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Vidya Moksha
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    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates


    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:52 am

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Q9WI4i1EkJyK3nkmmHAk_22_73931cff812e8660ad3b3266099267f5_thumbnail_512x512

    Telegram COMMs

    Patriots are in control. #Panic

    Rothschilds gone. Pope gone. Queen gone. Bezos stepping down. You really think they are winning? 😂😂
    Gates too. You think mrs doubtfire is really his new wife?

    Benjamin de Rothschild dies at 57
    Daddy and mommy long gone. Vampire son just bit the dust.

    So not all of Hollywood were pedos. There were some decent people that saw the horrors and got out. Sadly many had to fake their deaths to get out. Where are they now? In Trump's movie. Your mind will be blown when you realize who's still alive.

    JFK Jr is alive. He's no account on social media you would think. He also doesn't post pictures of himself all day. Which should be obvious and without saying. He's busy working with Trump right now.

    Nothing pisses people off more than Mj and Jr. being alive. Why is the question?

    Imagine you being so afraid of what's coming you hire a bunch of trolls on telegram farmed out by Singapore troll farms. Lol. Panic.

    Here's a sneaky spam troll. It looks normal but notice all the _ _ _ in the text? That sets off the spam chain. If you click or reply or forward anything with a _ or / it'll do it. Fyi.

    So here's the deal. Pain is coming like never seen before in American history. The wicked will be brought to justice. Their own sin and wickedness they will wear like a scarlet letter into eternity. There's no Biden. No great reset. No new world order. There's just pain for the wicked and rewards for the righteous. After the dust settles from declas and public justice, many will wake up. Truth brings healing, lies divide. Even so, there will be a percentage that will be lost forever. We met those kind of folks tonight first hand. The good news is, they will be a small minority. We are already the majority and that majority is only going to get a lot bigger in the weeks and months to come. #Ncswic

    Who's ready for evil to start departing earth? Very soon.

    C before D. Conviction before declass. Declass introduced legally through the courts.The end will not be for everyone, you were told this. A choice. Remember this part is just theater. Movie. Everyone's alive from the Capitol. All staged. Job requirement when Trump ran for President, sign up for impeachment 2x. Slings and arows. The great awakening. Tribunals for the wicked very real, the movie stops. Dam breaks. Ebs/Eas. Biblical.

    Dark winter. Bright spring.

    How do you destroy the mockingbird media? Script a movie, feed them a false narrative that tickles their ears, and let them run with it and self destruct. Trap set. They'll never recover from it. Trump controls the narrative. Checkmate.

    Piece of advice for those attempting to discredit or destroy Lin Wood's good name and reputation. The man's foundation is a solid rock, he firmly wears the belt of truth each morning. He cannot be shaken, no matter how hard you try. He knows what is coming and has seen evidence that will boggle your mind. The harder you try to discredit and defame him, the harder the boomerang flies back in your face. There's your warning.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:51 am; edited 3 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:13 am


    You’re not going to like what I have to say in March/April. I’m giving you fair warning ahead of time so be prepared.

    Sometimes one must take a fall for the greater sake of humanity. Just know that said individual loves you.

    All will be well in the end. Continue to have faith because the mission is working and everything is still going according to the plan. In good time, we will take back control of our country. But we’re doing it on Trump’s watch with God as our witness. It’s out of our hands.

    The goal post does NOT keep moving. No one on the outside ever knew where the goal post was to begin with.

    I’m here to tell the truth even if some of it is hard to handle. I’m sorry, but the truth is the truth. I can’t Ooopsey change it. It’s apart of the plan. Just know that we win. Nothing can stop what is coming.

    We got a long road ahead of us for the people that treat 1 day of waiting as if they were waiting a lifetime for Trump to attack and make his final moves.

    For the adults in the chatroom, the wait is almost over. Don’t let waiting around take over your entire life. Breathe. Go do what makes you happy. Trump is going to take care of it.

    Buckle up, some of you have a lot of waiting to do. For some of you the wait is finally coming to an end.

    The question you should be asking is:

    Will there be a Presidential Election in 2021 ?

    Will Trump Reveal the Truth or Will the Military? Will it be obvious or subliminal?

    Will Trump win by defect?

    Will Trump be declared President under a new corporation of ownership under a new country like Sidney Powell stated?

    These are the real questions you should be asking & bitching about.

    These are the types of questions you should be digging into. I only know so much. It’s up to y’all to DECLAS this XXXX yourselves while we wait for the comeback of a lifetime/The Big Reveal/The Great Awakening Precipice.

    I am only 1 man. But together we are an immense force not to be reckoned with.

    Keep an eye on these prices anons! 👇
    Trump Tower DC Doubles in price on March 3rd and 4th AGAIN! Something big going on in DC then?

    [180 DAYS] - [Vote to Confirm] - QFS (Quantum Financial System) via SCIF

    My brother from another mother just joined Telegram. He as well doesn’t personally use social media. I bet he’ll be dropping Q bombs real SQQN.

    We are close to the end here. More & more intelligence professionals will be coming forward with information in the coming weeks. The floodgates are about to open. Once you open Pandora’s Box, nothing can be unsaid or undone. Nothing can stop what is coming

    [PAIN] is Coming. [PAIN] is currently habbening right under our noses.

    OPTICS IS KEY will be fireworks on full display

    Hidden message here

    D.C. BQQMS 🔱🐸🇺🇸

    I guess he’s up & running now 👆

    Truth: Some of the cowboys in the spotlight, in the media as news commentators, & the ones who are heavily monetized most of their stories regarding what went on during a certain mission are coverups of what actually went down in the field.

    Robert J O'Neil is milking it.

    I think it’s time for some chocolate covered popcorn 🍿 🍿

    “Expose” is My New Favorite Word Smirk
    Mark Cuban AMA?

    Schumer Resonance

    Daniel Scavino Jr.
    This is not a Constitutional Impeachment Trial. Sadly, it has turned into a trial against not only POTUS 45, and those around him, but now YOU and 74,000,000+ other Americans. SO UNIFYING! Can y’all fee the love & unity!? At the rate it’s going, words like PATRIOT will be banned from social media platforms. Ouch! Love ya, PATIROTS! Dan

    What’s 180 Days from January 20th?
    180 days from January 20, 2020 is Saturday, July 18, 2020.

    Which White Hat is going to be sacrificed in this time period?

    Will he/she lay down his life for the sake of America’s prosperous future? Yes.

    Remember, It had to be this way.

    All Patriots will be ecstatic when the news breaks & when the floodgates open. Patriots & anons will be overzealous when they find out they were right this entire time and their families won’t think they’re crazy anymore. None of this will be considered a conspiracy anymore e-card the truth will smack these stupid idiots and naysayers straight in the face. But what comes after might crush some people who’ve been following this entire time. You may love him/her with all your might, but this individual needed to lay it all down on the line.

    When this happens, make no mistake, they will be gone, but he/she will never be forgotten. He/she will return on God’s time, because in the end, it’s just a show & nothing is what it seems. It’ll only be a temporary illusion.

    I’ve already said too much, use your heads, go over my old drops. You’ll make the connection soon enough.




    The Democrats faked it until [they] made it

    It’s time we give them a little dose of their own medicine

    Revelation 18

    King James Version
    18 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

    2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

    3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

    4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

    6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

    7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

    8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

    9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

    Drops are a lot more complicated & have more deeper meaning than meets the eye. If you think you’ve decoded something, just know that there’s more depth to it than you may realize on the surface.

    With that being said, a few people have made incredible [DECLAS] / decodes on not only Q’s drops, but my drops as well.

    Some of you hit the nail on the head. Some of you figured out things that I can not personally confirm because of my job & my duty. But I’m happy you know what’s about to happen. I’ve never been more proud to see that you’ve made all the connections necessary to uncover what is about to unfold in the next few months.

    I salute you.


    This Sham Impeachment is a Smoke Screen for The Democratic Party

    People are dying from the vaccine and it's being under reported.

    Do not trust any doctor right now. Hospital policies have been changed overnight to appease to the World Health Organization, which is controlled by Communist China.

    China will not rest until the population of the United States is in a state of submission to give them full control.

    This is the most dangerous time of your life.


    If you are sharing borders with Mexico right now you will be flooded with illegal immigration who will be coming into your state with the new strain of Covid-19.

    The media will blame you for spreading it, and making them the victims.

    The impeachment is a distraction.

    CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

    The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40). The CDC quickly took down the page, along with Google, but the site was luckily cached and saved to symbolize this grand admission.

    Trump: “He's slower.” (Biden) “He acts different than he used to.” 🤪🤪 You’re watching a movie. 🍿


    Last video was Trump commenting about actor Joe Bidan. Outstanding performance to say the least. Perfect dipshit fo sho

    The CIA was so corrupt. It still is, but we are fighting like Hell to remove the remaining Deep State Cabal officials in the CIA, The Pentagon, & The State Department. Wars. Drug running. Black market Weapons dealing. And so much more. This year it got a renovation. New year, new look. We’re almost done.

    Assassinating assassins contracted by the CIA is much harder than the average citizen may feel like it is.

    We took casualties doing this XXXX.

    We’re almost done, and when it is done the world will be a better and much safer place to live in.

    [PAIN] is coming like never seen before in American history. The wicked will be brought to justice. Their own sin and wickedness they will wear like a scarlet letter into eternity. There's no Biden. No great reset. No new world order. There's just pain for the wicked and rewards for the righteous. After the dust settles from declas and public justice, many will wake up. Truth brings healing, lies divide. Even so, there will be a percentage that will be lost forever. We met those kind of folks tonight first hand. The good news is, they will be a small minority. We are already the majority and that majority is only going to get a lot bigger in the weeks and months to come.


    Nigerian Forces did not rescue them.

    WE DID 👇👇👇

    Slavery Ring Broken Up In Nigeria. 

    "Bitcoin is PURE EVIL." ~anon

    Human Slavery Ring Broken Up In Nigeria “Breast Milk Was Being Harvested Every Day”
    Abuja Human Milk Factory Where Customers Pay With Bitcoin.

    The Nigerian authorities has just rescued 115 mothers in Abuja, whose breast milk was being harvested every day and then turned into different dairy products like cheese, butter, and fresh milk. Some of these girls were as young as 16, the oldest being 22, and most of them were reported missing in the last 3 years.

    We meaning US Special Forces. Not myself or my team. The US rarely gets any credit when making international rescues. It’s kind of a shame.

    The news never covers anything war related anymore. I have no idea why.

    Journalism is dead

    What about the floodgates? Kek. 🔱...

    The CDC is now officially recommending you wear TWO masks.

    "Make sure you can breathe easily." 👈 It actually says that.

    See what following the "guidelines" and complying gets you?

    Now government is literally recommending you suffocate yourself.

    One plandemic
    One summer of "mostly peaceful" riots
    One "fortified" election
    One "insurrection"
    Two phony impeachments

    All in just one year

    This Covid bs will not end until we end it. Every 6 months to a year they'll come up with a new "strain" that will mean more restrictions, more panic, more control.

    It will never end. Until we stand up and say no more.

    Communism, socialism, fascism, it's all being disguised as coronavirus.

    Why can't millions see that government is more dangerous than the virus?

    When will the CDC recommend we stop breathing to "show we care?"

    These people are communists and they want to cancel all of us.

    They will never stop unless we stop them.

    We used to fight communism halfway around the world. Now we're fighting it here in America. And right now we're losing because half the country is either too blind or in too much denial to understand what's happening. What will it take for people to wake up? A knock at the door?

    Your own government is now far more dangerous than any virus is...

    History is full of governments that put "non-essential" people in mass graves.

    Remember that.

    THANK Xxxxxxxx GOD FOR Q 🔱🐸🇺🇸
    Now ask yourself why our military has fenced off DC

    I'm sure this comes as no surprise...
    The Charade continues...

    Trump's Legal Team for the Fake Impeachment Trial will begin soon.

    Insurance policy
    secret society
    Future proves past
    News unlocks the map.

    Many people question who I am.

    Find out who #6 is.

    #7 Died on June 19th 2017

    There’s a new #7 now.

    We all know one another. The State Department & the Military has been using this group to hand select prime candidates for secretive purposes later in life. There’s a few other groups that do the same.

    I was selected in College.

    “You have more than you know.”

    What I’m About to say, I have already spoken about on Twitter. But since Twitter banned my account and you cannot go back and take a look at what I stated about me personally I will say it one more time:

    Yes I attended the University of Virginia & the London School of Economics before my time in the US Navy.

    I speak multiple languages and have been a Clandestine CIA Field Operative for a few years after I was out of the teams and done being a PMC.

