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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  eMonkey Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:35 pm

    mudra wrote:I love it you call Siri Obiwan eMonkey
    Thank you for the smile this brings in my heart I love you 

    Love from me

    I should really say "Master Kenobi" Luke
    Smile away Sister Wink


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:43 am

    magamud wrote:You cant be binary with extraterrestrials Floyd.  They exist or they don't.  Thats ridiculous right?  There is enough proof to at least extrapolate what our relationship to it can be.

    We have mythologies of antiquity for every culture.  

    "Ancient relics of a primitive religion."
    Your not identifying our relationship to Myth, to theGods and extraterrestrials, an evolved position, less allowing someone to do so or be free and on their way...  So your trying to throw it all out, imprison it and lock it up in solitary confinement.  Well that will be the next Religion for the next millenia to answer your question.  

    "Perhaps if Planet X"
    You dont even want to be concerned that we could be wiped out by a Foreign Body?  Even though there is numerous text of antiquity reporting a cycle and planets being pounded by asteroids everywhere and no less next to the Kuniper belt.  Is it not strange that this Planet is not bombarded by asteroids?  Earth is the only pristine balance that can hold life.

    "In the meantime."
    Your pissed that we cant even stop the wars or feed our people and people are watching mork and mindy.  I get it...

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 S0zl2


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:11 pm

    Well here is some more far out tidbits from the home front. We have friends visiting. My friend knew a number of folks who were involved in time travel and the whole UFO stuff... and she is exceptionally gifted with skills... so yesterday she starts walking around the property locating the vortexes on it to close them up. Some of which were from some other planetary types along with inter dimensional. We had 5 of them here, two of which were not a surprise. Our spirits our inter-dimensional.... oh well.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:15 am

    eMonkey, this an interesting thread you have started. I would be interested in hearing more about your thoughts about Sitchin, Icke and the likes being part of a psy ops gig. I would go much further than this and say that the whole alienist religion has been engineered lock stock and barrel. Although these days it has a mind of its own and is often big business.

    If you look at the development of alienism as a religion from the 1930's (although it did  have its prototypes before the alien pop culture meme existed) with the writings of American fascist William Dudley Pelley, then through his prodigy George Hunt Williamson, you can see it transform into the post World War 2 pop UFO culture promoted by individuals who combined alleged visits with aliens with their own religious schools.

    Adamski, Pelley, Williamson and others all had a mystical/esoteric element to their stories with actual religious doctrine and membership. Of course there are countless UFO alien cults that exist today each with their own prophet and particular set of aliens. Like any religion there are sects that often fight among themselves for the holy rights and exclusivity of truth.
    You may factor the Urantia cult into that story. Although many alienists get hot under the collar with this issue, up to the point of denial  in some cases it is sad to say, a common denominator in the thought of some alienist propagandists is the philosophy of racial purity, sterilisation and eugenics. Of course Europe had its instigators too in the form of George King and that Swiss fellow who introduced us to his forged religious epic advising us to sterilise homosexuals among other things. The Raelian movement has continued a theme of alien genetics inspired by Sitchins awful science. Lets face it, he didn't really believe in that crap did he?
    Look then to other instigators and fabricators like L Ron Hubbard's science fiction merging pop sci culture with the occult. In many ways, Americans were ripe for the taking in the 50's.

    In these times, just take a look at any number of Project Camelot videos to see how hideous fear mongers, prophetic failures and folk of dubious nature like George Green are promoted. Of course there are always the farces created by the likes of Hoagland et al that brings the new religion up to date via its new audience, the internet and conspiracy forums. Alienism is not a conspiracy, it is a new religious movement.

    There is no difference to me between a Christian an alienist or a Muslim or Jew. They are all religions with their own particular set of doctrines archetypes, dogmas, prophets and religious experiences. If a christian tells me they have seen an angel it doesn't mean they exist. The prophets of alienism have been particularly exposed, not only because of their repeated failures and dubious agendas but also because it is the 'newest' of all religions and therefore its history is easy to trace. Some of its proponents try to get around this with the 'ancient alien theories' that abound in pop culture but that particular form of pseudo science has no evidence to support it. I admit humans do have a very vivid imagination and can create amazing myths and religions to alleviate their existential dilema. Defenders of the alienist faith I have noted can be very aggresive at times. But many who think their religion is the true religion get entrenched in such patterns. The history of alienism is intertwined with extremist views and philosophies. It would be difficult to be truly free whilst subscribing to any religion, faith or utopian political ideology in particular.

    It surely is an attractive idea to some but has a long way to go before it supersedes any mainstream religion. Don't forget though, even Mormonism has a sci fi element to it in the Planet Kolob where men can become as Gods.

    Why then, would such a new religion be fabricated? Control? Deception? To cover up government technology? I doubt there will be any disclosure as there is nothing to disclose apart from a huge lie. One of things that appalled me the most in recent times was Blossom Goodchilds prophecy that a one mile spaceship would appear and to see many folk hanging on her every word. I would suggest that the alienist/new age religion of ascension is part of this entire fabrication. But lets face it shes not the only one leading people on a merry dance of deceit.  To hold so many and mold them like putty in their hands. This is the nature of religion, power and control. No matter what variety it comes in. When Planet X, and its lizards arrive and the spaceships land on a field just north of Watford I will eat my socks live on youtube.

