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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning


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    Post  Carol Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:40 am

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 6f1da604-7b06-48c5-be3d-b744304564ce-2
    Coronavirus is US psychological warfare operation: Ex-US military officer
    Thursday, March 12, 2020 6:21

    Since the novel coronavirus outbreak began in China last December, it has infected more than 90,000 people globally and killed more than 3,000. The majority of cases and deaths remain in mainland China.

    The death toll from the coronavirus in Iran, which has one of the highest numbers outside China, stood at 107, Health Ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur said Thursday, Presstv Reported.

    Scott Bennett said that “this is a fabricated psychological operation that has been coordinated with an actual physical sickness to spread fear, panic and intimidation in the Chinese economic markets with the purpose of isolating China and disrupting the Chinese-Russian-Iranian economic, military alliance that we’ve seen in their patrols in the Persian Gulf, and their solidarity in the defense of Syria from the… regimes of Recep Erdogan and Turkey, Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Zionist state, and the purpose was to create a disruption that would fracture this alliance for Western exploitation.”

    “The safest and best explanation is to see this as a exploited psychological operation designed to so panic intimidation and also open up doors for ‘aid and immune vaccination development,’ which may in fact lead to more harm than good. Remember the West and the (US) Deep State is inundated with a lot of these big pharmaceutical companies that generate vaccines that do nothing except cause more harm and more cancerous debilitation on the human body for the purposes of profit and exploitation,” he added.

    “So the coronavirus I think, is developing into a lot of smoke but with no fire and the amount of people who die from traditional flus and sicknesses actually seed the coronavirus explanations,” he noted.

    “So this is something that could be attempted to cause major economic and political uprising in the world, but in that sense it should be ignored largely and isolated and kept from causing political social disturbances in countries such as Iran, which are being targeted increasingly, with information warfare and psychological operations,” he observed.

    “This is the time to of course treat the coronavirus like it could be an actual physical debilitating sickness and take all precautionary measures, but at the same time, not overreact to the point where the national psyche is traumatized or regime change, color revolutions or other typical Western instrumentalities for forced political revolution is allowed to be triggered. So this is a safer way to understand the corona viruses through the lens of an information operations perspective,” he concluded.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:56 am

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 800px-Symptoms_of_coronavirus_disease_2019_2.0.svg

    Doctor battling coronavirus shares his daily symptoms on social media
    A doctor who has been diagnosed with coronavirus has given an honest insight into the disease's daily symptoms on social media.  

    Dr. Yale Tung Chen, 35, from Spain, who caught the infection while he was treating patients at Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid, has been sharing his experiences battling the illness with the pubic.

    The emergency physician has been sharing ultrasound scans of his lungs and listing his daily symptoms in an attempt to give the world a glimpse of how the illness takes over the body.  The doctor, who has been documenting his body pains as he remains in quarantine at his home, first became unwell at the end of his shift.

    'Day 1 sore throat, dry cough & headache.'

    He continued: 'Day 2 after #COVID diagnosis. Less sore throat, cough & headache (thank God!), still no shortness of breath or pleuritic chest pain. #POCUS update: small bilateral pleural effusion, thickened pleural line & basal b-lines (plaps).

    He added: 'Day 3 after #COVID diagnosis. No sore throat/headache. Yesterday was cough day, still no shortness of breath/chest pain.

    'Diarrhea started, lucky cough got better. #POCUS update: similar effusion, seems less thickened pleural line + no b-lines (PLAPS). #mycoviddiary.'

    The Spanish doctor told LBC News: 'At the end of the shift, I started to feel unwell. In that moment, I wondered if it could be coronavirus, but did not have any epidemiological contacts to justify my fear.'

    In an effort to shield his wife and children from 'the slightest threat, the doctor set about getting tested and was soon told he had tested positive for the virus.

    He continued: 'From that moment on, I had myself isolated in a room in my house, and avoided any contact with anybody in the house.

    'That is probably the most anxious part - to not be able to be with my family, my kids, at this moment.'  

    The doctor's online diary comes after a German study revealed that patients with the infection are the most contagious before severe symptoms appear and can even spread it after they recover from the infection.  

    Researchers from the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology in Munich found samples taken from the nose and throat of COVID-19 patients showed a very high viral load when the subjects were only showing minor symptoms.

    Elsewhere, U.S. government scientists, who worked with other experts, have found the virus  can live on surfaces for up to three days.

    Tests by researchers showed that the virus can survive on copper for four hours, cardboard for an entire day and up to 72 hours on plastic and steel.

    Symptoms for the virus, which are similar to that if the cold and flu, include a cough, fever, high temperature and shortness of breath and fatigue.

    Most people infected with the virus will only become mildly ill, but it can turn serious, especially for those who are older or have underlying health conditions.  

    If the virus progresses patients can begin to display rapid or shallow breathing, potentially with yellow, green or bloody mucus, nausea and vomiting, pain when breathing and confusion.

