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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:49 am

    I continue to think that we should consider as many possibilities as possible on a continual basis. This includes positive, negative, and neutral. Something really bad might happen next month -- or nothing significant might occur. I think that a lot of Biblical-Prophecy should be viewed as Science-Fiction Possibilities -- rather than being an Absolute History of the Future. I continue to think that we know very, very little about what's REALLY going on -- who the REAL players are -- and what the REAL issues are. Let me just suggest one more approach to Bible-Study (highly biased by my background, no doubt):

    1. Prophets and Kings by Ellen White.
    2. Job through Malachi (KJV).
    3. Desire of Ages by Ellen White.
    4. Sacred Classical Music.
    5. Babylon 5 Movies and Series.

    These are not random or careless selections. Again, I wish to move-on to bigger and better things -- but the past needs to be properly dealt with (as a prerequisite to building a New Tomorrow). If we can't manage the past -- how do we expect to manage the future?? Many (most?) people seem to be governed by Greed and Fear (and the PTB know this very well) -- and I believe they plan crisis after crisis (decades in advance). I understand the need for central management and planning -- yet I sense corruption and reprehensible-ethics historically and presently. I'm attempting to imagine refining the Way Things Are -- rather than trying to scrap everything, and start over. I'm not into trench-warfare and utter-destruction. Not in this incarnation -- but who knows about my other incarnations (here and throughout the universe)?! I'll continue imagining Purgatory transitioning into Paradise in an Evolutionary (rather than Revolutionary) Manner (at least until a Brutal Gang of Facts and/or Dracs forces me to move in a different direction). I know that I don't know much about Who's Who and/or What's What. I'm out of the loop.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 2:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:16 pm

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins
    25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

    6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

    7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

    9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

    10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

    11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’

    12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’

    13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:51 am

    I value Bible-Study and the Teachings Attributed to Jesus -- but I'm becoming almost frantic regarding the utter-destruction I see in my Crystal-Ball. I'm not a date-setter -- but I think someone has set some dates for the Controlled-Demolition of the Human-Race. I'm presently thinking in terms of Behind the Scenes Gods and/or Goddesses creating mythology, theology, and weapons of mass-destruction. I'm also thinking they consider themselves to be above the Laws they create for the Commoners. They might call it "God's Prerogative." "Thou Shalt Not Kill" does NOT preclude Conquest and Mass-Murder. Gods and Goddesses can seemingly do whatever the hell they wish to do -- regardless of whether any "Do-Gooder Commoners" like it, or not. I'm presently modeling the following (relative to solar system governance) -- but I don't know why I bother. Ethics, Law, and Order don't seem to matter in this universe -- or did I get it wrong one more time??

    1. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer and Liturgy.
    2. Prophets and Kings by Ellen White.
    3. The Gospel According to Science Fiction by Gabriel McKey.
    4. The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.
    5. The Federalist Papers and U.S. Constitution.
    6. Sacred Classical Music.

    Has anyone itemized the Murder and Mayhem from Genesis to Revelation in the Holy Bible?? I think you all need to take this stuff seriously. I continue to think that the Human-Race is on the Brink of Extinction -- but nobody seems to give a god-damn. Prove to me that the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the World Wars are NOT Biblical. Genesis through Esther are quite harsh. Job through Malachi are much more refined -- and much less brutal. Matthew through Jude are actually quite civilized -- but the Book of Revelation brings us right back to the shameless murder and mayhem of the early Books of the Bible. But just remember that "God is Love."

