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    Bible - Page 9 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:18 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Everything is a Power-Struggle (in one way or another) isn't it?? We can disguise it for a while -- but eventually it becomes obvious what's really going on. The War in Heaven -- and the Garden of Eden -- were both part of the same Power-Struggle -- weren't they?? This Power-Struggle is ongoing -- isn't it?? Does Heaven consist of One Supreme Victor with Absolute Power Over Everyone and Everything?? Is Competition a Sin?? What Would John D. Rockefeller Say?? Does Religious and Political Freedom equal Rebellion Against God?? Are all of us attempting to be "God" in one way or another?? "You Shall be as Gods"?? I've done a lot of modeling within this thread -- and it scares the hell out of me. Is Heaven a Socialist-Theocracy?? Should Human-Civilization be a Power-Struggling Free for All?? "The Law of the Jungle -- rather than the Rule of Law??" What Would George H.W. Bush Say?? Should this Solar System be a Corporate-Theocracy?? Is this Solar System a Corporate-Theocracy?? What Would the Thirteen Ruling Families Say?? Should God be a Micromanaging-Dictator or an Authority of Last Resort?? Does "telling people what to do" create rebellion?? Does "not telling people what to do" create confusion?? Are we "damned if we do -- and damned if we don't"?? Take a Panoramic-View of World-History. It's NOT a Pretty-Picture -- is it?? What's Wrong With This Picture??

    I make post after post after post after post -- without any responses whatsoever -- and the few responses I receive are often hostile. Why??? Is the United States of the Solar System really the Positive-Reinforcement of the New World Order?? Do both of these concepts constitute Rebellion Against God?? Is a Representative-Theocracy a reasonable synthesis of the Sovereignty of God -- and Human Responsible Freedom?? This stuff scares the hell out of me. I frankly don't know whose side I'm on -- and that's the truth. Am I somehow being used and misused by Evil Humans and Other-Than-Humans?? Do you really desire a Final Jihad?? Do you feel lucky?? Has Earth and Humanity been governed by a Secret-Theocracy for thousands of years?? Things have been bad -- but would they REALLY go to hell if we didn't have a Secret-Theocracy?? Would an Open-Theocracy be the end of us all?? But what do religious-people expect to live in when they "Go to Heaven"?? Do we live in "Hell"?? I've hinted at a lot of things -- but I haven't been direct -- and no one seems to give a damn. You've got a Completely Ignorant Fool isolated and managed -- right?? Mission Accomplished?? What Would George W. Bush Say?? What Would God Say?? There is "One God" (except for Jesus and the Holy-Spirit). Was the New-Testament a Rebellion Against the God of the Old-Testament?? The God of Job through Malachi seems very different than the God of Genesis through Esther. The God of the Synoptic-Gospels seems very different than the God of John through Revelation. What's Wrong With This Picture?? Should God Expect Absolute-Obedience (without exception)?? If an exception is made -- where does it end...
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    Bible - Page 9 George-bush3
    orthodoxymoron wrote:It almost feels as if I am being made to feel horrible 24/7 so that I will think and do stupid things -- as a prelude to being made a completely ignorant scapegoat of some sort. I know that sounds crazy -- and it really is -- but I don't think I'm mistaken in this instance. Sometimes I feel like a Victim (or is it a Venkman or a Rickman or a Bowman or a Mann or a Zazel or a Pinky or a Brain or a John or a Jack or a Completely Ignorant Fool?)! What if a Significant-Someone Helped Humanity Survive -- and Got Stabbed in the Back by Both Divinity and Humanity?? What if this universe is more harsh and unyielding than we can possibly comprehend?? What if attempting to make things better (especially in an unauthorized manner) is considered to be rebellion and damnable-heresy of a most-pestilential nature?? The videos and image (shown below) scare the hell out of me. It somehow feels as if I've lived some of this -- and I swear that the image looks a lot like me as a child. I could say a lot more -- but I'd rather not -- not at this time. Speaking with more than one Individual of Interest seemed to be some sorts of Angelic-Encounters (and not in ways most people might think). I know a lot of you could enlighten me regarding this matter -- yet you remain silent. Why?? And why was the previous post repeatedly modified against my will?? It's as if I am being left to twist slowly, slowly in the wind. One more thing. When does the 2300 days/years (of Daniel 8:14) begin and end?? When shall the sanctuary be cleansed?? Which sanctuary shall be cleansed -- and in what manner?? What if the Book of Revelation is descriptive of the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary"?? What if the "Rebellion" will absolutely end in 2133 AD -- following a Galactic Investigative Judgment -- and a Galactic Executive Judgment?? What if the Millennium will end in 2133 AD?? What if Sin and Sinners will be no more after 2133 AD?? What if Probation has already closed?? Think long and hard regarding what Isaac Newton said about the End of the World. Someone needs to discuss this with me -- before it's too late -- but is it already too late?? We're OK with Wars, Crusades, Conquests, Inquisitions, and Final-Judgments if we think things will go well for us and our families -- right?? The "Lost" had their chance -- right?? Is this "Right"?? Please study the following sources -- and tell me what you think. Why do I doubt that ANYONE will spend ANY time with this list???

