion and with love towards you and towards others. Believe in yourself. Believe that you deserve your love. Feel as though you are already vibrantly healthy. Feel as though you already have that abundance, the lifestyle, the love. Feel it. And it is yours. Trust that it is possible. Believe that you deserve it. You are a divine being. You are creating great change in your world. This great change happens from with inside your heart. The more you open, the more you inspire others to open. The more you love, the more love returns to you. Love one another, and equally as important, love yourself. Treat yourself lovingly with your thoughts, with your actions, with healthy foods and lots of water. Surround yourself with light, positive light, people, situations.
    Know that you are evolving, and this is a process. Honor yourself through this process. Support yourself in these changes, and trust that all is divine. Every experience you have, positive or negative, is divine and is an opportunity to learn and for you to grow further. When challenges arise, know that you are able to raise above them, to take your power back from them, and to lift higher. You are able to open to your true self, to the divine being you are. You can and you will live and express this divine being in your life. Christ was an example. An example of how you too can be and live. Christ consciousness is not only in Jesus Christ, but Christ consciousness is within you, and you are able to open to this, and live with this by simply choosing to honor yourself, to choose love, to serve others, and to reach out in compassion towards your Earth and towards all beings. Focus your intentions. Focus on love. And know that you are supported in following and walking your highest path. Angels are with you. Light surrounds you. You are faith, and you are on a journey returning to wholeness. You will succeed. And so it is.
    I am Metatron and I leave you now, but remind you that I am always with you. I am simply a thought away. I am here to assist you in designing and creating your reality. We are linked. And so as you focus your thoughts on what you want, they are created for you. Trust in this, and follow your joy. Good bye for now.
    Archangel Metatron

    Thanks JT for the affirmation. A friend reminded me the other day about the moon and now was the time to manifest. Follow your Joy! Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates 934918

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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:33 pm

    Thanks JT Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_cheers Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates 374937

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    Post  mp3 Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:13 pm

    I really enjoyed the Metatron message from Apr 14. Thanks for posting it. Great stuff.

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    Post  CetaceousOne Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:22 am

    Thanks, JT.

    I have always found that the Salusa channelings lift me
    up a bit, even if they have yet to manifest into anything
    meaningful(as far as we know).

    Trying to keep an open mind and not succumb to cynicysm.....

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:40 am

    Right on folks! glad you are listening. I have listent to many of these messages.

    They are posted as is. Much is said that I agree with and also find uplifting and higher dimensional common sense Wink

    I posted many of these in my able to love thread @ AV1 PEACE!!! JT!

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa April 16 2010

    Every soul is being given the opportunity to resolve any outstanding karma, and since you are in your last lifetime on Earth some of you are living hectic lives. Karma is normally worked out when the best conditions present themselves, and do not necessarily occur in the life immediately after the one in which it was incurred. It is a major factor that determines your life plan, and more often than not is related to personal relationships. Each of you sets out in life looking for happiness and fulfillment, but often there is disappointment. Dear Ones, if you have failed to succeed in some aspect of your life, consider that it was planned and intended to give you lessons that are of value to you. After all, nothing that is important to your life plan happens by chance.

    At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma, and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries. Our caution concerns decisions that are made that effect many souls, such as our involvement with your future. The outcome is not always clear, but based on our experience and ability to read the future probabilities we are confident that little can go wrong. When an advanced civilization intervenes with one that is still evolving, much care is necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with their path of evolution.

    On Earth, at almost every turn you have decisions to make and you are prone to build up karma. However, once you understand the purpose of life and acknowledge the fact that you are all One, you will approach life with a greater understanding. It is not necessarily bound up in religious beliefs, as sometimes these can have the opposite effect by isolating you from other people. Again such souls are working out their karma through such experiences, and in the scheme of things every experience adds to your total consciousness, accumulated through all of your lifetimes.

    When you finally ascend you may be absolutely certain that you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master. You are amongst the bravest of souls to have honed your spiritual awareness, by going through each experience in person. You may wonder what happens to those memories of the negative ones, as many have left you scarred for life. Please be aware that as your consciousness rises, you will set aside such memories and eventually only recall your triumphs and successes. You cannot in fact carry the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and that is the Law. Whenever you carry heartache and sadness, know that it will not remain forever and that the energies of love and happiness will replace them.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:32 pm

    Well I really enjoyed the information in these updates. It really seems to resonate with my regarding the wild energies that have been going on the last few days. Well worth a listen/read IMO!!! Peace JT!

    Galactic Federation Of Light Uriel April 16 2010

    In order to do the healing work that is the foundation of each lifetime we require a physical presence on the earth. This physical presence begins with our body and all of the aspects that are required for it to function within its healing path. In addition to these physical aspects, such as gender, skin color, height, weight, and health, we have other material aspects such as personality and emotions that are important in realizing our mission. It is the combination of aspects that creates the perfect material presence for us to begin the journey of healing.

    We are physically whole when we are consciously aware of and grounded with all of our aspects and we are aware of where we are, what we are doing and why, all of the time. But we also need to look at whether we are using our physical presence to survive our experiences or to transcend them. There is a difference between being grounded and being stuck. What may feel like grounding, may actually be our attempt to find clarity, purpose and meaning in an unbalanced situation that is too narrowly focused on the physical/material. Then we feel stuck because all of our energy is concentrated in a single area and there is no room for expansion.