    The Farm picked me up as I knew they would from the bullshit I dealt with at The University of Virginia & while on my last op overseas in Kuwait XXXX went real bad.

    Long story short, the 305th/111th was scoping me for quite some time for a new division they were assembling & saved my life when the CIA Xxxxxx me on extraction.

    [They] did it on purpose because of the intel I collected. I found out too much too soon and they wanted to pull the plug on my last op so I wouldn’t make it out alive.

    It seems to be that the CIA has been doing this same thing to other men in uniform from SEALS to Delta Force/Task Force Orange, Rangers, Marsoc, to White Hat Contracted Assassins working in the dark areas of the CIA.

    [They] just kill anyone that poses even the slightest threat. I mean for God sakes people, Hillary Clinton killed an entire SEAL Team because of the Intel they uncovered.

    And the CIA is behind every single one of these indirect executions.


    Someone’s always watching.

    At this point in time, it doesn’t matter who I am. I am only here to spread truth in this massive culture of disinformation, lies, & deceit.

    Pay attention to the mission.

    Don’t pay attention to me or any one of us working on the inside. My old drops explain why I’m here. I don’t need to repeat myself.

    When the mission is over, I’ll disappear.


    Photo of Kamela dressed in purple taking oath of VP
    Revelation 17:4-5
    King James Version

    4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

    5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

    Dark Winter. Bright Spring. Even Brighter Summer. FUTURE PROVES PAST.

    The Masterpiece (aka “The Final Reveal”) is on it’s Way. Stay patient my fellow anons.

    How do you destroy the mockingbird media? Script a movie, feed them a false narrative that tickles their ears, and let them run with it and self destruct. Trap set. They'll never recover from it. Trump controls the narrative. Checkmate.

    Lin Wood

    How many of you are ready to learn “the plan” to take back our freedom and to see the return of law and order? To see the return of President Trump who was elected by a landslide to serve at least 4 more years?

    I know the response from My Followers is almost unanimously, “I am!!!”

    The truth is that we will see “the plan” when we see it. Not a second earlier nor a second later.

    “The plan” is God’s plan. Until we see it, we just maintain and strengthen our faith that He has a plan and will reveal it on His schedule, not ours.

    “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”
    - 2 Corinthians 5:7

    God bless you. Enjoy your day. We will talk later.

    Lin 🙏I love you🇺🇸

    👆Piece of advice for those attempting to discredit or destroy Lin Wood's good name and reputation. The man's foundation is a solid rock, he firmly wears the belt of truth each morning. He cannot be shaken, no matter how hard you try. He knows what is coming and has seen evidence that will boggle your mind. The harder you try to discredit and defame him, the harder the boomerang flies back in your face. There's your warning.

    Lin Wood

    I have had a few misfires in the past when I relied on what seemed to me to be credible information of impending EBS activation and the need to be prepared to “hunker down” safely for 2 weeks or so.

    Was I set up so that my errors could be later used to impugn my credibility? Maybe, but I don’t think so. I always tried to confirm with 1 or 2 others to see if they had received similar warnings. Was it intentional misinformation? Maybe, but in the event it came to pass, could I chance not passing along the information? Better safe than sorry.

    I have certainly been wrong about certain individuals. It turned out I was wrong about Bill Barr. I came to believe he was a Patriot but now believe he is not. I will always own up to my mistakes. I am not perfect.

    While I am open to other plausible theories, I still believe China is our sworn enemy and attacked us with Covid and our election. President Trump’s public statements seem to support my belief.

    We have been groomed for many years to trust our “leaders” and assume that they cared about us and were performing their sworn duties. It is tough to let go of that belief but now, we are forced to do so as we learn that so many of our “leaders” have never been working for us. To the contrary, too many have been working against us and for themselves. We must face that TRUTH painful as it may be. When TRUTH is revealed, we must accept it.

    I will continue to try my imperfect best to inform you of what I believe is credible information on relevant issues, but I claim no “insider” knowledge of “the plan.” I believe the only plan that matters is God’s plan. And I am confident He has one that will work for the good of our nation. On His schedule, not ours.

    My faith remains unshaken. And yes, I still firmly believe that President Trump will lead us for at least 4 more years.

    God is not done with the United States of America. I believe that He wants us to once again be reminded of the magnificence of freedom. We have taken it for granted too long.

    Never again.

    We have [them] right where we want them.


    [i]Fort Worth Texas Crash = FF

    Trump was more sick with Covid-19 in October than was acknowledged at the time. When he was hospitalized, his blood oxygen levels had plunged and officials feared he would need to be put on a ventilator.

    "The former president resisted being taken to Walter Reed, relenting only when aides told him that he could walk out on his own or risk waiting until the U.S. Secret Service was forced to carry him out if he got sicker."

    - New York Times

    This was an assassination attempt to take out President Trump. The intelligence agency knows. The truth will come out.

    Who colluded with the CCP? The Democrats, certain Republicans, and journalists.

    The Propaganda machine has been great at convincing poor people that they are rich and to borrow and spend lavishly, convincing rich people that they look poor and to keep up with their other rich neighbor next door who may or may not be rich, all while these same people who buy into the system tend to create a deficiency in Love, Trust and the Truth. If America is the patient, our souls are extremely malnourished in the word of God. Once you save yourself by removing yourself from this complex, only then will God allow your voice to influence others to help them escape the same reality. Don't worry about what others think about you or about themselves. Live within your means. And help others with your words, physically, spiritually, any way you can. And pray on big decisions, always.

    Spec Ops vs Boogie Nights—Pedowood/PedoGate Beginning of the END.

    EZRA COHEN + Chris Miller

    DoD just quoted Joe as VP.
    The Tweet is still up 😳

    Fellow Anon in this Channel 👆

    We need more Brave Patriots like this that can come forward and share their stories. Love you Nancy. ThanQ for the truth bomb.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Ashera Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:15 am


    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:21 am

    Memes Ready

    I miss Trump. I miss his honest and straight forward approach. I miss him ‘calling a spade a spade’. I miss him trolling the Deepstate. I miss seeing the mainstream media flip out whenever he signed a new middle eastern peace deal, or took on big pharma. I miss the electric rally’s. I miss the big guy’s swagger. I miss... normality...

    ...But it’s all worth it. I love this country more than anything, because it gives me liberty, freedom, and opportunity. Trump is working on a masterpiece, yet to be unveiled to the whole world. When revealed, it will bring us all from dark to light... it will also bring a lot of liberal tears!
    😉 (2 videos).

    The end is near for these …

    The end is near for these pedo’s. Kappy put it best, “If you ate kids, you’re gonna die, death penalty”. (4 videos)

    Notable Deaths, Resignations and Arrests:

    -Eli Lily (one of the largest pharma company) CFO steps down.

    -NBC has strange things going on. Ryan Seacrest stepping down from E’s Live From Red Carpet which he has been doing for over a decade. Many others terminated.

    -Three more cast members from Netflix series “Cheer” arrested for sexual misconduct with MINORS.

    -U.S. Attorney for Iowa’s northern district retiring at the tender age of 51.

    -‘Worst Cooks In America’ beats her white adopted daughter to death.

    Well that escalated quickly! 😂

    Real Humans or Clones/Deep Fakes?

    We’re in this together, Patriots.
    Hold the Line.
    Pain is Coming.
    More Arrests & Resignations/Terminations.

    Down they go, one by one...These people are sick!


    3 photos.

    Photos 1-2: This letter is notice that the Fulton County DA (District Attorney) has OPENED an investigation into attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 GA general election. The letter was sent to Gov. Brian Kemp, Gov. Duncan, Sec. Raffensperger, and General Carr.

    Photo 3: Georgia Sen. Warnock Under Investigation For Voter Registration Misconduct

    Links for both updates below:

    2 Videos, 5 Photos.

    1st Scavino Video: Notice the video starts with an eye opening.
    46 seconds = Q Drop 46. Very relevant. We have it ALL - The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute).
    Timestamp 12:55.
    Q Drop 12: Mil Intel - Good guys are winning!
    Q Drop 55: POTUS msg “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us”.

    2nd Scavino Video:
    44 seconds = Q Drop 44 which states POTUS will send a msg Friday, which directly ties back to Drop 55 from the first video.
    Timestamp 1:13 = Q Drop 113 & 1313 (military time).
    Clock is Ticking in the background = Tick Tock! Enjoy the Show.

    Links to Tweeted Videos below:

    Lin Wood, “How many of you are ready to learn “the plan” to take back our freedom and see the return of law and order? To see the return of President Trump who was elected by a landslide to server at least 4 more years”. 🔥🔥🔥

    Lin Wood just confirmed that Q is real and that “the plan” will be revealed when God wants it revealed. We already know Q is real, but it’s always great to get simple validation, without having to decode or extract hidden comms.

    Love this from Lin, “When your grandchildren ask you one day, “What did you do to fight for freedom?” be prepared to give them an answer that will make them proud of you.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:31 am

    111th Military Intelligence Brigade

    Guys, this is the real reason why the Democrats are trying to impeach my father. (Don Jr.)

    Wait? Is this the logo?

    Time to turn up the heat on the [DS]

    In my off time, I will be posting some Intel on my end. During my times away from this channel I'm in the fight of our lives. It’s going to be Biblical.

    Keep your heads on a swivel, more FF's Inbound. Stand by....

    Candace Owens
    Just heard a massive explosion in D.C. Our entire home just shook. Anyone know what that was? #DC #WashingtonDC

    Washington DC Fire and EMS Live Audio Feed
    Washington DC Fire and EMS Live Audio Feed on ...

    Deep Underground Military Bases.

    Sounds like a building.
    Scanners at

    DC Fire and EMS
    Update 1300 block Vermont Ave NW. Manhole explosion took place with no injuries but damaged parked vehicle. @PepcoConnect on scene attempting to isolate power. #DCsBravest checking adjacent structures for any extension via electrical panels. Additional units requested.

    Truth: Some of the cowboys in the spotlight, in the media as news commentators, & the ones who are heavily monetized most of their stories regarding what went on during a certain mission are coverups of what actually went down in the field.

    Robert J O'Neil is milking it.

    Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elites 'Kill Innocent Children & Drink Their Blood - SmileCelebs
    In a shocking exposé, movie star Mel Gibson has blown the whistle on the epidemic of “parasites” who “control Hollywood” that are involved in child sacrifice and pedophilia. The Lethal Weapon star said that “every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children,” adding...


    GAME ON.

    Some people can compute 1s or 0s.

    On the other hand 👇

    We can compute 1s AND 0s AT THE SAME TIME





    Q is more than just a movement and/or a security clearance. Q is bigger than you could possibly imagine.

    There are a handful of divisions within the military that only take orders from 45. These are not your typical kinds of men in these certain divisions. Most are divisions you've never heard of because we don't exist in the public eye or in the view of Capitol Hill. A few are divisions of the military that have been made public in recent times & have existed right in front of you & are starting to become household names. I'm sure most people have realized these divisions are very small and very secretive. It is this way for a reason. No mistakes can be made. No word of our moves can get out. Complete inside lockdown & blackout. Q is bigger than you could possibly imagine. Don't EVER thank me. Thank General FLYNN. [They] almost had our General of the People killed.

    The Military as a Whole IS NOT in control

    We are in the process of dismantling the corrupt officials within our own military and it's a dangerous road ahead. But it needs to be done. CIA included.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:27 am

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates EHr3phNHCVQI71x6MxWE_11_1be726373ec1bca04021c1aa6d09b3ed_image_original


    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates IQTsvMmxxsD8nHUdJp9k_11_8f78766b0730e2e3ee0d646f54621f77_image_original
    Your daily reminder DC is still a prison.
    Photo of fence surrounding WH.

    Don't underestimate the boss and his team. There's 1000's working behind the scenes you don't see. Taking down Queens, Pope's and Princes.

    Assange is right. He saw their web of corruption nearly a decade ago. Which means, so did Trump. He's been planning this masterpiece for over a decade.

    One of their biggest fears was that we all leave Twitter and Facebook and expose their bullshit. If they can't control you it eats at them. It's about power for the elites. They think they can play God but instead they will meet God, and it won't be pretty.

    I told you January 6th the whole thing was staged. The girl is alive.  Now with impeachment, the whole conversation is becoming popular. The problem is, most still can't figure out who staged it? Think laptops.


    Lincoln 1865. History repeats itself. (photo of gallows)

    No it's not MJ playing Bidan. He's playing the weekend. Can't play both.

    Blinding lights lyrics.

    I look around and
    Sin City's cold and empty (oh)
    No one's around to judge me (oh)
    I can't see clearly when you're gone.

    Doomsday plane is for Scare event. Scare means fake. Movie. Remember?

    The goal is to wake the sheep up.