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:40 pm

    The master is coming, the King of our land, you must prepare!  If Lucifer was Gods greatest angel and God can create the heavens and earth in 7 days, what power do you think the Devil has?  You are absolutely in the Devils world.  You just need to see what is in front of your nose.  We are in the flesh and not wholly spirit.  This is why we are in Sin, from a lack of knowledge.  Sin is death.  When we are whole we do not die, but move into the Kingdom where Goodness reigns.  Jesus is the nexus, the portal, the hub, the point, the singularity where goodness emanates from.  This energy is everywhere and in everything, because everything comes from this energy.  This is a form of transcendence.  You must have faith in spirit, you must have faith in the plan.  Pray and ask for help, ask for grace, ask for knowledge, ask for experience.  The devils main job is to make you forgive Gods love and truth by all means necessary.  He is a light being and is what is in front of you.  You have to see the light beyond the light and then you will know the truth, that the light is dark.  You are all so close to it and have a chance at forgiveness.

    We are in a cosmic harvest.  This is the truth of human consciousness and the Bible tells the truth of the cycle.  Jesus, the Son of God incarnated to stamp the time of the cycle.  God uses the Devils greed and pettiness against himself to help stimulate consciousness. Your eternity is logos in the flesh! These are called tribulations. Jesus lit the harvest on fire to burn the Devils world down.  You all must dig deep, meditate, be still, think on what I'm saying.

    Through Jesus crucifixion he decoded knowledge of flesh and spirit.  Or consciousness of the world.  That is the power of truth, you just need a little spark or how much we are in darkness.

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:36 pm

    If this is the "Devil's-World" -- perhaps the Devil has messed with the Word and the Seminaries. It is highly likely that the Devil has infiltrated and subverted EVERYTHING. Perhaps Responsibility, Research, and Respect should trump Faith, Hope, and Love (at least while we exist within This Present Darkness).

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:21 pm

    Responsibility to what?  All ethical questions come from somewhere?  This is why Jesus said the narrow path.  This is so you can see the door.  Thats why the cross is impression in everyones head.  It's why Jesus is everywhere.  Why everyone yells jesus when they get hurt.  Hope to what?  Light to what?  Just ask that simple question and see what answer you get.

    Ask a Buddhist and its oblivion.

    Atheist will triumph, and compartmentalize Gods connection. A new order with A.I. and its minions.

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:04 pm

    Responsibility Regarding the Highest Ethical Standards and Practices Relative to the Perfect Law of the Lord. Could the Perfect Law of the Lord Ever be Improved Upon?? Is there such a thing as Divine-Kaizen?? BTW -- What if all of the Leading-Factions (human and otherwise) are Bad@$$?? What if it is necessary to be Bad@$$ to be a Leading-Faction?? What if the Golden-Rule for the God of This World is that the "Bottom-Line is the Bottom-Line"?? What Would Mammon Say?? Does the God of This World have an Office at Goldman-Sachs?? What if King David and King Solomon are more indicative of the way things really work in the universe -- than are Jesus and Paul?? What if "Who Wrote the Bible" is more important than "What's Written in the Bible (at face-value)?? What if one really must get in touch with the Bible Writer(s) in order to really "get it"?? Decisions are Simple When There Are No Contradictions in One's Value-System. Are There No Ethical-Contradictions from Genesis to Revelation?? Once again -- consider the following KJV study-list:

    1. Genesis.
    2. Deuteronomy.
    3. Psalms.
    4. Proverbs.
    5. Isaiah.
    6. Luke.
    7. John.
    8. Acts.
    9. Romans.
    10. Hebrews.

    I maintain that if one reads these Books of the Bible straight-through (over and over) that a Transformational Biblical Understanding will emerge (and that it won't necessarily be a happy one). I am merely pointing toward something which I seem incapable of achieving personally. This is sort of a "do as I say -- but don't follow me" situation. I find it extremely difficult to practice what I preach -- so I just mumble on this relatively small website. O Wretched Man That I Am!! The Good That I Would (O Never Mind)...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:28 am

    It is perhaps possible to mistrust God of the Old Testament as an abusive Sob but that is just because people have not been informed about the giant archaeological artefacts and skeletons stacked away at the Smithsonian Institution.

    "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4

    "And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight." - Numbers 13:33

    "Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath." - Amos 2:9

    Question is why are people not privy to this information ? Well proof of old giants would kind of kill the scientifically impossible idea of evolution and instead confirm the Bible and that is a big no in our current culture.

