Meet Candace Bacon. She came to be because of all the illusions being put out there and the irony ending up being the truth.
I have to say, it hasn't been a great few days here. All because of someone's bullshit. Painting it as though it is everyone's fault. Accusations without the proper research. Slandering just to sound righteous. Victimizing others without even knowing them. How shallow has one got to be? Pretty damn shallow.
With all of this, I have been one who has to have taken a back seat and watch all this play out. It has been very painful to watch. Thank-you so much Sanicle for acknowledging this. I know we might have gotten off on the wrong footing, but are now on the right footing. There is more to this as some have pointed out.
I also had a dream this morning. It involved a gift that my dearest Brook gave me for Christmas. It is a black ball cap, which on the front was sown "Lionhawk" and a cougar sown under the name. In the dream, I was in a great hall where there were many folks there sitting in chairs. Someone was speaking about someone who had a theory or an idea and his name was Lionhawk. This was not me. Someone had hijacked my name and so I took my cap off and looked. The name on my cap had disappeared along with the color of the cougar. All that was left, was an imprint of the cougar made from sowing the fabric. I woke up. It was then I realized I was in a meeting where all of us from this forum were at. Where everyone was basically sitting on their butts, doing nothing but swallowing what was being said. Saying nothing in opposition to what was being doled out. What did any of you expect? A happy ending?
As someone said earlier, where evil wins when good men and women do nothing. Has this forum become a cemetery of souls from these other forums? I would like to not think so. And then to have someone post a thread using a second hand method to prove it to be so, really gets my campfire roaring.
My dearest Brook sincerely did the right thing. I applaud all of her efforts to make a positive difference in all of this. I have shared in her pain. You see, the object here was to work this out with Floyd. To work out his pain. Just remember that. And he can play numb all he wants to. It's his free agency. But in the mean time don't expect me to sit and say nothing because of his pain. His pain has nothing to do with
anyone but himself. And that would include any name on any list that is made up and targeted. His pain limits his perceptions to the 3D. He will never have an understanding in wholeness of anyone until he heals that. That includes all that he has targeted with his shallow paint brushes. It seems to me that Floyd is dodging this whole thing and for what it is worth Floyd, I hold you accountable for your actions here. Sorry folks but I have had enough and when the integrity of this forum is being compromised by the actions of a few, I have to say something. That is what this is about.
Now Brook went out there and went to bat for this forum. She doesn't do anything with half a heart. Probably because she hasn't been battered with a bunch of lifetimes of being victimized. This whole thing drained her on many levels. I have seen the effects in her beautiful face, all drawn up, eyes swelled, and her restless nights. She didn't need much to stay the course. She just needed someone to say a few of the right things and not after the facts. 780 members? Where are they? Or are they by their tombstones?
I'm not trying to throw a guilt trip here. I know everyone has been going through some heavy stuff. But it also leaves me to wonder. No problem, as I can go my merry way. I have to go where my beloved goes and can leave this forum as though it was a dream. In the Isness, there is no need for dreams, forums, or second hand paint brushes.
So thank-you Honorable Judge "Q" Floyd for your second hand lessons and your pain. It's what you anchor to this forum that will sink it. Why, because it will be allowed to happen. As is the case.
Take note that this was a lesson that I did try to avoid. I did speak up about how second hand tactics can be so destructive. This was clearly one of those lessons.
Maybe someone in this graveyard will pay attention next time. What are the odds? 780:1? Forgive me, but I am not in the best of moods right now.
One last note as far as the Atticus1 group. The chosen 18.... I'm glad someone has a problem with that concept. But the reality is that 18 must choose. And 18 did choose to contribute something positive back to humanity. You got a problem with that? Then it is your problem. At least 18 got off their chairs and decided to put something into action. Instead of a slaying of slandering paint brushes of folks on a list, where the slayer is just a rumor mill mongerer who doesn't even know any of the folks he slanders about. Just a 3D text analyzer. You see, I am not a member but I do listen because Brook "chose" to be part of the 18. It's called free agency.
Candace Bacon
P.S. I wonder what Floyd would like with a little lip stick.. ..?
Thanks Mudra, Carol, Sanicle, Mall, HL, and whoever else was at least appreciative.