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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Micjer Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:37 am

    Iran, Syria, Russia, China plan naval drill in Mediterranean

    Countries' militaries to stage large-scale maritime maneuvers off Syrian coast. Drill to include 90,000 soldiers, submarines, aircraft, tanks and warships,7340,L-4244395,00.html


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Turkey Deploys Troops Along Border with Syria

    Post  burgundia Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:41 am

    Turkey has deployed a large number of military vehicles to the Syrian border, the Turkish daily Milliyet reported on Tuesday.

    According to the report, 15 armored tanks, long-distance guns and other military vehicles were deployed near the border. A report in the daily newspaper Hurriyet said military units increased security measures on the border following recent events that have strained the relations between the countries.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty From the Desk of AfriSynergy June 27, 2012

    Post  burgundia Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:38 am


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:03 pm

    In greasing the skids for a Libya-style NATO military assault, the media has portrayed the rebels as freedom-loving democratic activists who are honorable victims of bloodshed. In reality, as the videos below illustrate, nothing could be further from the truth.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Micjer Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:23 pm

    U.S. Officials: Assad's 'Days Are Numbered'

    Syrian President Bashar Assad "is on his way out" and "the balance has shifted" in favor of his departure, senior administration officials said Thursday after President Obama issued a statement calling on the authoritarian leader to resign.

    His "days are numbered," concurred the trio of officials, who offered their assessments in a background conference call following Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's televised remarks elaborating the president's position.

    Still, the officials acknowledged that they expect the Syrian people to face continued "struggle and sacrifice."

    Read more:

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:18 pm

    June 27 2012 Floor Speech on Syria

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Toppling Syria planned years ago

    Post  burgundia Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:42 pm

    As it turns out, the very policy coup he's referring to is the very same program spelled out originally by a so-called think tank and documents known as the Project for a New American Century. Then again in National Security Advisor and oddly quiet US government mainstay Zbigniew Brzeziński's geopolitical strategy handbook, “The Grand Chessboard.” All seemingly being run to the letter.

    In the book, Brzeziński, founder of the Trilateral Commission, details “America's” need for world domination and the geopolitical stratagem to achieve such an objective. All basically falling in lock-step with PNAC and its precursor, the “Wolfowitz Doctrine,” aka Rebuilding America's Defenses. Another think-tank document from the early 90's.

    PNAC's faces and chief architects, however, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Kristol, Perle, Jeb Bush and a few other known neo-cons aren't necessarily the individuals with the actual power behind a movement that has existed for decades, long before PNAC's founding. A pre-Cold War area movement that has been virtually hidden by the government and the media from a vast majority of Americans that have no real idea of its existence, reach and vast power.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty CIA Terrorists In Syria Hang Child In Public After Executing His Family

    Post  burgundia Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:21 am

    A child hung in public is the latest victim of CIA terrorists conducting death squad raids in Syria.

    As world leaders from the Russian Foreign Minister to even the Vatican have come out against the US using Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria to execute civilians and cleanse Christians in a campaign to over throw the Syrian government, the corporate media continues its blackout of details of the illicit CIA operations being conducted on the ground.

    As NATO terrorists run amuck, summarily executing any civilian they capture that doesn’t support their CIA produced and parrot media directed revolution, more and more graphic videos of their war crimes surface on the internet.

    Just yesterday came reports they kidnapped and executed one of Syria’s most famed TV news anchors which of course just followed a video showing the terrorists dragging a family leader and his men into the streets and executing them.

    Instead of CNN and other news outlets telling the real story they reveal their true c0lors getting caught repeatedly showing faked news reports, publishing faked images – time and time again- and airing interviews that are also outed as being staged and faked, like this one.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty UK Sends £5 Million to Listed Terrorists in Syria

    Post  burgundia Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:57 pm

    Both British and American journalists have clearly identified and documented the presence of foreign fighters with militant extremist ties pouring over the Turkish-Syrian border, most recently in an attempt to overrun the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. CNN, whose Ivan Watson accompanied FSA terrorists over the Turkish-Syrian border and into Aleppo revealed that indeed foreign fighters were amongst the militant

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Syria Now

    Post  Jenetta Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:01 am

    This is so "sick" I don't know what to say except feel outrage!!

    Terrorists Hang Shiite Child after Killing Family Members

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Terrorists in Syria hanged a small Shiite child after killing all his family members in Damascus, human rights activists in Iraq unveiled on Monday.
    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 A1125306

    According to a report by Iraq’s Qanon news website, Iraqi human rights activists said that armed rebel groups attacked the house of a Shiite Iraqi family in the Seyede Zainab neighborhood in the capital city of Damascus, killed all members of the family and hanged the last one, a little child.

    The footages and pictures of the rebels’ brutality which surfaced online in the last few days are revealing the terrorist nature and the war crimes of the opposition fighters in Syria.

    The massacre is said to have badly damaged the western-backed rebels and opposition forces’ ability to claim the moral high ground in their fight against Damascus and showed their accusations that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces are conducting war crimes are nothing but lies.