    Why is the Bible not pop with our governments ? Is it because our governments are representing the descendants of the old giants who used to be royals ! Oh is not a question.

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:52 am

    I tend to think that history has been hidden for legitimate and illegitimate reasons -- but the infowar is making it very difficult to keep secrets. I'm basically a peacemaker -- and I have been critical of Genesis through Esther (plus Revelation) -- but I'm increasingly getting the sinking-feeling that the universe is not a peaceful-place -- and that a Violent-Bible is reflective of a Violent-Universe. I'm presently attempting to model the Jack Ryan character in Tom Clancy's Novels and Movies -- in relation to my Solar System Governance modeling. Is there such a person as a Righteous CIA Analyst?? "None is Righteous?? No?? Not One??" What worries me is that some Little White Guys kicked the butts of some Big Black Guys in Antiquity -- and that the Big Black Guys might be back for Payback-Time!! But what if the hypothetical Big Black Guys are Annunaki Reptilian-Human Hybrids?? I have NO idea about such things. I really don't -- despite all of my speculation. I just think that the history of this solar system is really, really bad. Raven seems to know something about me from way, way back -- and she doesn't like me one little bit -- which makes me a bit nervous. I presently think that black scholars and preachers should be listened to very closely and respectfully -- without getting caught-up in black v white emotionalism. A lot of them seem to know a helluva lot about Ancient-Egypt and the true-origins of Sacred-Scripture. Unfortunately, this seems to be a HUGE can of worms.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:11 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What worries me is that some Little White Guys kicked the butts of some Big Black Guys in Antiquity -- and that the Big Black Guys might be back for Payback-Time!!

    Are you talking about an orchestrated race war where white luciferians and red liberals team up with organized blacks into Islam with a lot of help from imported Muslims to take on white conservative Christians ? Yeah that is a no brainer !

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:48 am

    No. I'm wondering about the "Giants in the Land" -- Then and Now.

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:53 am

    Well now you know !

    And fyi a big black guy is not as tall as cedars now is he ?

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:37 pm


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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:03 pm

    There was a good-side and a bad-side to the 60's Phenomenon. I liked a lot of the music and free-spirits -- but I didn't approve of the drug-scene. Please don't mind my name-dropping. I'm such a nobody that it makes me feel like a somebody for a minute or two. I once talked to Dr. Timothy Leary about Jesus! What a Trip! I once talked with Terence McKenna about Imagining the Future. He told me "If You Dream It -- You've Already Done It." Terence was into mushrooms Big-Time. While I'm at it -- I discussed Robert Schuller with David Rose. Is there a relationship between the Rose-Line and the Ring of Power?? What Would King Ring Say?? Responsibility, Research, and Respect = Love with Substance. Doing the Responsible-Thing Trumps Doing the Loving-Thing. What Would Joseph Fletcher Say?? Actually -- he told me that Christianity was BS (or something to that effect). Christianity as we've known it might be BS -- but the Teachings Attributed to Jesus are NOT BS. Mithraism is BS!! Jesus taught LOVE -- and MORE -- A LOT MORE. Love is More Than a Feeling. Vatican II had a good-side and a bad-side. I just finished watching Conflict aka Catholics (1973) -- and it left me crying.

    I believe that Theology is the Biggest Part of Disclosure. I tend to think that history has been hidden for legitimate and illegitimate reasons -- but the infowar is making it very difficult to keep secrets. I'm basically a peacemaker -- and I have been critical of Genesis through Esther (plus Revelation) -- but I'm increasingly getting the sinking-feeling that the universe is not a peaceful-place -- and that a Violent-Bible is reflective of a Violent-Universe. I'm presently attempting to model the Jack Ryan character in Tom Clancy's Novels and Movies -- in relation to my Solar System Governance modeling. Is there such a person as a Righteous CIA Analyst?? "None is Righteous?? No?? Not One??" What worries me is the possibility that some Little White Guys kicked the butts of some Big Black Guys in Antiquity -- and that the Big Black Guys might be back for Payback-Time!! But what if the hypothetical Big Black Guys are Annunaki Reptilian-Human Hybrids?? I have NO idea about such things. I really don't -- despite all of my speculation. I just think that the history of this solar system is really, really bad.