    1. Job. (KJV)
    2. Psalms.
    3. Proverbs.
    4. Ecclesiastes.
    5. Isaiah.
    6. Luke.
    7. John.
    8. Acts.
    9. Romans.
    10. Hebrews.
    11. The Gods of Eden (William Bramley).
    12. Eden in Egypt (Ralph Ellis).
    13. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).
    14. Tempest and Exodus (Ralph Ellis).
    15. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).
    16. Solomon: Pharaoh of Egypt (Ralph Ellis).
    17. The Desire of Ages (Ellen White).
    18. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer (and Liturgy).
    19. The Federalist Papers (and US Constitution).
    20. The Timechart History of the World.
    21. The Great Hymns and Gregorian Chants.
    22. The Music of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel.
    23. Babylon 5 -- Stargate SG-1 -- Earth: Final Conflict -- and V (Series and Movies).

    Bible - Page 9 Azazel_by_gothicnarcissus-d5wqnf8
    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if "Nice-Guys" do NOT Win in this universe?? What if this solar system is ruled by a Renegade Band of Bad Boys and Girls (who might just happen to be better than most of the "Arrogant-Bastards" who rule elsewhere)??!! I consider myself to be a Reformed Judeo-Christian (who presently attends no services whatsoever) but I am finding myself increasingly attempting to conceptualize the Positive-Reinforcement of That Which Presently Exists. What else do we REALLY have to go on?? I've been recently imagining myself being a Galactic Jack Ryan working for the Central-Earth Intelligence-Agency as a Galactic-Vatican Analyst!! Bringing down the current obviously corrupt regime might open the door to some REALLY nasty gods and goddesses!! Once again -- I have NO idea what the true state of affairs are throughout the universe (and in this particular sector). I continue to Fly-Blind. What if "David's One Little Stone" in modernity is the Internet?? What Would Al Gore Say?? I get the feeling that if one wishes to get anywhere significant in this world, that it is necessary to "Sell One's Soul to 'You Know Who' -- 'Play-Ball' -- and 'Do As You're Told'". "Uppity Moralistic Nice-Guys" need not apply.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I am currently modeling the possibility that Earth and Humanity are precisely what the Real Hidden PTB wish them to be. In other words -- the PTB hypothetically wishes Atheism, Agnosticism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Hinduism, Communism, Capitalism, War, Peace, Liberalism, Conservatism, New-Age, Tyranny, Anarchy, Angels, Demons, etc. and et al -- to be in perpetual conflict with each other -- to facilitate Purgatory Incorporated (as a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Solar Systems Incorporated). BTW -- perhaps we need a newspaper and/or website called The City-States Today which would neutrally and objectively report on the Vatican -- the City of London -- and Washington D.C. Perhaps we need a journal and/or website called Alien Affairs which would be the Galactic-Edition of Foreign Affairs. Or how about a daily news broadcast similar to the one seen in Babylon 5?! I grew-up attending the SDA church -- which was somewhat critical of Roman Catholicism -- but what if BOTH the SDA and Catholic churches are ultimately owned and controlled by the Secret Government??!! Religion is a Hell of a Business!! Salvation for Sale??!! Indulgences by Pa(y)Pal??!! I should stop. One more thing. Perhaps Greed and Fear should morph into Dignity and Respect -- with Purgatory Incorporated morphing into Paradise Incorporated -- wherein an integration of the Golden-Rule and the Bottom-Line exists in a Sustainable-Manner.
    magamud wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if the General Population of Earth is so bad, that it requires Bad@$$ Bosses Working Behind the Scenes to keep things as "Good" as they presently are?? What if we are worse than we think we are -- going way, way, way back into antiquity?? What if Earth is some sort of a Galactic Reform School aka Prison Planet in Rebellion?? BTW -- I was recently taking a walk on a somewhat well-traveled side-road -- and an "agent type of guy" really gave me an extended "look" that sent chills up and down my spine. I know I'm paranoid -- but what if they really are out to get me??