    On Wednesday, President Donald Trump imposed a 30-day ban on most Europeans entering the United States and sparked 'bedlam' at airports across Europe.

    The American leader declared the ban would come into effect at 'midnight' on Friday in an effort to slow down the progression of the virus which has now been declared as a pandemic.

    The White House said the travel restrictions would apply to foreign nationals who have visited 26 European countries - but excluding the UK and Ireland - in the past 14 days.

    It comes after the number of reported cases of coronavirus in the U.S. rose to 1,315 and the number of deaths hit 38 as of Thursday morning, with some 366 of those cases and 29 deaths reported in the Washington state.

    With around 4,600 people having died so far worldwide, many U.S. states have been limiting travel and putting in place 'social distancing measures' to limit contact between people.      

    In Spain, 2,277 have been infected with the virus and 55 have died.

    After sharing his experiences with the public, social media users have been rushing to the platform to offer their support
    Meanwhile in Britain the number of cases rose to 456, with 83 more patients having been hit with the deadly infection.

    Recent statistics revealed 387 cases had been located in England, 36 in patients in Scotland, 16 in Northern Ireland and 15 in Wales.

    The virus, which initially saw millions of residents and tourists in China put on lock down to contain the spread, has now been transmitted between humans in 30 countries across Europe, including Spain, Germany and France, according to the World Health Organization.

    In Italy, the infection has seen more than 10,000 affected and resulted in 631 deaths, with the country now placing 60 million in an unprecedented lock-down to contain the escalating outbreak.

    The total confirmed infections in Europe have risen to 23,339 with 951 deaths, according to a new tally which is compiled from official sources.

    Meanwhile in China, which is home to 1.4 billion people, the number of cases have risen to 80,969, with the number of confirmed fatalities hitting 3,158.

    Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have coronavirus: Sixty-three-year-old actor announces they have caught the virus while filming in Australia and describes how it gave them 'chills and body aches'

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:59 pm

    I have Talked To A Medical Professional And Here's What You MUST Know!

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    Post  Carol Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:21 am

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 America-quarantine
    In unofficial terms, this is sh#t getting real.

    When Will Authorities 'Lockdown' America (& How Long Will Quarentine Last)?
    Here's What The Patterns Show Us

    Fri, 03/13/2020 - 00:05

    Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

    Yesterday the World Health Organization officially declared Covid-19 a pandemic (like we didn’t already know this.) As well, President Trump addressed the nation, closing American borders to all flights from Europe and announcing some ways he intends to help the people of the United States financially.

    Things are going to get worse – possibly much worse – before they get better. Illness completely aside, this will cause financial problems that many folks will feel for years after the pandemic is over.

    The biggest question people are asking now is, “When?”

    When will the US begin to see measures being taken to lockdown areas or put people into quarantine? What would that lockdown look like? How long will quarantines last?

    We can look at how this has gone in other countries to get a general idea of the pattern. Of course, we’re Americans and we do things differently. Our geography is quite different as is our population density. So this isn’t an exact science. We’re looking at patterns to predict (not in a crystal ball kind of way but an analysis kind of way) what could happen here.

    Here’s how things have gone in Italy and China.
    We can still learn a lot from observing the patterns of the breakdowns there.

    The United States is probably closer culturally to Italy and other European countries than we are to China. For example, Italy is far more concerned about human rights than China. However, geographically, we’re a lot more similar to China than we are to Italy. China has 9.3 million square kilometers and the United States has 9.1 million square kilometers. Meanwhile, Italy is 301,340 square kilometers.

    Both of these things play a role in the spread of the virus and containment efforts.

    What about China? Well, I don’t trust the numbers and information coming out of China to include them in this model by very much, but note that the situation of which we’re aware has been going on for about 8 weeks. The first cases of a mystery illness were heard of when Dr. Li Wenliang, who later died of the coronavirus, blew the whistle on China on December 30, 2019.

    To our knowledge, the quarantines began in Wuhan on January 22. So from the first patients to the initial lockdowns was 23 days. From the date the first noted illness became public to now has been 73 days. From the date of the first quarantines in Wuhan until now has been 51 days. Although the quarantine has been loosened, there are still serious restrictions on movement in China. The country may or may not be getting back to normal, depending on who you believe. If they are not getting back to normal, then this 7-week window is inaccurate.

    Back to Europe. Italy, specifically.

    On about the 20th of February, three cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in Northern Italy. Officials acted quickly to lock the area down but unfortunately, their quick actions weren’t enough. What began as a lockdown of a few villages in the Lombardy region in northern Italy on the 21st spread to a nationwide lockdown on March 9th.

    From the first patients to local lockdowns was one day. From the first patients to the entire country being quarantined was 22 days. In just 22 days, the virus had spread to such a degree that an entire country has suspended mortgage payments, stopped all non-essential movement, and ceased business. Their medical system is so overwhelmed that they are forced to choose who to save and many people over 65 are not even assessed as the hospitals reserve their resources and space for those who have a higher chance of survival.

