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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts


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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:50 am

    Krishna or Christ — The Name Is the Same

    The Name Is the Same

    During a recent morning walk near ISKCON’s center in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and several of his disciples were joined by Father Emmanuel Jungclaussen, a Benedictine monk from Niederalteich Monastery. Noticing that Srila Prabhupada was carrying meditation beads similar to the Catholic rosary, Father Emmanuel explained that he also chanted a constant prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful unto us.” The following conversation ensued:

    Srila Prabhupada: What is the meaning of the word Christ?

    Father Emmanuel: Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “the anointed one.”

    Srila Prabhupada: Christos is the Greek version of the word Krishna.

    Father Emmanuel: This is very interesting.

    Srila Prabhupada: When an Indian person calls on Krishna, he often says, “Krsta.” Krsta is a Sanskrit word meaning “attraction.” So when we address God as “Christ,” “Krsta,” or “Krishna,” we indicate the same all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. When Jesus said, “Our Father, who art in heaven, sanctified be Thy name,” that name of God was Krsta or Krishna. Do you agree?

    Father Emmanuel: I think Jesus, as the Son of God, has revealed to us the actual name of God: Christ. We can call God “Father,” but if we want to address Him by His actual name, we have to say “Christ.”

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes. “Christ” is another way of saying Krsta, and “Krsta” is another way of pronouncing Krishna, the name of God. Jesus said that one should glorify the name of God, but yesterday I heard one theologian say that God has no name—that we can call him only “Father.” A son may call his father “Father,” but the father also has a specific name. Similarly, God is the general name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose specific name is Krishna. Therefore whether you call God “Christ,” “Krsta,” or “Krishna,” ultimately you are addressing the same Supreme Personality of Godhead.

    Father Emmanuel: Yes, if we speak of God’s actual name, then we must say, “Christos.” In our religion, we have the Trinity: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe we can know the name of God only by revelation from the Son of God. Jesus Christ revealed the name of the father, and therefore we take the name Christ as the revealed name of God.

    Srila Prabhupada: Actually, it doesn’t matter—Krishna or Christ—the name is the same. The main point is to follow the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures that recommend chanting the name of God in this age. The easiest way is to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Rama and Krishna are names of God, and Hare is the energy of God. So when we chant the maha-mantra, we address God together with His energy. This energy is of two kinds, the spiritual and the material. At present we are in the clutches of the material energy. Therefore we pray to Krishna that He may kindly deliver us from the service of the material energy and accept us into the service of the spiritual energy. That is our whole philosophy. Hare Krishna means, “O energy of God, O God (Krishna), please engage me in Your service.” It is our nature to render service. Somehow or other we have come to the service of material things, but when this service is transformed into the service of the spiritual energy, then our life is perfect. To practice bhakti-yoga [loving service to God] means to become free from designations like Hindu, Muslim, Christian, this or that, and simply to serve God. We have created Christian, Hindu, and Mohammedan religions, but when we come to a religion without designations, in which we don’t think we are Hindus or Christians or Mohammedans, then we can speak of pure religion, or bhakti.

    Father Emmanuel: Mukti? [liberation from material miseries]

    Srila Prabhupada: No, bhakti. When we speak of bhakti, mukti is included. Without bhakti there is no mukti, but if we act on the platform of bhakti, then mukti is included. We learn this from the Bhagavad-gita (14.26)

    mam ca yo ‘vyabhicarena
    bhakti-yogena sevate
    sa gunan samatityaitan
    brahma-bhuyaya kalpate

    “One who engages in full devotional service, who does not fall down under any circumstance, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman.”

    Father Emmanuel: Is Brahman Krishna?

    Srila Prabhupada: Krishna is Parabrahman. Brahman is realized in three aspects: as impersonal Brahman, as localized Paramatma, and as personal Brahman. Krishna is personal, and He is the Supreme Brahman, for God is ultimately a person. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11), this is confirmed:

    vadanti tat tattva-vidas
    tattvam yaj jnanam advayam
    brahmeti paramatmeti
    bhagavan iti sabdyate

    “Learned transcendentalists, who know the Absolute Truth, call this non-dual substance Brahman, Paramatma, or Bhagavan.” The feature of the Supreme Personality is the ultimate realization of God. He has all six opulences in full: He is the strongest, the richest, the most beautiful, the most famous, the wisest, and the most renounced.

    Father Emmanuel: Yes, I agree.

    Srila Prabhupada: Because God is absolute, His name, His form, and His qualities are also absolute, and they are non-different from Him. Therefore to chant God’s holy name means to associate directly with Him. When one associates with God, one acquires godly qualities, and when one is completely purified, one becomes an associate of the Supreme Lord.

    Father Emmanuel: But our understanding of the name of God is limited.

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes, we are limited, but God is unlimited. And because He is unlimited, or absolute, He has unlimited names, each of which is God. We can understand His names as much as our spiritual understanding is developed.

    Father Emmanuel: May I ask a question? We Christians also preach love of God, and we try to realize love of God and render service to Him with all our heart and all our soul. Now, what is the difference between your movement and ours? Why do you send your disciples to the Western countries to preach love of God when the gospel of Jesus Christ is propounding the same message?

    Srila Prabhupada: The problem is that the Christians do not follow the commandments of God. Do you agree?

    Father Emmanuel: Yes, to a large extent you’re right.

    Srila Prabhupada: Then what is the meaning of the Christians’ love for God? If you do not follow the orders of God, then where is your love? Therefore we have come to teach what it means to love God: If you love Him, you cannot be disobedient to His orders. And if you’re disobedient, your love is not true.

    All over the world people do not love God, but their dogs. The Krishna consciousness movement is therefore necessary to teach people how to revive their forgotten love for God. Not only the Christians, but also the Hindus, the Mohammedans, and all others are guilty. They have rubber-stamped themselves as Christian, Hindu, or Mohammedan, but they do not obey God. That is the problem.

    Visitor: Can you say in what way the Christians are disobedient?

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes. The first point is that they violate the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” by maintaining slaughterhouses. Do you agree that this commandment is being violated?

    Father Emmanuel: Personally, I agree.

    Srila Prabhupada: Good. So if the Christians want to love God, they must stop killing animals.

    Father Emmanuel: But isn’t the most important point…

    Srila Prabhupada: If you miss one point, there is a mistake in your calculation. Regardless of what you add or subtract after that, the mistake is already in the calculation, and everything that follows will also be faulty. We cannot simply accept that part of the scripture we like, and reject what we don’t like, and still expect to get the result. For example, a hen lays eggs with its back part and eats with its beak. A farmer may consider, “The front part of the hen is very expensive because I have to feed it. Better to cut it off.” But if the head is missing there will be no eggs anymore because the body is dead. Similarly, if we reject the difficult part of the scriptures and obey the part we like, such an interpretation will not help us. We have to accept all the injunctions of the scripture as they are given, not only those that suit us. If you do not follow the first order, “Thou shalt not kill,” then where is the question of love of God?