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Carol wrote:Our inner spiritual drive to be free Oxy - is innate. I just don't worry about what I don't have any control over. There is far too much to do to expend my energy or thoughts on the useless pursuits of mental masturbation. I gave that up a long time ago. Must have something to do with aging. Living in the present is precious, especially as one ages. I know you want to know the why and tend to get caught up in your own take on things. I just don't go there any more. I have a finite amount of time to accomplish the projects that are on my plate and that's all I choose to focus on. I've known people in horrible lock down conditions/imprisoned physically, where the only freedom they had was in their attitude toward the human condition and spiritual connection to the Divine. Think of the monks who put themselves in self-imprisoned conditions living in monasteries or caves where the goal is to teach the spirit to soar above the confines of the physical body. Having had my own OBE one learns the illusion is the cave/confinement. If you choose to be free in this reality then expand it to include other realities you can romp in.
    Thank-you Carol. There are a lot of things I'd rather do -- but I seem to be in the middle of modeling something which might be highly significant. It's as if I have a dragon by the tail -- and I'm afraid to let go. In fact -- what if I really am dealing with dragons (on some level)?? Galactic Politics and Religion aren't for everyone OR is there a Theocratic Church, State, and Legal-System which IS intended for EVERYONE throughout the universe?? What if Earth-Humanity is bucking the system?? This could be an extremely important matter -- regardless of whether anyone likes it or not. This stuff scares the hell out of me -- and I frankly don't know which way to jump. BTW -- I'd rather just watch stuff like this!! I had a blue AMC Pacer!!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:24 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 559
    Join date : 2014-04-24

    Bible - Page 9 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:54 pm

    God got the ability to think and feel and that is why we have that ability as well ! If God did not think and feel then we would neither. Must it not be so ? Or can we achive anything which is above and beyond God ?

    God got thoughts and emotions ! So why do many confine God to love only or depersonalize God to just a force ? Is it pleasure in painting God as a simpleton or a case of not thinking this through ?

    God is one of us ! Born into the world and walked the earth like we do. God is Person people !

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    Bible - Page 9 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:11 pm

    It ought to be no doubt about God as a universe simply cannot come into existence by itself ! Besides there are universal fundamental laws like the laws of thermodynamics which naturally necessitates the existence of a Creator.

    So the only question ought to be which God created the universe ? And since there are not really many believable candidates one would think the answer was simple.

    The problem of our world is one of management. We got the wrong people governing us. Why are they wrong ? Because they kill lie steal and cheat ! This is not a new problem but almost as old as humanity itself.

    If God was to step in and rid the world of wrong people who kill lie steal and cheat would God be good or evil ? I suspect the wrong people would cry and call that an evil God and so they would not only be wrong but also whiners.


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    Bible - Page 9 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:28 am

    Don't forget to listen to Sherry Shriner!! Take everything Sherry says with a Dead-Sea of Salt!! I simply think Sherry makes one think about crazy things one would not otherwise think about -- yet which might be crucial to figuring things out -- but don't expect the show to make you happy. I've heard some of the most bizarre things on her show. I think I might know who Sherry really is -- but I don't want to talk about it. These images are interesting -- but I don't want to talk about them.
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    Consider creating a Moot Holy-War between the following two KJV lists. Notice that they both begin with Genesis. I'm repeating this because I think it might be extremely important. Read straight-through both lists -- over and over again -- and see what understandings emerge. Once again, this is all about truth-seeking rather than happy-making.

    1. Genesis.
    2. Exodus.
    3. Leviticus.
    4. Numbers.
    5. Deuteronomy.
    6. Isaiah.
    7. Jeremiah.
    8. Lamentations.
    9. Ezekiel.
    10. Daniel.
    11. Revelation.

    1. Genesis.
    2. Job.
    3. Psalms.
    4. Proverbs.
    5. Ecclesiastes.
    6. Song of Songs.
    7. Luke.
    8. John.
    9. Acts.
    10. Romans.
    11. Hebrews.