    Less than a month ago, everything was normal in Italy. Tourists were making wishes at Trevi Fountain, people were enjoying sunny days having coffee with friends on a cafe patio, and businesses were thriving.

    As of yesterday, Italy had 12,462 cases of Covid-19 and the death toll leapt from 196 to 827. In a day. Everything has been ordered closed except food stores and pharmacies.

    This is how fast things can go.

    And Italy is currently on day 25 since the first 3 cases were diagnosed. If it took China at least 50 days of quarantine, then Italy is potentially halfway through the worst of this outbreak.

    Countries across Europe are slamming their borders shut in an effort to contain the virus. Whether they’ve acted soon enough remains to be seen.

    Where is the United States in all this?
    The first case of Covid-19 was diagnosed in the United States on January 22nd in Snohomish County, Washington. Incidentally, that was the same day the city of Wuhan went into lockdown.

    We have already had some small regional lockdowns and people in quarantine after traveling, but the quarantining of large groups of people has not yet occurred in the US. YET. We are on day 50 since the initial case was diagnosed in the United States. However, the first case of community spread was on February 26, and this may be a more important marker than the first case in a country the size of ours. “Community spread” means the illness was not contracted through traceable means, like a family member with the virus or travel history to places where the illness was running rampant. So if we’re counting from the first day of community spread, the US is on day 15.

    If massive lockdowns are occurring on about day 22-23 in other countries, that means we may have 7-8 days before we see major lockdowns and quarantines here. That would put us at March 19th or 20th. We may see some early lockdowns of cities or regions where the virus is rapidly spreading like Seattle and New York City. The lockdowns in other countries expanded in about a week to encompass greater geographic areas and larger numbers of people. This would put us at approximately March 26-27th.

    Now keep in mind, this is not engraved in stone. I don’t trust our numbers any more than I trusted China’s because the testing protocols have been nothing short of disastrous. First, faulty tests were sent out to health departments across the country and then the criteria for being tested was so narrow that many cases were likely overlooked. It took one person who caught the virus through community spread 10 days to be tested because she didn’t fit the criteria.

    The US might still manage to get a handle on this outbreak and contain it. A successful treatment regimen could be discovered. But if you’re looking for a general idea of when we may see lockdowns and quarantines, this pattern seems to be repeating itself and possibly speeding up.

    This chart shows how far behind Italy other countries are in the grand scheme of this outbreak. Based on this chart we are 11.5 days behind Italy, who instituted their country-wide quarantine three days ago. If this chart is correct, we’d be looking at massive quarantines on approximately the 20th as opposed to the more gradual schedule used by China.

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 Covid-chart
    Graph by Professor Mark Handley, at University College London (Image: Twitter)

    How long are quarantines lasting?
    If the information coming out of China is accurate, their period of extensive lockdown has lasted 7-8 weeks. Italy is right at the midpoint of that, at 3.5 weeks and the situation appears to be nowhere near under control.

    Based on this, I would expect a quarantine or lockdown in the US to last for up to 2-3 months. There are lots of variables, of course, but this would be a good general guide for getting supplies.

    This article can help you figure out what you need for a period of quarantine

    *This book (which was banned by Amazon) is an even more thorough guide
    *To get a free quarantine checklist, sign up here for my newsletter.
    *If supplies are short where you live, this article can help you figure out some alternatives.
    *I have to stress that whether you are personally concerned about getting the coronavirus or not, a mandatory quarantine will still affect you and you’ll want to be prepared. Otherwise, those folks you made fun of for buying toilet paper will be laughing at you for using the pages of a phonebook to wipe.

    So what’s going to happen?
    It’s impossible to predict exactly how the coronavirus is going to affect the United States. Americans are far more independence-minded that folks in China and much less likely to cooperate with draconian containment measures. At the same time, healthcare here is outrageously expensive for those of us who are uninsured, which up until this point may have caused many people to skip medical treatment or diagnosis, potentially spreading the virus faster.

    However, as of today, March 12, a number of universities across the country are shutting down classes until April. Workplaces are taking more thorough sanitation measures. Large gatherings, conferences, and conventions are being canceled. The NBA has canceled the rest of the season, the MLB has canceled spring training, and NCAA tournaments have also been canceled. (source) Last night, President Trump announced the suspension of air traffic from the EU much to the outrage of Europe, and today he said that suspension of domestic travel is also a possibility. (source)

    We know there is community spread in New York, Washington state, and now potentially Houston, Texas. Containment efforts thus far have failed.

    While we aren’t in lockdown yet, anyone who is paying attention can see that we’re certainly headed in that direction.

    There are some things that could change this. If we begin having a lot more positive cases in clusters, it could accelerate the timeline. On the other hand, if the growth in the number of cases slows down, it would show that containment efforts are working and it might never get as far as government-mandated quarantines.

    Either way, if you aren’t prepared, I would strongly recommend you put some plans in place.

    It’s time to make some decisions.
    While again, I must stress, we don’t know for sure what will happen, it’s time to make some decisions just in case.

