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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation


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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  Sanicle Mon May 02, 2011 2:33 am

    I want to share some of my experiences with these Beings (Nature Spirits) and hope others can share their experiences too, as I truly believe the Elemental Realms can help with our evolution in very special ways as they do, as they've told me, work in harmony with our Higher Selves. That it would serve us all to acknowledge and work with them when Sophia/Gaia/Mother Earth and all of Nature is under such stress makes perfect sense to me, given that the Elementals work is to support Nature and manifest our reality. Our ancient ancestors worked with them and the few true shamans still do eg American Indians. That these shamans work in harmony with the planet and are gifted as a result, and that many of us in the 'western worlds' do not is obvious, possibly having led to all the dramas we are dealing with today.

    I'm just going to place a few thoughts and examples of my experiences with the Elementals here to guage if anyone is interested in this thread and hopefully to inspire any that do read it to reconnect with these amazing beings and work with the planetary energies more directly and our own evolution in the process, given that the two are entwined.

    *My first experience of the Elementals was through a very vivid dream I had some years ago that had a deep impact on me. I must have somehow stumbled into their realm, coming into contact with a family of them. The male was quite defensive, saying to me, "We tolerate you because you go out of your way to not harm Nature. But we dislike you because you do nothing to help!" Needless to say I skulked away and vowed to do more.*

    *The next experience I had was some time later, which I've mentioned on another thread. I used to do aura healing work with some success and, during one of those healings, a Deva appeared to me to remonstrate with me about not inviting them into the healing when I began each session, telling me that they actually do around 80% of the actual physical healing work in the body that I endeavoured to evoke for the 'patient'.....that the 'God' energies I asked to be used as a channel for worked more on the psychological/spiritual healing needed......that they worked together. But the Elementals were clearly affronted that I did not even acknowledge them in the work I was doing. Neutral

    * A few years back, two different seers informed me that I am "part fairy". A Deva told me more recently that many of us are, me personally more than I know. Their realm is that of the Watcher, focused only on doing the work that needs to be done to serve and maintain this reality, whereas ours is that of a Participator in life experiences to actively create the future. We can learn and evolve from both perspectives and it's up to us each time we choose to begin another life in this reality which path we take.

    * Since I have given myself time to really get into some serious meditation, these wonderful beings have been truly gracious in the help they have given me. I began to notice that beautiful crystal clusters of various sizes and colours were appearing mostly on my chakras, obviously to effect healing and balance. There were also a few other gifts that made an appearance prior to this, like a fine silver wrought crown with pearls around my crown chakra. And yes, I could feel the positive effect these beautiful items were creating in my body. Eventually the penny dropped and I realized that these gifts must be being given to me by the Elementals. They have given me other, overwhelmingly beautiful gifts since then.

    With peace and love

    [Edit note 24/12/2011: I seem to be going through a 'reviewing' stage at present and thought again of that initial dream explained above. In my ignorance at the time of having the dream and this post, I assumed the beings I saw were a type of Elemental due to their concern over Nature. It just dawned on me that these beings looked very, very like the 'Tall Greys' I've since seen described and pictured elsewhere. And they are clearly not like any Nature Spirit I've seen since then in my meditations or any described by others who believe they've had 'meetings' with them. This revelation is a little mind-boggling for me and I felt it necessary to clarify that for any who might read or be reading this thread. Peace.)

    Last edited by Sanicle on Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  Mercuriel Mon May 02, 2011 11:00 am

    Have You heard about how the Air Elementals - the Sylphs - Are helping Us with the Chemtrailing ?

    Last edited by Mercuriel on Tue May 03, 2011 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  Sanicle Tue May 03, 2011 12:02 am

    No I hadn't Mercuriel. Please tell us more. Very Happy

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  Sanicle Tue May 03, 2011 3:25 am

    I was given another 'lesson' last night. I asked for healing for my 8 year old niece who is going blind and I was, in esssence, told this. Repercussions come to we humans in relation to the choices we make and thus what we (in effect ask the Elementals to) make manifest. Even though a choice may seem good and loving at the time, such as healing, it may not always create 'positive' repercussions. Using healing as the example as used in this case, if the results are negative to my niece and her chosen path of learning, it's on my karma. There is no karma for Elementals as they just act in accordance with our will, what each of us chooses to create. Needless to say, this rule applies to everything we choose to create/initiate, not just healing.

    For the record, I stopped doing the type of healing I was after becoming aware that I may have been interfering with the lesson the person needed to learn in taking on the illness or imbalance. One can 'fix' the initial problem but it would recur or come out in other ways if the reason the initial imbalance occurred was still within them, possibly in an even harsher way as so often they were told what created the imbalance during the healing. But often they wouldn't let go of the cause and stayed in that negativity. On top of this, a few others would ask me to use the healing to bring about 'upgrades' that they hadn't earned or grown into naturally, again possibly wanting me to interfere with their 'natural course'. So I chose, in the end, to let their Higher Selves run their show so to speak and stopped doing the healing.

    But I didn't know, until last night, that the results of any healing I initiated would be on my head also. I thought 'intention' was the deciding factor and I still believe that plays a part, but apparently there's more to it than that in relation to what we call into manifestation. But I decided I was prepared to take that on in relation to my niece and can only hope that she chose to be healed as part of her path to awakening. Possibly I should have waited to be asked, and possibly too she might choose to reject it. Time will tell I guess.

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  Mercuriel Tue May 03, 2011 9:29 am

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Deathangel<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none" data-cke-bookmark="1"> </SPAN>

    I'll let You digest this Information first before We talk about Them as I could lose You in discussion if We don't...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  lindabaker Tue May 03, 2011 11:40 am

    wow I just found this thread, will catch up. This is very interesting.

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  Sanicle Tue May 03, 2011 12:01 pm

    Thank you so very much for posting that link Mercuriel. I'm so grateful. I've looked for a long time for websites that talk about the elementals and never came across this, or its connected, sites. Guess I should have searched with the word 'sylph' instead of 'elemental' lol. You are a gem, and there's so much valuable information in these posts. Everyone should read these. Don't you agree?

    Oh and silly me btw. I learned long ago that we can make clouds disappear just by 'seeing them as gone', and they do go. Never thought to use it for chemtrails. Rolling Eyes So thanks for the link for that reason as well. Do you use the technique?