    Try thinking in terms of the first list being related to an Ancient Pre-Human Civilization ruling a Recent-Renegade Human-Civilization -- with the second list being related to a Recent-Hybrid Mediating-Civilization ruling a Recent-Renegade Human-Civilization. I think we might be on the verge of a Renegade-Humanity ruling a Renegade-Humanity -- with planned and calculated Disastrous-Results. Try contrasting this Moot Jihad with Peale and Schuller -- but don't think in stand-alone or stand-offish terms. Also -- notice that the writings of Ellen White are a case-study of a very-extensive version of this Holy War. This internal-conflict and internal-inconsistency have caused many SDA's to lose their faith (and leave the church) -- and that's without even mentioning the plagiarism and corruption. Mark Martin was right (in some ways) about The Spirit Behind the Church -- but I disagreed with a lot of his solutions (in college and in later years). I think that a combination of Prophets and Kings -- the 1928 Book of Common Prayer -- Believe in the God Who Believes in You -- and Sacred Classical Music -- might at least be a reasonable place to begin contemplating Ecumenical Adventism. What Would Dr. Fritz Guy Say?? What Would Dr. Elmer Herr Say?? What Would Daniel Jackson Say??

    Bible - Page 9 Tumblr_mb6sd05h9i1rrpsd7
    Bible - Page 9 Dogma-1999
    What Do Daniel Chapters Seven through Twelve REALLY Teach??
    What if the Investigative-Judgment Began with the Release of Noah??
    What if the Executive-Judgment Will End 120 Years Following the Release of Noah??

    What Do Matthew Chapters Twenty-Three through Twenty-Five REALLY Teach??

    mudra wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you mudra. I've basically built a science-fictional house to live-in. I've made my bed -- and now I'm attempting to sleep in it -- but I keep having horrible nightmares!! I am out of step with everyone -- the church -- the atheists -- the new-agers -- and even with The Mists of Avalon!!
    Oxy there are many things wrong with this world and they should be confronted. But there is a lot of good and beautiful things to. Pay attention to these too my friend for they are a vital part of keeping balance. As you do so you'll will see more and more.

    Much Love from me
    I wish all of you well. I think I might be leaving soon -- and I think it might be permanently -- whether I like it or not. I sense that I am completely out of step with modern humanity. I seem to keep attempting to reinvent the wheel -- and fight old battles -- over and over again. Still -- some of you should probably study this study-guide -- just to nail-down some of the loose-ends of yesteryear -- as we move 'forward' into a Post Judeo-Christian Civilization. I hope you have the right Deities in the Planet-Earth War-Room. Things seem to be going rather well -- and I sure wouldn't wish to jinx things by getting in the way. I'm sorry we couldn't work together. Too much water has gone under the bridge. "Oh Well -- It's a Deep Subject!" I keep wondering if there is ultimately one space-program -- one nuclear arsenal -- one government -- and one religion (with many subsidiaries?) -- all controlled (and owned?) by one individual (or central-committee)?! What if such a situation has existed for dozens -- hundreds -- or even thousands of years?! What if the New World Order was established in (or under) Ancient-Egypt?? What if one being has ruled this hypothetical NWO for thousands of years?! It might be virtually impossible to know. Full-Disclosure might result in extremely negative consequences. If things go to hell "They" will probably have a "Fall-Guy" take the blame (deserved or undeserved) -- and then tighten their grip on the throat of humanity. There are an infinite number of possible religions and political-systems -- and an even greater number of possible interpretations and applications!! I generally support religious and political freedom -- but at what point does it all become a rebellious and confused mess?? The Torah is highly-intolerant regarding religious and political freedom. The rest of the Old Testament is more accommodating. The New Testament loosens things up even more BUT the Book of Revelation goes right back to the same old fire and brimstone torture and extermination of those who don't think and do exactly as they're told. American-Christians support religious and political freedom -- yet they wish to "Go to Heaven" where (if I read my Bible correctly) there will be no religious and political freedom.

