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    Aquaries1111 Corner


    Posts : 1394
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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Aquaries1111 Corner

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:26 pm

    Aquaries1111 Corner Logos_y_dragon

    The Dragon-the logoic reflection

    Aquaries1111 Corner Lucha_mitologias

    In the Sacred Doctrines of the Gnostics can be best discovered the significance of the DRAGON, of the Serpent, of the Male Goat and of all those symbols of Power and of Force’s of Nature and man, which, polarizing themselves with their negative aspect, are called “of evil”.

    The Dragons had been considered in all Antiquity symbols of eternity and wisdom.

    The hierophants of Egypt, of Babylonia and India were giving to themselves, in general, the name of “SONS OF THE DRAGON AND THE SERPENT”, thus confirming the teachings of the Universal Gnosticism.

    The Dragon is the Divine Daimon" of Socrates, the famous “LUCIFER” on the Notre-Dâme Cathedral in Paris, the same “XOLOTL-NAHUATL” of the Aztecs.

    The Dragon, Xolotl, is the Living Shadow of Quetzalcoatl (of the Logos, of the Christ), is the bearer of the Light, is Tlahuitzcalpante-Cuhtli, “The Morning Star”, the living symbol of “our Angular Stone”, of the “Cornerstone”, of the “Philosopher Stone”, in which lies the key to all powers.

    Lucifer-Prometheus, The Dragon, sometimes taking the form of the Male Goat of Mendez, symbolizes the Sexual Potency. He is the Prince of Light and Darkness and has absolute power over the Heavens, over Earth and over the Infernos.

    The Dragon, Xolotl-Lucifer-Prometheus, is by no means an external agent, outside of our Psyche. On the contrary, he is the “shadow” of OUR DIVINE BEING. He is “the psychological trainer” in the gymnasium of practical life.

    Certain brotherhoods draw false alarms, make great fuss and hubbub, and spread, here and there and over there, silly and defamatory fabrications against the Gnostic “Solar Chinoupes”, the “Agathodaemon-Christ”, the “Serpent” of Genesis, against “Lucifer-Nahuatl”, the shiny “Dragon of Wisdom”.

    Xolotl-Lucifer is badly looked and alienated by those rude “wisdom models”, who rejecting the life-giving Spirit, have literarily interpreted the alegory of “the war in Heaven” and of “the battle of Michael against the Dragon”, without understanding its profound significance...

    Without doubt, our Inner, Profound Being, like in all Legends of heroes who fight against the Dragon, must kill it, meaning that He has to come out victoriously and winning from all the temptations put by him and that is why it is said that, once defeated, we convert ourselves in “Sons of the Dragon”. How can the virtues germinate in us if the temptation would not exist?

    Bel and the Dragon, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl, Apollo and Python, Krishna and Kaliya, Osiris and Typhon, Michael and The Red Dragon, Saint George and the Dragon, are (the latter) always the Shadow of the “Personal Divine Logos” of each and everyone of them and us, projected in our own psyche for our own good.

    The Dragon, that Force similar to a fuel, is the one who, used wisely, can give an impulse to our inner development, or on the contrary, used negligently, can lead us to the abyss of perdition...


    Posts : 1394
    Join date : 2012-06-02
    Age : 55
    Location : In the Suns

    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty John A Gowan

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:54 pm

    General Systems, Gravity, and the Unified Field Theory

    Essays on Fractals, Cosmology, Theory of Everything, Time, Entropy, Weak and Strong Forces, Science and Religion, Life, the Human Condition

    by John A. Gowan


    Section V: Introduction to Cosmology
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe: Implications for Cosmology and the Theory of Inflation (text - updated copy)
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe (updated pdf diagram)
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe (original gif diagram)
    The "Spacetime Map" as a Model of a 5-Dimensional Holographic Universe
    Commentary on the Physical Parameters of the "Spacetime Map"
    A Graph of the 14 Gyr Cosmos Expanding with and without Gravity
    Table of Data Inputs to "13.7 Gyr Graph" of Cosmic Expansion
    Unified Field Theory
    Section I: Introduction to Unification
    Section X: Introduction to Conservation
    Section IX: Symmetry: Noether`s Theorem and Einstein's "Interval"
    Section XIV: Causality
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part I
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part 2
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part 3 (Summary)
    Unified Field Table: Simple Form
    Principles of the Unified Field Theory: A Tetrahedral Model
    (Postscript and Commentary on paper above)
    Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The System of Spacetime
    Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The System of Matter
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries and the "Tetrahedron Model"; Postscript
    The "Tetrahedron Model" vs the "Standard Model" of Physics: A Comparison
    A Short Course in the Unified Field Theory
    Section II: Introduction to Gravitation
    Why Gravity? A Rationale for Gravitation
    A Description of Gravitation
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries in Gravitation (Part 2, Section A)
    The Double Conservation Role of Gravitation: Entropy vs Symmetry
    About Gravity
    Extending Einstein's "Equivalence Principle"
    The Conversion of Space to Time
    "Dark Energy" and the "Accelerating Universe": Does Light Produce a Gravitational field?
    Section VII: Introduction to Entropy
    Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics
    Spatial vs Temporal Entropy
    The Intrinsic Motions of Time, Space, and Gravity
    Currents of Symmetry and Entropy
    The Time Train
    Traveling Twin Paradox: Covariance of Space and Time
    The Halflife of Proton Decay and the 'Heat Death' of the Cosmos
    The Fractal Organization of Nature
    Section III: Introduction to Fractals
    The Fractal Organization of Nature (table)
    Part 1: Microphysical Realm
    Part 2: Biophysical Realm
    Part 3: Astrophysical Realm
    Part 4: Metaphysical Realm - Intuitive Mode
    Part 5: Metaphysical Realm - Rational Mode
    Part6: The Fractal Organization of Nature (summary) (text)
    Newton and Darwin: The Evolution and Abundance of Life in the Cosmos
    Commentary on the Metaphysical Realm (rational mode)
    The Human Connection
    Chardin: Prophet of the Information Age
    Section VI: Introduction to Information
    Negentropic Information
    The Information Pathway (text)
    The Formation of Matter and the Origin of Information
    Nature's Fractal Pathway
    The Destruction of Information
    The Fractal Organization of Nature (table No. 1)
    The Information Ladder (table)
    Weak Force, Intermediate Vector Bosons ("IVBs")
    Section IV: Introduction to the Weak Force
    The "W" Intermediate Vector Boson and the Weak Force Mechanism (pdf file)
    The "W" IVB and the Weak Force Mechanism (html file)
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries of the Weak Force (part 3)
    The Weak Force: Identity or Number Charge
    The Weak Force "W" Particle as the Bridge Between Symmetric (2-D) and Asymmetric (4-D) Reality
    The Strong and Weak Short-Range Particle Forces
    Section XVI: Introduction to the Higgs Boson
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Spacetime Metric
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Weak Force IVBs: Part I
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Weak Force IVBs: Parts II, III, IV
    The Higgs Boson and the Evolutionary Eras of the Cosmos
    The Particle Table
    Section XVIII: The Strong Force: Two Expressions
    General Systems and Metaphysics
    Section XII: Man's Role in Nature
    Is There Life After Death?
    Section XIII: The Solar Archetype
    Section VIII: Introduction to General Systems, Complex Systems
    Synopsis of the "Tetrahedron Model" of the Unified Field Theory
    The Tetrahedron Model in the Context of a Complete Conservation Cycle (text)
    "Trance, Art, Creativity" An Investigation of the Numinous Element and the Metaphysical Realm. A Book by Prof. John C. Gowan, Sr.
    Stewart C. Dodd's 4x4 Mathematical General System Matrix
    Spiritual and Scientific Principles of the Tetrahedron Cosmic Energy Model
    Postscript: Causality, Information, Karma
    The Grail and Hourglass Diagrams
    A General Systems Analysis of the Creative Process in Nature
    Human Life-Span Development General Systems 4x3 Models
    Introduction to the E-Book
    General Systems and a "Theory of Everything": Essays on Physics and the Nature of Reality (html files)
    General Systems and a "Theory of Everything": Essays on Physics and the Nature of Reality (pdf files)
    Tables, Diagrams, and Miscellaneous Papers (index page, links)
    Author's Biography
    Chronology of Papers and Ideas
    What we see is not Nature in itself, but Nature exposed to our method of questioning - W. C. Heisenberg

