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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning


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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:33 am

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning 5e2206a524306a7685076a99?width=2500&format=jpeg&auto=webp

    In this Jan. 4, 2020, file photo, a health surveillance officer monitors passengers arriving at the Hong Kong International airport in Hong Kong. On Friday, Jan. 17, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said they will begin screening airline passengers at three U.S. airports who traveled from Wuhan in central China, for a new illness that has prompted worries about a new international outbreak.

    C-Virus:/ EX CDC:“HIGHLY LIKELY” PANDEMIC:P2167/Cruise infected X3 P2238/
    I-PHONE To Produce Masks P2249/ CRUISE NEW JERSEY P2252

    Travelers from China are being screened at US airports for a mysterious new virus that's killed 2 and sickened dozens

    Passengers from China arriving in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York will be screened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a mysterious new virus that's killed two and sickened dozens in China.

    The virus, which is similar to SARS and causes pneumonia-like symptoms, was identified late last year in Wuhan, China, a city 700 miles south of Beijing, and has been detected in Thailand and Japan.

    Most of the patients are thought to have contracted the virus from animals, but person-to-person transmission appears to be possible, albeit less common.

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    The suggested strategies contained in this document are aligned with the World Health Organization (WHO) phases of a pandemic. WHO has defined six phases, occurring before and during a pandemic, that are linked to the characteristics of a new influenza virus and its spread through the population (see Appendix 2. WHO Phases of a Pandemic/U.S. Government Stages of a Pandemic). This document specifically provides pre-pandemic planning guidance for the use of NPIs in WHO Phase 6. These phases are described below:

    Inter-Pandemic Period

    Phase 1: No new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans. An influenza virus subtype that has caused human infection may be present in animals. If present in animals, the risk of human disease is considered to be low.

    Phase 2: No new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans. However, a circulating animal influenza virus subtype poses a substantial risk of human disease.

    Pandemic Alert Period

    Phase 3: Human infection(s) with a new subtype, but no human-to-human spread, or at most rare instances of spread to a close contact.

    Phase 4: Small cluster(s) with limited human- to-human transmission but spread is highly localized, suggesting that the virus is not well adapted to humans.

    Phase 5: Larger cluster(s) but human-to-human spread still localized, suggesting that the virus is becoming increasingly better adapted to humans, but may not yet be fully transmissible (substantial pandemic risk).

    Pandemic Period

    Phase 6: Pandemic phase: increased and sustained transmission in general population.

    The WHO phases provide succinct statements about the global risk for a pandemic and provide benchmarks against which to measure global response capabilities. However, to describe the U.S. Government’s approach to the pandemic response, it is more useful to characterize the stages of an outbreak in terms of the immediate and specific threat a pandemic virus poses to the U.S. population.

    The following stages provide a framework for Federal Government actions:

    Stage 0: New Domestic Animal Outbreak in At- Risk Country
    Stage 1: Suspected Human Outbreak Overseas
    Stage 2: Confirmed Human Outbreak Overseas
    Stage 3: Widespread Human Outbreaks in Multiple Locations
    Stage 4: First Human Case in North America
    Stage 5: Overseas Spread throughout United States
    Stage 6: Recovery and Preparation for Subsequent Waves

    Value of Partially Effective Layered Interventions

    Pandemic mitigation strategies generally include 1) case containment measures, such as voluntary case isolation, voluntary quarantine of members of households with ill persons, and antiviral treatment/prophylaxis; 2) social distancing measures, such as dismissal of students from classrooms and social distancing of adults in the community and at work; and 3) infection control measures, including hand hygiene and cough etiquette. Each of these interventions may be only partially effective in limiting transmission when implemented alone.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:37 am

    Thousands of Chinese doctors volunteered for the frontline of the coronavirus outbreak. They are overwhelmed, under-equipped, exhausted, and even dying.

    The hard and dangerous work of battling China's coronavirus epidemic is being done mainly by the country's medics — many of whom live nowhere near the affected areas.

    Reports, videos, and staff themselves have shown the scale of the problem: Supplies and protective gear are scarce, and the workload is enormous.

    As many as 1,000 medical workers have themselves caught the virus while treating it. Several have died.

    Li Wenliang, 34, who helped first raise the alarm about the coronavirus and was punished for it, died of the virus early Friday.
    These are the sacrifices that China's medical workers have made, and continue to make.