    Visitor: Christians take this commandment to be applicable to human beings, not to animals.

    Srila Prabhupada: That would mean that Christ was not intelligent enough to use the right word: murder. There is killing, and there is murder. Murder refers to human beings. Do you think Jesus was not intelligent enough to use the right word—murder—instead of the word killing? Killing means any kind of killing, and especially animal killing. If Jesus had meant simply the killing of humans, he would have used the word murder.

    “They have rubber-stamped themselves as Christian, Hindu, or Mohammedan, but they do not obey God. That is the problem.”
    Father Emmanuel: But in the Old Testament the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” does refer to murder. And when Jesus said, “Thou shalt not kill,” he extended this commandment to mean that a human being should not only refrain from killing another human being, but should also treat him with love. He never spoke about man’s relationship with other living entities but only about his relationship with other human beings. When he said, “Thou shalt not kill,” he also meant in the mental and emotional sense—that you should not insult anyone or hurt him, treat him badly, and so on.

    Srila Prabhupada: We are not concerned with this or that testament but only with the words used in the commandments. If you want to interpret these words, that is something else. We understand the direct meaning. “Thou shalt not kill” means, “The Christians should not kill.” You may put forth interpretations in order to continue the present way of action, but we understand very clearly that there is no need for interpretation. Interpretation is necessary if things are not clear. But here the meaning is clear. “Thou shalt not kill” is a clear instruction. Why should we interpret it?

    Father Emmanuel: Isn’t the eating of plants also killing?

    Srila Prabhupada: The Vaisnava philosophy teaches that we should not even kill plants unnecessarily. In the Bhagavad-gita (9.26) Krishna says:

    patram puspam phalam toyam
    yo me bhaktya prayacchati
    tad aham bhakty-upahrtam
    asnami prayatatmanah

    “If someone offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or a little water, I will accept it.” We offer Krishna only the kind of food He demands, and then we eat the remnants. If offering vegetarian food to Krishna were sinful, then it would be Krishna’s sin, not ours. But God is apapa-vijna—sinful reactions are not applicable to Him. He is like the sun, which is so powerful that it can purify even urine—something impossible for us to do. Krishna is also like a king, who may order a murderer to be hanged, but who himself is not subjected to punishment because he is very powerful. Eating food first offered to the Lord is also something like a soldier’s killing during wartime. In a war, when the commander orders a man to attack, the obedient soldier who kills the enemy will get a medal. But if the same soldier kills someone on his own, he will be punished. Similarly, when we eat only prasada [the remnants of food offered to Krishna], we do not commit any sin. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (3.13):

    yajna-sistasinah santo
    mucyante sarva-kilbisaih
    bhunjate te tv agham papa
    ya pacanty atma-karanat

    “The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food that is first offered for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.”

    Father Emmanuel: Krishna cannot give permission to eat animals?

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes—in the animal kingdom. But the civilized human being, the religious human being, is not meant to kill and eat animals. If you stop killing animals and chant the holy name Christ, everything will be perfect. I have not come to teach you, but only to request you to please chant the name of God. The Bible also demands this of you. So let’s kindly cooperate and chant, and if you have a prejudice against chanting the name Krishna, then chant “Christo” or “Krishna”—there is no difference. Sri Caitanya said: namnam akari bahu-dha nija-sarva-saktis. “God has millions and millions of names, and because there is no difference between God’s name and Himself, each one of these names has the same potency as God.” Therefore, even if you accept designations like Hindu, Christian, or Mohammedan, if you simply chant the name of God found in your own scriptures, you will attain the spiritual platform. Human life is meant for self-realization—to learn how to love God. That is the actual beauty of man. Whether you discharge this duty as a Hindu, a Christian, or a Mohammedan, it doesn’t matter—but discharge it!

    Father Emmanuel: I agree.

    Srila Prabhupada: [pointing to a string of 108 meditation beads] We always have these beads, just as you have your rosary. You are chanting, but why don’t the other Christians also chant? Why should they miss this opportunity as human beings? Cats and dogs cannot chant, but we can because we have a human tongue. If we chant the holy names of God, we cannot lose anything; on the contrary, we gain greatly. My disciples practice chanting Hare Krishna constantly. They could also go to the cinema, or do so many other things, but they have given everything up. They eat neither fish nor meat nor eggs, they don’t take intoxicants, they don’t drink, they don’t smoke, they don’t partake in gambling, they don’t speculate, and they don’t maintain illicit sexual connections. But they do chant the holy name of God. If you would like to cooperate with us, then go to the churches and chant, “Christ,” “Krsta,” or “Krishna.” What could be the objection?

    Father Emmanuel: There is none. For my part, I would be glad to join you.

    Srila Prabhupada: No, we are speaking with you as a representative of the Christian church. Instead of keeping the churches closed, why not give them to us? We would chant the holy name of God there twenty-four hours a day. In many places we have bought churches that were practically closed because no one was going there. In London I saw hundreds of churches that were closed or used for mundane purposes. We bought one such church in Los Angeles. It was sold because no one came there, but if you visit this same church today, you will see thousands of people. Any intelligent person can understand what God is in five minutes; it doesn’t require five hours.

    Father Emmanuel: I understand.

    Srila Prabhupada: But the people do not. Their disease is that they don’t want to understand.

    Visitor: I think understanding God is not a question of intelligence, but a question of humility.

    Srila Prabhupada: Humility means intelligence. “The humble and meek own the kingdom of God.” This is stated in the Bible, is it not? But the philosophy of the rascals is that everyone is God, and today this idea has become popular. Therefore no one is humble and meek. If everyone thinks that he is God, why should he be humble and meek? Therefore I teach my disciples how to become humble and meek. They always offer their respectful obeisances in the temple and to the spiritual master, and in this way they make advancement. The qualities of humbleness and meekness lead very quickly to spiritual realization. In the Vedic scriptures it is said, “To those who have firm faith in God and the spiritual master, who is His representative, the meaning of the Vedic scriptures is revealed.”

    Father Emmanuel: But shouldn’t this humility be offered to everyone else, also?

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes, but there are two kinds of respect: special and ordinary. Sri Krishna Caitanya taught that we shouldn’t expect honor for ourselves, but should always respect everyone else, even if he is disrespectful to us. But special respect should be given to God and His pure devotee.

    Father Emmanuel: Yes, I agree.

    Srila Prabhupada: I think the Christian priests should cooperate with the Krishna consciousness movement. They should chant the name Christ or Christos and should stop condoning the slaughter of animals. This program follows the teachings of the Bible; it is not my philosophy. Please act accordingly and you will see how the world situation will change.

    Father Emmanuel: I thank you very much.

    Srila Prabhupada: Hare Krishna!