    There is no doubt eMonkey, that the beginings of any religion are dubious not helped by them being lost in antiquity. Alienism however is much more traceable as no doubt you will find in your researches. Much of it is extremely ugly. Then again. Much of religion is an extremely ugly business.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:20 am

    There is no doubt eMonkey, that the beginings of any religion are dubious not helped by them being lost in antiquity. Alienism however is much more traceable as no doubt you will find in your researches. Much of it is extremely ugly. Then again. Much of religion is an extremely ugly business.

    Then why use one religious figure/scholar to explain away another?

    Brook wrote:Stitchen's work, fiction or not certainly somewhat flies in the face of Christian religion...and that is a fact.

    I will add this about Dr. Michael Heiser who perhaps might be a bit biased as his current job is working for a company who's "Mission" is to serve the church. I believe the Church recently came out of the closet so to speak and suggested the possibility of ET's?  Or am I mistaken?

    Michael Heiser also believes ET might be something much more sinister....

    Mike has taught over two dozen courses over the span of 15 years of undergraduate teaching. He is currently the Academic Editor at Logos Bible Software in Bellingham, WA. In 2007 the Pacific Northwest region of the Society of Biblical Literature awarded Mike its Regional Scholar award. You can learn more about Dr. Heiser by visiting his homepage or viewing his resume/CV.

    Logos Bible Software Mission:

    Our goal is to be the worldwide leader in electronic tools and resources for multilingual Bible study.

    Our mission is to serve the church.

    We believe that Bible study should be at the heart of the Christian life. It's our privilege to equip pastors, students, missionaries, teachers, and the church at large with tools that make Bible study easier and more accessible. It's our responsibility to ensure that the investment in technology we can afford to make, because we serve the western church, pays dividends for the whole world.

    Our hope is that as you learn more about Logos Bible Software you'll see it not only as the best Bible study tool anywhere, but also as a way to make Bible study resources more accessible to the church in developing countries.

    Home page:

    Mike Heiser is a scholar in the fields of biblical studies and the ancient Near East. He is the Academic Editor of Logos Bible Software. Mike earned the M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004. He has also earned an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania (major fields: Ancient Israel and Egyptology).

    Mike's main research interests are Israelite religion (especially Israel’s divine council), biblical theology, ancient Near Eastern religion, biblical & ancient Semitic languages, and ancient Jewish binitarian monotheism. He maintains three blogs: The Naked Bible (biblical studies), PaleoBabble (weird beliefs about antiquity), and UFO Religions (how belief in ETs intersects with religion). He teaches ancient languages online at MEMRA. For more information, see his FAQ and CV.

    The Facade: Special Edition

    Mike is also well known as the author of his supernatural thriller, The Facade. Mike blends academic biblical scholarship and his knowledge of the ancient world, alternative spiritualities, and the paranormal in The Facade to create an enthralling read.

    As readers of the The Facade already know, one of its plotlines concerns how a genuine ET reality would affect the traditional Judeo-Christian faith and worldview. Another utilizes Mike's academic specialty, the divine council, when the story's characters are confronted with a different question: what if what everyone thought was extraterrestrial is something else much more sinister.

    The divine council...


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:55 am

    Notes on the Underworld and Inana's descent:

    Not only will you find a shape shifting man to will find how they followed her to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba.

    Great Apple tree? As in Adam and Eve? How could that be? ....Simply whoa!!!!!!!!!

    348-353. They followed her to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba. There was Dumuzid clothed in a magnificent garment and seated magnificently on a throne. The demons seized him there by his thighs. The seven of them poured the milk from his churns. The seven of them shook their heads like ……. They would not let the shepherd play the pipe and flute before her (?).

    Dumuzid let out a wail and wept. The lad raised his hands to heaven, to Utu: "Utu, you are my brother-in-law. I am your relation by marriage. I brought butter to your mother's house. I brought milk to Ningal's house. Turn my hands into snake's hands and turn my feet into snake's feet, so I can escape my demons, let them not keep hold of me."

    376-383. Utu accepted his tears. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) Dumuzid's demons could not keep hold of him.} Utu turned Dumuzid's hands into snake's hands. He turned his feet into snake's feet. Dumuzid escaped his demons. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) Like a saĝkal snake he …….} They seized …….
    2 lines fragmentary Holy Inana …… her heart.

    384-393. Holy Inana wept bitterly for her husband.
    4 lines fragmentary She tore at her hair like esparto grass, she ripped it out like esparto grass. "You wives who lie in your men's embrace, where is my precious husband? You children who lie in your men's embrace, where is my precious child? Where is my man? Where ……? Where is my man? Where ……?"

    394-398. A fly spoke to holy Inana: "If I show you where your man is, what will be my reward?" Holy Inana answered the fly: "If you show me where my man is, I will give you this gift: I will cover ……."

    Inana's descent to the nether world

    I suppose it's all in the interpretation ....scratch 

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:22 pm


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:56 am

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Y3Yxr



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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:14 am

    Frankly Sitchin  cannot be taken seriously but I have a full understanding that some rely on him to prop up other theories.

    It doesn't really matter if Heiser is a Christian or not. Hes not the only person to take Sitchin the cleaners. It seems the only people who take him (Sitchin) seriously are alienists. It is easy to see why that is.  His (Heiser's) Christianity is his own problem. Does him being a Christian necessarily mean he has an agenda or lessen his ability in any way to successfuly tackle a charlatan? Perhaps he is more concerned about the bastardisation of his field of study by some ill informed autodidact who may indeed have an agenda of their own. Perhaps not acting individually but taking part in weaving a web of a greater lie...
    Non christians also have dismissed Sitchin's pseudo science. But  they presumably have an agenda like everybody else who does not recognise the validity of a monster planet and alien lizards. I suppose we are all working for the illuminati or something.