    Doctors and medical workers are feeling the toll of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus more than anybody except their patients.

    As of Friday morning local time the virus, named after its epicenter in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, had killed 635 people and infected nearly 31,000. As many as 1,000 of those infected were medical workers.

    Some workers who contracted the disease have died. More still are working in dire conditions, without the protection or resources they need to control an epidemic. Here is the situation on the ground:

    Doctors in Wuhan, which was placed under a sweeping quarantine on January 24, have been faced with far more patients than they can handle.

    About when the quarantine began, one doctor told BBC News: "The hospitals have been flooding with patients, there are thousands, I haven't seen so many before.

    "I am scared because this is a new virus and the figures are alarming."

    Early in the outbreak, scientists had not yet realized that the virus could spread from human to human. During that time, many doctors didn't wear protective gear.

    On January 29, Business Insider's Will Martin reported that China had had deployed 4,130 medics from other parts of China to Hubei province, which contains Wuhan.

    It was planning to increase the figure to 6,000, according to the country's National Health Commission.

    Even with enough doctors, many hospitals were desperately short of supplies. This included protective gear for the medics.

    "Many were not initially informed about the potential for people-to-person transmission, and even now we don't have enough protective gear, test kits, and other supplies," one Wuhan doctor told the South China Morning Post on January 24.

    There were also too few testing kits for patients, making it hard to distinguish a coronavirus case from any other flu or cold.

    Patients in Wuhan came to consider getting access to a testing kit as being like winning the lottery.

    Some hospitals have been pleading for donations of supplies from ordinary people. A social-media post from the Wuhan Children's Hospital, cited by the BBC, said simply: "Medical supplies are in short supply - help!"

    Some staff complained on social media that hospitals were even running out of food and drink.

    As the outbreak has dragged on, China has pledged to commit even more people and resources. But there are still difficulties.
    A New York Times article dated February 6 cited reports of shortages at a makeshift quarantine facility in Wuhan.

    It said an exhibition center, converted to house patients, had inadequate heating, unreliable electricity, and evident shortages of medical staff and equipment.

    The Times report said Chinese authorities were becoming more militant about stifling criticism of the government's response, making it harder to work out which places had shortages.

    The unidentified doctor at the Wuhan No. 5 Hospital made an exasperated call to a supervisor, not long before the Lunar New Year.

    He said he had just done four days' worth of work without a break, according to The Washington Post.

    "I don't want to do this job any more. Just fire me! Kick me out, send me back home," he said.

    "Don't I want to go home to celebrate the new year? Don't we want to live, too?"

    Working conditions have been desperate. Some doctors resorted to wearing adult diapers because they had too little time to even use the bathroom.

    The precautions do not always work. Posts on Chinese social media suggest that as many as 1,100 medical workers have caught the virus — almost one in 30 of the total case load.

    Li caught the virus while treating patients in Wuhan for weeks. He died at about 4 a.m. local time on February 7.

    His loss was all the more painful because Li had tried to raise awareness of the virus early on but was punished by officials who wanted to suppress the news.

    In December, when the virus was just being discovered, Li alerted a group of alumni from his medical school.

    But he was taken in by the police in Wuhan and forced to sign a letter acknowledging he was "making false comments" about the burgeoning epidemic.

    After his death, tributes to Li went viral on China's Weibo social-media network, despite the strict censorship in the country.

    The virus continues to spread rapidly.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:13 am

    Illuminati Warning From 1994, Apocalyptic Plague - Stephen King's "The Stand"
    - Full Movie - almost 6 hours

    Investigate how the Global Elite strive relentlessly to form a One World Government, pulling the strings of deception through manipulation of the media and mechanisms that control our very thoughts and actions.

    If you know anything at all about the workings of the Illuminati, you must surely know that they virtually always hide their “secrets” in plain sight. They do this as a sign of their power to the illuminated ones, and also as a great cosmic joke at the expense of the public (or robots as they are condescendingly referred to!) because they know that the vast majority of people are too “dim” to pick up on it.

    All the clues are right under everyone’s noses and always have been. The people have only to open their eyes. An example is the very “3172″ you referred to at the end of the first response. It’s a numerical anagram of the 17/23 correlation.

