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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"


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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  gscraig Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:03 am

    I decided to create an independent thread of this from the "Meanwhile at Avalon" thread. So that hopefully more of us can take note.

    Hello All,

    Wanted to pop in and add to the "Bill" issues. I came across this visiting Avalon and it rubbed me as quite irresponsible.
    This was Bills response to someone clarifying that there will be no Doomsday on 12/21/2012.

    At the end of this, I have added more of my concern with Bills comment/tone.

    1. I for one cannot wait until 1 January, 2013: because that's when we'll all be able to get focused on what's REALLY happening. (And it will all probably be fairly obvious by then.)

    '2012', 'Ascension', being rescued by the 'Galactic Federation of Light' (or anyone else) - are 100% certainly well-engineered distractions. You have no idea how much the insiders laugh at people who take this nonsense seriously.

    I mean that. Since August I've been in many hours of conversations with a very good man on the 'inside' who has made it absolutely crystal clear that these are all devices which we're collectively dumb enough to fall for. We're all jerked around like puppets - all the time.

    They play games, which are never-ending. I was told, clearly and strongly: "They're f***ing with you, Bill." (Referring to the way that merry rings are run around the New Age movement, and have been for a long while.)

    The real story is far, far darker. There is hope - but only if we wise up and separate out the reality from the fiction.

    The technology they have to mess with our minds and beliefs is more effective than we ever would want to believe.

    My thanks to The One for laying out so clearly what the Mayans really did say.

    For starters Bill, in these serious times, I find it unacceptable that anyone is laughing at how people are reacting or handling inaccurate information. What's really NOT funny is how WE ALL have fell for some hoax at one time or another, which is why we are in the situation we are in now..Including those laughing. Now, this is the micro of the macro issue at hand...People that are in the know, or claim that they are in know, acting like the priviledged few taking it upon themselves to laugh at those who are simply trying to understand or connect the dots to a feeling burning within them.

    This is the reason I had created on your site, themistsofavalon, (and apparently sprouting on other forums) the Earth Updates thread, so that the people can collectively gather and separate the facts from fiction to create a more clear picture.
    Now, it doesn't help when YOU decide to make appalling statements such as..."what's REALLY happening". It's appalling, because you clearly know what's REALLY happening...So truth bringer, expose and share the truth which is Project Camelots original premise. Let's begin with your statement, shall we? What's REALLY happening? Now, if you choose not to answer the question, you and every one of these insiders that know an insider who knows what's REALLY happening on the inside need to (to be brutally honest here) shut your mouths! Nothing is funny. Slavery and Deception is not funny, no matter what it causes some of us to do.

    Now, tell that to the laughing insiders you know, and to those whom known things for decades, and to this date have not been able to organize a successful effort to communicate and create a TRUE movement amongst the populace. Aside from their book deals, and internet subscriptions. Camelot, ATS, PrisonPlanet, Deagle, etc...All of you are becoming that which is similar to political talking heads for that divisive hoax called Democrat, Republican, and now Tea Parties. All of these fail because they are fragmented by there passion to divide opposed to supporting that which the human species have in common and will embrace. Therefore they fail and have limited power and influence. Once you all organize, despite your disagreements, your numbers will grow, your power will grow, the pressure will grow. This is how peaceful revolutions are born. If personal agendas or sponsorship is preventing this, then everyone reading this please take note who your false prophets are.

    Now Bill, I realize you and others are and MAY have made sacrifices, but i will not afford you any excuses for poorly handled situations or communications. In my opinion, Project Camelot confuses people more than most of these "exposure/disclosure" sites, because as your disclaimer states...You do not necessarily agree with all the information and interviewees you interview. Okay, fair enough, it is good to give everyone an equal opportunity to assimilate the info as they choose, but it is also in a round about way, better serving those who like to "F**k with us, no?...Is that funny, Bill?