    Our material presence provides a vessel for spirit in which to do the work of healing. But if we forget about the healing purpose of our lifetime, we will focus our material presence on survival to create safety and control and never expand beyond that. Can we be surprised that many people are so intent on their physical appearance, accumulating wealth, owning a large home in an exclusive community, having a powerful job and earning the biggest salary? This all represents a focus on our physical presence, which is grounded in safety and survival. Anything that represents healing and movement is a threat to that.

    Where are our other aspects? They are all contributing to the area we are focused on. Our emotions and experiences are grounded in the need for safety and control, creating experiences that bring these needs forward for healing and resolution. To become unstuck we must be willing to move our focus from needing to be in control to allowing movement in other directions, bringing our aspects into balance. Can we be grounded in transformation, when everything is changing, and feel safe, guided, nurtured and in control? Are we open to transformation or do we need assurance that we will still be safe and in control if we step through that door? When we can ask those questions and be open to the answers, change will bring new energy flows that will help us get unstuck and bring us back into balance.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Master Hilarion April 18 2010

    Beloved Ones,

    This week will see you doing more of the same. It is the time of great cleansing upon the Earth and within every Being upon Her. This is a momentous task, as you can well imagine, for it requires that your Individual Support Teams work with each of you constantly to assist and facilitate the greatest amount of growth and expansion in your consciousness so that you may quickly take your rightful places as the multi-dimensional Beings that you truly are. This growth can take many, many forms and lessons and oftentimes leaves question marks in your minds as to what is actually happening. Trust that all is as it should be and connect deeply into your hearts, to get in touch with your deepest truth and all will be well.

    We understand that as each of you are being tested by this cleansing, many emotions surface that you believed had already been dealt with and so it may seem as if no progress is being made. We say to you, Dear Ones, that much progress is being made if you could but see the whole picture. Trust that all that is occurring for you right now is exactly what should be occurring and feel everything out with your deepest heart space, for in everything, Love is the answer. Find your balance and equilibrium by intending the highest and best outcome and give it over to your God Self. Have faith and trust that this is part of the greater Plan for your life in these changing times.

    Some of the feelings that you have been experiencing are coming from a different aspect of yourselves that has re-united within your Monad and you have taken on the unresolved issues of this aspect of your greater Self in order to bring equilibrium and integration within your Divine Self. This is the focus for all at this time, to bring together all that was lost and separated because of former lifetimes and their happenings, which created such divisions. Now is the time for all of these to come together in peace and harmony and great healing. If you have experienced much emotion and then find yourselves feeling the need for much sleep, know that this is part of the process of re-integration. Just go with the flow of what your mind and body feels and act upon it.

    Your bodies are cleansing and releasing much, both physically, emotionally, mentally and as just stated, multi-dimensionally. In time, this will facilitate the total Integration with your Great I AM Presence and you will begin to manifest only the very highest qualities in your embodiment upon the Earth. When you perceive yourself as doing this, then that is a sign that you are fully integrating with your Highest Self and your true gifts shall come forth to bless all those around you. I wish to state that this is happening to a great many of you at this time. Much work has been done and more of this will continue. Just keep in mind, Beloved Ones, that no matter where you go, you must take your Self with you so it behooves you to face your starkest truths as soon as possible and move on.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Council of Twelve April 18 2010

    This is God: the marriage between mind, matter, energy, love and light. Whatever words or concepts you personally may use, God is that unexplainable bridge that expresses itself in 3D, ready to open up and re-connect everything.

    As humans, you often pray for this to happen not understanding that you are praying to yourselves. Your life is a manifestation of everything in this universe which can not be spoken or explained. It is the very reason why YOU have come to 3D, why YOU choose to exist in this state of 3D, without it ever truly effecting or diminishing you.

    We laugh so hard sometimes, when we are with you behind-the-scenes, at how serious you take the things, events and people in your life, not recognising that you meet the same beingness over and over again; the beingness called God.

    This is what you truly are, and what you truly do: you seemingly remove all other dimensions from your consciousness, willingly, in order to experience them here. Life is full of dimensions, every experience and every moment in time and space is a facet of a dimension that you are choosing to experience here on Earth, and as such you change that dimension forever. You lift it up because of your unparalleled point of observation.

    If you do this more consciously than you do it now, you will reconnect with ALL and, yes, you will create Heaven on Earth. One concept, many descriptions. When you reconnect all other dimensions with 3D once again, you become the energy portal by opening yourselves to exist in all dimensions at the same time.

    That's what you believe God's job description to be, right: creating Heaven on Earth? Well, we say to you, God: go forth and create the essence of what you are here. Then you will see, feel and touch everything, knowing that your divine mission has been a success.

    Although this is not the total reason for you being here now, it is a big part of it. Never forget how blessed you truly are, by your own volition. We pray, Imzaia, that one day we may say: blessed you truly are, by your own admission.

    When God comes home to your Heart is when you see yourself for what you truly are. When that happens, God comes home to Earth. Notice the subtle difference between these two words: 'heart' and 'earth' or, in other words 'the beginning' and 'the end'. It has been known in earlier times as 'the alpha' and 'the omega'.

    When your heart and your earth will be one singular field, and not two opposites of the same dual coin, the promise of heaven will be fulfilled. That, beloved creators, was the original concept of heaven when you created it and put it in your DNA as the greatest mission ever to unfold: to truly come home again. To unify the alpha, which is the heart, and the omega or the heart's energy now manifested as the earth.