    If a Mormon successfully refutes the Jehovah Witness creationist theory it doesn't necessarily mean that such a successful refutation is invalid just because the refutation was carried out by a follower of another faith. They may actually be right. (Planet Kolob aside)

    I, as a liverpool fan may succesfully argue that Liverpool is in fact a greater and  more successful club than Manchester United, our rivals. They would not take kindly to this truth.Given my background as a Liverpool fan, this would not detract from the fact that such is the case and can be verified from other sources.
    Its no agenda. Its just the case. Its true.

    Defenders of Sitchin's story often fall back onto this alleged safety net claiming perhaps that Heiser has an agenda. The fact is, outside of Heiser's diligent refutation, there is still no evidence for Sitchins make believe history.   I do understand Hieser's Christianity does represent a little morsel of hope for those followers of Sitchins pseudo science. But thats about it.
    Its really not enough.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:21 am

    The principle Dr. Floyd, is we have antiquity and contemporary testimony of another paradigm influencing our society. Do you have any thoughts with this? Or does your disposition of, I will wait and see, before I start thinking on it, prove in this area too? Some might call that burying your head in the sand...

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:13 am

    Frankly Sitchin  cannot be taken seriously but I have a full understanding that some rely on him to prop up other theories.

    It doesn't really matter if Heiser is a Christian or not. Hes not the only person to take Sitchin the cleaners. It seems the only people who take him (Sitchin) seriously are alienists. It is easy to see why that is.  His (Heiser's) Christianity is his own problem. Does him being a Christian necessarily mean he has an agenda or lessen his ability in any way to successfuly tackle a charlatan?

    Well....yes it does.  Particularly if you've read his take on ET and Aliens....His quote:  " what if what everyone thought was extraterrestrial is something else much more sinister":

    The divine council...

    As readers of the The Facade already know, one of its plotlines concerns how a genuine ET reality would affect the traditional Judeo-Christian faith and worldview. Another utilizes Mike's academic specialty, the divine council, when the story's characters are confronted with a different question: what if what everyone thought was extraterrestrial is something else much more sinister.

    Floyd it's all in the Interpretation and translation of Sumerian language.  For that matter....the use of language in general.

    A great example is your misuse of the word  alienist.  As used in the context you wrote it one would presume you're referring to a religious cult of Alien followers/worshipers. But if you actually look the word up it means something quite different.

    A Freudian slip?


    From Medicine dot net:

    Alienist: French term for a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or another practitioner who cares for the mentally ill.


    Alienist is an archaic term for a psychiatrist or psychologist.

    Websters online:

    Definition of ALIENIST
    : psychiatrist
    Origin of ALIENIST
    French aliéniste, from aliéné insane, from Latin alienatus, past participle of alienare to estrange, from alienus
    First Known Use: 1864.

    Yet you've invented a whole new meaning in the use of the word.  Is it a valid use in the context you're using it?

    Is there such a meaning in the context you're using it?

    Well here you go....they use it in gaming they do for class level bonus and points.

    But you have single handedly invented a new meaning.

    Was Stitchen Bias as well?  I could not say as I've stated several times I've not really read his books or interpretations of Sumerian.

    So what about "bias"?

    Bias is an inclination of temperaments or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives in reference to objects, people, or groups. Anything biased generally is one-sided and therefore lacks a neutral point of view. Bias can come in many forms and is often considered to be synonymous with prejudice or bigotry.

    How about Cognitive Bias?

    A cognitive bias is a pattern of deviation in judgment, whereby inferences of other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical fashion. Individuals create their own “subjective social reality” from their perception of the input. An individual’s construction of social reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behavior in the social world. Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality

    Here's another word for you:  Heuristics.

    In psychology, heuristics are simple, efficient rules which people often use to form judgments and make decisions. They are mental shortcuts that usually involve focusing on one aspect of a complex problem and ignoring others.

    Now I've intentionally used the site YOU recommended via Mr. Heiser as it's a world renown source for Sumerian translation.  Could it be bias?  It's from Oxford University you know.

    Smack dab in the center of Oxford University is the Angelican Church  St Mary's.

    A brief History:

    And the Tracts for the Times

    The Oxford Movement:

    The Oxford Movement was a movement of High Church Anglicans, eventually developing into Anglo-Catholicism. The movement, whose members were often associated with the University of Oxford, argued for the reinstatement of lost Christian traditions of faith and their inclusion into Anglican liturgy and theology. They conceived of the Anglican Church as one of three branches of the Catholic Church.

    This Oxford site of interpretation has plenty that has not been decoded and translated.  Here is another interpretation for the word and use of "BARLEY" given by Oxford and reinterpreted by a mathematician on simple geometry.

    The technical term še “barley (figure)”, which a
    lso occurs in lines 16018 of Susa
    mathematical text no. 3, is a symmetrical figure surrounded by two quadrants.

    Nothing is set in stone and as I stated earlier it's all in the interpretation when it comes to Sumerian translations eh?

    So who are the Alienist followers of Stitchen that are deemed incorrect by those in the KNOW?  A group of Psychiatrists who follow Stitchen? And those in the KNOW....are they certain they got it right?  

    Misuse of words for interpretation of something you've really not thoroughly studied is probably not a good idea. Assuming isn't either.