    The conceptual basis of the Unified Field Theory as presented in these pages is summarized below:

    "Noether's Theorem" states that in a multicomponent field such as the electromagnetic field (or the metric field of spacetime), symmetries are associated with conservation laws and vice versa. In matter, light's (broken) symmetries are conserved by charge and spin; in spacetime, light's symmetries are protected by inertial forces, and conserved (when broken) by gravitational forces. All forms of energy originate as light; matter carries charges which are the symmetry/entropy debts of the light which created it (both concepts are required to fully integrate gravity - which has a double conservation role - with the other forces). Charges produce forces which act to return the material system to its original symmetric state (light), repaying matter's symmetry/entropy debts. Repayment is exampled by any spontaneous interaction producing net free energy, including: chemical reactions and matter-antimatter annihilation reactions; radioactivity, particle and proton decay; the nucleosynthetic pathway of stars, and Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes. Identifying the broken symmetries of light associated with each of the 4 charges and forces of physics is the first step toward a conceptual unification.
    The charges of matter are the symmetry debts of light. In weak gravitational fields (as on planet Earth), gravity only pays the entropy "interest" on the symmetry debt of matter, converting space to time, providing an alternative entropic dimension (history) in which charge conservation (and causality) can have an extended significance. In stronger fields (as on our Sun), gravity also pays the "principal" of matter's symmetry debt, converting mass to light; this latter reaction goes to completion via Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes.

    The symmetry-conserving requirement of charge invariance (and of "Lorentz invariance" in Special Relativity) is the key to understanding the local action of the forces, including the quantization of charge and other conserved parameters.

    While atomic nuclei promote symmetry conservation through an exothermic nucleosynthetic pathway in stars, their associated electron shells create life through a negentropic chemical pathway on planets. Using energy and heavy elements ultimately provided by gravity, the information pathway of biology is the means whereby the universe becomes aware of and experiences itself, including evolving new modes of creativity. Carbon with its multiple 4x3 fractal resonances (5) is the crucial link between the abiotic and biotic metrics of the Cosmos.

    See: the "Tetrahedron Model" (simple version) (diagram)
    The Tetrahedron Model (complete version) (diagram)
    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty kinderaquarius1111 acsel1111 is most welcome always

    Post  We Are You Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:50 pm

    Flowers of Rainbow Light Become Visible to Allby ÉirePort

    Spray from the Higher Fountains of Gaia leap forth from within her bosom, as Hue-man Kind awakens to the "Kinder" (German, "children") within. Oppressive pare tala removed, yea, released by each. Even only one per hundred has been enough to allow Illumination of All, with All, for All.

    Galactic Sun, to Sol, to Gaia, to Hue-man, Hue-woman Kind.

    Love your "Kinder".

    ÉirePort | July 3, 2012 at 20:33 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

    Mira and Sananda ~ Enjoy the Quiet ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 July 2012by franheal

    Mira and Sananda:

    Hello wonderful Light Beings that you all are. Sananda and I, Mira, join forces today to bring you such joyous news. We have much to share with you.

    All around the World, there is a quietude, as if you can hear a pin drop. It is cause for rejoicing, dear Ones.

    Behold the changes already happening and in place. Start to stretch your muscles as if coming out of a deep sleep. Look around you and notice the subtle differences in perception, not so subtle for some. Take it in and begin to work with it as your Reality from now on.

    We come before you today to tell you that the stage has been set for your rapid ascent. More and more you will be discovering for yourselves, and also hearing from us and other Ascended Beings, on how to best utilize this new perspective of consciousness becoming prevalent among you.

    You have laid the groundwork, with our help, and now it is time to pick up your tools and work alongside us in creating the New Earth you all are getting a glimpse of. It is time to work daily, in the Now, on your Ascension, if you so choose.

    Your tools, so to speak, are your gifts that you will be uncovering more and more as you go along. They are your inherent gifts, from Creator. All of you will be developing your telepathic abilities more and more. Allow those to come forth naturally as you go inward and tap your inherent gifts.

    You will develop a deeper connection with Source and receive guidance on your own within you. And each of you will be developing your unique gifts to assist in the forming of the New World on this beautiful Earth that is destined to become pristine again, with your and our help.

    These awakenings are all possible, if you so choose, and really, you have all chosen when you decided to come back as Lightworkers and Lightholders to assist Mother Earth and each other in Ascension.

    You will receive much more help now from us of the Spiritual and Galactic Realm now that the dark Ones are being neutralized. You can feel the difference in the energy, can’t you??? Revel in it, rejoice in it and roll up your sleeves to make the most of it.

    No need to take up arms. The only ”weapons” you need are Love and the intention to ascend; the intention to become One with All That Is; the intention to help others do this as well. Those are all the weapons you need; your tools of the trade are Love and Intention, and your vision for the World you want to see and create.

    What a wondrous World you are creating. Take some time to celebrate and rejoice at the success of all your hard work and perseverance. The World is lightening up and it is becoming easier to feel it in your bones and in your Light Bodies.

    Focus now on your Light Bodies. Absorb all the great potent energy from the Galactic Sun and infiltrate your Being with it. Notice the lightness you are feeling as your Crystalline bodies take shape, become more prevalent, become more present in you.

    Keep absorbing the Light and stay as detached as you can from the remains of duality inhabiting your surroundings. Stay Centered and Balanced. Being in nature and meditating more will help you in this.

    Duality is becoming less real to you, and your connection to Source more prominent and Real. Connecting to others will be easier and simpler to feel and notice. Stay with that Reality, dear Ones.

    Now, please sit with this awhile, experiment with this awhile and we will be coming again with more help in your ascension process.