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:41 pm

    We cannot stand to see a world which is degrading more and more every day into a condition which is lower than the animals. It breaks our hearts to see how much the people have become confused and misguided. The current world situation is a poignant reconfirmation of the famous saying of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur: "This material world is a not fit place for a gentleman's residence." We are not content to sit idly by while the entire human society becomes more and more corrupted and exploited. Therefore we have dedicated our lives to the non-sectarian mission of reviving the dormant love of Godhead that is currently sleeping in the hearts of all living beings. It is only through this spiritual awakening that people can become truly happy and the world situation can be turned around for the better. The lying, cheating politicians can do nothing to help the people. This Krishna consciousness movement can truly save the world.

    We Are You

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  We Are You Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:39 am

    O que queremos dizer com “Escolha” ascender ou não. Mensagem de meu Eu Superior por Multidimensional Ocean – 13.12.2012

    Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:37 PM PST


    Queridos Leitores,

    Nós, dos reinos superiores gostaríamos de saudar a todos vocês entre as vibrações superiores da luz. Energias da luz agora facilmente penetram pela grossa densidade do mundo 3D. Portanto, agora é mais fácil que nunca ativar sua brilhante luz interior e irradiá-la como um farol faz em noites nebulosas para guiar os barcos por águas seguras.

    Muita confusão e dor na criação da Terra. Muitos julgamentos, palavras confusas ainda estão presentes. Nós gostaríamos de lembra-los neste dia que a paz interior começa com trazer equilíbrio, ordem e harmonia para sua própria vida.

    Todos vocês ainda tem sua própria jornada de aprendizado para prosseguir. A estrada permanece longa para muitas vidas da Terra que ainda persistem focados na ilusão do mundo exterior. Vocês irão conhecer o mundo real, quando forem capazes de vê-lo através da luz interior.

    Muitos de vocês estão agora preocupados acerca de sua própria “escolha” a respeito da Ascensão. A escolha de que falamos não é de um nível costumeiro. Não é o mesmo que “devo ir ao shopping agora ou devo ir mais tarde?”. A escolha que falamos é muito mais profunda que isso.

    Ao invés de entender que “escolha” você tem neste momento, você deve aprender a ouvir sua voz interior, que é sua voz real que conecta você ao seu Eu Superior.

    Esta voz interior só pode ser ouvida quando se está em paz interior. Quando as tempestades internas e externas se acalmarem. Quando se está conectado com tudo que existe e pode ver a figura maior.

    Quando alguém alcança esse grau de sinceridade, sempre recebe ajuda de uma ou outra forma. O truque é ser capaz de seguir a orientação que você irá receber, reconhece-la e permanecer em contato com sua luz interior constantemente.

    Sente-se em silêncio; ouça a luz interior dentro de seu corpo frequentemente. Traga sua atenção de volta à sua vida diária, longe de jogos mentais e distrações e você estará conectado com o eterno amor de Deus, do Amor e da Fonte.

    Bênçãos em todas suas vidas.

    Nós os saudamos sempre.

    Fonte: MessagefrommyHigherSelf, by Laura / Multidimensional Ocean

    Tradução: Suzane Cristina

    Pedimos a Metatron que explicasse melhor as mudanças em 12/12/2012, durante e após a abertura do portal estelar

    Posted: 13 Dec 2012 11:31 AM PST

    “De repente” as pessoas iriam para um mundo paralelo, uma outra dimensão da Terra ?

    Metatron responde:

    No dia 12/12, não haverá um súbito “puf” e as pessoas desaparecerão, tragadas de alguma maneira.

    Neste dia, a Terra se ‘dividirá’, e as interdimensões serão mais claras e palpáveis. E ambas serão experimentadas ao mesmo tempo. A princípio, isto não será percebido por muitos, mas com o tempo, as coisas serão visivelmente diferentes na Terra Nova Terra, ou, em outras palavras,vocês perceberão a Terra paralela 3D se tornando a Terra 5D.

    Haverá realidades paralelas acontecendo simultaneamente nas duas linhas de tempo diferentes.

    À medida que a Terra Nova continuar ascendendo a cada dia, a presença Galáctica a ajudará neste processo de ascensão, colocando em ação tecnologias e novos sistemas de natureza interdimensional.

    Paralelamente a isso, continuará existindo uma ‘outra realidade 3D’ onde as pessoas continuarão vivendo em seus trabalhos, mas sem esta assistência. Permanecerão em suas casas, com os ‘véus’ intactos. Essas pessoas não perceberão que a 5D e os seres superiores estão fazendo algo um pouco diferente.

    Não acreditarão no que os outros acreditam e é assim que ficarão - no limbo, por escolha própria. Continuarão com seus programas, na consciência original. Reconhecerão que um grupo de Terrestres mudou, mas não compreenderão o fato, ou não prestarão muita atenção a isso. Manterão seus ‘véus’, permanecendo mais ou menos cegos a tudo que estiver acontecendo na realidade paralela 5D. Continuarão a se preocupar com sobrevivência e “prazos para terminar as coisas”.

    Enquanto isso, os da Terra Nova verão seus véus caírem. Notarão uma diferença no outro grupo, mas mesmo assim continuarão a apoiá-los e amá-los e alguns ficarão mais tempo com o velho grupo do que outros. Os da Terra Nova terão sua dualidade removida e andarão com suas Chamas Gêmeas, conhecendo equilíbrio e amor através de todos os seus trilhões de células. Os que ainda não mudarem, permanecerão em seu próprio “fog”, não percebendo as mudanças dos outros.

    Os habitantes da Terra Nova estarão conscientes do Grupo menor (os adormecidos) e embora vá acontecer um afastamento entre os dois grupos -um não afetará mais o outro - haverá, com certeza, muita compaixão e amor dos que estarão ascensionando para a realidade paralela 5D para com os que permanecerem na realidade 3D.

    Na realidade tridimensional as coisas continuaram se agravando num crescendo. Haverá um colapso em seus sistemas financeiros e isto será devastador. Através disso, os seres humanos desta realidade 3D terão um novo sistema de governo. Continuarão a aprender e crescer num ambiente de dualidade. Escolheram isto.

    Quanto à pergunta sobre “quando” esses seres poderão se reunir novamente, conforme forem saindo desta realidade 3D, isto pode levar cem anos, duzentos anos, ou mais. Ainda está para ser determinado. Não demorará um segundo a mais do que o requerido por sua massa crítica. É por isso que Ashtar disse que alguns de vocês voltarão para a 3D para ajudar os outros. Vocês poderão ir e voltar à vontade. Vocês estarão presentes fisicamente quando quiserem. Portanto, os familiares e amigos podem se tornar amigos distantes ou familiares que você não vê há anos, tudo dependendo da Sua Presença. Muitos, com o tempo, perderão contato com sua família biológica, alguns se separarão logo após a mudança.

    Muita coisa pode acontecer, pois as situações mudam e as distâncias nos relacionamentos se manifestam por diferentes razões. Isso é facilmente compreendido e não se pensa muito no assunto, conforme cada pessoa prossegue com sua vida imediata, seu trabalho e seus próximos relacionamentos.


