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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    the one
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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty lol

    Post  the one Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:58 am



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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  mudra Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:31 am

    I knew it Wink
    Hi there the One and warm welcome in the Mists.

    Love from me


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  krissy Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:14 pm

    Hi everyone
    My husband and I are both victims of PA tyranny . He is okay . He knew it would not last with so many 'shills for thrills' derailing and misdirecting him . I think he enjoyed the scrap and took the rap . I am Quoting him there !

    Still I think he did a good job of showing up the mods for what they really were . I shan't use his words because they are a bit indelicate .

    I refused to 'friend and pretend' . Just tried to tell my story and they just accused me of being him ! and bam , gone in 24 ! thanks for the welcome PA .

    I do feel a little bit sad for him though because he was sharing so much useful inside info . He thinks its funny and says he proved a point but I think its just sad in a way. I could see the funny side when he would say 'watch this post go down !'

    He knew though when he had 'target' in his sights that the time was short . He really admired the one person called Pris who really showed some courage and stood by him while the cowards cut and ran.

    he says 'post a thanks to Pris' just in case she gets it .

    So he may post here , I dont know . I have so much work for him to do around the house .

    Thanks to all . have to get laundry done now . Because he is to busy .

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:10 am

    Welcome to the Mist's Krissy. Several other members were banned from PA here. You're among friends. Flowers

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2014-11-22

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  krissy Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:17 am

    Thanks for that . I cant see hubby doing anything here . He says he did his dash to prove a point and does not believe its worth doing any more . shame but ....

    I was very sad to get accused of being his mouthpiece though . I need to think seriously about sharing . Its not easy .

    He did not want me to do it . Thinks im not strong enough and I will just get hurt by it .

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  mudra Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:10 am

    Welcome to the Mists Krissy.
    These things happen not only in Avalon.
    For your husband this an end but not The End.
    Once the initial shock is digested he will get over it
    and find new ways to share his energy.
    Turn the loss into opportunity :)

    Love from me

    Posts : 1851
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    Location : Druid county UK

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Hurting caused by members, mods and webmasters, in anger and by attempts to discredit you. In Fora like PA.

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:24 am

    mudra wrote:Welcome to the Mists Krissy.
    These things happen not only in Avalon.
    For your husband this an end but not The End.
    Once the initial shock is digested he will get over it
    and find new ways to share his energy.
    Turn the loss into opportunity :)

    Love from me

    Yes, I agree with you, mudra, in this: "turn the loss into opportunity" I'm all for it Cheerful
    I've had that chance in quite a number of ways, these last 4 years, meeting the challenges bravely.
    At present I'm in the middle of a huge one, although the loss as well as the opportunity are both part of my own doing.
    But that's too deep to go into now and on top of it, a private matter in full swing and not crystalized or clear to be put in words yet.

    Here's my experience, I share this for the sake of consolation for Crissy and maybe her husband and those that have been suffering from
    that same treatment and experiences, which are of course highly subjective in the interpretation of it. I can very well understand,
    why you choose to not pay attention to much sharing of this nature, mudra. It's highly contagious for drama creation and power games.

    I'm not afraid to share this, as no highly sensitive info is involved or risk of hurting people. That's not at all my reason for sharing this.
    It's more in the area of my personal experience and relating to others in the virtual world of "spiritually" flavored Fora.
    To me, the mix of spirituality and handling whistle blowers information, which in its content often shows a huge lack of it,
    is a tricky one and almost an open door for astral thought forms and beings eager to step in for the sake of confusion and delusion,
    feeding on fear. For in my view, the range of vibrations is going from the lowest ones to the highest ones, so to speak, if ever we can
    grasp that to be able to discern.

    I have been active as a member in the Aghora Forum, for my boundless curiosity drove me to investigate the true nature of Charles aka Atticus1.
    In all honesty, but not that much seasoned by experiences of being discredited, like the ones shared here, I began to ask questions.
    First I approached Dale, a former PAF member and a personal friend of Charles (as far as going out on occasional Saturday nights, together).

    I had "known" him a bit at the PAF and shared posts in discussions with him involved, or topics created by him, so I decided to approach
    him first as an anchor point, so to speak. I asked him how things were at the Aghora and to tell me about Charles and what he knew of
    the purpose of that famous "The Ruler's interview" at the PAF, on Jan. 1 2011.

    Dale responded in an aloof manner, much excersized by him as I learned to know him a bit, not giving me much substantial info.
    I also asked him about Rhiannon, if this was true about her: being "totally under Charles control" Bill Ryan had told me she was.
    Rhiannon has been one of Bill's close friends before she met Charles and became his "brunette" after seeing him performing his siddhis.
    She's one of the 18. Some of you here must be in the know, but for those new to this, it's a group closely gathered around Charles,
    already before all hell broke loose at the PAF, due to the effect of The Ruler's interview, or what not, happening deep down in the rabbit holes.

    At the time of my leaving the Aghora Forum, March 2012, Atticus1 Radio discussions were planned by the group of 18 with Charles.
    And an endeavor to do virtual business of some kind, which I cannot make chocolate of at all, nor did I try to do that.
    By that time, I had no taste for investigating it at all, as I had my fill and received answers to my questions, by reading much between the lines.

    Dale told me that he looked at Charles as his guru or teacher, in an "apprentice magician" style of admiration.
    He was on the look out for a mentor and someone he could look up to. He told me that he registered at the PAF
    purely for being bored and having nothing to do, really. He was 21 at that time.
    Now a member of the Aghora, Dale felt he didn't have any resonance with the Aghora members and that he viewed them
    (virtually and through Skype communications) as quite a weird group of people. What he didn't ignore to do, was telling
    his master, Charles, about my questioning, but what that meant will come later.

    I posted my "introduction" letter, to make aquaintances on the Aghora Forum and Charles invited me to join,
    for his impression of me being pretty much level headed and his opinion that those heads were needed in that place.
    It's hilarious when seen in the light of that past, with heads rolling, virtually, on these PAF and PCF, due to the lack of that
    and maybe by Charles own doings and diddings too. To be clear, I never went into finding out really about who caused the turmoil.
    I chose to feel my way through this investigation, on intuition with caution. I knew mysyelf a bit in my tendency to be a jester
    and this character has had some fun for sure, in there.

    I took part in discussions of all kinds, in genuine interest and with fun, just like what I'm doing here, only I'm no detective now, thank God.
    But I am keeping a sharp eye on my jester character for not going in disguise as one, throwing harmony out of order.
    Slowly finding my way at the Aghora Forum, I found that several elder women were forming a virtual circle around Charles,
    similar to a group of hens clucking at a newborn chickling for reassurement and security.
    But running to its demands and that was no small matter, as I felt it.

    I asked questions openly, about Charles intentions, trying to get some truth out of discussing his intentions, with members.
    Quickly (and looking back at it I call myself quite naive) I found that in this Aghora, which means marketplace and social meeting place,
    trades of a shadowy nature occurred. Members were under Charles influence a lot and couldn't reveal their own truth or true colors,
    or so it seemed to me. My actions brought on much emotional uproar and paranoia in Charles,
    who began to show more of his true nature to me. I ruffled some feathers, I must say.

    He began to critisize me and responded to my inquiries in lengthy posts with words that mostly floated past my ears,
    for being highly abstract and far from the point discussed. In total absence of attunement.
    He did this openly and through private messages. I began to have a sense of meeting a strange maybe deranged mind,
    more or less gone otherworldly in a strange way. At least to me, he gave me the impression of being very authoritive and
    clever in dealing the cards, in order to manipulate people. And in lots of anger for being mistreated once in his life.
    Charles was given to foster parents shortly after his birth.

    I found for myself, as far as I maybe the judge of that, that this man was probably a dangerous man, when in opposition.
    I posted a plea in the PAF when the Ruler's interview was freshly published by Bill, causing a huge turmoil as a tail of a comet.
    It's titled "Let's not turn Avalon in an emotional Avalanche" and I gave my impression in that plea, of Charles being such an opponent.

    Charles had asked some Aghora members to do a search on my presence on the web and one found a message of mine,
    directed at a friend of PAF, saying "I'm making a report on him" meaning, in my Dutch awareness of that word "report"
    to tell her of my plan to find the truth of who he was. Only for my own personal reasons. No higher authority involved at all.