    Again......... Hugs cheers

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  lindabaker Tue May 03, 2011 12:29 pm

    Wasn't the assistance of elemental energy (the animals) the deciding factor in the conflict in "Avatar?"

    Thanks, now I have another, (an English) name for the "cloud people" I have seen. I think the dragon faced one is moving about in Georgia.

    Or, we could just be imagining all of this, but I doubt it.

    Several years ago I asked for a direct input of O2 and I got it. The smog was so bad in metro atlanta that our carbon monoxide detectors were going off. It kinda worried me that the shot of oxygen came in within hours. Was that a coincidence, or what? Is it necessary to use anything other than the request that the energy change "in a good, kind, and gentle way." ?

    I want to learn more about the rules before I start messing about, know what I mean?


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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  starninja Tue May 03, 2011 3:21 pm

    it took me a longer while to see from where elementals concept has originated.

    The name of a numerous class of inferior female divinities, though they are designated by the title of Olympian, are called to meetings of the gods in Olympus, and described as the daughters of Zeus. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes. (Hom. Od. vi. 123, &c., xii. 318, Il. xx. 8, xxiv. 615.)

    1. Nymphs of mountains and grottoes, are called Orodemniades and Oreiades but sometimes also by names derived from the particular mountains they inhabited, as Kithairônides, Pêliades, Korukiai, &c. (Theocrit. vii. 137; Virg. Aen. i. 168, 500; Paus. v. 5. § 6, ix. 3. § 5, x. 32. § 5; Apollon. Rhod. i. 550, ii. 711; Ov. Her. xx. 221; Virg. Eclog. vi. 56.)

    2. Nymphs of the watery element. Here we first mention the nymphs of the ocean, Ôkeaninai or Ôkeanides, numphai hagiai, who are regarded as the daughters of Oceanus (Hes. Theog. 346, &c., 364; Aeschyl. Prom.; Callim. Hymn. in Dian. 13; Apollon.

    3. Nymphs of forests, groves, and glens, were believed sometimes to appear to and frighten solitary travellers. They are designated by the names Alsêïdes, Holêôroi, Aulôniades, and Napaiai. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 1066, 1227; Orph. Hymn. 50. 7; Theocrit. xiii. 44; Ov. Met. xv. 490; Virg. Georg. iv. 535.)

    4. Nymphs of trees, were believed to die together with the trees which had been their abode, and with which they had come into existence. They were called Dryades, Hamadruades or Hadryades, from drys, which signifies not only an oak, but any wild-growing lofty tree; for the nymphs of fruit trees were called Mêlides, Mêliades, Epimêlides, or Hamamêlides. They seem to be of Arcadian origin, and never appear together with any of the great gods. (Paus. viii. 4. § 2; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 477, &c.; Anton. Lib. 31, 32; Hom. Hymn. in Ven. 259, &c.)

    Nymphs often accompanied various gods and goddesses, and were the frequent target of lusty satyrs and They are frequently associated with the superior divinities: the huntress Artemis; the prophetic Apollo; the reveller and god of wine, Dionysus; and rustic gods such as Pan and Hermes.

    Arnold Böcklin, Nymph on Pans Shoulders 1874

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Size1

    Peter Paul Rubens, Pan and Syrinx, 1617-1619

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Peterpaulrubens_pan_and_syrinx

    Nymph and Satyr, Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation 330

    Nymph and Satyr, Alexander Cabanel

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation NymphSatyrCabanel

    Venus and Satyr, Sebastiano Ricci

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation VenusSatyrRicci

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    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Empty Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    Post  mudra Tue May 03, 2011 4:13 pm

    I knew I had an article somewhere on the devas on my garden thread.
    I found it .
    Here it is for you Sanicle.
    Thank you for your beautifull thread .
    It is wonderfull to hear about your connection to nature's spirits.

    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Little11

    My Work with Nature Spirits (Devas)
    A documentary note of work in progress

    Oliver W. Markley
    Ver 2.0, February 3, 2003

    Please note: If you are not familiar with the idea of nature spirits (“devas”), I strongly suggest that before reading this note you read “Excerpts from To Speak with Angels ”—a tight summary and compilation of what I found most pivotal in Dorothy Maclean’s (1980) autobiography telling the story of why and how she learned to communicate with the plant spirits (which she came to call Devas ) at the Findhorn Gardens in Scotland. Her full book title is: To Hear the Angels Sing: An Odyssey of Co-Creation with the Devic Kingdom.
    Part One: Introduction

    This is an unusual story. One dealing with nature spirits (“devas”) and their capacity to help human concerns—phenomena that are part of the mythologies of most traditional cultures, but which are dismissed by modern day scientists as “mere” superstition, even though considerable evidence exists that they can be real. Just as with the healing power of prayer, unimpeachable evidence of which now exists, even though it is still considered superstition by many who consider themselves “scientific.”

    By way of beginning, I suppose this story should commence with a remarkable experience that happened, as a retired professor now living on the Hawaiian “garden island” of Kauai, when I was fortunate to find a lovely retreat “hermitage” cottage in a region of high intensity spiritual energy—the Kapahi district surrounded by Kahuna Road, immediately below the sacred mountain of Makaleha. To get to the cottage, I had to drive by a nursery called “Growing Greens”—a place that totally got my attention because, before even getting within sight of the nursery, I could always discern a very large and intense energy surrounding the nursery—an energy that I could only associate with the type of nature spirits called plant devas by the people at Findhorn Gardens in North Scotland. (More will be said about the Plant Devas at Findhorn later on.)

    At first I didn’t give this energy any particular notice, other than to make a mental note to visit the nursery soon, so as to see what is happening there. But something else happened first. Something that totally got my attention, and made it imperative that I connect with the nursery for more than a cursory visit.

    An extraordinary phenomenon

    What happened is this: I had recently bought a cell phone from a company that advertised having good coverage over most of the entire island of Kauai. But my cottage seemed to be in something of a shadow from the nearest transmitting antenna, such that using the cell phone at home was very marginal. One day, however, after a long and intense period of meditation, I noticed that when I picked up the phone to use it, the signal strength went up, and when I finished talking, it went down. Struck by this seeming coincidence, I put the phone down, and as I was walking away from the front window across the room to get a drink of water, I was struck by a totally unanticipated thought: “I bet the fairies opened a pathway for the cell phone signal from the antenna tower to me, ” and just as I had this thought, it was as though the back of my head opened up; I heard the titter of tiny giggling voices; and as I did so, I felt an electric tingling go from the top of my head down my entire back to my buttocks!

