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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:04 pm

    Beacause just like Nancy you post stuff about planet x and the catastrophic psycholgy that goes hand in hand with such crap.
    For me you are just as bad as eachother

    Would you put a date on it?
    Or are you happy just to be a bit wishy washy about it?
    Maybe you are going for Sitchins exact science?
    So to speak

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:35 pm

    Im not sure if I can make you think or feel on this Floyd, but its in dealing with Principalities. So all these people claiming its Zionism or the Communist or its Lizards or Nordics etc.. There getting an arm of the Octopus but not the head.

    As far as you asking for a date. I would compare it to your death. Do you know when your going to die? And some care not of it until the day comes. So this points back to thirsting for what truth is. What is life?

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:51 pm

    Floyd wrote:What use are your aliens?
    What do they plan?
    Or do you not know this?
    I noticed you cared not for Nancy Lieder.
    Is there something that you know that somehow makes your experience more viable than Nancy's.
    You both believe in aliens and planet x.
    What is the quality that seperates you?

    My aliens Floyd?  You are certainly reaching Floyd.

    No I did not care for her silly video response you posted.

    I never said I believed in Planet x.  What I did comment on was the find from a Scientific point of view.  Doubtful this is Nancy's Planet X:

    The quality that separates me from Nancy Lieder?  Come on Floyd are you Sirius?

    For me you are just as bad as eachother

    Misuse of words for interpretation of something you've really not thoroughly studied is probably not a good idea. Assuming isn't either.

    I have two family members; one is a Cat Named Sasha, the other a bull dog named Buster.  The last thing I would ever contemplate is euthanizing them for gods sake! That is only one of several "qualities" that separate me.

    heuristics are simple, efficient rules which people often use to form judgments and make decisions. They are mental shortcuts that usually involve focusing on one aspect of a complex problem and ignoring others.

    So now because I've made the case there might be something relevant to the subject you're going to judge me AGAIN Floyd?  Again.......Really? well as other members here who would believe in the possibility of Aliens and genetic engineering as a possibility?

    Got news for you Floyd there are plenty of sound minded people who think the subject of both are a mere possibility.  Ever heard of the Fermi Paradox Floyd? The Drake Equation?

    I won't even bother you with the genetic engineering that is going on today that an advanced civilization could have easily adopted.  Suffice it to say genetic programing is very feasible with computer language.  There are SCORES of papers written on the subject.

    I just knew you couldn't bring yourself to read them.  I'll give you a hint:  Zoo Hypothesis...Which is why I'll post this song once again lol! 

    Some academics speculate while other take it quite seriously Floyd.

    God forbid I point toward the possibility of the Matrix being a real possibility...Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by Brook on Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:43 pm


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:33 am

    Now back on topic if that's permissible.

    I'm still leaning on the theory and use of mind altering substance as I posted here:

    But the intriguing thing is how the rulers gained power and influence with Gods of Anu at the table.  Especially those that would claim "When Aszszur, the lord who called me by name (and) made my sovereignty supreme, placed his merciless weapon in my lordly arms"

    What do you suppose he meant by that?  Could be something quite simple or very complex in the meaning.

    They entered servitude. Ashurnasirpal, attentive prince, worshipper of the great gods, ferocious dragon, conqueror of cities and the entire highlands, king of lords, encircler of the obstanate, crowned with splendor, fearless in battle, merciless hero, he who stirs up strife, praiseworthy king, shepherd, protection of the (four) quarters, the king whose command disintegrates mountains

    Where did the concept of ferocious dragon come from in the first place?   Mind altering substances are a possibility?  

    And kings whose command disintegrates mountains?  While merciless weapons are placed in the lordly arms?  

    Then only weapons I'm aware of that can disintegrate mountains were invented in this day and age far from their time and place.  So what might that say?  Perhaps I'm reading too much into this but it's intriguing non the less.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  mudra Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:23 pm

    Interesting text on Dragon lore in Asia


    The sumerian tablets date back to aproximatively 1600 BC according to Wikipedia

    In the Dragon lore text above it is said that:

    In China, however, dragon lore existed independently for centuries before the introduction of Buddhism. Bronze and jade pieces from the Shang and Zhou dynasties (16th - 9th centuries BC) depict dragon-like creatures. wrote:

    but also, which I am finding interesting :