    The movie moves really fast from here. Impeachment trial is White Squall. Skippers trial.


    Mask bullshit is ending soon. Hang tight.

    Which mask bs, the byedun mask bs or the Covid mask bs?


    No the Mrna vax was to scare ya. Gates is gone. You see his new wife? Still don't get the vaccine. Vaccines are bs. Waste.


    Gates new wife ☝☝


    Jackets and brackets. Gates went down with Epstein.

    Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive!Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive! Kappy is alive!

    Alex Jones is controlled opposition. Mossad funded.

    Don't get me wrong, Jones cracked the Bohemian Grove decades ago. But then sold out for $$$$.

    Ghost Ezra
    13 hours ago

    Ghost Ezra@ghostezra
    Castle Rock Entertainment

    If you think we aren't going to come under attack here you got are living in a fairy tale land. Last night on Telegram I experienced the most demonic brute force demonic and disgusting porn attack I've ever seen. 3000k replies with 90% of them beasiality from a dozen in a group attack. The demons will fight, and they will kick and scream. Be prepared, prayed up and mentally ready for battle. Be wise and vigilent, always on guard.

    Having a beer with Lin while watching the tribunals on Cspan would make the best evening ever.

    Look seriously to the liberals I have a message. Republicans aren't the problem. The corrupt politicians are the problem. Trump will unite with declas. When you find out the truth about 911 and Benghazi you'll be signing in the street with the  Maga crew.

    Still can't figure out what's worse, 911 or the ventilator genoicide with Covid.

    If anons were carebears.

    I believe Joe is...


    Trust the news
    Do not trust the news

    See nothing wrong with 2021
    See everything is nuts in 2021

    Whose worse?

    Don Lemon
    Anderson Pooper

    I threw you a hard one there. Both suck. Lol.

    Which one is the quarterback?

    Barry Obama
    Big Mike

    Oh stop you know Big Mike calls the plays.😂😂😂😂😂

    "2020 has been tough on all of us" - Michelle Obama

    You bad.😂😂
    Big Mike miracle grow.

    Who uses signal?

    Miracle grow as in fertilizer. Expand your thinking.

    New year. New look. You think Trump didn't do XXXX in the last year? C'mon man. He said he was draining the swamp.
    Oh you think the swamp won? Not.

    Christopher Wray is a sleeper. Barr is a stealth bomber. Facts.

    Cia has toilet duty after all the dirty poopy things they've done.

    Barr burried Biden. Not literally although Biden was literally burried.

    Happel either flipped or she's a whitehat. Jury's still out on her. She's very secretive. She was Cia director. She's a tough one.

    Servers raided in Germany true Haspel shot during raid was bs.

    Barr is solid.

    Anyone who plays the bagpipe ain't ds.😂😂

    Everything you are hearing in the news is tottally bullshit. Seriously. I find 1% of accuracy in it daily. Not just intentional fake news, but Trump is feeding the media bullshit right now. Along w Wray. Media are the ass hats in the dark here. Death of the mockingbird media.

    All these false flags is us. Feeding the bs narratives to the media. Capitol deaths. Missing C4 from California. Next up is Defcon missile scare. Part of the 🍿🍿

    You gotta fight fire with 💥💥💥

    10 pounds of explosives missing from Twentynine Palms Marine base
    A reward is being offered to help find the 10 pounds of high-powered plastic explosives.

    C4 doesn't go missing. Ever. Period. Not in the Usa.

    Btw I wish they stole 17 pounds that would have been 💥💥💥

    Trump used this word 17 times when talking about background checks
    President Donald Trump's latest support for "meaningful" background checks comes 18 months after he said background checks would be implemented following the Parkland mass shooting. CNN's Erin Burnett reports.

    #CNN #News

    17 times. And you doubt he controls the media narratives?

    17 Trump.

    Are the children safe? It's a constant struggle. Much much safer than when Hillary roamed the streets, but evil always lurks. Keep an eye on your kids always. Trust nobody with your children.

    This isn't like a lightswitch. Nothing happens all at once overnight. Trump has been fighting child trafficking for 4 years strong. He'll continue to do it. We are 10x better than we were in 2015. Always room for improvement and constantly a battle. But the adrenochrome factories are drying up. Just look at Kathy Griffin.
    Video above. March 4th.☝☝

    They didn't jack up the prices, they sold out the rooms pooper. Supply and demand. These people are stupid.

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates 67734c9841a34a6a

    "Let's Get Kraken" on Gab: ''
    "Let's Get Kraken" on Gab: 'It's Big Mike Friday. Let em rip!'

    It's hilarious when the Big Mike posts hit Gabs front home page. Last one did big time. Big Mike Friday marathon is on.

    Holy Crap Jeff Flake just said they need 17 Republicans to impeach Trump.🍿🍿🍿

    We laugh, but in all seriousness for those freaking out about Trump trial don't. He's engineered this. It's 🍿🍿 at this point. All theater. For the fireworks display.

    Royals are no longer royal.

    You bring out the nightshift lol in me. You're gonna get me in trouble.😂😂

    When you see me happy it's a good sign. So laugh with me.😂

    No not really Zuckerberg. I don't think.😂

    What the hell is this?

    Don't use snapchat filters they sell that data facial recognition. Bad. But I guess for the brit on tv it's ok.

    Boris Johnson
    Boris Johnson, Self: Have I Got News for You. Boris Johnson was born on June 19, 1964 in New York City, New York, USA as Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. He is known for his work on Have I Got News for You (1990), EastEnders (1985) and PMQs (2010). He has been married to Marina Wheeler since May 8, 1993. They have four children. He was previously married to Allegra Mostyn-Owen...

    Hey Brits did you realize that Borris was on IMBD?

    Lawd have mercy.😂☝

    Yo big Mike's a man. No joke. We are laughing, but it's 4 real.

    Who does this to their wife live?

    Going dark. As in Gnite. You all going to get me in trouble.

    Until next time.😉

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates FH2uaikHxQhmiu2euBNb_11_37367cbb75a12878e9b71a06239bfb98_image_original

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates QNsrnM9ee65uwsIVdOkh_11_f429604b976eedef39bf31c7c0dd2599_image_original

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:06 am


    Operation Game Over: 75 arrested in Super Bowl human trafficking sting, sheriff says
    In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, Hillsborough County detectives were working undercover in an anti-human trafficking operation.

    02/11/2021: Operation Game Over! 👀🍿

    In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, Florida detectives were working undercover in an anti-human trafficking operation.

    75 individuals were arrested during "Operation Game Over," describing it as a record-number of arrests.

    Game Over - Coincidence? 😉


    🚨2 New Scavino: Good Guys Are Winning! 🔥🔥

    2 Videos, 5 Photos.

    1st Scavino Video: Notice the video starts with an eye opening.
    46 seconds = Q Drop 46. Very relevant. We have it ALL - The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute).
    Timestamp 12:55.
    Q Drop 12: Mil Intel - Good guys are winning!
    Q Drop 55: POTUS msg “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us”.

    2nd Scavino Video:
    44 seconds = Q Drop 44 which states POTUS will send a msg Friday, which directly ties back to Drop 55 from the first video.
    Timestamp 1:13 = Q Drop 113 & 1313 (military time).
    Clock is Ticking in the background = Tick Tock. Enjoy the Show!

    Links to Tweeted Videos below:


    3 photos (2 stories).

    Photos 1-2: This letter is notice that the Fulton County DA (District Attorney) has OPENED an investigation into attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 GA general election. The letter was sent to Gov. Brian Kemp, Gov. Duncan, Sec. Raffensperger, and General Carr.

    Photo 3: Georgia Sen. Warnock Under Investigation For Voter Registration Misconduct 👀😂🍿

    Links for both updates below:

    More Arrests & Resignations/Terminations.

    Down they go, one by one...These people are sick!

    Turn on OAN NEWS NOW!

    Mike Lindell is Dropping BQMBS right now!

    Holy XXXX his Absolute Proof Documentary is Airing on OAN News for the entire world to see!


    It’s Habbening Live as We Speak!


    One America News Network - Watch OANN Live Streaming Free [HD] - USNewsON
    Watch Latest USA News on One America News Network live streaming online in HD quality for free 24/7. Get OANN breaking news current happenings in the United ...

    Most Trusted Live News Station in USA

    Millions of asleep Americans unfamiliar with Q will be able to see this which will open their eyes to the massive fraud and attack on our democracy. America is waking up like never before. Those still asleep will finally start to awaken.

    35 Million Americans watch OAN.

    Roughly 1.6 to 5 million viewers daily.

    Roughly 1 million Canadians watch OAN

    It’s more popular than most realize.

    Fox News lost all their ratings to NewsMax & OAN in recent months

    NewsMax lost all its ratings to OAN in the last few weeks.

    Safe to say that OAN is on the come up.

    There will be a time where [they] come for us, where they raid our homes, and kill us for our faith, beliefs, traditions, and values that make up our religion. It may not be in our lifetime, it may not be in your children’s lifetime, but it will most certainly happen. If you’ve read Revelations & the Bible in general you already know this. Let’s hope in America that day never comes. If so, lock n load my fellow Patriots.

    New York Post
    NBC New York reporter Katherine Creag dies suddenly at 47

    "Address me as Mr. President or President Biden." Biden said.

    "I will not, and you can go fuc k yourself," Desantis said before hanging up.

    🤣 True Story Folks 🤣 Sauce:

    This Will Give
    Some of You Some Peace of Mind

    “The News Unlocks The Map”

    Q 💧[1974]

    2/3 Senate Vote
    Huber has Everything

    What do we have right now?
    Pending Senate Vote
    Huber announced yesterday his last day is 2/28/21

    Military planning down to the finest details

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates FtUaZObc1sBhF5DwpJsB_10_f62732342e2a34d986596b385aa36183_image_original

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:12 am

    111th Military Intelligence Brigade

    The Government always has to tell you what their plans are. Social security, pensions, annuities and cash are fixed, while they erode your buying power of physical goods over time. The system really is a cradle to grave system. Only you can change that! Do your part and BUY some PHYSICAL Palladium and/or SILVER TODAY!!

    I have to say, when it comes to investing, QFrogman5326 and I are total nerds. Intelligence is just the day job folks.


    C b4 D

    Turn on OAN NEWS NOW!

    Mike Lindell is Dropping BQMBS right now!

    This Will Give Some of You Some Peace of Mind

    Some Big News Coming in March

    WWG1WGA 🔱

    “The News Unlocks The Map”

    Q 💧[1974]

    2/3 Senate Vote
    Huber has Everything

    What do we have right now?
    Pending Senate Vote
    Huber announced yesterday his last day is 2/28/21

    Military planning down to the finest details

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates ZFes5ZkGj6cEm9myGDJP_11_bc08c4ab2cc5ddae26716368b16c2856_image_original

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:30 pm

    REPORT FROM SEAN DAVID MORTON: On Feb 10, 2021, at 10:03 PM, Sean Morton
    <> wrote:

    THIS IS THE FINAL VERSION OF THE ESSAY if you wish to post it! Will talk soon. See Doctors Friday:


    Essay by Dr. Sean-David: Morton, PhD.

    Well here we go!

    The greatest COSMIC SUPERBOWL in this or any Multi-Verse is about to begin! The big bad final bloody to the matt to the edge of the octagon cage match between the AMERICAN PATRIOTS vs. THE COMMUNIST “STEALERS”.

    What’s at stake?

    Freedom for you, your children, grandchildren and future generations yet to come or, the current system now mixed with all the awesome power of Artificial Intelligence tech that is only moments away leading to a black polished JACK BOOT on the face of all mankind for a 1000 years! THIS IS HAPPENING NOW…as everything in THE PATRIOT ACT is about to be used against YOU! What they have done to ME for the past three years they ARE doing to YOU now!

    Remember, ERIC BLAIR aka GEORGE ORWELL was a Fabian Socialist like HG Wells and they were both given inside information about the future, and 1984, Hillary Clinton’s favorite book, is not a WARNING it is a BLUEPRINT! I suggest you read it again, or even watch the John Hurt, Richard Burton film release in 1984.


    Let’s start with QAnon. A source apparently inside the White House was releasing specifically timed information, sometimes obvious and blatant or encoded with various secret signs and signals. On certain occasions this information came out hours or even moments before Trump took some action, or specific dates were given in considerable advance and events would always seem to fall on those prescient dates. The Presstitutes in the Lame Stream Media poo-poo-ed all this as a harmless internet fantasy hoax, right up until QAnon started going after the soft underbelly of the massive underground Child Porn industry, which is RUN by THE highest power groups of this world. The Cosmic Pizza-gate horrorshow was just a snowflake on the tip of the iceberg. (Read TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA by Cathy O’Brian.) And you saw how the Press squealed like demons at an exorcism when QAnon began to bring this to light!