    That made Charles mad and furious, he showed his true nature, in his reaction, proving the truth of this Dutch quote
    "A pub-owner trusts his guests through the glasses of his own nature" Charles was himself much involved in this kind
    of business, that's my conclusion. Correct me if I'm wrong. I felt my investigation was over, I left the Aghora and the
    last message from Charles was "Now, have you found proof that Rhiannon isn't totally under my control?"
    with a winking smily attached to it. I responded to that with telling him I left him the benefit of the doubt.

    Months later, logging in at the Aghora Forum, for curiosity's sake, I found a post by one of the Aghora members,
    throwing dirt in my face by picking on me, trying to expose me in a bad light, for my favor of antroposophy,
    I guess this was an attempt to make me feel bad, for having done that feather ruffling. I replied with
    "This place feels like a battleground, take care not to be drawn into it"

    And that's what the Aghora Forum was to me. A battle of power and much intrigue.


    Posts : 32044
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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:32 am

    Thank you for sharing your story Baghor. Indeed, lots of meta-communication and battle grounds do exist in other forums. Mists seems like an eddy in the river of life compared to some. In addition I was somewhat astonished to receive a very lengthy email from PA today whom I've not been in contact with for a few years and was also banned from their forum back then. Seems they hung onto our email addresses irrespective of their treatment of us.

    Typical of PA this email is exceptionally bazaar. Take a gander.

    Click here to view this email as a web page. 
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Project%20Avalon%20banner

    To all Avalon Forum members, and our other friends both old and new:

    Welcome to the second Project Avalon Forum newsletter, 23 November 2014.
    The first one is downloadable here:
    [url= August_2014.pdf] August_2014.pdf[/url]

    This one is downloadable here:
    [url= November_2014.pdf] November_2014.pdf[/url]

    Writing a newsletter like this is always a bit like answering questions from well-meaning relatives at Christmas. "Hey, how are you, and what have you been up to?"

    Well, how much time have you got?

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Regular_smile

    This newsletter won't go in exactly a straight line, but I'll do my best. And it's a substantial one. The first one ran to 889 words and a few images. This one, at over 10,000 words, is eleven times as long.

    But if you put the kettle on and sit down to read it (and all the many links), you may find your investment of time very well repaid.

    Here we go.
    In early October (to cut a long story short and compress the events slightly for rhetorical purposes) I got an e-mail from one Jesse Ames, that was also sent to Van Smith, a specialist researcher of the Georgia Guidestones. We decided not to publish it, but Van did.

    In early October (to cut a long story short and compress the events slightly for rhetorical purposes) I got an e-mail from one Jesse Ames, that was also sent to Van Smith, a specialist researcher of the Georgia Guidestones. We decided not to publish it, but Van did. Here it is:

    The reason we're telling the story now is NOT that we believe the information (which may or may not contain truth in any proportion); but because of the deep intrigue that it generated behind the scenes.

    Van published the e-mail as-is. But I wrote back to Jesse Ames asking some obvious questions, and got another long message, which I will not reproduce here. It stated that 14 August 2016 was the date when the bioweapon would be released that would reduce the world's population to 500 million, and that the elite would temporarily evacuate the planet (or some would retreat deep underground) while the weapon decimated the population.

    The writer expressed great fear for his life, while we (the Avalon moderators) debated whether we were being 'hooked' with information that was designed to align with scenarios that we might be expected to believe and buy into.

    While we were contemplating THAT, I got an e-mail sent from my own account to myself (i.e. hacked/impersonated), saying:
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Jesse_Ames_is_dead

    And then, soon after:
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Vilcabamba

    Translated: Vilcabamba. SCRME and GLMAE*. We know. Nowhere is beyond our reach. Do the right thing.
    * These are apparently two Ecuadorian Masonic organizations.
    The writer was saying that they knew where I was. It was a threat.

    So we continued to dig deeper. We located Jesse Ames on the net, and a friend with intel connections told us he was a 'nutter'. Then, we were sent this highly strange message. Van Smith received it as well, and he published it here:

    With the 'noise' removed, it read [something like]
    акция 23 акция 23 акция 23 акция 23 want you know for thes past couple days youve made myjob livings in hell. An so ****ings glad you called this goddamned leak is hoaxed.That saveds me trouble of cracking yoru funny tinys apache server witlh louzy SEO scores thats all joke!!. we have DDOS army primed + ready you guy.but you've friends in ****inkg USA nuclear industry of all ****s thehave.friends of friends of friends it complicated becomes makes my job harding. So our team told to backoff give time yoo do what WE say.thank **** you did nobdy wants to go sneakng throug woods to some house IN nowheres. pigs flying am so goddamne tired of assigned tothis pissant projekt!. now tht youv called fakie hoax, it aint **** no it was happenink Goat was eaten wolf. yeah yo think your pretty smart guy but guess what your not a lot haa. who the **** IS go through all trouble fakeing somethink like kubie story and then do erythin theys could get it erased to gone maybes the new ghost does it! that's ****@ing how.yeah you genius OK. is good im off thiss waste time! now can get bakc actual improtant ****2. no @ther no boogin mans livin in your trees and no rocks in USA with knowings these **** акция 23 акция 23
    акция 23 акция 23
    акция 23 акция
    We waited for more.... but nothing further happened. It all went cold; and we're still on excellent terms with Van Smith, who is a good man, and whose Georgia Guidestones blogwe would recommend.

    Right. So, why would we not publish this at the time? Well, we could not necessarily believe or verify the information, much of it (on close examination) had already been published in other places, and it seemed needlessly sensational. We tell the story here basically for entertainment purposes. (And entertaining, it is.) But it remains interesting.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Guidestones%20500000000
    What all this dovetails into is continued speculation (not all of it by any means crazy) that, in the next few years, the criminal cabal who consider they rule the planet may actually really try to do something to grossly reduce the world's population. That this has been seriously discussed in the so-called corridors of power is on the public record.

    When we got the second e-mail about the launch of the super-plague in August 2016, I was reminded of this report by 'V', the guerrilla economist:

    'V', the Guerrilla Economist, posts the most important information he's ever shared (4* General reveals 'The Plan')

    (Transcript here)

    In there, the USAF Four Star General tells 'V' this:
    The second thing that the General said is this: when they bring down the United States in 2017 – when this whole thing comes apart – they have, in key locations in the United States, bio weapons placed. And the example that he gave me was this.

    If you have a 33 oz. can of Folgers coffee, and you take that can of coffee and you have this bio agent in there, and all of a sudden you walk into a busy area – let's say an overpass in Dallas, Texas, or the George Washington Bridge right here in New York, or something similar to that, where you have a very heavy traffic area – and you just happen to open up that Folgers can.

    And if the wind outside was about – let's say about three miles per hour or so – you could have twenty million dead in three days. Twenty million dead in three days.

    The General went on to say that this type of bio agent will affect the water, the food, and the air. It will take three days to kill, with a near 98 percent kill ratio – and he said that the initial beta tests are on the pneumonic plague and lowgrade pneumonic plague.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Hazmat%20sm
    Much has been said and written about Ebola in the past couple of months. I can only offer my own views:

    1) There is evidence that there are many more Ebola cases in the US than are being publicized. Here's Dr James Lawrenzi, going on record to Alex Jones on 23 October that this is exactly the case:

    2) There is evidence that an Ebola cure has been suppressed — just weeks before the outbreak started in Africa:

    3) As many have speculated, this may be

    — EITHER a 'beta test' for the 'real thing' to come later. Even Obama has said EXACTLY that:

    Obama's own precise words:

    "There may come a time sometime in the future where we are dealing with an airborne disease that is much easier to catch and is deadly. And in some ways this has created a trial run for federal, state and local public health officials and health care providers...."
    — OR a two-part bioweapon that works by combining (a) planned mandatory vaccinations against the first outbreak (maybe this one) and (b) the NEXT outbreak, which may be an intended coup de grâce.

    In this Avalon thread of mine, I was singing the praises of Richard Preston's excellent and important 1994 book THE HOT ZONE. Since then, this has been referenced on many blogs and other forums, notably by Mike Adams of Natural News.

    I could not recommend the book more highly. It's here (together with his later book, THE DEMON IN THE FREEZER, about smallpox and bioweapons in general), downloadable until 30 November from this link (1.8 Mb for the two PDFs):

    Everyone should also see the 1995 Dustin Hoffman Movie OUTBREAK, which was in part based on Preston's HOT ZONE book. Here THAT is (700 Mb, also available till 30 November):


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:32 am
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Outbreak%20Hot%20Zone%20and%20Demon%20in%20the%20Freezer
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Hands%20around%20the%20Earth
    THAT leads us to the question of what we can do to circumvent or mitigate all this. As many know, Project Camelot was principally founded to help alert people to the VERY SERIOUS PROBLEMS in the world. (Yes, even worse than we'd all thought, but we have to know the truth.)