    Around 1,800 BC, the celestial indicator (the "pole star") was not the modern-day North Star (Polaris), but rather Thuban, a star in the constellation known as Draco or Dragon. Draco is the 8th largest of the conventional constellations curving from the "pointers" of the Dipper (Ursa Minor) to brilliant Vega. To the observer of today, there is no bright star in the configuration. Yet, the passages in the great pyramid at Gizeh (Egypt) once acted as channels for the light of the star that is called Thuban. It is now known that those pyramids were oriented to Orion and, at the time of the building of the Sphinx, to Leo. It has been demonstrated that Angkor Wat, the great Khmer (Cambodian) Buddhist shrine was built in alignment with this celestial formation. However, in 1,150 CE the constellation of the Dragon was upside down over the site's medieval buildings, but impressively, in the era of 10,500 BC, traces of the very earliest structures there mirrored the Dragon constellation exactly. The transition from one ruling celestial system to another is marked in the mythologies of the world by accounts of the overthrow of Titans (Greek) or Ashuras (Indian) by Gods or Devas. Naturally, this displacement had to be justified, and so the serpentine heavenly Mother, Tiamat of the early Mesopotamians, is considered by devotees of the newer deity, Marduk, as an evil draconian monster. The flying dragon whose abode is the heavens is universally recognized as a symbol of the Chinese culture and its people. Chinese refer to themselves as "Descendents of the Dragon." It is believed that on rare occasions dragons have the power to transform themselves into handsome humans who, male or female, can mate with people. For example, former Japanese Emperor Hirohito claimed descent from Princess Fruitful Jewel, daughter of a sea Dragon King. It is this belief that lies at the root of the dragon, which is often used in Asia as the crest or emblem of a royal house. wrote:

    Love Always

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:20 pm

    mudra wrote:
    TRANCOSO wrote:

    nb: In my next post I will tell about my 'dream-abduction' by these 'Fish People'

    pale Beer 
    Please go ahead TRAN.

    Love from me
    The Fish People

    One night, somewhere in the early 1990s, I ‘experienced’ an incredibly vivid, detailed  dream about the Fish Men – as I called them originally.

    When the dream started I’m alone on a beach, sun is shining and I feel totally at ease and happy,

    When I look in the direction of the sea, there suddenly appears to be a tall (8 ft) humanoid ‘person’ - a man, standing there - the waves halfway his waist.

    I walk towards him and notice his fish-shaped head.

    I feel completely at ease with this, and already sort of know what’s gonna happen next.

    I dive into a wave, and the next moment the Fish Man and me swim rapidly deeper and deeper into the ocean.

    I have not the slightest trouble to breath – and it feels as if I’ve already done this a hundred times before.

    When we arrive at what seems to be the bottom of the ocean,  I see the alighted contours of a large city.

    I follow the Fish Man into the city, where we enter a building, which I immediately associate with a jail – yet, I feel not the slightest fear.

    A door opens and my fishy companion points me into a waiting room-like space, where after he locks the door shut behind me.

    I take a seat at one of the chairs and look around me, seeing 5 or 6 ‘not-my-type-of-people’ earthlings.

    “Hi,” I say, but no one replies.

    Next I tell a very funny joke, but when nobody’s laughing I get agitated. That’s it, I’ve had enough of this and start to bang on the door, that unlocks and is opened by a Fish Man – but not the one who accompanied me into the city.

    “Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’m not gonna spend one more second in the same space with those people, so either you take me back to the surface or…”

    The other Fish Man arrives on the scene, asking me if I’m sure, and when I ‘roger’ that he sort of sighs, sounding irritated.

    What happens than is a bit foggy, but the next thing I clearly remember is me, swimming alongside a Fish Man.

    Halfway up to the surface, a bunch of dolphins appear who take over from the Fish Man & bring me back to the beach where my dream started.

    The twist is in the tail
    When I wake up the ‘dream’ doesn’t fade away – as dreams usually do, but manifests as a solid memory, with every detail crisp and clear as the stars in the eyes of a girl I once spend the night with.

    Later that day EVA, my nr. 1 soulmate calls me, telling me she had this extraordinary dream about Fish Men and a city deep underneath the ocean, where she was put in a sort of ‘waiting room’ in the company of horribly boring people.

    Now, I ask you…

    Hypnotize Beer

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  mudra Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:32 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:

    I follow the Fish Man into the city, where we enter a building, which I immediately associate with a jail – yet, I feel not the slightest fear.

    A door opens and my fishy companion points me into a waiting room-like space, where after he locks the door shut behind me.

    I take a seat at one of the chairs and look around me, seeing 5 or 6 ‘not-my-type-of-people’ earthlings.

    “Hi,” I say, but no one replies.

    Next I tell a very funny joke, but when nobody’s laughing I get agitated. That’s it, I’ve had enough of this and start to bang on the door, that unlocks and is opened by a Fish Man – but not the one who accompanied me into the city.