    Raven seems to know something about me from way, way back -- and she doesn't like me one little bit -- which makes me a bit nervous. I presently think that black scholars and preachers should be listened to very closely and respectfully -- without getting caught-up in black v white emotionalism. A lot of them seem to know a helluva lot about Ancient-Egypt and the true-origins of Sacred-Scripture. Unfortunately, this seems to be a HUGE can of worms. I sometimes imagine myself being a combination of Harrison Ford, Martin Sheen, Russell Crowe, and Ben Affleck -- as a mostly Strong and Silent Jack Ryan character. Last night, I watched Clear and Present Danger. I liked the meetings and dialogue -- but I'm not into the chasing, shooting, bombing, and killing. I'm just not that kind of guy. Not in this particular incarnation, anyway -- but who knows about the rest??? The Patriot Games clip shown below is one of the most chilling scenes I've seen. An Ancient Egyptian Deity once told me that "Bombs Are Good -- and Nukes Are Bad". They also told me that "Detonating All Nuclear Weapons Simultaneously Had Been Considered a Viable Option". That's all I'm going to say about that. Some of you might be interested in Observations on Daniel and the Apocalypse of Saint John by Isaac Newton. I am amazed by how little space Newton devotes to the Book of Revelation. I've been somewhat supportive of Daniel -- and somewhat critical of Revelation -- so I'm wondering if this is some small portion of confirming evidence?! Also -- Martin Luther thought that Revelation should not be part of the Canonical-Scriptures (along with three other books). Whatever the case may be -- consider focusing upon Job through Daniel prior to examining the rest of Holy-Writ. Michael = Azazel = Lilith = Isis = Queen of Sheba = Cleopatra = Dr. Who (the Owl-Connection)??? I wish to make it perfectly clear that "I Am NOT a Zazel!!!" I Am Seemingly Suffering from a Severe-Case of Internal-Jihad!!

    Bible - Page 8 Davincicode

    Bible - Page 8 Arkjesusgrialcups
    Bible - Page 8 501691x4hvxyct48
    orthodoxymoron wrote:My working-hypothesis is that the various "higher" physicalities are incarnated by essentially the same sort of souls -- so the souls of the Big-Guys could hypothetically incarnate into the Little-Guys. My theory is that humanity is a relatively recent renegade-creation in an ancient other-than-human universe -- and that humanity and freedom are heresies of a most pestilential nature. My theory is that humanity has done better than expected -- and that this has created a crisis of leadership in the universe. I've been trying to model both hypothetical sides (which makes my life a living-hell). I'm re-watching The Hunt for Red October -- and perhaps there is a parallel between that movie and the perceived crisis of physicality and governance (not only within this solar-system -- but throughout the universe). Perhaps Earth = Red October. Think about it -- it's October -- and I have theorized that the Russians might have a lot to do with cleaning-up this solar system (and who knows what else relative to a perceived crisis of physicality and governance). Seriously consider watching all Babylon 5 episodes and movies -- with a hypothetical United States of the Solar System clearly in mind. But if Earth = Red October -- the entire Draconian-Reptilian Space-Fleet might be headed toward us -- either to destroy us or to defect!! I'm half-joking and half-serious. Several years ago -- Nibiru was supposedly on its way to kick our @$$ -- and I tentatively suggested the possibility that Nibiru take up a relatively circular-orbit (safely beyond the orbit of Pluto) and join the United States of the Solar System!! What if something of that nature actually occurred??!! Please remember that my activities on this website are largely science-fictional in nature -- but that I am ultimately very serious about this madness (in a very round about way). Come to think of it -- what if Earth = United States -- and Nibiru = Red October??!! Nibiru is supposedly Red!! What if Nibiru is Red in more ways than one?? Think about it!! I'm crazy -- but so was Jack Ryan!! What if Nibiru = Ellis Island of the Universe = Babylon 5??!! What if there is only ONE Government -- ONE Space-Program -- and ONE Nuclear-Arsenal -- in This Solar System??!!