    Wow! Was I impressed! Especially when I became aware that I hadn’t even thought of the word “fairies” for months if not years. But out of nowhere, just at the right time, I thought of this word in connection with the phenomenon that had occurred. And in a way that made sense. So I had to take the event seriously enough to pay attention and see if it happened again.

    It did. Not only once, but many times over. In fact, it became an absolutely predictable sequence: when I picked up the cell phone to talk, the signal strength went up, sometimes even by “two bars” on the screen of the unit, and even when the weather outside was storming. And when I put it down, the signal strength also usually went down, but sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

    Being of a somewhat scientific turn of mind, even though deeply dedicated to the study of consciousness in ways that frequently transcend the standard paradigm of conventional science, I try to find as many ways to validate “extra-scientific” phenomena (such as “ESP”). So it was especially noteworthy for me when, this “boost” of the signal strength suddenly vanished in the middle of an experience that conclusively demonstrated to me the validity of my hypothetical view about all this.

    What happened is this: As part of my Inward Bound visioning work, I had occasion to use my cell phone to coach a student on the mainland in the use of Virtual Time Travel. (This is a process in which you alter your normal state of consciousness in a specific way that enables entry into and exploration of what may be called “probable realities,” especially probable and/or “preferable” futures.) Having already taught the student how to do this, I was now coaching her in how to teach others to do it, and she was using me as her guinea pig. Precisely at the instant that she had me shift my consciousness from conventional reality into the specific alternate probable reality she was instructing me to explore within “the theatre of my mind,” the signal strength of my cell phone went down so far that we had to break off the experiment, and continue the coaching conversation with me having returned to a conventional state of consciousness. Evidently the faeries couldn’t sustain their connection with me and my phone once I had entered the altered state of consciousness .

    So it was that I found myself having no remaining doubts as to the validity of this phenomenon. Moreover, the fairies didn’t just help with making the phone work at my cottage. They also opened my attention to other things, such as the following.

    A “Call” from the Nature Spirits

    I mentioned above that when driving by the Growing Greens nursery, I was frequently struck by the energetic power of the place which I assumed came from nature spirits associated with the growth process of plants. Some weeks after the cell phone assistance began, these nature spirits began to call out to me at my retreat cottage, suggesting that I come to work at the nursery and with them. This was not a verbal request, but rather something that I strongly intuited, and not once, but many times across a week or so. So, after considering this intuitive request, I mentally “replied” that I had already expressed an interest in working at the nursery part time, but had heard nothing. Moreover, since I was by now well into a set of spiritual practices that seemed to be productive, I asked why I should do anything additional dealing with the spirit world?

    But the plant spirits essentially insisted, essentially “saying” (but still by means of a non-verbal intuitive feeling/motivation) that things are now different…and that I should call NOW! . So I picked up the phone and called Liz Ronaldson, the CEO of the nursery. As unobtrusively as I thought I could get by with, I suggested that I was receiving a spiritual calling to work at the nursery part time, and asking if this would be possible.

    Ms. Ronaldson was immediately receptive, and after a trial day or two, I found myself working there part-time, doing such things as fertilizing, repotting and weeding—all of which gave me more than ample time and space to be interact with the plant spirits in whatever ways should unfold.

    And thus has begun one of the most significant educational experiences of my life—a new direction of work (and re-creational play!) that appears to have considerable promise as a new approach to healing and wellness, both on the Garden Island and elsewhere on Earth—our “ascension island” in space.

    But before describing this new path, however, I should note that a short time before the faeries began boosting the signal strength of my cell phone, a rather different sort of remarkable experience happened for me: at a Advanced Quantum Touch workshop in Spring of 2002, Joan Bihn, a gifted clairvoyant healer who practices on the neighbor island of Maui, had occasion to look deeply within my being, and immediately told me that I have a strong shamanistic side waiting for expression—but that I would need to forego the use of chemical entheogens (including cannabis and alcohol), if it is to emerge freely and without difficulty. Moreover, she said, “If you commit to living this way, I can shift something inside for you that will make this very easy to do.” After due consideration, I agreed. Since that time, my mind has never been clearer. And the pace and depth of my spiritual evolution has never been more rapid. This interaction and the changed life-style which followed was clearly a major trigger point in my life, for which I am most grateful—especially coming as it did on the heels of a recent divorce from a marriage that left me financially bankrupt, but psycho-spiritually awakened.

    Part II: The Work Begins

    I initially had little or no guidance as to how to interact with the plant spirits, or what to do. I only knew what I had read in such books as The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird (1989 ). Or about how plants are sensitive to human thoughts, which can be shown by hooking a plant up to a lie detector. And, last but certainly not least, I knew that the previously mentioned group at Findhorn Gardens in Scotland had purportedly obtained miraculous guidance from plant spirits on how to grow a garden more effectively.

    With the latter in mind, and not knowing what else to do, I selected an experiment at the nursery through which to focus my attempts to communicate with the world of plant spirits: to accelerate the growth rate of Mondo Grass – a very slow growing ground cover favored by many landscape architects. I began by asking for and receiving permission from the plant spirits to undertake this experiment, and then spent some weeks, dutifully keeping a journal, with an entry for each of the times I spent in meditation, or consciously sending energy to the Mondo plants.

    For the first few weeks, nothing else of much note happened as a result of my working at the nursery—other than experiencing a rich blessing from working in the spiritually charged atmosphere there. As part of my experiment, I did get some humbling “guidance” that seemed to come from the spirit world: “Don’t try to foster faster growth by meditatively focusing on the plant spirits that seem to be overhead, focus downward, in the earth. Plants are Earth-based. Their roots are in the soil, not the sky.”

    Soon, other things took precedence over my Mondo Grass experiment. Outside of the nursery, my meditative work was centering strongly on various aspects of what can be called “ascension.” And it was becoming clear that the plant spirits were much more interested in this work than in my Mondo Grass experiment.