    Secondly, this is also an ideal way to protect itself. Anyone who is perceptive enough to figure out what is going on is immediately branded a crackpot theorist and censured by the public, or worse, a paranoid schizophrenic and is thereby censured by the state, i.e. hospitalized, where Illuminati trained operatives have special techniques designed to actually drive the person insane.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:18 am

    Here is a Bill Ryan video from 2010 regarding a supposed 2005 Top-Level Masonic-Meeting in the City of London, with the participants laughing that "China Would Catch a Cold" (at 3:20). 'RA' invited me to join the Masons in 2010 (the year we made contact) and told me, "Humanity is Screwed." I Declined. On March 8, 2011, 'RA' told me, "You Found Out Something About Yourself. I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water Has Gone Under the Bridge" (three days prior to Fukushima). In 2016, an Elderly Mason (in a Masonic-Cemetery) told me 85 percent of humanity would perish (but he didn't provide dates or details). An Individual of Interest said the figure was probably 80 percent. I suspect that a One World (or Solar System) Government has existed for thousands (if not millions) of years, but what do I know?? I doubt they are setting-up World-Government. I suspect they're simply informing us of our predicament as they tighten the noose. I SO Hope I'm Wrong. Hope Springs Eternal.

    Consider 'False-Flag' just about everything, including the Coronavirus. Consider this link (but I don't want to talk about it): What if 'Stolen-Technology' was intended to be stolen and used in a 'False-Flag' manner?? At a young-age I encountered the concept of a 'Death-Row Prisoner' being given a poison-pill and a glass of water each day until they got so tired of life that they took the pill, thus executing themselves. That's probably irrelevant, but it's worth thinking about for a few seconds. More seriously, what if everyone (except for a chosen group) is infected with a deadly-virus which remains dormant for several years before performing its dastardly deed?? A DUMB wouldn't protect one from such a fate. Do You See What I Mean?? Some of you Agency-Types might wish to listen to all the Sherry Shriner shows you can find (taking notes). They're probably mostly crackpot stuff, yet she seemed to have some sort of an inside-track on really horrific and disturbing topics. Some of you know what I'm talking about, but I don't want to talk about it. I've had more than enough, and most of you have had more than enough of me. Silence is Golden.

    I worry constantly about 'Secret Laboratories' Throughout the Universe. I'm currently imagining the Universe to be 'Compartmentalized Solar-System Soul-Supercomputer Artificial-Intelligence Matrix-Mediatrix Managed' to possibly attempt to create 'Order Out of Chaos'. However, it seems impossible to know the True State of Affairs (here or elsewhere). I guess that's why I just muddle along with my pseudo-intellectual Religious and Political Science-Fiction, without making a Big-Deal about it, and without making a Fast-Buck. What Would Jupiter Do?? "I Hate My Life." What Would Paul Say?? "O Wretched Man That I Am." What Would David Bowman Say?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" Who Are You Going to Call?? Peter Venkman?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? "I Am the Metatron!!" By the Way, "Do You Know the Way to San Jose??"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:32 am; edited 4 times in total

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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Swanny Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:27 am

    I think it's just a push to get people to have the vaccine pale

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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  burgundia Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:00 pm

    Swanny wrote:I think it's just a push to get people to have the vaccine pale

    It s more than just a vaccine.

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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:04 am

    Is the US behind this or was it the Deep State? More likely the rogue Deep State and most likely one of the reasons Bolton was fired.

    This is how and why the U.S. attacked China with the virus: 'Made in China 2025'
    It's all about the 'Made in China 2025' initative.

    China's design to take over large scale manufacturing including the aeronautical industry.
    Read more here:

    What's the most important issue to Trump? The economy.

    He couldn't allow 'Made in China 2025' to happen. It's too much of a danger to the U.S. bottom line. He couldn't have that.

    The Harvard professor that was "arrested" by the U.S. recently for "secretly" working for the Chinese is a double agent. He designed and implemented nano transistors into a virus vaccine that is triggered by 5G signals. This was covertly placed in the new mandatory vaccine that was given to the Chinese. It is the ethnic bioweapon they're all dying from.

    Thread: In a stunning twist to the Wuhan saga - Harvard Biological Expert who worked with Wuhan University ARRESTED via UNSEALED INDICTMENT!!!