    Many believed that QAnon was in fact the very much alive John F. Kennedy, JR. and I must claim responsibility for being behind that rumor. When Jon-Jon’s MURDER occurred I was the only one to get up on ABCs NIGHTLINE and directly accuse Bill and Hillary Clinton of being behind his murder, and evidence pointing to over 350 other murders, and that ANYONE that got in HRC’s way had a funny way of waking up dead. The Press even started calling it “Arkansas Suicide.”

    Hilary had lunch with Jon-Jon, and in that heated conversation Kennedy said he viewed her as nothing more than a carpet-bagger who’d be bad of New York and the country. That he, with the backing of Trump and his GEORGE magazine, was going to run for the Senate seat held by his uncle Robert and use his own personal fortune to run. Hilary was NOT amused!

    As the press gathered outside, JFK, JR. looked white as a ghost and gave a NO COMMENT all around as he was rushed to his car. Hillary however came out looking like the proverbial cat with cheeks full of canaries. When asked what they had talked about she said with a smug grin,

    “Well…I advised him not to enter public life.”

    “If my son ever enters public life he will wind up just like his uncle and his father.”

    ~ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis~.

    ...Less than 12 hours later, John F. Kennedy, Jr., his wife and his Sister-In-Law dead.

    The last 10 minutes of the flight recorder data were CLASSIFIED! The last we hear is: “Have the tower in sight….on approach….”

    Eyewitnesses SAW a BLACK HELICOPTER chasing a small Cessna, machine guns blazing!!

    This was the only SEARCH AND RESCUE operation in HISTORY that was taken over by the NAVY on the direct orders of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH! All civilian boats or aircraft were ordered to clear a 25 square mile radius. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of ALL standard Search and Rescue protocol.

    The cove

    r story was that JFK, JR.s plane was “found” about 7:00 pm and hauled up onto the Navy destroyer the USS BRISCOE. At that point, somehow, all three bodies were “CREMATED” that night aboard the Briscoe. Does anyone have ANY information on cremation facilities aboard ANY US Navy craft? Don’t we still just wrap bodies in a flag and huck ‘em into the sea? But in this story their remains were then transferred to another destroyer, the USS GRASP where the entire Kennedy family conveniently and duly waited, and their ashes were dumped over the side.

    Of course the Kennedy’s are staunch Roman Catholics who do not believe in CREMATION AT ALL! Jon-Jon’s will specifically stated that he was to be buried next to his father in Arlington National Cemetery. Now, there is a monument next to the eternal flame of JFK Sr. that looks like a large Q. Why? Q is the intelligence classification for anything above top secret. For example the President has a Q-8 clearance. Access to AREA 51 requires at least a Q-16 clearance.

    Years later I was working with a man that was attached to the British Consulate in Los Angeles, who was moonlighting doing some editing work for me. He had also pioneered a process of linking photographs together so that you could do a “360º Walk-Around” inside a house, or even a landscape of MARS, which was what he was showing me. He was also a full blood agent of MI-6.

    So I wanted to know 2 things: What happened to JFK JR and Princess Diana? He gave me a very specific detailed account of the Lady DI operation, to the point of where I think he had something to do with it. He had no real information about Jon-Jon, other than he was about to enter politics, and that he and Trump would someday run for President and Vice President. When asked if this would ever happen Jon-Jon had commented, “Well, if Trump ever runs, I’d be happy to be his Veep.”

    At this point my Secret Agent pulled up a screen that was the logo of MI-6 and HER MAJESTY’S SECRET SERVICE. Each time he tried to pull up info on Diana or Kennedy Jr. it came up with a PROJECT: GAIA classification. “This is our version of the WITSEC witness protection program,” he said. “So if James Bond wants to retire, he can’t just give it up without Blofeld wanting to put a bullet in him, so we fake the death of him and his family, and park them on some paradise island somewhere.”

    “So, you’re telling me that Kennedy and Diana are still alive?”

    “You’re looking at the screen just like me mate…believe what you will…”

    In both cases NO ONE saw a BODY, and I might just bet you Diana’s coffin is full of very fancy rocks…BELIEVE IT OR NOT! But that story is how the JFK, Jr. ALIVE rumors began. Now you know.



    With all that said on the QAnon matter, let me give y’all just one last dose of HOPIUM that is based in REALITY and not wild-eyed skewed conjecture and wishing on a magic lamp…these are FACTS and what HAS HAPPENED and what IS HAPPENING now:

    The White House STAFF around Trump, led by WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, were all encouraging Trump to give up and step down. According to White House staffer and insider Garrett Ziegler, L. Lin Wood and Sydney Powell were showing up at the White House with mountains of evidence of what had been done to Trump, and what he should do next. The Staff denied them entrance. And remember MOST of the WH staff had moved on and already secured other jobs back in the Swamp.

    When dealing with the Democrats, you must remember that Republicans are self-made optimists and come from all walks of life, like doctors, contractors, real-estate developers, like Trump…but the Demonrats are ALL LAWYERS! ALL OF THEM! To a MAN OR WOMAN, who come from the world of LAWYERS where even the WORDS LAWYER means “SATAN-ADVERSARY” in Hebrew and “A-Torn-ey” from the Latin means “to torture, bend or twist the truth”…so DETAILS mean a great deal to them ‘cuz THAT is where the Devil is! You can toss in a complete and total lack of morality or any shade of RIGHT or WRONG with that by the way.

    Point by point:

    1. Kamala Harris, or COMMIE

    as she insists to be called, was sworn in BEFORE JOE Biden. As far as I know in this nation’s history that has NEVER happened before.

    2. Both Biden [BiDumb?] and CommieLa were sworn in BEFORE NOON EST! THIS IS A BIG DEAL!

    On Air Force One just after the assassination of JFK, a female federal judge told LBJ, “I can’t give you the oath of office because it has to be said exactly as written in the Constitution.” LBJ reached in this breast coat pocket and said, “Got a copy of it fer ya right here ma’am!” Leading to the famous photo of the Judge, LBJ and Jackie as LBJ took the oath exactly as written.

    Just as OBAMA did not say the EXACT WORDING of the Constitutional Presidential Oath January 20th, 2009, when it was recited incorrectly to him by traitor John Roberts, a member of Opus Dei, which made his swearing in unconstitutional. And once again Obama, NOT BEING A US CITIZEN was allowed to become President of the US CORPORATION of 1871, as there are no citizenship requirements to becoming CEO of the UNITED STATES, INC CORPORATION. And if you don’t believe me, ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who NOT ONCE during his presidency ever gave Obama control of the Nuclear Football.

    But Biden took the oath at approx. 11:40 AM…. Commie took hers about 11:30 AM….which was during the Trump/Pence term, making BOTH their oaths unconstitutional.

    Don't believe me? Do some reading: Section 1 of the 20th amendment begins,

    "The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January... ; and the terms of their successors shall then begin."

    Remember the 20th Amendment was rushed through by FDR to change the inauguration of the president from the first Monday in MARCH. The Forefathers set it up that way so the foundational points of the country would be a GRAND WATER TRINE ASTROLOGICALLY. The Founding being in CANCER-July 4th. The elections being in SCORPIO, first Tuesday in November, and the Inauguration in PICECES, so that the president would PRESIDE over the Republic as its SERVANT and not as its overlord and master.

    ...I’ve read hundreds of cases stating that ALL unconstitutional actions are VOID. Since they never CONSTITUTIONALLY took their oaths, they can be removed without being impeached. Nor is this a goof, or some kind of mistake! They would not have done this by accident. For whatever reason, they took their oaths before noon…. making them both ILLEGAL, NON-VIABLE and NON-BINDING!

    3. Have you watched Biden sign his nearly 40 Executive Orders on TV? I have gone frame by frame, and it appears that the page is, IN FACT, BLANK! Remember how Trump used to sign all of his with that giant signature, in big bold black marker with pens to hand out to staff and hold up the order for all to see? Some have said that the EOs signed by BiDumb lack all the stamps and counter-signatures contained on Trump’s EOs. I'm not sure about this, but there might be an issue here in terms of their legitimacy, which would make sense if there were some kind of op going on.

    4. Newspapers reported that Trump left with the aforementioned Nuclear Football. Maybe I missed it, but I’ve read no articles or seen any Lame Stream Media coverage from the FAKE NEWS about him giving it back or them taking it from him. Do you remember the histrionics from the gay gaggle at CNN-MSNBC-ABC, et al. that Trump wouldn’t give it up and that it’s the symbol of the might and power of the USA and that no nation on Earth will respect Biden if he doesn’t get it RIGHT NOW??

    So…anybody? Anything??? A quick sweep of Maralago might be order! It might have slipped out with Melania’s shoes….

    5. Commi-la could not move into the Vice Presidential Residence at the Naval Observatory. The MSL, Main Stream Liars, made quite a fuss about this. While I might have missed it, anything anywhere on she and the Second Gentleman having moved in, or fixed up the spare room for nocturnal visits from Willie Brown?? Even if so, why couldn't she just move in? We know that Pence wasn't resistant to any of the far left agenda and committed major acts of treason and sedition by not demanding an audit of the vote, then elbow bumping Pelosi when the crime was a fait accompli, becoming the “Getaway Driver”. (I never liked Pence, even when he was playing RACE BANNON protecting Hadji, Bandit and Dr. Benton on Johnny Quest! Although Trump does bear a striking resemblance to young Johnny!)

    And if you couldn’t see this treason coming, then you know nothing about his links to child sex rings and white slavery as the King of the Cho Moes in Indiana and Michigan. Don’t let that white bread super Christian facade fool you. I even mentioned this point to my long time pal “JUAN O’SAVIN”, and even he said, “yeah, well everyone knows Pence is a Pedo!”

    6. We all saw BiDumb dazed and confused (his usual state!) locked out of the White House, but did anyone ever see him go in? Or move in all of his stuff? Because nobody has even bothered to turn on the LIGHTS! Let's just assume there's an op going on with the Joint Chiefs pulling all the puppet strings. Just assume it with me for a moment. They could film everything on a set. It’s not hard at all. The MAGIC and MIND KONTROL of HOLLYWOOD! CASTLE ROCK STUDIOS in Culver City produced the show THE WEST WING. If you’ll remember recently they did a WEST WING REVISITED or a West Wing Reunion show. Well, they totally redid and rebuilt the Oval Office and the West Wing sets to do this show, and they made quite a to-do over not striking those sets holding them for “future productions”.

    But wait, there’s more! There is another complete Oval Office and West Wing mock up only a 30 min. drive from DC in Virginia as well. So you have totally fake Western AND Eastern White House sets ready to go! In this photo of a “WHITE HOUSE” meeting, right over Biden’s left shoulder, you can SEE where the “fly wall” of the set has not been fully pushed together and you can see the soundstage behind it, and you can see where the wall doesn’t meet the floor due to the wheels used to roll the set wall for the next shot set up. So there is your proof SOMETHING is going on!

    Biden's Oval Office Studio

    ...Also, for whatever it's worth, no one with insider knowledge who has made these predictions about someone running control of a Black Op has backed down. And, weirdly enough, there are actual facts and hard evidence behind what they are saying. I'm not talking about Christian fortune-tellers either, but serious people like Generals Mike Flynn & McInerney.

    Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who’s been going on The Alex Jones (Remember him?) show for 20 years, has made the same predictions and he went back on his show last Thursday and doubled down again! Sure, they could be wrong, but they have reputations to preserve and hence can't just say crazy stuff to get attention like most of the Internet Mob. Here's the interview w/ Steve:


    Finally, as PROMISED, your final DOSE of HOPIUM…there IS a path to victory for Trump and America!


    First, Trump has to win the “impeachment trial” farce (which he will easily). The entire process is illegal null and void, which they KNOW, but they are stalling for time with major negotiations going on behind the scenes. Significantly, Roberts just sniggered at these Senile Senatorial Maroons and is refusing to preside, which also makes the whole thing illegal.

    Art. 1, sec. 3, cl. 6 states,

    "When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside".

    [b There is a chief justice, and yet he is NOT PRESIDING.[/b] Senator Leahy isn't the chief justice. Chief user of Depends in the Senate maybe, but even his Dem colleagues complain of the noxious clouds of green fog that comes off this guy. Sure, but where's the justice? But we are in a JUST DO WHAT YOU FEEL world now…not one contained or constrained by the shackles of the Constitution!

    Anyway, (pay attention now…) after Trump beats the rap, federal law explicitly allows him to file for a writ of quo warranto against Biden on the grounds he usurped the office of the presidency with help from FOREIGN POWERS, and Trump is lawfully entitled thereto. Another reason why the Dems are STALLING and why Pelosi WILL NOT convene the new Congress until later this month.