    Last edited by Brook on Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:34 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Barley quote)

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:33 am

    Nice post Brook. I'm finding this dynamic very present today. There are a lot of lazy intellectuals not evolving with the times. And their using shock and awe tactics to cover it up. Glossing over objectivity, assuming platitudes that are no longer there. Manipulating their argument into some groupthink to make it so. Its a bad habit. And Whats sad to see is good people are falling for the traps. Thinking people are really objective, following the illusion of what pure science is supposed to be about. It's the foundations of a Technocracy were in and just another Con job to keep people herded.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:12 am

    magamud wrote:Nice post Brook.  I'm finding this dynamic very present today.  There are a lot of lazy intellectuals not evolving with the times.  And their using shock and awe tactics to cover it up.  Glossing over objectivity, assuming platitudes that are no longer there.  Manipulating their argument into some groupthink to make it so.  Its a bad habit.  And Whats sad to see is good people are falling for the traps.  Thinking people are really objective, following the illusion of what pure science is supposed to be about.  It's the foundations of a Technocracy were in and just another Con job to keep people herded.

    Thank you.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  devakas Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:47 pm

    O Slave, liberate yourself
    by Kabir

    English version by Sunil Uniyal
    Original Language Hindi

    O Slave, liberate yourself.

    Where are you, and where's your home,
    find it in your lifetime, man.

    If you fail to wake up now,
    you'll be helpless when the end comes.

    Says Kabir, listen, O wise one,
    the siege of Death is hard to withstand.


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:43 am

    Good Morning Brook 

    In all fairness I decided to look into Stitchin and the possibility that he is reporting fraudulent translation of Sumerian texts.  

    Because of one simple fact that I have to rely on the foremost authority of Translation from Oxford University that makes it somewhat difficult.  Noting that on several texts there is a leaning toward Biblical creation story and reference.  Again noting the closeness to the Adam and Eve of Inana and Dumuzid in the text from the Oxford site here:

    On the advise of Floyd I sought to find another besides  Heiser that could verify the fraudulent texts of Stitchin.  What I found was interesting to say the least.  Now if Floyd can produce a credible source besides Heiser I would be quite interested to see it in all sincerity.

    That would be somebody who is not relying on Heiser or his leanings toward smearing Stitchin with religious fervor or BIAS.

    What I did find was just about every source out there on the net at least relies on Heiser in some fashion or another.  

    The other thing I found were some who sought to defame Stitchin  as Illuminati.  Say what?  I kid you not.  In fact he's been reported as a full blown reptilian himself. Are you Sirius?  Check this out:

    Zecharia Sitchin was a fraud and a monster

    This is a message to all the fans of the Ancient Astronaut Theory about some very disturbing facts about Zecharia Sitchin, who is best known for his books about how an ET race called the Annunaki came from their planet Nibiru to Earth and created humans as a slave species to mine gold for them.
    I regret to inform you all that Sitchin was a fraud. And to make things even more creepy, he was both a member of the Illuminati and a shapeshifting reptoid! In David Icke’s 1999 documentary “Revelations of a Mother Goddess,” Ms. Arizona Wilder explained to Icke that Sitchin was a reptoid and he had the job of disinforming humanity. After Wilder told him this, Icke said that would explain why Sitchin warned him not to push the reptilian idea in his work. When Icke met Sitchin face to face way back in the day, Icke asked him why he never said anything about ancient Sumer’s numerous reptilian motifs in his books (such as the fact that the Annunaki were sometimes shown to be human while at other times were depicted as having reptilian or fish-like skin), and after Icke asked him this Sitchin warned him, “Don’t touch the reptoids Icke!” It wasn’t until Arizona Wilder exposed these facts that Icke found out why Sitchin said this. And by the way, the Annunaki were actually the reptoids, as Icke explains in his 1999 book “The Biggest Secret.”
    Further, Leo Zagami, an ex-Freemason, explained in the video that the Vatican played a big role in telling Sitchin what kind of disinformation to write. This only shows all the more that Sitchin truly is an Illuminati member since the Vatican is one of the most powerful division of the global New World Order spider web.

    I kid you NOT!

    In fact of you google Stitchin and Fraud that is the first article that pops up!  Next of course would be Heiser's site and leanings.  Then you can just search and find variable forms of one or both.  

    Until you get to page two.  where you will find defense of Stitchin by Lloyd Pye Here:

    Zecharia Sitchin was an author famous for "The Earth Chronicles" series of books about the writings of the ancient Sumerians (circa 5,000 years ago) as he interpreted them. He was one of perhaps 200 people in the world, if that many, who could translate cunieform, the language of the Sumerians. His work has been very influential on my own.

    A Message From Lloyd Pye

    Since the death of Zecharia Sitchin on Oct. 9, 2010, his critics have come out in droves on the internet to try to trash his work and his legacy. Because of my well-known regard for his work, which I heavily incorporated in Part IV of my book "Everything You Know Is Wrong," several people have asked me to come to Zecharia's defense now that he can no longer do it himself in the vigorous way he was known for. With that said, here is my nutshell defense of his work against any and all criticisms. It is simple and it is true. Please use it to respond to any critic you care to address:

    Anyone who says Zecharia Sitchin is a fraud or mistaken in his translations of Sumerian texts, or anything in that vein, is busily grinding a heavily worn axe. They base all of their complaints on the fact that in certain key areas of the Sumerian writings, he deviates markedly from the "classical" translations, the vast majority of which were completed before 1947, before the terms "UFO" or "alien" came into common usage.