    * Where do you want to be during a quarantine or lockdown?
    * When will you stop going to work or sending the kids to school?
    * Do you have enough supplies to see you through 7-8 weeks or longer?

    Use this guide to get prepared for the possibility of a Covid-19 lockdown.

    You’re the only person who can answer these questions for yourself and your family. But you should probably answer them soon, or the decisions will most likely be made for you.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:42 pm

    Corona virus update with Stephan Molyneux

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    Post  Swanny Sat Mar 14, 2020 5:05 am

    Listen to this interview from May 2018 from about 9 minutes. I think he's talking about exactly what's happening now  

    Peter Fairest - The Toxic Assault Against All Life on Earth

    He talks about a coming pandemic, agenda 21 and how they deliver the virus

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    Post  burgundia Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:36 am


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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:25 am

    Yes, coronavirus is airborne and a new study proves it

    (Natural News) Just wash your hands and cough into your sleeve, they say. But is this really enough to prevent transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)? Absolutely not, at least if the findings of a new study on the novel pathogen’s survivability in air and on surfaces are any indication.

    Researchers from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the University of California, Los Angeles, and Princeton University collaborated to determine how long the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can last both in air and on surfaces, and the results may shock you.

    As it turns out, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can persist in the air for up to three hours, and for up to three days on surfaces. This means that if you’re in the same room with an infected person, it’s probably best to leave. And if they’ve touched anything you’re about to touch, don’t.

    Using a nebulizer to put traces of the novel virus in the air, the team simulated what happens when an infected person coughs or otherwise sends the pathogen flying. In the open air, it remained infectable for up to three hours, and on surfaces for up to three days depending on the type of surface.

    On copper, which is inherently antimicrobial, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) persisted for up to four hours. On cardboard, it survived for up to a day. And on plastic and stainless steel, the novel virus lasted for two or three days depending on temperature and moisture.

    Read on:

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:32 am

    How should you prepare for a lockdown? (Hint: It doesn’t involve private islands or jets)

    (Natural News) Preparing for the coronavirus pandemic means more than just stocking up on basic food and personal hygiene and cleaning products — but some people are taking it to new (and lavish) heights.

    While everyone else may be hunkering down in their respective homes to wait out the worst of the coronavirus pandemic that’s currently sweeping the globe, a select few have taken self-isolation to the extreme: chartering private jets to specially prepared, disaster-proof bunkers that would put some of the world’s most well-appointed hotels and private residences to shame.

    Those who have decided to stay inland, meanwhile, have taken to tapping doctors from private clinics in order to avail of private coronavirus tests. (Related: What is social distancing and can it prevent the spread of coronavirus?)

    “This [the coronavirus pandemic] has led to huge demand from very wealthy people asking if they can pay for private testing. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer testing, as the NHS has said all tests should be done centrally,” Mark Ali, chief executive and medical director of the Private Harley Street Clinic said.

    According to Ali, a cardiovascular surgeon by profession, his clinic has also offered an intravenous infusion of vitamins and minerals to the “worried wealthy” to boost their immune systems. The vitamin drip? — which is composed of vitamins C, B12 complex, as well as minerals like zinc, and amino acids and antioxidants? — costs £350.

    This is in stark contrast to the average American, Jewel Mullen, associate dean for health equity at the University of Texas at Austin’s Dell Medical School, said.

    According to Mullen, millions of Americans can’t afford to stock up on supplies, as well as miss work or have a doctor on standby whom they can call for advice — even on a good day.

    “Resources like money and transportation and information give people head starts on protective and preventive measures and can help create more comfortable scenarios for people to cope with disasters,” Mullen, an internist and epidemiologist who was commissioner of Connecticut’s Department of Public Health, said. “That’s where you really get to see disparate needs,” she added.

    Lockdowns 101

    It might sound like something out of a grim, apocalyptic movie, but a coronavirus lockdown need not be a stressful endeavor — it can actually be a pretty smooth-sailing one if one prepares for it accordingly.


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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:50 am

    Healing Herbs reference database

    And several other health databases: see " reference information "section at top of page.

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:43 am

    Our problems are going to get much worse

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    Post  Swanny Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:28 am

    Those are yellow vests, they've been protesting against Macron for months now

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 15, 2020 6:24 am

    Coronavirus: 'Get prepared as soon as you can', says Italian doctor

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    Post  Carol Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:25 am

    This is from GLP this morning.

    A friend of mine has Covid-19 and here is her message to me

    So for all the non believers and those who are not taking this seriously, if you need to to KNOW someone who has been diagnosed with the covid-19, well if you are reading this you know me. I am Summit County case#2.