    Here is info on him creating the virus sized nano transistor tech:

    In a stunning twist to the Wuhan saga - Harvard Biological Expert who worked with Wuhan University ARRESTED via UNSEALED INDICTMENT!

    In a shocking revelation made Tuesday afternoon - a revelation that will almost certainly rattle the US-China relationship at an already fragile time - a federal court unsealed indictments against Harvard professor and Chemistry Department Head Charles Lieber, along with two Chinese nationals. One is a Boston University researcher who was once a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, according to prosecutors, and the second was a cancer researcher who tried to smuggle 21 vials of biological materials in his sock - allegedly. Lieber has been arrested...

    The two Chinese lab workers kicked out of the Canada biolab are cover for the nano virus. The coronavirus they stole and took to China does cause infection and possible death but is not ethnically specific. It was dispersed as well, probably by the 300 U.S. soldiers that visited Wuhan sometime last year. This is to distract China from determining the actual attack parameters.

    John Bolton is the one who directed this operation.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:23 am

    Coronavirus is airborne, Chinese official confirms

    A Chinese official has confirmed a scary new fact about the deadly coronavirus: it is airborne.

    It was previously understood that two main ways the virus transmitted from person to person were:

    • Direct transmission: breathing in air close to an infected patient who sneezes or coughs, and

    • Contact transmission: when a person touches an object tainted with the virus before infecting themselves by touching their mouth, nose or eyes.


    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning 2020.02.10china

    UK Warns Coronavirus Is "Imminent Threat" After Suspected "Super Spreader" Returns From Singapore

    Dr. Tedros added that the WHO is monitoring 10 Chinese provinces as possible virus 'hot spots'.

    But outside China, the viral outbreak is beginning to take on more characteristics of a global pandemic. An outbreak at a ski chateau in the French Alps has reawakened anxieties about an uncontrolled outbreak in Western Europe, as government health officials in Britain and France scramble to trace everybody who had contact with a British citizen who apparently picked up the virus during a visit to Singapore.

    Authorities worry that this unnamed 'patient zero' might be a 'super spreader': The man unknowingly carried the virus across continents, and at least six people have already been sickened after coming into contact with him. Research released last week suggested that the virus can spread before symptoms are present. on Monday, the British secretary of state declared the virus "a serious and imminent threat to public health." This gave the government new powers to forcibly quarantine people after one infected patient tried to leave Arrowe Park, where the British government has quarantined some of those who just returned from Wuhan. In Hong Kong, two people appear to have escaped from a mandatory quarantine, prompting police to issue wanted notices.

    "The Secretary of State declares that the incidence or transmission of novel Coronavirus constitutes a serious and imminent threat to public health," the U.K. health ministry said in a statement on Monday.

    "Measures outlined in these regulations are considered as an effective means of delaying or preventing further transmission of the virus."

    All rescued Britons signed a contract agreeing to a 14-day quarantine period at a place of the government's choosing. On Monday, EasyJet has confirmed that a passenger who recently flew aboard one of its flights had been diagnosed with the coronavirus. The airline said Public Health England is reaching out to passengers.

    Back in China, Reuters reports that more than 300 Chinese firms, including Meituan Dianping, China's largest food-delivery company, and Xiaomi, the smartphone-making giant, have sought bank loans of at least #8.2 billion (5.4 billion yuan). The PBOC has said it will offer special lending facilities, providing the first batch of re-lending fundings on Monday. It plans to offer the facility weekly until the outbreak subsides. Reuters also reported that Apple supplier Foxconn was ultimately not allowed to resume production at its plant in Shenzen, which had been shuttered by authorities during the outbreak. In another blow to Beijing, Mongolia, China's impoverished northern neighbor, has suspended exports of coal to China until March 2, according to the country's National Emergency Commission. The Commission has also recommended cancelling the Mongolian Tsagaan Sar Lunar New Year celebrations set for later in the month.

    Picking up from where JPM left off, research firm Capital Economics said Monday that based on forecasts for global GDP, the outbreak could cost the world more than $280 billion during the first quarter of 2020, Bloomberg reports.

    Airbnb has suspended Beijing bookings until at least the end of February while promising to "refund and support guests who had cancelled reservations. And we will continue to work diligently to build programs that support our community of hosts."