    It could be just ONE suit, where Trump has clear STANDING as the one directly HARMED by these actions. I don't believe it would be expedited, and he can go after ALL the states; not just The Sinister Six, but Commiefornia (the ballots violate state law and so should go to NO ONE!)

    Virginia (just as bad as the others), New Mexico, New Hampshire (No, I don't believe the Republicans swept ALL the state offices but lost ALL the federal elections…PUH-LEASE!) and Minnesota. Trump can have a jury trial, so, no swamp-judge can just toss it because he "isn't convinced."

    It won't be expedited, and if it takes more than two years, then Trump could run again in 2024. As soon as he DOES win, ALL the Biden/Harris actions are null & void. If Pence doesn't want to return, then the obvious choice for his replacement is, as all will agree, the QAnon Shaman!

    Hey Jon-Jon? You still out there somewhere buddy? We’re all pullin’ for ya! COME HOME!

    You can read more about Trump bringing a quo warranto action here:


    FULL DISCLOSURE: I Predicted that Trump would win by a landslide and he did. 80 million+ votes, more than any Republican Presidential Candidate in history. Predicted that the Republicans would pick up 10 seats in the House. They picked up 12. The margin is now only 9.

    Predicted Republican’s would pick up 2 seats in the Senate. They did and got beat by Stacy Abrams, her JUDGE SISTA and her Musical Magical VOTE FRAUD Machine. I mean when they fixed NOTHING, what did they expect to get? And I have never seen anything dumber than the modern Republican party who truly are NOT COMFORTABLE with having power or wielding it. They just like to lose then get bitch slapped wit da back O’ Silky da Pimp’s good hand then NAG! NAG! NAG!

    AND…all the above predictions made me totally uncomfortable, as none of what I said made SENSE with the future I was seeing for America and the world. And you can see the conundrum…

    Due to a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the JULY 4th birth chart of the USA, starting in 1840, every president elected every 20 years…dies in office. Reagan was an inch away, and Bush’s Secret Service came to my HOME, took my advice and saved his life. (Really sorry about all that!)

    Remember this year, all over the news there was a historic conjunction of the “CHRISTMAS STAR” where Jup. And Sat. were right atop each other in the night sky. This last happened September 27, 2 BC, which was the date given for the birth of Immanuel Ben Joseph aka JESUS, by the Great Pyramid of Giza no less. So whoever was elected was going to die…and I KNEW that wasn’t going to be Donald Trump, at least NOT if he was sworn into office on January 20th.

    Also, Trump was a CHANGE IN THE FUTURE TIME LINE…A GLITCH where the stylus skipped the album, but then the Swamp, Vatican and MILITARY INDUSTRIAL INTELLIGENCE PHARMACUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX, all of which Trump ran afoul of, made sure the needle on the record went right back into the DOOM GROOVE.


    Natural Born Citizen
    See my previous reports for case law and analysis of the federal quo warranto statute. The bottom line is that SCOTUS has held that an election of any United States official can be challenged based on fraud or error by a writ of quo warranto. And the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that…

    ...Getting BIBLICAL, nations only last 5 tranches of 50, or Grand Jubilee cycles lasting 250 years. Nations are given 200 years to obey the Jubilee Commandments, and then they slide into a 50 year 5th Cycle of Discipline where that nation is raped, enslaved and ultimately destroyed. Notice how the decline of all western civilization as we know it began in 1969 to 1975? This is ALSO predicted by the Great Pyramid!

    Right now this nation is at 245 with only 5 years to go. And if you think the United States does not completely and totally deserve what is coming, then you’re a fool. We have sat back and watched the demonic forces of sheer and utter DARKNESS take over our country, the minds of our children, the perversion of our media, in a concise and planned coup. A PUPLE REVOLUTION, that has been repeated over and over in country after country for the past 200 years. Gain control over the chief law enforcement officials (Attorney Generals of major cities and States. CHECK!). Foment revolution over real or imagined issues, create DIVISION of races, classes, sexes, then create lawlessness and chaos, then rig the ballots and the voting machines. Get in power. Never leave. DEMONIZE, MURDER and JAIL all whom OPPOSE YOU!



    The last grand phase of the Mayan Calendar ended December 21, 2012. We all thought we dodged the bullet predicted as THE AGE OF DESTRUCTION….BUT…it is just taking longer than we thought. We are in an IN BETWEEN TIME BETWEEN AGES.

    So December 21, 2012---to December 21, 2025 is the 13-year Mayan TUN of the DESTRUCTION after 2012 called the NIGHT OF THE JAGUAR! Where we are swallowed BY The JAGUAR beneath the calendar wheel to be destroyed, broken down to our base elements, digested and crapped out into hopefully a better world!

    ...Look at PLUTO hitting 27º CAPRICORN--the DESTRUCTION POINT in the USA CHART 4 times before he finally moves into AQUARIUS CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24th of 2025. PLUTO is the lord of the underworld, and is the planet of SEX, DEATH, REVOLUTION and DESTRUCTION so the NEW can be created. CAPRICORN rules STRUCTURE, THE BONES, knees, shins, banks, money, real estate, property, governments, CONSTITUTIONS. Anything that is the bones and structure of a thing. It is ruled by SATURN, the great lawgiver. So imagine now Pluto/Hades with his scythe underneath everything Capricorn rules and represents. Look at how our Revolutionary War changed all those structures.

    It last happened from 1765 to about 1785 and we fought a war with the British Empire to have the freedoms we enjoin today…and that war is about to happen all over again. Same tyranny, different whigs.

    Get ready you SONS OF LIBERTY. It is coming whether you like it or not.



    So here is what is going on with me…

    1. My MEDI-CAL Insurance finally KICKED in, so GOT INSURANCE. CHECK!! BUT, it pays for NOTHING ALTERNATIVE. Years ago I swore I would rather die face down in the gutter than let there Western Medicine swine get their hands on me. This was back in 1974 when these same forces were trying to put my family in prison!

    And now I am dealing with a VIRAL Squamous Cell Cancer, which is like no other kind of cancer I have ever dealt with in the last 40 years. This is a direct result of my incarceration in the BIG SPRING, TX hellhole, and this was after the BOP yanked out four perfectly good teeth, and tore the lens out of my right eye, leaving me blind, in a botched simple cataract surgery. Now I’m looking at SLICE AND DICE and RADIATION leaving me bald, crippled and STERILE!! Too bad. I used to have a pretty face. I HATE these DOCTORS with all my might and the entire system they protect of treating only SYMPTOMS and not CAUSES!

    Now I am at their mercy! And turns out every friend I have is a doctor with a magical cure! (thanks for the love by the way!)

    2. I have a DALEK on my ankle, an electronic RESTRAINT that does not even let me leave the place I’m staying. I have to get a DOCTOR’S ORDER to give me a 1-mile radius for EXERCISE! My current HOME CONFINEMENT CAPTORS need 1 week NOTICE for me to GO ANYWHERE!! SUX MAJOR DEMOCRAT DONKEY BALLS! All of this is in ignorance and complete violation of TRUMP’s FIRST STEP ACT that demanded I be released October 10, 2020…but all being IGNORED by the BOP.

    3. There’s all kinda MAGIC STUFF OUT THERE but I now can't afford it! I’m sure there’s a CAVE in SRI LANKA I could crawl into and be healed...but how to get there?? And how would I even pay to crawl there?

    My “FRIENDS” who volunteered to “HELP ME” when I went to prison, stole my comic collection, SOLD IT, stole my 1975 Cherry FIAT SPYDER 124: SOLD IT. Stole this essay.}

    Pay Heaven & Earth, LLC using PayPal.Me
    Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

    ...If you wish to help with a LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP CONTRIBUTION which will go to food and medical care ONLY, and literally save my life:

    my rings and jewels: SOLD THEM. Broke into my bank accounts with my stolen wallet and stole the money, they broke into all the business accounts, then even sold the books I had left…So, I was robbed by my “FRIENDS” for about $30,000. Leaving me with nothing, and facing death because of it.


    4. Lots of people giving me health/psych advice..."SEAN! DON'T BE SO NEGATIVE! YOU MADE YOUR SELF SICK!" Just that I’m being bombarded with ALT.RIGHT HOPIUM which is all just CRAP and STOPPING people from doing WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE...This country is OVER by 2025…no matter what we do and I have given you the only slim hope possible.

    Do we want to be in the FREE side of the REVOLT or the SLAVE CAMP...cuz THAT is what we are coming down to!

    Everything they have DONE and what has HAPPENED TO ME has been a very SPECIFIC MICRO-COSM of what they have done to THIS COUNTY! ENSLAVED ME! ISOLATED ME! BLINDED ME, then GIVEN ME A VIRAL CANCEROUS DISEASE and kicked me to the CURB TO DIE....

    So...FORCED into the QUACK WEST MED system...because I can't AFFORD any of the ALT MED stuff my FAMILY pioneered in this country, and fought for STATE BY STATE in 33 STATES! Then at the FED LEVEL....CHELATION, OZONE THERAPY, NATRO-PATHICS, CHIROPRACTICS, RIGHT TO TRY when TERMINAL...and I cannot use any of it to save my own LIFE! Dying slow on the couch at a friend’s one bedroom apartment with a tumor the size of a baby’s head hanging out of my neck. I AM NOT AN ANIMAL! I AM A *snarf-hack-sniff* HUMAN BEING!

    1. The First Step Act and Revised Second Chance Act was signed by DJT Dec. 21, 2019. At the exact mid-way point of the 13 year Tun of the Night of the Jaguar.
    2. The FSA REDUCED sentences for "Elderly Offenders" over 60 who are NON-SEX, NON-DRUG or NON-VIOLENT to 66%. The BOP is refusing to recognize this.
    3. My original sentence was from 8/17/17 to some point in 2024....
    4. The FSA put GCT-Good Credit Time-- at 54 days per year up from 47. That means I get an AUTOMATIC cut in my sentence of 10.8 MONTHS.
    5. The BOP was FORCED by a SCOTUS decision to apply the GCT from the END of the sentence, or year by YEAR to applying it all at the BEGINNING!
    6. BOP is refusing to apply any WORK or EDUCATIONAL CREDITS! ALSO the FSA now DEMANDS that for every 30 days of WORK and GOOD BEHAVIOUR that another 15 DAYS per MONTH be applied. BOP has refused to do this either....
    7. SO...MY FSA OUT DATE is NOW August 17, 2020. BOP has it at 10/20/2021, REFUSING TO OBEY THE LAW!! If you take my 54 days per year of 10.8 months that means I should have been TOTALLY DONE WITH my SENTENCE on OCTOBER 10, 2020!! NOT this hellish "HOME CONFINEMENT" where they are denying me travel for medical treatment.

    If you can help in ANY WAY it would be GRAND! Currently I need to raise $1700. For 10 sessions of OZONE THERAPY which has been presented to me as an alternative to crippling radiation and chemo.

    And I have a $250 MILLION TORT against these Mthafkaaas for blinding me, yanking out my teeth by mistake, giving me CANCER, and then just waiting till I died, which I will WIN! Everyone will be paid back from this slamdunk case.

    So any help or advice is welcome...


    1. ANYTIME you see, hear or FEEL anything that goes against YOUR INNER TRUTH, you must spin that dial, turn it off, or spit on or near that person and walk away!
    2. Anytime ANYONE calls you a “RACIST” or WHITE SUPREMECIST or any jingoist knee-jerk stooopid dumb preprogrammed name or slander you must, at the top of your lungs yell,


    3. ANYTIME you SEE Joe Biden, or Kamalla Harris or Nancy Pelosi, or any other DemonRat you must immediately put BOTH YOUR FISTS IN THE AIR AND YELL…


    Thanks for listening and reading and most of all for the greatest gift the Universe can bestow, that of being my FRIEND!



    Dr. Sean-David Morton, PhD.

    {Special thanks to Scott Steele for additional research for


    Kerry Cassidy Response

    MY COMMENTS TO SEAN AND THE WORLD: Why are you calling it Hopium? It’s not hope if it’s real.

    I psychically, without knowing your own thoughts on JFKjr. Knew he was alive and posted it on my website and shows last year! And I consider he is the inspiration and instigator behind the Q drops …it is a group of military insiders. Probably includes Juan O Savin.

    I am having YOUR GOOD FRIEND (?) JUAN O SAVIN on my show tomorrow at 1pm PT… !!

    So I assume you never came on my show since you got back because you are too sick… and couldn’t handle me (LOL)… but when you are better you should be on my show to talk about everything you mention above.

