For those of us who were wondering what has happened to 'Charles'/'Atticus' plans to bring down the 33 Ruling Families - with the help of 18 PA2 foot soldiers and a website - here's 'the story so-far' in a nutshell.
Re: The con-game
LMFAO - This whole thing is getting ridiculous... first the fantastic narrative begins with a mysterious possibly criminal bald-headed man who refuses to show his face to the audience he is courting alleging he is pals (more like some kind of henchman) with the Rothschilds & the Rockefellers; that he receives insights and instructions from a 5,000 yr-old guy; that he knows the location of some mysterious powerful objects AND that he wishes to use these assets to CHANGE THE WORLD from a web-based closed forum steered by a hand-picked group of 18. Once this lovely man embeds himself firmly in the side of PA, his host organism, with the willing cooperation of Bill Ryan, PA's Big Kahuna - there is the loud sound of CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP as the termites start eating the body of PA from the inside out, with the help of an influx of THOUSANDS of voyeurs (it WOULD be interesting to map and pinpoint the points of origin of these avid followers of ATTICUS, wouldn't it? - and I am sure that could be done. That little exercise might yield some interesting results ESPECIALLY since it was anticipated well in advance by Bill Ryan, as he warned and tried to prepare his Mod Squad!)
OK, CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP and then, voila - once the host organism shows signs of cardiac arrest - the flock of parasites with auspiciously charming names based on PEE PEE and POO POO take up residence in the Dark Forest of MORDOR, with all the ATTICUSSERS, from which, giggling gleefully, hosting Skype Conferences in which, between stirring boiling cauldrons of frog tails, empty Australian Beer Cans, assorted Marsupials with POCKETS - hopefully deep ones considering all the threats of litigation - and lots of PISS AND VINEGAR with some chips thrown in, along with a few greasy newspapers and an old soccer shirt - but I digress, back to the Conference Calls. Here in the awesome company of the hooded inner sanctum, a think-tank coalesces in which the ENTIRE FUTURE of the planet and the human species is cobbled out, in between sips of Guinness, take-out Chinese, and gobbling up Boxes of Dunkin' Donuts. Breaks are taken to jump on the www and play war games so important for bonding purposes, and to dispatch the loyal 18 on important policy initiatives and tasks including periodic flooding of other web forums with predictably anglo-saxon peppered, obnoxious, and combative posts that bear the immistakable stamp of one or two ale and ego-addled brains.
Which brings us to where we are today: NO PLANS, NO ACTIVITIES, NO REVELATIONS, CONTINUED PROVOCATION, ENDLESS CROSS-TALK AND CHIT-CHAT, TRIANGULATION AND POINTLESS EMPTY THREATS - which, after review and scholarly analysis and commentary by Dale, is all dutifully packaged, recorded, tabulated, sliced and diced, transmitted to and stored in numerous secret agency servers around the world for future use in disrupting and interdicting fake terror attacks wherever they might occur.
GOOD JOB EVERYONE! SALUD! Now, where's the toilet paper.