    We await your artistry and mastery with great anticipation.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Arcturian Group April 19 2010

    Greetings to all of you on this fine day of spring.

    We see the hope and energy of change and renewal within all. Indeed, the spring within all is bursting forth new ideas of truth, and new ways of expressing that of which you are becoming more and more aware. It is a time of new beginnings and the flowering forth of fruitage from your new awareness in ways of service and love for your fellow man. You are beginning to see that all are connected, regardless of how outer appearances may look. All is One dear ones, all is an expression of the one Source and that is the lesson now being learned.

    The issues of volcanic eruptions and the many earth shattering quakes are teaching you compassion and love for your brothers and sisters who have chosen to experience these things for the betterment of mankind in order that others can learn to serve and to love. It is a part of your evolving growth dear ones, to learn that there is only One in many forms and varieties. Those who are far from this realization are now learning through these issues of tragedy as they become aware of those who suffer and need help. Lessons do not need to be learned at this level, but there are many who are not yet ready to learn from within, from that place of inner knowing and so for now, they learn in the ways of the third dimension and all is proceeding according to plan. Those who have chosen to refuse to embrace truth are being left to stagnate in their place of choosing. All have free will, and all evolve when and if they choose.

    We see many more events coming that will encourage those who have not wanted any change, to change. The fears of many are holding the world in a bondage of sorts; a strong connection to the past, to old ways of seeing and doing things. Those who have been served well by the old, will soon find that these ways do not work any longer because energy is rapidly changing and is no longer in place to manifest these old ideas. They will then be forced to look at new ways of seeing and doing as they struggle to hold on to outdated concepts and beliefs, believing that the "good old days" were the best and can be brought back. This is not the way of evolution dear ones, and you would not want to stay in one state of consciousness forever. You are here on earth to grow and evolve; always moving toward the Light within and the realization of your oneness with Source.

    If all stayed "perfect" according to the third dimensional standards (concepts) , then what would spur you to move deeper? We say to you that all are being spurred in what ever ways necessary, to move deeper and this is what all the issues taking place right now on earth are about-a moving deeper into the realization of your oneness with all that is. This is a huge shift, movement out of metaphysics and into mysticism. Big Step for mankind and you are ready!

    In metaphysics you work to attain dollar bills, health and home. In mysticism you realize that you, in your real identity, are the energy that appears outwardly as these things. You can never be separated from your true home because your home is Divine consciousness, this realization (not intellectual knowledge is the first step)
    then appears outwardly as...

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa April 19 2010

    We inform you so often that all is proceeding well and we really mean it, as you cannot know the full extent to which our allies and us are preparing a path for the many changes. There is an ongoing thrust to force a number of issues to be resolved, so that those charged with making important announcements feel safe to do so. There are certainly opportunities approaching that will strengthen the hand of our allies, and the energy with it is extremely powerful and will lead to the expected and required action. Each week that passes sees another step forward taken, and the announcement that is awaited draws ever closer. It is time to bring out the truth of your many Space friends and their links with Earth, and this will trigger many related issues that are hidden from you. It will also be instrumental in revealing who is behind the attempts to prevent you learning the truth, and also their reasons for doing so. The fight for control over you has gone on for a long time, and the dark ones were nearly successful. Fortunately, events have been used to limit the opportunities of the Illuminati to achieve any further progress towards their goal. They are struggling to maintain their stance, yet still plot to cause you chaotic conditions. However, they will not be able to achieve as much as they intended, as we are always limiting the likely effect of their covert actions.

    Our allies are spread around the world which is very useful to our efforts to promote our own agenda. We have a number of options where the announcement is concerned, and in the ultimate it may come from a least expected source. What is certain is that it has become very near to being broadcast, and is one of the most important steps that we will be taken on your behalf. It has never been our wish that the truth is forced upon you, but we do want to feed you with information that will lessen the inevitable shock that some will experience. Not everyone is ready to have his or her beliefs shattered by learning too much, too quickly.

    In recent years we have been able to influence your media and television programs. We have successfully been able to have our presence shown in such a way, that it reflects more truthfully what we are about and our peaceful approach to you. We have a mission that regardless of any interference carried out will proceed as planned, and we are motivated by our love and service to Mankind. You are for the moment like our children, but you will grow up at an exceedingly fast pace. The more you move into the Light, the more you are reaching up to the levels that we are from. It is our place to ensure that you travel the path to Ascension, and that all preparations are completed in time to include Mother Earth.

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:34 pm

    JT, the youtube displays are very beautiful. I can see why you're drawn to them.

    What is it about the message that draws you into it?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Swanny Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:27 am

    Still keeping the lie alive then Fool Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_clown

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:52 pm

    Swanny wrote:Still keeping the lie alive then Fool Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_clown

    Still a trolling dis information agent Mr. Swanny.

    Funny you sound a lot like trancoso and gita

    almost like you are either the same ignorant NWOS or you are part of an agenda to spread dis information. prove its a lie you ignorant human. I state that it is posted as is. The lies are listed in the the lie thread...where you and your buddies mock the people that are here to help. Wonder why!!! either way...Peace. try to tell the universe differently...look what get exposed for what you are! LOL And you still owe me an apology!

    Hi is the spiritual element of the message that seems to suggest that these are messages of light. There are many things stated that I can not prove like talk about the government level but take what resonates with me. A lot of the message seems to reflect what i am experiencing with the energetic changes we are all going through. Also I have been following these audio updates for months and many times have enjoyed the overall message. There seems to be a consistent element of uplifting and self empowering to the message! Thats what i like about it.