    SaLuSa 12.12.2012

    Posted: 13 Dec 2012 10:32 AM PST

    Gabriel - SaLuSa, alguma palavra poderia me dar esta noite?

    SaLuSa - É um momento único em vossa história e todos nós estamos lisonjeados em participar como meros espectadores de uma festa a qual todos vocês organizaram com suas dedicadas e sempre amorosas cooperações com a Mãe Terra.

    Cada um de vocês tem magníficos atributos que colocaram em movimento proporcionando esse grande despertar em massa. Para muitos isso pode até parecer impossível, mas podeis ver como o nível de Luz tem crescido e levado milhares de pessoas para o caminho do Amor. Essa é uma conquista vossa, meus amados Trabalhadores da Luz. Nós, das Esferas Superiores que dentro em breve ireis voltar a estar em comunhão novamente, sentimo-nos felizes em podermos estar com cada um de vocês nestes tempos.

    Nós temos acompanhado a Mãe Terra desde a queda da Atlântida e temos visto o tanto que se esforçaram por chegar novamente aqui, neste ponto atual. Muitas almas daquela época sentem agora em seu íntimo um fervor que levam a crer que esta oportunidade não será mais perdida, e esse pensamento dá ao Universo a chance de criar tal realidade. Queridos, como fostes corajosos, agora ireis colher os merecidos e doces frutos de um caminho tão duro, mas muito meritório.

    Eu, como companheiro vosso a assistir o vosso caminho, dou-vos os parabéns pela conquista e espero ver-vos em seguida para que possa abraçar e dizer olho no olho o quanto estou grato pelo vosso exemplo.

    Eu sou SaLuSa de Sirios, e participo sim com cada um de vocês, de cada sorriso e cada lágrima vossa, desde que me permitam agir assim. Eu dou o meu abraço em cada um de vocês neste abençoado momento.

    Estejam e Paz,

    Estejam na Luz

    Gabriel – Obrigado, SaLuSa
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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:06 am


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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:09 pm

    Vedic knowledge tree


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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:21 pm

    Samskaras are a fact of life.

    That is, it is quite natural (in fact, inevitable) that we have samskaras, just like it is natural for a garden to have weeds. When do the weeds overtake the garden? They only overtake the garden when we are negligent to remove the weeds. The weeds will always come. That is only natural. Similarly, it is only natural (a part of our higher nature) that we respond by uprooting them (through the practice of Yoga).

    Samskaras (subtle impressions) form part and parcel of the cycle of Karma. The cycle of Karma is this: Action (karma) --> Impression (samskara) --> Tendency (vasana) --> Thought Pattern (vritti) --> Action (karma).

    The actions (karmas) are: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, and thinking.

    Examples: You go to the cinema to SEE a movie. This particular action will also generally involve the action of HEARING. If you buy some popcorn and soft drinks, it will also involve the actions of touching, tasting, and smelling. All of these actions take place with the conscious mind. If the mind is unconscious, the movie will not be seen or heard, and you will not feel, smell, or taste the popcorn or soft drink. Neither will you think of the movie if you have never seen or heard (of) it.

    Samkaras are subtle imprints (impressions) that are made in the mind-stuff (chitta) whenever we do actions (consciously). Impressions are not memories. Memories are formed from impressions just like a photograph is developed from a negative. Generally, we only retain memories from recent impressions. Yet, we have countless impressions (samskaras) from many, many lives. Most of these impressions no longer have memories associated with them. In other words, the impressions (samskaras) from many, many lifetimes are affecting us but we do not generally know how or why they affect us because we have no recollection of the actions that caused the impressions.

    The effect of a samskara is called a vasana. Vasanas are tendencies. In other words, vasanas are the inclinations formed from our impressions (samskaras). They are mental urges, desires, and feelings. Unlike samskaras, the vasanas (tendencies) are readily identifiable.

    Our tendencies (vasanas) create thought patterns (vrittis) in the mind. In other words, our thinking becomes motivated by our tendencies. That is, we THINK to support our FEELINGS (desires, urges, etc.). These thinking patterns form our attitudes and mental disposition.

    Finally, our thinking patterns (vrittis) leads to action. In other words, we act (KARMA) because our mind tells us (VRITTI) to act, because that is how we will satisfy our desire (VASANA) which arose from the impression (SAMSKARA) made in the mind from an earlier action.

    The cycle of KARMA is without beginning. There is no FIRST action that started the wheel of karma rolling. (Just as there is no FIRST cycle of creation, similarly there is no FIRST time that the soul has been embodied. We have always performed actions [as embodied conditioned souls] and will always continue to do so until we reach the state of MOKSHA which according to the Shruti last for a PRANTAKAL, a period lasting the duration of 36,000 cycles of Creation.)

    How Do We Control Our Samskaras?
    So, if the samskaras are without beginning then how do we control them? Actually, we cannot control our past samskaras because they have been automatically created as a result of our past actions. So, really, what one is asking is this: "how do we stop our past samskaras from controlling us?" The answer is found in the practice of YOGA which reveals that the way to break the karmic cycle is to interrupt the cylce at the VRITTI level. The sage Patanjali definesYoga as this: Yoga is the restriction (control) of the modifications of the mind (Chapter 1, Sutra 2, of the Yoga Sutras). In this opening verse of the Yoga Sutras, CHITTAVRITTI refers to the various thoughts (or thought-forms) of the mind, which are classified into five types: (1) thoughts about truth, i.e., analysis of wisdom; (2) thoughts based on incorrect perception; (3) thoughts which have no basis in reality, for example, ‘day-dreaming’, verbal delusion (talking to oneself in one’s mind or vocally, but making no sense, i.e., having no basis in fact), and uncontrolled imagination; (4) the dream-sleep state of mind; and (5) memories.

    The practice of Yoga, i.e., the practice of controlling one’s thoughts, has been called a ‘Royal Secret’, and a ‘Sovereign Science’. Why? It is a royal secret in the sense that only those persons who have a noble (good) character are capable of knowing it. It is called a sovereign science because it must be experienced directly, that is, one must practice it oneself and verify the results with one’s own experience.

    By practicing the eight-fold (Astanga) YOGA, comprised of YAMA, NIYAMA, ASANA, PRANAYAMA, PRATYAHARA, DHARANA, DHYANA, and SAMADHI, one attains the highest state of consciousness and is freed from ignorance and egocentricity (which are the cause of one’s pain and suffering). One gains complete mastery of the mind and is absolutely no longer controlled (motivated or moved) by one’s samskaras (past impressions).

    Yoga Sutras, CHITTAVRITTI refers to the various thoughts (or thought-forms) of the mind, which are classified into five types: (1) thoughts about truth, i.e., analysis of wisdom; (2) thoughts based on incorrect perception; (3) thoughts which have no basis in reality, for example, ‘day-dreaming’, verbal delusion (talking to oneself in one’s mind or vocally, but making no sense, i.e., having no basis in fact), and uncontrolled imagination; (4) the dream-sleep state of mind; and (5) memories.