    Then, in 2008, Project Avalon was founded to support people in focusing on NETWORKING, EMPOWERMENT and SOLUTIONS.

    What solutions are there? Well, my answer is the same as that which many have presented. There's a broad-scale, significant, rising tide of awareness in the world — everywhere — and that rising tide floats all boats. There were credible reasons to suspect that some pretty bad things were planned to happen as long ago as 2008. Readers might look at these pages:

    — the last (entitled Timeline 1, version 83) being a remarkable account of the then-current military-intel best evaluation of the most probable timeline we were all on at that time (end 2007), using highly advanced time-portal viewing technology to access most-probable-timeline data.

    I'm convinced that that extraordinary information was legitimate. But, as we all know, the forecasted events did not materialize.

    Where are we now? Well, it may be up to us.

    What do we want to experience??

    And I do not ask that question tritely.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Avalon%20Planetary%20Healers
    THAT leads us to the Avalon Healers Group. There are many, MANY such groups in the world, in many countries, all working independently but in very broad alignment.

    The principle is that consciousness transcends materialized reality; and therefore consciousness can AFFECT and even DETERMINE materialized reality.

    The Avalon Healers Group works deeply and profoundly in this area.

    To ask questions, or offer support in any form, please contact directly.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Fred%20Burks%20interview
    Watch the most recent Faces of Avalon video here, with founder Fred Burks:

    From Christine:

    When I asked Bill Ryan which source of information was the most appropriate for the newly awakening .. he, without hesitation said

    He told me about meeting Fred Burks and how much he admired him. After exploring the PEERS websites and sharing with my mother and friends I discovered that Fred and his team had done something extraordinary.. they not only report the hardest hitting truth news but offer solutions and inspiration on what can be done.

    I was guided to follow the resonance I felt with Fred and his work so decided to see if he would allow me to interview him .. he most graciously accepted. The interview turned more into a sharing which I feel allowed for a friendship to grow.
    "Laughter will bring you back to center. It is the language of angels. It is how we speak to you through your own hearts. Re-member us when you see the darkness. Smile, and laugh. Jump into it because it is an opportunity for light."
    The above quote sums up the shared experience of communing with another through the heart's resonance field. To say more is not necessary for it was an honor and a delight to share with Fred.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Outer%20space%20silhouette%20sm
    At this point, I'm unable to bridge between topics any more, so I have to take a sideways step.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Regular_smile

    We very highly recommend this video interview, of a member of the Project Avalon Forum who has come forward to report a series of remarkable experiences in his life.

    The forum thread dealing with this is here:

    A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower
    This is the first interview with a certain member of the Project Avalon Forum, who for the moment wishes to remain anonymous — maybe for reasons that will become obvious as you watch this extraordinary video.

    This is a man who has personal hands-on experience in military remote viewing as a child, interdimensional portal travel, travel in advanced spacecraft, and attendance of large-scale meetings with ETs in which human representatives played only a minor role.

    He has knowledge of the role of Artificial Intelligence, the threat posed by ET 'trojan horse' AI infiltration, what some of the small 'Gray' beings really are, and of past 'Breakaway Civilizations' that existed here before us, preceding the current one on Planet Earth.

    This is a fascinating conversation, which was recorded when Christine, one of the Project Avalon moderators, twice visited him at his home in September/October 2014.

    It's really not so much an interview, but a very natural, informally flowing conversation, recorded in two parts separated by a week.

    It wasn't clear initially whether any of this would ever be made public, and I (Bill Ryan, writing this) was assuming that this was primarily for my own research purposes, and those of a few trusted colleagues who would keep this tightly off-record.

    But then our friend decided he wanted to go ON record, and it's our pleasure and privilege to support him in this. In future conversations we'll make sure the audio quality is totally optimum.

    I make a few comments in between the two parts of the conversation, and also at the very end. I consider this information at a level with some of the most significant that Project Avalon or Project Camelot has ever released.

    The standalone audio itself can be downloaded here:

    A second audio interview will be recorded in the next few days, and should be published by the first week of December after editing and converting to video. Please stay tuned. I've heard that there may be quite a lot more information to come here.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Question%20mark%20silhouette
    Talking about whistleblowers, this then leads to another area... another kind of 'bridge' in this newsletter sequence. We're a little reluctant to publicize this too much (I'll explain why in a minute), but a member called 'maurice' joined the forum at the end of October and then started holding forth at quite some length about his insider background and knowledge, including a bunch of intriguing and strange ET connections.

    Though posted by him in a members-only area, it attracted quite some interest and controversy, and some compared it with the famous 'Hidden Hand' material, though not quite so erudite.

    'maurice' (not his real name) ended his forum tenure when — as is often the case — he started getting into firefights with longstanding and well-respected members (as well as indicating that he might have been recruiting for something); so we suspended his account for a three-day cooling off period... watchful to see how he would respond.

    He replied with hostility and abuse, so the decision was made for us: we closed his account. The 546-post thread is still here for members to view:

    So you got your wake up call and recoiled in fear?

    Our decision was reinforced when he returned to the forum in disguise a few days later, now as a woman calling himself 'Krissy', but he was quickly busted and removed again. The forum's safety, and that of its members, has to come first.

    We wouldn't be mentioning this at all if it weren't for the fact that SOME of his information may have contained value and truth — something that a number of members remarked on.

    The summary? As is often the case, whistleblowers and insiders are flawed human beings experiencing internal and external pressures that most people cannot imagine.

    Meanwhile, I am looking forward to the possibility of an interview with a REAL Illuminati insider (a bona fide Avalon member: we have MANY remarkable people on the forum at the moment), and I'll report on that in our next newsletter after any on-record conversations have taken place. Stay tuned, again.
    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Book%20of%20Camelot%20cover%20image
    To conclude this newsletter, and still in line with the topic of whistleblowers in general, I've decided to publish here the first three chapters of a book I started writing in 2012: THE PROJECT CAMELOT STORY.

    There's quite a bit more than this drafted, but I've not finished it by any means. And I'm not trying to sell anything. :) It's presented here as a gift to anyone who is interested enough to read.

    It can also be downloaded here as a PDF.

    That is the rest of this newsletter. Enjoy... My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Regular_smile

    To Kerry Cassidy:
    A model to the world of vision, courage and honesty.

    The majority of people picking up his book, either to read it or sample it, will already be familiar with Project Camelot. For those, little introduction is required. The contents of the pages which follow are my own personal take on Project Camelot's birth, growth, maturity, what it stood for, and what it achieved.

    If you haven't heard about Project Camelot, or don't know much about it, this paragraph is what you need to read first. Camelot, as it's often abbreviated, is an investigative website jointly founded by myself (Bill Ryan) and my friend Kerry Cassidy. We sought out whistleblowers, insiders, authors, and researchers of note to present a kind of one-stop-shop for all matters connected with the suppression of the truth of man's origins, man's destiny, man's capabilities, and man's place in the cosmos. We held that the information that came to us belonged not to us but to the human race, and therefore was not ours to charge for. We filmed full-length interviews — some as long as three or four hours — and presented them freely on YouTube as a kind of ongoing video diary of our own journey of learning and discovery. The interviews, at first conducted solely by Kerry, fast acquired a reputation for being intelligent, human, informative, inspiring and entertaining. The material we covered was sometimes shocking, sometimes unbelievable, but always important.

    We burst unannounced upon the alternative media in April 2006, and rose swiftly to prominence and controversy in quite a short period of time. From then to 2009, a whirlwind three year period that seemed to us to last at least a decade, Kerry and I became, quite by accident, folk heroes of the alternative media. We were grassroots, unfunded, apparently came from nowhere, and had a highly intelligent and perceptive grasp of the big picture that comparatively few others have (or have had, since — it has to be said).

    Many longer-established members of the alternative media, who had been holding the fort for far longer than us, were very suspicious. George Noory and Jeff Rense, radio show hosts of great experience, both still both keep us at a skeptical and self-protective distance.

    Our style was unpretentious, human and appealing, and we were transparently honest: our videos were sometimes quickly edited, and not always smooth and slick. We sought simply to include all viewers and visitors in our personal journey.