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    Post  Balance Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:42 pm

    your Love Power have affected me deeply. You ARE a star.
    Your Love energy is contagious.
    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny
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    Post  Anchor Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:53 pm

    JT - that fire v fire thing you've started recently needs to stop before the destruction it causes escalates.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:09 pm

    Balance wrote:Jester,
    your Love Power have affected me deeply. You ARE a star.
    Your Love energy is contagious.
    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Icon_sunny
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    Thank you. We are all stars!!!

    Anchor wrote:JT - that fire v fire thing you've started recently needs to stop before the destruction it causes escalates.

    Is that so!!!


    LOL you may be right!!! OK...Wheres my ice cannon!!!

    Peace JT!

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:56 am


    Galactic Federation Of Light Ashtar April 20 2010

    Greetings and Salutations Beloveds, I am Ashtar, I come with peace in my mind which allows my heart to be with unconditional love for harmonious and open communications. I have a few matters, which I wish to discuss with the collective of Angels (for all here are angels) on this planet for the planetary healing, which is occurring now.

    Dear Ones, it is not without much heaviness in our hearts, we must allow for the belief points which structure the reality of the one co creating in the reality creation process. When one states truth is absolute this brings one unnecessary grief for if one cannot allow for a higher, wiser truth to flow into the awareness for the awakening process. How can one grow existing in such a manner? Please understand beloveds, I am not here to admonish anyone, or any ones truth by any means, more so to allow for the opening of the lines of communication with many on this planet once again. This often has meant in other similar process such as this, that the presence of our ships has assisted with the awakening process. When our ships are spotted over your skies, it often has caused much fear and pain, however this is not much longer the case. There is far too much public knowledge of our intergalactic presence for one not to be open to a higher truth, however there are far to many unconscious be-ings on the surface of this planet. Lord Sananda and I have spoken many times concerning this matter, what is in the highest good of the collective on Gaia as well as when to announce our presence.

    We have increased our presence in the realities of the unconscious masses. This will continue through the next equinox as well as through out the remainder of the year as you perceive it now. WE shall soon be seen to all, without questionability. When WE present ourselves to the masses, the masses will be ready, no fear remaining in the hearts of the awakened ones. Dear ones, it is our wishes for you to collectively find the harmony needed which will allow us to de-cloak our ships in full for full reunion. This cannot occur until the masses have the levels of harmony needed.

    Harmony levels needing to be achieved are much higher than less aware individuals would think. If one cannot offer up peace for harmony, one will not be in a functional collective consciousness. It is our ways of Be-ing, through the art of surrender we are self - conscious creator gods, Angels are creator gods. Those with a physical vessel for embodiment have asked for the highest of challenges by volunteering for this. Once the angel (those who read this) come to understand the nature of forgetfulness, then the angel can have remembrance, in turn bringing deliverance to the heart of the embodied angel incarnate. Love is all there is, no truth exist in illusion. Shadows contain the illusion, illusion is where the demons are allowed to play the interFEARing role of reflection. You see dear ones, when it comes to the reality creation process, in the collective sense of multidimensionality, one must come to the understanding for this free will construct, there are angels and there are demons. Angels are in the light of love, demons are in the shadows of illusion, both authentic realities of GOD, one simply named illusory for the fact which one should understand if one has been doing the processing WE of the angelic realms as well as the Ashtar Command have been guiding your way. Be with peace Beloveds, we have much planned for The Grand Illumination, of which this planet has a vital role in InterGalactically.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Alpha Ship April 20 2010

    Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

    It has been nine days (nine moons, as the Indians of North America say) since the last message was sent by us through our channel, Kris-Won. We already said in an earlier transmission that on some occasions we were going to be away more times than others, because we must perform certain tasks at certain times, which requires our full attention and dedication; sometimes in another quadrant of the solar system, and even in another part of the Galaxy. Sometimes we serve to support our other brothers who need our help. And, of course, we want to help them, even if we have to momentarily postpone our almost constant work of help and support for Mother Gaia and Her children.

    You need us in these moments that are going to change your vibrational level, rising to a higher octave and closer to perfection. We have to help you in this critical stage, since any error on your part as a humanity could trigger a catastrophe on a planetary level and even outside your planet, which we, as your Older Brothers and Sisters, are not going to allow under any circumstance. We will offer you our help to ensure an orderly and uniform transition to the new habitat that all the kingdoms of the Earth will have, once you have left the three-dimensional planet for a fifth-dimension planet. That is your destiny, and we will make sure this quantum jump happens without obstacles and without problems, despite the never-ending interference of the dark forces, who try desperately to impede the transition of humanity and the other kingdoms to the New Earth.

    Please, have no doubt with respect to the joyous attainment of this common goal, of this achievement that is everyone's--yours and ours--in a communion of brotherhood and fraternity, since each individual mind of yours who harbors doubts or who does not believe in this next evolutionary leap of mankind, creates difficulty, or delays the moment when the transition becomes fact and not just the utopia of a few naive dreamers.

    So, instead help us to bring this New World through having faith in us and the strength of our mutual cooperation, as well as through the visualization by some of you of a shining new world, with loving beings that live in harmony with each other, and also in harmony with the animals and the air and sea environment. To achieve this is necessary--it is essential--that a large number of human beings on this planet achieve an awakening of consciousness, because that is what will allow you to rise to a higher state of consciousness, higher than that in which you currently live. In fact, far higher!