    I'm sorry to keep commenting in this manner -- but the basic arguments and principles connected with this line of thinking are foundational regarding the evaluation of existing and expected civilizations -- terrestrial and extra-terrestrial. I keep wondering what Judaism has done with Joshua through Malachi -- or if there have been Joshua through Malachi Branches of Judaism which excluded the Torah?? How much of the Torah is repeated and/or reinforced within Joshua through Malachi?? Does Joshua through Malachi really require the New Testament for fulfillment and completion?? I've recently been attempting an integration of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, and Hebrews -- to gain a Composite View of God which is not particularly Old-Testament or New-Testament. The Torah seems to require Human-Sacrifice and Substitutionary-Atonement for resolution and appeasement -- but does Joshua through Malachi contain similar requirements?? There seems to be a deliberate layer of deception which extends from antiquity to modernity -- and I find this to be extremely suspicious. Studying World War II and Nazi-Germany might provide a lot of revealing windows regarding the past, present, and future. There were too many witnesses, and too much documentation -- to keep things quiet and hidden. The internet has facilitated the release and communication of vast amounts of forbidden-information -- for better or worse -- I know not. Think of me working for the Central-Earth Intelligence-Agency as a Galactic-Vatican Analyst!! Think of me being a Galactic Jack Ryan aka Jack and/or Bill aka Orthodoxymoron!! Think of me living in a Deep Underground 600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment -- and driving a Porsche Turbo!! Think of me driving onto Sandia without showing ID!! "They know me". I have a space-law book with a Sandia stamp -- and that's probably as close as I'll ever get!! Think of me specializing in the following:

    1. Job. (KJV)
    2. Psalms.
    3. Proverbs.
    4. Ecclesiastes.
    5. Isaiah.
    6. Luke.
    7. John.
    8. Acts.
    9. Romans.
    10. Hebrews.
    11. The Gods of Eden (William Bramley).
    12. Eden in Egypt (Ralph Ellis).
    13. Patriarchs and Prophets (Ellen White).
    14. Tempest and Exodus (Ralph Ellis).
    15. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White).
    16. Solomon: Pharaoh of Egypt (Ralph Ellis).
    17. The Desire of Ages (Ellen White).
    18. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer (and Liturgy).
    19. The Federalist Papers (and US Constitution).
    20. The Timechart History of the World.
    21. The Great Hymns and Gregorian Chants.
    22. The Music of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel.
    23. Babylon 5 -- Stargate SG-1 -- Earth: Final Conflict -- and V (Series and Movies).

    Please consider making an intensive, integrated, and ongoing study of these materials. I mostly assume that "whistle-blowers" (especially regarding ufo's, aliens, secret-facilities, etc and et al) are not who and what they say they are (or have seen and done). I mostly assume that 90% of these people are crack-pots -- but that the remaining 10% get fed information from those who really know. I can't prove this -- but it's just what I think. I'm NOT endorsing the following link regarding the Holocaust.  I'm including it because of who wrote the article (Dr. Lorraine Day).  I've enjoyed listening to her in the past -- but stumbling upon this material shocked me!! I'm honestly neutral about this sort of thing (as I try to be about most things). BTW -- What if Madagascar had become the State of Israel in (or around) 1938?? Dr. Day sort of suggested that Hitler wanted such a development (but not necessarily in 1938). Would that have been a viable possibility (perhaps with Jerusalem becoming an International City)?? What might Madagascar and the Middle-East have looked like today if that had occurred (with no extermination-camps in WWII -- real or hoaxed)??!! I should stop. I continue to think that history is nastier and messier than most of us can imagine -- and that there are probably good and bad sides to just about everyone and everything (including Zionist-Jews and Nazi-Germans). I include a lot of objectionable and controversial material within this thread, as my attempt to make all of us think in unconventional ways. I corresponded with Dr. Day a few years ago -- and she thought I was crazy!! Imagine that!! Please don't neglect Biblical-Studies -- even if you don't believe -- but don't expect it to make you happy. The conclusions I've reached while creating this thread are startling (to say the least) -- and I have mostly just hinted at them. A direct-revelation would probably be devastating.

    I think reality (past, present, and future) is too problematic for most of us to properly-process. I have no idea if this thread will ever become respectable. I doubt it -- but who knows?? I think it might simply be my private conceptual-laboratory and study-guide. Expecting anyone to tag-along is probably an unrealistic-expectation. If anyone actually studied this thread, it might be deemed dangerous by the Thought-Police!! Does a thread actually exist, if no one views it?? The "Thread That Never Was??" The problem with this sort of thing is that it takes too much time and energy for most people to properly deal with it. I've tried to deal with it by considering most all of it to be science-fictional in nature -- as a mixture of fact and fiction. It's almost "morbid-entertainment" for me -- wherein I try to deal with the crazy material in the context of my "home-thread" -- and then just move-on without getting too worked-up about anything. I just read that very controversial "Holocaust" article -- without knowing how much of it was true -- and just took it in stride -- and moved-on. After agonizing and struggling with this thread for a significant time-period -- consider an extended study of Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Harold Schuller. Don't take shortcuts. Do your homework. Many consider Peale-Appalling and Paul-Appealing!! What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? What Would J. Vernon McGee Say?? What Would Fibber McGee Say?? What Would Molly Say?? What Would Monseigneur Bowe Say?? What Would E. Power Biggs Play?? You don't want to know -- or do you?? BTW -- The KGB Read the KJV!! How do you think they learned to be so Bad@$$??!!  