    Fitch ratings warned overnight that China's international profile "could diminish" because of the outbreak for two reasons: One, China might once again turn inwards as policymakers focus on maintaining social order and fighting the virus, two, foreigners might start to turn away from China (or maybe even move jobs back to North America, as Wilbur Ross suggested).

    Authorities said they would inspect the plant "later this week" to ensure virus-control measures are being properly implemented. This after authorities initially denied reports that the plant wouldn't reopen, though they said the plant's reopening would be contingent on it passing an inspection.

    But China isn't the only country feeling the blowback. Sony said earlier that it wouldn't attend the Mobile World Congress conference in Barcelona later this month because of virus-related fears. After all, the Japanese already have enough on their hands with the 'Diamond Princess' and the two dozen-plus infected patients scattered around the country.

    More countries are planning evacuation missions to rescue citizens trapped in Wuhan and other parts of China. Reuters has put together a list (text courtesy of the Guardian) of countries that have carried out at least one evacuation mission so far...

    Kazakhstan will send two planes to China on 10 and 11 February to evacuate its citizens. Kazakhstan has already evacuated 83 people from Wuhan. Of the 719 Kazakhs remaining in China, 391 have asked to be repatriated.

    Singapore: A second evacuation flight is bringing back another 174 Singaporeans and their family members from Wuhan to the city-state on 9 February, Singapore’s foreign ministry said.

    Philippines: Thirty Filipinos returned to the Philippines on 9 February from Wuhan, the department of foreign affairs said. The returning passengers and a 10-member government team will be quarantined for 14 days.

    UK: Britain’s final evacuation flight from Wuhan, carrying more than 200 people, landed at a Royal Air Force base in central England on 9 February. A plane carrying 83 British and 27 European Union nationals from Wuhan landed in Britain last week.

    Brazil: The 34 Brazilians evacuated from Wuhan landed in Brazil on 9 February, where they will begin 18 days of quarantine.

    US: Two planes with about 300 passengers, mostly US citizens, took off from Wuhan on 6 February bound for the US. It was the third group of evacuees from the heart of the coronavirus outbreak, the US state department said.

    Taiwan: About 500 Taiwanese stranded in Wuhan are the first batch to be evacuated

    Uzbekistan: 251 people from China and quarantined them on arrival in Tashkent, the Central Asian nation’s state airline said on 6 February.

    Italy: The country flew back 56 nationals from Wuhan to Rome on 3 February. The group will spend two weeks in quarantine in a military hospital, the government said.

    Saudi Arabia: 10 students from Wuhan have been evacuated, Saudi state television reported on 2 February.

    A plane-load of New Zealanders, Australians and Pacific Islanders evacuated from Wuhan arrived in Auckland, New Zealand on 5 February, officials said.

    Thailand: A plane brought 138 Thai nationals home from Wuhan last week. They will spend two weeks in quarantine.

    France: Some nationals have been evacuated from Wuhan and would be placed in quarantine. It said it would first evacuate nationals without symptoms and then those showing symptoms at a later, unspecified date.

    Canada: The first group of 176 citizens were evacuated from Wuhan to an Ontario air force base early on 5 February, according to the Globe and Mail newspaper. All evacuees will be quarantined on the base for two weeks.

    Japan: The country has repatriated 565 nationals since the end of January.

    South Korea: About 368 people were flown home on a charter flight that arrived on 31 January. A second chartered flight departed Seoul for Wuhan on the same day, with plans to evacuate around 350 more South Korean citizens.

    Indonesia: The government flew 243 Indonesians from Hubei on 2 February and placed them under quarantine at a military base on an island north-west of Borneo.

    ...and a (much shorter) list of countries that are still in the 'planning stages':

    Netherlands: The country is preparing the voluntary evacuation of 20 Dutch nationals and their families from Hubei, Stef Blok, the Dutch foreign minister, said. The Netherlands is finalising arrangements with EU partners and Chinese authorities.

    Spain: The government is working with China and the European Union to repatriate its nationals.

    * * *

    So far, two foreigners have died within China, one Japanese, one American, news we reported last week.

    Those who have already been rescued from Wuhan in the US, UK and other countries are nearing the end of their 2-week quarantine detentions. Unfortunately, Chinese scientists are now saying 14 days might not be long enough for symptoms to appear. At least one patient exhibited no symptoms for 17 days - a full 2.5 weeks.