    When the early translators came upon passages that could have been and should have been interpreted the way Sitchin interpreted them, they had no conceivable frame of reference for such terminology. Thus, they shoehorned it to fit into their own restricted world views, and because this nonsense was created by "experts" of that time, modern experts have inevitably been brainwashed by their education process to believe that no other translation is needed, much less preferable.

    This intellectual claptrap has become established as the "preferred" and "accepted" translations that critics claim Stichin should have respected and stuck with in the way they are obligated to do. Sitchin rightly jettisoned the nonsense and translated the texts more like they were actually written, calling an alien an alien, so to speak, and this gross offense to modern academic sensibilities is what classic scholars considera sacrilege to their mindset.

    I have no doubt that, in the fullness of time, historians will consider Zecharia Sitchin vastly more correct than any mainstream pundit in alive at this moment. Why? Because modern scholars endure years of intense training to consider the work of prior scholars sancrosanct, which turns out a virtual army of close-minded sycophants who, ultimately, will be dismissed as the laughable fools they are.

    That being laid on the table....If you continue on the search you find more of the same. He's either a fraud or he's not.  He's a reptiod or not.   But all the documentation I've seen thus far will rely on Heiser or this theory that he's Illuminati....or of course he is actually correct.

    So the balls in your court to show me someone else of credibility that can refute this translation of Stitchin that is not of course bias by a religious leaning of course.  Because most of the sources I found that would refute his claims did in fact have that religious leaning.

    I'll leave you with some more  Oxford Translations to mull over:

    An adab to Enlil for Šulgi (Šulgi G): c.
    Enlil, the eminent one, the sovereign lord, whose utterance is trustworthy; Nunamnir, the eternal shepherd of the Land, who hails from the great mountain; the great counsellor, the first and foremost in heaven and on earth, who is in control of all the divine powers; lord, who is imbued with great fearsomeness in accordance with his nobility, a perfected heavenly star, who takes good care of the primeval and choice divine powers, who alone is the lofty god; lord, life-giving light, who leads the people all over the world along one track; huge net spread over heaven and earth, rope stretched over all the lands! Who ever instructed Enlil, who ever rivalled him?

    A šir-namursaĝa to Ninsiana for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan A): c.
    As the lady, admired by the Land, the lone star, the Venus star, the lady elevated as high as the heaven, ascends above like a warrior, all the lands tremble before her ……. The faithful black-headed people bow to her. The young man traveling on the road directs himself by her. The oxen raise their heads in their yoke to her. { (2 mss. add:) The melody of the song of those tending the cattle resounds …… on the plain. The farmer …… the cattle …… their yoke in the Land. } With her the storehouses of the Land prosper.

    Enlil in the E-kur (Enlil A): c.4.05.1
    You, Enlil, are lord, god, king. You are a judge who makes decisions about heaven and earth. Your lofty word is as heavy as heaven, and there is no one who can lift it. The Anuna gods …… at your word. Your word is weighty in heaven, a foundation on the earth. In the heavens, it is a great ……, reaching up to the sky. On the earth it is a foundation which cannot be destroyed. When it relates to the heavens, it brings abundance: abundance will pour from the heavens. When it relates to the earth, it brings prosperity: the earth will produce prosperity. Your word means flax, your word means grain. Your word means the early flooding, the life of the lands. It makes the living creatures, the animals (?) which copulate and breathe joyfully in the greenery. You, Enlil, the good shepherd, know their ways (?). …… the sparkling stars.

    If a mathematician can find geometry in the use of the translation of Barley perhaps there's more to this Barley story than meets the eye?  The Lord God certainly has his hands in it for sure where the Texts are concerned.

    How grain came to Sumer: c.1.7.6
    Ninmada, the worshipper of An, replied to him: "Since our father has not given the command, since Enlil has not given the command, how can we go there to the mountain? How can we bring down the barley from its mountain? How can we introduce the innuḫa grain into Sumer? How can we make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley?"

    If the mountain won't come to Muhammad?

    If one cannot get one's own way, one must bow to the inevitable?

    How grain came to Sumer

    1-12. Men used to eat grass with their mouths like sheep. In those times, they did not know grain, barley or flax. An brought these down from the interior of heaven. Enlil lifted his gaze around as a stag lifts its horns when climbing the terraced …… hills. He looked southwards and saw the wide sea; he looked northwards and saw the mountain of aromatic cedars. Enlil piled up the barley, gave it to the mountain. He piled up the bounty of the Land, gave the innuḫa barley to the mountain. He closed off access to the wide-open hill. He …… its lock, which heaven and earth shut fast (?), its bolt, which …….

    13-20. Then Ninazu ……, and said to his brother Ninmada: "Let us go to the mountain, to the mountain where barley and flax grow; …… the rolling river, where the water wells up from the earth. Let us fetch the barley down from its mountain, let us introduce the innuḫa barley into Sumer. Let us make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley."

    21-27. Ninmada, the worshipper of An, replied to him: "Since our father has not given the command, since Enlil has not given the command, how can we go there to the mountain? How can we bring down the barley from its mountain? How can we introduce the innuḫa grain into Sumer? How can we make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley?"

    28-31. "Come, let us go to Utu of heaven, who as he lies there, as he lies there, sleeps a sound sleep, to the hero, the son of Ningal, who as he lies there sleeps a sound sleep." He raised his hands towards Utu of the seventy doors (?).

    32. Utu …… table (?) …….

    Ute of the Seventy doors?  Interesting.