    But do not be alarmed, because this is not as difficult as it seems. We, who monitor you constantly for many different reasons, are finding that more and more people are fed up with the old and archaic system, and aspire to live in a better world without wars, hunger, injustice and inequality. Or without political corruption, police and courts. Each time, there are more people who seek more of an ideal and spiritual world where ethical and moral rules reign, and less people seeking debauchery and excess; more for equality and the concept that the rich countries learn to share their wealth with the poorest countries, they are helping and cooperating in bringing to reality the strength of their ideas for recovering all living things that inhabit Planet Earth and its global rise.

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa April 21 2010

    For some time you have realized that the operations on Earth are not serving your new found understanding, and certainly not the higher levels of spirituality that are now manifesting. It is clearly a battle for supremacy, whilst the dark Ones use every trick in the book to delay the inevitable. Lightworkers steadfastly respond with moves that transmute the lower energies, ensuring that they do not affect their own high standards. The more severe the challenge, the greater is the response accompanied by Love and Light. The Light is the building block of the Universe, and its power lies in its purity and high vibration. Stay in the energy of Love, and you cannot be assailed by the attempts of the dark Ones to prevent you lifting up. Providing you can contain your emotional reactions, there is no reason why you cannot deflect any such attacks upon you. Conversely, the higher you rise up, the more you are able to hold your position as your Light provides your protection.

    There are valid reasons to be concerned with what is happening on Earth, but if you are aware of the reasons behind the changes they do not present a problem. You may not yet be able to see the outcome, but the cleansing will be uncomfortable for a while but soon settle down, as you will see new replacing the old quite quickly. It is all ready for a whole series of changes that will overcome the many disasters that have hit you lately. In the near future there will be the introduction of a whole host of new ideas, that have been carefully thought out in advance. They are to bridge the gap in your advancement that should have been well ahead of what it is now. No longer will those with a different agenda, be able to interfere with what is due to you and has been denied through greed and the desire for power. The dark Ones know that it is time for them to call it a day, and allow the Light to return to Earth and set the final acts of Ascension in motion.

    There was always going to be an end time bringing activities on Earth to a halt, and that time has arrived. The cycles of life are pre-ordained, and it is not for Man to decide to hold them up. The final days of your present cycle are near, and are to take you away from the lower energies and set your feet upon the path to Ascension. Nothing short of a command from The Creator will alter the outcome, and you are assured that your upliftment will take place. The wishes of every soul will affect the manner in which the final days are played out, as you are still creating and your combined energies are determining the manner in which they finally occur. Be careful that you place your focus on all that is of the Light, and do not allow your guard to drop. You do not want to give succor to those who oppose you, and misdirect your energies for their use.

    Each day takes you nearer to the beginning of the end of the dark activities. They will be disrobed and their power taken away, and placed where they can no longer interfere with your efforts or ours to restore the Earth. We simply wait for an indication that everything is in place for the final move, to start the ball rolling. Perhaps a snowball would be more apt, as once it starts to roll it will quickly gather an unstoppable momentum. Opposition to what is planned will soon be swept aside, and not because we enforce our mission, but because it has already been agreed. What we propose is in the best interests of everyone, and will release you from the oppression caused by duality. A new Man is emerging on Earth, spiritually endowed with a remarkable understanding of what is now needed to move you on. Some are the early Indigo children or Starseeds, that have grown in stature and ready to serve you all. There is great wisdom and understanding carried by them, and they know precisely why they are on Earth at this memorable time.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Pan April 23 2010

    Greetings Beloved Family, Beloved Family of earth and sky. It is I, Pan, come to greet you on this most joyful of occasions. Oh yes, the music brings us together even more, and we are thankful for its sweetness, and for the pictures that it paints, for it makes the visions more real. That which beloved Ashtar has spoken of is real, it is the reality, this healing, this coming together in Joy and Love, this Golden Age, thats reality. There are still false images present on Planet Earth, false images created by energies which have not allowed the light to come in and to be a part of their reality.

    And so we are gathered here tonight to put the Love Light everywhere on Planet Earth where these situations are still occurring, where these defilings, plunderings, scarrings and wounds are still being created and implemented by those who know not what they do. They have lost their own hope. Perhaps never had it. They are not on the path that we share, Beloved Ones, this Ascension path for Planet Earth. Oh yes, I, Pan, and all of the kingdoms are on this path as well, so here we are together in Oneness, in Love and in the Joy of clear vision, of clear discernment and of clear mission. We are here, Beloved Ones, to heal. We are here to bring compassionate Love to the entire situation. We are here to express from our hearts the very highest levels of Love and Truth. We are here to utilize the gifts we share, and the Joy of our togetherness. We are here to bring us even closer in our Love and in our service, for we all have mission and purpose - thats why we are here. Well, I have been around a bit longer than you have in your current bodies, nevertheless there were many times when we were together in various places upon the Earth, most particularly in the forests. And now they are trying to wipe out what remains of those old growth forests because they know that the trees have memories, memories that they share with all who come, high dimensional memories, loving memories, joyful ones, and it is just a program which is to be turned off for good. And we are here to do what you might call an exercise in hastening that day, that moment.