    “Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’m not gonna spend one more second in the same space with those people, so either you take me back to the surface or…”

    The other Fish Man arrives on the scene, asking me if I’m sure, and when I ‘roger’ that he sort of sighs, sounding irritated.

    What happens than is a bit foggy, but the next thing I clearly remember is me, swimming alongside a Fish Man.

    Halfway up to the surface, a bunch of dolphins appear who take over from the Fish Man & bring me back to the beach where my dream started.

    The twist is in the tail
    When I wake up the ‘dream’ doesn’t fade away – as dreams usually do, but manifests as a solid memory, with every detail crisp and clear as the stars in the eyes of a girl I once spend the night with.

    Later that day EVA, my nr. 1 soulmate calls me, telling me she had this extraordinary dream about Fish Men and a city deep underneath the ocean, where she was put in a sort of ‘waiting room’ in the company of horribly boring people.

    Now, I ask you…

    Hypnotize Beer
    "Those doing soul work, who want the searing truth more than solace or applause, know each other right away. Those who want something else turn and take a seat in another room. Soul-makers find each other’s company "

    Coleman Barks, “The Soul of Rumi”

    The Karen 

    Thank You TRAN for your enlightening experience

    Love from me

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:24 pm

    Back in times of old, abductions /traumas/ nightmares would have been told within
    the remit and the knowledge of creatures/demons that were available to their psyhce at that time. The archetypal egregore available to the current mythology.
    Just like today:-) I wonder how far back one can see the transition from demons to aliens. Did these reports of abduction start happening alongside the formation of ufo culture and alien religions in 50s america I wonder?

    Last edited by Floyd on Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:06 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Planet x hoax

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:45 am

    ....and what about all that nasty ultra conservative philosophy espoused by many alien cults and their "founders", ranging from sterilisation, to eugenics to racial purity. They all seem to be tea baggers or white supremacist militia these alien guys lol. Its interesting to see some alienists brush this aspect of their religion under the carpet or indeed totally ignore that it exists. But we have been down that road before on another thread and it was indeed interesting to see such protestation against the facts.

    There is not a sausage of evidence to back up Sitchin's hoax despite desperate attempts.     "Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?" asks the OP. Whilst there is no proof of this  we can still talk of an agenda by the alienists who fabricated it. Just what is their agenda exactly. No, not the agenda of the Anunaki but the agenda of hoaxers like Sitchen and other promoters of sci fi and alien myths.

    What I would say to the prophets of Planet x and their lizard gods is this. Take a long hard look at your self.  Whilst Lieder and other false prophets are in pretty bad taste at least they had the balls to give an exact date for its arrival and the alleged ensuing mess on this planet it would cause, according to them.
    I see plenty of folk posting various dribble about planet X without making any prediction of its arrival, the exact nature of its inhabitants and what effect such a planet would have on this one when it arrives. The main reason for that of course is that no such planet exists so its arrival is quite impossible to predict.  Nobody seems to have the balls to say anything prediction wise perhaps because they dont want to make themselves look ridiculous when it doesnt show up.

    So if you are an anxious teenager reading this at home kids or someone, older who has a penchant for catastrophic scenarios involving science fiction fear not. If its crap you want to read I would suggest Project Camelot or Project Avalon or indeed an entire host of similar sites spewing out fear and fairytale. Its all bullshit.  Not to say that this planet (a real one) does not face its own particular set of challenges and opportunities. :-). All of which we are invited to do something about.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:35 am

    Its ridiculous these tea baggin fascist aliens.  Who ever heard of such nonsense?  There is no proof of any of it!  Get back to reality folks and move along.  I have some tweeny comics if you want to live in fantasy land.  Grow up all of you!  Now get back to work and go to Camelot if you want to spout this dribble.  I agree with Floyd you have no balls if you dont give a date. And by the way how can you dare call yourself a tea bagger without any balls? Grow up...

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:40 am

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Reptil10


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:42 am

    What utter nonsense Floyd, you give it to them. Im not thinking twice on this garbage and get back to some real issues. Like the Koch brothers. Thanks for your help.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:49 am

    That website contains all kinds of information on stupid irrational claims.  My friend emailed this to me, I had to tell someone cause this is some major bs. Apparently It's all based on some lady Nancy Leiders' over active imagination. (which in turn is based on Sitchins comedy)

    Lieder states that she was chosen to warn mankind about Planet X, which would sweep through the solar system in May 2003, causing a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The pole shift would apparently be caused by magnetic attraction between the earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. This magnetic disruption of the Earth's core and subsequent displacement of the crust of the Earth is said to correspond with the event Christians refer to as the biblical Armageddon.