    We send you our Love and abiding support,

    Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Sananda

    Thank you to Mira and Sananda.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

    franheal | July 4, 2012 at 00:14 | Tags: Ascension Process, connection with Source, Crystalline Bodies, Enjoy the Quiet, Fran Zepeda, Galactic Sun, Higher consciousness, July 3 2012, Light Bodies, Lightholders, Lightworkers, Mira of Pleiadian High Council, Sananda, Spiritual & Galactic Realm, telepathic abilities, Vision for World | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Aquaries1111 wrote:

    General Systems, Gravity, and the Unified Field Theory

    Essays on Fractals, Cosmology, Theory of Everything, Time, Entropy, Weak and Strong Forces, Science and Religion, Life, the Human Condition

    by John A. Gowan


    Section V: Introduction to Cosmology
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe: Implications for Cosmology and the Theory of Inflation (text - updated copy)
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe (updated pdf diagram)
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe (original gif diagram)
    The "Spacetime Map" as a Model of a 5-Dimensional Holographic Universe
    Commentary on the Physical Parameters of the "Spacetime Map"
    A Graph of the 14 Gyr Cosmos Expanding with and without Gravity
    Table of Data Inputs to "13.7 Gyr Graph" of Cosmic Expansion
    Unified Field Theory
    Section I: Introduction to Unification
    Section X: Introduction to Conservation
    Section IX: Symmetry: Noether`s Theorem and Einstein's "Interval"
    Section XIV: Causality
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part I
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part 2
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part 3 (Summary)
    Unified Field Table: Simple Form
    Principles of the Unified Field Theory: A Tetrahedral Model
    (Postscript and Commentary on paper above)
    Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The System of Spacetime
    Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The System of Matter
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries and the "Tetrahedron Model"; Postscript
    The "Tetrahedron Model" vs the "Standard Model" of Physics: A Comparison
    A Short Course in the Unified Field Theory
    Section II: Introduction to Gravitation
    Why Gravity? A Rationale for Gravitation
    A Description of Gravitation
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries in Gravitation (Part 2, Section A)
    The Double Conservation Role of Gravitation: Entropy vs Symmetry
    About Gravity
    Extending Einstein's "Equivalence Principle"
    The Conversion of Space to Time
    "Dark Energy" and the "Accelerating Universe": Does Light Produce a Gravitational field?
    Section VII: Introduction to Entropy
    Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics
    Spatial vs Temporal Entropy
    The Intrinsic Motions of Time, Space, and Gravity
    Currents of Symmetry and Entropy
    The Time Train
    Traveling Twin Paradox: Covariance of Space and Time
    The Halflife of Proton Decay and the 'Heat Death' of the Cosmos
    The Fractal Organization of Nature
    Section III: Introduction to Fractals
    The Fractal Organization of Nature (table)
    Part 1: Microphysical Realm
    Part 2: Biophysical Realm
    Part 3: Astrophysical Realm
    Part 4: Metaphysical Realm - Intuitive Mode
    Part 5: Metaphysical Realm - Rational Mode
    Part6: The Fractal Organization of Nature (summary) (text)
    Newton and Darwin: The Evolution and Abundance of Life in the Cosmos
    Commentary on the Metaphysical Realm (rational mode)
    The Human Connection
    Chardin: Prophet of the Information Age
    Section VI: Introduction to Information
    Negentropic Information
    The Information Pathway (text)
    The Formation of Matter and the Origin of Information
    Nature's Fractal Pathway
    The Destruction of Information
    The Fractal Organization of Nature (table No. 1)
    The Information Ladder (table)
    Weak Force, Intermediate Vector Bosons ("IVBs")
    Section IV: Introduction to the Weak Force
    The "W" Intermediate Vector Boson and the Weak Force Mechanism (pdf file)
    The "W" IVB and the Weak Force Mechanism (html file)
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries of the Weak Force (part 3)
    The Weak Force: Identity or Number Charge
    The Weak Force "W" Particle as the Bridge Between Symmetric (2-D) and Asymmetric (4-D) Reality
    The Strong and Weak Short-Range Particle Forces
    Section XVI: Introduction to the Higgs Boson
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Spacetime Metric
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Weak Force IVBs: Part I
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Weak Force IVBs: Parts II, III, IV
    The Higgs Boson and the Evolutionary Eras of the Cosmos
    The Particle Table
    Section XVIII: The Strong Force: Two Expressions
    General Systems and Metaphysics
    Section XII: Man's Role in Nature
    Is There Life After Death?
    Section XIII: The Solar Archetype
    Section VIII: Introduction to General Systems, Complex Systems
    Synopsis of the "Tetrahedron Model" of the Unified Field Theory
    The Tetrahedron Model in the Context of a Complete Conservation Cycle (text)
    "Trance, Art, Creativity" An Investigation of the Numinous Element and the Metaphysical Realm. A Book by Prof. John C. Gowan, Sr.
    Stewart C. Dodd's 4x4 Mathematical General System Matrix
    Spiritual and Scientific Principles of the Tetrahedron Cosmic Energy Model
    Postscript: Causality, Information, Karma
    The Grail and Hourglass Diagrams
    A General Systems Analysis of the Creative Process in Nature
    Human Life-Span Development General Systems 4x3 Models
    Introduction to the E-Book
    General Systems and a "Theory of Everything": Essays on Physics and the Nature of Reality (html files)
    General Systems and a "Theory of Everything": Essays on Physics and the Nature of Reality (pdf files)
    Tables, Diagrams, and Miscellaneous Papers (index page, links)
    Author's Biography
    Chronology of Papers and Ideas
    What we see is not Nature in itself, but Nature exposed to our method of questioning - W. C. Heisenberg

    The conceptual basis of the Unified Field Theory as presented in these pages is summarized below:

    "Noether's Theorem" states that in a multicomponent field such as the electromagnetic field (or the metric field of spacetime), symmetries are associated with conservation laws and vice versa. In matter, light's (broken) symmetries are conserved by charge and spin; in spacetime, light's symmetries are protected by inertial forces, and conserved (when broken) by gravitational forces. All forms of energy originate as light; matter carries charges which are the symmetry/entropy debts of the light which created it (both concepts are required to fully integrate gravity - which has a double conservation role - with the other forces). Charges produce forces which act to return the material system to its original symmetric state (light), repaying matter's symmetry/entropy debts. Repayment is exampled by any spontaneous interaction producing net free energy, including: chemical reactions and matter-antimatter annihilation reactions; radioactivity, particle and proton decay; the nucleosynthetic pathway of stars, and Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes. Identifying the broken symmetries of light associated with each of the 4 charges and forces of physics is the first step toward a conceptual unification.
    The charges of matter are the symmetry debts of light. In weak gravitational fields (as on planet Earth), gravity only pays the entropy "interest" on the symmetry debt of matter, converting space to time, providing an alternative entropic dimension (history) in which charge conservation (and causality) can have an extended significance. In stronger fields (as on our Sun), gravity also pays the "principal" of matter's symmetry debt, converting mass to light; this latter reaction goes to completion via Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes.

    The symmetry-conserving requirement of charge invariance (and of "Lorentz invariance" in Special Relativity) is the key to understanding the local action of the forces, including the quantization of charge and other conserved parameters.

    While atomic nuclei promote symmetry conservation through an exothermic nucleosynthetic pathway in stars, their associated electron shells create life through a negentropic chemical pathway on planets. Using energy and heavy elements ultimately provided by gravity, the information pathway of biology is the means whereby the universe becomes aware of and experiences itself, including evolving new modes of creativity. Carbon with its multiple 4x3 fractal resonances (5) is the crucial link between the abiotic and biotic metrics of the Cosmos.