    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:28 am

    It makes you wonder how little regard Bill has for his fellow man and forum members when he is hidding for himself the information that will assist people to awake. It is all very well for him to be supported by the people that donate but it is not ok for him to keep the information he has acquired thanks to those donations and the popularity given to him by the members of his forum. It is rather elitist IMHO

    Shocked Mad Annoyed Hmmm

    Thanks for the thread Flowers

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Raven Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:01 pm

    Start at 6:53 in the video, this is where it gets interesting. Draw your own conclusions.


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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Raven Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:11 pm

    1. I for one cannot wait until 1 January, 2013: because that's when we'll all be able to get focused on what's REALLY happening. (And it will all probably be fairly obvious by then.)

    Indeed it will be obvious to those who need proof without faith, including Bill Ryan and most of the illuminati. They know what is comming, which is why they have created deep bunkers in the earth to hide themselves from it, their days of power are numbered and they knew it would be. This is prophecied:

    <blockquote class="templatequote"> And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4 Micah 4:3 KJV</blockquote>
    This is a spiritual war indeed but fought inside ourselves, a personal armegeddon if you will, the dissolution of our false self and the discovery of our true self. The illuminati is an exterior version acting out this 'war' upon the populous instilling fear because they don't want you to know the truth, which they have carefully hidden for centurys. If your wasting your time following all the BS leads they give you about what is really going on and not attacking your own 'devils, demons, false ideas' of yourself, then they have achieved their goals. They truely are the magicians best at sleight of hand tricks. The illuminati are worshiping the false image of the self.

    '2012', 'Ascension', being rescued by the 'Galactic Federation of Light' (or anyone else) - are 100% certainly well-engineered distractions. You have no idea how much the insiders laugh at people who take this nonsense seriously.

    Not an ascension but a descension of our future selves, call it a self invasion in proper terms. The Elite Insider thread discusses much of the reasons why they dis-inform you, and truthfully, they don't have all the answers, their information is incomplete.

    I mean that. Since August I've been in many hours of conversations with a very good man on the 'inside' who has made it absolutely crystal clear that these are all devices which we're collectively dumb enough to fall for. We're all jerked around like puppets - all the time.

    And how exactly does one get into a conversation with an 'insider' without being one?? Yes, Bill is one of their puppets jerking many around, he is fulfilling his dutys.

    They play games, which are never-ending. I was told, clearly and strongly: "They're f***ing with you, Bill." (Referring to the way that merry rings are run around the New Age movement, and have been for a long while.)

    Look in the mirror Bill, who is f**ing with who??

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwxHI_8lpkFI5G-UWiR7qLC8DN21DDX_g3_C27WSB5VZHLcmY&t=1&usg=__l2FCBIRInTrj3w0FSc4gGow4G8U=

    The real story is far, far darker. There is hope - but only if we wise up and separate out the reality from the fiction.

    Dark yes, but not in how they wish you to perceive it. Their version is a complete fear tactic the real truth of the 'matter' is much deeper and not scary at all. Science gives us many answers here if one is willing to look.

    There is hope - but only if we wise up and separate out the reality from the fiction. Indeed, see how they like to throw the truth in your face, but never give you any answers?

    The technology they have to mess with our minds and beliefs is more effective than we ever would want to believe.

    Another HUGE misleading fear tactic, but many fall for this trap too, even deluding themselves into believing they have been victims of its crimes. The so called technology they employ is to pit you against yourself and others in believing that there is some nasty exterior evil with which you can fight and hopefully one day defeat. Just look at all the external wars, including the ones we are in now if you don't believe me.

    My thanks to The One for laying out so clearly what the Mayans really did say.

    He knows of the ONE but does he really know who it is?? I doubt very much if Bill knows himself all that well, he like many others in the 'darkness' have only been chasing shadows. Illumination is the key and the illuminati know this too, which is why they so carefully distract you and convince you that this is somehow an external war, its not....

    The One is in the Many and the Many are in the One. This is deep so think about it.

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:46 pm

    Raven said
    And how exactly does one get into a conversation with an 'insider' without being one?? Yes, Bill is one of their puppets jerking many around, he is fulfilling his dutys.

    The technology they have to mess with our minds and beliefs is more effective than we ever would want to believe.