    orthodoxymoron wrote: Moral-Ambiguity and Looking the Other Way work wonders when seeking a Beautiful-Wife and a Comfortable-Life. Hyper-Morality and Whistle-Blowing work wonders when seeking Firing, Defrocking, Excommunication, Lawsuits, Jail, Divorce, Nervous-Breakdowns, Bankruptcy, Suicide, Etc. "You'll Never Work in This TOWN Again!!" or "You'll Never Work in This DUMB Again!!" Pain is the Cost of Doing Business in the Universe. There are Positive and Negative Sides to Positive-Thinking and Self-Esteem. I've tried to be open, honest, and trenchant -- and this has been an utter-disaster. Joining the Masons and Going to Church might've been a better plan.

    "Thus Sprach Zathras!!"

    I don't think I'm possessed -- but I do think I'm harassed -- and I think this has been the case throughout my life -- although it's gotten exponentially worse since I started posting on the internet six or seven years ago. I have never gotten involved in anything even remotely creepy (other than researching some creepy subjects in a very passive manner). I've met some interesting people (and possibly other-than-people) -- but I haven't sold my soul to any of them. I stopped going to church (to gain a different perspective) -- but I have never been opposed to church (other than objecting to the usual lies, corruption, fighting, and other general categories of bullshit). My version of Protestantism is the Rethinking of Roman Catholicism. I haven't betrayed the SDA church. I've merely attempted to consider SDA ideas in unlikely contexts. I still think that in some way -- the SDA and Catholic churches are run by the same Hidden PTB -- but I can't prove it. If I could, I'd probably be dead. I might be Dead-Meat anyway -- but there are a lot worse problems for you Megalomaniacs Anonymous to worry about. Who knows?? I might turn-out to be your Best-Buddy. I've really been attempting to hint-at the Gizeh-Intelligence version of Judeo-Christianity. The following video is disturbing -- but I find the way Jamie Foxx said "Obama" to be particularly interesting. I know someone who accents syllables in a similar manner. You don't want to know what I'm thinking -- and I don't want to talk about it.

    I found this Barack Obama talk to be quite interesting -- in good and bad ways. I think Prophets and Kings by Ellen White might at least hint at a reasonable middle-ground in these matters. I'm neutral regarding President Obama. I continue to think that ALL Major Politicians and Clergy are groomed, controlled, and scripted by the Secret-Government (for better or worse -- I know not). A New-Reformation might have to retain many of the Old-Ways (whether anyone likes it or not). Are there such things as "Necessary-Evils" and "White-Lies"??!!

    This George W. Bush interview is interesting regarding "God and Freedom". Remember that "The Powers That Be Are Ordained by God". Think long and hard about that. What if at least one aspect of the Secret-Government went Rogue (in the near or distant past)??!! What if we require a Non-Corrupt and Highly-Competent Secret-Government (Human and/or Otherwise)?? I find Earth: Final Conflict to be extremely interesting regarding these matters. I continue to think that the General-Public would go nuts if they knew how things REALLY work in this solar system. "Disclosure" might mean "Disaster". I would NOT wish to be anywhere near such a revolting-development.

    Bible - Page 9 Ll8H9
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    "How Much Longer Do You Plan to Hold Back the Four Winds of Strife???"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:39 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 559
    Join date : 2014-04-24

    Bible - Page 9 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:55 am

    Good go to God and evil to the devil. We got free will and so choose our character. We will be what we want. And there will be no reconciliation between God and the devil so to think otherwise is hopeless romantic at best.

    Good and evil is not up to vote but declared by the one who made this universe and us. It is almost unbelievable that someone can create a universe but rest assured it is no big deal for the Almighty. And we either stand in attention or bend our knees when the Creator come in Person.