    See: the "Tetrahedron Model" (simple version) (diagram)
    The Tetrahedron Model (complete version) (diagram)
    Mira and Sananda ~ Enjoy the Quiet ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 July 2012by franheal

    Mira and Sananda:

    Hello wonderful Light Beings that you all are. Sananda and I, Mira, join forces today to bring you such joyous news. We have much to share with you.

    All around the World, there is a quietude, as if you can hear a pin drop. It is cause for rejoicing, dear Ones.

    Behold the changes already happening and in place. Start to stretch your muscles as if coming out of a deep sleep. Look around you and notice the subtle differences in perception, not so subtle for some. Take it in and begin to work with it as your Reality from now on.

    We come before you today to tell you that the stage has been set for your rapid ascent. More and more you will be discovering for yourselves, and also hearing from us and other Ascended Beings, on how to best utilize this new perspective of consciousness becoming prevalent among you.

    You have laid the groundwork, with our help, and now it is time to pick up your tools and work alongside us in creating the New Earth you all are getting a glimpse of. It is time to work daily, in the Now, on your Ascension, if you so choose.

    Your tools, so to speak, are your gifts that you will be uncovering more and more as you go along. They are your inherent gifts, from Creator. All of you will be developing your telepathic abilities more and more. Allow those to come forth naturally as you go inward and tap your inherent gifts.

    You will develop a deeper connection with Source and receive guidance on your own within you. And each of you will be developing your unique gifts to assist in the forming of the New World on this beautiful Earth that is destined to become pristine again, with your and our help.

    These awakenings are all possible, if you so choose, and really, you have all chosen when you decided to come back as Lightworkers and Lightholders to assist Mother Earth and each other in Ascension.

    You will receive much more help now from us of the Spiritual and Galactic Realm now that the dark Ones are being neutralized. You can feel the difference in the energy, can’t you??? Revel in it, rejoice in it and roll up your sleeves to make the most of it.

    No need to take up arms. The only ”weapons” you need are Love and the intention to ascend; the intention to become One with All That Is; the intention to help others do this as well. Those are all the weapons you need; your tools of the trade are Love and Intention, and your vision for the World you want to see and create.

    What a wondrous World you are creating. Take some time to celebrate and rejoice at the success of all your hard work and perseverance. The World is lightening up and it is becoming easier to feel it in your bones and in your Light Bodies.

    Focus now on your Light Bodies. Absorb all the great potent energy from the Galactic Sun and infiltrate your Being with it. Notice the lightness you are feeling as your Crystalline bodies take shape, become more prevalent, become more present in you.

    Keep absorbing the Light and stay as detached as you can from the remains of duality inhabiting your surroundings. Stay Centered and Balanced. Being in nature and meditating more will help you in this.

    Duality is becoming less real to you, and your connection to Source more prominent and Real. Connecting to others will be easier and simpler to feel and notice. Stay with that Reality, dear Ones.

    Now, please sit with this awhile, experiment with this awhile and we will be coming again with more help in your ascension process.

    We send you our Love and abiding support,

    Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Sananda

    Thank you to Mira and Sananda.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

    franheal | July 4, 2012 at 00:14 | Tags: Ascension Process, connection with Source, Crystalline Bodies, Enjoy the Quiet, Fran Zepeda, Galactic Sun, Higher consciousness, July 3 2012, Light Bodies, Lightholders, Lightworkers, Mira of Pleiadian High Council, Sananda, Spiritual & Galactic Realm, telepathic abilities, Vision for World | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Last edited by We Are You on Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:17 pm

    A1, you look a lot less like 'Erica Evans' in your new avatar! Do you consider Dragons to be real, imaginary (or both)? If real, do you consider Dragons to be physical, spiritual (or both)? Do you consider Dragons to be good, evil (or both)? I have sometimes wondered if Greys are Teenage Reptilians -- and if Dracs are Young-Adult to Middle-Aged Reptilians -- and if Dragons are Elder-Statesman Reptilians???!!! The Bible states that 'Michael was wroth with the Dragon'. Was Michael a Progressive-Drac who challenged the Traditional-Dragon Galactic Powers That Be???!!! Did this result in the War in Heaven???!!! What if we are Interdimensional-Reptilians on the Soul-Level???!!! What if we are Mammalian-Reptilians???!!! Could our souls animate Grey-Bodies???!!! Drac-Bodies???!!! Dragon-Bodies???!!! What were we before we were Human???!!! What will we be if and when we are no longer Human???!!! Would the answer frighten us???!!! I've asked these questions before -- but in somewhat different ways. What a Can of Worms!!! Or, is it a Can of Snakes???!!!

    Posts : 1394
    Join date : 2012-06-02
    Age : 55
    Location : In the Suns

    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:43 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:A1, you look a lot less like 'Erica Evans' in your new avatar! Do you consider Dragons to be real, imaginary (or both)? If real, do you consider Dragons to be physical, spiritual (or both)? Do you consider Dragons to be good, evil (or both)? I have sometimes wondered if Greys are Teenage Reptilians -- and if Dracs are Young-Adult to Middle-Aged Reptilians -- and if Dragons are Elder-Statesman Reptilians???!!! The Bible states that 'Michael was wroth with the Dragon'. Was Michael a Progressive-Drac who challenged the Traditional-Dragon Galactic Powers That Be???!!! Did this result in the War in Heaven???!!! What if we are Interdimensional-Reptilians on the Soul-Level???!!! What if we are Mammalian-Reptilians???!!! Could our souls animate Grey-Bodies???!!! Drac-Bodies???!!! Dragon-Bodies???!!! What were we before we were Human???!!! What will we be if and when we are no longer Human???!!! Would the answer frighten us???!!! I've asked these questions before -- but in somewhat different ways. What a Can of Worms!!! Or, is it a Can of Snakes???!!!

    Wow Oxy,

    You really know how to get my mind a whirrrrling.. I don't think anyone has or can have definitive answers in anything... except one thing is for sure.. we are all photons.. aren't we?

    It's nice to play with concepts and ideas.. Who can really prove anything at the end of the day? I do indeed imagine Dragons to be physical.. they existed and still do.. just not on the electromagnetic spectrum we are viewing.. I don't know about greys.. if they even exist.. I'm sure they must exist somewhere since they are a focus of my attention on some level.. Our souls can animate anything if we can be "enticed" enough.. What do you think Earth is? It's the ultimate video game.. If you had an option to be a grey would you? I wouldn't.. Trying to get a soul to embody anything is a challenge.. why there are 7 plus billion here.. it's fun.. fun... fun.... What were we before we were Human? Photons.. before and after.. You can't kill light.. so there is no death.. and what do we do? We are all dancing of course... Anything Oxy you imagine and have questions about does indeed exist.. else you wouldn't think about it would you? I want to think about what it is I do not currently think about.. Is it possible that the snow can fall up instead of down? Why would I even think such a thought? Why not? As long as I'm not harming anyone.. I have the freedom to think and imagine what I choose.. There's always more than one answer to any question Oxy and all are right... why not? Does Never Never Land exist? I imagine so.. Oxy what can frighten you? I have seen Reptilians walk through my bedroom wall.. can they see me? Or is it just my imagination? Hey.. if not here then there.. I'm enjoying the "ride".. without grey hairs..