    Kerry was always the driving powerhouse. Going to Moscow to track down Boriska (the first people who did), to Tokyo to film Ben Fulford (the first people who did), and to Oslo to film Leo Zagami (the first people who did), were all Kerry's suggestions. I immediately agreed with all her ideas — and she agreed with mine, and I had a lot of input: including a firm NO to some of Kerry's ideas. And some of those stands I took led to more than a few nuclear behind-the-scenes firefights.

    As is quite well-documented, our differences in style and personality — like John and Paul, who many have compared us to — led to a parting of the ways at the end of 2009. Throughout that previous year we had been under heavy attack, including by psychic and electronic means. We had just upset way too many people and groups. One of the few who understood this was David Wilcock, who at that time was very close to us both. He tried to broker peace, as did several other good friends, but it was hopeless. It was like trying to break up a fight between two very angry big cats.

    I always felt that less was more (too much information and too many interviews dilute the message: quality is more important than quantity), and that all facts reported in good faith, should be checked as fully as possible. I was the researcher, joining dots and digging out information: Kerry was the intuitive. It was a good combination. It was when intuition clashed with the facts that we began to clash with one another. Despite the fact that we agreed far, far more than we disagreed — and continue to do so — our differences were used by our enemies to split the log. Neither of us were fully able to see that at the time.

    Many people still want us to work together. They miss the balance I provided, and I did provide that balance. There are many times when I've despaired of the nonsense proliferating in the alternative media. In 2011 it was Comet Elenin and 11-11-11, and, as I'm writing these words on 13 May, 2012, it's "Drake" and all the hysteria about "Ascension" and 21 December 2012. I'm confident that months and years after that date, you, reading this in my future, will well know that nothing happened at all that warranted all the hype and hysteria over those topics. What I think will have happened, I'll be both brave and foolish enough to predict. But I'm already getting a little ahead of myself.

    My core reason for writing this book is that from the moment I parted company with Kerry on the joint venture that was Camelot, I received intelligent and articulate e-mails every other day from concerned people — some of who have been following Kerry's and my work since the beginning — urging me to get back on the horse and make a significant contribution. I reflected deeply about this, for I was being told that my wider and more prominent contribution was needed, and I recognized that as a reality.

    Kerry never really knew how to handle my position — which I'll explain in as much detail as I can in the pages that follow. She really did try. We worked together very closely on the prospective Camelot TV show (filmed in July 2010*) — and tried again to start working together at the International UFO Congress in Phoenix in February 2011. Both times, she gave it her honest best, but there were a number of reasons why this was impractical: there were way too may barriers, and between February and May 2011 we almost immediately came under attack again, with 'Charles' and Inelia entering the mix this time. But again, I am jumping ahead. For the details of this, and much else, read this book.

    I support and honor Kerry and all her work. Everything I've always said about her is true: she is one of the most honest and courageous people I've ever met. I learned a great deal from her. I will always remember her with gratitude. Working with her was inspiring, infuriating, exciting, and frustrating. And I'm quite sure she'd say the same about me.
    Bill Ryan
    May, 2012


    • The pilot episode was eventually aired on 7 November 2012, and can be seen here:
      [i]TruTV wanted me to do the rest of the series alone (as a kind of all-English Jesse Ventura), but I told them that as a matter of principle I would not do it without Kerry. They canceled the series.

    This book has not been written in conjunction with Kerry. The events related are solely from my own recall — but I believe them to be accurate. As will inevitably be the case with two pairs of eyes viewing the same landscape on the same journey, we will have seen and remembered different things; but that does not mean that both people's recalls aren't equally true and valid.

    Despite my not consulting her about the contents of The Project Camelot Story, I believe readers will see that I've been both magnanimous and fair. Much of this book is about the Project Camelot journey, how we met our witnesses, our interesting (sometimes very interesting) experiences along the way, and our personal reactions to our ongoing expanding learning and discovery. Some of this book is about the information we learned, and how we processed and responded to it — both inwardly and outwardly. But the braided string on which all these beads are threaded is that of each of our own very different personalities, and therefore I really don't believe this story could effectively be told by two people as different in makeup as we are.

    A longer title of this book might be The Project Camelot Story as recalled and recounted by Bill Ryan. However, in that longer title, there is no implied enmity with Kerry. As I've stated many times publicly, we agree on at least 90% of everything we've ever done, examined or experienced. And that's a way better proportion than one will find in most marriages or business partnerships.

    Maybe Kerry will write her own book, as since we ceased working on Camelot together at the end of 2009 she has accumulated an abundance of new experiences all of her own. As equally did I, flying the Project Avalon flag — about which I'll include quite a long afterword. While I've put quite a lot of work into Avalon, my friends still universally introduce me to others as Bill Ryan from Project Camelot. I've never once corrected that: I'm more than proud to be known for my Camelot work.

    There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
    — Victor Hugo
    In the beginning, before Camelot, was Project Serpo. This is in itself such a complex and fascinating story — one that contains important revelations, truths and insights — that it deserves its own appendix; and so I've written one.

    The Serpo story, like the Camelot story, has not yet properly been told. But it'd be a disservice to the subject of this book to embark on the intricate subject matter right up front. Its mention here, at the start of this book, is because I first met Kerry Cassidy at the International UFO Congress, then in Laughlin, Nevada, in February 2006, when she requested an interview of me as the webmaster. That's how it all started.

    For those readers who've not heard of Project Serpo, this was what Project Crystal Knight became known as on the internet after it was first unleashed on the UFO-interested public through Victor Martinez's e-mail list in November 2005. Victor, a Los Angeles English teacher, who at that time had about 130 subscribers to his free newsletter on UFO- and ET-related matters, received a rapid-fire sequence of detailed, anonymous messages claiming that back in the 1960s a team of twelve US military scientists had embarked on an exchange visit with an ET race. The anonymous correspondent claimed that the team of astronauts had remained on the alien planet — called Serpo — for 13 years, after which eight had returned. Victor dutifully circulated the anonymous messages to his group — which was to quite some degree comprised of military officers, scientists, researchers, authors, and intelligence agents. At that time, it really was quite a list of Who's Who in the UFO world.

    The elite group also contained myself, and this Who was a complete unknown. I'd been recommended to Victor's group a short while earlier by a mutual acquaintance, Frank DeMarco (then the editor of Hampton Roads), and I, along with everyone else on his list, was captivated and intrigued by the early anonymous messages that Victor streamed through to our inboxes. It was researcher and writer Bill Hamilton who suggested that someone should assemble all the incoming information into a website for larger public reference.

    I was not doing much at the time (I was self-employed as a freelance management training and team development specialist), so I volunteered. Aware that nobody would know who I was, and equally aware that the information might generate quite a lot of interest, I opted to describe myself and what I was attempting to do on the website as follows:
    Logically there are four possibilities:

    1. Anonymous is a prankster and the reported data is either all invented or culled from other sources and added to a wild novelistic story.
    2. Anonymous is operating to a planned agenda and the information is deliberately distorted, but contains a core of extraordinary truth.
    3. Anonymous is doing his best to report data from an indirect source (personal notes, his own short or long term memory, or another person), but accidental errors, omissions and additions have occurred.
    4. Anonymous is reporting everything faithfully and accurately as best as he can present it.

    Only possibility (1) means everything should be rejected. The other three necessarily mean that the reports deserve close attention. 

    It is recognized that readers may have widely differing views about the veracity of the claims. There are some serious and clear scientific anomalies regarding the apparent violation of known physical laws. Anonymous and his colleagues have attempted to answer all questions posed so far. 

    There are at once persuasive reasons to dismiss the data – and persuasive reasons to evaluate it very carefully indeed before rushing to judgment. The personal opinion of the author is that even if it may be considered unclear whether the account is totally accurate, it is of such extraordinary potential importance that it deserves a fair hearing in its entirety. Many people with an informed background in UFOlogy believe there is a significant probability that the information is founded in truth, and a number claim to have heard reference to (or in some cases considerable detail about) this project before. Therefore, based on compelling evidence that there is something currently occurring which may be of considerable importance, this website attempts to perform a public service. 

    If this extraordinary story is true, the twelve exchangees who visited Serpo – eight of whom returned – are among the greatest unsung heroes of our generation. 