    Last edited by devakas on Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:23 pm

    a 30 minute film that has been produced by devotees in London and Hungary which looks at the way the devotees in the New Vraja Dhama farm community are practically showing “simple living, high thinking”.

    New Vraja Dhama or Krishna Valley as it is also known, is a 250 Hectare self-sufficient farm community south of Budapest established by the Hare Krishna devotees in 1993. Located about 30 Kms from the well known Lake Balaton, Krsna Valley is a beautiful natural environment where devotees practically display “simple living, high thinking” - one of the mottoes of their society’s founder, His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

    The mission of the residents of Krishna-valley is to create a varnasrama society centred around the service of the Lord, in which devotees may practice Krishna consciousness, living according to the principles of self sufficiency, depending on the land and the cows, educating their children in spiritual life - all with the goal of attaining pure love of God and inspiring others to follow their examples establishing a template for sustainable living which has at it’s heart the understanding that, as Gandhi put it “the world has enough for everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed”


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    Post  devakas Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:33 pm

    Published on Nov 21, 2012

    Most people have heard of the Mayan calendar which ends on December 21st 2012, something which many have come to believe, prophesises the end of the world. Here's my latest musical offering to help lift those doomsday blues! Calling out the Names of God as you understand Him/Her will put the whole subject into perspective and the day will pass without incident. .



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    Post  devakas Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:04 pm

    Working Like Pigs
    by A conversation with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

    Srila Prabhupada: Life can be easily maintained by agriculture and cow protection. But no, with great difficulty the leaders of the so-called modern civilization build big, big mills and factories to produce motor cars, skyscrapers, and so on. In the Bhagavad- gita Lord Krishna calls this ugra-karma, horrible activities. Unnecessarily creating problems, one after another.

    For example, formerly paper was used only to print books of Vedic knowledge. Now paper is used for so many useless publications—volumes and volumes of newspapers, magazines, and sex books. Simply creating agitation of the mind. And if you explain these things, people will say, “These are all primitive ideas.” The modern idea is that one must work very hard day and night just to get a little piece of capati [bread].

    Devotee: If a person doesn’t work hard day and night, they say, “You are just living off society.”

    Srila Prabhupada: Pigs are also working day and night. Then what is the difference between the pig and me, if I am also working hard like the pig?

    Devotee: There’s no difference.

    Srila Prabhupada: Then why do you say that you have an advanced civilization? Kashtan kaman na arhati: the Srimad-Bhagavatam says it is not desirable; it is not good. You have been given a body different from that of the hogs so you can live peacefully and happily. Why should you accept kashtan kaman, so much hardship?

    Actually, people do not want to work hard, Otherwise, why do the proprietors, the capitalists, leave the factory and go to a solitary place in the country whenever they can?

    Devotee: They don’t find any happiness in the hard work.

    Srila Prabhupada: Then the other workers think, “This rascal has engaged us in hard work, and he’s enjoying. Let us drive him out! Kill him!” This is communism. Everyone wants comfort and peaceful living. Therefore this civilization of hard work is condemned. If hard work is desirable, why are the capitalists avoiding it?

    Devotee: They say they worked hard to get the comforts of life. Now they are relaxing.

    Srila Prabhupada: I am also relaxing. Why are you inducing me to work hard? Chant Hare Krishna and take a little prasadam [food offered to Krishna]. That’s all. Why are you inducing me?

    Devotee: They say you have to earn your relaxation. You’re not entitled to it unless you work very hard.

    Srila Prabhupada: But earn or not earn, I am enjoying relaxation. If I am already enjoying, why should I pay for it? I have already paid for it. By my karma in my previous life I have already paid for it.

    Devotee: They don’t believe in the law of karma.

    Srila Prabhupada: Therefore they are rascals, and this is a rascal civilization. On one side, they promote contraceptives, and on the other side they encourage women to marry three times a week. This is their civilization. If you want to stop increasing the population, why are you inducing people: “Indulge in sex”? Everything is contradictory. And it is all based on sense gratification.

    Devotee: If a person is not satisfying his senses, they think he is crazy.

    Srila Prabhupada: But who is actually satisfying his senses? You are crazy. In your attempt to satisfy your senses, you are repeatedly being kicked by nature, and your senses will never be satisfied. Still, you are trying for that. Even the eighty-year-old man is going to the nightclub. When will his senses be satisfied?

    But if somebody is relaxing, calmly chanting Hare Krishna and avoiding sense gratification, they will condemn him; “Oh, you are escaping reality.”

    Devotee: Misery loves company.

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes. The world is working so hard, but where is the peace and happiness?

    Devotee: It’s coming.

    Srila Prabhupada: [Laughs.] When will it come? That is unknown.

    Devotee: Maybe at the end of this century.

    Srila Prabhupada: Or maybe at the end of your life. Just like an insurance policy. You work hard and go on paying the premium, thinking you’ll be happy after death. But if one is going to be a dog after death, how will he be happy?

    Devotee: It is evident that the miseries of this age are becoming greater and greater.

    Srila Prabhupada: That must be, because people are all under nature’s laws. How can they avoid the miseries? According to how they work in this life, they will get the result. Karmana daiva-netrena: There is a superior power to supervise how they are working. Everyone is bound up tightly by the reactions of his previous work (karma-bandhana).

    But people do not know this. They have a poor fund of knowledge. So Krishna comes to inform these rascals:

    “You are all the lowest of men—fools.” That is Krishna’s declaration. Therefore Krishna says, “Surrender unto Me.” This is the whole purpose of the Bhagavad-gita.

    As Krishna sees, we see. This is Krishna consciousness. We are not perfect. But we are perfect so long as we follow Krishna. That’s all. Suppose that I am a blind man: I am not perfect. But if you have got eyes—if you take me, and I follow you—then I am perfect. Krishna assures, “You surrender to Me, and I will make you free from all dangers,” and we accept Krishna. Our method is very easy.

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:20 am

    Srila Prabhupada defines truthfulness as follows in his purport to Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 10, Verse 4 and 5:

    "Satyam, truthfulness, means that facts should be presented as they are, for the benefit of others. Facts should not be misrepresented. According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in a straightforward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief, that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. That is the definition of truth."