    Another HUGE misleading fear tactic, but many fall for this trap too, even deluding themselves into believing they have been victims of its crimes. The so called technology they employ is to pit you against yourself and others in believing that there is some nasty exterior evil with which you can fight and hopefully one day defeat. Just look at all the external wars, including the ones we are in now if you don't believe me.

    Very good points Raven, thanks

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:23 pm

    Raven wrote:Start at 6:53 in the video, this is where it gets interesting. Draw your own conclusions.

    Awesome Thubs Up Thubs Up Thubs Up

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Carol Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:27 pm

    This is really excellent and far more worth while giving attention to rather then BR.

    Dunvalo Melchizedek gives us the Mayan view of the events surrounding 2012.

    This is the full-length video and excellent and also goes into how to survive 2012.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:53 am

    Great thread !
    excellent videos . It's good to see videos that connect the dots . Leo Zagami recently claimed to be Jesus . I think he is gone nuts .

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:10 am

    Raven wrote:Start at 6:53 in the video, this is where it gets interesting. Draw your own conclusions.
    These 'secret' Masonic handsignals are becoming such common knowledge, that any Mason with more than 3 working braincells would avoid using them at any public appierance which are filmed or on camera. So those who do use them are sort of 'showing off their stupidity'.

    can keep
    a Secret when
    are Dead

    (Loved the last 20 seconds of the video, with one of my alltime 'heroes' Bruce "be like water, my friend" Lee.)


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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  viking Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:44 am

    Ok I am going to post this on AV2!!

    Pop over if you wish!!


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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:59 am

    viking wrote:Ok I am going to post this on AV2!!

    Pop over if you wish!!

    I did & just saw it appear at 'Todays posts'.

    Respect, Viking!

    Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up Double Thumbs Up

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Carol Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:06 am

    I think we should start a pool as to how long it will stay up. I say.. by November 1st it will be deleted - maybe as early as today.

    This is far more controversial then my wee thread they deleted about admins/mods lack of accountability months back. Ater all - craig is identifying that Emperor Bill is bare a-ss naked before his cult followers.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:10 am

    viking wrote:Ok I am going to post this on AV2!!

    Pop over if you wish!!

    cheers Double Thumbs Up Hugs

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:24 am

    viking wrote:Ok I am going to post this on AV2!!

    Pop over if you wish!!

    By the way Viking, what's this 'Thanks 7' / Thanked 27 times in 16 posts', at the bottom of your 'avatar part'?

    Are they holding some sort of 'Popularity Contest' at PA2?

    LORD 'Thank You' TRANCOSO

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  sabina Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:17 am

    I didn`t find anything on AV2 only vikings post about billy meier.
    All the best Sabina

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:20 am

    sabina wrote:I didn`t find anything on AV2 only vikings post about billy meier.
    All the best Sabina

    It is because if in the off topic section, here is the link

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:25 am

    At PROJECT AVALON's 'Message for Bill' thread, good old 'Celine' posted:
    Well is ...members.. at Mists of Avalon are going to feel safe there dissing Bill and insulting PA.... just wondered how it would fare here...

    scratch Question Crybaby Question Lmao Question No No Exclamation Flowers Exclamation Lmfao

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:30 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:At PROJECT AVALON's 'Message for Bill' thread, good old 'Celine' posted:
    Well is ...members.. at Mists of Avalon are going to feel safe there dissing Bill and insulting PA.... just wondered how it would fare here...

    scratch Question Crybaby Question Lmao Question No No Exclamation Flowers Exclamation Lmfao

    Perhaps PA2 has got so boring that they have to insult us to generate excitement? Didn't see much happening there Lmfao

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:34 am

    Andromeda wrote:
    sabina wrote:I didn`t find anything on AV2 only vikings post about billy meier.
    All the best Sabina

    It is because if in the off topic section, here is the link
    Thanx for nothing, Bill!

