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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Pris Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:17 am


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:24 am

    Swanny wrote:
    The one from Israeli News. I never watch him

    I think Stephan Molyneux is ok

    Thanks for clarifying.
    Got it.

    Love from me

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:05 pm

    Syria has confirmed that the US led coalition whose very presence in Syria is illegal according to international law, has recently dropped white phosphorus munitions over a village in Deir ez-Zor.

    Similar to the infamous napalm munitions the US used in the war on Vietnam, white phosphorus melts the skin off human bones, resulting in an excruciatingly torturous death.

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    Post  Swanny Wed Oct 04, 2017 12:05 pm

    Maybe the false flag attack in Vegas is to keep this from being news??

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    Post  burgundia Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:34 am

    A television interview of a top Qatari official confessing the truth behind the origins of the war in Syria is going viral across Arabic social media during the same week a leaked top secret NSA document was published which confirms that the armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the conflict.

    And according to a well-known Syria analyst and economic adviser with close contacts in the Syrian government, the explosive interview constitutes a high level "public admission to collusion and coordination between four countries to destabilize an independent state, [including] possible support for Nusra/al-Qaeda."

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    Post  mudra Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:01 am

    President Trump announces joint missile strike on Syria

    The US, UK and France have carried out air strikes targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons capabilities.

    Theresa May said the bombings were a response to the “despicable and barbaric” attack in Douma last week that is believed to have killed up to 75 people, including children. She said the strikes were also designed to ”send a message to others” about the use of chemical weapons, in a reference to the Salisbury attack last month for which the UK blames Russia.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:03 am


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:30 am

    Scott Adams clears up all of the Syria business for you.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Swanny Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:27 pm

    It wouldn't be nice for me to say what I think of trump and may Dick Head 's

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:50 pm

    Russia has downplayed the US-UK-French strikes on Syria, saying there were no casualties in the bombing with Moscow informed before the intervention.

    Russia has downplayed a series of US-led strikes on military and chemical weapons facilities in Syria, after a week of warnings against the West from carrying out intervention.

    Moscow claimed there were no casualties from the military action and that regime defences shot down the majority of the cruise missiles.

    The US, France and UK launched a barrage of cruise missiles on three chemical weapons sites inside Syria early Saturday morning local time.

    This was in response to a toxic gas attack on an opposition enclave last week, which killed at least 40 civilians.

    The strikes by the US allies were less extensive than expected and appear to have targeted three chemical weapons facilities in Damascus and Homs province.

    Russia, a key Syrian regime ally, has downplayed the strikes and praised Damascus' defensive capibilities.

    "According to preliminary information, there were no victims among peaceful civilians and the Syrian military," senior military officer Sergei Rudskoi said.

    "All together, 103 cruise missiles were deployed... 71 cruise missiles were intercepted."

    Syria relies on Russian and Soviet-built air defence systems, while much of its other military equipment is supplied by Moscow.

    Rudskoi said that Russian upgrades to Syria's S-200 systems and Buk missiles helped Damascus down some of the cruise missiles.

    The lack of casualties were the result of the "excellent skills of the Syrian military trained by our specialists", he added.

    Maybe Scott adams is right in his assesment of the situation above.
    A beefing of muscles on the USA's part to show their opponents they are the strongest.

    No casualties they say. Thanks to : " I 'll hit you in the face tomorrow at 10 PM, I'll rip
    your left hand at 11 PM and your right foot at midnight. Prepare and get out of the way !

    But what about all these victims in these repeated suspicious chemical attacks ?  
    I wonder what these heads of states and those behind them are really playing at.

    I imagine ... and the thoughts come to mind it could have been my son, my daughter,
    you brother, your mother, your partner, your friend, yourself... that died or was severely wounded there.

    What kind of game is worth sacrificing human life as if they were mere garbage ?

    This doesn't sit right with me.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:48 am

    Assad is Laughing - Mission Accomplished?

