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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:13 pm

    pole shift news

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:33 pm


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:30 pm

    Megadumb.. I love you

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:50 pm

    Floyd wrote:Megadumb.. I love you
    That's the spirit, Floyd!

    And I 'd like to add to that: So do I, wholeheartedly!!!

    The Karen  JT Hadriel JT The Karen JT Hadriel JT The Karen JT 

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:17 am

    You guys love your cave.
    And you have your own faction in there...

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:55 pm

    Any human who thinks they know..
    Full of it bless them

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:27 pm

    Floyd wrote:Any human who thinks they know..
    Full of it bless them
    Whenever someone tries to overrule me, I tell the person I've been dead for six minutes - in other words, that I have experienced what happens to you, when you die.

    Seldom one wants to know what it's like.

    scratch Beer 


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:28 pm

    "Any human who thinks they know.."

    God forbid if anyone knew..

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:27 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Floyd wrote:Any human who thinks they know..
    Full of it bless them
    Whenever someone tries to overrule me, I tell the person I've been dead for six minutes - in other words, that I have experienced what happens to you, when you die.

    Seldom one wants to know what it's like.

    scratch Beer 

    I must say. There are certain individuals who have bored me to death for a few minutes on this forum.


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:40 am


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Sanicle Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:24 am

    Floyd wrote:Any human who thinks they know..
    Full of it bless them
    And anyone who thinks they know the right or wrong of what others know...........full of it bless them.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:40 am


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Brook Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:35 am

    Floyd wrote:The alien cults were set up.  The CIA have had a field day covering up their secret goings on whilst using agents vomiting various alien bullshit here and there . Of course all religious experiences are subjective and hold themselves to a moment in time. Alien, christian, sufi etc
    That is not to say some cults have made a few bucks out of the lie.

    Im afraid we are alone.  There are no aliens.

    But that doesnt mean we cant party!
    Since this whole thread has been taken off to Floyd(ism) Denial and his views:

    Perhaps it's relevant to relay that Alien Cults must reside in the whole city of  Phoenix Arizona .... And the ex governor acknowledges it himself after retiring.

    Just a frikin Mystery!...reported by a city of Alien Cultists!

    Who knew?!?

     Aint that the s&*t!!

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  magamud Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:35 am

    Floyd loves labeling everything a Cult. Thats funny so does Homeland security.

    UFO's exist should be the priority of our Govt. Then people could use this to think upon themselves and how the world really is.

    But the Govt does the opposite. Why is that?

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:59 pm

    Im sure one day you will all grow out of it
    Like most do

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:59 pm

    Lost City of Pyramids Discovered in Ecuador Jungle (2013)
    This is the first footage from an ancient Ecuadorian Pyramid site being explored for the first time in perhaps millennia. Filmed in Spring of 2013, it shows the incredible stone work and immense size of this mysterious megalithic pyramid structure.

    Perhaps most mind blowing of all is the size of the stone hammer heads found scattered around the area, it is hard not to think of the local legends of giants and a possible connection to the Anunnaki linked gold relics found not so very far away at the Tayos caves.

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:59 pm

    The mormons would love that uberlord

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:28 am

    Floyd wrote:The mormons would love that uberlord

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:10 pm


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:14 pm

    In case you don't believe NOVA here is the European report

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:30 pm


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:53 pm

    It is time for this thread to return to its original discussion.

    I will not post anymore updates of Planet X here but start a new thread or find one that is more appropriate.

    It seems to me that one day a million years ago at the galactic council some noble leader stated that it was time to start an experiment in which there is a combination of the alien races placed on one planet. The question was to see if these being could get along better together on the same planet than they had out in space. The only legal way this could be done was to alter the DNA of the being that were already there. Maybe there were already various races or maybe not. But at any rate some alien DNA changers groups came to North America. Some to Europe and others to Asia and so on and so forth until all of the various races and their many subtypes were all being altered. Some alien groups were to work together but just for fun, they decided that there would be speech variations within a racial group.

    Now before you think this is just a bunch of hogwash, those of you who have played sports will know that different races have very different body odors. If we all evolved from the same source, the one thing we could have in common is that we smell the same. But we don't. Now we hide that odor because it makes it easier to think that we are all from the same source. I mean maybe we all are from the same God source but altered by the many different alien groups that came here a very long time ago.

    What do you think?
    Bob H.


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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:55 pm

    As planet x does not exist are there not more important things we can chinwag about?

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  bobhardee Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:06 am

    Paul, I have provided ample evidence to suggest otherwise but it is to no avail if you do not bother to review the material that has been placed before you. The fact that Brown Dwarfs are difficult to spot with regular telescopes and that the two infrared telescopes that have been set up to monitor B.D's (SIRUS I think was the name of the satellite that quickly became classified, and the other one is at the South Pole) are either supposedly off line or restricted.
    Bob H

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    Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda? - Page 8 Empty Re: Where's the proof the Anunaki are Reptilians? Who said that, why and what is their agenda?

    Post  Floyd Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:44 am

    In all fairness bobby youtube videos posted by any tom dick or harry are a really rubbish source of information. They are excellent for disinformation though if one is engaged in that kind of business.
    You havent provided any evidence as there isnt any bob.
    Given that sitchin was an utter fraud niburu is a non starter anyway.

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