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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Pentagon Just Gave Russia the Location of US Special Forces In Syria

    Post  burgundia Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:17 pm


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:03 am

    Western Media Do Not Cover Iran’s Humanitarian Contributions to Syria: Andre Vltchek

    Kourosh Ziabari/Andre Vltchek | Saturday, March 19, 2016, 12:47 Beijing

    Mr. Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website and Twitter

    Here's what seems to be a significant transcript part of an interview with Andre Vltchek:
    Q: The ISIS terrorists wreaking havoc on Syria and Iraq are adamant killers who obviously don’t understand the language of logic and negotiation. Do you think diplomatic efforts would be sufficient to root them out of the region, or shall diplomacy be complemented by military action, including airstrikes on their strongholds?

    A: I am writing this from Iraq. It is clear to almost everyone here and in Syria, that the ISIS were invented, manufactured and armed by the West, NATO and Turkey. The West pretends that it fights them, but it is actually Russia, Syria and Iraq, as well as Hezbollah – described by the West as “terrorist group” based in Lebanon, only because it was defending its country against the Israeli invasion – that are locked in a true combat with the ISIS terrorists. It is not about diplomacy. Only decisive military action can weaken and finally destroy the ISIS.

    For the complete interview, go here:

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:16 am


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:19 pm


    US Peace Council Representatives CONFRONT a hostile American press after visiting Syria, and learning that the American people are being lied to, grossly lied to

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:12 am

    URGENT: MSM Syria Lies NEED TO BE EXPOSED...Before It's Too Late

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:14 pm


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:49 pm


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:49 pm

    Canadian journalist totally crushes MSM reporter on what's taking place in Syria

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:31 am

    Wonderful News !

    Le Conseil de sécurité se réunit à huis clos après l’arrestation d’officiers de l’Otan à Alep.

    The Security Council meets after the arrest of NATO officers in Aleppo.

    "BREAKING: At Least 14 US Coalition Military Officers Captured by Syrian Special Forces in East Aleppo Bunker "

    quote "At least 14 US-led coalition military advisers have been captured by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in the city of Aleppo, according to media reports.

    The event allegedly took place in the morning on December 16, 2016 (

    “The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.”

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:56 pm

    Western Media Fake News About Syria Exposed

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  burgundia Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:34 am


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:38 pm

    The Truth About What’s REALLY Happening in Syria With Syrian Girl

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:01 am

    Coalition Strikes Daesh Depot With Chemical Weapons in Deir ez-Zor - Syrian MoD

    The Syrian General Staff said that the US-led coalition struck a Daesh depot storing chemical weapons in Deir ez-Zor on Wednesday.

    The Syrian military said that this fact proves that terrorists possess chemical weapons.

    "The jets of the so-called US-led coalition launched a strike at about 17:30-17:50 [local time, 14:30-14:50 GMT] on a Daesh warehouse where many foreign fighters were present. First a white cloud and then a yellow one appeared at the site of the strike, which points at the presence of a large number of poisonous substances. A fire at the site continued until 22:30 [19:30 GMT]," the Syrian army's command statement obtained by Sputnik said.

    According to the Syrian General Staff, the US-led coalition's strike killed several hundred people, including civilians. Hundreds were poisoned as a result of the strike on Daesh's headquarters and depot with chemical weapons.

    "This confirms that Daesh and al-Nusra terrorists possess chemical weapons and are capable of using, obtaining and transporting it," the document said.

    The Syrian army yet again denied possessing chemical weapons.

    The news comes as Washington and its allies are blaming the Syrian government for a suspected chemical attack in the Syrian Idlib province on April 4.

    read on:

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:27 pm

    U.S.-led Coalition Accidentally Bomb Syrian Allies, Killing 18 | True News

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:01 pm

    US Massive Column Military Equipment Enters Syria Via Turkey

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Swanny Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:25 am

    I can't watch any of that mans videos. I find him too negative and dark. I get a feeling he is not a good man