    Bible - Page 8 Nibiru_size
    Bible - Page 8 342533

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:56 pm

    So the old giants strong as oaks and tall as cedars are long gone and only left in legends and cultural memory known as myths. They used to be royalty and ancestors of ancient royals blue bloods not exactly human but somewhat close. The seed of the serpent perhaps ?

    Yes the tares of humanity !

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:00 am


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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:31 am

    Who knows who lives in sub-surface bases and cities throughout the solar system?? I simply consider as many possibilities as I can -- but I am so burned-out that my possibility-thinking is rather limited. It wouldn't surprise me if an Ancient-Egyptian Civilization went underground -- and remained underground. It further would not surprise me if this Hypothetical-Civilization were Hybrid or Other-Than-Human. Finally -- It would not surprise me if this Hypothetical-Civilization turned-out to be the Real Secret-Government. What if Gizeh-Intelligence is the Secret-Government?? The truth about our real past, present, and future might be nearly impossible to determine with any significant degree of certainty (without an Absolute-Access Pass)!!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:49 am

    Its easy to know who is hiding in underground bunkers and living in asteroids etc.. There is only the cross throughout the universe. It is a conscious law from the Creator, which is wisdom, intelligence and light. So there are only two masters, which makes speculating on those two choices a choice in itself, which is the Neutral Zone, which we are in, crowded with our kind. Maybe its like the phantom zone?

    With both paths there is a Legion of evil and a Kingdom of Good. The simplicity is from the love of wisdom, a order, a law. So you can spend your time thinking on the very different permutations, but if you are standing in awe of the light and not knowing where it came from, you are falling into a from of narcissism.

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:34 pm

    Most God-Talk is Unsubstantiated-Assertion. This doesn't mean it's not true -- but proving any of it is rather difficult -- which is why I've placed my God-Talk in the context of Religious and Political Science-Fiction. I attempt Responsible Possibility-Thinking Relative to the Unknown and the Unknowable. This includes wondering who lives inside the Earth, the Moon, Venus, Mars, Phobos, and Deimos?! The One True Church claims to have a Monopoly on God -- but what do they REALLY know??!! BTW -- consider an integration of the following (as one more mental and spiritual exercise):

    1. The Roman Catholic Latin-Mass (with Spoken-Vernacular and Sung-Latin).
    2. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer (and Liturgy).
    3. The Bach B-Minor Mass.
    4. Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Daniel, Luke, and John (KJV).

    What if an Ecumenical Prayer-Book consisted of All of the Above (plus nothing)?! If one were limited to Job through Daniel -- of what would the Perfect Law of the Lord consist?? How many Commandments would there be??

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:45 pm

    Jesus used to cast out and disconnect disembodied beings from people but today it has become main stream to seek out and connect to them through seances crop circles ayahuasca etc etc.

    This is of course not a good idea unless one is looking for lies deception oppression and possession.

    Spirituality is just working with wrong spirits or in other words demons who want to own our souls. And if they successfully seduce us to sin then they win. So is a soul lost !

    There is only One who can forgive sins. Jesus is God people.

    Wake Up sleepers !

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:10 am

    Red is exactly right, as to why Jesus said, only through him can you get to the kingdom. If you knew what the harvest was this would be a very simple acknowledgment. The problem is Lucifers light, which is the 5 sense matrix so to speak. That light is actually pitch black dark and Gods goodness is the real light. The problem is people can't tell and blame their confusion on the wrong god, wrong everything. Which is exactly what the devil wants coincidentally as to why everyone is divided.