    That's bad news for the cruise ship that was allowed to sail away from Hong Kong after just a four-day hold.

    Speaking of Hong Kong, CNA reports that a 24-year-old man and his grandmother, 91, were initially confirmed to have the virus, but later spread it to seven other family members, including the boy's father, mother, two aunts and three cousins were also infected.-

    Officials said the family was part of a gathering of 19 who shared the hotpot meal over the Lunar New Year holiday at the end of January. A hotpot - also known as a steamboat - is a bubbling cauldron of stock shared communally, to which diners add ingredients.

    Hoarding that started in Hong Kong last week has already spread to Singapore, where CNBC reports shelves are running bare as hundreds of thousands of people scramble to brace for a worsening outbreak.

    First found in the city of Wuhan in central China last December, the new coronavirus has infected nearly 37,200 people on the mainland and at least 36 in Hong Kong.

    One day after the New York Times published a story asking "Where's Xi?" in the headline, the President/God-Emperor of China has finally appeared in public, wearing his facemask in the correct fashion (several local officials in Hubei elicited an avalanche of public criticism for appearing in public without masks, or with their masks worn incorrectly).

    State Broadcaster CCTV aired a brief segment featuring Xi visiting a neighborhood in Beijing. In keeping with the Chinese state's propaganda narrative, Xi "investigated and directed" the ongoing virus prevention work and asked after residents and workers.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning Empty Re: U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:45 am

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning 24546650-7986553-image-a-3_1581330897946
    Does this satellite image show the scale of China's coronavirus cremations?
    Sulphur dioxide emissions which are produced when bodies are burned reach alarming levels in Wuhan

    China has decreed that the bodies of coronavirus victims should be cremated in low-key funerals to prevent large public gatherings.

    The country's National Health Commission said earlier this month that bodies should be 'cremated close by and immediately'.

    On top of that, there have been repeated claims - albeit unverified - that officials are concealing a higher-than-reported death toll with mass cremations.

    The high sulphur dioxide levels in Wuhan would be consistent with a high number of cremations in the city.

    One map from Czech-based weather service showed sulphur dioxide levels in Wuhan at a staggering 1,350 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3) over the weekend.

    For comparison, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says that a dosage of 500 µg/m3 should not be exceeded for more than 10 minutes.

    The UK government considers a 15-minute concentration of 533 µg/m3 to be 'high'.

    According to the map, the SO2 levels were lower today but Wuhan and Chongqing still stood out compared to much of China.

    Parts of Wuhan still showed concentrations above 500 µg/m3 on Monday, the map suggested.

    Scientists say that cremating bodies releases SO2 along with other pollutants including nitrogen oxides.

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning 24546738-7986553-image-a-4_1581331000682

    The US Environmental Protection Agency says that burning medical waste can also cause sulphur dioxide emissions.

    However, it is not certain that the high SO2 levels are related to the coronavirus crisis. The colourless gas is also produced by the burning of fossil fuels and other chemical processes.

    The areas around Beijing and Shanghai, which are not in lockdown, also displayed high levels of SO2 today, although they were not as high over the weekend.

    Wuhan remains in lockdown with 11million people in quarantine, meaning reports from the city are hard to verify.

    The World Health Organisation says that high or prolonged exposure to sulphur dioxide can cause 'serious risks to health'.

    The gas can play a role in health problems such as asthma, lung inflammation and reduced lung function, experts say.

    'SO2 can affect the respiratory system and the functions of the lungs, and causes irritation of the eyes,' the WHO says.

    'Inflammation of the respiratory tract causes coughing, mucus secretion, aggravation of asthma and chronic bronchitis and makes people more prone to infections of the respiratory tract.

    'Hospital admissions for cardiac disease and mortality increase on days with higher SO2 levels.

    'When SO2 combines with water, it forms sulphuric acid; this is the main component of acid rain which is a cause of deforestation.' The death toll from the virus rose by 97 yesterday, the deadliest day since the outbreak began.

    Another 3,062 cases were reported in China yesterday - an increase of 15 per cent compared to Saturday which put an end to a series of daily declines.

    The latest surge in figures has dampened hopes that China's public health response might be working.

    The rise in China's death toll comes as millions of people return to work today after an extended Lunar New Year holiday.

    Roads in Beijing and Shanghai had significantly more traffic than in recent days and the city of Guangzhou was resuming normal public transport today.

