For me you are just as bad as eachother
Would you put a date on it?
Or are you happy just to be a bit wishy washy about it?
Maybe you are going for Sitchins exact science?
So to speak
Floyd wrote:What use are your aliens?
What do they plan?
Or do you not know this?
I noticed you cared not for Nancy Lieder.
Is there something that you know that somehow makes your experience more viable than Nancy's.
You both believe in aliens and planet x.
What is the quality that seperates you?
For me you are just as bad as eachother
In China, however, dragon lore existed independently for centuries before the introduction of Buddhism. Bronze and jade pieces from the Shang and Zhou dynasties (16th - 9th centuries BC) depict dragon-like creatures. wrote:
Around 1,800 BC, the celestial indicator (the "pole star") was not the modern-day North Star (Polaris), but rather Thuban, a star in the constellation known as Draco or Dragon. Draco is the 8th largest of the conventional constellations curving from the "pointers" of the Dipper (Ursa Minor) to brilliant Vega. To the observer of today, there is no bright star in the configuration. Yet, the passages in the great pyramid at Gizeh (Egypt) once acted as channels for the light of the star that is called Thuban. It is now known that those pyramids were oriented to Orion and, at the time of the building of the Sphinx, to Leo. It has been demonstrated that Angkor Wat, the great Khmer (Cambodian) Buddhist shrine was built in alignment with this celestial formation. However, in 1,150 CE the constellation of the Dragon was upside down over the site's medieval buildings, but impressively, in the era of 10,500 BC, traces of the very earliest structures there mirrored the Dragon constellation exactly. The transition from one ruling celestial system to another is marked in the mythologies of the world by accounts of the overthrow of Titans (Greek) or Ashuras (Indian) by Gods or Devas. Naturally, this displacement had to be justified, and so the serpentine heavenly Mother, Tiamat of the early Mesopotamians, is considered by devotees of the newer deity, Marduk, as an evil draconian monster. The flying dragon whose abode is the heavens is universally recognized as a symbol of the Chinese culture and its people. Chinese refer to themselves as "Descendents of the Dragon." It is believed that on rare occasions dragons have the power to transform themselves into handsome humans who, male or female, can mate with people. For example, former Japanese Emperor Hirohito claimed descent from Princess Fruitful Jewel, daughter of a sea Dragon King. It is this belief that lies at the root of the dragon, which is often used in Asia as the crest or emblem of a royal house. wrote:
The Fish Peoplemudra wrote:Please go ahead TRAN.TRANCOSO wrote:
nb: In my next post I will tell about my 'dream-abduction' by these 'Fish People'
Love from me
"Those doing soul work, who want the searing truth more than solace or applause, know each other right away. Those who want something else turn and take a seat in another room. Soul-makers find each other’s company "TRANCOSO wrote:
I follow the Fish Man into the city, where we enter a building, which I immediately associate with a jail – yet, I feel not the slightest fear.
A door opens and my fishy companion points me into a waiting room-like space, where after he locks the door shut behind me.
I take a seat at one of the chairs and look around me, seeing 5 or 6 ‘not-my-type-of-people’ earthlings.
“Hi,” I say, but no one replies.
Next I tell a very funny joke, but when nobody’s laughing I get agitated. That’s it, I’ve had enough of this and start to bang on the door, that unlocks and is opened by a Fish Man – but not the one who accompanied me into the city.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’m not gonna spend one more second in the same space with those people, so either you take me back to the surface or…”
The other Fish Man arrives on the scene, asking me if I’m sure, and when I ‘roger’ that he sort of sighs, sounding irritated.
What happens than is a bit foggy, but the next thing I clearly remember is me, swimming alongside a Fish Man.
Halfway up to the surface, a bunch of dolphins appear who take over from the Fish Man & bring me back to the beach where my dream started.
The twist is in the tail
When I wake up the ‘dream’ doesn’t fade away – as dreams usually do, but manifests as a solid memory, with every detail crisp and clear as the stars in the eyes of a girl I once spend the night with.
Later that day EVA, my nr. 1 soulmate calls me, telling me she had this extraordinary dream about Fish Men and a city deep underneath the ocean, where she was put in a sort of ‘waiting room’ in the company of horribly boring people.
Now, I ask you…