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    Post  Brook Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:38 am

    Found this as well...Seven plays a prominent roll in Art and texts;

    In Sumerian art of the 2000's BCE, the hero-god Ninurta is represented overcoming a 7-headed serpent/dragon.  Here are a couple of ancient Sumerian depictions:

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Hy1

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Sumerian_7_headed_Serpent_2000sBCE

    Sumerian literature refers to the "7 gods who decide destinies." (e.g. Enlil and Ninlil, 1.2.1)
    The Sumerian goddess Inana "brandished the seven-headed šita weapon vigorously to her right and placed straps of lapis lazuli on her feet" (Inana and Ebiḫ: c.1.3.2). She also had a "girdle of the 7 divine powers" and "7 times 7 helpers" (Inana and Šu-kale-tuda: c.1.3.3) .
    The 7 Wise Beings of Ancient Sumer are the oldest surviving group of 7 wise men to be mentioned in world literature.  Other nations (e.g. Greece and India) would eventually copy the Sumerian idea of 7 sages, but would the names of the 7 men to people from their own traditions.

       "The Apkallu (Akkadian) or Abgal, (Sumerian) are seven Sumerian demigods said to have been created by the god Enki (Akkadian: Ea) to give civilization to mankind. They served as priests of Enki and as advisors or sages to the earliest "kings" or rulers of Sumeria before the flood. They are credited with giving mankind the Me (moral code), the crafts, and the arts. They were seen as fish-like men who emerged from the sweet water Apsu. They are commonly represented as having the lower torso of a fish, or dressed as a fish. They have also been depicted with wings, having either a human head or an eagle's head."  ( Carol Rose. Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns and Goblins. Norton, 1998. pp. 1-2, cited on; see also Oxford's Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature and do a key word search for Abgal or seven. )

    In the Sumerian Flood Story, the original and oldest flood story in world literature, the god-sent punitive flood sweeps over the land and waves and windstorms rock the ark/boat of Ziudsura/Ziusudra (the wise, righteous man who is warned and saved by the god Enki) for 7 days and 7 nights.

       "All the windstorms and gales arose together, and the flood swept over the ……. After the flood had swept over the land, and waves and windstorms had rocked the huge boat for seven days and seven nights, Utu the sun god came out, illuminating heaven and earth. Zi-ud-sura could drill an opening in the huge boat and the hero Utu entered the huge boat with his rays. Zi-ud-sura the king prostrated himself before Utu. The king sacrificed oxen and offered innumerable sheep." (Oxford's Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Flood Story, segment D, 1-11,

    When the Sumerian hero-king Gilgamesh faced the Bull of Heaven in battle, his weapon was an axe weighing 7 talents (or, elsewhere, "7 talents and 7 minas").  This should be compared with later Greek and Roman literature in which heroes have 7-fold weapons, e.g. the 7-fold shield of Ajax (Iliad 7), the 7-layer shield of Turnus (Aeneus' enemy in Vergil's Aeneid), the 7-layered oxhide gloves of the boxer Entellus (Aeneid 5).

       "Gilgamesh himself smote its skull with his axe weighing seven talents" (See Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven,; see also Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Nether World

       Homer's description of the shield of Ajax/Aias: "It was like a tower made of bronze, with seven layers, each one of ox-hide, a weapon made by Tychius, the best of leather workers, who lived in Hyle. He had made the glittering shield for Ajax from the hides
       of seven well-fed bulls." (Homer's Iliad, around 7.220, translated by Ian Johnston)

    In the Sumerian story The Marriage of Martu, "the seven ala drums resounded as strong men, girdled champions, entered the wrestling house to compete with each other for Numušda in the temple of Inab." (
    In How Grain Came to Sumer, a character refers to 70 doors of Utu in heaven.

       " 'Come, let us go to Utu of heaven, who as he lies there, as he lies there, sleeps a sound sleep, to the hero, the son of Ningal, who as he lies there sleeps a sound sleep.' He raised his hands towards Utu of the seventy doors."  (How grain came to Sumer,

    Ancient writers refer to the 7 heads of the Nile River in Egypt.  (e.g. Vergil Georgics 4.292)
    The 7 hills of Rome were famous in ancient tradition and literature.
    Greek traditions spoke of the 7 Sages of Hellas, the 7 Wise Men of Greece.

       (Socrates speaking) "Among these were Thales of Miletus, and Pittacus of Mytilene, and Bias of Priene, and our own Solon, and Cleobulus of Lindus, and Myson of Chenae, and the seventh of them was said to be Chilon of Sparta. They all emulated and admired and were students of Spartan education, could tell their wisdom was of this sort by the brief but memorable remarks they each uttered when they met and jointly the first fruits of their wisdom to Apollo in his shrine at Delphi, writing what is on every man's lips:  'Know thyself,' and 'Nothing in excess.'   Why do I say this? Because this was the manner of philosophy among the ancients, a kind of Laconic brevity." (Plato's  Protagoras  342e-343b, translated by R.E. Allen)
       The ancient writer Diogenes Laertius says that there were sometimes variations in some people's lists of the 7 (Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers 1.13).  It is interesting to note that there is also some slight variation among Christian lists of the 12 disciples.  In each case, however, the special number remains unchanged.