    I became sick quickly Wednesday afternoon. I felt run down and feverish. By the time I got home I had a fever of 99.2. I was uncomfortable, headache, and a cough that was heavy but not producing anything. I fell asleep and woke at 3 am. My heart was racing. I had trouble catching my breath and my chest felt tight every time I coughed. I contacted a great nurse I know...she said go in, but call first. I called the ER, told them my symptoms and the had me call a closed ohio dept of health number. I was clearly in distress so my nurse called them back and said I was coming in. It's a good thing I did. My BP was very low and my heart rate was very high. These are not good signs on top of fever and cough. They admitted me and I was tested for every single other thing and then they ran the covid test.

    I am the face of this infection. It is brutal and I'm a healthy 48 year old with no underlying conditions. I'm not 100% better but I'm home resting. Please take this seriously. People you love, their lives may depend on it.


    FYI: Arbidol treats CV

    Her ex was in Germany the week before she became ill. He has no symptoms. Her children have no symptoms. Per the Summit County Health Department they are all being monitored. Her test was POSITIVE. She was in patient at Ahuja from early Thursday till today. Fluids and pain meds and fever meds were all they could give her. Her highest fever was 102.

    Her son did not go to school from the moment she became ill. Prior to her becoming ill...She was at work and he was at school...because they were not ill and had no reason to suspect they were exposed in any way.

    They do NOT know where the exposure came from.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:36 am

    Heartwarming Moments Quarantined Italians Sing Together from Balconies

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    Post  Swanny Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:31 pm

    Can't imagine the pain of being locked in and having to listen to that female opera singer Crybaby Nope Blowdup

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    Post  mudra Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:01 am


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    Post  mudra Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:48 am

    How do the new coronavirus tests work?

    If you wake up one morning with a fever, shortness of breath and a cough — in other words, symptoms of the new coronavirus — you'll likely wonder how you can get tested for it and what that entails.

    If you're in the United States, chances are a health care worker will use a long Q-tip to swab the back of your throat and then send that sample off for testing. If you're in a country that has developed an antibody test, such as China, you may get blood drawn.

    What happens next to these samples is very different. The throat swab is well suited for polymerase chain reaction testing, also known as PCR, while the blood sample will be mined for antibodies specific to the new disease, known as COVID-19


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    Post  Carol Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:28 am

    This is excellent info that was posted at GLP. Link on bottom.

    Coronavirus isn't just airborne, it's aerosolized........they know this, but aren't talking about it
    This is why quarantines fail, this is why doctors and nurses wearing PPE gear still get sick, and this is why it has spread so far, so rapidly

    It's not just aerosolized, it's essentially dry-aerosolized when the smallest respiratory particles evaporate when they leave the lungs

    Look at it like this

    They are trying to mislead you by telling you about droplet transmissions

    Droplet transmission is an upper respiratory phenomenon, and produces 2 to 200 micron diameter particles ( ~ x2 for sneeze droplet sizes )

    That's all well and good, we know those particles drop out of the air pretty fast

    Here's the problem with that though...

    2019-nCov is not an upper respiratory's a lower respiratory infection

    The media fails to mention that every time you breath, in the lower part of the lungs, literally trillions of 1 micron and smaller particles are manufactured

    ....with every cough, no sneeze needed

    This is easily demonstrable by the capture of +5 milliliters of water from the lungs, every hour ( You lose water when you breath )

    2019-nCov is about ~100 nanometers ( On average )

    1 micron ( 1,000 nanometers ) particles from the lower respiratory system ( Breathing ) will pick up viruses from the surface of the epithelial cells where the infection is occurring

    So this means, that even in the smallest particles that come out of your lungs, during normal breathing, there can be a viral load

    A 1 micron particle can carry something like 1 to 8 or so viruses

    That's doom with a capital D

    That's why it's not just airborne, but also aerosolized

    Will go right through an n95 mask ( Which are only rated to stop 95% of particles down to .3 microns

    That's still not small enough to stop the smallest particles that come out of the lungs

    how " infectious " is defined

    Lets see if you can answer this simple question:

    Tuberculosis is considered to be the deadliest infectious disease in the modern world, and kills 1,000,000+ people a year

    ....yet rhinoviruses, the cause of the common cold, are actually responsible for 2 to 3 times as many deaths as Tuberculosis, and are considered fairly harmless

    Why is that ?

    irc, respirator filters usually are dusted with something to specifically electrostatically trap those particles that make it into the actual pores of the filter

    If you read some studies on masks, most of them provide the probability for small particles to pass through

    Think about it...

    TB is caused by a bacteria

    Like 2019-nCov, it is a lower respiratory infection

    And TB is most definitely transmissible by air, but only by droplet transmission and not aerosol, even though the infection is in the area where the smallest particles come from ( Lower respiratory )

    The reason why it's considered the deadliest modern pathogen, yet doctors rarely even bother to wear masks around patients is simple.

    TB bacteria are very large, in fact much larger than coronaviruses

    ~ 3,000 nanometers VS ~ 100 nanometers

    A 3,000 nanometer long bacteria isn't going to fit into a 1 micron particle like a 100 nanometer virus will

    This is why you literally have to drink a few sneezes from a very sick patient to catch TB and you have to do it often ( Since the body's immune system can easily fend off a few bacteria, but not a ton of bacteria ....)