    The author of this site is Bill Ryan. He was trained in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, 1974), followed by a brief stint in teaching. For the last 27 years he has been a management consultant, specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients have included BAe (Systems) Ltd (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett- Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He is not and never has been connected with or a member of the military, government, or any formal UFO groups. This information is shared in the spirit that the best place to hide is out in the open.
    I knew the material would be contentious, but I had no idea how contentious. As the stream of anonymous messages poured in, a storm of controversy broke. I was interviewed onCoast to Coast AM — joined on the show by Whitley Strieber and Richard Doty — and was courted to join the Above Top Secret forum as a special guest. There I was present for several months on what became even now the longest thread in ATS's history... before the owners of ATS became more and more upset with me and eventually banned me, to this day branded as a 'hoaxer'.

    I'd never been on any forum before, let alone on a national radio show. In those early days I learned a huge amount about the alternative media. It was a baptism of fire. I had stated that the best place to hide was out in the open — a refrain that both Kerry and I would later adopt in Camelot, and recommend to all our whistleblower contacts — but when out in the open, one can sometimes draw a lot of fire.

    A great deal more on the Serpo story is recounted in Appendix 1, but for the moment this is all that's needed to understand why at the February 2006 Laughlin UFO Congress, where I'd been invited to speak, Kerry Cassidy sought me out for an interview. The circumstances were comical. I was in demand, as 'Serpo' was headline news on every UFO website, and just before being interviewed by Kerry I spent an hour with Jim Rodger, an amiable and experienced TV reporter. In his hotel room he set up an assembly of cameras, microphones, soft focus lighting, and the whole professional nine yards. I was a rookie at all this, and I was impressed.

    Immediately after, I went to Kerry's room, late for my appointed interview. Apologizing, I sat down to wait for her to set up all her equipment. I didn't have to wait long. "All her equipment" consisted of a tiny consumer-grade camcorder, sitting all on its own on a cheap plastic tripod. It was all she had, and compared with the expensive array of sophisticated gear that Rodger had set up for me, it seemed almost ludicrous.

    Kerry, however, was sharp, perceptive and incisive. Suspecting herself that the Serpo story was a hoax or a scam, she probed hard — and I responded with the best I had. The interview lasted a full 15 minutes, and Kerry later told me that she had been surprised by my intelligence, awareness and honesty. She turned the camera off, after which we continued talking for another two and a half hours. She was struck that I was a mountaineer, and had lived in Africa when I was young. We met again the next day, and went to dinner. While I was heading off to Las Vegas at the end of the conference (where I was to meet for the first time with Ralph Ring, introduced to me by his friend John Warnhoff), Kerry later told me that as she was driving back to Los Angeles, crossing the desert alone late at night, she found herself in tears at the impact of having met me, someone she recognized as a rare kindred spirit.

    I spent several hours with Ralph Ring, and was captivated by his remarkable story. Ralph was to become one of our early Camelot witnesses, and his testimony — working with maverick Tesla-inspired engineer Otis T. Carr in the late fifties to build a home-made flying disk — is now known by hundreds of thousands of people. I returned to the UK and my management training work, and in the meantime kept in touch with Kerry by e-mail and Skype. She told me that she was soon going to Egypt to see the pyramids, and suggested changing her return flight to spend a few days in the UK. She asked if I would like to meet up and show her around the megalithic stone sites of southern England: Stonehenge, Avebury, and the like. I knew them well, but she'd never been there.

    So at the beginning of April 2006, Kerry rolled up at Heathrow airport exhausted. She'd been unable to change her itinerary, and so after returning to New York from Cairo she'd caught another return flight to London. As we drove off towards Stonehenge, she confessed to me something that I still now dwell on: to alter Churchill's famous quote a little, this was one of the agate points of our story on which our destinies had turned. Kerry told me what had really happened when she proposed to me in a Skype text chat that she might extend her trip to visit the UK. She wasn't totally confident that I'd respond, and when I seemed to fail to take her up on her offer, she had already drafted another message reassuring me that it was just a joke. Meanwhile, totally unaware of her doubts, I was multitasking and had not gotten round to sending my positive reply. Kerry had her finger poised — literally — over the Send button to retract her proposition. With split seconds to spare, my agreement arrived on her screen. Had I taken just a few moments longer, Camelot would never have been born.

    Kerry's visit to the UK lasted four days. It was a wonderful trip. Traveling west, we visited Stonehenge, then Avebury, then Glastonbury, then Tintagel — the latter being the fabledCamelot of King Arthur, timelessly clinging to a sea cliff on Cornwall's dramatic coastline. We sat on the clifftop in the sun and wind and wondered what we might embark on together. The morning after, on our way back to Heathrow in the car, I came up with the idea for Project Camelot. The name seemed obvious. It was one of those moments where an entire project was envisioned, as if multidimensionally, all at once. Kerry saw immediately what I was describing, added more ideas of her own, and gave her total agreement. The entire process lasted no longer than a couple of minutes.

    Project Camelot was entirely created between us in that time. Kerry invited me to stay with her in Los Angeles to work on our new project, and five days later I was on the plane. A new phase of my life had suddenly begun.

    Never try to prove anything. Then you'll stay safe.
    — Hal Puthoff
    While I was working on the Serpo website, the person who would later became Project Camelot's first witness wrote to me. It was January 2006. He revealed to me that back in the mid-1980s, when working in the graphics department of a southern Californian aerospace company, he had been invited to volunteer for an unusual project that was to change his life.

    Eager for a change and a challenge, Jon — my source's real name — had accepted the assignment while knowing almost nothing about what it entailed. When he was briefed, he was stunned. He was to work in a guarded vault, for eight hours a day, cataloging the contents of sealed mailbags which would be brought to him every morning. The bags would be full of unsorted UFO-related material: documents, photos, films, and artifacts dating back to the late 1940s.

    Jon told me that most of the material was in sealed packages marked with references of various kinds; maybe 2%, he guessed, was open for him to view. However, in the six months of his assignment the items that he was able to handle and examine with his own eyes reached a significant number. He wrote, in response to written interview questions:
    I saw reports, photos, tapes, films, video cassettes and material from crashed saucers.

    The photographs were of sightings. Close-up photographs of saucer shaped crafts. Hundreds of these. Some from space missions labeled NASA and NORAD. Old black and white ones and color ones. Some of ships emerging from (or entering into) water with no splash. Some with military men looking at them in the same pictures. Some cigar-shaped crafts. Some that looked like beams or bars. Most sort of blurry, but some with detail. Most detail shots had ships with no seams or windows. Some with lights and some with no lights. Some in daytime and some at night. Some pictures had crafts at a distance in formation. 

    Then there were documents. Most of them sealed, of course. Labeling included Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Eyes Only, Confidential, and Unclassified. Some had markings of MJ-12 and MAJIC or Majestic. These were old from the late 1940s and typewritten with rubber stamps for the security markings. A couple even bore Truman's signature. Others were signed by military officials that I didn't recognize at the time. Most of the documents I received were report forms dictated by civilians and typed by research officials. These were labeled unclassified. The forms had no conclusion to the investigation of the sightings they reported, just the facts as told by civilians. 

    Some documents referred to material recovered at Roswell such as media disks. They reported the contents of these disks such as views of star clusters and planets from unknown positions in space. They also indicated landing zones here on Earth. Most of these were nuclear facilities. Remember, this stuff was recovered in 1947, the birth of nuclear weapons development. They contained, as reported, aerial views of weapons facilities and silos where the warheads were stored. Sort of like a photo library of sorts, with symbols on the photos, the same symbols that were found aboard the craft.

    Other documents referred to metal material that had extremely strong tensile strength. This material resembled chrome-like foil. It could be crushed easily, but would return to a flat shape and have no creases. It could not be torn, although a nail could be driven through it. 

    Other documents told of alien biology. They explained that the blood of the aliens recovered had chlorophyll in it and it was probably used for a sort or photosynthesis. Their esophagus came to a point inside their chest, going nowhere. No stomach, but mention of a pancreas that functioned very differently than ours. The appendix was also mentioned, theirs having a purpose more complex than ours. 

    There was mention of a live alien recovered at the crash, but no mention as to where it was taken or what was done with it. No mention of where the craft parts were taken, either. Just mention of the items they found, including a big chunk of the ship still intact. 

    I did get to see some of the foil mentioned, although a very small piece. I crushed it and it sprung back. The bulky packages were very light for their size. I could feel hard items inside, some of considerable size. I saw one piece of I-beam material with symbols on it. It was about 5 inches long and 1 inch thick, with no burn marks on it at all. It sounded like plastic when banged (gently) on the side of my desk. I could not scratch it.