    Meantime, Saudi Wahhabi cleric Mohammad al-Arifi has called on Syrian armed groups to prevent leakage of the pictures and footages of their attacks against Syrian army and civilians.

    In his Tweeter page, Arifi asked rebel groups to continue their attacks and intimidation against Syrian people but do not allow a release of the pictures and footages of their operations.

    In a similar crime last week, terrorists in Syria brutally executed 15 civilians in the Northwestern city of Aleppo on charges of supporting the Bashar al-Assad government.

    The terrorist members of the so-called Free Syrian Army on Tuesday attacked Al Berri family in Bab al-Neirab neighborhood in Aleppo who are famous for their pro-government stances, and kidnapped 15 family members and executed them in front of a local school.

    Source: FARS

    The Activist Post notes:

    Rest of article at link...


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:26 pm

    Pierre Piccinin - Russia Today, le 9 mai 2012 - Syrie.flv

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty SYRIA NOW

    Post  Jenetta Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:38 pm

    NATO Plot To Use Ambulances As Cover For Humanitarian Invasion of Syria

    False flag chemical weapons attack to frame Assad finalized

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    A source claims that NATO powers in coordination with Saudi Arabia are putting the finishing touches to a false flag plot to frame President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces for launching a chemical weapons attack as a pre-cursor to a NATO intervention which will use ambulances as humanitarian cover for a military assault.

    The source told Syrian news channel Addounia that a Saudi company had fitted 1400 ambulance vehicles with anti-gas & anti-chemical filtering systems at a cost of $97,000 dollars each, in preparation for a chemical weapons attack carried out by FSA rebels using mortar rounds. A further 400 vehicles have been prepared as troop carriers.
    The attack, which will involve the use of white phosphorus, sarin and mustard gas, will be launched on a heavily populated town near the Syria/Jordan border, possibly Daraa, after which the vehicles will pour in under the cover of humanitarian aid.
    The ambulances, emblazoned with the slogan “Syrian People’s Relief,” will operate under the guise of an aid mission to help the victims of the chemical weapons attack, but in reality are nothing short of armored personnel carriers.
    Traveling from Riyadh to the Jordanian capital Ammam before entering Syria, the vehicles will be used to create a buffer zone that will lead to a NATO military intervention under the pretext of punishing Assad’s regime for the atrocity, the source claims.

    Video & Article At Link...
    As below so above; As above so below

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:00 pm


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty War crime? Syrian rebels execute POWs (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

    Post  burgundia Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:03 am

    A horrifying amateur video from Syria emerged online, showing an apparent mass execution of Assad supporters in Aleppo at the hands of rebels from the Free Syria Army.

    The footage shows several bloodied men stripped down to their underwear being forced to kneel by a wall amidst a throng of excited, machine gun-touting men.

    Once their captors open fire, the camera jerks away as the crowd momentarily disperses, seemingly unprepared for the nearly 40 seconds of uninterrupted shooting that follows. As the gunfire dies down, shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” resound as the once skittish onlookers victoriously raise their guns in the air, approaching what appears to be a pile of stripped-down corpses.

    One of the victims has been identified as Ali Zein Al-Abidin Al-barri; the rebels accused him and his family of killing 15 FSA soldiers during a truce in Aleppo on Tuesday.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Floyd Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:47 pm

    Turkey hits targets inside Syria after border deaths

    Turkish artillery has fired on positions inside Syria after shells from Syria killed five people in a southern Turkish border town.

    A woman and her three children were among those killed earlier when the shells, apparently fired by Syrian government forces, hit Akcakale.

    Turkey's response marks the first time it has fired into Syria during the 18-month-long uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Nato ambassadors discussed the crisis.

    The military alliance issued a statement saying it "continues to stand by (Nato member) Turkey and demands the immediate cessation of such aggressive acts against an ally, and urges the Syrian regime to put an end to flagrant violations of international law".

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:05 am

    And they want the public to believe that it was Assad's forces that attacked Turkey. So they want to start a major conflict via Turkey.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:32 pm

    Turkey Syria Border Attack False Flag Planned in Advance by NATO

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: Syria Now

    Post  Jenetta Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:28 am

    United States president Barack Hussein Obama himself has expressed its support for the terrorist groups now killing thousands of innocent Syrians after he signed a secret order authorizing the financial and military backing of the rebels. Washington official also said that the US is working with a secret command center located in Turkey, which is composed by military personnel from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Link Below:


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:28 pm

    Chossudovsky: Turkey Already Waging War on Syria

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Floyd Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:37 am

    Is a Turkey-Syria conflict inevitable?

    It was a week in which the Syrian conflict spilled over the Turkish border with deadly impact.

    "Under what circumstances such a force would be deployed into Syria, is unknown. So there is an assumption that there was an attack ... by Syria into Turkey. So this assumption is I believe [a] false assumption. So although nobody would like an escalation ... it looks as if ... the Turkish government, they do want to go to war."