    Anyway since off course nothing happened in 2003. They pushed it to 2012 the end of the mayan calender, and now the hoax starts again. I guess people just really want there to be an end times, apocalypse, armageddon, ragnarok, etc etc..  The site says the only way to survive the coming destruction is to ascend to the 4th dimension. Sounds to me exactly like heavens gate cult, they where waiting for hale bot to pass buy cause there was a spaceship behind it. Just thought you should check it out pretty ridiculous. I also wondered could this be considered religion or does it fall into some other category of ignorance?

    The bulshitter this chap is referring to is the conman/misinformation artist Marshall Masters aswell as Lieder the pet killer. Who is next to join them in the Planet X bullshit Hall of fame I wonder. There are many candidates.

    To answer his question it falls into both categories, both religion and ignorance.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:52 am

    Ya thats the spirit Floyd. It's all crap. Whew I feel much better. Anyone associated with Planet X or religion is bonkers. Floyd you could set up a rehabilitation camp. Re educate all these fools not in reality. Thank god for Floyd. I feel much better now. Im going to look up the Koch brothers today when I get a chance.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:55 am

    Life before genetics: autogenesis, information, and the outer solar system

    "There is grandeur in this view of life, with it's several powers having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one...."

    The investigation of the origins of life has been hindered by what we think we know about current living organisms. This includes three assumptions about necessary conditions: 1) that it emerged entirely on Earth, 2) that it is dependent on the availability of liquid water, and 3) that it is coextensive with the emergence of molecules able to replicate themselves.

    The Myth of the Evolution of ET

    The set of assumptions that generates progressive research programs associated with the search for extra-terrestrial life--especially intelligent life--constitute a myth-like picture of reality.

    Specifically, the set of assumptions frequently include (1) placing the origin of life within the theory of evolution [Darwinian evolution describes speciation, not the origin of life]; (2) importing the doctrine of progress into biology so that simple organisms are allegedly destined to evolve into intelligent organisms [the dominant view among evolutionary biologists is that no direction or purpose or progress is discernible in evolution]; (3) presuming that an extra-solar planet with a longer evolutionary history is likely to have developed higher intelligence; (4) positing that high intelligence leads to the development of science; and, finally, (5) asserting that advanced science leads to advances in all quarters of life so that highly evolved extraterrestrial intelligences may have achieved prosperity, medical perfection, long life, societal peace, and a benevolent or altruistic ethic.

    This worldview exhibits uncanny resemblances to the ancient gnostic-redeemer myth, minus the mysticism. The future may prove that these scientific assumptions have been valid, to be sure; however, in the meantime, pointing out their inherent mythical structure may illuminate the way we terrestrials think.


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:57 am

    Quick.. hide your pets


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:58 am

    I refuse to allow my pets to be involved in my delusional drama. Thats where I make a stand.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:00 am

    Zetatalk's Nancy Lieder's Last Interview Before "The End Of The world


    One comment here made giggle "- where is your f*****g nibiru nancy"

    Quite clearly it remains in orbit somewhere where the sun dont shine.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:03 am

    Unbelievable Floyd.  How can someone do this Hale Bopp, Jim Jones wanna be savior.  How much money did these people make?  Complete deception.  Im going to look into the right wing ultra super dooper side and get to the bottom of this.  Will I end up on the left side if I dig deep enough?

    If you dont give a date or its not scientifically provable STFU please. How many more examples does Floyd need to show you of the deception of such thinking. The Horror...

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:10 am

    How to make a buck out of pseudo science and Fear

    During some research we came across this very interesting post and a connection between Project Camelot and Our team of investigators are on the case!

    I love it when a website link is provided.

    I assume that you are young and therefore highly gullable and easily misled. Please do not pray for me. Pray that one day you will remove the blinds from your eyes and see the truth.

    There are no restrictions or guidelines to control what is printed on the internet. Because of this, lies and disinformation are running rampant. It is up to you as an individual to use common sense and a healthy dose of skepticism when surfing. Don’t simply go onto a pseudosite and believe everything printed.