    It was very exciting holding it. I thought to myself, "This is from another planet in another solar system, and I get to touch it!" I felt privileged.
    His employer had been quite unaware that Jon had harbored a lifelong private interest in UFOs; the job was a UFO buff's wildest dream come true.

    After six months, Jon's assignment ended. He never knew why he was doing what he was doing, where the material came from, or where it was taken after he had finished examining and sorting it. Astonished by what he had been allowed to witness, Jon told no-one at all of the project until his marriage many years later — and then one or two close friends, and finally myself. We exchanged long e-mails, and it was immediately clear from Jon's detailed account that his testimony was straight from the heart.

    Kerry and I met him in person in Los Angeles soon after I'd arrived there from the UK. He was charming, delightful, open, and unpretentious. We had dinner at his home with his beautiful young wife, and they were a lovely couple. Jon was in his mid-40s, and they were both a little nervous about the prospect of putting everything he had experienced on record. Intent on protecting his family, he did not want to risk showing his face or giving his real name.

    We reassured him that he'd be safe. His was an amazing human experience, but he had no proof of anything he claimed. Each night, upon leaving the secure vault, he was routinely searched by the guards, and he knew better than to try to smuggle out even the tiniest scrap of material. It was a detailed, but quite unsupported, personal story.

    Two months previously, when I had met physicist Hal Puthoff in person to discuss the Serpo releases, he had explained to me that I would always be quite all right as long as I never tried to prove anything. The governments of the world didn't want citizens being forced to accept new truths that would shatter their core beliefs. They didn't want riots in the streets, suicides, or social or religious unrest. Hal's view was that that would inevitably ensue if, for instance, a live alien were to be revealed on public TV.

    It was far preferable and more tolerable from the governments' point of view for wild claims to be made which were unaccompanied by any proof. That was the fuse in the circuit. That way, those with open minds could readjust their personal realities in their own time — or not, as they freely chose. And those with rigid belief structures would be free to scoff and deny, with no mandate that they must change their worldviews. They could come to the truth in their own good time.

    The way Hal put it made perfect sense. It was all about plausible deniability. Meanwhile, Hal, explained, those who were leaking information, with no proof, were helping the governments with their huge problem... which was how to change the wholesale beliefs of western civilization. Wise military men, Hal said, had decided decades ago that the process of conditioning humanity to these startling new realities might take several generations. And this was why these new ideas were being seeded into movies, TV shows, and comic books, so that gradually the reality of ETs and UFOs would become part of popular culture. No live alien on TV just yet; but eventually, surely this would occur.

    The governments, Hal went on, were serious in their plans. They would leave well alone anyone who was unintentionally aiding them in their carefully calculated long-term strategy. But if anyone was going too far, too fast, with too much definitive proof in hand, then they might need to be stopped. Never try to prove anything, Hal said. Then you'll stay safe.

    We came to realize that Project Camelot — and, of course, many other UFO-oriented blogs, websites, books, radio shows, TV documentaries and research groups — were, quite unintentionally and unknowingly, regarded as kinds of government assets. The governments of the world have a massive problem: how to reveal to the human race that we ware not alone in the universe, that religious fundamentals are fundamentally flawed,  that the history of the human race is different from that which we have always been told, and that our world's military might is quite impotent against any potential extraterrestrial threat.

    We and many others were helping the governments out — while never being officially sanctioned by them. The worldwide project that has become known as Disclosure, essential for humanity no matter what the motives of the global controllers, was like a kind of fission pile in a nuclear power station. Too cool, and no power is generated; too hot, and it goes into meltdown.

    To control what must be a continuous, slow reaction, cooling rods are inserted into the nuclear pile. Too fast, and more cooling rods are added. Too slow, and cooling rods are withdrawn. In the case of UFO Disclosure, the added cooling rods take the form of sanctioned releases of snippets of information, deliberate leaks, on-record quotes from politicians and military officers, and looking the other way when an insightful and accurate piece of research is published in the public domain. The reaction is damped down, when required, with disinformation, smears, ridicule, denial, and (where deemed necessary, especially in the long and nervous decades of the 50s, 60s and 70s) various unsavory means of stopping a maverick in his or her tracks — including killing them outright.

    Project Camelot was quite unplanned, and its advent quite unforeseen by the global controllers. But they must have welcomed it, as long as we never overstepped the mark. The problem, of course, was that we found ourselves playing a game for which no-one would tell us the rules. We could only find out the hard way when a rule was broken.

    The first law of hacking: never get caught.
    — Anonymous
    It was radio host Jerry Pippin — who was nearly blind, but who had the warmest heart, and who had befriended me in the early days of the Serpo controversy — who interviewed Jon, the UFO archivist, on his radio show and had nicknamed him "Mr X". We had introduced him to Jerry, but his unfortunate moniker stuck. In those early days, before Arthur Neumann appeared and was renamed by us Henry Deacon after the fictional genius scientist in the TV series Eureka, it hadn't occurred to us to give him any other name.

    It was also Jerry who put us in touch with Gary McKinnon, via her campaigning mother Janis Sharp. Gary was then, and still remains, a cause célèbre: he had spent a couple of years, working from his London bedroom on a slow dial-up 56k modem, systematically trying to hack into US military computers in search of documentary proof that the UFO phenomenon was real. Convinced that the US was hiding a mountain of UFO evidence from the public, Gary set to work peeping into every NASA and US Defense Department computer he could access.

    To his surprise, he found it was easy. Many computers had no passwords, or ones (like 'password') which were trivial to guess. He spent night after night sifting through dull military documents in a variety of supposedly secure establishments. He discovered that he was not alone, and saw the evidence of many other hackers, including those from Russia and China.

    His search lasted for two years, but resulted in two finds: a document detailing "ship-to-ship transfers" — the ships mentioned, the USSS LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter, were on no public register of US Navy vessels (the triple 'S'es, maybe as if to denote "US Space Ship", were noted by Gary) — and a spreadsheet listing the names of twenty or thirty "non-terrestrial officers". His search also resulted in his own admitted recklessness, as he became more cavalier in his explorations, growing ever more confident that no-one really knew or cared what he was doing.

    Eventually, however, the British police tracked him down and came to his door. Gary was busted, and a huge public furor ensued. The US, furious that they had been so embarrassed by a young geek in his London bedroom encountering almost no effective firewalls to the secrets of the greatest military power on Earth, was determined to make a scapegoat of him. At the time of writing, Gary and his mother are still fighting his extradition to the US where, in theory, he could face decades of jail time for his naïveté.

    Armed with Jerry Pippin's introduction, Kerry and I flew back to London. I had another reason for my visit: I had by then decided that I would break it to my professional colleagues that I would be no longer be available for the management consultancy work that had been my source of income since the 1980s. I traveled to Devon for the meeting, and the looks on their faces were a picture. Although I was known for my maverick style and unconventional personal views on a wide range of issues, for years I'd been keeping my rather more controversial interests dutifully compartmentalized from my work. They were fully supportive, and that was the last time I saw any of them.

    Cutting myself off from the possibility of any more earned income, Kerry had promised to support me in the new venture. Her mother had passed away a short time previously and had left Kerry both her car and a small inheritance: enough for her to make down payments on a modest house, and to fund our early Camelot living expenses and travel. After a while, we were able to continue our work through a large number of generous donations from appreciative viewers of our videos, but in those early days that was all an unplanned unknown, yet to come.

    I sometimes miss that world of my management development work, which was always surprisingly rewarding. Throughout the 1990s, as I'd described in my brief bio, I had earned quite a lot of money working on a contractual basis for some quite large companies. I was never an orthodox management consultant, but worked entirely in the realm of people and people skills. I was a kind of people-and-teamwork optimizer, often called in as a troubleshooter to help out in situations where there were personal conflicts, impasses in problem solving, or teams which were malfunctioning or which needed an accelerated startup.

    I greatly enjoyed what I did. I was never concerned about the fortunes of the companies that employed me, but I cared deeply about the individuals that I had the chance to work with for intensive blocks of up to six days at a time. The companies wanted me to mold my charges into better employees, but my strategy was to support them in becoming betterpeople: that meant that they transformed into better husbands, wives, fathers, daughters, neighbors, citizens... and, as a spinoff, better employees as well. My focus was purely on aligning and empowering the variables in their lives and personal makeup to boost their own personal ability, freedom of choice, and innate sense of what was right and wrong. Quite frequently I would enjoy a quiet triumph when someone on one of my courses would return to work on Monday morning and quit, now aware that they were in the wrong job, or following the wrong vocation.