    For what it’s worth I have dreams of the future that do come true and I have seen the future… we do not need to “leave the U.S.” like your prior email stated…which sounded like you bought into a lot of dark side propaganda. I will post this Please GO ONTO TELEGRAM..THAT IS WHERE EVERYONE IS…. IT’S FREE.. super easy to use and you can post stuff to your heart’s content.

    Join Us! Project Camelot TELEGRAM CHANNEL
    intel and updates daily….
    FREE on Desktop and phone

    There is a GREY-REPTILIAN AGENDA that is trying to use this current situ to make people believe “all is lost” and therefore we must abandon Earth and especially the U.S. this is NONSENSE… this is part of their TAKEOVER SCENARIO. Don’t fall for it.

    The report below is better and thank you for going into more detail.

    I have seen in the future; (not in order of happenings). NOT SAYING ANY OF THIS WILL HAPPEN but I have other dreams that have happened…so it may be more likely than even I would tend to believe….

    1. Invasion by Chinese troops
    2. Civil war… with the U.S. divided into sections
    3. Washington DC abandoned except for some yahoos.. that are just messing around in the White House
    4. Land masses rising off the coast of San Francisco
    5. Capitol moved to Colorado/and some in Idaho.
    6. California does survive and is not inundated by water or earthquakes… but..
    7. A major earthquake in LA
    8. A major bridge demolishing Earthquake (or series) in San Francisco…. The little hills of SF surrounded by water… People given less than 48 hours to evacuate…
    9. My sister dreamed SF became like a ghost-town
    …more….some other time.

    I was quoting 1984 yesterday as it happens on my Telegram channel.

    Much love and blessings


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Ashera Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:55 pm

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Maxresdefault

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Sander10

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Democr10

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    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:51 am


    Dan dropped a 3rd video last night.

    Numerically, his tweets have many interesting hidden comms.

    1st video @ 12:55 PM: 46 seconds
    2nd video @ 1:13 PM: 44 seconds
    3rd video @ 10:10 PM: 2 minutes & 19 seconds

    Video durations:

    46 = Joe Biden (46th Pres).
    44 = Barack Obama (44th Pres).
    219 = 2/19 is date Supreme Court considers PA, Michigan, & Georgia cases.

    3rd video decode:

    Timestamp: 10:10pm. This can be simplified to 11 (removing zeros). Q Drop 11 ties back to Q Drop 12 from Scavino’s first video decode.

    In addition, Q Drop 1010 explains the power structure and ends with: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

    Also, Scavino just changed his Twitter cover photo with him others with Trump at the Oval Office. AF1 1 is pointed towards Donald Trump!

    Dan posted another video at 9:01am today. It is 15 seconds long.

    Q Drops 901 and 15 both talk about Obama.

    Remove zero from 9:01am =  91.
    Q Drop 91 also talks about Obama.

    One Giant Coincidence?

    SQQN [Cuomo]

    At What Point Should This Be Reclassified As Murder?

    At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]?

    This isn’t Republican vs Democrat

    This is Good vs Evil



    Impeachment Hoax Day 4: President Trump’s defense team is presenting their case in court!

    Dems used altered tweets and manufactured evidence. Dems are the ones who incite violence.

    Are you watching this? 😂 If not, grab popcorn 🍿 and watch it LIVE in the link below:
    LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4


    Trump Assassination Attempt - NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE - Real Raw News
    As reported last month, a would-be assassin’s bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump’s bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours on January 26. Bullet proof glass, which he had installed recently, probably saved his life. And ballistic experts who at first speculated that the shot originated from a chopper hovering off […]

    There were dozens of assassination attempts.

    (Clip of those receiving envelopes at Bush funeral)
    Stage is Set. Stage is Stacked Beyond Belief. They’re all done. Many are already gone. Trump is still your President.
    Nancy Pelosi had poison in her hand attempting to shake the President’s hand in one of assassination attempts.
    You won’t Survive that Nancy , Assassination tut tut ! Get the Rope mr President

    Pastor Greg Locke: Trump on. Biden is a fake president. Impeachment is a sham. Military isn’t stupid. Freedom will win. Get your popcorn. The show is about to begin.

    LEAKED VIDEO CALL: Gov. Cuomo’s secretary admits the Cuomo administration covered up COVID-19 nursing home deaths - Breaking911
    Gov. Cuomo has faced criticism since early 2020 over his highly controversial decision to direct NY nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients and those showing symptoms of COVID-19.  The results of an investigation released last month by NY Attorney General Letitia James revealed that the Cuomo administration underreported COVID-19 related nursing home deaths by […]
    LEAKED VIDEO CALL: Gov. Cuomo’s secretary admits the Cuomo administration covered up COVID-19 nursing home deaths - Breaking911

    Gov. Cuomo has faced criticism since early 2020 over his highly controversial decision to direct NY nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients and those showing symptoms of COVID-19.  The results of an investigation released last month by NY Attorney General Letitia James revealed that the Cuomo administration underreported COVID-19 related nursing home deaths by […]

    When you end wars.... they have to make their money somehow.... Big pharma.... virus 🦠 such sickness.... all we are to them are votes (if they can’t steal them) and $$

    Agenda 2030’s promising outbreak will be known as SPARS. Date? Sometime between 2028-3032.

    History Always Repeats Itself

    I’m so pissed there’s no popcorn on this flight 🤣🤣🤣

    Are You Ready? (You’ll find out. Photo of JFK, JFK Jr., DJT)

    Pavel Durov: The encryption of Signal (=WhatsApp,FB) was funded by US Government. I predict a backdoor will be found there within 5 years from now.

    Tyler Durden: Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Message From ‘Signal App’
    Signal .... Look at all the dates

    All this going down on Lincoln’s birthday is not a coinkidink

    Byron York
    From @CNBC: Amid growing scandal, some Lincoln Project donors are considering cutting off donations. But they won't say so publicly because they're afraid of retribution by the Lincoln Project.

    All this going down on Lincoln’s birthday is not a coinkidink

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:20 am

    Juan O Savin RE Q, JFK, SPACE

    JUAN Q SAVIN: INTERVIEW with Kerry Cassidy

    There is so much information and questions regarding this interview to be continued in follow-up posts.

    JUAN Q SAVIN: INTERVIEW with Kerry Cassidy

    Kerry (she's on a bit of a rant yet a good rant asking questions that many have on their minds. However, her rant about god omits "free will" and lessons to be learned when confronted with evil. Which path does one choose? What lessons are learned? How does one confront and fight evil? Does one choose to be a sovereign being in the midst of adversity or surrender by joining the dark side?):

    ...O the military are secreting away the perpetrators... how does that serve the people?  All because they are afraid of rioting?  So the farce continues?   Putting these dark players In prisons on the Moon?  This is not going to convince people.  Why are they so afraid of the PEOPLE?

    HOW MUCH LONGER are they going to let this farce with Covid19 continue and more nonsensical laws forcing people to stay in their homes?  Who does this serve?

    When you have the evidence to expose all the lies once and for all why do you prolong the farce?

    So Gene Decode and Juan O Savin come forward and tell the truth but they have no one STANDING BESIDE THEM OUT IN THE PUBLIC... no REAL PROOF ...FILMS AND PRESS CONFERENCES.... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  Don't tell people to do their homework, take a deep breath, eat their popcorn...this is denigrating nonsense... We have ALL DONE OUR HOMEWORK... we are ALL OVER THE SOCIAL MEDIA TALKING ABOUT THIS SUPPORTING YOU ANDTHE TRUTH... What are you doing to support US?  More talk?

    You say trust God?  Which God?  The one that sat back and let these CABALS REIGN AGAINST HUMANS FOR EONS?  THE GODS OF THE BIBLE ARE THE ANUNNAKI... THE CREATOR ...does not work like that.... AMERICA will go down on your "Gods" watch... JUST LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DYING EVERYDAY... BEING MURDERED BY DESPOTS AND DICTATORS ALL AROUND THE WORLD... your God has been watching and letting this happen... Meanwhile time goes by....  We need to save ourselves and each other.... RELEASE THE TRUTH TO THE MASSES... Stop the Paternalistic ways of dealing with the people...stop fighting A SECRET WAR.... and tell us to go eat popcorn... YOU FEAR OUR STRENGTH... BOTH SIDES FEAR THE PEOPLE.... stop with the comforting messages stop placating the people into further slumber...The real enemy is SECRECY.

    (OP note: The sad sorry truth is how the Satanic cable has control of the planet world-wide and what is going on in the DUMBs is so horrific that an average individual would block it out of their mind. A normal individual could not, would not want to accept a reality of pervasive evil living underneath their feet. This reality includes how kidnapped children are tortured and used for the manufacturing of Adrenochrom. Putting this information out in little bits at a time is far easier for the public to come to terms with.)

    IF the good guys come in and use THE SAME TACTICS as the dark side what is the purpose?  DON'T HIDE THE BATTLE BRING IT OUT IN THE OPEN.  

    You want to hold trials in secret? Condemn people in secret?  Convict them in secret?  

    (OP Note: The people Kerry is referring to are subjected to military tribunals. Those who rape and murder children are executed. Others may get life in prison. The worst who get life are in prisons off-planet.)

    You want to RESCUE PEOPLE and keep it secret?  Who are you really keeping secrets from?  Not the dark side..THEY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE RUNNING FOR COVER... escalating their game.  They know WHO YOU ARE..they have all the surveillance bells and whistles to know what you are doing.. the only ones who don't really know ARE THE PEOPLE.  WE ARE KEPT IN THE DARK NOT ONLY UNDERGROUND BUT ABOVE GROUND AS WELL... all this needs to be EXPOSED.

    (OP Note: Actually much of this is being done in secret spear-headed by the Guardian Space Alliance who are compassionate. They are aware that the planet needed their help to rid earth of this evil.)

    If Trump calls a PRESS CONFERENCE OF REAL JOURNALISTS TONS OF US WOULD FLY TO FLORIDA TO GET THE STORY...why doesn't he use the alternative journalists to document the story? What is stopping him?  We all have cameras... we all have the talent AND THE AUDIENCES to show them what's really going on... so LET US IN... why are you fencing out the PEOPLE FROM SEEING THE TRUTH?  YOU use SECRET CODES just like the dark side... if both sides communicate via secret codes the person on the street is deceived by BOTH SIDES.  Stop the facade...TAKE OFF THE MASKS...

    FRIDAY 02.12.2021. @ 1PM PT

    Ground Crew 2021 pdf:


    Gene Decode Reveals the Ascension is Upon Us as the Planets of 4 and 5D are Already Visible

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:33 am

    Check out Cooms laying out how they are breaking the law but blaming it on Trump. (video)

    "It hasn’t been 24 hours since the impeachment arguments have ended and the fake news has already rolled out two propaganda pieces - one about an alleged call between Trump and McCarthy (why didn’t they bring this up in the 16 hours they had???) and one threatening more violence if Trump is acquitted.



    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:50 am

    GhostEzra 2/12/21 Nightshift

    The weekend is a lip singer. MJ 1000000% sang that. Michael Jackson songs
    Mixed in with the search results on a MJ YT search.

    The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (Official Music Video)
    Official music video by The Weeknd performing "Save Your Tears"– 'After Hours' available everywhere now: ►Subscribe to The W...

    That's actually him behind the mask here before he was the vocals. Here it's actually him and the vocals.

    It's a MASK. Not his real face.
    The weekend on the left, MJ with a mask of the weekend on the right!

    What can I say, masks are in style.  (Fake Biden in his mask)

    2020 was strange but 2021 is stranger.😂

    Ann Coulter is a man.
    Megan Fox is a man too.

    You all think I'm bullshitting you. I'm giving you the straight truth.
    Finkle is Einhorn.😂

    With technology these days they can create fake inaugurations. Fake Senate hearings. Fake Marine 1 helicopter rides. The sky's the limit. (What the F uck is really going on jacket)
    The best.😂😂

    I'm showing you these masks and Cgi videos to show you it's not what it looks like right now. You aren't losing your country. Many of the bad hombres are off the scene already. Last group to fall is the lying ass media. They aren't part of the movie. Completely left in the dark. Taking the bait by the hour. It's gonna blow up big in their faces.

    They switched Pelosi out. You'll see her at the tribunals. Hopefully with a bag over her head. Real witch on right.

    Without the Covid face diapers, these swaps would be 10x more noticeable. Trump kept the Cdc director that pushed the masks. He could have ended them. They've served a purpose. Not a permanent thing. Masks will end soon. Both rubber and covid masks.

    Optics. Role playing. Fog of war. Disinformation. All part of the movie. Some of it was to throw off the enemy. Most of it now is to end the mockingbird media.

    Never interrupt the enemy while they are destroying themselves. Media.