    However, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai said 60 per cent of its member companies were planning mandatory work-from-home policies.

    Tens of millions of people in Hubei province were not returning to work, as the province at the centre of the outbreak remained under lockdown.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Post  Carol Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:01 am

    This lack of symptoms is far more consistent with 5G overpowering nervous system than a virus.

    People are piled into concentration zones, some arrested and taken there, where no medication is offered, where there are few toilets and little access to hot water.

    It seems like the 5G is being beamed at full power but instead of killing flocks of birds as has been witnesses elsewhere, 5G is now being used to kill humans.

    Note: Simon Parks revealed that 5G would be used to kill humans in his last video.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:58 am

    Unless the people that are collapsing are actors.

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    Post  Swanny Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:21 pm

    I was in Screwfix today and asked about dust masks, they said you can only buy 5 at a time now study

    Absolutely ridiculous, I'm glad I'm not falling for the BS

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    Post  mudra Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:59 pm

    burgundia wrote:Unless the people that are collapsing are actors.

    Its not my perception as far as whats taking place in Wuhan. It struck me to see some of these people falling so abruptly in a nano second. As far as I am concerned what I saw was genuine

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    Post  burgundia Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:24 am

    To me it is very, very strange that people are collapsing all of a sudden. A virus can do that?

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    Post  Carol Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:17 am

    U.S. and Global PANDEMIC Preparedness Planning QJ3WC76E2BGTBJ4EYUZACF5JXU
    American evacuees from China board a bus after arriving by flight to Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb., on Friday. The evacuees are to be quarantined at Camp Ashland, a nearby Nebraska National Guard training base. While the number of cases of COVID19 remain at 13 in the U.S., the military is making sure it's ready if an outbreak were to occur. (Nati Harnik/AP)

    US military prepping for coronavirus pandemic[/b]

    U.S. Northern Command is executing plans to prepare for a potential pandemic of the novel coronavirus, now called COVID19, according to Navy and Marine Corps service-wide messages issued this week.

    An executive order issued by the Joint Staff and approved by Defense Secretary Mark Esper this month directed Northern Command and geographic combatant commanders to initiate pandemic plans, which include ordering commanders to prepare for widespread outbreaks and confining service members with a history of travel to China.

    The Marine Corps’ mission, according to the message, is to “prepare for potential outbreaks of [COVID19].” The service must “mitigate, respond, and recover from the effects in order to maintain force readiness.”

    COVID19, the flu-like virus that originated in Wuhan, China, is now responsible for killing more than 1,100 people and sickening at least 45,000. While the rate of new cases has fallen in the past several days in Wuhan and Hubei province, the death toll continues to climb, topping more than 100 in a single day Monday in China.

    The number of cases in the U.S. remains at 13.

    DoD 3551-13 calls for preparing for a pandemic and ensuring open lines of communication in the community, diseases surveillance and detection, response and containment.

    According to the service messages, military commanders have been asked to confine any service member who has been to China since Feb. 2 to their residences or, if they live in an open barracks or share a bathroom with others, restrict them to a temporary lodging facility for 14 days.

    The restricted service members will be assessed daily for fever by medical personnel by phone or in person and wear protective gear if they personally conduct the medical checks, according to the messages. Should they display symptoms, they must seek medical attention, but call their military treatment facility first to inform them of their travel.

    The Marine Corps message advises civilian employees and contractors, as well as any family members returning from China, to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance to detect the virus and prevent its spread, which include voluntarily remaining at home, limiting close contact with people and animals, self-monitoring and seeking medical care if symptoms develop.

    The Navy has included visits to Hong Kong and Macau as part of its directive and gives commanders the flexibility to decide whether they need to confine a service member who has had close contact with a person who has traveled to the region.

    The Marine Corps also has told commanders to work with military treatment facilities on developing and executing any response and stay up-to-date on CDC guidance regarding the virus.

    The Army issued a service-wide message Jan. 31 on the coronavirus advising its members on the illness’s symptoms and instructing them on reducing their risk of catching the infection. The message was issued the same day the Pentagon released an advisory about how service members can reduce the risk of catching the disease.

    It does not publicly release its service-wide messages and has not issued any since the executive order.

    The Air Force does not publicly disclose its service-wide messages.