    Get it ?

    Aerosol particles with an effective diameter smaller than 10 microns can enter the bronchi, while the ones with an effective diameter smaller than 2.5 microns can enter as far as the gas exchange region in the lungs

    That's the lower respiratory system, ieo, right where the infection first takes hold.

    Read a few papers on bio-aerosols:

    Coughs - "Coughing and Aerosols". New England Journal of Medicine

    Sneezes - "Microbe-laden aerosols" (PDF). Microbiology Today

    Breathing - "The Mechanism of Breath Aerosol Formation". Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery

    If you want to take 20 minutes and watch this, it should help clarify the difference in transmissions

    One of my parents was a virologist, just trying to help correct the misunderstanding from the BS in the mainstream media

    Think about this-

    Claiming it's not airborne,... but then claiming it's spread by particles from the lungs,( Which technically is referred to as " aerosolization " ) either means whoever made that claim to begin with, is either directly obfuscating facts, or they are just as dumb as a bag of hammers and shouldn't even be speaking on the matter.

    SARS coronavirus was considered airborne.....yet not aerosolized, even though technically the droplets it are carried in are considered " bio-aerosols "

    Why ?

    Because it was an UPPER respiratory infection and therefore only spread by large droplet transmission, hence = " airborne "

    2019-nCov is a LOWER respiratory infection that is spread by micro-droplets, hence " aerosolized "

    Technically, both are considered " aerosolized " and also " airborne "

    The major difference is that large particles carrying SARS drop out of the air rapidly, while micro-droplets carrying 2019-nCov DO NOT

    Airborne Bio-weapons by comparison, are DRY-aerosolized products, smaller than 1 micron.

    Micro-droplets of 1 micron DRY in to half their size in about 1/10 of a second and are technically referred to as " desiccated particles "

    dessicated = dried

    Don't know if I can lay it out any more bluntly than that.

    The CDC and WHO play games with terminologies, don't fall for it !

    Let me give you an example of something else they are not discussing, and that is the actual reason this virus is extraordinarily tricky ( Bioinformaticians, molecular geneticists and virologists already are aware of this , btw )

    Long read ahead.

    We have all seen that this virus seems to have an ability to stay under the radar for extended periods of time, right ?

    Like 1-24 days, maybe as long as 28+ days, you can be asymptomatic

    Let's dissect this- When you are asymptomatic and infectious at the same time, this means you are either slightly infectious, somewhat infectious, or highly infectious

    The severity of " Infectious " here can be equated with the " viral load ", iow, how many viruses can be found in your fluids

    slightly infectious = low viral load
    somewhat infectious = medium viral load
    highly infectious = high viral load

    Now normally we say someone is " infected "

    This however does not mean they are " suffering from an infection "

    Why is " infected " not the same as " infectious " ?

    An " infection " is really when you are past the asymptomatic period ( NOT suffering ), and into the " clinical " phase of the illness ( Suffering )

    This is when you start to display " symptoms " of the " infection ", but you are " infectious " during BOTH periods ( Asymptomatic AND clinical )

    " Symptoms " are how we describe what happens during the immune system response process

    This is when your body starts literally waging war on it's own tissues ( Where the invaders are ), this is when you are " sick "

    There are really 2 separate immune systems in the body

    ~ One is on the cellular level
    ~ One is the whole body ( the " innate " immune system )

    In order for you to be into the clinical phase of the illness, you have to be sick, in order to be sick, your immune system has to be full out waging it's war

    But this really tends to only happen when the innate immune system has actually gotten the " alarm " from the cells that they have been invaded

    The alarm is the " signaling molecule " that the cell has released, as a response to being invaded

    In this case, the signaling molecule is the cytokine protein found in the human epithelial mucousal cell that has been invaded, also known as a " pro-inflammatory cytokine "

    Cytokines are also known as " interferons " ( Because they usually interfere with the virus' ability to hijack the cell's machinery to create more viruses ) They belong to a large subgroup of proteins that help regulate the activity of the immune system by acting as signaling proteins which are made and released by cells in response to the presence of the virus

    So, what do we do?

    well.....avoid large groups of people for one

    the way this virus is going to spread is through blooms ( little localized outbreaks that grow larger until they merge ), so expect " growth spurts " in the spread, ( Because of the highly variable asymptomatic period )

    Me personally, ...I am a recluse by nature, but I have started to not ride the bus, not take any taxi cabs, and have started doing things like grocery shopping at about 3am, when there are only a few employees in the store, and when I have to hit a store that isn't open 24 hours, I go either right at the opening time, or 5 minutes before they close, so I can avoid any crowds

    I also started taking note of my friends and their social activities, ( Do they go out and bar hop, do they have a ton of friends, how much are they paying attention to the situation,....etc )