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Chit chat

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:34 pm


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:55 pm


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty No Secret

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:45 pm


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty ScienceCasts: A Good Reason to Wake Up at Dawn

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:19 am

    ScienceCasts: A Good Reason to Wake Up at Dawn


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Chit Chat

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:11 am


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Deception

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:46 pm

    I have come to realize how "naive" I have been in the past. There I was thinking I knew much and in hindsight I knew absolutely nothing. How easy it was for me to "believe" what even my own Mother was telling me and come to find out she was in the "little white lie syndrom" of even her own life. So, who do we trust and who can we trust? I really cannot thank Oxy enough for turning me onto Bill Cooper who's mantra is, believe nothing not even what I say. I truly have had an "aha" moment. Now, I do not judge others who truly believe what it is they speak for even I myself have been there. What is information, where does it come from and who controls it ~ and do we believe it? There is far too much misinformation and disinformation out there and it is important to look at "the source" of any information. I have also learned not to give definitive answers even to myself.. for even I am unfolding in the truth of my own story and coming to any sort of "conclusion" could potentially shut off the truth on other levels. Plans within plans.. what part do I play in this plan within plans?

    However, when deception is at hand it is important to "expose it".. even if indirectly.


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Common Sense

    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:45 am


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:31 am


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:04 pm


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    Post  Carol Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:00 pm

    I find it ironic that the members I get complaints about are the same ones who post volumes of text.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:13 pm


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty The Hunger Games

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:27 am

    This movie contains echos of films such as 1984, Network and the Lord of the Flies. This video is unique in that it represents a very "right now" look at our celebrity worshipping, violence-laden, reality television culture and throws in some chilling warnings about the dangers of all-powerful government.

    Aquaries1111 Corner Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvpsV62qHT9i5d6UYy6T_uh-DGgrrin9XUYXQ9OFGJ83I3GnXW

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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Chit Chat

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:38 am


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:46 pm

    Really, a better question would be to ask: "What did these sungods and dying/rising gods mean to these who heard these stories and these "theologies" thousands of years ago"? Yes, that is the question and the answers fill the questions that we have as Christians and followers of "the Christ" since the "Jesus Story" is so alike all these other solar gods why likewise "died and rose again 3 days later".
    The First New Testament: The Historical Jesus Or The Christ Of Faith....Which Is It?
    The Truth About Early Christianity And The Roman Coverup
    Now we must learn a bunch from another website dealing with these early "Chrestians" or Christians as we call them today. We must deal with the Gnostic understanding of all we learned in Egyptian studies and all we learned in the Astrotheology studies and see how this was modeled in the lives and beliefs of these earliest "Gnostic Chrestians". For that we must go to another site for this information; ironically a site dealing with the true First New Testament which we don't have in our churches today.
    But before we go I need to help you make sense out of why this Astrotheology and personifications of the Sun and its path through the Cosmos was so important to the Spiritual Masters of yesterday. For that we need to understand correctly how these ancient people looked as these similar "sungods" and "sungod stories" which mimic our "Jesus Story" today.
    Answer for yourself: Did the Ancients understand these "sungods" as if "literal-historical"? How should we make comparisons to an "assumed literal-historical Jesus"? What is behind all of these representations of these "sungods"? Were all the Ancients going to hell according to Christian doctrine? Is there a common thread and hidden link we have missed between all of the above "gods"? Were all of these "sungods" nothing more than allegories and symbols for a deeper "spiritual reality" that escapes us today? Could it be that the Ancients understood all of these above "pagan gods and goddesses" as allegories for the Divine Energy and Soul within all mankind and we not know it?
    Let us see if our whole Christian perspective on these "sungods" has been wrong from the traditional Christian perspective. What is the implication for the "Jesus Story" since it parallels completely these other stories of these "sungods"? Do we dare rethink the "literal-historical" interpretation of "the Christ"? Were the Christian Gnostics right about "the Christ" and Rome wrong and have we believed a Roman lie and forged documents about this whole thing and could our Christian understanding of "the true Jewish Messiah" be incorrect? What a study. The truth is out there in these links to help the evidence mount to prove our points but first let us understand the deep spiritual insights behind these Ancient sungods which are forerunners of the later "Jesus Story".
    How Did The Ancients View These Sungods And The Spiritual Implication For The Christian Today #1
    How Did The Ancients View These Sungods And The Spiritual Implication For The Christian Today #2
    How Did The Ancients View These Sungods And The Spiritual Implication For The Christian Today #3
    If you have studied our Egypt-Christian website as well as this Jesus-Astrotheology site then now you know why throughout all our websites that we advise that the Christian seriously look into Judaism for it is the living link today with these Ancient Truths found originally in the first religion of mankind, the Egyptian religion. Through Judaism today and their Torah we have made available to us today, the non-Jew, the most proper way for us to continually develop, mature, and perfect our Soul without being encumbered by the idolatry inherent in the Christology of Roman Christianity due to their falsification of these Ancient Religions texts where they "literalized" the Ancient Divine Allegorical Truths first given to mankind in the beginning of time and in so doing gave the world a false salvation message and destroyed the Spiritual Truth of the "Christ Within".
    Recover "The Faith Once Given To The Saints" Which Has Been Perverted By Gentile Christianity And Their "Literal" and "Historical" Interpretation of the Sacred Texts

    If you so desire Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all of our Websites. with a "study plan" to assure your proper Spiritual progress in such in-depth studies...just click on this link for the details.
    In our CD of all out websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such through study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question:
    "Who do men say I am?".

    Bet Emet Ministries
    Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
    902 Cardigan
    Garland, Texas 75040


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Post  Carol Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:51 pm

    This I am looking forward to.

    On July 14 Mercury turns retrograde at 12 degrees of Leo for a 3-week period until August 8th, when it stations to turn direct again at 1 degree of Leo. This phase encourages us to respect the creative power of our words and thoughts. Arrogant, self centered communications may get quickly mirrored back in a dramatic fashion. Mercury Retrograde in Leo is an exceptional time to experience joy, relaxation and pleasure. This will assist us in magnetizing the people, solutions and resrouces to manifest our creations.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:34 am

    Saint Germain ~~ Be yourself and Create yourself ~~ 06/07/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafontby melinelafont

    Saint Germain ~~ Be yourself and create yourself ~~ 06/07/2012 channeled by Méline Lafont