    So we shall ask you to come together. It is most appropriate to join hands even as you perhaps close your eyes, your 3D eyes, and breathe in the fresh air. Come into the forest if you are standing on the edge, dance if you wish, skip, sing! Come into the forest, into the coolness, the sun shines beautifully through the trees, but here we all are together. Here you are with your guides, your angels, here are the masters, here are the dwellers of the kingdoms of what you call the elementals. They have been waiting for the Joy , for this moment when we come, when you arrive in the sacred forest. Smell what there is to smell, the grass underfoot, perhaps some moss growing on the old trees. The trees of wisdom. Step right up. Even though you have joined hands, it is OK, you can make a circle around the various trees, a parade of tree huggers if you will. How joyful is that? Breathe, breathe and allow the trees to share their Love with you. There is a soft breeze blowing, just perfect, so you feel the coolness and the freshness of the air while at the same time the sun shines brightly in this forest, in our forest. It is our Family gathering place to be one in nature, to be one with all of the spirits of nature. There are ponds and lakes and rivers in this forest and oh, yes, it runs by a seashore.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  Swanny Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:13 am

    Post deleted by ADV as it was off topic and objected to by JT.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:59 am

    JT's response to the above post deleted by Adv.

    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial on Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:07 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:01 am

    Back to the original topic of this thread...

    Galactic Federation Of Light Saul, April 25 2010

    Good morning John, your doubts and anxieties are understandable. God has promised joy, and He always delivers, but you have to. . . accept.

    Very many of you continue to argue and fight among yourselves about which channeled messages — if any — are valid. They all have validity, but their messages vary because those receiving them are different, have different hopes and prejudices, and have different basic vocabularies through which the messages are filtered.

    To change the world you have to change yourselves, which means being forgiving, loving, accepting, and cooperative. When you are at war with yourselves, you see God, the Holy Spirit, Angels, guides, and channeled entities preaching Love and Light. And you look and see where it hasnt got you! Humanitys outlook is still: Whats the point, Its a dog-eat-dog world, Youve got to protect yourself. . . no one else will. You are not extending and sharing the energy of Gods infinite Love for you, instead you continue to create and send out mistrust, doubt, and fear, which feeds and strengthens the illusory reality instead of helping to dissolve it.

    Jesus was loving kindness, forgiveness, and acceptance. Yes, in the short term, He was crucified, but He set the foundations for a new way to live, and many of you have followed His example and found peace in your lives. For the world to change you all have to offer peace and love and acceptance in every moment. So long as you wait for others or your governments to do it, so long will you continue to wait.

    You know non-violence works, it has been demonstrated — Gandhi in the first half of the twentieth century, young people in the USA in the 60s and 70s, and young people in Eastern Europe in the 80s and 90s — but when the cause is won people tend to go back to their old ways, complaining and seeing themselves as victims (of some other form of injustice), and they close themselves off again from one another in fear.

    The way forward is to love your way through your fear by dropping your defenses, and responding to perceived attacks with kindness, compassion, and a desire to understand the others pain. Then accept yourselves and others with compassion — always. Responding to perceived attack in any other way maintains and strengthens the state of conflict. You have to open your arms in love in every situation, releasing your fears and your doubts. It most definitely does work, but you cannot know this until you do it.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:53 am

    Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Kuthumi April 24 2010

    I am Kuthumi Agrippa and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, transmutation, ascension and delightful blessings. Greetings beloved ones.
    And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and within the hands of God.
    Beloved Lightworkers the time is rapidly coming to the point where all energies must unite in one dynamic force of love, drawing this source from the centre of the light of Father/Mother God.
    Each and every one of you hold within you a sacred signature of divinity and truth. It is these signatures, which must now merge to create the collective signature, which will break down the Illuminati Matrix, enabling us to fully anchor the new Emerald Ray of Love and Truth.
    Each and every step that you take upon your pathway of healing and becoming more profoundly aware of yourself allows for these dynamic new energies to root themselves firmly within the matrix of the Collective Consciousness, however, because so many of the human race are still trapped within the Illuminati Matrix it is vital that each of you rise dynamically into the realms of greater awareness, and a more expanded knowledge of the potential which lies inside of you.
    Now the Illuminati Matrix consists of all those energies and programmes which were created deliberately by those in power who chose not to release the truth, for they feared it would disempower them, leaving them standing without that which they so deeply desire.
    The truth about power is that it is not something that you possess, it is something which is naturally inside of you which you express, and the dynamics of that empowered soul touches the hearts of others allowing for the same empowerment process to unfold for them. To possess power is to own anothers light which is not in accordance with the higher realms of empowerment.
    It is vital that you understand that these who we call the Illuminati are those who are motivated by the seven vices of your world. These vices disempower the collective, and disempowers the individual motivated by these qualities. Although they do not immediately see it, the time has come now where the dawning of this new world of light will expose these darker aspects of themselves and they will fall.
    It is vital that this fall occur so that each and every soul can take back their rightful position. Although this will happen, the fall that is, there are still many who will not take advantage of the opportunity to embrace their power, therefore, the responsibility lies upon you, the awakened ones, to empower yourselves more than ever before in order to hold the full capacities of light available to you, in order to carry the ancient signatures of truth into your future so that the Promised Land can come into manifestation.
    The Promised Land is the world in which you will find yourself where others of like heart, like mind and like spirit join together in a collective community of love rebuilding the paradigms of truth and creating the pathways where others will find their way to their truth. Do not despair for those who will not take advantage of this opportunity for it is a part of their divine plan, it is part of their journey to understand what living in the dark world means. The dark world is the world where the seven vices rule, where there is the absence of love, the absence of understanding, in other words the world of ignorance.
    You have moved beyond these dimensions of control, although there are still parts of you governed by these Illuminati imprints you now have the opportunity to rise way above it, and from your higher perspective able to observe how these dynamics play out in the lower worlds. This means your lower ego will undergo a massive transformation so that you may transcend that world and discover the higher aspects of your most dynamic self.

    Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Kuthumi April 24 2010

    Each of you will then be assigned a specific Master and Solar Archangel who will carry you through the initiations the High Priest and Priestesses bring forth from the inner core of the central realm of the core Galactic Centre of All That Is. You will awaken to the inner qualities inside of yourself, which will lead you in the direction of your destiny so that you as a representative of this core platinum ray can teach what you have been designed to deliver in order to empower humanity even further. These energies will extend their rays to every corner of the Earth, each of you strategically placed at different geographic locations in order to hold these lights.
    The Fifty-five Flames of St Germain, which have been recently harvested are bringing forth fine threads of amethyst and sapphire energy which you too will integrate over time. These threads will create a sacred weave between your chakras and unite a magnificent tapestry of a new design, which becomes the Illuminated Matrix. The Platinum Star-tetrahedron activates the destruction of the Illuminati Matrix, but know that as you stand together in this powerful force of energy, you hold the grids which keep those who are already safe within the safety zones of the higher qualities of the new world. This is not to say that we are excluding any soul from this pattern, all we are saying is that those of you who have already stepped into this higher quality, your position has already been made ready for you. This opportunity is available to every single soul on the planet, whether they choose to take advantage of it or not is entirely their individual choice.
    Your energies will continue to increase at a highly rapid rate, therefore, it is vital that you follow your instinct and your intuition and allow the love of your true self to shine through. This is a time of breaking down the Illuminati Matrix within yourself too, meaning that those parts of you that are bound by false belief systems to that which was constructed which has bound you too the incessant dramas of the old world, will now begin to fall away. Each and every energy which is disconnected from the Illuminati Matrix is then cleansed through the platinum vibrations and reconnected to the Illumination Matrix where you will take on a new role, a new part of your destiny as the leaders of the light in the new world of light. You will create this grid, which will emit some of the most powerful rays ever to be recorded in the Earths spiritual history, far greater than Atlantis was every able to emit.

    Part 3 Galactic Federation Of Light Kuthumi April 24 2010

    So through the essence of the almighty power of Father/Mother God we extend this powerful light to each of you, blessing you with these rays, enhancing your inner courage, your inner strength and drive to truly know yourself, to expand your awareness of self, your love of self and your acceptance of self on a whole new level so that these energies can re-ignite, be resuscitated, be revitalised in order to reconstruct the divine order of a new world motivated by the higher ego, the higher qualities of the spirits of everything in existence, no longer governed by the ignorant worlds of darkness.
    Know that the challenges that you will face will be from those stuck in the Illuminati Matrix who will consider your new way of being very threatening, for when you come into your power it challenges every dark aspect within those who have not yet achieved the level of self acceptance, self love and self awareness that you have achieved.
    Do not be destabilised by these challenges, do not doubt yourself, do not move away from your courage and your light because these ones challenge your power. Stand strong within this power because it is through leading by example, by strengthening that light that you overcome those challenges and you become the force of love to be reckoned with, the darkness swallowed up by it and you elevate your energies to higher levels, rising beyond those debilitating energies which have kept you destabilised, disempowered, distracted and fragmented in the past.
    The accumulation of those fragmented parts of yourself will reconnect at an accelerated rate, therefore, know that you will see yourself changing rapidly and within weeks for some of you, you will be a aghast at how much you are changing, how dramatically your life is changing and it may feel at times as if you have stepped from one lifetime into another one within a very short space of time.
    It is vital that you honour your bodies needs, that you do what is necessary now to keep your body strong, to cleanse it, to feed it with healthy foods, to give it enough hydration in the form of unpolluted water. Pray, meditate.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:30 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Mira Pleiadian High Council April 23 25 2010

    Greetings, I am Mira. I speak to you today from the Pleiadian High Council. It is important that we stay in communication during these chaotic and changing times on the Earth. We are with you. We are assisting in ways that you cannot yet see but we are there with you every step of the way.
    We have come a long way and we still have quite a way to go during the Earths transition into the higher dimensions. The increased frequency of Earth changes will continue with some respites in between. It will be intense for the next few years. Strategic plans are in place that will assure the success of the Earth and for all of life that chooses to remain on the Earth.
    We are joined by many other star nations. Right now we work behind the scenes as much as possible. In the future you will be made aware of our presence. There is pressure mounting for the truth to be told about our presence. The secrets will be revealed. Once this happens we will be able to provide much more visible assistance to you and the Earth. We will create relationships that will be successful and longstanding. Some of you might be involved with us telepathically already. We are very close. Others may be seeing or feeling more of our energy around them. We are making contact because it is crucial.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:24 am


    Galactic Federation Of Light Ashtar, Sheran and Intergalactic Fleet, April 25/26 2010

    Greetings in the four quadrants of the Divine Universe which takes place in and out of each one of you.
    I come to explain about the energetic changes.