    Also, because the cottage where I was living became needed by my landlord for other purposes, I found myself packing up to move…when lo and behold, on my bookshelves I found a book that I had at one time planned to read; hadn’t gotten to it; and by now had forgotten that I even owned it. But once again seeing it, I knew that here was precisely the guidebook I now needed for my emerging spirit work at the nursery .

    What was the book? Dorothy Maclean’s (1980) autobiography telling the story of why and how she learned to communicate with the plant spirits (which she came to call Devas ) at the Findhorn Gardens in Scotland: To Hear the Angels Sing: An Odyssey of Co-Creation with the Devic Kingdom.

    The book was a Godsend, and I immediately devoured it, yellow-marking a number of passages that formed the basis for “Excerpts from To Speak with Angels, ” mentioned at the beginning of this set of notes.

    Thus ends Version 1.0. Items covered in versions 1.0 to 1.5:

    • The most important things I learned from Maclean’s book (e.g., letting the plant spirits lead, even in what I should be asking about, rather than me taking charge and asking for their assistance (as I initially did with the Mondo Grass experiment—a project that by now was lying dormant for lack of interest from either me or the spirits).

    • My work outside the nursery with psycho-spiritual ascension, and how this connected with the nature spirits

    • How it was that I discovered that the intention of the plant spirits seemed be about how they could help with the healing of human suffering, and about my “Mondo Grass experiment” being a creature of my own devising when I didn’t yet know what else to do; not what the spirits had called me there to do.

    • The idea of creating an experimental “healing circle” where this type of work could be done in the rain forest immediately next to the nursery, and the ecstatic celebration of the plant spirits when Liz Ronaldson agreed with me that it would be a neat idea to do this.

    • How I initially thought of patients in hospital rooms, and the idea of “prayer plants” as an entrepreneurial product line; and how, when I checked in with the plant spirits for guidance on this, they suggested working with prisons instead—beginning with the Kauai County Jail, as soon as possible.

    • The necessity of taking short (~ 5 minute) “spirit writing” breaks, every hour or so when working at the nursery, and some illustrations of the results thereby. For example:

    • Monday, Nov. 4, 10:40 a.m . Welcome, my son, I bid you greetings. I am PAN, the God of growing green things. There is much, much to learn about the world of the faerie folk (as you would call it) that would be helpful for you to learn. This is a good start. Begin by continuing what you are doing, and follow, don’t try to lead. You are learning to do this by doing what we suggest, including this min-morning break for writing. That’s enough for now. 5 minutes are up. You may return. (I say, “Thank you!” with gratitude in my heart, but then, see that the emotionality of my gratitude feelings are largely irrelevant to PAN—different vibrational domains. Appreciation with obedience when working in his realm, on the other hand, is most relevant. )

    • Monday, November 4, 2002, 1:17 p.m. in the fern area of the nursery (where, by assignment from the nature spirits, I had gone to receive whatever they had to say to me): Greetings! I am who you could call the Fern Deva. Ferns are a delicate life form and toughen up only when getting root-bound. Try an experiment. Give more root space than “needed” and sell before root-boundedness occurs. See the difference in the apparent vitality of the plant—in the “feel” of the plant. This is ultra important for “prayer plants.” Less so for merely “look good” plants. That’s all—enough for your 5 minute transmission. (1:22 p.m.)

    • Monday, November 4, 2002, 2:45 p.m. Northeast corner of the Nursery, overlooking the tables of bedding “plantlets” that are now bursting forth with highly energetic new growth: So—now you have it. A plethora of views and voices now/becoming available to you from the world of plant spirits, faeries, devas, angels, et al. Even visiting ETs if you are so disposed—and we get that you are increasingly in/disposed to such [this after a brief difficulty with “dark side” interference, which actually became much more of a difficulty in subsequent weeks, but about which I prefer not to include in these excerpts at present]. At this juncture, we would like your questions. So—please make a list of 3 to 5 such, to pose at our next session or soon thereafter. That’s all. “Us” (2:49 p.m.)

    • Tuesday, November 10, 12:38 p.m . Here are my questions:

    • Do you want me to invite others to participate in this exercise? [As I write this in my journal, ready to ask for answers, I get how foolish it is to ask this in light of what they said earlier…direction will appear when it is time. So I don’t even pose the question to them.]

    • Who is it that I generally “get” in these transmissions? Deva or what?

    • Why me?

    Their answers:

    I am the oversoul of all plant devas. My taproot is the One Without a Second [the term for Ultimate Beingness used in Advaita (“non-dual”) Vedanta]. You forget (in addressing us) Who you are yourself: Your taproot in God; and your new “Path of Ascendance” which is at the core / heart of our work with you and you with us. The healing that we are most profoundly about with humans deals with/is about this ascendance possibility…making it a reality. Its kind of like putting Sri Aurobindo’s Supramental Sacramentalization of the Flesh on its head. (Sometime you will grok what this means. Right now, it is beyond you.)

    Why you? Because URU. And we love you. You were chosen (designed) for the job. [This in reference to recent insights I have been getting about how my genetic “hard wiring” may be a bit unusual by human standards]. And yes—your recent dreams are indeed prophetic. (12:45 p.m. )

    [These dreams were:

    • Finding myself working as a consultant to some foundation or discrete funding source:

    • helping their staff do their thing more joyously and probably more effectively as well;

    • helping to expedite funding for healing plant spirit research and applied demonstration projects;

    • Other, as guided by Spirit.

    • Being at a meeting run by my former faculty colleague, Dr. Peter Bishop, with a new futures research consulting client he had in tow, at which I rather significantly “hid out” for most of the meeting, but at the last, came out and made an impassioned (and effective) speech about the importance of impact assessment , using natural wisdom sources that are resident in all of us. (My interpretation of this latter dream has more to do with “coming out” in my current work, and less with futures research consulting. But I could be wrong.)]

    • Sunday, November 10, 2:37 p.m. No words to write at first, just a visual image, of some sort of “manifestation flow” from pure spirit, which I immediately discerned to be what I somewhat laughingly termed, Veggie Prana [but which, upon reflection, would be much better termed: Plant Prana ].