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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:17 am

    Are Psalms through Isaiah null and void Post-Calvary?? In the Lord's-Prayer Jesus tells us to pray to "Our Father Who Art in Heaven". Is the God of the Exodus "Our Father Who Art in Heaven"? I keep getting the sinking-feeling that this is a Renegade Solar System (which is out of harmony and favor with "Our Father Who Art in Heaven"). The following KJV study-list is most enlightening:

    1. Psalms.
    2. Proverbs.
    3. Isaiah.
    4. Luke.
    5. John.
    6. Acts.

    A famous Bible-Scholar shocked me by hinting to me that what God said in the Old-Testament might be more significant than what God said in the New-Testament. I continue to have huge problems with the blood and guts in the first seventeen books of the Old-Testament (regardless of Nephalim and Giant issues). I am trying to focus upon Job through Malachi -- but this isn't going so well. Here is another study-list:

    1. Israel and the Nations (by F.F. Bruce).
    2. Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of Saint John (by Isaac Newton).
    3. Daniel (by Desmond Ford).

    Mega-Church One-Liners have their place -- but there is a type of study which I am hinting-at with these study-lists -- which I sense is foreign to the religious-experience of the general-public. There may be no way to hold things together when the info-war heats-up in the religious-mainstream. Religion (as we know it) may be a House of Cards. Perhaps this was by Design (rather than Accident). "Knowledge Increases. Men Run To and Fro". What If Human-Civilization Has Been Built Upon Lies?? What If Human-Civilization Will Be Destroyed By The Truth??

    Bible - Page 8 Judasgoatcover

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  RedEzra Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:06 am

    About 4000 years ago Abraham the tenth from Noah found favor with God while humanity was into worshiping gods and goddesses. God is Spirit so gods and goddesses are spirits as are angels as well.

    Spirits do not have physical bodies and are invisible to physical senses but they got some mass and can be felt. Who knows what spirits can and cannot do ?

    There is a plethora or pantheon of spirits who are not burdened with the entropy of physicality and so they do not age and die. There is no PhD paper on spirits and the cultural memory and rich tradition of them have been labeled myths and legends by proponents of a scientifically impossible idea of evolution who unfortunately are in positions of power to do so.

    In other words the universe is nothing like what we have been told by those who govern us today. So why do they lie about reality ?

    What is the point for those in positions of power to not tell truths ? You probably know the biblical saying the truth will set you free ?
    See when we don't know truth then we are not free ! Cui bono ?

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    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:50 pm

    I am currently modeling the possibility that Earth and Humanity are precisely what the Real Hidden PTB wish them to be. In other words -- the PTB hypothetically wishes Atheism, Agnosticism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Hinduism, Communism, Capitalism, War, Peace, Liberalism, Conservatism, New-Age, Tyranny, Anarchy, Angels, Demons, etc. and et al -- to be in perpetual conflict with each other -- to facilitate Purgatory Incorporated (as a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Solar Systems Incorporated). BTW -- perhaps we need a newspaper and/or website called The City-States Today which would neutrally and objectively report on the Vatican -- the City of London -- and Washington D.C. Perhaps we need a journal and/or website called Alien Affairs which would be the Galactic-Edition of Foreign Affairs. Or how about a daily news broadcast similar to the one seen in Babylon 5?! I grew-up attending the SDA church -- which was somewhat critical of Roman Catholicism -- but what if BOTH the SDA and Catholic churches are ultimately owned and controlled by the Secret Government??!! Religion is a Hell of a Business!! Salvation for Sale??!! Indulgences by Pa(y)Pal??!! I should stop. One more thing. Perhaps Greed and Fear should morph into Dignity and Respect -- with Purgatory Incorporated morphing into Paradise Incorporated -- wherein an integration of the Golden-Rule and the Bottom-Line exists in a Sustainable-Manner.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu May 11, 2017 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Join date : 2012-06-17

    Bible - Page 8 Empty Re: Bible

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:22 pm

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:21 pm