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    Bible - Page 9 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:31 pm

    RedEzra -- I keep wondering about the presence and/or absence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- in each of the 66 Books of the Bible. I also keep wondering about the Great-Commission in Matthew 28 where Jesus exclaims that "All Power is Given to Me in Heaven and Earth!!" How can power be "given" to God?? And Further, Jesus tells the disciples to teach all nations "Everything I Have Commanded You". Does this include the Best of the Old-Testament -- or is it simply referring to the Red-Letters of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?? Also -- if Jesus has had "All Power in Heaven and Earth" for the past 2,000 years -- why has this world not been ruled according to what Jesus taught in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?? Why wasn't this mess cleaned-up 2,000 years ago??

    Matthew 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.  2 And, behold , there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.  3 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:  4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake , and became as dead men.  5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified .  6 He is not here: for he is risen , as he said . Come , see the place where the Lord lay .  7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold , he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo , I have told you.  8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word .  9 And as they went to tell his disciples , behold , Jesus met them, saying , All hail . And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.  10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid : go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.  11 Now when they were going , behold , some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done .  12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,  13 Saying , Say ye  , His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept .  14 And if this come to the governor's ears , we will persuade him, and secure  you.  15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught : and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.  16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.  17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted .  18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying , All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.  19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo , I am with you alway , even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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    Post  RedEzra Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:14 pm

    One time the Son of God was born as a boy with the specific mission to cover for our crimes and so save sinners from hell.

    We got God the Father and God the Son and God the Spirit and so God got a Father how about that ?


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:43 pm

    A Human-Sacrifice Appeasing an Angry Loving-God so People Don't Have to Burn Writhing in Pain for All-Eternity as Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Loving-God?? What a comforting thought!! God is Love!!

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:33 pm

    God gave us free will to do what we want. Good go to God and evil to the devil.

    But because God covered for our crimes we also get forgiveness if we will ? The ball is in our court !

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:34 pm

    I think there are a lot of "Atheists" and "Agnostics" who actually believe in some sort of "God" but who do not wish to become involved in "Religion" which often seems to be "Conflicting Delusions of Grandeur".

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    Post  RedEzra Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:34 pm

    It is no good to believe in God but be bad. Remember it was authorities on religion who got God crucified.

    We got a life which nobody else can live and so we got to act but beware we also got accountability to God. Therefore be good
    be very very good !


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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:30 pm

    Do any of you know what B.I.B.L.E. stands for?

    Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

    G.O.D. btw = Gold Oil Drugs

    In God We Trust...


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    Post  RedEzra Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:13 am

    "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
    Ye cannot serve God and mammon." - Matthew 6:24


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    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:48 pm

    RedEzra wrote:It is no good to believe in God but be bad. Remember it was authorities on religion who got God crucified.

    We got a life which nobody else can live and so we got to act but beware we also got accountability to God. Therefore be good
    be very very good !

    RedEzra, I have respect for your living with God and how you accompany him in your life.
    With a background of strict religious programming, alien to the wisdom of planet Earths' mundane tricks and treats,
    it's come to a point where I feel that God isn't a presence outside of me, with an authority telling me how to live.

    I prefer to see myself as a potential Godhead, making faces in front of the mirror on the playground that life is to me.
    And see if I can find the face that is only truth and not half a truth. The truth of me being I AM THAT I AM.
    When that moment arrives, I believe God will order champagne and a bowl of pop-manna, shoving a Monty Python
    movie in the DVD player and lean back with a sigh or relief. I'm not making a fool of him here, I think God is much
    more down to earth than we humans tend to see him. He has fallen into heaven for far too long already, from my point
    of view in my body having fallen for far too long onto this planet, bruised and battered.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:49 pm

    RedEzra wrote:It is no good to believe in God but be bad. Remember it was authorities on religion who got God crucified.

    We got a life which nobody else can live and so we got to act but beware we also got accountability to God. Therefore be good
    be very very good !
    How good are God, the Angels, and God's Chosen People in the following books of the Bible??

    1. Genesis through Esther.
    2. Isaiah through Malachi.
    3. The Book of Revelation.

    What if Religion consisted of little more than the following books of the Bible??

    1. Psalms.
    2. Proverbs.
    3. Ecclesiastes.

    I honestly received a very strange message in my word-processor claiming that I wrote 37 books in antiquity -- and that 5 of them were included in the Bible!! I tend to doubt this -- but I've sort of played along with this in my modeling exercises!! If this is true -- I'd love to read all 37 books in their unedited form!! I would hope these books would focus upon ethics and law in a loving and reasonable manner. BTW -- how much Jewish and Christian theology is found in Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes?? Politics and Religion are a lot like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!! The Horror!!