    If we can fearlessly present to the world population, especially its leaders, the truth of Srila Prabhupada's teachings, it will create a new era of peace and prosperity for the entire human race.
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    Post  We Are You Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:43 am


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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:47 am

    I find it pathetic that you think its acceptable to attempt to bring the level of communication on the mists of avalon down to linking meme nabs from Sun Gazing facebook page. I have told this to you several times and I am telling you again! Blink

    Yet I can even find the wisdom in that from a level beyond the vedic scripts because I am an extra terrestrial here talking to you now and you cant change that. FACT!!! MERLIN JT! MAAT!
    Big Grin 2

    The Vedas

    There are four Vedas, the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The Vedas are the primary texts of Hinduism. They also had a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Traditionally the text of the Vedas was coeval with the universe. Scholars have determined that the Rig Veda, the oldest of the four Vedas, was composed about 1500 B.C., and codified about 600 B.C. It is unknown when it was finally committed to writing, but this probably was at some point after 300 B.C.
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    Post  We Are You Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:53 am

    Natalie Glasson: Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings – 2013 and Beyond

    lordbuddhaNatalie Glasson: Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings – 2013 and Beyond

    Channelled through Natalie Glasson – December 30, 2012

    We come forward as a united consciousness of love and compassion to connect with your energies and to support your transitions at this time of ascension. We are here to lovingly cradle you in the light of the Creator so that further shifts and awakening may take place. There are many subject matters and issues that we wish to address today in our communication and connection with you.

    The energy vibration that many of you are now consciously experiencing upon the Earth and within your being is the new energy vibration of the Earth and your physical beings. Your vibration and that of the Earth will continue to rise and evolve, quickening in speed over time but there is a need to allow yourself time to become familiar with the energies, to realise how they are influencing your being and to recognise the energies that are now activating within your being. It is also important to understand that the way in which you are dealing with and experiencing the energies at this present time may change and evolve becoming more stable, comfortable and natural to your being.

    We, in the same way that you are, are experiencing a transition where our entire being is being realigned to the light and source of the Creator. For some this transition may have already taken place while others may need days, weeks or months to become accustomed to the energies and to completely embody the new vibrations within every aspect of your being. Please be aware that this process of embodiment is continuous. We can only describe this as moving from darkness into light, your entire being needs time to adjust and absorb the rays of light that are now not only activating within your being but are flowing from all directions into your inner source.

    This transition where you move into greater absorption and embodiment of light may bring up more unneeded energies, past patterns and programmed consciousness to be released and completely erased from your energy field, being and soul. Do not despair if your energies feel heavier, you feel less connected or if you feel that transitions are not taking place for you, every person is moving through an immense healing process and transition at this time which is being accelerated by the light of the Creator and your soul. In order for true light to shine from your being, your deepest fears and attachments need to be erased completely from your being and consciousness.

    Many of you moving forward to the 21st December 2012 experienced a tremendous release on many levels of your being, now is the time for the energy that you released to be erased from your consciousness and energy field. Releasing does allow for a freedom from that which you held onto offering greater space for light and true self radiation but there is also a need for consciously erasing the energies and aspects of yourself from your energy field in order to allow for the new vibration of love, unity and many blissful Creator energies to embody your entire being completely. Erasing unneeded energies and habits will allow for complete freedom within your being and reality, allowing for experiences of love and connection rather than fear and separation.

    Erasing the influences of the past will come about through your acceptance of your truth, of greater volumes of light and connection with the Creator around and within your being. Consciously making a choice to allow and ask for all unneeded energies, habits, thoughts and consciousness to be completely erased from your energy will also assist you. It is a magnificent and major experience to erase the energy, codes and patterns of pain, suffering and so forth as it allows for complete freedom, meaning that no longer will energetic patterns replay in your reality, which can occur even after a realisation and release of the energies you may have been holding onto. By allowing yourself to erase unneeded energies eternally you are assisting yourself, humanity and the Earth in completely aligning with the Creator completely free from restrictions.

    As the Earth and humanity are accepting and becoming accustomed to the new vibrations a release and cleansing of the Earth and your being will continue but it is in this reality that you are cleansing and healing not to release the energies as before but to erase them eternally which means that if a good number of people are able to erase certain consciousness and programming then they will be erased eternally from the entire consciousness of humanity. Erased is to be eternally deleted.

    This means that we will see humanity rising in major steps to connect on a deeper level with the Creator over the next few years because of the erasing process that is taking place on the Earth at this time. In many ways this is a very simple process compared to the healing process that you have previously experienced on the Earth but it is a very key and essential clearing and reawakening of the Earth which can flow with ease from the hearts of humanity. Essentially we are asking and guiding you to completely clear the Earth and your being of all past programming and unneeded energies, knowing that the work you achieve now allows for eternal deleting which will create a space and vibration on the Earth that allows for greater shifts similar to what you have just experienced but more magnificent when manifested.

    It is as if the major work has been achieved and now you must recode the Earth in order to allow for higher vibrations to anchor, therefore truly anchoring and manifesting the era of love on the Earth.

    Please do not mistake us, the new reality and new beginning that you desired energetically is now here for you to experience but the old energies may still come forward to be eternally released and now is the time to realign the Earth and your being with the Creator. This realignment we speak of is complete realignment, complete oneness with the Creator. Over the next few years and maybe twenty years, everything that you achieve and experience will allow you to consciously move into greater experiences of love and unity, therefore allowing the manifestation of bliss. If you have already shifted into a state and an existence of bliss then you will be able to observe the bliss within you grow hundreds of times in strength and expression over the next few years.

    The energies that you are now connected to which anchored over the sacred month of December 2012 are extremely important, over the next few years you will allow yourself to embody, experience and express this new vibration from every cell and particle of your being, meaning that you have the opportunity to truly experience the higher and sacred vibration of your being and the Creator that have been activated.

    This expression will allow for greater experiences of love, truth, unity and bliss, true and complete healing of the Earth and the manifestation of the Era of Love. Your choices now influence the ascension of humanity, your manifestations are extremely important in bringing greater light activations to the Earth and to allow the Divine Presence of Your Soul to come forward as the sacred Christ, Goddess, Messiah and Creator on the Earth in unison with every other soul upon the Earth, in oneness. This is an immensely powerful goal and vision to hold.

    The energy that you connected with in December 2012 was of unity and love in order to erase separation and fear, you have connected with this energy, now there is a need to embody, express and experience the energy.

    So much is and will unfold as to what is occurring and has occurred at this time, guidance from within your being and other sources will allow for you and all of humanity to understand the next stages forward for ascension. We sense the presence of bereavement among many on the Earth. The dates that your soul has long awaited have passed, the shifts that you have long awaited are now being experienced and yet the future seems so undetermined and uncertain. We wish to congratulate you for allowing yourself to reach this stage of ascension. We are all entering into an era and time on the Earth which could be described as the True Experience or Creator Experience of the Present.

    This is in which you exist, act and experience in the present. You may feel as if you are already achieving this as if you have been existing in the present for some time but can you envisage, imagine and acknowledge existing in the present moment always, even eternally with complete and absolute focus of the present? This is what we are being guided to share with you and to encourage you to achieve. It is to be constantly conscious, aware and observant in every moment, therefore being at one with the energy of the Creator. Allow yourself to be present in the moment of every person, recognising the oneness of the energy of the Creator in every moment.