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:46 pm

    I'm trying to figure-out this website. I understood its beginning in the aftermath of the abraxasinas Thuban-Meltdown. There were several individuals at that time, who were quite willing to talk about forbidden topics in very articulate ways, but they're mostly gone now. The Thuban-Crowd were challenging sparring-partners!! Now, I post in my own little corner of this site, while probably half a dozen members (out of over 1300 members) post alternative current-events material. We don't talk about the Alex Collier and Richard Hoagland stuff anymore. The posting-volume is extremely low. The ads at the top of the page are often borderline-pornography. No one posts on my threads anymore. I quote Carol a lot on my threads, just to add some variety, but it almost feels like I'm plagiarizing sometimes (even though proper credit is given, and most of it consists of images, videos, and articles). I seem to be waiting for something. Perhaps another life?? Who knows?? I'd like to write a book, but I keep waiting for one of the major-posters (over the past 6 or 7 years) to write a book based upon the Project Avalon and The Mists of Avalon adventure. I'm not enough of an Insider to do that sort of thing. What's going on here??  

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:37 pm

    Ahh Oxy. I'm sorry. I'm a bit wrapped up in global politics right now and don't comment much. I kind of see myself as someone just keeping tracks of as many of the alternative facts (real facts not fake news) as possible. There are several problems. Google has taken over control of who views the site as many are redirected. I don't understand your complaint about the advertising as I don't see any ads when logged in. And of course we have no control over that. Those who wish to bypass the ads just need to be logged in as a member.

    I suppose I know too much personal stuff about Alex Collier (not even his real name) and know for a fact that he has not had contact for years and years so most of what he has to share is repetition to me. I also know too much personal stuff about Hoagland as well, so I just don't go there or listen to Richard either.

    I do tend to follow Simon Parks and find him interesting.

    I know our internet traffic took a significant his last December when google changed things and is just now slowly recovering. I tend not to post Mists links elsewhere for fear that we'll be shut down as an alternative news website. So often it is by chance that new folks show up. We do have our regulars including looky loos from Russia, France, China, England and elsewhere. I thinks those out of the country have an easier time getting into our forum then folks in the US.

    It would be nice if you wrote a book about our Camelot days in Avalon. It was an exciting time back then when everyone was coming together. It's amazing how fast the past 7 years have wizzed by. Even Astral Traveler when dark after 2012 and only recently is posting again on the internet. It's an exciting time to witness what is occurring in the world and the battles being waged for our immortal souls. The neocon globalists seek perpetual war and the white lighters are in battle for survival. it would seem, in multiple dimensions. I too wonder how it will all play out.

    Meanwhile, it's still chop wood and carry water. The practical side of life has it's own merit.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:09 am

    Swanny wrote:I can't watch any of that mans videos. I find him too negative and dark. I get a feeling he is not a good man

    Which man are you referring to Swanny : Stephan Molyneux or that other guy from Israeli News ?
    After watching several of Stephan Molyneux I would say he is a good man very dedicated to his purpose.
    An intelligent one too.
    The other one is new to me. He seemed to be ahead of the usual others I am subscribed to in getting the latest news
    on the recent middle East events . That's mainly why I posted some of his videos.
    As a side note the guy seems interested in Bible prophecy which isn't really my cup of tea but apart from that
    he didn't come across as not being a good man to me.

    Love from me


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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:32 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm trying to figure-out this website. I understood its beginning in the aftermath of the abraxasinas Thuban-Meltdown. There were several individuals at that time, who were quite willing to talk about forbidden topics in very articulate ways, but they're mostly gone now. The Thuban-Crowd were challenging sparring-partners!! Now, I post in my own little corner of this site, while probably half a dozen members (out of over 1300 members) post alternative current-events material. We don't talk about the Alex Collier and Richard Hoagland stuff anymore. The posting-volume is extremely low. The ads at the top of the page are often borderline-pornography. No one posts on my threads anymore. I quote Carol a lot on my threads, just to add some variety, but it almost feels like I'm plagiarizing sometimes (even though proper credit is given, and most of it consists of images, videos, and articles). I seem to be waiting for something. Perhaps another life?? Who knows?? I'd like to write a book, but I keep waiting for one of the major-posters (over the past 6 or 7 years) to write a book based upon the Project Avalon and The Mists of Avalon adventure. I'm not enough of an Insider to do that sort of thing. What's going on here??  