    Then these words: You can divert some of this for your own use. It is an essential ingredient in being a Breatharian— and in the Easy Ascension Path you are working with. (2:39)

    Then I breathed the “plant prana” into myself for several moments, to see what it felt like. It immediately flowed into my head and lower back, which is chronically in pain due to the lifting, and the fact that I have for about a decade had this back problem. It eased significantly. (2:41) [Subsequently, I have done this many times, to good advantage.]

    • Monday, December 2: 11:00 a.m . “Hello, I am the Bumble Bee Deva—it is time you begin to cross-focus on the insect world-plant world interactions, and on “trans-kingdom” interactions of all sorts. This is the crux of what you are calling (for now, I might add) Easy Ascension.” And in response to an unverbalized thought on my part: “Why me?” (I.e., a bumble bee spirit as the chosen one to bring this message to me.) “Because I/we knew that you would be able to easily see my black body with brilliant yellow rings; and you know that I am not of the ecology of your beloved Kauai; and you know as well of the productive contribution that bees make to human farm and garden ecology and how desperately we are being decimated by witless application of insecticides by humans ! That’s all for your 5 minute break. Thanks for tuning in!”

    Me: Thank you. What can I offer you as a return gift?

    All of them (i.e., BB plus unidentified others): Your love and attention.

    Other relevant items from my journal:

    • Tuesday, November 5, at home in bed; 3:10 a.m. —a time at which I often find myself suddenly awake for no apparent reason, but a good time for meditation. “Shavaz here. No, you don’t know me. But I am the deva of virus processes. I was invented as an emergency overflow corrector, by a group who were intent on controlling things for their own ends. My nature is parasitic, and I want you to know that the profit motive is essentially viral in this sense…” (I fell asleep as I was waiting for more, and after reading this in the clear light of day, find myself more than a little bit suspicious about the source. Not documented here are a number of attempts to “horn in” on this game from sources that don’t belong, some of which even led to physical symptoms, in spite of protective “shielding.”)

    • Tuesday, November 5, 4 :30 p.m. at a nearby beach, where I went to heal the pain I was feeling resulting from the fact that my housemate, a political consultant and networker, didn’t connect me with a consulting client she had earlier that day, who said that he was writing a book on how to heal with plant spirits and wanted her help learning how to get it published. Without thinking it through, I simply felt hurt that she didn’t mention me and my work to him, and took myself to the ocean to my handle my feelings.

    Before even beginning to write these notes in my journal, the plant spirits said, “TRUST IT!! Now Write: You simply aren’t getting the big favors that are set in your lap to wake you up to paths to be avoided. GET IT! … Later, lying in the sun, still feeling bad in spite of seeing the utter sensibility of what they said, I get the idea to ask the plant spirits to help/heal my emotional distress (especially my being really pissed off with myself that I am feeling hurt by this event). They reply: “We thought you would never ask!!” (and I get an image of a Zinnia, then a yellow Sun Flower, then the name: Astor, and see a yellow centered Astor with white petals. “All of flowers that look like the sun are healing energy sources that resemble what they look like. They heal 3 rd chakra energies.” (I grin, realizing that I had earlier that morning chosen to wear a green tee-shirt with a bright yellow sun/face on it, and I can feel the Sun Flower devic spirits healing my chest and belly.) And then the AHAU came in and said: “You don’t have to have the physical plant in front of you. But it helps to visualize the flower. I ask, “And to smell its essence?” They reply, “Yes, but not as important as the visual—if that is your dominant sense. (And in reply to my next thought), “Yes, this could be done by way of pictures and description on the Internet, but this would probably generate too much mental activity, and forgetting about the vibrational gift of the plant.”

    • Wednesday, November 24, 10:00 a.m. Walking slowly through the nursery, and coming up to a table of nursling plants being irrigated with an overhead mist, I suddenly become aware of the Water Deva dividing itself into numerous “micro devas,” each facilitating the process of water intake in a specific plant. As I watched, suddenly I knew that I was seeing one answer to an age old riddle about the number of angels in the universe: When done working with an individual plant, the Micro Devas simply merge back in with the parent/core Deva. This seems to be a special case of the way that Dorothy Maclean, in her book , To Hear the Angels Sing, describes angels as being more about flow into various forms and functions as needed than about being fixed, individual entities, as humans expect “things” and “beings” to properly be.

    • Sunday, December 1, 2002. I was feeling a bit depressed at the conditions of the world (and the results of the recent elections), and mentally began a gentle search for how to lift these feelings in a way that is appropriate for this particular moment, being cognizant of the possible healing influence of the plant devas at the nursery. Suddenly I got the insight that the nature of mind is devic, and how this function of mind is totally different from “thinking.” Consider, for example, the central importance of the interpenetrating mind/endocrine system/DNA systems in psycho-neuro-immunology, and more generally in helping/guiding the metabolism of the body, the emotions, thoughts, etc. So this is why my work with the plant spirits is so greatly deepening my empathic sensitivity and ability to do precision bio-energetic healing with others, which directly involves these systems.

    read on:

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    Post  starninja Tue May 03, 2011 4:35 pm

    Mudra, I didn’t know that you can be, sorry to say, so naïve and accept the concept of elementals or nature spirits as the truth without researching.
    Don’t you think that as adults we have responsibility for future generations?
    Don’t you think that we have mind for a reason? Don’t you think that truth should be of the highest value? In my country we have a proverb, “as adults get older, they become more childish” We have to grow and stop believing in Alice in Wonderland. Insanely Happy

    Much love,
    The Karen

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    Post  mudra Tue May 03, 2011 5:11 pm

    starninja wrote:Mudra, I didn’t know that you can be, sorry to say, so naïve and accept the concept of elementals or nature spirits as the truth without researching.
    Don’t you think that as adults we have responsibility for future generations?
    Don’t you think that we have mind for a reason? Don’t you think that truth should be of the highest value? In my country we have a proverb, “as adults get older, they become more childish” We have to grow and stop believing in Alice in Wonderland. Insanely Happy

    Much love,
    The Karen

    I recognize I hold the world as being born from Spirit Starninja and of seeing more to manifested forms than what meets the eye.


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    Post  HigherLove Tue May 03, 2011 7:26 pm

    lindabaker wrote:wow I just found this thread, will catch up. This is very interesting.


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    Post  starninja Tue May 03, 2011 7:57 pm

    Mudra wrote:
    I recognize I hold the world as being born from Spirit Starninja and of seeing more to manifested forms than what meets the eye.