    This time that you are now experiencing is also a period for profound and immense love from your being to shine, it is appropriate more than ever for your powerful love to shine soaking the Earth and all souls. You will see the change that you wish to see on the Earth through your love for the Earth and humanity. In truth we are asking you to fall in unconditional love with the Earth, to fall in unconditional love with humanity and to fall in unconditional love with yourself. Achieving this with conscious understanding and awareness will allow for the Earth to heal completely, for actions taken on the Earth to alter and align with love and for truth to prevail.

    When humanity falls in love with each other, the Earth and their own soul, then we will see the greatest shift occur on the Earth where complete embodiment of the Creator manifests. With the transitions that lead to this major shift we will see humanity and the Earth becoming one in respect and honour for each other which in truth is one of the purposes of your existence on the Earth. The Earth demonstrates to you the Creator and yourself, a powerful energy that cannot be controlled but can exist in complete harmony and truth when true vision and comprehension manifests.

    We encourage you to walk on dear light workers of the Earth; with every conscious step you are talking you are manifesting your greatest truth for the entire universe of the Creator.

    With deepest love,
    Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings

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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:57 pm

    WHAT does Christmas mean to you?

    This question was put to six local people from six different religious backgrounds - a christian, an agnostic, a spiritual believer, a Hare Krishna, a Druid and lastly someone who doesn’t believe in religion and doesn’t want to be classified atheist.

    Chris (pictured) from Otford, is a practising Christian who attends an independent church, she said: “Every Christmas, I send out a Christmas letter to 100 of my family and friends. In the first paragraph I always remind them of the original meaning of Christmas. I write, ‘This is Jesus’ birthday and he is the reason for the season’.”

    Chris added: “In my day, parents sent their kids to Sunday School but these days a lot of young people just wouldn’t know: It’s a real shame. For me, a big part of who I am, is to remind people, young and old, about the real meaning of Christmas.”

    S.B., also from Otford, is agnostic and said: “I don’t like religion because of all the hatred, violence and intolerance it has caused in the world. But Christmas is an important time because it does promote goodwill between people. The only downside I see to Christmas is the over commercialisation that happens.”

    Pateena, from Stanwell Park, is a spiritual believer and said: “Three images spring to mind - pinecones, the ocean and sea shells. I smell the scent of pinecones from my childhood passed, it reminds me of children, laughter, games and freedom. I hear the sound of the ocean, I sense its vastness, its greatness and its power. I see the universal symbol of the spiral in the seashell and I think of balance, progress, direction, initiation, centering, expanding, awareness, connection.”

    She added: “Xmas to me then is about universal connection to all things and to all peoples regardless of race, religion or belief systems, it is about universal consciousness, universal laws and universal love.”

    In Thirroul, a Druid said: “I think why we love Christmas is because it touches something deeply felt and profoundly unconscious in us. That is something which is at the root of our humanity. The hope of renewal in the birth of what Jung would term the divine child, the potential in all of us: And of course the hope that it engenders.“

    Patrick (pictured) from Cronulla, is a Hare Krishna, and said: “Christmas never meant that much for me, apart from going to church at midnight and getting together with family when I was younger. At home it was always very stressful with mum trying to do her best to make a fantastic meal and me and my brother being rascals ruining the atmosphere.”

    He added: “Today, it’s all very commercially orientated; people spending fortunes trying to make each other happy but we see it doesn't work. Now, I have been a Hare Krishna for ten years, Christmas just means pizza, pasta and ice cream with my Hare Krishna friends on Christmas day and a swim later. We appreciate Lord Jesus Christ though for his efforts. He was a good man :-)”

    And lastly, Thurid from Wollongong said: “I don't believe in religion but no way am I an atheist. I believe in Jesus Christ or better, Yeshuah, that's what HE was called, when walking on earth. Knowing HIM, following HIM, is a way of life for me and I meet with like-minded people away from the denominational system.”

    She added: “I don't believe that Jesus Christ was born in December, for the shepherds tended flocks in the fields at the time of HIS birth. The western, or Christian world celebrates eating, drinking, being merry and giving gifts. I celebrate Yeshuah's birthday every day, for I say: ‘It's christmas in my heart, it's easter (resurrection) in my soul, it's my birthday today and I'm glad to be alive'.”

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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:04 pm

    this is strong message from Govinda Swami, posted to many news sites:

    I read, with sadness, of the death of the young Indian girl who was gang raped in Delhi.

    My prayers go to that departed soul, to her family, and to her friend who was also beaten and thrown off the bus.

    The present perverted culture of India allows rape and molestation of women to take place anywhere and everywhere in the nation.

    I have been shocked in hearing the stories of my female students in Vrindavan;

    A western lady told me how while standing in front of Radhe Shyam, her eyes closed in prayer, an Indian man approached her, grasp her breasts, touched her buttocks, and rubbed his hand against her private parts.

    A forty-ish year old Indian lady told me how on Sri Krishna Janmastami, an Indian man pushed his genitals onto her as everyone was wedged in the crowd trying to have darshan.

    I heard tonight on Indian TV that in one political party alone there are 31 accused rapists.

    This tragedy stirs me up.

    I wish the Indian youth were savvy enough, and courageous enough, to use the social media in the same way that it has been used over the past few years to bring a change to the status quo.

    But I think the Indian youth are too afraid of what their parents and society would say. Rather, they use the social media to ape the degraded materialistic culture.

    I wish the Indian old elite would do the right thing, step aside, and allow brains that work to develop a structure for the nation in which all the citizens were equal before the constitution.

    Yet ... a drastic change would bring no good result if there were no Krishna consciousness, God consciousness.

    It has been said that the fish rots from the head down.

    The world is rotting, India included.

    Maybe India is rotting more ... for turning away from its ancient spiritual traditions.

    Did you ever visit a country of 1,241,491,960 people where over half of the people perform their toilet activities on the train tracks or the sides of the roads daily?

    Urination in public is so socially acceptable?

    Where people in towns and villages heap their trash in the middle of the national highways?

    The rich build huge mansions, high boundary walls, and dump their garbage outside their walls.

    Where sacred rivers have been killed, officially declared dead by the World Health Organisation.

    Why? Due to the the unrestricted dumping of pollutants from factories and waste from slaughter houses? All run by greedy materialistic men.

    A country where over 100,000 people die on the roads yearly, and where hundreds and thousands are left maimed for life.

    Where there is noise everywhere, plastic everywhere, smoke and smog everywhere.

    And to get the most simple deed accomplished you must give a gift?

    As Prabhupada sat and wrote in his rooms at Radha Damodar, he stated that what we are seeing today is simply the burnt remnants of India's great tradition of culture.

    That was 50 years ago.

    Yes, a revolution is needed. But, it should be a revolution of consciousness. Krishna consciousness, God consciousness.

    These situations make me think, "if I were young I would join a revolution and pull down the rotten machine."

    Now, alas, I am too old to sling stones and could never tolerate gunfire.