    Dear Brothers,

    I come here tonight to enlighten you about the dizziness and the changes of energy that Lightworkers
    are experiencing. Do not be fret. Do not be afraid. This is a energy shift that is occurring inside and
    outside of you.

    Mother Gaia has been going through such change since 1950 and is now more evident. Never fear
    when you feel your energetic bodies different,this is the change that is qualifying in your personal
    coefficient of light climbing a step in your vibration, do not fear when you feel your energy bodies different.

    You need to vibrate higher so you can capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one
    earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D will depend only on the vibrational quality of each brother. Therefore,
    we ask you to do the decrees, that you concentrated in the Light.

    The change will not be easy, but the Father / Mother is supporting each one of you.

    As for your visions, do not worry about,when you receive always send Violet Flame. You have the power to easy, to
    allay the natural disasters. Many who are incarnated on earth today chose to pass sharp and painful and others like
    you not, so focus , do the decrees to and trust.

    Do not doubt, because doubt hinders and condenses the energy of low vibration. Do not open holes for the negative
    influences, but do not forget to see the truth.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Master Hilarion April 25 2010

    Hello Beloved Lightworkers,

    Each of you have been clearing all that you are not and this is an ongoing process and will continue unabated until your Light Body has fully descended into your physical body system. It has been a difficult time for many of you as you continue to wrestle with your own self identity and sense of who you really are, and not only yourself but those that are closest to you. Please understand, Beloved Ones, that there are a great deal of energies intermingling at this time, from the past, present and future, all is coming together, all that needs to be addressed, acknowledged, observed and released. Do not despair, but rather, realize that in the overall Plan, this is actually a very positive occurrence. As you release what you are not and let it go, more Light takes its place within you and this is how you are making inroads on your spiritual journey.

    It is very important at this time, Beloved Ones, to keep firmly in mind that your thoughts are powerful and that what you focus on, will manifest for you, so it behooves each of you to keep your thoughts turned to the positive, to the highest vision and highest outcome in all situations. We realize that this is very difficult to do when you are in the throes of releasing, just know that you have an incredible amount of support and that you are never alone. Your spiritual guides, teachers and angels work unceasingly with each of you, inspiring you from on high, uplifting your spirits when you grow weary and helping you to sleep so that we can better assist in the adjustments to your physical bodies. The changes within you are happening at a much faster rate now and those of you reading this message are at the forefront of the metamorphosis taking place within you and upon and within the Earth. As you change, Mother Earth also changes and you help each other along the path to Ascension.

    We advise, as before, great amounts of pure, clean water, more than adequate rest and as much time outdoors as is possible, for these three things do much to restore and maintain your equilibrium at this time. Many of you are feeling the desire to bring your physical bodies into greater health and performance for you are responding to the urges of your Higher Self as you are being prepared to embody your higher bodies and to become more multi-dimensional than at present. It is a challenging time for all and also the most exciting time to be alive and expressing upon this Planet at this most significant turning point in Her history. Mother Earth is truly grateful for all the energies of Love and healing that are being sent to Her. If you are one who tears up as you decree the Invocation to the Cosmic Light, we wish for you to realize that what you are experiencing is the immense gratitude of Mother Earth as you do this and this gratitude expresses through you as the welling of tears and choking of voice, for Her gratitude knows no bounds. The more you are attuned to Mother Earth, the greater the feeling of empathy with Her.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:08 pm

    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael April 26 2010

    Dear Ones,

    We have given you many tools to assist you as you move through the ascension process. Each exercise, each tool has a specific purpose and will bring an aspect of you into balance and harmony. When you use these exercises and tools in combination and with all the tools that we are giving to you, you will find that you begin to come into balance and harmony within every aspect of your Self. This is a process, Dear Ones, that does not happen overnight. It has taken longer than any of you can imagine, for you to have taken on the density of the third dimension and you cannot expect to return to the higher aspects of your Divine Self overnight. This moment in time is but a cosmic moment and within the concepts of the higher dimensions, you are returning to balance and harmony in the blink of an eye. It is only in the third and fourth dimensional frequencies, that it appears to be a process that is slow and quite painful for many of you.

    We ask you to stand in your courage and your strength. These higher aspects of your Self which will help you follow through; these strong character traits will help you get the job done. The time is at hand. This is not a time for the faint of heart; it is a time for each one of you to stand in your personal power, to achieve the merge with your God Self that you have been longing for since your fall into the third dimension. It is only an illusion, Dear Ones. It is the veil of forgetfulness and the game that you have played through this great and grand experiment, which has allowed you to believe that you are anything other than the God Self. There is only One and It is God. You are God. All are God. Creation is God. It is the All That Is, and It is God.

    Go the distance, in your truth and integrity. As you lift yourselves up, you will be assisted as never before. The Divine Dispensations are being given freely and with great Love, to those who are willing to do the work that is needed to release and by pass the distortions of the third and fourth dimensions. These gifts are of such magnitude and Divine Love, given with great compassion and blessings, to assist you in your return to balance and harmony. Only you, each one of you, may take these blessed gifts and turn them into the love, the joy, the peace, and harmony, the beauty and the abundance, that you so desire to return to your lives. We cannot do it for you. We can surround you in love and joy, we can reach out our hands, and we can lift you up as you soar, but you must take the first step. You must begin, and then after you begin, you must continue, with strength and courage. You will have our help and the help of the company of heavens, the moment you take that first step. We will be there to lift you up with our wings, as you begin your journey home.

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