    - Haldun Solmazturk, a retired brigadier-general

    Five Turkish civilians were killed in mortar fire that originated from within Syria and the Turkish government responded by placing the country on a virtual war footing.

    Recep Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, sought and got permission from parliament to take whatever military action is deemed necessary, including the deployment of forces into Syria.

    In a rare show of unity, all members of the UN Security Council condemned the mortar attack but avoided any debate about invoking Chapter Seven which would allow economic sanctions and even military action.

    There was also verbal condemnation from NATO but that is where it ended as there was no question of invoking Article 5 of NATO's charter that would require all the organisation's members to defend Turkey.

    The international allies clearly signalled that if Turkey was going to take military action inside Syria it would do so alone.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Floyd Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:34 am

    Moscow has accused Ankara of endangering Russian lives after Turkey forced a Syrian passenger plane to land and seized what it suspected was military equipment being ferried from Russia to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Damascus said on Thursday the interception of the Syrian Air plane was an act of piracy, further heightening tensions between the neighbours after Turkey's chief of staff warned his troops would respond with greater force if shells from Syria continued to hit Turkish territory.

    Military jets escorted the Damascus-bound Airbus A-320,which was carrying around 30 passengers from Moscow, into Ankara airport late on Wednesday after Turkey received intelligence that it was carrying "non-civilian cargo".
    Russia wades into intercepted jet row

    Russia, which has stood behind Assad's government during an 18-month-old uprising that has killed some 30,000 people, angrily demanded an explanation.

    "The lives and safety of the passengers were placed under threat", the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, adding that 17 of its nationals on board were refused access to Russian diplomatic staff.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  lawlessline Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:43 pm

    Didn't Turkey want to get into the EU?????? Maybe this is the price they have to pay. Get in a war and win against Syria. It would be a great get out clause for the US and stick in the knife against Russia and China. Just an idea but it seems to play right. What yo'all think?


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:30 pm

    Don't know about that Tom but I just found this article that gives a picture of what the interests may be of different parties concerned.
    Looks like gas reserves and where the money goes from there are now the bones they are fighting for :

    Syria, Turkey, Israel and the Greater Middle East Energy War
    By F. William Engdahl
    Global Research, October 11, 2012


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Syria crisis: 28,000 disappeared

    Post  Floyd Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:11 am

    Syrian activists & lawyers fear at least 28,000 forced disappearances in Syria

    Human rights groups working inside Syria estimate that between 28,000 to 80,000 Syrians have been forcibly disappeared by the Assad regime over the past 19 months. This comes as Avaaz today releases testimony from family members who have had husbands, sons and daughters forcibly disappeared by the regime.

    This practice continues. Here are three recent cases reported to Avaaz by family members of those disappeared:

    Roula*, a woman from Homs, was snatched by security forces while out buying groceries in September 2012.
    Mohammad Abdulrahman*, a peaceful Homs activist, was dragged out of his home in front of his wife and young children in September 2012.
    Abu Yaser*, a farmer, was taken at a military checkpoint in August 2012 on his way to buy heating fuel.

    'Breeding fear'

    Alice Jay, campaign director at Avaaz, said Syrians were being "plucked off the street by security forces and paramilitaries and being 'disappeared' into torture cells".

    "Whether it is women buying groceries or farmers going for fuel, nobody is safe."

    She said it was a deliberate strategy to "terrorise families and communities", and that each case must be investigated.

    "The panic of not knowing whether your husband or child is alive breeds such fear that it silences dissent," she said.

    Other Syrian rights groups backed the allegations. Fadel Abdulghani, of the Syrian Network for Human Rights, estimated that 28,000 people had disappeared since unrest against the government of President Bashar al-Assad began last year.

    Muhannad al-Hasani, of human rights organisation Sawasya, said the figure could be as high as 80,000.

    "People are being snatched at night, on the street and when no-one is looking," he said.

    Muhammad Khalil, a human rights lawyer from the Syrian city of Hassaka, said the Syrian government had two reasons for carrying out the abductions: "To directly get rid of the rebels and activists, and to intimidate the society so that it won't oppose the regime."

    Avaaz collected its statistics through a network of independent human rights lawyers and local activist groups in Syria.

    The scale of the work and the current instability meant the organisation could not independently verify each disappearance, but it confirmed to the BBC that none of the detentions listed had been official arrests.

    Most of the people Avaaz spoke to had personally witnessed a friend or relative being taken from home or the street.......more


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 3 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Floyd Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:44 am

    Turkey and Lebenon increasingly drawn into the Syrian conflict.

    Thousands of mourners have gathered in central Beirut for the funeral of Lebanon's intelligence chief who was slain two days earlier.

    Lebanese forces set up road blocks and cordoned off Beirut's central square, boosting security in the capital as thousands descended for the public funeral on Sunday.

    Wissam al-Hassan, 47, a pro-Syrian opposition and high ranking Lebanese security official, was assassinated in a bombing that killed two other people.

    Mourners clad in black carried pictures of al-Hassan and chanted anti-Syrian regime slogans in an attack that has been widely blamed on Syria.

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