    There are 2 known types with 3 forms: Interferon I, Interferon II and III

    Type I interferons can be produced by almost any cell upon stimulation by a virus; their primary function is to induce viral resistance in cells. Type II interferon is secreted only by natural killer cells and T lymphocytes; its main purpose is to signal the immune system to respond to infectious agents or cancerous growth

    Interferon has serious side effects, which include flu-like symptoms of fever and fatigue as well as a decrease in the production of blood cells by the bone marrow All interferons inhibit viral replication by interfering with the transcription of viral nucleic acid

    As an immune system response this type II interferon is also released by natural killer T lymphocytes that normally roam the body, it's role is to inhibit viral replication inside the cells

    So what normally happens is that the " signaling molecule ", the cytokine, immediately attaches to the receptor on the neighboring cell, telling it to produce more cytokines to " raise the alarm ", and this " alarm " spreads exponentially

    Now Interferon II ( Innate immune system ) has high binding potential for Interferon I ( Cellular immune system ), so when enough of the two proteins encounter each other and start to bind ......this is when the immune system goes into high gear

    For something like a rhinovirus ( Common cold cause ), this happens very fast, usually 12-24 hours

    So,.............. why does 2019-nCov seem to be able to evade detection in tests and also somehow " hide " it's activities from the body's innate immune system for 24+ days while replicating at a very high rate ?

    The virus prevents cells from making or sending out alarm cytokines that would normally tip off the innate immune system cytokine Interferon II

    What does this all mean ?

    No alarm proteins being made = no warning to immune system
    No warning to immune system response = no immune response
    No immune response = asymptomatic

    Couple that with maximized rate of viral replication and you get:

    Asymptomatic + high viral load = highly infectious

    Since there are so few natural killer cells that normally roam the body, and there are virtually no " alarm " proteins being made or secreted by infected cells, by the time the virus has been replicating inside the body at such a high rate, for such a long time, it starts to use all the available ACE2 that the body normally uses to regulate blood pressure ( Because it's stealing that ACE2 protein and using it like a key to enter cells, because the cells recognize ACE2 as a " friendly " molecule and not an invader )

    This ( along with a few other very complex things ), essentially means the body gets to an " OH XXXX !! " moment and you get the " cytokine storm " that kills patients

    The reason being, is that the body's immune system finally picks up on the fact there is a raging infection going on and responds with overwhelming force

    That " overwhelming force " is the " cytokine storm “

    The part it won't let me post pertains to a certain protein in the viral genome that prevents cellular nuclear transport ( How alarm cytokines are secreted from cells, through their nuclear envelope - the cell membrane ) to warn the innate immune system )

    Hopefully this helps in understanding why this virus does what it does

    The blocking of the cell's call for help is called the " ORF10-Rae1 " interaction

    ORF10 ( A protein ) being the section of the viral genome identified by the " open read frame 10 "

    Rae1 is the critical mRNA export factor that is absolutely essential for cellular processes that include manufacturing cytokine proteins

    ...this virus blocks Rae1 activity

    It's like gagging your cellular immune system so it cannot call out for help

    This is why it potentially can hide and replicate without triggering immune response, and when the response does's overwhelming

    Overwhelming = cytokine storm = heart attack

    This is why you see certain people just keeling over

    And just in case you are still confused about " airborne "

    Aerosol = airborne = 1 micron or less = lower respiratory
    Droplet = airborne = 20 to 200 microns = upper respiratory

    That is the ONLY difference

    ACE2 = Angiontension Converting Enzyme II.

    Blood Pressure medications DO NOT work on ACE2.

    ACE Inhibitors work on ACE1.
    - ACE1 converts Angiontension I to Angiontension II.
    - Angiontension II is what is responsbile for raising blood pressure via vasuclar constriction and increases aldosterone which causes the kidneys to retain sodium and water.

    ARBs (Angiontension Receptor Blockers) work by blocking the Angiontension II Receptor.

    ACE2 is another enzyme that converts Angiontision II back to Angiontension I - 7, which are basically inert in the body. Therefore ACE2 when activiated normally reduces blood pressure, reduces aldoerterone and lowers sodium/water retention.

    Statins actually increase the activity of ACE2 (that is not their primary action for cholesterol, which is to reduce Coenzyme-A Reductase) but it is a secondary or additional mechanism of action.

    There are research chemcials which are ACE2 antagonists- very expensive and only a small amount available; not a prescription drug. If you were to take them, they would create a spike in blood pressure.

    I believe a statin MAY be protective by binding the ACE2 site and prventing the spiky protein from entering into ACE2 - reducing infection, transmission and infections but I have no idea if this is 100% true and am looking for someone who knows more biochemistry and virology then me to way in. If anyone on here knows or knows someone who knows the answer to this, please let us know.