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    Post  RedEzra Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:26 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    I prefer to see myself as a potential Godhead, making faces in front of the mirror on the playground that life is to me.
    And see if I can find the face that is only truth and not half a truth. The truth of me being I AM THAT I AM.

    But B.B.Baghor is that not an idea planted in the Garden of Eden not of God but by the serpent ?

    "The serpent said to the woman, 'You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened,
    and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'" - Genesis 3:4-5

    The idea that man is or will be like God is almost as old as man itself. So old Eastern mysticism only got repackaged and sold in the sixties as New Age in the West.

    Where is the evidence that man is or can become God ?

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    Post  RedEzra Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:39 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    How good are God, the Angels, and God's Chosen People in the following books of the Bible??

    1. Genesis through Esther.
    2. Isaiah through Malachi.
    3. The Book of Revelation.

    God is not good if God do not end evil !

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:35 am

    1. What does "Thou Shalt Not Kill" mean??
    2. What does "Thou Shalt Not Steal" mean??
    3. What does "Love Your Enemies" mean??
    4. What does "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" mean??
    5. What does "Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You" mean??

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    Post  RedEzra Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:38 am

    Is God evil if ending evil ?

    When evil is worldwide then who will kill it ? Somebody got to stand the good ground and stop it.
    God got the responsibility as God to put an end to evil. So there will be blood because evil bleed as well.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:29 pm

    It's easy to see how Holy Wars have occurred historically -- and how Holy Wars will occur in the future. Might always makes Right -- doesn't it?? Those with the most Money and Power make the rules and RULE!! The Bible is filled with Murder and Warfare. Perhaps we live in a Violent Universe. How do we know what the True State of Affairs are throughout the universe?? How many billions of people will be murdered by the end of this present century?? How many souls will be tortured and/or exterminated by the end of this present century?? Is the Torah the Ethical Pinnacle in Modernity?? Will the Torah be the Law of the Solar System by the end of this present century?? What is the Law of God throughout the Universe?? Is it the Torah?? It seems to me that Religion must always be dishonest and jump-around with "here a little -- there a little" in order to survive and thrive. Strict honesty and openness are enemies of church and state. Questions must never be answered openly, honestly, directly, and completely -- Right???

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    Post  RedEzra Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:55 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Those with the most Money and Power make the rules and RULE!!

    So it is ! And who can stop them if they choose an evil rule ?

    orthodoxymoron wrote:The Bible is filled with Murder and Warfare.

    Murder and warfare are unavoidable so long as people venture into sin and evil.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:How many billions of people will be murdered by the end of this present century??

    The Georgia Guidestones seem to suggest six billion. What do they know ?

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Will the Torah be the Law of the Solar System by the end of this present century??

    God will live with mankind.

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    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:24 pm

    Where is the evidence that man is or can become God ?[/quote]

    Give me the evidence that man is not or cannot become God?

    This is a discussion going in circles RedEzra, for it's no use to exchange or change our views based
    on mental activity. I suggest we lay it to rest and be happy with our own experience of being with God.
    For I believe he has no favor for any form of how we experience him or for the way he loves his creatures.
    Loving them all as much as himself and as part of himself. I already know what your response to this will
    be and therefore, with due respect, I don't continue this discussion.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:34 am

    The problem with Everyone Being God is similar to the problem of Everyone Being CEO or Everyone Being President or Everyone Being Pope or Everyone Being Queen or Everyone Being General. I wonder if this world is on the verge of a power-struggle which might be the end of us all -- with a God-Off of Galactic-Proportions. "You Shall Be As Gods??" That's a Good-One!!

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    Post  RedEzra Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:26 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Give me the evidence that man is not or cannot become God?

    But that is easy. Man do not know who he is from whence he came or where he is going.
    Man cannot create but only make use of what is already created. And man age and die.
    Besides man is almost seven billion strong and God is only one.

    Not to mention the fact that there must be a universe and an earth before the existence of man. And a universe does not just pop into being by itself and when man was not around then who made it if not man ?

    Man is made in the image of God so man got some godly qualities which sets man above animals. And there is little lack of capable creativity and engineering about man but again man cannot create matter but only manipulate it.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:37 pm

    What if -- via the internet -- collective-humanity becomes the god of this solar system -- pushing aside the historical and contemporary individual small "g" god of this particular solar system (and all potential rivals and/or replacements)??!! What if this will result in the extermination of humanity by the Galactic Powers That Be?? Just something to keep you awake at night...

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