    Since the outbreak began in late December, individual commands, especially those in Asia, have enforced confinement of service members with a travel history to China. Earlier this month, U.S. Forces Korea began confining troops who had traveled to China for 14 days.

    Also earlier this month, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command restricted all Defense Department travel to mainland China and recalled all travelers to the country home.

    Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said Monday that the likelihood of more cases being diagnosed in the U.S. of COVID19 is high, but added that the chance of contracting the disease outside China remains low.

    She said the biggest infectious disease threat to the American public this year remains the influenza virus, which has sickened more than 22 million and killed at least 12,000.

    Precautions against the coronavirus, which include hand-washing, staying home if ill and sneezing or coughing into a tissue or sleeve, also cut down on flu transmission.

    “We are taking all appropriate precautionary measures to prevent any potential spread of the virus,” U.S. Forces Korea commander Army Gen. Robert Abrams Feb. 2. “Key for everyone is to follow standard hygiene protocols, and if not feeling well — get screened ASAP!”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:58 pm

    Cure in sight...

    Here is mentioned. That 3 days after China released the genetic sequence a team of scientists in San Diego made a breakthrough and developped a vaccine. Also in the UK. After 14 days scientists developped a vaccine which is now being tested on animals in the US...

    En route for global vaccination ?..

    Love Always

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    Post  Swanny Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:00 pm

    Notice the number on the planes stairs? Wink

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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:04 pm

    burgundia wrote:To me it is very, very strange that people are collapsing all of a sudden. A virus can do that?

    I don't know.
    There was a person I saw walking normally and the next second collapse entirely. The abruptness of this I found odd.
    I haven't seen enough of them collapsing to see if there is a pattern in this.

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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:05 pm

    Styx speaks of preparedness here.

    China reports a sharp spike in new coronavirus cases and deaths

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    Post  burgundia Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:32 am


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    Post  burgundia Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:38 am

    That old guy feeding his wife...they are both infected and one time he has the mask on , then he is without the mask...makes little sense.

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    Post  mudra Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:57 am

    15 Items Every Prepper Should Horde for SHTF

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    Post  mudra Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:09 am

    Coronavirus Preparing a Contagion Survival Kit

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    Post  mudra Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:22 pm

    5 Cities Now CDC Test Subjects To See If Coronavirus Has "Spread Worse Than They Realize!"

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    Post  mudra Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:05 pm

    We’ve already identified three natural molecules that inhibit coronavirus replication in the body… and they don’t come from Big Pharma
    By Mike Adams (Natural News)

    (Natural News) While the world of the brainwashed masses are waiting for Big Pharma to save them from the coronavirus pandemic with a drug or a vaccine, we’ve been researching molecules from nature that are known to inhibit coronavirus replication in the body.

    So far, we’ve already identified three natural molecules. One of them is abundantly found in a common spice (that’s really orange), and the two other molecules are more rare, but still available from the world of nature.

    These molecules target the coronavirus 3 chymotrypsin-like protease (3CL) enzyme, which is well known as a molecular target when searching for anticoronavirus inhibitors.

    For example, this study published in BMC Structural Biology discusses the role of 3CL and why inhibiting this enzymatic function is a valid method for blocking coronavirus replication:

    The 3CLpro has been validated as an effective drug target in several studies and has even been termed “the Achilles’ heel of coronaviruses” [8] making it an ideal target for the identification of novel lead compounds.

    The coronavirus 3 chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) is a validated target in the design of potential anticoronavirus inhibitors. The high degree of homology within the protease’s active site and substrate conservation supports the identification of broad spectrum lead compounds. A previous study identified the compound ML188, also termed 16R, as an inhibitor of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) 3CLpro. This study will detail the generation of a homology model of the 3CLpro of the human coronavirus OC43 and determine the potential of 16R to form a broad-spectrum lead compound.

    It turns out there was a huge wave of research into SARS following that outbreak from a few years ago. Scientists studied numerous botanicals, phytochemicals and food isolates that might show promise in halting SARS, which is also a coronavirus.

    Many pharmaceuticals were tested as well, and because of that research, certain drugs are also documented to combat SARS. They are very likely to high efficacy against the nCoV coronavirus as well. Niclosamide, a prescription medication used to treat tapeworms, is one of the prescription drugs that should be immediately studied for treating coronavirus infections.

    Read on:

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