    The media had the whole world believing there was a pandemic. That vaccines are great, and Bidan won. The media is powerful. That's the final leg here. Dismantling the Mockingbird. Funny enough they'll do most of the heavy lifting in destroying themselves. Just got to give them enough rope to hang themselves. Which is what's happening now.

    Trump won't actually be arrested or convicted. They may script it in the film. They can make Bidan look like he's on a spacex rocket to the moon with Neil Armstrong. Everyone from the 6th is alive. All staged. Part of the 🍿🍿 Trump commited no crimes. He's about to drop the hammer at the end of this whole charade. I have no idea how long they plan on dragging out the trial though.

    Movie = Fake. Point is to wake up the masses while dismantling the fake news media. Two birds with 1 stone. Unless everyone reading this right now believes that isn't Biden, you're not awake. There's been 100's of clues by Trump and the actor playing Biden.

    I think 2 different people played him at different times. 1 during debates (Carry?) and different person now. The real Joe is dead. 2019 firing squad.

    The inauguration was prefilmed. There were also people there that day actually. One day was sunny the other cloudy. They made arrests during the actual and showed the live one as pre-ecorded. Many in Europe saw it hours ahead of the live time. It makes me wonder if this who impeachment hearing was also prefilmed. A very real possibility.

    Trump's treasury secretary is a top movie producer.

    Photos of sick people doing sick things..

    I'm showing you the evil Trump has been up against. Many of these threats are gone.

    Not just Democrats. Republicans too. Republican vs Democrat is just to keep everyone distracted.

    The few remaining Republicans like Nunez and Jordan and Rand Paul etc.. will be Patriot Party! Republican and Democrat parties can't survive declas both were complicit in different ways in decades of corruption.

    Hillary had Kuru but her cause of death was rope.

    Merkel gone. Macron gone.

    Everything will be made public. All lies will be revealed.

    Gitmo has a different set of rules than USA in terms of military executions.

    Trump plan to revive the gallows, electric chair, gas chamber and firing squad recalls a troubled history.

    The Justice Department has approved alternatives to lethal injections for federal executions. But no method of capital punishment has been without gruesome stories of what went wrong.

    But Trump also did this in December.

    Tribunals will be in DC. It's why it's a prison.

    It'll be televised for the world to see. Space Force made certain of that.

    Can't see in person. DC is caged. Can't get in Capitol Hill right now without a proper clearance.

    Every dog (Biden) has their day socks.
    Sorry wrong one. Hang on.
    Here we go. Tagged Vp addressed to Bidan.
    Bidan is the actor. Biden is the wormfood. Misspellings matter.
    I was asking about the Pompeo question. Some replied and said Kansas called him Vp today. I missed that.

    I always tell everyone stick to the drops. Stay away from sensationalists giving times and dates. Less than 10 know, and those who know will never share. By now the drops alone give you a pretty clear picture.

    I share lots of drops on other sites. I just come here to party and for the gifs.

    The date on the drops are irrelevant. Future proves past. They are written forward looking in time. Something from 2018 could be written for an event today. How is this possible? Whole different conversation for a different night.

    Whoever's playing Bidan is having a blast. I caught him walking off stage a few weeks ago cracking a smile laughing after he just pretended to not know where he was.

    Some still don't get it. Nobody killed MJ (Michael Jackson). He faked his death like Jr. Bad people were after them both. It was the only way. The both happened to be extremely popular. Them being alive is huge. It's the master unite for the world. Especially when they tell their stories. This plan existed way way before Trump. Trump will bring it all to a conclusion, but many planned well before Trump.

    No Trump won't fake his death. No need, he's untouchable. Him and Flynn. Besides we're winning. Kicking major ass btw. It may not feel like it, but you'll see soon enough how much ass we quietly kicked in the last 4 years. Your head will spin. Find Hillary and Obama if you doubt this. No I'm not talking about their Twitter accounts. We run those. Whitehat controlled. You'll never find them because they're gone. - red pill torpedo
    Everyone awake?

    So those executed in 2019 will be revealed. Not going to be an ongoing secret.

    Don't feel disappointed they're gone and you missed it. The sooner the better. These were really bad folks. As bad as Sean Hannity made Obama look, it was juvenile compared to the real stuff he was charged with that never hit the news cycle. Hillary hit the cycle more than Obama, but both were real bad.

    For Patriots to be in control which they are undoubtedly are, many bad actors and corrupt systems would have to have been dismantled already. It is why many are off the scene around the George Bush funeral time. The Trump card was putting the Biden replacement as a whitehat masked actor. Imagine the intel he gathered regarding Covid and voter fraud over the last 18 months? It was over before it began isn't just a catchphrase. Now, all we are waiting on is that reveal from Potus via declas. All this was FISA not the regular corrupt court system that Obama put into place. Military was the only way.


    I know some of you think Wray is useless and Barr was a failure. Both not true. Wray is a major sleeper. Trump replaced Comey with Wray. He kept him on purpose. So did Bidan. That should tell you everything right there. Barr is just a stealth bomber. He's responsible for the old school crowd of criminals. Hillary, Obama, Biden, Pence, Bush, Kerry etc..

    Q isn't some wackey made up group. They are a real group of concerned patriots within the NSA. They saw all the dirty XXXX that was going on for decades and decided to strike at the opportune time. 2016 install of Trump was that perfect timing. But they were planning this during the Obama administration way before Trump. They saw everything and patiently waited to strike. It's like a 8k strong group. Potus isn't alone on any of this. He's got the best of the best helping him plan everything.

    Even Tapper knows they are real. Very afraid of them too. (Snowden)

    We have some trolls and others asking serious questions. Don't feel threatened by them. They are just trying to understand. But do eat the trolls alive.😂😂

    Let me circle back around to your questions.

    The most peaceful protesters ever. Praying and all.😉
    As previously mentioned nobody died that day at the Capitol. All show.🍿🍿
    Ashley Babbitt alive.

    That mockingbird media is strong.
    Great fox hole buddy. Doesn't quit, doesn't complain.

    Where's Kushner?
    Ivanka hasn't been wearing that wedding ring lately.
    No Kushner isn't playing Bidan.
    He always looks like he's waiting to catch Trump with a pillow in his sleep.
    Then vs now.

    I for one, hope this movie NEVER HAS A SEQUEL!👍

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:14 pm

    GhostEzra 2/13/17 continued...

    Alex Jones sold out to Mosaad for $$.

    Jones wasn't always DS. He cracked the Bohemian Grove decades ago. They hated him for it. Problem is he sold out once he had a voice. Now he can't be trusted.

    MJ is alive. Alex Jones is compromised. Trump is a patriot. You are watching a scripted movie. Truth's that may piss a few off today. Would you rather me lie instead?


    Of course Jr. is alive. No he's not on telegram.
    When you go into witsec the first thing that happens is you receive a new name. You don't think you keep your exact previous name do you?

    The whole goal of the great awakening is to be a free thinker. So start thinking freely. If I tell you MJ is alive, do your own digging and research. I welcome this.

    Some just proved my point. What's witsec? It takes you less than 5 seconds to find out what witsec is. Please no more spoon feeding it's killing you.

    The same news that told you there were no voter irregularities in the 2020 election told you MJ was a pedophile. It's bullshit. He's not. He was onto their wicked game years ago.

    It's easier to fool people

    than to convince them they have been fooled

    Mark Twain

    Truth is stranger than fiction
    Bit is is because fiction is
    obliged to stick to possibilities
    Truth isn't.

    Mark Twain must have had a time machine.

    The media is the enemy of the public. (photo of someone with tinfoil hat and mask)
    Who did this? 😂😂
    Instantly hired at CNN.☝☝☝
    There's no fraud in 2020 election. Pink flying unicorns are real too. - Jake Tapper.

    Media right now. (photo of mouse sniffing a trap)

    The Don.

    Democrats loved Trump before he ran for President.
    He's a patriot with great faith!
    The finisher!
    Breaking. Bidan signs another executive action.😂😂😂

    Seriously everytime they announce him signing another blank piece of paper this image is burned into my mind. ☝☝
    There's been more than 1 actor playing Bidan. Fyi.
    So obvious.
    The red pill is better than the blue. Prove me wrong.

    Anyone use Signal?
    The left thinks we are on telegram, Gab, and parler planning some grand takeover. It's comical. No, we are just wide awake awaiting the collapse of the mockingbird media. I'd welcome the FBI to read all these messages. They may just quit their jobs tomorrow.😂😂

    Sidney Powell = Great AG or Fbi director.
    Lin Wood = Attorney General?
    JFK Jr. or Flynn VP
    Pompeo at state department works. Why change it? Important position. I hear he loves that position. Pompeo gives a good ass whooping to China. Who can replace that?
    If MJ was Cia director, he'd keep an eye on those smooth criminals. / referring to D.C.
    Amazing huh? Biblical.

    CNBC's full interview with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
    CNBC's John Harwood talks to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden during a break from campaigning in Iowa.

    Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been on the campaign trail in Iowa this week, sat down with CNBC’s John Harwood to discuss a range of topics, including trade, health care, taxes and President Donald Trump’s standing among world leaders.

    Biden has lagged behind Democratic presidential rivals Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in recent polls of voters in Iowa, which will hold the first-in-the-nation nominating contest in February. He has consistently led the field in national polling averages.

    On Thursday, December 4, 2019, Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden called a man in Iowa a “damn liar” and “fat” and “too old to vote for me” after the man accuses Biden of getting his son Hunter a job with a Ukrainian gas company. Biden’s spokeswoman Symone Sanders later claimed that Biden said, “Look, facts,” not “Look, fat,” referring to the man.

    Here's the full interview w Bidan and his fully showing mask. Not photoshopped. CNBC's full interview with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
    CNBC's John Harwood talks to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden during a break from campaigning in Iowa.

    Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been on the campaign trail in Iowa this week, sat down with CNBC’s John Harwood to discuss a range of topics, including trade, health care, taxes and President Donald Trump’s standing among world leaders.

    Biden has lagged behind Democratic presidential rivals Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in recent polls of voters in Iowa, which will hold the first-in-the-nation nominating contest in February. He has consistently led the field in national polling averages.

    On Thursday, December 4, 2019, Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden called a man in Iowa a “damn liar” and “fat” and “too old to vote for me” after the man accuses Biden of getting his son Hunter a job with a Ukrainian gas company. Biden’s spokeswoman Symone Sanders later claimed that Biden said, “Look, facts,” not “Look, fat,” referring to the man.

    An actor has been playing Biden since 2019. Real one was arrested shortly after Bush funeral.
    There's more. The nose.
    He's had multiple malfunctions. Not just 1.

    Wakeup can be uncomfortable. But that blue pill is poisonous. Believe that.
    Not clones. Doubles. Actors. You are watching a movie.🍿🍿

    You think he(Trump) planned for this long and just threw in the towel?😂😂

    Cloning is real. Whitehats don't play w clones though.

    Bush pushed cloning heavily. Look it up.

    Clones are soulless. Only God can create spirit and soul.

    What if the guy under the Bidan mask is a really cool guy that both Republicans and Democrats love? That would be a uniter.

    I don't know for certain who's under the mask. I do know for certain he ain't Biden.

    Lin Wood: Oh, one more thing. The only “perfect” historical figure was Jesus Christ. Learning what He said and did in His time provides us the “perfect” example of what we should say and do in our time. 🙏

    Trump: "Joe is shot." Shot. 💥💥💥💥
    Totally shot.

    Trump installed the actor. He told you multiple times.

    If Bidan wearing a mask is too hard to comprehend and digest wait until you hear about frazzledrip.

    I don't post any pictures regarding children. They've been tortured enough they don't need double torture. But they are out there. You won't find on Twitter, but on Gab and here, they are readily available for those interested. They are real and they are sick.

    Video: Biden's mask is malfunctioning
    Oh no. Oh no. 😎

    To Do List: WIN


    Aquitted!! Passed 33!



    [PAIN] IS COMING 🔱🐸🇺🇸


    Last edited by Carol on Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:17 pm
    Sgt Robert LeRoy Horton US Army Special Operations
    - Connecting the Dots

    The website is now live and growing with daily posts.  Please share with friends and family ...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:13 pm


    Impeachment Day 5, Senate Votes Yes to Now Include Witnesses in the Impeachment Trial.


    They voted to hear Witnesses

    This is where it will make the SuperBowl look like a PuppyBowl

    This is exactly what we wanted & forced.

    Has nothing to do with Trump’s “Impeachment”

    People you have to look at the BIG picture

    Everything you are seeing has been planned out to wake the public

    Now watch how Witness Testimony goes for [them]
    JUST IN - Trump’s defense team have 301 witnesses "so far" that they want to call.