    Hehehe........mythology explains that very well but your spirits are not we have been told. Big Grin 2 I don’t deny their existence. Artifacts that had been gathered for thousands of years speak loudly. Some people may choose to close their eyes and not to see it. I don’t and I definitely see work of Pan and Satyr. This is validated by a number of researchers, for example, by Celtic scholars not mention a vast material in mythology and mythology researchers. What about Mysteries of Mithra who resembles Vedic Mitra that is also very well documented. You may choose to believe in Pan and...... his flocks I posted ealiear. I guess it is more fun.Insanely Happy

    Let’s look at celtic religion.

    This outline of categories of Indo-European Deities is based on work by Celtic Scholar, Raimund Karl. Pan and Dionysus is Cernnunos in Celtic spirtiality and he is the same as Shiva. Only name has changed.

    THE GOD OF THE TREE FRUIT in Celtic mythology or spirituality is Cernnunos. In Greek mythology is Dinysos.

    EARTH FATHER in Celtic is Cernnunos again. In Greek is Pan and Dionysos. As I have shown earlier Dionysos was god of ritualistic madness, orgy, and wine.

    Secondly, DAYTIME AND NIGHTTIME CONTROLLER OF THE UPPER REALM in celtic are Lugh and Cailleach -Queen of Air and Darkness.
    In Greek Daytime and Night time Controller of Upper Real is Hermes and Apollo. Interesting, isn’t it?

    So, let’s look at druid mythology about Cernnunos. This is from practicing druid and vicca religion.

    Cernnunos worked his magic when the first humans were becoming. Our prehistoric ancestors knew him as a shape-shifting, shamanic god of the Hunt.
    He is oldest of the Ancient Ones, first born of the Goddess. At the time of First Earth, Cernnunos grew in the womb of the All Mother, Anu, waiting to be born, to come forth to initiate the everlasting, unbroken Circle of Life.

    Cernnunos, as The Horned God, Lord of the Animals is portrayed as human or half human with an antler crown. Though he wears a human face his energy and his concerns are non-human.

    In his Underworld aspect Cernnunos is The Dark Man, the god who dwells in the House Beneath the Hill, the Underworld.

    Pan, lusty Satyr god of the Greeks is another aspect of the Horned God. "Pan is a proud celebration of the liberating power of male erotic energy in its purest and most beautiful form." (5) He is portrayed as playful and cunning, but He also has a darker, dangerous nature.

    In modern times he is often called the God of the Witches and embodies uncorrupted masculine energy. A masculine energy that is fully-developed and in balance with the natural world.

    As Lord of the Dance He is present in the billions and billions of infinitely small movements that make up the seemingly chaotic Dance of Life, the Dance of Making and Unmaking. He is truly the Life that never, never dies, for even as nothingness he is self-originating. He is triple as She is triple. He is Cernnunos: Father, Son, and Wild Spirit.

    I guess we are very different. You want to disempowered people telling them that they need gurus, shamans, or teachers. I want to empower them. We don’t need any guru, teacher, or shaman. Sadly, you don’t want to warn them about the possible danger. There are people who received secret teachings, for example, Paulo Coelho who warned people against those who use black magic against peole and the consequences of it. At least, he retained some integrity. But I hope that people stop listening to others but do their own research.

    Much love,

    The Karen

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    Post  Sanicle Wed May 04, 2011 1:21 am

    Dear Starninja, where to begin? OK, for a start this.....what you ended your last post with.

    "I guess we are very different. You want to disempowered people telling them that they need gurus, shamans, or teachers. I want to empower them. We don’t need any guru, teacher, or shaman. Sadly, you don’t want to warn them about the possible danger. There are people who received secret teachings, for example, Paulo Coelho who warned people against those who use black magic against peole and the consequences of it. At least, he retained some integrity. But I hope that people stop listening to others but do their own research."

    Question: What is 'research' if not studying what others teach, other people's perception of the Truth? And yet you state that "We don't need guru, teacher, or shaman", inferring that you don't use such to know the Truth when that's exactly what you're doing. Can't you see how you contradict yourself?

    What we are doing on this thread, and many others on the forum, is celebrating those who go within to find guidance from other dimensions, all of which can teach and unite us in the common cause of the evolution of all life, and then have the grace to share what they learn with others. You've stated on another thread that you have no intention of giving up your ego and passions, submitting to these teachers of the inner realms. That's your right and choice. But it saddens me so much that you continually put others down for not wanting to make the same choice you have....good people who have the humility to realize they aren't the only lifeforms that exist in this Universe and can learn from the others. I guess you don't believe in ETs either....that they may have something to teach us? But then I guess you might if they are depicted in old artworks, or mentioned by ancient teachers in their writings.

    One more thing I will say, which I'm guessing you won't like and will dismiss also. A Deva told me last week that the ancient 'pornography' you keep posting is part of a longterm conspiracy to corrupt humanity's belief in the Elemental worlds.......turn more sensitive souls away in disgust. If you bothered to read some of the articles in the link Mercuriel posted, you'd see that the PTW are well aware that the Elemental realms are real and they still fight them for control of this planet. Your artworks are also yet another example of human beings 'humanizing' what they don't know or understand. For instance, those 'nymphs' in those paintings look nothing like real nymphs. It's no different to people being given the perception that God is an old man with a long beard sitting up in Heaven on his throne looking down on us all.

    Lastly, you seem to fear the Elemental worlds, inferring, thanks to your chosen teachers, that they are dark and evil in some way. Might you consider that those of us who choose to explore the hidden realms have overcome such fears, realizing that good and evil exist side by side in all realms?

    And to you, with the same spirit it's directed in your posts..... The Karen

    PS Your new avatar looks very nymph-like actually. How wierd is that? drunken

    Last edited by Sanicle on Wed May 04, 2011 5:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Sanicle Wed May 04, 2011 1:41 am

    Mudra wrote:I knew I had an article somewhere on the devas on my garden thread.
    I found it .
    Here it is for you Sanicle.
    Thank you for your beautiful thread .
    It is wonderfull to hear about your connection to nature's spirits.