    Carol made some good points above which need not repeating.

    It's a small forum Oxy hence when only a bunch of us regular posters stop posting for a while it does makes a huge difference.
    If only our many viewers would dare to take the plunge and share more it would be most welcome.
    You can't expect a few to come with subjects of interest to everyone. Hence the lack of interaction Imho.
    Also I have been quite a bit on my tablet lately and less on the computer which makes it much less easy for me post I realize.
    Makes me wonder of all the people that reach the Mists through their cell phone.
    Easier to read than actually post stuff in that case.

    Love from me

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:07 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm trying to figure-out this website. I understood its beginning in the aftermath of the abraxasinas Thuban-Meltdown. There were several individuals at that time, who were quite willing to talk about forbidden topics in very articulate ways, but they're mostly gone now. The Thuban-Crowd were challenging sparring-partners!! Now, I post in my own little corner of this site, while probably half a dozen members (out of over 1300 members) post alternative current-events material. We don't talk about the Alex Collier and Richard Hoagland stuff anymore. The posting-volume is extremely low. The ads at the top of the page are often borderline-pornography. No one posts on my threads anymore. I quote Carol a lot on my threads, just to add some variety, but it almost feels like I'm plagiarizing sometimes (even though proper credit is given, and most of it consists of images, videos, and articles). I seem to be waiting for something. Perhaps another life?? Who knows?? I'd like to write a book, but I keep waiting for one of the major-posters (over the past 6 or 7 years) to write a book based upon the Project Avalon and The Mists of Avalon adventure. I'm not enough of an Insider to do that sort of thing. What's going on here??  

    Hey Oxy,

    I'll bite :)

    First problem is lots of folk couldnt find the site, it was mudra who gave me the new address...(heavenforum)..
    My gripe was when the mists became a cat photo forum, turned me right off..
    but I still read your posts from afar Wink

    oh, and I am writing my next book, which does contain reference to the forum, though its not about the mists per se :)

    ad blocks work, and I use brave as it stops ads at source, meaning less bandwidth for me :)

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Swanny Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:25 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Swanny wrote:I can't watch any of that mans videos. I find him too negative and dark. I get a feeling he is not a good man

    Which man are you referring to Swanny : Stephan Molyneux or that other guy from Israeli News ?
    After watching several of Stephan Molyneux I would say he is a good man very dedicated to his purpose.
    An intelligent one too.
    The other one is new to me. He seemed to be ahead of the usual others I am subscribed to in getting the latest news
    on the recent middle East events . That's mainly why I posted some of his videos.
    As a side note the guy seems interested in Bible prophecy which isn't really my cup of tea but apart from that
    he didn't come across as not being a good man to me.

    Love from me

    The one from Israeli News. I never watch him

    I think Stephan Molyneux is ok

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:34 pm

    Thank-you for your responses. I shouldn't complain. If I were posting on most other sites (sacred or secular) the fighting and arguing would be beyond belief. I just slowly cook my own goose in my own little corner of cyber-space. I have HUGE problems with Collier and Hoagland, but they Make Me Think!! Same goes for Sherry Shriner. Most people don't have the time or talent to sort things out. I've realized that arguing with people is mostly a lost-cause. People want what they want. They would rather fight than switch, which will probably lead to a Final Jihad, which might be the End of All of Us. Genuine-Disclosure might ignite Unimaginable-Hostilities. My brand of research and writing is probably only suitable for me!! I probably just need to study my own stuff, without making a big-deal about it. If the solar system has been centrally-controlled for thousands of years, resistance might really be futile, but that doesn't mean I can't "enjoy" alternative-research and science-fiction. Thank-you for providing a context in which this sort of thing can occur. I think I simply wish to understand things, rather than changing everything. There seems to be a soul-refinement process taking place in this sector of the galaxy. This solar system might be a Reform-School for Completely-Ignorant Fools!! Who Knows??

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Pris Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:47 am


    Last edited by Pris on Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    SYRIA NOW - Page 9 Empty Re: SYRIA NOW

    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:01 am

    Pris wrote:

    Some people couldn't crack a smile if their arse depended on it.

    while others are just arseholes.

    i'd only blocked religious zealots before.

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