    Dear Ones,

    Presently there’s a lot going on on your world but only a small fragment of it has been showed yet. Amongst the Lightworkers there is a feeling of it not being enough, there are high expectations running rampant that are not yet visible, resulting in feelings of disappointment and sometimes anger. Those feelings are a part of human nature and many Lightworkers are at the end of their rope so to speak. Their patience is running thin and understandably so even as seen from our point of view. Nevertheless, despite those feelings it is paramount to hold on and to trust not only yourselves but also the universe of Light.
    Without this trust nothing can work out as Divinely planned and what’s more, this lack of trust could result in delays and disturbances, complicating the whole process. As has been said many times this process evolves around Divine Timing, it can’t manifest too soon or too late. Ascension is on its way and it’s something that won’t pass you by. It will happen, maybe not in the exact way that you thought or imagined it would be, but it will happen nonetheless.
    There’s a lot about to happen and a time is fast approaching when it can only burst forth on the screen of life for your physical eyes to behold. Isn’t this what you have longed for : to see it tangibly and visibly? For you it’s kind of a certainty that you presumably need indicating that we are on the right track. Well, my dear ones, I can assure you that this is the case. There is so much to behold what still lies beyond your comprehension, but upon closer look you already can clearly detect the minute details. Doesn’t that lift your spirits? That the whole process has already begun and is heading to its grandest finale? There is no turning back, only delays are still possible.
    From an energetic point of view, the whole process has already been finalized in the Higher Dimensions guaranteeing you the same end result on this Earthly plane. Focus on the many changes in your inner self which will reflect on your outer world. Don’t wait to be rescued or wait for the outer changes for the whole process starts from within yourself and will manifest outwardly in your world. That’s why it has been said over and over again : ‘You are the ones you have been waiting for’. Without the inner changes, you can only maintain the status quo and the old paradigm. You receive lots of assistance from countless other Dimensions and other Galaxies in this inner transformation and to guide your Mother Earth to Her rightful place but it is up to you to instigate the changes on planet Earth and in yourself.
    Don’t judge or accuse someone for your present situation, start from your inner self and do it! Begin by embodying your brilliant Higher Self and start from Love, not from a state of expectancy. We are doing our utmost in removing the most heavy interferences of the dark and I am glad to say that after much turmoil on their part they are as good as finished. No easy task to perform with lots of delays as a result but now we are on a straight path to victory at a speed that is almost mind-blowing. Much info will come to the fore that you cannot yet comprehend fully as it will be too much to take in. It doesn’t matter, let it all go; the end result will take your breath away. Give yourself time to work on your evolution and on your manifestations. Don’t forget that you are Masters of creation, so create the changes and notice them. We are in stand-by to assist you with this. We are with you and my I Am That I Am greets you, we will see each other real soon with lots of Love. *
    I AM Saint Germain.

    *(NOTE from Méline: If you find yourselves at the phase of needing guidance for Inner search or all that is explained in this or other messages I can sugest to use the Tools of Anrita Melchizedek or Inelia Benz.. which you can find on their websites.. Of course there are a lot of other tools which you are free in to use, chose the ones you are feeling drawnt to)

    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

    melinelafont | July 6, 2012 at 12:36 | Categories: Channels, General News | URL:
    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    We Are You wrote: Flowers of Rainbow Light Become Visible to Allby ÉirePort

    Spray from the Higher Fountains of Gaia leap forth from within her bosom, as Hue-man Kind awakens to the "Kinder" (German, "children") within. Oppressive pare tala removed, yea, released by each. Even only one per hundred has been enough to allow Illumination of All, with All, for All.

    Galactic Sun, to Sol, to Gaia, to Hue-man, Hue-woman Kind.

    Love your "Kinder".

    ÉirePort | July 3, 2012 at 20:33 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

    Mira and Sananda ~ Enjoy the Quiet ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 July 2012by franheal

    Mira and Sananda:

    Hello wonderful Light Beings that you all are. Sananda and I, Mira, join forces today to bring you such joyous news. We have much to share with you.

    All around the World, there is a quietude, as if you can hear a pin drop. It is cause for rejoicing, dear Ones.

    Behold the changes already happening and in place. Start to stretch your muscles as if coming out of a deep sleep. Look around you and notice the subtle differences in perception, not so subtle for some. Take it in and begin to work with it as your Reality from now on.

    We come before you today to tell you that the stage has been set for your rapid ascent. More and more you will be discovering for yourselves, and also hearing from us and other Ascended Beings, on how to best utilize this new perspective of consciousness becoming prevalent among you.

    You have laid the groundwork, with our help, and now it is time to pick up your tools and work alongside us in creating the New Earth you all are getting a glimpse of. It is time to work daily, in the Now, on your Ascension, if you so choose.

    Your tools, so to speak, are your gifts that you will be uncovering more and more as you go along. They are your inherent gifts, from Creator. All of you will be developing your telepathic abilities more and more. Allow those to come forth naturally as you go inward and tap your inherent gifts.

    You will develop a deeper connection with Source and receive guidance on your own within you. And each of you will be developing your unique gifts to assist in the forming of the New World on this beautiful Earth that is destined to become pristine again, with your and our help.

    These awakenings are all possible, if you so choose, and really, you have all chosen when you decided to come back as Lightworkers and Lightholders to assist Mother Earth and each other in Ascension.

    You will receive much more help now from us of the Spiritual and Galactic Realm now that the dark Ones are being neutralized. You can feel the difference in the energy, can’t you??? Revel in it, rejoice in it and roll up your sleeves to make the most of it.

    No need to take up arms. The only ”weapons” you need are Love and the intention to ascend; the intention to become One with All That Is; the intention to help others do this as well. Those are all the weapons you need; your tools of the trade are Love and Intention, and your vision for the World you want to see and create.

    What a wondrous World you are creating. Take some time to celebrate and rejoice at the success of all your hard work and perseverance. The World is lightening up and it is becoming easier to feel it in your bones and in your Light Bodies.

    Focus now on your Light Bodies. Absorb all the great potent energy from the Galactic Sun and infiltrate your Being with it. Notice the lightness you are feeling as your Crystalline bodies take shape, become more prevalent, become more present in you.

    Keep absorbing the Light and stay as detached as you can from the remains of duality inhabiting your surroundings. Stay Centered and Balanced. Being in nature and meditating more will help you in this.

    Duality is becoming less real to you, and your connection to Source more prominent and Real. Connecting to others will be easier and simpler to feel and notice. Stay with that Reality, dear Ones.

    Now, please sit with this awhile, experiment with this awhile and we will be coming again with more help in your ascension process.

    We send you our Love and abiding support,

    Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Sananda

    Thank you to Mira and Sananda.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

    franheal | July 4, 2012 at 00:14 | Tags: Ascension Process, connection with Source, Crystalline Bodies, Enjoy the Quiet, Fran Zepeda, Galactic Sun, Higher consciousness, July 3 2012, Light Bodies, Lightholders, Lightworkers, Mira of Pleiadian High Council, Sananda, Spiritual & Galactic Realm, telepathic abilities, Vision for World | Categories: Channels | URL:
    Comment See all comments

    Aquaries1111 wrote:

    General Systems, Gravity, and the Unified Field Theory

    Essays on Fractals, Cosmology, Theory of Everything, Time, Entropy, Weak and Strong Forces, Science and Religion, Life, the Human Condition

    by John A. Gowan


    Section V: Introduction to Cosmology
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe: Implications for Cosmology and the Theory of Inflation (text - updated copy)
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe (updated pdf diagram)
    A Spacetime Map of the Universe (original gif diagram)
    The "Spacetime Map" as a Model of a 5-Dimensional Holographic Universe
    Commentary on the Physical Parameters of the "Spacetime Map"
    A Graph of the 14 Gyr Cosmos Expanding with and without Gravity
    Table of Data Inputs to "13.7 Gyr Graph" of Cosmic Expansion
    Unified Field Theory
    Section I: Introduction to Unification
    Section X: Introduction to Conservation
    Section IX: Symmetry: Noether`s Theorem and Einstein's "Interval"
    Section XIV: Causality
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part I
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part 2
    Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything") - Part 3 (Summary)
    Unified Field Table: Simple Form
    Principles of the Unified Field Theory: A Tetrahedral Model
    (Postscript and Commentary on paper above)
    Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The System of Spacetime
    Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The System of Matter
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries and the "Tetrahedron Model"; Postscript
    The "Tetrahedron Model" vs the "Standard Model" of Physics: A Comparison
    A Short Course in the Unified Field Theory
    Section II: Introduction to Gravitation
    Why Gravity? A Rationale for Gravitation
    A Description of Gravitation
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries in Gravitation (Part 2, Section A)
    The Double Conservation Role of Gravitation: Entropy vs Symmetry
    About Gravity
    Extending Einstein's "Equivalence Principle"
    The Conversion of Space to Time
    "Dark Energy" and the "Accelerating Universe": Does Light Produce a Gravitational field?
    Section VII: Introduction to Entropy
    Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics
    Spatial vs Temporal Entropy
    The Intrinsic Motions of Time, Space, and Gravity
    Currents of Symmetry and Entropy
    The Time Train
    Traveling Twin Paradox: Covariance of Space and Time
    The Halflife of Proton Decay and the 'Heat Death' of the Cosmos
    The Fractal Organization of Nature
    Section III: Introduction to Fractals
    The Fractal Organization of Nature (table)
    Part 1: Microphysical Realm
    Part 2: Biophysical Realm
    Part 3: Astrophysical Realm
    Part 4: Metaphysical Realm - Intuitive Mode
    Part 5: Metaphysical Realm - Rational Mode
    Part6: The Fractal Organization of Nature (summary) (text)
    Newton and Darwin: The Evolution and Abundance of Life in the Cosmos
    Commentary on the Metaphysical Realm (rational mode)
    The Human Connection
    Chardin: Prophet of the Information Age
    Section VI: Introduction to Information
    Negentropic Information
    The Information Pathway (text)
    The Formation of Matter and the Origin of Information
    Nature's Fractal Pathway
    The Destruction of Information
    The Fractal Organization of Nature (table No. 1)
    The Information Ladder (table)
    Weak Force, Intermediate Vector Bosons ("IVBs")
    Section IV: Introduction to the Weak Force
    The "W" Intermediate Vector Boson and the Weak Force Mechanism (pdf file)
    The "W" IVB and the Weak Force Mechanism (html file)
    Global-Local Gauge Symmetries of the Weak Force (part 3)
    The Weak Force: Identity or Number Charge
    The Weak Force "W" Particle as the Bridge Between Symmetric (2-D) and Asymmetric (4-D) Reality
    The Strong and Weak Short-Range Particle Forces
    Section XVI: Introduction to the Higgs Boson
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Spacetime Metric
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Weak Force IVBs: Part I
    The "Higgs" Boson and the Weak Force IVBs: Parts II, III, IV
    The Higgs Boson and the Evolutionary Eras of the Cosmos
    The Particle Table
    Section XVIII: The Strong Force: Two Expressions
    General Systems and Metaphysics
    Section XII: Man's Role in Nature
    Is There Life After Death?
    Section XIII: The Solar Archetype
    Section VIII: Introduction to General Systems, Complex Systems
    Synopsis of the "Tetrahedron Model" of the Unified Field Theory
    The Tetrahedron Model in the Context of a Complete Conservation Cycle (text)
    "Trance, Art, Creativity" An Investigation of the Numinous Element and the Metaphysical Realm. A Book by Prof. John C. Gowan, Sr.
    Stewart C. Dodd's 4x4 Mathematical General System Matrix
    Spiritual and Scientific Principles of the Tetrahedron Cosmic Energy Model
    Postscript: Causality, Information, Karma
    The Grail and Hourglass Diagrams
    A General Systems Analysis of the Creative Process in Nature
    Human Life-Span Development General Systems 4x3 Models
    Introduction to the E-Book
    General Systems and a "Theory of Everything": Essays on Physics and the Nature of Reality (html files)
    General Systems and a "Theory of Everything": Essays on Physics and the Nature of Reality (pdf files)
    Tables, Diagrams, and Miscellaneous Papers (index page, links)
    Author's Biography
    Chronology of Papers and Ideas
    What we see is not Nature in itself, but Nature exposed to our method of questioning - W. C. Heisenberg

    The conceptual basis of the Unified Field Theory as presented in these pages is summarized below:

    "Noether's Theorem" states that in a multicomponent field such as the electromagnetic field (or the metric field of spacetime), symmetries are associated with conservation laws and vice versa. In matter, light's (broken) symmetries are conserved by charge and spin; in spacetime, light's symmetries are protected by inertial forces, and conserved (when broken) by gravitational forces. All forms of energy originate as light; matter carries charges which are the symmetry/entropy debts of the light which created it (both concepts are required to fully integrate gravity - which has a double conservation role - with the other forces). Charges produce forces which act to return the material system to its original symmetric state (light), repaying matter's symmetry/entropy debts. Repayment is exampled by any spontaneous interaction producing net free energy, including: chemical reactions and matter-antimatter annihilation reactions; radioactivity, particle and proton decay; the nucleosynthetic pathway of stars, and Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes. Identifying the broken symmetries of light associated with each of the 4 charges and forces of physics is the first step toward a conceptual unification.
    The charges of matter are the symmetry debts of light. In weak gravitational fields (as on planet Earth), gravity only pays the entropy "interest" on the symmetry debt of matter, converting space to time, providing an alternative entropic dimension (history) in which charge conservation (and causality) can have an extended significance. In stronger fields (as on our Sun), gravity also pays the "principal" of matter's symmetry debt, converting mass to light; this latter reaction goes to completion via Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes.

    The symmetry-conserving requirement of charge invariance (and of "Lorentz invariance" in Special Relativity) is the key to understanding the local action of the forces, including the quantization of charge and other conserved parameters.

    While atomic nuclei promote symmetry conservation through an exothermic nucleosynthetic pathway in stars, their associated electron shells create life through a negentropic chemical pathway on planets. Using energy and heavy elements ultimately provided by gravity, the information pathway of biology is the means whereby the universe becomes aware of and experiences itself, including evolving new modes of creativity. Carbon with its multiple 4x3 fractal resonances (5) is the crucial link between the abiotic and biotic metrics of the Cosmos.

    See: the "Tetrahedron Model" (simple version) (diagram)
    The Tetrahedron Model (complete version) (diagram)
    Mira and Sananda ~ Enjoy the Quiet ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 July 2012by franheal

    Mira and Sananda:

    Hello wonderful Light Beings that you all are. Sananda and I, Mira, join forces today to bring you such joyous news. We have much to share with you.

    All around the World, there is a quietude, as if you can hear a pin drop. It is cause for rejoicing, dear Ones.

    Behold the changes already happening and in place. Start to stretch your muscles as if coming out of a deep sleep. Look around you and notice the subtle differences in perception, not so subtle for some. Take it in and begin to work with it as your Reality from now on.

    We come before you today to tell you that the stage has been set for your rapid ascent. More and more you will be discovering for yourselves, and also hearing from us and other Ascended Beings, on how to best utilize this new perspective of consciousness becoming prevalent among you.

    You have laid the groundwork, with our help, and now it is time to pick up your tools and work alongside us in creating the New Earth you all are getting a glimpse of. It is time to work daily, in the Now, on your Ascension, if you so choose.