    Thank you so much for finding and posting this article. It's a real treasure, like Mercuriel's, and I've found quite a bit of confirmation of what I'm experiencing in both, especially yours, as these devas are more like those I'm communicating with. I haven't had anything to do with the sylphs as per Mercuriel's post, but don't you love them? What makes me smile most of all is the attitude they all seem to have in relation to we 'silly' humans lol, or rather they make me feel that way in realizing the opportunity we've missed in not working with them sooner.

    From my own experiences, the Devas are very matter-of-fact and focused only on results that serve the planet, the work to be done. They just don't have time or patience for any 'emotional or mental silliness' from us and are not overly impressed with the mess we've made of the planet, and I'd say the sylphs, undines and salamanders would be much the same. And yet they are prepared to work with us if our intention in doing so is to serve the planet also. I'm of the impression though that the faeries have more human qualities, it would seem because they are the usual lifeform we can take on if we choose to have a life in the Watcher realms. And they are friendlier and more playful as well as being more human looking. The Devas I've seen are more ethereal, less easily defined. Actually your avatar reminds me of the Devas I've seen Mudra. Essentially white flowing energy, but the 'planes' of their beings I can focus on are made up of various triangular shapes, even their faces, not human-looking or feeling at all.

    As you can probably see I'm only a newbie with this connection and have MUCH yet to learn, so all the contributions here on the thread serve so well to make others aware of the wonderful opportunity we all have to help in the evolution of all life on this planet during this difficult period by reconnecting with the Nature Spirits. And that was my goal in starting it.

    The gifts they can give us personally are so overwhelmingly beautiful also, felt so deeply in the heart chakra, which obviously serves the planet as well. Some of those I've experienced would just take too long to write up here but are deeply treasured. My prayer is that others will read these posts and make their own connection as well.


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    Post  Sanicle Wed May 04, 2011 8:15 am

    Check out this photo I took. A sylph right in the center do you think? Crazy Happy I took it from a plane flying over the Gold Coast. (Yes, naughty I found out. Embarassed)
    Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation Sylph

    Last edited by Sanicle on Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:18 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed to zoomed view)

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    Post  starninja Wed May 04, 2011 11:34 am

    Sanicle wrote:
    Question: What is 'research' if not studying what others teach, other people's perception of the Truth? And yet you state that "We don't need guru, teacher, or shaman", inferring that you don't use such to know the Truth when that's exactly what you're doing. Can't you see how you contradict yourself?

    No, I don’t contradict myself. What I mean is to do research and to check the source of information and the background of the person before reading and accepting any material. There are so much lies and deceptions and many people don’t have the ability to think critically. But critical thinking is a skill and can be mastered in time with practice. I emphasized that people need to use their mind.

    But it saddens me so much that you continually put others down for not wanting to make the same choice you have....good people who have the humility to realize they aren't the only lifeforms that exist in this Universe and can learn from the others. I guess you don't believe in ETs either....that they may have something to teach us? But then I guess you might if they are depicted in old artworks, or mentioned by ancient teachers in their writings.

    I have never put others down and I have never wanted others to make my choice. I strongly stand for people use their minds and intuition to guide them and practice discernment. Secondly, there are people who were involved in occult practice but they had some integrity and warned people. Rudolf Steiner, who was involved in occult, in his book How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation strongly warned people not to even think about astral travel if they don’t have a total control over their feelings. I can trust him because what happens to the mind if mind is overwhelmed with feelings – mind splits from the body resulting in mental illness.

    Do I belive in ET’s? Universe is infinite and it would be foolish to think that we are the only one. Do I believe in earthling’s theory about ET’s. Most of it is lies that were debunked 20 years ago. We may ask why they didn’t show up 100, 500, 1000 yers ago? You may believe that people are hopeless and powerless and they need to give their power away to ET”s like they have done by trusting governments. I belive that people need to get their powe back.

    Regarding my tread about Moses. My search for truth led me to ancient history. I wanted to know why tptb promotes pornography and a female whore archetype. Why they are destroying the psyche of our children.
    You said that some people are disgusted learning about ancient pornography and they turned away. They can hide their heads in the sand and not to see the female degradation and that pornography is overwhelming today. I deeply care about our children and I want to know from where it originated. It is deep truth in a proverb," if you don’t know the past, you will repeat the same in the future". You may be happy with promoting a female archetype. I am a female and I strongly oppose that.

    You may reject any knowledge about nymphs that is in ancient artifacts and mythology. I hope that people will trust their eyes and they will seek the knowledge rather than blindly trusting you. Big Grin 2

    Your new avatar looks very nymph-like actually........I hear you, you see nymphs everywhere, and of course, you must see Pan everywhere too. Insanely Happy My avatar represents ninja as it was titled by the artist. Don’t fortget that I stay strongly for truth and integrity is my real name. Harp

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    Post  mudra Wed May 04, 2011 4:10 pm

    Sanicle wrote:

    Thank you so much for finding and posting this article. It's a real treasure, like Mercuriel's, and I've found quite a bit of confirmation of what I'm experiencing in both, especially yours, as these devas are more like those I'm communicating with. I haven't had anything to do with the sylphs as per Mercuriel's post, but don't you love them? What makes me smile most of all is the attitude they all seem to have in relation to we 'silly' humans lol, or rather they make me feel that way in realizing the opportunity we've missed in not working with them sooner.

    I am glad that article I posted was helpfull to you. I can completely relate to your experiences with nature's spirits . I have spend many hours of blissfull contemplation amongsts them from my early childhood on. I am not seeing the " little people " in humanlike forms as such. I am perceiving their energy and am easily communicating with them on a empathic level .The spirit of a tree I used to go and sit under regularly has shown me new ways of seeing and allowed insight to sink in which has been one of the most profound I experienced in this life.It is evident to me that we are made of the same light and that when our heart is open to receive their being we can merge with them as easily as we breathe.

    Much Love for You



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    Post  Mercuriel Thu May 05, 2011 10:09 am

    Sanicle wrote:Do you use the technique?

    Heavily and It works well with the Clouds or Rainy Weather but when I do It for the Chemtrails - I picture Myself as a Skyhigh Being actually blowing the Air Currents away from the Population Centers I'm in at the time...

    Some might think this is crazy and I can't Blame 'em - BUT - Sure enough, It works for Me...

    After I've visualized this and usually a half hour or so later - The Sylphs seem to arrive or Manifest and begin dispersing the Chems as the Chems move off and away from the Area...