    Ask yourself why this information is not on a science website. Ask yourself why this information is not being spoken of on any national television news networks. Project Camelot is speaking of scientists AND reputable astronomers when they say that the reason they don’t dare speak out is because “they are in need of research funding”. As usual, we are led to believe that the denial of Nibiru is just one huge cover-up! The cry that shutting down IRAS was a conspiracy. The group openly admits that it refuses to let the Nibiru story die “in spite of vehement denial by almost everybody connected to the astronomical society “.

    yowusa- These websites are owned by a group calling themselves Project Camelot. The purpose of Project Camelot is TO SELL BOOKS AND VIDEOS. Led by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, the purpose of the group is in their own words “to reveal greater truths through the use of fiction, or fiction based on fact.” Bill is a management consultant and writes about a secret UFO alien-human exchange program which supposedly happened 40 years ago. Kerry is involved in the film industry specializing in UFO documentaries. Together, they make planet x and doomsday films and books in sunny south California. When the interviews state some event which does not occur, the person interviewed in the words of Project Camelot “has some false recall as part of a mind-controlled implanted false reality”. Their belief is that changes to the Earth are occuring due to “various alien agendas “. You can buy their books, videos, CD’s, your very own survival backpack, and they hold speaking engagements at $25/person. And you can subscribe to get onto their book club to enjoy a 20% discount. You can get your discount on such books as the one they wrote about alien/human babies that are here to save the world.

    The group promotes the books of Zecharia Sitchen. A man who has been denounced as a fraud. Not a single other scientist nor historian has agreed with Sitchen’s warped interpretation of the Sumerian tablets. Papyrus writings existed 3600 years ago. Not a single page anywhere describes Nibiru’s last pass. Why is that? Perhaps since you are a firm believer, you can explain to us how the Anunnaki survive temperatures on a planet which has a orbital path extending six times farther out than Pluto. Why is the ‘Norweigan Whistleblower’ hiding his face if he is speaking truth? Compare the ‘eyewitness account’ from a ‘reliable source’ to the stories found in tabloid trash supermarket papers. Why is it that the group’s trademark Your Own World sounds so similar to the doomsday cult organization New World Order.

    Construction of the South Pole Telescope in Antarctica makes perfect logical sense. Project Camelot’s claims against placing a telescope in Antarctica are solely based upon the premise that Antarctica is an ungodly desolate hell zone to live in. That is their entire stance against construction. In actual truth- which is obvious to anyone who knows anything about astronomy- the best place to put a telescope is where there is little polution, few clouds, and lack of city lights. Antarctica it turns out is the perfect place for a telescope. There is no mystery nor humongous conspiracies to be found. Project Camelot counters that it would suffice to take 5 telescopic pictures in a ‘noisy’ environment instead. In fact, Camelot would much rather the telescope be built in Siberia to save money. They claim that building a telescope on Antarctica would upset the ecology. Why does it seem that Camelot is actually OBJECTING to having a telescope at the south pole?? Is it due to the fear that their only hope of Nibiru existing somewhere south of Earth will be proven to NOT be true? Such a discovery would send a crushing blow to the Nibiru hoaxers.

    Ask yourself why ‘the return of Nibiru’ is oddly coinciding with the other false end of the world scenarios. Why was the claim of Nibiru’s return in 2003 swept under the carpet? Are you too young to remember that one? It’s no wonder why persons who are buying into Nibiru 2012 are young. Camelot links Nibiru to 2012 because “There simply has been too much talk of the year 2012″.

    So, what do I think? I think you have become a victim of your own gullability because you want to believe that something mysterious exists in your boring day-to-day existence. I think you are free to support groups who are trying to make a quick buck any possible way that they can if it makes you happy. Buy yourself some doomsday books, videos, bumper stickers, and a few t-shirts. Make yourself a sign and stand out on your local street corner. Get yourself a blow horn to broadcast the end of the world to your neighbors and passing cars.

    Then, in 2013, understand what doomsday hype is. The greedy preying upon the gullable. And realize how big the lesson was that you needed to learn.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:27 am

    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Head_u10

    Man discovers race of lizard creatures on a mysterious planet in our solar system.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:37 am

    Dark Comedy Blink 

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:38 am

    Floyd....your whole argument is in this video...up to and INCLUDING Adamski

    A rose by any other name...

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 4 Empty Sitchen Plant x hoax

    Post  Floyd Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:43 am

    The creator of this video claims Sitchin was a Mason and working for an American agency .  Whilst both of these could be valid reasons for his lies to be drip fed into the psyche of the alternative community (his publisher was owned by the Rothschilds), even if that were not true, his work is still pseudo science and all the  prophets and channelers/contactees who use his books as the foundation of their alien religions have built on foundations of sand. That is why their prophecies and predictions always fail and will continue to do so. There is a bit of money in it for them I suppose.

    Some may be quite ignorant of the fabricated origins of this story but some still dribbling out the fear may be willing participants in a greater agenda as the OP was enquiring after in their first post.

    Whatever it is it is most certainly bullshit.

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