    Q: “Sweet Dreams” 🔱🐸🇺🇸


    The date on the drops are irrelevant.

    Future proves past.

    They are written forward looking in time. Something from 2018 could be written for an event today.

    How is this possible? Whole different conversation for a different night.

    If it doesn’t make any sense to you, you’re not digging nor thinking hard enough. Some decodes are easy. Some take hours or days. It’s just the way it is.

    This is military intelligence.

    This is how it’s done.


    Where’s Jared Kushner?

    He’s been dealt with; taken care of.

    Despite what many may believe. Jared Kushner was a sick XXXX. A Zionist & Masonic Jew Secretly Working on Behalf of Mossad. Jared Purposefully Divulged Classified Intel to Mossad & MI6. He’s Always Had Evil Intentions.

    Jared Kushner is Only Loyal to His Israeli Counterparts.

    He is an Enemy of the State.

    His Family Hates the USA

    He Needed To Be Put in His Place

    What’s His Address in Manhattan?

    666 Madison Avenue?

    He’s a Disciple of Lucifer & So is His Family. His Deals in the Middle East Speak for Itself.


    Trust Me, Ivanka Hates His Ass.

    She Hasn’t Been Seen Wearing Her Wedding Ring in Weeks.

    You Really Think President Trump Didn’t Know About Him? Trump Knew His Daughter Needed to Be Insulated From Jared Kushner. And So She Was.




    ⚠ OPTICS ⚠

    This particular Drop [301], is speaking about the end of the Rothschilds & the so-called Cabal “Puppet Masters”

    [Misspellings Matter] 🔱🐸🇺🇸

    301 on the witness list - before Dems caved- tweet seems about right. (Illuminati Threat Symbol)

    Aquitted!! Passed 33!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:46 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Jared Kushner is Only Loyal to His Israeli Counterparts.

    He’s a Disciple of Lucifer & So is His Family. His Deals in the Middle East Speak for Itself.
    Does anyone understand the difference between satanists and luciferians? Each claim to be 'good' whilst denouncing the other.

    I knew a follower of lucifer. She was a nice lady, seemed to be genuinely interested in her own spiritual development.

    I cant find any reliable info..

    are either 'good'? or just evil?

    any enlightenment?
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:21 pm

    Carol wrote:Aquitted!! Passed 33![/b]
    sorry.breaking news.... they just had more votes arrive. He lost by 743 ! elephant

    ClearWater likes this post


    Posts : 31958
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    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:44 pm

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    Carol wrote:Aquitted!! Passed 33![/b]
    sorry.breaking news.... they just had more votes arrive. He lost by 743 ! elephant

    Hahahaha.. not bloody likely. Trump won. The whole charade was illegal to begin with but that is typical for the DemonicRats. Most who are Luciferians.

    Both worship the Devil/Satan/Lucifer/darkside. Satanist participate in ritualistic sexual abuse, torture and murder of both children and adults. In addition children are tortured in order for the pineal gland to produce Adrenochrom, A child may produce 3-4 ounces before they are sacrificed and eaten. They found 50 gallon vats of Adrenochrom which is ingested to stay young looking. Zukerberg, a Satanist, talked about how addicting Adrenochrom was. These people are sick. At the top of demon list are the Reptilian who view humans as humans view cattle. To be used for food - both energetically and otherwise. Luciferians may start off in the more benign rituals and progress into the Satanic rituals.

    There are hundreds of DUMBs connected by underground tunnels with cages filled with children hanging from the ceiling. Some have never seen daylight. One cannot even imagine the horrific conditions they exist in or the types of torture they endure before they are murdered. There were photos of dead bodies I wish I could have unseen that are provided in some of the disclosure materials. The links are on some of the telegram channels. However, even though I copied the links I don't have the stomach or heart to review them. Too painful.

    The good news is that the Guardian Space Alliance is in full planet-wide rescue operation mode rescuing the children, destroying the DUMBs along with the tunnels and dealing with those down there that include military tribunals, executions or according to Gene DeCode life in prison off-planet.

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Untitled-52
    Michael LaVaughn Robinson: Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama Friday, February 12, 2021

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:09 pm

    so essentially, luciferians and satanists are the same thing? the woman i knew was so sweet as well.. maybe its like the freemasons, who at low levels think they are public servants Wink
    I wont watch any of the videos. Can't unsee some things. But I know it's happening. I dont know about dumbs or off world, as it is outside of my world.

    there is another elephant in the room..

    are the kids being rescued just in time to get their covid jab?
    are the good ol' boys coming to save us before or after we are all subjected to the same jabs? elephant

    did you know.. in sri lanka the monks measure their status by the size of the bull elephant they 'own'. That's actually true.  the most devout buddhist monks own the biggest bull elephants. that's actually not true.  

    Posts : 31958
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    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:04 am

    Juan O Savin is not JFK Jr.. RDS met O Savin in person.

    Someone else did this transcription. 107 (Juan O Savin) is very good and calm in how he presents the information. Robert is a bit interrupting and moved on once he said he didn't go to Washington on Jan 6th and thus HE wasn't tracked as a potential terrorist but per Juan, all the others are being tracked as potential terrorists as well as anyone following Q. Would have liked to hear more of what Juan wanted to say about that, but Robert cut him off.

    Only 24 min long:

    "For those who may still be questioning what is going on with the corrupt and insanely arrogant politicians in Washington DC and why is Joe Biden still signing documents in the Oval Office (aka Castle Rock Studios White House), you need to listen to the latest update (2/13/21) given by Juan O Savin and Robert David Steele. Juan clearly explains what's happening and he lays out a timeline and direction in which events will play out over the next 1 to 2 months.
    With the impeachment, time is running out for the DS. These are delay tactics. But the civilian side must play out.

    People who purportedly are our friends globally and are trying to enslave and control American leadership.

    Chill out. Calm down. You cannot go off half cocked because you think that the enemy has got us. They don't have us.

    We have outposts of Freedom. Florida is taking its masks off.

    Starts as a trickle and it will become a flood. Like Toto pulled the curtain back.

    In essence Juan reiterates what we've been told many times along the way... that because of a real and deadly serious plot by foreign powers, that include Satanic Global elites, foreign governments and rogue intelligence agencies to take control of the United States by way of a stolen presidential election and by infiltration, the US military was been activated as the last line of defense to protect and preserve the US Constitution.

    Juan indicated that from a military perspective it is their constitutional duty and responsibility to first allow the civilian side of the presiding government to play out every possible and potential remedy to expose the theft and planned infiltration of government institutions and structures. This includes allowing for the critical role of the federal court system and the judiciary to be engaged. Only when all civilian government options to halt and expose this covert foreign insurrection have been exhausted does it fall upon the top leadership of the US military to officially intervene.

    At this point, upon a thorough review of the situation, the military is sworn to take control of the country and initiate all necessary steps, according to the rule of law, to stop the overthrow of the government and to insure the orderly continuation of governmental process, so as to protect the citizens and preserve the national integrity. This would include arresting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as well as the majority of members of Congress and government bureaucrats who aided and abetted the foreign insurrection.

    However the mass arrests are only half of the equation. The overriding mandate of the US military Command is to oversee and reinstate a new functional civilian government which adheres to the tenets and principles of the original constitution. At this point and only at this point will the military stand down.

    As some of us are aware the formation of a provisional constitutional government that is literally waiting in the wings has already been formed. Although this was done to help ensure as smooth a transition as possible, establishing this new governance at a granular level will take some time and its formation will not be akin to the flipping of a light switch. But as all of us here hope for and as the 80+ million voters in the 2020 election called for, Donald Trump will lead this newly formed republic once again as our president.

    If you listen to Juan... he is unequivocal. The US military is firmly in control. What's happening in DC is purely a farce, Kabuki theater as some have described. But it is being "allowed" to play out because it has too. This 2nd American Revolution is a battle for the hearts and minds of the US citizenry... and indeed the rest of the planet. It's a battle being precisely waged according to the rule of law and the sacred tenets of the US constitution.

    In this process, people must be thoroughly educated and made aware of exactly what has transpired so as to never again allow such evil corrupt entities be to covertly gain control, violate and terrorize so many millions of people.

    So Juan's message...relax and be patient in the knowing that the outcome we desire in guaranteed. That all's well that ends well. But this monumental transformation that is occurring cannot be rushed.

    The public is just now becoming awake.

    Thank God you don't know what is happening and they are not broadcasting it to the enemy. Stay home and stay non-violent."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

    Posts : 1301
    Join date : 2010-04-17
    Location : on the road again :)

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:01 am

    Carol wrote:
    Sgt Robert LeRoy Horton US Army Special Operations
    - Connecting the Dots

    The website is now live and growing with daily posts.  Please share with friends and family ...

    I knew all this up to the 1999 part. And then.. what? i think i understand it, but not even going to attempt to explain it. Im looking at the syntax..

    if this is true, then its the end of the banksters. but the banksters will suppress, and possession is 9/10ths of the law?

    A lot of transcript here and a decent portal

    not many views on his web page, in the grand scheme of things

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:07 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:so essentially, luciferians and satanists are the same thing? the woman i knew was so sweet as well.. maybe its like the freemasons, who at low levels think they are public servants Wink
    I wont watch any of the videos. Can't unsee some things. But I know it's happening. I dont know about dumbs or off world, as it is outside of my world.

    there is another elephant in the room..

    are the kids being rescued just in time to get their covid jab?
    are the good ol' boys coming to save us before or after we are all subjected to the same jabs? elephant

    did you know.. in sri lanka the monks measure their status by the size of the bull elephant they 'own'. That's actually true.  the most devout buddhist monks own the biggest bull elephants. that's actually not true.  

    Lucifarian = Satan = fallen angels hive-mind 4th density reptilians = human predators

    Millions of children have been rescued from the DUMBs and some will remain in underground facilities due to their inability to tolerated sunlight. The quantum med-beds were used to heal them as well as President Trump when he had COVID and wasn't doing well when the virus affected his lungs. The President wants the med-beds made available to the public free-of-charge possibly as early as Spring. They also help to erase PTSD memories and can rebuild missing limbs.

    Here is the info on the med-beds.

    These are links to informational videos that explain what is going on in some of the Secret programs.

    Secret Space Program
    EP 103 - Johan Fritz - SSP Testimony - Super Soldiers - Advanced Tech - Hidden History (Part 1)
    EP 104 (Part 2) Johan Fritz - SSP Testimony - Super Soldiers - Advanced Tech - Hidden History
    Starseed Aventures Conference March 12th Florida SSP=Secret Space Program

    Gene DeCode

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates Empty Re: PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 / Q-Tip / SpecOperator17 Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:06 pm

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates 5km73FqnpncodffkToee_14_6ca9924d6f6e407a4b001782cba1877e_image_original

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates EvneJjrmMykyB2Iv2uZr_14_7541586718555b24f49edb4e2e4dc553_image_original

    PART 1 - GhostEzra / QFrogman5326 /  Q-Tip / SpecOperator17  Daily Telegram Updates EvneJjrmMykyB2Iv2uZr_14_7541586718555b24f49edb4e2e4dc553_image_original

    GhostEzra 2/14/21: "You have to have a thick shell, good discernment, and a very good understanding of the drops to watch this impeachment. I accidentally had it on during a power nap earlier and woke up raging pissed. It was like poison to the subconsciousness.

    I bet you Flynn is here undercover."

    After not-guilty vote, McConnell says Trump 'morally responsible' for Capitol riot
    U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called Donald Trump "practically and morally responsible" for his supporters' deadly attack on the Capitol, only moments after voting to acquit the Republican former president on an impeachment charge of inciting the melee.

    Not out of the woods yet.

    Not a 2024 run. He's running for the 19th president position in 2021.
    God always wins.

    People would have a lot more credibility if they just say they have no Xxxxxxxx clue what comes next. Operators never divulge.

    Biden is gone folks. Been saying it for the 6 months and I'll be saying it for the next 6 months. You are watching a 🍿🍿 at this point.

    The mask malfunctions on Bidan are getting worse each day. On purpose. I can't imagine that goes on much longer without the masses waking up.

    A reminder we are all in this together there's no one greater or less than one another. #WW1WGA

    While wide awake, Q makes you wait. Remember, most wouldn't be wide awake if it wasn't for Q in the first place. The goal isn't to wake everyone up and leave them hanging. All movies end, including this one. I know it's tough at times, but try to enjoy the show. Laugh at the clown playing Biden. He does some funny XXXX. The cold winter ice will soon be melting. Patriots are in full control right now, even if it doesn't feel like it.

    God is in control. His plan. Trump is a modern day David. Powell is the modern day Esther. Lin is the modern day Gideon."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:11 am