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    Post  mudra Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:51 am

    Assad's Chemical Weapons: Another British Fairy Tale

    Will Wertz in this discussion with LaRouchePAC activists, dissects the British lies which have led to the coup against Donald Trump, the Skripal poisoning hoax intended to march the U.S. toward war with Russia, and the false flag chemical attack in Syria which led, Donald Trump, on April 13th, to launch missile strikes in Syria. While the President understands the British role in the coup against him, he has either not understood or feels powerless to act against the British lies in the Skripal or Syria cases. Thus, he was trapped into taking the very actions he promised millions of people who voted for him that he would never take. We need to act now to stop the march to war with Russia and China being led by a bankrupt Anglo-Dutch Empire desperate to save itself. Because it acted recklessly, it now can be fully exposed. For example, the poison used in the Skripal case is BZ, according to a Swiss lab working with the OCPW, a chemical never used or developed by Russia but a chemical which was developed and used by the U.S. and the U.K. The Syria “crime scene,” is under control of the Russians and the OCPW and others should be able to expose the British lies fully. We have an unparalleled opportunity to end the tyranny imposed on humanity following Franklin Roosevelt’s death, but it depends on how we act in the next days and weeks. wrote:

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:22 am

    Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria? An Open Source Investigation

    No sooner has the idea of a US withdrawal from Syria been floated than Assad launched a chemical weapons attack on the suburbs of Damascus...or so we are being asked to believe. But this is not the first time we have been lied to about chemical weapons claims. What is the evidence about this situation, and what are the latest developments with regard to the international response? Corbett Report members are asked to contribute to this open source investigation by posting information and links about this breaking news event.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:51 am

    Trump's Brilliant 4-D Chess Syria Military Strategy Is No Match for Treasonous Deep State Clowns

    “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Thus spake Al Einstein (purportedly). What we are seeing here defies anything that we can explicate. But be careful not to misjudge and miscalculate your own sense of purpose and position.

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Carol Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:09 am

    I have to admit that on Friday the 13th I had that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and remembered my initial emotional response to the attack on Iraq by Bush. Of course, Alex Jones had a complete drama queen melt down and hissy fit on his show. Pretty much folks on other forums were posting about the beginning of WWIII. Then I read Q, listened to Jerome Corsi, whose known Trump for 40 years, the praying medic and others to where my understanding of what happened shifted. I guess inside I'm one of those cockeyed optimists, while standing in the mist of horse sh*t, is still looking around for the pony.

    Going down the path of negative is exactly what the dark side wants because it feeds them. It's been a rough road as more and more satanic pedophila rings are uncovered along with what has been happening to the most innocent and vulnerable. How does one survive the emotional trauma just learning about these deeper levels of 'sick' reality.

    Yet, what Trump did in Syria was to go after deep state CIA targets where he worked with Russia and Syria to clean out some of the rogue CIA strong holds..what was happening to the children is beyond the pale. Iran is next. President Trump's goal is to clean out the deep state from the mid east and bring US troops home.

    I truly feel sorry for him at times given how the hounds of hell have been unleashed upon him and his family this entire time. He's had at least 3 assignation attempts and is under constant attack from multiple fronts. Yet in the midst of it all he's still standing. Was he compromised initiating this attack? Time will tell and so will the results. We already know how bad things still need to get before they improve, yet keeping the faith that this will work out for the best in the end is the best one can do.. and of course pray. I suspect President Trump himself needs to ask for redemption...

    Keep in mind when we elected him that we all knew that he is not a perfect man, that he's flawed.. yet he's what the US needs, a businessman, not a politician to steer us through what's next with the global financial crisis looming and working to re-establish the US Constitution as "rule of law". He will get rid of the Fed and taxes.. that's part of his plan along with much more.

    I like the first X22 report posted here because this guy seems to have info about what's really going on that others don't. Enjoy.

    IG Horowitz released a new report that show McCabe has lied to the FBI. UK produces another dossier to prove Russia was behind the poisoning for the Skripals, but there is a problem and Sweden lab says it was not novichok poison that was used on the Skripals. Wikileaks releases a report that shows Saudi Arabia was suppose to play nice with Russia while removing Assad at all costs. China and Russia blast the US and the Coalition forces for firing missiles into Syria. Russia stopped many of the missiles and allowed some to pass through to hit certain targets. The Pentagon said all missiles hit, but reports are coming out showing they were intercepted by Russian air defense systems. The deep state sends a message to Trump, the troops are not leaving Syria, Macron says he convinced Trump to keep the troops in Syria, Trump denies this. The battle is raging on and the targets in Syria that were hit were most likely deep state targets.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:57 pm


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 10 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:24 am

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