    That world had also earned me quite a lot of money. I never worked full-time, but I ran my own small business for many years and was good at what I did. In 2005, the year before founding Camelot, I had sold my house in Scotland and traveled to San Francisco to write a screenplay about another long-term interest of mine, the 1924 British expedition to Mount Everest. My involvement with that is another story to be told, but that sabbatical year marked a major punctuation in my life. It was at the end of that year, in November 2005, that the Serpo story broke and, as I had no work commitments of any kind, I volunteered to be the webmaster.

    It was during the time I was in Devon, meeting with my colleagues, that the interview with Gary McKinnon was scheduled in London, some 150 miles away. I never actually met Gary, which I have always since regretted. Transcending her apprehensions, Kerry successfully drove my right-hand-drive British car twenty miles to the nearest station on the "wrong" side of the road — the first time she had done so — and caught the train to London. One of my oldest friends, Rod McCormick, met her at Paddington station and accompanied her as a local-knowledge guide to Gary's house in the heart of North London.

    Kerry conducted the interview with Gary in his garden. Setting the tone for a number of similar journalistic scoops that would follow, it was the first in-depth video interview anyone had done with Gary. As his predicament was already starting to become known in the UFO community, this coup did a great deal to put Camelot on the map and also to promote Gary's important cause to a far wider audience.

    At that time, I had no pretensions to be any kind of interviewer: this was always assumed to be Kerry's role. Mine was to create and manage the website, do research behind the scenes, share the driving, carry the bags, help with logistics, and hold the camera. I didn't even do any video editing: this, too, was Kerry's province. My whole raison d'être was to be in support. I was good at what I'd been teaching for the previous 25 years, which was all about how to be a strong team member. So I wrapped myself around Kerry, who was the driving force behind the interviewing and editing. As many have noted, ours was a kind of role-reversal of the masculine and feminine archetypes. Kerry was the go-get-'em Type-A driver, and also the public face. My job was to help make it all happen, and to function as a kind of power source for her, combining this with as much behind-the-scenes support as possible.

    What we later came to realize was that our advent seemed to many to be straight from central casting. Our styles and personalities were contrasting and perfectly complementary. Kerry was the feisty maverick, wielding a sharp, instinctive journalistic sword and using it to cut to the truth of every matter that she could find. I was more measured and careful, attending to every detail and occasionally asking intelligent, well-timed questions, at first from behind the camera as a voice-off that added value and contrast to Kerry's cut-and-thrust style. I was the courteous, well-groomed Englishman with the perfect accent and the Indiana Jones hat, and Kerry was a smart, sassy, glamorous, no-nonsense surfer-girl-cum-hippy-chick who dared tread places and ask questions that no-one else would.

    Furthermore, we were assumed to be a couple at the time (and, for a while, we were) — and so were seen as inheriting a kind of Bonnie-and-Clyde folk-hero mantle that was quite unplanned and unforeseen by us. The yin and yang of our differently strong characters was exactly what the hungry new age community wanted at that time. Before we knew it, our fledgling website was receiving a million unique visitors a month and we were getting hundreds of e-mails a day from people telling us that we were an inspiration and had changed their lives forever.  As if impelled by unseen messianic forces, we surfed this growing, giant wave that never seemed to be of our own creation, and every minute of every day was spent writing, traveling, editing, setting up new interviews, or figuring out what to do next. It was a magical period, in which we could seemingly do no wrong...



    • Whether you're a new friend or an old one, please keep in touch always. You can write to the moderators (it'll be forwarded to us all), or to me personally at
    • If you've not logged in for a while and have lost your password, either write to the mods or click here for a new password to be sent to you:

      We'll be happy to help.
    • If you would like to recommend the forum to friends or family, ask them to register their interest here:
      (and it'll help us to let us know yourself who they are, by way or reference or recommendation.)

    • The forum still survives from month to month, just able to pay its 3,500 dollars-a-year bill. We've not missed a payment yet, but we'd be able to do MUCH more with more funds (Avalon audio conferences, for one, an idea that we've been exploring for a while). To those who have donated, we most sincerely thank you. If you've always been meaning to but have never quite got round to it, here's the link: Thank you.

    My personal warmest wishes to everyone ~ Bill

    Bill Ryan
    Founder: Project Avalon, Project Camelot
    23 November, 2014

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1851
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    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Synchronicity day today

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:51 am

    Big Grin 3 Thanks Carol. indeed, I just shared a piece of that newsletter, due to a recent post by a new member called Krissy.
    In the recent thread on being born in an Illuminati family. You know how to find it.
    There seems to be a special style of connecting here, today. Connecting some dots maybe too?

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:53 am

    Yes Baghor. She let me know when she became a member before her first post in a PM what had happened at PA. Nice heads up given Bill's bazaar email.

    Krissy.. seems you are now a PA celebrity as well. At least what Bill is doing is now out in the open for all to see, including you. Since I personally know Bill from way back I can truthfully add that in my personal experience with him, that he is a liar and tends to misrepresent the truth to suit his own needs. Mist members saw through his shenanigans years ago and walked away. From my personal perspective, it's too bad that he is still caught up in ego and his own sense of self-importance, or that he feels the need to slander others (not the first time either).

    A number of ex PA members joined Mists and found it a place of healing.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2014-11-22

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  krissy Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:20 pm

    Up to a point I can see why my husband was considered 'out of line' . He could see his thread was being twisted and broken by interference and over reacted .
    Like I said before he carries a lot of pain over what they did to me . As soon as he hit the ignore button to refocus though , it just got nasty . He knew what was coming , he has spent most of his life dealing with people who want someone else to be their savior and all he was trying to say was NO . You gotta do it yourselves .

    In a way I was relieved when he got banned . So I tried the opposite and said up front . No friending , no answering questions , im just going to tell my story . Partly to get it of my chest .

    But after what happened there I don't see any point .

    people think they want the inside line but when your in it you just want out . We are both out and that's the way we like it.

    We dont want to fight anybody , we want peace . We believe love is the answer . But most people dont take charge and possession of their souls you know carol ?

    I never thought I deserved or would find love . That's what the illuminati do . They 'kill' your heart and soul with abuse .

    Our journey has been hard but love really does find a way . That's my message to everyone here and at PA. I know my husband would agree .
    Even though he is a silly cranky so and so sometimes .


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:10 pm

    Carol wrote:Thank you for sharing your story Baghor. Indeed, lots of meta-communication and battle grounds do exist in other forums. Mists seems like an eddy in the river of life compared to some. In addition I was somewhat astonished to receive a very lengthy email from PA today whom I've not been in contact with for a few years and was also banned from their forum back then. Seems they hung onto our email addresses irrespective of their treatment of us.

    Typical of PA this email is exceptionally bazaar.
    Yeah, great post, B.B.

    Charles was/is a 24 carat sociopath of the worst kind.

    Bill - PA - is exploiting a fresh 'phenomena' since a couple of weeks: GoodETxSG

    I'm under the impression it's a heavily (heavenly?) moderated thread 'cos there is not a single post in 26 pages that questions 'GoodETxSG' intentions.

    btw Carol, I also received that 'Newsletter' in my mail.

    Indeed exceptionally bazaar!


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Can you feel compassionate toward someone who lives in a lie, causing damage to others, believing to be right?

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:44 pm

    Wow, today I find within me a still deeper realization, sinking in, that we human beings can live in lies and declare them as our truth,
    keeping up appearances in severe need for survival, as the underlying source for such a crooked attitude in life. I don't exclude myself
    from it, for I had my share of illusions, in need for them to cover immense pain and to survive. I fortunately endured this for a short
    period of time. For having gone through that experience, I can feel humble and look with more compassion at people who lost their mind
    and lost touch with reality, also losing their ability to function adequately and to be looked upon as valuable to society.
    These people are usually quite innocent and vulnerable in that situation, for they don't know the game of powerplays.

    To feel compassion for sociopaths, performing huge devilish deeds and causing damage to other people's souls, for those that know how
    to create power games and view a human life as a speck of dust, it's much harder, I feel. This is one of the most challenging things to achieve
    and at the same time a state most welcomed in humanity, now and in the coming years, I feel. The willingness to make a separation between
    the soul of a person and his actions is equal to the amount of love for our own duality within. Not an easy thing to do, but not impossible.

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  mudra Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:51 pm

    That was quite an epic adventure you had in Charles forum BB   Boxer
    I am not the least surprised with the outcome.