    Here's the same thing, coming from Dr John


    it's measured in nanometers

    coronaviruses are " pleomorphic " , so they have different sizes

    This one seems to range from 60 to 140 nanometers, so an average of 100 nanometers

    1 micron = 1,000 nanometers

    Take for example SARS

    NOT dry-aerosolized in small particles

    only short distance droplet transmission

    Therefore, although it was a very nasty virus, it was not incredibly dangerous because it was an UPPER respiratory infection and the upper respiratory area only produces LARGE particles

    MERS was a LOWER respiratory infection

    2019-nC0v is a LOWER respiratory infection

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:54 pm

    I just read something very interesting.....if you sit in a sauna at high temperatures arouind 133 degrees for 15 minuets three times a day it heats up your sinuses and that will kill the virus they are using it on patients and it is working....nice to know.....


    Virus dies at temps of 133 degrees.

    The video shows why and how to use a blow dryer to make the nasal passages warm enough to kill the virus.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Swanny Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:36 pm

    Talking of preparing and planning.

    I been thinking about this lock down stuff today. A lot of couples struggle being together for two weeks holiday or christmas. Luckily I'm single and split with my ex a while ago. Very Happy
    I can't imagine life in lock down with her and no escape No Hypnotize Fighters

    If you're not happy with your partner Hot you might want to do something now before it's too late Freedom


    Posts : 23261
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:36 pm

    Swanny wrote:Talking of preparing and planning.

    I been thinking about this lock down stuff today. A lot of couples struggle being together for two weeks holiday or christmas. Luckily I'm single and split with my ex a while ago.    Very Happy
    I can't imagine life in lock down with her and no escape   No  Hypnotize  Fighters

    If you're not happy with your partner  Hot  you might want to do something now before it's too late Freedom

    A friend of mine told me he read an article that said in China divorces have been soaring since the lockdown.

    I heard that here in Europe since the confinement is in the air some people are stockpiling alcohol and I would imagine their anti depressants too. For some if confinement or rather lockdown goes on for more weeks it will be a horror.
    For other families it will be an opportunity for parents to be closer to their children
    Overall I don't think promiscuity alone is the problem but rather promiscuity in the middle of the stressful situation of running down of financial reserves as time goes by and no money comes in.

    Love from me

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Swanny Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:43 pm

    If couples do split where are they going to live? They won't be able to sell up as I imagine the housing market is just about to collapse

    So many things to factor into what's happening. It seems to be a massive equaliser

    I saw a thing saying people should use the time they have with their children to educate them on how to live and not let them just sit on their phones and ipads all day . Makes sense to me but I bet it doesn't happen very much

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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:41 am

    TERRIFYING!! Why Trump flipped on this virus! This explains it all!

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    Researchers from Imperial have analysed the likely impact of multiple public health measures on slowing and suppressing the spread of coronavirus.

    Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand

    Combining multiple measures

    In the current absence of vaccines and effective drug treatments, there are several public health measures countries can take to help slow the spread of the COVID-19. The team focused on the impact of five such measures, alone and in combination:

    Home isolation of cases – whereby those with symptoms of the disease (cough and/or fever) remain at home for 7 days following the onset of symptoms

    Home quarantine – whereby all household members of those with symptoms of the disease remain at home for 14 days following the onset of symptoms

    Social distancing – a broad policy that aims to reduce overall contacts that people make outside the household, school or workplace by three-quarters.

    Social distancing of those over 70 years – as for social distancing but just for those over 70 years of age who are at highest risk of severe disease

    Closure of schools and universities
    Modelling available data, the team found that depending on the intensity of the interventions, combinations would result in one of two scenarios.

    In the first scenario, they show that interventions could slow down the spread of the infection but would not completely interrupt its spread. They found this would reduce the demand on the healthcare system while protecting those most at risk of severe disease. Such epidemics are predicted to peak over a three to four-month period during the spring/summer.

    In the second scenario, more intensive interventions could interrupt transmission and reduce case numbers to low levels. However, once these interventions are relaxed, case numbers are predicted to rise. This gives rise to lower case numbers, but the risk of a later epidemic in the winter months unless the interventions can be sustained. Read more at links above.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:24 am

    It's not that "Google has Flipped", It's that Emergency Powers Allows the President To Declare them a Public Utility and to Seize Control.

    Is this the STORM?

    When Trump said, "We have 1,700 engineers working on the site and google had apparently heard of no such thing, it seems that they are learning that they are being taken over.

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning - Page 6 ETWS1qpX0AYvTJp?format=jpg&name=medium


    Ryan Chabot

    This makes perfect sense with what happened with Google earlier. I have been all over google today and everything is changed. Major obvious changes to the algorithm.

    Do you guys see what’s happening?
    -Telehealth exams
    -private sector help

    Trump is setting precedent for future cost and efficiency changes in healthcare

    Trump is showing the whole country that big government is not needed when your private sector can flourish

    X22 Report

    How do you bring a country together that was divided by the [DS]?
    How do you get people to work together for a common cause?

    l E T 17

    Muh corona = it’s happening

    * Media will be forced to cover it
    * No distractions this time
    * Everyone is eyes on
    * The whole world is watching
    * Google/ Facebook/ Twitter unlocked

    this is a movie
    patriots are in control

    More interesting info:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:26 am