    7 moving bodies in the sky (to the unaided ancient eye): Astrologers/Astronomers also noticed that there were 7 bodies in the sky that wandered, unlike the stars, which always remained fixed relative to one another. Because the sun and moon obviously affected life on earth, over time astrologers developed the idea that the 7 wanderers (planets)(the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) were moving in 7 spheres that affected all life beneath them.
    7 days per lunar phase: Given the appearance of 7 moving powers in the sky, the ancient Mesopotamians divided each lunation (month <-- moon) into 4 weeks/phases of 7 days. Each of the 7 days was named for one of the 7 planets (ex. Sunday, or Monday = Moonday).

    Due to the 7 planets, some cultures developed the idea that there were 7 heavens, 7 spheres, 7 levels to the sky, or even 7 levels of existence.

    The Pleiades, the seven sisters, were an important constellation in ancient times (see also Job 38:31-33) and appear in the mythology of all races, and the constellation of the Great Bear also contains seven stars. The importance of both constellations and the number seven probably stretches back into prehistoric times.

    Seven seems to be a prominent number in Ancient lore.

    Seven is also the number of several constellations.  Seven sisters?

    Then of course there is the seven headed serpent of the stars...sorry for the huge link...Rolling Eyes 

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Hy1

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Sumerian_7_headed_Serpent_2000sBCE

    Written by Gerald Massey who (29 May 1828 – 29 October 1907) was an English poet and self-educated Egyptologist. He was born near Tring, Hertfordshire in England

    And Claimed parallels between Horus and Jesus

    His work, which draws comparisons between the Judeo-Christian religion and the Egyptian religion, is not considered significant in the field of modern Egyptology and is not mentioned in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt or similar reference works of modern Egyptology

    Some who are into numbers particularly that of seven might take note of the date Massey died and say fate plays funny tricks...  scratch

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    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:55 am

    Oannes - The (Anunnaki) Fish People

    According to Berosus, there appeared in the Erythraean Sea -- the modern Persian Gulf -- bordering on Babylonia, an animal endowed with reason, whose name was Oannes or John, perhaps the Anu of the Assyrian inscriptions. By various writers, this creature was differently represented; but the usual appearance in which it was visible was in that of a fish, having beneath its fish's head a human head, and feet beneath like those of a man -- strongly reminding archaologists of the Mexican priests, who covered themselves with skins of wild beasts, and wore masks representing hideous forms.

    Alexander Polyhistor, from whom we derive a knowledge of this mysterious personage, on the prior authority of Berosus, says, that he used in the day time to converse with man, but never ate in common with them; that he communicated a knowledge of letters, sciences, and arts. He taught the art of building, the principles of architecture and geometry; he was also the first instructor in botany and agriculture. In fact, he was the universal teacher of all human learning; and at sunset, this being again plunged into the sea, and remained concealed from the eyes of men, until light again dawned on the world.

    Apollodorus identifies OANNES with the Greek OINAS, and the IONAS or JONAH of the Babylonians or Chaldees. He was also called ODACON, a corruption of ö Dagon, the God DAGON or the Sun-Fish. It has been supposed, also, that OANNES was the same as the Welsh Guoydion -- the son of Don or God. ANNEDOTUS (given by ANNA) was a name assigned to an early mystical benefactor -- in allusion to his descent from the celestial NUN or Fish -- (see NUN). ANA or DIANA signified Heaven, from the radical )n), I pray. Jonah the prophet, swallowed by the fish, likewise appeared at Nineveh; and traces continue at the present time in ancient Accadian mythology concerning this monster. At Kouyun Jik there was a colossal statue of the fish-god Oannes.

    Without expressing any opinion, the following may be quoted here from the Book of ENOCH (Vol. II, p. 154): 'The Masons hold their grand festival on the day of St. John, not knowing that therein they merely signify the fish-god Oannes, the first Hermes, and the first founder of the Mysteries; the first messenger to whom the Apocalypse was given, and whom they ignorantly confound with the fabulous author of the common Apocalypse. The sun is then (mid-summer day) in its greatest altitude; in this the NAROS is commemorated.' ..."
    -- Mackenzie, pp. 517-518.

    The 'Fish People'

    The Anunnaki Fish People (Male & Female)

    nb: In my next post I will tell about my 'dream-abduction' by these 'Fish People'

    pale Beer 

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    Post  Brook Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:11 pm

    Hmmm....I found a much better site for researching.

    A joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science  Recommended as well by Oxford University...much easier to access and read.

    While accessing some random translations I ran into this;

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 P272830

    And translations go as follows on the relief

    I will only post part the rest is here:

    (Property of) the palace of Ashurnasirpal, vice-regent of Aszszur, chosen of the gods Enlil and Ninurta, beloved of the gods Anu and Dagan, destructive weapon of the great gods, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta (II), great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Adad-nerari (II), great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, valiant man who acts with the suppor of Aszszur, his lord, and has no rival among the princes of the four quarters, marvelous shepherd,  fearless in battle, mighty flood-tide which has no opponent, the king who subdues those insubordinate to him, he who rules all peoples, strong male who treads
    upon the necks of his foes, trampler of all enemies, he who breaks up the forces of the rebellious, the king who acts with the support of the great gods, his lords, and has conquered all lands, over all the highlands   has gained dominion and received their tribute, capturer of hostages, he who is victorious over all countries; When Aszszur, the lord who called me by name (and) made my sovereignty supreme, placed his merciless weapon in my lordly arms, the extensive troops of the Lullumu I felled in battle. With the help of the gods Szamasz and Adad, the gods my supporters, the troops of the lands Nairi, the land Habhu, the land Szubaru, and the land Nibur, like the god Adad     the devastator, I thundered over them. The king who subdued (the territory stretching) from the opposite bank of the Tigris to Mount Lebanon and the Great Sea, the entire land Laqu (and) the land Suhu including the city Rapiqu.