    Krissy not all people are prepared to hear a profoundly disturbing experience for fear of loosing their " comfort zone "and get hurt.
    I believe yours to be a sad one.
    The least we can do however out of respect for another human being is to listen
    to what they have got to say.
    Love is the way as you say.

    Love from me

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  krissy Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:09 pm

    You know that film chicken run ? That's how I see a lot of this drama going down . We are all battery hens stuck in an open prison camp . We want freedom but cant see a way out . We end up in these silly pecking order squabbles .

    Its hard to trust when there is so much pain and betrayal .

    I think we have to trust ourselves more , trust in love and keep our guard up.

    I dont have all the answers and neither does my husband . He likes to dialogue straight and hard and I keep telling him its not going to work ! Your to direct and it comes across confrontational . He knows . But you know how men are . His heart is in the right place but trust is harder for him.

    He is supposed to be resting but justice is a big deal for him. Injustice just upsets him to much and having his guard up all the time is not healthy .

    He has a bit of ptsd , he knows that . But you know , I think we all do and we need to be kinder to each other . I have given him a dressing down and he admits that yes , he did over react and he does feel a bit stupid .

    We have no real privacy even in our own home . Its bugged to the max. Its hard to let down your guard and speak your mind when your living in an open prison. But when you explode it all comes out in a barrage ,you know ?

    My mentor said the same thing as his when dealing with 'enemies ' Just send love back to them ,not anger or hate . It just feeds the beast .

    So here is our message to all . If we have offended or hurt anyone we apologize unreservedly . We don't want war ,we want peace .

    most importantly ,we send love to all of you .


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  krissy Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:21 pm

    Yes my story had a sad beggining but there are so many more who have had it far far worse ,believe me .

    We are nature's creatures . If you corner any wild animal that is used to be being free , you have a fight on your hands .

    I shared one nasty experience to show what they are like . But no more .

    Freedom is so important to us . I gave up a lot to have it . But it was worth it .

    I know what love is now . I hope you all do too .

    I dont think sharing any more will help . So I am letting my past rest in the past and make the future count .

    And my husband is banned from forums by me now too !

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:44 pm

    Carol wrote:Yes Baghor. She let me know when she became a member before her first post in a PM what had happened at PA. Nice heads up given Bill's bazaar email.

    Krissy.. seems you are now a PA celebrity as well.

    A number of ex PA members joined Mists and found it a place of healing.

    That's My Sista...


    AND She gets at the Crux of It...

    "found It a place of Healing"


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Beren Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:40 pm

    You know, ever since 2012 I stopped following the drama caused by many. I here and there go on Avalon but mainly to post some uplifting thing for many to gain some insight, be it through a poem or something else which spirit led me to.
    Who will see, may they see. Who will hear may they hear...

    Otherwise I would have to do the personal invitation to the Space overlord TRANCOSO since he`s the only capable of using the newly awakened force to summon the warriors from ...

    Crazy Happy

    He might just zapp them with the ubiquitous disco revisited compilation heavily-synthesized with Daft Punk melodies harder better and whatever...


    Or they can die drinking American Budweiser beer...

    Ok..laughter on the side, there is more important things to do than to rag tag the old stuff.
    Each day devote for soul searching and listening...all will be revealed to you.

    I will post the newest poem on my "From the forgotten world..." isn`t the place and time here...


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:55 am

    Beren wrote:You know, ever since 2012 I stopped following the drama caused by many. I here and there go on Avalon but mainly to post some uplifting thing for many to gain some insight, be it through a poem or something else which spirit led me to.
    Who will see, may they see. Who will hear may they hear...

    Otherwise I would have to do the personal invitation to the Space overlord TRANCOSO since he`s the only capable of using the newly awakened force to summon the warriors from ...

    Crazy Happy

    He might just zapp them with the ubiquitous disco revisited compilation heavily-synthesized with Daft Punk melodies harder better and whatever...


    Or they can die drinking American Budweiser beer...

    Ok..laughter on the side, there is more important things to do than to rag tag the old stuff.
    Each day devote for soul searching and listening...all will be revealed to you.

    I will post the newest poem on my "From the forgotten world..." isn`t the place and time here...

    Thank you, dear friend Beren, for seeing you, having found your form and expressing it so beautifully Flowers

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:12 pm

    Beren wrote:He might just zapp them with the ubiquitous disco revisited compilation heavily-synthesized with Daft Punk melodies harder better and whatever...


    Instead of daft zapping, how about this, Beren?

    Ganesh Mantra - Obstacle Breaker
    This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and astral bodies are released.

    ................................................. Brook

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:44 am

    Trancoso, I wouldn't be surprised, if you are a worldbridger in the Mayan Tzolkin calendar count,
    based on you birthdate and the Solar Seal present on that day. If you like I can find that out for you.

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Tzolki10
    This Tzolkin count goes from July 18th 2014 to April 3rd 2015 and the worldbridger is in the 6th position on the vertical row of icons,
    representing the Solar Seals of Creation.  Today, Sunday Nov. 30th is the energy of  Solar Seal Warrior and Galactic Tone 6  Kin 136

    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Gele2010

    The 6th Tone is written by a horizontal line with one dot above that line. To explain the meaning of balance, the symbol is easily interpretated
    as the playground object of that thing with seats on the end, with children going up and down. Don't know the name of it.
    They need to balance their weight and the force of pushing up, going up and down together.

    The description of this energy is "Be balanced in measuring the amount of intelligence you need to achieve your goal (6th Tone).
    Muster up your fearless poise in standing strong, while sharing your intelligence with the world. (Cib is the Mayan name for the Warrior Seal).
    A warrior is the last to take up his weapons. He rather prefers to solve friction by making people understand, as an ambassador for peace,
    representing his tribe, traveling between settlements and responsible for holding the inheritence of wisdom left behind by the tribal ancestors.
    Warriors were raised from a young age, performing this task. I've gone quite a lot into this archetype, for the name of my business is Oranda.
    That's the name the North American Indians gave to this quality of living and the moral stance of warriors in their culture.

    I chose this name, for I've traveled back in my past and along the paths of my ancestors, finding much of the origin of programs imprinted in my DNA.
    They'r  mostly blessings in disguise, if you know what I mean. The convictions in ways of looking at life, the foibles in one's family that stand out most,
    are the ones we often have to deal with ourselves. As long as my 8 brothers and sisters run from that truth, for which they're free to do as they like,
    I only can have a superficial relationship with them, talking about mundane subjects and the glorious new kitchen, just arrived. This is my mind talking Wink

    It's all part of the warriors path: I'm aware of my impatience in accepting that reality, the mundanity of it, as fact, for this is the obstacle for them to
    be at ease with me. All the time they feel as if I want them to disappear in rabbit holes of grand labyrinths of issues. I can see the impasse, in my being incapable to step into their world of experience and their being incapable to step into mine. In the end it's up to me, when and how I open up to them and accept them for who they are, with all that's raising the hairs on my ears and toes now. This is my challenge in life, for I mistakenly decided to have everyone on my side, in order to be declared a saint, or at least a member of the global family, feeling welcomed. The truth of this wayshower is, that I myself may create a welcome inside, for myself. The mirror is very clear, now.

    I'm at a point where my mind needs to stop meddling with what my heart knows what to do and I'm getting there. That's a relief. Well, I'm far off topic, or so it seems. But this journey of mine is truly a warrior's path and I thought it's always helpful to give an example. In the right way here, I hope?

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Beren wrote:He might just zapp them with the ubiquitous disco revisited compilation heavily-synthesized with Daft Punk melodies harder better and whatever...


    Instead of daft zapping, how about this, Beren?

    Ganesh Mantra - Obstacle Breaker
    This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and astral bodies are released.

    ................................................. Brook

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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Beren Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:56 am

    Well TRANCOSO Very Happy
    I trust you know what you`re dealing with...


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  Beren Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:59 am

    Thank you B.B.Baghor for continually following your own soul wherever it takes you.
    We are all one in this high soul- in God so that means who ever is following their soul is acting in a space of Love thus acting as my friend.


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    My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians - Page 3 Empty Re: My Problem With Bill Ryan and his Avalonians

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:44 am

    Beren wrote:Well TRANCOSO  Very Happy
    I trust you know what you`re dealing with...

    Hey, they don't call me LORD 'Know-It-All' TRANCOSO for nothing, Beren!

    Whistle  TRANC Whistle

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