    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:45 am

    This man also says that Icke, Bill and Kerry are masons and conected to the US goverment. I don't know but it is worth a look. He has others vieos about Icke and the wife

    I also found this one, and I wonder whether this is the biggest "secret" and the real reason why the said that Arthur Newman became a "troubled man". After all Avalon and Camelot have always been about scaremongering

    I listened to project camelot "urgent" interview of dill beagle yesterday and he said that his "insiders" have said that a CME was coming and it was going to affect Africa and create black outs there...where these people get their info honestly, they don't even bother to visit space weather Lmfao

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Carol Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:46 pm

    Art Neumann became a trouble man after he came down with an autoimmune disorder and fibromyalgia. He was in so much pain he couldn't work and then things went south from there. One thing that struck me is how these people are so well taken care of while employed where they do very little for themselves (like fix a meal) so they can put all of their attention on their work. Pain meds tends to destroy people if they use them as a crutch and that is where the real trouble begins. Yet, I suspect more was involved. When one is under the influence of mind altering drugs one is also vulnerable to negative entities taking over and having negative influences on one's personality.

    I thought the man a big baby with regard to his behavior on a number of levels and thought if this is who is representing us to aliens then heaven help us.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  eMonkey Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:25 pm

    I have nothing against Art Neumann, but he seemed very timid when I saw him.
    This was at the GroundCrew meeting in Amsterdam, August 09.

    He did not mix well with the crowd and his wife was clinging to his side all the time when he was not on stage. In fact they kept very much to themselves. Even if I had some questions for him, I am not sure I could have got past his wife.

    I sure would liked to have talked to him though.

    At some level, I am sure I have some empathic abilities (no doubt hightened by my recent Ayahuasca ceremony), which leads me on to "BR", I will repeat (in slightly different words) what I have said earlier, I did not get a warm fuzzy feeling from him.


    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:29 pm

    I seems that this is the best BR can do

    1) I have been given some important information, but I don't understand it well enough yet to present it in any workable fashion. The entire big picture is extremely complex (and dark) - more so than I had thought. There are some major twists in the story.

    In the meantime, my contact - one of the bravest people I've ever not met, although I felt I got to know him very well in ten hours of conversation - has sacrificed literally almost everything to inform me about what he knows.

    He's shown more courage than anyone I've ever met, on the inside or on the 'outside', including Kerry, myself, and every other whistleblower either of us have ever talked with. He and I have learned a lot from one another, and this is a story that will be told later.

    I can also tell you that I never once heard him laughing at anyone. But he did tell me how much the people he worked for laughed at us all. I fully believed him.

    I've deposited detailed summaries of what I've been told with a number of other people, and this will be released in full all over the internet if anything happens to me.

    Annoyed Lmfao Lmfao Lmfao

    Honestly, the BS the people like BR post to keep his following, worse than a cheap soap opera yuck...if I was a betting woman I'll bet he knows nothing which is the reason he is telling nothing. If the news were so crucial to the survival of the human race and the events so inminent only a callous man will keep them to himself

    Appart from being ruled by aliens that want to eat us, the incoming earth changes, the death of the dollar etc, etc, etc, anything new to tell Bill? no...why does that does not surprise me really... Heh heh Lmao Lmao people like you can scare us only so much until we get goes on beautifully without scaremongers

    PS link to Bill's answer

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  Raven Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:16 pm

    Thanks for the update Andromeda. I cannot read the post at PA2, since it is in a forum accessable only to members ie: the chosen 'elite'. Wondering if this entire thread was re-posted over there or not or just gscraigs assessment? Good find on the videos too, thanks again, Raven

    P.S. this is a curious statement he makes
    I've deposited detailed summaries of what I've been told with a number of other people, and this will be released in full all over the internet if anything happens to me.

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    A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders" Empty Re: A mesage to BIll Ryan and other "Insiders"

    Post  burgundia Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:43 pm

    I also have some extremely important information which I know is true. It was delivered to me by a person who is honest and trustworthy. It will blow your mind when you read it. However I have to take all the necessary precautions before I reveal it since a lot of lives maybe in danger. And I have to do it in a timely manner, always at midnight. When the clock strikes 12 times i will have to run as they may get me.... Huge Grin Lmfao Lmfao

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