        He conquered from the source of the river Subnat to the land Urartu. (The territory stretching) from the passes of mount Kirruri to the land Gilzanu, from the opposite bank of the Lower Zab to the city Til Bari which is upstream from the land Zaban, from the city Til-sza-Abtani to the city Til-sza-Zabdani, the cities of Hirimu, Harautu, (which are) fortresses of Karduniasz, I brought (those lands) within the boundaries of my land. I accounted (the people) from the passes of Moun Babitu to Mount Haszmar as people of my land. In the lands over which I gained dominion I always appointed my governors.

        They entered servitude. Ashurnasirpal, attentive prince, worshipper of the great gods, ferocious dragon, conqueror of cities and the entire highlands, king of lords, encircler of the obstanate, crowned with splendor, fearless in battle, merciless hero, he who stirs up strife, praiseworthy king, shepherd, protection of the (four) quarters, the king whose command disintegrates mountains

    Ferocious dragon whose command disintegrates mountains?  Really? That must be one hell of a weapon!

    Speaking of weapons and dragons....

    Another one to consider on the same page;

    Assyrian Black Stone Tablet/Fragment of a neo-Assyrian Stele

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 P272834

        [Shalmaneser], great# [king], mighty king, king of the world#,

        [king without rival], dragon#, weapon destroying#

        [...] of the Ekur, ensi of [...]

        [...] [who] all his enemies

        [like pots] he smashed (them).

        [Mighty (and) merciless male], who does [not] spare (the foe) in battle

        [...] his mighty weapons

        [...] in battle

        [...] of his enemies

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  mudra Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:39 pm

    Thank You Brook for your well documented posts.
    Well done on your research.


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:43 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:

    nb: In my next post I will tell about my 'dream-abduction' by these 'Fish People'

    pale Beer 

    Please go ahead TRAN.

    Love from me

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:52 pm

    The term alienist is my own one so please dont waste an afternoon of your life looking things up.
    I use it as a term for those who believe in aliens in some sort of religious manner. But as I say there are many ufo cults with religious beliefs.
    In the final analysis there is no scientific proof that we are the experiment of aliens.
    I am very happy for you to wish that was so. I can see people are passionate about it.

    I have never seen anything positive come out of the predictions of contactees or alien messages. Just rather rambling this that and the others.
    Frankly many of them are abusive and wiff of nazi like philosophy

    I wonder what the whole point of it is.
    But please do carry on.  I hope it fulfils your life.

    What bores me most about ufo cults and alienists is that they just rabbit on about nothing useful.
    Apart from the odd fictional planet.

    With that said I am happy to proven wrong. I do view planet x stuff as fear mongering fairy tale bullshit at it worse. Its wrong.

    I have time.  So do you Time will tell.
    What are your aliens going to do exactly?
    What prophecies do we have to await?

    Is anybody willing to answer that?

    Demons are the old aliens right?

    Just done in a new old fashined way?

    I wonder what the new archetype will be a thousand years from now
    There are activists carrying out good work around the world whilst people just harp on about aliens and effing Planet X. Are you suprised that people dont want to give this crap the time of day.
    Let them know how aliens are going to help. Or do you prefer to spend your hours endlessly talking about lizards from another mother?
    Good god.

    Last edited by Floyd on Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:28 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:14 pm

    "In the final analysis there is no scientific proof that we are the experiment of aliens."
    There is a preponderance of evidence in antiquity and present telling us of intervention.  Since your "proof" supposedly lays in a scientific method, that is presuming that another intelligence would not be able to hide from it.  

    "What are your aliens going to do exactly?"
    Imho they are subjecting the planet to mind control presently.

    "What prophecies do we have to await?"
    Your in it now.

    "Demons are the old aliens right?"
    Demons exist in the shadows and manipulate reality.  Much like our hidden govt.  Much like liars.  They use the same dynamics.

    This then becomes a race about awareness or an infowar.

    "There are activists carrying out good work around the world whilst people just harp on about aliens and effing Planet X"
    Why do you continue to discredit people working in Ufology as not having the means to do other activist work? Do you have the same attitude toward people of Faith?

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:48 pm

    The term and definition of Heuristics comes to mind. Not to worry yourself though it was a term I already knew. A quick link look up was all it took.

    Now the new site I found took much more time and effort. Suffice it to say, it was not for your benefit Floyd but the benefit of the OP and topic brought forward for further analysis.

    And thank you Mudra for the compliment.


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:38 pm

    What use are your aliens?
    What do they plan?
    Or do you not know this?
    I noticed you cared not for Nancy Lieder.
    Is there something that you know that somehow makes your experience more viable than Nancy's.
    You both believe in aliens and planet x.
    What is the quality that seperates you?

    Last edited by Floyd on Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 3 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:56 pm

    "What use are your aliens?"
    My aliens?  There yours too Floyd.  Or perhaps you think all our ancestors were spitting out Mumbo Jumbo? And current testimony is just delusional?
    Aliens is just another piece to the puzzle of awareness Floyd.  

    "What do they plan?"
    Well since so many can just out right deny it exists, its a safe bet that they plan to stay secret.

    "Or do you not know this?"
    Were working from incomplete information Floyd, since the alien agenda is to be kept secret.  So are you suggesting that if you do not "know" it does not exist?

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