    Your tools, so to speak, are your gifts that you will be uncovering more and more as you go along. They are your inherent gifts, from Creator. All of you will be developing your telepathic abilities more and more. Allow those to come forth naturally as you go inward and tap your inherent gifts.

    You will develop a deeper connection with Source and receive guidance on your own within you. And each of you will be developing your unique gifts to assist in the forming of the New World on this beautiful Earth that is destined to become pristine again, with your and our help.

    These awakenings are all possible, if you so choose, and really, you have all chosen when you decided to come back as Lightworkers and Lightholders to assist Mother Earth and each other in Ascension.

    You will receive much more help now from us of the Spiritual and Galactic Realm now that the dark Ones are being neutralized. You can feel the difference in the energy, can’t you??? Revel in it, rejoice in it and roll up your sleeves to make the most of it.

    No need to take up arms. The only ”weapons” you need are Love and the intention to ascend; the intention to become One with All That Is; the intention to help others do this as well. Those are all the weapons you need; your tools of the trade are Love and Intention, and your vision for the World you want to see and create.

    What a wondrous World you are creating. Take some time to celebrate and rejoice at the success of all your hard work and perseverance. The World is lightening up and it is becoming easier to feel it in your bones and in your Light Bodies.

    Focus now on your Light Bodies. Absorb all the great potent energy from the Galactic Sun and infiltrate your Being with it. Notice the lightness you are feeling as your Crystalline bodies take shape, become more prevalent, become more present in you.

    Keep absorbing the Light and stay as detached as you can from the remains of duality inhabiting your surroundings. Stay Centered and Balanced. Being in nature and meditating more will help you in this.

    Duality is becoming less real to you, and your connection to Source more prominent and Real. Connecting to others will be easier and simpler to feel and notice. Stay with that Reality, dear Ones.

    Now, please sit with this awhile, experiment with this awhile and we will be coming again with more help in your ascension process.

    We send you our Love and abiding support,

    Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Sananda

    Thank you to Mira and Sananda.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

    franheal | July 4, 2012 at 00:14 | Tags: Ascension Process, connection with Source, Crystalline Bodies, Enjoy the Quiet, Fran Zepeda, Galactic Sun, Higher consciousness, July 3 2012, Light Bodies, Lightholders, Lightworkers, Mira of Pleiadian High Council, Sananda, Spiritual & Galactic Realm, telepathic abilities, Vision for World | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Thanks We Are You... I enjoy your posts...

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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Consciousness

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:20 am

    Sacred Geometry DNA changes 2012 Mollecular Atom Consciousness.mp4


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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:19 pm

    The story: The Lucifer Project is allegedly the biggest conspiracy theory NASA could possibly be involved in. First, back in 2003, the space agency (in co-operation with secret and powerful organizations) dropped the Galileo probe deep into Jupiter's atmosphere. On board, was a significant quantity of plutonium. As the probe fell though the atmosphere, NASA hoped atmospheric pressures would create an implosion, generating a nuclear explosion thereby kick-starting a chain reaction, turning the gas giant into a second Sun. They failed. So, in a second attempt, they will drop the Cassini probe (again, laden with plutonium) deep into Saturn's atmosphere in a few years time, so this smaller gas giant can succeed where Jupiter failed...

    The reality: As investigated briefly in Project Lucifer: Will Cassini Turn Saturn into a Second Sun?

    So let's say if there was a nuclear explosion inside Saturn? Could it cause a chain reaction in the core, creating a second Sun?
    Although apparently is false the assumption that drowning Cassini in the Saturn could lead to the nuclear explosion and the subsequent chain reaction of fusion and explosion of the planet, published scientific evidence suggests that it is theoretically possible thermonuclear detonation of layers with high levels of deuterium. Existence of such layers is hypothetical possibility for terrestrial planets, including Earth, the icy satellites and planets giants. This means that in the distant future, artificial detonation of such layers can be a means of space war or occur as a result of technological accident. This article discusses various theories about how thermonuclear detonation can occur at any astronomical objects, and what may be its impact on Earth. In most cases this means extinction of Earth's intelligent life.

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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty NOLINKNEWS

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:28 pm

    Most of knwo what severe weather is supposed to be like. Not none of this bs crap like todays report from our famous resident utube dis-info fear mongering weather god spewed out while he was asleep when this disaster occurred, making it difficult for him to give us that famous much love and be safe orders to everyone to respond quickly enough to avoid mass fatalities. I mean come on now, where does the severe weather hype end and the ego manaic realize honesty wtf the weather terms means sinse he can't seem to figure out left and right? from his own qoute he doesn't even f*cking knwo the weather terminology.

    "and we're told "these happen every year."... im just curious why this terminology "derecho" "haboob" etc.. are being used..

    add in all the new clouds .. which we know to be "haarp clouds".. and then you've got a real mess on your hands.. a mess of unknowns and new terms.

    be safe and have/get SOLAR and WIND power !"

    . On a scale of one through ten where do you rate today's severe weather in the US today compared to all the other events that are worse around the world?

    Immediately, suspicions erupted over the exact cause of the flooding. Anti-government activists pointed to the nearby Neberdzhaevskoye reservoir, blaming the flood on a technical mistake. They surmised that authorities had opened up the sluices in order to avoid damage to the reservoir infrastructure, an ill-timed mistake that became fatal amid unexpected downpours.

    Local authorities first said that the sluices were impossible to open, denying the claims outright. But the Investigative Committee, a federally appointed body charged with determining how the fatalities occurred and whether a better emergency response could have been implemented, came back with a different answer. They affirmed that water had been released from the reservoir, explaining that it was carried out according to a routine schedule and was not the main cause of the deluge.

    "The investigation has found that the discharge of water was carried out in a normal fashion, the reservoir was not overflown. ... No mass discharge has been registered," said Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin to RT.

    Authorities also added that even if the dam did overflow, the discharge would drain away from, not toward, the town of Krymsk.

    Instead, officials point to the fact that the town in in the middle of a large valley. It is also traversed by the Adagum River, which collects several tributaries from the mountains before it runs through Krymsk. They attributed the calamity to a tragic confluence of topographical and climatological factors.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is making efforts to attend promptly to the disaster -- he has been accused of sluggish responses to past emergencies. On Saturday, he flew over the flooded region in a helicopter to survey the damage. He asked the Investigative Agency to look into possible preventative measures that could have been taken.

    Putin also instructed Emergencies Minister Vladmir Puchkov to inspect the Neberdzhaevskoye reservoir and dam, according to the Los Angeles Times. On Sunday, Puchkov said that the infrastructure was intact.

    Meanwhile, rescue workers continue in their efforts to locate missing survivors, and to find and identify the bodies of drowned victims. Putin has decreed reparations of about $60,800 for the families of those who died. Repairing demolished municipal infrastructure will be the next step. The local bus service in Kyrmsk is already running again, as are railway systems.

    Sunday has been declared a day of mourning for all those who have lost their lives.

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    Aquaries1111 Corner Empty Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:34 pm

    Space Weather Message Code: ALTK05
    Serial Number: 694
    Issue Time: 2012 Jul 09 0302 UTC

      Current date/time is Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:41 am