    But then, when I was young, I did join a revolution. And I am still a small part of it, and I am still trying to pull.

    bharata-bhumite hoila manusya janma yara
    janma sarthaka kari karo para-upakära

    This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, para-upakara.

    His mission is to be very merciful to all people.

    So, I will continue in the revolution of Srila Prabhupada and Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

    I will continually try to assist my master to change the degraded consciousness of the world.

    Please everyone, take the holy names, study the message of Bhagavad Gita, worship Sri Krishna.

    By these activities, the degraded material consciousness of this world will change.

    One poet said, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror."

    Another small Indian man said, "Be the change that you want to see in the world."

    Together .... Let's make that change.

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

    And with a sad heavy heart for India ... good night to all.


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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:07 pm

    Kirtam Fiesta in Madrid


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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:10 pm

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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:11 pm

    Shree Radhe Radhe - divine LOVE


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    Post  devakas Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:40 am

    Double Thumbs Up
    An ode to Kali Yuga on the special occasion of the “New Year” 2013

    Govardhana Giri Dasa: Hey Kali, be happy,

    A number changes,

    In a calendar,

    Seconds tick away,

    In a clock,

    People drink,

    Loose control.

    People dance,

    Loose control.

    Whatever you do,

    MUST loose control !

    Hey Kali, be happy !

    Loose control, is what you want !

    Everyone says,

    Happy New Year !

    Everyone knows,

    There is nothing new,

    Everyone knows,

    There is no happy thing,


    Everyone says,

    Happy New Year !

    Keep the illusion going folks !

    Keep the show going, as they say !

    Hey Kali, be happy,

    Illusion, of course, is what you want !

    Days gone by,

    Girls molested,

    By senseless men

    Girls sold,

    By senseless mothers,

    Girls killed,

    By parents while still in the womb,

    Sthree is Matha,

    Sthree is Devi,

    Sthree is Lakshmi,

    Sarasvati, et al

    Alas, no one cares !

    Demon-crazy Srila Prabhupad said,

    Democracy, all glories to you !

    Blind men choosing,

    Blind man leading,

    Of course, where else,

    But to “happiness”

    Hey, Kali, be happy !

    You are indeed ruling the roost !

    Is there hope ?

    You may ask.

    May I dare say,

    Yes there is !

    People will drink

    People will dance

    Drink harinam !

    Dance in kirtana !

    Hey Kali, better beware !

    Gauranga’s army

    Is on its way !

    Led by His General

    Srila Prabhupad !

    Hey Kali, better beware !

    Run for your life !

    Before its late !

    -Compiled by a beggar named Govardhana Giri Dasa
    We Are You

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  We Are You Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:41 am


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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:23 pm


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:23 pm

    O Krishna, the world delights and rejoices in glorifying You. Terrified demons flee in all directions. The hosts of sages bow to You in adoration.

    Why should they not O great soul bow to You, the original creator who is even greater than the creator of material worlds?

    O infinite Lord, O God of all celestial rulers, O abode of the universe, You are both Eternal and Temporal, and the Supreme Being that is beyond Eternal and Temporal.

    You are the primal God, the most ancient Person.

    You are the ultimate resort of the entire universe. You are the knower, the object of knowledge, and the Supreme Abode. You, O Lord of the infinite form, pervade the entire universe.

    You are the controller of death, the fire, the wind, the water god, the moon god, and the creator, as well as the father of the creator. Salutations to You a thousand times, and again and again salutations to You.

    My salutations to You from front, and from behind

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  We Are You Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:40 am

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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:40 pm

    By Srila Prabhupada on Dec 12, 2012

    Alternative Form of Government

    The Ideal King

    Puranas are histories that focus on saintly individuals and nations. This is an excerpt from Srila Prabhupada’s commentary on a paragraph from the Bhagavata Purana, 1.16.1.

    King Pariksit, a transcendentalist of the highest stature, used to consult sages and learned brahmanas, who could advise him how to execute the state administration. Such great kings were more responsible than modern elected executive heads because they obliged the great authorities by following their instructions left in Vedic literatures. There was no need for impractical fools to enact daily a new legislative bill and to conveniently alter it again and again to serve some ulterior purpose. The rules and regulations were already set forth by great sages and the enactments were suitable for all ages in all places. Therefore the rules and regulations were standard and without flaw or defect.

    Kings like Pariksit had their council of advisers, and all the members of that council were either sages or brahmanas of the first order. They did not accept any salary, nor had they any necessity for such salaries. The state would get the best advice without expenditure. They were themselves equal to everyone, both humans and animals. They would not advise the king to give protection to humans while also instructing him to kill the poor animals. Such council members were not fools or representatives seeking to create a fool’s paradise. They were all self-realized souls, and they knew perfectly well how all living beings would be happy, both in this life and in the next. They were not concerned with the hedonistic philosophy of eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy. They were philosophers in the real sense, and they knew well what the mission of human life is. Under all these obligations, the advisory council of the king would give correct directions, and the king or executive head would scrutinizingly follow them for the welfare of the state. The state in the days of King Pariksit was a welfare state in the real sense of the term because the king made sure no one was unhappy, be they humans or animals. That is an ideal political administrator



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    Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts - Page 33 Empty Re: Vedic Scripts, wisdom and facts

    Post  devakas Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:13 pm

    Aquaries1111 wrote:O Krishna, the world delights and rejoices in glorifying You. Terrified demons flee in all directions. The hosts of sages bow to You in adoration.

    Why should they not O great soul bow to You, the original creator who is even greater than the creator of material worlds?

    O infinite Lord, O God of all celestial rulers, O abode of the universe, You are both Eternal and Temporal, and the Supreme Being that is beyond Eternal and Temporal.

    You are the primal God, the most ancient Person.

    You are the ultimate resort of the entire universe. You are the knower, the object of knowledge, and the Supreme Abode. You, O Lord of the infinite form, pervade the entire universe.

    You are the controller of death, the fire, the wind, the water god, the moon god, and the creator, as well as the father of the creator. Salutations to You a thousand times, and again and again salutations to You.

    My salutations to You from front, and from behind

    What we call love in the material world is all too temporary, but in the kingdom of God the profound loving exchanges Lord Krishna enjoys with His dearest devotees are eternal. Bhakti-yoga teaches us how to enter into that realm of eternal love.

    there is a book written about not temporary love but permanent love.
    The Art of Eternal Love

    when the love to Krishna is developed it is permanent. between soul and supersoul. it is rare opportunity in this life to use this opportunity before we become other species life after life.

    the basic principle of the living condition is that we have a general propensity to love someone. No one can live without loving someone else. This propensity is present in every living being. Even an animal like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage, and it is certainly present in the human beings.
    The missing point, however, is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy.

    That missing point is Krsna, and The Nectar of Devotion teaches us how to stimulate our original love for Krsna and how to be situated in that position where we can enjoy our blissful life.

    i wish there would be another way, another way, this is the only way and this is The way.....

    for you Aquaries Flowers

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