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    Post  Mercuriel Thu May 05, 2011 10:13 am

    If One knows how to use Their Power of Intention - Coupled with Visualization - Consciousness will Manifest that which was asked for...

    It just takes time and with some - It is almost Instantaneous while with others - It takes time to see the results...

    As with anything though - Practise makes perfect and We must work those Muscles that are out of shape or rarely used if We are to become Stronger in this just as with anything else...

    Heh heh


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    Post  Sanicle Thu May 05, 2011 1:01 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:Do you use the technique?

    Heavily and It works well with the Clouds or Rainy Weather but when I do It for the Chemtrails - I picture Myself as a Skyhigh Being actually blowing the Air Currents away from the Population Centers I'm in at the time...

    Some might think this is crazy and I can't Blame 'em - BUT - Sure enough, It works for Me...

    After I've visualized this and usually a half hour or so later - The Sylphs seem to arrive or Manifest and begin dispersing the Chems as the Chems move off and away from the Area...


    That's brilliant Mercuriel. Sounds like fun too. cheers

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    Post  Sanicle Thu May 05, 2011 2:31 pm

    It's 5am over here, but I wanted to share this new message with you all as it was a real wake-up call for me and, I believe, it could just serve others to hear it too. My heart is just aching with it as I type this, not the least because it's made me realize just how blind and uncaring I can be at times, much as it embarrasses me to admit it. I 'thought' I was doing OK. Rolling Eyes

    I was just talking to my elemental friends again and this is what they told me. As we know, each of us is born knowing our chosen destiny at a Soul level but not consciously, obviously. And, as can be seen around us in the world every day, it can include very painful lessons that are hard for us at a 3D level to understand. Well my friends, I found out I know such a person and this dear person's life is heading towards very painful times in the future. Naturally my sympathy levels went into overdrive, making me want to hold this person close, grieving already for her future suffering and wanting to help. But by putting myself into that future, I realized that no amount of love I give her then will do much to help ease her pain at deep levels because my love probably won't feel 'real' to her then because I've not made it clear to her now, so I won't be of much consolation to her. It will probably seem to her that I'm just another person offering support and sympathy, as we do, no-one she knows she can rely on who truly does care.

    And that made me feel ashamed that I don't give her more now when she is still open to receiving the joy being loved can bring us, and I know would happily receive it. She opens herself up to me and yet I've always held back a little as she can be a bit demanding. But if I give now, maybe it will help her somehow when her dark time comes. At least she will know that I love and care for her when she needs someone to turn to, that I truly am there for her. The more of us she has the better. And she will at least have happier memories of the time 'before' to sustain her through the hard times ahead of her. Do you know what I mean?

    And then of course I realized that others I love that are around me that I don't see as often as I should and love openly as much as I could might also be heading for dark times, especially given the way the world is today. How are we to know whom tragedy might befall? How often do you hear people say when tragedy strikes someone close, "If only I'd told them how much I loved them when I had the opportunity, and now it's too late." And we think, "Yes, I know how you must be feeling." But seriously friends, don't most of us take it for granted that all will just cruise along as it has been, totally unaware as we usually are that it all might change in the blink of an eye?

    So what I'm trying to say is that I hope what I've written will somehow cause you to think deeply about how much your family and friends really mean to you so you'll give your love now while you can while they are in the state of being in which they are able to fully enjoy the gift, while their hearts and minds are open and able to appreciate it, not loaded down with pain and numb. Just in case you might find out some time in the future that you could have given more and you didn't and have cause to regret it......God forbid that should happen to any of you. Sorry for the 'downer' but I really hope that my awakening can be so for you as well. I see it as a well-timed gift of great worth. Truly.

    Love and peace to you all.

    The Karen

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    Post  lindabaker Thu May 05, 2011 3:44 pm

    Thank you for writing that, Sanicle. Why is it that some families have so much trouble just speaking loving words? I blame my British ancestors. My family always kept quiet about grief, and love, any Anything emotional. As if it were an embarrassment or something. Know what I mean? It's not like it's not there, but it's somehow not quite good manners to be too effusive. What a crock of sheet. You are right, the sheet has hit the fan, all over the world. Nobody knows what's gonna happen next. Best to be in touch, to call, to write, to just say: "hey, how's it going?" You just don't know these days. We are in the chaotic node and in the underworld cycle of the mayan calendar. The cycle will turn, and we will be cleansed of many things. The dawn of the golden age is nearly here. Reminds me of the old blues song, "Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me."



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    Post  Sanicle Thu May 05, 2011 10:28 pm

    Thanks for responding Linda. I guess you'd understand better than some what I'm trying to say after what you've recently been through. And I think you are right........more layers of the dreaded conditioning. I didn't see that side of it. Reminds me of past lessons I've learned re Love and how difficult it can be due to that, my family apparently being much the same as yours. Showing love to all was so alien to me that when I was in my 20s and met my first truly loving lady, a nurse I worked with, I didn't trust her. I just couldn't believe anyone could be that loving and kept watching her carefully to figure out why she was tricking everyone by pretending she was. How sad is that! Embarassed I did find out later on that she was for real but by then I'd missed the opportunity to be friends with her and be there for her when her marriage broke up.

    Later on in life when I was doing the healing work, able and wanting to give more, I found out the hard way that there are many out there who just expect to take and take and take, giving nothing in return. I didn't know until then about how superficial some people can be, including so-called 'spiritual' people who only seem to be in it to gain more 'power' and prestige. That caused me to withdraw again. Then there was another man, closer, who'd been damaged by early abuse. He told me that he couldn't handle the love I tried to give because it made him feel guilty that he couldn't give the same in return. My love somehow made him feel less of a man and he'd pick fights to test me and to hurt me when he felt that way and we split up in the end. I didn't realize that love could do that either. Embarassed

    So thank you for reminding me of those aspects of it with your post Linda. I've got lots to think about lol. I'm thinking at this stage that maybe it all boils down to being secure in the love we feel within our hearts to be able to give it to others freely regardless, hopefully with the wisdom of the heart to show us how best to give it to each person along the way as well.

    Wow, the Elementals are giving me so many needed lessons, truer perspectives on myself, life and we humans generally! With all I've learned thus far, I'm not surprised they've become so wary of us.

    Thanks again Hugs

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